Elections In ISS8. All the States will elect Prx-siJentiii! Kits-tore Tue.av, Novemlier 6. Tlie r.krtor then chosen will meet t tlieir respxtive State capitoln "W'etlncrfajr, IK ccmber 2 and cart their ballot for Prou dwit and Vic President of the United State. . Alabama will elect State officers and .Legislature Monday, August 5, and Con-pn-iiien Tuesday, November . Arkansas will elect State olfioers and Jsiature Monday, September 3, and C.rtijrrewmen Tncsday, November 5. !itirnia will elect fart f its I-jri.a-iur. andl'.rtigrojwiiien Tnenby, Noveiu- l- r C. Colorado will elect State officers, I-cgis- ; lature and Con&rcssiiien Taeedny, No vember (I. Connecticut will elect State officers, Legislature and Congressmen Tuesday, November t. Iielawarc will elect Legislature and Congressmen Tuesday, November 6. Florida will elect Governor Lieutenant riovernor, Legi4ature and Congressmen Tuesday, November C ieorgia w ill eiect Governor nd Legis lature Wednesday H-UiW 3, and Con gressmen Tuesdey, November f. Illinois will elect Governor, Lieutenant-Governor. Secretary of State, Treas urer, Auditor, Attorney-General, Legwla ture and Consrawiuen Tuesday, Novem ber . Indiana will elect State fitiicera, I'is lature and Cngreswneo Tuesday Novem ber . Inwa w ill elect minor State officers and Coinimwuien Tuesday. November 6. Kansas m ill elect Slate offiini. Ileitis lature and Conjrresmnen Tuesday, No- j vemberU. j Kentucky will elect Cngrenien Tuesday, Novemlier . j I.oiisiana ill elixl State ollicers and ' Ij-gihlatiire Tuewlay, April 17, and Con-; lreitn-ri Tuesday, Novemlier 0. Maine will elect Jovernor and other; Suite oIlii-Ts, Legislature and Congress- J ni'-n Monday, September 10. j Man-land will elect Congressmen Tues- : day, Novemlier C. ! Massaeliusett will elect State ollicers, lxg;fclature and CotigresBincn T.nt!ay, j Novemlier C. j Michigan mill elect Suite oU'kxtb, Leg- Mature and Cwngn-sMiien Tuesday No- ! vendier i. j Minnesota will elect State olTinent, Leg- i islature and Congressmen Tuesday, No- ! e:iilertt. I MisMHsippi will elect Congressmen j Tuesday, Novemlcr fi. i Missouri will elect Mate officers, Iegis- j lature and Congressmen Tuesday, Noveiu j ler ft. Nebraska will eleet State otlicers, leg- Mature ami Congressmen Tuesday, No-j veuilx-r ft. Nevada will elect LepHlnture and Con gressmen Tuesday, Novemls r ft. New Hampshire willelevt Governor and other State olli-ers, Leoudature and i Congressmen Tnewlay, Novemlier 0. j New Jerwy w ill elect Legislature and j CongressiiK'ii Tuesday, November 6. New York will elect Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, Legislature aud CongrcMsmen Tuesday, Novemlier G. North Carolina will ele-t State ollicers, Iz-gitdature and Congressmen Tuesday, Novemlier ft. Ohio will elect Secretary of State and Congressmen Tuesday, Novemlier ft. O.-vgon will elect Legislature and Con gressmen Monday, June 4. lVniisvlvnnia will elect a Supreme Court Judge, lx-gislature and Congress men Tuesday, November ft. KIumIc Island will elect State ollicers and Ix-gislature Wednesday, April 4 and Congressmen Tuesday, Novemlier 6. , South Carolina will clwt State ollicers, L-yislature and eingresmen Tuesday, Novemlier fi. Tennessee will elect (Jovcrnor, Ijegisla ture and Congressmen Tuesday, Novem ber ft. . Texas w ill elect State oflicers, Iegisla ture and (Vingressmen Tuesday, Novem ber fi. Vermont will elect State ollicers, legis lature and Congnfsmen Tuesday, Sep-teinls-r ft. Virginia will elect Congressmen Tues day November C West Virginia ill elect State ollicers, legislature and Congressmen Tuesday, November 5. Wisconsin will elect State officers, Ieg islature and Congressinen Tuesday, No vemlier 7. A Trial by Jury. The great American jury, the psople, have rendered a unanimous verdict in favor of Ir. Pierce i Pleasant Purgative Pellets, the standard remedy for bowel and stomach disorders, biliousness, sick headache, dizziness, constijiutioii and sluggish liver. . How they . Make Farmers in Denmark. Ffteumetijnf A'pura'ciai 1 JAai ache.it nr.l V 1 V J cure YflU. rrmeay im i i y ta of i t-mt. V cent for '-J'" , trul colored bftsiiantw.,. kxture."moorisk. ns (Gin-. WiibStwoioJft iirvi St. N Tort, o , 'ATTRACTIVE OPENING OF KFA' SPRING EMBROIDERIES, LACES, AM) WHITE GOODS. Our selection of Embroideries embrace? all the clioiiwt (alteni in all the new Ide in thelinbruiden; line, a description of which it i imi-il'lc to give in an advertisement that mill convey an adeiuale iilea of the l.-auly orexient of the palienis o'fered. We name a few of the things. d iuvile you to come in and in-t tlie stock : Kmhroidereri (aue'.s. Wile lnsertincs Wide Skirl Knibnii.Urirs asptvially nice linear (hildren's Iresse. neat, small spring and tine open work, with rows of cording and tucking. . AlU.ver rows of Inserting, Tucking and KeveriniJ. ome t- our Iiee, Kiniimiderv and White ;xsi Hi-partnient for the NKVV i(lS. and fur all the novelties in this line. We have tijem. and (.I'AKANTKK IJKST VAL 1K M.I(i. 4i nrrn ave.. pittsih k;h. fa. CITIMCQ NETS, TENTS, OCI 1 HO, nod SDOrting Goods. isnilile-l-Sarrel Hr. '-Hi-I xnolltia Slert ,un, ehoke Isinsl, 1 1 1 iJHl. Klllicle Hreei ll inii KNot Uiiii-. J to --; n-rj kind ol hrw-ch Imiliiieanil lt' i-Miiiia Kimn. ssio H: Mm- Kie-IiMlilU lsulJ' Sliot i.iins. im U -st-i ; ISiu Kle rliot i.ulis. ti .V0 lo -Mi: Ki volvers, il to IhHllilc-m tioll MjlfHss-kern. H'.V0tolU; All kin.li.of l rirtil.-. KIh IIs. 