1 t if THC KELLEY RIOT. The Story of a Riot of 1367 In Mobile Retold by One Who Wa There. WMiiM.K.s.M-y in. ormr ;, r. The f..il..itw wnwpondem wan gneu t tlie prvns this evening : llou of ItpiwutiUw V. S, W'8h inKton.I. C, April 2. 1W, Wm. ! M.nn .New York Uriel, New York. Amou the mwiy rotters found opon my Uble Iter n .Woe of three Uj from the city ione from you which reJi M fol- Hon W. P. Keller, Washington, v. C ir- I find in the Mobile Daily ?ry of WedneUy, 21 ht """ port to be Washington dirth from which I extract ft follow : ' Ju.lt.-e W. U. Keller, well-known Pit- Imu Kellev. look fifteen year, young- rrth.n hi- pe. t0 &et tl"?" ,.r he prow .Wer, hut ii color .ikkI and hi hnJ steady, hia foot hght und hi hair -till hold it native brown. Yw". I am wry -H n;n ho l.as U-eu through an lunch a I have," 1 aid 'J c.ii.x- whh shot and our more WUijtvHh.it.. lin-,1 at mc. The latter l.ui.jK-iK-l.v.rtikn.m.in what i known s the K.1W ri.-.t in Mobile, Ala, in ls.;7 mi.l.TAndvJ.dmHon. While upeak-i,,tt..-ivl wasatUickod by a very 1I 1- of .-ari-tdMipi!.. marxhali-d kii.I hl ,,u bv k riitt ir wt wh.wc luimc W now , U iii.mn in -.-un-ton with a imtfiit ,-ar II" MK-ant t'" n,e- Tbv ',al' f.,rm wa awept by tmlleti of the awa ninn, and wv.-ral iin were alain by my Hde'. Il " f,arful uvne- ni1 that villain wh .l-lv renjionKihle fr it. Last v,r. wh.ii ut W.-t I'o'mt, lie drove r..uii.l in a rtlih " 1 "-a"'-' liim --ry time by wmply moing t. wan! hiiil wlwn li- iJ'Tll. A oon a . saw me he wl.ipi--t "P nd t'k a c M..iti,n tv.-ry tune. He w evi-.l.-i.tlv wry niiooinfitrlable. I"'ariiir that i mipht i-i-ak t him, or, i-rliaji, that wiMild eie him to the crown. 1 w-mild not like to harisir in that nli h" conscience?'" in v breast vm i. ... . Mk lo inform mo if t Kl VOU ! !" von an-corn-ctlv .pioted aW-ve or not. as ! Ibere ran I- nn'.piestion that I am the ! tllllile l.'ixm'tfll V. i V. D. Mann. - . an it ...ist:jt.n in sin.isisinciiiai : in, i tin .' ( 1.wt in ; r, ii... ,.,s.,n to w hom l aunt . corse f a conversation with Mr. rotbit, ho is. I upp. e. U.e auu.or t ; .i . ,vtii,n to w licit Vou n ier. ... r 1 .............. ,.-,..l,i.. the Mobile' ri.rtsset i r..r.l. in that coin,....icalion, l.tl. to, to , the daic'er in which I was involved, the nmnding snd killing of other, and your .in; r ..t ,.. -ntir I responsibility for that riot, and its terri ble ri-Milis, are sulistantially correct. I am. however rc.nsilile for the language i i used by the reporter of that interview. did not, as be represents, limit tlie uum-n-rf shots tired at me at sixty. They must have ex.t-eded a hundred, and I said that when the military authorites on the next morning examined the plas leivd wall in front of which I wasiesk- iiig. win n your creatures openitl fin-on me. thev found sixty-five tlistini-t bill It t marks an I seteral iibra.-ions, whii-h had. thev believed.Un made by bullets. I did not apply tlie term cutthroat and villain to you, as 1 am not in the habit of using such epithets. Hut looking buck through a visla of nearly twenty-one years, and contemplating the infamous means to which yon resorted to prxlut that riot, 1 f.td that if those epithets were ever de xcrvr.I bv u man, I might well have a j.li. d lliciii to you. You have not lieen quick, Colonel Mann, to dis.nwr the terrible t harai'ter of the charge yoit invited when, on the approach to Mobile of the late Henry Wil-.Pt:. of M.issjichusetts, nnd myself, Hot together, bill bv dilierei:l routes and ,n Mieci-sxiw thiys, neither knowing of .i ... ;,.', l,a,;i.. nt ti...!,..... von ii, il.e.-olniiinsoflhe Mo- bile 7Vm,f. the infiimoiis hhcet yon ow n- e.l, and rtHiiisibiKty for whose utter- ami you avowed in my parlor at the isitlle House hi the presence ol n-jiresen- tativesof the New York Ihmhl, Phila delphia l:iimr.-, and the Cincinnati f .,,!,,, announcing that two North ern agitators were coming to Mobile, and immediately advised the ienple of that city to treat them with indifference by ignoring them entirely. Those who knew the character tif your sheet and it wader tnlerprvted this paragraph as an invitation to personal violence, and in duced N'liator Wilson to leave Mobile without tl.-litering the address be had been invited to make. He left the city la-fore I arrived, and as I remained you determined to cllcct MV llsMi:T M! ssssN vtion. nnd in the Tiimv of the inoriting of the .lay n and which I was to speak misre piesent.sl in y nativity, and the faith which had characterized my am-estors from long In-fore the days w hen, in WA, they sailed up the IV-laware and settled ut Salenin, N. J. In an inflammatory paragraph you Ktid that, "though 1 was an apostate fn.ui my faith mid my party and a recreant to my country and my 4i.nl, yon licped the people of Mobile would imt serve me as the people of Hos toii had served an Irish Catholic deputy marshal whom they had found in the act f executing an order tif the 1'nited States Court by conducting a slave to its ow ncr, and w ho, in their w ild fury, they lore limb from limb on Huston common." Colonel William D. Mann, you are mis taken in supisising that the gentlemen w ho were in my r m whenyoa visited ine an- dead. Neatly twenty-one years have chiwed, but some of them live to lvar w itness that vou admituM the falsitv of the statement as to the Irish marshal ; that vou expressed regret that vou had inserted the inflammatory article, and that you promised to issue an extra edi tion containing a retraction of the state ment and expression of ycur regret. I re eat that you art- slow to feel the infamy tif this charge. You have lived quietly under it f' more than twenty years, and now, f,sr the first time, ask w ho is respon sible fr making known your agency in I'omentitjg that murderous rifli. On my way to Philadelphia, in accord ance with pre-existing engagements. I spoke at Montgomery, A!ii in 4 ieorgia. at several .in! in North Carolina, and at Danville, Ya without arousing any n-j..li.