The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 02, 1889, Image 3

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    , III I ' I .
Th C 4 tit' ran.ll, H- ''"""
fer Inline Hmvi a Work awl H-a
.1 IW-The Rltiva V.IM ' ".
Cora and Hay.
Goors A. Martin, in his valuable little
book on "The Fains!. Horse.' jKihli-Lod
liyllie Orange JuJ.l company. l.-wtes
on.- rl.ntr U. tln nil s..,-t
irf i,-.-.lin;; Hif animal I" aiu-nli.i
wcalU-.ltollief.-u.-t thai tin- lia-rise ban
rvLnnrlv tin- small. stomach in pro
,ortim to it bulU nJ iht of any do
iwwiirnniiiial. Tic entire anatomy ami
1vwologv of it .litivi" api-atus
allow that the fl of the li-' kIsouIJ
N-nutritk-uiiin ;. abty. supplied often,
ami in companri.ely ""Kill iw!itit:e.
The f.J. f !.. ,ev.r l.uid. must le of
Kl u::litv. w ail un-! wliol. sotue: but
brvoiid this nos;si-ilir lulescan I laid
dow ii for BeiienU i pplication. The
auioutit and cliaraclw .r t!ie fc1 ciut
vai-v with tiie size unJ constitution of
the' horse. t!ie climate and season, and
tbe amount of work rupiired.
OaU are pre--niinenliy the p-uin for
horse, if onlv one kind of grin is fed.
Out ou-lit to be at least tl.n months
old U-fore tbey are fed. Many feeder
now have tlieir onts crushed even for
young horses to insure their la-ins u-fi-ctly
digested. Timothy hay with (Kits
may l mrnrdud in this country a a
standard fe-i for homes.
Corn, when fed to horses, should le
combined with nitrogenous foods. hen
f.-d in form of fin! meal it ought to be
mixed with several time its own bull:
of cut hay or other coarse food. If fed
alone corn meal becomes impacted in
the stomach and c;ium.-s colic Wheat
bran is a valuable fe-d for horses cither
in form of a warm mush or mixed with
ground oats, corn or barley, Corn fod
der, if bt iht and well cured, is a better
feed than is generally up:oed when cut
up aud mixed with nitrogenous maV
ri;d. Carrots fed. a few at a time, two
or three times a week, cool the system
and assist dilution, as do parsnip.
The harder the work and the colder
tlie weather the greater the proportion
t.f carbo-hydrates reiuired in the food.
In the stables of one of the street railroads
of Clii viKo. where thousands of horses
ore ke, the food consists of ground oats
an 1 corn, with cut hay. The latter is
wet 6ufiieiei!lly to make the nu-:.l adhere
lo it. an I the whole is mixed to-tlier.
In warm weather the ground feed con
sist of two parti of oats and one of corn,
in winter there is one eijual proportion
of each. Many advantages are gained
by crushing the grain and cutting the
hny and straw.
Every horse owner should keep on
hand linseed meal or a quantity of flax
seed and feed it to the animal whenever
it shows si jns of constipation. This has
a large percentage of musc'lp forming
material, and excites a soothing i-llcct
upon the stomach.
Ilravr II.irtHi f rr nulla.
Dreedi-rs generally agree in condemn
ing heifer heads" on bulls intended for
stot:k puroses. but, savs Kreeders' J;v
zi tu.', few soem to have the courage to
lay a sufficient amount of attention to
(he bom as indicative of constitution and
vigor. A prominent southwest Kansas
rangeman ho recenlly asked a well
known western breeder what kind of
heads his pedigreed cattle ptstsess, re
ceived for a reply an "admission" that
the horns of his cattle, and eiecially of
liis bulls, were in many instances stronger
than seemed to suit the prevailing fancy.
To the surprise of the breeder ( ho was
iilxsit to add that his cattle seKsed a
thrift? feeding quality, which "made
up" for their supposed objectionable
horns) the plainsman remarked: "Well,
sir, it has cos$ mo just f;!0,(XttJ to Ond out
that the so called 'nice, ueat heads anil
horns' in l-ef cattle ere a delunon aud a
snare, and I want to sec your herd."
This from a man w ho had spent the
eum of money named in buying pedi
roed Short horned bulls from the older
slates served to emphasize the fact that
there is a jioint in respect to "reline
ineiit" beyond which it is not safe to go,
lH-re cattle intended for actual use on
farui and range are Bought to lie pro
duced. Jf registered tattle are bred
largely for ornamental purjxises. we sup
pose one can afford to overlook this iiu
lKrtant oint: but in this pre-eminently
utilitarian ioriod of beef cattle breeding
constant regard utust be had for the
practical. While an u-ly "spike" horn
is never to be preferred to one of more
leirable proportions, there is no gain
saying the fact that the hardiest and
most vigorous varieties of cattle are any
thing but feminine as regards conforma
tion about the head. The often admired
"dish face" in couneetion with the
"heifer" horn almost invariably denotes
a bull badly deficient in vital ouer.
The Has Wwrw.
Tins insect receivi-s its mme from the
peculiar covering the caterpillar spins
tor its protection, and which enlarges as
the worm increases in size. It is some
times found upon deciduous trees, but
evergreens are its favorites, and it is es
pecially partial to the arbor vitie, where,
if it is not interfered ith. it wili destroy
the foliage and kill the plant. Itscurious
bag or basket makes it a conspicuous ol
ject when full grown, and where the
lags abound on a shrub or hedge they
present a singular apiearauce that im
mediately attracts attention. The bag
U coiuHMcd of bits of leaves of the plant
on which the insect feeds, bound togeth
er in tlie form of a cocoon, inclosing the
worm, except that it thrusts its head out
of the bag when feeding. Within this
log the female liy her eggs, where they
remain until the following spring. In
tlieir young state and while eating these
jn-sts are easily destroyed by spraying
the shrulx or trees on which they are
f.-t'ding with Paris green or IunUon pur
ple. In the inter the shrulxt should b:
liiorotighly examined, aud all the bas
kets found hanging to the twigs gal'i
ered and burned.
A Srm Rait fur
Tlie Newfoundland bait act, which
prolu'bits the export of bait from that
island, has had a most prejudicial clTcct
upon the French lank lUhories, the price
of fish bait in St. Pierre having leen
forced up to an almost prohi'oitivo price.
