FAKM, FIELD AND GARDEN'. SUBJECTS OF PRACTICAL IMPORT ANCE TO AGRICULTURISTS. Haw and WUrm ftd Com Ought Ut he. SeW-cted Pwpular Modes nt Ftm i sine; Co iv gml-All A boat tit ' Bottas llstnartor. When the planting aeason arrive a larpe majority of farmers go to their cribs or corn liou? and exercise wmie little care in wlwtins fair ear for their aet-.l corn Conitaraliri'ly few. however, give the Milijecl uny attention previoua to that tuna. A aoleoticm of ears for aee, while on tliestalks where thetJirifty condition of the f .Iiita can I ohsenred and compared it:, the Rencral average of field, is U?tur plan and needs no arpument for i: reconiiiiendaticsn. TIm) tuirlv maturity of the ed ears, other tiiinzs t-i:-x equ-.l. mould entitle them to rnvfervm. til nj; with pluiup new ami a full development into large am! liaii.lnoinely ed ears. If from stalks producing double ears, take the liiifc-i-st. if well formed, and. aa a rule, those liiat grow low, rather than high, on the t-taik. Kara with larpe col ahouid not U- chosen, hut rather lliowe of amali er dwnieter and with long LwneU. Like b. "t like, und by a little attention to thin m:ttir iniprovetor-nt cub conatantly be larxle. ' Tlie presen aUon of t'ie ear selected may U- insun-J by Iir.iidinK the hunk of m-vcral r ingi-ihfr and tu-viiending them from tlie rafters of the corn house or any other dry building. Byeodning I he "ed corn will Ik' teife from raw and mice a wc 11 as exempt from danipnena and nitU that Jiufcht aiTect it geliui nalion. In inakinpachtuceit ia tliotipht, n, U fore stated, that Iwth the ear and the Bt.tU Khoul.l Ik? iaki:i into considera tion together, rather than tN mere ae-ii-ction of a larpe ear. Apnin. I'onsideriUon Jiou'.l le pKen to the number of the rows, the length and oinip-j'-UK-ssof the kernels, and the (reiie r.il iilidity and wci;;lil of the ear. There i aoti.e diversity H opinion as to the lime wl.en tlie wed corn oulit to 1 jr.-ithered. some claimiti that fieed j,'.itli-t-red and drieil in Tlie mil soon after the kernel is out of the milk Ims more vital i;v to withstand cold and damp after it is planted than if nliowed o remain on tlie stalk until dead ric. A much larger class, however, mvi The New York World, authority lor tlie foregoing, favor jH i fcct maturity of Utnaeed ou the KUilk, which in at least tlie aafefst plan, as there would lie moisture to be evaporated from the colt Such care as has been in dicated would certainly enable the farm er who practices it to hae bis peed corn in readme when it is wanted, and lur tliermore would r.-sult in a more funeral p-rini.iation of need arid more thrifty plant than from a Lus careful selection. Olid 1 I-HI1M. A col 1 frame is Pimply a con1 ruct ion of b iards in an ohli't,' form, similar to a garden lioib:il. and uiffurinj; from it it:lythiit m the latter bottom heat is luniished to force the growth of the plants The frasM may be made of common boards four feet wide and ax Ions a n-jnircJ. Whether for a cold frame or a ho. '.xmI a southern exposure is the U . ;. a.iJ each list be covered with sash, or canvas, which is some time substituted for frl:ifta. The back should lie fifteen and the front six inches liih witli a cross tie every three feet. The frame hh.Hild bs art tied into the ground a little and le banked up around on the outside. Tnen excavate the in iide a fool or more and form the bottom into a plant bed of line, rich earth. On warm pleasant days leave it uncovered nnd cxKsed to the sun and air. Much l he same care about watering and ven tilation i required as for a botbud. Such constructions will lie found peculiarly useful i:i southern pardons forlheper tuiualion of seeds aud the growth of hints in advance of the season and w here luitlie.ls are not required. In the north they are useful supplements to the liotliel. from which tlie early forced llants may be transferred and their jrrowth continued until the season is far tK)U;h advanced for them to le trans plantd into the open garden without jarther protection. CaiM Towls. Uame fowls ere probably the oldest of the pure Cnli.-.h breeds and have been bred for gen'Tations with treat care and rkill. In a.Uili m to liieir pugnacious dispositions end great cor.rage and en- lurance they are extremely handsome birds. Their beautiful plumage and de licious flesh ir.al.e tlieui jKipular with many who consider taeir fighting pro-n-ti!.itie objectionable. For crossing with other breeds they are often used w i;h good results. They cro rather good 1 ivers. pood setters and attentive to their young chicks. The kin;!s u,ml widely known are brown breasted reds, black breasted reds, duck wings and pyles, al though therj ore a great many other varieties. A game hea wiil defend her young to the last extremity against cats ir other enemies, bat varieties of ::ime birds ran hardly Im recommended for domestic purposes as profitable farm fo Is. rrrmlumi for Jmry CaKI. The folluwint; n-sohition lias Ijeen adopted by the ImaTJ of directors of the American Jersey tlattle club: lieHolved. That f.r the year 1690 this ciuh give to the five state fair associa tions whose ufiicial catalogues this year hov the largest numlirr of entries r Jersey cattle two of aid associations to tc cast of tlie Alleghaniesand three west of the Alicghanies. nnd one prize only to go to one state Siru for the bull three years old and over that is shown with four of Ins progeny ttwoof these progeny lo lc in miik and the other two over six mouths old), which progeny need not lie owninl by the cxhioitor. and $00 for the Ut Jersey cow three year old and over. It has been pstimatwd that the wirw product of California will not exceed l,'.'0.OC0 gallons this year. EXPERIYLNTS IN GROWING WHEAT. A Itrlrf Summary f Tost. 1 hat Wer It. CUM 111 IKS'. Tlie experiment - carried on by the O'.iio station with original and inor jranic m.'inurca since 1(S2 hav" been continued timing the years IS83 and ls'S'j. Tlie residts thus far obtained are briefly summarized as follows: 1. On Kterile saitds InuIi nitrogen and phosphoric, acid must be present in a fertilizer, the nitrogen in large prosr tion in order to produce any beneficial vilect on the crop. 2. On sod of medi um fer..iii!y ni'.rogeji neoius to produce a more marked effect than phosphoric ucij, yet both appear to ! essential. 