rgVl-rnrrr- - -w!:;cn County CommStaa. fte: tie Republic" County U eoaipo ."T .i-eti tie year ISsS: 7 .t Vo. 1 .-Arteritis I'"T Juoea II- Noeil. B .rr.aru ' viiry-C- F Fryman. J T Vwier. A. to. tJt:artJ Cct,&i3fi-m ,r X- F- ''"a" " . ..' 1 iVr, SaiisL. 1 L-- !Cc 1 V,-m P. Mr:z. F. F' J--i..tf.K-T. L TTillktus. (liainsan. jk at v-.'-- -- t 2-'- .k 4 Ece-it!-'. , at B!-. ker A Snyder. par and Toljacco. J-ti " i -uaii fcn free at avbn Sbivler. r..,ira--.ii--;: C-.ra a:Co Boer- t X :lxr.?-S Couk A Beer- c-T at Blewcker A Say- or 1 ;iv coraef a Wednesday isaI'. cue" t- pefcl welrtro tnakea to make f .-.fain are btsng clotted in tm i fv-ve cigar in tbe county a- S raaciHerased ketue-rrudered lard at :. k i-itn. T-k Vee-taiik aud Fruits, weekly, at (.. i t Pei-ri'j's. Tr- :b titne wbes tbe ombrell is in- i Airuti eTr;:-. P-ier a3 n'Hy-comb Ij. a: Cc 4 l'--ritr'- Tx'j tis 1 1 ttr I'T me sat", i Jri at C t i iiee-ito'. Tat rr: '.:f -jf tbe tna a ill be at aiis'gut ia tbt i.'J of July. Vn- I;ry rrA Barrel Salt, tbe best on t nia-trt. at I". A Ierit.- f. It a .:b i:e .n;.:.c f tbe Cr sean that t- taiJ-:-itd run Wngt to be as otber n at. . : J CT.C!-.3 irwr rarww i v a perj-.u . i of J"?-" rx1" 'o break or SfCkW t i--. i r s. r. ia abirb tbe NatiuoaJ Ivrofx-rat- 1 r. Ctt-.j,jti v i!! be held at M. Loa aiH j h..'.d IS pr"j.ie. j .it Kt'J, r,!ift-e:ifT li extended . t: .(-. ie-o t- five yea-. Tbe rhar.pe ' -::: -. was otis:xed bJemitsg to rue rt t r.u uf aul ryewit in ail f on-eiva- ; fc- v-!-" aid a! ail prii.s, vi lle cek-bra- j t -Kac" niastbuturer, at liiewcker A ' fs-jer'a ) IViji. wl.jt-b !;KiB on afVTmt of t: ta: tvt-c R.ri! r. La? m! trward rap- i H't in tSt ia weefc. fwinr tv tbe r timer- ' CC? Tt.1t. ; Ktaj jJif i3 wint now i a bjnneS j lij: -x. in .tt: its a:-y jrt of t?ie rfinrcb, , atid 1 1 "rTit itt tr.nj-oei Je to the M-'.T'tlClorj. j At ir-tnateof tbt T-a otianty poor bonw i la-. rwe.ved perkia arrvanpe .ff'i. sad H re-er-e f'. mrmthiy. He will ctag t biarditig botite. ! "0 fi.ridir of ia meek a tmo-year-oii . eusJu'r of Ecier !b;r-.w. of Hl!idar- I ini-r. ::ie THSyinr in tbe yard, awdental- j ;y Iril into a tub f rain water and a ' ii?"ed. tai. a; E S tarnner and be catiei. Toe j i- r.w k of fTi- in tbeco'aty anJ at j t a !;. Cwtutarijtciwt otiebr$.r t- he.', otx? at- nil I.tc-ftn- ! V. tbe weaibT ipbe. 1 f-eii-t- s if ru-nruer and freauent tban- ffcirn a-.j Lirb w:u-l. Tbere will be no j e'id raw untii tit fall, be aty. Tbere at aar.y 1k4 A nffl of siic-ed raw otiidr.s placed J 5n I rf-is whirr ti- ipl-tlierut will absorb j .jr ,ivic s;m p-everii tte uiwase rrom J'at.iig. Tie onions slrvtll be buried mffn:rr and aa ones cut rp. Vrj.m M'.iori. of i ohnt?wn. setitenced toibnansbra oc.tity jail for nine months tir ilieia' lirj selling, u.cl in that institu-U- iasS We-ines-isy of cocssn ption. having "Ttt- sis'ut vot-tiru ot L ta teaot W e Ltve on hand a large r.umlicr of gsod 'eict s y , in cTuj,rrries to suit P'-rriaue-. I"nes very reasonable. Yard OTPte tie jxang niiS. I3.joot Baos.t Pabkof. TneSiaie Hae tuty be reir.i jn tlie -- fu'.nre. E S. Kantner dues, and al--yt -'-, sell Cigsrs. Tvaceo, Fishing Tartie. tjnes. Base Jlail Supplies. etc eiMa;. ;t m Kinty. 'ruJsait ad retail. Gi him a ca7i. At la-iaiai.,, tls State, a Jew evenings sue s yc-cr-r Bias died while in ti act of s-ug a dl-h of i:e cstatn. Cut this item r'gg-E-temen. It may be of great errire to yoa some evening whfie proroe- tbyoar best girl and a lean pork etbw, it Mi rr.-We have just added a Eeic-rat.e to ocr Meat Market, in -1T roeau can 1 kept emol and dean, wt pU4L. Ac, kc eonstantiy on 1--i daily. Pan beving meat isn it kef u rrfrlgeraior antil aicei Ross Davis A Co. TitaH,, itig Ut ers and rKTs', min..l r ai il pwofiK, u s eet will t-nt ! v' Letter OSce if not railed for -liaa ten dr f-, dtXlt jj. , Raker. Miss Macgie L : te-k-1. WL WiUiata- il, nr. ri.. -; Enimert Rs Ann : Saafora, P. B. : .-aaer, xrv Jo; iha A.: ehaffrT. J. F. : ; S:dirurk. C. : Trent Mis, -erra T .J ! '.utt r v.. . f t a a- 1 , a u in a. ja. , rgie-aUrcs, JMt J. t. ercTw, P. M. There ts no a murt tbts . A pension hats bees granted Jobs Inrra, Meyrrrslaie- Fotatoe are staling at at dollar and t wen ty cent per feosbeJ. to Considerable damage small fruits by frost bat been dense Y-?a couid veretauja rru :iig Sand y and Mocday. Mr. Earl Ogle, assisust Postmaster at i Johnoowa, it seriously ill. , beiS3i abin tn ttif piaoe. Oneof Mr. Peter Heffley t saltabU Uood- ! A V-, Am. An inemse of poutoa ba bsea gtnltd to iMrid Hoover. HaorerariHe, and Tobiai Yoder, SotBertet. J. B. Scyder baa moved Lis saerclianae etbiiiinvat into tbe storeraotB reoent'yoc- CLj.icl ty W!5y' B-x-k Store. Hon. H. E. Stna, of Mii lle-wk. and Hoa. Sam Slier, of Eiclkk, m aooog tbe caQen at tbe Hutu office V jcdjiT. Kx-Oursrreman Camf-beI, bo has bam 1 rmt rTion?!r il! at bis borne ia i Jobn.-4t'n. is s)ely fcnt steadily improv- Hrr. Hamer. rf PUt-orgi. i eipencd to i jach in the Proi-ytnaa cbtm-b 00 neat j j S.latb mlof and ereoias, at tbe usual , , . j His Honor. Jui? H uiittr, of GreenAurp. j I presiding at ihst re'C s itrra cl tvart, I J odix liarr being ict?rtd in st ai of tbe cxev di.Tn f. r trial. Join t". Sboeaiaker. Ej, ot of tb irif young atinrwy at tlie rittrfmr h I bar. w in atteadirtce at Cjturt donng tbe j eariy pan of tbe lU-v. S C. SUaeStsr. prim-ipaJ of tbe KaU f n Normal Si-bl, is lyin oan2n-y 21. lr. :ai-rTr-r a rrvx tvt-iie amm Siikth cuunty SHac-lx, anJ they all bojt C.r b -j--Jr recovery. tV.anry Saperintenoent J. SI Brrkr paid tbe liuiiuia brtef visit Tix-dsy muramr Tbe l; jw-Tiir.rrj Jrt.1 is aireaiy t-'-iw-': irin the riarua of platf rm ce)tr.ti in new of making up next a int- s led are cunr-e. 1 1 iiMro'.ier lla-i'Xi. j carpeijter. oelelrated H-cj . tbe aell-ka&an Lit Titb birtiwir.y Mirfidar. tlie tb int. Jfr. Has hri-p is Kill quick and ligbt, and be is able 10 do a pjo-1 a day 's work as most men of half bi ae. We have it un g j