It is now stated that thn-c French ships,
instead of poing to St. Pierre for bait,
fitted themselves out with flat bottomed,
round baskets, with a hole at the top.
These they sunk in seventy to eighty
fathoms, and they were quickly filled
with periwinkles of largo size. The
shells were smashed on deck and the
trawls baited with lfve eriwinkk-s. Cod
fish took lo tliexe most rav.-:iously, and
the vessels sailed for France with full
cargoes tlie first week in July, instead of
October, as usual, thus eaving three
tnontlis' time aud hundreds of dollars in
the purchase of tiaiL If this report is
true, the discovery will bring aUuit a
revolution in the system under which the
bank fisheri-s are now carried on.
At presenwlie bank fishermen can onlv
fish when they are provided with fresh
bait. This necessitates frequent visits to
aorue bait procuring coast, the purchase
of bait and of h to kii-p it in good con
dition, and llieivfoi-e the cost, both in
time and money, of producing bait-is
very great. If tlie bait can be caught on
one side of the ship and the cod on the
other, there is nothing lo prevent the
fishermen from remaining on the banks
during tho whole hailing season, and the
cost of a trip m ill lie materially- reduced.
As Newfoundland has now almost a mo
tiojK.lyof the bait trade, and her bankers
are jrivUeged by law, this discovery will
have a ert his effect ujhid tins tisliing in
dustry of the bland. Montreal Witness.
A New York physician tried anexperl
twtit with I)r. Brown-S;uard' elixir
upoi a cat with perfect succt-ss. Tlie
ictor stUjK (ie.1 the csit with Ik. If pound
of ttlM-raii.) then applied theclixir hypo
icrniicaily. and in a moment the cat was
tlaucii)g ariKind the tvxiin. tlie tuor of
liw ether haxiuj entirely dU.ippoared.
Man's c;wl and liad Oimlitl "aa tsa- j
ail- 1 1- liriJ br tli Sijlu ! Ill" laclal
Alli:riI-!l ApN-ar Tki tha lra- j
(ami Nan lla a UiMIf llifl tin f Ik
Tlie snbjert of U-ards furtiislw an in- j
teresung study as indicating the dispo
sitions of pi-rsoiia. Tllejv is nothing par
ticularly marked aliout the characteris
tics of the "lieanlless youth." as his
purposes in life and his character can
hardly l- said to le fixed. However, as
he tow-s into iiiaiih'iod, and matures his
l. anl to his taste, the M le he finally
adopts will usually indicate his ideas of
life. There is. of course, nothing par
ticularly remarkable about young nns
taches. "and the little dudish side whisk
ers, worn wedge shupe just Kdow the
ears. They may lie termed simply frejits
of youtli. The alecnce nltogether of
whiskers and ruurtache In a man whose
character and habits of lif have become
fixed ar.d unchangeable, indicates a
frank, open hearted disposition, with a
great regard for the truth and the cour
Hge to tell it. with nothing to conceal and
a conscientiousness that is as clear and
Apparent as his clean shaven face. He
is usually a plain, unpretentious man,
who pays more attention to the storing
of his mind with useful information and
the domestic side of life tluin the adorn
ment of his person.
The man of iron will and firmness of
purpose is he who wears a full, thick,
stubbT heard. If he is a man of brain
and has had the U-tiefit of cultured ex
perience, although firm i:i his purposes
and unchangeable in his ideas, lie will
grant you your argument if you are re.v
boriahfe. ISut on the other hand. If he is
uncultured and inexperienced in liusi-ne-ts
al'airs. he will prove to boon un
compromising tyrant, uncouth and over
iieariiig in the extreme, flaving only a
superficial knowledge of letters, he will
not permit you to givo on opinion con
trary to his own. The long, flowing,
pointed U-ar.l, worn by such church re
formers as Wiclif and John Calvin did
not indicate any particular trait of char
acter in their day, as they were only
worn to 6erve as a contrast to the cler.n
shaven faces of the Roman Catholic
priesthood. These long beards are worn
as a rule by the chirpy of some denomi
nations today. There is a pious siutcli
ness aliout them very Iteomning to doc
tors of divinity. The elongation of the
countenance is materially aided by such
Ix-ards. and the changes of facial expres
sion are not so plainly oltservable. A
man with such a beard has little trouble
to look pious, no matter how great a
sinner he may be. Ordinarily persons
in this day and age who emulate this
style of lieard may be found active
members of 6ome church, or hovering
about the vestibule of tlie house of the
Lord. Uirron iug religion for some sinis
ter or mercenary motive. If his motives
are not p;:re, he is w hat we would com
monly call a hypocrite. If pure, his
th tight are of a theological turn, and
he will pay less attention to accumulat
ing a little of this world's goods thnn to
the details of thechurcli. Men who wear
their beards in this style are usually
lovers of fine horses, and to distinguish
1 iet ween the livery man and the deacon
vou have only to contrast tlie quick
twinkle of the former's eye with the soft,
mild expression of that of the latter.
Perhaps the most marked index of
character h furnished by w hat is com
monly called IJutnsides, and the mora
of the bare chin that is shown, and the
heavier and more pointed the whiskers,
the greater j the measure of self con
ceit. High living and a self eor.sciousr
nets that is utterly oblivious to the lu'
portance of his surroundings, is a char
acteristic of the wearer of flowing Burn
sides, lie is generally jiossessed of a
lino physique, and prides himself on his
shape. lie is usually a gourmand, whose
appetite is easily offended ul something
that is not up to his standard of cookery.
His greed knows no bounds, and his
egwtism no compromise.
A plain, unpretentious mustache in
dicates nothing in particular, and about
the only way you can read a man's char
acter from this standpoint is by the man
ner in which he trains his mustache and
the amount of ialior be devotes to it. A
man, for instance, who will take a lir
of scissors and dolilierately trim off the
straggling ends of his mustache to keep
them from curling up his nose, or in the
coiner of his mouth, is more sensible
than the general run of men who are
really able to grow a healthy mustache.
If there is any one style of whiskers in
the world that U calculated to make a
fool of a mau more than" uny other, it is
a tine, heavy mustache, and, as before
hinted, about the only thing we can say
of a man who devotes half his time to the
training of his mustache is, he is usually
very giddy, uud his urbanity and vauity
are measured by the size and curl of
this apieiidage.
