The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 25, 1888, Image 4

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    " - - . ' i I , I ' i Hrmtmj Pearls. ! ! " 1 lCi
A Piot to Repeatthe Haymarket
Massacre Discovered. J
fBiu-A July 17. ir Jle fotirexetn
tioo last NovemUr ere ie:;XXeJ to
have had a dative od orpinlzcl
acar. hi!i in C'l -i ntf. tl.e evf ni of t
dav !,i o:-i.v.-a it. To-day ever.U
tvarrtJ wl-i.-h l.rinz the llaymarket
tuawa-Tre m itlj itattend;r.jr horrid details
and it scW-jaettt tragic evett aain l
f j.v the paUU gixj. Tj-dar reveal
ed a r.k which in it results wra!d Lave
been full v UiUtin? V; life and i-roper-tr
a was tiie dreadful erect of the o'.hl
of May , Tl pull" oSAi'j
ho Lad contracted tl.tir individual
e Jru Uiward the vindication of tLe law
aa it wa then violated were t'ae oiks
wLote live were to be aieriSced, and by
tiiai d-eaded aett ot .aaasinatioo -dynamiU'.
aTirTorm rjux
About ten dy ao a prominent Bolre
mian tiled oc Irj-ectcBonCcUtiKl -c-f
j-uieJ b ai fuat a wae on f.x.t, tlie oV
of bicb a loa-eaje the eiecuioo
drnainite Hie of Jade J jYas j
fe. 4inaoe!I.'wbo wa t!ie u AUurwy j
when the .I north ifeta were l.-K-d. Ja lge j j,ijut -.4 ao'ce uiew hat, and the
iarty, who wa tiie imesiding Sniff, and I tnowk-.!re of it ca-ne to us in a roi'd i
the n-idfn of tbe Io!-ictr, who 1 aJ,)Ql ji,e otin-ra are - we'd
Lad been the ptiaie cover ia the in! j matthel to st so fr. Tx lucvh i !-
whirii r.;w-i the HaymarkH atfi-ir.
and who farahe-J mu of tie evidence 4 liara-n-caniui, ill-uiatureI p'.in bv a
w t.idi brafftit four of the pnn:..! to , few jiern, and dr from conteuijiiat
Vhe jilioas, fi-'ved an..Uer jntoa mk ide 6 , a ',-vi-n of teTur,' LIli:t-d and
p-sve aftd tn-nl three otbe to Jo'i-t. : rsun j,y wbo'.'.e, u;eai.t merely ni
Tb Inn-tor wai twt iow in actiug upon clt:v y pjye, to three people, Ja !e-e
tiie Jj thiM pvec.and ly (4refa! i i,arev myself aad Jadr-e tj.-iiim.dl."
owin; and other ski'Ifal detective work ,,,,, ei:Ak -'. T.
j tT-le.j in eain a eb,as becUiiu i jjp, jjjrt II. Tarsias, tbe ife'ofone
of iSnn-til.'e fax . about at Uai4 ti.ree ' of t.e cxecate.l A nan-List, was seen l-at
ii-n and arxinit toeiii tbi ni'-niin,:. ; bv a re;ru r. Siie ws 'oi l of tbe
Tbe name of the rin-i.-a le' is Jvbn ; 6t7V;g j a-ked if t-be knew anytiiini;
I;rouk, and be at "'"J Fam-i uttt.-t. i mbool t,e matter, ne b?.-ifje highly
lie in a Ijheuil4n. and a eabiurt maker ) ,nJ gite-i that if there was anv
1 y trade. Tiie -e-ind is K.-snk Oia
il. iit lives at 4: We4 Taebtietii
r.-t. Il't iai.-a 1 . .-lieiijian, a lis 111
tii i r.J man tlp' t.a-ne ! rank I '!'
j. a t.; J on . in I'loiv, and
who ii. the infir.i-r Uo told the Morv
4 tiie J lot to the Iiie.niaii. ho in tan
i'.-luiii d it to I !.-ior Ijt.tiei d.
-. :!E AX R: l!.-r. Ij..t 31 C
It -eni!i nitjiv ti;e execution a
i:;;it i tarti
; a nong the f.'iow-
- tf revoititW.n and cha- in 0.iag-
by w ('( b ttie mx which disbanded al-l;ic-t
kr rxa antbe havmarfcet Lj::ibbsrst
were to be ni!f.iiii-d. It at-ar to d
Vtii.iec at the old . and. It thought
lang-ror in trie i :.t -l jasi events 10 ;
have :,i-m- cro:;,; ,"j:nr--i of an u.ihrn- '
jte.1 nu.i.lK-r, Waase it woold increa.,- !
the f:biiity of iuf-.ruw-rt. making their j
appea an.e at tbe ui--t '-r;'nal j"ii'.! '
when was very g i i-n. It was ,
-.n-!udel that each g-oup & "orjan:ei :
wa.. to have r.o iii-.r- than three members :
Hell ac juainU-d t b the others m ho.vjtn- I
jv-d the goUj. when fontel. It was !
thought -1 jUea.ii'2 ' in t!ie Anarch- j
i.-ts,' ranks in trie Tcture c u!-I I-co:ne a
!hth art. The t!.n-e men arretted t-i'ay
Mntituled a group, and in the han-ls of i .
thexe wan l.-ft, by aho:n it is n t yet
Vn jn the Measai.t r anati'n f h"o- !
ing up natiden-tw ont ! ti.-" a1 of Ia. N-
vemlx-r mas cimiden-l fa'ly out
ill bl-xol.
Tl.K I'lKl Ui. iM in.
Tii- group now in.-aprat.-l in tbec l'.s
tind.-r the I'iiy Hail had no nvnar mat
ing piiiee where i.ianri could ilLsra-i..!
but tbv met canual'v a. friends and over
a g!a .f Ur c no tei their bold and i
Idno-ly scliemcs. It was agreed that i
irinnell's bottse was tMe f:rr.t to g fily- j
ar l. bdt not uaiw! the es-'ate"s Aih.r- ;
iiey aas an inmate when the explosion j
t..k p'a.v. Ju.lge iar,y"s br u-' was;
the next one narfced. and lat Satur.liy ;
night was the time H-t f-r catrying out :
the i.lot. It as riot fu'ly determ-ne.! ',
liow Ins.xH-'.or Ilonfield was le remov
ed. He was tl.e lliil one on the lit.
tnd h-
doent-l to die with the rth
rs, but bow was n-t fully deci-Ied upon.
The plot had ii:ade rp.p;d a'iiaii. e!nei.t.
i hi; j't "t nu) i n,a it - 4 ' tfti- v m uvf i
f'ron Ju!v4 Hr-r.cck H.-la usl biiiis-'f '
. . " ,.
ti examine tne pre.iiL.s' of Ju lje .ir.n- '
nell house m A'-tin:- s-jtia-, a view
to its tm-u pants. Wiien .c to i
Lis co:r.!!iiofis ibt Light the en-mnitv j
. . T . ,i ,' !
r..t t .
Iwii'lofthebowR. He w-ft;el ith i.'s j
f's-l-'ngs f-seve-ai t'a-s and . rail r made '
.. .. . -. . . :
t:p lit min.l to ask 'or advwv Irotn a ;
friend. Tbe latter htir i.-d at once t
the Poii -e IH-Mi1:rieut and told his
KVN ttliTi: r-l'SB.
In the Louse of all three nunienws
weapons were fji'ti. I euoagh dyna-
mite to lave W,-. ap wveral of tbe .
