i ,; J . 5 5 8 i c 5 "i 3 ii The Somerset Herald. EliWARII H.'1'LL Kdiior and rroi-rietor WK1KUAV. Apr'! I", law- Hai-i-t i tbe man who doe not nt an upintnnpnt. Monday as the anniversary of the aaddevt and darkest day the American people cv.T knew he 'lay of the death uf Abraham Lincoln. , Tin city of w York ha just bormw d $7.riO,rtiVI on Und running twenty vears at f cent., and most of the bonds ld at a small preniiiwi. Tiiom M. Jones, general manatrer of j,.ne!! A Lsug-hlin'a Iron Works, and brother of I?. V. Jones, 'lied at his home on Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh, of heart disease. Friday. A sotiikk chapter has evn added to the history of crime in Somerset county bv the daring robls-ry and diaUiiical tor ture of an awd Summit township fainter hat unlay niplit, full particulars of which are given else here. It is declared by leading Hehrewt-lhat probably not one of their race will vote in favor of the promised Prohibitory Amendment to the Constitution. There are no flie on the Jew. Sami El. Joiis-oS, convicted of tlio mur rler of Farmer Miarpless, bus again l-een granted a respite by Governor Beaver. The condemned man was to have been lianred to-day, but hU life will now be 8-ared till June 4. I'..TATitK (i!;KKAL Wasamakfe and liis Fir Aiitant, Hon. J. S. Clarkson, w ielded their little axes riit merrily last week. The heads of seven hundred leinorru!ic postmasters dropped into the basket and their places were tilled by seven hundred etlicient Ileiublieaiu. 1-et the pood work proceed. Mf.rm -rr ill vote on the Prohi bition tpM-Ktion next Monday, April 21. The amendment to lie submitted then is in form and ptire virtually the same as the one to be voted on in IVimsylva liia on the Kill of June. The indications uv that the urnendmelit will 1 n-jivled bv a larpe majority in Massachusetts. The President and his Cabinet are moving very slowly in making appoint ments, but fast t-noiij'li to raise a wail of a'ony all along the picket line of Heiins--racy. I)emoeratii ho have administered medicine in a tin cup to Republii-nns for the past four years can well atf-ird to take the same in tablfsssnful dosi-s without such w ry face and loud groaning as are now seen and heard. It seeing that our Governor's nose was pulled after all. At least a imnlier of witnesses who have been examined in the Amies court martial case have m t'-s-tiiied. The probabilities are that bully Armed will receive hi? just deserts by be ing dismissed from the service. At pres ent he is an otliivr of the I'nited States Army on the retired list. His attack up on Governor Ilea ver was cowanlly and disgraceful. IitM.H katii organs just now seem to be concentrating their criticisms and vent ing their indignation npon the I'ostmas-tcr-Gem-ral ami his Firt Assistant. They f m to forget the fad that this depart ment of the government was never in a wore deplorable condition through inef ficiency than when tiie pre-i.t adminis tration came into power. Thai it needs Svd only the primim; hook, but the ax, is upHrenl ta!l thinking people. Oomivki. Ci.avt.in was murdered in Ar kansas la-cattse he set out to ilisi'over the tHxmndrcl who stole the ballot Isixe containing the voles which elected hiina memlier of the Congress of the I'nited States. Since his death detectives .have lieen put to w ork to discover theassii!-.-iins, and now we have the news that one of the detectives bus also been assassinated. It is evident to the w hole world that the iK-niiKTata of Arkansas are determined that their political methods must not be envestigated, and that death awaits those w ho attempt it. The amount of business that is being imposed upon the post oflicc department outside of the legitimate current work may lie inferred from the fact that during the twelve working days of April over applications for apoiiittnents as foarth class postmasters have lieen re ceived at the ollice of the First Assistant Pixtuiaster-iieneral. This is etpialtoan average of over ninety-two applications for every hour during the entire perils! named, which would in turn lie an aver age of one anil a half for every minute. If First Assistant i'larksoii should devote ten hours each day lor the remaining days of the month, including Sundays, t the js-rusid of the applications tlm far rvtvived since April 1, he could not iro through this mass of ma'tor. Tub IVmocrata of the Tennessee dit trict, w hich w ill be represented in Ihe next Congress by F.vans, a Kepubliean, are determined that the district in the future shall be I emocratic. and that F.v ans' Congressional life slrill expire with bis first term. They have made a new district and put Fvane' county in it, and it is largely leniocratic, so largely I'emo cratic that there will not even be the ne neasity to cheat to secure a certificate for one of their numlier. It w ill be remem bered that w hen it was found, after the election of last November, thai the lie publican was elected, the iH-inocrats at tempted to give the seat to the IVmiio cratic candidate by throwing out one county, but (iovernor Taylor refused, to play the role of scoundrel, and gave the certificate to F.vans, w ho had RK) major ity. Now IVuiorrats, by the change, have made it possible for them to carry all but one of the Tennessee districts. This, of course. Northern IVuns niU w ill call fair politics. IlirriJfiii j T'ivniili. Kt'LL details of the terrible hurricane in the Samoan Islands, by which several hundred men lost their live and six sbiK of w ar were w rucked or stninded, have now lieen nivive.l. There is no need here to review the harrowing details. A hundred and forty-wix American ollicers and seamen perished, and the Trenton, Vanda'ia and Nipsic w ill probably be lost to our navy. In the midst of the hirrihle scenes of the hurrk-kne, w ith death staring them in the face, every nsva! otliii-r stood in his place and did his di;!y. Not one w as recreant; not one faltcn-d. V. very thing that bkiil and courage could do was done to save the vessels : ana, when it w as too late to do that, the oliicers set the exam ple of heroism to their men, and stood by the wreck until the end. The sick were cared for first, and the seamen were cnt ashore before their ollicers. It is a atory that brings sorrow to American hearts, but there is in it no cause for wliauw. While we mourn the lost, our iiearta beat faster with pride in the hero ic artioa of our American otTiners and men. It