autbority, fr.B a pen tlem jast returned fr.tra New York, and in pnKti'ja to know what is doing among tbe railroad ma-naiea imemood in tlie &alh Peun iTuject. that "the tyad aill be built sa-e Ibis time." We a, knoweledge tbe meipt of an inrita tkm to be present at tbe eommenoement x erci of tbe Bea'er Female l oUece. Mi Ma-y. daurter of Ir. A J. Eou-'y is a roem ber of tbe grad uating rlasa. A tetegram recvived early Monday morn ing annoancrd tlie death of Henry Blak, 1j, at tbe family ecate, "" Brwtiie," near York, tbe I'tweJjig uibt Heart failure m a tbe cause of bis doath. He was tbe eld est son of tbe late Jaigr- Jervsniah S. I'.lsi k. I HenrvLebrkao.tarH..versvil!e.!rfm-ed j I as a hen s ecc the other dar tll aa,und I !egl.t inche in circnm&rence lesgtbwar and six and a half iocbe thickness. Inside , J"a na coiitiaues toe p-o a'u e tbi. ' atKlK-rst aith a abell that meas- J tUxt isuiries nre-i three and a half inches ia circa m- j Uv' been made coDceming U bri,5ge ctar- j fcrence. Mm 5mat.k. wife ofEegtster and Recorder 1 Jaei I: Saank. who bas been hovering at j death's dr f T the pa few days, we are i glaj to learn now consider.! out of dan- I ger by tbe attni.n; pbysUian. Mrs. Swank coniraid a st re cold oa tbe aigbt of tbe recent Sna. which atStiod on ber longs and developed into fcrcr. w it C1 J..bn R E3ie. who. with one de I Th Duraard Natnal Conference. rendered powerless bv pamlysts. is however Tb first regular German Baptist Confer still able to res about with tbe atnee of ! '! United States was held at North ,,v. a iantdir brine the ' f.!,t v r-r.'tT nn to tbe streeta, when his liand is vim r graspea oy u muj niruu? and with kindly (rrline. Hon. A.H. CoffriKj bas a fort of men and the pjstmaster'steam of oxen entard in cietiEinr up and haulitig away the rami of h; late pt-mtory 1 badditig. We d -iTl know whether ii be Inve of wateb itig other suen work or tbe novelty of an ox team that artraca tlie crowd always to be ouni in tbat imme3ite vicinity. A child of Kate Laua. wlio keeps bouse f. r W tn Errir.c. of Wen Ead git h.ilJ of j -me crmfetitratH lye, in hqnid tiria, on Tlmrsday f last week. an J before it was 00 tioi. drank a quantity of tbe deadly li jurd. Ir. Haoisurr wa irr.ruediateiy called in, bnt medical aid was f no avail, the child snrTer it:2 tbe ro'ist excruciatint pain for several bjtirv. when death came to his relief. Tbe decision of Julie EmK-otroat that dc jnandirig fees ftr admission to jamp-rneet-ine rmunds oa tbe Sabbath illegal, will likely have a depressing eSect cm the colored brethren who annualiy bold forth ia tlie Kjih- 1ow town. Tbe Vw of tbe Sun- dav rate reee-!l will be a severe blow and ! one tliat cannot possibly be overcome by tbe j fsr-joent jiassing tif the lat to " white broth- 1 ers who have just arrived. " j j At the tlie Nations? meeting f theGer- 1 man Bsj'.ist held at Wabash. Indiana. bt j week, hi answer to a petition from Iowa, it j derided tbat no metrher should become identified with tbe G. A. R. seiret order. A protest was received from tlie Southern Ohio Cenierrnce against tie as of lorwv-o, and a req - jest was made that the Chn advise all art-!icant t r bau-t'isre to quit using tbe weed. Tbe re-iuest was adot-ted as read. -Billv" H tchstettVer was with Sheridan at nuw creex. a reu-ms T)..o- that is seld, referred to except by the b,T, j ! who partjcspated in it- An interesting map- ( ter describi nc the battle appeared ta a receot number of tbe tllraftirj's war series. Howev- j er. Bltly" frequently recall little incidents i of the f ,-it. aad arreeswith tlie author of j the article referred to that this gallant caval ry charge furnislies one of the brightest ti ers in little Phil's " mlliury record. Andrew Hocpt died at his borne, in this tuimogh, on Saturday evening last, in tlie Tsth yar of bn age. Tliere was no man in Sorners better knows or better liked tban was " I'wie ADdy." and no one was held ia higher esteem by bis aVllow dtiams. He was bora ia Somerset tad early in life learn ed the trade of shoemaker, which be follow ed np until a year or two ago when advan ced are incapacitated him frota latx. He was a consistent tnember of tbe Disciples' churcb frwn bis early yooth. Jir. Houpt s parents came to Somerset from Shippem borg. Pa He leaves a wile and six etiiWren. Tbe funeral took plane Sunday evening. Tbe residents of Berlin were shocked Wed nesday morning oa learning thai Stewart, tbe only ton of J.C. Philww. bad died during tbe night after only a lew boars illness. Young Mr. PLilscm bad been pitying biwa tennis with some companions in tlie evening and retired between nine and tea o'efork ia ataresitlv cood health. Shortly after mid- nirfit bis linle sister beard a noise in ber j brother's mom. and awakening ber father Had liira that Stewart was calling. ' Mr, Pbirson at once repaired to the chamber f his son. to End him ruSering with agooiring crami. Medical aid was amraoned and tbe pain toon tabsided, only to rea.pjar again at frequent recurring Hitervals, ta one of which tbe cord tbat beid lm bright yoarur Lie was severed. Stewart was only fifteen years old, tbe idol of bis parent, and gave every promise of grow Jg to manhood pos sessed witb far Bsan tbaa ordinary ability. A Popular Demonstration. TieCU. Cummins Post ofthe Grand Artsy is j Jtlv entitled to Lse scored Bp u ill credit one of the Urgent and most enthusiastic meeting oa last Sunday evening that has I a witnessed 1a BawnM tuooe tbe dot of j the late rebeilioa. Having arranged t jr a j rrd;pou and patriotic service on said even- 1 ng. Elder Connor, ol tbe fwp Oiarrfa I of this place, vat wise! euected to address j t owl rng. j Sj-ioa a it tbe testing rapacity of tbe j Court Hoase. scores of oor otieeiis found it J impossible to tad even wan dint room. Tbe j acrrioea vera introduced by leading select j passages of Scriptom by Ber. Sbearer. of the j tbe Methodist Ctarch. and sinfinf fiunil I c 1 . ,1 . ... I w VM JL, M I ..... j aome rena ui to Dock 01 Uenteronon:y ia vbicb the eoiT of a &ber ana mm ber is detailed in having a rebeiUoos aoo tried, con victed aad aioued to death : abkb aMlr laij a aolid uDdaUoa tor tht apeakcr to justify ( tbe jiatnoiic aclkin of II r. Lincoln ' admin. j istraiioa in vaing a earccasfu! varikre asaitwt tbe byJra-beaded nxieater of Nation. al rebellion. Promina - giwa to tbe aJutarr influence of Mr. Lincoln-, emanri- 5tk ixJaauon, a. it aa only .1,r tb.stn.tbelWftm, nnder lU lead of General Grant, tbe greats Mdfran&M g,rxl tl world bL ever wt from eatoering to J from rkinrr to virv Tbe tremendous thrusts made by tbe rev- j erend tWnu -j,,,, tbe of.