1 . t...v I- : .1. -. t. ; . . . i
i.tii-H in mecity. ii is suiici j
in tins connection that the three men
cre pr.-iu at tne itavmurKet niansacre :
, . !
and that Hroneck received a nu:i.U-r of !
l.mibs and ts.ine d ua.u;le from a friend :
... t.ic t.u -aa ,-njsenu t.en
a.ked to-d.iy a hat be had done ith this j
stutrhe replied Jiterealily that be ha-I !
thrown it into tb? river. It is suptiosed. '
however, that the stuff found to-dar is i
siie which was given lo him on
fatal evening. Hroneck au 1 Chaf-k
were int. mate friends of Ljuis Ling-; the
itotiib-make1, an 1 both w ere anvsted after
tbe Ilavmarket 'iot. Chief Ilubba(d
says Uiere will Ije nv.. ar-estii ina-le t-
night, but be refusea lo give any further
M'i :i in t ii 1 :ir.
Insjiex-tor li-mfield to night in a m.tdest
ijniet way bil'old the St.iry of the pljt
and the tajture. Si'dbe: ''A week or
ten days ago a gentleman drew my atten
tion to the fact of a conspiracy which ia
clu led an attei;);t tijnn tlie lives if
Judge tirinnell. Judge tiarey and my
Belf. This came to my knom hlge fp.m a
Iiohemian on tbe A- Side, w hose name
I do-line to give. Investigation satisfied
as beyond a doubt that a conspirary had
Iwu forme.1. We found that three men
hid b-.-en to Al-line Rjur? Judge (rin
nell lives oa Aldine fiuare on tbe 4lh
July, and that Ja dge trrnnell noth-ed
theru there. Tbe cv.nst ience 0' coaard
iir of one of the men could not bear the
strain, an-l Le shortly afterward gave up
tbe aecret w hich then came quickly to
our ears, as I have already stated. We
learned the whereabouts of the men
w ithout ditliculty and late last night pro
cured warrants from Justice Lyon for tbe
arrest tf tlie three. IVidden Lieut. Klii
ott and four of his men we had t woollier
othcers along . bo speak Bohemian. The
u'" I'-ace r ami as to rarrei
street, a here tiie chief one of the trio
lived. We arrived there about 4 o'clock
this morning, but liaving been informed
that lie had revolvers, dynamite and dag
pers. poisvmed erliaps, weconclu-leI not
to enter but to wait developments. Tlie
fellow came out about 7 ocbtck. We ar
rested him without diffimlty, being taken
entirvly by surprise. His name was
John Hroneck, bis age about 30, and 1
was drrswed in a biue flannel shirt. We
searched the lionse and found a small
portion of dynamite tlere. It was the
Ktna No. 2. We found also a hit of bombs
not those utanufactnred f tbe purpose,
but those preswed into service. There
were some half dozen of tbetn. abotit four
i nches Ion g , of castj ron. I jeuL Ma hon
ey w as tlien telephoned to and Le arrest,
ed Krauk Chapck at 4W Twentieth street.
Otaj-eks liouse was not searched." Tlie
lnsneettrr ! litted to t'o' wLtiiPr tiie i
fart that no searr.h trap lusde at CliafMrk's f
M' ti-t Ch athe icRrr j
and m, ru-norM. Frank cw.-..ihe
thirJ mu.Ut of tbe jrroup. - Cbebc." I
fft:nwd the Ic.;, w. Uhth ar- ,
rlbyorrr.y. In I.rnAoJ - w
th u.e a tkue lQ J on Farrel t-rwt ; :
a.o one jui.uiuaiug j.
EITKVT OP THE lt)f1l( f.
To an asoc'utcl Pre reporter tbe In-
6pct, cocsentod to gire . damte an-
tbor-Utive malement a. to the extent of .
tbe cowpiwT. Sa.d be : - It m wke j
to uppo tbat the anU t0ay .mp,y j
. .Uarrnl or o.n.xe.1 lcted j
by pob'K bawJ.ags were .
to be b!owfl up ana . rein of terror at-
tempted to be urated. That u pu-e
boah, and the rrioru that I Lave said l
anything of tt.e kind are wholly on-
Tbexe men aie Bjbeuj''aM. and very f.-w
31 0f that nationality a ? Aiaa'i-
jt to tue f:u.Uoce tl at their j
e of tn-s
rratt.-r. It was F'rnply
ci.'ti.pir.u-- it l.a.1 lvn Lichct oj I y
tiie pj!i-. "Tiny Laven't iin;r;cei
anv Auai.UbCV sid, " .-.n.-e
Ijer !.i.t. ur. 1 i':i-v are thiri:i.
h;.l. 1 don't bciieve there was a o;i-r.ira-y
only i ideii-U i.itaginat:n cf
lio.ifieid ar.d hi mii-ious.'" he gr.-w
more a. id.e went on fna'.iy :
-If Gricr.e" and .a.-ey a e not k:'!ed
vtrv soon I w;,'i k''! tbem ui-;:f a -i you
ctia rest I a ;'I not make a botch
ofiL' YulUiZ her lO-vei'-O'-l-H'j
( fbe Mitina-l :
M-K... .1 . .,-.. T i
aib ri-ing fr I wi.a'l teach L'm hi f.t'i
er was mniderel, ar. i by whom; and
tiioe re.i-lian-ie-1 baicbera ha-i bitter
j, out."
Teeth While You Wait
' Four an-i five dollar set of teeth made
while wa'u'.r.g.'
Tiiat i" a i-rti-j.i of an a dver.lsern -nt
that caught a repr?er s eye ar. 1 a
v sit to the o:!iie of the demist who ha i
iosertt.1 it.
Many men doubi'iis remfc.ii'.ier tiit
cerLain of their relatives "etnaiiied in sol
itary confinement for from iwo to three
weeks while ttie arriva. of the
i leal set of grind rs. It is i-ibie that
one au have one's o n worthless teeth
', remove-), an i-;;pr-s.:on of the month
; taken and new teeth fitted, and a!! itb
j iu an Lojr or two's time.
! Tiie dentist alien asked the ijaes'.ion,
! a n.. ei e 1 jt tf. r n: at i ve . v .
; You rn-e,'' sai l be. "dentistry Ls pro-j
; grear-in like everything else, and it is an j
j ek'ery day ncci:rrcii--e for me to p t up a i
set- ol teeth in an tiour ami a Natl, i
Although it would Ur mu. h letter if. af-
j ter Laving tee'h extracted, tl.e jatient j
j would wait for a et t until the tno'itli
; heals and tbe Ir-nie which surrounds the
i . . . ...
) teeth tie d;r-ive.i. still there are ever so
! many who come here and will endure
! .be di-uiiifort and paia which of ne-e ;
, sity follows a ijnvfc operation, rather !
tlian di pa t t.lhless.'' ;
1 "I do you do it so ouicHy T j
' Well, hy a llleihol or JiPjcess I use ia i
1 vuleanii-ini or 'cooking" the rubljcr Used
I for
tie p'a e, which n-duc.i tiiat usuiiy
Pr"r '
No, it is not
o an Lout's time. i
aotisfacu.'tT, nor is it i
j any lei enjieiinive, but it ;s quicke-. The i
price of a falne set of iet tli depn-U al- j
iinr-t entinel .- on the nu.nb.-t and size of
, , . ,
tbe pl.itinum pins winch lue li-th fun-
i iii.. r,,. ., t .... I..-..
mill, iiii'i tur ii 'Mi it . an i ii.iuit v.
u i
' , . i
-Then. U. the sW niar.nCictuiers o
"Tlien. too, tbe tun!' niar.ntUctuiers o"
cheap teeth are continually catting one
1 another's throats, and the people g.-t the
J Ijenejt. The dentist has very little to do
' 'n deteraiiuidg the p"ce.
i "C-ount ymen and farmers buy more
false te'tii than do any other class of
- r.po:.h-- Yon Sfs-.. J-itus f.r itistmrv..
hsUt lhe ,(K.h .u.llt.. to t
af.r fran
ic atteDp's to g-t rid of tiie
j pa'n. has all her teeth puiled.and t ith a !