-c. thiHigh the address wasineaeh case substantially that which I was mak ing when your minions fired iin me, nti'l the thousands of nple w ho had as sembled to hear me. Ssm after my re turn home my constituents and fellow citixc n at large eathere.1 !,y thonsinds, with music and banners and blar.ine flambeaux, and rongrjtiilatetl me on my i tus-iiiiiigly miraculous i ti't riMU TiiK Mt uii:i:oi s mm you bad hissed upon me. Thej- came on the evening of June 17, lSi7. and what I aid to Iheiu in response to their address of congratulation was rcportej in the column of the Philadelphia luquirrr. The ojHMiining passage, of tliat address, as reirte,!, read as follows : My Prit-nds. Neighliurs, and Constitu ents: I a;n profoundly grateful for this demonstration of your affectionate inter est. I never knew how sacred that word home, 3 felicitously uttered by Mr. Pierson, was until during my recent ab sence front y...u, when cowering lefore In ire tli.iu a hail Ired bullets, or while my WK- was sli'u-Kkvl fnmi them by tli.we of two negro?, w!io j-rilel their i;..-t.. - mine. T wlized now d.-ar rreho.ue,kin.lr.d.ai.d fri.ti.ls. I It-fl I j you at the invil-tlo.. of the j Uumiana and the Mayor of .New Orleans I In viait that diwlimt Mate and city, hop- j ig that I might erve our ditra-teJ , country, anl eager to iew mi j -.,!rff our country, from mm, uy reason of hit love o jeronai liberty, I bad been so long excluded. I did not dream of danger. Others spoke of it, but I scoffed at the idea. I went bearing no hatred to any man, but believing that the truths w hich for the last eleven years I have been in the habit of proclaiming to you would be especially useful to the rjeot,le of that section. I gladly availed rovself of the opportunity of uttering them kindly and courteously in their , midst ; and, my friends, throughout mj ene(1 tJie p,iiaentVappetiteforthewitty extended excursion I was received with j rapins of the Southern protection all the kindness and conrteny the people j yiarnai were able to bertow n me, save in one ! U)e tinie of U)0 hVin., ho. city. I therefore beg you not to hargo ( cljtpr of ,he Tlltqra,h the murderous spirit of the Mobile mob , f Uie oul,,(1,.rMle to the southern people at laiye. Ap- of Von):rvfti took high ground plau. That outrage was due more thp pjj,,,-,, not g()in, to largely to Andrew Johnson, the rea.tion- YoWnn ,0 l(e lnarrielj nn,l ary President of the Tnite.! states, than ; f tll0 t.,livaln. of ,,e Chief even to the municipal authontes of Mo- i Ilit,-lHtrato was caljulatol.to irritate Mr. bile or the mob they fh..nM have held , ai.vl,luI1(, wll(inj ,l1(.rt.fre, the hum in subjection. The chief promoterof that 1)K 1r) a l tny at . AVhi,e murdewusri.it iik am resnt northerner j,,,,, 0 warlll uas aWiliti:ig w)K had been sent tint c.ty by the Pn- , . vhea 7;,(nl)( anivcl thl, Ment as assessor of inlenial n-venue. ..1. mu)c JV Hjth un tJiloriaI tho ,m.ri(!, Mann.fonnerlyof MK-hipin. o""" allll ',f t, tulo bread trav, i2 the Mobile 7W That pajrhad in ad- . me m X jt vance of my arrival, excited the passions . vala,(k. a, , cmil(i wi, ,ir.)rlM..tic foru. ,.rh ooiitnrrn neonie airainsi me. mm m an article on the day precee.ling ny ar rival every allegation, in which Colonel Mann admitted, in the present of two gentlemen now present, to le WIIOI.I.Y FU.-B M I NForviibO, bad influelieed the asion of the Irish citi'aens of Mobile against me. ilut not to detain you with the details of that sanguinary scene, let me my that the out break was provoked by no indiscreet word of mine. It had been planned lx fore I went to the meeting, if not lief.vre I arrived in Mobile; and the man iin mediatelv lehind me would have lieen " . . , H"t u.roupn ,..e .!, us -a,, and another not five f.-et from me would have IM-ll iniiiuriri, n " I preconcerted signal, hud I been reading j " 1.a l.t.ana, ,.- tli.. 1 Jifl IVilVIT 1 Ulll ; 111," ' .... .-.... - - - - '".- told it Ims la-en snwriiiglv tsaid that II'" g.t under a table. I have never lKn a 1 -o . ,.. . ......... . .... . ...... an. ami ,i,,' irt,. ''- , - when bullets were whizzing and patt.-r- ing agHins. .he wall behind ie I would j hare thanked Almighty io-l for a bill- i M-nmof table under which to creep. iet-prot)i moir titi.ier nn ii e i"-,-i. i The paper containing that address w as j i ! .... .i -. . r r . 1 mailel ui you ana oiner citizens ot .rns . bile, but, more than than this, the Un-. in lie-publican Congressional Kxecutive Committee published it, together with those I had made in New Orleans and ; Montgomery, Ala, in a pamphlet enti tled The South, Its KesourecM and Wants." Of this pamphlet more than l'tti.Oi hi copies nere distributed, and in my anxiety to vindicate the .Southern ja-ople from the susyicion of the crime vou had loiueiitetl. this pamphlet was widely distributed thn.nghout the conn- recovered sutliciently to give assuram tryaiid was mailed to you. Hut again, I that the Colonel limar he was rtH-oin-when, 17(1, IlenryiCarcy Haird A l',i., of j mending was nat the editor of the 7)1. Philadelphia, published a volume of my j .'r', but Colonel I.. M. Lamar, a meiii spetfhs, letters, ami addresses, this pam- j l'r of the ieirgia Legislature, w ho had phlet made part of its contents, and thus j most gallant record as a soldier. The found further circulation. i explanation prove! satisfactory, and Col. I hoi that my reply to your questiou L. M. Utmaris now Marshal of theSnith will prove sat isfacb iry to the w hiloui j ern Distrii of (ieorgia. proprietor and editor of the Mobile j Timm. Wll.UAM D. Kku.kv Some Fighting Quakers. Mmir atns-dohst of 1 lie earlv Oilakirs -sr. ,.-.rw.d in I 'hibnl.-l i ibi:i to show i 1 1 I how even under Pcnn's rule the impulses of human nature struggled against their I ,.r .1,.,.. ..i 1 . f.. -.,ril ... ..f uuaker fat.ii- ' j i(s served in the llevolutioiuiry Army and in the navy of IslJ, and wore on the j fit-Ids ttieir broad-brimmed hatsandshad- i la-Iued oats It is said that one f tl.est- voung ' " l ighting (inakors.- Its they were called, met liis father on the street on i.is return j home. The old mail laid his hand re- i bukinglv on his B,-.ir arm, saving: "The wool iu that coat was sheared : from my sheep and woven in thine own mother's loom, yet then- is 1,1. sal on it r "And the blood is thy blood," lsil.lly replied the young man. If thou liadst lieen 20 instead of CO, thou, too. wonldst have fought under Washington Zaehariah!" siammered the old man, j It may be ho, iu-Imriali Thou hii.lst U'tUT p into thy A wcll-UnoM n rfory is that of a .'rii'tnl Taiiti was in a Kailiiiff v ' 1 lvarlc.l by a !ritisb n ping of 1S12. Ht psuxnl the deck with fuMetl anus during tbo fipht. until be saw one of the assailants climb ing on deck by means of a cable. Friend, dwt tlnm want the rie?he Raid, calmly.bum ing up, knife in bund Tl... el. .1. !...