JUL v,merset Herald 7 fj B- -TXI EJ'.tcr. I Z- Onoir , IS od tlie IStb i-wt. T " xivt E.ectr 4 SavJera. I5 . . CVCn Senator Q-iayoL-iftratl his 30ih Kn.ht'aiy l--t week. Copies of tie lIstiLB can alwsj be til t I';Lr'i brxk store. The r'uud hTKilouu u dov Minds v momiujj. eoered with aJ.?Ctclea at Bleseeker & a3 color at Bleser-ier 1 odor. f extract, at Ble- i sr.--''1- J r umob, ai'a its nierrTEiak- jr. lial- j-born paction it tbat it will f ith an early spring. paPkin ln Pannayi va I"'" ji. y. TaiE"-". fcCos. 1 ;;nerr. best I ... .. -i iivatoee m-iil b verv ia pi the coming winter. Q-iiie a nurcber of our people iite4 Pitts-burt-h an .3 louk in iie utpolt:o:i Wt week. Should tie weetiier pmve at a!l favrirabie there will bea lar? cruw-I at G. A. . re union, at Err! la. Yrixitr. m H. UHR COSYICTEO. The Slayer of Charles A. Scott is Found Guilty of Murder In the Secora Degree, AND IS SENTENCED TO NINE YEARS IN THE PENITENTIARY. Mr. Jacob auti. cf Jettntr. own, has 2e riJtJ to locals iu Johnstown, where h will btt Oauio iota uuaui Eatr J. AJSO SH V. Srisui Escapes wrra 0j Yeas. iJI. - . L,, the mud at Allenlawn, f . lovi o-J in en.leavoring to f I , b') ': f"1 carc' because warn: -!' now remain at-home be- (.10 cmI-I. the B.-vlfjrd mt euccese, o ,; ra, ::ve leniares. yrti e? ,rt three eon'U-bies , nj'iiJ to arrest a crippled jj.-;er, one ly i , lUiu Flour. You will ;.r a:i i fT ceuto on erery Ur 1 T Err-y swk is warranted. 4t !. M. TtFILL t Co. .,rtnni Aora Salt is the brat tut yi insrieL Ou'y one dollar per r k Urncery and Feed Slore, :er kt Biesecker Sny- si .ire. TLe oc'y place in town a trt ti delicious aad cooling J. i:c"- w?pe l"fa fronl tljeir inl by inJnant neighbors s wk. i k-th with their confer,', bare . , - . .- u county, ra&:n; ne ) is offered lor tLe cpou op a wanoo ssd cerr-jre Cctary. The eaje of the 0mm.mweaUh v. James H. Il.r, indicted Sjr mcrvier in abootlnf and killing Charles JL Scott, at a Citing camp near Confluence, in July last. called fur trial Sxirlty afternoon. Tt deiVcdant was arrayed and plead 'not puiliy." Tue work of aeleciing a jiiry was ihin began. MTISCTI50 jry. TLe Bret juror called was J. B. Gerhard, lie aid. in answer to questions asked him, tlat Ue bad real of tlie shooting in tbe lluuD and fornjed an pinion in rrgird to tbe guilt or innocence ut the priinoer; bad do oti!c:-ntiou3 soruf fes against capital punUhroeut. Cballif-jTtrS-r caoee. I. M. Veimr bad read of tbe case in tbe Hisald ; bad no scruples rtlati veto capital punishment and was accept 1 as juror Xo. . John J. Martin bad read notbing and beard notbing about tbe case, and was promptly sworn as tbe d jaror. I'rias Fulk baj read atoat tte case, bat j diJn't retuepaber what be bad read. He was Under a law rajeed by tbe Leg islatare last ; win-er. town ound s may levy a tax n A j.-ob V. Walter ba.1 rwi about tbe case in? to tbe j weeding P" ntont.'i n;in pe-sons , jn tktHiaAL3, and bad beard a jrood bit of conimzin ana svttmg up a traiwetn retail i . ,k abont :t Tbe Commoowoalth toked Somerset yo jcg men bare aain organised an Atbletic Aasociauon. IL S. ndlry, Esq., was elected President at a meet. eg beld last evening, Mr. S. F. Peking, cf Cblcsgi. arrived la Sotserset Friday, and will spend several wseks under tie Ciaiiiy roof on Patriot Ter race. A I-aaerae cooniy tuna wants tbe Govern. or to M apt a "sparrow day." wben a ! wbolesale onsisunht wilt be made on tbe j little prts j Tbe Somerset couuty casia will be argufd ; in tbe Supreme C4crt at Pilturgh on Mon day neit. Ammg them wiil be tbe celtbra- 4 Ud Xii-ely rcntder ca. . . t ' Prrcbing in the Presbyterian Charcb, Somerset, roorniag and evrninjr, fijriday, October 13, by E-r. J. H. Sutberlaod. A k it. J icriitaicn to all. ! buMueat tor tbe sale of merrLan l se. ! Mr. F.U. Prker. aciMnifanieil bv his sis- tf-r. Mif Kmma. Jhn H. Till. E-kj., and bis i daughter. Mnw Mime, left for Washington Saturday monviris. to be present at tbe i Knights Tempiars' conc'ave thii we-k. wtsri of I" ' incerdiarr. I '.-tjber lltb. is tbe last day for r.-.,n of veterinary surgeons. dVn it.irs. After that none of 4 -ter ex.pt tboee wbo hold i -, m ciile?e. .?,'. a5t larce with me now, . if not paid by that time, r. as I mean to a Id coats. y trW-n liiw time anu save j J. B. S.vtp. - s.t or.'y M meet, but to defy I : X M. Tmiweil t Co. sei 4 - Y.nt, at lowest living pri I it no paics to please their eus- tty.e. Is 3 tte or.IybasineBS crm in ,ii rcas atiivery wapon. wuu f r groceries and teed and it .-rvd ctieer!a::y. uu ton m ..nj of ci-tTe. Ufiol tave con when la-ijiir.- tlieir Summer Hata and Shirr esnabie bead wear. M. S i i Co re pre red to furnish m rbrtiest and tbe best. i ar. band a large number of good i . w.U sell in quantities to suit St-er. Prii-es very reasonaljle. Yard 1 1 fianlng milL iEoLsiooK Bins. & Paasov. fx.r:t crFittd by the Nice'y es-- eqnaied by that of the ladies 4...! of Hats, Bonnets and I'r. Jaircs E. Biesex ker and Mr. Frank S. Cunningham leave this i.tornintr fr Alba querj je. New Mexico. T!.e djc:.r has been in ill baitb fur same lime past, and got to that territory wiib the h--- that its geut : air and ruilde clima'e will benefit bim. Beir.t; unabl t arree tw Iniiars at Ejs toi derided to divide their stock of f.-iiit and p-t. The divbi.rn was sucreefiil nntil at naTowed down to a big block of marble and j a show case, and they chopped l-ie bijik io i hiif. and each uvk asly at tbe show case I with tbe huge s;oae. demun'irr)ff it bevond I re;iu r. , . ' j h m to :tand aside. ! H'n.ti. Ke) per Lad iad tbe IlmtlD i aci-ount of ttie kil'.ng. an-J tad no coosa- ! entious scrupies aptiiist capital pucisbmeut. He wis if.ld to take bis rest in tbe jury box. Jacb Spirgie was called and excused on account of deafness. Norman S. Berkry bad conscientious scru pis against capital puuishiuent and was challenged r cause. J'jtiai Meltitr waacalied, sworn and stood is ie. SiniUil J. JlcKeniie l.ivl read the Hekild ' and other county papers; had nsadc up an j opinion, bat thought be oou'd render an ina j ar-ial erdict after Lotring the evidence. i He was cbailen'sed peremptorily by the de fense. ... John A. Clark bad read the newspapers, and had no Cwnicientimis sornpiea aeainst ) r m rvnivi amiWv if manW. Hie was leb, aaileryeii by the defense. , Mr. J. A. K.