..uii.,,l rHV s,. j.l
perhaJH a little
.,,,! fininir ia u)nt 1o !u.r wVlUltX
or farill Mrit s u;.h Mri Jon,.s-
,.. D(,t content to Ije without
anything that Mrs .tones has.
e t m-
come to town and bus .jrc-lain m'jsi;- i
t,.i r .- i.. ;
tuted for bone.
Ortintry peoi'le don't take ;rv-r or
even decent cure ,f their te.!h and I
! ri,1( t!l..v pat ,(j0 mu,.h ,.ie Auil theY'
,... , ," ,.,..t i. ,..,' i
; served up in an hour s time. A country- ,
' man comes to the citv xihiU, tn .io i
, hr.nin f.r the folks :..t !,..,,,. t-.t.. in
tl n r,m. , .,i ..... I
j , jlU r.tll,i!v ,.;, R of' ,
1 all in one dav. S-.tuetimes he issuc-ess
"Ne-.'-oes car-y a deal .f porre-
lain and pdd in their mouths, ts, but
ther.aliuost invariably, want the rt
expensive sets, insMing upon gold plates
and plenty of gold filling. I have made
a numlierof s.-ts for negmes which cost
fl.. But in. years time a negro .ill
manage to break the Ik-M set that I can
make, and then, of course, he receives a
bill for reidirs.
"The gold plates are, of course, incoui-
parablv better than the ru'-bcr or cellu-
Lad, and if a patient can atford them I
always advise their use." AYw IVi
Tlie foundation of all Lanpiness is
health. A man with an imjierfect diges- J
tion may 1 a millionaire, mav be the 1
husband of an angel and the father of
a half a d. zn cherubs, anj yft i uiisr
ableif he be trooMvl with ivsieiU, or
fivt digestion or a sluggish liver. Ir.
pierce'g p;,
ieasatit Purgative Teilets are
the safest and surest remedy for these
morbid conditions. Being purelv vege
table they are perfectly Larmier.
Just it. Exactly.
"I had my picture taken to-day," said
little Christine. "I crossed my arms and
leaned on a chair, and the pictuie
put luy Lead in some tongs."
"Why, yoa mast Lave Lx.ked like a
lump of sugar in sugar tongs," bushed
-Why, so I must have," said Christine,
dellitexlly, "'cao tiie man kept say
ing : 'What a sweet little girL' "
Various Englishmen who have visited
our shores remark apon the beauty of
our scenery and regret that we Lave no
picturesque ntiov. IVrhapa free trade
mill remedy this defect.
auu.ona . 7 ' soliditv ofhergraniear and of thai of ber
JeddJ! not twenty peop.e .n , - jt m .a fbe
tbk a3air, Kftwahsutthnz ! Dp of'tbe latter, to encra;elbec1' to find
to U.. eontrary. It . t of B.-1.e ; b.Jthv 4maje;nect ifl - honit.!T - inter.
ootbreak. and invokes at tbe outde m ; ( itiot The cUi!d
than half th naoibef ofp-ns BameJ. , , ....... ... r.,BM
Th Kinnressoi usmiiiii. i " - i . "l v v j
That t;e rr'!,'' 'a''0 ayW
it the xsiled je.'.!l a tf Ktnpref
. . 1 ' . -1' lhe Ig-,
UVieT.iuA-A) bas new,
wilh w .j,,,
,iw.rTlni.nt of . CjvrmA. Vjc-
ho have jodgtd of Ler maiaiy by tbe
opiniocs tliey have kaowj Uj be enter-
i ' in Mwnl in T li (-11 tf-.I
c:fclebM lo b;(ln no t io xhoee
jn o tfcem.
. tbere,ajive i, of the jmr.
Tmu to juJ(fe bj
- Ja.
.q v ia
.b Ejt reason
- Uxcnt a!ia del to U not
; -cBl,r snre of lbe
; and kiu hen, iu ail of wh'ejb they amazed
therrse! vne at their pleasuie. working ia
tbe'r favorite d;Jiaia as liard as any oth-
er rh'Idren would Lave done, deeply in
! ien?ted ia d:gj:nar and jilautin. sowing
n J gitbe-inj. in making cake. lart,
eotiils eic. j-.reoarir:? eve'ylhir.g and
1 tetpij-z eve. ytiiir,; in or.i r with t:t:r
: own Ltn'ii. do'nevel'''''',. tlieiusc'.ves,
' ee& to ti e making cf tbe Ere ia their
! kitehen and tlie "citanir.g up" and put
; tin? away of everything brmht into use
i ia ttieir doings.
! One of their preat'-t ! lights wa. to
get tl.e fliiee 1 aud IVinee A;Wrt to dHnc
io lnir ijuarti-re lo Lin.b, when every-
th'ng coa;p"ini the repitrtt was or their :
lnv.o-inj:. The first gatr.Tirg of the j
e.eeu jjea of their gardens was always j
!i!3'5ea prtext f-.r enir.g their royal j
tirin-nf to en:e to one of tnee rT-'S !
every il.sli ol wnu li wa always ina ie i.y
the voting prin.ts and princess.?, who
... .... . ..Tl
! were vt-rv i.rutid of their
-e- on thew j
1 pierwafit ojiasi n-i.
; f! a ha:
: tbi ir ri'yal mother a
' ti;e bu't'-nh
r-!.-n ;!it ir I'
:!'!!ie lN;tl'jJ''- I'T
favorite iioer for
Tl.E riiSST lETTEKs .
i Tiie fi-si letU-ts friLii " Vic " to berfar-.i-;
i!y, a.'er her mar'ige. ail o ntained :n
: ii' es aUidt garden its various
p:a'.s ana uuer... an-oui
flower. auoUu2 which was a i
;-au- .Ji "CTe ua'ii o.
f her oa pla
n 1
and 'rtg and iu which she to- k j
! fsvat mlcvst ; and ns emernir.g j
! the oiK.-.ii.-g cT hs buds was e-us4avuly !
S ai.ed foe by tf-e .c.ire jttecn of I'r.i-ia. I
i Ti.e la .er, s-ioj a.te.-ber establishment i
i in l -,:o w; s by .ne of the st'tT- i
e-t of tiie i-o-iri la. lie Jay when they
;ieto pjy" ' oe r .esjUt s lo the cxn
j.r- ii ti3 jfe.viieJ 0:1 a '.id le , hairiner iu i
, i-a-tt'. !ii"y e-'.i vd in ;iiu'.ij up fcouie
w' i 'ow d 1 s.-' ' s 1 1 oie of be' drawing j
1 'oo.?s. T'e bo '"-r e the minds of
i ;e ' c; s b- s.-cb r 1 ab .seo'tnt of tne
ivya: d -i oj ihe ra-i of thei.- future
q-ven n:y lie uio:V reaoily LuagineJ I
; :h? t dt i'xtl. r-fc a-. ie in-ogaatioa of
te ' -r.-yal n'i. '-eso.i le:-ji::g fn.iin hef
: lae'es t;e p-io e-e !ei:te-i Jesuocraey of
I be - sort's b. "tie '.
j To t';e r-a;ii"-t:Pii-s a iid reused to
i ber '0111 t'rne to time, on tne scoreof ber
'. bi.iwe ;n Hie dep irt neat of the royal dig
! li" ..o.n w oiclt eve.ything like the
o-oin? v rsvs ' fet-t and Cnge'swasbaa
j Ulicl a. de o' 'to y run ihe rales of di-
ie o"'e' ti-e crow.t p--ir.ce- aiways
1 ei :
Ma r na do-. or M
am 111a
I v. -o.oves of it:"" and tlis j's-ificaiion
was i.t; ithly it-;.' iltsl by tie'Mian p--e-:
jM.ce sndj- I'otj.y, as an aggravation of
! the oCePse. Tims toe v-ning crown
a 'i .