is pleasant to know, too, that the na tives worked like brave men, as they are, for the relief of the wrecked. Time and aain they risked their lives to rescue our seamen : and. must noteworthy of all, they even put themselves in jeopardy to as-it the tiernian, whom they regard, with much justice, it must be said, as their enemies. In the midst of such scenes as those, all ordinary considera tions of friendship and enmity were cast aside, and men forg-it everything but their common humanity. RUSSELL HARRISON ARRESTED. Ex-Co vernor Crosby Bound to Have Sat 1st act ion. Nrw Yok. April It. R iswll Hanison a- ant-d 1hi afternoon ill the orticet of the Jmlor, in the Potter building, on tiie charge of having published in hi paper, the Mmtij.a l.irr Slurt Jirnal, an article taken from a llufialo fir ao usitig ei- iovernor Julin Schuyler Crosby, of Montana, with having stolen jewel! dura a Washington !'ly. Mr. Harrison lamt on from Wali ingi.m Inst night for ihe purjje of having the papers in the fiiit strveii on him. The warrant as issued hy Judge Iteach, of tiie supri-iiie court, who fixed bail at $.''.1M. Stephen it. Klkins, Vice President I'.ii-c, of Uie Park Itank, and W. J. Arkell, of J'ulfr, Ixinnie Mr. Harriaon's bondsmen. Ju.lge l.'Amorea. of Uallstoii. Spa., is Mr. Harri &' counsel and W. I.. Sweetser his attor-nev-. Mr. Harrison was not in char),-eof the pa per at the t'me tiie article was pulilisliij and knew nothing alsiut it. Wbeu his attention as drawn to the fact that the buffalo paprr had not told the truth Mr. Harrison otlen-d to publish a suitahle retraction. This, how ever, Mr. Crosby would not accept. He de manded that Mr. Harrison should write him a pers-mal letter of apology and also print the same. Mr. Harrison declined to do this, and Mr. Crosby hopes by having him arrested to force him to do so. Mr. Harrison, when asked if he had anything to nay regarding his imt, replied : yi SsKLL S STATEMENT. 1 have nothing to suy at the present time. The facts and evidence in the matter will be given to the public in the court proceedings in due time. I will then be able to show ab solutely and conclusively that I bad nothing to do with Ihe instigation of the story pub lished in the aper, and I did not learn of it until the :tli day of April, lss7, six weeks after its publication in the PutTalo i'vmmrr r'mt A'li'rlittr. Dixon Chosen Senator, Pkoviiikvr. it. I. . April 10 I n the fourth ballot to-ibiv the joint Assembly elected Na than K. Iitxoii, i lb-publican,) of Westerly, to Ihe 1'iiitcd Stati-s Senate by the following vote: In ion, .'it ; Wet mure 41 ; Arnold, 4 ; I olt. 2 : Spooucr, 1. Senator-eioct I'ixon is the third of Ids name who has figured conspicuously in national sililics. The lirst, Nathan K. I'ixon, died in Washington in January. 1st J. in the mid dle of his term as l imed States Senator. His son, ulso named Nathan K. Ihxon, serv ed altogether ten years as a member of the lower House of Congress, his last term end ing in March, 1S71. The third, Nathan F. Ihxon, was born at the old family homestead in Waverly, K. I., on Abgust 2, 1S47, and will thus be only 4J when he takes his seat in the Senate. Next to Senator Kenna, of West Virginia, he will be the youngest mem ber of that body. He is a lawyer by profes sion, and in ls succeeded Jonathan Chace as a member of the National House of Rep resentatives, as he now succeeds him in the Senate. Harrison's Southern Policy. Washisi.tox. April 11. A gentleman who taiked to President Harrison to-day says that the policy of the administration will be to apisiiiit progressive yjung ni-jn, with iutel !i s-ifce and integrity, to positions in the South without resKs-t to color, and thru there will not be many apjiointnieiits fmtu the ranks of the colored tsaiple in the South, owing to the deep seated prejudice existing there against the colored race, and the en tanglements which have for many years grown up in the hirsim-ss, social and siiitic al life by the selection of black men to pre side in olli.-e nvtT the whites. The colonsl (ssiple are to be recognize! in apjiointnii-nts where there will be less objection from a ra"e point of view and where they will tare just as well. The white citiz-us in the South, alike in both parties, are being re-enl'orcisj by the liest class of colored m-jn in their in dorsement of this policy. The Centennial Jaunt. Harrisiii'ho. April I'Jt. Though the Iegis lature has lixed upon May '.) for adjouriiient it is not improbable that the date may have to he altered, unless the (Governor in his wisdom vetoes the resolution of the ts'O houses to go to New York at the expense of the 'ommoiiwejJlh. The statesmen pnipise to leave her' on Friday, April -."0, or the day alter, and to leave New York on the follow ing Wcdiies lay. No busiue can, therefore, be done before Thursday, and as the Legis lature adjourns each Friday at tl a. m., one solid working day is all that can be got out of the week, and the very model Legislators will probably be too greatly denioralid to d i much on that day. This d.-lay to busi ness will b; serioui, a-id huiiu are of the opinion that the date of adjournment may be changed to May 2-t. Mr. Ik-lamater's management of the I.'-gilsaiure so as to bring alKiut an early adjournim-tit does not seem to lie a horn-ling Miii-ess. Boomers Ready to Brush. Wichita. Kx, April 12. Major baker arrived here last mht from Oklahoma, and rejiorts that the sjltliers are not rspial to the task of keeping the lioouiers out. Tiiey slip into the country and conceal themselves so effectually in the woo ls that the scouts can not find them. Krery station on the Santa Fe Koad is guarded, and only those having (lermits are allowed to get off the trains. The Santa Fe has nearly completed the de pot at online, and the workmen are engag ed on the land ollice building at Pur'tll. The Isirder is black with boomers awaiting the opening of the country. Many of them are in vi-ry destitute circumstances. Two immense rafts are being coiistmeted here for the transportation of Hill's colony. They expect to float down the Arkansas, as the recent rains have swollen the river, and they can land within seven miles of the Oklahoma holder. Others have arranged for relays of fajtbors;. which are expected to transport tl.em to the claims already chosen. Ever" south-bound train arriving here is crowded, and the wagon caravans are pass ing in an endless chain. Burned in a Limekiln. NoaittsToa