The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 01, 1888, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.
BOWA&D 8CCLL, Editor and I'rujnrtnr
rrtimrT V, !.
AxTnocoH the Unn in northeastern
Pentasyhani has been tvere, nobody
has been froien to death fo tar as repc-rU
Till President should have waited un
til June before attempting to abear the
aheep of the United States. It was a bad
TnoiBK, w ho faiied in his contest for
Ppeaker Carlisle's seat, will be a candi
date again next fall, when the working
men of bis district will bsve an opportu
nity to rijrht the wrong committed by the
Democratic majority in Congress.
Tiia Chicago JiUfr-Ocmn says: One of
the approbate songs of the Democratic
campaign w ill be to the tntie of " Uncle
He had no wool on the lop of his head
In the plane where wool ought to grow."
Last week witnesxed the roost exten
sive cold wave of recent years. Be
ginning in the far northweirt where its
terrible effect is shown by the number of
people frozen to death, it swept over the
entire country. Kail ways everywhere
hsve been snow-blocked, and inconven
ience and suffering have followed.
Mb. M Muxes the Jii publican leader
(n Philadelphia, w ho will las a delegate
to the National Convention, insists that
lie is for George W. Child fr President,
and will voto for hi nomination, not
withstanding Mr, Cliild's positive refund
to be a candidate and declaration that he
would decline the nomination if tender
ed him.
Setwetabv Bayabh declares that the
President's gift to the Toj was tliat of a
private citiien. AH the sajne it was pre
sented in the name of the President of
the United States and not Grover Cleve
land. His Holiness in return blesxed
the country and its President, and placed
the gift among those received from
Kings. Mr. Bayard must be both stupid
nd blind that he can't recognize this
undisguised b'd for the catholic vote.
I.t the Massachusetts House on Thurs
day the Constitutional Prohibition Reso
lution was passed, in concurrence w ith
the Senate, by a vote of 160 to 70, with
one pair, being six more than the neces
sary two-thirds. A proposed amendment
to substitute the word "alcoholic" for "in
toxicating" was rejected tS to 13". The
amendment will have to be pasHed by a
two-thinls vote in both branches next
year before its submisrtion to the ecple
ar the ihiIM.
The hill giving the widow of nentl
John A. Logan a ienmou of f "..',000 a year
passed the Semite after debate, by a
vote of .V to 7. A similar bill-was then
passed increasing to f,00fl a year the
tension of the w id iw of tteneral Frank
P. Blair.
The Semite jiassed the bill increasing
the pension for total deafness to 10 per
month and allowing a proortiouatc ra
ting for partial deafness. Mr. Quay stat
ed that the increased expense would not
escevd f 100,0u0 a vear.
Tha Grand Army Substitute for tha
- - Dapandent Bill.
WAnHHHiTos. D. C, January 25. Senator
Paris, from the Coniniiltue on Pensions, to
day rrported Uvorably a bill (known a the
Graad Army bill) to pension ex-soldiers and
sailors who are incapacitated for manual la
bar, and piwviil pennons (or dependent n-1-atives
of dMed artdieni. The bill has the
nune objects in view that were contemplated
by what was known as tle Ipenait Pen
ian biU. vetoed by the President during tlie
last CWgms. It is balieved, liowewer, that
tlie new bill, by the mote explicit manner in
which its purpose is stated, obviates tb
Driucinal obiecliiin raised in tlie President's
veto. The bill has the unanimous indorse
ment of the Pension Committee.
The first section of the bill declares that, in
considering tlie pension claims of dependent
parents, the fad and cause of death and the
fin that tlie soldier left no widow or minor
children having been shown, it shall he nec
caaary only to show that the parent or par
ants are without other means of support than
tlieir own manual labor or the contributions
of others not legally bound for their support.
A prortao to this section fixes the time for
the commencement of enrion from the date
ot t he passage of tlie act or from tlie date ot
subsequent dendenoe. Slid declares that
the pension shall continue no longer than
lur existence of such dewndeiiee. Iu thia
respect it differs from the vetoed bill, which
provided that no pension should commence
prior to the passage of tlie act, and that iu
case of applications hereafter made the pen
sion should comment from the dale ot tiling
of the application.
By the second section of the hill pensions
at the rate of $12 per month are granted all
persona who served more than three months
and were honorably discharged,' and who
are or may hereafter he suffering front men
tal or physical disability not the result of
their own vicious habits or gross careless
ness. Tiiey differ, however, in the language
by which tliey delinc the degree of disability
which shall entitle a per jn to a eiisioii.
On this point the new bill reads : " Disabili
ty which totally incapucituU them for the
performance of manual labor," while the
language of the vetoed hill read : " Disability
which incapacitated them for performance of
lalsiriti such decree as to render them un
able to earn a snpirt and who are dependent
upou tlieir daily labor for supjiort." The
new hill also limits its provisions to those
Ik) served in the late rebellion, wheruaa
the vetoed bill extended to soldiers of any
war in which the Unite! States mas engaged
The hill further differs from the vetoed
bill in the addition of anotlicJ section grant
ing ensions to the widow or minor children
under 1 year ef age, or, in case there be no
widow or minor children, to a dependent
mother or father, without regard to the
cause of death of the pensioner. The section
also increases the pension of minor children
from t- to jS per month and declares that
the pension of idiotic or helpless minors shall
continue during life or the period of disabil
ity. The section in relation to the ft of .elision
agents is amended by fixing a maximum fee
of $10, instead of allowing a fee of M with a
discretionary power in the Commissioner of
Pensions to increase the fee to $10, as the ve
toed bill eovided.
The remaining section, providing that no
person shall be pensioned who is under (o
litical disabilities or who incurred his disa
bility while engaged in the military service
against the United States diners iu no re
sieet from the bill vetoed by President Cleveland.
The magnitude of the strike in the
Pennsylvania coal regions may lie judged
from the fact that, instead uf SOO.IKIO tons
of coal, which is the ordinary January
product, the output this month will lie
next to nothing, and the f40,U00 wages
which the company would have t-aid to
its miners for their month's work will Is?
entirely withheld from them. Such de
privations as this cessation of wages must
involve make the condition of the miners
a most pitiable one, but they are evident
ly determined to suffer a good deal of
hardship rather than surrender.
The commission apjsiiiitcd by the
New York legislature to incpuiru and re
Jsirt as to the best method of inflicting
the death icnalty, after a thorough and
careful examination of tkc methods
practiced in civilized countries, propose
to amend the present statutory ieualty
by substituting electricity for the gallows.
The method proimsc-J v ill be sudden
silent, painless and infallibly ellicient
There is a very general tlewre among the
American eiplc that the present liarbar
otis and inhuman method of execution
nh all be done away with, and that if hu
man life must betakeu to satisfy the re
quirements of society it should be done
as painlessly and mercifully as ptsssible.
In most countries the instruments of the
executioner arc the sword and the guil
lotine, but the advantages they kisscsb
over the halter are not great enough to
snake it worth while to change. They
are quicker and surer, ami they put an
end to all liojic of resuscitation, but they
produce such ghastly spectacles as to hor
rify the most stolid of oflioial life-takers.
Tlie one fact wliich lias operated so long
to retain the pillows is that its victim's
body, if it be disfigured, is at least entire.
He is not mutilated. His blood is not
drawn. Criminals w hose moral instincts
aeem to be wholly pwc and who have
not enough spirituality to care for their
souls, often display much feeling concern
ing the fate of their dead bodies. They
should not lie deprived of the slight sat
isfaction to lie taken from the knowledge
that they can go to their graves without
suffering actual dismemberiuemt.
Every claim of justice and every argu
ment of mercy are satisfied by the use of
electricity. Concerning its efficacy in
dealing the death-blow, the commission
has produced voluminous and convincing
testimony. Kminent medical and scien
tific men have furnished the commis
sion with the results of experiments upon
animals quite as tenacious of life as man,
and have shown just what machinery is
needed to carry out the capital sentence.
It could be provided at an expense of
from f250 to $.V0. It would consist of a
lightly ivclining chair w ith a metallic
head and foot rest. Into these electrodes
would be fastened. The current would
thus pass through all the centres of func
tion and intelligence and death would lie
so instantaneous that sensation could not
be tossible.
The commission also recommend that
all executions occur in one sjieciGed pris
on aad that convicts from the various
couutics be sent thither as soon as sen
tence is Imposed. Tlie warden of the
prison shall select the day of execu
tion and twenty-one citizens shall be
present as witnesses all of w hom may
be newspaper reporters, but it is desired
to prevent the publication of descri4ive
The body is to be delivered to a medical
college for dissection or buried in a pris
on graveyard in order to escape public
gatherings of the curious and sickly
wake that w are. continually hearing
ot While some of tlie details are open
to severe criticism, the main recommen
dation to aapplant the alow, strangling,
horrible death of the gallows with in
atantaneoas aad painless death, is un
doubtedly humane.