1. e-s t.iu-sl a vat a notint of local
e.- bv i.s. siing on t'le weaini of cijis
by ii e ii-f't se-Aaiiti e.ipi'yei i.i ber
'j'-e. (..e i'?n .s ive ene-ai'y
fne 'le ..';' 1 i- pre p'.ad of t.'em. j
and t.oi'.'.'e'-' "e c.'-i'S. r woi q by tnaid j
Kr.ii' . ui Engian I, to beau outrage and
au a!. j: '. .:-jn; rnd toe wo-ren in the
p ir-e- e- -o' s. -. ;t n-vrhnoesly re-f;'s-d
to obey .It- o d. -. Ii:it in? pr'nceM
oa !. f ' i I s -t Jt!1 in.'o'meti the
Ol I
j' i i .t . it was iju'e dete-uiined
, be '-; v. o n.
-r i T n c .
.to li e ui:' ii f:i!J.s : i ira'ntnas
seVce . 'p.' the princess,
" . .,1 .i i,,i u;kh 'n n.eiln in
a..u a "-"e w no is,i .o n...a,nin
K - .te no's. we?r the n. Those
wiio wi;,
not stio e't to i. " -.,'ie cat t,u t nsy ser-
ce. Ti ose n i t!e're to remain uifst
put oa c ob- at .j.i.e.: When it as ft.und t
that the tPc t- "vs.- .! jd was niade up
on tne sol j'- t I'-u'e nite cn.s like those
o-n be fce-vt'.i-s in England, w. re at
oiice si' ),) e!. bet t' e j-n. 'ai puldic re
g.i --.'etl li'e !'i-!i'rtg of caps as a piece of
odious " Enj'-sh '' ly-aiiiiy.
Tne o r-,ff i-ff niariijire not
; ou'v c.iC-ue I lo lake 'Aitmeal iK.rridge
jasapauof l e- , uio-ning weal, but
it sc .ed at !
.er tan"iv oreak-
: r . i i iu - . ..:. ,r.i.. ....
ti"'"., is a ic;.ii;u iicin ot tnai 'ej'usi.
A "" 4' l,'e la.ltv,
iit '-'ect'v o- .l;e.i. se -veti in lilile wcs.!t.n
boa Is mo., t.''y ca'ved and ilank-
till . iy jv-a of r,,U cream,
e l iUi . if ji-LS
placed !V".ie etch -."ate ; and it nscd to
beio.i.ide-;.iahv a.: l su'UwjViv , reinark-
-J l,.v 6" 1 or.or.M byadmissiot to tlie
in'":n:iy of ti-is amiiy tenast, that the
royal was alwaya esft:iaHy era- j
cious to toose no bad d's.iosed of the !
jHj'-i.lge w ith tt,e iu.t tniiu-
L'i or,s o! aj'i'.-ova .
..-. mi. . . M.t.l lllc
j oford-nary life, so widely cuili-
j V1,le'1 1,v ii'Ke i Victoria in the training
j b.r children Las efeclually preserve!
j lhe I ea prts-i frr,. the special I
3an? rr r-val i,1a5'rtn " abundantly
i Myl l? ber active jratnage of en-
j T' of puh,.c henecoleuce; that it
I'-oe. eijaa-iy ei.eci've w in.n me
! privacy of her own bou'e is well knor.n
j to all who have bad an opportunity of
I !uoi",1" behind the scenes. 13erlin Cor.
-fr 'v,'k ,-'n'), "r-
The hiave man is ac inspiration t- the
meskk, an-1 cfmiiels tliem, as it mcrv, to
follow liirij.
That Tired Feeling
The warm weather has a debilitating eject,
especially upon those v. ho are within doors
t ot tbe time. Tbe peculiar, yet common.
e.milUict known as 'that tired feelinp,"
b the result. This feeiing can be entirely
overeotne by taking Hand's Sorsaparijla.
wtuch fives new hie and strengti to aU
the tnneCooa ot the borry.
" I eould rx sleep ; had no appetite. I
took IJood's Sirsararilla and aoon began to
sleep outidly; oniUi gut tip without that
tired and larjraid leeling; aud mj appetite
Itn proved." E. A. SairroBo, Kent, Ohm.
Strengthen the System
BimTa SarsaparOa is ehararten:e! tr
three pmiuritK-s : lit, the enwu,auUioa of
remedial agenu : M, tbe pmportUm; Sd, tbe
prarrm tf seennn(! tie active medicinal
qualities. The result Is a medicine of cn usual
strentfUi. effecting cores Litberto Bckcowo.
oVnd tor Look containing additional evidence.
" HixxTs Eirsanarilla tisic-i op mr srstpin,
pnriara mr i-IiksI. sttarf-eiis mv atHrtit'.. aud
J-iu to mate iw ntrr - J. p. IuoMi-so,
itaster of lieetu. Lowell, Haas.
" Hnod- Sarunarilla beats alt ether, and
is wiit im vrigiit in jrnki." I. Kaauukoiu.
1 Baidt SUm, Sc Vurk City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
. Sold ty 12 drurnta. f 1 ; six for fs. Hads
flbly by C L QOOU 4c CU, LoweQ, Mass.
100 Doses One. Dollar.
Whit? Curel aiBan; otUen tbt
t-AliKt. TueTrite:
athVtrrrtf Pti htv. navl n cf iiwr
t- I ft tmti t--. it
rT.a m fie h .Eoi-r.'Wi
iitnaj- 1'. U- Kouinr.
H byrtx- Ft. S Hne It,
caor U i)nvHi liun I. luu.
Atli4.-.t-ns Piita are HBail and
j)Jrnt to t&Se, Trl un Jrrf'iilr
elective, laralaahie Uit k'ulntr
and liver eonixinu, dy.jpia, in
dicessi'O, eonipalioo, bestiseiie,
tc Tber'lt tske away that tired
feelini prior ctw lifeacdsjrei.gtii.
a-fiead fmt f r lhe beu-:ftj rolaGed pio-
lure. - aloureb Mawlra."
THE tTHLDPHC flOSCO. 112 WallSt. U. f.
Established 130,
We are Dow oi?niEe tpriii inspTTtaiijas of 'lrea
b:ark tilks. eoioccJ India si'.ks. Tel-
ets taok drtss fixrU. fhawb, la-lici" wl,
frenca Mtiiws kM sr-h grr.siiany, tK.-irry,
t-lores. ena), la. ta'Se !iD-:is. b.Ke-jitt--iii
li'tr cu -ai:. r, i .irTrri-, rib-
..tjs i.iLJiiu-ry. uwlics' oeriiu ui!creiir. b'Jj
Jin nte.-wr, ds tJisa&inay, tett-jsw. Ae. Ae.
