I 4 i ; i I I I 5! 1 : i I i ; if COMPULSORY rOUCATION, . f Alieg-nany. Offara a Mr. Mar-land, of AHeaTiany. Offara Comprehensive Bill Covailnir: AH Casea. Mr. If irian.L of Aiirliaiiy. Iia oHi-rnl a in ( Ikmiw to ifovi-h- Iir t!i Uttrr tiru;i.i'n of wrinirn and r'.nMif-4.. Tvjjr.iat inj: iliirritymfi an'! mviling f'lf vinpiilrT eiiuoafiiMi of all i liilJrvM in tli (ncra! ruie. 1oto:ik!' ' t'sli"' oftlw State. Til bill also a'i:hinf" th"4 FiWiiiHi a'tr.mnl ..tft.rrj anj d,-(tiH- their du'i-. Il dirwts. tlial a truait uffji-r si'.l b is-trj in frery lioo! .liMrwt in tiir State, and thai he 1ia!1 rr?ir a tuiary f not less tl.au $lti" nor ruori- (hail per year. It imp mm a Hiw f not Iran than il nor more limn iifiou any rent or ruar.iian of a t-'iii.J b.ieen the njr of ' and H years who is curivitil of neglecting or n-f miii: to sriiil Mi h a c'ji Id to winte Uy w l'i. 1 lie tru ant oilitirti are auilitiriesl to arnut any hiM tWnl fror.i school, without have, horn tlir fi iid UHjn the aircwa. ami to take any unruly or incorrigible child lieffire the Jude of (lie jarter $etain Court of the county, "ha may commit the cliiiil to a rf irm . hool for the rest of the hjol year. Another stvtiun provides that it rhall he lawful for any child l. 'ween the ae of IJ an I 1 I yea to be iitj !oyjl in any filt. cotton, woolen or worsted fa'-iory, or any wholt-aair or retail tore for not m ire than Cve hoaraeai'h day, on condition that Mid oli ii 1 hall attend arhoo! at lt one W7-.-i.in of the aame day. A viola'ion of this pro vision ia autnnjarily puninliahie in-fore an alderman hy a fine of not than .V' nor more than t . , It prohibit the employment of any voting aid or wimin of any age iri any laundry, tan or water jKwer Ct'-tory fir more than t!ire ti'.-jrx a day and ain iirvscri.-. tLat t't s-1! 1 1! tri'i-it o.Tl ,tTi ii'i hie miju'r-vii-i-in of tlii niat'er. It iiin: Inm wi.li aiu'.iority to enter and i!i-ift mh-Ii l.i-i'iriiii irid to interr.ifTate .roiirii't-irs a-s tiie-hjr-at ter of Work arid ttie liumtuT of lii'iip lr Ji.-l ji in employed. The truant othivr i- aNo re-i'iinl to m-ike rittt fnonrl.iy ti'imrt to th' ichi-ol iKrmli of hi trana'.,tiotii' f.;r the previous in itfh. Tne kill linai'y provides that panTta or Hnrd.ain !iall furni-h employem with uil- i-tartory roof of the aje 4t any child aj-pli- cint f ir empioyinen t. The New Assessor's Law. AX IT. To authorize the ch-"t:o:i of A-eiM'f's for three year in the seven! 11 ir.i!i0iis a:;.I Town.ihtp of thi ( mini nwrii:li. 1. lie it enailed hy tin Su ite a.id Houe of U?pre?entut iv of t'ie uhm-in-wealth of Penniiylvania in 'ioiiera! Acnihiv met and it i hereby enaetel by the untlpir tty of the name that the voter of every It tr ough and Township in the t'ornm nea:!h of Pennsylvania, shall, on the thir.1 Tuesday of Kebrusrr. Anno IVttnini, one tlioniand cirht hnndred and eitiity-nine. atid ? rti utii a!ly thereafier vote fir and ee't u pr-ijH-rly qtialilied jierson for Ams ir in tarh of aid distriils, who shtti! serve fir three yea-s. Sk . -. When any U ioiili Ji.ts U-eti or mat! Ije divided into war.U. or any Town hip lias been, or fclrili h divi.i- I into elec tion tliitrirts, the i'ialiti 1 voter- of ca-h of such wards and of eacii ihsl-ict of sui'h divided Township, snail severaiiy elei-t at the tim -s af iresaid. a proT!y jtia!i(ied prson as Aw ir for said ward or election distri'-t who shall serve f ir three years. See. .'I. The Assessors eh '-:e l p-irsuant to the provisions of this art. .-hall perform all the daties of Assessors under the laws of this Commonwealth, as well as those n lat in: to the valuation of proper" y and shall make the triennial assessment in the last year of their term of otli.-e. S 4. Whenever the '.mmisinners uf any County liall under existing laws a( point person to fill the oflice of Assessor, such person shall serve until the next elec tion for Assessors as provided hy this act. Sre, 5. All laws inconsistent herewith are liereby regaled. Anpmve,! : The 1 "h dav of February, A. I. ISsft. JiSA.Ku.ER. Direct Tax Bill Vetoed. n March 3 the President sent to the Sen ate one of the ir'art important veto luessnirisj of the session, rettirninir w ithout his appro val the bill to refund to the tates the direct tax collected in It'll, lie bes ,i disaw proval chietly upon eon-liiiiiioua: reasons, t bound it is evident that the fact that the bill would take 17,Kni from tlier.aury itilluen.-ed his decision. It in not with in the constitutional power oiCoiipnss, Isp Hunks to make such an appmpria'iou, it is a sheer, bald gratuity, lie refers to the tact that w hen the surplus in the tn-avm-ry was distributed to the Slates fifty years Ui.-i. it was done under the puis? of a 1 'an. nl Mde of the constitutional ipies'ion he objects to the bill because 1'iere should le a certain ly and stability about the enfonvment of taxation w hich should teach the citu, n that the itovernment w ill only use the powet to tax in rases where its nervsshy and justice are not doubtful, and w bi-h should also dis courafe the i.isttirbinL' idea that (lie exer cise of this piwer may be n-vokul by reim bursement of taxes ot:ce collected. Tiie Senate, in evening session, by a vote of 45 to fl. passed the direct tax bill over the veto of the President. Tribute of Respect. The Womens' H. .mi ami Foreign Mission an Si-iety of Christ's Cburcli, Somerset tbarije. desire to record their biL'h a;i;ns-ia-tinn of their late sister. Mrs I.ydla Ca-elws-r. wrho wasealled home to her Heavenlv Fatlc cr on the moniitifr of February 21, vi; - WitcRKs. In the d;s;s.nMatioii of Provi dence, the ail-w ise Father lias called our Iss lovesl sister to lay aside the armor of useful, lovinjj jrvice for rub-' ol jierfect ri'.iti-nua-tiess in thrist Jesus, therefore J.i-siVist, That we. as a socb ty. how in crmlitiide to (iod for the f.iith that br'.h!eu sd her pathway and enabled her to meet the '" Master's summons calmly, for i. RlJitA, That we rrirard this