The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 18, 1889, Image 3

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    tv, Somerset Herald
''(!MS B. flCOX. Editor.
Voor.5' nj!iJy DP'-J-
irtIc Youngs Dm Siore.
T"" ylaiU). -Puniy aIvJ A 'curacy."
T ''ooob at Young's Drug Store.
', pods at Bleseck-er and Snyder's.
-ei-ker 4 Snyder's for Christmas
C43,. qiart, or plate it.V'.B.
, 3 jod Increased tbe debt of Indi-
, for ,re "ng the new
in "ir outfit"
Yocag. tb Leading Ii.-ug.jist, for
t-'-tioni sad Family P.tror'pts filled
... Store.
ilutn Salt. one dollar per sack.
, . :nn ScLrook.
, Tj.W S"ap at Youngs Drug
p lVes br 25 cents.
-(. ir Ca':Sr:ua erarrrt fruit from
' ; ... he keel tbe bet.
ri j -i-riiti' ij tbe cheapest place for
-.-.. and don't ti fjrjret it.
, .aw
'. 'vc"i'a- rxf.tist oiEce over Tred
S Jl - .urb f Diamond Surnersel Pa.
j..ff .v fcyjtf. a nsual, have the
' aaa.,rixt-u: of Cbriatmss goods iu
- - si'': is tbe only county in the St:
j the ie i tot ad n tne r ubiic
- .1..-, ;:' find many tan.iane latie
,. t their scholars at Biosecker i
'-atll.Tr Bros. for a piod time pieoa
, nuics of movement and cases
r .0 '
-,!, c'wi:t Western Outs buy
Sebroek. He sella as cheap
y re!.Unt uVnt', Somerset, Pa.
'it. jj,,fpa;e work eiei uted and satis
.js firaiit-L
... x,:j,-ja" was tbe word tbat purged
, ,:. at a Carson vilUs iDaupbin
a:j- f'lii'f
rv'j fW York llrrald two dollars
.r-io pa t-e news wbicU it publishes
M Ssiiey in Afrira.
fce .".-iivL but buy genuine Min
fJi,r fruni jiai.ion Si-broik. It is a
s, jatent. warr.W.ed.
i.M NuMii's delivery wapin is eea
s Dt jtretis daily, ieiivring Groceries,
.c-ind Ft-fd to Lis inay patrons.
'smm wj'- caes, froitt, nuls aisd
En T.. CoFFKora'g.
5.v.sii3 ciunaani gla far holiday j
E B. Cofi-sjth's.
' N'uts. Froi'.i and Cakea, wibuie
joi rvuU at
Kd I. Co; fe-.'Tb's.
Tit L-iieat ai J cbo:c-t CUriftoiJS cin-
: u n tr otiiy bv fetind at
Ed B. Coferotb s
ir ; Bennimtton. of Xeitii. O- bas
-flirts toLer twenty-fifth c!.i!d. Her j
..;) cia;aj Litis beats ai! known records, j
B.:t r"ur ('hrimts fo-b at Ed. B. C'of-H-
kpa euly the newest and
-! i-. cies arid will not I e mrsold.
;t.rv st.e tbe clothes of Thomas (lilt-!,
n: ri::'.:jln'g. and lie bad to put on bia
i ,r to co out and bjrrow a pair of
Li B. l:rrth bas made special pirpcr
,iis S.r the toiiday trade. You can 'find
y jc.rr p ai-e ia Somerset to boy toys aud
Ta ClriMian UniaOci" wiil
be lie ramecflbe Salvation Atn-y.
:.t aes. je' ev;dtctly tbitik there is scme
i.rt '.a a na.ue.
ir.-su Lis boariing-house mistrse re
'jri ajarry '..ins a Tottsiowa UniSiarlaii
Lrr w;th hauitual drunkoeas and
. Utr a-r;el.
I;.f lirjtiijn "Should a r.::r;:.-ter smoke''
ua.:. uaanswereii. but it is fTditrally
rrt-i lLat the bard sheil sinner will when
jr y.y lis 'it--r!s.
Zm sittUn of Ed B. Cr?th' store con-
jndreds of Uruutiful orr.araents that
er sui'-ab.e fcr holiday presenu. Ilia stoe
'.'t :Ueait place to boy.
V.w Hex k. of A'.leotown, is a candidate
rpi-.;uc honors. A few days ajjo she
:-fimi hrr next-door iieigubur and his
:V ai.d daughter ail at once.
xiA usi.:bees will do wei! to remeaiher
Ji Kiewker 4 Snyder can suppif tiicm u-ful and attractive presents for
Mr scholar at chapes' prices.
- New York Coants an l Ex. Selects
r-t ' ex e'.Ifi. T'ja stew of Oysters.
t -art. yniy .'10 cr.u. j
W. U. Platt, I
V -a ro-.i'.d n.'t cake fa! her or mot her a
-'vf si r-if-ra-e or useful j resent than a
! ticted to their sitjht.
it k-t.ins'H-d swindler visited McKees--ir.ti
i:. the women of that town 30)
uf niiiies at ra!e of three cases for $1.
: riir;.-Hiitation that they coniaio-
-'nil taiiirj for bie prizes.
cr tract for the orrran ftr Tiirpase's
LiM-mai-ie iu P.rookiyn baa in award
t tir-n that budt the oid one. It
..laii'7 p'jKt and 11J and it is
-it Will be largest ever bui'L
liv black walnut Mantle C! ck of
it.xi.;a niaki', ttrikiti the haif boor
.a t!.r Vilest improved movement for
Ilcaa B.
"t luv on hard a larire number of pood
"'t i: we wil sell in eiiar.titien f suit
" Pricts verr reasonable. Yard !
the plaairuf mill.
Ui.iiio.a Caos.A Passos.
'.i wat. Ji tower" in the resolution
!"-: he phu-nixviiie Women's Christ-
Tr Cai' a few days aj was
t,i red "water power" ty a Wist
"-v rr. and the resolution arjored
'' litrr Dros. fr your 147 Kievrs
.;rcrwre inoiinlinji Knives, Forks,
""en. Fruit Knives. Butler Knives. T-Arf
"" a N'aikin U.r.!.. Ni:;pn kers. Children
v t-"-4r .These good are Tr p'.e and
e p aied and the lew in tte mar-
W;'.:;an; Mau.-er, Executor of Eiua
U;.in deeeased, will seil on the
"s on Saturday, January 4th I .,
't: 'jiis and lots in toyeatown Ixjrooch,
'-pr-ifwyofsaiJ d-wuwd. For fur-
;n-a:ars ar.d terms of aaie see hand
'""'!y wlhe be were rich just before
'-"'!iTi,n DO .iea-wre is com
''v.i u, t;,at c.f nia:ipg presents. It is not
7 to be rich waen yoa buy from
" ir 4 i;y,ir Tiiey have a tbocwnJ
" r.:oes suitable far all yonr friends
rites within the reach of all.