- :i i... : t-i.- n..i. ..... I1C llH, u. iC man dnippcl into the sea. A In-tter authenticated story is tif a grave old Quaker, two of whose sonswent into the late civil war w i.hout liisknowl- edge. The youngest son was fired, as was almost every other young man at tint time from Maine to Plorida, with the wish to give his life for the cause which lie U-lieved just. lie. had accept- ed a commission, but he did not w ish to go without obtaining his father's con- sent. He took occasion to make his pre para- tions rather ostentatiously in liis fat lier"s J sigtit. laid out his olhcer's uniform, and i trie,! to attract ti Mention, but all in vain. As a last resort he seated himself in the room where the old man was pacing up and down and U-gan to iolish liis s a ord. His father watched him, with a face growing wtler, and w ith dim eves. At last he went up to the young man and said. quietly : " Samuel, if thee thinks thou must use one of tlue tools, buy the best, and I w ill pay for it, Samuel." - - - . - .. I liave not used all tif one bottle yet. I suffered from catarrh for twelve years, cxjiericncing the nauseating dropping in Uie throat ieeuhar to that disease, and nose bleed almost daily. I tried various remedies without Is-tielit until last April, when I saw Kly's Cream I'.alin n.lvertis- I ed in the lsiston 7'.t.,;,f. I pnM-urtsl.a 1 Istle, and since the first dav's use have had no more bleeding the soreness is entirely gone. D. i. Davidson, w illi the 1!.. f, ..j.j r , ... """"'". 'omieny w ,, i,,e iton , jtmrtmi. Tombstones for Soldier. The I'niti-d States government has ad vertised for .1.000 American while marble headstone. Congress, on March HO made an appropriation of i?JO.ouo to pay for them. The headstones w ill lie used for the unmarked graves of I'nion soldiers, sailors and marines in various parts of the countrr. He ate green cticum Iters ; They made him qite sick ; Rut he took a few Pellets" That cured him right quick. An easier physic You never will find Than Pierce s guiall " Pellets," The Purgative kind. Small but precious. 3,; .( T riaL WHY GROVER WAS MAD. A Wedding Cift prom Georgia That Aroused Hls Iro. Frm Iuc St.w yori, Trl'mn-. viien the Tn!-i,Vnt wa murriel a j pnMnta wmvM by express al me White House from the Macon ((iai 7Vlr- yri)Jt. It was an enormous tupeio bread trav. It was a Democratic present from a Democratic newspaper. The TclryrafJi at that time-had as its editor Colonel A. R. Lamar, a favorite cousin of the then Secretary of the Interior, the Hon. L. Q, C. Lamar. For this reason the Tdtfrrapli was one of the papers which the Presi dent saw frequently. That it often con tained stinging and brilliant ragraphs agajngt the Administration rather sharp- sijlht, the useless tray was at once return ed the d-nor. Sulwequently the tray was dis;nsfsl t.f at a tit-orpin state fir as a premium for the U'st homemade bread. Some time after the bread-tray inci dent a delegation consist i ng of Judge Crisp, M. C, of (ieorgia; Senator Col quitt, and Captain Kvau Howell, editor-in-chief of th! Atlanta tut!luliitn, called tm the President to recoiuinr.-iid a gentle man to lie 1'niteti states Marshal lor the Southern District of tieoryia., After the visitors had given their reason tortlie re moval of the inenmlient, they mid that they had called in the interest of a gen tleman w hose apimiiitiiieiit would be en tirely ai.wj.table to theiieojdeof t ieorgia, and hose iiaine was I.amar. Instantly the Iiaine passed the lijis of the spokes- Mr. Cleveland brought his fist j I down on his desk with violence, at the : Kline time saying with profane emphasis 1),.lIjfc(M, lirst No, sir; no, s:r;imt il every man, woman am old in t ieorgia came liere anil asked me to apxinl mat iciiow to j an ollice, woiii.i l give mm xne meaiusi place idace in niv irift. Whv. sir. that man ..nwl. ,,iunll..l ,nw us uu u. M I li.V'i- - - land by sending an old w.iodcn bread tray hero as a wtsl.ltng present, and then asserting in tlie per that it was l.t l..r a cradle." These remarks were intei larded w ith bluish flashes that gave evidence of the . President's ltelief in the Christian relig- ion and especially the doctrine of eternal damnation. SenatorColquitt wasso taken i aback at the President's outburst of in- that he almost fainted. He .."" j This reminds me ! u'siiit tieneral "Hen'' .f the story told I-efcvre, tif Ohio. The general had la-en taking a bath in one of the marble tubs in the House bath-r.oiii, attended by a colored man. ..-..I ...I II... 1. 1 1 .... I nun s.vnic.1 soiiir., ocsii or.iMies into Turkish towels, v. hen a messenger came to the d.sir and announced that some V"tlemen wished toseeien U-fevre. 'Shall I bring them down here?" ask- ed '.be messetiger; "tbey's in a powerful hurry." "Are they const it ucnls of mine'."' ask- j "' vr--,s "p SUT1H"1 "M-iau ' " 1 'Y,'S' 1 l'l'ves they is," was the nl"-- "well, keep them out of here," tx- '"i'd he (iener.il, excitedly. -If my people found out that I bathe in a marble tub and am rubbed down by an attend- j ant instead of going dow n to the creek i : and drying myself w ith my shirt, it would j lose me a thousand voles!" In some quarters Melville W. Puller, i who ha jat Wn nominated for Chief ! .. unit v vn un ''I'-' i" -ifi4inn iiift mi , eu Mates, is rear.ie.l asu stirewu lawyer rather than a profound one, and tnanv ' instances of liis adniitness are cititl. It . i is said that one of his earliest exhibitions tif cleverness which brought him fame was the defense of several Pobtnders charged with murder. Puller succeeded in pelting them separate trials, nnd then defended them one after another. It was : , ....... 1 ,1.... ,1 i. ... , ...v UIUUKUI t" i ; lie l.