I it ; t. H Lincoln, Seward and Chasa. Near the en-' of l. tlie op;s;'ion of Ch. .ml lUc B-P0Wh- to Sewrurd iliniDte.l loan Hrt the. U'lrr n or the tJfiii 'i. in the rci.r.iary fVn; tr Life of I-in;vin, f.,M. .Mail t'" cirftiw"'"-Lin',- ,!n . f.. S-wr.l t- at ion wj f '!i tnl l.r t iviw'S. 1 .lee!' to! " -Pl ' itl.er. t'.y tue a'-- T.. untratne-l diploma!. of thors :. 1 .1 fi.i.a n."t H COIlJ'i'e'l V,"' ..r,f..l couric" a:id Mil!, one j lit tllfWW r-iv! Ofi t!it "Vor i j-- 4..,.!.. e.1 tiie inleritdy f AJii""-rj,l"n- He lial lo meet it ''' 'nt-H- Miiai'lM : ) from tlie ialuf 'f ' 'f couIJ ' . . . .Jruw from t:iose i ho were mac ii" , nesrel him in tli vcrti m-ot. H) X ..! au l ..riinialexi- Jit.or.uI .-onfr .nl ia.. tw i-nas.. with '' ''';iu t. and lIviutl..-uidi-otli-ir nU m.wn-.l-MUndin.M .in I-" hi own ev, 1 char ed up manv ianp'nw ini..ii.v'ti"n, an!, aa uuaily havn. when both T irtioi are men oi initrt-ij:' p 1 ... 1 i-n of int-!!ii-t'V ' ? w id. hroiiffht about Inen ioer j .-,oi.ider!e fot-Ur.z U-twe-n hi govern- , inetitand the r.eKil.lin leader than j ,y r)jtI ,,, uncn-ioo fellowship witli l,Hd ever Ix-fore ex'ed. Hy p!aimr Mr. ri.e work noil male ciri.iu h'tle ( haxe ineu-U-jiu atlili.Je that hi- v-jsr4HnJ eu.rt npon ihetr wbel, sod ; Kicmition bemnie iee-ry to l'" " painUd dimiantive pictures down tlielr Bcnse ofdiirniiy he made hiu-lf ub- . .j bl,tTK they atu.-k thoiu in the Cor-, ho lute inx-tei of the eituitioti ; by treat- i npriof (i, t;,, at haTiin: time. One iuj the rvisitati.D d ,l,e :arn W : j,r.!l(. t soom fruit in the uuV-e of hia , the Cabinet of both miniver- one and ; ,,,nn .i an .'.her. enzri.im in a ru.'.e j the miu' tranaartMMi he paved for the na- M.riII oni whiKpered a word, li..n the invaluable aervii.n of IniiIi, and )T ,,,,., thinit wa hot toi Uike 1 j reerve1 hia uu p-.isition of entire nn- ; st,t Tiwy put then in th ol I man' j partiality belweea the two win." "f tlie , imt, w here he fnind them: he nnder l uioii party. The reihvf tlii hieve. hU)Hl n aHMt u snd.Wlieve it nr not, ti.eni were not rv!y temp irary. I- ro:n ,.yU:ri M you w 111, b it it i s fai t that . . . . i . u ..ttufi L 1: i lit? . . . : ... r..li Al t.f vt K..t ..flh- hitliefto rl.e allianre nerweeu Mr. t'hae and the IlepnMiean op;'' t,n t.. the resident, wai!-a kind of romrado-hip. b irn of their joint sortie nnl reetitram intt lb ; ovwument, rave thereafter a (.T.ator iwmb'.aniv of e.irdiality to the ndati.nif let'n the S. ietariex of itate and of the Treasury. I'.itt alnve all, tlie h-nt left tiie hn ii ''. ' dent aeated ni..re lirrniy than ever in the j ,, ;,.. When the (..!.:.! t bad j nu 1 left the IVesident with t!ie . tipnof Mr. Ciiaein bis bands, he mi j to s frienl wno tno-rea s ui .i one of t'loa.- erapliii- im hiph 'ra w oft' n -nte.1 id him by the memories of hi pioneer t hi! lliool, an 1 whi.h revealed bin carelea irreatnese H'"-haoiore clear ly t'rian his most lahor- d othrial tittt-r- ancr. 'Sow I can tide: I have got a imiiipkin in eai h end of my '.. ijr.' - Ne trly a year later he said in a eon versatin relating to this matter: 1 do nut wee bow it could have been l..i Mtr. I am mire it waa rit'i.t. 11 ! I had vio' led to that t r:n and dismiss ed Seward the thin would all have finmited over one way, and we should have bin left w ith a eanty handful of eiipjiorters. When Cioise pave in hi resiirnation I saw that the paiue was in my hands, and I put it thn.nirh. Tho-U'li the opposition to.Mr. rvward !id not imimjdiate'y come to an eti 1, it never exhibited su -h vitality aain, and its later mniiifeslalions wen' treated far more cavalierly by Mr. L ncilil. II" bad even before this dismissed one very r s ;tahle e Hiimi't' e from New York w ho had nulled to express unfavorable opinion of the premier, by Kayinjr wi'h unwonted harsiiness. 'Yon would lie will ini; to ace the country ruined if you von! I turn out Sewar l' ; and after this inuid 'tit be nrveraain allow 'd the Secretary of State to be attacked in bis i rtsn n'-e," How's Your Liver ? Tiie old lady w ho replied, w hen askc I bow her liv.T was, "G id bless uie, I lev er heard that 111 -re w s n h a thinj in the bouse." was note I f r her a:u'.a'oi'ii!v. Prometheus, when cha'ned to a r.s'k. niijiit as wr'l hive preten del to be t ip py. as the man w h i is chain." I to a dis eased liver. Kor .r IVo n 'th"i'., there w is no eape, hit by tiie use of ir. Pierre's V easant I'argitive IV'.l 'ts, con stipation, in lip-stion, dizTine.ss and si' k bv.tdaciie, wiii.-h are ccfl by a dis eased liver, )romp'lv di apis-ar. The Skies in February. The pbtift of the month thnt will at tract the greatest attention i ncain Ve nus, ss she shines even before the s-ttinj of the sun. She is rapidly nppr ia hin' Ihe earth and im reasin in si" ami bril liancy. She will not net . before '.K M) Viojk, anl will b.- a in st heauiiful o') jett in the western sky throuirloeit the iiioiitli. A very i up irtant event in her is her reaching n l'cbraary IS the k i itt .f greatest distance from the sun, after which she will retrai e her step?. The constellation of Pisees has th" honor o' containing this ipicen oflbo v'i",t',s Afrer Ketirnanr "1 Saturn lw-eonies an evening star, and he 's in opposition with Ihe sun and ti lers th h'st conditions fr observation on that d ;y. He ris.-s in Ihe early eveninz, continuing vis.ble al most until Ihe streaks of e irly d ca n put tint bis teelile light. sliiics with a Hte.vly pale yellow light that niakea him "usily distinguislieil from his setting of email twinkling tars, as well as from llepiilus. thebriglil star in the Sickle. Mercury, with accustomed instability, pistes the (irst portion of the month as an evening star, and the latter half as one of the in rning stars. He is visible to the naked eve iu the western sky I bout tliren narters of an hour after eunset f.