Held Hia Feet to the Fire.
HrmxonoN, January A dastardly
outrage was ierpetrated in Henderson town
ship this morning, which will pnibabty re
sult in tlie death of tlie victim, Henry M ce
nts sn old woodsman. About 1 o'clock
three masked men entered the humble hut of
Mr. Merrills and demanded to be shown
here his sup'sised wealth was concealed.
For several years Merrills has leeti engaged
in the lumbering business and had accumu
lated alniiit el.OK.i, which was secreted iu the
basement of his dwelling.
Hi assailants bound and gauged him and
failing iu tlu-ir efforts to extort a confession
by these means they held his bare feet to the
fire and otherwise maltreated him in the
most shocking manner. Filially, becoming
unconscious, his assailants left him and
searched the hut for his hidden wealth.
Beneath the flooring they found over HJS)
hidden in a flour sack. But this was all
they secured, as the other money belonging
to him was hidden a short distance from the
house. Merrills was found this morning
still bound and gagged, and owing to his
advanced years it is thought the maltreat
ment he revived will result in his death.
Victime of Lynchers.
pLYMotTH, X. C, Jan. 'Si. Lynch law ran
riot Itcre last night, and this morning the
eople were horrified to find that three negro
prisoners had been taken from the county
jail by a crowd of masked men, conveyed to
a piece of woods on the outskirts of town,
tied to trees and shot to death. This morn
ing their bodies were found iu the position
in which the lynchers left them, securely
liound to the trees and riddled with bullets.
The lynching rty gat liens at the jail
shortly before midnight and demanded that
the jailer should deliver to them Jack Blount
his bnither Matthew Blount and Patterson
Spruitt, who liad lieen charged with the
murder of John Dawson, a peddler, of Cres
well, in this state. Tlie jailer rvfused but
was overM)rered and was was forced to per
mit the men to he taken away.
When tlie woods m ere reached, the victims
begged for mercy, but no attention
was aid to their outcries, excel tlie stern
reply that they would be given a moment to
pray. Tlien the lynchers, who were various
ly armed with shotguns, muskets and pis
tols, Ix-gan thuir bloody work and fired Vol
ley after Volley until the iirisoners were dead.
Matthew Blount, one of the three victims,
was a preacher of some local notoriety and
had previously lost an arm.
Tlie crime lot which tlie three men were
thus summarily made to suffer occurred on
Jau. 1. On that day John I hi son, the ped
dler whom they were supposed to have mur
dered, was walking doan the country road
on his way to the house of s neighboring
farmer. Fattcrsun Spruitt happened to pass
by in his cart, and when Dawson asked for
a ride be consented and the two drove some
distance. Before tliey reached the end of
tlieir journey they came up with the two
Blouuts. The three negroes determined to
rob I a asou and murder him. They over
powered him, carried him off to a secluded
spot, choked him to death and then endeav
ored to hide his body, on which they found
only one dollar as the reward of their crime.
They were arrested and Spruitt made a con
fession that Preacher Blount had committed
the murder and the other brother had strip
ped the dead man's person of the money.
Oil In Illinois.
Cabhi, III., January 27. The It rid ley -Mclaughlin
Coniany lias been boring for
coal ou a farm It miles southwest of this
village. When li e drillers got down S7 fret
they struck a good vein of coal. Water be
ing needed, the drillers went down I,10li fi e
for an artesian well. The water smelted
strongly of pis, and so the boring continued
i2 feet fartUr down. When the drills were
withdrawn from th wall hut Tuesday even
ing, water spouted 20 bet fa th ir. Tlie
stream was brownish in color, but rapidly
turuod to a yellowish green. An oil man
who saw I he change of color rushed frantic
ally about etliuguudiiug the ire and yelling
at the kip of his voice that the aten had
struck oil. A neiehborinx gully was darned
up and the oil turned into iu pocket.
Tlie well is now flo ing SO barrels an
hour, or 500 barrels a day. There are 2.0
barrels of petroleum in tlie gully. Tanks
will be erected next week and it is thought
that within a week thousands of men will
be engaged in developing tlie new 6eld. The
gravity of the od, is 55 pi cent, and it is
well suited lor illuminating purposes. The
roar of the escaping gas can be heard for
Heaviest for Thirty-Flv YsMU) in
New England.
Boktok, January 36. Keort this morn
ing from various points in Maine, New
Hampshire and Vermont state that the heav
iest snow storm (or years prevailed all night.
In most places it is still snowing. Snow fell
from fifteen to eighteen indies and travel rs
greatly impeded. Many trains are entirely
sus)irnded and highways are practically im
passable. A dispatch from Bellows Falls, Vt says :
A solid blockade of snow exists in all direc
tions to-day. There was previously about
two feet on tlie ground, and last night a
heavy fall of eighteen inches added to the
previous amount. It is still snowing and a
high wind is piling it up in all directions.
No trains have arrived or left on any of the
roads. The same conditions are reported
within a radius of twenty-five miles.
Biddeford, Maine, reports roads are every
where blocked and up to eleven o'clock to
day no train has passed there over eitlier
division of the Boston and Maine. The
morning express, which left Portland at 7.30,
is snosred in near Old Orchard. Help has
Ixsen telegraphed for and engines and snow
plows sent from Portland. Streets about the
city are almost impassable and none ot the
schools are in sessiou.
All trains from the north and east are from
four to eight hours late and on many roads
all freight trains have been abandoned. At
Old Orchard a snow-plow with three engines
attached is fast in a snow-bank and slmost
hidden from view. The snow is light and
drifts badly. The wind is high and about
two feet of snow has el read y fallen, and slill
nosixn of a let-un. It is the worst storm
tiiat has visited New England iu thirty fiv
A freight train is off the track on the
Northern Railroad at East Andover'and
wrecking train has gone there. This, in ad
dition to the storm, will effectually block a
traffic. No trafn has reached Concord,
H., since last night over the white Mountai
Division of the lloston and Lowell IUilmad
and none has been sent out. The 'snow sti
continues and the wind has increased
Nbw Yobk, January 26. Reports from
Eastern and Northern New York show that
the storm is almost as severe in those sec
tions as in New England. It began last nigl:
and by morning over a foot of snow had
fallen. A high wind then set in and the
snow is piling up in great drifts.
A dispatch from Albany says that all rail
roads centering there are in bad condition
and trains are many hours late. The high
wind is making matters worse each hour.
A corresjMinJent at Middletown reports the
limited express from Ht. Louis on the Erie
Road fast in a snow-drift one mile west of
that city. The truck at thai place crosses
low flat meadows, and the high wind has
drifted the snow until it is higher than tlie
cars. The limited has been in the drift over
three hours already, and, as drifts are grow
ing larger, the pruswcts for its gelling out
sooti are very poor. Three other trains are
stalled at the same place.
A terrible snow storm is raging along the
west shore of Lake Champlain. It is the
worst storm that has visited this section in
years. Two feet of snow has already fallen
It is drifting badly and trains arc many
hours late.
Travel on the Erie Railroad is almost sus
pended. No trains from New York have
reached Port Jen is, though some have got
within a few miles of the village. An ex
press train from the West, which passed
through there at 10 o'clock this mom ing, is
stalled in a snow bank. With the aid of two
engines it made but six miles all day. More
than a dozen engines on the mountain side
near there are making efforts to get through,
aided by all the men HHsihle to be secured
All freight trains have been abandoned
Drifts on the railroad in many places are ten
feet deep. It is tiie worst block all since 1S57.
A Tragedy of tha Sea.
Nkw York, Jan. 27. The second officer of
the hark Lizzie Perrv, which was wrecked
three weeks ago ou the Burbadoes coast, ar
rived in New uork to-day. He brings a thril
ling story of the rescue of the Iwo survivors
of the vessel Alfred Watts. They are the
only survivors of 2 isjrsous who had sailed
on the Watts from Yew York for Japan
with a cargo of gas oil-
On October 17, during a sudden gule, a gi
gantic wave broke over tlie vessel, sweeping
her decks from stem to stem. All the per
sons on the ship were on deck at the time.
Boats, gear houses, etc., were toru loose and
hurled into the ocean. With them went
sailors and passengers. Twenty-two of the
shrieking, drowning men were swept far
from the ship, but six managed to cling to
one of the forward dis k -houses which, shat
tered as it was, floated noar. The sudden
ness of the thing was apalling.