-ast piilty was tried first. The trial i was a lon; one, but Puller ultimately tri- j nniphed and secured nit acijuittal. The ! ! other cases were ut nee called, w hen to i i the amazement of every one, Puller in-I t induced in their behalf a full confession i ! of the crime by the one who had just j i been acquitted. With circumstantial le- ' tail the criminal told of the murder, j making it plain beyond question that he was the guilty party. He could not lie j tried again, as the law provided that a i man could not be put twice in jeopardy ' for the same crime. At the same time the j confession cleared all the other defend- ! ants. Dairies in the Northwest The movement toward dairying in Da- kota is said to lie phenomenal. !teiorts ' of the organization of creameries, and j here and then.- a cheese factory come i from all quarters. Minnesota, also, is j n T uw omi"? a P11 "' Iros,rous ia,ry K,!lt0' j . "" Evangelist M.mn'.v is now in I.ca.lvilie, j endeavoring to inject some religion into j that w it ked city, I . Hood's Sarsaparilla 'Vmiliines. In a manner peculiar to Itself, the IK-st WiHirl-punfj-.iiit and stn iiilieirla? reme dies i tlie vrgrtalilc UuiMom. Vou u ill ttv.A tin wonderful remedy ctt.-ct vc when- oilier nH-dk-in.-s bat e VM.iL Try it a. It wiil l-nrlljr your Moo.1. retnilato tl:c digestion, and eive ww life and l igr 10 the emir ImxIt. "II.hhI's S.irsaiarilla did ine frc.it pl. I wa tirtsl out f rom ov,-r.n-k. and it tmtr-d iMeiip." Mus i;. E. !rwMos, r..l.,-., N. V. " 1 ii!tfred three year f nm hlosl .i..iu I t.s HomI's S.-irsnp.irilta and think I am cured." Mint. M. J. Iiavis, llrockr-irt. N. V. 1'urificH the JiJood llood't SarsapariUa U chararter;zl t y three peruiuritie : 1st. the mmUmrtiun rf remedial agent ; Sd, the proportion ; 3d, the praenw of securing the active medk-iual qiuiltic. ThereMilttsamediriiieof nnuxual strenKth, cltertliig ciire liithrrto unknown, hend lor book couulnuig additional evidecre. Hiwd Kjrifiiiarilla tones tip niv HTsle.n, purities my Mood, aiiarrs-u m anti-tiie. and seeina to make me oter." 4. V. l uom--i., Kegiktcr ol Ueed, Lowell. Mass. " Hood'a 8ananarilla bat all other, and 1. m-r:nh mi..i., ... ..L r i- ...... . 1 -" .. ........ K..r.. . 1 ., m 1 IHIVfc 1 IM lUuk Suvel, iiew Vork City. Hood's -Sarsaparilla Sold by ill irurt.n. ft ; (ix for $S. Made only by C L IKKD 4 CU, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar. SOME DOCTORS 1i..t ::iIt a -'iuit lit Uht can't rare ' Uiif iciliuw and -Nruralai. Mlier rr Ui.y raw l.tu il.n'l. Aih-l-i.tn-ru, ny iHliit; h ii car 'i'te i (Utf Tt "f it aim. Iris i trial Uxra proved il to be a ittl:t :r'ci!rr. . H ,S.t . vr fp Lv-l Tt ri tbi- lmlir ;,fltU twin ra.-i,..w w i" vtu Hh 'Ul evi'h le!lMiTy i-iirt. i rw-rniwiidat oa Kit" if !" tai.'w l tl nuil w tn tw" rk! a.Uiif.1 lur . C. H. twos Dnbttqu. Jsn.S. I-. At hint w b m M Hrtrt v rnr " wr.--.i- rnxl i l 'i uuuklui for .1 tluo.l u hi m. MmUM-llCJlut. W St a4 rcnU for ! buHi'ifiU colored plo- larv, Moorish Mai-n." THE ATHLOPHOflOS CO. V2 Wall St. M.1. Horsemen, Attention I DDnpUnC I LUIULIIUO . ; Bronchos for Sale. I have f.irniic fiinil.'Hl V 1"' Iin't "f Mexlmn Kt.m.-li-K flnsl In it nn Ktan Allen, from lull -IiIoinI SuiiIi autre,. Hit-y an- lil.K-kv iu siw. wuh h. Hvy rwiic ainl tnils, of pwnl action toi'l niiKtlv ituvs in ,-,,Uff. Krom filv l.l litly .4' Ihr 1J im- nwri-iu f-n. llin, u,ls years old ikI tu ish.iic fnnii ". M '' tniul. Tla-M- h.,r ,au l- t-ii at thr irtir! W in. Ilny. K- mile ti.,nh "t K. l'"l."ii ait't after May l-Vs-1. tn Klfl lts-t m n.-r. or a line leant ,,f drivers. Ttniw verv n-a-sM.iil.lc M. H. HARTZELL, niarjl.tl'. K.-kt. -li,l,lili-tl l-."(. JOS. II0RNC&C0., f ITTSBUG, f A. j WV an- non :ii:is .rin; lii;irt:iti.n of .lir tr.l. liiu, k silk-, tulonst -Ul. India silk-,, vel- i vets, l.lavi tirt g'KI-. shawl-. LtdUV wraj., i fn-ii- li satin.-; and wot. h :iiiKhan, n..u'ry. Ifloves. cinl.roi.Uri.a, laii-s, UiMe linens, honsi k.v).i!i; 'fcrli. la.v curtain", and ilraueries, rii lin, millim ry, ladiiV iiierino underweur. nuts- tin .m l. iw-i.r. .ln- trimminir, Uillunx, 4'-Ae. AL-" urn's uii'i.-rwuar, inM-kwinr, fine white khins lialf Ihi-e. hrndk'-n-hi.'f-. unitirvibts &e. ur fi-nlim p.l. are iiiirteit dinTtly froin tit- tiiaiHifi.i'tiir." in F.unii. and all American .wid. are ptm-liaH-d fnsn llio liytnlifai-tim'n lln--t. tVc an- !h.i ennh'.t-l to (minute with any h.me in tlie country in the matter of jiri.-os. We rarry the lurp-t a-wortna-nt of (roodi! in all ili'isiriaicnt-. to f!in'i in any e-taliU-hmciit in WiMeru IVmwhania. V. lien yon riane to the city, lake a l,ik thnaigh .air M.in, whi'tiK-r joii ttaiit to laiy or na. All d.-irtin-niA are now tockeil f,a the Hrfiii2 malt1. t inlets by .inaii receive i-areful and pnimpt at-U-ntion. JOS. HORSE & GO'S Penn Avenue Stores. Pittsburgh. ortviy Pa. ERRINE'S puhe BARLEY MALT FOR Malaria AND i?J tv""' iSSfS T:xn.v wn. : I Mil I Urv I 1 1 II X t 4" rI3r In Norili .'aro- VWMi'ff lnirlli-:--siall ni: s.iky tiuW ml tiw. i lie ronslariC de n.aiKl for ymir t-.al-le re jiraiin .ei'.;iat tht tar-t- dttplu-ate f my lftit onlr. Thvis- us lr I'crrlne'R Fur JiHrl.y Malt pro- Itiumn remedy ftr Miliaria and Indlgvs- tl'IL' I 4 A V .Ul-'.J.:! nvrcH THE LABEL. It will rsrileat from Ui arstem mil tba fbmut j of Malaria. IHBF4TIOXS. Take Part of a Wlne lassf.il Three Tlmr a Dm.?. '.,r sale bv all Drnirett thrraishont th Cni"d tai. and (fcUbdiL uu gt-uuiae uulMa tHMnaif aigQalurvof S. A J. S. PERRINEf ' TS.r.T.fl,T.. 7 . miiM T. Ft,llaH-liloa. l-- f ATA R H R . Prof. C. H. Cook. Prin- boiiHT-rt. IIMOIIY. I'M.. WlVs of ATT K K st KK.MKl'V it (At-iKkh : "His t:it I --it iMttliutor for Ci- tniTh I cr iri'tl. Il i tin UM ratarrh cun I firinci It is tin iiuj t him I it"ii,4 ti iwuf ainUiinc T vwr trif-l. If any n iit (f mhi KhfHiltl nid thix. 1 wi-h him Unmhttjiiitl tlml I Ntywilhall Mii'vhiy OuU I in n-uiiiii1l with Mr. I. M. t.niv. .ni- ..f tin .n,.rir-tiKN of Nature's Remtdy for Ctlarrtt. lit- is un u-ihht. JirtHtrM! trt iiticnmtt. uii'l nKiii-ii is tiif U1 catarrh r.-iti'i!y tlixt ran lv foiiiiti. It has -url me. mii. 1 tallow it Mill riirrttnv titmhi utleriiu: frum Il isiii'i im i,ui.i;ii .mi iiiitii-rs. ji iim w w-ih liy nmil : priit- ?1. kvury iKtekum-.-ontninsa full qiiiirler t.uiti'l of ini-ili.-ine. s.