3"H a.-,d Furs. I will par the hirbet
a.1 kinds of hvlea, peits and
I also asm ij cord, ef k Oak and
r ,'w cords wanted at once.
" Ee at ray rmden, ircmexii
"rtoftLeS.4C.Pt.aii,jn, H. 0. OrrrT(VH4.
a-howing letters remaining at tlie
ft v.t5 w:U be sent to the Dd
at Washington, D. C. if not
'-er iS'.b. i-v't
"1 Xi-garet J.; CriUhSe'd El?le;
f t-u-worth Eidrui ; Kue)aldtr
a:-'. J-hn ; Miller C. C. ; McCormw k
.5 ; We.d.irn' John ; Walker J.
"t-jvujn Jcvhua.
J. K. CorruiTB. T. M.
Tbe smiling f Urvllord Kyle, rf M,.y.
ersdale. M O0 ,,, r wris Monday.
Tlie young peopieof the Disciples' cba-ch
are busily rehearsing for a " Y Old FuiU
Concerte ' l be pfen Chrirtmas nigbt.
repty-Siat Surict)iient of Pabiic
Innr.irti.. Hettry IJiucK, b pmjOy
n-t.iinH at Jucw-t U tbe laie Superiu
tendeni lichee. . '
ilormai Stilt, of Friedon. and Henry
D. Lpe, of Jecnor, are two Somerset couaiV
veterans who were granted increase of pen
aiims last week.
Old reidnt can recall a gcod many open
winter, but none of them can recollect ever
having seen dandelion biootu in December
before tbii year.
"Sir. A.. Cober. of lVacbdale, wbo bs
been a reader of the Hcbaus (or more than years, and trbo aim-ay pays In
dvance, is serving as a juror this week.
Mr. John O. inner bas disposed of bis
cottage on Tarkeyfoot street to lawyer H.
M. Berk'ry, who will take possession on tbe
flrst oftie year. Mr. Banner will remov
to Kansas. .
5fr. Hiirrv Kinktid, tLe n.-w'y.appoiatpd
i riiv-:.jl!ector of Interna! Revenue for
this dirirt, was in Somerset Tuesdsv. whon
Jobn t. KJmme!, Fajturned over t he books
of that o Hoe to bim.
An ele.-tric p.n? was pia'd in rx-uition in
tbe vault, of tbe First National Bank, Fri
lay. It r!n5 an aia.-m every tiina tbe bas
ket door is ojneJ.
James Wiikins, of fprjnpiaie, Cclar
county, Towa, forra r!y of &imenel couniy,
hv-a week sold rS bead of bog, which aver-ajte-l
4 J"J ponnds each. The heaviest weigh
ed mnds, and the IV.itest 3i jouuds.
John J. Fitznatriek, the railroad contract
or who. with Ed. Mctiovern. hail tbe cot.
trat for divinc " Ni(r;er Mountain Ti'n
nel," on the South Penn. diel at his home in
Lant r county, lasc Saturday. . He was ia
his 4lKh var.
A. E. Pifei'a is headi',uarters for Florida
0ir;rrs Bananas, lemons. Ca'it'omia Evap-.
oraie l Eruiii. Prunes, Iliisins. I'igs. Iates
Finest Frtticb ('rrm, Mixe-i Creams, Com
m.m M xej Stick Candies, and Foreign
Xa-s of ail kin.N.
The youn j P ole's M.te Siciety of the
Pru-hytt'riji church, will hold a Featival
Slon.lay and Tues.ljy eveningi of Intitule
week, in the rms lately occupieii hy Mr.
ie.. W. &.-U ford s Book ri'.ore. .V!l are ia-vite-J.
Not everybody is rich enough to lose $j
without knowing it, but this is what a i'atr
field, wotaa did. Mrs. II. A. Small
recentir tound a railroad bond of $.V) that
had been laid away in an oid book for the
pa.-i ten years, and which ahe bad forgotten
aii abt'Ut.
Mr. Charles E. Pile has oietied a coal yard
at the S A C.Mation. and will kee$ eonstaiit
ly on hand a larp supply cf the celebrated
rmiisbury coal, which nee1s no recommenda
tion from us, and which wiU be sold at the
lowest price. "Sykes" will no doubt re
ceive a liberal sharp of pa! r itajre.
Governor Beaver hia arjinted the fol
lowing C-jmnjisaion to r-purt a riene-a! H jad
lat I'avid Mot"ar)?.. Pilthor; Jarvb
I.i'ard. Conneautville : Cyrus Gordon. Clear
field; II. S. G.Kidwin. South Bethlehem,
Samue! U. Downing. Wett Chisler. Th..-i
act in conjunction with three !r;nators arid
live ntprestnu.tive.
A prcat riMny people are paving ten cents
for a ( at the number of beans contained
in an odd ;haped jar, at fT-ji-er Yunhi'r.
Tlie Jar wiil te opened atd tbe beaB tonnt
ed 0:1 Cbri.'-ttBai eve, when the person who
bas wMsed nearest the corrcet nnmrjer will
receive an immense French doll, on exhibi
tion in the show window." The gaesaitis
varies ill the way from !..' to 6 oOu.
letectives are at Davis City, W. Va., look
is for John Eamsay, the Fayette couniy
outlaw and leader of the gart; which corn
raitted so m?jiy boid rolitieries in the vicini
ty of Harkleyiburg lae-t snmmer. Hamsay.
it h? sa d, hai been working at the Davis
mines there nnder an assumeii name, tut
di-up'jeared a short time aso. He is sup
posed to be biding in the vicinity of Davis
S.ijierir.ter.detit Berkey bas wisely decided
that children under the age of fourteen will
na be admitted to the day sessions cf the
Teach rs' Institttte, unless accompanied by
their parents. We hope that the resolution
will be rijid'y enforced, and are corfi lent
that it wil! meet with the approbation of
it'irrs who wish to take ad van t aire of ihe
. . . - --j .-
opinvrt HUH v Tor raining Knowledge ana ia-
In eunversatioo wi:b Mr. P. I- Ca beer,
we were pleaeil to learn that the owners of
the (ra House have provided another exit
far their place of amasewnt, t7 mn of
pair of lave doub'e 4-)n opening frcm the I
cjruire of the house on to West street. Tim
id p-jrfons who bare heretofore 'rd to at
tend te inv it u lecture, when the house
is crowded to its u'm't capacity, can now
do so without the least fear of a janic.