-inr. of Jenner X P.oaJs, 'n Moflxtk had ijeswed at pin Pa. has noeplIon his counters the ion b,it divest biutse.f of moatstyliab litwof winter c'..0.nis. mHiin- j " ft Lw:n T"fcnc- Caaiknged err fl,. dres H lad.es- underwear. bf drfer'- ready-m,le d.Kbi.ig. lK,t, and sl.,s. hats ' H XU Taul "-th'1E? Uut ,h and cam. rot- fumishin ,wJs. A- to be ! aJ Protupt!)" stood aside by tbe seen in tbe Dortli of the county. ive him a ca'l, ani be aured be wiil please you as to style, qiaiity. and price. The afettion of our readers is directed to the advertiseroe it of IK-ti-y 1". Si heil, IC.. to be fjno i in another cuiuua. Mr. S'hell projvises rem inj west, and offers a num ber ol his pmpeni- at priva'e saie. Among othen are his hand-irae h'Hie on Miin street, bis st.ire huae oil Mia Cross Sireet, and a number of d-il!e building lts. Here is a rare opprlr.r.ity tr tnvesfmenta, and on terms to suit pu 'cUxoers. Common wealth. Jobn II. Custer had rend about tbe case i and bad no scruples sninst capi;al puoisb- t nient. He was accepted us a juror. to but Gen. K. A.Osisjme, Cocgressmn-t-Large frjin Pennsylvania Sjrero terms, and Con-gressmjn-eii'Ct from the Lnienie distrirt, and Hon. Frank Bouud. ex-member from the Northamberiand distri'.-t, J'ent several days in Soniertt last week, tbe guests of C-jncrt---mari S. till. B-th gn!;enjen bad been in Pittsburgh pticipa'.irit in the fes tivities of Grand Army Day and made it convenient to pay a visit uheir first i to this section of the State bef re returning heme. j M M Tuwtui Co s. l g rue Xote and Book accounts 7:rg idt pstienre. I wiil crr 4 cits if the account are not 4- i'.k o( tlis month, j J. B. S trm. I "am E.li api rations, a West 4 iasKied a mek looking cow. a Tjie tLias very lively (or v.u'ibsve pven the youth a 11 Dot the rope tangled around I For Comfort. J- .rj Lril.t"'. and flannels from ye. A. E. rat i. Cats Wanted. :s:,d basheie of px)d Whit-J . :' cash or trade M. & u rx. i Lades and Chiidren. --.!.. Gloves aad knit Mitfer s i c.'.jreu. at !lt'. A. L Fhl s. 4 Lad e' and Children. '!-:,.d,en rnderwear io i icwst rnoes. at Mas. A. E. Cat's. arg- Ey art of tbe last Iypi-lature each county J in the State is entitled toon free schollarsiiip j in the Pennsylvania Masearn and School j of Industrial Art at Philadelphia. The ap- j pointment a to marl- by tbe fi jrernor oo ' the recommendation of the c-ai: 'j;erin- ' t tendent of public scho-)ls. No appointment j ha yet been m 1 1- from Somerset county, j Applicants rax't beat lean fifteen year of j aire a: i rnat pans a satisfactory examica- j tion in Ei;ia compis:tion, ar.thmetic (through percer.tae j, and free band draw ing. r I ' Edmund Ho'sapple was willing to go the bux and render an impartial verdict. was sioid aside by the defense. Fritlerick Kountx bad heard the case taik ei ah -ut. but bad formed no opinion as t) tbe guilt or innocence of the defendant. l,t'a t Jes were satisfied with bim and be as told to take bis seat in lite box. Mii-Lutl Kuecbt had read the Meytrsdaie Ci''TcUdt and as tood usi.le. Abraham Eicter hl read nou.iug about tbe easxratjd an atuud aaoV. . r Suiiiirau Wiihe'm bad not made, ap an opinion oar bad be any scruples sc-iinst capital punishm'-nt. He was challenged lor cause. Samuel ii-ut bad beard nothing about the case, and was challenged bf the defrnse. Lewis Gruican was a wituesa ia tbe case which was good ground for challenging bim. Joseph KocfceT bad read a good bit about the case in the Hxeild. He bid no scrapie a,raibst cai'ttal punishment. Stood aside. Duniei Scbroek bad conscientious scruples against capital punishment and was cbal lengvd lor cause. , , Charles Cxam was sick aad was excused. Berjamui Kiine had read about the case, V. H. Eiifiel. Fjq, oycted the cae on part of the Commc-nwealth. CIum Kurt was" the grit witness to tnke the stand. K? e'a:ei that u:.J borne ve in Fittsbtjrgh, and that be was a book keeper for II. B. Nee5 S-jn Jt Co. n July 2Cth be went to Confiuer-ce on the invitation of one of the rrfnibar of the J".urka Fis-b-irg Cub. who were camping bpwt that pif ; got there about 5 o'clock in the even ing, where be waj met by two members of tbe e!ab, wbo escorted bitu to rarup, about a n.ile ar.d a liaif from Couflaence : be re tuned to CooS tence abont midnlphi. and met Svost. Strstib and Marshall, who bad come down from the city on tbe express and were also visitors, and returned with them to tte ramp. Between i and 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon tbe witnesa, with a number of tbeother boyi were sitting in the gulk-y talking : there was was f a keg of beer oo tap ; Knorr. one of the par ty, told Lefcr, wbo had been drinking pretly frveiy, that be bad Letter not fate any more beer ; Lebr replied that Le would take all he wanted lbat be'waa able to pay for it, and walked over to the keg and draak several glasses', and then went op tbe bill to his tent. In a few momenta be retained with a revolver, which be brandished in Knurr's face, declaring that be would bare ail the beer he wanted. Tbe party then wex.t op to the tents when the witness, to prevent Lehj from getting any more beer, returned and knocked tbe spigot out of tbe keg. Lebr was informed thJt tbe spigot had bn knocked rat, and becoming very angry rushed at the witness, pointing his revolver at bim, and demanding to know wby be had kt tbe beer run away. As Lebr seemed j especially incensed at bim witness sought to avoid trouble by leaving tbe camp, and fared for CenSaence. Tbe other visitors said they would go with bim. Wben a short distance frcm the camp be heard shots fired ; went back and found Scot lying on the road, detd ; shot ttrongh the back, cn the left side. On erost-exa:xticatioa tbe witness said tbe visitors had brought tbe beer np on tbe nijtht train ; there were two kegs, each con taining about ten gallons; they drank out of a tin and a china cup ; Lehr wrt not ex cited till hestarted down tbe second time with tbe revolver; saw I im criDk six or seven cups ; didn't think Lebr wasr'nick'; never saw bim b fre ; be came to camp in tbe capacity of a cook ; he and Scott bad no qrjarret before that the witness knew of. Augustus Straub, solicitor of real estate and insurance, next took tbe stand and related how he came to the camp ai a guest of the club. Coming down to tbe shooting, he said: "Lebr came up tbe bill aud I beard him remark thai he would allow no s of a b ra--o him. Af.erwards hiard him ty Le would fix the s of a b : Kur z Specky, they called bim bad gone lit a tan of water when Lebr jumped off tbe cooking counter and ran down tbe hill with his re volver; I ran down and saw Lebr fl wirish irg Lis revolver ; said to Kuril he would fill hint full of boles; Kurtx and Aisbit went op over the bill with the can of water ; I bad gone up to tbe bi tent ; Kurtx. Aisbit, E'.cbenlaub and 1 started f t Cvuf! jence ; Scott went into the tent for Lis coat ; called me to wait on him: when aboet 25 or 30 yard? away f turned around and saw Scott stpp out of the tent nnd start to come ; when 4 ' or o- yards away Lehr came and called to Scott and said. "Come back you s of j in- or 1 11 fire' ; Scott ws facing Lehr and was walking backwards ; be replied the boys were going to Confi Men and he would go with them ; Scott was close oa to 7') yards awsy from Lehr when Lehr fired al him ; I was bet ween TO and !' yards from Scott: beard the noise of the buiiet going through the leaves of a tree ahoot ten leet to tbe right of me : S.int drew bis revolver and fired bark ; Scott was stepping bark sards at tbe time ; Lehr then advanced about fifteen fret behind a tree and fired a second shot ; tbe ballet went within an inch of my ear ; Scott fired the second shot at Lehr ; I cal'ed to Scott to run that Lebr was chasing bim ; Scott turned and ran toward us ; can't say bow far be had run ; twenty-five seconds af ter I started to run heard third shot from Lebr and immediately after, Scott groan : beard another shot ; we ran till we came on tbe main road ; wat back and f jund Scott dead ; be was lying dee down ; shot right baca of tbe left shoalder." Cross examined by Mr. Mirsh;.l : "First t saw the beer Sunday miening; think it was in U-e litaai-B; had served on the Patter- I tapped some time between and o'clock in " Only a Farmer's Daughter," the drama with which Mii'ajrer Casebefr opr.ed his place of amusement. Friday evening, at trarteJ a la-ge a'.ii'en-e. Tbe principal char acters in the play were taxeu by very clever people, and the company ttroiif 'o:it was superior to ta- that usually visit towns of th s s'ze. The audience were un b:e to de tide whom among the lady performers was the advertised tl'.' JO heau-y. as none of there exhibited bewildering chirms, al- son jury ; was 5'i years of aite, ana ui,i not feel well enoogh so art a t.'jis ease 1 hal-lerv- d kreanse. ' . , JacobS. Wiitroat, .was partly opposed to Lar.g'ng a man, and was stood ai.le. ' Henry Z. mmermaji. Lad read the Hen ld; lived aoout two miles from where tbe kill ing occure-J. ar.d was caailergt.d by tbe de fer.se. Jonn A. La'ent, bad read nothing about the ca. and was chai'emred by the defense.' J jnathan Liiig. ri 1 about the ca-e ia the Hikald. aad was auypted as a jcror. "S.kvmon Coleman had no scrapie a-jinst capiiaJ punishment; be read the Meyers 4a.e t muerri-d and a a stood aside. B. 11. (Joughenotir ha 1 cotiscieiitious scru- thouh several were fair to u;ja. The ! pies spiinst capital punishment to a certain frail bat ambitioui author in the cast re minded many penKjn of tbe mrnvirahie cxasion when tj bliihesom ; '"J.miuie " Conklin first esviyed to en'ertam a S-anierset audience. B it as we said bef -re. the people in tbe play were all very ciever. an i we hope that Mr. Casebeer wiii fan.i-h ns with many entertainments of as high character d ar.cg the season. extent aud was stixsd aside. G&trz? vV. Ande.sou beard and read a!otit the taj and was cLaHer.;?! by the defeuse. Herman Joh&son read tbe II utu aaxl Irrnjmt atid was accepted as a jaror. John On.f bad made up and expressed an opinion, and did not think be could render an iniirtial verdict- Challenged for caitse. William II. Barron read tbe HxatLa ; bad f Men and Eoya. fiermtar, in white, gray, red. !)! natural wool, and tor ;:b gleves. ro to, Mas. A. E. CblV. . , , i eo scraptes against capital punishment ; had Saturday was a luxuriant day here in tbe ! nf rajlte "P expressed aa oi iioa. Stood nwao:a'n, and bappily it was the day se- 1 asit.e. ( lected bv U,e wianawment of the frfiitie-f vjeniont otik o wschallec forcaose. man's Driving Park f..r their fall meeting j Albert MeClintock Uved in ta neigiibor Tbe brUUt sun. conceiled roe so mat y drea j a-J of Conttneace aud was cLallenirea by ry day, shown forth in all its exigency, j the defense. and was of itseif st.-iit a'tractioo to call Casper Wahl read a little something about out a large number of spectators. Lovers of ; n ll I"" and was cballeng- borse-Besh from ail trts of tbe ccmnrv " "J " aeieose. Notice. 't k JrW ITluTif ff mns-w essx 4 ' "ii uf this Bjonih. All ow "rb..k cr.-:cis will please 'iame Uf.that time. 1 J. B ?sviEa. tand Chi'.dr a idren'e Wrapt. (1!h srd Jersev Jark- 'tf. n-.-h r.i... r'iK .-,.1 - r-3 full lineal M.sses' and 4- mp. sew and cheap at Mw. A. E-lHt s- j For Rent a i fremotn s'ij feet, in irjod condition, with tielnung. tc. For terms. :oc. aft' v to atS. ALU I S'JI05, B-x kwood, Pa. r m m Nothing New. ' titraai and Columbia Shirtirg 1 -"'J Wiipfd Sbertiugs at ' ' crashed prices fv years Mw A. E. Vat a. ! iliinery Cooda. i X'"-'T,-it-andCbi!d'vTi' f-asdKr.t H.ods.vervch-.n Ma A.E.rBta. Warte-; r I tj pay the highest f a.! klB.s f I . : a i " E k t lk and j I ed at ooce. ! G. CrrsTatBaxc f nation Conventicn. tiia r.. "'""T'-i.w of Somerset 7 in Hail. Jlever "rr.aer. wiil K, r - " - ry Wednesday Stat, at Sajstnr rUi. were in attend mce. and a better nalured or be-ter b haved crowd never met at a race track. No i-urses were effered and only a few fmali btti were made. There were four starters in the first trot. J. B. Snyder's bay mars, Gaorte Tsyruan s black. Mike Slpe's sorrel, and Wm. Tsy man's Lay mare. aVer two or three nnsucces-ful atlempu, the starter, Capta.n Jor.Iau. jrsve tlie word wben the horses: were in jierfect line. Sny der's mare was the favorite with the specta tors, but tbey were treated to an early disap pointment when Jer,re Taymaa'a "Mid night," twetity-two years old. driven by Ir. Ine, wbo. by tbe way. is n a 1'srht ki for a race hor to j u!!, was obeerved to take the iead from tbe ouutet, Tbe Snyder mare pursued her venerab.e antagoni vhrwvusfy and came under the wire with her nose itrtiching the roc-ajr's wheels, Wm. Tiyman il S:pe sth. Tirae : 2.4 i. Thesecoo.1 and third ma's were won in the same order as the first. Tiae: 2 r,i and 2.W- There were on'y two star.ers in tbe second race: Wm. T. jmin's threeyear-old bay colt, and A. C. I.vb' rrel. Tue Tsyman oJt took the t5rs.t beat in 5 but couldn't keep e with tire sorrel in the next two. Tune : 2 Vi and 35. Tbe third racx was between C. B. Miwre's bay col! and K. S. McM. lien's brown Iowa tr.imal. The cyclone colt broke up almost immediaiely afu-r tbe word of xo.mauJ, and carried his driver anand the course at a furious gallop- 1 he Moore colt try ted tte first heat in 3.:i and the second ia 3.VH- Tbere were four starters in tbe runnifig race, George Harrisoc's big bay eott, Simon Schrotk's bronco, Charles W. if