-ml Iim- our t..kliinsi.:t jii..ientiil,-l --How tociireCiiturrh." Ad,in . M. l,KAY4.t.O.,lUSH,hrJltllA!..Vi cocmv. Vx. C ALESME M O WANTED, l Pitshinc. rt'liatit men to i-hiiviimi for ,l'H SFHY S T'H'k. I'ennuueiii emiiloviti.-ut ituanin- '."ft u?ih lm'r )'KVpiy 3loEN BROTH ERS. Rochester, N. Y. I ROSE E CLEVELAND, Si7 I President Cleveland. "Social Mirror: Or, Moral and Social Culture." I- the title of the irruiid new book intrrxluced by !: ClevclHiii. Jn4-mt. an uiirmralU'itl mic j v, roMiM-lv illulrulNl. Hith elet-imt litho j Itrapli plalcof MISS CLEV EEL. AN D. The j wurk i a enrtiplrte ttTiiiiw on "Moral ami Ax-inl i uliMre. true MuuliiHwi and Wnnmtinuuti.'' The iiiitlierh iii!lume. IV piitieni uitli the bova, K-p yoiir Uiiirhi't rt'-ar vm. Home iH'antiliil, K!mly iroveriuiH-iit. The art of coi-vernation. the a kuarti anl hy. A rrMither's cini. Ktipiette in all it? hmiieh. Ac. Ae. lis mehanical execu tion l mi'4irfntfti. making it the iiansihoMnmt wih-cri)tim Ut..k ever puUti-h(f. Tin illuMra tion are Uie tlnmt, taaile by (ieciaJ artisti. AGENTS WANTED Kvcn wherr. Thi.- suet-, of workliu; a-nts is sotm-lliinir reraartalile. N'im.- lit liv. etierm-tle m.-ii und woiiu-u umiUisI on this work. H e jfimr-nniit-1:., i i wive tf.kkitokv. Agi-ntii ut work are milking front frt to 91.1 n-r dsv. W rit itt nU'-v fur iliutni.-ii circular ho.1 terms and nmne your choice of IciTitor)-. urtosectin? it iu&tHii. svimI tl lor enmplete aenti. otltltt. hii-li Ik-furu anlvil i,y return mail. wt paiU. LilH-rat t,rm ffiiarniiiecl. Address J. U uei:iikkt rrnusitixii no., SIT und '.il-Mllive St.. ST. l.dfis. Mu. c lol'KT PlItH LAMATIO.N". Wlttrnvtn Thj lT..nnl.U U'lrti.wa 1 T . ......... . . . e-o..,uliil . ii.i.i n . ii.r.r ! rnKukiii Junior theMevcraH ourp 4 ftnmotr J Pica rf" tin vcral itnitui etrUiTMiu' Ui PUh Jtt-Heial liirit. and Jtifitci f tiir Court of Ker I ainl '.eniiinrraii.i licuifH. Jaail liHlivurv ih trial ol all eapitn) anl other olVcii-lcni hi the aid l:Mrit. aixl sami ri. Walk F.Rantl Oi.tVKK K Hiia vi a, r('t . Jtiitof the 1 4Kinrf'iiiiiii(m I'lraa wliu Ju-itecp f the ftriirHMtrttrcr anl Tanntiier an-, .ii.-rul Jail lrlivfy for the trial of all capi tal ati1 1 t her oilt-inicn. in the tUiunty f S4niert have their preivt. ami Ut me rtiretert, f-r holtlia a Court ol'i'riittuoii I'lea and tn-tteral Qitirtr cxrw-ioii ff the IVaee and licnerul Jail It livcry, ati'l iVairu or iyer mud Terminer at soineNet, on . MONDAY, MAY. 2S, 1S88. N.rTicK h. h-n-hy civen to all the JiMieex of the IViu-e. Uie t;.4oii,-r and t'otnqaMffl within the aid t'oiintyof Somerset, tliat thev he then and there in their proM-r s,ns w hh their rolls, ree .rd. iniiiiltioaA, examnmti.ms and otiier re-nii'mhrani-es. to.lo tliwe thinit which to Iheir olhi and In tliat behalf apis-nain to be done, and alo they who sill imweente atraint the pris oner, that are or ahali he in the jail (( Some net tkstnty. t he then and there to prosecute agaiuat them I," .hall Ju4. 8herltr.Ofl.ca, 1 B. ft. McJ.ILI.fcS. May 4, 'NS f SherttT. The Cheapest and Best JOB WORK At the Herald Office. BRONCHOS ! r Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is lieyoml question the most a uc cesaful Cough Mexlicine we have ever sold, a few iloscs invariably cure the worst rases of Cough, Croup, and Bron chitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption is without a par allel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it baa been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medi cine can stand. If yon have a cough we earnestly ark you to try it Price 10 cents, SO cents, and $ 1.00. If yoor lungs are sore, Chest or Back lame, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Sold by George W. Benford 4 Son. A School Teacher's Heroism. Miss Mollie Green is the heroine of a story which comes from Perry county, Tennessee, where she teaches in a country school. One day, a correspondent relates the children were busy w ith their lessons, w hen a shaggy dog, foamingat the mouth, snapping and biting, dashed in at the door and made toward one of the little j ones.' The brave woman sprang be I tween them and the intruder,, told them it was a mad dog. She then kicked at l it, her skirts protecting her, and, by the aid tif a heavy ruler, kept it at bay until all the children had fled. The infuriated anilmlj repeatedly sprang at her thmat, but she was too agile to be caught, and resolutely held her ground. When all the little ones were gone she desperately fought oft" the dog until she reached the door, which she pullet! ti after her, and fell fainting outside. The children hud in the meantime run to the nearest houses, an eighth of a mile distant, and given the alarm. Two men came up and after reviving the teacher, killed the dog. The animal had been terrorising the neighWhood for two days. The grateful parents of the children took up a subscription and gave the young lady u fine saddle horse. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Shiloh's Catarrh Hemedy, a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and Headache. With each bot tle there is an ingenious Nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints w ithout extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by George W. Ben ford & Son. An Honest Judge. A Texas man met a friend from the country on the street. " How do you come on?" exclaimed the former. " When I last heard of you you had a lawsuit on hand with Tom Smith aliout a fine horse- How did that end?" "I won it. I completely got away w ith Tom. You see the justice was the most honest man in the world, sol wrote him a note asking him to accept the in closed $o bill." "I should think the judge would have ruled against you for trying to bribe him." " So he w ould if I had not been care fill to sign Tom Smith's name instead of my ow n. I tell you there are several ways of killing a dog other than choking him to death with liver. Texat Sifting: Answer This Question. Why do so many jieople we see around us seem to prefer to stiller and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Coming np of the Pots!, Yellow Skin, w lien for 73 cents we w ill sell them Shiloh's System Yitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Geo. W. Henford .v Son. . . . - He