When the afterrvyn freight train oa the
Somejset and Cambria Railrowi was round
ing the short curve at Kaufman's run. Mon
day ailernoon, a number of the cars U-ri the
track. Two or three of taem were dumped
into the cm... and as many more were de
molished. The road was bkxkaded through
out tie ni'ht, the south-bound r"
train due here at 4.31 p. to. not arriving un
til 0 a. Hi. Tuesday. Several of the height
crew sus'ained alight injuries.
William Duumyer, a twmty-year-old t-jn
of David Dnnmyer, living two miles east of
Sipesvtile, met with a very painful accident
tM.e day last week while hunting. After
trat.iping through tle wools for several
hours he halted at a steam saw mill and en-gaj-i
in coavematioo with a number of em
plvves. standing the while with his
can-leeslv resting on tiie luuzzieof his shot
irun. W ItlM'Ul me tmiltei muvia, i:ie
vount man swya, "abe gun went on, and of j
'JU 1 J , ,. . , f
course, the ouiiteuls neiraiKi ins uaovis,
both of which were in a terrihiy lacerated
condition, when Dr. J. K. Miller was railed
iu to dress the wouuds. Young Duamyer is
rendered entirely beipiesa by the accident
and it ia pibie tbat a number of fingers
from each hand will have to be amputated.
Tcvr prisoners broke jail at Union town
Monday night, and euecueded io mak
ing good their They were Laptoa
Franiz, couvicleii of the murder of a man
named Lacy, at ConnWIsvilie ; Frank ooley,
cliared with torturing Miss Boss, of Mason
towu, by burning the soles of her feet in
order to mske her discl-vse where she had
hid her money ; Martin Crow I, charged with
sbuo'.inga man narctd Porter at Dunbar,
and lue last one of the qtiartette was a fel
kw named Webiter. who was awaiting trans
portation te the Penitentiary to begia a 2
year terra of imprisonment. The men wr
ail held in tbe Uniontown lockup, which U
at beti a rather insecure i;titution, pend
ing the completion cf repairs to tiu County
Jail. tSorae time during the niftjt, the men,
who were within easy a-x-esa U each other,
got irvher arnl suctwde J ia sawing away
the liars abont one of the window.
Tt e work was conducted with the greatest
care, and during all the time the men were
at work not tlx slightest snund of any kind
reached the jailor. When the work was
complete tbe men removed the bars, and
lest their tailing on tiie outside fbouid atv
trai-t attention, they were taken down one
by one and carefully piled up in a corner of
tbe iU. Then they wailed ontil acme time
afT tt:idr.ighl, and when every thing was
(jiiet and no darger to be fearevi fnm dis
covtry, they let theraselve out of ihe wir
dV w. The drop to tie street was a short 0Bt,
and was Jiade with pertact eat. I is :u
pd that ih four men kei t together until
t;.,T -re sKne d-tancj out uf the town,
when they separated.
Institute Entertainments.
Clirke is one of tbuae rare men so eJd ra
tnetwbobai learned tbe arret avenue to
llw bumau soul. Ilia lecture -To and Fro
in Lontlon" is fu.I of ethica of humanity,
wit, humor and pathos. Ee bold bi bear
ers at Lis rommand. Uoral tu-tins like a
golden thrnai glUtens lunjiuh it ail. And
ttie Wanly uf all is one enjy a delicious,
aatifcfytng aftenatt like tbat of joo.i cbeve
after dinner. Ioa t tad to bear John VL
Clarke if ever and whenever the opportunity
OCCU rs. Vttrvt Fret Pre.
"The speaker was the gid nd brniiant
young Georgian, Sam Small, as be it famil
iarly called by people and press,' and who
has created within the past seven months a
tame as an evangelist and a temperance ad
vocate which hat swept over this country in
a it je unparalleled by that of any other
nau, no older than be in tbe kingdom and
erriee of the Divine Master. Ia the relig
ion world be is the phenomenon of tbe
present day, and bids fair to become worthy
of a place alongside of Sturgeon, Taimage,
Palmer, and other great, grand men, who
have been aorordeJ the foremost rp'tce
amonst tbe hosts of the Lord for their pitty.
xi, learniug artd ekurueue." CTuragt
"WIU." CARLETON- ; ' '
Cnlike the tuuai lecturer, Mr. Carleton al
lowetl bis poetic nature full play, and instead
tf a duli, heavy talk passed gracefully from
one poetic creation to another, here a home
ly truth pressed hotnej, then a bit of who'.e
sone sunshine, a lender pathos, or a touch
ing sentiment, the one following so cloeeiy
in the wake of tbe other tbat vers evoked
had scarcely dried before the !an?hter of tbe
audience was rippling eii'y. Mr. Carlet.n,
in appearance, strce'y filled tbe bill of the
expected ft i.f the i'e. Small of stat
ure, w uh njischi vous blue eyes, liht curly
bmrand a dn;li manner; abided to this a
fai-tidiotia drs, tee was crliicaily eyed in
the beKinniiig by the jieopi before whom
he niade his first appearance. ritldiryh
Wa!;r E iienwi'i has o for bim.self a
woiid-wide reputation. His execution is
riioUhiefi. while his beautiful tone and
wimderfu! interval play in-are nioet remark
tbla. He has no e-.jual. When he plays at
Bay ii;iip preat crowds surround ihe band
stand ar.d Ihaen enchanted to him. Daiii
r.iorr h'Ut'j A .
Mis Henson, who is a young American
vo.i!it:t new to Iondou, fuitiiled all rejuire
men?. She has a clear, sweet, and resuuant
soprano voi.?e, ejcia';ly brilliant in tbe up
per rrpntfr, and as she displayed eonsiderx-
ble powers of expression and interpretation,
the good opinions she gained were well de
served. Tie Loud-Hi Mor,iv,j Fttrt.
The humorous is always acceptable, end
it is i:ot stratifre that Mr. Thomas was re
railed three times to answer demand made
fjr meritorious renderitiip. He is artainry
very able in bia line, and may weil feej
proud that nature gave him so plain a set of
features competent tol worked and distort-
ed to snch an extent as to provoke) the favor j
of a rausihintr public. He 5s a '"xid artor.
witi al, self composed, apt, and ediiieni.
Br'KiU'IH E-i-jlc.
Mr. Kinr has an abioty to please audien
ces with piano playing wLicb is only ps
eveil by very small percentage of i'ue vast
army of pianists. In the p'aying cf his
m!os be deii'hted ail who heard him.
