The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 14, 1888, Image 4

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H- f.inr.'i Ui-r ia her iwm.
Halt t.M"M Ul !! t " '"
An-t hmaiiuiiK
A plaintive little etr.
That tcll of WW dentr
The cumin.
Ph.Sm-tv"1 hi-runt
jIih) from the ! "I" ,rf,l
A smile to mala- him S-cl
At oa. " '
Her aorruw.
Kul for hi rnn-1 coarse
The air o i'
Had moved htm :
Hr oft had i h.
It- f v he ever kc
the Wiwl him.'
He m-" nt- eya- alve
if hi- nnilyiiiK I'"1''
In token;
Then i:h " be
fce-Hc hrr. and be felt
Flic cla-ncd him to her orea-4.
tWil-ta Sk- had to dirfTv-ed
Aiit nouudvd :
A lid mid ill bim nK'rt
II.t fallo wa, before,
Hp ne'er the word.
And no -t mroin he heard
!w hummine
The phdmiec link-air
llifci tell-of Wee
1 ;tc eooum?.
piTecTousston es.
Bcnrtnt limn ll"' Ownuweiir for Marr-h.
With tlie artistic advance width tliii
rr.untry h made during the pant ton
year, and with the wider dihtriUutinn of
wealth, men mi l women have brcrmie
limn- rrilicil and exuding in their tasti,
hii.I miii-li higher art standard now pre
vail. In nothing i this more notivlilc
than in the matter of -rwu;il adornment
in which j.rwious stniM l'lay no promi
nent a part. Sharp rontmrta iu tho ar
rangement of colore are seldom seen, if 1
instead "f incniigraons and lavish
there sivhIio ii a love of harmony,
:ml an art in arrangement which satisfy
the eye and art- in kecpins with the
principle of lieauly.
In the lift of precious stone, the dia
mond, liie why, th emerald, aud the
Kapphirp may In- Kiid to !i"il an injiul
platv in piiiilir intimation. The Ameri
can (K-ople are not only the most critical
judge of tine p-ms. hut are also the larg
est purchasers. So far a diamond ure
ronivriied, they huy more jK-rfei-t tdtimn
than do the -oplo of any country in Kil
rnH'. I jiMiK-an punliawrs are more in
cline.1 1.) U-n;ti.lied with the p-od pi n-
th1 clhil of a precious stone, not de
manding that n'ififtioii ropiire.! lierehy
the Kiinie i la-of hiivers. Twenty years
as tl.'i.ifV would have Ih-co ronsidenMl
a large fitni for any family in th: coun-tn-
t.i ha" nixesled in diamonds hile
t' day more thau one family hohls jremn
alutil at "lOoKKl. In l"-'7 the value of
li.iinondsand other utonec inijxirted into
the 1'uited State was (l.IlWdT, in 1S75
it rose to 5.47n,7.'7, in it was flt,l:'.!t.
4U, and in 1; it reached s.2.V.i,7-J7.
Innu lS(i7 to lss.i, inchiMve, the total
value of imiiorted diamonds and other
Htonef can 1o set down in rough iiuihIk'IS
at sriKMi.iNwt. That fine diamonds hold '
their value well has lieon evidenced hy
Kileitof collection of rem which were
appraised for inventory more than a cen
tury ago, w hen utomn, hought hy dealers
to U' poid at a profit, hroiight astonishing
ly high price. Regarded dimply an a
prolitahle itnestnient, diamonds are a
Kife pun-ha'. They are not afl'octed hy
m!itical changiK or Social diMurhance. as
many wcuntn-s are ; and, although in
time of financial stringency the ow ners
of valuable stones may often have been
rompelled to iiis;iw of them at a great
eacitgce, this haH Ui-n generally due to
Hiccial circumstances, rather than to any
depreciation ill the value of the gemg
Jn spite of the enormous nuinlHT of
diamonds which havelwen thrown Ura
the market by the opening of the Sjuth
African mine, there never was a time
w hen fine diamonds were rarer or w hen
the rices of jierfect gems were stifli-ning
iuore.ienvitihly ; and eiple who own
this cIoks of stones mar feel assured that
they have made advantageous ptiochas
es. To a great extent, of courne.the laws
of supply and demand regulate the price
of diamonds, just" as they do that of any
other commodity. S' with all other
luxuries, the prices are largely a matter of
fancy and are not governed hy any com
mercial schedule or known rule. A great
ileal bus lecn said as to the immense
iiuuiUt of diamonds which have liecn
thrown uoii the market from the mines
if South Africa, and as to the means
which have lievn adopttil liy the owners
of these mines to restrict the output
w ithin the bounds of legitimate demand,
so that something like a standard value
night lie established, while, at tlie same
time, measures would lie taken to prevent j
ine prtHiucts oi lue mini's iroiu rvaitiiiiig )
I lie market through illicit channels. It
xhould ! rememlHTi-d, however, that
thousands of these slones are of all infe
rior grade. The output of really tine
clones is very limited. The Ninth Afri
can mine uielh'.t chief source of the
world's supply, and a 11 net nation in or
lowerin)! of lalue of fine gems ik-ciI not
Ik' feared.
Tiiere is nothing the proper
of w hicii calls for more care or judgiuctit
tiiau that of diamonds. There must, of I
iiOiiKsity. lie implicit confidence Ixlween
I he tlealer and the buyer, for few oople
t lia are not eiM-rts can delect all the
tuinule differencos which g- to make up
lite tf 'wlessor the iutjH-rfect diamond.
Aiuericjin buyer run great risks hy pur
chasing stone iu Kuropc, as these, when
examined afterwards, are likely to show
muoe defect w hich had not la-fore been
iHdimsl by the purchaacr.
New cuttings have lately been introduc
ed, I hr projirtioiis of each part being
basM upoa scimfiiSc ivinciides, ad
. . . , . .)
, . . . ir i"
wen thought cajablc ten yen iu. The
tfiliul fT.-.l i I'ttiiMH ttf I mi. m.m u..t-1-
r . . l-i i " i i i
of art to w hu h exiiert knowledge and
skilled handicraft contribute in no less
, , , . ,
important degree lhan the original stone.
IW the Uteut improved cutting there is a
great gain, a diamond being given about
.one-fifth uiimv briiliaucy than by the
old iiH'thoils, due to a ware exact com
I'lunce with the laws govwuing relh-c-tion
and refraction, in proportioning .the
"spread "of thestouetothe depth bclow
ithe pirdk'. to the heighth above it, and
to the facetting. F.ven the polish is a
latter of careful scrutiny, unless per
fectly done marring to some extent the
in-auiy of the cutting audits resultant
(rilliatw-y. Attention of this clnractcr in,
Jiowever, bestowed only upon etoncs of
the highest grade. The bosiuess iu really
tine perns in this country ia cou fined to a
.few houses, although there are many
jlealens in inferior stones.
TJie couihiuations of diamonds with
ollmrfi!iu5 largely need au eye for effect
in ar jMcutcnt, so as to give the npi-ear-auoe
uf.tvmded iiaruiony and coinplete
ag. e.v.jiJAiiicrican houses that have
devoted tbeuuruluag to work of this char
.acter have but-a able (o j-.rodui-e combi
nations w Licit in hannouy and delicacy
arc eijoal to any that have come from the
.fonious workshoof Kuropc. Kiutfalds
.are no aought after, as, iu fact, are all
-colored stones, rubies and sapphire es
pecially. Rubies which come from Bur
. aih arc scarce, w hile prices are phenom-
' enal and a realir blue oiamond is nun-,
i ..' r n-t,.. '
; ually rare auu oi greav "
Udievcd to be the most perfect blue dia
mond in this country is owned ly toe
Urge diamond inior1inghm- of Bailey,
Banks & Bidd'.e, Philadelphia, who have
one of the finest collections of precious
stones in this country.