osi! ler's brorjeo. and Mik Slpe's bia-k cult. S-:hn-k wm the at beat ic r-d sfyie, but crippied bis fiery mnstar.e so bjd'y that be couldn't e me to tbe rate b when tbe bell rang for tbe second. Motholder also retired bia br jt.co, as be was almost out uf sight wben tbe winner came under the wire ia the first heat- Harristj aad Slpe were the only starters ia tbe second beat, but Harrison soon had tiie ecr.re track to himself, as tb Sipe youngster le the course at tbe quar ter and dashed madly acrosa the meadow. Tbe third beet was a repetition of the sec ond, tbe Sipe horse leaving the track at al most the same point. Abraham Fo.a bad conwientkms scruples aeainst capital punishment. Said be: "Wain we ane taken into tbe church we pitimst to take up anus against uo man and to Lelp o ndema no maa to death.'" dul ler ged ft cause. L. J . H.ilegas read the Hiattaand was acceptid as a juror. . Adam Poorbauj:h Lad read notbing about tbe case and was stood aside. Jo-evii Glemner ljul read nothing aboot the case and was challenged by the defense. Thia exhausted tbe ventre and it wssnecea sary to re ca.i those wbo had been flood aside. Jacob M. Waiter was challenged lor cause. Jo iah Metaler hai not roade ap or ex- i pnssrd an opinioa aad was accepted. If. 11. VougLt beard no particulars of the case and was accepted. E laiar.d Ha'sapi-le had not made np or expressed aa opinioo aa to the guilt or ia tt'Mwnce of the risoner and was sworn as the twelfth juror. IBX JCBT- P. M. Wcimer, John J. Manin; Vrias S. Foil, William G. Krrpper, Jobn H. ftor, Fndcrick Ko'mtl. Jonathan Ling, Herman Johnson, L. J. Hillegas, J osiab Metzler. D. H. Votht, Elmand Hoisapple. It was .,j )U ruing time wben the selection of tbe jury was eon pleted and. after caa t.o!iirjr thtm not tofpeac tu any one or I J a.iow any one to speak to tbem or in their pnecine concern ioic tbe case. Judge Baer di.-ec-ed tbem io be placed ia charge of two constables ti'd CAWrt would meet a 1 o'clock Moniay. The Ji try attended servieia at the Beform ed church Sunday morning. thi caax orsszK. Coat met promptly at 1 o'clock Monday aflertww!. Iepory Sheriff' Cunningham br,u?ht the;-"amer. Iaibr, intoCoort, where betoukaseat by his coatr-el, Mesers. Msr sbai! and Koontz. He was taitltlenly drese ed in a t'lshwiiab'T cut salt of riutbes and a gooti siard diamond atod sparkled S.i his snow-wl;i;e abirt front A few moments aftr Court opened kit mother and step-lather came in. ar i took aea: beside bim. At tbe Go-nm jti wealth s table sat District Attorney Biesvcker, Memra. Coroth & Buppei. J'&n Scott, father, aad William and John A. Scott, brotheni of the marder ed boy, Cbariea A. Soott. tbe ntoniing; we bad a tincup and a china Cnp; tbey were both ned at tbe first keg; didn't see the second keg ; L?hr was sitting on a !oard pile down in the gully when we come b.-!c fn.m the w.xuls ; no one had a rjuarrel with Lebr so far as I saw, unless it was wben be came ariid pnt bis revolver under Kurrx'i nose; bad never seen Lebr before; the first shot fired by Lehr wben be was at the tent and Scott was near if, stable: ' lie bad advanced five or ten feet wben be I fire I the second shot: Soott was ging rtp a 1 sleep bill at the time. ' Charles M tier, sworn : Live in Allegheny ; am a marble cutter; am a member of the E iraka Fishing Club; Went to CorflueT.ee, on 17th of July last; waa there Sunday: about half pa' five I went down to the giil ly where ail the boys were sitting; Lehr was there, and would go over and takea tin of beer once in a while; I said to him to get suprr, as I wanted to go to town ; he said be wasn't going to get any supper; Jim started op toward the tent and I started up after bim ; be went into the tent and brought hia revolver out; appeared to be very angry, was frothing at the mouth and crjing; started down over tbe bill; saw Lira pointing revolver in Kurtz's face ; went down and tried to quiet bim; be said get hick Myleror I'll shoot ; was talking to Mr. Frantx wben Jim passed op the bill toward tbe camp; heard bim halloo and start up tike biil ; Jim was opposite tbe big tent, and saw bim fire two shot in di rection tbe boys were going; beard another ILjjht shot ; supposed it was from S-ot!'s re volver; Lehr started to run toward Scott and fired one shot, abottt half wsy from where he food first and the big tree ; reach ed tbe tree and looked at tbe left band sbie, tlsen on ibe r'jht ; pnt one band against tbe tree and right band over left aad took aim at Scott wbo was in a fence comer; Srott ran a few feet boilooed sad fell : Jim fired one shot in the air; saM be waa independ ent of any man, didn't carr for any body; s'arted back toward tbe teat ; on tbe way threw empty sbeels oat of revolver and took I other cartridges cut of bis pocket and put them in hia revolver; he said before he got i under Lis tent, the first man that bends his knees lit shoot; look a box of cartridges out of Lis Tal'ise. i Cross-examined ; Wben Lebr came cat j of the lent he was frothing al th mouth and I crying ; never saw Lira nnder tbe influence of drink before ; ia a moment be started to I laugh and talk : notLrrg bad been done to ap;eaae bim from the time he was crying till be began to laugh. W. D. Marshall, wbo is a clerk for Lis father in the foundry bosinesa was the next witnese to take tbe stand. He raid be bad -,ent part of Sunday afternoon piaying ball; was sleeping, and was awakened by bearing Lebr say be was going to shoot some one. The witness then related the story of the killing, and said be had helped to take Scutta tfidy to Confluence, and from there to Pittsburgh. Marcua M. Eiciienlaub. sworn : Am a book keeper fur Siaart it Morris; Waa in Confluence on July ath, 1; one of tbe members of the Gibing club invited us np there to spend Sunday; before dinner we sat on a board pile in the guliey and talked ; had dinner about 1- 30 ; after dinter went fr a kieg field and played liali till about 3 o'clock ; came back and sat in the guiky and talked; Knorr told Lebr te bad enongh of beer and ahoalda't drink any more ; Lehr got angry and threatened to shoot Knorr ; started- ftjr Confluence, Kurtz first, Aisbit second, myself third, then Marshall then Scott ; Scott was in the tent when we start ed. - Witiwss gave a ?tii!eJ acrottrit of the shooting, fa -e as former witnesses. Lehr's seeojver made a vet-v load report; Scott's a ! very light one. I did not have a revolver; j did not go back when we heard Scott groan ! r fear f 'hr woa'.d shoot on ; beard no use else shoot. Harry L. Knorr, sworn. Live ia Alle gheny ; aro an insu.