R-cn Until.
Another Johnstown Horrcr.
Atriin has this Ill-fated Johnstown been
visited Willi disaster. This time, instead cf j
water, it was tlie cry of fire in a theatre that
s 'ait nearly d-xc-n lives iuU eternity and I
toninied fully t'tir'.y other persona, V !
" The Parke Opera House, w here thecalas-
trojibe jccirre-i, is a three-story buildirg, j
i;ca"eii on Main erreet. Bear tlie -orner of
Franklin, and was u.eil as a diningrooni for
several months alter the tiood by Frank Ben
ford, prtaiiietur of toe old Huibert Koue.
Thrt ouiWinj itea for a longtime been con
sidered ur.stfc, and many e le cun'd r.ot
be hind to attend any kind of an entertain
ment there. T'.itre were abont Hv br.ndred
jpwn, principally wmten and children, in
the house lat uii;ht to witness "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" bytbesteLson Dramatic Compai-y.
About 10: jtt, ts the prforrnstrc was about
closing there was an alarm of firesoitnded
osin. there was an alarm of fire soitnded
hv the fireman stationed oa the near
, , , . .. i . v e aisJ utmersiiJOCi VJia lliv emi-j ra
the orera house, caused hr the dtscoverv of , . .
. i - u ' , - t.- i nia eiate Comae : vac ap?iuinti by Governor
a fSretn fr. '. akelield s siable, m Kernvule. . , . . 3
. , . , . , , I Beaver siill have io tiictr hands unused
The alarm beinj! sounded to clow greatly f r,CT . , ....
. . , , , , j.i more than x '. balance in bank in
excted theatid.eitceatid they immediately , , , ., .....
1'hila.Wphia and Hrruborg, whicn is d
rustied for the Kreet. ' . ,.
, ... i I uur vour nejirbbornvjn no (rood : cut its dis-
They were m-a at me entrance bv a crowd -'"-"" e
c .i . -i i , ,1 tnbutioa to you ami thnnih you to otners
from the outside whotOjUirut the are was ; J , -,7
, .t c t- i I
ia ttwoieniaju. i'jcmaaivwui(
gether oa s cloee stairway, not over six fet
wide, at.d the frantic efforts of those in the
rear of the ontroming crowd caused a terri
ble jam, which was made still worse by
persons jampire from the gal'eries on the
head. of lh-:un thc;sta:rs. The firemen
tJ t Jrn lheir boge on lllose on the out-
t;dtoesethej.tro. and when th fnjtjre
c. u'd rx sf-tfen at the stairway was fcntel to
i be piled alRfxt to tbe level of the upper Boor dead and living. The following were
taken out dead :
iir.o SLOVAK Eli, a,;ed i5; came from M:.
S!M LIZZIE CLAYCOMB, atred 17 : came
from Mower s Mi1j. tSedlnrd
J' iilS' MILLLFl, colortd : came from Cham
be ranrv
MUS. WESLEY BraNi3. apod ahont )
ya-s ; formerly of Snyder's Station, riom-er-t
con"! -f.
MK-i CHUA BCBN3, aged Vi, uan?hter
nf tti sooe.
Gii'iBGE LIT TLE HOUXES, aeed 11
yea-. sn of Lnfayecre Honwr : this boy
is said Ui have jumped from the top iral
iery to li e parou-tie, probably 3J (eet ;
his nvk ws hnfe"i.
MB. - Jl4N' W. NEar02, ao 2 years,
f the Sniih Sl.Ie.
EiW4.Rr Bl Ki'tLOR. ajeil w'oi
of Wrlliam Piirlor. mernaugh Kirot-ich.
GEnlf iE FKESrii.Oo.N". aii 1; unmar
ried; coin iti Grmany.
Fnm f-irty to E.y pers-Mis were it j irel,
s 'me oft', era seriously.
Art eve wltn-; at- that, the Johnstown
, . . r
v - riM er los of l.fe. was not to be Compared Ios nrl.te. was not to toe Comp
to this caia-itr ophe in poiat of horror, am!
many wh v had passed throagn the S yvl,
and were hardened by th sltrht of death.
sh'i:hiere'l and tumei sick whn they lo)k
ed at the horribV si-bt.
tux rvrvt r:u):s--;.
Tlie Opera House is a plain front, three
story brick bjlldin'. A store room and a
saloon ocenpy the ground floors. B-tween
these is tbe namw entrance to the old and
dingy theater. This passage .is five feet
wide. In the parqTate, to whietj this en-tram-e
lead', were Ian night 'JW chain, a'J
occupied. Two eaileriea. one wider than
the other, tang at the rear of the parqtittte
and immediately over the main entrance-.
In these galleries there is comfijrtable seat-in-;
capacity for aVrat peop.le. Trie stalr
wav l-3iiiti)r U the firt gaiirry ia three feet
wide, wkiie the dark and winding stairway
leadiug to the secoo i gallery, or the "nigcer
heaven," as it is called, is scar .-eiy half that
wide. ' '
At tlie show ia this nnprtentioas death
trap there were about SW people, or oer!y
double the capacity of the house. About
half of thoe prestnt were Women and chil-d-en.
Every seat was occupied and eve7
inch of standing room was at a preruinm.
The buildiag is not provided with fire es
capes, and no provisions is made upon the
stage or eisew here for water ia the event of
fire. Public opinion condemned the old
structure JO years ajro. The people were
afraid of it, and the sound of the fire-bells
threw thejninto a spasm ofik-peratc fear
through which 1) oi ttiem plunged furiojsly
into violent iaaths. ' ' s" '
The coroner's iurr has rondetiiBed. the
for 1T..n4 and ra more thraTri'iali nter- t
tainmeuu will be given in Johnstown carril t
a new ious oi s m t-e ment nas oo-n em-icu.
M.-v Paros atU ter ctaug titer were in
terred in tie Pugh gniveyard, Somerset
township, Thursday aileruoon.
Court Proe'clings.
Following is the litt of cases dispoecdof at
lata week's oourt :
cataiiAL x.i;T.
Common weal i h vs. Caroline Durst ; Jjrni
cication ; contafcle s retnrn ; verdict guiity.
Senwnced to pey a fine of $t, the eotts of
t-roaerutioo. and ucilero imp rL-onment in
the couaty jail far a period of eixty ilay.
Same vs. Ivid J. and Georj.-e J. fehaulis ;
A. aud B will: intent to kill, on informa
tion cf Belinda A. ShauiU ; veidict net
Same vs. Frank P.hoads ; adultery, on
information of Civilla online ; verdict not
guiity. and the prosecutrix to pey the coets.