In the I'niled States, although govern
ment reports place the estimated produc
tion of precious stones as follows: 181,
$74,aV); 1SS4, S2,075; ISs.-,, $73,4"i0 ; yet
this is made up of semi-precious gms ;
or, if any of the real precious stones l c
included, they are of such poori-nality m
to be of no practi'-al nse fr the finer pur
poses of the jeweler. In Maine and
North Carolina systematic niininf- has
been carried on to some extent, but w ith
out profitable result. The geological for
mation of Liliott County, Kentucky, isr
singularly analogou to that of the South
Africsn diamond distnet
but search
tiiere has not proved fruitful. Many
semi -precious stones are, however, fonnd
in the United States, lx-ryls, a(juama-
rincs, and hid lenites in Narth Carolina.
topaees and agates in Colorado, and in . Tne towers hjok out upon the sea, where
Arizona, Montana, and New Mexico the tjlc inwanl-rolling waves carry only tales
finest gam1''" 'n t,ie world. ! of love to thee I Pardon these soft cx-
Yet, notw ithrtanding the encourage- ! j.ressiuns. The very nir is ladeu w ith jo
inent that some writers find in these facts, ezry an,j one cannot helj just a little of
and iu the general mineral wealth of the ' ,lt. rf;r,"(W. ntjlnt-u. The hotel accouiino
country. for indulging the patriotic hojie i ,jatrs alsiut five hundred gm sts, at pri.5es
that the Cniti"! States w ill Ijecfime an im- i f,,, sryj n to f 5 ,-;ly, and yon have
ortant contributor to the world's snply , ilt pn,,.. riKitns a month in advance.
of precious stones, the few comjeleril
American experts generally see no sub- j
star.tial basis at present for such cx.ectd- j
tions. This view isshared by Mr. Joseph .
T. B.iiley, who is riot only one of the j
1m t iudL-es of renis, but who has also!
made himself thoroughly familiar
those sections of the ( n.ted Stat.-s that j
show anv signsof lieing the natural ahid
ing-plaiv of pom-stones.
It is sometimes suggested that much
might Ik- aivomplished Were the State
and national governments to offer en-
j coiiragement to systematic pros WH-ti tig
i for jirecious stones in certain promising
' localities ; but the universal experience is
1 that such development is best committed
: ti private enterprise, and, unfortunately,
j there hits been little to induce the invest
i ment of money or time in it as a business,
j .Ions V. Hook.
! What am I to Do?
! The symptoms of Biliousness are nn- i
; happily hut too well known. Tiiey dif- ;
! fer in different individuals to some ex-j
i tent. A Bilious man is seldom a break-
: fast eater. Too freiiently, nlas, he has !
; an exivllent appetite for liquids but none ;
j for solids of a morning. His tonge w ill j
; hardly bear insertion at any time; if it 1
, is not w hite und furred, it is rough, at all :
events. i
i The digtive system is wholly out of1
: onler and Iiiarrlus'a or Constipation may ;
i lie a symptom or the two may alternate. I
i There are often Hemorrhoids or even j
j loss of blood. There may Is- giddiness;
! and often headache and acidity or flatu- j
J lenee and tenderness in the pit of the
I stomach. To correct all this if not effect !
a cure try li'm n'i .li';f Fimrr, it costs '
hut a trifle and thousands attot its elli
cacy. !
Fighting Horses.
Theodore liooscvelt is contributing a
series of separate paK-rs on Ranch Life
to Tin Ciliary which Frederic Heinington
illustrates from his own exs'rience. ;
From the " Home K.inch"in the March
iiuiuIkt we quole the follow ing: j
"Some horses, of course, are almost in
curably vicious, and must be conquered
by main force. ( ne pleasing brute on
my ranch w ill at times rush at a 111111
open mouthed like a wolf, and it is a
regular trick of (he range stallions. In a
great many indeed, in most localities
there are wild horses to be found, which
although invariably of domestic desivtit,
lH-ing either themselves runaways from
some ranch or Indian outfit, or else j
claiming such for thesr sires and dams, J
vet are (jiiite as w ild as the antelope on j
"whose domain they have intruded, j
run in mese nuo norsi-s
more dillicult to tireat than tlie wxaiiiea
tame' animals. Cut the w ild stallions
are, whenever jsissihle, shot ; both be
cause of their iroiM'nsity for driving otf
the ranch mures, and because their in
curable vieioiisnes makes them always
unsafe companions for other horses still
more than for nun. A wild stallion
fears no lieast except the grizzly, and w ill
not always flinch from an encounter with
it ; yet it is a curious fact that a jack ill
almost ulnavs kill one in a fairfight.
The particulars of a fight of this sort were j
related to me by a cattle man who was j
engaged in bringing out blooded stock i
from the Kast. Among the animal? un
der his charge were two great stallions,
one gray and one black, and a fine jack
ass, not much over half the "-izc of either
of the former. The animals were kept in
separate jens, but one day Imth horses
cot into the mine indosui'v, next to the j
jack-,H-n,and Is-g-.m to tight as only en- j
ragttl stallions can, striking like boxers, .
with their fore feet, and biting with their '
teeth. S'hc gray was getting the best of
it; but while clinched with his antag-- ;
nist in one tussle they rolled against the
jack-pen, breaking it i:i. No amm-r was
the Jack ut liU-rty than, with ears laid
Lik and mouth wide open, he made
j straight Ua the two horses, who had for
the moment separated. Tlie guy turned
to meet him, rearing nn his hind legs and
striking at him iltt his fore feet; but
the jack slipped in, and in a minute
grasjied his antagonist by thethroat with
his ide-ocii jaws, and then held on
like a bull-dog, "'I four feet planted stiff
ly in the soil. The stallion made tre
mendous ell oris to shake him off; he
would try to w hirl round and kick him,
but for that the jack was too short ; then
lie uuiu line u i, muni; iiic laca oil llie
i. I i:a: t. ' . .1. .1 .i.
I gnjund, and strike at him with his (ire
feet ; but all that he gnincd by this was
to skin his foe's front legs without making
( t'm loose his
hold. Twice they H-ll, and
l iwu we max
aliiou rose, by main strength !
dragging the jack w ith him ; but all in j
vain. Meaua UiUi iltf black horse attack- i
ed both the combatant with perfect im- !
partiality, sinking aud kicking them -w
ith his hoofs, hile his bvth, as they j
slipped off the tough hides, met withal
snap like that of a U-ar-trap. I'ndoubt. j
edly the jack would have killed at ler st )
one of the horses had not the men come
up, and w ith no small difficulty separat- )
ed the maddened brutes."
March April May
Are the month in m hk-h to purify the
! blood, as the rystem is now ueiMt euieu-
tible to benetit from medicine. J lenee
now is the time to take Hood's Sarsapar
illa, a medicine i-eculiarly adapted for
the purpose, possessing peculiar curative
powers. It expels eyery impurity from
the blood, and also gives it vitality and
richness. It creates an apjx'tite, tones the
digestion, invigorates the liver, and gives
new life aud energy to every function of
the body. The testimony of thousands,
as to the great benefit derived from
Hood's Sarsaparilla, should convince ev
erybody that it is jieculiarly the best
blood purifier and spring medicine.
