I 1 The Somerset Herald. KiVAK! sH'l LL Kd;UT and Propri.1or fTEONEPDAV. November 1. le7. Pro yew bear anything drayT p itoM victory mito victory march witb rteady t.-vad. I. w Tuesday was wry cold day for Pennsylvania Jtenn-rats. Thc Kcpuhli.sns of Pennsylvania net the pace i'r 1 Tuesday, Thk tmH-nmv vote in the county if I Jo les tli year than last. " Persoxhl uki:ktv " l.Kn't mean per mission to blot out Sunday. Thixk of it. A full Rcpubli.-an countv ticket elected in old Westmoreland. Ktniw from the Swithern election indicate the usual amount f wolidity in t hat quarter. Imii. atiom are multiplvinc that the Republican party of Simem-t county is in a healthy condition. We believe it was Foraker, of Ohio, m ho said, ' N reU-l Hajf will 1 return ed while I am ienior." The '(till hunt" is still H.pular among the fellow who have taken a hand in it ! How do you like the result ? New York IJepublieans have discover ed that there in not much to le trained in tiiMrtin a democrat iccounH' ticket Simkkset muuty may not (ret the ban ner offered by the State Committee, but she was rea" hir.jf fir it the In-st she knew how. Thk fellow who were complainimf of Chairman Shaf.-r' inactivity Is-forethe election lire now huiititijr some one to k ick them. If Somerset county can jrivc a majority of over 22ii in an "off year," w hat ma jority can she rive in a I'rewidential year? Answer. S.tHHV IkkihevtClevki.ai " snubls-d" tiov ernor Koniker. and the iovemor's Oram! Army comrade know how to "snub" t lie President. Thk t-.tiSt of the election in New Jer ey Tuesday will trice the lleptililiean a I'tiited StuteK Senator in !;ue of Md'her- HOU. m-IIMKTUt. SiMKRia en ntv ilied alsutt eleven hundred less votist thin year than last, and still our majority is preater than that given Beaver. The Re)ubliean Committeemen thi year did aome tall hustling. They were picked out a can-fully a thollt'li Melts-fed for a Ijeajrue lose ball nine. The importation of s.utticrn fire-catcn into Ohio didn't rum out well for the Ie inocracy. The Kt-puhlicniiM increased their umjority several thousand. What's to hinder us from having the next National ('ontciitioti " innocently ask a St. Louis journal. "t'hicaipi, my child. CltM Aiio" responds the Cliicapi ; Tritium. Mii.Kokk township is the bunner town whip of the county. lamt year she gave Heaver 11M votes and a majority of.S2. This year she jrave Hart !: votes and a umjority of 1 12. It look a though Fayette had .come into the Republican rankJo stay. Any way the IVm.wTats over there promise to have a "parrot and monkey time" of it for some time to come. Fkeo ttRANT didn't make o (rood a run in New York as his father used to. He took hi defeat like a man, just the same, and was among the first to telegraph his ooiiiiratuliitioiis to his opponent Si eeosE ttovernor Reaver had leen " hull-dolled " into calling an extra wssion of the legislature by the IViiewratie press of the state, wouldn't its great expense have Ixvn used as a club against the Re- publican party? Someiiskt county gave the candidate for State otliivs on the Prohibition tick et 171 vote a against Wi for Wolfe, last year ; a falling off of 1 2-1 vote. The lai lior candidate received oo vote this year a against 1" last year : a gain of 14. Hov W'hi.hm It. Kkii.i-'Y has lavn conlined to hi Ied, with a serious attack of malarial fever, for the past two w.s-ks at hi resident in West I'niladelphiH. II i physician think he has passetl the rritical int and that he will Is- able to le alsxit again by the time Congr-s" meet. Thk Interstate Railway OuumisMoner have i-nied a circnlar to the general managers of the ditfen-nt railways asking them jetfy all esnwhere they have -harg'l lower rate for the long haul than f'T the short. " Will you come into my arlor aid the spidi-r to the fly." The commission can hardly