- the first week of the month, shining with a light somewhat similar, to ihat of Sirius, the brightest of the fixed stars. Jlars, another of the evening stars, mote northward during the month, sot ling about three hours after the sun in the constellation of Aquarius, where bis ruddy hue betrays bis presence, and were lie not no far from us bis course could not le easily traced. In the constellation of Taurus is the distant Neptune, which is in quadrature with tiie sun on the lflli Jupiter is the most conspUioits object in the morning sky, npiearing ls'twoeu three and four hours ahead of the sun. Hi beaming-lighw far out sinning ali other stars in the beav.-ns at that early ! Iionr, would render him a dangerous ri I for Venus were iic but an evening t-Lar. I'ranus shares a sins!! rsirtion of the honor of his larg'r br o hr, and with a te!esco;ie he oould le fojnd in the con Ptcllation of Virgo. The m m ijnarter on February , is fu'.l on February l i, and hs a Ust q u ir tering on February 22. nuking but three hngea in the month, a somewhat unus ual occ-irrvnce. S!ie will he furthest from us on Felw-uarr 9, and nearest on February 24. The sun begins the month at 710 o'clock in the morning, setting Ihat day at .VI? o'chsk. His declination sliminishes one half as he comes rapidly i'.irtiiwar.I, iniTeasing the length of th day by one hour an I nine minutes dur i ng tiie month, and m ikir.g our n uiidiy sh idows much shorter at the cloe than llp'y were at the la-ginning. Stir Yorl 2W. If the bora have a few tools this w in ter Ihey w.M jtiTjrJ them much dist-i-pline and aocwien-ent and result in re piiring and patcliing that will more than ni.ay their cist. Ea'sand mice uDen eai hp the utr iners p'reGis. If. von hive ary on your arm get rid of tbem at once. A Tojchine Incident. Trie "short and mu.pw tknnwi of the j rvwr" fiiinisri maiiv an itjisstiatiori of ; the Bol.lt-st trait of ct.arwter. The ful- j low ing hketcb published t-ninc year ago j iti a (.'incitinati fK.jir, as a !' h of pen- iine.j ti.twit'iv m-an-ly rwi IM by tit j f t..n ier-sal .f l.ttle Eiii.'!iisIi stone?, "Kit C anil lii frion Is." In a pi tt,-rv fortury here there is nrkir.2 man v, lio Iia! one mii'.l invalid j He muht at his trade- CI1IIJ ui ui..ne. with exctiii-iary tMelity, beins; la; in iii cii-.ji i iii ... ...... - i i l.., W ..r .1,1- Itj nn- lc-evcr.to bcur !! . eiernnf k. ihe U-ls le of l.i "woe lie cailc-l Mm. Slower, a hit of ribbon, or a frstf" meiito! i-riiiif iD Biases in.lNl, anyming t!i:it w-rdd lio cut on the white wm!T- pane, and tfive cr to the r-m. was a 'i Mite, nri-!itiiin'iitl man, Ho hut nxver wont home at niilit w.tho' poim - thini thjt would mate the wan Lire niv'tit up witli joy at hi return. Jle ncvi-r Rii 1 to a livirv sonl that ho 1 t .1 ... 1 ... I. Vtlll l.u Ki.ll inve - nimi u; no iutu. . . , - l 1 .. II .. on patiently lovinjt iiuu, ano uv aim o he ,,,.,,1 that whole riiop into jKitive- coa.- ti'ire by natun-, grew (juiet as the 1 uionthK drift l, U-comiuic (rentl-? and j k;:i'i. and o'ne s!op;ed swearing a the j aeaiy 1 'k on tin? patient feiio-wor- j ktrV face told theni beyond mistake that j the in; viUilde oliiidow.w drawing near- j u. j Kveir dav now '!n ' onedid a piece ol ; wiirl; f,,r him an 1 Mit it on the sanded ,o lry m lllut ,,e jj (.utIlc ater ! .. euriU-r. rViwhentha bel! lolled j , ,lUe cfl.i;n out ,)f the ne. : aftm Uje mr,,r ollt of , nielli, there stoii a lain ired Rtalwart j workii!!rnen friruhe -,W ry with their clean clothe on. most of w hom gave a half day's time for the privilcjje of tak inir part in the simple prx.Tssi.iu and failoa iuc to the prave that mall burden of a child, which, probably not one bad ever rs-'en. (.'.jfiiirsg ttioiitiUji!. Teachers' Institute. A j ' nt teachers' institute of the school districts of liockwnod, Ontrevilie, l'laek i ami Milfor ! will tie held at IJoi kwooil, Kebrmiry 21 and 22, ISvi. Tiie institute will convene on Thursday evening and cititi'iue fiur sessions. The program : will ci.nsist of exen-ises by the K sk wo d selev'l and discussions by teachers. The following ipiostioiis ure for di-cus- ; sion : Tlie common scluvils (1. M. Baker. t Friday .ifternoou Sprolll. Mi tiiods of teachin exercisea I'artie . geography Ira i Jb yen. Mi tiiods of teaching History Cora AVelier. Should higher branches be taught in the (oiiimoti schools? ,1. II. Frcase. M"ida1 arithue'tic in the ulitsiis W. K. Keiin. Kevi. as in s.h.s.1 J. C. F. Miller. Primary teaching Blanche Kvans. S h sil exhibitions- I". II. Pritts. Ucst methods of teaching physiology Lou Moore. . Kfpa.'r iu si hi il Tl. (i F.aker. II j to study C. F. Livenir.iod. II i should teachers spend their even ings '.'Nina Will. Sb .tild young people read light litera ture ? Nannie Kiminell. How should teachers Rjiend their raca lions ? i!il McMilleu. Priwiaiid llewai--J. W. Miller, Parents' co-oieration K. I. Miller. Music will Ih" directed by Miss Kden Werner. All friends of education ate cordi tlly in itl to attend and take part in the d:SL'iisrina. CoMMlTTKK. The Lavansville Institute. FiiHt.viin.? ii tlit 'rrpran. f-.r tht joint l.vr:i.l instituto, to U Ueh at Lavunsville on S.itunl tyt Muivl. 2, lJ. by ihv tfath its i if S.i!iu rs t .Uroiij:!., Suntrfsct ami .It ;i',,iivjn luwrinbij-. : liittitute w til cMiiveae in the lU fonneil t-ltur h Saturday nioniin. at iiHL i4un extTci-'d : (rrA.i.zation. I Subjtvtive nork. W. II. iVver ; I.iU-r- i i &Uit, V.. Vj. rntts ; ArUUiuutK iu unira- kM m-h xtU, l. j. Yo:uiff ; Mirt! train- inj:. H. F. Iuirnm ; Atti-ution, W. t. j Staii! ; S'Jfj lnncntary Silirxt work, W. j li.inut'r; Ily-ifne, Pr. U I5. MiKer; Virl dcrivalion. Kev. K. Mar't-s ; j M''ilixU of inslrtu-iiun in hibtory, J. C.i I.ichty ; K.ss.iys, Sadie Ilarron, l.iyzie W'eller ; Meili.Kis of instruction in I'll vb tnlogy. II. H. Kinitnei ; pajiers. Helen ilo .k, Anni.' Ulack. lor discussion: "How can we make tiie scho'il room attractive and interest ing?" II Holier II rner, D. W. Meyers, Virgil Savior. " How tj retain competent teachers?" Joseph Horner, John Selling, and John Mot ire. Causes and remedies of irrgu'ar at temlance. M. H. Shult., J. F. I'aker, A. A. Strong. I'. G. Pritts, Md U For. Addiess by IViunty Superintendent Beiaey, kiturday evening. Tl.e pr..gratn w ill lie intersH-rsed by mcsic and ij'leiics; also recitations, read ing, etc , by Ihe Lavansville school. Ii rect irs and friends of education are cor dially invited to attend and participate in the exercises. CoMuirn E. I'.i not wa!e w 'H I ashes. They are valuable enough t pay for saving and applying to the sod tfecef's Sarsaparilla Crmlilues. Is maimer pecull.