It is estimated that the Chinese mer
chants of New York pay the U. S. Gov
ernment over $2,500,000 per year for du
ties on imported goods.
Senator Cooper in Florida.
Senator Thomas V. footer and party
are traveling in Florida. The hopeful
Chairman writes thos of the famous
Ponce de Leon Hotel in St. Augustine :
It is the prettiei-t hotel in the world,
built from Pennsylvania petroleum at a
cost of three and a-half millions. One of
the Standard oil kings is the owner, and
it will prove his monument -not a mon
ument like that to tiirard, but good
enouli for a Standard oil man. Some
one has detcrilved it as 'a dream,' and we
can say, in the language of the lover's
sons :
Ifthh. a dn-nin. thru wklnt will tie fln.
From the uni.nie entranse you burst
UKn fountains and flowers, -kirted w ith
IKirtico'e'and dormitories where pretty
women and lovely children gather to
knit and romp. The rotunda is ot!y ex
eelled in le!iutv bv that in the Capitol
iUing at Washington ; the floors are
mosaic, the steps the whitest of marble,
the parlors ladeu with paintings, one of
which cost fl2.0xt. Tlie parlor mantel,
made of pure Mexican onyx, cost $17,li0.
i, n, imairiiie that we stopjieil tlitro.
We are at tlie Casa Monii-a, o;iosite, at
4.-V) a day the next iu beauty an 1
A Bloody Affray
is ofl(. lhe .u f)f "bad .blood" in a
fjmjv m ,.(immmi:)ri bll, n,m,Pre js
bad bliKxl more destructive of happiness
and heailh than in the human system.
When the life current is foul and slug
gish with impurities, and is slowly dis
tributing its poisons to every art of the
the body the pcrd t health, and life,
even, is imminent. Ivirly symptoms are
dull and drowsy feelings, severe head
aches, coated tongue, poor apetite, indi
gestion, and general lassitude. lH'lay in
trcidiiH -tit may entail the most serious
cunscotlcnces. Ioil't let disease get a
strong hold 0:1 your constitution, but
truit ir'iiir!, by usinji L)r. Pierce's Hold
en Medical 1 'iscovery, and be restored to
the blessings of health. All druggists
sell it.
Poultry for Profit.
Poultry raisin,; is a profitable business
but not always so under unfavorable cir-ciinntana-s.
liood management and con
stant care are. required.. In raising poul
try it should lie remembered to feed for
market and to feed for eggs, are two dif
ferent pmceswB. The one requires rich
cnrlioniiceous f.ssl, with little exercise,
while the other requires food composed
of nitrogen and the phosphates, aiid full
of activity. If eggs are the object desired
the fowls should le kejit in a healthy
condition by projK-r food and exercise.
F.xercise is the great secret ot success,
and this, in winter, must be provided in
the manner of feeding.
They should be fed so as to lie indiic.-d
to keep constantly at work, and made to
search well for 7ood.
Hens that are comjielled to work w ill
keep in good health, lav better, and the
eggs ill pnsluee stronger chicks.
. It is imjKirtant that the fool, be of a
; varied character. In addition to grain,
j they should have uiiik, liones, shells and
i vegetables or any kind of bulky food to
assist digestion ami supply the necessary
elements for producing eggs. Tlie dust
j bath is essential, and a mi iply of pure
l cold. water a necessity,
j In the morning feed them warm feed,
j but not all they will eat, or they will
; have no inducement to exercise-, and
: they will licconic too fat ; then place
i some chaff where thev cau scratch in it.
anj scratching for oats, seeds, shells etc.
At night feed grain, all they will eat.
- -o-
The Population of Somerset
, , , , ,, .
olu..!ialrare tfouUt.j wjtU
some affection of the Throat and Lungs,
as those complaints are, according to sta
tistics, more numerous than others. AVe
w ould advise all not to neglect the oppor
tunity to cull on their druggist and get a
bottle of Kemp's Iialsam for tlie Thr.)iit
and Lungs. Trice oO cents and $ 1 00.
Trial i:r jrrr. For sale by all leading
Delicious Confections.
For the "foundation" to lie usel for va
rious kinds of confectionery, take one
pound of granulated sugar, one-iiarter
teasnin of cream if tartar, one gill of
water. Mix all together anil cok fast in
abroad bottomed tinorgranita vessel
until the syrup tvili spin a thread, or
when cool, it w ill work nicely in the fin
gers. Set aside in sune pan fifteen min-
"U to C,K)U Tl,,'n 'i,ir " ith a "I"0" n"-
1,1 11 ,Keo,, "nW to m"Il, -J 1I,to
.lor chocolate creams Mould the
" foundation" into small balls ; set aside
until cold. Then roll in melted bakers'
1 (not sweet ! chocolate and place on but
tered paper.
ForstirfTed fig and dates Split the
fruit aud fill with the "foundation."
I For concealed uhiiuuds and cream nuts
! Cover with "foundation" and press in-
to shajK!. Lnglish walnuts in. halves
laid on a roll of ' foundation" are deli
j cious.
! For tutti frutti Chop raisins, figs and
almonds tog-ther, mix with " fotinda
i tion" into balls. Flavor the di!evrent
i candies to tasie : while stirring, add ex-
The Art of Preserving
The teeth and gums, is not by any means
a lost art. Mi not 'a iH-ntifrice will pre
serve them. For "." cents, the price of it,
aui o:,p ,an "avf 'H''iiui wiiue leetn.
anu "" "''' !?"" 'i""
me reacn oi ail w no oesire mis treasure.
The man w ho wauls the earth, my son
is the verv man the earth doesn't want.
Caiifee l! rtrtinw to be tniswraWe. tmpejs,
o:ifued, km) i!-k ' "''. ?'"rj- jirtfJr
l le. Uiii-uld. an t dr.-. H a aisvas
wl.w h dort not pit wil i ita. it. It rcijuin-a
carefnt, ja-rsis-teut -.tu-ntiiai, aud a rviut-rfy to
throw oil the caues and t-Hie up tl" uifc
tive organs till they p.-rforta Uteir autu-s
willingly. lloal' Sirsapat ilia has prurq
ast Ihe reuiril n -mcily in hundred 1 cas--.
" I bMetakca iirxi's 8jn-aiarilla for dya-l-rpaia,
in i hteti i have suffered two jvars.
i trail w :i:y ia ief nsvj icings, but oved
ra aUl.tJi-U-ry Hnt( ai4wlla."
TnoatR Vk. Brusb tlectri UicUC
Jiew Vork Ctry.
Sick Headache
For the past two years I have beew
aCirled with k vero beadacbra aud tlrspe.
slo. I was lmiuctJ to try Hood's fUi-aapa-r;lla.
and have foand great relief, i cheer
fully rcumuiei.d it to t-lf Mils. K. f,
Axxaiuj;, Sew llavra, C'ltia.
Mrs. 5!ary C Smith. Canihrkl(-enrt, Mas,
wns a "wiHerer from dyspepsia and sick headache-
Mie t- k II.xki j Sarsaj-arira and
toaiul it Ihc beat reroetly Uic ever used.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soi.l br all drmorist. ti ; fix f r $.-. Mads
ou'.y by C L I1UOU & COU, Lowell, JIasa.
lOO Doses One Dollar.
Jev.v.' -i-JnK that thr-r can't care
Krirumluru nJ Searalsia. MUrr
s7 ta -y caa but dun't. Alh-lo-i
lin-rai'savj autiiine hnf r'trrt.
yhat's th-.; 9.M-r.!t of iti a5i.
can of tr'at t ir proved ii to be
a 7itu, 9tu-; cure.