Was Reflecting. A man stood waiting on the corner of Woodward avenue and Sproat street yes terday when a grocer's wagon came np and the driver delivered some goods at a house. While he was gone the 'horse ttiok fright and started off, and when he rameout and looked all around he asked of the lounger : I you see my rig?" I saw yon drive up here !" " Pait the horse and wagon are gone." " Yes." " I 'id they run away? " "I am not sure, but I think they did." " Didn't yon see 'em go?" " Why, yes, I gnpjiose so." " And yon made no effort to stop the I horse?" " I don't remember that I did." " Well you are a mighty mean man ! " "Am I ? Don't do me an injustice, sir. Pact is, I was buried in reflection, and didn't take notice of anything. Man back here offered mo thirty cents to bring in a ton of coal, and I was figuring ou how I could sublet the job and make n quarter of it. Sorry, Bir but we all have our reflective moments." iMroit Some Foolish People All ,w a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They of ten say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they bj induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50 cents and $1. Trial tizet free. At all Dm-gisU. Why Laura Lost Her Beau. Laura once had an affluent beau, Who called twii-e a fortnight, or so, Now she sits, Sunday eve, All lonely to grieve, Oh where is her recreant beau, And why did he leave Laura so? Why he saw that Laura was a languish ing, delicate girl, subject to sick head aches, sensitive nerves and uncertain temjicrs; and knowing w hat a life-long trial is a sickly, fretful wife, he transferr ed his attentions to her cheerfnl, healthy cousin, Ellen. The secret is that Laura's health and strength are sapped by chron ic weakness, peculiar to her sex, w hich I'.llen averts and avoids by the use of Ir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This is the only remedy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments, sold by drug gists under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfac tion in every case or money will ls re funded. See guarantee on the lsittlo wrapp-r. The Homeliest Man In Somerset, as well as the handsomest and others, arc invited to call on any druggist and get nt a trial bottle of Kemp's Palsam for the Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to tnre and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, P.ronchitis and Consumption. Price 50 cents and f l. There are .1, -100,000,000 people living on the planet which we inhabit. And yet there is now and then a man w ho won ders what the rest of mi w ill do w hen he dies. A Thousand Dollars Each Was the price demanded by a skillful dentist to part w sth a magniticent set of teeth. Many people part with their teeth for nothing, because they neglect to care for them. Minot's Dentifrice price - cents insures beautiful teeth healthy gums. (tambountT For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. 5 iW.-4-if''?. &tx i ir N-aa.. ' ' . J-raeeajrP W ,iik It HEVER OLD HONESTY TOBACCO WILL SOOl FliND JHjAT IJ LASTS LOj-lGE!, TAG JE5 SWEETER TrA(S 0JrE(; TO BACCOS, AKD UILL pLEASE yoi. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, AND INSIST ON CETTINC IT fZRy pLlic EJAi-JOED LIlE aboe cJt. ARBUCKLES' name on a package ot COFFEE is a guarantee of excellence. a package ot COF 3 of excellence. ARIOSA is kept in all m the Atlantic to tl COFFEE is kept in all nrrt-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific COFFEE is nerer ftooA -when exposed o the air. Always buy th's brand inheraietically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. Tor full Information of the route, where to ob tain Uovernment linds. Maps, Etc., Addrea A. M. BRAVKE.RWGE, Central Passenger Agent, Corner 7th Ave. and SmithHeld Streeta, Pittsburth. ra. Oils! Oils! The Randan! (i! r.impanr. of Pittsbiirjrh, Ta.t maket m vwmltr of mat i u fort 11 r in ft: fur lh lNtmcinic trade tbe tintfut braudft of Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Naphtha and Gasoline, That can be made from retrolenm. We challenge comparison with every known PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM. If you wixh the most uniformly Satisfactory Oils IX THE .American iMarket, Ask for ours. Trade for Somerset and vicinity supplied by ((fK St J1EKRITS and tHiMKKSET, PA. wppt-'HT-lyr. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVE M1YS UMimT. EIGHTEEN SIZES Al KINDS. ill Futtaerc m be IM ! MAXVFACTWED Br L 1 KM & 0.1111 HI ASD FOB SALE UY R. B. Scliell & Co., SOMERSET. PA. I I.K Til ACCEIT OR REFl'SE. To John Man nr. residing in Johntown, Cam bria County, l'a. : . You are h.-reby not I lied tu apiiear at an Or phan i ourt 4) he held at Simeret on Monday, the -SKb day of May, next, lo act-ei or refue to take th real ftatu of I mac AnLeny. deeeacd, of Jenner Tov iuhip. ttonienwt iiily, peuu a., at tbe appralM-.l valuation, or show caune why the mine ahouM not be wild. Hherirawmej. I K. 8. McMILI.EX. Uouieraet, April IS, 'SS. slienrT. atatcof Ina ftnifliorr. dereawl, late of Koek wood !d rourli. Somenet Co. l'a. Lettem of administration on the above estate having- been erHiite.1 to the nndemimed bv the pner authority, notice is hereby riven to ail tier mmn liidebte.1 to said etaU, to make itumediate payment, and th,n-e bavitur .-iftim. aaainKt, tuc aame to prwent th,'m duly aiitheutiraied f act tlement on balnplav, the ltlth day of Mar. at the late reaideBce of deceased In Koekwood BocTugb. JACOB PHII.LtPn. . AdmiuburaUir, I limpt. l-raaesFajBal HEME TOfilC. Celery and Coca. th prominent In areiiieDtm an the hret and safest Nerve Twin. It strengthen! and quiets the uerrous system, curing . Kerrow W'eakaea, liratena, feieep IrMneaa. &e. MM ALTERATIVE. It drive not tbe potaonota nntnonof the biood purifying and enrlchUw It, and ao overoomiii tnoa diaeaaea reaultin ft-um In. (hit ot bnpover. Jibed biood. LAXATIVE. Acting mildly but torelyon thebowe'j it core habitual conMipation, and promotesatvgularbabit. Uurength n tbe (tomacb, and aldi dlgewlon. DIURETIC. In tt errmrosltlon the best tad rant active diurctioof the Materia Medio, are combined rtentiflcaHy with other fleetly retnedlea for diaeaie of Ut kldneya. jt can M teuea on 10 aw quick relief and arwedy cure. Jaadidoftlwniitliliwli iialn .fnapMoa. wuoiu wd Un. iwmoj '.ti (ataraabtebeuaat. aMlteciloaiaa,ctuc tall inrtlT-ritT Ma U N. taU Vf DntflaU: WEUS, RICHARDSON A CO, Prop1 BUKLUIOToa. VT. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BALTIMORE Jk OHIO RAILH0AD. SOlfERSET A CAMBRIA BRAXCH. IHSTANCE AND FAKE. Miles. Fare. Somcmet to Stoystown Ui 40 fiotnenet to Hooveraville 17 50 Somereet Ui Bethel 10 Somerset to JohnMovrn . 36 I 10 Somerset to Bockwood..: Somerset to liarrett IS 60 Somerset to Meyt-nslale 21 TO Somerset to Cumberland...... M 2 00 Somerset to Washington - 210 5ft Somenet to Baltimore 'JbO 1 50 Somerset to t-'reina . .- 24 HO Somerset to Confluence..... 26 90 gomernet lo C'tinueUsviHe 62 1 SO Somenet to fituhurgh. 110 S 40 The farn to Philadelphia is tS.H, and to New York, .1UM. Summer Arrangement--In flecl Apr. 29, t. X0RTII-BOIXD TRAIXS. JOHNSTOWN EXPRESS Xo. 91. t Arritfi. Johnstown.. 725 a m Rorktroo.1. 6:: HOMKKhET.- tieiger . lY.'iy huivnuiwn 6:21 llooveniville. :.2 Hetiiel C Iti MAIL-No. 93. Arrive?. Johmtoau.... 1:15 Pittshtirgh-... :) m KotkKood 11:11 a in Miitord ll:u!a ui Someri.-t ll:4-f tu Slovhtown 12:11 p in liiM,ver!iviUe.l2:22 p in lk-lhel 12::k p m Pawcngera from I'ittuhurgh change cam for poiuu ou the Soiuer-el it Cambria at Koekwood. SOMERSET AC-COMMODATIOS-No. K. t Lrmt. I Arrim. Baltimore 10:0 a tn SOMERSET .5:3 p m PittnlKirxh ...... ::i p m Kockw.Axl .. 5-15 p m I Milford 5:27 p m J-atvengcn. for Somerset from the cast and treat on Uie l'utitburfh Diviniou, change can at Koek wood. SOUTII-BOUXD TRAIXS. BALTIMORE MAIL-No. 92. t Lrava Arrim Johnstown.. 7:fi0 a m RorkwcHHl 9:45 a m bethel P:2:t a iu I t'linibertaltd lnio p m llooven,villeM h:.t a in 1 VVayhingtou. 5:15 p m sti,yKtown.. H::,itni Itaittinure 6:15 p m trtiger 9.15 am 1 Pituburgh 2MU p ui StiMKRSET 9:21 a lu Mi tloni a m Passenger, for poiiiut eart and west change cant , at Koc-knood. AfXXIMMODATlON No. 94. Isarr Johnstown 3.-00 p m Bethel 3:.C1 pax lloorerwtlle... S'4H p m Moytown J p in tieiger . 4r25 p m Somkrhkt 4::l m Miitord .......4:42 p in rri ref Koekwood 4:45 p m I 'timheriand ... 7:U5 p m Pittsburgh ::) P m Wahuigiou. 7:20 am llaltimore - b -'u a in Pawengeri for eaatan.l went change ran at Rot-kMuod. RtlCKWOOD ACt-OMMOHATIOX No. 96. f Leafa I Arritrn SuMr.Bf et 5:i5 p ni Koekwood 6:(r p m Milford... ':: j. m Pawngers leaving on this train can make con nection at Ko. kwooil with night Ex pres. train eat and weU Daily, t Peily except Sunday. BALTIMORE .1- OHIO RAILROAD.- r limn man m vmox. EAST-BOCXD TRAIXS. YHtih. 4c Traint Isnrt OtmOrrTit tx. Mail. Rrpmt. I'itL-l.uriih l:m r. M. K...I a. m. 9:20 r. H. ltru.l.l.H-k 1:2a " -:2I M-KeesK,rt ,s.:il " West iSi-u loll 2:2:1 " - 10 25 - itroad Kord 3 20 " " t.mnellsvllle :'. " 915 " ll ju Ohio l-yle t irj " 10:19 Coiitltieui-c 4:::i ' lo::(7 J2:Lia.jf. I rsina 4::i, " 10-42 t'asM-lman 5:01 - ll:i'2 - Koekw.Kul 5:1.1 11.11 " 12:50 " tiarretl 5-27 " ll:Jt Sniishiiry June. 5.:fci ' 1 1 ::; Meyenuiaie 5.;s " ll::t5 1:15 - Keystone 5:45 11J2F. H . Sand Patch 6:50 " ll: l! " 1.25 Southampton i14 " " Kairhope 0: - 12:17 ' Hymliuan 6::i " 12:2. " tlimberland 7.-H5 " l:tJ " 2:4-5 " Washington 5:15 ' 7.21) - Baliiiuore (arrive) 6:15 " m.jo " IVE-sT-BOUXP JRA IXS. Vnbmt'n Tmin Letttt VutnbrrCtl Ac. Mail, K'prrn. Bahiraore a. m. 10-00 a. m. H-i5r. Jt. Wii.-hiiiirii.n 10.V .- (Mitntterlumt tu) M 3-i" p. . a- Hymlmuu " 3-:i7 " 2-10 11 Fair hop sV ' ii-iil ' Sunt ham pton H-.V ShihI FaicU y-pj --j7 afT' Keystone E 4-:;i MfVfrwiiilc ;v.T"" Saltiury June. 4-w " arrvtt -40 .-4 K4M kwood -V mo t 5-45 4 aAehnuiu lIMi'i " t' retina lo-:y r-:t7 i'i.i " Contiuenre lo-;: 4-is obio lytf ' ,.7 4-:v " nnelWnie n-.'jO .vi.s HrfMid Konl 11-53 " i-4 West Newion 1-'-4."p. m. 7i! " jr " M K ee rt - '4 7-, ' r-:ft " BraddiN'k l-an Ar. i'ittsbuixh 2-00 ' S-;W 44 i'-'lb" The time given is Eastern Standan Time.) Mail Trains connect at Rockwood with trains to and from Somerset and Johnstown, at ilvnd man with trains to and fnm liedford, at (iarrett w ith trains to and rrom herlin. at Salisbury Junc tion with trains to and from Salisbury. All Traint Stop for PoMenijmwhert TimritGitm. W. M. CT.EMKNTS. Manager. f'HAjl. o. MI LL, k-n. Paw. Ag'C PITTSBURGH PA. SOLE-LEATHER-COUNTER-WILL-MOT- RUN-OVERALL-SCLIC-LEATHER-EVERY- PAIR v.'AF.RANTCO' Schell & Shivler, Somerset, la. aprJO-lyr. FASHIONABLB CUTTER and TAILOR, Having Jiad many Yours, Ac, WILLIAM St. HOCHSTETLER, 80 it as it, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. E.ute of Eliaa P. Kerr, dee d, late of Addison Township. Momemet County, Letteraof admin it ration on theaboveeatatehaT. lnir been arantei to the undersig-ned by tbe proper authority, notieehi kereby iriven to ail per-uiu Indebted tonald estate to make Immediate pay. ment. and thoae having claims attaintl tbe aame will preaent them duly antbenueated ti.c aeule uent to tbe Adiniulat'ralor without delar, DAMKL AI'lil'STI.VE. rnayl . AdinlnUtrator. fa -rtl j m It Wfl -' t'tf J'ear" 'prrieu-e L ,-'J'LV fL. ' " brancheaof f f t the Tailorinc bna fe L 1 riuew. I iruaraniee Si y . wtiKfaction to all ' lJ -f: who may rail up- -A J J I V on me and favor 'If M ;4 . I -J me witli Utetr pat- S sS Horse Sheets keep horses smooth, clean and ready for driving. The ow ner of tliis horse spends an hour a tlay clean ing him ratlier than buy a Horse Sheet. 5A Ironside Sheet The Stronfrcst Horse Sheet made. 5 a Lap Dusters I at CstlM: will vBa. ?a Horse Sheets Ar. atft ap strong. 'a Horse Covers Will Isnp llu D!t 5iF!y Nets. AratMBWtaaajtrafsn. Don't get stuck with poor I Iorse Sheets. If your dealer don't haw 5A Ironsides Sheets ask him to fjrder some for you. Copyrighted '-'-S, Wm. Avkes & Sons. To all Interested in Breeding and Imparting Horses. IMPORTED PEKCHERON, SHIRES AND j CLYDESDALE STALLIONS. j Fully Aiflimat,!. in simnd llt-alth, strung, vig j oto.i5.au,l reaily t'.ir i-trvii-,-. A!. a I'hoir,- lot of i.iit-K-1ire" ymm Ti-r-rhrruii KriHHl Mares, lu li-al : a very deairahle pnr.;liiw. Tenns fuvoraMe to roiiori.ilile panitn. Correi'inli-m-e aoli'.