'Hrs V.ls, Toils. INiwder r'lllxk-s llS FiMlehes. IVIluem. SmmkI -id'Htsfor llNitrat-rl t '-itnloitiie. Atl-lr- tiiiKAT 'WKIW (.I S WiHIKs. ISMI'I HHI.I.H KTKKKT. l'lTTsmi liH, I'A. N H -This Isa it-ytnr olil. n-hnile linn ; perfect I v trust worthy orders Wili-d (.roinpily nd irl i"-nl ly mail or exint to kiiv twit tf the irld ; no mailer wlist yoa "' I" the Willi line, yon eitn iret It t tin? Oreal 'est ern liv wrillua a letUT. rtm inude lo order; Oiins and ltevolvers repaired. ai-itl4-m. prnvsituiiOH Female College, PITTSHCHf H I Conservatory of Music. IOO Full Music Lessons $20.00. IKirirt s-ImmiU of !J!M-rI Art. Muic. Klura tton, Kim &riM. ic Vfitntl. Iit-ulthfui, I w-h- tV t-Mr-lM1K, IlliMllTttWM'tlHrtf-fK. innkitttc iMikTHjr-t-iiii-tit flwhr imihI for imw -HlHlout1l Hi illC ' t HKV. A. II. NOIM'RMSS, . R, I'imiU WiH, IA. CatarrN 1 -C A Ti rHaVftVtBffly ELY'S C2EAH EAL3I Cleanm tha Ratal Pafuges, Allays Pain and lnfUoimatloB, Hull the Sorai, tt-toras- th Stntsi of Ttsls and Smell. Try the Cure. A irtidt t t'I'lied Into each tiostril. snd is aprei'al.le. Price w cents hi Iirmrjrists : hv iimil, ivu4rre4.urenUk LLY HkOTli KKs, iiirtm mck Aw IV. msrlfr'tO.lyr. EAnl I HAY-FEVER FOR Fences Farmers. HORSE HIGH, BULL TROPC, AND PIC TIGHT. SOMETHING NEW. air 4nTi in the m imlartr.ro of this ft'iKT al iNHn-.TM't an4 Miyenwll. It i the trwt lurtk. and rtnmir fvwe known. No twirl , nt injury u mot It. Fartry in Suuemet at the old KoMr (ramae factory. mayltf-tf. J. M. MARSHALL A 80X. 33D ANNUAL STATEMENT or tm Somsrsst Co. Mntnal Fire Insnrance Co Young men are apprenticeil to the best farmers all over the kingdom for two or three years, under the oversight of the royal agricultural society. They work for good farmers for one year as learners, receiving a small sum besides their, board ajid lodging. At the end of the year, the apprentice is removed to a farm in anoth er part of the kingdom, and bis third year is spent on a still different form ill a district mhere a different kind of agricul- i ture is practiced. The society gives each apireiiUcea uuiulier of agricultural books at the outset ahirU Isx-omes bis pro)ier ty ujsm the completion of three years. The apvntice rcp.rt to the 'society at Mated intenals, ami from these reports ,aud othtT records a here I hoy liave aork ed. tit? Ks-iety judges uf their progress and grants (U4oiua's aeeonlinglv. The young men must get a thorough know I edgc of all kinds of practical farming, but they have to work for it, as they ar at banl lulsir from 4 a. m. lo 7 p. in. exeeil the meal hours. Tin1 its-iety has Marled tlie system of apprenticing young men iu tl best of (btkries for three luontha iii Ktead of three years. American Fumur. OArKRSKT. 1A ENMNC IlKCKMUKR SlsT. 1SST. To Tirtliint' in Treii-urv vr Ue4 re mtr s-.:tM lsv......' T.j rieli nsvotsl m iu- Miieis ntten diiriiiir --at 187 To e-h ns- d on mw Nicit. re newal diirlite ynirlss; T'i nih ree'd ..it ttd.litioimU ftiriiie exMn-.i u-rin yesr ls Teh ri-il (HI As-lliellt! f. s. S, nud U . fc vr. 'M l.V. 4T 3.'.; 41) l.'i 14 'i!M : MSBLKsENENTs. I v lire Hood's Sarsaparilla 4anMaes, la a Banner peculiar to Itself, the -tv bfcmd-Dunrtinc and nrniphcnma isma .lirsuf Um- veRrtaMe kuimkss. Ysi m ill Slid dm wauderful renirdy clfecth-c iberr (Slier modMars have falk-d. Try It nua. It will imrUy yirnr Mnod. rmilate tlio diimitlon, ' and Blve arm life and visor to the entire bud v. lluod't Rai-sac.rra did rie great (rood. I was tln-d ait fnna overwork, and It tonod enf" Mas. 1. E. SiaaoKn. ColHim, K. Y. I suBrred three yearn front lior4 nolaoa. I took Hood t HamparilU and tlilnk I am cured Mas. IL J. Davis, Urnrknart. X. X. Purifies the Jllood Hnnd't &irsaiarlla U ebaracterixed t.y Usee peculiarhat 1, Uk mmliimattn ntaedul umu; 3d.tle proportion; ad.rha frorrmt rcarinir 11m arlive Btedic-iaal fjtulitie. Tbr result b s niedsiue of anosual streagtli, el ertins eurrs hitherta ankixm. Keod lor book containing additional evidences " Hnnd's ftaraanarttla tnnes tip mr mtenu purilir tny l. Uiu-pen niv nt-tlt'e. aiM eeni to mskr me met." J. ZuuMi-sult. iiesimer at lxvva, Lowell, Mum. HtA t 8ruparinx IVatK all trMTi. and aih tteirht in pld." I. B.vauiAOTwK. UO Jiaiti Wlrtsa. Kiit York City. HetxTs - Csrssparilla Bold by 0 arnnrists. (W;slx l.f s. Mad -or.lr by C I. JIVX1L) 50, lotscB, Mast. J00 Ooset On Dollar, Paid Jacol. Fi' htm r. 1. inliol t SIS 07 l"Bid lrt-.inr- mid Annie Altmiller. low Uv nn-. in full 107 14 Piiid A. II . Coltnsh. Jr.. -jiiiiK-nx-t IS'tlHw-mt' for itnntiiuf 13 M TiU.i XV. li. IWr. I:.y. iluauir 19 11'littiiMu- 4 7;, Piud l'..:ir.,th tV kilH.-i, AtloriM') ttiv J. I . 1 i uHl W. H. knoulx. Em.. AtKrtie.v li--. J. I -w 5 (kt I'uHl . II K...IIU. in full PjT U In tin-, farm Immim- 4111 mi l'aid Win. Vinkv. in full f.ir . In tire. lltMtl- uih! contents 3.V. 7.", Paid JtKinh Hettunitucer. Iim 1, j f.n. lionw mid iiiiu-ii(v KVMo 1 l"iiid IS-t.-r Kniillliii-. tin. li tire. i lrii hihI itnit-n1. . mil 11 j I'D.'d . B riti lili. .. rit of err. ! Iu J'ltnl I uu iiim- 4; .-jn Pnld KU niiiiine A. MH'rr..U, Ali 'y l" l-in- All y in-tM-rnl 211 no Pil udiev rell Sml fuel tor we er ll ran iry a Seen ur U4 Tn- m tin oh- er. On Wimmen'8 Rights. Wimmcn baint no business with laws of the country J" "If they baint o business with the law, the law haint no business with them,' says I warmly. "Of the three clasea tiiat liaint no business with the law lunatics, idiot and women the lu natiiw and idiots have the best ' of it," says I, with great rush of ideas into my brain that almost lifted up the border of my headdress. " Let an idiot kill a man ; what of it? ears the law. Let the luny steal a sheep ; again U13 law murmurs iu calm and gentle tone, ' what of it T Tbey haint no business with the liiw and the law haint no business with them. But let ouc of the third class, let a wom an steal a sheep, does the law soothe her in those comforting tones? Xo, it thun ders her in the awful accents, You haint no bnsinesj with the. law, but the law has a good deal of business with you, vile female ; start for State's prison. You haint nothing at all lo do with the law, only to pay all the taxes it tells you to embrace a license bill that is running to your husband give up your inmx-ent iittle children to a wicked father if he tells you to-and a few other things, such as being dragged off to prison by it, chained up for life, and hung et eetery." Methought I once heard Hie words," sighs the female. ' True government con sists in the consent of the govern!. Did I dream them, or did the voice of the lu ny xiur them into my curs ? " Haint I told you, frowns the law on her, that don't mean wimmen? Have I got to explain to your weakened female comprehension again the great fundyuien tal truth that wimmen haint included and mingled in the law liooks and .tat- utes of the country only in a condemning j and pushing sense, as it were? Though I ; feel it to la; bending down my powerful manly dignity to elucidate the subject; further, I will consent to remind you of ! the