Co isrt -S. H . t-T
In irtTrtW f u;t;l A.iil i-horjwaf-hd
tm i-w rt. rbe uif blc Mll. vl ,
l-i n rlt nma i-lu fT e m u:.d holi.
. t.yr lM. .1. lV ,
1T n ut
i ! i".jlr ilia tt't-
I'CO"! Miy IV;Ti'.U-:Mdt 0.,l !V
nrmu iljiuul ,vr . '. tL iimix.
n:iliHiiw. lo-1. J" ' .
Athl-ieHw-. h m omi-f1 M -ni-l
n-r..- h 1 iC: anil : i..ukl:U ft
ait ht-vn! h i- l -lie itv.
U.-". tvl'f r CilTir,
CJ-ScaJ r. nut Svr Ihc lrn'ifi!! n;:yd pic
(iiv. Mvrti"h Mlli"n.,
THTHLOPHOr,OS CO. 112 Wall St. H. f.
OL I lw COi And Sporting Goods.
iNHlllle-liurrvl ltreer-ll-lHtillK Shotlrtins,
rtiokr lsml. tht ta f !. Sinl lireecli IaouI
IriK Slnrt ins. ?4 to fT; evtry klll.'l fr Bne-h
Iiwlim: uil Ki'peullnic Ktrtes, Pto Ji; Mar
tliIKt lillC Isiulile iiiol iuus. fo to Nil ; isin
ete Shot linns. $2 50 to ill: Hevolvers, ft to
tJO; Iout)k--wttoli eir-f'kers, MSOtofK);
All kinds of i 'ririiiie. Sli-lls, ps, W1,
Tools, Powder Klwks. Shot Pooches, Primers.
Hend 2 e-n! for Illiisir.ito-l l utalfsruc. Ad
riress I.HKAT W KHTKKN it N WOPK1.
l'A. X K Ti isa aMear old. reliable tlrni ;
rf-tly InistwonliT ; nnlers filled promptly
nnd ffissls sent hy niHll or express to any part
of the world; no matter what ym want In
the Hun lin. you run set It at the Grott Vt
t rn liy wiillna a letter.
liuns made to order ; Gun and Revolvers
repaired. neptH-tim.
Female College,
Conservatory of Music.
10O Full Music Lessons $20.00.
IItrlrt HfhMilof TJlNml Art.Mulr,FIn
tioii. Kiitf Art, U VnlruU in'itldiful. twen
ty t-i "Imts. tiHuIt-mto rlmiv.
Nk1 trm iKirin jHiiunry .11, 19. BWnr
nmktnz eiDEHuiiscnts clwwhort-, send for new
rttialogut hI it iie lo
KKV. A. H. NOIK'R', I. I.,
rirwnrKH, 1..
We are en traced in tlie manniarture of thii
ft'iioe at StHiwPH'l ami Meyrnnlnle. It is the nit
l'urHMe. anl Ktnxijfet tritce known. No bar tw,
no injury u nt4M-k. FMtory iu Siuit TKrl ai Uic
old kmKr citrriRtfi! fiulory.
may lit-tf S. M. MARSHALL & SON.
We are h w onetiiup (ticina imp Klution of ilre-w
K tilsf-k filks e,liil silks, InliA ilks, vel
vets, lildek Atvm phKls shawls. lalie wnijM,
frenih witiiun ant sctiteh ainvlums, hiory,
ploves, enilmwhTies, Lioe. table linen., hoite
kccpini? pn..t. L'W rurliiiii'. and (Innn'TUs, r!I
Imiis. nillliuery, la-Ik"' tuerimi nn-levwear, mus
l'n un-lerwear. dre Irimmin. htitlon, Ac. Ac.
Alo nn-n's un-U-rtt-ear. neckvenr. rinc- whiu-
.hirts half hoj-. hun-lk.-n-hi.-fs nr.itn-ll ; &.
Our f-irt-n ir-i-Kb an- ini.irte-l lirectlr faim
the liianniitetM-vr?- iu Enn;v, nn-i all Ainerieun
Cit- arc jmrelui-e-t from the ruinufniturets
lirx-et. We are llin cimlile-1 to r iii;i.-t.- with
anv hoiiH- iu tiu- country in the uialter of iriei.'?i.
We earrj the laryet a'trt!ii-:it if no i- la oil
tedirtiiioiit to U- foiiii-1 In miy e-trihlUhim-iit In
Wi-terti reiiu-ylvaiiUi.
Wht-n yu i:ii? to tlie city, tak.' a 1 ik tlinmt:h
ar .-tirt-s. wlH-lhor yon want to buy or not.
All leirt:iK-iitJ are now well rtoeki-il trt the
lrli traile.
Onleritn- liwll rerclve ean-fal and j-roDij at-lenii-rti.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Valuabh Rsal Estate !
BY VI RITE of an orlerof sale .wued otit of tlie
Orphan' rmtrt of SnmT-t Co.. Ia . to
ii tiirtftnl, we will mll at ftilltr W at the
Court Huiisc' in the ik rough of tSitut-rct. l't.t ou
j at 1 ii'eliM k . ra.. all the following dev-riltert
I n-al elale. lnle the irtMrly of Jneiih C. Sehn. k
j ! nTf-( Tiwibaij. Sunert-t t4uuty, ile
f 1-ea.Mni. to it
! M
A reriain trart of land itiiatein sim-em-t
1'oa imliit. SonMrr.-icl Oaintv. lJa..
a-lMlliiiiif lauih tif (' I'. Mi.-liimirK e-itMle. John
II. SelmM'k and S. A I. ItailritaU tanil., -rktitain-ins
oneaere ntoreur le.-, with a K'i tu-uM4,,r-frame
itimh rtatile anJ o;heroullMiililiiiKit thereon en-et-el.
Ttiif ini-erly was lite himiestca-1 of the de
eeased. It - Q A eiTUin tract of land Hi;u:tte a.
I w CP aforesaid . a-ljoiriimr IhikIi of rhauii
eey IwkeT. ruhlic SehKil tiriaind and S. it .
Kt-.ilniad iuii-h. (-oiitaiiuiiK -aie ai-re more or lew.
K n Q A ccrtiiin traet ol land aituate in Hio
llUi Oi nyen-ek To n-hip. twiiny an. I Stal
aloresai-l, a-Ijoiuini; ia:id of Win. 1'la't. John I.
Keinian and irael J. Schnirk, tontainiliff eight
acres, more or leas.
One-third ra.-h on the 1st day of April, ls-V
wheli )io(NesNioii will be Kh'cn ; one-tliird in one
year, and one-third in tuo yeant irtini the lt day
of Auril next, wiih'HU interoi.
JollX II. Sl tllils K.
Trnstee. for the sale of the real estate of Jacob C.
Schruek, deceased.
To all Interested in Breeding and
Imparting Horses.
Fully Acclimated, in antind Health, strong; rtt
ouhls and ready formrrvtce.
Al. achoii-'lot of (tllKc, yonnir Per
rbenm broud Mares, in foal ; a very deairahUs
Termis faroranle to re"pon.ihle partit-s.
t'orrestiondeaee solicited. Frorapt replies given
Cor. 5th Ave. and Market St
riTTSltl lKill, PA.