Then came hours of misery. Tlie wind
went down, night came on and the survivors,
musing themselves from the stunning blow
of tlieir misfortune, began to realize the aw
fill horror of their position in mid ocean on
a piet of wreckage that scarcely floated be
neath their weight, and with no water or
food. They were the captain. C. Johnston ;
a young man from Philadelphia named Bur
geas; tlie two nien rescued, Magnus and
Linn, both Swedes, and two others who are
Then they saw floating by one of the boats
and the Captain aud yonug Burgess plunged
into the sea, and swam a few yards, when
the former suddenly gave a fearful shriek.
struggled for an instant and sank, and sink
ing left a streak of dark bloo l behind him.
The sharks bad secured their first victim.
Burgess swam bark and the attempt to se
cure the boat was abandoned.
Pieces of board were torn from the house
on which tlicv floated aud used as paddles,
trying to reach tlie ship from which they
had been swet, which was discerned a mile
away. Hour after hour tlie men toiled,
burnt with the hot sun overhead, famished
and pan-hed. and yet no nparent progress
was made. Night fell and the relative post
tions of the hull and wreck were maintained.
Again the sun rose, and once more tired
muscles wre strained in the endeavor to
reach the ark of safety, but four days elapsed
before the ship was rrached and then only
two men crawled up on its deck.
Young Burgess had become delirious and,
shrieking that he saw laud close by, plunged
overbciard. The following day the reason of
tao others failed and they, too, leaped into
the waiting ocean. One of these last was an
Irishman from Liverpool.
Magnus and Linn found on the ship a
cask of water that had eswied the univer
sal destruction and a quantity of salt bacon
and lived on these till rescued. But it was
31 days from the ime of the wreck till suc
cor reached them and they were in a terible
Tlieu the Lizzie Perry went ashore on a
reef and tlie unhappy men again had an ex
perience of shipwreck. The crew of tlie Liz
zie Perry were rescued by a passing English
vessel, which landed some stBarbadues and
took others to England. Tlie American Con
sul at Barhadoes has notified pie New York
authorities that the two raeu in question
have been sent to that port ou board the
Mary Itartillon, which is due in New York.
Somerset County, Peim'a,
CYRUS C. SCHROCK, Tbeastrer or the Somerset Corvrr Poor Hocse in ac
count with the county of Somerset fur the year ending J armory 3d, lssg.
1 To am't ree'd Ana Jacob M Fikc on Frank Rubright Article of Agrtrment .
Hwatiel J bfitner fttf one cow Mild..
'k Ket-rits for lO.TM 1) of nuts (c 1 rent....
J...h Shatter for 21s lbs of oaissj: 1 cent
X li tiurtuater for 3 coa-s nolo
Itcnrv Krcger lor rent of Hannah Houcber frra
W tt baker, steward, for W Ihu and 11m of potatoes ? u eta
W W Maker. Steward, for '.'17 lbs of beam
W YV Baker, Stettanl, fr TS 11 of fails....
W W Maker. Steward, for S bus notfttues f0 eta .!
Jtweuh L Miller (or maintenance ! Mnrv Slillerat Haxrisburit Hospital,
" VlrsMalhiaWa!keririnaiiiieDaneeorbalMndatHarrisburgllospital;
Hiram Uoflmaa Utr maintenance of son at Pfxir Houseww
" C I' i-chmucker far 1 buhel Ttiu4Uiytt-d.....M.....-...-......-;
" Husan i'ooper for 1 month's maintenance : .t
" Puan 0nier for 1 month's muiiitenaut. .....!
" We-imorrlnucl rvi. IHrcctors for maintenance of I huebebay aiil son
" " A J SeheU for sale of Hides j
" W M fchrock for maint aud treatment of wife si liixmout lliiul.
" " A Benfoctl & Son and others, error in bills aud orders No. V.'i, 7c ; 377,1
GOc. aud 29, 10c -. . - - i
21 To ain't ree'd man Somerset Counly per order No. of IKS-for interest on Mussulman fund
" " ' to balance account '
,. 9 sn
. 21 O)
.. 107
J i is
75 Oil
J Si (10
i 31 If)
: '2
..! 1 Hi
f2 eo
11 so
s tie
i on
.r Ml
2 K
11 Ml
TKM 13
- - o
Receipts and Expenditures of Somerset County. Pi., from tht First Honday
or January, ibb. to ine rirsi monaay ot January, 18X3.
" o
1YKU3 C. 8CHBOCK, Esq., Treasurer of Somerset County, Pa., in account with tha
W (Jounljr of somerset.
Fur Tax received from Collectors of 3UM aad Coouty Rates far the years 11, 183a, im and las?
fy that in tMirsnaoe r,f trie ;in Se.-tt.-n of the Aei eniiilr.1 --a a,-i i,,,JL .' '"'"tjs a A
nf I - ' -"l!lll-
nr.. sasnrfl trie l.lfi nar or Aiiril. l-ci w mt o .t
ad Oay of JaaiAry. Wts.aiKl after lir.lui.fsw..r. ..i,t. u, Z U!LT' "
n-qatred of .a b law. anwaoly t the severs! Art, of J r"' :.
ir to i!M best of our jn.i(nent and abNtues, anil the .re,Miiir w true' iuj .',l'". m r"'-
of ta foilowma'aeriMBls- lit: la.l irnil VL.. . i .JT "'"eel iii,,"!.,.
-- v-niui . vi murrm : uu it. nirjine iL t .
.u . )Ti.Ii.u..j . . --"7 7m-.
(aiRfv of aiiLrttfff awi u nrr-. l-.u. ..... . . - ' 7,c-. ' -yo-l ...,. '-
41 a, Peter Dumtauilii, Commissioner of' aai.l t 'oimt.T. wild the ..! mm,T'.n"an,t ' S
nrp.-,, ... wiutn-'imter uj sai'i coniKT. witn taesaitl I imiilt vf t ...... . - -ei - - e.
t on strum.
Murdarar Coffey's Body Cramated.
Pimtst Bti, Jan. 27. Tbe remains of Ed
ward Coffey, tne murderer and suicide, were
tii Leu from tlie count; jail, where be killed
liimself, to Samsion's Crematory on Sixth
A renin;. Tuey were placed in the retort and
the astuta hay not yet been removed. It is
stated tliat Coffey's aHjvfl iq poninjitting
suicitle was to remove the odium of an
execution from the name of his two sisters,
who arc to become nuns.
ninUI V REWARDEDare tho.
If IVllb I u)i-1Un and then art:
tliey will Mud honorable emiiloyinvat that will
nm take thi-ra from ttwit bonus and famiUea.
The profits are larrr and aunt for every industri
ous peraua ; many nave ssade aad ant rmv ssak
lnr arveral hundred itollar. a snwiith. It ' caov
f' any one u a take . and apwarda per drT w ho
la wilhnc to work. KIUmt aex. yuuag at wld -capital
not needed : we start you . everrthlnr
new : ns special ability rtutrM ; ytm. reade.
ean do it as well as any oaa. Write to as at once
for fall rrtieular. which we mail free. Address
btijuu A co 1-of-Uaad, Md. iolL'-ljrr.
roK txrt.vsc etc., id fob the veas isso.
1 By am't paid on order of 1K& for sit door relief...
I7; 42
Stale t'onreution Assessment -
Jnslitsys fees
Constables fees ...
fedieal serviet mil dMtr..H
rtook. and Stationery -
Mallitcnallee of ehililrvn iu families-
Blai-ksmitliiiii' .
10 By am't paid for nut 1or relief.
traveling exeiiM for out tiuor uik.'I. .
- atteniiatiee .
Jusliee fees " "
fonstubles fees ' " .
cotlms "
funeral expenst "
medical services " .... .
rent "
19 By am't paid for maintenance of children in private families
an ' ' l'enn'a lust, at Eluyn m
21 " In Ilanistiurg hospital
gt - Mxinont ;
23 " " u " other counties - :
24 " " traveling expenses of ftevtard, atiing as visitor j
25 Bv am't paid for provisions, etc., wheat and flour Jf4" so
it-, " beef, tf-'l-'i fc'i : hnteherinir. tE.'jO. 21S l.v
suirar and molasses... Po 10;
apple butter - - - 7 7((i
lw-m.nHHM - 36 20:
cmrs 40
aw i,7
116 S2'
I jn
. 5 an
m si
12 7i -
sn r.
16 Ul
10 :?:
6 3D1
4 on
1 7S
5 70
i m
4 Oil I 149 18.
93 ta
si rj
IS on
4 5u
72 ti
l'.i Ul
f8 10
12 W :
47S 3!)
10 (
2T4 l.V
41 fi-.' 1
8 10 ll)l 24
ST.U 42
27 "
J "
.10 " "
31 "
m "
84 "
89 '
43 "
44 '
45 - -
4-4 "
01 -
ft2 "
M ' "
M "
f "
; '
f it
2 "
(U -
M -
67 "
iS "
(i "
70 - -
72 -
" other gmeeries
' hoi
H vineinir
Pryfioods and clothing .. -
hats and ca .
shies and leather -
dniic and medicines .....