exect the man agers to furnish the evidence toconviil theinselvi's. The elect ioti of the R'publican caudi late for Congo's in the Sind Uho lc Island Iistri1 gives the Ra-ptiblu-ans a clear mnj rity of all the State delegations in the next Congress. This is a matter of great importance as, in case the Presi dential contest of next year should he an mixed np as to send the election to the National House of Representatives, i he Republican will do the electing. The Prosty Son of Thunder sent the Republuan ticket through on Tuesday in freat hape. The State candidates. Hart f.ir State Treasurer, had a plurality of 2.H1, and Williams for Supreme Judge 2.10S. The candidates on the county (icketr- had pluralities ranging from 2jJli to 2.24. Mr. Cworge J. Bla k, candidale for County Treasurer nsvived the highest vote of anv candidate on the ticket. Mr. Chaiu i C. Shafkk, the able, ac tive and eriicieut chairman of the UcpmV lin County Committee dew-rve hearty congratulatiaHi for hi brilliant manage- tyent of the ,amaign just closed. To litwj and hi efficient citiui(fccmcn is 1ue tlie honor of having polled tlw larg- t vote ever cast in an off year and (riv ing the Urget majority for the State tick t ever trinJ in the eonnty. There wa no bra band method us.-.) but the irk wa quietly pushed until the or ganization was made a splendid one and tuecwult i Kuiucthiny to be proud of. Chairman Shafcr lupt hi otliiie oen early aud htl and was tu K-unstaat (Mm tuuniciiiiun m Kb Ucublicana troai every irt iiftlie ourty, aud iutd Umrough k nowledge of the iai!y progrwv of the rant-ana. In itehaif rtf Uie Kepublican art; of the wiuity we extend to him and hi iimuiitteeuM'B liearty tliank sod congratulalK'tiK. The result of last Tuesday" election is ' most gratify ingtr. Pennsylvania Rcpub ; licans. The majority in the Suite far ex ceed the most sanguine expectation 'f ! thwe w ho gave the .stiivas their lec : ial attention. There hae leen no lower j ing of the party taUilanl in the Key stone StaU. It was boldly claimed two we-ka j before the ele"tion, owing to the disHati-fai-tion with the nomiiiation of led in j lliiladelphia anil the hostile attitude of ! the Personal Liberty and Liquor Leaguea in all the principal cities and towns of the State, that the Democrats would tar ry the day. The result how how wild were these cah-ulation and how unex-js-cted wa the stinging rebuke given this unholy alliance by t.'ie quiet lire-side oU-rs and the al a aya loyal lC publkius of the rural district. The defeat of liced for Sheriff of Philadelphia i not surprising, in view of the fact that 'the Independent vote wascast solidly against hiui, and with one exception, the Repub lican pre of the city openly opposed him. The contest wa a very unequal one and the surprise i that the majority against him was not more decided. The course of justuw has been eagerly waU bed in the case of the Chicago an archista. It came with slow but awful tread. The rcouireiiienU of society have lieen compliel with aaid justice is satis fied. Pour of the seven were executed. One died the fien-lish death he hid pre- ireI for others, and two had their sen tence Miinuiulcd to imprisonment for life. The crime for w hich all were con demned was deliberate and inexcusable. It was not ho much an attack on the olli- cersof tlie law asa blow at the law of the land iti-lf. Not satisfied with the distri bution of wealth, w ith the relations of employer and employed, and cherishing in their Uisoms the hope of revolution whereby their condition would be bet tered, an atrts-ious crime was agreed uje on and committed w hich resulted in the death of seven ollicers of the law and the mangling of fifty other. The murderers were tried with every care. All were convicted and sentenced to death. The trial court was sustained in all ita deci sions