I 4OATARHR. Prof. 0. 11. Cook, I'rin-
j V' eil Hitth Sihuol. . Iletid. Pa.,fnniiallyir
j .ua-i-t ixjnnty. In.. ay-i of Nam:.' ktiMt.ev
ro t'TKatr : It In the l-a imlluilor f..r t a
) larrh 1 ever tried. It la the ln-rt enianh eun- I
niTirti u n i. mr --iin;Hei ain cvm-m lo u-eol
aiiythht I i--er trii.l. If any fritiu rvf mine
should iiid ff'S. 1 wish hi: tn-undt-rvtmid that I
.lywtthaa Khavr!tt -thut I mr ji:ainh-l wi'h
Mr. . M. tlntr. oii- V tli miprieter. f 5'tur t
Remedy for Caiirr: tli- In nnrfvjir hmiori'ie
at-iii'emrtii. ati-l hi m-finnr I t! l.-t eatarrh
r-nail liiut can he f-atnd. It baseiiT-l me.
1 l.-ir-ve it wiij i-ureauy -nw HUteriiut fnjin
lti-Mild by iinv.-i!a and ilea-!. It may br
-nl In mall ; prii-e si. Even: ai-kain rnntain. a
full tnarter .miid if medfefn?. send fur ,Hir
b-.-k 1 1 tiw. Siip.,eu!illed "H-iw toetlTVt'ataTh.',
Addre.. I. M. oKAY ii OO., Kih. brsyiEU A."i
OK-xrr. Pa.
State 2jonial
X Dirpawul in its advaifuat. Ixv-atinn
bealilitulatid inHriax. luMrutiorseiw-niuceil
fcachero and honorei gTalua!e of ailliccw, Slate
aipr"priationi thin rar ftii.u. tatejive IM
Pi;o KMhSTS, CnnveoieaeeaandUunionj. Su
perior Model and Tnuniu Sehaui. Mate id to
'profuasioual atuijeata. .
To Sell Nursery Stock. Pi-rmaiu-nt -
p.owirnt and icimmI wiarv to none-4. etlervelw
nan. The bit-due Is i-ily learned. We rnw
at IhrK-lialiie new varieties nf Fruit awl una.
Mental Tree. W rtw for b nw.
tt Wished lKl. West t'Hixixa, Pa.
liaria irars Xibsuikm.
Words of Wisdom.
Happiness is where it is found and sel
dom where if is sought.
Krror in itself is always invisible; its
ncture is the absence of light.
"""Quarrels are only pardonable when w e
wrangle with our own viciousnes. , '
8ome people are like a boy's rocking
horse ; full of motion, but no progress.
Sjieak little, and sjieak well if you would
be looked upon as a man of merit.
He w ho makes a child happy receives
an eucore from the angels in the gallery.
The pain of life but sweetens death ;
the hardest labor brings 'the soundest
Circumstance arc the rules of the weak;
they are but the instruments of the wise.
An open mind, and open hand and an
open heart, will everywhere find an open
Fretfulness of temper will generally
characterize those who are negligent of
Paesions are likened best to floods and
streams; the shallow murmur, but the
deep are dumb.
Remember that valuable as is the gift
of speech, the gift of silence is much more
True benevolence is to love all men.
Recompense injury with justice and kind
ness with kindness.
Reputation is what men and women
think of us; character is what God and
the angels know of us.
It will be found that they are the
weakest minded and the hardest hearted
men that most love change.
True jsiliten.-ss is jH-rfect ease and free
dom. It simply consists in treating oth
ers just as you love to lie treated yourself.
Kvery man who rises aliove the com
mon level receives two educations. First,
from his instriLstors ; the second, tlie most
personal and important, from himself.
The way of trnth'is like a (treat road.
It is not difficult to know it. The evil is
only that man will not seek it. Io you
go home an I pcareh for it.
Employment, which Gilen calls "Na
ture's physician, is so to human
happiness that indolence is justly consid
ered the mother of misery.
(Jod made lioth tearsand laughter, and
both for kind purposes; for as laughter
enables mirth and surprise to breathe
freely, so tears enable sorrow to vent it
self patiently. Teal's hinder sorrow from
becoming despair and madness.
When private virtue is hazarded upon
the perilous cast of expediency, the pil
lars of the republic, however apparent
their stability, are infected with decay at
the very centre.
Among all the many kinds of first love,
that w hich Iiegins in childish companion
ship is the strongest and most en-luring;
when passions conies to unite its forces to
long alfection, love is at its springtide.
A Great Battle
Is continually going on in the human
system. The demon of impure blood
strives to gain victory over the constitu
tion, to ruin health, to drag victims to
the grave. A good reliable medicine like
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the m-ajmn w ith
which to defend one's self, drive the des-H-rate
enemy from the field, and restore
oeacc and bodily health (or many years.
Try this peculiar medicine.
Things Worth Knowing.-
Keep salt in a dry place and cheese in
a tin box.
Xever use milk for cuke that has bwn
Matches should be kept in a stone or
earthen jar, or in tin.
Common cheesecloth males an excel
lent strainer for acid fruits.
Eating onions and horseradish is
claimed to relieve dropsical Bwellings.
A paste of plaster of pnris and water
w ill fasten on the br.iss cover to an ink
stnud. It is claimed by some housew ives that
a little kerosene added to boiled starch
will impart a nice gloss.
Nothing In-tter can be applied to a se
vere cut or bruise than cold turc ntinc.
It will give relief almost instantly.
Lime water is good for chilblains. Use
strong and hot. A saturated solution of
alu in in water, used hot, is also a cura
tive. To remuve machine, oil front cotton
goods rub Cue spots w ith hard soap and
soft water as soon us the-y are observed
and they can bo easily taken out.
If any poison is swallowed, drink in
stantly half a glass of cool water with a
heaping trasjioonsul each of common
salt and ground mustard stirred into it.
Carbolic acid is recommended for
moistening the tools with which metals
are worked. The efficiency of the grind
stone is said to be greatly increased by
this means.
llefore using new earthen ware place
in a boiler with cold w ater and heat grad
ually till it boils, then let it remain until
the water is cold. It will not be liable to
crack if treated in this manner.
An excellent salvo for bruises is the
following: Take the leaves of catnip and
bruise with salt pork in a mortar or with
a rolling pin. If applied to flesh wounds
and bruises of any kind it w ill at once
allay the inflammation.
If you have, pictures hanging against
an outer wall protect them from any jos
sible d tinp by covering the backs w ith
sheet lead, or else keep them fr nn con
tact with the wall by corks fastened to
the lower ends of the frames.
Stains of fruits on good table linen can
be removed without injury by using the
following with care: Pout boiling water
on chloride of iimc in the proportion of
one gallon to a quarter of a pound, bottle
it, cori it well, and in using it lie careful
not to stir it. Lny the stain in this for a
moment, then apply whitevinegar nnd
boil the table linen.
The Handsomest Lady
In .SDiiH'rsct reinatkcil tj a frienJ the
other day that hc knew Kemp's
(or Ue Throat and Lun.'-t wiis a superior
renitily, an itstopiel her couli instantly
wlien others hal no eirect w hatever. 8o
to prove thin nn l convince yon of i!s
merit, any druia will give you a sam
ple Bottle Frrt. Lare size 50 cents and
'We Are Twins.'
General Sheridan has four little chil
dren, who are his constant co-.nrntnions.
Iu 'Washington cot long ago two of the
children wore walking along with their
father,' while the two other little Sheri
tlans trotted along jtist behind him. A
gentleman stopped the little girls of the
rear guard, and asked : " Are you all
("Jen. Sheridan's chiliLvn?'' "Oh, no,"
exclaimed one of the girls demurely,
and pointing to he children walking
with the general, f- lliey are un. !!ieri
dan's children. We are the twins.''