-scce clerk ; am a mem ber of sbe Ecreka Fishing Cub ; we left for Confluence on July 15th ; some of ua in tended to stay three weeks aad some a month ; six parties earn from Pitabargb to vicit u on July 31kb ; there were some eth er vUitors to the camp daring the day ; the camp was on Hiram Fraau's farm ; Lehr aid. about a tjaerter of aix, "Pm going to get drunk oa that beer' ; I aad sot on that beer ; be went cp and got I ts revulver and now down and caught me by the right shoulder ; had hia revolver ia Lie right hand aud was wiiUl-rxg it arwuod my lace ; I then wect for my ivrroiverr thought La waa going t) thoot roe; h taetned very an gry ; wts swsaricg aai talking load ; seem ed iaoefieed at me : ha cried violently and then commenced laoghingas bard aa b had been crying a minute before ; when Soott started to leate. Lshr asked bia char be was doing ; he replied be waa going for wa ter ; Lehr said you're a Uxr, yon have no bucket ; be tossed bia revolver op and aaid he wou'da t shoot oae of those boyi lor Un dollars ; Scott waa going op tbe hill and Lebr called to him to come back, saying if he didn't he would shoot hia ; fired at him and ran up a little farther anil fired again ; Scott shot back and Lehr ran ap to the tree and leveled bis revolver and fired again ; then Scott tired and Lehr fired again ; after Lehr fired the fourth shot Scott let out a yZ, . .'T . ' ck asot t m stem ss rrxi. He fired all tbe shots la the d:rection of the crowd ; Scott fell almost immediately after Lebr fired tbe fourth shot ; no oce else was firing. Hiram Frantx, Affirmed j Live two miles east from Con3aeo.ce ; was at the fish ing camp Sunday afternoon ; got there be tween three and foor o'clock ; was down be low tbe big tent, where I beard tbe first shot; saw Lebr fire : as he passed np where I waa he swore be would shoot the t of- a b. W. S. CaidweiL a member of the fishing club, was tbe next witresa called. Nothing new was elicited from him. As he left the stand court adjourned till 8.30 a. m. Tues day. TUESDAY It OSXISO SE.-SIOS. Thomas W. Ambit was the first witness to tare the stand when court convened Tues day morning. He waa one of the visitors to the fishing camp on the? fatal Sunday in July and his account of the killing and tbe circumstances that led np to it did not dirTer from that of the former witnesses. James A. Lacock, a member of tbe fishing club, testified that, after the shooting, wben tbe cSoers came to arrest Lebr, be, Lehr. said to him that they were probably going to arret him for shooting on Sunday or within tbe borough limit and that be should pay his tine. j Dr. Fieii trier told how be assisted tbe constable to arrest Lehr. He produced the revolver which Lehr had used. It was a 32 caiib re, self -acting. Harringtoa Richard son. Tbe witness also produced ballet which be had taken from the dead man's body and which fitted in Lehr's revolver. Tbe Doctor Mid that be had made a fo writu examination and was satisfied .that death was caused by the gnn-shut wound. IT. W. S. Mountain testified to assisting in the pwt mva-tem. Col. E. (J. Yutxy related bow be had as sisted in making tbe arrest and bow be bad tested the carrying powers of the Lehr re volver. He bad takea the revolver and stood at the place where Lebr stood wben he fired tbe fetal shot, and bad fired at a target placed at the spot occupied by Scott when be was shot, a distance of 450 feet, and had bit the centre the first shot The target consisted of a barrel wrth an inch and a half thick dry oak plank ia it, Tbe bullet pene trated the barrel stave and plank. Tbe Col onel also produced a draft of the place where the shooting occurred aad explained it to the jury. He had also tested Scott's pistol and found that it was no good. Harry Knorr was re-called and said that after the shooting Lihr said "I hit one of tboee fellows, did you hear bim yell ?" At the close of tbe morning session the praecutiin announced tbat their evidence was all in. TBS icrsv orrv. Al the convening of court Tuesday after noon, W. H. K aontz, Efj , opened the case on part of the defense. Oaries I. Barclay was the first witness called. He was the assistant cook at the fishing camp and thongbt tbat Lehr was both drunk and crazy at the time of the shooting. Mrs. Sarah May, tbe prisoner's mother, was next called. She said bet sea was 22 years of age ; thought there was something wrong ia his mentil mike-up. and told cf divferent spells he had bad when be would froth at the mautb and did not appear to know what he was doing. - James May, the defendant's step-fatber. and five other witnesses testified on behalf of the defendant Their testimony was mi.nly to show tbat the prisoner was not of sound min 1. I; vti time 'for adjournment wben the testimony was ail ia and court a'jjirraed til S Wedtiesxlay mom'.ng- T'lstrict Attorney Biesecker made tbe opening argument for the Common wealth. He was fallowed by W. H. Koontx, Ej , for the defense. The morning Session was Consumed by these two gentlemen. Thomas Marshall E , occupied the first boar and a quarter of tbe afternoon session and General CoJrotb closed for the Com monwealth. Jude Baer charged tbe jury and court ad journed to meet wben tbe jury were ready n return a verdict Tbey came in at 7.13 Weduestiay evening with a verdict of guiliy of murder in the second degree. arrived at Intelligently, and tbat on ths MARRIED. whole the Verdict u lite jury was a proper veruict 'f tie fitcts in evidence showing tbat be at or.ee made krtown tlx ofienseand surrender ed himself; the sobwraeas of the defendant uu u.a uwver usviiiK uwucu or carrseu m l f3hankvi:ll. Pa. revolver or firearm Before, are virtues mreJy t - fbood amoug young men of hia age and st- j BOWSER BOWMAN. D1VELY. GLLdiNitli. On September 22. 