by the highest court ill the State. Anapi-ul waa taken to the Supreme Court of the I'nited States ami it allinu ed that the decisions of the State court were in accordance with la. The sym pathies of thousand were -enlist! for the condemned, and the t-iovcrnor of Il linois was deluged with petitions, prayer and threat asking for executhe clem--ncy, and at tite Molicitution of the Judge who tried the case ami the prosecuting attorney, comuiuU-i thc ScnUmc of two. The hanging of the four should 1h- con vincing evidence to anarchists, ahcrever thev may I found, that the laws of America are not to la- trilled with, and lhat she offers no home to the diwt rovers of her pcav. HART'S GREAT MAJORITY. It Was a Republican Sweep in Every Quarter ot the State. Following is the otlirial vole of Pennsyl vania hy (vniilii--. with I he exception of Al legheny. Arnvtrong. Outre. LnwreiH-e. Mont-jomiry. Philadelphia. SnydT. Sullivan, an-l Warn-u, which are-stiniated: Rapubiican Majority. . Dmoerati Majority. Ailigliiny danis C mi-tnnig l-'lo lii-rks ."247 Iteaver - 14J2 Hiu-k 7 Hollor.l i.t amliria s."i lilair Carlain ;'( Itratlfonl .'!1'-' .1 cut re .i-"! ItiUler :i l lari.ni !i' l iiiiii-noi lTl Clearti ll 7no I 'licsicr -444 ( 'llTIIOll .il.t 'r.i l'ont I1TJ ' ' "Imiihia l ll " l;itiliiu Jtsi i 'unilN-rlaml s7t li.-Uwur. .. ills Kit 4. l-'.rie l!s Fayi-tte P7 Forest il -Fiilion 1 " Franklin 0-4 4reeiie I Huntingdon 7.i.l jniata ' luiliana 2 .'(! laH-kawanua .leflerson 7:d dhigli Ijiltcusler wH7;i.Ui5eriie ... "!7 l--riiv 17. l.vitMiiing lo.'i l lianoli 17!' Moiir.s- 17 !! Mi-Kean - Itos M.mtour M-nvr JlL!2 Northampton ,J..t;i MilHin 14i'ik.- i-T Montgonierv W7 Svlmylkill N onhiiinU-rhui'l 171 Sullivan 4' i'errj- Wayne 1"!' Philadelphia 1 4-14J Wyoming 4 Putter h:vi York 177" Suvik-r 7n" Soin.tN.-t L'l ti, Trtal 27!t4:t Su-Mfiii'liunna 1-t.Vt Tawa !; 1 l. ion 7l'7' 'i-natigo s7!' Warrt-n N'asiiui4tu 14Jt 't-stmort-laiid ... 2-"4, Total .Chilli Majority for Hart. Rep., ver M--(iraiin. Ili-iii 41.ii0!l Majority for Il-av-r, -p., vr Black, l:in., in lsi 4.'.s.-,l Republicans Win Everything in Westmoreland County. Ketone- from all hut two precinct in WiitiiKiri'luud Loimty give the l-pihliran State tick-t a majority of 24!l : Crihlx, l!e- iiI1k;iii, for lU-i.-.ii-r ancl It-cori r. 4"t7 : t-'haiiils-r. for TreaMirer, .Vi. and the Ue- pii!tlitii c:tfidilat-s for t'oiiimisiotier. Por ll-iis-lin- tr. anil Amlitor by inajiriti rjiiging from l!Vi ti ('. The ioImI vol- for Survme Judge wa William. Kepiihliciu. 7,i;'!7 ; T!iimipoii. h-tuoerat, 7.:ws. The total voN- n It. lister and Keeordi-r u I'riMn. 7.if : Kif -r. 7.ilo. Fayette County's Vote. I'sroNTowx. Pa., Nov. in Tli" Fayette Cmnty Hepuhlicaii Jlleil ".7!i vol lor Hart, which is ht o-ut. of the Blaine vote and only o7 t-s ili;m Mi-4rann. Kw-ing for Judge, get- .J7". or l.Kiii.vi-r Boyle ami 7u". votra ovi r livic, llurliaan uTi'l 'Miupls-ll, Biicliuu.-itr vote tieing only s :niil Campls-ir St, the lk-m.H-niL got iKrtJiing on the ounty tickt-l, cxiit I'ni thonotary and Tn-a-un-r. tin- lain-r ty J.1 plurality. In tin- lii ket for Pntthoiioiary uim! 'l-rk of Courts the word '" I l-rk of Court" won omitted aud thi. it is viairae J. will invali date the t-lcvtion of ll--nry Witt. iN-mts-rat Bedford's Spoils Diviaed. BrciixKi, Pa.. Nov. !. Theotticial return show Iti majority f.r Hie Ki-pulilit-an sjtate ticki-t. ChamlH-rlain. hYpulilican, i eleciiii heritT hy 7.1 majority ; Amos. Iii-miM-rat. Protiiomarv by :tss ; Mickel. lVmiw-mt. Kegil"rand H-rJ-r by lsi ; Hump, Tra-un-r by 'ZVi. Tiie Ki-puhlii-an 4-ted tin-Iulatui-of tlie county ticket, rtlaiuiitg con tn! in the Uianls ( tommit(itur and I'ir leitors Good News From Centre. BEtxeuNTK. Pa., Nov. 9. The summing up of the ottii'tal vote of the elect ion show Hie of tlie greatest lit-publican victories erer known in the history of tlie county. The iitire K-ialilicaii tick was -liste.i except the Register and ll.