consoling fact that, though you wim- men are from the tender softness of your natures and the illogical - weakness of your minds unfit for having any voice j in making the Uvs that govern you, you have the right, and nolsxly can ever do- prive you of it, to be punished in a future world just as hard as a man of the stron gest intellect, and to be hung in this world jest as dead as a dead man ; and what more can you ak for you unreas onable woman you ?" " Then groans woman as the ftindy mcntnl truth rushes upon her; '1 can lie bung by the political roe, but I can't help twist it.' ' .lest so' says the law. Alas ! "sithes the woman to herself, ' would that I had the sweet rights of my wild and foolish companions, the idioU and lunys! I.iut, says she, venturing, with a beating heart the timid and bash ful inquiry, 'are the laws always just that I should oiiey them thus implicitly ?" "'Idiots! lunatics! and women! Are they going to siteak ? thunders the law. Can I believe my right ear? Ciia I, !e ing blindfolded, trust my seventeen sen ses? I'll have you understand that it ! haint no woman's businesss whether the I laws are just or unjust, all you have got to do is jest to obey them so start otrfor prison, tny young woman.' "jllut my housework,' pleads the woman. Woman's place is home : it is her duty to remain at all hazards within its holy and protecting precinct. How can I leave its sacred retirement to moul der in State's prison ?' " 'Housework ! and the law fairly yells the word, lie is so filled with contempt at the idee. Housework ! Jest as if house work is going to stand in the way of the noble administration of the law! I admit the recklessness and immorality of her leaving that holy haven long enough to vote ; but I guess she can leave her house work long enough to be condemned, and hung, and so forth.' " ' Cut I have got an infant,' says the woman, 'of tender days. How can I go?' I " That is nothing, to the case, says the law in stern notes. 'The peculiar j conditions of motherhood only unhls a female woman in a covered carriage once a year, and layin' her vote on a pole. I'll have you understand it's no hindrance to her at all in a cold and naked cell, or in j a public court-room crowded with men.' j "As the young woman totters along to j prison, is it any wonder that she sitheg I to herself: i ! " Otilit that 1 were a unot: Alas : is it not possible that I may become even a luny ! Then I should be respected." I IV rains1! ombound f UXES Karvoas Prostration, Nervous Headache, ' Neuralgia, Nervous weakness Stomach and Liver Xiacasea, Kneumativm, Uya rpeps.a,ad a.! a:Tcctioao cf tbe Hid 307a. WEAK NC.IVE9 wbi Li i-v r ful- f'oitttiuic. :lwy &jeth:jr cures ali u rruus Cisoruera, 'RHEUMATISM . Tia tJmr riimtt a Iviaithr iTuititKi4. iit KIDNEY COMPLAINTS curati v. i wr. tnibnxl with iU ncrva .lire-, n.atm It Urn boat xneds fur aU , kriiimj tMupjuuta, . DYSPEPSIA ' Pa!ci(i Cri CRT Cw wncr rtrwithfw tbm trrf omna Thi ! why it cuna ea Um worse uuwauf fyjei(ia CONSTIPATION Fusi'ii Vj mr CoMorTO f nnt eithar- tit. ItwUitiv.i(lviDifWFaiMliiatarrl attfuri to th buw -l. UtfulAiily suiUy Xui- lUcmioieprltVl ljr irf-"lonaI end btxsiacta ItWO. M'Mii l'f u aw. rrtc $l.0d. Sold by Druggist. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop , BURLINGTON. Vf- ? ' JCST-. vhicF) if RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BALTIMORE A OHIO RAILROADS SOMERSET CAMBRIA BRASCU. i . . . DISTANCE ASD FARE. Milev Faro. ; rVimcrset to Ft -town . UJj t i Fdmerwt to HeovCTsrille 17 M Somem-1 to Bethel tl TO ' Suuicrvet to Ji4iiisu u 3G 1 10 Somerset to HiK-kwotxl 9 30 Moiucrvet to Osrrett - 15 ISO i sinraorset to Meyt-milttle......... 21 JO ' SomerH-l lo Cumhlnd... 5S S 0U ' rainienet U Wuhlnirtnn 210 S5 Sunwrset u lUliimore 250 7 60 j Someract to l'riu - 24 SO ; boiaerM't to 1'oiiliut nt- - 26 W i Somer1 U. OmtielliirHle...... 52 1 SO j Serjerwt lo I'ittMHirKh 110 II 40 The fare to Philadelphia Is IJ.il, aud to Kew York, tii.ea. .i Winter Arran jemenl In alfect sines Hot. 20, 'tl. XORTir-BOCXD TRAIXS. JOHXSTOWS EXPRESS-Xo. 91. t Kockn-rfxl..w 5-.: a m SiMEIiSET... i:Vi a ux deicur Sill a tu hi4 htou u ti:Li a m Himvem-ille.. 6:: a m bi-llit:! a m HAIL Xo. 93. I Jrn'ir. Johnsu n l.'Zi a in ESTY V Qenuinenasa fED tin tag on gVery plug. Old Honesty is acKnowi- edged to be thts purest and triost lasting pizce cf Standard Chewin9 lobacco on the mzrKei. Trxjng it is a better test than any talK about it. Giye it a fair trial. Your dealer has it. IT NEVER FAiLS7rr Forai!di3ea5C5irlfOlIHi: . -4 i V .(Si Arrim. Johustowa.w 1.33 p m rittstmriih n.a ra Kh Aw. ll ;tH ut MiliTl...-.....n:4,o iu Srtniortt K'rOW m Siiyi((M n p iu HMvtTivi lie. p ta iU-itn-l 10 p 111 rsst'ngvr fnun Piltvhurch chanpt cam for jHinu ou (he umerwt k Caiubria mi Km kwotHl. somerset accommodation-No. . t SOMEKitT 5:60 p m an'f. Paltimorv lOMiim Htt.Minjl. 1:10 p m U'N'kHtHAl 'VAI p iu li!l'trl p ui PnsMMtTs for SomtTHft ftxun the c&M and west on (he kVuifburgt. Invisiuu, change curs at Km-k-woud. SOUTH-EQUSD TRAIXS. itALTiMoiiE mail-No. sat I Johnston u 7;.'0am K'thel a in ll(MfVtrrvilie..n X:4l a in Ku.vHiou n rv.v u m tteicvr K.JIiiu S M KKsET-a-. V:-v a ui Mil lord. i:.i7 a ni 1'asjH iiet' rv for points ea. and west change can at iiwku wL Arrive BfwkwNMl 9:.r0ani (iiiniHrrluiul. WKhiiiKton. ltnllimore 1'iIL-lmiK'h , l:JUpra .";.' p. ui 0:4-" p m p m ACOMMOIATI0N No. 91. A rriivt Rock wor. 4 :i0p m CnintH.'rlund . 7:1 " p m HiliJibnrKh 8.-10 p in WiihniL'toiu 7:'JUain KaUiniure ts.M) a in i REPORT OF THE COUNTY AUDITORS OF SOMERSET CO., VA. Receipts and Expenditures of Somerset County, Pa., from the First Monday of January, 1 887. to the First Monday of January, 1 888. ; o CTBCS C. SOB BOCK, Esq , Treaanrer of Soaenet County, Pa., in accooat with the County of Somerset. RECEIPTS-DR. . For Tax received from Collector of 8ut aod Cooot; Rate fur the fear 1st, and 18HT : 1 Iaral KnKrkk... S J.wph I'atlua... S A. J. Wiinrr 4 Jab f. klantl.. I Ivl Lny II. K. liakcr 7' Win. U. l.au.lH 8 frank P. Amlcrmm Him MiCilntotk. Hi Ella hukre II B l. Morrio It- Alexan.lor colemao IS B. K. Julien U f-lui.in Tnomaa 15 f. .u Gar.tti 1 Freilerh-k Durr 17 A. II. Kuhltnan IS Julio U. Kaueh 19 Thomas Oull&Ktier. ii Peter Kingmaker Kl Klninet uliMMlgham Kj J. 8. Ilraves 'li John Burmne. 