di-jKnsa-of opk.n as a message from Heaven to show its w slender is the thread of life, and "bow As wn w ith n the lidKir may lie w rought, for news time i short." atfint ..rsiicrd. That we lie admonishetl by lier the S'115" of the appriachinp niir'.it. and by her ones ai'hfulncss, notwithstan linir Isslily infir jraity, of need of de"per and truer conse ( craiion. Jir4crtl, Tiiat we tenderly sympathize 1th those sadly bereft, and commend them to ttiat loving Savior in whotu she trusted and triumphed. Tfsoird. That a copy of this memorial be will to the family of tiie deceased, and that the same be published in the county iapers. Mint. II. J. Simi'lis. Mas. It. I.. Sirr. Me. A in t 111." K. S 'pnvilV, Wch. C. IWi. Cjinmittec. Husband Items. Purlinj; Itws apjiewr to le ail llw fO now, in this community. Mr Cbnrles Oiorwt)iiinfc. who l.aJ lx-en Fpemluir the j-a! liirw month in this county visiting his luinuTtma frieml, it turmnJ to his home ia 1 Ut rk. ilr. famufl S. Millt-r. hu is knovn to kwp iioim hut the very tt kin. of hnrw, !! a -erj- tim nd handoiDe hore rrcriit lr, that hnHight an mumion tP?tinp. IluitsrHl.or ralitrhi. vicinity, ran boast of having had tlirt-? to nt-hip itflirt-n eleclitl at tiw late rlorjinn: oo'.Im-Uit. Mijer int and ronMabU. and is coniitliim ntt-d for i:s huo- .on, ivsultinp in a .trptihliran majuHiy. A iarttiers nwtingwas cai)U-d at this place Vathr st houl liouw.on lawt Tm-fula' evening. r Che )dr(e of diwti an iniportunl quemiuu, how our farmers rxiuid be j vrt tid ed, kiHrmn as a Farrmi irat fie. A Urge number of Urnim atteridti this m-tit srbo srere eapre to Wm the fufl noeeJiii4.s. as it was entirely near to them and mi. h interest sras manifrte-. in lije diiwiiHi of the surue. A similar meeti..? be tat!el hereafter, at srhi'h t"unete qiu-siion mi:J 'be suora fully dtciisa-d. Ttte farn.ers ihrotijrb here, as a eieral thinje. n'J? v in ad vocal ing this principle, the ojtrt of srhkh t to lorm a Partuers Uutua! Auruition. i. w-lt.C!.. f I T fll e.l iinsi who. Xne Ptar-snJ 'il fianrsan1'. of Pilnnr!i. Ta-, lljir- s-Milrv ot na'nfctltril;e f'jr tae 1 iKimisaiir. iraiie Iie flnesl braiei uf ; llluminatirgii Lubricating Oils ; Naphtha and Casoline, PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM. i , , ! Ifyot! wisfc the most uniformly j Satisfactory Oils I -IXTIIE- Arnevican INtarket, Ask 'or our. 1 nvle for Somerset and Ticinity t.i(.liad by crnvK A BEERrT ixd Flil-asi. K'si-KR ei-"'-Ivr. asiattsiiT, Pa. TIIH OLDEST DRUG HOUSE IN.PITT3BURC, JOSEPH FLEMING, Ko. 6-1 Market St. i llanne liKi'l iira tmr.iner oi years a iair , share oi tne- w.tnn,ai:r of the psst pisiple f I J'Htshtiryb aiel vii iiniy. I lake tide ops.rtn- t.ity to say. with iiH-rwieil facilities and stock I 1 am keiter pp-l-ared than ever li ssdicit ! their orders, viltirr wbolasale or retail, ill i anv way n iainor to the clnijc trade, and In I aaviiriK-r. neu'nes and pronipt iu. and pri ' l.iw'. r than ever. I 1iok: lo merit the r ! is!itinui-i t,i'.uis. I lisve constantly in s'ik k a fn!l :::.e of Inii'. 'I "i--s. lMiu'eli r irc. I !. and cents. lU'niao-v Faitu. !v Svr.l!-"-. ii.iir. Nail and T- it n ISru'ln s Vil ttie fia'i.n Proi-ri'-ta-y Miilicines uf T j j- day '! l-.i-r H I I'n-jiaraniitis. Malt Ks 'ii-s.ts. For rti'siital punsises tliein is n' Is-ller t-iirei-. iilder wl.l-i:ey sold t.v-day ai.y : wi.'-re tt:an tiie pirs eihl year old ton ki-l.-. heitner W'tHki 1 am now seHinir at :sl f ,r , foil i,uart Ii ittn". or!i for $.". Tlte n!y Wil.es lliat slu.uid ! u-s! lor mediea! pur- ii.is.-s ore tln pun-California I'ort, Slie'iy ' Miwati-I. Angelica and wvt and I'ryCa i law da ti.at 1 am now lliint. . sn-t i..r .n.f list of Wines and I.itiiori. nia;lsl iris- to any addr-s. Tiie money nuit a ssimi:i!;y all onbrs fir wirn-s or i Liijui-r-. as we do not send anyirissls t '. 1 1. 11. JOSl'.Vil FLKMINti A Si X. i:ol.KAI.K r.Ii KRTtlt. ' rrrs!iri:;H, r.v. ' l., M.i-ket S'... I '..r. of the Iianiond ; What a Comfort! NcDrri! No Fuss! Ho Back Ache! LASTS LONGER, LOOKS 3RI 3HTER, ni rakrs tht Si. WEAR BETTER, llou'tlst i!ic wc4iicn have all the best tlimibut use Wolffs A G ti EB! acki n g ONCE A WEEK rOK MEN. CNCK A MONTH FOR WOMEN. 1 ti-d it a t:p t:-p Harness Dressicg. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, FmUdeiphia iERRINE'S pure:. BARLEY MALT FOR die a as luuiQbwUuus e-.'. k.o' -'--rrer t.'-l in rU, irj- lil Tf : " rM'lMl ft iita i-f r n n J'.rti It M..U t i.r.'--. ( nni!jn! 1' j'.nt.ii f-.r j ttir lust ir j VP rnl i m r rti"it".- '.tit's fnr- 1 ..f n. (niT. Tin?-- ii " I'. c r r I :i - ntrtf h p rl" Melt i r Il fH lit It U:' Isixiviti rnis't ' f r M&iatiaiUMl iiKli. y Tl'Wi it m-.il rattct from I the srtin ll the form of MkUruu IIKFrTTON. Th Frt of Wino vlnvful lliw TimH Iy. K-T -r ail Inu-ir!u thmtirhmrt the Tn1tMl - - Ktiil w t-it, aSsie Sfiiuiinj uuitNak beartii lllMlUIV ot Tfu MPH REYS' Cloth &Cold Binding 144 l'H ft" I I1"1"! HL llt.L MJImi. P. . fl-v I-f. T. t-WT Of P!t IPAL SO. CVtlV frU' E- (inrrlr. T uihirvit or aquiu Ill M-Rtr . ti,ti?. isjIi'Mis. Ci4jh:.... I fewtrra Altrfbu. biuiluif mIi. Iwi-firbiin. Ulllcac HOMEOPATHIC it V ir !, iiiifti- M"miu "i -ttfri-ai4-s ot I'nl.ilnl lrfto4 . i.iin, u-o I n-iiis- ivf.rwi" 24 ( rutitt. i forh. IhTiH wli Hr-thinr iiH Ithrttm. I i-ii.. i-rufUKtoaw .25 It hrtlMiatlssiH. Isll'ltti.lIK- Jlllf j-rivr ni nf. M.vri. S I'll-. Imhs.1 -.1 lif.ifHr . . - AO 4 nmrrh. lxHnwa. 1 "id in th- Heul HM-tie ou.h. Vtimi Mitri.. .AO (.nif rt bi(it ,Phti V eva.a ..Ml Kilnr I - .V .nmi Mlltv I.ft I rinnrt V rkncsM. Hnlinc H-d... ..' SPECIFICS. pnes. siai'i.ia.tS'aUfUuklU. lOIa. V-lS I ti'...r-s..s-i.r-i Ji',ii- -J,v . i..iit,.i.- t .' i" fclS'T--ji- i--a s...-t..i7 It' I e-ESex-L.. i Pf-?e rftfrr-- ,b rH- H F . .t-fnv hrn XB lr .., il. ii Iri n,4l .1 ' r n swtxi Wh'T 4 tn-'f - 1UI 4 t.. Hue 1 40, Ae-U. Maine MASMlilil 'i ir iM,-; u.