- j ibe.,Ior .betber found in ibe Sooth yonil ,.1 , .ymp.tietit cord in tbe rxarrs of bi large tudmit ; abiie bis ek.jaent ponrtyal oi tbe trianpfas of tbe l cog uvtt ine orspicanie rag earned oy tlie deluded and bmatital follovers of JetT Iari&. exiiied his brarvrs to a pitrb tbat oui bursas of S4lause srere restrained iriib tbe utmce diflk-ilty. Tbere aas no wincing of ttm, no Lalf beaned eulogies oa tbe uoble lierues tbat re ;iondi Ki Abrabara Linci.lns tail fur 3 'l-r a million men. no W-klT attempt at a kind ofaj.logy fjr Ibe atricioas atia U rebris or tbeir rvmtiatbtaers ; but a bold. manly and patriotic dcOQorialijn of every ttiitig a:id every man iu fvd ia oj-wi-tion to tbe pnsrri of oor boj- in blue. Taking it al! and in all, tbe address ra an b. rfv.tr to tbe -raker, aj-pnoiale lo tlie oc cacj. and bene, tbonnigfaly and intene!y gratifying to all oar loyal men auj wooaen. hinkt It Meana South Pann, orkV A corps of evirinrers have ba at work during the iaM week betaeea Birtbedaie and Idliiafjetb. in Westmoreland county, bttt tliey refused to give any information when questioned about tbeir minion. Tbe Eiia betb Urrmid sa;- : Wby may it not be tbe S-jtb Pennsylva nia? The route for tbat ruad, as finally adopted after many sorveyi, came down Sewickiev creek and reached the Yoorbio- gbeny near SotervUle, where tbe river was j to be bridged and connection made with the j P. McK. A Y. It wa always given out that ) tLi was but a temporary arrangement, and I that eventoallT it wonid ret into Pirtbure on its own tracks. In doinc this it is parUe- I ! jn. : .1.- u vi. j valley, now crowdedas it . aith railruads This was tbe chief incentive" to tbe irtised ! Yoccbioebenv line, to crr the river here, ! j which only collajjued when tbe South I'enn j actmed to have gone ty tbe board. Now ! that the great projsrt has been revived and ! seems in a fair war for consotnatioa these ) accvtties aga:n t?nn. o!eth.-s: Ifte Itr : BLbedle on tbe P. McK. A V- jtwt .srbere the ropossd South Peon it to ; i ter now tie:a. and me prorjtiuttties of max- 1 ; iitg it a combined railroad and roadwar bridge. lKt not this took like tbe P. C. A ! y. prcjert over acaia ? Aboiit a duaen miles ' of that line are in actual operation from j PiHslurg this way, and it starts cut from tbe depot of tlie Lake Erie road, between a hkh and tbe South Peon tliere is known to be a dune bond of relatkmship. from w hat ia largely an identity of ownerl;ip. ManebeMer Indiana. la week. Nearly twenty thousand members of the church were in attendance. Immediately after tbe opening seriDon in tbe gat tabernacle Eider James Qtiinter. editor of tbe irvtpci Jfcara por, of H untingdon, Pa and J-eesident of the Normal Colkve at that place, led in pray er. While upon hi kness on tbe mstrnm in tbe centre of tlr tent.sumranded by aa aud ience of3.") persor:. lie was stricken with apoplexy arid died almot instantly Wiien praying it was iiscrved that it grew inoo bereut, and a be uttced tbe words, "We are glad to meet again." be expired. Eider yuii.ter was protably tlie most promiwnt j nmn in the church. He was horn in Schnyl j kill county. Pa , 1?16; entered tbe miaistry J at a: removed to Palono. tbio, in 1S. and , besan the ptiblkatiun of the Yuator, 1 a moolhiv. He then removed to Mversdale, i j Pa., and founded tlie Prunita CkritliaM, , wbkb was later w:ilidated with the PU j prim, under tbe title of tbe rjW JVeaKwr. j in l!"T6. Elder Quinter was tlie principal ! editor of all the publicatkms, and was also the author of a book, "True Immertion," and numberieaa tracts. Aa adirrss of welcome was delivered by Rev. J. J. Parrett, of North Mancbesur, wlio welcomed tbe brdbern in tbe name of j tbeusines and chrislains of tbe pbue and j tbe s.ate of Indiana. The stieaker reierred with pride to tbe growth of tlie little liand a ho in 171? were driven from Germarjy and sought refuge in the landof free America, and boasted ofamemhershipofli HX, Jji!ip John L. Wise, of Cocways Spritig, Jties. preached to S.f "pie from tbe kn . - What must I do to be saved T" The discourse was an inquiry into the mode of salvation, and tbe speaker showed that faith j in the larrd was tbe only strre wsy of salva- j lion, Tlie Committee on Missions pretiared its j report. Shows tbe total receipts for tbe year j to heW,'.iflL and disbursements through the I Sxr aa endowment notes k,, to the araoont of WT.. and be- quests of property of B4.l. Rejorts have I been received from miaskios is Texas. Fkirids Dakota. California. Washington Territory, Missouri. Kansas, Nebraska. Maryland and j IVamark and Swelen, all showing tbe work to be pr tsperous. The Pittsburgh Fa of Wednesday rnom ing ssyt: "A farewell au-jonary service was held ia honor of Miss Emma Poorbaogh at the grace Reformed Church last nigbt. Tbe set vwes consisted of addresses by C. C Weizer. D. D-, and tbe Rev. A. R. Eartbolo mew. official members of tbe Board of For eign MHtoons. aad appropriate music. Mist Poarbangb also spoke brief y. 4 me of tbe chief foal ares of the occasion was tbe sing ing by tbe choral choir, of St. Peter's Episco pal Church, composed of 30 boys. " Mjt Poorbaogh it tbe second daughter of Josiah L. Poorbanrh, a wealthy retired mer chant of Berlin, rvmvrsrt county. Pa. Sbe it 24 rears of age. a handsome bknde. and itof roeditim