The. SomegcT Herald. EPWAKU W I'LL. Kaituf 1 I'mpriwor WEDfTrSDAT- ..Febfwry a, ISW Tbmi were 255 live F blizzard in the Xorthwert. Tat S. V."jW6tuiei ftr careful compu tation, tUet the present population of the United State at 62.52j.50". Tni revenue refonucrs now hope to get their bill before the committee of Way and Meana thia week, and before the House neat w. A Sew York Herald correspondent es timates tliat there are over 40,000 perron in the Lehigh Valley reeei ring assistance from the Knight of Labor. The widow oT the late Governor Bod well, of Maine, haa given to Uie State, to be placed in the rotunda of the Capitol, a Urye crayon portrait of her husband. fcisca the President and bis free-trade crowd "downed lUndall in Pennsyl vania," all the wnaU dogs along the line have been barking. Jo- wait and hear them yelp on the back track, with tails between their tegs. tn tai. StoU of the South during the past few years have had new life an I vig or given them by manufacturers with Urge capital. Every vole they cast for the President's platform will be an invi tation to put out the fires of the furnaces and bar their doors. T pension bill introduced by Sena tor Juay to increase the pension for total heluli-nessfromfr0tofr5 per month, and u'ive an increase to all those on the pension rolls at present and to all those who may hereafter become totally help less, passed the Senate Thnrsday. Onus ax Coorea lias announced that the State committee banners, offered durinjt the last campaign, will be presen ted to Crawford and Forest counties at the opening of the presidential cam paign. He aars that this year a banner will proliablybe offered to the county showing the greatest proportionate in crease over the Blaine vote of 1HS4. At a meeting of the State Executive Committee of the Prohibition State Cen tral Committee held at Harrisburg last week, Mr. CharU-s S. Wolfe tendered his resignation as Chairman of the Commit tee and Hon. A. A. Barker, of Cambria county, was elected his successor. May 2d was decided npon as the time for holding the suite Convention and Har risburg the as place. The miserable scheme concocted by a few scheming Democratic joliticians to lel my the pilitiejil equilibrium of the State by unseatingCaptain White, of the twelfth Indiana district, has failed most (.ignally. I Lid the scheme been success ful, in caie the Presidential election was thrown into the House of Representatives the I ieiiiicrats would have had a major it y of the States. The 1 I nusv yesterday, I y a vote of is; to ltd, declared K.'presenta live WhitcVntitled to his seat. TiiEtirant Monument Association have fuel the limit of cost of the prowsed nionnment at half a million of dollars. Four pri"S are offered for the best de sign submitted. Only one-fourth of the amount required has been raised but the committee is not troubling itself about where the remaining three-fourths is to come from. From present appearances it looks ns though t ie monument to our great soldier would be as long a time in building as was the Washington. The political virtue exhibited by Mr. A. F. Johns at the recent meeting of the Itemocratic State Committee, in refusing to sell his vote to an emissary of Hon. W. I Scott for the promise of the Post mastership of Meyersdule, seems to 1 a even days wonder among Mr. Johns' constituency. Several of our IVinurrat i vnt-uiK.raries have sjtokeu of it in word of loudest praise, A Democrat who would refuse the trifling considera tion of a vote for State Chairman for a post oflinr, appears to be a mm arir in the eyes f his Irrethrrn. The Senate on Monday 1 the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution providing that the terra of tsflW of the Iritlriit and of tlie I'.ftM-th (ongnrss shall rontinoe nntil Acil .Hi, 1 "", at noon; that the Sctia t.sjm li w rarating trtra aonld otltcr- w t-pir on March 4. 1 'and there-. aft.T . shait rontinttr in offier until April TM.wxi-rvlinr W h rixrxtn ; that April . at .sn. hmH tltrrwfttl.r ulsd.tiit.'d Marrtt 4. as the wm awtx-rmsi.t and terminate. tlte mMituI W-rm td ibe I'resu.lctit. 'art lriM.ltat, rss-BaUtrs and t-prc-nutix.- in C'rtignw, a tad that the I Ah artu Ur f the ausradutrtit Wt the saitutM slll be aitMtkl by strik ing ltr wr.U 4th -lay id Man h" astd austantutili; tlc .i.U .tilth day of April, at remit." Tor folUaiuf ..-rapine jsiragraph, in r(-n-rr to the Ladies of the wiljcrm-tst, frmittern'ral Mtermaa'a article on "The ifiJ MratifV of the War of the lleliel Iion" la tlte February t'mlmnf: 'la the ' a ildvruesa there a as an room f grand ttnUfy, or even minor tactic , bat the fighting a desperate, the losses to the I'aion army being, according to Ph isterer, to the Confederate loss i if 11.400 the difference due U Lee's in-In-nchmenU andthe blind nature of the s'wuitry in which the battle was fought. a tlie night of May 7th both parties tauae, appalled by the fearful daughter ; Vat Ireawul Grant commanded ' Forward by the left Hunk.' This was. in niy judgment, tle supreme moment of his life ; undismayed, a ith a full comprehen ria of tlie importaaee of the work in avbVh he was engaged, tVIing as keen a (aj uifatUiy for his duul and abounded as sexy u. aud without stopping to count his aaikUrs. lie gave his orders ixlmly, sjiecifioallr wad absolutelyForward to Spottfylvania. " I this crisis of Jiatiuual affairs the at trruWn of tlie President ut the I'nited Htates is respectfully called t tiie follow ing word and sentiments : Whea 1W holders of the ballot, nt-A-ned by a arose of duty, sliall avenge anith betrayed and pledge broken, and who suffrage sliall be altogether free Ml ncorrupted, the full realization of a jwveiwsweut by the people will be at hand. jVnd of means to this end. not one aould. ia Smj' judgment, be more effwtire Cha an amoasL'JH-nt to tlie Constitution Awq aalifying tlie frxVulent from re-e)ee-ttHio. ouh were the words itmj arntiments snf (,nVMr C3' Unii, nooiibsw of tlie I naitati. Cuwnention for the Pnahw-?-rr. tttL lrvvr (Vt eland as Preleit ; Las mut fwwainieiidrd auch aa aiucod aHeat t the CntitBtion : trath baa lieea twtraye4 aad design brua.ti by hi in is the matter of rinl-serrii'e rrfaa : k tMaaa kae bn-a asasW cmtwj4 ia Mary Uad hr the act and 4e4 at agenc, ! !' and they lavo been made not free in Louisiana and Texaa by hi friends and supporters. And the nominee who was opposed to re-electionof lYeaidetiU istbe President a lio is moving all things in his power to compass a re-election. Inter 0fm. The State Convention called for Ajsril 25th will have lots of good material to se lect a candidate for Supreme Judge from. The canvass for the nomination is becom ing quite active but the question is likely to remain in doubt nntil the convention shall decide. Chief Justice Gordon, of Jefferson coun ty beads the list, but the fact that he haa served a term twenty-one years is like ly to operate against his re-nomination. Judge Wilson, of Clarion ia alto a can didate and his nomination ia urged by his friends who succeeded in electing bira in a district strongly Democratic. Judge Mitchell of Philadelphia, ha received the endorsement of the entire Republican portion of the bar of his city and his supporters include many of the most active Republicans of the State, Judge