--.an-fi iiirrofliM-etJ m rrfTit form t'jr Mfiwni fe llrtntituia .. t kt triwrr iltmrd in titc turt'ia u turn of Uw Hr-tranimra, IstM Mjub A II urttu (Hrtt) ttaViv alwav "-tiv-tinrl ti-r fir-rat y m luc krM4 hi the wornl. MiHm at lleunim oil- r, a anMn;Tmt:rn of the erfH ttuX-d r. a, nce rJt th-ir .m, tie fat tiM at all of th (Tt W.-Teir KxaMn. siucc that at tna hot inakfl D P W f I 0!r-'f c'"i tnrv.Uirvhivi ISflllHIlll "vrtkk- tra:i ra r' S i2 ftfMNI. fm-. Mswon V ii.ifiil n dotv-t ttr-f.uu lo tnlf the tmorrtuiar'r c utm f. ttwir p um, that tby are aut-rr to oihorsa." '1 ttrj tif'-cnize tha b ira exc-icfice aciir--"d v.kt W-vnn Biaktra m ih an ttt piit truiHiiQi:. t:it at.J cji m vifnoruf. Tm lliry afnimia ; y trt ttwi rvmarnw int tmivrmrnl mir ml .-rrd bf trveru 1n the frar 1 aitd pvw kntxrrn r i t- Hamlin Pi mo hraiitutH," hMl n RIM A hrum-of bKia a Becvvd ik IJ I M HI I I V pos wtst'ari:v ami I Li f k I npfni'IBn,t ' I rTTlhotl irttl W Vwi hcrntlTiD- cTraedcapaci- Cl'O A U"?2 ". j ST ty fur BS tutw o.ber im o'luK lvt,rce A ciTi-JiMr, C'i'oUii'tvjr trT.iuiTti4 IVss tbM hand:od rT,kin, rxtsMCian. kuI fuwr, fw-ti, loif't!'-: iih i' n iw Atn7 , toartv a-p?'''ani. i'taooa ntmh f-raua sumI lur cava or ar aj Sftt; ais. rntt--l. MASON 4 HAKL'N OGAN ANO PtANO CO. bo-ton. .Ni. kuka. LUicat.u. YOU CAN FIND (aa. Se in ltTTSM KSvH I A I kr1 It THIS PAPER iir liuienu is .rEElII!7GTClT BEOS. aa sUl uuu lur mfinatmi u kooi ruaa Mil. f l a T'aw ! ' ' miMir j IV.TCH THE i Mm f l Ii- . -s .. II- Si, ! t .-' v- .,1. w ..t--e. .-s i I I r V i i ' " -"' - '" Jf I i " I I l,S)lv.l.. llH....Ui..S.- xVivSl .-'riT-.eT,: Hvf .Sije..i.-ss.."".' ' si A.IJ ":-. s ..... . .. . B:. . i-li. j J hr4 tmvn i-wM Have Von Noticed tie REDUCTIONS Mi Weiwear? White end M"-ay Mitino Shirts and I'raw rs. issliusjsl from .Vie. to 4"c . TV", a suit; sd.Kss-l (mm TV-, to Ctc... 1 -'"lassit; r Inceil from ?1 to Toe. each. Three gnulesj neililim and extra beavv weight, l'.ain I'imiii tiair "i,mf and Irawers, reduced fsim SI "s. ln: S i-ai-tl. smissl i aiatl.s itair. jsslueeU from SI IS to 51 .iit-sch ttiiiie Att-wv-aii fhins aad iTawers, rediicea ;n-TT S- to M 'sieaetl. hne Alt i.s.i -tdrts and Iawers, reduced friTii si .'hi to M i-w. It A list. 'Ui liarv-.iiii. ia Men s Fancy Utrtped Vr riito Halt ttoK-are worth nt yiMirMltiMition. ade itrntes is? a ! . a :or $1 T.Se ifradi-, M cent a '"'mr new Pt-.e f MENU and 1HYS" VlulIT -HIKTr. just ojueii ; extra values ia While and Knlcy. The Bargains in Trimmings At I.V.. -. .-r.. TV--, utmI fl ft ynnJ.will be to ttra I Vfu if vtu -A lit 'yihl!iT ID th TnmMiliiK l!"r! Brl' nt-U firm - -1 up. ir tbn hull prut. inil it.t-twptu ttw Tnuuniiif i'imnnifiit. HOUSE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVE.. PITIVIH RliH PA- m mH-h-im-aii p i"f 'ithhw -ni b" I mtk nrr'.nii' nn f nv ' tr ( -'lai" hi tti wirlj l-ulij iliutmttt. IKW-1 : Wmnl Ktiamr hir. I'utti-!is-l Wfs'hiT. ts t'if 1r iiito '1-t. In-i' Vl a vtvur. K- tri' Ptlm trial, (1. ARCHITECTS & EUIIDERC Edition of Scientific Anericao. O IlHlOaTrHl'hlC pUiH"tiI t't.I'lH T Y UltJ 'H T ffMin- - ..f ;ni''iir iruu-linr. imii.u ntitmrTine ntf full i-tjtn ui.-i t."it1i"ain.i.a lur the f of ru'ti at. -(!irat(i 1 ii Hi Hi,"- I'rl'- t-H TiWs tiii: to Wi nn a t o., w ho m T-r' 'i'nw' urt fnv- uuioa ovr ti.tt Mpt'ti ;-.n fur nTir aTi mr.d Vp- MiUtUVC ni I IT ri.ufltltii( ii.l. TRADE MARKS. f n our mm ic i r gtntrrfal in tri T ei.l nfli --. p'-l to Ml N k .. attt prH.'UI' to.iusji..i (i-ttM-i (..n. tM-nd i'r liautilioi'lu 'ri RHillT' ft-r hrok, chart-, maps. lt sUn:ki (f h. u i AOUrcss 311 N CO.. rntrnl Solicitor. CatarrH ely-s n r-i 'DrA numt bream oaim ( U-auhm the Ntii-al I'suwairrsx, Alltty Iic nvA Inflammation, Heals the Shvb, Re stores the Scum o Ttitc aiitl melL TKY THE CVRE. -v v - s Aiat.i-le f aiiMni into each lunstrfl and la aTe'i.it (riw ."itf-fnt nt rtrttptrist : t mail -t-i.'l'." -rtil, in.; tLV lilto., j Warrfti "Sint, e V'nt. d-JU-lT, Ifanr dralrr nmm he tin the W. I.. IoorlaB Khu without um,ii Antt rlr UmiKa am Um? 6oCtuiia put faitu itmB ita a fxaaUe W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEtL Hint In the world. Fxamtnr hl '..'M.IM IM M IMl-sf.H r f MIOlu SI.IKI HMlMHIIIHTII"t. fc.t-Hl ftil.lt I. til HHI1HI-' MIOI SVI.A I A I i; M It: I AIJ -HO.. S-J. WIIKhlM.M Vs illlll. :.( ami Si.;.- -.f.V M MIMII. MIOKa All ikm.1. in 4 'inm-.s. Iiitl.-u aiKl ..-. V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LADIES. Beat MaKTial. Ilent Slrle. Kent I Ulnae If nrf ...l lo ..i,i 1. l.-r, .to U. I.. IMM GI.AS I'.llIM KTIIV, XAlii Ktili h.U.K HY A. H. Fernet & Bro., SOMERSET. I QUI'IIANV cni KT SAI.K 'al liable Real Estate ! B vintic uf .id ,r !T of twh iu'n iU of the trph tu' -ni.-t i .miii ;--1 iMp.ty t'.r to lur uirtu. I will ii puitili' nhU. ou Uht WKDSESDAY, A PHIL, 4. 18S!) ! t i -i : p. i. th: toi!untxj Lml rr-ta' Ulr ih- prufNT.y .Ii.Iim A'lain Kchin- l-r - il. ivnjtiii l tutttt MtllrtlO tti Stuiheim: t D T"rt :ihijt, trii PM.-t unt l"t .Vinmuiifc lu rl ,int-..h -.im.-.lr. J.tui K Urinhmii, ujjr-, ci:. t lining m h'ni'li-t uikI Mxlv-ii- jh'imh, imic liMivtrfi j'nl t s ii' fivi- m-n-j ch-nr l. th-,' t.al-!- iT's-.i ItMil 1 lull it. A Iwm Ury friie Dwelling House, and r.nrn. Tw ' whnrl f chninc fniit. a Mipwr ' c;imii ni t't iu--H-t it't tlit pri-iiiiM.', The iurtn Ir lit'.. it r Jir(t ' ' JltlOll. TKIIMS- to thi- cM. llt nf tin (l.-hi l il.i; aUmt n, l'"i. I :-t.uUlli-e III 7t Istitjtl Mtintlitl yillllU. 11. Si- ... iir-.-.l llll t It-" ...1 III jtlilKl-IIM'llt llitili. lo t.-r ., ui. ot l-Mii-hi.s. liii.llt-T to In- J.stl fitl .lay ni utf. Nonis- l-'vi-:i on iiv ..f suit' nl HrMlnu. M i-i,- i-. VtiKi:. I jir. ami Truiiw "f J'iIIV AI'AM KtilNKlllKK. SOMERSET MARKETS. Csrrset4 Wssk! by COOK a tEERITt, nriLta i Choice Groceries, Flour & Feed. Apples, ilriert. y IS Alii.it- Hmiir. fsal ........... Hrxi.,SVll It" H'ltti-r, i Mil, l t hui. k hi-al. ? Im meal, . Bif-aax s? fti HaiiMj. ISut-nr-i-ltre.l llain-i th (I'.iuiitn- liainst i ' 'ltirtiiii-n.i Si.. . , " (Viilwo tirn, i-ri y tin . . i.tH-iiftti a ba .. Meal a "b Chop, nirn and cmts. lut lt all rye, iou Kinr" V rt'ix ... Himr. Roller Pnn-nss fi bill . Vteiilin. V ''il Flaxseed, t tiu - , . ! t B Vi.Milnirn. i lit) II l tola, mslin . IVtaUnn.fi ba .. Je :if Kir 41.0 1 1 -j yttc 2tk- lir 10c 47i.sii- Vmi.iOc .