Constables fees .
Justice fees
convcTins: Inmates
traveluiiK exjsfnws for Inmates - ;
carding Mid weaving- .-.
tinware i-jl.SU, and tinkering f.:a
hardware - - -
qncenm are sls.13, sUineware W.S0
Mat lonery
post sire and Uix rent
tnetlit-al examinations, etc a
Moves aud pipe
fire infurauee - -
alft'lavtu to account and reports
coal. H ..
etiiflns inmates ...
boaniina eMaped inmates i
soap and lye -
priniiUK a adv. 1 6 simfer (blank. i t fln
'" liemocrat "o. Andilorsnporti 140 ui
i Stewards reKirtl- .rsi 00
(roal notice l 3 0"
i IMrcetors' annual rcp't' 3-" l
" " Herald ''honks and blanks).. 27 m
t Notice to 'tulraciorl. !-'
iUeward's nsirt -'Olio
i Keceinu. expenditure 10 Hi
(Annual a-port) w 537 30. KWa 72;
ill so
211 4"',
IIS (12
103 Ml
'Jti 111
M 'J7
24 .VII
(A (HI
30 tt
1 St.-
31 57
JO ; s
X2 S3
S 7S-
13 31)
19 c
20 3. ,
14 40
S17 (V
119 an
41 If
1 .VO
73 By am't paid for Farm nnplemcn'.s..
.OS, bone JV7.V0
Fertilizer, viz: liraeSlU
seetls and plants
Macksmithiug .
saddlery ....
wagon making.
medicine H
n e of grain drill
freight and express ,
fruit trees
R.V By am't paid for hardware .
naintitig .
carpenter work
mason work..
repairs to lightning rod.
73 74.
53 111!
2V IO.
: s2:
21 IK'
2!" :;
1 15!
4 35:
5 7i.
S ll
40 W
& 12
3 411,
35 5l-
4 00
no ot
1 25!
1 to
K By am't paid for Ainiilure...
100 7S
clocks and repairs -
clerk at former settlement
amsfment for State eouveutiou
calling H Boucher sale....
witness fees ( Monahao tase)
drilling well, punipand lixtures
Mnsseluiau fuad(bisiks) H
do do (siiliscriiitiou to Heraldt
do do t do iHrmoerat)
-I 20 V
. 2 ll
. 2 00
71 44
9 OK
in on!
15 00'
153 90'
!4 85; 2S IP
102 Ity am't paid to Ankeny, Barrone. and Schmticker, salary each Vl.0O....
Ifirl By am'taid for Stewards salary hittner 3 months
do do do do llakr9 Itiontbs...
do do f1erk- and Attorney's salary...
do do Physician's salary
do do Chaplain's salary
tit do Treatiin-r's salary
do do Cook's salary, 11 lutiutlm
Total receipts aad cxcu.liliire. no
233 St: ;
AM 75' i
20" IW
IS 00:
5(1 HI' !
50 (III
44 00: 134S OS
lr7!2 42 I7'.e2 42
fJCOUXT OF C. C. MUSS ELM AN IKNATI0N. (See Deed Rec Vol.62, ji 73.)
To am't ree'd from Co Corn's Interest on Xu-sclman fund for the year 1SS7..
tfy am t pain tor sutssTipUon to neritn Kecorrt
ao no no no sieyersnaie t omuien-ini
do do do do Somerset liemfs-rat to 1st January ls-ss
ao do do do do t'erald-
do do Bibles W OO, hymn bookt:iSJ
do do Buok for Library .
Balance dueou newspaper subscritiou for 17 .
I 1 50
1 25
2 CM
2 00
12 M
K 25
2 40
30 00
t : oo j so oo
The li-skvroksoF the Pooa in A,ocoi ni with Somekset forrcrv.
1 To am't of estimate fiif expenses made 1st November ls-kl
2 Hy am't received fraa l'Aittlf C.MiiiuiMqoiiA'rs on above order No. of Is-....
i b) balance of esuuiaie uuspen4-d...... -
Amount of estimate.,, , ........
. S7n;s 13
. 4n;l S7
1200(1 00
, 120(10 00 12000 00
JOS1AH ANKENY, Poot Hol'sE Directob,
Id account with the County of fjonu rx-t.
To ara't of Poor House order Xo. l!i of 1W7 ....: V 25 on
do do do 4:iofls a oil
do bill No. 2of ' lemocrat' sun-harged IilreetorstsVI vis : 'tlivreofttieai-h 17 tsi
do do 47of'KS Ueraid' do do dii' do 17 00
By 1 year salary as Hirector '. 50 00
na lance uue me county of sximenet 34 so
M IMS M 00
)OUS C. BARRONE, Pooa IIofsE Director,
In account with the County of somerset.
Tosm'ttfPoor Hoiiacorder No. lWof 1-W7 f 25 00
to oW lo 44 of 1SS-I 25 no
do bill Mo. 2Sof 'wfcmoliTal' surcharged llins'lurefel vis: thereof toi-nt-h 17 1
do do 47 of' 'Herald' do do ! lio 17 00
By 1 year salary as 1'ireclor ( ........ f 50 SO
Balance one tne county ot somerset ,...., . 34 Aiu
SI 00 SI 00
CEORCiE P. PCHMCCKEB, poon Hoesg Piecto.
In account a iih the County of Somerset.
To am't of Poor House order No. 200 of 1W7 '
" 45 of 1-SSS
" bill No. 7 of 'ss Tiemncrat' sun-barged Uirecion a'.l vis : thetvof U each
" " 47of'S 'Herald-
By 1 year salary as liireclor .. $
uaiance cue the counly of Somerset .
50 no
34 tw
2' 00
25 no
17 00
17 00
S4 00 S4 00
275 Jacob Eichnor
:ca Austin Lohr
Sr4 Catharine Kugg .
359 Abraham Tbomaa.... j
2 Peter Heart
373 Jacob (1. Kimmel
37S Frank A. Frits.
1 Peter Heart
J Fon WHAT lssl cn.
iut door Relief...
1 4Mis!al,lrs K(-er..
thitIionr Kfhef
Maintenance of Hat k'iinlock.Z.l.Zii
.. Apple llutler .
Maintenance of Miller tt McClintock..
10 no
3 04
7 ll
in no
& on
2 S)
S 55
19 50
J . ; J , i . I 59 m
We, the undersigned Auditors of Somerset County. Id the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do
certily that In pursuance of the 47th section of the act entitled "An Act relating to Counties. Town-
snips, esc. - passea tne i.tftday of April. 134, we met at the seat of justice in the County of Som
erset, an the Jd day of January. 1NSS. and after being duly swora did audit, adiust and settle the sev
eral acroontt msiuired of as by lis. agreeably to tbe several Acts of Assembly and supplemeau
" mua acraasjiugMi im Den ol oar Jitdgmeat aud abilities, and that the hregoing are true aad
eorreel su-ements of the following accounts. vU : 1st. Cyrus C Schrock. Treasurer of the SoTwenel
County Poor Route and House of Employment, with tbe County of Somerset. 2d. The account
of the C. C. Kusselmaa bonat'on. 3rd. Tbe Estimate Account aad 4th. The
individual aceounis with tbe Uonaty of Somerset, all for the rear lss7 : and r fhnher crilf mil
Sad that there Is a balance doe the aaid County of Somerset from Joaiah Ankeny, John C. Barron
and George T. Bcbmucker, lli rector. of tbe Poor, etc., of said CouniJ. of One hundred and Two Ikil-
lars ffHUi vis : from each of aaid Directors the one-third thereof. Thiit ' fouf dollars ($34).
Tbs said TTeasnper and tbe Mrecton for 1SS7 and ISsB were duly sumuvoil J$ jppear beore the
Auditors, and they all did so appear and produced their books, orders, bills, vnuuiuirs and naner
see sanumna attached to cor report ou tbe Coonrr Account. The Heron of th.
Poor iioosB was sabsaftusl to ua and Is heteto attached.
Ia tsatuaoay whestiuf are have herennto set our hands and seals, this 28th day of Jan
9. r. PHfiTlKR. FseauI
I tiAKRIEL ait. -KAL.1
) Coonty Audiuca.
I Israel Emenek ,.
1 Joseph Pattua
S A. J. Mouer
4 Jacob V. Kauts
Levi Lung
5 B. F. Baker
7 Ka H. Lan.Hs
S Krauk P. AB'ierson
S Koaa McC'lintoek.
10 Kiua huh re
11 B II. Morgan
Is AlrxaB'ler Coleman.........
11 B. hi. Pollen
14 Simon Thomas
13 C. C. i
IS: Frederick Uiirr
17 A. 11. Kuhlniaa
Is John O. Haueh
19 Thomas Gallagher.
to Peter Sh.s-nmker
XI Knimet Conutugluun ,
Si J. 8. Graves
2i John Harrone.