x. Pa., April I". Rudolph s'pielholViT, employed at the limekilns and iiarries of tieorge & W. H. Corson, in Ply mouth township, was literally roasted alive before the gase of several men yesterday. A kiln of lime tha had been burned was L being drawn otT preparatory for hmding for shipment. The lime became lisigisl and re fused to run out of the as-rture at the lit toui of the kiln. Mr. SpieihofTer leaned over the o;iemiii; of the kiln at the top, and was in the act of dislixlging tiie mass with au iron rod. wlien he lost his balance and fell headlong into the hot lime. A natulwr of workmen by means of ropes, jwhsi and rods endeavored to cxlrn-.ur the man. When his body was taken out it was found that both legs were burned oiT. Kvery pinion of the b sly and the remaining limix were ter ribly scorched and blistered, and thcfcalurcs almost unrecopniisble. Called to His Door and Shot. XoirrH Ysksos, Ixn April 12, Late on Wednesday night Joseph Maynard went to the house of Ileniy Roan, called him to the door. and. without saying a word, shot him. He cannot recover. Yesterday Maynard was captured by the Sheriff. It is said Roan had told that Maynard had been caught attempt ing Jui srealSnomy tat! jr!f.j -from the drawers of his bureau last Sunday night. OUR HAWRISBURO LETTER. Frutn our spo-Ui Ci-rrt-isnvletit. HAaaisBi RO, April I-'UsU. There is no -Kvies of legislation of more irrportM!:"e to tl-e ople of Pc-tnisylvania cneral.'y, and csieciiil!y the farmers, than that of road legislation. Quite a uundier of bills have b'n introduced dnriugthe session and for the convenience of inemlrs and those interested, they have lieen ord-wed and are printed in arupblet form. Tiie matter is of so mii b importance and there are so many conriicting opinions that it is very doubtful whether any change will tie made in the present law during this session. Kach bill has some merit and each bas its defects. Tiie general law, as it stands at present. (Jfs good, if carried into effect properly, and it is to be doubled if any improvement could I made on the present law with diversilii-d in terests and conflicting opinions tbrmtghottt the State on this subject. Tb "juration bas been deemed of stifbcient importance as to go to a commission to sit during the ad journment of the legislature and to report some plan or bill to a sub-equent session of the legislature. A resolution of this kind has wed the House, and the Senate may concur in the same, hut it is questionable hcther any very great good can be expect ed from such a commission if ever formed. "'The pnciit roads of Pennsylvania," said Representative Itrown, "are a id i rue and disgrace to the Slate," and the Pittsburgh IKfiHiirh, mt long ago, said editorially : "'There are several prosjsas before the Legislature for better roads : but there is on ly one way of getting permanent satisfaction. They must lie macadamized. This will cost something at the start ; but in the end will give valuable results, jesa money and la bor than are now expended w ill keep macad amized roads in excellent repair. The sav ing of horse siwer. of vehicle wear, and of human temper, ill repay ten fold the in vestment. Has any doubling farmer ever calculated tliat the horse-iower he has now to employ to bring hit load to market, or to the railway station, is that which will haul the burikn over the most ditlicult rt of the road ? When the energy required to get over the worst parts of the average existing country highway is considered, conception of the enormous waste becomes easy. The increased value of farms, (particularly where within lilVeen or twenty miles of large cities or thriving towns, will many times over compensate for the initial outlay in macad amizing. "Ifthe Pennsylvania Legislature of '89 were to do not h.ng else than provide for a system of macadamized roads thniugh the t onirnonwe-.illh it would earn a just fame. Tiie Jtii:trli hoies that the sitting body will on uoacc.iutit l-.isj this chance to earn an honoiable distinction." This goes to show the imprtain of Ihe suhjivt and that sonic lgislation is really needed. Just w hat it is and when it will be done remains to be seen, but it is to lie hop ed that something to the interest of the fann ers will be done before the legislature ad journs finally. On last Monday evening the House was treated to a lis". ore hy the great iron manu facturer, Andrew Carnegie. This king of manufai-turera had created a genuine sur prise, and when iovernor Heaver introduced thesiieaker and a small man stepped to the platform there was a general surprise ; his Voice was low and his appearance decidedly against him, but as he warmed up he became quite interesting, and on the whole his lect ure took well. His theme was against Ihe railroad monoisjly and the excessive charges of freight rates. His former close relations to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company en abled him to show to his audience the abus es w hich that great corporation has given with its coriHjrate powers, and he cried loud and long that it was time for a halt, and thit the legislature should come to his re lief by passing au anti-discrimination bill. Mr. Carnegie's history of the South Penn was full ot interest and instruction. He needed no manuscript to relate that part of his lecture. It was indellibly impressed on Ins mind. Said the sjieaker: "The Van ib rliilts started the South Penn project with the dclilieratc intent of bringing the Penn sylvania Railroad to certain terms with their other roads and that the Pennsylvania would not allow the Vanderbilt sons to join into a reorgauiulion and a signing of the oontnict, and that he sold out his share be itause it was useless to light the Pennsylva nia." Mr. Carnegie is an able man; his world wide n-putation gave him a decided advant age. His addrvss created quite a sensation, and if it had not lieen for the fact that he at one time was a pronounced Pennsylvania Railroad man and .in entire sympathy with that great corporation, it would have had a gcHid ellect, but that fact was known, and the further fact that he could not get rates from the Pennsylvania to suit himself owing to the fact of the Inter-State Commerce Act, ami the still further fact that he refused to remain in theSiuth Penn Syndicate because he did not get the whole of the contract for rails for the ppiiised road, hurt his plea con siderable. Hissiieecli was more in his own interest than in the interest of the country at large. The House held a short session on Mon day following the lecture of Mr. Carnegie. Mr. Wherry, the Iemocratic leader, succeed ed in having a special order made for his anti-discrimination bill, which was intro duced into the Senate early but tailed to pass that body for Tuesday afternoon and even ing. On Tuesday morning the House voted to go to Milton to attend the (. A. R. anniver sary of las-'s surrender to (.rant, and thus the siss-ial order failed. on Friday he made a second clloit to have a sss ial ord.