150, by Rev. Hiram King, Mr. George Dively and Miss Laura J. (Jieaecer, both of Oa Thursday, tiou in i'nia. aad lbs great filial kjva j September 19. ls. at the iieform-d paraon and respect bar his mother bis devotuia to I . . . , , . h-e h..,jw.r,.A. ,-illi,.,M t.k.w. OTtiitne,, n, itiram a.:nx, --. or her, and not to despise tier in her eld age. J John J. Bowser and Miss Ami: Bowman, lieu volumes ia ow tavor, not as excusing ciime, but iu a case like this, as a plea for merry, in tbe impaoirion of stutenc. Looking at tiie whole case, we were of opinion mat the ends of public justice would be bent subserved by a l'gbt sentence, and that tbe retVirmatiou of tbe prisoner would be hotter promoted thereby, wbiie ths pun ishment would be severs ecoogh. A young man who ibus cares fur a moth er is csot naturally bad at heart, and there if hopes be may yet become a good eiuxen, W. J. Btaa, P. J. O. P. Sasvaa. A. S. Gfoaaa W. Ptta, A. 3. A Family Raunlon. On Monday. September 33th, it being the 70th aaaiwsrsary of Father Henry Dupatadi'a birth, biscbiidrtc, with their families, con cluded to have a family reunion at the old homestead, near Buckstown. to do honor to their aged parents. The day for the festivi ties having arrived, their filial intentions were successfully and satisfactorily carried out A number of neighbors and friends, as invited guests, gathered with them, and were sharers ia tbe social enjoyments, and congratulations of the day. Mr. Dupatadi'a family consisted of fifteen children, nine of whom are living. There are al4 37 grand children and 2 great grandchildren. When he and his aged companion set out for them selves is life, they were poor, but by indus try and close economy tbey nave succeeded in securing such a competency of this world's goods as to place them beyond tte reach of want for the remainder of their days, no nn fbrseeo misfortune befalling them. After partaking of a most excellent aad elegantly prepared dinner, and spending an boar or more in pleasant conversation and other in nocent amusements, those present listened to a shot t speech by one oftLeir cumber, which was followed by prayer, and tbe sing ing or a nymn, ween me cnuaree aaa friends, one after another, bade tbe aged couple good-bye, expressing the hope that their lives may yet be prolonged, at least an other decade of years. GcisT. oon or Jt"yeris;, ."a. GUiIBE3.r REAM On Thursday. Oc tober 3, list), at the reaidorxie of the brids's father, in Berlin, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. Jobn H. Gumben and Miss Belinda Renal, both of Brother valley To wiisLip, Somerset County, Pa. D1ED. rets. - Sep. T. 'JO. Ji Kitst r. Court convened at a o'clock Friday morn ing when tbe following sentences were im pxfcd : Henry Garno, "Shorty, convicted of bur glary, was sentenced to serve fuar years in the peniientiary.. Charles W. Spangler. convicted of larceny, was given one year in the same institution. James II- Lehr was g-iven nine years. Henry J. Patterson, ronvkted of killing Jobn Spiker, was given foor years. Several hundred of Patterson's friend', neighbors and atqiain'.ances, presented a petition to the Court praying tbat a ligtt sentence be imposed. The following taper was filed by the Court wben sentence was passed npon Pat terson : CoaxojwcAtTs vs. Hcar J. Psmasos The defen-tanu having oeen tried for hom icide and found guilty uf murder m tbe sec ond degree, was this day. 6th of October 80, sentenced to undergo imprisonment in the western penitentiary for a period of four years a term much shorter than that im posed at the ane time upon one in like manner convicted- Ihere seemed to the court to be good rea son tor the disparity in tbe sentences, and it deems it best in the interest of the public good aad of tbe defendant to put the rea sons, briefly stated on record. It was in proof tbat be previously bore a good character and that nnbke most of tbe young men of hia age and in hts station in life, he did not use intoxicating lioior, and never owned or carried a gan or revolver be fore the day the fatal shot was fired that wounded his step-father, and from which death resulted. It was in proof that there was no previous quarrel at any time between tbe defendant and bis step-fat her but that there was long and crael and barharoua treatosent of bia root her by the step-father, and a erneJ beat ing in the morning of the day of the shoot ing and immediately preceding it, when he waa called upon by hia mother to come to her aid. and to which eail be promptly re-sp-mded, as any dutiful son weald bet thai when be ran to her so poor" be was fro medi ately informed by bis mother that he most not go into tbe faoese as bis step-fatber had a raaor and bad threatened to kill bim, a threat that seems to have been repeated in his hearing, ail of which so wrought epoa his mind as to throw him into great excite ment if not frenzy, and impelled him. nn wiseiy and wrongfully, indeed, to procure a gun. i-iad it and puisne him. trotkong at the month from exoejwiv poo aa he went, and as be came in hailing distance called him to stop and come beck, and as tbey ap froached. shot bins and wounded bim so tbat be died and tbe jttry, on the forts, bond tbat there was bo reasonable grounds to believe that denser of lift was imminent aud to us it appears such a belief was oca Dress Goods. Beat Fancy Calicoes, 5 cts Blue, llain Dress Goods from i eta. np. Double-width Cloth, 15, 20, 23; 30 and d cents. 52 inch AH-Wool cloth, 50 cenis. Doable-width Cashmeres Ui. 15, 20, and 23 cents. .All wool 39 le 50 eta. Silk-finished Ail wool Henrietta, 40 inch 5ucts. 40 inch Henriettas in black and colors. from Nil cts. to $100. Silk-warp from tl.OO to $1 50. Dress trimiegs to suit. Handsome Side-band Dress Goods. Plushes all prices. Velvet all prici. Mas. A. E- Cm- WALTER. Janus II. Walter, a son of Ui late Henry Waltar, of Conuellsvule. died oa the idth of September last, at the Soldiers' Home, at Sandusky Ohio. He waa a member of Captain Dusfaaae's com patsy of the H2od regiment of th. Pennsylvania vol unteers. Col. Robert P. Cummins, was the Colonel of tbe 142nd, and as is well known. fell at tbe battle of Gettysburg, mortally wounded. Tbe deceased was near whers his Colonel fell, and seen red his sword, which be brought home to the Colonel's family, in whose possession it now is. He was baric 1 by tbe side of a brother and sister, in the Lake View Cesetery. at Cleveland Ohio, where General Garfield waa buried. The deceased was born ia tbe town of Somerset, in the year ltvW. QUEER. On Saturday, September 14, '?9, near Walker's school-bouse, in Somerset Township, of scarlet fever, Gertrale Qieer, aged 10 years. DULL. On Friday, September 6, IW9, ia Milford Township. Somerset Coonty. Pa, Mrs. Margaret, wife of Wm. Dull, aged i8 years, 5 months and 25 days. METZGAR On Sunday, September 15 13!). in Stoyestown. Minnie Mar Metztrar, daughter of James I. and Lena K Metzgar, aged 4 months and 23 days. Text 2 Sam uel 2:23. Th Umberrsr-Nicely Case. ,' . II. Werner, of Somerset, is writing up the Umberger-Nicely murder case in book form. When completed this book will con tain a full account of this now celebrated case, from beginning to end. As tbe edition will be limited to tbe number of orders receiveC persons wanting copies should order early. Price 5t cents aad 15 cents. according to binding. TU A Few Facta Abot Man. Thocirh great thy