- .l"Jr . l.iM.1 M 7c jtarler ...II m.-i yr .. aaovtuc -fwlur 6e 1 2o tl 29 3 .SO tl (10 I f ta'!.-. iinest, ft a .1..., K-. e. V im Salt, IN" I.) y Mil ' fiirisinil AtiiinlSsttk (AbIumui full aai k... Slirtr, rellnw. Si ti .T.l-7.. wfctle, fl a Talknr. .. Warsaw salt V bin" t "ack Wheal. bn IiM I MsTPATt ! NOTICK, k.stu;eor "h h. VmtiM-. di-e'il. late of rone nanaJi Tuwtishlp. isnn-M-t Cmiitr. I"a I.elten- ( Arllninraliiitl on the ahwrp estate haviiia trn amtiusl i.i ihe uridersie.tesl Vit ibe lirisr aiith.ir:IT. notlee in herehy trlven tnull fttTMiiis imli-littsi to win! eta:e to aiake imwedi me nii-tii. uiul ili.ee havine eiaims aKainut ; us' urn. wui present ineiu ni;T authenticated i ft tt leuK-til iiti or lrnrs Ajiri! till, 1SK9, at j ei.,-:n,.,ii the imnr;ur in r'unemansti To. K. VI . liiu x:k. Ji'MN STA1IU Ailmiutstrauc. SALESMEN WANTED AT ONCE. Iir! nr travIi-.-j- u n ofirnrx. rlmrs't-T who wux.l Tj rtiaA-v ril .-ni it.j ni'-nt, wnt kt-Uv titfHtr iifr tor hrHtaMMi. Uy Ti-teni -kMirrnK mid you run make rtin-v hsnttliiiit niy iiriait!(-. imu'i -v ; Ito vrrt ht-ri. Ap iiy to FKKft K YH Xb, NfW tug",ai(4 Nuraer- II- hfterP X. Y. FttfiT-sHa. fv0mk ias ass aasa A a am as 0H ' -e :.' 1 SO 10 . 41 00 CARTERS rilTTLE IflVER jjjK.lj.S. ORE Qlk Eeadsclie ami rellere a'.l the troubles loci slent to a tiitewa state at the rstn. aorh aa litzrtneas. Nausea. lir..wiorj-s fiirreys after eaunft. i-sun m tiie tsi-ie. &c While their ne nmiarkaUe aurcest baa been wnx In cunu( moil Headarbe. t rrra a Lrma lvxa Tlt ia are eualiv valuable lu 1 cumlitsxiniu. curiiia arisl preventiDir uii anten ;iixrvnii.nC si hi I thee alsodirn-et all dumrilers of use stoaia.. wunulAM the liver and regulate U trjataa. uta wj wij - - Aehe ther srnuld be alrrn pneeleaB 10 thosa who mifTer f ruin thm dwrmwme entiiplain! : hut fiaSinatelT th-ir emiinens dnes not etui liere. and thoxe who ooee trr them will flml theae Bttle jiillsraliialile in so many warslliat thee will m he willing lo do KlUxntl thetii. Hut after all aica bead mm Is the bane of so man T Heea that here law hers we make our (Teat boast. Our pills curs while other do not. Caster t Ij-ma fjvni Pius are rerr small anj eerjr eaav to lalte. ine or txo ri make a disw Ttiee are rtrk-tle TeeeUhie anil do nt rripeor pinve. imt bj' their rwitle a-sii-o reatMi all wlio line them. In TiaU at x? o-ntu: lies ior 51 . Hofci ererrwhera, aent itj luau. 02U3 KIZ'JZZZ CO, Tat b!H blBa Hlfe EVERY YOUNG LADY IN THE LAND EXPECTS TO EE THE OWNER CF A Sewing Machine 7:"lxs She i: Alreadj, tut which of the many Jlxhites ia the Market WILL AM WF.lt UF.lt I'CliVOtE KF.sT in every rfitrb, i: llie iinestiun tlint now enj;a)!es her miiid. She is wi 11 aware that a Souins Macliine cists liio niut'li t-t make JFREQUENT ! CHANGES,! lint this itu-tifn hits jmw rwrn !veil for lier. At tlif ;ri-at ' Ii utiial Kxiiilii tinn at finriiinali. altrf lOO DWS lOO uf i-vilM ComK.-titiin witli s.l the prn'rwl Scwiuji M.uliiins in An-ru.i, 'n- foie a jury uf nut hatii t! t xjKrt, it was an anlid a z SIXYieR i MEDAI,:::: c liijr'iwt aii'l only awar 1 :ivin ti S-'wins Mat-hines. jiriitii'iiiiotn il lo l.i tin tnnt durable, lit Hclitiist an. I iiiiviiM r;in nin. ami bit adanti"! Im.- fatniiy iirKinis. Tliis, oiii.!nl with t lie fact that it inlereii tim fiel l in lfT". when Ihe market was Klutte.! with St wing Mai-hiiie?. 70(3,000 have littn anlil, more than d.ntlile as many af any oler l.iitiiliany'H for the same time it a as on the market. laches of ta-ste ami tt ioiJ juilinetit, af ter carefttliy liMiiijj the merit? of the W II I T E, and iu new- Sieel Allachtnetit.s. ali-njnt!y the most liurahle ami Ik-st, a il! not m tertain Ihe tlioiiKht of Irnyin any other Sewing Machine. S hi on the must n-as-inable terms by Joseph Crist, Ag't., JENNER X ROADS. SVnierset Co., Pa Also lor .Side, forty Sei-ond-hand S-wing Machines, taken in exehenve lor the WHITE Including m-arly ait the ii.u.ar inakti. iSonie are as tiiiu m . having b;n vt-ry little ustJ. Wit- lx? sthl vt-ry Uv. Tax Pa yers. Take Notice. 1hje Prohibition iYi'MhiT Wcr'uim it dfies not : theiHCM aret-i. iniri.ir. I n-i,it T'ur fri-ui in M-ii'tr, A'-iu.-'i., mU -M-a. Thty will It'll von il it a fan. anl itnTiv- tax. t'otiMilt V'Mir own tnt-r;t y onit-r Wiritrs nttH i.Mjiiors )init from ht-a-l-qtwirtrn.. U7wfiT mn-f -t tii ve von m i tcr and puper g'xwlj, till onh r rnurr- prpm( t and irio! an liw-r ih.tn tlwwkcr. SlLYKft A'tt. AlWUTKI.V Tl KK 1! V U tlt'l'H ed by h iiHn!. n-''l in ii .ptosis. Only Jr-l..Vi'fii!l utandanl onarf i.tK-kileinier fce, yr. td, 51 10 qnart. l.ilMin i " trh..!t ' " I inch .I'l'n Wcridiny i l.uu Hi .-otll- -.Vtft i Pr-rt, hM, l.rai ';. WW-kitu &f. .Vi c-rni U-trl Uf'. f-ft' etiif-i"" 'I u ml tnrt -i llie V. .-nn-Iuliv i-Hf-k. Vi 'Cir rjre f-w kuz-. Sviiil iriA- or-ltT. Hri".efr mir i-vt-(iletc .''tf.i.-i7t" ami jYicr .". .Mviiiion mi MAX Kmv, Ff-drral W.. AlUht-nv. 1'h. 7XrXTT0Ki NOTICE. LbUtte of Samuol ;nrr. ti-c 'l. Uto of Ilia k T ."!'.. S.iitrMt I'm. Ittt-T" tui)utry on the nvrrtaU' tir liii; bei-n (rrnrned tot fit midrrMini lur i-rii-trr mithitritr, imtlf-v ii hercliy tt'ven toati iitTnni iiidrlttrti Mid iMMte to tiiake imn?elmto m -iu-nt. and tboe bavmp claims auttiiti-t the fttune will prwit them iluly nulhtntit HUl for f-ol-miit on TtiurvUy. Afrit 4. 1kV t the oiiice uf tR' iCitcutt-f iu KuikH'MM. lr?riiin.ii t. I. Mil .x.v.n. ffhjft. i.j.vrmor. MERCHANT TAILOR, (No. 2 Mammoth Blo k.) sovkt:et, pa. All the Tjilot .tyifof Kail find Winter Pnititiir and Ovr-'mtinjr. Hnut-laiiiirti tiuaranlwl, mini Luwent i'riwK JlTTaUUGII FE.M.ILK COUaEOE Ami Conservatory of I uic. Aim Srliortls of KInrniikn and Fine Art, and Mr rwhiKtl Utr ytMitiK Isdiea ; iMi-uriwu-tl )Htae enifoi1t uml care ; t't-iitml! Hiuli Ihl-1 ! C'tuirK ti vvrv motVrBt-' ! Ntt tnn u:H oetn Jtsuunr)' 1 Sttwl tor new 1 aia;vu to A. II. NOi:CUi&8. 