24 hliiion P. Weitner ti L. K. Ilarhauirh MAK Teilrow rt Nelwin Winner. Us Iiavlil J. Lehman t JarNiliKiHiofz 80 A.J. Itftiwall si .s. J. L-hir vi U M. Lambert IU Henry Kreer &4 Hermll Slatll TUt Jeiiae J. ('4hk tWi Chirle Miar.k 7 . w. l-iiiia ss W. S. X.wer J. B. (lerhariL 4n i. H. Jenn:iiK 4! Peter Knieream I Plural 7T. .... Kuuthamptnn Uiwtuhlp .... Elkluk toartuaip. ....jtlreenrUle tnwuhip. .. . . ; JenoertuirB borough .... ;MllilletTeek town.-h!p ...,jsulhliiptiiu towluliip .... Summit lonrDHhip ....jl'rmna Imroufrh ....Ailiiwon towDnip... ....!Alk-Rbenr loiuaipn .... tiler, in Onrouik. . j Bmtheravalle; tnwnaoip. . jCondoeticif borough. C...... .il.'oneroauk!i lnwaaip . iKIkltca lutrimtiip. . .Greenville towuMhip. .enerannlffwnabiu. . iJemiertown burouga. . Meaner tow nli i p . Larimer tnwimhip. . Lower Turkey fom tuirtulilp. ... .'Meyerauale tuirouirh . ! M lUilleiTeek towaahip . Milloril townNhip .New Baltimore bunmirh .iNew ivutreville brouj(!i . NirtlMuiiton luwnalup .Patul tnwu.hip . jtjuemalinniiiir townahip,. .... .'KtiekW'MiU IfH-fillfril . aliiiury tMirouan .jShwle towiiKhiu. . iHnmelVet borough . SmneriH-t towiutliip. . .ou!hampttD towimhlp .jstnuyi-reek towiiHhip. 9 .stnati,wB lKiriugti .jUUl!Ult lltWIllihip . i I pper TurkeTiikil townnhip... .il rMiut lir..unh U'eUersburg txirough I ti Joseph Nnll !t Wm. H Miller 44 Jnhn s. Hi rile, 4ft Jacob C. rrili-Jitlelil.. 4fi Aiixi Walker 4Z Suuon Thii.-na s A. J. Boricnu 4 A. l.itrxz M Kreih-m k Dnrr.... tl A. II. kuhlmaa ... M Tkowiu iiallaffker. S3 I rt-a. 14. J lauiuili &l inio Laa-n-uro fA Janiea i illerK M Frank B. Hlu-k s; w. r'. Miire hJ iw-iIi P. e. -tiler. M lleurv J. tUiglteri M J. U. Zina II II. K. Miller m M. r. Ailiwm is Jacob HoifuiaD A4 Jjeiib Koolllz M Wm. II. Baker ci Lea-ia liuiliert 6T .l.wiah W..y ns Mieliuel Kifer W Annuel i. Lti'hlj 70 avM L. Witt 71 t'harlea Manx 7i (ieorire II. l oleiuan 73 A. J. Kretebmau. 74 J. B. lierhanl ;& Mari-ellua Anilrewa It Peter Kmerejm I I Toiala for 14. A 1WA.. ..lA'lillanu towDilnp .. Allegheny loannhip .. : Berlin borough ..iKl k townmup liroiuernva'.K'y lownnnip. U'onenungn lowunhip Ifonilueuie liormigh KlklM-k lowoship. t ,-4;rw-nville tuaimhip I Ji-tferati Iiiwnnhip ijeuner lowiisJiip. jeniH-mwu. DoruiigD. Lamner luwninip Lower Turkej fimi mwuship. ..;.ueytmovle tiroiigh , , ..jyiiliitormk lowuanip. ..jMiif inl towiuhia ..'ew Haltluiure bormlgh ..New I'eutreviilH lor4lll ..Nnnbanii(oa luwwhip... .. jiigte luwiinhip...,.,, ., ..iPaiul towiutl'.ip .. iiiemahoiiiiig ('iwoniiip... ..Ko kwiol bri:gh .. Kha.te towni-hip. .. KtiuierM't towiiHlr.p .. HotnerHet birmigb ..iHaliimry li-iriMig.i . . stovHiown iKirijogh .. Southampton t-ian!hip ..;St.myiTeek Uiwnttbip... .. Siiiii'mit township .. I pper Turkey loot township.... .. I'rtiina b-iriHigh . . : Welleratiurg bitrough yia: ... lsi IS CO. Tit BTATaTlX. Total Tax rollccteil 77 To Amount of County Tax carrleil to right han-1 rolninn 7f I o am t oi Borroweo niittM-y reeeiveit .see I eoi ra iiiger vol. s i 1 ;a U K; I 8 ss: 14 W N 4I 77 i m w i ml m xt Tl 14 i3 Hi: 1 IN: 113 S3, 110 49! 1IM SI ii at- 73 Ml l .17 ISO ' 1 117 41 .a a; I k-i in1 464 lOI IU 7i .vu iw' III Al; 14H it UI S 1-4 4' 131 3 4 1S7 3 I 1 S 1 3 14 43 1. 1$ as 10 M Si 1M 15 ; i II S3 (7 lei III II W 4-1 Wl Oil 1 IS 43 ; n N 41 w St a i J M M 7u 1M 111 U 541 4T tu 117 Ta 111 On SH 41 IS I 04 4 it; XO id W UI Mlt 31! 1-41 IX MAI UT ttri till 718 47 -4i s;i llMl OUj mi .-! UM (7; 4UII 110. i:h a X-H4 4 47j !Ul 111 74." t! via u 770 001 16js :t HO 00 It UO 719 V5 M 81; 10.W 41 2.h m; 15 Ui.i nw, 4IV-.I 3al 141 44i w; ooi 41S 10 11 nit' i- S 4, km; sti lti nij 441 40; Keitempt'n money on una. lan.ia reeM v ' Bee'ii lur pun-tt. " ' ' " nol.l by rnm'ra 14 1 fir Schuiil tx reeorils wiiil to ti.4 lHir' Error in milenge of Jury c.im-iirefiin.U-il . u M iiaiH-aie of Jeaner towuahip M Matlltii' imiIJ by i,'jtii"loner u ' " Hulling - Mheenug f ' Olil brnlgc " " " i.'ii4! T.iir ;Lii.rrriy if'Jv V . rfi PILES KJ If h ' . e. .ar. ts, i i ' 9 I S iKI.'l ' Dcli;h"7 Perfumed. Eily Uwd. Sold by Eery Druggist In SomerteL july lS-,7s-iy. Isurra Johnstown... M p m lieiliel :i:or p iu HiKiversvillc... S:'J0 ) in htoyiiuiw n .1::t-J p in eigr :i:.-7 p ni SoiKiwrr 4- p in M illont 4:16 p m I'a.--iiL.-rn for eoat and west change ran at Kork wiamL R(KKWiK)D ACCOMMODATION Xo. 95. f .enrol I rrtiYr .SiiMKRsrr AMI p in Koekwood 6:-2.i p ra Milford .c-.l-Jp in PunMMKl ljMiv-ii.tr Mi thlu iMin nun mil. ium I ne.-tiin at KiM kHtjud wftb nigbt Kxpreeai Kralua i j eai aim we.-l. Daily, f Daily except Sunday. I i BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. j ! riTTSBCRfJU DIV1S10X. EA ST-RO CXI) TRA AYS. ARBUCKLES' a package of COF s of excellence- ARIOSA is kept in all : m the Atlantic to tl COFFEE name on a package of COFFEF. li a guarantee of excellence COFFEE is kept in all flr-?t-class stares from the Atlantic to the Pacific. is never arood when exposed -o the air. Always buy this brand in her xeticall7 sealod ONS POUND PACKAGES. I'OIIOA. 4 rrui'mi Unit OwtlriCd Kr. MniL ErprtM. Pltt-burirli 1:10 p.m. S.oo. m. -jr. . BraililK-k :XX S:W li-KetrNirt 1:4H ' 8:J3 W'et Newton 'ii! " " 10:ij jsruad Kuril K::i " icw OnuelNvllle ' !t:.o ll:i " Ohio Pvle ' W:.t " H.ullueUfe 4:40 " ltl:.MI " li:lSA. . l'niua 4.--II " lu:.V ' .. 'n-vselman ;V07 " 11:19 liut'kwuod .':1S " ll.u'H 12:55 " (.nrreit .'.::'.- " 11:4:1 " Sttlislmrv June. 5.4.' ll:.Vi Meyenolaiu A.4H ' ii;Vi " i;jo Kostt.rtie .VM Ull r. M IniiiiI Pateh fcVS " LUS 1.30 Si.utliatnptoQ iclM " w Finrliope f.:: li: llymliiuin 6:4i ' 12-.M " j ('illiii.erlalid 7.1o " 1:'J 2:4." ' I Wa.ihini.ioii ,r:4Ti " 7.-J0 Baltimore (arrive) , :4.'i 8.30 " mcv luvritTinu RO BACMCHE. New Year's Greeting, At the opening of a Now Year we ex tend to all our renleni the compliments of the season, and wish tlioui all health, happiness and prosperity.