Also iBr-a s,, iue hiie
tiins. half bo, fcJJfetebk-&. ciaJ!a At
jur f-.rcU.-a g-l- are iasonel diiwtlj- fnwi
the maiiQiiu-turcs ia E:iroi-. auJ all Auicri.nn
a-e iw-lia-cd r,:n lt raaa-ifwiurei
;in-t. We are ihus ermVot u. Cirar- te with
any howe in Die cur.i.-T in t.V aau.T r.f prims.
t carry lbe Urjt a-irtjrn-n: .if c-..i ia ail
-!r.r?n to tf fxiii l in aay e-uU-liUX-nt in
H't-rn Fviia-ySTaiiia.
V bcn r. rK.'.c to t'Mrcitr. a Vii tiirou;!i
car wSk-s. y.nt f '"r r...
AU ltTruaes weU ato-iol .
?;ir;n? oa-Je.
re-x-ive can.fji an-J r.r-j?n:4 at-
u - nj.
Penn Avenue Stores.
, 1
: " ! - 1
Ci A !.! r i.-'S-
-1 :r. N-.r-r: ; r--
I . na Tt r: : : " ijJ S
. .-f IO! ttl
J : Vf at '-.
t-.-i:-ir.: i
j. i : f. r .jr at
lt! J r.;-tU(tl
lv :.! t't r..f
lo. ..r.l-r. 1 V'--;
f Ct r ri n itir3
r. 01: in? it tlt '
Ihf .TV rm aul tne lorma j
of Materia.
IIRXTIOs Takf Fart of Ulne-
l.fut Tbrrr Timc-s iMv.
Kr t'- "il lTiri-1 tl.nrirsrt tr T-j;i(M
a ixl 1 fciiiiiiwf buca
S. S J. S. FiRRI5E
?i:-! inz. r l:At it- n-.t-a to i-anvw for A t'U-
! SF.l:r A. lvni.a'i.iit t-3i:.l"yni.s.t n.arnn-
suur.g at-.-. i:-t--r t- t :i ; i
y i- ,
Aj.;;l.- at oa.
(3bN BfxOTHES.
Rochester, N. Y.
Brscch-Lwding Guns,
Rifles, Revolvers,
g I'jjM-r it I. Ouu i ' i .' i i t. :i ii y
!.j iiiii in the Mtu-liet.
Until August First
20 Per Cer.t off on Guns.
. .-,r-r,r.
i UrULAii. i" LK l lLiALrVJ.
Nothing will Crow Without Food.
FAKMCfts, l. t in .;nn:itr a wit! .-; t-tiee ia
Ir-riug I'ilcsp'ii A I i;s. jniimUt lo
;m.ra.!rt-: thmt
Arealwar.fti.v ui.tial.trfnf the same
j Z2ZJ,7lZ SfS
a in, liurvwiil riir.oh tlie
t:i art'l incr-K-su i:.r rro . x.'-u'.nir'ii uf aiii
nut! ui'TTr tit-til. Krt;. Taiikasfr. fcir.
tsl L-l tbetlMt0.i Iff f.TOS.
Iwit an ,ii rr jl 1 l.r f i
niMrr.-tsof ;m cntion. he
v .. arv .li litnM t-.-ijilLa ie ork that tntn is
rlone hi:e lit Ins r.t h.-me ho;;i.l t imn stD-1
tlhMr ail-lrw to l!ai,tt fu.. P. .rtinn-i Mx;or.
and rra-irt free, inii iut tfr.Ation tw eerier
tssa. fit aii rci. ran earn r!n $.' to S-A perdT
and upvani, rlien-ver tbe i live. V.m arc nari
ei frt. tet.itai ni A req ii :tl. s,m hare maile
over ia a sigle .lay at this i.rk. Alt ut
ceed. jaull-'M-lyr.
1 I f il mm I h-jTx-j. d tinsanl tlien art;
itiey uii i,i,. i i..r .ra lie ein ::-rat-m tnataul
V' take them lrwa :-:eir tiome an-t families.
Tite pTi .atn nr.- lure- aiit Mire i.,r every iuiun
eji persrKl : matiT tiare matte aii.1 are rs.w muc
in seTcrni h'lii.iretl .looar. a mouth. It ' ea.r
fxraiiv U' make s and utit.-.i. jr ilex whit
is willing- to work. Kiluer tx. t.kib? oi -id :
c-atiuil n. tutniet : e Lart yen, everrthirie
new : no ner'ai , JSitsty rr.i.ui.i y.xi:ix V i.ei ;
rati 4. it as wett a any mi. rite i. us at oaee
f"T full luirt't-u-ars. i;eh we mat? free. A.Mrr
SriNnos CO.. loi tiaad. Me. ;a lL"s-lvr.
Letate of Parawl Hriek. d'.l.. late of Shaiie
TiMTtisl-ip. Mjnirtset Co.. I'a.
letters of a.i? iiiii.trati..n or thealit-re estate
havinr been rraiite.1 v. the underigmed by tli
Irfi.;-er authti:ir, nouec ia hereby riven to a:l
petsMi tn.ietned to iwid estate to maki; immedi
ate tyment. and those bavin claim, ainuiist the
same u? pnsa-ut 'fc-oi .Iu't utiientieateii nir act
tiemeut lo the A Uuiuislrcrix withixit rlelar
Jcne20tli. AdminitrauH.
tat of Kliaa r. Kerr, dee'd. late of Addbon
Townsli-p. nKucnt Csintr.
Ltteiof admin airatioiionthratvrtrrestatehaT
lnr been irrai.ted t Hie ur,der-n iel 'e t be pror, tHSieeis hereby pirn u.'ail petsona
itMleoted to HU-t e. ate to lnak imnteiiate pay
ment, and the hi-vin(t eiaims wainst tba wt
wtil preM-ni them lniy autitemi raasd fur leuie
aacnt to the Admiiuwrator withtMit .V-lay
ilAMKl, At Ul sTiXE.
aaay?, dminaaralnr.
r.- -ru
...- -,. 1 . r n
; aiA ion
i a dc-i M
Von netl nA pi to the flats of Xew
Jersey to Scd Pearls. I'se the tek-bratcl
Tooth Wasli Minot's Dentifrice, and se
cure tlie treasure of pearly white teeth
and healthy gnms. l'rioe 25 cents per
bottle. I'se no other. Sold everywhere.
Mosquito Spread Smallpox.
Saw Voa. July 13. There are so many
cases of smalliox in lhe city's insane ay
turn that much apprehension ia felt lest the
disease spread to all the wards. Eighty-one
cases ami tiieir si x attendants are at pres
ent isolated in one ward, but in sp'te of
every effort, new qm are cantinoally being
discovered. The mosijuitoa which abound
on the island are accused of spreading the
I bare bad catarrh for 20 years; used
all kinds of remedies without relief ; Mr.
Smith, drujgi. of Little Falls, recom
mended Ely's Cream Balm. The effect of
the first application was magical ; it al
layed the inflamatioa and next morning
my Lead was clear as a bell. One bottle
Las done me so much good I'm convinc
ed its use will effect a permanent cure. It
is soothing, pleasant and easy to-apply,
and I urge its use by all sufferer. Geo.
Terry, Little Kails, X. Y.
I.OOO People Homeless.
AutJi, Mien , July 13. F're yesterday
dftroyed all the buildings tir a spate of
three blocks wide and half a mile lnp. The
h is about fs'.iAO. Fifteen hundred per
sons are homeless arid many are serions'y
hart and buTtcd. Mrs. 1 McLaine was so
billv burred that she will die.