height. Her elder sisteT is tbe prrorina of the girl's school ia Seadai Ja pan. Tbe second teacher. Miss Mary B. A alt. was recently married, and Miss Emma Poorbaagh was selected by the Board lo fill tbe vacancy ceased by Miss Aolt'i marriage. Tbe school "a inpported by tbe whole Re formed Cborci, ent tbe ladies of tbe Grace Reformed Church voluntarily agreed te pay Mist Poorbaogh't passsee nsooey and, pro vide ber outfit for the trip, and for this pnr pose contributed 3X. Miss Poorbaugh is a member of tbe Re tcraed Ctiirrch. of Berlin. She will retnm to ber novae on Thursday, and from tbere wiB leave for San Franrisao is time to tail fjr Jn o June Tlie At tbe close of the services the eoorretratlon bad. her farewell. Those wbs crane to yon to talk aboot xh en, are tbe ones to go to when to talk about you. - ' The South Peein Railroad. ' Ir'.m will be running over tbe South PeniifTlranta Road ia 'eighteen mouth." said Direct- George F. Beer in Philadelphia I Saturday, at be enthusiastically expatiated cnoo the menu of the big railroad Tentare. j " FresSJeol ftayse it working bard for tbe J completion of the preliminary arrangrtsentt ; and tbe director are anxious that iu " mo v mien is t IxmKi be begua at eare. Thia oj bJafT, asaotne itaazine, bat veU-iirerird scbeaae to aSord fbiiaddpiua additional facilities for reacbing tbe Wast by a-ay of Pittsburgb." Wbea tbe qaeation of macagement vaa broached Mr. fiaer said ibat lb present ofi-sers wouid not be sup canted fur Kim time, at least, and cenaioly not astil tbe annual meeting shall oorer, tbe cpoa. A South Pann Ertglnaar. It ia stated tbat CuL Ekbard Nevtaa, Jr, late Government artldteet. vas about to be appointed Aaaistaat Enginwe for tba eoo m action of tbe South Penn railroad. CJL Netins bas aotne ouasuierable interest in rveral minor nilroads ia Sjmenet and Caia- 1 : . - 1 - . -it v 1 r a j " I--J j uf h IW Wbra M M j hedirfi-ed to h-!. , urr7 are bang made from " " ftaabrU, W.t tb tt O South j Penn roal It n to come doTt Rg Sewx k- ' 1 . 1. . . .t : . 1. j at Satervi!! and it it tLuacbt vill form a I cam riming link with tbe PitUbargb, Cbar- j tiers and Tougiiiogbeiiy. vbich j vitb tbe Pirtsbargb Lake Erie. oonnects -PiXtlhttrf Borough Ordinancaa. We have been requeued by Burgess Her bert to ptibJirJi tbe fuUoming sections of tbe Bornogb ordinances and to state tbat in tlie future tbey will be rigidly enforced; ra"nox 37. No person or perwws sball keep or ce ia ia any buoe. tortbow. lxj. ceiiar. wa-ebottte or oUer ajarment wiitiin ti:e limits of tbe Borougb roorr than sevj!T-five wwnds aetrbt of gunpoa der at timP tb, aforesaid -jnantiiy of gun- puader shaii It saMy aemreil. aat any prr j m vK.iMiinr tbfTc.rt-K.rfiiit t-rdiiianoe 1 aliaj. on xkivic1ko thereof rtefore Uie Bur- rew. pay a floe of not ievs tbaa five dollars nor more tban fifty doiiars for each oSense, j totretiier witti ail cut. ea . 38. N nitiw-giyrerine, dynamite, or olberbigli grade explosit'ea atiail be stored at all wittain tbe limits of tbe horoucb, and any person vioiatiiig this section snail, oa vivini' tnerei.if be(.re tba Barges, pay a Cue of oae bondred dollar, together with all cn;s : one-bait f sax: one to go to t tie in- irmer, if said tuf xmer is not aa ofcarr oi tbe bmiagb. Somerset Claasia. Somerset cla!i. of tbe Reformed church of tbe United &aea, oavaed in annua! session We-iaesUy, May ISA. ia the Beam church, S:merset twunty, with Rev. A. E. alremer, of Berlin, in tbe chair. Tlie boa iness waf broegbt to a speedy conclusion and tbe adjournment was macbed Saturday evening, to meet next year at cliaiiksrilie. Tbt foikrwing rewlcuons oa temperance were made tbe action of daws : i?eJr3, Tbat Somerset clasMS note with Pi" "the SV7 " restrictive j uquor law, laieiy gooe raw eiioc liauor law. lately rone into effatt ia Pean- I yvlvania. ia, appears, tbe large reduction of i bote? and saloon licenses, under adjust of That in tbe judgment of classis tbe exv! of restrictive temperance legtijalion is tlie organic State and National prohibitkm of the liquor traffic to which end the rf""vbt are hereby eamertly nrged to direct tbeir constant eflorts. A Church Conference. The following are tbe prooarxling of tbe Lutheran Conference which was held May 22-24 at Shaaksvilie, Pa, in charge of Rev. J. J. Welch : Sermons were preached by Revs. M. I Young. C I:. G rarer S- Suatfler and J. H. Houseman. Essays were read as follows : -Brotherly Love," Rev.L. N. Fleck ; " Min isterial Support," Rev. J- F. Shearer ; cal ifications and Tatit of Cburch tBcers," Revs. R. A. Fink and J. F. Schnure ; - Tl Prayer Meeting,"" Rev. A. Sell ; " Funeral Reforms." Rev. J. E. Lerch. The subject of Christian Exam;4e" was opened by Dr. R. A. Fink as the person to whom it was assigned was absent on account of sxAttess. " Training of Baptised f3.ildmj Ber. E. Manges ; ls High License a Temperance j HiensuTr,'' Rev. J. H. Zina, The essayists j on topica being alisect. al! tbe esbjectt were j full discussed by tbe brethren. . Resolutions we;re passed against snaeoeasary Sunday fu i neral; aad taking corpse ia church. Every i mitiMer i required to preach to his people j on ".Funeral reforms."' Q aite a number of i strong resolutions were pasted OS temper j aoce. anch as forbidding the tale of lard ri der, on the part of BiePiliers, for beverage purjnwcs. Censuring and exH;ng, if irsos ted in, those who sign petitiont for license, or those who become bondsmen for liquor sellers. All license of tbe liquor traffic was de nounced and ppted, and tliose were de clared as actiug incoagislenliy and sinfully who vote for a man or Jarty favoring any li cense of the liq'Jor business, or for any man or party silent oa tbe temperance taestioe. RecommendatKins were made for the di vision of a number of ciiargea. or rather tbe former action of Con fererice and Synod was reiterated on this matter. Two new charges were Tecomtuesded to be formed, one of a bkh is to be composed of