-r lor his bill, hut failed. The reason of tbe failure was from the fait tiiat Mr. Wherry and his (tarty remained quiet until the Ix-gislulure is alsiut ready to ad journ anil tben sprang this siiecies of legis lation in order to make party buncombe and party rlap-trap out of it. -The House was in no luiiiior to favor him when he had the en tire session to introduce his bill, and no sjiecial order is needed; besides, the bill hav ing failed in the Senate, it was worse than useless to take up (he time of tiie House to consider that measure at Ibis late day of the session. The House was not unmindful of the fact that two years ago it passed tbe Wafers bill and that that was the last of it. A large major ity of the House are in favor of the passage of Some good, lair anti-discrimination bill, but they are not to be fooled with in that way, besides Ihe hill of Mr. Wherry is said to be very defective so "far as the long and short haul an? concerned, and in the ap pomtmeut of a commission ; it may be said it could have been amended, but this is eas ier said tlian done, especially as the time fix ed for final adjournment bad been consider ed, which was known to the gentleman from Cumberland county, who is the recognized leader on the Democratic side of the House, and w ho is also a candidate for Governor. It looked very much as if this great leader was trying to make reputation for himself and his larty rather than benefit the State hy usetti! legislation, and the House was in no mood to humor him Three sessions were held daily during (he week up to Friday noon, and quite a large numlier of hills iased. Tbe soldiers' orphan school bill, making an appropriation, received a black eye hy providing that none of the money should be applied to rhe sy militate schools. An effort will he made to strike out this clause in the Senate, but the House will not agree to it. Tlte Senate amended the House resolution fixing the time for finai adjournal. lit by ex tending tbe time to May tr.li, and the House concurred In tiie game and the great refoim body will likely adjourn dor by that time. ruiur. Cigarettes Barred. Lixst.vo, Mich., April II. The House this morning assed the Jackson cigarette bill, which prohibits the "manufacture, sale, keeping for sale or giving away of any cigar ettes, or any imitaiion thereof, computed in wb ile or in part of tobacoo, or any substance in tiie form of th cigarette containing nar cotic elements, or any rice paper, or any pa per designed for cigarette wrappers.' Capture of Train Robbers. Salt I.akkCitv, April II. The four Ari sona ollicers who arrived bem yesterday with the four (rain robbers in custody (ell an interesting story of the long chase. On March 22 an Atlantic and Pacific train was stopped at Canyon Piahlo, Yavapai county, Arizona, for orders, when the men boarded the engine and persuaded tiie fire man with revolvers to onler I he express men sengerto open his car. This was done. The robbers (hen broke ojien tiie strong box and, after securing all the money in it, struck south towards the Tonto basin and preced ed aa far in that direction as Sunset Moun tain, when they beaded for I lab. Sheriff O'Neal, of Yavapai couuty, was at ouoe no tified, and, with Special Agent Uolton, Dep uty Sheriff James L. ilia, k and F.d St. Clair, started in pursuit. They (railed the mUiers nearly "nW miles north from the line of Ihe road through a wild and desolate country. At last, after many privations, the robbers were sighted on April 1, neai ly two weeks after Ihe rob bery, in Wahwee Canyon, about forty miles east of Cannon ville, Vtab. After about fifty shots had been exchanged the robliers. beat a hasty retreat on foot. The pursuit was very difficult, but Ihe iitlicem soon overhauled Pill Stincau, a uoted dcsirado, probably the leader of (he gang. Next day Charles Clark and John Smith were raptured and on April 4, James (juiuce was gathered in. The officers then decided to press on to Milford and then go to Denver by way of Salt Lake and take (lie Santa Fe Road to Presootl. It is not known even by the ollicers just how much money was stolen, but that found on the men, together with what has Issen accounted for, amounts to over id,!'. On the way up one of the prisoners made a full confession, so that there ia not the slightest doubt that the ri.tht jarties have been taji turcd. Excursion Tickets to New York via Pennsylvania Railroad for the Washington Inauguration Cen tennial. For the better accommodation of the large number of people who desire to wit ness (he elaborate ceremonies arranged for the celebration of the Centennial Anniver sary of the Inauguration of General Wash ington as First President of the I'nited States, in New York, on April 2Hli, 30th, and May 1st. 1 Ss'i, the Pennsylvania R lil road (Company will sell excursion tickets to New York from all princiial stations on its system between April 27th and May 1st, in clusive, at three cents ier mile. The rate from Philadelphia for the round trip will lie i-'.7J, from lUltimore $." 