14 Mm. n P. Welmer
!li.F. liarhaugh
Its 8. P. Tlslrnw
v Nelson Btttuer.
Is liavul J. Ij-nmaa
is Jacob K-oull
so A.J. Umwatl
81 H. J. L:chty
ti U M. Lambert
53 Henry Kreger
54 Herman tUtahl
U Jesse J. Cnok
55 t ttarles Shank
87 C. W. Poga
as W. N". Micr
as J. ft. GerhanL..
4 J. H. Jennings
41 peter Knieream
t J.weph Null
4a Viu. II Miller
4, 4inn S. Hfrtler
4AjActib( intrhdeld...
44 Aniu Walker
47 Siioou Thomas
4s a. JF. turnitrt
49 A. GurisHX
6v-FrelrrH'k Durr ,
41 A. . Kuhiiuan...
it THmvsiftiIlu(her,.. .
, vv . j'tiriKiu
&4 4Hio LttwreiK-
i Janit8 l uUMtrn
M Krauk R. Hin4 k
M;W. K. Moore.
5 j.MDti K iwchler.....
W Heurr Engtjrrt
6U J. H. illQ
l II. K. Miller
W-JW. F. AUi-vio
fti Jacob Hoffman
4 Jitxb Koontz.
i Win. H. Bafeer
txt Iwisi Lauitjert
41 Joiiltth VV'nr
6n n hl Kifer ...
H Samuel J. I.n hlj
Tu Duvi.i L. Witt
71 C'harir-H Marts
(ieoisre II. t uiemaD. ...
7i A. J. Kretchman. ,
74 A. B. lieriiaril
TV.tiurceHiM Andrew.....
It Peter Kuiereaui
.. .. QtharDptR mwofthip
....iKiklNSt Urnti:p.
.... tirerdviile Uiwusblp.
.. . . leDDertown bontujeb
.... XMi'lretreet towttohlp
.... jNeUlhaOiptoB UeWDallip
.... Suiiiiu.t lownsblp
.... truiaa torung)t
.AiiitafiB soviwbip.
.... jArifbeav tuwnstupr
. . . . beriiu borouflL
....brothrrsTai:ej UiwDAbip.
.... itofJilueiMe Ui r hj irl.....
.. . . !t wtientaugb towai-uip
.... IKlkJu-k toivuftbip.
. . '(reeuviil towDnbip.
.. !Jf IteriKiB township.
....;jeuurrtown bfii-iMtifii.. ..........
.... JtuiH-r towaahip.
...-iLariiDer towtuihip.
....'Lower Turke.TtVxrf lowiutilp....
.MejeretUle buruib
Mi'i.iit-iTeek towuahip
.... Xdlorl (tswiubip
.... New ItatUmore Dorooyh
.... New Ceotrevitle btirougb
.... :Northaiupt4a towuabip
.... -I'aiiit umDethip
.... iueiuahouiitg townahipb,.. ....
,...lhttkwoMj UirouKb.
baiiAbury boroaifa
...Sha-le towurtbip.
M..Htaii rx't borough. ..............
THUieiM lOWtllHUp.
Soutbaaipton towuahip ,
stouyereek township.
StoTaiown trornugb
summit townbip
I'pper Turke.riosji towasbip...
..... i ritina nonMijn
i VVeiicrHtwrg isorouf H.....
I Totals for 1H4, ishs A 1.
A.-Jia township.
AisTtrhmj tiwnbip
jHertill iMKtMitib.....
i.... i Hisw k towufiip
.... Hpiliernva!ley townnhlp.
.... K'onetuautrh towtirsbip
.... d'oitrtueiH-e horHiKb,
.... -Klklh'k townablp.
...Uireeuville townblp
... . . UeRertM'sa lownahip
... .femier township
.....JrimertowD tMinmitrb.
.... I Larimer IowoNbipH
. .-JLower Turkryf'KK rowuabip.....
.....iMerenitiale bimMtirb
.... iNtiitlleereek lowuHiiip
..jMiIf-trl ttiwimtiip
.... New Haitmiore boruutfh
.....'New l entrevilie tKinxiKb
.... i NonhauiHon towniibip
ji'jfle lowunhip
....haut towuHlitp
.... tuemahoiiintr township.
.... K'HkwocHi borough
...Shade town hi p.
.... HoiuertH1! township ,
.... SmwTwt borouirhH
Salisbury ttrotih
.... st oy Mown boruuKh. ,
....,Suthanipton t'wunhip ,
.... stoiiyt-rtek townatiip. ,
.... Summit township ,
Tpper Turkeyfooi lowanhip....
.... I rHiua borough
....iWellemburg uorougb ,
Ca tax. .$T.Tt Tax.
lift 1
lMt as.1 wt funtterertify anl flml Ih.u there w a baiaixv ie fr-im iii ! i '
. I'jrttC. Srhn-fc. routf TreajHirer, of Hve humlrest au-iKht
utti Uat there t 4 baiaive Jn lie Owimy of SnefrsW tr.m Pe r itjn. w,i 1 '
JtrBM MlH lintOtk. rmiBlf CmtllIMI..llTH ti( -HUi 4.Hll!f. of t TO n,ln A?'t Z . - irtilT
- (W). v wir. frjm IVter Jum)sal. j.sw. ; fr.M AU- . I.uIt 2 ?J.iVx'- l
I cf -. v rjfc'il of tbe omerr u,p iimeL aul .Hftrr-. - .Iu,t .i,,,. , m 11.
14 Mi
SS 40
9 77.
SO 00
si tu
15 SSI
tl Mi
It IS!
lit S3,
17 -Mi
7S Si;
4 SS!
SI 1
54 SS,
1W (Si
55 4s
J 41!
xas ST I
444 W
Ml sl
14S M
144 S '
ls4 S4l
111 Si;
1S7 SS
1 W
lie Au.litcirs :are suhporna Beret.. alt'herti aal I'.cy -ii.l iture . , ' ' " ri,r "
Tnochers. nruers. hunt anl papers. aa t ir.irriJ i.
Attest :
Psssis HlTias,
a lewwuay skits we nave oereumo set our abis awl st4ia tills J tn ... . .
lOHIrur .... .. isL:
-int, ab,
4 St -- .
lit IS " -;
i4s is Vy set County, Ta., on the 2nd lav of Janunrr A f) is.V'"
is u anu owing oj xne ..oi lectors ot tne ditterent Uoroiioll3 nM,i t , ,
M Lt.,Mrnnstr nafll.,-. . ' --"Wll -,
10 00
150 ts
IV Oi l
'3 41
IS s
sa 44
Si 4
M 70
144 01
sa so
4; 04
117 7S
i ta
111 OS
IS 41
1SS S4
4 47
to 7s
X4 01
t S0t4
I Trvll Tuv r-1ltfl
It ;To Amount of C'onntj' Tax carrieil to ri;!il hanil eoluiiibl ".'
ts To aiu't of Borniaeil ninue? rereiveil ;si- Cuiu'rs LeilKi
hi "
S4 '
;j "
Ri "
4)1 M
rs LeilRer voL I p. 144
KeleimH"D niooey oo una. Ian. Is ree'il "
Kis:'.l I.M- puri'H. sol.l by cnm'ra
for SehisS tax recordisiiM to tps.A Isir's 14
Krrnr in uiileHife nf Jury t'oiii'srefuiKled " m
iiuiili.-ateof Jeaoer twus:np
' Mattiiur wtld ttr conuuisaiotiers - mm
Itailina " m m mm
MieetlW? " m u u
Ola lin.l-C MM M M M MM
Due si la! settlemetifse Ju.lfrment Nil. HI Feh'r T. 1WT
" Kefuii'led hr f. M. Neff error In Onler S-i. 7U of j7 see coma lei!
un J.itni Ainsja iir.ler si ""..
Hal. uue c. .'. Sk-nris.'ii, iouiiit Treasurer from Sximerset County...
1 Br amt of onlers fur tltc year ls4 sLl vlx : fnr Vietrers pay..
s.11 071
SS4 0:
714 47!
SC4I 57!
ism no
541 j!
lit T7
400 (l
I3ss ta
X944 r.
4 47
S3! 41
74S U3l
040 44
770 Wi
1S3S 7'
so as!
'444 4Kl!
715 3
84 SI I
lOt 411
tluo as!