Same vs. Simon Snyder ; inaiin'ous mis
chief, on information of Jcsseph King ; con
tinued. 6am vs. John H. Tndts ; Sei. T. and B..
on informatien of Martha II. Oiristnejr ;
Same vs. Joeepb Sfiller ; larceny, on in
formauon of Robert N. Shepperd ; verdict
guilty ; sentenced to pay a fine of IU tbe
coat of prosecution, and to be imprisoned in
the county jail lor three months.
game vs. Joeiab Specbt ; A. acd B , en
information of W. L. Bininger; verdict
guilty ; sentenced to pay a Cr.e of $73. and
the ccstj of prosecution.
Same vs. Charles Rboads ; F. and B., on
inf.uiuauon of E.ltn Friediine ; cictinued.
Siiaie vs. J.seph Silvus ; A. and B. with
i c.t era. on information of MiDnie J. Clay
comb : verdict, not guilty.
Same vs. George Brant and James Mabo
ney ; larceny, on information of James D.
Joncts ; verdict, guiity ; sentenced to pay a
fine of $1 each, to restore the stolen foods,
and to be imprisoned in the county jail for
three months.
Same vs. John Meilingrr ; larceny and
tnibfrxlement, on informatiou of Wra. H.
S.wauger ; grand jury retnrn not a true bill.
lVtt LIST.
Hannah C. Gaul vs. Solomon Judy ; set
tled. Annie M. Bell vs. Joseph Socks ; settled.
Noah Scott's use vs. M. A. Sauner ; piain
tiS' takes a non suit.
Mary Grows, executrix of Catharine Gr,,
dee d , vs. Israel Gross, administrator of Jo
aiah Grots, dee d. Settled.
John Lane vs. Solomon rVibert. 8 .tiled.
Henry Kiater vs. Henry Either and Sarah
M. Ftslier. his wife, and Cyrus L. Garshaw
Petition of citizens of Concmaui;h town
ship for review of a road from public road
near Isaac L. YoI--r's, to the road mar Jacob
Siietler s. C. 11. Sjhruucker, surveyor ; Da
vid Brubaker, Herman Shalfcr, (ut V.,)
Petition for viewer-s to yiew the site for a
new bridge 'n lQe t''Jt;gh cf Wellersharg.
over Jennings Kiin. Gtorfc-e P. Brulaker,
turveyor: David Meyers, Feicr Suder, view
ers. Petitinn for a public road from a point in
public road on the farm of Benedict Yoder
to a point where the schocl hou.'e read into pubiic road leading fium Cole
man to Puqh, oa tbe firm of J. S. Lirmon.
Dvnnij Meyers, surveyor; Daniel Kitumei
Samuel J. Colemsn. viewers.
Petition of ciliieaa of Northampton. Alle
gheny and Southampton Township's for a
new Township. Icnnls Meyers, Surveyor ;
Emar.nel L'chty. Sa:nuI II. Du'I, Viewers,
Petition of citizens of Oinomaiigh town-
ship far a new bridge acro- lien.-cretk
where road leading from Keefer's saw mil!
U I?ac L. Yoier's .n-es said stream.
l'aid S:uft. Sumyor; Koro Kjuf.::an,
tjamuel J. Bcrkev. Viewers.
For Bread, Cako, Pies, Cratkers, Cheese,
Catsup, Mustard, Sa-tiiues, Salmon, Tobac
co, Cptr, and the S nest Confections ever
sten iu oooierset. go to Pill's.
The annual adver.iwmcni of Tux Pbxj-s,
(New York ill tc found elsewhere in our
columns. We commend Tux Pbess to the
attention of our readers. Tbe parr is but
two years' old, but it is so cheap so bright,
se earnestly Bpublicati, that it already has
a greater circulation than any other Kepub-
licau Daily paper in America, having atiain-
ei! a national reputation and iSuence. He
publican piitruria,; from all ovtr the coun
try is makiui; Tits a gnat aaccess,
and an already bright paper U beina daily
iinpnoveiJ. ,
The New York Jf-iit t.i E.'; r contribut
ed on Saturday to the P-v. David J. Bra!, of
Johnstown. Jo': for his jxrs'jnal uje. This
came from the untird portion cf the Johns
town fhntl of the .VtiVa.ii lrprrs. Colonel
" ' , 1
t wtut ;i are tn neua m.ui uo j o:i anu it.em
which are :n
g;i according to the origiua! ir.tentioa of
the people who contributed the money.
Your services seeoi to fuliy justify us, as a
public testimonial to your self denyins vir
tues in rei)aitl:-.j; you lo u.x-ept the inclosed
check for ?0 im) w.ih the riqitnt tbat you
will appropriate it f.r y,, ir owu belief.: ai.d
ar aud surTtrln family.
Leave yonr orders for coal at the c-illce of
the Somerset Lairy Conu any.
Take Notice !
That the annual oyster supper given by E.
P. Curcmina Post, UW, G. A. Ih, at bonier
set. Pa., will take idace Friday eve, January
Z. li'sj. at Grand Army Hall, at which place
we hope to meet ail the aomradts with their
wives. The wives of own rvies oi the post
are t niet at the noose of Mrs. A. C. Davie
this Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, to complete
arraiieraetils for ihj supper. All who Can
C0U.C W. H. Ho HSTETLttt,
Secret arv.
Who was the originator of Caramels 7 j
iieorge F. McDonai.i, wbostol leails. V here
ran they be bought? From PUcl, the Con
fectiouer. Friday, in opening the vault of Peter Lev
ergood, & Johnstown, who was buried in
lss), the h-ly wa found lo have turned lo
stone. The remains are perfectly petrlr.ed
and a cumber of people w ho have visited
the spot say that the preservation is wonder
ful. The ptciltar couditions that caused
this phenomenon are pexpliuable.
I'sr ful and ornamen'al holiday preser.fs at
veT lowest prices: artistic and lovely toilet
cafes in plush and oxodysed silver, wriring
desks in ban! w cd and p'ush. manienre
sets, autograpH and photfrraph albums,
gentlemens" shaving and smoking sets, per
fume cases, exquisite toilet bottles and a
Thousand Utile pieces of nsefal and orna
mental brie a-brac thar. yoa can find do
where else in Somerset. Yoa should not
fail to see them.
BieiEtxra ,i SsTEca.
You're After Money
Yoa have heard toe proverb ? A doli-ur
saved is a dollar eimed."' That is a gold,
hard fact. A dollar fpent extrava.'siraly is a
dollar knocked oat of your diy's earnings.