-r to Itself, the H-it bluod-purifyine ;-"U trer.ctl:ei:luc reme Ju s ot the vegi-t.sble ki:::lct-j. luuwill find !!.: wonderful prmrtiy cflceiive tvlicn- ctlii-r ricdiritiea hive fajs 1. Try 11 rew. It will frirtfy jt-ttt litntsl, rculate tl:e riicestion, an.l pive new life oix) vipirln tlie entire body. M IIismI's Sarsaiorilia did me rreat pood. I was tireit ul Inxa overwork, and it totr4 aie rtit. M its. C K. hiwwoNS. Coles. X. V. ' 1 suffered three years fnwn hl.ssl poison. 1 fcs.k llnod's Sarsaparilta and thuik I am t urcd.- Vua, M. J. IAr, lipx-kpert. N. T. Purifie ihe Blood HissJ's ivvrsap-irr'ia is charactiTircfl It three r-ceUiaiities : 1st. the roml-iiiatinn of rniedial ajrents; Sd, the pmjmriitm; 3d, the j.mrr cf Msrvriaa th artive mettle inal .I'llUics. Tlie rcsu:l is a mrilu ioe of unusual nrruplU, (Cisting ccr LiUierto unknown, h" i tor honk, woiu.iiii.ii; adililtonal evluenee. Hrwr Snrs-irsrilia lofies rrrt wt western, fwrittt-ti rtv hHsd. sliurccm. mv stir-elite, and -nis to (n .ke me over. i P. Iuokpsok, fceg'sliT tg Ivesls, Lowell, it-ss. 'H'vyJ'j s-.rs:irjri'ilv belts afl ethers, and lswnnti its wp.pht In p 'M." I. UxsiaAOTOJi, IX Hui sjucel, Ki.w Vol k O.J. Hood's Sarsaparilla tVOd by 'Ul dmrrists. f1 ; tlx for i Mads rnsly IjCL IHKiD & CC Lowell, IIsm. I OO Doses One Dollar. CARTERS IVER j PILLS. MMOAsHi CURE RiHt Header he and o-tievi. nil the trouble tod -tit to a bilhw MAlt of tim ytH. Mrfa aa IizxMirM. NtitM. Itombmi. Iitrwi sftr f aonr. faio in IW ISfln. tf W'hltr Our mux teuisrksUv NKwn bss seen Mkxtb is cunsg Hdi'. T Ciktts Lrmai lavrs Fnxa ar f.(ullv tIiii.I in V5tipaioi. eur,u aiM iHVventnr tiu annoyinir emiplinU while l iiy alo corral all itworilini of th atnnist, orniilnie the liter and reguisie Um tnwwtt. t.va U they only corad HEAE) (V? wooM he almtv imoeiBsi thowa n,, nnffer fmm Uiw rfirtrena-ntf complaint: t4it fni!wlflv Ih'lr pxntiirKc itfw w ! Imti. ami lh'" ho once try lhn will Boa lnine lirtio pillaraliisSle in v mnnv nn tliat titer will iv he williiMt to da wiUtout tins, hut aXtr ail &iuk brad larhehatieof ao manv Bv that hen la alieia f ni5k our err at bflant. l"ur (Ulla cun a wh't-olhr do n4. mta Lr-ni Ijrn Piua iirtwrmij an-i wry ct to take. tiw or l wo pill nuik a d'we. Tiwr are strirtlr vetperanV and do ii'tt irrir or iurye, htit by their -ntie ai-tien tlgue alt wh e thn. In Tml at ft eefit: lor jl Koi'l em-Twhere, nr arm by msu. Cszrs sirircs: c. Sr int. b!M Mra fcSftsa SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR CAMDEE RUBBERS TO H. GH1LDS & CO Muufacturert and Wholesale Dealer la BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, 511 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. Successful TrcD'.mrnl cf Ctseaso A SGIctiTiriC CiSCOVERY ! . ivtllisiktr .Ulcrobea. ScccEssfal Trealcent, hffi cures: rUotarrn. Bronchitis, Coniumpt.on, MaSaria, Hhcumcjtcm. ardTfril Trrlr an4 mimp'l n In-. Ioti H-H Ctti"!h (lef.f-DolnHF.Q 'nil ftj-x jti'-iaal4auna I rrttuiasiv pww i t-tfvaid tn n ' HTwn. We do ' claim far it nr-. T vr m rjrt'ia '-a--o ir crwiliet cvrm I- t m r I hi f ci iib thmt h ni cnt rityiiin m i r tli J i it' v n : m-.tt run- iwit tw. Pwoib it .1 p -if J,ri t ir- tenik nr'l (M-iInxtt-H m 'V fird rt th h -t '.in. V-rrr Kicth r;M nU. pnrticuUf U tturm riih." vrl'T 1 f -r voir, with tn.-.tn;t If rnn.ic d! .M'fWnH rr p-rtt . rt ran- f !'-. Ttaa m"1i in-' t.i t wiU kill in wm-- Ai d tx tttf win Tim c !- tli titnt t h orw r- owe. 4 i n .n' Ilin i' v y.ie. Vr'vr 3.00, nf -i"n' t It-" "f-nt nrmnntU heap; withm tb rv ,ch ut Ml. CUt iw i-f 7 frH tj-wr ) rtn.rafif lh ort. Sund ( rrirrrjlar nd intormattoa. Win. Bsuaoi's Microte Killer, M.i,ai; " i ip rc flERWNE'S pure IJ BARLEY MALT & Indigestion. m. tr A rtnc tlrnv r.l tn ortli d'aio i lift writ : Hriva aO (nm-n of Pf rrmfl lUrlcy Malt at onre. 'l tV "OBBtOt dj r-ai-d n-r your vatl u il preparation i.ti ixkitai" liii eau Iv di.-plK-a! of my l trdr, 1 iKf ua-U- Prr!neii Pora hurley Walt pro n on nc It ttie het kmn rtmid r for Mttlariaaixi InaLse tioo." 1'ITU CTTONH. Taka Fart ol Witte rlaMtfnl Tbre Timea a bar. V'ir Mte all Drurxluta thrrwirbmrt the TnltM - im avud ( joiMlaV oaa fe ouliaa Milium ttmrla? Hiu-tiurt of H. 4 J. S. PEBfiIHE-jS fbiladripl.la I1- HUMPHREYS' Cloth & Cold Binding IM rar.wUh awl awawwab itua ran. IHna. P. n. tSlft. V T. t,i.-r or FaiicctPAL sos. craxs rates. Kriw. i'nwtion. loSammaikma... .9 11 oritw, 'ma t.r. norni.oiic.... J i 'M ine I'nllr, nr I'nvtbins of itilaota. ,2$ lliarrii-a. ( OlnMrvn or Adalu 2S II.M-mery. Oripit, Haioaii Loita.. .SS i:hf,lera Miwliiia. V.imttiag... ..... ,3S Ci.ualt. CulJ. llruDf-hiitB 25 eural.ia. Tdothni-iia. iaM-aclia 23 llmiliirlira. Sr-li Hrtrh Vror .3.1 HOMEOPATHIC irl-JIM-rMI. Itiliou M-awttM;!. MMfrer4 nr Patafur leri4a- i - :! 3$ .w mil, uw t rTn renoaa... I rmin. (oarb L'lAfok BrMLht -alt theum, rrj-.i,Ua. Frapttooa.. .SS ti( rre ctid A.mT'"Ma. Uaian. AO t ?Htien. BUnd or Itteadina 4 Ithemiiatism. Khnmilic f aioa .13 sti-irrh. InHnnnr. tWild in the Hea4 .60 uMiiti( t Mitfli, v intent i onarM. . .av ;rnert lrMlity.Phycal Wnnia .ftO Ktdnev !-' 50 rnolil IrefatlitV I .OO tW riHarv W rkeaa. WotUna Bed... .AO HiHraxr of (if ltrnri. fainHAtint l ,n Specifics. bu.d I) I'eiKf n.1 or nnl to-rp.Ki oa rtpt of wcisw.