Sadler, who overcame a strong Democratic majority in Cumberland county i strongly backed in the central counties. Judge Stowe, of Allegheny county, is about the most popular candidate in the western part of the state. His canvass is being jealously watched, however, by the friends of Major Montooth, who came so near being nominated for Lieutenant Governor instead of Davies, and who hopes to succeed Beaver as Governor. The convention can not go -rong in making a nomination from the above list as one is quite as likely to prove as strong a candidate as the other. Two llemocratic members were sen tenced to State s Prison at Indianaolison Friday for forging returns, in order to se cure a IVrnocratic Legislature and United States Senator from that State. Mr. Tur pie votes in the Senate to-day, a bogus Senator in a stolen seat, because, these crimes were perpetrated. Xo one ex pects him to have the self-respect to re tire from a place and power which do not belong to him. Xo doubt tie is too honest a man to steal a dollar from his neighbor's pocket, l'ut he has stolen and keep's the share of power in the Senata which belongs to 240.OW neighbors, the Republican voters of Indiana. Djes the man not know that his keeping and us ing of stolen property make his own all tlie crimes by which the pretended Dem ocratic majority in the Indians Legisla- . ture was obtained ? Fx-Senutor Thurman, one of the wor thiest and most honest Iemocrata of the past half-century, brought into court con- j elusive proof on Friday against lietnocrat- ic managers at Columbus, fastening upon them the crime of forgery in order to elect by fraud a Senator of the I'nited States from ( Ihio in place of Mr. Sherman. The fraud mas discovered in time and defeated ; the Senator who had honored tlte nation by his splendid services as Secretary of the Treasury was elected. Rut the duty of prosecuting and punish ing the criminal remains. F.x-S-nator Thin-man, who has consented to lead the prosecution, holds that he would not be worthy the name of DetnoTat if he should refuse to punish crime by Demo crats for the party's sake. How widely he differs from the men in the Senate, an 1 in the present Administration, who have plotted, and labored, and instigated crimes of many kinds, in order to steal a majority in the Senate ! He declares that there can le no escape for the accused ; that he has absolutely fatal evidence against them. Then they will lie behind prison bars, while the men who set them on to defraud the people posture as great Reformers in high offices or other places ot resonsibility. The Cict comes out that Sena'or Gor man, whose longcareer of fraud in Mary land has been exposed by members of his owrf party, and who, nevertheless, is the chosen confidant of Reformer Cleve land, has been placing the wires to cuv ture Oregon by methods peculiar to him self. F.very respectable IVmocrat knows what that means. Money will be u?d freely t hire repeaters ami to bribe elec tion officers, and false returns will defeat the will of the people if xw.sible. Yet here is the restrvtable Democrat who raises an effective protest ? In the House of Representatives, it is said, four Ieuio cratic members refuse to violate their oath by votimg that a Republican mem-ls-r is not entitled to li is seat, l'.ut how is it with the great majority of memlM-rs of that arty? IK they refuse to take part in a fraudulent division by which the jieople will lie rohticd ? A distinguished gentleman divlariw that the public morals have sadly d tcnoratel ; that even Mr. urland s tele- I tiir t,,iing millions are units of measure phone scandal seems no longer to hurt I nient l.y which their estates are told, and the Administration. Is that true? Are ' their means of comfort and health are aseur-im-n alio account themselves upright and j tained. And. I rrieat, it n the duty of gov bonest in private life ready to uphold ! ernment to so adjust tlie regulation of its and defend even kind of dishonest v that i tn,u nJ eommen as to secure to its own mav lie committed bv prominent Demo- wiiatever benefits are to be derived e.'E' lftl.At i. trne ther who evens.. I fn"n development of the material re- are on a level morally m ith those w ho steal. r forge paers, or prostitute their public trusts fur private gain. Rut are there not among Democratic voters many h are indeed fanaest and upright, who I i.- l l... :, -.:n i ait in the luqie that the party itself will discard this rotten Administration, but a lio have made up their minds, if it does not, to satisfy their own consciences by voting against aach a party? -V. I". TW- huttt . The Republics Peril. Krinn the hulliiinw American. Congressman Burrows, in his speech at the tuuejtict of the Voting Men s Repuhlimn Inti. hk the nail squarely on the head when he said that unless frauds upon the ballot box are corrected Le days of the Republic are numliered. This country has more i K-ar from the corrupt exen ises of the elec- j tive franchise than from all other perils , coruuiuvd. While this evil attacks the very basis of our iustitutHUu, M dm-s not excite the pro- . fouuj alarm occasioucd by h-ss pressing dan- j gen, which cie nearer to l psople os in- I dmduals. To steal or miscount tb 4us of those oiHised to us ia pvlilu dues But pro- . ve tlie indignation or apprebensioa that wonld be caused by tlw robherjr of their j stores or houses, and yet tbe latter in its p a-! there was a fjre iu tbt It' ijrfpita; fvr the Ituji- j eralelfetts is infinitely less injurious than t turrd aud Crippled, which ltcsj in a) the f. inner. In the one ease the public Is j j,,,, amuug tbe child rvu and On diih of tU sufferer not only by a reversal of its de- : one of tun 4osti siiioloysd lo Ibcinstiii'. I liberal jud(rroent. but by tlie disregard of ; tiMi. it m vsidvaUy f iworudiary origin. admit wOitatiotw aud contempt for the j but there was hut ll alifc-1-tar.l slue (o tbe ' rifrhu ot lliw ebo do not think as we do j culprit. The Kirs Marslal has Use sjswly i and by tlte dctrfoft. of an immoral and investigating tbe matter aiu aud tliis i monstrous ditinttia is fhics that there J Bft.nK nsjrlMsl a ratlier astuaiablof s-la-1 are rules of honor and natitmb wbicb should tion of tlie mystery. Since the firs f Kua- influence a rsoti in all bis datiiKjrt ith i day other attempts bate laseo nude to Ant lis fcllow-inen. savr in tlie eierrlaca rfctu- s th, buiidinjr by .lacinjr ntatcbrsi on the rrg- . asilr, while the robber of ones lionsr or j Use tat raid a way that trwir tgnhi-aa xictetU.k at must only com mils a crime wouU .-kly rrt a cki) juration msde. against Its Ud:.lual. . recurrence 1 This afteru. aasstuaa a4 mrty sots-esa-will be frveme4 a sound j-nUie srnti- j f .t(,m: was asadc by rasuiug tw lo a b4 merit eom-.Hlms tberttaMoient uftlw Uf. ! of iam ia . drawrr. Taw tire 4sMBs-at f Taxi Prlaonere Escao. l"toTs, Krb 1 At r. J this rvrn n 1 Julia tsHiaay, R-tjlw. H'dsoa io.lore.Ii, p. J. Flrnn. Frank Ksssrt. rUaries l.n.wictb, William llasteT. Hamsres Fut. J bu Mar din. William Wolf and Rx-Wd Hnsva e pssl froaa tl ctut ail by bti Ji thnui.-a r S'rsi Car of aa ainamlnr 1 ia ibr rriirt and U ti-i.; a IkV ia lb wall rrawlrd wot. Ailleni ti tULr stamps- ( tsxaa d.x.vsre.1, Bsast bare yet Imtw rafbt TW sad Bust be" rewt.i;r .s li mwd tutd last tutle Nfaun ratad. 