- To secure the first we know of no hettiT m'rviee e can render than to coiinnend (iilmore'n Ar nmtic wine, the iMtit tonic and vitalixcr for men, women and children ever pro duced. For luJit-H who are nuffiTint; from general debility and diiK-amen pwul iar to their sex, it ha no eijual. For fif te'n years it ha lieen the Btandard rem edy iu many local it io. and lias received higher eiidurnciiient from phynieiniia and ierHoni who have been benetiUed by its use than any other medicine ever intro duced. The Giliuore Remedies are -for Hale by Bieseckcr fc Snyder, Mannnj(li Itloek, Somerset, I'a. mi ii. ri E vi TV rlHc Of tWbCal hwi mMl MB M (at ttM w Farmer i1 Wo4 t'lic-pnr vnu. Fir mrdrr frota jomr Ti loitT wf: Aqmrv T-H.in -H f i-,r-i Ft? EI M1jw fouum: vtinb m ik ro- 90J 8. Cmnal Strcot, CMo&a, UI, Tmi'iM Lrnic HHltitnnre Wahint;tiin rtu;:1ierlaiid llynilniau Fnirhiiiie S.iiihaTHptoa Snnd Putrh Keyiu? Meyer riule Snh.tury June fiHrretl Koekwoftf! tiM.-!iiiaii I'mina .iiiiieiice Ohiu 1'tUi ("iiiiH-!Nville rlniad Ford WVji Ni-wiiin Mi'Kee-tKin Kraildoi-k Ar. Pittsburgh WEST-BOCXD IRA Vnfrnfn it Cnmljrrfd Ar. J. JI. 10-OOa. . a. wVt " s-n-. X-4S " s-.v U-1H " 9- " v-:) , ihXl " 11-4(1 li-.V, 10-04 " lo-.M " 10--J " 10- -41 1 11 -in 1 H-.V. liM'i r. 1-24 " 1- 9M " 2- U0 " 10-.V) 5- IOr. : $-11 " i-oii 4-S-i 44 4.: " 4-42 " 4-4"i " 4- .V4 " ft-l.i " 6- L'i " 5- C, 5-.'l " (Vol " S-4S " S-.O " 7- :U WO IXS. a. a. I prc. ! "-) r. m. i X-4U 1-2U4.H. 1-.I0 " 2-47 3- 2l iW 4- JO 6-uo M -20 7- iio" Fiir full iiifiM-inaiiiai of ine ruutc, where lo oU talu Ouveriiiiu-ni Laudf, Un, tie.. Address - A. if. hk.iiKESltwur., Central paeugi.'r AeiMt, Comer Tib Av. and amlihlitiil Street, PHtbunrh, Pa. The time given I Fjitern Standard Time. XImII Tn. I us M..,lrwv. B, Dn.b.n-j I . I. . to and fruiu 0uu nn:t uud J..l)iii-t.iwii, nl Ilt nd- nmn w ith train lo and from lk-.ll,.nl, at (iarrett I witlitraiiwi K. arid fnun Herlin. at Salisbury Junc ; tiuu u-ith traiiu lo and frura sulibury. i ' All Trains Sup fur Pwngirt wlurt Time U Gitm. I W. M. fT-EMEST, Mnniwr. I i K- l-OKl), (icn 1 1'a-a. Ant ! " " Pae al la-d aettlenieut e Ju lirment No. 21 relT T. l.iaT.... . ., Keftin.leii by tl. M. Seff airiir tu oriler No. 7-4 of Si see coma. leg. i " ou John Aliaou order - ' fli " " j " BaL due f. C. SK hroek, County Treasurer fryui Someraet County... Total I EXPENDITURES CR. 1 Bt amt of order for the Tear l4 paid Tik : for Viewers pa 9t - - " " 1-vV, u B-irmwetl uioney IJ " " " InqoetA w . u u " " " " Furaiaalng sHaului bond. " " " " "" Borrowed moner H' " 'onfTinir taxable 9t; u h K,.n, fr Pp,aia, s " " " " " " " Anuistant Aawaaor pay.. (si' u u u u " u SejiIlM !, i..MU " " " m o yn-eriipay lol '"""- Ihhiih( luij " CumiuunweaUtl kwU4 paid for Sew bridge - Keai re to orii ijrea 44 Briiiire overweera u Prawiiur petiiioiis for bridge inspections.....'. Klet-lll expense Juifiieat on dead tiodiea Ni'alJM " Conalablea returi4 Borniwed miHiey " Interest on botroweil money '. Soldier burial , JMoney refuuiled on unsealed landa. " " eatray fill 24, and lax ex-xie rated. c. HI tiT M R'lad daniaire - Kire iuaiiranoe w Kxpetuuaat 1'eun'a state lioapKal (Harnaburg) Went penn'a (Uixmnnti 44 " " Keform Hcnool (Morgauza) 44 Cleaning vault , 44 Freight and exprosa 44 Couutr lnatltute : 44 Stale tax per order on ('ounly Treasurer 44 - Fee and ejiat in criminal cane 44 i4trii2 AttH-ney' fees in cmuin-il eaea. 44 Survay at ki4i IPJi.' theru iMinDdary of county 44 Expenses of uux-aikd laun aula 4Ui ........ 44 lmka for Law Uoiary , 44 Keiairsto Court House 44 Expense at - Ml, lamps, e. 44 Fuel (or Court House and Jail 44 Kepairs at Jail 44 Expense at Jail, rlothtng, Ac 44 Service at Jail sMble tire ai. .... 44 Watchman at Jai! 44 New Wash House on Jail lot Jail Physic-Ian 44 Stationary and postage 44 Kecord 44 Printing, advertising and blau::, Houierael lloraM .... 44 44 44 44 44 Ik-inoerat... 44 44 44 44 44 Co. Time... 44 44 44 44 Berlin Kecord 44 44 44 44 it PTersdale Commercial 44 44 44 44 .loan S. shafer 44 Aiwssors fee and pay 44 Viewer. Inspector and chalu earner pay 44 Tipstaves pay 44 Court cners pay 44 JanitiH-8 par 44 Jury Couuuhwioaer pay. Hay fl5.J, Custer. 11 TO. 44 4 " clerk's pay 44 County Auditor par (I!! 3 al K4 44 44 " Clerk Vs pay 44 44 44 Attisruey's pay 44 Htenrsrrapher fees anil pay 44 Clerks to Board of Compulation election) 44 Crau. I Jurors pay and mileaire 44 Traverse 44 44 44 44 Talesmen 44 Boarding Jurors " Commissioner salary and par. (Uuinbaulit) 44 44 44 (l-eplejl 44 " 44 44 (McUlutock) " 44 Clerk-s4lsry 44 -44 Aiinrnev's salary 44 Interest on Mtisseliuin land. Poor limine 44 Balance of Poor House expense. 44 to Tp.i. and B . schoal and road taxes for "Si, lies com.) M M ..,. ,t 44 1 " .. M U MUM . 44 ) of Treaanrer' corn's at per cent, on tti.-Q-.t Total Expenditure I 457b 7 I 100M M) ut oi !W US II to mi! 4 tri : 5o 1 50i ll: law tw m ki lllU so a IW IIS 4 4-v, UI xTtl 7J M Tl 114 77 tno 00 f .1 Isi 1T KI 1.'. no t IW it UrS it 4 4 13 : i UU 3.'4 114 iT ti 40 OA 40 44 131 ii 130 61 17 Sit 14 0U 4.1 43T-0 7 we. m nirsijne.l An-ljt.ir of s.;ir.r.- Cii.sty, in fce cnanrvrMij r "- tj tka; Mi Burwiaeee ' itieiii!: f.vn i.t 'fe At enn;l-tl T , r'.nr'ST'-aa,s. ,i, Me., r-eil tic l:d.nt April. Ii.m -,i n,,. -u n( 4,N ,, ' '.!.,"u ind 4lay of Junnarv, I?v, and iilii-r In-tucr u.iir 'm, ml an.iit. adi-i-w .i ,, V, ""'in. I-.,. ,,,';. Temtlre l of es hy law. asreeal.lT to tie wverai .-t f Astmi.!r ,, ,Ul.'u..n ' ,T. VLT . lug lotfte bent of "ur Jndpi-nt and s'n iih s, ale! toe f,.r g.ni.7 : -rue III l r t i. '"''"" -t". J" nf tH fonowmc aceonit". ri: 1st. frro. c. sin.-k. Ks.(.. Treur-r ,f ,tr, "''? t .( the said l ooiiu of .Somerset : iD.i. N. I:, t yii.-titl-id. K-) . 1 -miwrf r,- i , "ii in i , J Count? of Somersef ; s r-l. J-din W .nttry. Kni.. wx-ntl ut snul i ,rmn wi k "Liii? '-v,,a:. l! 4!h. per JuFtitr.iul.l. ( oiiinnsitoiirot mi. 1 1 .amt, with the sni.l o.nu J, ', ' in--.' LepleT. i'mnmlssvim r of sal i'mut. wiia the raiu l onntv f S-irri .,. 'i iT"; y, ' t'oiunussHiaer of satil Conuir. w;' me i:. n;v i,t souier-t, al for it. , ?M T,'-t,y, and we funher.-erlift au 1 Hi.d i.IjI mere :ab:s!i.-oiM- from the rrmiuy .V! ' Jvuil CrC. S.-lin-k.tJcii'y Tre.isnrer. ..r elvra hiiu.lrr4a-le-.'hi.olirB,1 ,,,,' . n"r'" to vi aod that there is a l awe due the County ( oineriK (rt m Peter li.,ni:Mllt.i ' . -v'"eL: ;(., ' Junaa Mr:iiHn-k. CiaintT I onittiisMODrra uf raid l iwr.:t, of m ln:nlrnl ''t i-t ,., . to wf. from Pet.