-r.l.T and twn Auditor hyalioutan average of :tuo majority w hi h make a rain of l.Jon tin- tlie Ke(iuhlicaiis siniv I SHI. This is ir tin- first time lor thir ty years thai the uouuty m ill be under Re publican tuie. TIh-state ti-kt went lK.-in.i-cratic, Mc4irann rvviving 172 and Thoinn m.ii Y.W majority. ! in Indiana I Republican Success County. The entire Republican ticket wa uccc ful m Indiana Comity by alsxit 2.tW major ity, and the county fully upheld it reputa tion as a banner Repuhli:an district. The official vote is. a follows : Supreme Judge Williams. ,i4 ; Thomv on. l.: ; Chase, 221 ; Keyser, MW. Stale Treasurer Hart, 4.'.S; M.-Ciraiin, !.:; Treasurer laickiiart, 4.0H ; Barnes, 1 ,3:. Auditor Wnamer, 4,it0; Hol.ple, S.a.2 T.mib, 1.3(43. Sheriff- Mack. 4.IVW : Smith, I.S73 : Ful tn. 770. ProthoiKKary 4yrt, 4.(Tf ; Lnwry, 1.5.3. f'owiarew.Mnsrs W.ieids. 3.W ; Marshal). 327; Kennedy. J.,567: Mcyuown. I.37J: Rankin, 734. Tjie Late Elections. j General Cause For Re publican Rejoicing. ; PENNSYLVANIA GIVES HART 41,609 PLURALITY. Fred. Grant Suffers De feat in New York. FORAKER CARRIES OHIO BY 25,000 MAJORITY. Massachusetts, Iowa. Nebraska and New Jersey Roll Up Republican Majorities. LEEDS AND MALONV DEFEATED IN PHILADELPHIA. PKNNSYLVAMA. The Il-puhlican majority on the State ticket in estimated at from 41 , to 4-J.OilO. In Philadelphia tlie Republican candidate for Sheriff, Wm. R. Ieeds, is defeated by some tj.iifiii majority, and A.J Maloney, Re publican candidate for Controller, i defeated ly a like majority. The Republican State ticket in the city has about 14.iK) majority. Mr. I-eed held the office of City Sheriff sev eral year ao and was also a meiulier of the last Legislature. In the latter eaiwcity he was coii-picuous as a pster and voted steadily apiinst hi party on the liiptor ques tion, (rovemor leaver's county if Center, which wa formerly accustomed to give marly t .im Iii-niocnitii-majority, has been aliiiot r-volutioni.ei. Senator Walla-e' county of Clearfield ha lot two-third of it lieiniK-ratie majority. Montifoinery oiun ty, where Cap. Hart wa born, and Dauphin, where he live, have (riven him a most grat ifying endorsement with phenomenal ma jorities. Montgomery ha come into the Re publican column to stay, and will hardly be a di-putc.1 county hen-after. Wet more land ha aain -ome .iver lo the lteptllli.,l ide. n.ii'.r tiiay' .-ouiity of Iteavr ha pven Hart .tlmost a miii h majority a tjuay had himn-lf two year aiM. Coni;remun Buck alew' -.innty of tojuiiiliia ha dr.ps al. nit 'i of its ltcmocralir majority. Judp? William' county of Tio4 ha iciven hi mi rouiii majority. The State ticket seem lo have ' run like a tin- in an Vuiriut rl.-ariii)t" all through the state. NKW VOKK. Nkw York. Nov. H.-Krcil trnint is beaten for secretary of state by some 12.OC0 plurali ty ; the Henry (ieor-e vole ha fallen to less in tie- whole state than fis.mm that he )lleil wlien he ran for mayor of the city, and the Republican and ludejs-ncl.-nt lemocratic combination on Delani.-ey Nioill for the dis trict attorneyship is nearly it.OUl vote short of su.ress in New York County. Thee are the substantial ruil.-i of Tu.-sd.iy's election eovpt that the R'-publieaii i-onliinie to have a majority in both bran -he of the Legisla ture and there i nothing in thedi-f.-at of the state ticket that take New York out of the debatable list for next year. They had to liirht this caniain aiint a remarkable combination of interest allied with the De- ftiucra -y the most cuiispiciloii nt'a liich wa the orirauiil antagonism of the brew ers and tin- li.mor d--.li.