-aiaruutaauMuakto. mraaasai.a.t. JuHXHTnwsi COU.EGE OT AIT AND CUM MKKCE ART, KUSIC, CCMMOiCIAl, LITERARY, Serd ihrra'alotTie. rs, pi 26. o-m. BENXETACRFER, Johaituwo, .ra. 4 t'DITOE'S NOTICE. rv. Fnatrof , la theOrr hii Cnrrti o Inm Anurm-,41-t h.itn-r ( tHjuty, Pa. ft, -in i :r-i?Ti-1 having hrrn dily a:jiiint(4 anlitor.A the urjiJiaiir t'tstirt of !iveret Orun tv u akr'rt.'i,ii 1vi4B im-nu aud mice a diHtri bii;tMMit th Inn. in iiir hatxU f Juiiiui .tikt nj and i'rrt Aik-ny A-1ro'mfTmtnrs nncl TriteM of sai'l vtiie. tn UrH-p ItyaUy widdrdl iiwivt!, ht-rt'ity civ- init'fv that ho mil atu-tui to the du-tu-r tf tiw RPTM-itinritt n ThnmtAv, the of Ki ifninry. l-vj, at ltio i-Ux k a m , at Hi office in S-dtit-tvi Ha.-nutli whnajid where all jwrrwyiB iuuru-44.'t ntay Mt'.fHti. H. I- BAER. ju.:iCt. Audikir. XECUTOlfS NOTICK. KMate of Ler! filiw. ler'. late of ictonyrriftrll Tav.nhi, rVserart Coantj. Fa. , Ittern utaiitei)ttiry on the a t tore eatate havt::fc Uf stjauiou u lite un.itrsuriied by Uie lrTeT am hrity. nil jtTn tirthtti1 e tve are TrM,'it'-l tt v te payment, ar4 ttve kavinc '"iifii u i rni ?b-tw duly kuitnC.'-a-led 4rae4;.eieit a4M aaa-i mmv d Kxtt4tra. ut Liie I. rvi lt-nv of Nai l dtrn-1 on rNitupiar, the K4h 4jt .f Murt h. A P I. when and where Uiry w ill atirrd lor-wid purpame. F. r. t.LwSJt Jr. W. BtniuiLCR. JO AX K. t.I.AS, AUtirnev. Fxecuton. gHORT-nuRNfi For sai.e rVeea Sh.ni hm Hull, from f month tn 4 years oM. A a IV-.T i ow ft rvl He: frrn, and nne no Fo.nd Cfttna Boar. ldirree awraatced. tiai oo or adtlre A. G- CI MM FX, BerUn, Pa. YOU CAN FIND ,T3 rILEiniTGTOIT BROS. wIm will nou.facL wr atwtuiMi aft Iwwwu Hill VrT-M.-'s? I-- .--wnir "ca-tL ftATCH 1 it win rKrtlrt frasn 9 THE j tbe aytem U the forma Pror.r.fnTS. ripl.la I1- 1 Ifevjrs.?! ' to Housewi'ivs, '.ri.A( Tit fmixior ami ratine cub who hv kmta o ic that vud fell dj can rlvIi tlimrbouU cirava lfar MntriM' b' kim Ttwr U S oft. P ot .shed Md Dry, tUmmad with Wolff sAC F.I EBIacking aiaks kowakMpinc auarr. fiavr Sweeping and Scrubhtnq. Vam bant, wit! WM7 (mat dual Iraurr. will art et mit and hard hi snnw wider or iaia. ad will he WAT Eft PROOF Indies trj tt ad totat that yoar huwband and arsai nse d Onrrawoe IGmta" BUuea and cam a BKnth for Uutix'. DawiuMa Harpwaa Dreaa'niiUilPwwrwt Hold hf Saoe fteona. Cnwwra. DnyDjwta. c WOLFF A RANDOLPH. PHiuoaPHii. REPORT OF WILLIAM . BAKEIl, Steward of the Voor House aud Houne of Employment, of Somerset Comity. Pennsylvania, for the year ending 1st Monday of January, lwW. AVoci- on Farm. Nainberwf Horaes : : : i 4 Colt : : : 2 Cow : : : : Hi Pullt : : : : 2 Two year old cattle : 9 ' Yearlings : ' : 11 Spring calvei j : : 3 PiK. : : : : 14 " Sheep : : : : 31 " Chickens : : : : UK) ImJtmrntt for Farm Addition. One Champion Seed Drill. Steel Plow. " One Horae Sled. " Log Sled. J'roditctt of the- Farm. Kuril her of Tons of Hat : " Bushels of Wheat : Pnrkwheat : 100 241 i " Kye ; ; " Corn ': : " Oata : : Potatota : Ouions : : .. .. . " Apples : : " 1 nniips : : " lieets : : Barrels lined corn ; "" Sauer kntnt : " Cucumber pickles Soup : : Gallons Cider : : Heads Cahhnge : : hn.hels Kohl ILibi : Fouuda butler : : " Ird : : " Tsllow : " Wool : : " Beef killed : Pork killed : " Veal killed : Gallons Apple hotter : rtuahela Timothy seed : Quarts Dried Hlackb rnes " Elderberries " Canned fruit : Barrel Pickled Tomatoes 2D 2ri 7' HI 10 1 no 2nd 2 1 10 2 15 loo 1100 4!) icon 1.-.0 3r. r.-i r,i'j 32 335 30 3 14 23 11 J 2 Article Jfanyfaeturtd in llonne. Nomlier of Sheets : : : : 40 " Pillowcases : : t 07 Bed ticks : : : 1 " Bolsters : : : 17 " Towels : : 32 " Shrouds : : : 10 " Women's Presses : : 33 " " Aprons : 47 " " bacque : : 12 " " Chemises: : 20 " " Skirts : : 14 " H Waists : : M ' " " Drawers : : 11 " " CM t : 5 " " Stockings : 9 " fouled 13 V'-n's Shirts : : : t0 " Cs ata : : : 1 " Pulits : : : 3C, " " Vests 1 : 9 " " l)tm 0 " UJirsi : C " hick's : : : 20 " " ' f,s.ted : : 11 " Children's Presses : 11 - " " Skirts : 9 " " Aprons : 4 " " ( itemises ' t G " Bed Comfors : : : 1 " QnlU I : : : G ." Dikh Cloths : : : 27 " Yards Carpet : : : HI " " Kh.unil : : ; 35 Wiudow Cartains : : h " Floor Bugs iit 5 r Handk-rcbh-fs : : : 11 " Children's bibs : : : 5 " Sospeuders : : : 17 " Chair Cushions : : : 5 Whole amount of the Inventory and A p. praisement of Ihe gooos snrl clisttles at Poor House 7th Jann-u-y. 1HH9 : : f 4.3 .10 I certify the abovs and foregoing Report to be correct. WILLIAM W. BAKEB. Feb. 6. Steward. Have You Noticed the REDUCTIONS hare mawC In the prfrt of lien's Low and Meditim I'rlfol filler Uiufiifuar? White and Gray Merino Shirts and Traw ra. reducei fmm 60r. to 4fc., 75c suit ; minced from TAc. to Goc.. $1 a rait ; re duoed fmm $1 to ?c. each, Three gratlJ mediam anrl extra hnvy wi'iirhts. Plain (amel'H H-iirShlrtaaiid Drawer, reduced fromtl ;a ufl Zt each. 8irippd i iufl,i liair, reduced from tl 7T to $1 Mech Vhtte All Won! Phim and Drawer, reduced fiom t. u H -'0 t-ch. Wht All-Wl Khirta and Irnwm, reduced fi om $1 ) to $1 wh. Abo. the tmnmlnR in Men "a Fancy Snired M lino Half Howe are worthy of ?nur atteiittuii. !fe rrade ;kc a pal 3 fur i ; T.'ic jenuir, ;u reniK a pair. tnr new line f MEN'S and BOYS NHiHT 9HI RTS, jui4oiened ; extra vaiue in While aud Fancy. The Bargains in Trimmings At 15c.. 3.V., .V. TV., and 1 a yard, will he mire to attract yon if you want anything in tti Trimmin line. Braii !t from up. thiin halt 'prtea. Itonot tall topat Ute Tniuruiiif iepartment. eoBiE & ran, FIFTH AVE.. riTTSBCKGII. PA. YDMINIi?TliATOR'S UTICK. In Lheetoteof rianlelfihocmalterlateof Brothera Viilley Township dec d Lftterr of A'tmistrmtion bnv;iifr hen !wued to the undcr-trned hy the prom airthoriiy In the above a-utc. N(rtt in hrehy gif-cu to lrti oWhted to d ratate m'mnke iuiiriU au payBirnt, aud all frtiehavinaclaimaiainii anid wtaie to .rwni tiiein U the Aflmlni:raUni duiy autrreottratetl for wHlemrmt at the lata ntti deuce of the rti-eeaMMi on or be lore ealurtay the Sud day of February I- M S At H SHOFM A K FJC, JOHN HHUKMAKKK, Xee.l9L AdminiKtratnn. FARM FOR SALE I - THE sntscrihen offer for sale the frm situithsl one mile armthof taTansrllle. adjiiintnr InreU ofSwmiK-1 Hsrrl, William WV'tvv. an.l n-ieTs. Contarniur CWaerea. la a enrsl state of cnltlra twu. Than