5 watrbmraa Is ss.pi.tys4. STRIKERS CROW WILD. A Mob of MlnersTerrorlia the Town Of Shanandoah. PoirsviLLE. Pa, Feb. 3. A crowd of stri kers numbering son men and boys at dusk this evening met tbe return from work of non-union hinds employed at tbe Balding Company's hheoandoab City colliery, in the southern part of Shenandoah. Two Coal and Iron policemen . tried to force a passage Air tbe workmen with drawn revolrers. Tbis exasperated the mob, and armed with clubs, palings, etc., they ntsbed on th po licemen and party, and in attempting to res cue a prisoner, felled Lieutenant Mover with blowi from clubs. He then emptied his re volver at his assailants. He fired five limes and shot four persons, Mike flefhra, a bass fciiM, in the mouth ; John Cather, of Ca ther Brotliers, machinists, in the arm both innocent citizens' attracted to the spot by curiosity and two strikers, one Polander in tlie car and another man in the neck. The crowd scattered at the firing, but immediate ly swelled to several thousend frenzied men, ready to wreak vengeance on any policeman or "scab" they could catch. Tlie police ar rested two men and took them to Squire Shoemaker's office, tin mob following and almost demolishing the place in their efforts to release their cora(iamon. Meanwhile in the eastern part of tbe town Inside Boss Duncan, of Kohinoor colliery, was attacked. Officers came to the rescue, fired into the crowd and arrested two men, whom they took to Squire Monoghan a of fice. Tbe mob grew wild and tore the entire front out of tlie building and gutted it, and tlie offiiiers with the Squire jumped for their lives. The moh has taken possession of the streets, but has committed no further acts of violence. Worse trouble is expected in the morning. The Coal and Irou Police have 30 regular men about Shenandoah, and for fear of a furtluT outbreak the force at other places cannot he lessened. If trouble continues the Sheriff will organize a posse to help to main tain the peace. It is understood that a large force of Pinkerton men was immediately or dered to concentrate at Slienandoali. Everything is quiet throughout the rest o' the coal region. PurrsviLLK, Pa., Feb. 5. Everything has been quiet throughout the coal region to day. At Slieu.indoiih the Sheriff and Coal and In hi officials were busy organizing a special police force and preparing for collect ed hot work on Monday. Seventy-five men were enrolled, armed with revolvers and sent to Slienandoali on the midnight train. Lieutenant Moyer. who took part in Fri day's melee, is in charge. The strike leaders are demoralized and are trying to prevent further outbreaks, and t lit general opinion here is that there will lie a general resump tion shortly, as the better element of miners are becoming disgusted at the acts of law lessness. Tbe Pottsville Iron and Sleel Company has announced a nil net ion of 10 er rent. 1 on all wages, to take effjet on February 15. The men have taken no anion ye', VHIHI OOVesVlB CltVVKS TAXt. I (tBKKSKitrBo, !'.. Feb. ii. 4.ov. Heaver is I not likely to accede to ony request for the sending of State trrsqw to stop tlie rioting at Micnandoah. When a panic stricken Slier- ! iff ap-aled for State aid during the strike in ' the coke regions last summer, the f iovcrnor !' telegraphed that utiJer no circumstances would be s-rmit the useof the State troops until tlie power of the civil authorities had i been thoroughly exhausted and that evi dence of this could only be the failure of a sincere and earnest attempt to preserve or der by a pose as large as the Sheriff could muster. How Protection Protects. The Hon. William l. Kelley in the Feb. t'ltnim : The scale of protective duties should be so adapted as to.sccurc the right of every owner of land to provide for his present wants and the future of his family, and to add to the wealth and power of his country by de veloping and bringing into profitable use all the resources of his estate, whether they be the products of the farm or those of the for est, the mine, or the quarry. The land owners of a nation, however, are not that jHirtion of its citizens who are mast deend ent upon the maintenance of a system of duties which should, under all the vicissi tudes of trade and changes in the course of international commerce, defend their rights; for tltough commercial depression may pre vent them from making profits to be hoard ed or expended in the improvement of their estates, the may ppx-urc sustenance from them. Rut it is not so with the landless millions. Their estate consists of their thews and sinews, of the training of their eyes and hands lo qnck co-operative action ; of their taste for and aptness in the production of the attractive in form, texture and color; of inventive genius, which enables them, by new combination of mechanical principles, or tlie spplicstion of srience to the arts, to inrrejse the productive power of nations. The and the like autitudes constitute the etate of millions of uplc who are known artUtt, artisans, laliorers, or by other terras of df:guatiou ; aud who have tlie right to j il,niKiid thai their estates also shall lie de- fended by the nation, though their defense ' shall require other agencies than the power of a navv and armv. Tlie dailv wage of sources of the country and the conversion of its native raw material into useful com modities. A tariff adjusted to these aims would pro tect every branch of industry, yet would not , in, istecea single monot-oly. It .. . .. would, like a beneficent providence, shed its I blessings over all, and prevent the recer ! renceof such seasons of suffering, depres- sion, and want as occurred bet warn the close ! of the war and the going into effect of the tariff ofls.'t; Ix-twcen the overthrow of j protection by the compromise ai-t of and Uie adoption ot the tanll or 11- ; or, agaiu, such a? followed the free-trade turiff of iu spite of the fact, our gold fields had single ilecade yielded one tbuuaud oue hun dred millions of dollars. If ere yras a direct and unexpected gift from Providence, he stowed for tlie iiunniH of nmvinz. even to )!, (iiru!!r blind, Irtitb tliat i protective Utifr lMeonlv defrnsive instrumentality kmwu , ilMil.rn industrial warfare, and that, by securing the prosperity of all classes of the people, and thus averting long ns of anj distress, it is. while ap- p,, a aw fr lhr o VTOia. onlv iu filf, , b,,,, U) tllo9e wh? Ileither JW nor reap but are ,,.,,, oll!y; A? Infant Incand.ary. w Vona. fgh. last 8umUy night was raUled aasl aasatbrr yaanic anaowg I be ' rrifspkw emiMsl. but fortunately tbe fir was awin pot oM and sxsly was hurt. tKw vf tlx wrttai. Mary Wilt., a pv;ty asl tragi n hi.4 vl 11 yawn, was diaotverrd snstakiiig away frvtai tba sasit wbere lb fhw wa discucsl.auj tbe I'irtr Marsbal, b.asi ssfss-iiaM already fwiatr4 soward Iter, lata! bee with Um vtrirav. Kb- at trat stoii'ty defiled It, but SosMy hru, d-iwa Bad (nffanrd tltat aba kal tlr half-d-steal asivtwpts tu bars) tlx Bxtapttad. U ltd aatt kaow why ate did It. A pbyssciaa) WBatswaswiissw bar says sir is affltctwd witb pyntsaania. Naw Vork'a Eloquent Democrat On Thw White Contaat. - - W.yatsctoa, Feb. 4. Tho break in their ranks which toe Democrats