13111 UOj
4104 as
14WI 141
7 S0
sis SJ
.4 4S
tsi: si
lest 07
11 44
SI 04
887 00
sua oo
01 IB
x lis
ViS 44
4sS 00
: 7i
S4 Tt
X tt
54 77
100 00
rs on
17 S3
l& ou
X4 00
t M
155 SS
S4 44
I 00
1.'4 S3
4I 44
40 00
40 44
lt Si
17 M
14 00
1 Fran P. Anilersua
t John U Kaueb
1 Feter sh.a-maker
4 J.iaeutl NalL
5 W. U. Miller
4 John S. Metller
I Jacob f. rnu-tioekl
t Atmis Walker
Siukvo Tb.Haaa.
IS A. J. Burs-eaa
II A. Uarle a.
IS Kre.lene llurr
13 A. II. ...
14 Tbomaa (ialUaher.
15 (4eo. W. Jotniism
14 otto Lawrenee.
17 James I'
14 Frank B. Blac
1 W. F. Moore
i J.wepli P. Seehler.
Si Henry J. Kagiwrt
Si J. H. Kinn.
ti H. K. Miller
4 M. F. A'.ilum
SS Jacb Hottiiian
SS Jaeoti K'sm'x
7. W. II. II. Batter
UN' Lewis Lambert
J..l .h Wot
aulMlcharl Ki'efer
II Samuel J. Lu-tity
Si lisvl.l L. Witt.-
33 Charles Manx
S4'iteorire II. Coleman
s N. J. Kretehman.
3S J. B. tierhanl
37 Xar.-elnn An-lre.s
SS Peter Kolerieni.-
rrsin;i horouah 7
rJeunertown u.iii(h
Larmier township....
tA'Min l'w:inii...
Alleiitieiiy towiislov.
Berlin o..itiich
.... Mark lowli.lllp
tfrotnersiralir; townsinp.
..... I'iSlelinnlilh t'.arttrthip.
.... i'.Hiritieii.-e ispriNina
.... kikiu-k totrnitii.
.... lireenulie township
. ... Jeilerm township
.... Jeniier township.
.... Jelinertowu b r-Hiih
.... Larmier town-htp.
.... I. er t urkey I.s4 t iwn-ihip..
Meyertstile bnUKh
.... Mii'Mieerpek towniitp
MilfoM township
New H.iiliinore ooroiiirh
.... New (.'entreville ;..r.'tifii
.VHihampina township
I Hrle towaUip
.....P.unt to-vuvtip
.... (''leiMiihon.iia towosii.p.
.... K'H'iis.H.1 t. rinsrri
ShiJe township
. S.lllerset lowiisnin.
Souier-! bopHih
iSa;l-iMirv iMirouifh
....'Sioyi.ii.wn iHiri.uiih
.... S .11th4n1pt.n1 township .... . ..
.... MolmrreeK towil-;ii
S'llillillt township
I jij.- ftirkev f.s; townsh.p.. .
.... 1 rill4 lHtrtna"l
. ... Weilersfiurg Uironjrii
, 1
i 1'4 1
a t o. Tx.
1,4 S 1 -
?i '
is (a
S i
- I
1"3T i
4 '2 ,.s
Ss u
1. 1
3.'1 .-s
s IS
154 ..
4- ;.i
.i.4 a,
: -
Wi ;
111 4-
4. ;
t ji ;
l-ui m
4J 4.".
I3a3.ll! I
iirs. In the above oatstan.lina are ln.-ln.le.! the F.vo'irir.iii,m i-.m..
cenldjre to tie ileililrfetL '
we, the nn.leria-ne.1 t'ormiis-itoners of .it:ne7-t r. unit v. in i-onf..rmi;v to h s .
arrompanyiiiK a. ouiiis of the Itet-rlpt ami Kxia-uil.tnres l ssi.l roiiuti for trie re'ir I.-- 1 ;
llshe.1. anil we herebr eertitv thai the alMive sutetm-iil ..1 file iiui-it.iu-hii? I iy,v .1..- '. . P"-
correct as per reeorOs In tne Treasurer a ami 1 oniinissloDtrs' 01tl. es. r'n'':,
D. E. WAi'VFH.
) .I1. M NKKK.
-'.'. 'All.l.iA-siiN,
) l wini j (. uuiunwwjitri
ul jr.
Attest :
A. J. HiLia tx,
f 4S7St 70 $
loiiss no!
m 01
SS 15 1
11 to!
4 45
t su
1 511
41HS 45
4t;-4) 7
M I. M
13 Br ami Dni.l for New l.rl.k-ea
IKS. '
124 '
li 1
111. '
mj 1
1-0 1
Ulj '
Ui! '
133. '
34' 1
tail '
1.H6! '
137 '
lis '
13 '
14l '
14i '
143 '
144 '
M 4.
Borrowed money.
lllq. tests
Kiirnisiiliifr Sh-iuhs bonil.
Ki.rrnweil motier....
Notifying taxable
Heal for appeals.
Asaistaut Asaeaaora pay
Viewers pay ,
Cuuiiuottwealta coats
10178 W
MSJ 41
14 WI
l'.Os SS
$ sours s4
147 -
140 -14i
laul m
1511 M
154 "
157 j
15s "
4; M
! M
Hepairs to bn.utes.
ltri.ttfe overseers
1 Drawing petition for bridjre lnspecttona- .'.
' Kleet: in expeuses f
' Imiiiest on neail boUlea
' SS-alpa
' Cousialiles return
' Borrowed money. . ."
luterest on borrowed money
' Ktil.liers bnrlals "
lone relund.-d on ensealed nda
' - ' estray (iu , and Ul ex.merated,Act31i.)I7
K'aid daniajrea
Fire liisuiauee
Kxjiensis at Penn'a fSute Hpltal (llarrisburg)!. .. ....
" " West henna (inxinonti
Itelorm Mehooi (Morganxa)
4'leanins; vault
Freight an. I express '. .......
County lustitiite
State tax per order 00 Count r Treasurer
Fees and costs in criminal cases
lnstrict Att:riiey's fees in crimlnil rases
Surrey of Male line southern UmmLiry of county
Expenses of unseated land sale and dee-la
books lor Law Lmiary ,
Kepamto Court House
Kxpensesat - oil, lamp, te. j
r ue: iot tuun uouse aan Jail.... .. ..... ... .....
Kepaira at Jail
Kxpensea at Jail, clothing, Ac
Services at Jail stable Are
Watchman at Jai!
New W h House on Jail lot
Jail Physician
Stationary and postage
Priming, advertising and blaa'j, Somerset Herald
mm m iieino.-rat.
" Co. IHnes.
" Berlin Record...
Meyenslale Commercial
" John s. Shafer
Assessor l fees and pay
Viewers, inspector ami chain carriers par I.'.'.
TIMtaves my
Court criers pay ..!..!!
Janitors pay ! ." "IIIIII
Jury Couiiuisaioners psy. Hay fl5.0J, Custer, luLisi "li"
" cltrs's pay
County Auditors p.i itsso) 3 attvs
clerks's pay
Afomer's pay
Btrnotrraphera fees and par
Clerks to B-iard of Computation election;
(irand Jurors pay aud mileage
Traverse r t
Boarding Jutfws .."."
Commissioner salary and pay. (Uumbaald)
" (HcCluitock;
Clerk's salary..
Attornev's Hilary
Interest on fund, poor House
Balance of Poor House expenses.
to Tp. and Bor'j. soho il an I mad taxes S1, (less com.)
8i; 1 m .
M M M M "Sijl" " )
1 70,
sou ISI
11 00
1 5"
4405 0O
li ou
1 S'
1 50
S 10
64 70
14 U
Mtetvard of the Poor H-si-e and loue of I
hinolovment of Somerset t'oimtv. peniij-vlvuiiia. 1
for the year ending Iieceuiber :!lat, I"?. j
Stock Oil Farm. j
"umls?r of Horst-s -I j
f'ows l: .
Hulls -J !
Two Year oltl tattle 1' ,
Yearlingw ! !
Spriiiff t alves ID ',
tliia-'p 1 j
I'igs- -'1 I
Implement un Farm. j
Same as before rpsrteil, ts iifi f.illou iii). :id- j
unions : ;
One I". T. K. H.irrow, j
" Champion Mower,
" Set of Bnguy Harness. j
Frodwtg of Farm.
Xiinilxr of Tuns nf Hav Iih j
bushels of Wheat 1117'
c? ins
Farmer's Union Association
piss nsuiLszi ccl:?a:;:
Somerset Co., Pa.,
Fur tlie Year F.mluij ., -,i,Ut ;)
XninlH-rof mi-ml'ers
Am t of lu-.urtitue itl....i-t tt.i
nii-ut .
Mill-, a.-wessed 'luruiis l.';ecar...
17 Ml
15S H,
I 001
15 00
loss so
IS 50
of Treasurer's com' at 8j per cent, on Mi,-Ps.5..
ToUl Expenditures
4A5 00
377 5ul
177 75
34 0U
1U0 00
31 00
475 00
4S0 00
S0 00
733S U!