la erected thenna a BAXK BARS. LARGE FRAME H0VSZ, Granarr. Wood and Wash House, with other ont Duikiinax This form will he wild rhear. f, cash, oreash time jym,nts. I'ie.swin aiveti 1st of ApriL ts. Frr farther ywnieulars and c.nUi tlun of .sale, sj.lr.wi either nf the s'ihrr!N-s. JOHN' SHKltKil K. ' Lock Hsrrn, Pa. W. L. KETTKR. Jan 14-64. . . CIS &. Jolia SL, I'hUa.Pa. PENSION AGENCY. SOL. UHL, Duly authorised br the GoTercment Offre tn BarBio. k.twBienev I'm. marbat. Immigration of IS33. The total immigration to the Vnited Stales diirinir the twelve month ended Pecemtier 31, 1SSM, amotinted to ftlS, ."lfl, against fllO.aw In IK Thia ira mirration lias been larpdy exceeded in three previous years; namely, in 1SS1, with t-l'l,4:il arriva!;- in IS", with 7.sS,r,:i2, and in Issd, with CsJS,:!. From these high figures the total immigration declined to ;l!5;!tfl in Isho, and to 3.H. XKi in Issd. What with the threats of hostile legislation to this country is not imprupable. In eonipurine the statistic of iuimi pration in I he Inst two years it is seen thut the principal decline is from freat Britain and Ireland, tJcriiiany and Swe den and Norway, which have hitherto liecn the principal sources of foreign born population. The only important increase. of inimixratiou is from Ilussia, whose contribution to the country's population last year was l',TZi, rgainst "5,"H4 in 18S7. Kroni Italy the rise in the tide of itmuigratiox ban been very slight, the total number of Italian ar rivals in IKSsS amounting to 47,42".;, an increase of a little more than a thousand over the previous year. While there is a small increase in the immigration from other portions of the Anstrian Empire the inimijratiou from Hungry and Bohemia has declined. The total immi gration from Hungary and Bohemia last year amounted to 10,085, most of w hich found its way to coal 6elds, coke ovena and iron mills cf I'ennpylvaniu. Shiloh's Consumption Cure, This is beyond question the most suc cessful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bron chitis, while its wonderful success in I lie cure of Consumption is without a par allel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it boa been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medi cine can stand. If yon have s cough we earnestly ark you to try it I'rice 10 cents, 50 cenut, and f 1.00. If your lungs are sore, Chest or Back lame, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Sold by George V. Benford & Son. Cold Mines and Mills. At Lead City, near Deadwood, Law rence county, are li sated the largest gold mines and uiilU in the world, the "Uonie stake." The ore bodies mined by this company show a working face from two hundred to fonr hundred feet wide, sink ing to an inexhaustible depth. Six hun dred stamps, crushing 20,000 cubic feet of rock every twenty-fotir hours, drop in cessantly, day and night, in the several mills, without an intermission even for the Sabbath. During the ten years in which the mines of the Houiestake com bination have been operated they have produced about !r-'',0d0,00.) in bullion, aud paid over $0,000,000 in dividends to stock holders. Hiiritr ilaijaziur. Answer this Question. Why do so many fieople we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constitution, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Coming up of the Tood, Tellow Skin, when for 75 cents we sill sell them Shiloh's System Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by (ieo. V. Benford & Son. What the Row" is All About. The Sainoan Islands are in the South Pacific, alsiut half way between the Sandwich Islands and Australia. They were formerly the Navigator Islands, and are north of the Friendly Islands. The people rese-iible the Sandwich Islanders. The only relations existing with this country grew ont of the treaty of guaran tied neutrality signed by (treat Britain and lerinany, with the C'u'.ted Sh;tca as an arbitrator in all disputes arising under the treaty. Their ruler, who is elected by the popular vote, is King Mataafu ; but ihrongh the machinations of the (ierinans, it is said, a rebellion against him has arisen under the leadership of a chieftain named Tamasese. The Ger mans are sustaining Taniasese, contrary, as reat Britain and the United States maintain, tu the treaty which the three governments jointly signed. The Handsomest Lady In Somerset remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam lor the Throat and Lungs was a sujierior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when others had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a sam ple Bottle Fire. Largu size 50c. and $1 Attorney, examining witness You say you saw the shots fired? Witness Yes, sir. "How near were you to the scene of the ailray ? " "When the first short was fired I was ten feet from the shooter.'' " Ten feet. Well, now, tell the court where you were when the second shot was Creil." " I didn't nieasnre." "Speukir.g approximately, how far should yon say?" " Well, it approximated to half a mile." "If a woman is pYetty, To me 'I is no matter, Ie sha blonde or brunette, So she lets me look at livr." An unhealthy woman is rarely, if ever beautiful. The peculiar diseases to which so many of the sex arc subject, are pro lilic causes of pale, sallow faces, blotched with unsightly pimples, dull lustreless eyes and emaciated forms. Women so arilicted, can be permanently cured by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ; and with the restoration of health comes that iteauty which, combined with good qualities of head and heart, makes women angels of lovlincss. "Favorite Prescription " is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, vnrtrr a primi tive tmaTniitrr from the manufacturt rs, that it mill give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has lieen printed on the bott!e-wrapier, and faithfully airried out for many year.'