-r Dumwiild i s : from Adam c. Lepi-y n. ""Zi n 7" iir ixa.i.3. ijth oi ir oiiw-rrs w.Te miin.1. atlti mnrrs. we-e Only suiHifione s. lfw tae Aiii!itirs .see iil.po?na hereto attached) and U.ev did appear before us an i t nl'.!!Lt"" voucher, onlers. Nils and prs. in'ineew i;wlf ' Iu trstiiuou) wHereof we hae hereunto set our band and teals tins .tnti .Lit I I. "Mi.Ilr'i. i. oi v . ...v.... ;u "".lVAilKlMi, r,, j couuty 4 Attest : Duneu METint.o, ltrk. r of January . r, 'iu.: A 'n OUTSTAXDIXrt STATE A XI) COUNTY TAXES of 0 set County, Pa., on the 2nd day of January A. IX lisV 'r' i4 j ri., 4v-.ii - -"-ovvu-ii, ot ruiu Aiuinjf us itiuona : 1 No! (OI L& TH P 1 Kntiik pTAu'lersou." 9 Joriao Riiui-h. I pwrr HtVNrmaker..., 4 J"-pli NniL 4 W. II. MlUiT i Jrttitt H. Heitlt-v T .la nb v. rrii'h:)tlt. 8 Ann Wj:kr Sutton ThHii W A. J. Hnrffnu. ....... 11 A. (iarle . 1 Krt-tU-rirk Itirr , U A. II. Knt!.:i-ui 14 1 ho.iim (rittlJtf:tern. ,5 -. W. Jht!MfO 1 hio ljiwrtn-e 17 Jiitiie rlVra , U Kr.mlt H. l.Kt -r--IV W. K. MHrc ........ ltl J.ivtl R StftlltT... t Hcnrv 4. Eutfrrt.... J. H. lata , TU M. E. ililtt-f , U M. K. Allien ts Jut i. lillnuiu tfrt J,t-ih Krif7. ; W. II. H. IVaktr SH U'wis ljnt-Hrt , W .hm h V "v , Ito Mn ha-1 Kfe-. , 31 Smniiff 4. f,i-r,tv W Ihtvul L Witt.- S3 I italics M.irtK 34 (let'if: (1. OtrlfiiicUi , H5 X. J. Krr-i. hmaii. I4 4.K (.rrnnnl ft) MrteiiuA Atiirt-W3-. 8s Pwer Hnifneiu j PlbTRnTS. . I rSlIl. .MtTnlllTti . . . TCiitTttiwu hirnuiii . .Larmier luwohtp..n . ( A 'it 111.. B I'Wlj!!itt . I Ailifiiri. TowiiBliipL - IWiiu txtrttnirti . i:ijrk Itmuitlli . Hrf'thr-wvai:-? twr-IipL.... . oiifnisttiifti t'wnMftip . tmrttit'Ut-r btrtmyft .......... . Kil. irk tWBti . (.rTM-nili iimwhip . Jt-ilt rn i.m n-hip . -I !inr iftwnHhii. . . -.titit(-rltv;i irtti:ri . ; La- nut-r lownxtitp. , . L'wir T(irkerrii t-m ahiii.. . iviniiH!e tiriHh MtiidifvTtfk lowiwliip. . Mi'f'Til t'tWllwhtki. . . H.ilt:ntitr iir-'ififii . -jt tT?i'Ti'vi!!e irnirU , . N r. ii;iUt(ifttU loii).ip . loitnialiip. . Rttnt tnwii-itiirr , . ifiii.ihtinifitf tiiwrwiiiji...... . HM hwiml IvirijujrU . shii-lr lwTirhip. . Siiiurt t'twii-ttip . Hniiier-'-'i i'rrtiim . . S.iiirTurV lorittif!t . S!iT!nrn Atr. li . Mithetmt'f m tii n-h;p. . MfinV' TrM-k l:WIIV(ii. , . S'linunt t .wuship . Vpif nrivv t'-M"Wh.rjHi,. . t t-ttA tt r.t uii . . WtiitTsfiirji( lrr.'iii?ii ! v 1 "li . lk7 ! " i u I lii- . ts i- ii, 1.4 a : j si m U1 . 1 i'H7 c 4.-J i i 4t :t si l Si! i TV. :i rn i,: '.''.'. t. : ..7 s 411 1-J4 vj rai ..i 4. .":; i.e.; it v. Hi ll H.l 1. :t 4H i o ;.i ; K. ..i 4 v. a w ' i i; ' ;j lis .i a ' u i; "i ; ' a. si ll i. illm-.s, (jmiini'.i.iii.s. ;l, N iTR. In the above outstanding li.tUncea ire Included t!ie K.xnrnirali centsire to lie dnluctcl. We. the iin.liTiuii. -I 'm:ni4ln:iem nf s -nersi roar.iv. in c.n?rmuv t. u h .. .. . . . , accompunviror a -.-ninna. it the lle- einls and Kxpeml'ttire "t -n l nniiity f. m- r.-'-ir i.v-' i. lirar.1. a. 1.1 e uerei.r cennv IM.il in e aliuve fUli-ineul in the I X '-Uli l.hir Taxra u u correct as per records in the 1 reasiirer s aud t utuaiisMoners' wil. . ' I p- t, l"H -11 ia Altcst :- A. J. Hll KMAH. t'U-rlt, ) ll K. M A'lNKl! I.tli. M N K K K C. VV. ll.l.UMsiiN, t .JUflly Coiiuiiiatl.ui.ri itiili Hi Mot) 41 4i 14 00 Hub 5 f WOTS S4 ios;BTaml lmi - HA! 44 44 lot 44 44 lo?! 44 44 Ur 4- 44 llSJl 44 44 11 111 lllf Ui 114 lli 11 117 lis 11 1MI M; 44 I I 44 1: 44 M li! 44 lili 44 ll 44 1! 44 ua. 44 ii! 44 i.i 44 i:e; 44 141 44 l:! i:l! 44 i:i7 14 las 44 'is 44 14I 44 141 ' 44 14il 44 14:t 44 144! 44 US m i4: 44 147! 44 14s; 44 14! 44 lis)! - IM 44 1M' 44 W 44 lMj 44 1.1 I 44 1M: 44 l.ri7 44 1SS! 44 is! 41 io: 44 liii 44 lli! 44 lKll " 1G4; 44 w, 14' 44 KIT 1 444 lftH 44 llWi 44 I 170! 44 171 1 44 171 44 I 173 44 TOi I SJ 00' 11 ooi 1 Mi 440s 00, 14 00! ' Sdi 1 AO! 8 10 M ID I Ul! 14 OKI S7 S 1.V3 Hl 1 ooi . 15 001 10i 60 -I 90 M 4V1 HO kT7 .VI, 1T7 T.1 8ri 00 IOO IK) AM Olil . o; 0 00! 30 l 7i3 13 4 w: 1T.9 43! t M l mi oa i;wj 40 a 4 ins 00 t 00 mi :o 81 51 ) US 871 li 47nO ll M0 Ilk KT4 Oil I 7 tj 61 30 MO ISO 110 104 Of 15" 01 M 1 IS 00 0 3 f K) IX MS 04 1S3 S5 fts w Ut 4S 11 so IT I Srtt Hi SS 13 11 54 1.11 H4 144 Irt 4 an sou so 1WO 77 v. 41 4T0 110 Isi IIM M IS) ! So l'J SO M8 IS) ;o m 10 00 7S TS w uo lONj M 4Jl 7 a isi 31 to SOI AO 1000 110 sou no 73H IS 507 7 W.t 47 Somerset Lumber Yard. ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, Misir.imiitE am, De.ti.er, Wnoi.Esai.Eit sp Rct!U (. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Hard ancl Solt Woods. OAK, PtiPLAR, S1MXU9. PICKET .MOl'I.IiIVt; A?U, WALNUT, FI.WRIMi, SASH. . STAIR RAIL CHERRY, YELLOW PISE, SIIIJ.liLEA IKXIRi BAI.ri'1'fg-t, CHESTNUT, WHITE PINE, LATH, BLIXtS, SEWkt rirv. A General Line of all trrades or Lumber and Buiidiuir Material mid tso-iflii,- u,te kept -a Also, can furnish auyihing in t!ie line of our tuin. Iu outer n ith rea,-oi;ble promptness. Hich as nraclivia, UJ.i-aucd notli, etc. ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, Offloe and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. I I (9,078 S4 Kor 'M yearn I have been troubU'J with catarrh have tried a number of reuie dicn without relief. A 1 ruist here lec oinineinleJ lily's Cream Jlalm. I have usetl ouly one bottle ami I can say I feel likje a new man. My catarrh was clin n ieand very bail. I make this voluntary xtatenient that others may know of the Haioi. J. W. MathewDon.i Lawyer,! l'aw- ! tucket. K. I. Oils! Oils! H.&08&G8., r. i"T4v : i r m laid irMaire aud ritatixua-ry Paid licrald iHlirs-. 1l.il-liMi Aw unal Saiewut aud blanks...,. 4U no ii II 11 171 S7 Kalaacedue Ttvanrr.., H77 li Ilr onlerurtbe Board. onVc of V.iieni KAV1 FI. H4Rt l v Cirnmv lti-iiraiii-i- Pl:rii-KT CmiiMsuy. tier. ll. 1 JXo. HH ICS. ,H:- 1 SB. Tacas. JH-E 1M AliTEPTOR KEri'6 lo A. J. And. -ram resldinp In PsTette Co. P Nirah M. Andi-rmin, n-sidiiic in Oreeue Co P. : Howard Anderson. rw.idin in tumnens ville Kayetie o.. Pa.: Ijiciuda Morrisiia and Mary Kllulieth M.irrison. reniding in Vayetlt- tmiuity. -a : Clark V. s-rix.u, Tlimnas MiiniK. Ofiiw Mtinhdl n. MariranH, In- , termsm.-d uh Klcmiug, residiug in WiwtmiireiarMt Ctaititv Pa: You are bcrcl.y r-iied'to be' and appear at a ronn ciM'ommiiu Plar t b- held at tim-niet in mid fur Homer: Oruiitv. 