had been fear ing ever since their scheme to unseat Mr. White became known, came unexpectedly this afternoon in a vigorous talk from BroukaCoekran. Mr. Rowell. a Republican member of the Committe on. Elections, had been speaking in favor of White, and when he saddenly yielded fifteen minute of time to Mr. Cock ran the House livened up and looked lor a scnation. Mr. Cockran gave it to them, for he not only announced his Intention of voting against his party's plan for increasing their majority, but gave such unanswerable rea sons for his determination that the old Demo crats had hard work to avoid settling the case by an Immediate rote. As it was, they had tbe speaking continued until another Democrat, Mr. Wilson of Minnesota, got away from them, and then the taU was con tinued in rather a dejected manner nntil the adjournment.. During Sunday they will have some oporptunity to stiffen up their rank again, but the defections are almost too serious to be overcome, aud the prospect is that Mr. White will bold the seat to which be was elected. Mr. Cockran's speech, which was made In the midst of an interested crowd of members from both sides, was a very pluin statement of the reasons for his fight against the policy which would set aside the wdl of the people iu order to gain a party srote. He recounted the facts of the case, which are admitted on both sides, and then went on to say that it was merely a question whether lie would believe Mr. White under oath or not. Mr. White's word was corrob orated by a character against which not one word bad been uttered even iu the heat of the debate, and it would take strong evi dence to make him believe that such a man had been guilty of perjury. Men on the Itemocratic side, he went on. claimed to represent popular sovereignty in the fullest meaning of the word. They claimed that to their party belonged the mis sion of extending the power of the people at the ballot box. So far as the people of the Twelfth Indiana District could Sienk they had declared their wish, their will, their command, that Mr. White should be their representative. Against the command of the jieople the Committer on Elections had advanced a num ber of circumstances which, it was said, teuded to im;each the veracity of Mr. White. He must bclieveeither that Mr. White was naturalized in Indiana, as he claimed to lie, or that he had c immittcd perjury. II J was a lawful metnlier of the II jusu of R -presen-t stives or his place was at the liar of a crimin al court o;i tho charge of perjury. Mr. Cockran then went on to review Mr. White's record, and closed by saying that he came before the II wise after thirty years of honorable life. He came with a history which was rt of tlie history of the coun try. He had hel 1 important ofli v and dis charged the dutios of citiz 'nship. He had sl.ed his blo-nI for hi co intrv, and his wounds should not be made to blerJ afrr-h j by reason of the ingratitude of his ass-n-i-' ales. It would rather be his own pride, as he hoped it would be in bis power to cast a vote I to show that he who risked his life in de fence of the land merited a reward which would surround him like an armor invinci ble. On the point of the great aim in the Democrats hi unseating him to gain another State in case the Presiilential election should come into the House, he said that their cam paign should not be tought in that way. The party should so comport itself, he said, that the contest would not come into the House, but that the people would overwhelmingly express their ap;irjval of the I-':n i?racy at the polls. Concluding, he said : "Relieving as I do while that flag which Captain White and his associates had kept floating in pride over every part of this country, floats over my head ; while I fwl deeply grateful to the heroes who preserved and cemented with their blood this In ion under which we live. I shall not cast a vote which would be trea son to my constituency, and which would pronounce a soldier of the Union guilty ol perjury and unworthy of the association of his ieilow men." To-night the Democrats are very much down cast over the probable failure of their great political scheme of the session. Part of the symptom of repentance may he duo to the consciousness which is claimed for it but some also is due to political advisability in some districts. Tha Captured Train Robber. St. I .oils, Feb. 2. In the preliminary examination of I.. W. Brock and Jim Bur rows, at Texarkana, Brork made a confes sion of the train robbery at tienoa, Dei-ember 9. He said Jim and Hube Burrows caused the engineer to bring the train to a stop, and under the infraction of Rube Bur rows, who was lite leader of tlie gang, lie en tered the express car and there met time mill whom be intimated with a six-shooter, and. handing a bag to one of them, com pelled him to put the moneyed contents of the safe in the big. He put alsiut J.HO0 in money and $.0io other valuables in the hag missing a ackage of alniut JttiO. He then started for the mail car, but on advice to leave the mail alone he turned away. The three men started on foot for Texarkana, and on the way divided the booty, his share being about $.0. About two miles from Texarkana they were ordered to halt by a party who immediately began firing ujsiii them and they returned the fire as they tied. Iu the flight they threw away the slickers the clew which led to their arrest. An hour luter tlie party again came together, and they struck across the country away from Texarkana. The fireman, J. 8. Croven, rec ognized Burrows as the robber whose mask slipped off as he entered theenginecab. Both men were bound over in $7,500 bail. Bur rows waived examination. Jim Burrows, the Genoa (Ark) train rob ber, has been taken from Texarkana to Lit tle Rock for safe keeping in the Penitentiary there, he having failed to secure $7,500 bail. Brock, the informer, was released on jC.V) bai.l and the readiness with which two prominent merchants of Texarkana came forward as security for a supposed stranger and the surprisingly small amount of the bail has gi ven much strength to the rumor j expectation of taking any part in the cam nt Texarkana tiiat Brock is a Piiikerton de- 1 Pa'n f this year. I think I am believed lective, who was delegated sonic time ago to j wueu 1 '"J' tl,!t 1 a' ,,ut of (Hilitics." join the rubber band and betray them. He ! deiarted for Pallas immediately after being i liberated. Bloodshed at a Wedding. Ijttle Rock, Feb. 3. Particulars of a la ta! fight near Eed Aleck Postolni-e Wednes day reached here. Anthony l letclirr aud Miss Sue Beck were to be married, and a larpe nu ruber of people had aasetnhleil to witness the ceremony. ben the preacher fas begiiiniiig (he cerercuuy a man named 'ctafred, ra booi Uisa Beck recentlr n-jeited ! rr4 at ;lc f ruuro, wounding biiu slilitly. '. Cumuitsgs, fb iVWnstuau, attempted to . aeixe pesaml, a UJ.y olT the latter I tleX Liu) tbrovb Ibe vriat. JU couany t cd is il dime; ions, many escaping tbniuyh I lis idv. 1 be bride screamed for sua ; mt l sisf mct bysbsitd. uJ fell to tbe floor kn rasssaUtusis. J'UauW 4njm tb, (irgakirki j (rtaai tU hows whb abut gaa. TUey rj,W away and wet (Unwed by t'wmuiiUaW, who J fatally wnnnded Ibe el.hrr brotuer, and was siiwssrif wtaaavted lm Both arsis raemssiuting ' their asnpuLaltuo. ITt-tciicT banted Bp a ! fhsyibsir wlsra wxh-T aa reatored. and was i Bsarrtssl. Iin ctr ut wituc-ar-.. Ii.