5S, and from Wash ington $o 81, Pittsburg $1.1 32, and pnipor tionately from all other stations. Tickets are gissl only for continuous pis sage on thniugh trains to New York, fnmi April 2Tth to May 1st, but no ticket will be sold on May 1st for any train arriving in New York later than noon of that day. Re turning, the ticket will he good for continu ous passage oil trains leaving New York April 27 1 h to May 0th, inclusive. No excur sion ticket will be sold for less than one dol lar. Their Fate Hidden. New Yokk, April 11 The mails from the While .Star steamer Iiritannic, which arrived last night, included a letter for Funch, K.dye V Co., containiii: a list of the passengers who sailed from Copenhagen on the steamer Paninark.refiorted abandoned in mid-ocean. It comprised DCS names, and a Iaindon dis patch stales that in addition there were HI from Christiania, Til from Cbristiatisaud, T.'i from Malmo and 14 from Gothenburg. There were 2!i cabin passengers on board, including 5 children. The ollicers and crew numbered 54, making a total of 721 per sons whose fate is as yet unknown. The Aller also arrived this morning, but reported that it bad seen no trace of the abandoned steamer. The agents of the Thingvalla Line had great hopes that the Island one of their own vessels would have on board the shipwrecked passengers of the Datiuiark, but this hoe was blasted when the Island came into rt this ufter iKsiu with no news of the missing vessel. A Dog as a Witness in a Murder Trial. Fort Smith, Ark., April 10 The trial of the Indian Chief Jack Smniard for the mur der of lenity I'nited Stales Marshal Will iam Irwin was ts-gun yestt nlay. Oneofthe lirst Government witnesses called was a mongrel dog, Rattler hy name. The Gov ernment attempted to prove that Rattler was the prisoner's dog, have Urn seen in the neighborhood of the spot where the murder was committed. Tbe defendant denied ever having seen the animal, hut the dog's affec tionate greeting to his old muster made him a dangerous witness. The animal picked him oat of a crowd. Canaday's Little Scheme. W.ASHisiiTox, D. C, April 11. General Mahone. Senator Jones, of Nevada, and oth ers, have brought suit against W. P. Canaday, Sergeant at-Arms of Ihe Senate, ex -Congressman Russell, of North Carolina, and T. R. Brick, former (sat master at Wilmington, in connection with the o;rations of the Wil mington Creosote and Ltini!-r Company. All the parties are stockholders, and the com pany was organized by Canaday. It is al leged in the bill that fraudulent issues of tbe stock were made, and the proceeds convert ed to private use. It said that Gen. Mahone and Senator Jones dropped about il'ttM each, and Dun Cameron about $2,00J in the enterprise. High License In Delaware. Dovkk, Dm.., April to. The House pass ed this morning, with only one dissenting vote, the W. K. Davis High License hill which has been substituted for the Pickett Mixed High Liiviise and Ixal Option bill, which had been pending fbrovertwo months. The Davis hill fixes the license fee at ts.VK) Sir cities of lti,ii inhabitants and over; $.Toil for towns ol 2.00J and over ami $2' for rural districts.- Met Death In the Bush. Eastox, Pa.. April 1.1. Henry Charles William Miller, a root and herb dorter, aged M years, was burned to death on his land ill Forks township, near this city. He went out yesterday morning to burn brush. At noon his family saw that the fire was caus ing a great blaze and much s.noke, and had then spread over ten acres of ground, but no fjitber attention was paid to it until last night, when his grandson went out and found him burned beyond recognition and to a crisp. Every article of clothing had disappeared, the Sesh was cracked and bones disjointed. As Miller's feet were found en tangled in a wild grai vine, it is believed that while righting the fire he was unable to extricate himself, was overcome by smoke, fell and was then burned to death. Absolutely Pure. ' ' m r, rc.i jt nutrrei Ol pnniy. strength, anit wbotewnaeuess. More economical tbau theordiaarr kinds, sad cannot be sold at ernnpeuiinu with the inultliudeof low test, short weurbt, alma w p!KMhaie powders. st env to . Royal tuausi Powuxa Coarasr. liM mxmm HERE,.! HE APHISEIffi -OF- DEALERS IN MERCHANDISE, ...Acc -r?r- Somerset County, Pa. 0 TAKE NOTICE .That in pursuance of the s'.erai Aew of Assembly of tins Common wealth to is-ovide Kevenue to meelltie denian4s upsm lha 'Treasury. a,od for other purjwwes. the Uli-te-rsismed Anprater ol' Mercantile Taxes firt" Mid .intv kins preretl a List oftiM trades in said fotiutr. and hnsr-iMCed cat h in that class oich lu btm ajiars rietit, to it : AVD1SOR TO XSIIir. . .V.Jie... Titbit. Chi. fMiii H LA Urn... Rctslk-r.. ... . Kiutlev A sou '" Kiev A (' ., " Listen Pros " kuss Kotiert E - " ALI.aOHI.VV TOWNSHIP. Boyts W F. . ' Hublilaell ifc Hull " (irillier Mrs K ......... lopts-r J..liu M Distiller aicai.iH Borneo a. nrntiaker II A Retailer ijxikEI Collins K B... H.KnAC ... " Kri-siiurer C A M - Matthews A Kluiuiell ' . . M stives W II " NySttK fan! ir . ...... PIlMaUlJ A W K " I'l.ilsiiii S A Co. Rankers . Si iUrrt W A Retailer aLAta Tuu.NsHir. Uusbaml Mrs F Retailer USOritEKSVALLKY TOWSSHlr. BesehlT Ira. Rrtall.T.. Houv-ef Kit wnt...... buuller ljui.IiskC " SUuita Abraham... .. ...... COKEMATOH TOWKSHir. Homnau Daniel -....Retailer .wiu'l:si aoaoti.it. Black A Retailer- Uroi.ksSll " IssMsJM . droll i) li " Kuril U Mnuataill A Co " kuss AM llnillier " Wenklunif L " . IS . 14 . It . U , K . V. . ii . 14 it . 13 . IJ . Ti li II 13 14 . II , M . ri . 14 1 rLki.ua Towssiiir. .ltetaller... Hay P8 Vising ii (J -FKMBSOX TOWXSIIIP. Barklcy 1 W Retailer jasNEarowa soaotcii. Griffith J J Retailer.- JENNKa TOWNSIIir. Cover Juin.-sSI Retailer i.anfner I. T . Morxan W si . " il l .sillor John A - ' - KUiuger Julm A.- - , LAimra Tow Ksiiir. Itea'l A O -.Retailer llHlUflitnall Jes-e 1'iMiiler - .. punier A. ..... -.Uewiien bwelter b 1' , ..t'Klliler. LOWER Tt'KkKVFOOT TOWXS Bir. Coll.mi A J Retailer l.iti-s.11 Johll .. " Ss-hueihint lienimii Co. " MKYK1UIUII.C hoRot'OM. Citizen lUlik Bank irs Cisik. I'tisler A li . lietailcra lianiiii 11 11 " lusi'H - ' IHlelyH.1 - Kirhnor limit Ciiinpauy..- " , KhherkH II J. " . Farmer-' llalik Rnnkers... Kannei-s' MiiMw'r Ass'll.-Reuolers I.SSMllHllli W iilline Kolvrt Sr ' Hartley s ( Co " llis kinif Kmlhi-TS- - .' .. lliuiv Miehael . - J.Jin A K - Kerkeek J C l.iutl' ' - .... Morrell 1. " Miller A Clliiis Killter M A Aiiu keieli Keiiihart Snitley J T.... Tnixal C " Walk.au A; W icks Young J W MULII.KCr.EEK TOWNSHIP. linmh A II -.Ketailer Moure Cll .. ' . It . 14 . 41 . .) . l'l . II . 14 . It 14 . II . MO . 14 . 11 . 14 . . 11 - li '. 14 . 14 . 14 . 1J . 14 . 14 ! 11 . II . 14 MI1IOED TOWNSHir. .Ketailer....- Walter C A... NEW CKSTKEV1LXI IWKOI OH. sny.ler r; B Co...... Retailers Voiight I Retailer NEW BALTIMORE BOKOCOH. liil"Tie f 1 Retailer Toppers) A " Toi nerJoha M " Topper S A DbUiHer . NORTHAMPTON" TOWNSHIP. ltrinliain M F Relaller MilierJ II " 1-uorljuugli S r . PAINT TOWNSHIP. Hurler I) tv Itctailer Cnslr II II k llm Mar.nll tL WtaklaiiU " . Ueaiiiiiairett. -...-.' ' UI'KMAHONINO TOWNSHIP. inouvb VI A A Clark A Hi Co. liull I P. - unites W J....