SharJtsvilje, Stonycreek, Lamberti-rilie and Roxbury congregations. The ot her is to be composed of Piirf Hi!L St. PaaTs and Garrett eongre- gstwirts. Tbe scsfcjoiis of Conference were well at tended by the peotile- Tbe minister and lay delegates were hospitably entertained, and on the a hole., this was a pleasant and profitable session of conference. J. E. Leblh, Secretary. Lutheran Sunday School Conven tion. The twelfth annual convention of tbe Lu theran Sunday school Association, of Somer set county, will be held in St. PaaTs Church Meyer-dale charge, June 12th, 13 and 14th. Tiie names of delegates must be reported to Rev. M. L. Young not later than May X. Tick eta. at excursfon rates, will be sold to Burkbolder's. tbe nearest station. Delegates coming by rail will report what train they propose taking. The congregation request ' 7 ? wIia r. Mwicwnuvittv An In ntm ; private coaveyance. Reports'are desired from all school, wheth er represented or not. ExnmrvT Cos aiTrxx. Husband Items. Messrs. Charles H. Miller and Henry C. Beam are having artesian weiis dug at this place. Mr. SamuelS. Miller snid a fine lot of fat cattle last week, which be had beea Seeding for some time past. Tbe fruit trees are in foil bkxiro, and if not injured by tbe frosts, tbere will be aa immense crop this year. And still tbe question concerning tbe pro posed division of Somerset Township it not settled yet. The Edie correspondent of a contemporary in aa article last week entirely changed his position in regard to tbe matter. Orraaiosat. A Cut in Silverware. . Rogers' triple plated knives, $1 73 Rogers' triple plated forks, $1 75. Rogers' teaspoons. tL Rogers' tablespoons. t2 per set. Pepper and sah bottle, 20 cents eacb. ' Napkin rings, 2S cents each. Sugar shells and butter knives, SO cents each, and all other quadruple plated silver ware at equally low prices. M. L Goldsmith, Jeweler. 36 Fifth ave. Fittsbargh, Pa. (13 Buys a lady's solid gold stem-winding watch at Goldsmith's, 36 Fifth are. Pittsburg b. Pa. to Bart a lady's watch at Goldsmith's, 36 Fifth ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. For Rent. Comfortable oSora on tbe fir and second Coort of tbe addition to Printing Hoase Sow. For particulars, inquire at this office. deteiateL Mount Marian Itaxna. Tbe frosts of bnt srerc did considerable damage to garden track and to tba fruit ia oar valleys. This eofBtaaai:- aeema to be a paradise fcrbockster. Tbere were ao less tbaa fire a ago; it here ia oae day iasr. week. Bed birds bare always been coosjdered a eery rare bird, but I think I am safe in say ing tbat there arc tea tiroes as aasy berea boats as tbere have ever been before. Hannah D. Ubodes has returned to thsc place. Sb bas been staying with ber chil dren ia diSoent parts of thm eoanry. Sbc bas taken np ber rtsadence with ber son, Wa F. EboJct. B. CriuSeld bat mada some raluabic proTcaenU to bis &rm this spring. H bant spring boose, pat a sice fence arocsd bis borse yard, and saade extecsire repair to bit boose, which adds greatly to tb appear anos of bit already fine resideoot J Mra. Nancy Ziremermaa bas been confin ed to ber bed for tbe past three waess with paralyeia. and lor a time it was not expect ed that the would recover, but she it now eonvaiearing. &be is quite an aged lady, and aad snakes ber home with ber too, Jooa han Zimmerman. Jdba Staff!, one of oar mo4 successful fanners, aad raisrr f some of tbe he bomes and cattle ia tbe north end of tbe county, bas a great ranonfy in tbe aiiape of a fine Oydeadale colt about tea dart old. It ia as fine and well prorwrrjooed animal as can be foond anywhere, exct tbat ht left bind leg frota tbe knee down has tbe appearance of tbat of a steer, with a heavy, doren foot. Tbe colt is healthy and lively. Patvt. Live Topics of tha Timaa. Among tbe living topics of tbe day which will be diseased ia tlie Fmm for June are : Tbe pending Tariff Incsianoa'' by tbe Hon. W. D. Kelley. who snake a review of American tariff legislation during tbe lftt hundred years to bow what disastrous tl fertstbeiaiiageof tbe Mills bill would bare. "Tbe Negro in Polities." by Senator Wade Hamton, of Sonth Carolina, who reviews tbe reooofttrnction period of politics ia bia State to show tbe effects tbat nesro supren aty had tbrre; "Railway Prbietn,'" by Senator J. F. Wilson, who discusses tbe gov- ematat regulation of railways, and by Pruf. Arthur T. HaJVey. who says that tbe reme dy for railway strikes is to be found in tbe development of railway managers, who are great leaders of toes as well as great makers of doiian ; - Labor Troubles." by W. H. Mallork, the distinguished English essayist, who makes a plea for the aniversal study of the principles of political economy ; " Fam ily Economics." by Mrs. Julian Ward Howe who discusses the pecuniary obligations of a man to his wile and daagbtera. Tbe Fjrmm is now published from its new office at S3 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. 50,000 Frtonda. Tbe enormous tiles of Neison s Pais Cure hare excited universal comment and won der. Its irosrress bas been unprecedented in tbe annals of tbe medicine trade. Its career is marked by an irresistible magnetism of inherent superiority and healing virtue, which attracts and Biakes friends and pa trons. Nelson's Pain Cure is tbe magical medical wonder of tbe age healing all con qering al! ibe crowning triumph of medi cal research, experience and practice. In its linn tbe greatest achievement of modern science is placed within the I and tf tlie pub be a! a trifling co. There is no necessity for advertising this remedy like a circus. It tells itself because every purchaser at once becomes a friend, sounding its praises every where. Sold by ail tbe leading drnggisU. For Sale. Eggs for hatching from prize winning S. C. Brown Leghorns. Bonny Strain. My breeding birds are from the yards of T E. trrr and A. W. Adolph. Bridgeport, 0 and are prise takers, also a few Poland Chi na pigs. Breeders recorded