-rs who were Is'iil on pimisliiii.' tlie pirty for IIil- tem-r-am-e li-i!atiou ena'te.l at Albany last win ter. That iiiHueuce wa reponibl for iier- hiip l'i.mtof the majority with which the li-inoi-r.it went out of New York and tvin-s i otintie. Another potent iiiHnence wa that fir the i firt time in history the Pr.-ident ol theUni- ted Static thnit hii hand and voii- into a state fsnii.-st. The letter which he wrote en dorsing the iK-ims-ratie tck as a whole were, of course, meant to help Kellowa in the desperate riirhl that, with the aid of the b skIIc eleiiient, he wa making for the di trict attorneyship, but they had their effects in favor of tin- K.-m-ral ticket as no other ef fort cj'ild have done. This iiudini lied de scent of the Prcsid.-iit to take .im in a I. Mail contest ha !st-ii severely reprobated by the inuirwurufi, but it wa most iuiortaiit to Mr. Cleveland's ciian.-e for a renomination that hi state should not rpudiatohis arty in the anti-pn-sidi-ritiat year, and he has at least made it certain that lie will have the vote of New York in the nominatiii); con vention of lss. M Hll-OI.L fiKKKAT. Vieoll s defeat is reirretsble, but it at least has dem ntraied that the bmsller did not tke their slitii-al strength with them a lien they skipssl to Canada or entere.1 the (rates of Siller ."-Hi.:, and they and the liquor people c-ui s'ill lses tin- !ity whenever they trike hand. HOW Till: ASSF.VHLr WILL STA1. The next Senate will consist of 2n Republi can and 12 Ih mo-rat. In the Assembly there will lie 72 Republicans and ."Si Ili-mo-crat. The It - (Hili. ;m have --pt Wel-chesli-r County, a IK mis ratic str.rtiliohl, and elected Kx4 '!!. vtor Win. 11 Rols-rtson to the Slate Senate. H lo. i ou M in . Nov. 14. 4'hairiiiaii Ci.p-ilat, of the Republican Slate Committee, to-day sent out the following; L lib-tin : " Koraker plurality is at least iV1'- The Igilaluiv i Rep:iblican in bitii or.un lies. This is u great vietoi-y of Republicanism over the -ctionalism of the solid S itith. of the puriiy of tin- ballot over fraud and forgery, of the wise and economic management of state affair over imckltw extr.ivagan v, to all of which should be added the personal pop ularity of tiovernor Koraker and th brill iant and remarkable campaign that he nm-t-iu the state aitinst the txMsUe and A- inttu entv of the national A Jmiuistraiioti." NKW JKRSKY. T m:rox, N. J.. Nov. 14. The Republi cans arhieved a telling victory in New Jer ey yesterday. They ele-ted state Senators in Essex. Monmouth, t'nioli, Somerset aud (ilouo-ster Counties, and the Senate will stand 12 Republican to 9 Democrats. They made large gains in the Aemhly. which will contain :17 Republican and 23 lleimi erats. The Republican gain on joint ballot is 17. It i redicted that Senator Oardner. of Atlantic, will be presi.lent, and Assem blyman Hill, of Essex. iiker of the Hou- MARYLANH. Haiti wokk. Nov. 14 -Retuni from some of the morv remote counties are delayed and many are incomplete, but milm-ieul informa tion is at hand to insure llieeiiition of tho lliiiiocratic stale ticket by a insjority of 1(1, w. The licgislaturc on joint ballift will havea I Vtms-r.iiic majority of 71, a R pule li.an gain of 14. The pmpisition lo hold a constitutional cimventiou was .k-fcatcd by at least lo.tsm v.Mes. The Prohibition vote thnaiglnmt the stale wa alxrtit .S.'WHI. V1RCIN1A. Ku-Hx.iKit. Va., Nov. 14. Tfr.ethir.ls of the Mate definitely heard from gives the Dwu.M-nit a majirity of 4 in the gen -ral Assembly. The lemajndi-r of the state will ineresse this majority by tt or Id, giving the Ik-fnorrat about the nanw majority they had in tlie last I-gilaturc. Five colored mem- her of tlie Houe have iyetj elected by the RetlbIiSAnft. j Return up to midnight allow a Democrat- j it- majority in the Legislature of 4 ou joint ; balhri. j Sf.S3ACfirsETT!j. Micro, Nov. 14. Retorua from all the cities and town in the stale show tint iii. Ibott w 2H8 vots were cast yesterday, or loore titan in !,. and 2i'W in eicea of last yrar s vote. The vote is divided an fol lows : Ames Republican. 