. Study to arrange farmwork so that every season will have its employment and its income. tho Blood Is the sonrce of health ; therefore, to keep well, purify the blood by Inking Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine is peculiaily designed to act upon all the organs and tissues of the body. It has a specific ac tion, also, upon the secretions and excre tions, and assists nature to expel from the gystera scrofula, humors, impure particles, and effete matter through the lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys, and skin. It effectually aids weak, impaired jmd de bilitated organs. A trial will convince you that it does possess peculiar cura tive powers. : - ' . Do your chores regulary (especialy the milling'), and do them well. Mr. P. M. Barber . has used Ely 's Cream Balm for catarrh in his family and commends it very highly. A Tunkhan nock lawyer, known to many of our readers, says he was cured of deafness Pitlftcn, Pa., GWaffe. t FiHakes You Hungry -1 have QueU I'lilar fctviry Coiut-utit.4 .unl tf iM a an. ar vV" X. 1' l-:vi' ir.it- MUiHjsiv.n iiiitll ,,:r : it'' I. su. rruaus. 8. " ' Paine's I The Best Celery Compound ; Spring Medicine. H a nnhlue 'oni and npowu.-r. I'lessiut to , in the snrin; f I was all rcn dn-ws 1 llie t-.-oe. icU'-li in Us ac'ioi.. .it.l wntie-n any nou l fe'.-t ut l;i l,n' rii"ni,i j ..tut sn tl '1 a hi j'lrli-l:s eOVcl. i il.es tin.l ruvrJ-l te'.itu ,-. 11 u'. iii1 iv.is w sk lli.il t is.tilil l:..r:.v - t iiili n makes werj thing ta-le eim.1. 11 c ir" s iirnuiiu. I isi'iviit a Millie el litiin-sv'cl. r ihsii nsi.i iim) i.imle-1 il!s.,r.l-is. I'lo .ci.ms ..mui. ami -r- I iiuii iucii it a (-. I r. u iiiv-. ili.w-- it- ll.au. Six ic- f.'..u. linugts-a, . .'-ry teis u Is-Uer. I i- ui rlsvrully r.s niru-n.l i IT ly all tthn lessl a liullslltiif tuisnilsttentl. -n- W ki.Lh. Kii'BAawuM A Co.. Durllugtun. Vt, ; Ii,g iiwsili luc." Mrs. K. A. Im. riurliugiou, u miioxblEU' I uctateo food 7;w' si gMm i i) : t b UiiLii): :r: xg I i i M I I I M I I i I ! i II I i I I II I I I The Largerst and Most Complete ::::::.::r.:::::::::: Wine, Liquor, and Cigar House IN THE UNITED STATES- ESTABLISHED 835. G-- "W. SCHMIDT, distiller and jobber cf FINE WH!SKIES.::::::::z T.,:1.!.f'.h.0.n'..r,..e.: IMPORTER OF VIMES. LIQUORS. AND CIGARS. ,v.V. 1)5 4X1 yr yiFTIfAVEXCE, riTTyUVllCII, VESS'A. - Alt O Ut9 recrirM by wi7 irr ether u-i wtil nrrirr promjd attntSva. "ML Somerset Lumber Yard. EL.IAS CUNNINGHAM, llisi riTi a .Mil tiiiui Wholesales ud llmn.li or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and Soft Woods. oak, poi'Lak, siDistis, Pickets, MoCLDixns, ASH. WALXIT, FLOORIXU. HABIT, STAIR RATL3, CBERHY. YELLOW P1SK. SHINGLES. IsXlKS BALUSTERS. CHHsTSrT, WHITE PINE, LATH, BLINIlS, SEWEL P0siT9. A General Line of all grades of Lumber and Building Material all I Kocfiiig Slate kept La nock Abe, can fhmish anythtnx in the line of uur buitineaa to order with reasonabiw promptuewi. such w Brackets, 01d-iaerl work, etc. ELXzVS CUSTIGrH-AM, Office and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa I.'. As) EtuGuuTD IT 43 r j ... cvt ftT'TTT'i ene'-t, iaaUilhulikia jL'i: . I1 l(s. Over BOO Ceaut.'ful Designs. SenJ ft IStf Frico L!ct SisU i li i 1 r:: M0.N JMEt.'Yi L RflONZe COY.FAKY. sni'T'rr-i.n vy THE CELEBRATED- pianos fri (7i n n nn fp planos Ate.tl-reseat I -J N I I 1 i 4 , A I 4 I W 1 W V7. ' c i I 1 I f I f f i Vw, M J. Toi-iiAa XL' UUU L.AJi IL IIOIIMAMN- l?KO If HnydfRltT nay he liaatheAV. I.. Dotialaa fihtM-M without it tt in' aiat price ntHmuru on tb hoCloua, yut kiiu tlawn mm frtuu. w- L. DOUGLAS $3 SMOE FOR CENTLEMEN. Best In the world. Fianiln. hi .-..imi ia:i im; ii Kit shoe. I4.is II NI-SKV r.l WH T SIIOK. :t..il I'OI.K 1. Af FA HHIIt.' SHOE. i.r.o j:ti: vi.r: ai.k sHot. WIlKKINVM tN'S SIIOI-. J.S and Ml.?.-. HIIVs' K llll.lt. SROt S Ali luarie In I dnrreii.. Button aA l.aru w. S3 L. DOUGLAS SHOE FOR LADIES. IV-nt M.ileriwl. Ilefit Strle. Beat Fit tin. If But "lit tlV V" d.r, wrjrr W . I. lOl GLAS, tlUK'KTON, MAH!i 1011 SALK 15 Y A. H. Ferner & Bro., SOMERSET. in the tt1ei nml mit pnpHlrir na-intiflr srtt inhfinh-jt: phtk" pui-liwhssl niwl hn h- imvfK t-trculaf I'm of -viy (wtix-r f h- i , in ihf w..r)J. Kily lilu-tmtil. Bt t.t V.-d fenirrnT- ititfH. t'l.rthotx-d rki. prl Uit Henim CdpT. Ine- n n wttr. K.Mir mM hn irtal. tl. aLNN At o, Piai.isiiKiM.sk! Uruadi-ay. .V. ARCHITECTS & 6UILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. 0 A trrwat mrnm. F:ieh rr-intnln ivtirM IitlHmrnpUu- plat ft txunfrT arwl ridn ' i.r puntic tviiMlinit. ini'r..n ri:irruviiiifi ami full rln a.-Kl t-i'WttM.Mn mr rt. inf I vuch am cu' 4Bip:it txiilrjin:. lne a yitr. attB-aCiAL.J. Ill NN a I U, Priii.tsUEMr.. I mr he wriN r to jii n'i I'm., who hare imd "Tver i 41 yara' nierienco and hv m' over Ji snpl!:arlrn f-r Anrinn and V'w- ttftn-. Mnl f i.r Huidboila. lorrea TRADE MARKS. Tn eiM y.itr r.i.irk i r-nt rea-irtpriKl trt the Trtt. mm Orii.-, upp1 ii n A ai d iw-cura iiut:i(tlit iin-leftmn. !e.id fr lla::CNxik. f'llPYRK.HT- f.r charts, iu.ipa. tie., tjima..? pr.x-ured. A(iUre SU NN CO.. rates. SoIIcitara. twKXXkLAt. Orms- 3l4 Uuoa1) av, N. Y ti-Tl i - tr- w nli in flit -'it Uuu ti:a ' C JJ J-airn V IWf - "n to Hi-m- ho rtte- nlrr tbr fwiUCr pUfiit. C'r-.tifl !... 611.;.. I.'JW! Ef-!ft t irr - ma liw in ibr mrA. .'I t I fi-i-Lat iA-."rr- iW)t. Itiia, briff tn"'k 'ki ti'1 i o wr.a to a al gmc Cmn ar f itft wtf ti k af h-.li rt C a lt6'a v 'h.T in Arrn. E , w. i-aut wtf-.w M. a to is U Lewieef H is- frliM lf.wiiBw-lll B1..I ces trt f.ja i!ue. On PrrM m - 1. oiit jr ra h mrw um fWs, W-.i It" WtfiL awLKJ ri B,i( ut rallevl. lew brron'TW tirowtlr TV W)M WrU Ut NCI et s -if IW.r Ik Wth AaMlp. W ri all trerJ. w. AMt i Ac m sftl'J. rirnaii, uwrnw. W71T CW. sprint n;( rJitirtfMH; annr;iOrTrHw-ft-ila-MT..nU t,.n ytmrs ftja Hip xfxU'tot Una 'eft iue ,crv a'l fM'Wl ef. "1 lit- iiervt-a miis; I.- j,iij -!r'l, '.U' l i'XI pnrn1i-'1 ttv-r t j.tl !- V.-.:- -ni.it-l V::'.l.' ' TV -;lfx-'V - i K' Hill I't-lvM'-ta. Vr.