in tbe O. P. C, R. Roe F. IUvts, Somerset, Pa. Wanted! Iieaiers and all to know we have a full line of rake, both hand arid self dump, which we offer at trim to suit the times. Agents wanted to sell tlie Walker Rake. Address W. F. WaLir-a, Somerset, Pa. Queen aware and Class war. For this line of gKds go to A. bet ford A Son, as they have the best line hi town. Found at Last. That A. Btsiford A Son it the only firm ia town that tells nine cakes of Grip Soap for 25 cents. Oil and Cas. Yon can get the oil, if you want it. wiib oat any extra charges. For an artistic shave or hair cut go to Kantner a Barber Shop. Plenty of clean towels and sharp razors al ways on band. Wanted for Cash. One thousand tons of Rags. Bones and Scrap Iron, old Snra bouts and shoes for which the highest cash price will be paid by Csn.xs 4 MooEt, Johnstown Pa. For Sale. A Steam Ssw Mill, thirry-borse-powcj En gine, tieiser manufacture, all ia ft rta -class cr der. For further rw-rti-ularp call on or address J. M. Lode. rmvids-rille. Pa Wanted I Tlidaa Furs. Bark. I wiU pay tbe highest j cash prices for all kinds of hides, pelts and furs. I alse want 5uu cords of Rock Oak and Spruce bark, lltt curds wauled at once. H. G. Crirxrssaajt. Coffee ! C of fee ! ! Coffee 1 ! ! Buy Chase A Lam Horn's Fresh Roasted Coffee, absolutely pure. Rich Savor and full strength. For sale by M. Scsnocx. Opposite the Somerset House. The supreme court on Motxiay of last week affirmed tbe judgment of the quarter sessions of II outingtun county m tbe case of Adam Zeigier, convicted of selling liquc to persons of known intemperate halms. Zcigler's principal defense wa that the sales were made by his bartender, but the tcpreme court holds that as there are no accessories in misdeiaearjors, all persons concerned be ing guilty as principals, it follows that : " If be ia any manner assented to or promoted tbe illegal tales, be was as guilty as thoogh tbey bad been made directly by himself."' We were papering a room tlie other day, and my daughter said : " Why not pot tlie paste oa tbe wall 7" Happy thought ! I took an old whitewash brush and tried it and the paper not being wet was of course much easier to handle. Why did not some body think of it before? Ex. Dental Specialties. Fine gold fillings. First-class artificial seta. McMiixa. Dentist. One square south of Diamond, over Tred welis Store. MARRIED. MILLER LOW R Y. On Kay 29, 13, at tbe residence of tbe bride't parents, near aungwood, Pa by N. B. Christner. Y. D. M. Mr. William G. MiSer, of Glade, 1 enmu, to Miss Ida May Lowrr. DIED. BARRON. On tbe tith intC, m bonierset township. Frankha Ellsworth, son of Jacob A. and Mary Barron, aged 4 years, 7 months aad 25 days. MITCHELL. Oa Monday. May 21, 13S3, at tbe residence of bia aunt. Mrs. Hetty F. Mitchell, No 27 O-ff street, Pittsburgh, Ps Edward Mitchell, formerly of Somerset, Pa but late of New York city, in tbe 4oth year of his age. He was tie eldest son of Captain Chaunoey F. Mitchell, the foamier of the Somerset Pemotn. W ashing! en Letter. From oar ftpecil Oerrespoeeent, Watatatrrox. D. C M17 51. 15SS. Tbere it nothing decidedly sew ia tie con test for tbe Repablicaa Presides tial Domi nation. Tbe Blaine men are becoming snore pmoouamd ia their drterminatioa to bring aboot tbe selection of their favorite, while tar tendency of tbe 6eid to nnire oa Cresh am seems to be more evident. Tbe Gresham saea arc engaged ia active mistioaary work ia various sections of the country, and satis factory results tana to ba produced. If the an ti-Blaine fight it kept vp vigorously, tbe tb-twdest observers believe tbat tbe Maine ? ttatesmaa aill ahsoJutely prohibit the est I of hi name, ta it is thoug'.t be would cot. under ar.y cirmmstancea, be willing to accept a somlraUoa brought about by a mere ma jority Tore, aad after a beared contest. Rev. Dr. John P. Newman, General Grant's old pastor, who was elected a Bishop of the it. E. Church last week, returned to Wash ington oa Saturday evening. He was given aa informal reception at tbe Metropolitan Church. Hit tervket yesterday, both morn ing and evening, were crowded. Tbere are still eight National delegates to Chicago to be elected. Seven of these will be chosen this week two ia the 2iid district, two in the 23rd, one ia the 24th and two in the 25th. That will leave only one vacancy ia yoor district. Come, now, bring out tbe barmonixers. aad complete the work of electing delegates. Bear is mind that tbe ! National Convention is only three weeks 1 off ! Of the sixty deiegates nearly fifty will be ', quartered at the Tremoat Hoase, which is ; only a very abort distance from the audiso- j riant- The State Committee, under the di- j led ion of Chairman Cooper and Secretary; Leach, will open headquarters in this hcitrl. ! Tbe Washington the local Ijnoerat- ' ic organ, is rigorottsly assailing the Candida- I cy of Governor Gray, -f Indiana, f jt tbe 1 Yk Presidency. Nevertheless bell be nom inated. Bv tbe war, I can scarcely realise 4it llij, nnminfttitir nonrenflon fit 1 ' 7 j moeracy comes off a week from to-morrow at St. Lciuia. It will be a perfunctory affair i through and tbroturu. ) Tbe six-inch steel gun recent'y cast by tlie j Pittsburgh Steel Company, has been received j at tbe Washington Navy Yard where it' is to ; be rehored. rifled and polished. It will prub- i ably be finished in three or fottr months. The impression among Pennsylvanians j here is that Chief Clerk McCarnant. of the ; Auditor GeoeraTt office, will be aoiti'ed tocceasor to the late Cuionci Norris ; and thai j in the event of his appinirnetit. he will be ! made tbe nominee for that office. While an A jditor General or a S'-ae TrRasurrr w b J has been eietxei to the office, cannot serve a secoid consecutive term. tltre is no restric tion upon the holding of another term by an appor:iied officer. The !at State to bold a Convention arxl elect delegates to Chicago, was North Caroli na. To the surprise of pretty nric'j