Of course, there are exceptions to the
foregoing rules, but the thoughtful read
er will lind much for reflection in this
brief outline cf characteristic styles of
whiskers. J. V. Danncttell in Evans
v ilic (hid.) Ttibune.
A Walk with Gladstone.
Mr. T. P. O'Connor lias thus described
Mr. Gladstone's appearance while they
were out for a walk together at Ha war
den: Slandin; clwr to falm tliso 1 1 tad ever been ba
forv. I was rather surprised at the alimimut of his
flrnrvL lie t as innocent of tlie ample waist that
tiiark with all of us tbe approach of mldtlle a
ax thouh he were yet a youth. Tbe gboukWra
ant D us limad as 1 bad thought. atsJ the whole
Imprnaoon I gi iu of a pbrsiqua a iry rather
than broail or Rtrvmjc- Rii lioiba especially eeenwd
active, and he movxl about with tiie alacrity of a
uuui wbobuu Deveraiioweu himself to be troubled
a ith an oiiuce of superfluous nttth. -
I cannot dan-nlw alequata!y the effect of bis
fact i:;khi me. It gnve to tbe great gladiator
a so-wuiiss and ntleoeas that touched me
gn-ally I bad a good look at hit lace Jiwt aa wa
Wfre about to sit down. It is aa extraordinary
fats', and. like a beautiful prospect ia nature, ra-vi-ais
new b3Uti umler every new phase. Tbe
cMnptaCion bai a jiallor healthy but at the same
Uuh- alinojit as transparent as wax that gives an
iinnw air of distinction, and, to my eye at
ieaat. adils greatly to tba beauty of tlw splendid
Sir. Gladstone. I have always thought, looked
rr-qf a lien be siu down in tho bouse of commons
affers strong and vebeincut speech. He i deadly
pale, bis breath com-n and g:iea qui-lly, bis
bn-ast beares and there is an eipreasioo wrapt,
grave, simp'.e iioll 1 coil It aa air of apostolic In
spiration that ia beautiful to see. 1 caught
something of this look as be ascended tbe hill s
liulc out of breath. There waa a sweet gravity in
tbe expression thai atx-med to gire me a new in
ailit into his character. You know that many
people, owing to his great parliamentary adroit
ness, have the impreMuoa of Mr. Gladstone that
he k what the French call ruse, or, in plain Eng
lish, somewhat of an old fox. lie himself also
fancies that he is s very sly dog: and then ha hat
s ciTtain comical and uHiazicai look in his eyrs
o.yw and tiien that girea him a leaantly aly air.
liut I dool think be's half as aly as he thinks, and,
beyond qiiestiou. frankness and simplicity are the
pruiuiiiert cliaracterwlios of his temperament. I
sa. or t'ion-iit I saw, all this as I looked at bis
aide face in clinibinj this hill. There was such
simplicity, such tuodexty, that I thought 1 caught
a glimpse to tba very depths of a pure and trans
parent soul
T1e Hnmas Intelloct.
We ought to le perfectly happy that
we live in this glorious age of scientific
thought. We lielieve there never was
another ago in which the astronomer of
Harvard oliservatory could pronoun J the
following problem and receive so many
perfectly reasonable answers to it: "Sup
pose," said he, "that threii snakes, r-ach
two feet in length, should touch each
other by the tip of the tail, thus making
a circle six feet in circumference. Sup
pose that each snake should begin to
swallow the one in front of him. In
what way would the resultant figure.
after each snake had swallowed the one
in front of him, di'.Ier from the original
circle?" Tlie answers have been many
and various, some of them, we ara in
formed, "entering the consideration of
the fourth dimension of space." because
nuy one of the snakes would have fol
lowed the vo in front of him and yet
have neon swallowed by the two back of
him, and. therefore, would be both in
side and outside of his two fellows. The
man who lives in an age when men can
tackle and grasp and make so clear to
i others an idea of this sort has no busi-
nesi to be going about talking of the
good old times, or looking hopefully for
ward to anything more uiiilenniumish.
Washington Post.
Evei-roody bus beard of a - horse laugh."
tint who has ever w-n sn equine gifR-d with
the power of spBPch t Such an animal w'M
tie r-ronounced a nip-m-le: tint so would tlw
f-kVruph " the telephone a hundred years
urK Why. even very n-oently a cure for con-
auropuon, wniL-u m un""".- -- -
to In- si-nifula affecting the lung", would iiavo
Iw-en iooaea uiu as niuw-uifi. " i-
le are lieinnniiu to r-wlize that tlie dtsensn
s tv iiieural-lo. Ir. raw's ti.d.ien M.-li.iil
1 nocov cry will cure It. if talon in time and
given a iair w - -
ety will not make le-w lungs, but it will re
store aisiweu oiie w n r
other ni.ens have faUcd. Umiwamis grate
lull testily to this. It Is tbe most potent
tonic, or strenirth n-storer, alhnttave, or
IltHld-Cllnser niltl nmnun-. m u.t...-. ,
Known w iiM-fiw-aj ei " - " "
hunting of Ulisid, Uronrliitis, Astlmia, I a-
- . I -I ; . . 1 ll I L.mwlmv I ..I : ) I
torrn in wet n. Y - '
of tbe etomiu-b. liver anl.iowei, as indges-
1 . Il.lLmlMlMI . I
lion. IT r-t- ; - .
Compliant. Chrome. Iiiurrbea. and kindred
ailments, it is a sovereign remedy.
fJodlen Modieni ins-
cowry" is the only med
icine of its chus. sold
bv druggists, uuib-r a
innu u a t, iiiiiu . " iiiuni in' i ,
unmk tliat it wiil Is-netlt or cure In every ease
of dc for which it is rwooniinendol, or
money paid for it will be promptly refunded.
Copyright. IMS. by W Oslo's Ins. Mid. Ass's.