-Vr ! hi ill S4 lit W IT WILL PAY YOU ra bct Toes JIEMOKIAI WORK or Wm. F. SHAFFER. SOMEK3KT. PKNJTA. Jtaiiufturer of and Dealer iu vtrm WraMtwtw Jii AMter, to oil (Ur mm mi mm im Alto, Agrnt for the WHITE BR0SZE! IVrsius in need of MOM'VF.XT WORK wll fun! It in t l.eir interest to ca!l at icy hm. where a 1 roj-er showiiiit will be eiven them, w-softe-fni Ui'i. ouiimntr'tt in .rv,-y ' tie. and A'' E& I ij.' i' Lo '. 1 Invite special attention to the White Bronze, Or Pur Zino Konumnel Introduced hj REV. W. A. RlXfJ. as a Decided Improvement in the point of MAT ERIAL AND fti.NSTKl ITIOS. and w hich i destined ta he thi I'oinilsr Mrmi-imi nt fn our (.-huigeaMa Cli mate, a. CIVt ME A CALL. 1VM.F. SHAFFER. and prefetTed by the lead i ing Artists. SoJe Agents, Johnstown, Penn'a CATARHR. Prof. O.K. Omk. Prin cipul liiU h.Ktl. (.t. Bend. I'a.. fon.ini)y of Siii,ept-t rtiiimjr, w f Natvp. CKSikhY KiiR Catarkh :' " It is the test pnlliaior for Ca tarrh 1 fvor triit. It is tlie caiarrh cun J ev'r trU It i the .implt ai-d t'n.-!c-t to uw of anythiiiR I ever tried. If any iruud f mine hniid rad thi', I wi-h him 10 untleriiid that 1 with all in(erity that 1 am aiuaiiite1 with Mr I. M. irav. (( of ilu pnrienn of Rature'i Remedy for (Utarrh. Ifv i ui-ri-rlit, Ikum .rt-Kie gentleman, a n't his medirine i th lxt catarrh reiiitiy that ran tie found. Jt ha cured ne. and. I lIteve it n'iil cure any persun suncriug from catarrh." itlxwiM hy druesit and d-'alcr. It may be jwtit hr nwil ; priee Evenr )eknce ctHitHiiui a full (narter i-mnd nf nHdictne. r-nd our Yk i ltiDHi. pp. 1 eu:i.li-i "How to cure ''atarrh.' Addre. I. M. iiRAY a. CO.. RtsK, Sfaqt KHASMA ttH'STY Fa. T) ISSOLVTION NOTICE. Nn'ice i hentT irlvrn that tl e narinerhin herp'ol'ure esi-iiiikT ltteii JiiM-ph It. and Kth. I. l titer iu the mtrfaniiie hiiie undt-r the rinn mini.' -f iiilrr ln liters, wm di-dve.1 nn tiie W MJiy iti J mortry, hy mtitiml .netit. The liii.rei wid h'rea(rr l C"rHl'H't d at the ld place by Jt-e-h l. tiller. Th brk? nf the ftriii i the r ewf i n nf K hrjtim I'. Miller, attd all Tf-nmis h:iv.nj a(eiiTit. n thm are re n,u vtl toenUauil trt -ttie the Mune wiibout fur ther nuwice. J'H-FPfT MTTJ FR. KJ'HK.UM It. MIL1.KK. H-KTiU Ta., Jan. 8, l"K'.. CatarrES ELY'S BiliCream BaIm 0 Cleanses tbo Nafl Paw&Ki Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heala the Sores, Re orrf the Senses of Ta.tc and Smell. TRYTHECt'RE. '1 J' N" KAY-FEVER A'-article la annlied Into each nnRtril and I asreeahie. Vrice renr at driiris.u : by mail r-iwered, 60c. ELY BRO.. IA Warren Street, New Y'rk. Oils! Oils! The siandr.nl Oil Oomtiany, of Plttsbnnth. Pa., makt a speeiallT of mauiifaetiiriuK for th iKimestic trade ttie finest brands of Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Naphtha and Casoline, That n he made from Petmlenm. We challenge compari-HOQ wiih every kuown PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM. If yon wish the moat nnifuTmly Satisfactory Oils IN TIIE -American !Market, Ask for ours. Trade f..r SVmierset and vlcinitr supplied br COOK A BKFRITS FREA.SS & K1S1SKR. aoMKlu-CT. Pa. cptai-'fiS-lyr. ED.O. laOKTETIiER MERCHANT TAILCR, (No. 2 MisaoTU Block,) SOMERSET, PA. All Ihe Intel Styles of Full and Winter Suitinrs and Ov nwili,p. tatiffaclh n Octrmilced. and Loe.st llieea. ij-jafcari sraaaatu t.ngiaaaa&sw Billa si. ma. lailrcta A. B. TIBOVSil SC3, Ztii, i -. I -. - - V r .j. "Miuii.. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE POOR AND THE HOUSE GIF E-MXjOYlwdBIiTT OF SOMERSET COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 7, A. D. 1889. GEORGE J. BLACK. Tar-ismta or thb Somiksst Corarr Poos Kr in aceontit with tu Ciuuty of Snuiors.t. for the year ending Jaiiuary 7th, IHH'i. nECKIITrt. I. To tmX i a. - - 4. " 6. " . " s! 9. u 10' - II. it - 13. M 1. - " iii. - Ills 17 " ' It " tfll. " rt si. - i Sus.n Miiler fur 1 niin:tr ni;nntnaiK-e l-tine erson r.ir 1 Isisael tim.stty aetsL Hcuri sjta.'er fcr 1 clf Kni:! sir-wan firr hi.ies Win. M siiri-li. lor hal. uiainl. wifeal Iniirc.ni H-l-wil Mew.i-l tor holes Siiniti Milier f.r umiDteiiaie-e ll.-ltrr F 'It for l Ismlieis tilll-.tnT seed Wm. 11. HerLer 4S tiati f.r rent h..uc)ter hirio 11. L- Ite-r, K-it-. fr pan T'nlifl e.rsle.. li. J. Hrulmkrr hir t.nanlisn I. s. a warw nil rotter H-t-wl . hsnlirs fr rxpuws wary Maciauhj Sian Miiier l-ir maiiioiMm e J.-hn lietsri. as AillnT hiiaia tie-.ee!, dec l felinier rute-il fir Imrs liirdm ll..titu.n lur nialDletai:ce ano Ji.hn Wino-rs fi oats .l.Mrptt Milr for malnt. d.iiiitt!ter at Uarristrarg Pet-r alio K. K PTilis fur ili. JtMlith Ursnl lor piirs. Kp'irwim Tiirfti f-ir pis Vim. .V. Bski-r for purctis.e V.mri nrupetiy J tin K. Trent for Article Win. Hai!c Wis. M. Waiker f.sr Article KmniaJ. Will w in. M. s. hris h lor mam-. w,le i.1 lnxtui..uL 11. t tirniiiiti.ini for ni'les. A. A. Is't for pit Su.-an Mii.r-r hir inaiutenaace Josiati Wo. for hay W ut. H. Mil er lor rant An-lrew stniiitiirer for osts Somerset l n. M-r Order ik w ititetesl nn MuneeJmaa lunJ.. Ntnie i-r llr.let Na 1" lia.an.-e a. count TZ PKMHTl'H KH. roa ixrsssca, itc , nnfAio roa ih ts lss" so t. By uni. paid on orders of lv-T for tint dsr relief ' " " t'otlaiea fees . ' '" .Vsinieliance ol Mst. iS !,Dli-t ' .... " A pole butter " " 11,-el - .vauiicnaiice wilier and Mi-i'iiDtvM k.. " " Oid oriier IsT roa mr hook siritssKs ises. . Br atn't pal l fort wr door relief I HJ i . " V isit.irs trs.ei uir eijs-usea i isi i. 10. Mmntrrittnce mit iiiM.1 pauprrs 'ts 11. Conveyinir out door MiiMera a, isl li - Kailnwii fare ano tr.veiitnif enjieiisea for i,.u;iers w at lii. torn lis for out door paopeis fe, .Ml la. Jiists-es fees and roeiucal attendance out il'sir p4tipers.i s aa: roa MAisTKsascit is onica rssriTCTiovs and cofS'Ttiai. By arn't paid for maintenance of children A-t of !Ss3 " " a UarrislMirg Hospital " Ill.XRl'Slt - Steward acting as visitor Maintenance in other Counties .. axpenses at Keetwe .Mind School. at Klwtn lirrssis rooa HOt s I'r ami. pii.l for Dry fmnU and cii.trnryr T'lucco ; W he.it, Pour, Ac Apjue imlter liarilware t oostaliiea' feea Me.licai services and fee Tinware . hacon I t her meat Il.ita an.l caps Corn meal Snues and leather Siiirar. Itrili.s's, Ac iueensware I oai stationery rider and butcbermg ( itlee . fither ffri-enei. and tea Malt I'mifs Vo-tatte aiHt m-x rent at Doat o ColTliia lor lunialea Justices fee. Sheriff and PmtnonoUry'a feea. till and hops ' t ofi.eiing inmatea. Weaving Kent v meir:ir and aap Bro"iits 1'rinung and Advertiing : John Hhiifer Hanksi Mererwrale Cowsercitff . onierset Hrrl&. Mtateuient, Stmeraet vmticraf, PHI lilt EXPENSES. 