-iieil. Pn,:npt repiiefi given PVtTI. II. HACJiK, IMIflltTEK, Cor. 5th Ave. and Market St. I'lTTsr.rrtfiir. r.. Or. Schench'c Mandrake Pills PURELY VECETAELE AND STRICTLY RELIABLE. They act DiRECTLVand promft ly on the Liver aud Stomach, restoring theconstipattd organs to healthy activity, and are a positive and perfectly safe cure for Constipation, Liver Com plaint, Sick Headache, Bilious ness, and all other diseases ari sing from a disordered condi tion of the Liver and Stomach. They are the on'.y reliable vege table Liver Pill sold. They are Perfacity HARMLESS. They ara PURELY VEGETABLE. TRY THEM. Tor Sale bT nil Dnirctrt. Tri " ct. r-T hoi; 3 box. fur liTi i:ta.: ir et Lv nniif. w?;if f--. m ncciptuf uric. lr. 3. U. (khi-iM-k s-i PWI IMXCMTIAM has rrvo'.iituiniwl tlie worl.l llVC.ri I JVi rtiiriixilie la-4 Iih!I r niiiry. 4 the 1,-al aiuoRi; th wnn.len of iuv,-:itive jinwjn-sn I; a iiietti.Ml an.1 -.y-trni of wurk that ran be perfomieil all over the country witri.rtit wparatinir tiie worker, from liieir ti-..te- I'ur lilientl :any one can iio the work : i-iilier wx. yonnjror ol'il : iiospoi-ial aliility re.iiir-,l : .-api-tal n.it m-etle.1 : you art- utarieil fr,-e. rut lliis out ami return to tisait.j toeu ill eml yoa free Minietliius: of irreat value mnl imoiirTamv lo yoti. tiiat will tart you in biiwine., wli:-h will l.rinic roil in more money rilit au-ay llian anything else in the worl.l. 'Gnimlmtttit firr. A.ii.r. Tkt E A Co.. Angina, lie. jaull-'HS-iyr I 1 rii,v-'$4t'-'-! Xj.ffii' Somerset Lumber Yard. ELLAS CUNINGHAM, MANt FAcri REit in Dealer, Wini.F.-.ALea and P.i.taii fr or LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard and. Soft "Woods. OAK, POPLAR, SiniNUri, PICKETS, JIOCLIiIXCS. ASH, WALXVT, FL(M)RIKU, SAgir, STAIR RAIL1, CHERRY, YELLOW PIXE. 8HIX0LES. IXiOr.sl BALUSTERS. CHESTNUT, WHITE PISE. LATH, ELIXUS, NEWEL PDPTS. A General Line of all grades of Lnmber and Building Material and fcooflng S'iiit kept In dock. Also, can furnish anythiris in the line of our business to order with reasonable pnimptnena. such as Bracket. ()i-!-sized work. etc. ELIiVS C IJjSTjSTISrOIIAI, Ofijce and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. wm it PITCH AT! SHA? PHACTKALLT Over 50O Ceaut.ful ATT . ... Designs. C:.-c:-!r't. konu.'.:ental bronze company. .ALESME N WAN ! ) ivriuaneiitpo. rvin 1 Jiy. sliioip.g.mrHn- I1 wfth SALARY AND EXPENSES paid. Anv detenuim-d tnau can succeed wnh ua. Peculiar advantage to beginnera. toi-k complete, including many fail-selling special tiea. tnitftt free. A.Mre at once. iNametnia paper.) ck.i. JiKOTUtKd, Nurvrvmeu, noeuester, . 4--im. CALESMEN VANTED. O 'for Tire nntiKER NURSERIES. Established vtix Mu-ady empioy meul and good pay. hend l"r tenns at otiee. II. E. HOOKER A CO.. -2-2. Kw hester, N.Y. tlx. hrSii 1 1 1 1 i A. C. YATES & Co Best made Clothing in Philadelphia for 3ien and Children. Sixth and Chestnut (Leiler Buil.lins;. All Dniit.-...,. .Un; . and ! .Al. fTrprr4 only bj. Dr. Settt Arnold. Coip.. Wooauc.i. a 1. Two for a Cent And trie best ever made. Cheap enough, surely, and so good that lhc5e who iiave used tliem won't hjve any others. V.hat arettiev? .th-lo-pho-rcs Pills. Wliatsrethejfor? for d. ordered Stomach or Liver,lnd:5:est ion. Oyspepsia.Constipation, Nervous or General Debility. Headache, Lassi tude, L'iseases of Wor.icn. Trey'il ta(e away that tired feelir-g, eive new l-fe and st'ensrth. Smali a id peas ant to tale. yet worderfuily effective. Prepared foin the formula of an errinent physician. Neatly put up in bottles, and sold by all druggists. THE ATHLOFHOROS CO 112 Wall St.. New York. CatawrH You Will Save Voney, Time, Pain, Trouble, ami will cu:e CATARRH Ft uting ELY'S EDriil n M MAI HAY-FEVER A particle I ftjv!ii-tl into rh noxtrtl and is airTV'liif. Prit'f. .-tifeiit at 'irnjtii : ly mail, rttri-iTfl. KI.V kUuS., .- ortvimith. 8t., New ork. WANTEDS Orders roroar l're,Viim,vf. Stead, Work For Honest. Sober. Industrious Men. Ptarr sad Ktpt"JJt.: OU MOMS rric. OUICNLT LEARNCO SatisfactWN Guarantee to Customers ui XfiitH. V run iuiutf-iiuitulY lur leruu. 1430 So. Penn Square. Philadelphia, Pa. nipMf REWARDED are th I V 11 ! 1 here i (1 t!if ami ihen at't' Liity wnl i.ii't i.oitorrt'tie cmi'!iyiiint thai will not take tiit-in fnni their hnie and fiuiiiiiefl. The rjnttlL! an- iarie a:il sur? for every imintri o'ln rn : many nnvt rmuie and are pw niak inar M-vera! hnndfp! dollars a mot.rh. Ii N eay for any on lo luuke 50 and ufAvurtl wr diT who is wi'.tinif to work- Either sex. vonnir ''d ; Oiipiiat mrt needed: we turt yon, everyihiua; De'v ; no s(eeinl ability rwitiirfd younie r old ; fan do it well as any on.. Vrit to im a: onco for ftill irtiruUrn. whifh we mail free. A tdreaa Stinnu.n k O.J.. I'or!lai:d, Me. jan It.Ns-lyr. SALESMEN WANTED ToSell Nursery Stock. Frmam-ntem plovujiiit and ifoott --alary tt h"iir-t. en.-rK-tio men '1 iie h(iint in iLi!y kanied. Wt? prruw all the r'iahle new aru- ui tiiat anl 1tui metttai Trrs. rite for tfrm. IMH.l'Ls, HiiXK A Tfl 'MAJ. Kstuhii.die'l -X W it OtE-rF-Jt, s. Mapi is AvE.Mta Nimkr:e.-. WANTED I To iiitro.ln.-e or.r KCll.tni.t: 117'M. HAT i TtlK tr.KTIUKHS. an,! I'.".' Nova wima I.ASD '..! I'h'.K in thin und itil.oinitie; I'niiutiea. Tin.y ARUTAKi.Mi mt: leao. i:irTMih.r-. Cnmlrrfittid f.iiiMy F'rttHz'r Co.. Oirlitif. Pa. IT WILT, PAY YOU To BI T TOVB MEMOItlAS 1VOIIK Wm. F. SHAFFER 8OMKRSKT, PEWA.,. Mimufjy .lnrer ctf and Dealer la mm m mwi - iosent Work "ri,A..Itn if ,utir, fnaS ttiur Aim. A'jmtfnrthe WHITE Bko.XZE' Peroma in need of MnM JJFNT WORK wll fiiid it to their iuier.t 10 call at my shot., a r.ere a proper showiiir aill lie given Ibt ui. fn--v.a 6'anm7iwd ra .crry imt. enfi thill LS VEIL I' LO W. I invite special atlention to the aJi -i , v s. yi irmr ws -T ..i.i l.t. juj".-i. y White Bronze, Or Pure Zinc Monument f Introiliieed bv REV. W. A. fiRIXO. a a Pecl.led Vlini.nivrnicrit in the point nf MATERIAL AN1 KINSTkl (TIO.N. and which la ilestincl to b the J'opular Vi.n.TTrent for our 1 hangeable CU mate. -GIVE Ml A CALL. WM. F. SHAFFER. f DCD PROFIT n.l!AptB. Fat 'I I 1 I I Ln to men canvasser, lor DR. I I II IPCMT W 'TT'S iimum El c I J WLtri I Tn. IlKi.rs. HKint. Etc Lady ag--lil wanted for Electric Corsets. Vol f k sales. Write at one for terma, JR. SCOTT, 48 r"dway. Xw York. nov aft-.)oi tlOOFtBUi