8. On soil c.:pal le tif producing thirty to forty bushels i f wheat to the acre with gooj lilla.'e alone.' no increii.se of crop was gained by the use of any fertilizer or t'ouihiaaiions of fertilizers. 4. Pot ash seeaied w o.ru:i required than either liitro-en or p'.:osihoric acid. Jo gain has liecu made from the use of jvoUis.i alone, but it has sometimes pro- tiuoeu a Ml:; in increase When added to a combination of nitrogen and phosphoric lu-id. The conclusion of lat ycur Is sup ported by tho results of this year: from live to seven .r ucro wit) be suffi cient to drill in. if tlie seed is pood. I.:ri:ig six rears of experiments the U-st resulu liave followed froia seeding dur ing tlie last days of SepwiuIxT and tlie lirm days of October. This mill ntsed variation to suit the latitude of other wt-tions. Thedcplttof seeding must be -overtied by the Kuif. Lighter soils will K'rmit the wheit to lie put in deeper than those lldt are heavy and liable to bake. Thus far mulching has uot proven of any practical lieiiehu In averaging results for 1SvS3 it was found that thirty one varieties of b-allied heat gave un tiverage yield of 41 bushels per acre; tliirty-fcix smooth wher.ts averaged 87.4 jkt acre; six white wheats about 37 bushels, while the reds gave a little over iH bushels. A DEATHBED MARF.IAGE. - A towmile InrlArUt In th l.trw "T Capt llrnnr l'ruci- Tiie serious illness of Tolice Capt Fi-ancel recalls an incident in his life which bis ' Intimates have never forgot ten. It is a I'it of romsnoB which he found much iattfaction in n-counUng. lii. Frana 1 was born in Bavaria and educr.ted liberally by his parents, who intended him for the ministry. 1IU in clinauon was not for a religious calling, however, and to find a vocation suited to Liscapadtvand inclination he emigrated to America. Cspu Frangel ae very voutiif man when he arrived in St. Louis. He occupied several clerical positions, and at about the time of the outbreak of the war was marshal of tlie recorder' court, which held it sessions in the building now used by the fire depart ment at Seventh and Olive streets. One day while at his duties in the court a reg iment of volunteers passed going north. At that time tlie feeling between the northern and southern sympathizers was Terr strong. Tl Union pany had the upper hand, but was not without fear of attack from southern sympathizers. As this regiment marched past the record er's court some one discharged A gun. Whether a pun had been fired accident ally in one of the houses near by, wheth er some one had fired from one of the houses of the soldiers, or nether one of the soldier guns had beon discli&rged bv its. bearer is Dot now known. The soldiers U lieved tbey were being fired upon, and wWiout orders fired in every and all directions. The principal fire was directed at the recorder's court for some unexplained reason. Tlie fire was at such short range that windows were shattered and brick walls pierced. For years the buildings showed alns of this atfcick. Other ball went as far as Sev enth und Washington avenue, where thev lodged in the buildings. Three of the bulieta tliat entered the recorders court room struck Capt. Fran gel. Two passed through his body and one throusrh his legs. Though supjiosed to be fatally wounded, he was taken to tlie hospital and carefully treated by the' physicians in charge. He was engaged to I married, and the ceremony was to be performed in a few weeks. Tlie wounded man's fiancee, on hearing of his injury, hastened to the hospital, where she took her dace at bis bedside and re mained tenderly caring for him until his recovery. At first it was Cnonght he could not recover, and after A few days his recovery was said to be impossible. Then they were married, the nurse and the dying man. Mrs. Frangel was a most attentive nurse, and under her ministrations her husband recovered. His cure was thought by the doctors to be almost miraculous. St. Louis Post Dispatch. . A Canliw rhntoffraphr. Tlie latest trick in amateur photog raphy is to have a trained dog who at a given signal will run and pull a string, by means of which the slide of an in stantaneous camera is worked, 6o that his master may be taken in a group or alone as often as he pleases. It is of course necessary to start the creature at a distance sufficiently great to give the master time to rearrang his features afu r giving the word, but this is not a diCicult thing to manage, and the young nian who devised the tricfc has been ex ceedingly popular ut the seaside hotel wliere he has jwissed tle summer, as nil the pretty and uioet of the plain young ladies in the house were anxious to have their ictures taken by the agency of the clever little bull terrier which served as his assistant. One i prepared for anything nowa days, and it may be that it will not be long before the dogs are seeti running about with detective cameras upon their own account. It would not lie a bad idea to furnish a watch dog with a flah light detective camera, and tliereby lie may take the picture of any villain who invades tho domain which he is set to guard. The picture would be an inter esting piece of evidence in a trial for burglary, and if it did not carry a con viction it would not fail at least of pro ducing a sensation. Boston Courier. "Tli I.lttU Itrotliera of the Rich. I notice that "The Little Brothers of the Rich" are now constantly and famil iarly referred to. A great many people, who make these flippant references do not seem to understand exactly who the "little brothers are, and other people who understand after a fashion the sig nificance of the reference, are evidently in the dark as to the orjgin of the expres sion. Jlrs. Van Rensselaer Oruger is to be credited with having given a distin guishing name to a somewhat large and useful element in our society population; and she did so at a time and under cir cumstances that indicated that the bon mot, like all of Mrs. Cruger's witty say ings, was quite as impromptu as it was brilliant. It seems that with some friends she went on board the Alva during the summer just past while Mr. Vanderbilt's handsome yacht was anchored in New port harbor, and on entering one of tho handsome apartments, of which tlnjro are several in the Alva, and which had served as a lounging room for Mr. TV. S. Iloyt, Mr. Goold