97' by its-manufsotur-
en of T)r. Safe's f'ntarrU llouiedy. for au
lucurablu iau of. Catuirli iu tho Head,
th fTt co!lerf of Ruifie flio?. whre all
th lirancbt of s torapietr bttMutr eJuraiin re
UiLksht hv ctnai HuMom 1'rnrtic. The on It
mc'inber tnna I'viiiiylriiiii of Ute " Inter-?t.e
HiiMneM l-Tanirc AMK-Utlon of Amrrio. lb
tuienl It-mrtu UjoL -kpt-siijr a buiuei hj en
fttginn iu humrss trit-tioii- Prtt.el f
hoe Work arMi litikii.t are KfHX'ialtit. Im:h',i
uaJ inMrut-lum fr in W a. m. to 4 P m.. and fnirn 7
to 10 1. M Tbe r-ni 'AfiUiT(r In StKr!hani and
1 yt writlntf ihhr tiU.'h'i4 ptd in tbe iiorn-t
tianf. rVnd Utr atalou.
.JAM La Cl.AKK UlLIJAUS, A. V.t Ptest
B. & B.
Your Name, Please.
We want to tend to every reader of this,
as well aa hundreds of other
papers, copy of our
New Fall anl Winter Calais
fashion: journal.
You get it free of charge and postage
prepaid. Don't fail to send us your name
and address, (plainly written on a postal
card, will be sufficient), and mention the
paper in which our advertisement was
If you received a copy of our Spring
Catalogue, we already have your name
registered, and you will also receive the
Fall issue. We sincerely hope you will
read its pages carefully, and, if possible,
compare our prioea with those of so rue,
or any other lare home in America.
Contains 100 pges of useful information
is a complete revie of the latent
Fashions and Fabrics, and a detailed
price list of everything in the DRY
GOODS line.
VISITORS to tbe Western Pennsylva
nia Exposition, (September 4th to Octo
ber l'Jlh), are cordially invited to make
our stores their headquarters. Big enough
to accommodate ou by tbe thousands.
Everybody knows where it is. Make
appointment" to meet your friends at "D.
&. BV.
There will lie plenty to interest you
here while yoa wait.
Boggs & Buhl,
115, to 121,
: Spring Importations
kow comixg is daily.
We Import and buy direct from tbe man
ufacturers, and thus save you the middle
men profit.
Printed India Silks, latest colorings and stylo,
at 45c to pi 50 per yard, exclusive patterns a spe
cial bargain lot at tVic 27 inches wide.
We also are snowing new styles lo fancy Sarahs
at c. to II a yard.
New colorings In in Faillie Franca lae, 8uraa
Silks, Gros Grain Silks, Royals, Satin Bbadamer,
We slsooffer good values in Black Silks of the
best makes, as we carry one of Uie largest stocks
Ine year round, in this country.
New Wool Suiting, in medium and light
shades, 50 inches wide, at 40c- abo new plain and
stripe suitings at 50c to tiTS a yard, including
tbe yery latest and flues imported Dress Fab
rics. Orer 60,000 yards New Scotch Ginghams, 25c to
60c a yard. An unecjualed collection.
American Dress Ginghams at 25c, 20c, tic,
and 10c s yard. All new styles.
French Satines at 25c, aoe, 35c and 37c, for the
very finest goods.
American Salines, best styles and makes, at
12V and 20c.
Kew Challies at 7c, and line Imported styles at
bOc a yard.
New Embroideries, new White Goods, new
Muslin Underwear cheaper than you can make
Oar popular $1.08 French Corset, IL50 quality,
all siws.
Our new I'M Lace Curtain Catalogue is ready.
We send goods by mail and insure them against
loss, without extra charge.
Send in your orders lor samples now. The
largest stork between Philadelphia aud Chicago.
Scud all letter lo
Pittsburgh. Pa.
fcl! of C A V Ktinlrrer. dtKSMd. late of
KerllQ IVmms'b, smtim Co. I'a.
Letter of aiiniliiintratlon on the abtive estate
baring been granted lo the nndrird bv tlie
proper amhoritv, notii'e is hervbv riven to all r-r-
anus indebted to said ewtate to nmke tnimtd.Ate
payment, and I'time having rlann-i a&'atnw tlie
same to present them duly aiitbriitiiiird fur set
tlement ou hstni-day. the 'M dsy of Knveinb-i-r,
lass, at Um otlieeof ft. Ph'tMW AVi.,tn H-i-im.
Ilks. 1SABUX C. KI!lMIX.r:R.
stptls Admlniitrstor.
Plet nwlAfheonfl rIW-ty U th? trouble loci
1ti( l-o bi'Ktiitf jstaie of tbe t-m. tntch ui
lftw -irMvV Irronftin5M FntitrvM after
litijf. r'aln Ui Utr Ac Win! titw-ir riMHt
rcitiaiksfiMc fttcct-K haA bt-m eIiowo to curium
Reaidacr. yet Cn's LrrnJt Lrvm Tvvt
are e-piallv valiuil4e in t'ouitiitton. ciirtns;
and prpveiitmir tiiisanmiyini-'coniplalnt. wbi-a
lliey also corn-!- all div-rli-r-i of the stomach,
Ktii-hulato tho liv-r and reiniiale tho bowels,
Kvw if they only ciire4
Ach the-v would h aim-Kit prieeleas to thoso
wlio suiter from this dmtrei-xing complaint:
but fortunately their coodiw-a- does not end
twre, and tho-s-s ho oik try them wiU find
tiieae little plllfi valuable in so man' ways that
ther will n4 he Killing to do without them,
liui after all sick, bead
b the bane of so manr ll-es that h-w Is whero
we maire our grent boast. Our pills cure It
while others do n.
Carts-h's f.mti Pills are v-err small
and wry ptwv to lake. me or two pills make
a d'-ee. They ai-e Ktrictly veieetable and do
not grip or porsro, but by their gentle, ai-tkm
please all who line tliem. In vials at 4& cents;
five for f 1 . SoJi evervw here, or sent by mail.
Bl blSiss, MHz
Almost asPalatablo as Milk
So dlsa;wtsd (hat ft east 1m taken,
dlSTMted, and aastaallates) bylha moot
ensttive stomach, wben tha plain oil
raa not bo toleratod ; and by the eosa
biaattom of tiie oil witli tho ttwpo.
pkusphltoa ia msicb more e&cacion.
Kecuitsllf as a f csa prodatrr.
Pctscbs pals rapidly wtdlc taking it.