graniienr man may be. No pride of heart is meaat for thee ; Let tools exalt presumption boast Tbe dodea sad dandies dwell in horts. As Dr. Holmes says. "Dandies are not good for mucb, but tbey are good for some thing." Tbey invent and kep in circula tion those conversations! bank checks, which intellectual capitalists may sometimes find it worth their ehile to borrow of tbem. Tbey are useful, too, in keeping np tbe stan dard of dress, which but for them would deteriorate and become, what some folks would have it, a matter of convenience, and aot of taste and art Yes. I like dandies well S. Y. enough on one cocditkm, tbat they have pluck. I find that lies at the bottom of all true dandyism. There are a thousand young men made by art, for one fool made by nature. How ridiculous a sight" says Dr. Ful ler, is a rain young gallant, tbat bristles with bis plumes and shakos his giddy head.' Tbe little soul that converses of nothing of mors importance than tbe looking-glass and a fantastic suit may make ap the show of the world. A maa of wit may sometimes but a man of judgment and sense never can, be a cox comb. A beau dressed out is like a cinna moa tree the bark is worth coo re than the body. Dandies are like a body without a soul powder Without ball, lightning with out thunderbolts. It is dress oo a doll, paint on sand, many a coat sleek and black, swings on tb street and in the saloon, oa which tbe tailor has a mora! mortgage Many young men work from Monday till Saturday, in order to make a show over Sat urday and Sunday. Then tbey dress in their finest and make a show of themselves from Saturday till Sumlay eve, about UK o'clock when tbe exhibition is closed, and then they goto exhibition. ' -:;LJ mm POWDER Absoluter Pure. Dowder never varies. A marvel nt nnr'tT strenwth. aryl w bolesouienewi. More eeoeoinieal ! tban tbe ordinary kitHis. and eannot be toit ia i row petition wttb the mojiitwteof low test, sbort I wewht. aioia phosphate powders. nm. ? t cum. Korat BAiiva PowiiEa Co.. K4 Wail -t juil7.'8ut;t Parker & Parker. OUR LLXES OF FINE GOODS, FALL Al WimS STYLES, Are Now Open, And presents Some of tbe FINEST NOVELTIES- Ever seen ia Somerset County. Our numerous patrons are invited to inspect our enlarg ed store-room, which is now large enough to accommo date them al?, and to look over the largest and most complete stock of Dry Goods and Notions ever brouzht to ork siriiii to get ready for the text j Somerset County, ion. It makes the por poorer, and I the rich more avaricious. It causes almost i TTfl W IP? 'PIT 73V pUTP?? 0 everybody to oyer live, over dress, over act. HU V tiilh lllbZll IRlhSu I see everything tbat will make a show. It; is a great root of selfishness, a great root of j 2000 rartla Standard Calico, u Steel oppression, a gnat chord of woe. j River,'' warranted not to fade, at Os-tavtTioss. I 4 cent? per yard. i 2.ood SchoVcrKidren. ! 1 500 P3 Print-?. Lest makes. Somerset County will send about L3000 at P1 T. children to school this fail. To furnish ; Arnold lndisro Blue Calico. 1 cents school bwks snd school supplies to this j per yard. large number of pupils, Fisher's Wholesale j Pink CallCOCS, 5 Cents Eer Vard. Shirting prints, 5 cent per yard. 500 yards- Standard Ginilianisj, 5 cents per vard. Lancaster Ginjrhams, 8 cents per yard. Renfrew- Dress Ginghams, 8 cents per yard. Angora Brown Colored cotton flan nel., at S cents per yard. Unbleached Cotton Flannel, 5, T, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Bleached Cotton Flannel, S, 10 and 12 cents per yard. Anioskeag Striped Cottoa Fiiinnel Shirting, 12 cents per yard. Columbia Shirting. 8 cents per rard. All-wool Barred Flannel Shirting, at 25 cents per yard. CnMeached Muslin, o, G, Tand 8 cents per yard. Bleached Jlaslin. 5, 1, 8, aad 10 cents per yard. 10-4 Sheeting, at 25 cents per yard. and Retail Book More baa laid in an im mense stock, and is now prepared to CI! all order Lr School Books and School Supplies at wholesale rates from town and country xoercbaoB ia oueMrset, Carnbria aad West moreland counties- Merchants should get in itteir orden early to insure prompt ship ments, as tbe rush wiil shortly commence. During court week merchants will do well to parchase, and in many instances save freights. Parents attending Court will have tbe opportunity to buy ScLutJ books for the winter. Tablets, slates, inks. pers. petw-ils, practice paper, copy books, and everything needed in the schools, at Fisher's Book Store. Courteous attention paid to pupils and parents buying at retail. Every effort made to please. Mail orders solicited. In quire for Fisher's Book Store. Go to Fish er's Book Store. School Arbor Day. Tbe annui! proefsmuioa regarding tbe Autum school arbor day has been issued by Dr. Higbee. fixing Friday, October 1-ih. aa the date. This d tte wiil snit our country ( districts much better than the spring date, Dr. Higbee has the following to say among other things : The reMilt to be reached by th observ ance of Arbor Day are not yet accomplished. Where school grounds are already properly ornamented with groves and lawns, so tbat no further work of the kind is needed, let ssth a sentiment be established among the children by saitabl exercises and instruc tions as shall caake itself Ut ia alt homes, by leading to the planting of frait and snade rees, the en'.argtnent of fruit orrhar is. and the ornamentation of yard with shrubbery snd vines. Let the sch-m's, by repeated celebrations of Arbor Day. create such a general, wide-spread feeling In this nattier as shall make it impossible, for tbe next generation at least, to lay oat or enLtrge a hamlet or villajre or city without having in view wide, shaded streets aad lawns, parks and embowered driveways, which will give to mucb additional charm to the beaatifai scenery of oar Com ram wealth. Arbor Day can and will aosomplis! great results if the schools will bat keep fresh the continasl observance of it and many wilj come to iralise, wuh YirtL, that the 'hus bandman's lift is fortunate, did he bat know it with its peaceful retreata ia wide fields and cool valleys, under slumberous trees, where God is worshipped and fathers 'are venerated, and where justice raskes ber last steps before leaving the wwid." Flooded Barb Wire. I have in stock a lot of Johnstown flood ed barb wire, at the low price of two rents per pound. This wire ia stronar and guaran teed to stand stretching. Send ia your order at once, is yoa want cheap feacing. J. B. HoLDcaaacxt SPECIAL BARGAINS 15 Colored and Black Silks, -" Rhatianes, " - Sarah. Fancy Colors in Satim?. All Shades in riusts, at 50 cents per yard. Double Face Fancy Cotton Flush, 25 cents per yard. AVool Blankets, in RetL, White, and colors. Shawls, in Persian, Brochet and Wool Shawls, riash Coats and .Jackets, Cloth Jackets, Newmarkets, and Rhag- lins. Children's Coats. -Henrietta Cloths, from 25 c-nt to $1.00 Eiack Cashmeres and Black Henri etta Cloths, at 24 cents to f 1.00. Black Silk Warp Cashmeres for 1, $1.25, $1.50, and r HEADQUARTE&S F03 FALL AND WINTER COATS- Call and Ses Us. ARKER & PARKE R NOTICE! NOTICE! Oar lic of New Fall and Winter Gocd in no comp't-. wb'eh Jin we ak yon ?. inspect in person, or by sending for sample before yoa bar. Below will aote a few of tbe sew things : -DRESS GOODS.: Cents to Fines Grade. Jlohairs, E!aci and Colors, 50 Net l. la n, --- y.nB. Snfee, " 4i " "Wool Hen.