The Handsomest Lady
In Sonseret Tttnarked to a friend the
other day that she knew Kemps PaLsin
tor tlie Throat and Lungs was a sujierior
remedy, as it stopjied lier cough instantly
when others had no effect whatever. So
to prove this and convince yoo of its
merit, any druggist w ill give you a sam
ple Iiotlie Free. Large size ode. and f 1.
A Truly Grateful Suitor.
"I ant tiuly sorry to give you Ji:i,
Mr. Haiikiusou," said the young lady,
u but please do not allude to t his subject
again. I cuu never be your w ife."
"That is your final answer, Miss
It is."
" Nothing can induce yoo to change
yoar decision?"
" My mind is fimily and unalterably
made, up."
"Miss Irene," said tbe young man,
rising and looking about for bis hat, " be
fore coming here this evening I made a
bet of j oO with Van Perkins that yon
would say no to my I Lave
won. It wa3 Uking a risk, but I was
dead bnke, Mis Irene." he continued,
his voic-e quivering with emotion ; " you
have save ! a tlespairing man trom the
fate of a suicide and won tbe life-long
reict and esteem of a grateful heart.
ij-! evening." Oi.'oryo T-ih-uu'.
Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint. Is it no worth the small price of 7 cts.
to free yotrself (:f every symptoui of
t!.e.-e liistn -vlngcomj-laints? If yuu think
so, call at our store and get a bottle of
rhiloh's Yitalizer. Every lx'tlle hxs a
printed g'uraiitee on it ; use ao-onlingly,
and if it dos you r.o gi! it will coct
you nothing. SjKI by U. W. UenforJ it
In Spite of Himself.
Ex-Commissioner Itoliin M. Siu:re isa
noted story teller, and whenever be ap
pears in a public place Le is surrounded
by a group of acquaintances intent on
listening to him. One of Lis stories told
recently was that of an Irish drill ser
geant who had been put in charge of an
awkward cpia-l. At the word tf com
mand "ICight face!" one of the recruits
turned completely about, bringing him
self in exactly the some josition from
which he started. " Holy Muse!" shriek
ed tiie drill sergeant ; " phat does yez
mane by ternin" comphitely about when
I sez ri.-bt face?" The recruit was as
au k a-d in his answer as he Lad been ia
his maneuvreing. and tbe old sergeant,
with the intention of sendinz him to the
ri ird house, demanded bis name. "Tur
ner," said tbe man, whereupon Irish wit
asserted itself, and the old serggant said :
" IVmrra. and vtz couldn't help it then."
I V V T.-.i. ......
We Lave a seedy and jositive cure
for Catarrh, I'lphtheria, Canker MouMt
and Headache, in MLOH CATARRH
P.r,Mi:iiY, A Nasal Iatector free wiUt
1 ach Lottie. I'se it if you desire health
and sweet breatii. Price oOc. Sold by
litu W. Ik-nford & S-jn.
As a rule meadows shuld be cut reason
ably early, not later than when the seed (
beg'r.s to form.!y cutting aids to
thicken up, w hile allowing the plants to
mature seeds increases the loss, especial
ly if the weatLer should keep Lot and
dry. Thin or vacant places can be thick
end up by rakir.g or harrowing so as to
loosen up the soil an 1 then vr plenty
of g-sod seed, either in the fail or spring.
I'istress after eat;ng, heartburn, sick
headache, and indigestion, ae enred by
Hood's Sarsaparilla. It also creates a
P'XhI nppetite.
It will cost bnt liltle to keep the sur
face of the ground around your trees well
sprinkled with fine lime. Many insects
will avoid the lime, and on some soils
thfi lime wiil prove beneficial. An excel
lent mixture for such purposes is two
jiarts wood ashes, one part lime, and one
part coarse salt. Only a small ijuantity
need be used at each application.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you Leed the warning ? The sig
nal, perhaps, of the sure approach of that
most terrible disease, Consumption. Ask
yourselves if you can afford, for the sake
of saving GO cents, to run the risk and do
nothing for it. We know from experi
ence that Shilob's Cure w ill cure your
Cough. It never fails. This explains
why more than a million bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whooping Cough at once. Mothers,
do not be w ithout it. For Lame Back,
t-ide or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous I fas
ter, rsold Lv G. W. Benford fc Son.
One advantage iu keeping the soil loose
is that when a shower conies, no matter
Low far, tlie water does not run oif, but down into the soil, whereas if the
surface of the soil be hard some of the
water will run olf during a heavy show
er. Hence cultivation not only prote,-ts
the plants during a dry season but ena
bles the soil to absorb a larger proportion
of water when rain falls.
The Population of Somerset
Is about two thousand, and we would
say at least one-Lalf are troubled with
some affection of the Throat and Langs,
as those complaints are, according to sta
tistics, more numerous than others. We
would advise all not to neglect theoppor
tonity to call on their druggist and get a
bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tlie Throat
and Lungs. Price 50 cents and $1 00.
Trial tiie free. For sale by all leading
airs. Dart's Triplets,
iTt rrtw ti Otrse tvt
a tn tftw.c tn; MU. 1 it. a. l-.y.
. . . . . .. - . . . . ... I . . . . . 1 -
Il7i fKi-lairrve tt::j tLrt. I aw wre4 tt
tii ia-
3i V are ! . t n- . ii.-uttcl r . .1 m
b,';L ud is UmISe i.Jjk vhen
i.. taituKJ piiuL. jt iave mpieu tcci :tv w luc aaaacx ut mui umj 1
itirca WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO.. Buriington. Vt.
0f4 ESTY
(qenuinsfas a
rED H tin tag on
every plug.
OLD HONESTY is acknowl
edged to be th,e purest
and rrjost lasting piece
cf Standard Chewing Tobacco
cn the market. Trying it is
a better test than any ta.!K
atont it. CiveitafaJr trial.
Your dealer has it.
nata5 oil a package ct COFFZK is a
guarantee ot excelienco-
a package ct COF
3 ot eicelienco-
Is kept Li ail ;
ra the Atlantic to tl
COFFEE is kept fci aU fir-t-c!ass j
atores trom the Atlantic to the Pacinc
Is never good when exposed x the air. j
Alwaj-3 buv this brand inhe-neticalty
For fiiil inf.matit.o of the m' te ht-r to ob
tain oovt-rtunent Lautis. 4 ii. K:c. A-idre
Central p-ir rrr Apiat,
Corner 7th Ave. aad SmitarA !d stretta,
Ptttsimrxb, Pa.
Oils! Oils!
The stan-lanl Ot! Cimian'. of P;tts'rrh. I'a.,
make a Mfr-Tj-.Itv o: raaMu. i.-tur-.isj for .Le
iiouez-tic traje the btie.1 brai.'bi of
Illuminating di Lubricating Oils
Naphtha and Gasoline,
That can maite from PetrritPtitn. Ve chaltengc
comparison aa every knoa n
If you wi-ii ilje mM aiiirurmly
Satisfactory Oils
utVinerican ZNIarket,
Ask for oura. Tra-1e f -SHnersel aai Tlcir.ity i
uj ;itie.l by I
FhtAs.'-i i k...-KP
SoaLtoaT, Fa.
il Pinters C3i ts SniieJ!
Tt. 13. Schcll & Co.,
Cream Balm
Cleansei the Xasal
rasriagt?, Altai's Pain
ami lofiammation,
Uealk tbe Sores, Re
stores tbe Sense of
Taste anil Smell.