For fifteen years I was annoyed with
severe pain in my lieatl and tiiwharges
into uiy throat frotn catarrh. My sense
of smell was ninch imjwircd. By tiie'use
of Ely's Cream IJalin I have overcome
tlioae troubles. J. B. Case, u IX-aia Ho
tel, X. y.
A liolu in tlie ground and a smell of
gas sold for eight thousand dollars iu
Ohio the other day. The hole was found
to be all right, but the Binell of gas disap
peared with the owner of the land.
1 "
ABOvt cJj.
for all d iszs&z f if :KIM x V
5a i.
piles TP
ACl'Del-tu'V Partumed. Euily Utcd. -tJH
Sold by Ev7 DrujfjfUt in Somenet, Jnly 13-71 y.
naaa oa a package of COFFEE H a
guarantee c excel'.sr.ce-
a package of COF
) c excel'.sr.ce-
i3 kept In all :
tha Atlantic to U
CCFFEE i3 kept In all ftrit-class
stores troa tha Atlantic to tuo Pacifcc.
Is never rood when eipos?a "o the !r.
Alvrays 'civ thisbrtin:! ;n hsr net icully
7 1 1
What rrrrv Pirwt T"! fmr vmih.-. Hwl tfti r r'
Mr liit tucmr- rt 4n 'r ?'1tu- " FMhMm
iiMs roLDix; 4v( Mni ro
WS.iM flirwt. Chicago. IU.
For ftill tuforrnntion of ihe route, where to ob
tain iiovemmeut Laiulu, Mnpa, Ete., Address
Central Passenger Agcut,
Corner 7th Ate. and Smilhtield Streets,
Piitslinnrh, Pa.
Oils! Oils!
The Standard Oil Cmniwinr. of IMttshurtrh, Pa.,
makes a Mviiilty of mnnuracturinK fr tbe
iKimcfriic truiu the tiuet brands of
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils
Naphtha and Gasoline,
That can lie made fprm ri'tmh'nm. U challeng
CfmipiiriMjD a ithever' kuoua
If you wi:b the must uniformly
Satisfactory Oils
.American Market,
Ak for our? Trate fur Somerset aud vicinity
iipliel hy
FUtAS.'i & Ki aiSER.
II Parcters caa k IM
u snnai t n mm mi.
R. B. Scheli & Co.,
pr!.Si.'. Of! liie s-w ami safe it
clia-U U:r tiervoiil in, dial "
Seno'a Weatuca, Hysteria, Sleep.
It drives out ibo poisunnra bmnmiof
the h'uMxl purufias anil torithinv- it,
and o orcrtsjiit-x thfe diMM.-
rpri-.ltinc frtwa iijAiie or tojwvo
iaed l-i-ifxt.
Aciinmndlyhnt snmlycmtTiebowcIa'
It hul.'ifiirtl ttni.-tijiatlf-ti, act!
prtnvu-5iin-ffiIarhAblt. UMreciirtV
tas t.'ie Ntotnutrli, aud aids digeauoa.
In ft comyvwitinn the bet and nrwt
ei:vei1i:nvtiesf I lie Materia Medka
rffi-ctive rtrmelie4 ftir iliJK'ases u( tba
kidneys, it can be iviied on to giro
quit k rfiiei niii ppewiy cure.
iiiaI4 haw bnvB iwcIhJ
sVik prrV'tiH !v hav uh1 this miwdj mth
rn i ta?-k Nmiat. bead lot circu, firing
faU porucoiftrs.
Mn 91 M. toU Prulta.
I11. Far-.
&imeniet to Ptojrslown 12 $ -I
Sinierst t to Hooversville 17 SO
Sumenet to Bethel 22 TO
Somerset to Johnstown... 56 110
Somerset to Rtx-kwood 9 X
Suineisct to Gurivtt. 15 50
Somens t to ileycrsdalc....;... a TO
Somerset to LniuleTlaud... 58 2 00
Simentct to Wahinirtoo 21i C 5o j
Somerset to Baltimore 2M 7 50
Somerset to I'rsina 21 X) (
Somerset to Cnlluence..... 26 90
Somerset lo onm llsville .... 52 1 SO
Soroerrct to littnlmnth .- 110 3 tl)
The fnre to PiUUdcli-Uia ia tV. 34, ud to New
York, Si 1.69. j
Winter Arrangement-In eflect since Io.20, '(7.
Juholowu 7:
Rnrkwl... 5:30 a
SuMfcltsl.T-. r-:.v. a
lieiiftT .tl a :
MninM ti rjt a :
lli.tventviilt-- Ii::-" a
UclhiM G:52 a :
MAIb-So. S8.
ri!tst-urv" sma ni
Koekuood ll::wa m
Millord .li:4a m
Si.merMt ljmi m
S'.oyslown ....1.'::: p m
ilooversviIle.l2:V p m
lk-Uiel 1.00 p m
Jobnstouu.. 1 p m
Pa-weneers from PitM'iirch chainre rant for
pointa ou the SHiieret i& Cambria at Kockwoud.
.1 iiiees.
SOMERShT S:uO p ui
Raltlmore jaisi a m
l'litntmrKh l:lo p in
k'H'kUlHXl .VJii p ui
Millnrrt ... !:.;i p m
Fassenin-r- for Somerset from the east and Went
on tiit- riiuuuri(h livLion, cuanife cars at Kwk
Johnstowu. 7:.'0 & ra
B'liei a m
Unvf rsviliv hA a ui
Koy-louu V.Vmm
(rt'It'tT v.D h m
HOiKK-SKX y:.t- A m
MilJord K:;i7 a ui
A rritf
HorkwHi , 9:'')ara
Haltiiuorc p m
PiltAburgh '2:J0 y m
I'a.-wt'iijnTs fur iims et and wesft change cara
at KiM-kwMxj.
A rricru
KirltnXMl .... i::fl p m
. uinU rUiid . 7:1.' ji m
ritifiMirvU p ra
VVahtllKtuU T..Mm
linllimure M a m
Jhni(own 2.:10 p m
Heilit'l :i;0. p in
Htxiversvili;... ::r p tit X. i- p m
i-iiii'r ;i:,"7 p m
SoSKHKT - : a" p ni
Mi )i ml i.U l in
Fn-t-nirTS fur cam aud west change cars at
Is'trc Arrive
Wmehet 'Ki p m RwkwtKxi JJ:2i p m
MilforU-. ti:Up in f
rujeiiirc! leaviiip on this train ran make ron-lui-imn
m Krf-ku.i uuu niiftit Kxprew Iraim
fit and wot.
lttily. t Iaily except Sunlay.
I'-w'A. A.'
Traint Lean OftJurCd Ei. Jfuil. Erprent.
Pitl'burifh LMP..M. d f)A. M. SrJB r. .
llnniil-k ' vst "
Mekit"irt I:- "
Wvt N. utoii i.a " 10:2S
nr-di-l loril S i " ltd; "
I ollllelNvilie li t' " H: " 1115 "
Ihlol'ile 4:1S " l-
t'oiitiut-uee 4:411 ln-..i) lil.-a. M.
1 r-iua 4:ll " M:.V
CavM-liuan " 1 1 r I "
K-nkwooil .VI " Vi'ji '
ilarrelt .V:n ' ii t:i "
iiii.-bary Junc.a.4. ll:."j
M-.-yer-lule 4 1 1 ..Vi " l;-jf
Ket-aie .V'-l K"il r.