-- il.H.ver lieoree Spe 111 J ai... -.Iteullers k'KrKWUon SOBOillH. Ash A MeKltish- - Retailers.. ll.iker A Co - tiiii tner liavi.l - i.roll A l ailliiii Ijme John. Miller Joseph. II ' Siliiipstilie Jt Stultll " .sny.ler II M W el-hulls A K " Wolfersls-iver II H " SAI.IS1ICRV SOBOt'olt. Klllen A Itees IteUlilers.. lu.elv Mr- K M K. t.t-I. in II "' Hay I' S " Walker & I-ey.lig . " - SHAPE TOWNSHIP. fjhr V K - KeiutJ 11 Itetailer.. StlMEKSET Bottori.H. B..nfunl (J W Henf.irtlt- II Iirallier A hru l:ieeeker A suyder liottnilli K II Cook A Buerits Colt roth A k .... Kisher c II Kernel AHA Uro FleilseA' Kisiser IlellleV II lierr itrolhers - HoMerlMiuiii J M Harrison charli-s J-... llol.terl ..mil J 11 kaiilner t. s Knepier A W lmtlier lir J M Millv-i J it . N-ll A I a-'tssfr Polls Brothers Itsel A K I'arker A Parker Hi ll. 1! I' A A. Co.- Sm.ler J II Hehniek Mrs M K Stmfer ChsrlesC K-iins-k Mahlon ... Sehell A ShH'lvr tvits rt U A . Treitwell & Co -. I til .Mrs A E - . VoilKllt C 11 . Hanker .. ..Retailer.. ' tJ SOMFasTT TOWNSHIP. . Retailer.... Anys'l Wm tllui.Ktl m . Csl.le J M Miller J I.' Co. Si(s- Brw " Wetiner A J Yaiiuiail Jisseph ' SOCTHAMrTOSl TOWKsHlP. Henkle Valentine IMsUller. STOYESTOWN SOBOCOH. Bowman Noali Relailvr.- Cover 1" J Sch'.ag P B " 1 hiilujMinu J A Sou m . BTONVCKEEK Toa'NSIIIP. ll.sltr.erC I. Retailer...- limine A C'lleinanOismn- . Dtuitiaia Samuel ............ Kioto A C " Topper John M Distiller lamtiert A & Sou Reutler..... aeiier li...- Cook E L SCMMIT TOWNSHIP. HnlilitselUJA Son Retailed.. Jurtv J H . Miller Kphriui " Prills A Cn " sUuiiriurTW. F TiiplieoTKe. VPPtB Tt KKEYPOOT TOWNSHIP tnil'er fl V Retailer Irrharl J 11 Henry K'i Kreifar Jatsih A Si Kreeitr J A I'll lose li P & Co , XleizlrrSK -.Msliller I'KSIXA BOROt-lilt. Albright A Rush. Cmier A lni is Kor.ier Leltoy . IIllllU-T J A Jenkins M A Seliers P1I- Ri'tailcrs W F.LL.ERS1U' Bil HOROUilH. Kennell J J. 14 cLASswrrmy of vexders is xervhax- IIXE. fal-s $ 1 000 Sai,-s 5 nil . ,, ..Class 14 Tax $ 7 00 .' Usi3..Tax .CliwulJ Tax 10 ID files 10 !." imi JO IUI. :ai ii U IT. r no JO Ul A 00 ;m ou 40 ou raies Salisi MhIi-s Sl.s Sales -Class 11 Tax ..!". HI. Tax ..Class 3 Tax t mo . .class s... Tax !) l C laM 7 Tax C LAViriCA TIOX OF TA VERXS. Sale below M im Tax t Vt 00 " 4 duo Tax iu ui " " 6 ouu Tax 2U) W) CLASSiriCA TIOX -OF BREWERS AXD DIS ERA. 8ala below fi ao (lax 0 Taxfirm 5 UV ( law X Tax 25 UM " " Kami ClaaaJ Tax 40 00 CLASSJFICKTIOX BP FoREIGX AXD DO MESTIC LWIORS. Salt below fir. ("Mi3 TaxKS . CUJi fax ) A COMPLETE LINE SUOT-CUNri AND RIFLE FLEIrtllS, SLEIGH HE LI.S SADDLE CHIMES, RLANK.ETS, HORSE BL.vNKETS. HARXESS, Willi's, LADIES' SKATES, GENTS' SKATES, ROYS' SKATES. We Lave just received a largo line of the above goods, thich w ar selling at VERY LOW PRICES. PLEASE CALL AND SEE THEM AT TIIE I-IAJIDW-AHE STOEP OF1 . J AS. B. HOLDERBAUM, Somerset, Penn'a. DRUGS ! an Successor to GEO. W. BENFORD & SON., PR0PKIET0K OF THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN SOMERSET COUNTY, At No. 1, Baer's Block, SOALERSET, PELSTV. I keen constantly on han.I a iari;e stock of DllUGS, rEDICIXES, CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNISHES. The purest and best to be found in this market. We also keep on hand a full line of TRUSSES, BRACES. SUPPORTERS. And all f lie leading appurtenances nsed lioth by Physicians and families. in this line, tierfeei aati;action. TOILET ARTICLES AND SUNDRIES GENERALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. fINE ASSORTMENT OF BIRTJHDAY GIFT'S ALWtYS 1 STOCK. TOBACCO and CIGARS. THE T.EST THE MARKET AFFORfS, BOTH HOMKSTIO AND IMPORTED terrlions Ccmpomifleu, Family Receipts Filial Willi tete My own tna'ae of HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER. It is of a superior quality. We keep in bulk, go that any special ingreihent can ' added. .Slid at 'lb cents a pound. I Jo I square biLsineta and will jrive you your money's worth. Xo trouble to show goods. PURE WINES AND LIQUOBS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES ONLY A LARGE VARIETY OF FRESH GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. Jan.S. UsS7. CLARK H. BENFORD. UitUAKDS ASD TES PIS AU.EH. (hie table ralt y f: DOem-Ii iiottlen l:niirnt-c TAKE NOTICE. All prrson oon'exw-d fn thin ntripinpiit. that n aiiil will itv hvU at tiie ('oiiimiionorK' nntf, iu fNiKi4t, ott (Imc '2 itii day f April, l-vm. lietHt'ti tin- btmrs of y m. m. ani 4 . m uheti u here yuii tuunlteud U )u Ihink pnijjer, M. J. KKKL. Menttutile Aimiiter. MEXDMENT TO THE ClNSTITL- weiiitlt liy Hit tfiiTui AsM'itittty of the 4mmni Wfdlih uf PeiiiiH Ivauiu Uit their uiiprovttl tr re X'U(iu at a hpet-itti eUotitnt U bv iicUi Juh It, I'ulilinht-d by order if the hTivUry ifthe tnmonwelUi, in pumuuiceof Arti4-1 Will uf Ibei uiutitiHioiK Joint rvMtutiitn proiHlnfr au intendment to Ibe cotihtuuliou of the Coiiuuonweaith : SM.Tios 1. Itr it rrvtr'-'i iltr i ttte and lhmr of Hrprrnnftltiryt tif tkr Ckmitnimtentftfi uf 7Vtiru httt tn Uti'frui A-htti'i t TnI the folinwilitr 1 ItrorvM u an anieiiiim-nt V the eiMistituitoi) of ihe ( .iiiiuoim-Hlth of lVMiwylvanta in weonl aute with tne iro'i!iuti of tiie eihu-i tilh ttrtieie there I AMENHMENT. Ptrike mil fmm tion om of aniele eiylit, the fiur qiuiUlii-tuMHu for Toters, whit li rea0 at fol io wa ; if twenty-two year of are or upward., he shall have xtkt, wittitu twoytrani, astalie f t-tHin-t Ul, wlui'h hull have htvii a-.te tit letut two luuiiiiiH. aiHl mid it lel one iihiiith (Vlore the floi-iutiit" w UiMt the Mei-tiou wiiuh reudit an follow : ' hvery mate citiiten, twenty one yuara ofae, pOnw!sin tne lutiowinx (imiiiituttiouK, nhiill ue viilitltil ui vote m all t-U-cuoiui : Kir&t. He whuil have iKt-n a citizen of the Vni ted E5lte? at kut ote moot h, lie fhall have resided U the tite one year or if, liaviiiK rrviouly lieen a iialihel elector or naiive-tjorn eili-n of ihcnUit. , hehall tiitve reinoeil tlnretniio and returiu'd, ttu-un.x luiHittm) lmmeuiaivly pre-eliitK the election. 