every body, sbe elected Blaine delegates. Tiie rjer-geaat-at-Arms of tbe Seriate. CoL tlanaday, who hails from that State, is an out Slier man man, and it was supposed that the Ohio statesman would capture tlie delegates, but it transpires thai be was badly k-ft The Democrats seera to have mil' a clean sweep at the local elections ia Vi-firi -j lat week Tbe trouble is, tbere are n ciaiiy Refmhikan parties in tbat State. The President and Mrs. Cleveland have returned from Philadelphia. They both ex press delight with tbeir trip and sjy Phila delphia is one of the m-xt bo-plu'jle cities which it has ever been their g-iod fortune to visit. General Sheridan has been serio uOy ill f.r a week or two. He is now tho'iht to be much improved, but is not yet out of dan- Senator and Mrs. Quay, who went to Penn sylvania to attend the funeral of Auditor General Norris, have again returned to Washington. Tlie President has approved the at au thorizing tlie President of the t'aited States to arrange a conference between this country and tbe Republics of Mexico. Central and South America. Hayti and San Domingo, and tbe Empire of BraiiL This is practicai ly tbe scheme inaugurated by Mr. Blaine, when be was Garfield's Secretary of State, for which be received tbe contumely of tbe Democratic and Mugwump press. Senator StanSird, of California, sails f r Europe this week. On political ouestiou be is paired with bia collearue. Senator Hearst. General Lawton. X. S. Minister to Austria, tailed for America last Saturiiay from Havre, having been granted a leave of ab sence. Count D Area Vaiiey, the new Minister from Germany, is on bis way to America, having sailed from laverpo-jl several days ago. Among the petitions recently presented by Congressman Scull have been two from Knights of Labor organizations, praying for the enactment of legislation restricting con vict labor ; one from citireiis of his district praying for Federal aid to education ; one fiom certain of his constituent praying for prohibition in tbe Ihstriet of Colombia, and one from citiaens of E'klk-k, praying rtr ti e repeal of the law imposing an internal reve- nue tax on all druggist for the of! liquor. CoL A. H. Warkiand, who died in this city a day or two aO. was s member of Gen. Grant's staff during tbe war, his particular duties being the establishment of postoffices in the South, and the distribution of tbe army mail. Both nouses of Congress are now hard at work on the various approjiriatioo bills, and there is a fair chance that these imt'irtant roea'tire a ill not be left to the last davs of the , i, BsuanT n. ru. Senat r Turpi has introduced a bill to es tablish a " Register of Labor," on tbe plan of tbe army and navy registers. It is to eon tain only tbe tianes of those who are honor ed in their own neighborhoods aa most skill ed in some mechanical art. It is sn-peeled that Tnrpie is almost as big a crank as Sena tor Blair, of New Hampshire. The conferees on the part of the two H oas es on the bill cresting s Deiartment of La bor have reached an agreement, and the bill will go to tbe President in a few days. Senator Edmonds has introduced a bill providing for tbe payment of $S.. to Gen. Garfield's steward Crump, whose liealth was ruined while taking rare of the late Presi dent, after the Guitesu shooting. Tbe United States Treasurer hat paid out over $13,W1 Cm for pensions during the pres ent month. Tlie surplus in the Treasury bas cradually increased from day to day since the first of ine year, mi ii is noi r.aeiy ro reatra pi -e.- 5 (sxi.onc by Jane 3fth. as was predicted in the j President's last message. It is now an even ! $l(.H.0fJ. f Both tbe Republicans and the Denmits 1 of tbe House held caucuses on Saturday last. ! Both parties discBsscd from their respective ! standpoints the course to be pursoed in tbe House in considering tbe tarts' bill under the five minute rule. The executive sessions of tbe Senate just now are long and interesting. The Republi cans are making a determined f.gbt for the oonsi deration of tbe Fisheries treaty witb open doors, bat they cannot scare op enough votes to pass aa open-door resolution. Excursion to St- Louis, The Baltimore A Ohio Railmad Company will sell excursHin tickets to St. Loais from all points on tbeir lines. MaySlst to June th. indusive, good retaraing wntil June 12th, hxrlosive, at one fare for Use round trip. For tickets and time of trains call on Dearest Ticket Agent B.40. R. R. Cats. O. Srrxi. Gen. Pass. Agent. Church Dad lea t ion. Tbe Glenros Reformed chares will be ded icated Jane 10 at 1 'clock. Services will com mence Wednesday eve. previous. A num ber of able ministers will be present and take part m tbe services. All persons are cordi al! v invited to attend- The next exhibuion of tbe Westmoreland j Conoiy Agrieol sural Society wiU be held on tbeir eroondt ia Greeasbarc oa Sertember lth, 1-th, SXi and Slat. i REPUBLJCAJs PRIMARY ELECTION. In pursuance of tlie rule governing tbe party, tbe Republican rtaees of Somerset County will astemole al &e Bual placrs of hoiJing general tkctiocs ia tcb district on SJ TVEDA I', DI 22, ISiS, and ia tbe soanaer jworided by as J ralet proceed to vote for candidates for tbe sever al following offices : One person for Congress. Two persons for Assemb'y. One person for Paor TJirec'-.r. One person for Jary Coaiaiss:ier. TIj Commir-eemea will opeo the polls J la all election district at s o clock a. a. Attest r G. S. Scrsx, CHA3. C SHAFXR. Secretarr. CLairntaa. Announcements FOR TIIE June Repusucan Primaries, To Be lit Id Samniay, June 23, iSSS. Tv the ttrtmr f ET7 UrkU : mmnoeii nii4v- fir tet rarvwi ir irt:.aa- m c. i-a whl -FOJt CSt,fce. I EDTTAED SCULL, j T i JAS. L. PUG II, or tasrr aoaorbB- Siileet to te deri:.n of trie ReiMicim Ti tBarr EiectitCk w be b-id saPirlaT. Juye ja SOAU S. MILLER, or -arvvj.B ivnr5H:r. msrt iucrtrtA, u tt id . Jui-r a. l-rvk. j FREDERICK WELLER, i 1 or vaxafrr Tvair. j SuVeet te tke i?-Sioi; of" tbe R.