4 30
270 43
131 SS
541 I
17HIZ 40
DOS 40
16S OO
1441 70
I 31
34 SS
mi ;
471W 00
sso 70
x; 00
7 17
31 51
30 00
150 00
lot Oil
453 SI
15 110
0 45
tl 00 I
5315 U4
1355 55
350 00
13! 4S
11 50
17 IS
Sii 03
35 13
1X1 54
1310 34
144 4
CU4 35
011 50
lstlS 77
470 00
is SO
Si 00
is so
12 5U
tss IS)
70 00
10 ou
C73 75
3U 00
435 47
S 00
MIS 00
SSO 00
SOT 71
t V,07 84
TslT B rcHFIKLT), Esq , Proth.inotarr and Clerk ol the Courts of Oaarter Sessions and Oyer
, . 7- terminer 01 m,-rset County, peun., ia account with the Couuty of Somerset for the
I Pit
1 To Jnrv fees collected, see cist nook, vol. 11 pages S47 to 37 inclusive
t; - Kuies collecied. se : cost book vol. II ps. 347 to 307, inclusive, Ac
3, Coal and ink. see Co. Comrs Ledger.
4 ' Ami of Items rejected bv Co. Com rs and their atlnrae.
Am't. of County order No. IS of loHs .-
By hill of fe
f R.
' tegs c, line tlm as Prothonotary, Items ITo. 1 to 7V Inelnstve'
- S - Clerk of i.s. - - 5s - 1 j I
Koad ikn-ket
Oyer A Terminer
' 170
4 no
174 00
7 SO
ft OS
734 15
f 1015 00
4-4 40!
14 10
S3 45 I 1015 00
,Tons WTER4, Eq., Siertd of Somcrjet County, Penn'a, la account with the County of Somer
J set for Itte year lssl. . . . f
1 To Jury fees received during the year l; as per bill Na of 18SS
il ' Coal lor office, see Com rs lslger
S; Am't of Items struck from bill by Cum'rs and their attorney!.!.. ..!
4i - order No. of lass
I cn.
li By Amt of hill for hoarding prisoners, washing and turnkey
1 ""I'aa'-nias.Ji.i.ll.
J By Ain't of bill for drawing and summoning Jurors and removing coa-
) victa, Ac, see psgcs3 A 4ot hid
3i By Amt of lull f.r fees in Quarter sessions cases, see pages 5,4 A T of Wl'l
4, mm mm Djef 4 Terminer ' - s m -
4'.4 I
174 SS
M 70
69 00
17 00
100 tH
1439 SO
;s4 1
Kye m ;
" lorn 4.'i 1
" ats. soil I
lieatis ) j
" I'lilatocs drill j
" tliiiims 10 i
" " sets.- 1 I ;r, j
" Turiii'w In j
lltt'tS O
barrels dried Apples 2
torn 1
" Saiir kraiit l'i
" Cin-uiiiocr Ficiiies- .1
O.-illons t'idi r Mo '
Heads alilaiuv. Ijisi 1
Jillslll'ls Koiil-K.iin .in ,
I'iiiiikIs Itutter Sis 1 !
Uinl i
" ThIIiiw Ill) i
W,sil :i4 i
lieef killcl .. -I7IH
" 1'iirlc ' lllT.i
Veal .17 I
" Mutton 011!) 1
nallons Apple llutler. li'.i
Uttsliels Tiniiithy .Sisl
Qts. dried Blackberries .".4
' Elder " .... Ill
C'antieU Tutnutoes .si)
Artieles Manufactured in JIou.-e.
Number of Sheets
rillow rases lit
lteil ticks. si I
' lfolsters 7 i
T-iwels. 1!)
.Shnmils 4
' Women's dresses .. .'in
' Aprons
1 .:'. 1 HI'S
" " t 'hemise
Skirts li !
' " W'uists- 5 j
' lirawere 15
' " 'nis i j
' " ltonncts s
' " Sta kiii IU I
f.s.tid 11
' Men's Shirts .Vs :
' t'oals " 1
" I'anls j.- :
' " Vests 4 j
' Ilrawers.- 7
" Mittens S I
" S.sks 211 !
ftsited j., i
t. liildren s dresses. ... 7
1 ' Skins 2
' " Aprons :. 7
' " Chemise 2
' " Niulit dresses 2
' Boy's Pants .!
' " Shirts .".
" Waists 2
1 Red Comforts 14
1 Pairs of Shoes 12
" Table cloths 2
" IHsh " Hi
' Bed Quilts. 2
Inmate of Alinxhnu.-e.
Xo. in House 1st of Jan'y. lt-.7 .!
No. admitted duriiijj.tlie year 4'.)
Whole iiumiier in house diirina v ar
Xumner dieil during vear
sitit to Morganxit utxl Kis-l.te
Mindeil Si-hisil.; 2
" sent to I'ixni.itit.:. -,
" discliarytif, eKsil.etc..:
Total 2
Number remaining in bouse 1 -it .Tan. 'ss. .:;
The names and ages of those yrbo died
Resources of Co. Is- n. ... $ i.e. -t;
d.iritiir yenr i; .
Am't due Iss .:i. '-s ot
ol t.y lirclir:n:.- S7.. . . :.... t
Inie tor all r i'Sjh-h.- s l.s the iiiciu.lni ..ilo-rr s f 01 y .
eoiiuuisioii. and exonciaiious is! ir,' .
KesMlrccs iu excess..
Receipts Duririji the
i Received on A--M,siii.-n''
" M.-llli.erhip
Bal in Treu-ur of 'si
Year 187.
. I:n -rf.
. i-.ii
Disbursements During the Year 1MS7
I'aid J A 1 ilniilrithrtm liul of In. in
' II W,-r - -
" liuu'l A Weaver fill! of " .1.1
I. A liil!.-r .01
" CC Mii.-lniun i.
Aiimih alk.-r " ' 1 .it
' Alex M.iM:rave '
' M.iry I'liitH-rirer
Arch Livelihood ' " liftn
Jusl Maim, in rsirt " .
Jiic SMartn.lniiier. Sr Nil
" E J IValki-r. Trea-urer's
' Jac MuH-r. President's p:iv
S V keltimn. V " '
' liircctor li-rvices
" for iMisia? and Atationary
' for (.ruitiiikr Ac
inu r st 1 11 n:oiu-v loam d p 01 fTuv. iS
i hi
i ;
r.i -v.
Bulnncc in Trca-ury . t
Resioiirt-esi Dec-ember 31, 17-J7.
Am't in Treason- t 1W si
11 i Ouistamling on duplu-uies .. 1:1 111 t:r.i 71
Liabilities D-ernrer 31. I
elHtl ?1 It' Ul
Jiicoil M:ltlt. part of hwiMtlci
I'lill'l Alllatlier, fliil of
Resources In ex. essoi" llaliilities..
A1' Jf . I .''.!.
An In-nnitiee of Simon a Iwrn d.troyi-rr
tire for .lie. Trelcr, ol lirtrn.-r p. 1. m' l:'i
tion, and is tticrcturc uol repi.rud iu the .t..u-Muteiut-iit.
JAi: HfsSKH, Ir.-i..-nt.
J li . s- WA K rk IK I l.'i'K, Sr'r.
EJ U.iLKkK. Tn-iuunr.
1I1.E Tu
lojotin i:liryck. Murr Ellen schnk. imr-
marricl nitli II. K inim.-H of H-.-k Ki
Lyons Co.. I.nva. sadie Schn lt. itiM-rniarnol
Kltn II ttton. an. Hia -hn-k. innr-
mnrrie.1 with v. M. Lentx.01 Walcrlisi. Hi, k
liau k Counly. Iowa .
' are h'-r.-l.v notirled to nicsar at an 1
' pMhli.' CiMirt to Is' held at Somer-et on M-'lt'lsr,
the th da y of l.-bniurv n.-xt. to .irit'rfn-
I'HM? to take the real eMale of Jacob 1. lin--k.
ilc-eaM-d. of s.Mii.-ret ToAvnlii.. Siliier-I ' .
t a., ui the apprui-.I vulnation. or siioa i-.'ix
tt by the Mux- -.ItiMild ma be wid
slieritrs iirtiee. I R. 5. M. M1LI FN.
'Somerset, Jan. Is. "SS, Sncnlf.
IMVrMTIHM hlreT..lilt;oni7.K!ti,e .r!.I
111 lll I IUI 1 durmitthe la-t hnlf nm-y.