1 hiro. lie khail hate rtt;U-'j in lite tkt tio:i l-lriet where lr shall otler to ViMe at lea-i two month iuiincdiuiely (tretx'din tne eeeUoii. Fourth. If twenty two yei of uirc or iiimartl". be fit nil have taid. within two vurw, a otate or eonmy ta, h iitt-h Htiall hit in-vn a-Mesl at lea two tiwmth, ami mitl at least ttnr iiHDth )nr fon1 the election," abail be aiueudel, o us to read m 1 'I low . trery male citizen twenty one yetiniof ace, po HewsinK the tollowiug quauiirHlhujn, nhall be i-u-titiel to vote at the oiiinx iare of the eleetion district of which he "hall at the time b a resident and not ebtewliere : Klrxt. lie shall have been a citizen of the I'ni ted Slate at leat thirty day. Het-oiid. lie kIimII have reidel in the State one year lor If, having nrevloiiMly V-eti iital)tied elector or native bora citizen of the Mtc, he nhall have removed tiK-ref;oiu ami returned, then six month) iintiieiliately nreeeilitn; tiie election. Third. He idiail have resided in the elition district wherv he (thallofltT to vot- at leAKt Unny Imvh Immediately re-clni) Hie tle"tuni. The t-xL.lture. at the K-snion lhi rtf next after the adoption ol thi section. Khali, ntid from ti;tie to lime t!irrenfiT may, enact Uwit U jriKrly tn fonv tJiiji invijtoii. Konrth. Kvery male citizen of tbe ac of twen ty Hiie year, wno nhall tivt- been a eil.en lor thirty dy. and an inhabitant of thi state one year next nwedliitr an election. x-ef at mil uicitl eicctiona, and lor tiie last thirty daya rrideiit of the election district in which he ins y utter hi vote, shaJl te eiunled to vte at nuch ete'tkju hi the election diitiici of which he (diall at tbe Inie be a resident and i.ot e be where lor otHeent that inw or hereafter may Im eiwtd by the jieoi'le: frviriihtt. That In time of war noelec tor in the actual military service of the state or of the I ruled Sial-a, iu liie army or navy thereof, hall be ilepr veil of hi v-ne by ntusui of hi at sauce tmm -iu h ek-eti n ditriet, and tiie it'UIu ture rthali have Hwer tn pmvide the mauiuT ui w oiun, iiiu iiic uuie ana jntu.-e at uien Ktien sent eiwtor may vote, and for the return and cauvas ot their vote in the election district iu which they repectivey reside. Filth. or ll.c fHiriuw of vol' n. no prin shall U.Mioemed to iiave gained or bmt a reideuee by nsanon ot ht preMent-e or air-enee while employ ed iu the service of the I tilled State or the Sute, nor while enfcMied In the navigation of Hie wa lern of the Hiie or of th h)Kh hh nor a hile u ktudent of any coile-.-e or seminary' of leant m. nor while ke at any alnboue or nnblic inMi tmton, excejitthe inmaLes of any hotae f.r dia tded and indireut soldien and wilor. who, for the purpoae of voting, shall be deemed to nide in the election district here said hoine is loea tetl. Laws tdiall be maI lir acertatuiiiK. by nmner pf(Hf. the citizeM who hall le entitled to the right f sultrae hereby etal.ljalied," A true Copy ot the niut reHihttioti. HARLK.S W. 8TNE, Secretary ol the Com mo u Health. A1 DITOR'3 NOTICE. Inilieitaieof Jiwph Kochcr. lute of Qiwimihon- The mi'.rri!;itel bavfiiK bwu ap(M)intvf Aatli hirbv ttie Ortuan'M'otirt of .SuHMfrst Coitnl? u mcvrtAin fvmlicvni:DI maile li hfirn. A(tjM u. oiliU ill ornlilom mid make ili-tnl.iili..o tit Wvr fuDl in lh bamU of Jiwuh Ki her. AU imm-lnilor of ihe rsuie of Jiwph Kwhcr. Hw'tf, Infruf liiemafionili)cTowuhtp,rifmc-rri P. to ami ajuoiij? tbu.se k;a!tv ontiileil thfivto. N.itit! l hvreliy (riven that I "will attend to the lutivftiat(laHintmtMttAt my ofh- in Smer. M?t H:nilKh on WineHility, lfw i'-th day of A.ril. ISfW, at I o'fl.irlt p. m.. when and where all vrM.Mui niU rvsUnJ may attend. K. J. KOOfJKR. Apr-3-!8K!. AiKlitor. DMIXLSTEATOirS XOTICIC- trtaie of lame Elrirk. dor. late of Shade Two., N nm-rwt t:o, i'a. Lettent of alminif ration on th RhnvMil ba-i;ir been granted u the onderiirned by lite projwT auttwinty. uotiee i hereby iriveii u all per ion indebted bi said estate V make Immediate paymeitt and thoee haviur claims atraiut the same in-iorH them )uly antheutitHteif for aettlemeni on Satnnlay, May IN. l.tiu, at xic late n-Hienee oi oceeau, in Milage l own.fup. K. W. ISlR-n'KXn. IHAS. KLKK'IC. Attorney. AiiruiuKraior. A DJIINISTIUTOK'S NOTICE. fcjtate of Etnanad Lk'htv. dee d., late of Sthnmit lowusrtip. mmernet to.. Fa. Letter of adminimratioa on above estate har lux been xTanujd to the undenutned by the pnp er uih.nti. notice la hereby civen to all per aoi lxieuted to said eatate to make imraediate payment, and tnoae Uarinr elaima arainst the aanie will present them duly authenticated for settlement oa 8alcrday. tiie lb day wf Mav Ims. at theoAaeof W in. B. Cork, J. p., in Jiey endate Burongh, Bannenet f'ounty. Pa. HARVEY M. BERICLrr. prl. AdminiMrator. r.OIULKDrs, SLEIGH ROUES, DRUGS ! EIFORD We guarantee gHElUFFS SALK. Hy virtue ofa writ of Fi Fa iMnual out of the foiirt of Common l'ieas of fHmeret t'4untv. Fenn a., I will e.riw to public sale at tiie Court Hoiue, iu boim-net liorough. at 1 o'clock r. M.,OU THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1S8D, All the right, title, interest and rlalrn of John Iarr, of. in and to the following deM'iHwd real esijiie, vu : A rertain lot of tjrround Minute in tmervt Br oti'b, SiMinv-t Cirtimy, Fa.. alj(nnii liiij.U ot JiM ph t hrreuriinx oti tbe Mxith, nublic nwl on the north and wot, and land .! Jonrph W. lasti IFer on liK eii.-t. r.nmmin one-fourtn acre mre or ie havinjr there on erecte a J mine dwelling birttte. stblr. and other outiuildiniri. Taken in xreinidii a- the property of John Parr at the tint ol Jotm 11. I hi, atturuey of Barbara Aficintyre a hein. -NOTICE- AU per?onr purchasing at the above alp wilt pleiLe uke uH;ce tlmt a part of the pun bae money ;tu per tent will le required wlieu knM-kil di'wu. otherwi it will atmin hexiMy ed to naif at the rik of tbe first purefcar. The residue of tne pim t.aMt money inut t paid on or hvlori- Ttiiirxiny of the lt Wffk of tne Mav tfrm o!" Court, tne time fixed by the C'otirt for furilii: the ai-tntou ledtfinent of d-eh, aud uodti'l will be wknolc!lKvd until the pureha tiHUj y jud iu lull. Mi-Tiirirtif-e, f R. S. Ml-MILI.KV, April . isfly. j tuieriil. IB. te 33. DRY GOODS MY VIT.. AW cnii!,iv a larv inqw of cniiiatfnt lafjile. wliiMf only duty is the filling of Mili-re by limit from our niiint-mtiK -us-totnvrs living tit :tilist;iinv lio t'uniiot lo tbci.- !-h-1 -j .i ii' bcro in a-rson. Wln-tluT you want a i lu-ttp srbool or hotis "Irt-sH at fi;r. a yard, a ( tin-liaiM, latino, Imiia rrilk. Hlai k or Colort.il Silk, or a Spriiiir Suit of wtinu of tin- new soil wiaili-n fabrics, this Mail Order Department is here to supply your wants. Everything the most desirable in the way of textile fab ricn is here, and at the lowest issilile prices. In all purchases, iiality is one prime coti-aidi-RUiuu, prii-e another. In both then; par ticulars we ahall still aim t please you. Stacv is limited here. Our New Sprfng Catalogue and Fashion Journal Will fell flic whole utory. This journal is pubtishe-I M-iui-aiiiiiially for the hem-tit of our patrons lvin at a distiiiiee, but will be cheerfully sent to any address, wlielhcr you are a patron or not. W1MTK Foil A (DI'Y. It cosls nothing and may prove a benelit to you. Mention this juiper. Boggs & " "Buhl, 115, to 121, FEDERAL STREET ALLEGHENY, Pa- Yr-M I N I STR A TO U'.