00 M.sidav. the "Till day of Fclmiiry. l4-s. then aud there to ai-n-K or refuse to take the real estaw. to wit . a trai-t .d Wnrt Hluale tu Istwer lurkel.ot Towusbiti. ftim.-raei Oaimy. Pa., winning' land if Jais'b H l.m. Lorenzo li. McNair. and others, con tainiliK 107 acres nvsv or less, al the ai.t.raised wine thtfvof.orstiow cause why tbe same anotild Lia he ild aroordina; to law tcritr. ttfliee, R. 8. Mi MILI KX Souienrt, I'a. Jan. II, ti j Sherln". JTXfXXTOR'S NOTICK. jrtaup f Jane Brooks, dee d, late nf Lover Torkerfcs Twp, Srnierset co Pa levers tenameuun- 00 the above erute hav raBted 10 the iindervteacd by tbe Mop er auth.-itr notiot I. hereby ,t to aU . SOUt. Mm1Ias1 k said estal lo i-,-..-lL.. rwieiil and those bariiw claims anitrst the same will nreaesit ihm ri.ilw .... .. . .j , settlement uo TlmrxUe. the 1Mb day of Man-h i50bL'!4- Executor, la bu-W ' J. R. SCOTT. c0"- Executor. Two lxjyii were oecn umiiieliiig a Btimller fine on a side street the iwst meek, ween pomerby went up to them and ordered them to desist asking at the name time what it wax all about. IVa.l silence for a moment. The pasaerby again demanded what it meant. Then one of the young fighters, more bold than the other, answered : " It means me've made a law up. our way that no fellow would clean off a sidewalk for less thai) U.D mints, and we've cuiilit this scab doing it for five !" Bon Record. Some Foolish People Allow a coiiih to run until it Bets be yond tlie reai'll of uiedicine, They of ten say, "Oil, it will wear away," but in niot eaxes it' meats them away, t'otild they be induced to try the Biuvesafol medicine called Kemp' Balaam, whieli we sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would Immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the tirst dose. Price 50 cents and f 1. Trial ur jttt. "At all Prugxists- I m as troubled n ith catarrh in my head to anv annoying extent threw years. After using one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm 1 mas entirely cured. Woi. J. Cline, Victor, X. Y. Gratitude is the music of the heart w hen its chords ere swept by tlie gentle breeze of kindness. Walking advertisements forJ)r, Page's Catarrh Remedy are the thousands it has cored. . . The Standard nilTCimtnaiir. of PiUsliunrh. Pa., i makes a spts-iallv of liiaiiulactiirine for the lMnucstie trade tbe 11 nest brands of j Illuminating k Lubricating Oils ! Naphtha and Gasoline, I That can he mat. from IVtni.emn. Wc challenge conijKiriVou with every know n j PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM, j If ron wish the miH uniformly 1 I Satisfactory Oils IN THE ..American ZMCarkct, Ask for ours.. Trade for rVmKrset and vicinity Biipiilled hy PITTSaURCH, CFFCrt TO THE TIUDF, THE H EITK OF S3.00 SHOES IX THE MtliHri;. xt-tnt: iv rpt2S-S7-ljT. roriK A itEF.Rmi axn SoxrKsKT. Pa. EXCELSIOR COOIv STOVE always simraiY. EicHrasraAPKim 0 Purcliasers. "cai te SniteJ! Jf.VfT,4CTl'JcEi) Br Linss. I j'-'tta:, EngKsh Ba!s& Imitation Lace Congress, From the FSHST CAI.F fKIit. nitt l CtVI lVL DOA'CiCI.A TOM, fcOI.C j l.l:.tr.IER tol.VTI.ns, aud every j pair rarrantef. Schell & Shivler, Somerset, Pa. apriO-lyT. FASHIONABLE CUTTER and TAILOR, Ha-iriff had minf tear experience IU all lirauehra of the Toilnrini: biui iui4, I aiiaruntee salixfartlon to 11 who may call up- t on me jia ravor -t me m ith thir t.ul. 4.onaai. Tour, ic.t WILUAM if. H0CH3TETLER. SomtiBEr, Pa. . ASD PUR SALE BY R. 13. Schell & Co., oct-S-'K-lrt. ' SOXXST. PA. t T t A f aimoAnfj CENTRAL State Normal School. LOCK. HAVEN. PA. rirrnwel In tt adrantase. Location health Tul and lukjiiritur. Iururtorcxiencnecd teachers and bonoretl aTailuatea of oolleuea. State t'nrtiriation thi rear fcft.ima Extensive IM PKOVEMKNTS, oovenu-ni-. and Comfort. Su-pertf- Moilel and Training School, eitate aid to proteKiouai nudents. JffJ,ELDON4 A- M.. Principal. Juts- w-lyr. hxk iuteu, i Z "TCT" B t'RITtHKIF.I.D. Eaq.. Prothouotarr and Clerk of the Court of Quarter Session and Over aud Teruiiuer ut Somerset county, Penna., In arcouut with the I uunty of Somerset for the jearlstlT. ' " i nn. i 1 To Jury fee rolleetciU see cist hooK. yoL 11 pasea 34T toaa; Im-luslve... ! ' " rinea coneeled. e eost boo vol. tl pi. 1HI to 37, In.-luBlve, c..., i 44 Coal ami ink. aee Co. Comr Leilirer. 44 Ant't of item rejected hy Co. t:om'rn and their Attorney.... , 44 Am t of County order Jjq. 28 of Iy Total. IBy bill of fee Ac, due him iw Prothouotary, Ite-ni No. I to. Ms, Incluatre j f H clerk of u. a, 44 44 s44iw - , - " It'MlU llOCKHl g; 44 44 o 0yur 4 Tormmer 44 ITO Wt ' IU 44 ECTOSSED ET SCIENTISTS PRACTICALI.' IiftslmttiMi JITTER 1ED A3 C3APESTHA3 it i ait m jMSife STG1TE. 4Sfe Sender hi W Fr,co Ustc Ty I ii..V. - i fc- ;i'- -i I .V. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BL'Y Vol U or Wm. F. SHAFFER, aOMKHfJKT, PKXVA., Mauufe?turerof atxl iK-ak-rin Over EOO Boautifyl Design. MHUWCTfrT ITT MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY. BjUOGEP&ET. COS S. Etvtr H"i-i Furuuiuii Jt wrl Mttkc. in ul i-lmi. Ali. A'jrttt Jitrthc WHITE URi'SZH! Penoin in need of MOXl'MENT Wi.KK tl lind it to their mien-t toi-all a: li.y stu.. a j.niKfr howiiiji will lie civen tl.t-ni. ap fitrlifu ti'ftrtmlrfl in .iv, n IV.-. mul i'.'.'i i. 1 A A' Y LO '. I invite mi lul aiieiaiva to u. White Bronze, Or Pure Zinc MonurMt IntrrHlnced hy FKV. W. A. (JP.IMi. a !iitii Inipruvfiiient i" the lioil.t of M.n illl.VL AM I'ONsTkl i TH.N. and which in .ie-uu.il '. 1 the Poi'iilar Monnr.o-nt for ,tr Chawuval.'w til male. . ClVa ME A CALL. VtM. F. SUAFFEH. SarA HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY CR HOLIDAY PRESENT, -rj THE WONDERFUL M ' i .IS H Knal inm r. UMU, al 1 I BJI tO IV a Em B H Wd. B 3 IMii Combiqiog a Parlor, LiKrary-, Smoklnc;, Her-I!ntn; or Inralld J. CIIAIK, Ull XGK, Bl.n, or OI H. ' )-.