Sllllil Palell ."i:V.I " Ji-US ' 1;30
Southampton 'C-l
I'turiiofie f.srj V:9 mw
llvD-liiiuii 11:12 " 1. "
CuniiH-riaml 7.1."i " ;JU -J:4; '
Wa-iiitiKlon o;4-" ' 7.111
liultiiuurv turrivi ) 6:4T 8..W
VBST-R(n:yo iraix.s.
! Train Unit CuuberCd 4c. ifiiil. Fryrrit
' Unliiinore a. a. lO-OO a. si. 7-30 p. m.
I iiuiinrton lo-Vi e S-4il
! t'uiiii-rtaiiii aum ' ij-lflp. u.
j HyuiliiKiu a.i). " ii-ii " Is-) "
luiriiiiH- a-s h ,
' Sotllhaiiiptoa -.Vi
Kami Patch K-l'.l ' 4--!-' 2 17 "
; Keystone .:! a-m "
', Meyt.TMiale " 4-42 " a-,".7 "
! SalMmrjr June. -si " 4- "
! .urre1t tmi 4-.V. :H "
I Koi klvooil U-Vi ,Vl'i " 3-25
1 Caxw-iuiatt ld-'H ' 5.2.1
I I n-ina KI-JI .V4," " S-Mi
imlitienee 111-:! " .V.") " .-t-riH
olilolTle ln-o iu, " 4.-ji '
j l oi!iu-!lii;e ll-.'u 6-'i " &-U0 "
Bnw-i Fonl 1I-V " -.i0
I m N !im u-4,"r. M. 7-;n " .V47 "
! MeKe-!iirt 1-.-4 " a-10 " t-JU "
I llrallia-lt I M " "
Ar. Ptltnliurell -JIM " 8-4S ' 7-tW
The time given i Eastern Stamlard Time. )
I Mail Trains eonneet at Roekwoort with trains
1 to and from Soiiutm-1 and Johfntown. at Hvnd
j man with train to and from Hinlfonl. at (mrrelt
I witiirrNinwtoanil from Iterlin. at Sali-hury Junc-
iiuu vina train loanu inm aitury.
All Traiif .?( Piuarnijrr 'Vrc 7Tc U fti'im.
W. M. ri.EMEXTS. Manaerr.
C K. IjiKH. ijcu 1 1'ass. AKt.
rJt ;
irrrr. to the TK.vnia tiu;
Tin: .ii niHKT.
Mini: ix
J'jttcn, English Bals & Imitation
Lace Congress,
K.Mii l)(.CI.,l TOPS,
I.KATUER t( XTI.ItS, and
pair trarrantc-il.
. vita
Scheli & Shivler,
Somerset, Pa.
I aprtO-ljT.
liurlng had many
jream experienre
ls-.ali ta-aueben of
tbc Tailonuit bu
im-. i ruarautee
KHtilaetiou to all
;f who may call up-
on me and favor
4 me with their nat-
Yours, it.
iSonEgarr. Pa.
Notiee i hereby rfron that the nndeniTtieil
An in. ir OiiIt apiiini.-l Iit the orpimua' t4rt
of.Simert ('utility todiafii-ute the fund in the
hand-of K i. Knmmel. Alminivtrator of J.nvi-h
HiiraHiel deeeaxd. to and anions thnae leaailv
entitied thereto, malee ir hereby (fiveo to all
lairties iDtens-ud that I will mi at my office in
tlie BonaiKh af .-vnn.-r.-et. r.o ThurMiay. Mareh V. !-o clork in the hireuo-.u of aid day, for
the pnrpow of diehantiiin the dnties of Mid
appointment, when aud where all partita inter
eatedcas attend.
f2- Auditor.
ti! - sad exrerteEc::, I'-e
brsl trltti b.-w c r.i7i 't.: :rt,acr nrt..-. t-? -- r :t .r" ?
IurU Jint-io t...s Vr--C;t:.;( n t ot t i ; . t --.tL- 5 T , 7
blxdoiii br.i'!s tU-rr-.iyc-.':i'Hurn-:!i- r-,;t .I'-in.) -;: I i.m t .. f t ti'
t!iCTt;.rcr:tl fvliBC"' t. y "iti- A-itr, m A ".tttr,- r.",Ut. '-
Vjj rrorriD' tai; est U ii:7'"-lTi"' lzr; tr tr.j.M a' a I ; , t--ii 1 -'
e-ati-i'i- f. Uuy. cf . rr r .v- i r ir a y ' ' vl-(.- s ',- ... t. it )
ri;I r::rr .t a.:nc::I:iT-.;: '.i..w:nr - wns..-: Ic:', rv; . 1 r: ;
ars:p.itn. Fv-? rnrrl r r. U '-.o n n-- lr;c-i -f:! tr-t '.-, V
arti-li-a fr ta L Xrrczi t a r : t -r .;jv.-ir; s-zjlo suras r;, c,:
iHMm &
TArtr. m.r.7r1lVf at rv r'. .:rt f-o r. li'u r e'-! t..- tfir"T in -. :-:!- - -.v
13'. T:3 fc-ltrTiHiacT .-.c .I:.-, f. : . :: r t t. . .j
lrlt on '":.:.-arT. i:-c-1-r.:r,r; ;!;p. , -j, , fl-l . u5 1v . . .
rrerr, whic-i fir -:rr t :i-r er'i-.- ! r -i j iru-ssof t- t: ;; r ' .Lt
fr:-.l 9 ' rJ -fr c.f e-zre-'.r' n. i ' u-- l-.r;.i-r t ; : x 1
U ab fenram -4. wjt-ratX ia t?n rr.'? rl t: r ' ?-..' V v. '
T..Vt rU-iurcs (2a!UtlI-ie.5.V!': i izv-jri it U t iV-:' i
' i- ..- ' '
Ant-rtraa ArteT-lrc-it f::r?.crc r-a-.v -hr.-r of-: jrr, $ ! ; -)
A-aerlcca .l-rA--.:::r:r: t ' :.r;! ; .. o ; ; ' r-
H Send pot!J for recii.-fn T-l-er, E jt--i:'s or f;fr. "
t?l ma;t. fc't e.titTt- f nrt erjh rt urcs, s--X ::r!ratt n" (
j!j JHbb:ij':. f-stfr r-r II-m grci: .or:., tort '
f ; a:traet:i: ;v.o::a--,i;.:cttc::i. -.ui. j;
ca:;7.vje:: rt-.i xvat;tz;; z v.n-:zzv.zi w"
?i .:.r Linr::.'!. ;::)t ; r-ir. -.-.
Somerset Lumber Yarc .
Hard aiicl Soit Woods.
A General Line of ail grailea of Lum'-er ami RaJMimr Material ami Biatflnit s:..ti- kc,t iu n
Al.-a, can furnish anything; in the line of our buines to or' let with ren -,iuh--ie
jipimptne-, aueh aa llrtu-ket.-. thl-siiie-i aork, ete.
OflBce and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Soiueraet, Pa.
.' &
""'T,"TT""r"l '"Xt ('T ' 3
r-rr i
riuLuTICALLYj i-,:- i A-
Cvor ECO
Send r.r
j 1 !??' Price Lie: c
tl T .';.
' 4 a. B--- .- .
-Viii- 2
mks: Price S7X)0 "tiV-ZZiZ!? I
a All f imf-heM Tr-Th the Antommjle. Con-l R-akr, -! Ur- ulc4
- Si ' at our holrtlc Prcm. ch-tt ! ::::nn lorrtt;a'"-r.e a"". I n'or t- rr: "-s.