Anattiete Is applied Into fw-h nonrfl and ia
aaTwabie. Price 'a eenw at rlninrista : by mail
nmoered. eoc. ELV UU.IJ-, ii Uarren Street,
Sew Vurk. -M-r,
F""1-- '--v-' h -!'-Jsg3
eeNw at the atcnea OwKtr Fair, ta 1W7. was
cal-eo Mn.A K. K...
-V-rFrz Irt. I 1
iwe : Lrtal i-JrL it iK.pd lhn lo-aie-
t . . a he iwi
- ' - ; . " ,
lioy are sut Tturt uta-. ,
SHea. Far-.
Sooerset to Stoysstiwn.- 1-
&attmet to Mopversvi"- . . 1"
Summel to Bethel
1 10
i Socaenes to Jtin n .
j Somerset to Rorwood
. 21
. b
. 210
; s.tDerM:l to (iarrrtt..
Somenct to Sle7ertl?e...
SitoeTt to Cmabtriand.
3 W !
' suraenet to Wa.-i.invo
Sumenet to Baluro.e
? M
1 SO
Somerm4 to 1'n.iQa
I Somerset tuCouriueDC
. 110
S-aacPt to Coaueliiivme ..
Somerset to Kttsburgh
Tt; fr to Pbi-aielplua is tJt, aad to Xew
Yura. f.Lw.
Sumner arTaiigsintnl lo tffect Apr. 29, t.
! Rirltwrt! m
I 'McJvijiT-. i:V m
i (ri(Tcr a ia
j M.'j rf.twa , a 111
i Hvrviiie. 6: i id
Lk'.liel fc.i is
VAIL No. sa.
j Isxurx
! k- &a.jil. 11:11 a n
: M:inl a nt
riia?jft H i., m ;
' Si.y;m n. ..!-:: I in
j Hvtriiie.L: p m
- Ixtlicl ..... U-aU p m
I Joh tistu u 1 15 p D
i P3-wr.T.'r froia Piit-i i.-yh cy.a:ip oar
j oesotainorta at
I Lraxer. I A rirtK
1 Riliira JO-tV a m 5CMERT 0: p m
j MiUuTil 5-;T p ia
j r-?nr lt Simi-rsfrt from the an! et
i uQ lar lULaburjfh, cuauip: cars ai iUx k-
j -Ot.i.
! John?o-u 7;Vi a m R.vkwin! V"t-"am
iv-tufl . ; a m : tsnnierIaiMi l.up ui
i llijivfrjv:iie a m i r.:ti.'Uu-. U p m
j UyUrD J:.ytTu j hil.Lir S l ip til
; .rr:yz v.r. aiu ; ii;uur(fla p m
I H 'MKR-tET - I a ui
! Mil.Ti . Wo; a m j
! P.fT:Ts fvr puiuis tart and west chancre can
i ai KA t uud.
ACXM5-0tAT10N Xo. M.
Johntwa 3 iG r ttj j R-v-kwiwl 4 V p m
KHii-l 3 ;i p ra ' :o.i-rUvi'l . 7 p ui
H .vt-rva.e. a ( p a. j Kusancri j p aa .
r: y-i:m a p in j W a.-a.;n:itti TJJ" a tn i
M.- i;tr 4-" p ni Iaiiii.'rr... .0a w i
SwrttlJLT 4 ..1 pill i I
.Vilf.ri ipci I i
FaRa-ers for eiaAaui wot ckange cars at i
R'XKWO'tD ACCOM MOlATIi.iX X.j. 'J6. t
.r.i!SET ' :' p ta j U.-tw.j.jii 6.vs p
U:iord ''Dml
, . ...
iT-i,, cutr-
ne.-ti..o t K..ittwi i-ii u.ghi tipre uaim
' I;tj. t L-aitr exrcjit ?iii.laj-.
r!ttvTtipph P. X ( a. x. r:3 r. it.
Bri-U-fc ;S " i -
MrhfT'rt " nI w
Uerl " JO JD "
tinmd Kjt! S ju " .
'4iitiiwM:ie ?. .i ir i. - IU)
ohu. p-i 4-v " k. i
V:::iteto-e 4: ,i lv .77 L.Ui. x.
I'rviOa 4. A " 3i4j "
. una n M,l " 1J
KtM KwouJ xv 4 l -j -
t.rTfU .v.T ' li ..
.-Iici-urT June. S ;Vi " 1! 3
M v r t- i ae ; .o i U iS " 1. 1 "
Ky-T'n- 5:4A " II ilT.1t
ji! Pairh ir,rs '
Miii.Aii.pion o:il " .
F:rhMe lrr I T "
Hya.iicn 6 -i
uniirr;aud 7.' , -W
.tm.T!i h S " t.
VnrmTn .
Tni'n Ian CutnUri A Ac. Jf .X, F--l-'-
htt)AmoK A. X. lV- A. M. w.
Vanittitm lv-,V -:.
ilia'-T.aiil r-" " 't'. r. V. 1- A a. Tt.
Hvn'in!u : " jl ;g
ajriHp; r,i
S.-ui J-'atcn
4 IT
i i .
4 :
liM- "
Itl-.e '
!.- -
10- .
11- .-.l
; l'r.-:a
; cm'ienre
. Chlo Cr ....
Mi Ktr-ain
a 1-1-ii r w.
1 - -
j ,,1, i
1-3S -
:-t "
; ,.
I i.Tne ucae given Is Eastera StauJarJ Time. J
Mail Trains connect at Kerkwnal w:th traim
j toa'i-t from S.nierset a:i.l J..ln;-t.,wn. at Hvui
! ""a" u'i'h train.. (rm) iie-tfor i. a: Oai-rett
i w:tn train. U' and from Berlin, at -Niii..bury Juuc
: notl with train to an.' frta sal.sL.ury.
AS Ti-mm Snpfvr Pitvujfri irVrr Time u o'ire.
CilA. O. SS.CLL. Inru. ia-. Air't.
Cl V 'D . v 'Tpn
L.V L i - 1-- - LtaJ
Schell &. Shivler,
Somerset, la. '
Harirt bad quit
yean exwrneiife
Tonrs, it.
WlaalT. Pa.
I WVFWTIf.M haarerot'itionijed the wori.l
I il Ll I IVJI I 4unn tbe la.-t bail crntnrr.
N4 lbe KaM amortr tile w.o.lert of inreutlre
precresa ia a metbnrl an4 arxtem vt work that
can be performed ail orer the eoaiitry with.xit
rtrat:n the w.jrkers from their borne, pay :any oae raa ilo tbe work : either tea.
younrorolil : noafweiai amliir re( Hired : capi
tal not needed ; y.m are Parted free. Cut thu
oat and retnm to ua and we will nd yon free
unethinc of ereat value atid unp.fftan.-e to,
that will n yoo in hnitnes, which will brin
too In more money riht away than anrthina
elae ia the world, tinut-l jtt Jrrr. Adored Tat g
Co.,Autrata, lie. laall-te-lyr
-. .- i. in a. 1 i.raiii-ne, i
STIK' V 1 ?' iivl tiie boa.
ffl-'fjat CyJ Vine. I rlia.-ant.-e
M -:!J i A Mt:fa.tion v all
Ag'-'t 7 A a rwbo mar call c(- I IT J i on Br ani far.T
wn i I .1 J hi with tbeirpai-
e. 'T'iA
( ?"
h3 ! 1 m
5 4 Jake says it is hot, but coKl
weather is coniintj. H; w.Il tell
yoj something new about licrsc
blankets next week, but h- says
you ottght to buy your horse a
i 5A sheet, cover, or fly net now.