SC1TT8 EMFLMON is acrnowleilced by
Pby.kriAas to the Fines' sud ix-t pivj ara
tlun in tbe world for the relief and curs of
Tht (jronl rm?y t Cnr gumption, and
ffastinj in Childrtn. Sold by ail VrugyisU.
HOME . j j
" Don't ask me to mend it Take
it back and get a f."
FREE GcPfrom your dealer free, tlie
5 a Book. It Las Lantisonie iictiires ami
vulimbie information about liorsos.
Two or three dollars for iSi Ilorsc
Blanket will make rour horse worth more
and eat less to keep warm.
( 5V Five Mils
. , , ) 5A Boss Stable
Ask for) 5A Electric
I cm rui.. t.x
UM 1aU d I CM
80 other styles at prices to suit eYery
body. If you can't get them front your
dealer, write us.
Miui'iM hf Wm. Av:i-s Sr. Fluludi . tvhq
auike I he Uiiio'is llurs I' 1 Ilitki-r Mmiki'ls.
Made of onee mfttcrial. rruderlng them vcntlls
UnK, and the-iletoor-t fomumim-r. Some
ladies wear them all the ytar n.iind, oth
ers ollv in suuiuivr lime. 1'ric-ei SI
and ii.V.'i each : ' 1 to o in.
bend in yair nnlent by mail if
you are not ij tbe city.
Sold at Vi Cenu a pair In link. Sky, lavender,
Appic. .rt-n, Unmie, Kn-uch Klue, tiL-ndnr-nse.
MslKatany. Tans. Brown. S:ati-s and
W ir ki. Eeiid in your ordere by mail
if vou are not in me city to (hop.
3?tlk Iot French Cotton JIoe.
IHnok aal Saw srenml, warranted fa't color, at
Sth-.. reiiiioed from 7.'k-, a p-r. ?iid in y.Hir
orders by mail if you are not in tiie lily.
Lad leu Ilalbriasark Vest llsvrzain,
Hirb-neck and ribbed arm ; size 2S and 38, only
40 cents each ; a regular "4 cent Vent. Nice
lor roeoiiini warm wniiiiri
regular :vei'iit grade. cliiii out
at vSc B-iid in your orders by
If you are in, buy one or more of the small
on the end of the Ribbon counter. Jut thethinf
to carry home a niiei-mall lot of fresh fruit,
or other dainties. At the Kurhtnx lie
partmcm you will iiud new thin- in
nfl low-nriecd Tourist ttu-hinir. Also MNEN
CHLLAli-S and some stcial values iu VYbite -
Linen Handkerchiefs.
Send in your order? by mail if you are not in tht
city to shop. ;
if they retard Ifeatta and Renaaosy, ahoold t:j
llmled and Crushed
X. n. '. O ATM
Eaau.r HK.EsTKu ot ii kly rv.i vsui-n-
S)ld kyitl Oroeera, 8es3 for circulars. e..tO
Cream Balm
Cleanses tbe Kasal
Passages, Allays Tain
and Inflammation,
Heals the Sores, Ro
ntons the Senses of
Taste and Smell.
rlir-"L' SSCT1
Apaiticls hi applied Into each nostril and is
arrwable. Price W eents at drogs-ists : by mail
registered, 60c ELY UkO., M Warren Street,
NewYork. augl4-lyr.
oa hie In PlTT-sca-.H st 11m- Alerl -sto Hiiresu oi
oi.r autbor-
I -ad A vrtil.
a will euutiau lor advaruau at luwast riuea
Xhe Sponge is Mightier
than the Brush.
mm Hay tesIecs ebSsh
aad nsa a Sponce aed warev. which will
keep your SHOES bfclQHT
aad CLtAN tl you usa
Xh awns A-sumf o crowd A(T and HU
Aas ii, OMi Ik km (o.
It pisservcs the bstharaadcivse s bill
haat polish. Wateraadswowsiipoililas -surely
a off a dock's hack. Men's shoes
nquire dreuioi ONCE A WEEK
woaxa's onca a smita. Ihat's ait w orth
trying, isa't itf It is also tba best d resa
iaf HwhsTncaa.aa oaicaiitiasa IHktS
Tidnai Seal Estate.
Y VIRTl'E of n order of sale ifoued ont of
UiB tirnliatiV t oiirl of fonicrM-l foiiniy, I'a.,
ami to us din-itcd, we will expoec lo sale at l-ub-lic
outcry, ou tbe several mii, ou
at lOo'clock, a. m . the following dencritied Beat
i-titie, law the properly of tdward Kimuicl.
due'd., vis :
a i 4 A certain tract or land situate in
NO, I- HmtheTvalley Township. HomeraiH
riuiy, l-a , edjiiiniiK land of W. A. aud J. t:.
I'hilMHi, Jonathan Miller. I'eter HaiiKer. Henry
N. 'ileman, i-elh Wentliley, Invul U Meyere,
and other, eoiilainlnK uu arrw, more or lew.
1 his i Hie hoiue-iead lann of Ijlwnr.i Kiinuiel.
dee'd.. Slid ha theriou eivc.ed a laive totory
a lanre new bam, and two tenant houe ; has a
good apple on banl, numerous nerlk-ni nnKN
and a verv valuable Liuiertoiieyuarry. now iu.
n A certain ! -f unsmd vi'.uau; in
0i Z.t berlin'HorisiKh, iu said County, ad
jniniiiK hit of Josiah lieilley. road Iroui berliu lo
Ideveixlale. and alleys, having thereon erected a
two aud a ball iury frame Uwelliiif House,
suble, and other outbul'ldine.
n The uudivided ooe-halfof a eertain
f0 0. tract of laud, situate in the Town
ship ol tee. sxljoiiiiiiar laiidn of Jona
than Wilier, S, A. at J. U fliiisoo, and others.
Containing two acres, more or teas.