-p.!esa It 1 mar? Juecttua. an tie h. il siurdav. Jcur a, lK. SAMUEL II. YOI'ER, itnwninx TosHir. ?:tje? ti tioe-iKn of the Eeji'Leail ri-mar- fcitwtwiu. ;o t faeid Mrr-i , June -Ft.E Jl"BY C(..!L'.Vlsl''NEa. WM H DA Mi OX, or SUtlLKtCtl TCWIHItr. u tbe fl-isi,-io ft tbe Kewik.liran Pn- 1 man: ieeuou. Hi lit ii-cid muurriay. Ji-lic i". J w-Fi'E H'iX OOilMlssJoNilE, SAMUEL J. BOWSER, or jrn.n.B T"vrsBTr. Oi:SW- witlie of tN1 Rcvf:rii -sn fri- luarv i.iecu,i u be titrtd satujiy. jtrnc rt. Is-n. Sw-F'iK Pts.Jt MRECToK. ALEXAXDER EUXTER, arv'LW'tt. v hr IwkI bsatumny. Juste Zi, ! Absolutely Pure. rirLh anf4 bs4wni'Drt ii-vtr fr-Mxrri! FOR SPRAlNS-ERUiSES. DAVID SCOTT, Ctarpiaa, Aottralin Cricket Ttaa, Htrbasraj, Ailra!ia, whose autcjTapa it here shown and who bat experienced at many hsrrl knock, ja the ror-i game of cricket as any nun ia i tie field, writes ever his signature as follows: "SL Jacobs Oi! can cf i t a terrible rgise." W0UDS, CUTS, SCALDS, AND BURM3, ' So'rf hr J-'-'J sMf iiir . g.fte i, Tb Chart s A Vsoeler Cessajy, lALTlitOia, KlX With the Advent cf WARM WEATHER JCtrt Ccs a Ciarre tz Ucrlifim 2nrl I!itMW: u u UNDERWEAR OUR STOCK CONTAINS EVERT REQ UISITE TO KEET THE WANTS OF ALL IN LOW PRICED MEDIUM AND - FXIEST QUALITIES Pz 2aties, Zzza3. ChCirer, Zzjz fflcrua &zi Ladles h Sjrirg 2uerlz3 Sxf.r.g, Zzzzs, Ivil- Lia TL-eai azi at Very best Values Cuaram LJ-! Give our Underwear merits a Call. Depart -r-T-T 'N7T7' - AV" A T?T) fi TITTR ATV mrSFTlGH. Ti. mm r. 1 -w WE WANT YOU AND- EEMEMBER FIP?T. We hire jest rpew.1 ore cf tl rf.ic. e-1 roost corrplc'.e l:nta of SPElSti IiCE-V OOOiiS ever orJVeed; fECOXILY, We have marke-l tfceia st prkvr ti;t ae know will tcove them quickly. Yoa only oef to see taeta to be coot :acv& tiuti oax ad vertitemeriU are truths. " Oae !;ae of Ee-gea. all new ecloricga. 40 rer.M. sold almost rerrwre at .TV. Oce line cJAU-wooi Lire as Goodr, douuie width, eboice cc.irr:ri?. "t"beiJi. Terra- . citta. MohosrT. Brwcs. ilyr!s. f.Mt tn-i ir.e.xs. ivewui warrsctirja c&.-jT price 4- ; t xirx vaJoe. 1 ''.re fcre j epeceJ 3 cases of All 40e yard. Na socb price tver known 35 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. DO NOT EAIL TO GO TO joiaiasriSTioiwiT AND IJUY Embroiderings, Skirtings, All Overs, lm M fa M Safes, Fs? Fptz 13 Gii FROM Geis, Foster & Quinn. I You will hare a lanre stock to select from, ar.J tou will save money, because our prices are tinder all other. Tha Largest Stock of Carpets and Lace Curtains in Town at ! GEIS, FOSTER & QUIXN'S, Clinton Street, t.t'. Lj,K W. I-KNFviKI'. ! DRUGS ! DRUGS ! IGEO. W. BENFORD & SON., j I'lipKIETttltf OF THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IX SOMERSET COUNTY, At No. 1, Baer's Block, SOEERSET, PEXX'A. We keep constantly on hand a large stuck of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS VND VARNISHES. The purest and tt to be focnJ in tLis mark't. We also ke-p in ha:,! a fo't I t-e of TRUSSES BRACES, SUPPORTERS. ni Una ! TOILET ARTICLES AXD SUXDRIES HEXERALLY KEPT IX A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. !fJN ASSORT ENT.OF BiRTDAY GIFTS ALWAYS IJS STOCK. TOBACCO and CIGARS. ! THE BEST TEE MARKET AFFvRi-S. E'.'TH IOMTTI" AND IMPvKTFD j th.r own iuaie of HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER. It i f a superior Cjuai.tv'. e xeep -n t-u.s. t.hnt any sis-cat trumjuient cca 1 S'i'lcJL sxid at cent? a pouri'L We do a jaar; tmsinesw tntl will give too, your raomv'a wrtb. No trotil-le to sli.iw gais. PL'RE WINES AND LIQUORS FCR MEDICINAL FJR PCS ES ONLY. A LARGE VARIETY OF FRESH GARDEN AND FLCWER SEEDS. Jaa.i.2- Louther's Main Street, Somerset, Fa. 7hisH:d;l Zzz? Stcrsis Rapidly Ee::z aGrsat rris Pcrlo .irm FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. Jledicincs, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Truses, Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, dr. TEE IKKTOK i;iVS FIZ--iAL ATTTJCTIO?t TO THE COSIPCiVM IlS'l ( F PliIsiciaiis'PrescililiGiis I Family Seeeipts 6EZAT CXS.F. iEiyi TAKES T) VfZ OSLT FZEtt ASD Flf:S AZTlf.lL SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES. And a Full Lice ci Optical Goods always oa bai.d. From such a large acrtrnent all can be suited. i THE FINEST BRANDS OF CIGARS j Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our :-ccJ i to intending purchaser?, whether they Lny j from us or elsewhere. i j J. M. LOUTHER, 17! . D. ! MAIN STREET .... SOMERSET. PA. Furniture! At Great ASjMjN WE CAbb YOUrTTENTION TO t)Ut ! i i ii K-w , . aa.W3r, irasn. immm m mm msm, AT.ORF-ITLT EKIXTFI' RTt. Uiiclertakiii2r and Embalming' ATTESIiED Ti aiTH Ptt-JIPTXt-t Cons, Ca?icets and Burial Robes. A full line kept for immediate rise. COFFEOTH & CO., Main Cross Street Somerset Pa. I CatarrH XL'iS ?C-,?Je? '"a. UVra. a Pa- AI:tii Pais sad In-.TanratM. Seals tie fV.-re.. Ee ores tie .--a- vi TaAe aiKl em-ii. TSLS TitI ITaUL wa- ! J MX HAY-FVER j A patkle is aifUe into ih T"tril and is J ir-e-ja'iie. rner j' rents as rri rj:ii ; bv mau j .-rier-.. fe. i.' ti;'jr-,-i u,-eer"-s si, I N-c v V-orc e?uaTv TO READ THIS IT. TOO. aad varkoa Cok-r.r.ys in Xliitsret. Sa-.pe Jt tvea i.".er aaar.J-. aad - wooi Eack Caahrnerea, 40 '. r3tba iJe, at for these ri ttfore. joiixsroiry, pa. CLARK H. BEN FR hx PVv-r-ia-r ut.1 f.. 1 Hd::-ii-T'f. wtoanea CEOFTCE W. BENFORD A SON. Drug Store, Furniture! Bargains! aa - - CI .aV. v3 A I'.MINISTRATOI; NOTICE. teuite of Ei; P. S. -t 'lee 4 lr- .Vici.ia T'-w-p-hft siere: la ttertf iTB:n..-a;:: . :-.' -etslf hav trir tieet arai.il v.ur. .Tite..!..! T ii-r aulwirrtT- o"-. i. Sfe-tiT i::Ten r , itsii iijV-ted 1" i-t rfte v rri,ae ir;mi.ii'.. alt. a4 Urns h Ti r ur-iM tw r w..i re?srat tlirta d-v i . .1"! te seu- i'iia, Ai -.1 -HE. roaei Asa;aRri;. ACTIVE AGENTS OR FARMERS WANTED It ir.rm.! ie .mr tlj,; l !K A rif.il .!': 7ft n i i .' a.--i r - LAV If ti .-! n r ?-r ' funi':- TEifASi. iJia'.- ! ItAh. C5efiiarv (aaecrtoa: Ckaary Fctvar Ov, Gsf vde, Jt STER,