Kedmund aud others of the party who accompanied Mr. und Mi's. Vanderbilt on their extended occin trip last winter, hhe suddenly exclaimed: "Why, this tiien belongs to The Little Brothers of the Rich,'" using the phrase in contradistinction, of course, lo the "Little Sisters of the Toor." Town Topics. Dig Florida Ftahtng. Some of the fine fishing to 1 had in Florida can be imagined from the fol lowing Kcorcs, received from Coronado Beach, near New Smyrna. The fishing was done on Sept. ,1, and the species taken were channel bass or red fish. The party included five anglersof skill. Mr. Adamscaught twelve bass, which aggre gated in weight 237 pounds;Mr. Austin, 12 bass, Gi) pounds; Mr. Lancaster, S fiih, SO pounds; Mr. SL Clair Abrams, 4 fish. CD pounds, and Mr. Gardner, & bass, 113 pounds. It will be n from tlie score that S3 fish were caught which weighed 767 pounds. The fish which were uninjured by the hook were, after being weighed, thrown back into l.ie water, as tlie anglfrs would find it diffi cult in t'.iat land of fish to get rid of their catch. New York Times. Started by tb Wrong Man. At the opening of the industrial fair at Toronto Sir John Macdonald had made his opening speech of congratulation, and, before calling upon him to press an electric button starting the machinery. President Withrow invited one or two other speakers to deliver addresses. One of them was John Leys, M. P. for To ronto. He advanced to the front and laid his heavy white hat on the top of the electric button. Instantly there was a shrieking of whistles nnd the machinery in the building began to run. The crowd roared with laughter, and, after much gesticulation and running about, the managers stopped the proceeding, and the machinery was restarted by Sir Jolin and Lady Macdonald. Exchange. Stable Kaaara, Stable manure is a ''complete fertil izer" in the sense that expression is gen erully used: that is. It contains all tlie elements required for plant nutrition. If there were plenty of good stable manure available and convenient,, there would be real necessity for purchasing a ingle pound of c.mimercial fertilizer, chemicals or anything. Good, well rot ted slafjie u.anure contains about: Phos phoric acid, 0.5 per cent.; ammonia, G.il percent.; potash, 0.3 percent. Besides the atiove stable manure contains sim ilarly s-.nail percentages of lime, soda, iron, sulphur, chlorine, magnesia, etc,, and a large percentage of silica, water nnd other inert and weighty matters. Yet. notwitlistanJing the small quanti ties of the three so called valuable ele mentsphosphoric acid, ammonia ami potash stable manure is far ricler in them Uian tlie richest rirgia soil. South ern Cultivator. A TALE OF WOE. Tf onde:-fol.I:j.s From Death bi tarwa tioa of Two AUenturer. Tlie BriUsh Columbia mail today brings die following terrible talo of starvation in the Yukon district, irhich is clipped from the Vicl ria Times: "ChileoU, Alaska. Oct. 1. Three detachments of men liave remnx-d this fail from Yukon. Tlie second brought word that they passed a boat lying on the beach with no one to be found n-ear it. but it was thought to ie!or.g to four men who started from Forty Mile Creek to Couie out on July 0. It was known that they had but a small supply of food with them, and it was supposed they had taken to the woods in search of game. Thus it proved to be. and yesterday two men tottered down the mountain side to this place, whose emaciated faces and trem bling limb showed that they had sur vived an experience that few men would liave lived through. One of tliem ws J. W. Sperry, of Portland. Ore. lie is fifty years of age, w itii hair as white as tlie driven snow. The other man. E. C Rose, also from Portland, U twenty years younger, and this youth alone saved Sperry from filling an unmarked grave In the valley of the Yukon. "Three weeks after starting on their homeward journey, their supply of pro visions was entirely exhausted, and they soon became so weak that they could not pull their lioat. which they finally abandoned, and took to the hills in search of game. Occasionally a squirrel was shot and quickly e:rlen by the men, who were now ravenous, and wild ber ries becaar their or. !y means of sulisis tence. Their trail was followed by clouds of mosqtutos and flies, tlutt lit ujKin them in swarms, and which they had to fight continually, and their face, and hands s;ion liecame raw and bleed ing sores. In tln-ir weakened condition, Ingram Cf.d F. C. Young,' from Sau Diego, CaL, o:h-.rs of the arty, were unable to fijht ofT the pests, which preyed uihjii their eyelids u itil they be came so inflamed that they I'.st all pow er to ojicn or close them, xd they be came totally blind. "The dread of death by starvation and fear of being hopelessly lost in that strange country soon toll upon the minds of these two. and Ingram repeat edly I logged his companions to shoot him. Finally lie lay down, refusing to move, and when his mpanions saw he was a'.xmt r;one they left him. almost drag ging Young filong. The next day Young succumbed, a victim to starvation and the torments of jwsts which swarmed aliout them day and night. They left him lying upon the ground to die, how far from where the foot of man has ever tro: they do not know. " Another day brought thetn to some dried salmon caught by Indians for winter use. and they were now able to retrace their steps to tho boat, nnd soon a party of Indians came along from whom they obtained food enough to en able them to reach the first white settle ment this side of the Yukon. On their way back to the boat they came to the Bjot whore Ingram was left, but found the mosquitosand fliessinging a requiem over their comrade. Ha was left with but a stone to niark his resting place, and his blanket and a few branches of hemlock 6pread over him for a shroud. They coul J not find where Y'oung was, but they are satisfied that strength or reason never returned sufficient to allow hiia to move from the spot. "On their way out the party dis3overed a ledge having a clearly defined vein of rich ore, showing free gold, and at its b::3e found liberal quantities of gold in every pan. Location notices were hur riedly put up. and the anticipation of rich results in another year, when they all hoped to return, buoyed up their spirits for a