1. U I'ittajurgh.ra. J7XFaC.UT0US NOTICE. E.-tate of IjptI ;!, de'd. late of Ptonycroek TowtT-hip. homentet (Vi'inty, Fn,. -I-ttor tiftaiueiitttry ou tinr Btntvt- rstHte hnviiic t-een -frmiUM to the nn4e-r.fn-i1 hx the mper authonty, Ail m-mii unlt?-ht-J nuid tat 4tn fe-iiM-cU-! In make f ynn'i.l, Mini ihitae bavinr Hnims to prewnt thTn dtiiy rnthfTitira 14 for ieiiie(Qent te the uiikTiuii-rd KxertitorH, at Um- lat ri-si!"!;- ofsnut iT'tl on HtunhiVj the 1'itli tuy of Mttrrh. A. l when aud w here the; will atlend Uauuifi purine. F. l. F. W. Kirr.n. JuA.S Y. ..l.AiW. Altonifr. Executor. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR CANDEE RUBBERS H. CHILDS & CO Kanufacturtrt and Wboletaia Dealer ia BOOTS, SHOES RUBBERS, 511 VOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, sa Make tl.e lives i f nu.f .. op! irtiwraMe, eauitir ili.MreiiS a'.lr eating, Bu-JT ttmau'll, siik l-eailacbt!. lie-uthu.-r, loss of appcluO, a faict, " all guoc " f t-elias. ta-i tr.stc, coatrj toapae. atMi imTrjiaruy oi DiStreSS U;ehpwels. Dj-spri idof After not wpB 01 kic1- 11 , reriulrci eareful attraticn. Eating' and renj.sjy Ilko lI.)od-s Sarsiuari'la. widt h arts eeutly, jeteQciently. It tones ttio itoDiach. rctfuUui Ui die Utn, creates a good p- Sick and refreslies Uis n uid. MOadaCne I havs hem troubled wtUi dysiicpsla. I bad but Ultla a-ineUte, aud !u.t 1 did eat Uonrte aistressetl me. tie did ma T IU"e e""" 4!,'r ealu 1 DUrn would have a taint or tin-d, a!! pone fi-eilng, as Uiou;-tl I had nut eaten anythins. Sly trouble was aggravated by ciy bosiness. iijlntlng. Last fiottr spring 1 to..k IIixhI i Sar- e . saparilla, wiilch did me an StOmaCrl Imniensa ainonnt ot good. It gave me an ajipetitc, and my food relished aud satisfied tiie eraviiiR I had previnmly ciperie:rced." Ueokue A. r.';c, Watertown, Uass. Hood's Sarsapariila Bold hr all drSKKtsta. f 1 ; lx for (j. Prepared ooly- bjC.I.HOVUa CO, Aputheraries, Lowell, X lOO Doses One Dollar OF PURE C0D1SVER OIL EYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Pa! 3tabl3 as Milk Sa d'sjrntaed that it ran 1m taken, digested, and aftslmllated liyths mttst aetiitltlve slumach.xvxfcao the plain oil ri.sot be tolermld f and by the mm. biaatloa ef tha oil Willi tl'.e hyiw. piio.pliitea la rooclt more ctxieacluua. Brmarkable M flfsh pnalsfer. Pei-MOi la rspld.'y nkiic UUnx it. KVVTTiS EJirijilOS Is acknnilsi?rd by PfcTeuuiti tn 1' llie l inen! mi. I l-:it i-rt ar tlun la tao world for iii rehel aua cure tit CO-sSUSSPTION, SCROFULA. CCMEeJAL OSBiUTV.VVaCTiHC 0Se.SES, EM AC! AT i ON, COLDS and CHtiOft'C COUCKS. 77iS nrml rmtly f- r wtntrnfition and Vi'nt oj in Oux'i'en." S-jld bya.l hrij'jisit. HARNESS ! ISAAC SIAll'SOS, MKiiu'tt.-tttriT of anil II -rilt-e in IIAliNKS.J, SAIlllI.fc-t. bltllll.M. IIAle TEU-, HILARS. WI1!1. l.AI liiiltiy, BLANK LT.-l, LTC STAR - HARNESS - OIL, The Wry VA in lhaNVw and sccon-.l hHnU Bl'O l"hiap4t rritt. Repairing Promptly Done, Wht o in net-it of aintliina in my line, give roe i all. Thanking vou for paKt favor, ainl nuli-iting y-'tir j-atntonKti, 1 reuiaiu, Vouw Vcr' Kt-fpeotfully. ISAAC SIMPSON, SOMERSET. PA. J'XKlTT ny notici:. t,-;ae i'f ?:Ur.-il-h IMN-rt. fStoestown ieOfu'lLll.IIl'"'!! OilTi'T. i'H. It-: tt-(iitii-urtt,'v tin thv H''ve fi,t hv fni? 1. 1-ii ir:iitfd t ihe un-lt-rne'I hy Pie r jr hhM. tm . all -4'rxifi- iii'ti-liml l -u:l ,lte nrr r-';'.i'i! tn tfi-J' jt-tym-'iit. ami iho liv in riuin-or !i --mili't" ta. )r- nt tlit-tn Ur rtlU in iit .--jiPinSiiv ilit; l.in dny of A;ril. at thi'othc ni Mig'itVM Uffilcy i:t.. in wi'! Ii-r. hx. iMitor. A DMINISTUATOR'S yOTICE. i--rtte f CHtiiio K. Smith. rt--r'.1., ,t of rulis- Ieiti-T-.i'i'liiilni.-tm::-ii :n a-v' tf :to hT U:k ' n LTesiit'-'l to the- i! (i'lril u n -1 t-T th- jnr p am horny, cotMP i lu-n-i-v ;v-n u ail r mni :n''-f'i'-'I Mid 'MitiH td TTDtkf i'nt:i. 5iif4 iwvn ti, a'td th(- ii.niinr c!:n:- Hi-.itii-t th .-! wiW f "ft tbem dtily mtdH'i.timfi f-r a -nifin'iit n nti:nlv. the fh di-y f Marrn, ,-tt;'. :ii t!'- rriUMu-; f the AdminiMnator ;n rtal- ATHWART MIT!I, ntS Wftlrt .ik4i I VW. -um ll'i' 3 watrk tn IM raBIM. tlvmiw . .-J 1.. .si iluuiit tasra li- :k lnila V. ...4 -I t wn,ttm. fne-bj-r with uwr Irirr mtA ,ii Irti'- I I saitswr mrntirn aill-a TW- 9-. U . I lli- wat'-n. - irrij thrm im ne. m ..th. 4 H" m ;h;' . he. m. h l. ttmr lrm tw . P'JWV . MUn .1 .at. ". Hf-vinT 'hi WffH -,uw u; C.. Uo m a, I'rtd, Mala. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Orlr Oenntna flmrm mf Mewtarr Traralae. aar iiaoks Iraraea la tne rrajlag. 9liu4 wnailerina eared. Everr rfclia SoU ai-eatlr beaeattea. tlrsut iadmsMaDuta to irrwpuaileBos CUm. I'l.-verliis, with oplni-.ns isf lr. Wat. A. Ilaate menif. tSB w.irMi.m--.1 tinKMit ia M:u4 Ii.mjw Jlnuicl tireeiilenf ThampiMm. thnrrt P-yra.. erist. J. -H. nurklev, H.l"0.n-i lie ' (n-.(,o .4 iiref. .V. I', Hii fcnrd Pr-tir, tt Ho.it.s-. Ilnna. VV. V A-l..r. Joda-l.lloa, JaiUa 1. iiehiaaiiRt an ! .siirs, i- ut Mit (i- by Frit A. 1.0lliTf :, !37 flfta Ave.,. T JTiHVTOWJt COU-ECiE OF AKT AND COM yKKI K ART, MUSIC, COMMERCIAL, LITERARY. Semi forestall -i;ue. tfept.ai. 6-id. HES.ETf:Hl Kit. J,tm-4orn. .Pa. PENSION AGENCY. SOL. UHL, TJtiljr nuthnriapd by the torero merit. Offirp in Br Block. Stmienet, t'a. iiiitfti21t. gALESMEN WANTEJJ To fcisu'Ilt' my thnnxit'lily n-liahV Vwrvry t--r-k f-ti Miary or romniikii. iVrmaiw-nt t-mfloT-ntfiu fnraiiH1. nirht free. irtviou cxpeii rnc tv.-uiril. WrHt m C. L, YATES. Nurwrymiin. Rochester, N. Y. Mtntirm iht parr. Succcssiul Treatment o7 C.oas. .UllUOUa..' iJsK? i hum; oi ait !J. ii ! ( If f J !; V. lili AX li IIS ,l.- tirHl, Succecs.i'l Traatucnt. cures: Brent!. -t.'s, Ccnsuaiption, Wat art3, D'vrrtfail Tfrrlr Tm 1rvr f tbs nrmlj. KiUt in cr . i rtTI- Ki:ai4 u IhI-o-ti i ;!. rto-11; iit-r ni trst-i f.ii to ar? (i"iH .i . l-jmn f r it i- j-r t I rj- Txi IU ij -rf f tr : mr BMtl. W do i v .