-ietua, B'ack and Colors, 3 Cr n:a to Finest Grade. IVsw line Jerseys, 50 Ceala U F.nest Grada. Jackata, 3 00 " " M -N'vw-aarkets, J.i - " ' " " Pluai, Jacket, 110 to - " " Sacrjata 113 to " GLOVES, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. IT hat tniay Special BArgain la ti; ! line. Our tst black Wool Uoae at Sotta. are extra good. -NEW TR I MINGS.: fringe, Waid, Gimps, aad everytlung in the Trtrnniiv. Line at Low Frii-et "We invite yoa to give as a call, or would be pleased to srnJ yoa Sam pies. I HULL 0J 35 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA. r ti! si tX2 i IJ" f 3i ! ESTABLISHED 1S3L ESTA SUSHIS 1521 PALACE of MUSIC. !: 77 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. : Hariman, Krakaner, Harrison, and fell Pianos, i PA LACE ORGANS. 'The Best Pianos, " The Lowest Prices, The Best Organs, The Easiest Terrns. slls for us ia the Son-: Mr. E. C. Wclcla, of Friodens, ,'erset district., and persons wishing- to purchase an instru-' ment will do as well, and get one at the same price, as they.; Vould by corning to Pittsburgh. Write for Catalognes.' ;.Terms, clc, to E. Cl VEL.CH,Friedens, Somerset (kunty.Penn'a. Louther's Drug Store, Main Street, Somerset, Pa. ThisHcdsl Drug Stcreis Rapidly Esccnhg a Great Favcritw yith Pecpla h Search cf FRESH AHD PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Truses Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. THS DOCTOR GIV13 rXRS05.il. aTTXNTIOff TO THK COMPOf-XCEs'O CT PIlsiciuis'PresGFiiiliflDS I Family Beceiiits SUA CARS BIIS9 TAKE TO tTSiT OSLT ASD URg AJtJICLXS SPECTACLES, EYE-GLxVSSES, And a Full Line of Optical Goods always on hand. From such a large assortment all can be suited. THE FIHEST BRAIIDS OF CIGiiBS Always on hand. It ia always a pleasure to display our 0od to intending purchasers, whether they buy from U3 cr elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER, M. D. MAIN STREET - - SOMERSET. PA. FSRITZiR BROS. Reliable Close-Priced Shoe Store- Petiole Congress. ThUrtit represents the Kiner son IVtioif Ottirenn in Kanr ror. Porpo, Crii4vart ao i Calf; has a dnWe Knrf-iKie liein plsce-1 la-lt,and the fth er ia front cf the ar.fc!e-bone -thus preventin; the strain nf the rubber on the ankte-hnn an ! preventiczthe srore ir irrt yeizg chafed snl ieiacet by in terfering. Withoot quest kill tbe com m j Shoe w the aOiX;GiE;ES:S GJSJ Ii TiE Pi, LADIES FINE SHOES Of Al' Latest Styles, Hana-Wsit, sc., tc. Flexible .Hind-turned, W. L. DOUGLAS W of othei FERXER BROTilERS, FnK"ira' C .. ami ft "e. a 'jn. n.L aortitis: soues, waa Leaitkrr euoauz aai E revpertfariv rail atte tSJ-.n fr the fart that we entistantly kep in trk a lanre l;n rff the unr itoi jUi'p anI mnet ser-iceable bo"""!. of the lttet stvU-fl in th tnile, arvl we al ssvs invite comparison of oar pn-a witiithie of other dealers. CALL A.T SEE I S. Somerset, Penn'a. Administrator's Sale ! A OF Valuable Real Estate! UDITOR'S NOTICE. B1 T VTRTrTt nf ai ortW Iwr-t nt it the Orp ia'.- ixrm of .rar f. Pa . to "O oir:!. a Aifaiinrat-rc of im e at nf lmrt Z. Bowgiaa. ttcait I will tcillr eaUrj. on the premiaea, la ikeioco at Mry erwla., Petta a, uu Saturday, Xov. O, '89, at I rloek a, bl ail t&e Ulawfa Hetrribed ni VKie, v i : X errtain "we anil Vt s-JO t! 'tna-e ia Mryer4.e Bnfn, peas a., friw: 3 ow M-T-em Arrflw f -n anrt e I 1 i c ti -T leJ feel, aavinf tturea ejected a 1 mo- -U ry flams DWELLING HOUSE, ab'. an4 wie !r Jtnf i;aT'2j Basil i. MiUer ut iM 5arvaeaM. aua out. s. Teim5 of SAtr.': fme tta'f rvb as rt-ai biumk tm - ivm livery wf-1 t- kti.-ic la l. -)avifs is sfa Mid iv.Sv9 mi 1 fnim tv o a T-s peree&. tan frr4t t..er se t-.ud wfv-tt IS ?rty l kno- ti tVjvu. uri r.ii-.'a he a er! t o: o uj(K-!i o vt -o ral:. i-'AV c. BoWait-X Atiax. aad Truces Fill. W. l.t;u. AUorueV. In Re r.-ate f V-r rirsr .-,l At ma i-frtbaaV t at Sxnent oo (Be JTaiJot 1 S. lb na-Ut vr.'i A ati - tiT a Snly atrrnjRim K.nt itHr bi!ir-w .-f the fufl in tn hai..l- .4 j. . a-rt- .rj Jm,n lebr. "KlTlUjr n( l .t laie t n-1 iw u th. wwallv entiti!l tinrn r---r -rr. n.- 'hM o aiil aih-iJ tr, iu- ifat-n of lur v-t a:'f.iiii.iBnt fn TTirwUiy. tu- mrr Jl, le. at h iMfcwJn mrKi r"a.. wh s a'rt r a t I "" liiierwtn 4a a!rrui if they talak Gf5i. r. af-rrr. "9. Ai.ltiur. DIT01TS NOTICE. at an orr-batM Court hrl at cayvl r.. raH itt. t iiv antniJ to ir-i,iii it. rtvaiwernroi. KavV u, to- befra. amt atac.a rl nuitit nftoe ra:tt In ie 5t.,f J.a a-i j na-rv iaiimatrr. A inim-irsh :( I ! '. SfMmakT. .1ril . u aur! i,o( tn'"? !r,i. t enir.iil 'nret. rrtr rr. nratn. h i.f rrnd t io- i:rw al im t.-otrat rstinl.T . tit :ta ' of s,,t,r t hi. - Swvt 1 . Vi mo.i b-v !i wato iu'-ereau easaturcj if ::er !-.a, - p"r J:i.X k. -ir r. OM9- A T"T -HI". YCDITOR-S NOTICE. Ice trMeTret rTn'v airoiate-l by tbe phtnV Own of wit f wury. Pa.. u aiace a ilvtr.lmuoe of Ibe funds tv fwaiewty. aivti s. taVM fcrrrxBln riiie trrafVr. la bauvla of Ixmel 1. S-a't,.Jk jTr-:Bt!ra:or mm !cw aa-ra. of uirw aaei.r. 'krMvl, jy ml -1 arnie trai It.;t sui-iltI ute.-vii fvr-i rH .ir thai itf w(U aivn.1 tr, th d.iti. e tappuntswBi-a T'nmlar. ta 3t of o- ! r. aa a oairt ia ocrorr-f fl3Rf i. wten aad waerw aU persuss ioiarevMi can at. lata!. H. 1. iAX. cett jtacitar. ! IML5IaTRATuli-S SOTitK. i at a. t-v. S af Potlr KanfYn.".. 4r i. ate of Cane. It Wi I-iltaSiii. Lenerv cf l.ia:i :rr: :.o n ihe Vta- haiiiiCbeeR r-mau-t w:be mnttrr-'gn4 K i proorr Aninomy. n.Mir.- civbf rir.a u a.. jB' inj.l to v 3-ali. rrrjuni ft ffWEtl ib'Mm Baice elans! iB-t tee anse la trm thew i'i.r m-iU.tK -m..c fr ettifta3t ow f -1t !. r;rr l-v at Ute a: rnbtebce ol iftotuH. '' JacuB l k trrvAW. s ALESAIE WANTED. A To ea iMteibc a of .Varati r -stori -i tttriirt rTrmnf t 4jLa2T i'S ri'M paiO io auceeKwa: an. Apcif C3xi MMOa tu, Keefrr, X T.