- and uo S. Ti.ltauip 1 -4IIIT4PF.naH 4V I - s '74 WW fnr 'ataloac. part, of the w rU'fc CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES THE LUEURC MANF'CCO., 146 N. 8th St.. Philada..Fa. A)i tirnhHl With th A lllnmtflr rfMrk Rrak. nn.i KrtllJ. gonorj& 8oec!altv is suDDivins Doses, and all TOOLS naceasar te nimwa comoiete BJircen. If you ro VBCCTA8Le!3 FOR MARKET, tell us so when you sand for CARDEH and FAM MANUAL for 1333. will be sent FREE to ail wtiQ writ?) ior it. It n KnncHonve Cr:t-i(i aiocua with Colorl Platen, nn'l thi FsHeST COLLECTION OP a' Sl i 1 ' er offered. tiOur M.IDwrT faOncrjiTCe 'th yar.otiss sr it S rel.ntl UHflutHtHO aaaptwi to the. r-ur-1 3M 'i )5 2:9 Market Strci. .hilarjolphia. fa.) S4 (10 17 W 7 M) 29 OS Tirt IS t lUiS w 821 Aft! 14 tot 1MJ 00 rOH N WIMTEKS. F.i., Sierlff of ikimeract County, Penn'a, Id account with the County of Somer set fur the year Imh;. TiH. 1 .To Jury fee reeelred during the year ls; as per bill No. of 181 t 44 Coal for offl.-e, Ar.. nee Conrrs Ledger 8; 44 Ami of Items struck from bill by Com'rs aud Ueir altorney 4j 44 - 44 Onler No. of Is I CH. 1; By Amt of hill for boarding prisoners, washing1 and turnkey fee. I NtT!1 I m SOI Olil.............. ! By Am 'tot till for drawin; and summoning juror and retnoviDK con- virts, Ar., see naves Baint hilt 3 By Ami of bill for fee in (Quarter Sessions eases, see paffes M I of bill i " " " 4,44 oyer A Terminer 44 44 44 44 1 00 IT UU 100 VH 1-C.9 no 1614 TS 17 ss U I0j I 1623 78 pETER DUMB Vt'LD, County Commissioner, in account with the County of Somerset 'CR. Ti Amt of Order nn County Treasurer dnrinf wr. w HtVi. mt snrrharrel again4 Com'rs Uumiiauld, Lepley and Mc- Clintnrk on onler Na lO'slof lsit "Herald" "... ....I By SOI das iu ofllee, at briiiire and dellreriiur asseesmeuts, registers and: election papers (n Balance due the Couuty of Somerset. ..1 so I :i sifj PR. til 00 10 US t T1 DAM C. LEPLET, County Commissioner, in account with the County of Somerset ; . ica 10 jiu 1. 01 ur-irr. ou voumy 1 reasnrer nnnnff 44 H of :40. amt surrharged against Com rs. LepleT nd Mr Cllntoek un or der Na 1st of I4: tjmmen-lal" .". " . X f mt un-harged against Com'r.4. Lepley and McCUntoi'V, on or- lr No nf IM1 tlt.n,. . 44 H of ai, amt mn-Rargeil against Com Lepley,' Dnmbaiiid and MeiiiiA lock on order Xo. 105 of IS77, "Herald". By a day in offlre, at urulge and delivering assessments, and register' rn.fi h j n in ....... ............ .......I..... .......... Balance due the County of Somerset'... ..'. 75 on la lc DR. I 7t 01 70 00 St DO f 7tH 1', ! f 7W 11-, TSAS Mpt'H STOCK, County Communnoner, In account with the County of Somerset ICR, 44 a of Amt. n,rL-itarired against cviimi.r4niii' YPlvV 'anil Mi.'i.Tlu tork on order Xo. 167 ol lkti. tlknuiaere.ul'- .' ... S of tis And. aumharged aaaiiut Comiuisaioner Lepley and McClln-i Vik o ot ter Nu. ws of is?, Demoerai" ' " aim. (urcaargvti against 1 ouimlssloner: Lepley, Dumoaald A Mrciintork on oriler No. loaiiil lsr7. 4tleraid:' By B day In offloe, al Midge and deliTerti'f aasesaRient, rraiitan d ciecitoa paper .. t M eo 4alanue due the County of Bomefael , , j hate'. PR. 13 M 00 70 00 n h 0 H'i f U It'ji K13 -r-NDKBTKDNESM of the County of Somerset on l January :shh: Amount of unpaid oriler for XfrMl ,, , 44 44 lie7 lea those frir horrowed money I.."!!! " . . " 44 11 tor borrowed mooay 44 s7 44 44 44 44 Western Penitentiary hill for ISST... ." ""'.I'.'.'.'.".'". " Pnithonotary 44 44 . 44 Ktienir " 44 44 " 44 In pan! on bridge eontnet of llsT ...!...""!!.'." 44 Due c. C H-hrock County Treasurer a per County Auditor Report for it! ,7.. Total lniiehtednes , I lone 00; lane (Hi M 10 IW 4 &1 00 liiTa a 7M U 11 MS 111 Ot Ut be t tami l I Holiday Bargains! II VOiUL have auiised your Stomach by eating or drinking too much, or of the wrong kind of food or liquid, you will suiier because your Stomach is angry. Now beware of all temporary expedients. TRY that never-failing, safe Remedy, J)r cnc o o kndnJte Pill5. For Sste t.y 1! J)p;.. rtfc-e S eK 1 r l .-x; ) bosrs f i", .'.. mi i::iil, -.miI fr. B retiijit ofprica. Ifi. 4. 4. .Uavk A .S.n. PI ila-j-a. illlK ui. ... ,....... im.i", v , i 1 ga. . U axsoid, Sbd. Vili.. wwiael, K. L iMI.I.sfrAT0R'S X0TICE. Estate of Thomas U.hr, dee'd , late uf 8had Towiuhtp. niiitHrMet Co. Aa. , Lrttsm of a4inmlstrwtioit on tii alurr. estate h ma Uh-ii arauiisl lo the un.lenx:Drd by in. pnilicf authis-itif, uotit-M b hereby given lo all DMWIIUI ilbL.bfMl u.... ........ ...V ... wmr uiiiiaic imilMSll- at paynreiit ,a those having elaim siraiuvt the wine ill present them duly auth-ntu sted rr settlement on Siturla. Kebniarv A Wvl al tha hue ruddencu of deceased. ASM MARIA I.OHR. ... Aiiininl-trairta. . , . AARON T. L11IIR, 4,,,I, Administrator. 1 oa.ly sy IX I'.I.Af'K PILKS, - to:j .--. folonul 8iiks ami Satil.s. .V; c-enf" Colnreil riiislit-s H,) ami '' 011!4, wmtli ;I ainl $1 i". All-Wmjl Ires, ya wi.le, at -'"i mi l "i tents. j j'l-IiK-h, a'.l ws,l, Dn-ss Suiliiipi. at IV. I l 0". Alt-Wtad, Frrmli C'alinn'r.-s. Ut- ""!. -M cents a yanl. . All-Won!, IUark Cuslnmrcs, Uipim. v I cents. I.liiV anil CliiMrer.' Cloth Wran4. J" -j ets, MantUn. Newmarkets. Italians, j Lailies' ix-al Plush Cum. i-U, '""r j np to $.10, all sics. j lnlies' ami t'liililren Siwl Fur j an l Itous, IUark Hart; Nioifs ut .ih i.i-. j lies quality, .Urfka, Seal, Coats an'1, I cts, at low Lvs-a. j Hiililiiy HtiniUicrcliii-fs F.aU ii..t:i j. 2.1 uiij ."10 rents ; Whit.- 4 Bi.-ui!i.iirJ tl ' rwls tii ; F.nihroiikTul. tit. cents. ! White liumlkeri-liieV ,iuln a-. Men's, nil linen, vyluts-, onl eK.i- H kerchiefs. 1 ixuti,; ftavtitclil. '-iir.nt: Colored VkvA iM. l.'i cents. Wiu4 Silk MujUvr $ ami nptolinist. I )md1 Si!k Ifcuulkert hii Cv n-ni- Iloliilay, Vmlirtib: s. oi. Kill .!. jl a pair to beat maili.. Ma-L'a t'tir aitki I rue 1 Ulori-. y.-n'.-al Cai. Wiuker MnaJen- ami I'inlerear. JhrWe carry thu lari-it .4tn-.-k f -finest grades, iu tliis M i;ii:irjr ami dnn't chaiye tincy jun-vs. jos. sobse & m Penn Avenue Stores. Pittsbvu-irh. - Pa. oeti-ly ninui VREWABDEDm" KlWrllaT whureadiliisHiuii4-'!'1: tliey will lind uoii,irBMeein.-loiiital not take luem Inmi their iionu ami The profit are laixe and ur.- evvrv itli-i?-ous person ; many nave ma;W anrf are ff4" 4"1' ln several hnn.lif .1 .lotlan a ana.:"4- h e"T for an v one lo make i .U s.tl-l"'r ,4rY ". j"! is wiiliiiK to orl. hither , yoisni rapital not atett : wa start you. ever-tl'iM new : no s-ml al.ilnv twinirf 1 ; ymi. ean di it as well as anv ijm.. Wrili- to un at (in'v r. l.ii 1 -.i.'...v. .....1 o-... 4. .he w 11" -iiilL'wt-tT44 i -7ti..vj k vo.. nil luuvi, jaia.