.' V
9-'-- '.
Won't you buv tliis poor h-rse; a
5AC;nr TiyXet?
5 A Li? D'J3t?-5
r . -a 4-
Horce Sheets
5 a Here Cov-rs
fc-a 1- ;
?a fly Nets.
Vi trtj ii-
For saie b
! Ask to see them before you buy.
GETTYBri:(r, I'.-V.
. f jii on.wt in Aii i.f-T:::irri'.-. I'.T1' .u-'.J a'-'i
I l;i:--r'r:-s. Tir. Uafi-v U:.) litiir. v- ':..:.-!-
" IT.L- a'l-i rM.IJ-e-i ii, O i - tt" -TV'L'.. tL. i J 'n--.
: r. vr Ki;r!w- A t . -r y
! fr-i-- rit r:'.r ir.i lAri;-'". '- il-
h.-a:ti.y. I'kf'Xl: f' iiV I-rPAKi-'-r-NT. ::i
j titara;V Iff a:ii i : i r p'c
! j--.:.? for i- :-ir. tr( li .. u:.o r -i- - t i:
I iff ,h frit;. k- H B 'l. T . 'it'-"-
! iLu;. X'.r :t".t-T rv tt . r : ;f!- :t ,
ri:. !!:. F ii T-rr.i . f-:--:::,-.T , a .
j-Vr l:i"-:':t.
j H tt. M KNi'ifiT. V fr-.-t. or
! KV. ii. ... til LiiLhK. A. M. Prii:..
i jnUl-lt 't-!t--:-s.r;. Pa.
GEORSEJ.jH Of f fAfl ,
THE o.vii ..' TaX..- T.
5s ro' ANI-!:r"N .-fi itr-KT.
A!.Li:-;ny.sY cm; r.t.
tVr.te f. r decri(-:i e it: s,--e.
T-s.1 n .1 1. " 1 11 a,.m j.
1 r. -
rj, ,v. itvr r--. V. 3 I .
J j;:.;.; ,-'a
i 'wHFFicRi WILSON Vf. Co..
ataLl?-Ht.l. i--... i U!.c ;.:..a. i .
Standard for over Half a Century.
Praied on Every Trial.
I CURE Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heart-
bcro, Flatulency, Colic and ail diseaies
cf the stomach; Costivenes, InHamma
tioa, Dtarrlcra and diseases cf the tow
els; Congestion, liliotisrirss, Ni-tse;,
Headache, CidJiness, N'ervcusncsi, Liv
er Corc;,t, and al! Cisciies arisin
from a gorged aai sl-JC-rUh liver. They
redace congested cenditior:?, break cp
stubborn complicitions, icslcre free,
healthy action to the orjins. Thfy ars
Purely Vegetable, Strictly Reliabls
and Absolutely Safe.
i T it 3! t y all Pmirtts. Prf- fi j-c t";
I 3 b-w f-T rti : or .-t i T m,i. - f .
t Hmtyfprk. Ijr.J Ii. Scio-k a a, i a-o a.
Eiar? ff Ja- .h r-.tV. a-
IIa.;r.z :-- i.Tr-i a
J !; ha l ''.n i dn'-rt'' :.:y
ts::i t: . art--.ria--i:':. n:a-:-' a
In f;:ni ti an- z iit i-
1 ir:.-r-:-. ! r-.rrr'-v trvt i"!.- ir.xl
i o t-i-i. a p. ia.
J. C. ii'WKY.
A 'id ill
Somerset Lumber Yard.
Ham Fn.-rrar.a aD L'ral-ia, H uoifa'as a'0 KiTiitt i 7
Hard and Soft Woods.
CHEsTSl'T. Wii.'TE I1NE. LATH. B! -NI'S, N.' r t. T -T.
A Ceaeral Line of ail grales of Luintrr ajj.l Itii.: .i:c MsirrLJ ati ! K s::e k--: t -:i '.
Aust, can furnish anrtbi-. in the line ofwr bx;::it-wt :t, r r:-a- .c
promptness, sttrh as lira. ket. t.l-t -.ieit w.vrt. rtr
Oiace and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa
t X .
-', 'A3
i-TTv-T-sir- ii
Cver 500
.1 I ' '. i Srr, ! f-e
's-'lXlt.l Ciee.i'-
M 0 N'U 1.1 E N T itT's P CZZ C 0 ?. P A N T.
MvnjlrtP, jn4'iiii:;ir mai:y fti-r:;,i
tpaper. BKWX BttOTUEKS, .Xumrheo,
kuctitarter. .S. Y. 4 4 im.
aa in ia l-TTTBt a.H .1 ' te .A l - e-t ..p, ..i -rau ol
irv r- v .,t
A - r I X J
A. C. YATES & Cc
Best made Clolhin-
ia PLiiideipL
for Men and Children.
Sixth and Chestnut
Two for a Cent
And ti-e best ever ir.aie. C.-?-.j
enough. sj-'' 15 S"1
thcsit5 fci-.e used the-n won't -as
aiy cttt-.-r;. Vi"r3 ae '.r-ey ? A:h--3-pr
i-rcs P.iii. arerey for? Fjr
d.sorded S lorracn or Liver.lec' r;;t
wt. Djt?e?iia.Ccat'?3.:o!t. riroi
or Gene'il Deliiity. Kcida;r:, Lati
tude, LiseiiCS ei'Wj.-'e. T-eyM
tare a2 tat tirsJ '-linT, 5 .e new
life a"d tt--rh. Sma'! i-tj 9 i3i
aft to tJse. yc! a.snier'a'.ji' is" ve.
Prtpardd frcm tite fvnu:i of in
eTtinent phvsica.i. Sea'iy p-t up in
battles, ar'i ic'd by all "d-.jg s$.
112 WallSt-. Nos York.
o cunr
r-.- -
': IT -I- ; A": I ". 'ti i- " I
" w' l.'r-OLGLI M rlOl t-.-
ha:.-i -.-t.'i J- ;'. M e. a :.
mi- -i ' ' -' - '- -
W. I. DOIG.S $2 .JO a-Vi
'"'m.Vtii.'HM :-- shoe -
t. a -
L. J
A. H. FERNER i EF.O. Azt's.,
yr.-.-i; r a.
f 'ATARr
V ' t: -
s. IVn-
wT a . -- "
Mr I. (.
Bm4 y for CAiirra.
Ha. it t
t - M "
: . L
7' HI.:
(iV.r-'--vi t,.'?i''
TO t.VT Tt.l a
mi h iim 3
' K ' -
tl rt it to I , :r i n , r . i: ;- - : - s ' '
a t - i. - -i.i 'i t " .. t - ' '- i - " , t
a... ot. 'ir- '.if m ? " '
I i.k 1" ic-fc'. 1 .-- tt -).i a. a--,M : r. :
liite Ercrie, Cr Pure Zinc Vcrtumwt.
7r--. .'' ..-' IM' w a. F:!N'; 1 -Irr
;--.-T- r ; - o- thr kh.-( ii.iiHui
t t-NsI t 1 1. :..ivi..h m ::' '
ti.e ill ear V. i e- . i.r.u ttatk'a: . l-'
Biate. CUt K A CALL.
nrn !:"nTi-.(i.v"f'
I Ln . 1'-'" Ti a :vi - '
i 1 i
r. '
t.l- ' T. Vr.i !
W r-.;a Al uat Kols. ik.
yri - s- v -i." ,
Vr--. vc v
;C ' .--a. . '