time and spurred them on to renewed elforts to escape their Im pending doom. The pangs of hunger soon destroyed all hopesof future riches, and their only thought was for some thing to eat. Notwithstanding their terrible exerience the two survivors in tend to return to the Yukon the coming fcprine. i . Untie1.! Columbia advices say that the steamer George W. Elder has arrived at Victoria on her way down from Alaska, witli several Yukon miners on board. The miners complain bitterly of the pro visions sold to them, uKn which they have entirely to depend, by the Alaf.ka Commercial company. The miners say that thev were obliged to take eighty pounds of putrid bacon, as it was all they could get. Out of the lot they could onlv use four pounds. Another party driven by hunger were obliged to cat it with the result that four of them died. Tlie prices asked are enormous, yet the miners had to submit and pay w hat was asked or starve lo death. They say they had one or two alternatives, either to go without the provisions offered for sale by the Alaska company and starve, or to purchase them and uu the chance of being poi soned to death. Ottawa (Ont.) Dispatch in Louisville Courier-Journal. Catching Fl.h by E)r.rlclty. A Chicago electrician baa completed a device for catching fish by electricity, There is a small apparatus attached to the hook at the end of die lisb line. From this apparatus one electric wire goes to the bottom of th i water while the other leads to the point of the hook, wliere the bait is attached. As soon as the fish, attracted by the bait, comes close enotigh, lie receives an electric shock, which either kills him immedi ately or else fctuns him. and brings him to the surface. Chicago Letter. Tb Koury Tleld mt Frait Tma. Two Chickasaw plum trees, growing so closely together that their branches intertwine as if they were one tree, the two covering a space of about 500 square feet, frequently pay $10 iu a season, which would be at the rate of over $800 per acre. A pear tree near by yields ten bushels in . a "od season, and f 1 per bushel is not an ur. usual price. Three early apple trees this season gave over fifty b'uthels, which sold at f nm eighty cents to $1.20 per busheL American Agriculturist. Ik not so much on other men's faults as on thine own. s "Ther was a frr who llmt In a ffprinr. He caught su? b a coM be could not siiijr." Txir. nnfnrtunntp rtiitrnchianl In whnt a ssd plirht br luuot have lan-a. And )- lua nutfortune wa i.ih- tlml often befails ainrers. Nhii.v a nee tun, ful voice rnnonii thnar k ha lirlon to tlie " ireniif homo " uit.-rlr (poili-d by "fold in tlio or on thf lutunvor boih comliinwi. For thf unove mentioned " enmk er" wo are ihk aware tbat anr remrrlj was ever dcvwi-d ; but we n-j,.i(w to know ttiat all human simr-rt may keep th-ir b.J clear and throats in tun- by the tinw lv im of Jlr Snire' Catarrh Kemedy and Dr. Fh'tw's (iol.le.i Me4 wl Inncovery, boti of wbicb are sold br dnit-pittta Ir. Sure' Catarrh Rctwdr am toe won caaw of Catarrh in tin- Head, no tnitt-r of how lour araixlinir. white for all fcurngl, lr..nrhiai. tlir.t ami lunir afleriions, lr. "To' " Golden Mi-ihcaJ l)ieovery is posi tively uikuii 1 it cum the worst iln.-r-iiiK e"iiKli and buil.l up the ,', ni:f1 ftrenirth of tnw who have hen is-dnis-d br wanting- liMraw'a. It is cnarariKM d to tx-m-Sil or euro .n all diM for which it la isHiinumtnled. if taken Mi -time and friwa a fair trial, or money paid lor tt nluuded. Copyright. IW l.y World' tuk Mao. Aas. Or, PIERCE'S PELLETS minilate rid clww tt Hvrr. ffnmaeh and t.wf-ia. Thev arc fim-ly vertlk and per-f-diy tMruilwa. One iKm. gold by cruj.iita. oents a Vial. I . ' ' CARTERS IVER Pick TTMdarhe and n-ltrr; aU the tronbba taef dnt to a bilioutj atat of tbe fvwtetn, such aa , liizciiwa. Skum. Dtowmopwi. UlstrMS aftx ' aaunff, lin m tlie fsulo. Ac While their oiort renarlubissuccna has been sbowa lo ouriag rTMdarj. jtt CAimta's Ijttu Lmta Fnxs are equaitT valiiaMe in Coostiratmn. connff and preveiitmr this annoyinc complaint, whila trvr alao correct all disorders of the sumach, stimulate the liver and reguiaie tha bowola. irao if thoy only cured Ashe ttxr would be almost priceMsa to those wbe sufler from thia diaunssiar complaint: but fortnnasely their ftoodneac ks wot end bree, anil urnee who once try them will find these little pi! Is valuable In so many ways that they will m be willing to do wiuuwt (beta. 1 . . . . . -il f 1.... A b the bans of so many Uvea that here to where we make our (rent boast. Our puis cure it while otners do not. Cirri I.tTTLt jvrs Pnxs are very small and eery esv to take. One or two pills make d'wi. Tbey are striottv esretalle and do not (rrtpe or pnrjre. but by their svntle action SImuw ail who use them. In viais at 85 eeats: re fur 8t . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail casus knism co, r ret 13 coksuMPTion. OROrJCHSTIS, SCROFULA, COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECTION, WASTCof FLESH, Or any I s.i trim lite Thromt mmi lung are fnijuinl, ri- of Sfnmgih sr rrve Vtnrrr, yvti can be rWirerd crnd Cured tjf SCOH'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVEROIL With Hypophosphltes. Patmiitti Mim. sJtt fr ArefCs LmM'im, vitd fes no erplnnaHon of mJirilirt.on Imluce oat to ttvejtt m itMltute. S'tlil iy nil Druggists. SCOTT t BCTSSE. Coexists. H. Y, "If pop had blanketed you in the stable you would be fat, too." FREE Get from your dealer free, th" $ a Book. It has handsome pictures nix' valuable inforuution about horses. Two or three dollars for a S, a Hi rs Blanket will make your horse worth mor. and eat lam to keep warm. 5;A Fiv3 Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Tsl Ask for 30 other styles nt prices lo suit every body. If you can't get them iroro your dealer, write us. AHMET A TIE THE STRONGEST. NOt": CetUINt WITH OUT THE S' LABEL Man'if'd bv tVn. Ar:trt Keei. 1 Ullnrta . tvlig HUaC lb" tamou.1 Itirs.' l'r.iu I liaker Hlaakeui. GEO. X. CKAME f t , Ag't., n!l'f-ljT. Mt. rieanant. Pa MASON &. HAMLIN o NY RGAN i. PIANO COMPA ) Cnn'.ain five netavc. nine I 'o;i Action, fumibtt in a I W't?'1 ani bsinisoiiie ta-e of toinl bbu k sa.nul. ITin M scan, M'Hh . alto aoiil oti the ra-y ' i litre fynem stf)2 S7 prutiar- tr, ftr ten quartern. h-n or- ! ?'ef,ecotna pro(rty of pur- BtSS ) moils. The Mawtn and Hamlin "Hirinjer." invented and pat ented ny U4-1111 ei Hxmiiu in Iwi, Is uned In the Man Si HKinlin pUn. excluively K. nistkuble r-tinenl of tone and ph-tiontenai i'h p. i' y to natirf In fine, characterize t bese i tvtru -nen t. Popular Stylet Orfram at $22, $22 50, $60, $78. $96 imI if. Orsan and Plsncsi sold for Cvh, Eay t'aytaeuls, deut-Mt. ait'l Kented. Catalogue frue. riUT OF PARTIT10X. To frlss IV-rkey, Lns Anrrles, Cal., Imon Lohr. Ze4iariah hr. lle H. Truxnl and Vic tor Tnixsl. of s msin lsiid Comity, fa. Vou art1 hert-by aotitiel thai iti nurKiianre of a Writ of Partition biied out of the trjlisnii' Court of Homem taiiiLy, ra.. and to me direeteil, 1 will hold an iiiqiirt ou the prvmix-is on the real ertate of Ja ob herkey. der d., situate in Pnint Townoliln. N.mrrt t'nuaty. Pa., on Hednentav, lbe4ih dsyof lie ember, issy. when and where you ran suad If you think proper. ' Bherin ifii.