-ga- IWd's dssslh it asosireui4nl rwctr. State Convention of Club. ftestablan riLriri4, Feb. Jobs II. U'eias, saf UalTisaWrg. Ust bead of tbe targatiiaalkm Rcjaihllcaat. ciubs ia this state, to-day baHsed BKk that a eon vet et Sua of alt tbe or gruiianl clubs of thia iytate be bold in Lan caster tan Thursday. April i, at 11 'dork a. m. t'sslrr list rules of tbe National Last ga mrj tsrganiavd dab will be entitled to send two dcU-galas. The Bloody VendetU- LorisvaiE, Jan. SO. Judge Wagner and County Attorney Lee Ferguson, of Pike County, together with 8. O, Kiniier. of Commonwealth's attorney of the Sixteenth District, arrived in Frankfort and asked the Governor for arms and ammunition for the Pike County people, who are threatened with massacre by the Hatfield, of Logan County, W. Va. Several years ago the trouble originated. One of the McCoys, a constable, arrested one of the Hatfields for aome trilling offense. Subsequently, at an election in Pike County, a difficulty ensued between the parties and a Hatfield was shot. Four of the McCoys were arrested, and were taken from the authorities by tbe Hatfield mob, who carried them, together with the wounded Hatfield, into Logan County, West Virginia. Uens Hatfield died, and after his death the four McCoys were taken back to Pike County, tied to a heap of bushes and shot todealb. ' Lait September Governor Buckner offered $.V)0 reward for the murderers 'of the Mc Coys, bnt the Governor of West Virginia re fused to recognize the requisition. Em boldened by this refusal, the Hatfield gang made a raid into Pike County on New Year's Eve of the present year and burned old man McCoy's house. McCoy's youngest daughter attempted to quench the Haines and was shot in the breast and killed. A young son was also killed on the same night, and the aged mother was beaten nearly to death. The old man esiqied and earned the news to Pikevillc. The ieople armed themselves and about thirty nieu formed a party to avenge the outrage. They went into Iigau County and soon after killed two men, Jim Vance and John Hatfield, connected with the Hatfield gang. On Thursday, last this party CTossed Tug River and proceeded a short distance in West Virginia unmolested. but when Hearing the residence of Captain liutlield they came across a woman in the road with a bucket, who was standing picket and who immediately waved an alarm. The capturing iarly continued their journey j for a few rods and when turning a point in . the road were tired usm by a squad of eight : from the Hatfield gang. Itnd McCoy was ' shot through the shoulder and dangerously WOU Illicit. tucky party immediately returned d Will Dcmpsey, of the Hatfield The Kent the lire, and ill Iicmpsey gang, fell to the ground, shot through the bowels. At this juncture the Hatfields re treated. The Hatfields now threaten to re taliate by bunting and pillaging Pikesville and all the resiliences within their reach. They are well organized and well armed. Governor Buckner grunted the rcqnot for arms. Shooting at Strikers In Pittsburg. PiTrsaraii, Feb. 4. The Polar Iron Works of Clark & Co., was idle for two months, be cause the firm and the employes differed on the question of allowing William tiimins, a roller, to retaiii two jobs. The workmen wanted Simms to divide the Vrork with an other man. .Sitnms still holds the fort and says that he has been admitted to the firm. Yesterday morning the mill was manned with negroes, the furnaces lighted and the machinery set in motion. This uflcruoon at 4 o'clock work ceased for the week and eighty of the negroes escorted by a score of policemen Hurled for tlicir homes. They were followed by about : men and boys. A short distance away from the mill, one of the boys threw a brick which hit a police man. Nearly all the negroes at once drew revolvers and fired at the boys. A policeman also tins!. The boys scattered in all direc tions. Joseph Kenny, age seventeen, was found unconscious in the street. He was shot in the face. Two other lsys are said to have been wounded. One of the policemen seized the negro who shot Kenny, and after a severe struggle, took his weaon him. He'did not arrest him and afterward told the lieutenant who censured him that he had forgotten to do so. Wanted Hi a Discharge. Wasiiisotox, February 2. The postmas ter in a small village in Mississsippi has written lo the postmaster general asking him to discontinue the office. He explains that his neighbors, who are wool growers, became distrustful of his r.ihbit dog, and in consequence, he states, "it turned up miss ing. So I am left here," continues the t inaster pathetically, " without the means of sustenance. So if you expect ' me to sit tip nights for the train, you will have to for went, at once, some pork and beans or some other nourishment, or a new postmaster will hare to be appointed at this place." He i adds in a postscript : Mr. wants mo to split him some rails if I can get rid of this office, so hurry up with the grub or the dis charge." The office wa discontinued in re sponse to this apeal. Atrocious Murders. M tnu. i.. Fell. 4. In Iiaker county a young man vent to the house of Amos tirant, a colored farmer, and finding all uai et and the hous? closeil he looked around for the cause and found the body of tinnit hang, ing from a roj throan from a irojcctiii joist in the rwirof the Iioum. Inside lie found Mrs. tirant's Imdy in bed, her head crushed to a jelly, as if ly a eluh. On the floor was the body of the wife's sis ter. Farther over was the body of tirant's 15-ycar-old son. The tlieory is that, as tyrant was a hard taskmaster, his wife was about to leave him, and that (frant, frenzied by tlie thought of her departure, took a club and brained them all while they slept and then committed su icide. Really Out Of Politics. I j Wahhixiitox, Feb. 4. Ex-.v:iaior Conk- ling luu h-vti in the city this week in con ; ncction with the ltjll telephone proceedings. ' A corresiumdent asked him if it wm, as j reorted, that be had declared lie would do i nothing to further the election of Rlainc or j Sherman, but that if (Jresham, Allison or j Sheridan were nominated, he would take an active interest in the champaign. "Not a single wonl or suggestion is true," ; said the Senator. I have said nothing ! further than has. been already correctly rt I ported in Tlte Ditjm'i h, that I thought either j Allison, firesham, Hawley or Sheridan would unite the disintegrated Republican forces in Xcw York. I have not the faintest A Sensation In Church. nxpuT, u.. rcl. bi sensation was i ereated in'tlie Presbyterian Church at Arcadia I a fear evemnps ago. A' rot ratted nwtting j was in progress and. w;hen the consrcpalion i knelt In prayer, Ilussell Snyder, a Voutin, j man, readied under a seat in front of liiiu , and cailtrht Miss Mary (rvrr by the dot hill;;. Mil fireer Licked and a isiniou of lier : cl.ithiti-t was tonit(l in the str.i-le. Snyder left tire ehorch and skip;sil the Iowa. A constable starte-l in hot p'lrsuit I , aud sucivedi-J iii capturinz bin der in t! wisals in i'utman oHiiity." lie was liken t baxk to A read a and arraiu-d ls-Are the villas major. U idcadej tLiltr to the as- " i. i . ' ' . 