- .M I" H ra' ' ' n .n curmz ra-- . ir r tz'.. 1 1 - r I : B' -o't'j bat ciJU-n tint M -fi-.i) f-n-p rn wi t -1 "! I j:i-s -.r; n r iv til-" rs I wiia pTfptii w'Jt ao-1 At i:iui f i tj tulte l t ; tr.t K-ifv-iv'j m m. h. r-- !'M I'ti T-r)k hi - vjI-t t-Tr jr-Mr wnh tmnmt V , ;.na:i tlr-fri-vt Mif.' nr t- a . kt r.-Tie- r I . i eff-r Iba Sj itw ihit mil kill t'v $. ni vaA at tie sULta.i cr- t:j. -v.wn; t tii -- I vm 1 mr n !" -JiTn i-m ic?. "r'rr " S CO. sum -int ti lart -ivwn nsrontii. i hmr: rihiv th mien ..f J! KiTnha -( 7 r r-n-prf la wm. fiafiaa's WicraSs Kiiier, r-iapk: 'VSD0DS lilsi i Ci n n IsKtaVJr-z I V TAX mm IE10RY ij ' l J! J eJ!!g -. -' The Race Question. RrrBaosn, Vi., FrtGuiy i'. ilorern.w F;tzhtijh Let returne.1 In.me lu-t niii'.A from New York. Taiting orer it lij-ibv lie saitl : Tli more I of tl.e Nor'Ii tiie n ore I am Miaviroul that the Sontlit-rn isjle sre tiietnJ fHenils the nrs.-Ttj"i have. I beartl ami saw eiiimli llie otlicr jy lo nt-ovince anyote ibat the Northerners care little Tur tl.8 negro race. The very people who are JisfiweJ t Reow Tiiimenlal aUmt the blatk. anj a bo are really fanatical on the suhji.tt. hare, nothing a iiaterer to do wit li tiicni. The carriage drivers ami footmen are white, the hotel waiters ore white, anil Ihe servants (jeHerally are white. I saw rery few negroes in New York. The people t!ere do not want them. X.w the parrs that distort my uiiemnces on the race ijut-stion mske it atipear thai I s:u hostile to the nero Rii-e, wherras I am iiartirulary friendly, and tiie iH'groes themselves adtuil that I have done more fir them in my official capjeity thun any other Uovemor ever did. Hut for some wise purjiiise God made the races distinct, the negro race inferior to the while nice, and the r.icrs must ever remain distinct. The white race oiijiht !o and will ever dominate. While in Newport I met prominent Ke puhlicans as well as Democrats, ami I heard a lU'pithiican say that it would never do to put the negroes in office, no matter how much I may difTer with you in politics, He said : "We can ajrrce on this point; this must always be a white man's government. I heard a memlier of Congress say that he was in futorofthe Uovtrnment appropria ting enough money to colonize the negroes, so as to keep them diftim-t from the whites, t heatl nuiiy wlienirs stiAesteil. One was to send them back to Africa, another ws for the Uovertinieiit to buy a!l I lit1 Unds in time or tour Southern States att.l oiottizt the ne groes there. A not her was for the ( 'ovi rn nient Ui buy Cuba and s'tid all the negroes there. I ti il you Ihe Northern people are very much interested in this matter, and diMMf-a it quite bohilv. To-Night and To-Morro' Night, Anil each day utni ni;lit during this wei-k yon cn get ut all dru'nifts' Ketnp'g Iiulsatn for the Thrmtt and I.tings, hicli Is uckniiwiilj;il to lie the mohl stiii'csd fttl retneily ever sold for the euro of Coughs, Croup, Iir mcbitis, Whooping Couyli, Asthiiiu, uml CoiMiimption. liet a liuttie to-ility, and keopit ulu-aya in the hoiiec, so yon can check your cold at oncf. lVice 00 cents and Jl. Sain pie bot tles free. Harrison as Viewed in England. Mr. H. W, SmtiWey thus lelirrapiis from London lo tht? New York T i : i-ie: 1'rcsi deiit Harrison's Inaugural Addresis was cabled to Knland nearly verbatim, and the Kn.iU pres liix-uys it and the Cabinet this timrtiitiK 1 1 1 rot i l; 1 1 all the moods and tenses. I.iliemis and Toritv vie with each other iu mii-apprenension of ihe Proidi-nt's aims and acts. Tiu-y cannot forgive ttie I'ref-i-dent or the Kcpiibiican party for beinjr l'ro tct iiiciisit.si. They criticise many things. The one thini; tiiat undt-riics all cnti.-ini is the bitterness of Ktiliah resenttnenl at tiie 'iccea of tiie American policy for Ameri can control of the American markets. You lu.-iy take two journals as fairly and ably representing the two English parlies, the Stmninni the Colonists and the. Manchester tittiudiuH the Home Killers. It is hard to say which of the two is the more oiTciisivc. The accuracy of Ihe former's knowledge niny be mi-naured by its assertion that in domestic matters, meaning the Civil Service, the oiitL'oiiur President adliercd firmly to Ihe hili staniUrd which he set himself when he w:t called U be Chief Magistrate of the Kci'Ubiic. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine is the lieciiliar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam, for Coughs and Colds, does it, is imU-eil wonderful. lie author izes all (Irupjrista to give those who call for it a sample bottle free, that they may try it before purchasing. The large bot tles are .Vic and il. We certuinly would advise the trial. It may save you from t-otuiuinption. President Pro Tem. Innalls. . WasiiiM.Tox, March 7. At Ihcopening of to-day's scsii n of Ihe .Senate a note wis re ceived from Vioe l'nsident Morton staling thai he would be absent Initn the iesfion to day. Mr. Sherman thereupon tillered a resolution tiiat during the absence of the Vice President Mr. iugulla should be Pres ident of the Senate pr teniKre. Mr. Har ris off red an amendment substituting the name of Mr. Vuorhees for Mr. Intull. The niuentiiui-iit was rejected yeas 1?T, nays S, and tiie nisolinioii was agreed to. Mr. In fills then took the oath of office and enter ed upon ihe duties of presiding ollicer pro tem. The Senate then at 11. -."0 adjourned till Monday. Dip one end of a sponge in Water and the whole wiil sihiu be salurated. So a discane in one part of Ihe body eilVcts other parts. You have noticed this your self. Kidney and liver troubles, unless checked, will induce constipation, piles, rheiitniit siu and (travel. A timely use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will prevent these rciiils. It is pler.ttint to tiie tar-to, and may be ttiken freely by children and delicate fein:tlea. It (tives elasticity, life and cheeks