The hare orthe widow of the purche money
(one third after payment of all Jiu-t delt and le
gal charKes) shaft remain iu the bands nf tbe pur
rhasi-r diinns; tne nmnrsl life of Maria Kiminel,
tliewidowtn bdward klmniel. dee'd., and toe
interest theroil siiai! be aunually and recularly
paid to her by the piirc!ia-er, his heirs and as
sunis holdiiiK the premw-s, to be recovered by
disirt-w, or otherwise as rent" are re"iverab!e in
thisConiuionwealih. which the said widow shall
accept in lull satisfaction of her dower, iu tbe
i-remiscs, sod at her decease her sharrf tliepur
rhase tnoiM-v shall be paid to the heini of Ed
ward kimmei. dee d. The balance hall be paid
in (Arre nin'tl pnfiir.'s, ten per cent to be paid
down on day of sale, the remainder of one-third
at the conllrmatiou of the sale ; one-third iu one
vear, and the remainine third in two year, with
Interest on the deierred payments from the con
himiuioti of ih sale. Fu-stession given 1st of
April, 1I, Privili-Ke to purchaser to put in fall
crj)M, and use part ol dwoliins; hou-w of So. 1
iciveu upon uaymeiit of the 10 per cent. down.
sept.ll. Trustees,
Administrator's Sale
- of -
fallal Real Estate.
out of the Orphans' Court of Somerset County,
Is.. Kiltie iiiider-ixued dirts-U.-!. we wili expose
lo public sale ou the prcmiscD, o l
SATURAY, OCT. 10, 1380,
at one o'clork In the sftenioon, the following de-scrilM-il
real estate, late the estate of ferry Walk
er, dee'd, viz : A piece or parcel of land situate
in Milford township. Aim erst t county. Pa., ad-
iniui( lands of Henry liurkman, John Coleman,
tillllall n. waller anil 11 in .nejers, i-niiaiiiuiK
two hundivd and forty-three (2431 acres, and
ninilr-sii Diirchev Oil more or less, hsvinx there
on ere-tel a two story frame house, new barn,
aud other outbuilding".
jiermit to strip and remove limestone from about
two soilare risis 01 a lot 01 p-niiinu iu a nuio 01
CbHUiii-y Ilovd's in said township, adjoining
binds of Freeman Kiiflcld on the hast, Jas. Walk
er on tlie North, and Clay Pike on the South,
with riirlit of drainage, irround for w aste, and
for stack iiik limesume. and with roadway two
rcsls wide to and Irom said lot for removal of
raid limestone.
tiWHO In hand upon delivery of deed, and
balance in payment of StHJO.IW eai-h payable au
niuillv on aud alter 1st April 1 Oue third
afier ihe payment of all debts and expenses to be
and remain a lieu in lieu of dower to IMle W alk
er, widow of Ivrrv Walker, Idee'd., the interest
thereof to be paid her (annually durina; her nat
ural lite, ai.-l at herdeaih priuripal sum thus re
served. Pi the heirs and lel representatives of
Perry W alker dee d. Ten per cent of hand money
to lie paid when property is knocked down. Pos-hcsi-io-j
iriveu April 1. 1-isi.
at l uu per pair.
BROOD SOWS, with Pigs, Irom f 12 to f JO 00.
(IID (IINAIG S,s cross with Berkshire.
f 10 Oi, aroording loidze. Weight from 115 to
140 I-cuuds cat h. These Lamt for Stock,
weighing ove- it pounds to the pair. Orders
filled in rotation.
Srpt4-4t SosKaaST, Pa,
bautteof Jscib S, Livengood. dee'd. late of Elk-
licK iwp., Suinersel ia., i t.
Letters of administration on tbe above estate
having been granted Ui the uulersigned by the
pnirr suthorily, notii-e is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and lboe having claims or de
maud against the same will present them duly
authenlii ated f-r sewb-meM lo the undersigned
on Sal urriav , October Li, lnw, at the late residence
of deeeasea.
srpll. Adminlstsaior
The oldest and heat Institution for ohtalnlnc a
Business Eduration. We have sui-cessfully pre
pared thousands of young men fur the active du
ties of life. For Circulars addrest
scptU-2m. Pittsburgh. Pa,
Estate of Jacob Berkey, dee'd., late of Paint
Township, Somerset to., Pa.
Letters of administration on aliove estate hav
ing been granted to the undi-rsigned by tbe prop
er authority, notice is hereby given to all per
sons indebted to said estate to make Immediate
payment, and those having claims against the
same will present them duly authenticated for
settlement on HaiuMsV, the 5th day of October,
im, at tbe late resideu'ee of deceased.
J. IL I'HL, Attorney. Adminl streton.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diaaasea
AgeTfR to Ingctsira. Hundreds write
to me try ir to descril their ra?e anil ask if
I rancuie tlieni. tbe cost, etc. He.
I must answer There are barrtly two cases
alike, or miuiring Ihe same liratment, yet
VJ out of lmi ran be cured or benefited. To
treat you witliont an elimination is gnesa
infr. You can't srTord to guess on your siht
rr hiaring. Pymptons that seem to yoa
harmless, msv be must dsniscrous. Delay
blinds more than disease, it will cost vou
but $1 to $5 for a complete examination,
then I ran tell you what ran and what can
not be done, t lie cost and all shout it ; you
then know what you ought to do. If treat
ment is taken, the examination fi-e is credit
ed on its cuet. Take srlvsntage of excursion
rule" during the Exposition. O. W. Hatller
M. P., so I'enn avenue, PitlsburKh. Ps.
Kstate of Peter S. Dover, dee'd late of Stony-
erers Twp.. Mornerset i.o.. ra.
letters of Administration on the above estate
having been rrauted to the undersigned by the
proier authority, ngi-e is hereby given lo all
prnams indebted to said estate lo males immedi
ate payment, and those having claims seainst
Ihe same will present them duly authenticated
for settlement on eatnrday, the '2d day of Nov.
ls.i. at tiie late residence of the deceased, in
aid lowntblp.
cp-. AdmlQlctratur.
Cams Laws for 1889.
Tlie IIkrild has been Infornieil tliat some
parties) ts been killing (jtiail, jiliensanls
and wild turkeys nut of eea-son. . and is re
qim-Us.1 to print the law on the aulject. The
nly change njade by the let;ilaiura last
winter in the law relating to the killing of
birds and animals was that iu regard to
quail, which under tlieoM law fixed tbe
time Isir killing them from tlie 15th day of
October to ls.reiiiber 15th. This tlie legists
lure amendeJ so as to read "from November
1 to December 13,'' thus reducing the time
fifteen days. Following are the opening sea'
sons for killing game, and penalties for kill
ing the same out of season, which all will
do welt to pasta in their hats ,
Turkeys, October 13 to January I ; pen-
all $10 for each turkey.