S'it Ihe lea-t ain.lnir toe won-li r. "f inv''ive
prowls i i;i. iiii,.l Hint y-fim of work tint
can t.e jer''onnrtl all over the ".illllrv witn..ilt
s-siratin? the workers p-ini th. -ir IMy
liu-nil ;any one can do tlie work : filter
viMinaorol.l : nu.eciMl aoility rrtiiire.l : ciir
fal not iieednt : v.iti r-e "rrt'c't 1'-. in:;h:
out all'l return to'ns nil. I we will wild Ton fn0
t.tnelhiiife of ifTeilt valneard irilj)..rtMin-c riy''
that will Htart yon in 1. nitric., wliich willl'-it i
von in more monev risht Huny tt(an ai:v:h::f
t-l-c in the world. ','m.w.,.er ).'. A-MnTift
'.'o.. Aiiirustii, Me. jaull-"-l;-r.
14x5 ;
f 14i5 19
"yJETEB M'-XBACLP, County Commissioner, In account with the County of Somerset
To Ami of Orders on fount? Trsurer during 1.-W7. ,
" am'4 snrcharaed ag iinat Com rs Dumhauld, Lepley mil Mu-
Cllllloek till or.lev klo ..I .T .uui.iii r f f f i
By vol dava iii offi.-e, at lirnlges sad ilelivenng ssiueaiJii' Veiirs'sjld'
euKUoo paiairs T....7.. . j
Balanre due too County ol imeriei.!'.!ir,.!!I!!.'.".";i.","'
so tw;.
1 1 n s
f &1 00
H 4-j
t 471 sS'i
kDAJI C LEPI.ET, County Commissioner, In account with the County of Somerset :
In.'. fcv-.l . . m . ICR.
un. . ... wok- m t uuuiy i reasnrer nnnng issi
" h t1!. smt surchargfil against Com rs. Lepley and McClintork on or
der NlL lltT flf ISM7 l.iunm.r..i.n
" "T?5 mm't sun-hsrged agun-t ComVi Upiey'aniVMi'-Clintuc
mci ... . . 01 irmi. iwinocrai
" S "f Wi, ami surcharged against Com rs. Lepley, Duiubauid and aii-Clin
tock ou order No. 10K of ls77.-lleralP'... ........
By tiS d:i in nttlee, at bridges and delivering assessments, and registers
o"M F"HC' .............
Balance due tae County of Somerset . '..J
t 75 00
14 14f,
t S7J00,
70 00
JONAS Mot'LIXroCK, County Couuatssioner, in account with the County of Somerset
t i.. .... - . . ICR. DR.
Ri.'nmniiiij i i rwaitT IHnilg IS ............ . . . I
m wnfaiao at mi.m.1 ..... 1 . . r . ' I 1
- ........ viwrnmraicil lcptcy BIM1 JICC IW
" ' " vw.wrw 11 01 irwi, T lIH HieCiiai
of sr.Aml, surcharged against t oniminuooers Lepley and SoCl'iB
tork on or.ler So. Snj of las;, "liem.s ral" "
S "f WS AmL surcharged against commissioners Lepley.' Dumbauld A
MeChalork on order No. 1064 of ISS7. "HeraW ... .
By Sso uays in office, at bridges and delivering assessments, reaute'rs and
v" p-e- -- I 090 00
caiaace aae ue County of Somerset ;.... lsa 14;
si 14";
7S 00
n 30
ss 441;
sis is;
oary, .
J-NDEBTBDSKSS of tbe County of itomerjet on U January :sss :
Autoout of unpaid otnlers for !
" I T.'' '""' Irss those for tsa-rowed mow j..
" " " l-M for borrowed mey..
" Mm M m m
Western Penitentiary bill for 198
Pnnh'iBotarT ts .
" Shernt t H
" 1 apais) on bride cooiTacts of lftsl
Due C. C. SKHirock Ciwnty Traasarer as psi Couuty AadMors sUponi
Total Indebtedness ,
f ions
I SS so
IS 4
1074 0
Mia a
1UM Si
during the year arc as follows
Francis Fuller, died January 2, ss7, -L.l(l i
3 years. t
Sophia Shank, djed Matyb 17, lss7F a;ro,i 50 ,
Cliarhsj Miller, died Mnreli i a'ed 77
years. i
Daniel (I. Smith, died April 14 1SS7. '
53 venrs.
Catharine Younj-. diisl July V. ss7. a-i-d 7:; :
Kosa Mensor, diid August 11, I Si", aired 71 i
ream. j
Patrick llrn!er, diisj a4itciiibir 21. I-tsT. ;
aged VI years. ,
William Hose, died Sitdcmlier 21. Isst. aid :
79 rears.
Carulino Unhurt, died Oi-tulier J7, IS47. ajrtsl :
00 years. i
Tliere was a warrant fur TV. G. Smith's i
commitment issued, lint lie died Lelore be !
was removed to the Poor House. j
Preach itiri.
Religious service were bold twelve times !
during tbe year, by Rev. Appleton lt;isb ; I
also funrnil service was held at each diatb, j
something that rarely occurred in former '
Tramps ami Vagrant
Nlitice is hen-i'V zi n tli.1 ti:id'-r-.ri,''l
Andilor 'luiy app-oitilcd liy the tlri-'itm '-
of Somerset Count loadjo-! tfie elainl-of l i- ' -"
VV. r and w(feas.T..ii..r-..r ltii;:'4
llnrkiiolil.-r. .le!1',! .rul a'lxi 10 i..tril.ate I!"- r""
i'ine of ihe find in llo- liaiel-ol l'n- ii;.l It'.rk
hol.ler. A'ltMiii!trnior of tol iI.t iI i" ""'I
ultiohg iIhsn.. leiruliy eTitttl.d tl i-r.-lo. :i. .t 1
hereby given to all 'turtle Dt'-r-l"l ilmi I
ill at niy ottlce in tlie Itorooh at .iii- rH t.
Ttnliiy. the Jllli ot January. A. l. 1-4 '
the iiinie of lis-hargtiis Ho- duties of h:al
uploiiiliiii-lit. wIil-u aud ai.ciu aii parl.? l'--';r
c-.teiicuu atU-luL
J. R. sCi-IT
iici-js. Auililor-
Cil Hail 03 Stock Fc:d.
So, tramps fed and Unbred during yr..
f..,i.l.l .1 ' '
w . ii.iiij iiieiii.. t.p. ......
Io.i. J. An,lersoo, residinr In Kavctte Co. Pa.,
Noah M. Anderson, residing in Irreene Co.,
P. : Howard Audersott. residing in Coiinells
ville, Fayette Co. Ha.: i.ucinda Morri.n
and Mary Elizabeth M.irrl-ou, residing in
Fayette Coanty. Ia : Clark Momson, Tiiomiis
Morrison, ueonte Morrison and Margan-i, in
termarried with Kletuiug, resiuiug In
Westmoreland county fa :
Yoo are bereliv cited in he and unimr
Conrt of Common I'leasto be held at Somerset in
and for ssimerset Contrty. on Monday, the .7th
aayoi reoniary, 1-jis, tnen and t la-re toacvetit
or refuse to uke tbe real estate, to wit i A tract
of land situate in Lower Turkeyns Townhip,
Kimerset County. Pa., adjoining lands of Jacob
H. Moon, Lorenzo I). Mr.Nnir. and others, con
taining 107 acres nvn-e or les, at tlie appraiseil
value thereof, or .how cause why the same should
But be sold according to law.
aherirs Oftee. 1 R. 8. Mi MII.I.EN
somerset, Pa. Jan. li, 1. tMierllT.
There Ls no better or rhnus'r f'S-i f',r
, MILCH KiWH. llini nii.i-s the .iiii!ity and
j iptantity of milk mon- tlinri any other fifl.
' tor fattening beef '-attic it .tiri:ies ail
' er fissl. iimking the meat more ten. 1-r ami
i juicy. No (.) kiviwn will tit '. ri'l-E
j rapidly for market as nil Kor ll"K'
K. a sttiuil iitiuntity can In f.-il daily "'''
I valuabU rcsuits, mid f..r IIKKI. Il'"'-"
i Fi.V LS. etc.", it Ls un eAo-ili iit f.l. k's-
ing them in a healthy ein.litioti, niakini?
j tine, puhitahle meat.
We m.-iinilui-ture by the l LI IT:' "
steam beat and bvdruiilii pn-ssure. .
j Well s-tl!e. LIN.-KKl' Oil. atxl ir.-n
! ground OIL MEAL always on hand,
i Write for circular ami prices. SnJ .'""r
. unlets to
I ll-3m. . Alleirheny. Pa.
:4f.n PER
PKf iFIT andSri rs F
to men caiivaer. k -M
iiTT -1 isr r '
tkii Bi-its. Hi:' v:
I I . .,.4 . Li. .f I-,- ''I''
lisi U mriuoKT lor leiu lKt 'Jr
Unsadway, New-Vork. -- ' ' "'
in lis to PrrrBrR..H . 't A.I'm.B v21" ft
whw will coouitct kr alrtiwig i W4 rwp"