14. "ft. 2. - 3U. M. IIJ. Hi " .vl. " ' S3. 3. - 3. iS. M 3a. - ail. 41. - - 4.', 4. 47. 4e. M. U. 54. he tint, paid for Farmine implement! $ fat &ti .Vi. - h.ackstiiitauig i an lie "at. " Har'lware i vs:. 7. - Ketttiuera I no; M. " Nti..-,-y I , no W. fseeils aud pianta. i 77 111' ao. m m m m Hjiron uialtirir ' 1 siti ,. o - u m jruiitreea ! i i i " " " Luniher... I an i ai. l.uiie ; i,j 9,! w m m Krenthi and expresaage ' ia ssi . " Siirvejm i Is no. ""- .'"II so im; ;. - " Rim I 5 l)ul niR rixmsivT iantoviattsrrs cs. By ami. pnl for Lafiiher .... llaroware... I'sinrlllg . . t'arpeinera' M.s,0!. Hetmirs pouting 71 74. 73. 74. for ixTa.OKDtN art rxriNsca. 75. By arn't. paid for Miiiaelman fund : Bonks Muiwription, Clerk to former arti:ement i 'ti Hgfeement I.irery hire Kxp.iiHea Kepreseriljtive to srate Conventiou j Witness fees in l uioutown .aorehan raee 1 Atfornev'9 - - .. lair ..: ;.. Insurance. "ULART ANP WAGkH. si. S4. By amiunt s. -- - - paid Directors Il.irrin and virn'irker salary fjfl each. inn efl - r.w..p,i v.- o o .. ..... .. J . M'iM W. W. Baker' 1 .,ii Misn h:ce s Phvsician Dr. H. s. Attorney 4ml t icrk, Cla(li.l.II, Appieton Tieasurcr a aa.ary. IVOl'NT OK THE C. C. M I'MSELMAN" Toa.n'L rcc iL from Onntr fonimisnioners on order No. r., :s, for Interest 001 M'lsselm.n Inrtti fi-r the year issi. , Bymo'int for snbsertpiio;! to Benin rri .. B-ioks .'.'.....".'..'..'.".'.'.'."'.'.' Subscriptions to .IeTers.!-j!e r'tfiasiri-iai i tomeraet Umtlii " brm'xral llrTtires "j .viaceiuneou mailer '.y.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'l By ha.auce rjlsTlMATE AifnrsT. -a I T liTnj or thi Puoa IX Ace orsT with tit torviT or Sobersit. 1. To amount Kstlmate forExp-nsea lt Noremher. ISsT . tR" .JEl'urj . By anioiml rei ei.ej fr.,m , oum, tommiaaiotiera oa at.ive otiler Ni.' ii"of V-j ' vl Ki " 3. ' Balance est.Lnate uuexpemied " ;a)77 3;: ID' HECTORS' ISDIVIDrAL AUCXlCXTS. TOHJIC. BARRON, PrR llot si Pirectow, " lu u; with the County of Sotneraet. To amount P m House order No. of 1. By one year's salary a Director . . . " . . . ... . .. . rEOK;B p. SCHMCCKER. Poor Hocsr Iiirktor, lo account witk the t.miuty of Somerset. To amount poor Hoo.se anter Mi. of lsss By one year's salary as Director ...y.. ..." .... ........ JACOB 31. FIKE,PooIior?E Director. In ac-ouui with the To am-iunt poor Hnse order No. By one year salary as Director. ... of Us. " JST OF ORDERS OrTSTANDINfl AND No. of order 1 To wnoa twtEh. Freaae A Koonee 90 s. w. Livinirstone Tt !. C. Fox i. M. Flkr t hn-t. vAeightman , an Barbara Hingler SI ItaVHl Keller sy Jar-ob Kichnor M His Moehotiier 5 Ijm iiitx 3 J V. Kerlln 44 Hetirr t aaele-er 177 J. K. B iwiuaa til J. M. Kike lit 'nt B. l ook 3sJ Win. M. Brown 414 Joaepn Uhaauer w th" undersigned Auditor of S.,merel fonnty. In the Commonweal:!! of Pennsslrania. - eenify tiimririian.--ofi,4;ti1rwti..,f the Act rontled -An A.t retsiirrg 10 t onntie. i..wv hips, Ac, paiwi tnc IMS day ,.l Aprc, a. u. w. we met st the seat uf )ttice In the ivwari "f Wimerset, oa la on ilay of J,uiiry. iss. arel afer te-ing dn:y sworn did amlit. adlurt. ast ne the everia.s.iil.r.iiire.tof i i,f sgreeaoly 10 the aereral act, of As-einl.l and awpplem-n's thereto, a.l...-eriirig to the treat of .air jn.lgmenl and alMiltr, and that the foregiaaar are true an I eurmi atalrineutsof the fo'lowlng s.co'ints, eis : " 1st. i.wre J. Black. Treaurer of the fe-iuerset County Poor House and Haws of EinpioTtnesS. wnh the (ounir of Somerset. ' 9A The ais-oont of ttie c. C. Mussel man Donation. sd.1 he E.iitpate AccMint. 3.-The iiireri. iodivMnii A-omnu with the Cnnwr t tomcrwet. all for the year .k. I", y Trf"r!' "' 1'ire. tor. for lss nd for isaw. www dniy Kimtaone.1 to arear hef Aailitora. and 'hey did o appear and pro.hice'1 their WHka. orilera, bill, .00. he: v aad papers. uT'ri.'i'JZ. , .'" "r 00 l'xW,t ""n, Tae Ken of the stew-, of the rut llooae was Mttnnltte.1 to oa and IS sppDiteL D l(ls.le",UO,'I we ve "ereuaw sat oar hands and seals, this th 1st, af Fehroary. A- At;e A. CBOLSERT. Feb. S, 1.89. Clerk. !(. ; i mi i i-e 1 .3 is t ... i s"l HI Li vi lt 'II :.i m 11 Ni : s im il i.i I Vi ;u :i lisl w 'li 1'1S U' il ; j .) 1 'W "W-.-j Ts3 ( K. bk. I ; oo H IH A IS y si. sft 11 m j I 3S m. 341 4-C I T 91 i U 10. ; ! )! I M li ' IMU raorsa. I $ V9 11' 147 4 ! ss on I l. J4i ! li si ,i 7S 4T I H 27 H , a 5- .; o w . i I 5 'SC I SH It ' ! .vt 71 ; ' 7 ft" ; lul 13 17 a : ra ' i Isft 7! ' j it . 17 M' 1 r 3 3.C .! il SA j n S 40 i 104 Bs1 11 T 'si is .me 17 7i ...I 4 .. . Ac. iss - 17U Ml 371 It' 30)l Tli ! ! f IT 4.-. J 1S3 7 ( it ss Heraif J ne O'moerir... a imi t omnterria. 9 Oh $ Ml 07; Kt.arr. 19 jS. St no; MS TO ir." no iv 3.1. fa) uol Kimmel - s miarr.!. U . Coltsirn Hash Oeorpe J. Black... - !23 J7-.-3 . f ;vi m DONATION". (See Deed Record. VoL , a. 73.) CR. PR. $ M on .: 11 lo .! 1 hi 9 ) .1 i "l 4 OM' . 1 71 i--?. S so w t an a 1 I JOus 0 )rw 1 CR. DR. ! i.1 fh M on, I to og 1 su uo .! I -I so an I s oo 1 m County of Somerset. 1 JS ' I s ni it 00 1 so l"NPAID FROM Its j; Jj Fo WHAT IMC ID. -' Dry rsvla .1 l oiistaole. fee . i HutrSering ... ; rla.ance al.ry for lass . .'t emporary owt disir relief S ."I i i la m 10 'Si U fi) mi 1 SI 17 ,". no 1 IJ ' S7 cTothiug for BookmaiaJlRi.i3set at tiwyn 'ri-k j 71 iMi.heis arHt ss pounda wheat. .. s months sai.ry aa Director Justice fees j i Asseseawtii al Poor Directors ConrVntlon ! Beef fi RftJKL .--HlX jtL; J zm.Jmr-' -efl