THE LUEURC MAKF'GCO.. I5 TJ. Oth Ct.. Fhiada..Pa.
1 1
for 1833, will be sent FREE to all nhowrlte for it. It m a H.tnrl-:omeCr-nlonje
wart Colored Plates, and the FINEST COLLECTION C; S' ECS
IOCC.1IH is aJDOlio niMnKCI
poses, and ull TOOLs necoaaarv to mamita a -C4k taraa JFTB ISTCrw tfcfi
como'ete g xraen. litougro tfECETABI.ES SbZ? SLL. ft C
FOR MARKET, toll us so when you Mod lor g
JOHNSON & 9 Market Street, i-hiiaaolplita. Fa.
ili.i U wlal 1-H.if f-.'i-i vra it. We c.-.:i'l tf-rj it to ih- rx V- :t weeia aid -K! (ii itsnlm a I i
.1' ..iMA j srv luci.u or I h i etii-'iv i - . -iilli a --.i u eiaim y ia ; .i. m: w':- ii,.i..--i;--u-Ht.'wu
lutour MM.-iril i no.-..t'u ..aa.a.-i'oi in.t.. .,ur m-.' n-.i.. i-v. i u- . un Hi
. l it i-.nis. Hear 1 'in.- a v. ryl . 11 diui wai.t n iy a- t.; h t -u-i' si.ei.i
!: I tv. ho are . udit I. ou u I t who are iu va.'iM-t. L .pTinnv i- u.i a.nav Ii- i.-j.j-
of ol- i t arj r la rrt Hi. a, wh-a n ha. ta-iiri.t totiLiw- iiioik-v .Ji. r:
i t trn m eiihv H i-I irjiile-e tri i-i.v t rrito y, iriv. Iiiier: teruxai -l a-.r-i- I -Ii
-nl ici-nt a .J ea ertrt5iii a.-:,i n r ,. m i ut le.-.t -1J Ma veur rer a i wit: e. .r.i- i :
iimr LiiiMi.i.- -!Uui.-.ui-,n- r.i n .ve -;.u-,. ,.. , : a ..,T t Ul,. uj,-st nli-l '-( :
IIr?l-ASJ-A-0,.0--0'',-'AT ,M TURKEY, hr -"'.
HARD TACK AND COFrfte, the trv :!ilier' ., .s -r-rerfT-9t ihiaw.i.-l i '
"irt llurir dirt, Tlie Kit) U-tlrl oi i't .( illuslralioii-) ai - .i -t-.r - iu iV u. i .
HOME AST) FARM CYCLOPcDiA.ih.ji.,., f,-, b- k evr-r i... P. . i
-Trlilio .1 :m v-l i', tl I hv our new p'-el ,i:i:i. an-i -eie r - - i '.in -in m 'i C"' ir :
-"lr t: tert a-i -me of :.'i Ki r-.r on Itii- tw; ai"H. Yli:., is zhl buine,H il u
JJ rfr-r me It, I I:: 1- l-i e-it ll';-,ied fttet.
We -Jr:-.l n ei. .i-t-l - I I e,n f,rvi-rr Ivik a-n: win i i-e-tin-r te-. th:m :.ilo a w.-ri. At'e :i
r:Ti I., - nil r.'!i ureVv, l-tt iti'Me wV r- tv i - hr ii.i.'j our iii.1. lu lot his t.i:
im ncai, b i wrlioa; om-c f..r fil panH-alii:.- urct-, to
P. J. 1 CO., PaKislcn, ITo. 1 Tit At:3j, Piba, i
Our selection (if Rniliriilerit eiiihrir-rsall
the ciii icest (mlterna in nil the new Me;ts in
tlie Knihroiiiery line. :i leeriiliiiii of whieh i
it is imHiiiile to give in an :iverti.-eiiient !
thai will convey nil n.e.ii.-iie ,if the
lieanly or extent nf the .:i!ti ru. otrt-n-il. We :
natnea few ol'tlie lhiii. nnl invite you to ;
come in and insm-t liif Ma-k :
Eii,lir)iii-rel.iiii(-:. Will.- Inert:ns WMc j
Pkirt EmiiniiileriiK a serially ni. o line fi.r j
Children 'a Dn-yset. neat, amiill spring ami ;
tine open work, with rows of cording and !
All-over rows of Inserting, Tm king and '
Come to our Lace, Kmhroi.i.-rv nnd White 1
(knU Ih-partnient for the SEW ;(X'IS. I
and fur all the novrltic in thirt line. Wc
have I hem. and fil'AKANTEE IJEST VAL- 1
Ji nrrn avil. mttsl-r!i. pa.
eanses the Rasal
Passage, Allays Pain
and Inflammation,
Heals 111 Sores, Re
stores Ihe Senses or
Taste and Smell.
Try the Cure,
A panicle N .r.Iio.l into each n-ntril. and i
aa-reeahle. Price .al ernt4 at lini-rsi.- hv ninii
registered, no r eiitt. EL V ISkO TilERs. -Si in-nl
vUA UL, .cu iork. luarlb-'iT.ij r.
vnn r am Triwn
xjj vnn l 1 PAPER
trfl file in PlTT-iBrK-.M nt ttti A-tvrtiieft Hurcan ul
wao Will ouuinaci tor utcjuuik k& k.wr4 nUei.
at the Frsrif
To BfT Vol's
Miiiitii'v :tu;vr of ami iH-uirin
HiEEti im mm m
Aim, Ap tU the IV Hi IE .'.V'.VA' ,1
find ii ui thfir iiiit-nM to '-ail t.i my ii -p.
a prjT hiiuii,L' .uli ! ivi.-n !ft.-ni. 4
f'.li-fi"-! fiitfiniHls"! f K'-tfH -tit'l i t.l'iJ!
YEki' L 1 1 1 1 v i r c :ul uriii.ti.-n tu :t.t
White Cronze, Or Pure Zinc Monuments
Intro.'.iirr'l fv KKV. W. A. "Si. h Wv'uhti
Iiiiprnvfiiiftii iii tii iii'tiii ."VMTr.kl 1.
4'NTI-:rTIN. a:i.i' nltii-ii ! :.Min.i
tut !i.i:Itir Viftit"t for Mir hunK-,.:.; fa
luburq mm
and FA?M
UAnUtil tnj .-i-lnnt1 rn i.r nur-
Want of Appetite.
rurretl lonue.
Bitter Taste.
General Depression.
Tre&f men! :
This is sure and always sate
r-if al ill Pri.citil. Prler i" ct i " l'i
3 l..,xe tt,r i. rta - -,r -tl l-T muti. ---'ni- tr" "t
rriotuf urict. Dr. J. Il.arhtli-'it i "
lil liMdi'i. J-r , a , I
j Tr'-vrxiToK s notice.
Hate of J..-. B-.k. d'T'.l. I'"" "f L"
1nrk-t'.. T-, x.i. r"- l l-'. hv.
Lef!er ltntam iiUtr on lire '""'' vlit '
ii.a lai-o i-ranuii : the ini- ri.:n- 'l '
er auih' rity.;. I- l.-r.-'-y i-w
autw lBdehu-.! to wid H:aln : m:--- '""".',,
pavment. ail-i ltio-e Immm ri-wMC i"r'"'J'f,.r
name will p-e-ttt them duly Hllth'''"'i '.,.r,.i)
eltleiBelll OB Thinxlar. the Un !? "'
I-, at the law oSl of the fclK'Ulor. IB
net borotiijh. Fa. R yr,
Wl & A A r J I ti I i.fcT
8 f