with roses on thetu. Small Earthquakes. Lancastkb, Pa March S. A shock like that of an earthquake was felt in this city a! Ii l this eveninir. It lasted for almost a minute and shook the furniture ill tiie houses and rattled the windows and dishes. In one house part of the plsster was shaken from llieceiiing. l'eoplc ran in terror from their tiouisps. and at first it was supioed that it was an explosion. Telegrams from different parts of the county state tiiat Ihe ihock was felt every where. It seemed to pa from the north to the south. The shock seems to have reachrd as fur as Wilmington, Del., as a dispatch from there says that an earthquake shock was noticed by some peo le there about C:4o r. u. There was a ienvptible shake, acrotnpanied by a rumbling noi-e. Telephonic inquiry shows the shock was felt in the surrounding coun try and in neitjhlioring towns. The shock lasted about three seconds, and was from west lo east. arlihlk. March . Tlieeanhitiakeshock which passed over this part of the Slate this evening was felt throughout this city. Num bers of buildings were shaken and the occu pants frightened, but no damage has been rcjorted. Lkbaxhx, March 8. A light earthquake hork was experienced throughout this sec lion about ti .'io this evening. OCTTYSBfKo, March 8. At 6:0 this even ing a slight earthquake shock was felt on Cemetery Hill. Houses were shaken until the windows rattled for ten seconds. It was also felt at Hanover and points east.- Al Lineboro, Md., a noise like thunder was heard. At Emery Grove Junction it was thought a train bad left the track and hail knocked down the station. A di-qiatch from York says : A pronounced earthquake shock was felt here this evening at i . which had the effect of frightening nearly evertxxiy in the city and suburbs. Houses trembled lor nearly a minute and articles of furniture were removed. Each citizen thought an explosion or some such accident had happened in the house of his neighbor, and it was not until they ran out ol their houses to find everybody else outside that they found out that it was an earthquake slitK-k. It was a load report with very dis tinct vibrations, aud was the most violent shock. Women ran shrieking from their bouses with their infants in their arms, and for a while, in some sections of the city, the excitement wai intense. No damage re sulted here. kes You Hungry It a. I nave used fame's I' d t'ci.rjpovri mil .: , Iijm UJ.i a is-tl :.!:' c-n- t. 1" 1 -W," Tl'- .siu.-yyeluai.:l " : K- rx i.i. ;. . it. -l oi . -y ic i;. !'.i.':t. '- . Celery Csn.pound tiii l-HHtr' t-tifi k In ,ts ar,;,.i. n;ni wlilt'it ;tnv tnintju! !Tti'C I tftv-i tsasit r's.'.l lwriUU u'iij'Ii ru;a.kr-rt cVr-rvirti: ii l.-U 'i-ovi. Il C'ili pre rll It- fl.'w. Mn trf fttw. 1tUa.'.-s-Well. Ui-hhi,m 4 Biir.luutt. Vt. DIAMOKO DYES Z KSHu, I LACTAUO FOOOIZ S C;3 I JSI IlD TiB Q I L 1) I G I I I I M I I I i I I i I I I 1 M i U M M I mzz: The Largerst and Most Complete zi:::::::: Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES ESTABLISHED 836. C3-- "W". sonnvciiDT, DISTILLER ANO J33BER OF FINEWHISKIES a:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: T:e:. IMPORTER OF WINES, LIQUORS.' AND CIGARS. X0S. lio .IN) 97 FlFtlTAVEXCE, FITTsJil I;i,U, I'EX.VA. All Onlrrfi rrrtnfi tit wait jr Wtrnt r'.-tr m'! ni ,tr p-in4;t.' t-tt nfi-t. " Somerset Lumber Yard. ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MiXiSii-nats sn DtAtjia Wholcai ick and fcei AiLaa or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard ixn dSolt Woods. OAK. POPLAR, BlIiIXi..", Pil'KETS. MOI'LDIXi;-". ASH, WALNUT, PI.tiCKINCi. ?.V-II. STAIR RAIIA tllEKRY. YKI.LOVV Pl.VK. r?If'.X(il.K-l. lajoKS BALlsTEKH. t'Hk'sTNt'T, WHITE PINK. LATH. r.I.IMiS. NEWEL Km A General Line of all irraenof I.unitAT iri B'lililit Material ami Rimtinij SUte kept In itoek Also, can fnriilsh anytlilus in the line tifia:r N'i!rifss loonli r with rea-wnat la promptr.e. siirb as Buekei.. Otl.;-si7t -1 wnrk. e;e. ELLVS CUTsITGllr, OtBco and Yard Opposite S. &C. R, R. SUt:on, Somerset, Pa la.- A miters SCIENTISTS 12 0?;EIAFZH TILL; 2 rEACTICAIXlvJ "V ' C'r'r AU.U '..IlL'll iiliS JlUli . 'y BiU.ii. r-. , . .y i;svrJ? I Y ' ,'-i - HT4?'FtCT-p' IT MONUMENTAL BP0NZE f 0 VANY, OvorDoo fkU&i Sen Eeautiful it.f li j,- Frico Lid c Designs. ff.Vl?-?d- Circ-.:;-r. r1. isiX ' THE CELEBRATED PIANOS Are at Prose ut tbe mnut Pol'tLAK K MM IIOIIMANN HI JOS., Sole Agents. Johnstown, Penn'a DRUOST" DRUGS! C, H. BEIFOED, Successor to GEO. W, BENFORD & SON., rnoi-KiETou of the OLDEST DRUG STORE IX SOMERSET COUNTY, ' At No. 1, Baer's Block, I kef ;i tnnsia:it!y on Iianil a lfe st.x k of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. The purest and best to be fiiuml in this market. W'e also keep on hand a f-il) line of TRUSSES, BRACES, SUPPORTERS." And all the leading appurtentinees used both by p'.iv-ii inns and families. We guarantee in this line, i-rfett ntis.ai-tinn. TOILET ARTICLES AXD SUNDRIES GENERALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. f I NE ASSORTMENT OF BIRTJHDAY G I rTS ALWAYS IJi STOCK. TOBACCO and CIGARS. THE EI-ST TIIE MARKET AFF0K1. IiOTH DOIIITIC AXD IMPOUTED teri'ta Itapstlejl Family Ee'pls Wi Willi Ccnecte "My own make of HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER. It in of a superior quality. We kern in bulk, no that any i iai ingredient can adiiixl. Kold at 23 centa a pound. I do a ikitiaro btwinew anil will jjive yott yoir money's worth. Ko trouble to ahow g-jiaU. PUBE WINES AND LIQUOBS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES ONLY A LARGE VARIETY OF FRESH GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. Jan.S,lH. CLARK H. BENFORD. A COMPLETE LINE :::::::::::::z:::::z SHOT-GUN'S AND RIFLES; SLEIGHS, LOIJ-SLKDS, SLEIGH DELLS, SADDLE CHIMES, SLEIGH R0DES. BLANKETS, HORSE IJLAN'KETS, HARNESS, WIHES, LAIHES- SKATES, GENTS' SKATES, HOYS' SKATES. We have just received a large line of the above irorxls. v.bich wc r selling at VERY LOW PRICES. PLEASE CALL AXD SEE THEM AT THE HA-HDWAJRIi, STORE OF JAS. B. HOLDERBAUM, Somerset, Penn'a. r)li:- a-,K. r ir.si; n ..'