1 ' sanlt and was tMind over to oitft. He was I unable to givr bail nj mas' landeij in Ue ' eminliatl j loujoci tins abenionn. j " I - rur. to Atxtrr un itutsK. A. J. AoJer ei. red.lhur In Fari'tte r. Pa.. Bwab M B.lero. r-ii.a uii.lMlr to. V ; aiiarl 4udeivu. rcHdinc la t'His)elis tdW fa;. ii to. Pa : I.acnxla .j-'i.b aiMt bat, ftirs'-ta M'S-H-sn. rTi. a jn f avtsiet ntiiny, fa. 1i worrtsoo. Tliotaas 'tnisii. laun Ma"t-.Mt sast )mM, ia teemamed with fiesntn. restdina itt rstssarelajMl ssinty Pa: Yai are berel.y cited m tie and m ;ar at a f'mirt of t 'otatMttti Plea lo he he). I t .-.nieTset in ) tkaaenart aunty, oa M.Kldav, tbe 'J7tb tt) nf f'HTuary l-v then and there to ass-ept ut tvtttm luiait tb Ml siir. lu a a . A inset a Ums) aiuut ta Ivi.r lurkeyfisa Toxa-hip. staMaaAM(f ft) . atjiiuiiua laats uf Jacuti II Muoau Lusewau li atLkau. and uihem. umj lamina tli7 at.. as.wa ut e-, a4 In MU4 sol b told aeeardina lo at. I rheriirs HBcr. ( a. a. U, -JIII.I.KV. Hotuersrl. Pa. Jan. ts, Ti i . itheriir. 100 PCD PROFIT andSrurjt Far LFl to aaen canvasser fta III rrwT " ,,TT! " fle.. 1LL.I1 I Talc KKl.TS. Hscran V- Laily aas-nia aauitsi ft sJ.-errw t'.irt it. ... tatlra. Writ at once tor terms. I)1C Sctvrt. sa JUoadway, cw York. nor stMm. W afV a Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wbolesomeness. More economical than tlie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold at competition with the multitude of low test, short welaht, alum or phosphate powders. StM aula in cant. Royal Bakixo Powbza Co., 108 Wall L, a. v. SOMERSET MARKET. Corrsctad Weekly by COOK A BEERITS, HEALERS IX Choice Groceries, Flour & Feed. Trices for February 8, 1833. Apvles.dried. t lb..... Apple Butter, r gal Hfau-s i tni . Bran, A KMIU Itutter. (nIU Buckwheat, bu .. 3io,5e 40.iuc t SO l IU .11. iiOC 1.3.Z..!juc He lJ'-ic lr llc 5isji.' ... .. Se 1 25 Jll .'SI .. ate 0 25 ) ppwax tb...J...."Z"""!."! ; Jsncou, (Mnrsr-cunsi nunco a. (I'umiirr humi $1 R.. (Shoulders) 4 " !-lll V Oim, (earl Y bu (liclltsl bu Meal lb 'hop, corn and outs, )! luu Lbs. " all rye, 1 luu lbs Eggs. V doz KliMir, Holler Truces. ?i bbl.... " Vienna. V bbl . ... KtATSfAll bu ! Ljtnt. Middl i Vota'tfi I Lant. V B H,.1S- Jl 2.M.SI . We . UVa.7V .sliie inirs. V luu li i.u ..... piitatfs.'s. bu I'tMches. dried, a Mi...... Kve. W bu &.. siiilt. (Xo 1 i bill 1 " (iiriMiiid Alimil e sack ' " (Abloll) foil sack -VI "l " " H " t 110 Bugar. yellow, y li 'e ' white, V SMl'ie Tiillow, r S) . rTc Wheat. bu SVitsop AGENTS WANTED PIANOS and ORGANS ! A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR ACTIVE AND RELIABLE MEN! Tc tit-sin to M.vhilh act'in!." in rvvrv ruiiiity for tlir Piiui- mi"! orvMiit wr, hiriit'iiiift tif Verrlcns Jfttnlmttn I'Lim, Sch minnrr Hell PUtnos, Irertuud W f'it)ts, Jl'irriiiiifon f' f'n. noma, Lifiiif & Bl'ikt i'tiice Orpnnn, Vhane Organ, I Smith Aitrr!cnn Ofjins, iMU'renrc 7 ".'irf iVrf Ih'tjftH. Vhiettqo Ihttnjf Onons, Antutntir. .Kalian Organs. In the nl-ive H-t art- imMti'fc-! the v-rr tmrt fn FTniTitvnt niA'lc in thf I iiittn) -tutt, hik! hRvintr iIh hieh-t mit I hum xt,'iv iviKiiniitm, thiw r'!nli.':inr thnu thr c:i-ifi iiimI iwiM Htiiiifton fttrmtv Hi-nt totnl in. V hivirt trnaiHMi fiMf t'nmi hiiv mtiv. iinlii-triMi an-i n lutttlt' ir-xtii-' w tliiiiL' to i-iiw't in thU liihlniM. .r fnun whttHn- ulnt in it. I'lt1.- Matt' n'ftlilh"- I ami iiiw rtTcn-utv. MKLI.OIt A HOKNE. i'Al.f F. ! Ml . Tx-h. -1m. 77 FifMi Aw. liit.Mtivh. Va. ANNUAL STATEMENT" OF T2IS Farmer's Union Association FI2S IITSUSAITCE C03IPAS7 0? Somerset Co., Pa., Fur the Year Ending December SI, 1837. fciuo cm Xumlierof members Ti I '"'t of iuiirauivsulijeet 1. 1-. ill a'-semsi duriuK the year li.1,' Besoune of "o. Dee 31, '... il'iriiiK ear ..J lust Sl'.7 7I9 tl LIABILITIES. Am't due Iks; 31, "sc. J Sl:t iX " ot loss by tiredurinir 'S' '- W flue for all othTex)s.'iiM.nriir the yeiir, iiieliiiliiif,' ortii-vr's my. eonnuiistioui and exonerations ssl vi Sso.i i kesourei-s lo excess r . 71 Receipts During the Year 1897. Keeeivcd on AssessmfnLs ?1."l 51 " Mimbcr.hlp. USUi llal iu Treasury of sii . . ljy ts $71M V) Disbursements During the Year 1887 Paid J A t'unninKliam lia1 of Ins ?ioiin " II A Walker ' 319 mi liita'l A Weaver full of aiuuu .eo A Miller i.kii) ' ; (' M'isseliaau 31 uu Amos Walker " " e ytHu) " Alex MoKriive " " mno) "' Mary riulwrgur " - Hbt " An li Liveiigmnl imm mt " Jacob Mrt!c4. in part ' 9trii " JacNwurtefi'lmtier. isec 4ll ral 4KI " E I Walker. Treaurer-s ' )!l Jac Musser. President's pav lHim " S f kelinaii. V " il ' liirecsors lor services si jr fur iMtHire and stationary 18 in) " for printing c 1 (V '" initio i,u ibbtsey loamd if m 7( 00 BuUut'C iu Treaurjr..... .... RenDureea Decern bor 31,, Slt-I HI .787. Am't in Treasury $ tn M) Outstandiua on duplicates 1:V( m S-j); 71 Liabilities December 31. 1887. JucoS Msn-.'t. part of in-urancc .....'."i an Isn'l Altfather, full of Jdi.iiio $1 Ji no Kestmrecs In excess of liabilities J?i.'J.4i'A-.s.- An insurance of t:'n on a bsrn destroyed bv fire for J.k Tresler. of lirim-r Twp. is in litura tion, nud btlierefare nut reported iu the above statement. JAC Jfrs-.;, President J.IC sWAHliKSltKI UKB, Fee'r, KJ WALK Eli, Trcamirer. LE T(l A CEIT OK UEfl'--K. l.i John Pchnirk. Mrr Ellen i-hitwk. Inter marne.1 witb II. Kiiuiiiell of Kirk Kamds, Lyons Co., Inna. sudie s'lir. k, Inn-rmarrlrd with tlmtoa. and Klira sehrnck, inter- tnamed aitli W. Ja-. Unix, ..I Waterloo, black llatik ('o:uty. l.iua . Yofi are hereby fMtilVd t' ap"x-ar at an ir phwitv' i mrt be ti:d at soiRjn-t on Stuuday, ! jTlhttnyof fekinutry ic-ii. Uj ai eipt irnh fe lo UU Utr real c;;.ic Jr,& . r brock, d"eeiHi, ol rsai.MftSl Txnni:). s.M.ierel t'a.. Pa. sum i.r.-Kl vahiaiuMi. or ,uir raix Si hi ItiesaMM fii.lil rsii hr 4.l . , licrirriee. k. M. Mil l KV. f-""l. Jan. 1 "vv f . , . BLwirf. 1 IVlMTRAT(iRS NOTK'K. e .it - cottt aiK-ncr. toreaefi. lafe orvi.e ' nh'HTi'r Tan . Sinisi i n f. . i . I"n-r"f i lajin-ir tioit (,n tie ali-e eta:e Bavin rut-it camcd e tlie un rersiewt! bT itvr t!-er amhuriiv. noiire i. hft.'.-. h. .11 c,r"" Imb-t-ird to satd em:e ti) rliake Itnmcdl- tt . TUVMl-Tlt and' It.. I.. .. ,4m.ib u . . . tHr Miwie smj r-i-r-i.t ii-em ly wihi nueated fs-setOerni nton SaturtJ: r; P-K S"v ls. at tbe ur.r resiueuet. ol drcrtucd. ar c). f. . still kiIIE.. Jsnj. adajfnisuaitir. JB.I I.h to Ait klT OB EU'l sk J .i Alice, tntvrrrianitsi with Oeon Mils. v.- sanua llu-svai and Ijtura Hal. si, r.-ldlua in - " - ' - - " n'i . . - i b.anzardiH-r. reldina In llraddta-k. l!it- iiivur (ovnij . Pa . Ya wi lati-lit fuA'.fuit to bt and appear at an rirpltan-' t ontt U lm loid la antt for koiacnrt ( o. I'-, (in M .l . tl(r J7U, datl ot ljflliiry (e. then and there to accept ot refute lt lake ta ta4 estate of James liiitoa. dee d 1 the ajiprai'ttl valuituxi. utshuwcaiM' Uf (he tarue siioui.1 Bit I. soil) !her!fl?sHk, &HUWMtf I. .1 1. tl t B. 8. Mi Mil l f.U ( ftheriC SEOraE J. iHOffiMrJ,, '. iir4ni nea or BUGGY TOPS, CUSHIONS. APRONS, RUGS, ETC, FOR THE TRADE. .IVJ.'t IAeun Ave jPittaibursh, Tn. SI A fO Andarsra L, AllBjhMj City aflar April i. Write tir deseripttve raulisine. tchj-liu. REPORT OF WILLIAM W. RAKER, j-teward of the Poor lloii' and Hotu of Kuipluyuwut of "nmanst tvuiity, IVmuylvania, iur Uie year willing Uecvmher 1; , Utoil oh Farm Number of Horses-.. tows.. " Bull. " Two Year old Cattle Yearlings " Spring Calves.... . " '" Sheep . . - " PigS. Implement on Farm Same as betire reported, with following ad ditions : One I". T. K. Harrow, " Champion Mower, " Set of Buggy Harness. ProducU of Farm Number of Tons of Hay . " bushels of Wheat . " " Buckwheat . Ke " torn- ' ' ' Oats.. " lleans Potatoes " Unions. " " sets- Apples. " Tuniips. Beets " barrels dried Apples........ - Corn " " Sanrkruut " Cucumber Pickles., " " Soap " Gallons Cider " Holds Cablsige - Hiishels Kohl-Rahi " Pounds Kutier Unl Tallow " " Wmil . " " Heef killed I'ork " Vral - " " Mutton " f Jul ions Apple Hiittir. 1 to 3 12 Mo 30 SoO 110 3710 l!)7"i 57 3i 34 34 80 tiushel lunothv eeu " Wis. dried lllaekberries Kldcr " " Canned Tomatoes Articles Manufactured in Houxe Number of Shis ts " Pillow rases " lied tick. Holsters ' Towels " Nhrouds... . Women's dresses " " Aprons " ' Sacrpies ' Chemise " Skirts " " Waists " " lirawers .. " Ca. ' " Itontii'ts " " blockings r.Kitetl Shirts , Men'i " - " fonts " Pants " Vests " " Drawers " " Mittens " Auks ' ' " fisltKl " Children's dressex. " " Skirts " " Aprons " " t 'hemise. " " Night dn-sses " Hoy's Pants " Shirts " Waists " Bed Comforts " Pairs of Shoes " Table cloths " " Pish ' - " Ihsl Quilts Inmate of Almxhouze No. in House 1st of Jan'y, 1HS7 No. admitted during the year Whole iiumlicr in lioiise during year Numlier dieil during yc-ar " sent to Moruunza and Feeble Miudisl Schisil v " sent to Dixinont .-. " disehargttl, rloied,etc m 4!l l.Vi 0 Total.. Xumliet remaining in honse 1st Jan. iW, Deaths The names and aes of those w ho died during the year arc as follows : Francis Fuller, died January 2, lS.s", aged li."i years. Sophia Shank, died March 17, Is", aged 50 yi-ars. Charles Miller, died March S'i, ls,7, ageit 77 years. Daiii.1 (i. Smith, died April 14, 17, aged .VI years. Catharine Young, died July 13, 1.HS7. aged 73 years. Rosa Menscr, died August 11, lt7, aged 74 years. Patrick Kraxler, died September 24, 1 HS7, aureit ."Si years. William died September 2S. 1SH7. ageil 7!i years. Caroline lnhart, died October 17, ltW.aged tit years. There was a warrant for W. (!. Smith's contniitim'tit issued, but be" died liefore be was removed to the I'oor ll iu.-e. P reaching. I Bcliirious service were held twelve times i during tbe year, by Rev. Appleton llah ; j also funeral service was held at each death, (uimething that rarely occurred iu former years. . Tramps ai,d Vogranl. i Xo. tramps fed and lodged during yr ... "l. ! " meals furnished them I94 ltxljjings ."10 ' WILLIAM V. li.VKKK. j Stewanl. j 33D ANNUAL STATEMENT or the j ScHBrset Co. Matnal Fire Insiirajice Co AT SOMERSET, 1A,. ENDING I EC EMBER SIst. To B?iiacc in Trj-n-urv r last re trt Ir ;.M lvsj; $ 127 94 Tiin-h ivcivtiti ou new pirU--ifi w nlM (tiiriiiir ytur Us l.V 4- To -ah n 1 on i)cn Mlit'itfs ntr ffwweil (tiiriiiir ycMrl; .2 W To n-li rvi- 1 uu iiti'tnaLt tor iuf- ixTfrvi tvrm yvttr liv. , l.'i 40 TMith ni' d ti A'N-siiMi4t' Ntr, t. l. Htid 1. VAZ U PISBl'R.-EMENTA Paid .Ini-oli Fichtner. by fire 1 in full .? Sl 7 i Paid ''eorv'e anil Annie Altmillcr. iii rn im-, in inn Puid A". II. t'liftroth. Jr.. Iicniocnit' ffirtirintinir. I'll id W. li. iturclny. d lielitninu Pui.l 1' A Kilp'l, fee. J. I'sflw ea-s- raid W. 11. Kinaitx. Ei.. lio It i:t m t 75 jo m a i tm ir an 7--i MI III rii nn tt ;) at m z m ii JB M SiiiM-rs't niiirtA" liy AttonM'y Attorney i-. J. i saw can .. Paid W. II. Ki.'inz. in full f..r l.w liv tire. Cmii inni-- Paid Win. Vinke. in full for loi by tin. Iioil-' and contents Paid JiKinh lleniiniiiiri-r. Iimi hy lire. hi-' and i-otitent. Paid I'en-r KrieilliiH-. lo hy tin. Hani and contents '. Paid S. B. ( rilelilield. writ oferp in John !"sa cr.-4- , Paid Kli-uiiiiiiiir .V Mn umill, An y fee ls'tia-e Att y lietieral Paid orhce lent and fuel f.v title viir Paid stlarv a- Secretary aial Tnsis. urerrs-the year Pni'l i-tae, ami Siali.fierk- Paul Herald orhee. pnUi-hllur An- nintl Muti-nwrliT aiHl litauk- . II i S.Tl S7 lUlaihTdue Tn-awinT. S1177 12 By order' the BoanL o.e of 3omi-rsrt fAMl'EL BARrf.AV. I ismtv In-iiramv ' Pwrsii-rsT. uiiumiv. Iiee. i. j JVii. HP ,, '. 1 eat. a Ts-. 1?UJ5LIC SALE ' ' '-or- te. prT?-rANT...crt.r0ftheT.ban. f, i. tawietwi taaiBte.-ls-Btfav. there .HI be -a..ld it viU iit (he (.,r.lM. IB -ade I.,a- .hip.ins.,.i,.on.,t., - . $ ITU Ill A)', MAjjClf 3, isss. at I o'clock p. m , the t.lli.witi desrrira-4 real estate, laic thpropertyol.hntnP)iaUill.4ee ij to a It A certain tnut of land situate on Uxh side of (he sto) etoa n and Bedford Turnpike. In shaile and Siimicn ek ton ..a. Scmrrv-i ('nnaty Pa.. S'lj..liiili liet'il daia sorher. IntBlel WaKOer, aauiuei nruii a a.111 01 one-half of which Is cleared and in rood cultiva tion, and the balance limbered. The liaprtive mettis an a ttoty darilmc ksauv. snwll bun, guoil fo-ims uoiuard. aud plenty tf water. Ten per sent om day of sale, and the balance cash alter Minlirtnstion ofsal and delivery of daed, ta or tatfora April I. ss. Kt'H'H PI.ODGH, let ft A'lmllllitrator of Christian IlouKb. dee. YOU CAN FIND THIS so ais In rTTTsat'txH st tba Adsartistaa Burma isl w RE2H1TGT01T BEOS. srtow wut eaauaa wr aaraniauia at lowest tatas. Valuable Real Esta RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF TIIE DIRECTORS AND HOUSE OF Somerset County, Penn'a, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 2. 1888. CYRUS C. SCHROCK. TitctsmsR or the Somerset Corsrr Pout Horse m count Uh Um eounty of iumenet for Um rear endlnc Jaanarr 2d. last. u 100 a7 St 30 4J5 800 9 4M li) 1 35 10 i Scows Henrjr Kreai-r for rent of W W Bitlier, Steward, for W W Baker. Stewanl. for w mtscr, wewant, We. and 29. Wr To am'l ree'U from Jaeob M Flkeen Frank Rubrtght Article of Agrscneot J " " asmnelJ Biitner fjr one cow sold " " V00 "eerHs ftw M.T.v lbs of oats m 1 eenS - J"! !! 1 Jo-enh Shatter ft 21S lbs of oats 1 cent : 4 " " I) $noeniRker for Scows .!! ... a m 21 To m I rec j from SouierwtCouiil j ironirt'so." of VH-'for'im M " " " " " " " " w balauee areoiuu . roa txrrsi.Es etc., cm-aid ro 1 By am't paid on order of l-H f..r Out rli Mute ( JllsOftSI roa on nooa ExrxisE to B-ami paid lor nut dnor relief . srssj 11 " " travelins expemsw lor out dour paupers xt :i 12 arteD'laaie u isi I t " " Jut'e h'es 4 jo It " " 'or:tbles foes M " . 1". " " enrlins f , IS M ftitn-ral expenses " i 17 " " n:-dii-al wrviees " in is " - rent u i, rj 30 J 4o i fi A l.'i tf H Hi 14 to fOB BAIMT-NAM I X OTHEB 19 By sm't paid Kir maintenanr of children ji " In lUrrlbura hospital. ....... " liixmiHit . ; other rounties ; traTellnaexpensrsof isteward. actina; as Tisitor.-.l roa ExrExscs or root h 2Ti Bv sm't paid tnr provisions, etc., wheat snd flour - " " beef. tJKi'; butchering. Tt M " M (Mimir and mliL-es. a - " apple butter tMuoa - " ran r.