A dollar savc-i in ecooominal trading is
dollar added to the days wage. . .
with dollars in our hands in the way of bar
gains in furniture
wa H4vx a sat
tling line of fancy Chairs of all descriptions.
Reed. Ssttan, Cherry, Walnut and old Oak,
Her'es doilars foe you, Uo yoa wao( them
why go on wasting them, every dollar yon
spend in purchasing a Chamber Suit.or
Parlor Suit, ia a dollar well spent
six vr cat
alogne of prices ft Sidehoard, Hall-Stands.
Writin j Desks, Bookcases. ChiToniers, and
MisctUaceoiu Farrdture of all kinia
- CorrsAiTB A Cx f onierset, Pa.
Ev-yroer A Eros', finest B n Bens, Choco
late Creams, and Coufectlons of evrrv de-
,: ;jon Njrlocal Back
build;, lg Somerset, Pa.
The Sotnersei Dairy Company advertise
the cheapest coal is Somerset.
In the Recorder's Office.
Deeds Recorded tetter Granted
Mamas Licenses Issued.
DKxrw anroEDEn.
Barbara Baer to Wra. C and Naocy C.
Kelley, property in Nonhajxptun tuwoahip;
cofisi'ieraiiijn $Jt4k
John fjareiizer to Catharine Hoovve. prvje
erry in Milfurd towoahip; consideratlou
io0. - ' - -' .. "r-
Elias Fike to Mary Fike, property Jn
MiTerwlate boroogb: eonsideratiOB $I,6tX.
Mary Kike and others lo Kennedy Price,
properte ia Meyersdafct borough t considera
tion P).
Cyrus HershhergeT to Christen HeTsb
berger, property in Ginemangh township ;
consi.ieratkm $4J70. : "...
Eoeie M. and G. Howard Wurtx, to Thomas
Gallagher, property In Jeune townahip;
consideration Jt.
C. G. Stotxmao to rrankHa Marry, prop
erty in Green vle township ; 4neidenritt
Philip WolfeneheTger to Astbeny Growall
property in Bockweod; cnnwideralion $30.
John K. Kesaler lo John Ellman, property
in Northampton township; conaideralion,
Adam George's executor to Emory George
and others, property in Allegheny township;
consideration tl.tftu.
John Merchbaker to Missouri J. George,
property in Meyersdale borough ; considera
tion $T.O. i -...- '
Joseph Lape to John Yoder, property in
Cooemaugh township ; consideration $400.
Isaac Hot'hsletler to John Yoder, property
in Conrniaugh townahip ; consideration J6U
Anthony A Flickinger to Juhn 8humaker
propertT in Brothers valley township ; eon-
aideiation Sitt'.oU.
John Holtxhower'ssdministratbr, to Frank
McDonald, property in Rock wood ; eonsid
eration $14j-J.
Wm J. Baer trostee, to Josiah Woy, prop
erty in Summit township; consideration
Noah Scott to H. M. Lyt'e and A. C. Mc-
Cune, prooerty in Addison and Milford
townships ; consideration $10,0tv).
John N. Davis to James J. Dull, property
in Elklicx townsldp: consideration $1S83.
Daniel Shnltz t Daniel .Sholtx Jr., prop
erty in Meyersdale borough ; consideration
Peter Meyer's trustee to Mary Lenhart,
pro;rty ia Summit townahip, consideration
$4. ' '
Same to Robert Beddia, property in Sum
mit township ; consideration $157-50.
BoDert Beddis to Conrad Lindeman, prop
erty in riumnitt townahip ; consideration
a.rrTKBs ccvxteo.
Letters of Administration were granted to
A. J. Sterner to Administer opon tbe estate
of Alexander Sterner late of Black townahip.
Ssndford Brant of Brotbersvalley bowD
ship and Cynth Wilkuis of Adrfisoo town
ship. - , . , '
Joseph Schrock and Annie M. Smith both
of Brothersvaliey township.
George M. Aih'hoase of Stoyeatown and
Angie M. Sorber of Shade township.
Look Out For Bargains t
Contemplating a change in my firm in
early Spring, and for tbe pnrpose of reduc
ing ruy rtock of goods, will give special ber
gains for tberaah Jlen'a. Boy's awt Chil
dren's Suits of Clothing and Overcoats. I
have just received my third invoke of ekoth
ing for fall ofi-aS, which were purchased
very low. ' ' ' J. M. Holdcxsafm.
To Many a Very Important Notice.
I would be sorry t make any one costs,
but units you call and pay what you owe
me soon, I shall be compelled to add cue's
to your bill. You will find either myself
or Mr. J. A. Berkey ia our office ia Odd Fel
lows' building, up stairs, where you can pay
your note or book account. .
i. li. Estdkb-
A New Trial Refused. . :,
tn Monday Judge Hunter, of the West
moreland cvuoty courts, delivered a lengthy
opinion, refusings new trial to Frank Baer,
Henry Eet7.?l and Charles Francis, who
were convicted at the Sepember special term
of court of taving burned the mill of Ram
baugh dc Brinker at Greensburg.
To Whom it May Concern.
My store and d welling with all their con
tents having been entirely destroyed by fire
on Sunday night last, I am compelled to
retpiest those knowing themselves indebted
to mi to make immediate payment of at
least one baif of their indebtedness. I also
desire to return my tlianks to my many
patrons for past favors audi to assure them
thai I wid resume business at the old stand,
as suoa as I cau make arrangements for
temporary quarters.
P. J. Co via.
Stoyeatown. Pi.
Nov. 25, lSi:.
Holiday Excursion Tickets on the
P. R. R.
Pursuant to the usual policy of aiding its
patrons In the interchange of social visits
during the holidays, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will, this season, place on
sale at all i's ticket ofices, excursion tickets
to be sold between the various stations on
the system at the rate of two cents per mile
in each direction.
The holiday excursion tickets will be sold
from December 21st, 133'J, to January 4th,
1), inclusive.
This arrangement, however, does not
apply io the sale of excursion tickets bet ween
New York and Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington, in either direction, nor be
tween any cne of the above named cities and
any other of these Rjentiotied.
Call and see N. B MoGrifTs elegant new
oysters parlors. First National Bauc build
ing. Up Siairs. Entrance opposite court
There's Fire Beneath This Smoke
Tbe Baltimore Jt Ohio engineers east of
Bedford have advanced well into Fulton
county. Another corps in the employ of the
same company are at work between Bedford
and Ilyndoian. Last week a corps of Penn
sylvania engineers appeared io the eastern
part of the county. On Monday they com
pleted their survey to Mt Dallas and then
went back to make some changes in the line.