.it . st!u.it-t .i... u li i.';ir- u . " liril lil. r.-f I u . 'i-t'. t. j, r, u ; ... f. , t. i, tor.MZ ;i I.I' t e.-v.'t -u- i-l-i I ) -.-.. : .T .. ,...:,.v i. lo-1 i . . i. s . r. - J.ntw - . Spring am'H.a. I Nnjiii ! ir;i t I'iVt i.T Il( :t-srf. i :i -. -. ry iifb n l-nr. I ! ' i tw r" -- " I' 1 al! otic , o i tMtn.:jn' 'iimI -r"-ingfrixihUit." Mrx K. a. U, tun.i ia, Vt. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY Vilt R rjm r SHAFPFR. "a r-m m m soMKKSET' PKN'N"A" Mantifa-tcrcrof at.il Dealer lu y.,rirrn H'm uranAtef nit - 'u,H .V.rf.'r, ia al Cuur slMEl 111 EMH 3ii Aim, Atr.it UrUs !' HUE liH'tSZE' persons) in n-s .1 of MONl'MCNT W.tRK wi! f.ml it to ;iii;ri!'i'- -"."'Bil m my s;;o. wru-re a i-rtipi-r sta..v, p-ii . til t-e irivrti liu-rii. -s...t fulitm l,f.--'iiil'l I ti tin I 'W. i'ii Ktt YtKY lo II'- I invite ii :a! attentinn to the White Bronze, Or Pure Zinc fc'crtrrrel intriKliirea i.v r.r., . . i.i.m. b b i'iihuu ln..n.v.ror::t' in tiie (..im nf MA I I HiAI. AND I tiN.-TKK I H'N. ann lmn l ihmmiki tor tl Pupi.lnr l..:.,n .-nl uur t.lialiKeable Cll- mate, aa GIVE ME CALL. WM.F. SHAFFER. f1 i I PIANOS gtli Wa iug Artists. A nriE, PiECC 0: JOBACCO IS INDEED A LUXURY FlIJZER'S ti flNE PIECE 4 PLUG fVjj-A TOBACCO ' ?x'' AMI IS KNOWN ASA AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET IK ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG -THE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN POCKtT PIECES OR CARRY WHOLE. JSO.VlnZER 4 BEOS., LoDisiiiie, Kj. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BALTIMORE A OHIO RAILROAD.-a0itF..-:ETJ: CAMBRIA BRAXCII. li.'sT ANl'E AND FARE. I V.t;C' J A t kfaiAS IT J; MAKE IT grand j-Wmpn', to Stoynrowii... - li'1, shj Ainu itt Ur Hmv-rvii;e - 17 Sjmtrt to Ii.-;tirl i.'" :j !n;trv.-i ii J'iin.hU'wn I ! $onu rvtUi Rt It vi-! j StuiiTM.' tn'mrrtit 1 :) SomurH't lo Mey rxlile -1 To Somerset W ('iitu'rvf iud M 2 '.W Soimitri lo Wh inijti.n 'J!0 .'wj .Simei.t u ria'tiitior'? ... atf-fl 7 ) rVmuTM't to rrir;a - H SrtntTM't mrpuS i-nre nni'f-et lo lonuelivil.e I .!niT-t t Plii.'irtch - 11(1 3 0 Th fur- to PhiUtlt lpbi ts t.S4, and to .V Yurk, IlLh Winter rrrtnjrrntlnffet Hov. XOMh'-BOl'XD TRAIXS. J.rarti. Ki-f kw.-1 ... : a m M)MKK.hT... ft i a m (e:er . .- a ni i?tfy-)ti'i n 7 ii a ra Hmtvt rrsviilt. 2 a m bviuei w T it a ia Arriirs. Jo h us town a tn M.ULr-No. 9:. y TIC. Johustowa i:JQ p b Fiitt.itrii 1 1 :4)a m kt- wijt.-ii .. .: 4 p ui , Wilt'ori ;-4: a in S.mifrwt j m j .-"ty.wn 4;'v; j, rn H'Vf-Tvti;e. 4 7 p m ; H4-:hl 4 .tl r. tn rs.fnifTN from Pittshnrrh rhanir car frr points on the Sjiaerwi A. WuNn at Koi awumi. SOVEKET ACCOMMalJATIOX-So. 9S. f rHrfa, SOMERbET...,11;4? ,m Rn!timorv I a m fitt'-'iin.h ii Vt rn KrT-k M ji to Mrliora H .vjain F-s,.inr.Ti for -wm rH'i from the at an1 wi on th- Faijurh lavihion, f tiA) car at Km - .SO ETU-I10VXO TRA IXS. BALTIMnIlE MAIIXo. Sit ! I rmva Jiihn-i.iuii tiim Knrkwmiil. . tv n tsw.ii!.- is a in t 'iHiU-naml 1 i. ia H.-.w .rsvllr !i I! a ni I U as'ilnirlim V. a m St.iy.l.n. u -:-!.-, a ni J Hrtitirmire n iw a m '"'K'" 1" l" in i Puinimrifb U:.ju cm ill-K.sr.r...li. Mam lliif.inl in .'T a m I PasMsnm-m fr pcintu tasl aud went cbauae can at Km k v. s si. A't'OMMOliATKlN So. M. .'an Arrirr Jotmsimv a ?:fl r m R Hi-iiu i.ti p tti . Oinirn-riauil ... 7(. j. ro :-; H'. i m I'iu-I.nrth 11 p m r-viiltv Sti.VS.,H,.... t .- ! s..ih:-nr i ra j usiniimim j .si a m p m j baitimnre fl..jja ia s p in I Mint.ni . Fns-nirni (i.r vu.t .,..1 .h.,.. ...h .1 Rl H K r. H ,D Af U i.M MODATIOS So. 96. t I ...r-.frr : ' p m ; K,m ktrmsi J 4 f- rfl Milli.rJ -:i(i in ( I'ss--nKi r Irnviiieim this train ran make ran- nH-ti,.u ut Kis k-vcsfl wiui iiiKlit Kapriia traiuj ; eajit hoi! west. Imi!. t Iiaily exi eit S.in'lay. j BALTIM'iRE it OHIO RAILROAD.- riTT.-iii iir.H Di ri.no x. EAST-HO VXD TRA IXS. r, Ii.l- . .t It- iu. 7Vil.n- Iran lltt-t.iinrh Hru..:.s k M.Ki-.-K.rt ! N. -IM..U rlr.m.1 Kuril f..n;i''i!--viiie ')', "-1.. I i.i'i.iH jre l'r-;im I a-iman Hi-Uivl I .Ml". II -a. 1: so 4. . litj) r a. II -si " IJ I W.-:; " 11 Jr. - I II ' IJ 4 . .. l.'l " UJIi - " J .! " IJ , " J 19 - 1 a. J.J4 " J 14 - " -J..J l:ii 44 ;; il.i i n " :. J4 " n - I r. a "t-.v. Z. I.I " 3-J7 ... .. 4 " :ti I 5 M.. " IU-.44 l)4j " i J. I'll. Id! 1 ::n', 1:1 i Salisbury Junr I Mi-yi-rxlale f'.li h t". li:Vi '..uiSaiiipti.n :1 J.I r'ri...i Ji HDiiipan l:l rumls-riHii.-l L. 1.KiI)tf,nn baltiiaun; (arrivi:) H'KST- BO VXD 7 B.I XV. Wtima ,t JVii.n Oiir (Vm'irrr.l 4-, XnSL Erp" Raltirnnni a.m. -0f) a. m r HH-tiiiiiiii.n " n:.'t i " iiiiiiis-riaul m,,i " j.-j;, r. n. i- '.ia. a. llvn:inan K-:;s " l m; " y ,i ' Ka.rl..i(ie H-ls t 1'J ?i-' ' Swiul.Hiiipion . I-.", M iis " alll Kali a fli " 2 '. " o (S - K.-ystia-fi hvj;j j v " la-.'ii Mi-yi-rsilaJp !.ni " .1 'i Mi Jii " iNiiisl.nry June. - :: -trt lo 'Ji " liarri-tl y.411 ijlil M luts " lUs-ksriM-Kl .v ;t jo " n ' ' 'asulman 10-irt " " llsv. " llia ias l.v. " 11 J " 1 'iifi'i'-nre Ii::7 44 II lihloprl. l'i.rrf 417 " II "si " li.nn.-i'Kville II SI 4:.". 44 IJ " Bri.a-1 K irl I! .".1 44 Sf0 " 1.' I" " VsViil r2-IAF.il. .V1J- " 1 m " MrK-i-trt i-J4 " n.l.i " -J l I " Hrart tio k 1 :k! 44 :. 44 2 . " Ar. PuuLiiirah 2-U0 44 BJjO 44 LM "4 (TSi? tim? giTin U Kaatem Stamlard Tim.' Vail Trains ci rinwt at Rm lninl with fa'" Ui an-1 fr..m ..u.i-rs-t ami Juhn-triwri. at llno-l-mun wi!n iram tnanl fnini Htslfi,r.. at i.nrrf.t w'th rrniiis ui ai:d fr.'in Hrriin. al saitsbtiry Juli; tuin witb traiua Ui am1 fnm aiinbury. All Train! St.tfJ.ir Pwmiyrl chert Tine Sira. V H. rLEMFNT--". Mu mzi-r fll.lfl. O. H ILL. Urn. !. As I f4AI,ESMN WANTET) m-nl to U-rc int-fT. ' Anrrrun run wiw-H wrfh OUT B'JvAi.trfi- rlTl'l tlTiV k-wi!Tl (i4H4!'l few I? W'nif T f.rn. irnii'-f aif. H' 'KFK N. K-fcKlKV d snjiMi-txi-d lKf.j Ho Mr-xrrt N. Y. (.Nnnii-thi" imjivr'. fh."7-.iin.