-e err " " other sruceries hops " eider - suit ' " vintirnr n " Pry tMiodi and clothing.... - hnt-s and cups v. shoe and k-sther... " tnhnieo dniKk mud meiliciues . riMistablcsfees - ' Justicps fees ' conveying inmates " traveliiiiK exjiises for inmates. ' carding and weaving " carpet - .11 :t! 31 31 3" Jfi ;i7 3S ; to 41 4i 43 44 4i"i 4" 4 4'.l .V) 51 t S3 M V . .'7 ,'S .W 61) lil SJ 63 m . (Hi 7 r.s 70 71 " turn are J6.50. and tinkering (V.34 nanluare ... ipieenswAre f IS. 13. stoneware S4-?l... ' Mationery " pomace and lsix rent - " medical exatnilialioiuv. etc stoves and pipe - .. " lire insurance 41 arh'tavits to accounts and report - rtKil " eiitniM for inmates Niardlnr escaped inmates.. . snap and lye " printing a adv. J S tfhafer (blank)- " " lienusmt ( n Audit. r reporti istewards report) . 2 l 5 3G 83 j 1 I ; j i j J j i i j ! : j I Herald " " fob ran rrr'srs. 73 By am't paid for Farm implements 71 ' fertilisers, vir: lime flliiK. houe ".7'iti .. TTi si-eiLs and plants . 7S " hardwar- .. 77 bla-ksmlthing 7S " . - saddlery 7'.i vapid making - sn medicine hi " ne of grain drill vj freiglit and express - 53 fruit trees 54 " - sheep ma rrxiniT taraovEMEST asu cetaiks. as By am't paid for hardware .. ....... Hi - palming canenter work . maxiii work.... lumber whitewashing - repair to ligliiaing nai FOB EXTBAOKDISABT EXrTKsES. t'l ! VI : j 92 By am'l paid for ftrrnitnre cliK'ks and repairs clerk at former settlement aswssment for Htate conveutioii .... calling H bvmeher saie. witntsM fees iMonahan casei drilling well, pumpand fixtures Musfsriinan fural Usih ....... do do isubserililiiaa U Herald) M do ilo ( do Lie moc rati... fOB KAtARltS AMD WALES. "4 !" S7 SS Ml lul Ml 102 By niu't paid to Ankcny . Bamme. ami Schmuckcr. salary each V4.00. in:) ny am I paia tor Mew arus sniary nitmer i : H4 do do Ut lsi hker mmitb... , - ; 4m'-' f fctft do do t 'lerkcisnd Altonwy ittJury .., jit ni. t rt do I'hyHiriMn's MMlnry m .... , 1 W 1T do do Chaplain wlary. ww , .- i ItM do ili TnriMirvr'wwiiitrjr.. , ."' liiy do do t'4Mk'ftaUrv, H muntbs. - 44 w Total receipts and expenditures..... A CCOL'XT OF C. C. MUSSELMAS To am't ree'd from Co- Corn's Interest on Mii.'Sclman fund for the year 1S7 .... By am't paid for subscription to Berlin ltecord do do do do Meyersiale 'onimenrial do do do do Somerset to t-st January Isms do do do do do I'ernld do do Bihles (9.00. hymn books do do Book for l.i!irary Balaiiee dtie on uewsiatpers subscription for 1S7 ;. ESTIMATE ACCOUNT. The Hibe'Toks or the Poob 1 To am't of estimate for expenses made 1st November tssf) ' By am't receiveil from t'ounty t'ouimissioucrson 1 By lailanceof estimate unexpended Amount of estimate.. jyREcroirs IXDIVIDI'AL AccorxTs. jusiah ask EN Y Puna Kofsr. Dtsectos. in acrtHiTit with To am't of Poor IIoa"e order No. 1iof si.7 iln do do tof l-4 do bill No. 2 of ' 'Hctnia-rat sun karied do do 47 of 'xk 'Herald' do By 1 yearaalarv as Director 'Balance due the couiitr of Horoerset... JOHN C. BALP.iiXE, Pnoa l!nt-r InsrrTr.B, In areonut vitb Toam'tcsf Ponr House order No. t n( l-"7 lo do do t4of t-S do bill No. of Ivmoenu sun l.anjml do do IT of' llrrad' do By 1 year salary aa In reel, s jsaiauce one tne ctainty ot .EriRiif T. K HTtlt't KEB. P B H.- THnrr, la aeeiaiM a it a in County taf To ara't of Ptstr fionar order tn. JM f l-T .. ar issi bill Nx 'Js of ivs-rst' suretarsnl ,7 of s Herasi' bv 1 Trr aljarT mm lrvuw T F I R I E US I it 'TTA M I N't i A ! Ko to imm t n. .lacJ t W hnot.. wchVhu' Z!iVlZtSZ ' rW la-art " " ' raISeMs!i.ti.::- ?T1 Prtrrtk t frtta s P-ter Jp-rl . I We. tbe ondersimied Asdiiorsof aVasrnat foamy, la tu riawmtaiaeaJtb 4 rwrnsy'tsu-s. i1 eertily thai la pursuance of the Clh teetioa of the act tmtiiied -Aa art reiaiinc tu louuties T Ihips, etc.." ptvsrd the Hhduj ot April. H.A, wesart at the seas ol JiKlc in ibe l " eturt, oa llir ?d ! of January, p, and alttt hrinf duly swura diti aula BdiOft tl w'! ;tr end BMKMiap nxjUisul uf us hy law, ayovshly to tha varl A or A'saxwMf tal v"" thamo. aud ariamllpg la ttut brat of out aiilyuu-st and sblluias. and thai tkst turrBulug mmat statements of tbe folluKlna'aeuouou, ia ; 1st. lyraa l'. avhtuk. Tsstusiearof lit avasvmt CiHiiity Punt Uouae sail Iltaue of lunpluymsnl. w ith tba County uf Somerset Jil Tie awurfl uf the r. t. NuMelmsn Donat'im. Snl, Tbe Estimate Acrauot sad ttb. The V'f b." I'trr,'v '; Irnllvldiisl asttmuls with the fount)- of Somerset;, all Um the year sS7 ; and as runhrr sen -1 Sml that there is a balance duo the said ouoly of Sumenet ffum Jusiah Ankcny, Jobs '- itrn j snd ticorge V. Hrhmneker, Iiirectofs of lb Piasr. tte., uf rwhl County, of knndrrd anJ Twi l bus iJUO via from rath uf said Inreetora theone-third thereof. Thirty fcmr dullars XJ, , Tbe said Treasurer and the Mrecturs tor lar and ism wrra duly sumasuord to spi-wr "' tD Auditors, and they all did so appear and produced thetr hooks, an bra. Mils, vottenets an-l pe j see summons attached to our report ou tba t'onnty Arcouat. Tha Kepoct ol the Stf wrd of " t I'oor I loose was snbroltted to n and is hereto attached. i In testimony whereof we bar hereunto set our bands and saalar Ibis ash d , I nary, A. V.. piss. Attest. OF THE POOR, D OF TIIE EMPLOYMENT OF TIIE -OF- RECEIPTS. PR. t ;si 2i m writ ai 31 n sold Hannah Hourher Una him and Vi lba ot puUUm M 60cta" JIT IIm uf beau. for 7. lt of emu W W Holier. Atetranl. lor X bus potatnei tiOru ' ; Joseph L .Miller formaiiitenaw-e of Mary Millet at HarrlshunHuniiai' M rn Mat h i tt al ker Hit maiuteDanee of huatand al Uarrbburi HounI Hiram HofTiiiaii ftir maiiitenaiieeof ui at Puor Uoum .. .1 C I" x hmurki-r for I bushel Timothvierd .... SMisan Tuojier for 1 oionih's maiiiivnaiM. Susau (.'oifjK-r for I month's mainlniinr WentmoreUnd '. IMreetoni formaintenitaeeof Phuvb bar aud aiii 1 A i Sehell f.ale of Hide. ' "i W M Schnx-k fur maint and treatment of wife at rtixtnont Hiisiiiu!'"' A Beuford A Am aud, errors ia bills and oolera So. , Tc ; s: j -vjS u EXPENDITURES. I'R. the teas ins. rvli. f mvntion Am KDieoL.. tMf l .vr ! 1 S To i :t i 4 to 149 ! I imscble fm Mt,tlnal er:it out dour BMksand StMtlonerr Maintenaare of children in familM... BriHini , llUK'ksDiithius lssT. INsrrmioSS ETC. in primte families r 10 (III Su on T.t U 41 iu iow : Fen n a Inat. ai EIwtb i t I ..r o . -2tt IA . in; ii . 7S 71V . M JO . ID . SB . -'( S7' . 11S . 1 20 . S y, . 19 . M 75,-1 i se rtorxa. m m 31 SO A. 9 02 lm .hi' in SI 97. Jl : on su s-J 1 as. 81 .'7 ;v. i 3 -' w 7s M M : m 'jn :iv 14 m 31 ; i ) ll'i 4t en l so 13 !A I JlHI , lll , MS) i ! (coal notice) 3 00 j diirectors' annual rep't) 3f iw i 1 (honks and blanks) 27 iiv ; (SiHk - e to Contractors).- J .') . ; cteward't report .V) irt ! 1 iKeiYiptsaeipeuditiirrs tin i I lAnnual n pon. J on M7 VI MM Tl n 74 lv! . .VI in ii !W :. sj 31 Ml m t I '. s :s S ml 411 in A Til l r. so 4 l lin in 1 2. l : in r I 71 44 9 m Pi on V. it) I on tiaw ...I a) B". a ) 2 on - 21 K, M n l.V) ou montiis.. r.'fi u r.'r-i c IXiNATlOX. (See Deed Kec, Vol. 62, p Ti.) CR. PR. t xm 1 so 1 J5 2 l) 1 111 U s : 1 XI Ml 1 ix Accoi xt with hontRsrt Cot s?. f'B. PK ljiam OS above onler No. of fr:c 41 . ....... trsil s7 the County of Somerset, lirriti)V. do - ........ vis : S thereof ui earn do (U .) M a Met M the Cooaiy of Inrvei..d iu l, tbarrof toeark do dw , I r llrret. MtU u : S IMW sa I M I" X PA 1 1 1 1 Ii T II K V K A R ma mi . 1 ftflktf . - - . .. r Keea t ka- ii .2 , "mfm . XZ , t ntenane of Ma M-t haa. k . flatter .. a 1 I ai ataiusabaa-'; )liuet a M.s .tv 8. r. SITOBFR. I""1-! JOHN H. tiAHKlVJ. K- 1 S3 f x ai i i 11