Ducks, September I to May IS ; penalty
$1(1 for et c i duck.
IV T r, July 1 j to January I ; penalty, $10
for each plover.
Woodcocks, July 4 to January 1; penalty.
$10 for each woodcock.
Q isil, November I to Dec ruber 15 ; pen
alty, $10 for each quail.
Pheasant, October I to January ; penalty,
$10 tor each plii-asant
lUil and reed birds, September 1 to De
cember 1 ; jienslty $10 for each rail or reed
Elk or deer, October 1 to December li ;
px n tlty $50 for each elk or deer.
8quirrela, grey, black or fox, September 1
to January 1 ; $, for each squirrel.
Hares or rabbits, November 1 io January
1 penally ; $T for each hare or rabbit.
There shall be no sliooting, fishing or
bunting under penalty of $J5.
Interested People.
Advertising a patent medicine in tbe pe
culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's
ISulsun), for Coughs and Colds does it is n
deed wonderful. He aiithorizis all druggists
to give those who call for it a sample bottle
Free, that tbey may try it before purchasing.
Tbe large boltles are5o cents and $1. We
certainly would advise a trial. It may save
you fronicoiiMiiiiplion.
Queen Victoria has a remarkably fine
Lead of hair, fur a Indy of her age ; but
her son, the Prince of Wales, is quite
bald. Had he used Ayer's Hair Vigor
earlier in life, his head might, to-day,
have been as well covered a that of bis
royal mother. It's not too late yet.
Teaching Children.
Too many children never accoruplisii
anything because they fear both their
parents and their teachers. Too marly
never succeed because they are made to
feel they never can. Many a child who
is full of animation and life and fun and
happiness is made to hate his school and
school books, because his teacher does
not take the time and trouble to study
his disposition, and thus learn how to
govern him. Herald of lleulth.
To-Nlght and To Morrow Night,
And each day and night during this week
you can get at all dru;rgists Kemp's Balsam
fur the Throat and Longs, acknowledged to
be tbe most successful remedy ever sold for
tbe cure or Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and Consump
tion. (Jet a bottle to itiy, aud keep it al
ways in tbe bouse, so you can check your
cold at once. Price 50 cents and $1. Sample
bottles free.
A Photographing: Photograph.
An invention which has already been
foreshadowed is reported from Mexico.
By speaking in a photophone transmit
ter, which consists of a highly polished
diaphragm, reflecting a ray of light, this
ray is set into vibration, and a photo
graph is made of it on a traveling hand
ot paper. If the image of this photo
graphic tracing is projected by means of
an electric arc or oxyhydren light upon
a selenium receiver, the original speech
is then heard. Xem York Telegram.
A Fortunate Young Lady.
Miss Jennie Martin, 170 North street,
Rochester, N. Y., says : " I suffered long
from Sidney complaints home physi
cians failed to afford relief. A friend in
duced me to try Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy, made at Rondout, X. Y. The
effect was wonderful. When I had ta
ken two bottles I was cured, and have
had no trouble since. I write for the ben
efit of others."
"You are a domestic servant?" asked a
lawyer of a female witness in a Liver
pool court the other day. "No, sir," she
indignantly replied. 'l am a house
State Treasurer Hart Very III.
IIakbisbl'bu, September 21. This morn
ing State Treasurer Hart, who has been ill
for tbe past six months, bad an stuck of
heart failure, and it was thought his end
was near. At a late hour to-night, however.
Dr. Dunnolt. who is attending him, says be
is much improved.
The Engines Will Remain at Johns
town. Pun.AnEi.raiA. Sept. SO. Adjutant Gen
eral Hastings called on Mayor Filler yester
day in relation to this city's four engines
now in use at Johnstown. General Hast
ings assured tbe Mayor that engines were
still bad'y needed at Johnstown. "Should
your Councils decide to sell," said he, ."the
money could be raised readily for their pur
chase." Mayor Filler assured his visitor that be
was anxious for the Johnstown people to get
what tbey needed and promised bis assist
ance in tbe matter.
It is the Exparienca of Multi
tudes Of intelligent people that a persevering
use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y., will cure
Fever and Ague, Biliousness, Rheuma
tism, Debility of the Stomach, Bowels,
Kidneys, and Bladder, and all disorders
arising from an impure state of the blood
when no other medicine or treatment
has been of any permanent benefit
Corpora Tanner's Sufferings.
Mr. Tanner suffers frightfully with
headaches, and his limbs, which were
improperly amputated a quarter of a
century ago. Often ' while asleep he is
rou?d by the shooting pains and tor
tured into shrieks. His faithful wife is
ever at his side. While the weary man
sleeps she receives callers by the dozen,
and transancts much of the business
which otherwise would interfere with
the rest of the commssioner. But for the
care and assistance of his wife Mr. Tan
ner would break down and go to pieces
in thirty days. Wathington TMter.
Up to date 400 monuments have been
erected on the Gettysburg battlefield.
Km pp. the gun man, employs 21,000
men. He started in 1332 with nine
Tbe Georgia Central Railroad has cars
for the exclusive use of whites and blacks,
The liver and kidneys must be kept in
good condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
a great remedy for regulating these or
gans. A brave man thinks no one his supe
rior who does him an injtirv, for he hits
it then in his power to make himself su
perior to the other by forgiving it.
Spring Disorders
sr ,,.. nasi-.) t wn IWtl
Shattered nerves, tired
brain. Impure bleed,
debilitated system, all
ore the natural out
come la tbe Spring. A
medicine must be used,
and notliir.j equals
P aloe's Celery Com
pound. We let otaen
praise us yoa cannot
help bcuevtog a dlsla
tenstcd partjr.
TSM.lln.jjininl W T Hmtirjmt Rurtlnis-
toii. Vu. writes: "I have uand I'aines iry
t omrsxiD'i on several occasions, aod always
wttii lien'-nt. I-ast sprlus. beln- very mttch run
down ami debilitated. I coninicDccU lit icing It.