They have followed the South Penn root
while the B. & O. roea have run an entinly
new line. Ldr'urJ Gazdtt.
Holiday Excursion Rates.
The Baltimore and Ohio K. R. Co in
pursuance of its usual libera! policy, will sell
excursion tickets at reduced rates doring the
holiday season. Ticket will be sold to and
from all stations on its lines esst of the Ohio
P.iver from December Slat to January 1st,
inclusive, good for return trip ontil January
4;h, inclusive. at Indiana Normal.
The attendance at Indiana Normal ia lar
ger at present t baa at any previous fall term.
The winter term opens December 30th. The
spring term opens March 31st,
All medical authorities agree that catarrh
U co more nor leas than an inflammation of
the lining membrane of the nasal air pas
sazis. Nasal catarrh aud all catarrh ai afflic
tions of the head are not diseases of the blood
and it is a serious mistake to treat them as
such. No cxmscientioos physician ever at
tempts to do so. It is held by eminent medi
cal men that sooner or later a specific will
be found for every disease from which hu
manity suffers. The facta justify us in as
suming tbat for catarra at least a positive
care already exists in Ely's Cream Balm. .
At Dunbar, Fayerie county, on Tuesday,
Marion Crowd! deliberately shot and killed
Josei-h Porter, who had been his intimate
friend.' r
Croat Bargains.
Handsome Plush Jackets at ten dollars
worth, twelve, and Plush Coats at fifteen
eighteen and twenty dollars.
Mrs. A. E. UhL
Petersburg Items.
Ilain and mnd are very plentiful la this
part of the county.
Messrs. Good, Brnhart & Co.. whe have
been doing a thriving: btxsioess with their
team thresher, have about completed their
work for this season.
On hast Thnrsaiity eveuing s literary socie
y was onrtvp r-4 in tbe Zer&es school
houae. Hope ihe work they base under
taken will La aocceasl'uk
The accident that befei Wo. N. Coleman
some time ago occurred about s mile from
Coleman's Station, on the arm of Cyras
Ray man, and not at Luitx porioffice, as an
nounced in the papers sonie tiaie ago. He
is recoverimj rapidly, sad will soon be able
to be about again.
.;.'""" Otssoro.
A eow belonging to Josenb Beaver, of
Granville lewaship. MifSin county, gave
bmh, on Friday of last week, to s calf hav
ing but three legs. The oa!f is lively sod
seems to take its miaforuine philosophically.
Saturday afternoon the bridge scfoaa the
Cooemaagh at Woodvale was washed sway,
and later the Lincoln street bridare wss car
ried away, thus cutting off communication
between Johnstown .and the Pennsylvania
P-vilroad Statiuia.
Educatlonal Bureau at Indiana.
Indiana Normal has connected with it an
Educational Bureau, for tbe purpose of se
curing tbe best possible positions for her
Report of the Kimmirtr Literary
Following is tbe report of the K am merer
Literary Society : The society met at the
Kam merer school house on Friday, Novem
ber ith, and elected the following officers:
President, John Vogel ; secretary, C. C.
Heckle; vice president, Jacob Kam merer;
marshalis, Jacob Kam merer, and Jackson
They met again on the 6th of December,
when the following program was disposed
of: Song Flakes of Fleecy Snow. Select
reading, T. C. Bridigum. Impromptu speech
es, Jackson Meyers. George Beck, Charles
Kammerer, C. C. Heckle. Dialogue, Jacob
Meyers, Charles Miller. Declamations, Vir
gle Meyers, Steward Dover, Harriet Meyeis.
Question for debate Resolved, that eity
life is preferable to country life. Affirma
tive, C. C Heckle; negative, H. M. Poor
baugb. Tbe question was decided in the
affirmative. The exercises were interspersed
with music and queries.
Coa, Sbct't.
With Christmas only three weeks away
everybody pats on bis thinking cap and
wonders what is best and where to buy it.
Our ever popular prices hold good for fancy
and useful household articles. We have the
finest line of holiday specialties we have ev
er brought to Somerset A visit to our store
before making your selections will repay
The Russian General who ia to give an ac
count of "The Russian Army" in Jlirptr't
Mti'jusin tor January, will, it is said, pre
sent tbe Tsar's empire in an altogether new
iicrbt even in this day ot Russian "Revela
tions." His article is not only a notable
contribution from a military point of view,
but also important both in iu political hear
ings and as an ethnographical study. The
surprising incj'lents given to illustrate the
points of the article have the air of being
related by an eye-witness even by an im
portant actor in them and will whet popu
lar curiosity to learn the aatbonhip. T. de
Thulstnip bas niade sixteen ac
company tbe article.
For fine Oysters, go to X. B. McGriT. Up
stairs, First National Bank building.
To trie West via B. & O.
Sew aud handsome Pullman Sleepers sre
ran through without chantre via B. & 0. R.
R. from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati and Chica
go, on tbe train leaving Pittsburgh daily at
7 30 p. m. arriving Cincinnati next morning
at G .V and Chicag at 10 53.
The route is via Wheeling and Benwood.
At the Utter point tbe Chicago Sleeper is at
tached to tbe Vestibule! Limited and break
fast is served in the dining car as the train
approaches Chicago.
These trains make connection at Cincin
nati and Chicago with all lines leading be
yond those cities. If yoa contemplate a trip
to the West or South, try the B. & O. routs.
Jd format ion in regard to rates of tare, etc,
will be cheerfully furnished by Ticket Agents
B.iO.8. R. or by E. I). Smith, Divmioo.
Passenger Agent, Cor. Wood Street and Fifth
Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Husband. Items.
Rev. A. J. Beal is conducting a revival
meeting at this place.
Miss Annie Moaser, of Roxbury, i-t visit
ing relatives and friends in this vicinity.
MUs Lydia Sbauiis, who has been in the
west for the past seven yean, is visiting her
parents and friends here.
Mr. Cornelias Say for, who has been in de
clining health for the past year, is now con
fined to Lis home with consumption.
Mr. Eavid Weikr bas in contemplation
Ihe erection of a new bouse the coming sum
mer, and a cumber of our farmers will put
up new bares.
BAKEK. On the 14'.h day of Dec. 1SS9.
at the home of Tsui Baitr.of Westmore
land county, i'a., Mary Magdelena, wife of
Daniel Baker, aged 73 years, 1 month and
1) days.
Absolutely Puree.
Th is jk wdev never varies. A marvel of parity,
strength, aivi w hniesixnenete. More ecoantnk-al
tban the ordinary kints. sod ran not tie sold in
eompetitkio wUi tUe mu.uuide uf kw less. Khert
weight aioca piKfTbate powders. .-wW imty m
rmt. Boiah Bj.xi.ts PowDUt Co.. lo Wali'dt.