-e, I R. 8. McMU LES. OcL 2Sd. Isms. ... bheriff. mmmm mwA St!0 FOR OUR CATALOGUE sae PRICE ATLA3 iVGXtZ WORKS, INDIAN APOllS, IND. DATARnH ELi-s Cream Balm Cleanse the Ksaal Passages, Allays Pain sad In8:rjunalon, Heals the Sores, Re stores tbe Beases of Tsste and SraeU. TRY THI CCSS. fVI-l. WrvCURrrCovv JAY-ilXVER Apsttiole Is applied tnto each nortrfl and is ss-neeahle. Priee fi cent? at druirrirt : by mail rea-ifterert. Sue. ZLY BRO., M Warren Prreet, KewYurk. - . aesl-Iyr. PENSION 'AGENCY. SOL. TJHL, Dnly authorised by Ui GorenuDaat. Offlee X Bur S Kixaboiocsaet, rw. mm t jXVO USA. THE SHOE BRUSH GOKE 1 JrV eHTTi,jr?i, 21 i-t&xmrwm I won t miss it, for I have long since adopted an easier and cleanlier way. A bottle of VMfsACMEBIacking .and a sponge to keep my shoes washed clean, save a deal of labor and shoe leather. gstd by aaos aw, Utussrs. Dretsts. Aa. The best Harness Dressing in the world. WCUF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. SPECIAL SALE FOR- TWO "WEEKS OF BODY AND TAPESTRY Brussels Carpet Prices Never So Low! 10,000 yards best 5 frame Lowell and Hartford Body Brussels, with elegant Borders to match, at $1.00 perjyard always sold at fl.40. 8,000 yards Roxbury and 10-wire Smith's Tapestry Brurwls at 75 ceota per yard, worth ninety cents. 10.OO0 yank Tapestry Brussels at 65 cents, selling everywhere at 80 cents per yard. 12,000 yards Tapestry Brussels at 50 cent, worth 65 cents. 2,000 Smyrna Rugs, in all sizes, at lower prices than ever offered by any other house in the country. We show over four hundred stjles of Lace Curtains, all our own importation. We have made a big cut in the prices of all qualities. They range from 75 cents per pair up to the finest All goods jobbed at the lowest eastern prices. Edward Groetzinger, 627 and 629 PEXN AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. STATIONERY, ARTIST'S MATERIALS, Fancy Goods, TMC LARGEST SND BtST SSSOSTID STOCK IS TMC CITT. PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. r Especial Attention glrea to Engraved Wedding: Invitations and Cards. i- Mali Orders Raceivs Prompt Attention. JOS. EICIIBAUM & CO, 48 FIFTH ATE., PITTSBURG . FOR SALE! A RARECHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. BV VIKTUt OS TMC AUTHORITY VESTIO III tllr itii'terMKiiS'l 'f Hie la( wilt anil Irtta nierit of Wm. H. Morusn. det'ra!. he now oflrrs a' prirsie ssle the follna inr dMTjbrt poiperty cf mid deveawd, Tic FlKsf, tlie "Quemahoning Woolen Mills," 8 timteln Jenner Township, t Qweinahonlnit P. O . Mmn't , P., hlch Mil In were u-t-fu'Iy opt-rmprl by th late Win. Morpun up lo th time of bi dpjtth, mi1 fr yn prtr ihcreu. Th yaivin fino onmlittnu, bt-tnn fully tiupi)li4 wi h the Utet anl btst miirhiiirry neresftury t ru 1 & tirM-rlsua U'tmlen MilL There i kpluiltd w urr po-v-r eottnccU'd therewith, ami Sieaia Pwer Cttn be adiled wheu Beaded. Capacity, 50,000 POUNDS OF WOOL per Annum, which can b inrreised. In fart. ml' in the finest mill in vVeMrrn fvnnayl vmnia, and ha a ftrtw-Ja)tbfiinraiid rctaii trade. Ad jaceni to the mill are a numiwr of good Tenement Houses, lined fir the employen, whirh will be ao'd with thf Mill, or fpariste and ditinot t here i rum, to lux tneeonvenieiirf (i me pnrcnaberm. BECONU AtiratniaNtgeueral COUNTRY STORE, sttuste s sfiHwai'l. writ twtr.l with s ttxA as ammeiil of rTenrthlne n parted fur the trade, con- sisltnsof IirTUoiKis, Hsnlw-re, (inx'CriK, Knots ana Minen, lothiiig'. tiurrD'wsre, e., Ac. The lo ailim Is (uod, aud a tine trs'Je has beD estal Ushed. fur further particulars address, or call oa Tt. S. FLECK, Executor of Win. S. Morgan, dee d., Quemaluro Inf P. O , Somerset Co., Pa. A DMIXISTKATOR'S NOTICE. fcsiate of Jswb B. CinintTyrnan, dee'd,, late of 8umerMt Twp , humerwt Co.. Pa. letters of Administration on the aUive estate hsvtiiK heen rraiiU-d to the undrrsigned by the proper authority, notine Is hereby rlren to all perMiiui indebtvu to naid estate to make ininipti i ate parnient, and ihm having claims sKsinxt the mpw will present them dutr suthentirated for seltlemeut 011 Palnniay, the lth day of Jan. IhvO, at the late ruiideui-e of the deceawd, in said township. W ASHINGTON F rfPNTRYMA!f, KUWAKI) L, tTtfNTKYMAN. HAKVKV L. OOLNTKYMAS. J. II. I'DL, Atuwney. Administrators. DMIXISTUATOR'S NOTICE. hiiate of Bee). StuITt, dee'd, late of JeunerTwp., fti,nierHel 'a.. Pa. Letter of sdmlntstiatlon on the above estate baving lieen granted to the undersigned by th proper autlioriiv. notice is hereby given to all perhoiiK indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and thure havlTig claims or de mauds again the siitnft will present them duly authenticated for settlement to the undersigued Administrator, aitbout delar. W. H. SWANK, decll, Adininirtrator. E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. aaiaie of John Grady, dee'd, Isle of QuemahoD ing Ta p. Somerset County, Pa. Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the nndrigiie4 by the proper authority, notice Is hereby given to all perron indebted to said et.tste to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims gaint tb same will present them duly authentiiated lor settle ment to the undersigned, at his residence, on Baiurdsy, thel4lh day of Hecemher, li. Ut.K31A.N V). Dt.Kkll. norft. Executor. F. W. BusEOtu. Attorney. JgXECTJTRIX' NOTICE. Lb iat of Dr. Benry Brnbaker iee'd.. Iato of Somerset Hur., romerwt Co., Pa. Letters testamentary on the alKrre estate haying been granted 10 the undersigned by I he proper authority, notice is hereby given to' all persons Indebted toa!d exlate to make imrooliate pay ment, and those having etsiins against thesaiae will present theia dnly autbsnticated for settle ment to the undendgned on or before rjaturdsy, tbe th dav of January. Ihdo, at tbe otfioe of the de erased lu said Borough, when and where due st teudsnce will be given lor raid pirpne. EM KLI S E BR L BAKER. Executrix of Henry Brubaker, dee'd. I. L. PTou, Attorney. WMTED. ll To eauvaM for the ale of Surserv Stork ! Stesdy employment guaranteed. SALARY AND EX PENHE paid to mioocuifui men. Ai.ply at once, stating age. Mention thia paper. OtAaM itKOi. Co., J.sVr, K. T. Jenntr'l I,cct Institute. Obadimt to a call from the Cuiinty Super intenden!, tbe teachers rf Jenner Township aad Ilorooirh aserublej at Jnoner X Roa3 on Fi.lay, Novemljer 2i I9, to orjriniie a distriit In-titut. Ihjbpui-e was orgaoixtd br J. W. Boll- After a prelude by tbe Jen ner X Roads orchestra. .'oliotial eiercisea were c inducted by Rev. 1. X. Irger, after which the following oiUjers ,were elected President, J. W. Ball ; Vice President, C. C, Smucker ; S.-cretary, Annie Sipe ; Qutry Manager, V. A. G. Lape. The following ia the program or ex ercises : Address of welcome, J. W. Bell ; Duet, Xellie Sipe and Stdie Frank ; Select leading Annie Sipe. entitled, Ni Sects in Heaven." Song by Jet ner X Roads rchool, " Woik with a Will " ; Manners and Methods. C C, Smucser ; Recitation, S. J. Horner ; Que ries : What should be the work on Friday afternoon in tbe fcchool-room ? M. L. Weig ley, followed by Superintendent Berkey, and others. 8ong, " Work, for tbe cigbt is eosiing." Address. Rev. 0. W. Crist, Afur sniaic by tbe orchestra, institute adjourned to Saturday morning, at 9:30. SATURDAY MOBS ISO SESSIOg. Song by the institute, " I long to be there"; Devotional exercises. Superintend ent Berkey ; Solo" Danube River," Mii XellieMiller ; Proper training of children, Hammer CaufJBel, followed by Superintend ent Berkey and Rev. Berger. Topic, Tbe little folks, W. L Risbeberger ; Queries ; Proper punishment in tbe school-natm, D. II. Rauch, and others. Song, " We Shall Know." institute adjourned to meet at 1:30 p. m. BATCBDAT ArriBHOOIf SESSION. Duet, Sadie Frank and Nellie Baldwin Devotional exercises. Rev. I. X. Berger Song, " Gathering Home " ; Eissv, Com mon sense in the school room, W. A. G. Lape; Song, "Twilight is 8:ealing"; Ad dress, Superintendent Berkey, " School room attractions." Song, " Work with a will " ; Address, X. B. Critcbfield ; Q leries ; What constitntea the directors' work in the school-room, by Dr. C. P. Leuhart, followed by X. B. Critcbfield and Jacob Hoffman. Alter a farewell address by Superintendent J. Mj Berkey, institute adjourned to meet at 7:30 p. m. SATCBDAT KVEXINO SBSSIOW. Music, by the Jenner X Roads orchestra ; Devotional exercises. Rev. G. W. Crist ; Duet, XellieSipe and Sadie Frank ; Reforms in teaching, opened by Hammer Cautliel, followed by W. A. G. Lape, II . E. Shaffer, and Rev. G. W. Critt ; Music on the gaitar, by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Friedline ; Object and aims of local normals opened by Rev. X. B. Critcbfield, followed by Rev. I. X. Ber ger. bong" Lonely. tileries. The following resolutions were then read and adopted : Whibkar, The teachers Institute of Jen, ner township and Borough has proven in teresting and instructive by reason of the ex cellent executive ability of the presiding of ficers, and tbe interest manfested by the teachers, therefore. I:,i,hfd, 1st, That we extend our mast hearty thanks to Dr. C. P. Lenhart, and Revs. Berger, Crihl, and Critch field, for their valuable aid and instruction, given during tbe different sessions of tbe institute. 2nd, That our thanks are due to tbe Jen ner X Roads orchestra and school, for tbe excellent music furnished during the Insti tute. 3rd, That we extend our sincere! o J. M. Berkey, our worthy County Superin dent, for tbe valuable instruction given, and we commend him to tbe people of tbe coun ty as a fearless, sealona and efficient worker in the cause of education, and congratulate him on his pre-eminent success. Hammkr Csi-rrtEL. D. H. Rtucti, S. J. Hobhzb, Committee. After a closing address by Hammer Cauf fiel, Institute adjourned to meet at Hare school house, December 14, 1983. Thus closed one of the most instructive and interesting institutes ever held in Jen ner township, made so by tbe combined ef forts of tbe teachers, directors, and friends of education. Ahhii Sip. Secretary. A Good Looking Face. "We like to sc. Yet Erysipelas dis figures the featnres and the disease is as dangerous as it is repulsive. It is some times called "St. Anthony's Fire," and often ends in f-uildcn death. S. B. Car penter, Grandville, N. YM had it in both legs, and w as cured by Dr. Duvi J Ken nedy s Favorite Remedy, of Roudout 7X. Y. This medicine excels all others for the blood. :His Horribla Fat. PoRTHsn,Oas .December 8 Fret 1 John son, the 12-year-old son of Mrs. Johnson, living at Astoria, met with a frightful deaih yesterday. The boy was in a saw mill gath ering sawdust. In one part of the mill is an edger saw, part of it above and the greater part below the sur.'aoe of the table in which the saw works. The boy bad gone under this table in quest of sawdust, not remem bering anything of the swiftly revolving saw over his head. He raised up quickly, one of the workmen heard a smothering cry and peculiar grating noise. Rushing to the spot, be found the pros trate form of the unfortunate lad, spattered with blood from hideous Ulceration of the bead, the upper half cf bis skull having Dfn tawed on. I tie mother 01 the lad is crazed with gri ef. Conscience Will Assert Itsalf. Tbe loss of nearly $10,000 worth of dia monds by Mrs. James Crawford, of Xo. KM West Forty-fifth street, Xew York, and their recovery through the offices of a district mn;',T boy, all within the space of ten days, is the latest sensation. Mrs. Crawford had aim nt given np hope of ever recovering her property, when she received a call oil Friday m irning last from a district raesiener b y who handed her son a neatly done up packte aidressed to bis mother. Tbe charges had also been paid and the parcel was sent from the Grand Cen tral depot. When the parcul was opened Mrs. Craw' ford wai surprised to find neatly packed away in a match box, in cotton batting, the missing stones. The lady was so overcome that she jKd not attempt to question tbe messenger, who had departed in the inter val. Philadelphia Record. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine in tbe pe cnliar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam, for Coughs and Colds does it is in deed wonderful. He authorizes all druggists to give those who call for it a sample bottle Free, that tbey may try it before purchasing, The large bottles are 50 cents and $1. We certainly would advise a trial. It may save you from cons on mpt ton. A Boy Shoots his Brother. Hpstikgdos, W. Va., December 7, The following details of tbe killingof young Joe Templeton, aged 13, by JeffTempleton, aged 11, which occarred day before yesterday in the Union district, this coanty, have been received. 1 be boys were boxing. A boy named Smith struck JeS Templeton in the mouth, which enraged him, be having a sore tooth. While brooding over the blow a boy named Stowateer came op with a sbot gnn. Jeff grabbed tbe gun and aiming it at Joe. d if charged both barrels in bis face. The boy lived three boars, but never spoke. To-Nlght and To Morrow Night, And each day and night daring this week yoa can get at all druggists Kefhp'a Balsam for tbe Throat and Langs, acknowledged to be the most successful remedy erer sold fur the care of Cough, Colds, Bronchitis Whooping Couh, Asthma, and Consump tion. Get a bottle to-tiny, aud kerp it al ways in the house, so yoa can check your cold at once. Price 50 cents and $1. Sample bottles free. RHEUMATISM IlltaaVIII m wsis Thesfl twin diseases cause untold suffering. Doctors admit that taey are difficult to euro so do their patients, ratnew Celery Compound has per manently cured the worst cases of rheumatism and neuralsla-so say those who have used IL - Havlnfr been trrmbled with rh.'uineMsiE at the knee and foot for five rears, I was almost unable 10 iret around. and was very often confined to my bed for weeks at a time. I used only one bot tle of Palne's l'lery Com pound, and was perfectly cured. 1 can now jump around, and feel as lively as a boy.- ggCARou. Jkureita, jsevaoa. H.00. Fix far ta.oa Drurcisw. Hammotb testimonial paper free. Wxuc. RiCaaxiiaoM G)..Prop..BurUnjrton,Vt. DIAMOND DYES tZtX I FCfV SAiX. I I NO USE TO I I ewNes. j 1890. OjSTE dollae per year Is the Best and Cheapest Family Paper The N.Y.-Weekly Herald. in the United States. I I NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. I I D nrirg the rear If 80 it even exceed eflorUto pleiise its sub nbers. New features UI Le atitlea to lis regnmr uepari imcte, including tint-clat'S .ILLUSTRATIONS.. ITS WELL KNOWW Practical Farming and Gardening, Progress in Science, Woman's Work, Stories by the Best Authors, Literature and Art, Bright Flashes of Wit and Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans. 'Information Add res. NEW YORK HERALD, ONLY ONE HOLLAR Si Ci ED Mi I! T T :::: The Largerst and Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES- ESTABLISHED 836. (3-- "W. SCHMIDT, DISTILLER AND JOSSER OF FINE WHISK I ES. IMPORTER OF WINES, LIQ0RS. AND CIGARS. AOS. 95 ASD 97 FIFlII AVEXUE, PITTSBURGH, PESXA. V- AU Ortlnt received by mail or otherwite wilt rrcetre vrrmyt nttnlirm. . Somerset Lumber Yard ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, HAHlTACTOaiB D DKALia WHOLESALES ISO BlTAILXa Of LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and Solt Wood OAX, POPLAR, HIDINGS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, ASH, WALNUT, FLOORING. SASH, STALK RAILS, CHERRY. YKLLOWPIXE, SHINGLES. DOORS BALISTFRO I HESTNUT. WHITE PINE. LATH. BLIND8. NEWEL POSTS. A General Line of nil grade of Lumber and Buildln Material and Koofiug Slaie kepi in ttock AIm. can furnish anything in the line of our biinlnem to order with reawnaMe promptness, men as Brackets, Odd-sized work, etc. ELTA TJ:NNINGH.AM, OS3C3 and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa LITTER SCEimSTSAS mCTlCALLY Over 600 Beautiful Designs. MAWVFCT!Frt SY MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, XBJDOXPQKT. COH'J. .nr.. li- iSUi',P''C List." . Circu'cra. rlssiiL i XL H. Downs' Vegetable Balsamic Elixir Is a positive cure for Coughs, CoUTs, Croup, Whooping-Couh, Catarrlt, Iloarsc ness, Inllucuz.t, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, AsthmiC Lung Fever, Pleurisy, anil all diacascs of tho Throat, Chest and I.unpt. As an Expectorant it has no equaL Ccasumption has leen cured times without uumlcr ly its timely use. It hcala the ulcerated 8'Jifaccs, and cures when all other remedies fail. Fifty-si years of constant use has proven its virtues. Every family should keep it iu the house. Sold everywhere. Henry, Johnson & Lord, Proprietors, Lurlinjton, YL Dr. Henry Baxter's Fl an drake Bitters are a sure cure for Costivenesa, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diseases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver, Rheumatism, Dizziness, ick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Apoplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Stom ach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs in good working order, and perfect health will be the result. Ladies and others subject to Sick Plcadarho will find relie f and permanent cure ly tha use of these Bitters. Being tonic and mildly purgative they purify the blood. Price 25 eta. per bottle. For sale by all dealers in medi cine. Henry, Johnson & Lord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt Henry, Johnson A Lord, Proprietors of Arnica and Oil Liniment tor Man and Beast ti.0 beat external, remedy for Rheumatism, "e iralgia, .Cramps, Sprains, Mruises, Burns and Scalds, Sciatica, Backache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all otiw Pains and Aches. It is a safe, sure, and effectual Bcmcdy for Galls, Strains, Scratches, Sores, Ac., on Horses. One trial will prove iu merits. It effect are in most cases instantaneous. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Prioe 3o eta, and SO eta. per bottla. Sold everywhere BIESECKER & SNYDER, AgVa Somerset. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER Cures all Diseases. The claim to cure all dist-aw. mav at first aUnce st em vry liird : hut after rradiiie our pamphlet, Kivin a bistorr of tli- Microlte Killer. explainliiK lh rt'rm thwry of d'f"4ie. and refld- itig our lestimoiimH, whtcn rimve ronriinlvely there is no dieae it will uoi cure, the truth of our antcrtmn incomes clear. N' per:i snrffrina; Inrni any bk.Kt, rhronif or tfininvioui dtsa should let a Ihv na without a. tnnir and rea-U ins; Ibis muretin bink, which will be iven away or milic 1 frao. Th : s;.ntlein rnn-eted with thi euJiotny are Wt'll kfio ii Miimnra ofltiicitr. snM wautdeeryw,'-". Address. WM- RAD AM Microbe Killer Co No 54 6th Ave. S!Y: NEURALGIA romconnd has teen s o1- send to me. tor Hie "" .' " "- ?-"d wlih neanilinaof the l-rt. U.s i.w srer doriorfemnirtocure me. I hjre now t.ra Sam fc- r Lotties of the Compound, anil am nrroVnUiecomplnlnt. I te-t v-ry p Wui tejoo." taai. It Lkwb. Central lJae. Paine's I niiJ- - .' ... 1 , ,. ... .... Celery Compound -l hiwo been greatly afflicted wtth aj-iW rhenmaa-in.aDd cou.a una used Paiue s pry VT,piUTl; ?wurtd 0? stx botth-sof this nvdlciiio I am now cured rheumatic trouWes." w AHCKL li LTl-liini s ' Effects Lasting Cures. fine's reu ry Compound has performed many otsercures a marvelous as these.-cops of !..rL .J aAiress. Pleasant to take. --ntioanv address. Pleasant to take. zt aW, doe. not disturb, but aids djsuon, ly vegetable ; a child ea talte it. bat s the I ,jTJ,.i-- ise of suffarls toogw wlU rttenmau or neuralgia? BABIES ileelf in the variety of it contents ami Iti SPECIALTIES AEE ; on all Subjects. JAMES CORDON BENNETT, NEW YORK CITY. DO NOT FAIL TO SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE New York Weekly Herald. OBi Ui I "L ID: ING Most Complete Telephone No. 666. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BCT Ton or Wm. F, SHAFFER. SOMERSET. rKXN'A., Jlauuft ?tur?r of and Dealer in Eastern Work fitrnithedon Short .Vrfir, m n0 Color Alto, Agent or W1IITE BJCOXZS! Persons in nerd of MOvrwirvT wno v n Und it to their iuiert-M u rail at lay utaop, where a proper showing will be riTra tliem. tiui. factum Ounnaumt iu irrr (wr, and BRICKS j.i. i invite special attention to the White Bronie, Or Pure Zino Monumnet Introduced by REV. W. A. RINf an a TWlrtt laipmvement in the point of MATERIAL AND COSSTKL'Cl ION. and which Is destined t be ice ropiuar Monument hr our Chanxeauie Cli mate. -GiVI ME A CALL. W3I.P. SHAFFER. "Veni, Vidt. Vioi." - ' vi.ro--,, uillll UllUWir next. We saw it. It was ureal, being in HI infancy, but we saw enongh to convince our selves of the fact that enterprise, such as dis played there, should not he passed hy wilh oitt some rnmment. But we still wonder why it was that only ont wholesale liquor house was so boldly represented . You could see it pyramid of bo' tics from anv part of the ejreat huililing. It wss the prettiwt dis play there. Max Klein has proved the pub lie that he wants tit be seen. Ilia "Silver Aire " rye whi&key has now such a well earn ed reputation that he is proud of it and he wants everybody to ee it His poods are pure and reliable. You can have his Silver Aeeal 1 50 per full quarts. His (turken. hetmer, Kincht. Overlmlt nrr.ibwin at $1 (O per quart, or6qnart for$.')00. Send for bis price list and mention this paper. Ilia ad dress is Mm Klk:. i Fwlernl St.. AUeehenr. YOU CAN FINDS in Bla io rtTrra.-n t it, Adnrtiiir Uarsau oi REHI1TGT02T BROS. u will cvituaci kx adeartiauK at Laval nias FINE PIECE 0? IS INDEED A LUXURY FiriZER's CCMESAS A FINS piEf- OF PLUG TOBACCO AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET IN ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG -THE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN POCKET PIECES OR CARRY WHOLE. & BROS., Loaisiille, Ij. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR CANDEE RUBBERS TO H. GHILDS & CO Maaufacturert an J Wholesale Dealen In BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, 511 VOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. 4 VQlO-i 1 Mm, "f !iell. H fc. 1' Aleta 1161 a.fiu.i I kwr' ttl th to i II lf v-mrn ,my i VI J t. - iatia( IfntifX, y.9 . W"'e 'k an mtrr f-r yr Ml purr beu I '".I ' I'lf HHI " Shall wt- twtrr is.; TV MsttlMifT ' " uoitit stujs at " ta. tisf f li-m r emu,l lWrM mi t .' Ul ill lhi- Lumm f,.r T..SW ' bf ihen-emwl I' ' rtt It I iwllur Wrre) lii rt i litre n ajirr ,riia Aw Lttxtnl cia, l,;if N.t,r. tnwn( An' " w-Oimnt ancei fwt mx Til Art ilar.f -n tatkruf MrreMaif )b.rsvef srf rwn. fVrrr -u- ' "- " ' Jt' Apali -sk tliaHt eriUrt .rh frP -r Wl-'iw" hi"i tt mt )'li;satil r err w thrr ;enis tkltif reiliiHei l.ahntuwiir It a ataia K mw n i ll u anr tti niirmwc-i (W ibaur snt an mo. Mil I puiluvir VnUy llrlijra, II.M.k aitrl I Vrw' M-n ia A sii.trf" J7loEeTIOJ NOTICE. The annua! elertlon of the Farmers. TnM AssociaiiiHi ani Fire iNsti-anferomT'inT0!' erset County. Ha , will he helil in Heriiii'"" T'ie Uav. tlie awt U nf Iiere-nlier. lor ths p"' pe of ele' tinv a Prefbli-nu Vlre l"re-Mrni. sre rvtary. and six liirtvnors t.i!tenre during the Iiir rear. Also, at the san e lime. theMh "J of the By-laws tothe lorviiution wili t upon, by order of the B. 1 I. J. Bit '.'BAKER, Stcreurj. P. Hav, Pre-Uent, Electric Bell wr.u COMPLETE OUTFIT. For flwelllni rv nff.re. Any perxi'i ran V thetn up. seud stamp for illuitralMi t s:s.-T nos citv tLCCTnicai oeei.v co"" cf F-urth 4e-, HtisburgX Fs. SOMERSET MARKETS. CerraeUd Waekly by COOK iEERITl, DIALXKS m J Choice Groceries, Flour & Feea. Apples, dried, lb ........- ""iALe Apple Butter, f gal Tlt tx aos, t' " . a Bran, A Hil-lb - l0c,' , Butter. (roll.li) l Buckwheat, fi bu Beeswax R.... if ru ou, (iiKar-Toren iiam; f bi (t iHintry nams) v jj (Shimlrtersi lb.. j, (?i(lcl a t u. Corn, (ear) bo . rieiieci) Q oa - je al lb a Chop, corn aud oats, a m, lbs. E n an rve, v lou jj Ers V dos , t Flour, Rnller Prmeaa, V b 1 s) :enna, ai col . a Golden PatenL 9 -m Flaxseed, , bu ............ """'Oi Ird. a, -'air Middlinvs. 100 lbs -uA Potatoes, Vbu Pt-achea. dried, XJI It Rye, bn n a Bait, (No l.)bbl... (Ground Ainmi V sai k... (Ash ton) full Hack... H " Snrar, yellow, h " white, ltd. Tanow, Warsaw i Salt bbL.... A JOBACCO mm KNOWN ASA , fiAKErr tend 0T jilffitlll; ' 'i '''' . r. --lii-Jici X ji a - . . $2.50