-s NOTICE, tMnte of IVniamin N'leholann. dee'd, late of fp. lr Turkey i',a4 Twp. .vaner-et ( wiitv. Pa. letters of Adinin-tnui-ai on the above ewlate ha iux been xmiitel u, the uudeririiel by the pitiper auttiunty. notice hi hereby loven'toall pi-rin imlvbti-al ti a-d estate Ut make iminedi ale payment, and lliuee tunnim cliiima axainrt the same will pn---!it them duly amhen-.u-aied for veuieineut on or belorv atuniay. the i'-th day of May. 18SJ, at the late r-xol-'tii'e of -b e d JAt'OB l Holil, f'r'"- Admiuisitrator. A IMIN1STUAT0R'S NOTICE. katuic of Robert Kantier. dee'd. late of Uck Twp., S..iiienset t'ou, I'a. Lttemof .nlmi . i Ut ntion on the aboveextate hav imr been Kra:ited Uithe iiiileriirned by the proper anllioril;-, uutiee ia hereby xiven Wall per-una uid-'ble,! tosaide:nte to make immediate pay nient. and lb? baviiii-elaints avainut the aanie w ill p.-ew-m them dnly atithcuUrated for Ktlle meut on or i.-:wv Sai urday. May , laa at tbe Uie res.deiK-e of .h-; de i-n ed ALfcXAMIER SNYDER, aprlT. Administrator. YI'MINISTKATOU'S NOTICE. Isue of f,evl Rmpe irer, dee d, late ofBlack Township, .-iiinienwt t ounty. Pa. . Letter of aliiiiiiisir.it,uo ou the aboveextate faaviiiK been granted unl.e nndernxtied by the proper H'ltftorny. all perMioa iiHlebted Monuiil ea-UiU- are re-nn -wd to make pavinent. ami IIiom havirix ela.uiK p j re-em them duly auiheutiea-le-l lorM-uleni-Mii to t i.e umlervUiiel Admiri-tra. !!r on rimrwlay. Hay a, Ivu. at his otfcc- in Kocitwood. IU, E. D. MH.I KR, t-rt". Adiuiuietrator. XOTICE. Mt wife. Mm. Marr Faltner. havinir left mv fd and board ntthviit ji-t eaune or provitrnti'ni I herifbv warn all per-onn that 1 will ps no deMi ot hur coatnaeuag. rt.IFTOS f. FCI.MER. Eijslkts P. O., April !;, Knable & Shuster's SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! In Overhauling our Stock during stock taking, we have discovered too many Goods, which has caused us to make the following wonderful Prices: 50 Tioccs Ires3 Good.-, Reduced from 12 1-2 cts. to S cts, 100 Pieces Cheeks and Stripe?-, were 50 cts., bow 39 cts. 30 Piecea Clack Suiting, were $1 2 ), now 50 cts. 80 Pieces Colored Silks, were $2 00 and $2 50. now 50 cts CLOAKS KEDUCEI ! UNDERWEAR, AT 1 I T 35 Fifth Avenue, louthers Drug Store, Main Street, Somerset, Pa. This Modsl Drug Store is Rapidly Bcc:aing a Great .Favorite with PcctjIs ia Search cf FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Jlcdicincs, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Truses Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. THE DOCTOR GIVES PERaOSAL ATTENTION TO THE COMPOl'NDISa OF PHysiciisTrescris OREA T CARE JIElSf TAKES To VSE SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And Full IJne of Optical Goods always on hand. From such a large assortment all can be suited. ' THE FINEST BRANDS OF CIGARS Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our rood to intending purchasers, whether they buy from us or elsewhere. J. til. LOUTHER, M. D. MAIN STREET - - SOMERSET. PA. FOSTER & QUINN, 13 and 15 Clinton Street, J"tOH!:TSiTOI"WW WILL SELL YOU E ::; 0 -A. -R, CP IE3 Ts : Cf All Grades at Prises Lcwerthan Ever Znawa in. 'Western Penn'a. LACK (TiiTAIX. Tt'U0(JMA AND CUK.VU.LK CCKTAIXS. CURTAIN ViiLYA AND KIXTCIil-X K! iiS. IN ALL MZKS, CltCOA AND CHINA MATTINGS, AT UfWKST TIIICKS. THE LARCEST STOCK OF DRY COODS AND DRESS TRIM MINGS, AT FOSTER & QUINN'S, Successors to Geis, Foster & Quinn. ESTERI'niSK AND l'UOGRKHS : ARE TRULY RKPRESENTED BY : : : DANZIGER & SHOENBERG, The Largest, Most Complete, and Handsomest Retail House iu Western Pennsylvania. . u Full of liie and animation, surmounting all otwtacl.-s an I throwin;; defiance direct into the teth of o;; itiua, tlioy ifive t their p.itrjtu tiie grt-ift-st b.tnfins ever presen'ed to the purcliasing public. iOUJCTf j; TjilSTiNiUTTn TMum Ooclg and Silk.-, Cloaks and Wraps, Hosiery and Underwear, Linens and Itomt-stics, Muslin Underwear, Laces and Kmbroideries, It.-es, Lildxms, Millinery Notions and Fancy fioo.!?, Sups IVrfumery, Silverware, Jewelry, Corsets, House F urainhini, Crockery, Ac, Ac. In fact, everylhiiifr Tor use or wear here eolletrted. F-lai-k (im fJrain Silk" af .V.V.. worth ff All-Wiad Hetiiieiias, d Mible width, nt worth (IV. t'neviots. strial. pla-ii and mixed eif.-, is d.-til.le widih iwals. worUi -v at I'm 4"l mill Ilin k Toel, worth Is,- t m Ilk-. ' lo inch lutti:r-k l.inen Towels, worth .'inc.. at pic. V M 4 I rochet (juili. worth l. at iSh-. Kxira h-avv Marwilles iiilis, worth nl 1 III. I.nlies ( loih WalkinL' J.u ki us. worth at I. J1!.' i'i',"" " '"'"T"''". " ii, .-',,t.,.,. I w,. ( balli.. Percale.. l.lhsms .! W,. iiultX;;;: DANZIGER I & SHOENBERG,:: : Sixth Street and Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. I DO YOU KXOW ! -THAT ONE OF PITTSBURGH S ROSENBAUM & CO., 510, 512, 514 Market St., and 27 5th Ave (Entrance on either Street.) Stores ogain enlarged and many improvements made promoting the comfort of their Customers. Do You What they keep? Millinery, j Cloaks and Wrais, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Silk arid Linen Handkerchiefs, for La dies ami tientk-iiicn, Corxi-ts, liK) style, Underwear, every Krado, Umbrellas, the lar.'estt t hoice in the c ty, Hosiery, Jewe'ry, r.mbnideric, from cheajest to finest, White (Joods, every variety, Ijices, every TsibIe style, (ienta' Furnishing f loods, 50 Styles of Kid liloves, for I Lowest Prices ! XO YiSIT TO riTTSBlTMU COMfLKTK OIE PRICE PITTSBURGH, PA. is 0X1. Y FREXU AXD PCRE ARTICLES REPRESENTATIVE HOUSES IS- Know Here is the list: Kmbroidered Cashmere Shawls, Itibbons for Fancy Work, Millinery and Dress Trimming, Children's Lace Caps, more novelties than anywhere else, Full line of materials fir Art Work, Made-np Fancy Artii lcs for Bim-atis, and Mantl.-s, Ijidiea' Neckwear, Notions, Linings, Dress Trirnmings, every novelty and lat est variety, Stampetl Linen Goods, Infanta' wear, -adieu. Misses, Men and Jloys. Polite) Attendants ! VXLISS lOV CALL A T THE STORES OF Family ReceiB OIK ft