S. T. iuU7.'M7t
If so. Send your orders to
Somerset Dairy Company Of
fice for a load of clean burn
ing lump or Una Coal. Low
est prices per bushel in the
town. ' . "
a a
mumi SiFETT LA!.?.
'"aa t wiW la iwr fataitv. Girm
.t i te tit thaa tSrw eniiiivT Urns.
In.! ..-. I .... a. . 1 l. -
thirtv crara. ban ti Imi
Mima rt ia tk C a.
FC iSHLZ MrllinKIS, riaiiaeall.t
a aua, 1M
ALscas. w tu um
World for lew prtco a
atEia rumi PHoT(iairtiiiBnC
siott eia.p. aouiTRf se hi
CaAuact aa4 Car4
pu-T, il for fi:t tor U6-. kaaa4 u-
Ioiti-Md -irrolni t'sUtat
Frfee MeXahiaj.
v lariasm i, ,
From now until the
is orer, I rill offer
Special. t bajiojltxS
and Great Redactions ia tbe follow
iag lines. Ia
Including Silks, Henriettas, Casu
meres, tfcc, it Special Bargains
and Reduced Prices. Ia
prices are cut waj down. Flash
Jackets 10, Plush Coats $15
and $1 3. A great manr Wraps
Trill be Closed oat at cost.
In sets, and ilu3s singly, From 50
cents up.
Kid Glores,
Stockings, Jlitts,
Collars, Cuffs,
Raching?, Table
Covers and scarfs
Tidies, Towel?, Table
Cloths, Bed Quilts,
AH kinds of articles for making
faney -work. Pocketbooks,
Combs, Brushes, 1c.
,A handsome line of
Bisqne, China,
Indestructible and
Wai DolIr, including
Dressed and Colored Dolls.
A Cheap Line of JEWELRY.
India Silks, plain and figured, and
all the new shades of ribbon for
Fancy Work. A large line of
New and Stylish. Come and see
my line of Holiday Goods.
FALL OF 1889.
New Goods
Parker & Parker's.
Goods a Bottom Prices, and
Trade a Booming.
Great Bargains in all
"ow is tbe time to boy your
We have a larjs sad eleiaattoek of
Dress Goods,
Uneqaalexi by any we have had hereto
fore, consisting of Cachimere! in all the
desirable colors, Henrietta Cloths ia
all the new colors. Good barzains
in Cloths. We have them in all
the different widths, colors,
and prices. Oar stock of
Black 1 Dress j Goods,
in all the best make, from the cheapest
up. We have in stock a splendid as
sortment of Black Silks, Black and
Colored Rhadamer, Black and Col
ored Surahs. Black and Colored
Pinaben, Black and Colored
Velvet. Fancy Trimmings
ef all kiciis to match. Dress
Good Goods, at big
For Ladles, Vases, Uea and Boys, at Bar
cainsL Our stock of
is Complete. Hosiery, Handkerchie&. Kit
Gloves, Sfictena. Buttuns. Lares. Kn
brmoeriee. Gents' and Ladies Kamish
inr Goods. Something new in swjek.
Douoie-aced Ptmlies in all Col
ors. Siik and Savin Dwmasc
Table and Stand Covers. The
CliBl; Sli3l. asi Elanlsl Dninlm
Will be found well stocked in
Jersey and Beaver Jackets.
'rw markets. Plush Jackets,
Vantels, and Plash Coafs.
Our sales in these Goods have gone way be
yond enrespectauoBS tiu sauaax "in
ITs have white, scarlet and gray, very cheap.
Call and see as, and the lancest and
remiAete line of Dry Gonds and NotjRna.
Cloak. Shawls, Blankets. nrs and Ladres'
Foinishins; Oorxis ww have ever had that
pleasure of bowing.
Butterick Patterns 8uV.
Onr line of 5ew Fall and Wintrr Goods is now complete, which line we ak yoa to
inspect ia person, or by sending for asm pies before yoa bay. Blow wiil note a
few oi the nest tbiugs:
Mohairs, Black sod Colors, 50 Cents to Finest Grade.
Sicilian, " "
Kng. rnre, - " 45 " " "
Wool HeBhettaa, Blackne Colors, 39 Cents to Finest Grade.
Xow Una Jerseys, 50 Cents to Fment Grade.
- Jackets, $3 00 - "
" " NewtcartetsdSS " "
" Plash Jaokt,$:0 to - "
- Jacques lfl to " "
W have many Epedal Bargstna la this line. Otir Cut black Wool Eose at 25cta.
are extra good.
Fringe Waida, Cruets, tad tverytalng
Ws ixtvlte yoa to give ns a call, and
35 Fifth Avenue.
When yoa go to a strn e city and don't want to get lost, what do yoa do? Why,
Follow the Crowd.
When there has something hspp-aied. and yon want to learn it, what do yon do? Why,
Follow the Crowd.
When yoo want to boy yonr O oceries, Confections, Tobacco. Otrars, snd LTonday Gmxls
of every description, what do you do ? W hy,
Follow the Crowd.
Where everybody res there yon (to. for everybody wonldn't fro there nnles everybody
was sure of being hones- ly handled and Kettins; the very best goods ai the
We have made special preparations for the
And have laid in a largp, fresh stock of CamnVs, Fruit, "Wj, Tuy. that will be
sold at the very lowest prices. Teachers and Sunday-schools who are
thinking of prepsring a treat for their scholars will find us
or Toys, Confectioneries, an I Frnits. which they can secure at wholesale rales.
Follow the crowd, and yoa'U get to
BAKER & 00.
As any Merchants in the County.
Schools and Sunday Schools
Who are preparing treats for their scholars. We have laid in an at
tractive stock of Confections, Fruits, and Tors, and
Either at retail or wholesale. Call and see ns before mak
ing your purchases.
And all other Goods in our line of trade at prices
!ESTA5iI33ED 1231.
1 77 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
I Hardman, Mm, Hanington, and Kimball Pianos,
!The Bgst Pianos,
: The Lowest Prices,
! Mr. E. C. Welch, of Friedens, sells for ns iif the Son-
erset district, and persons wishing to purchase an instru
ment will do as well, and get one at the same price, as they
j would by coining to Pittsburgh. Write for Catalogues i
'Terms, dc, to
E. C. WELCH, Friedens, Somersel County. Penn'a j
in the Trimming line at Low Prices.
would te pleased to send yoa samples.
The Bost Organs,
The Easiest Terms.
(I -