Two bottles nimle me foel like a nw man. as
a g-eucnU ionic and spring medicine I do not
kiiuw of Its equal."
ssvjs srns, aumssss! - - -
st".- is
1 , xct-,
V V w-w- - -
Si CI JED Mi Ii Di T
The Largerst and
Wine, Liquor,
aT AU Order received by nail Of otAera-iV nl nwi primipt altintifn. -fca
Somerset Lumber Yard
HaKtTFACTTjKca ahd Dkalib Whoi.esalis a.vd Ritaiub or
Hard and Solt "Woods.
A General Line of all grades of Lumber and Buiidinc Material and Koodnf Slate kept in stock
Alas, can furnish anything in the Una of our business to order with reasonable
promptness, such as Brarketa, Odd-sized work, etc.
Offlco and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Fa
ate &
Ili2lTay JllIS
Over 50O
d Send fcr
?A Price lis:.. bv
BBJsaEPo&T. con:i.
H. H. Downs' VeQtz:he Eabanrssc Elixir
Is a j oBifivo euro for Coughs, CoUu,-Tono, Wlioopinp-t'ough, C atarrh, Hoarse
ness, Influenza, Spitting Blooil, rronchiti. Astlima. Lung Fever, ricurisy, ami
all diseases of the Throat, Chest and l.urp;s. As an fcpectoraut it Las no eiu;iL
Consumption lias Lcen cured times without number 1 y its timely use. It heals
the ulcerated surfaces, and cures w hen all other rcm.nlies fail, i'if ty-sis years of
constant use has proven its virtues. Every family r.lmuld tccp it ia tho hi.uso.
Sold everywhere. Ilcnry, Juhui on & Lord, Troprittors, Luiliugton, Vt,
Dr. Henry Baxters Fil and rake Bitters
a sure cure for Costiveness, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Diseasss of the
Kidneys, Torpid Liver, Rheumatism, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite,
Jaundice, Apoplexy, Talpitations, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Keep the Stom
ach, Bowels, and Digestive Organs in good working order, and perfect health will
bo the result. Ladies and others subject to Sick Headache will find rclii f and
permanent cure by the nso of these Bitters. DciiiiT tonic and mildly purpitivo
they purify tho blood. Trice 23 cts. per bottle, for sale by all dealers in medi
cine. Henry, Johnson &. Lord, Proprietors, Burlington, Vt.
Henry, Johnson & Lord, Proprietors of
Arnica and Oil Liniment r Ma., and rct The
best external remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Sprains, Bruises.
Burns and Scalds, Sciatica, Backache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches. It is a safe, sure, and effectual Remedy for Galls, Strains, Scratches,
'Sores, Ac, on Horses. One trial will prove ita merit. It cflecw are in m.-st
cases instantaneous. Every bottle warranted to give .satisfaction. Price 25 cts.
and SO cts. per bottle. Sold everywhere.
MESECKEll & SNYDER, Agt's., Somerset.
... i . ... it.-m rtf rftr r-itn.-'s
nan? us 'i " .---" ...... -
Ol-ry Cinisjiiii.l S'sl It h;M emin-wH-
Celery Compound
L pp-scribed bv pUvsVUn rwmmemJcd br
dnisrrsi. cn.tnre.1 by ministers, prsl-t by
i.ri and guaranty by tl, m.nuritcnir-rs.
a? aVrlnV me.ll. Id which will do ail W
SsJrrS I r K- l b It this spring, aod 8 bow
quickly it tones you u
Purifies the Blood.
Full acrounrs f wonderful cures made by
Paine's celery compound after ot her mcd..
and the best physicians had tailed, sefci tnss.
There s nothing tne It.
tLOO. SI tor 15.00. Cnigslst
TV axis, R ICS i. Kiwi i CO, Earllag-ton. Tt.
f) i Shi m 1 IS
r - WiraaiaaL m
IB: Ul 1 1, JD Ii jST Gr
Most Complete zz
and Cigar House
TO CT Tof a
MannfoTturer of and Dealer In
KmUrn Work rmuAed aw Slurrt AViee, n ail Cuter
IfflE II! ES1SITE fffl
Persons In need of MONUMENT WORK wll
Sud it Ui tlieir interest to call at my shop, where
a proper showing will be Riven them. w-.Siis-tarrum
(rivvmUetii tn Kerry L'atr. and FRIiiH
VEKY LOW. 1 Invite special attention to the
Whits Bronze, Or Pur Zinc Monumnet
Introduced by REV. W. A. RING, as a Pecided
Improvement in the point of MATERIAL AND
CONSTRUCTION, aud which Is destined to be
tbe Popular M imimeut for oar thaugeabla Cli
hpn nnV ill
i EST b
vbicr) h Ik c
i zn J u
rf(ED H tin taqcn S.f
every plug. .
Old Honesty is ac '-!vjJ
edged to be thte pu-:'
and rrjost astir qTv'-
of Standard Cr:r . I ' L
on thamarKet.Tryira : -
a better test thanyi t: V
about it. G:ve it a fair t
Year dealsr has 1 ' c-
m FISZER A BROi, Locisri.-C P
Wr a aa a. - I
f - ' rn-m. - - -,f
' 'i XT' r "-Ja"-s 'i.-i-i- ; - v f
auxii. J aasu-jsi s. iJta,;.J. as.
i ...
i Esa
Kanufaclurir8 and Whoiesiit k ,
ueaiers in ; s .
511 VOOD 8TBEr1
i- A
Oils! Oil;
f 01
1 tl
The tftndurd OM Companr. f Pitv'-rr
IXjOivniw tri(le tlie toilet'. brh' i"
Illuminating & Lubricatql
Naphtha and Ca:c!'-"
That cms he mnfc from Petrolfnm. We It'.
com(ariuu with every kuowi
If you wish the most natfors:? I
Satisfactory 0.;
-Ajmerican Clarke
Ask for oiu". Trale fur Somerset sal r i
supplied by
FKEAsS Ji k's-i
- -.Uj
S' I - ; - f 1 '
r - r
9t rv
(i IX). X. C'KA.MKK.-4-;-
autn -io-l r. Mt. Plens-ani.'
- I 1
, i
I.V. - '! . ..... -
"Mis sin'.i"t l.-. 3i.p '
Shuli ve !nrt l in
n-aiilrr K-hm :' ,
K ..I ... I-.' I ' t '
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