135.SU2 ; Lovering IVnus rat, ll(.:tl t : K irl. Pmhibitiimist. P, 1M ; Marks, Lnlsir, 4H, Thi makes Atnia' plurality 1711. against 0,473 last year. This is a clear majority of 6.o5ti against in 16. Bracket! Republican, for lieutenant jeovernor, has a plurality of 22.144 over Cut ting. Democrat. - . . :mc'A(Jo I'hu iwi. X.v. 14 The total vote i a-4 in Ojok county Tuelay lr Jmlp- of Hua-rior Court wastst.542, of which Joseph K. (iary. Republican and IVmucrat, reci-ived ..0K4 and Captain Black, Socialist, (1,'J."S : liary's majority 4H.82B. Jo;l M. Lomrnecker, Re publican candidate for State's Attorney, was elected by a majority of 15.7 vote over all opiweinit candidates. Tlie Republican can didates for County Commissioners were elec ted. The prooition to issue jd.unu ((0 of county bond and the jnry commission hill were approved by lair majorities. NEBRASKA. Omvha. Sov. 14. To-day wa pleasant np to 3o'clN-k, when a heavy rain set in nearly all over the state. The vote is extremely liirht and tickets badly scrat-hed, but Max well, Republican, is elected Justice of the Su preme Court by from Ju.uuii and 3o.im majority. The Republican candidate for regents to the State University are also eht tcl by altout the same majority. IOWA. IK Moixes. Nov. 14. Ri-turn from 7.) of the IsKt precincts of the state show a net Iemoeratic (fain of 73. If the same vote is maintained in the rest of the stale it will (rive Iairahee, Republican, for i overtmr, i:t,- )iK a plurality over Anderson. Hemoenit, aiid a majority of .'$.( over all. The vote for Cain, I nion Itbor, for tf ovemor. will be Is.-tweeii il.iloo and ln.noo. Kaniliuin . Pro hibition vote, will tail under Jim in the -Lite, l'lie Legislature will be Republican by a!oiil 4.". on joint ballot. DAKOTA. .Mism:apom. Min?i.. Nov. 14. The I.ko la ele-tioii r-turn n-eeived in no intnm-e (ii-.-e the total ot several cmntiiK. Division ha- lavn carrieil by a jr.ssl m tjorirv. Cie pri!ic:p:il opirsttion cjntinir fniin nortli il.i k x. in South i'akotu the vole i fivo-of livi,oii was very lar.-. Local opti.ci hi-ni) to have ;raui-d th- .lay in mo-t of the coiin ti . ORKOO. 1'oBTLAsn. Obf., Nov. 14. Late return indicate that the I'rohihitfiin amendment has (-juried two counties in the center of the state by gmi round majorities, and that the total majority against Prohibition will not exceed S..0U0, but it is certainly defeated. Tlie second amendment, relative to alariis is overwhelmingly defeated, and the third amendment, relative to changing the time of holding elections till November, is probably carried. The South Penn. The answers to the bill of complaint of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company against the New York stockholders of the South Penn will be tiled to-ilay (Tuesday). These an swers will show an amount of lite and vigor hardly exiect-d from the recent iiiartivily of the parties in inler.-st. The New York utiK-kholders have 7.I2,V OKi of the entire 1., (oo,ooo capital stock of the South Penn. The holders of one third of this stock have already signed the reor ganization conlnMt recently entered into by the South Penn stockholders, appointing live trustee to take charge of the pns-rty, and attend to the completion of the road. These trustees arc Dr. Hosteller, Henry Phipps, (.icorge F. Baer, Franklin M. (sican and Fram-i L. Stetson. I'pward of Hit -r cent of tlie entire stock has been signed on the side of the compromise, including the Vati-dt-rbills, against whom the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have filed their bill of complaint. A prominent menilierof the South Penn syndicate on lieitig interviewed, said: "Thi hist move of the Pennsylvania Railroad t'ouiHiiy ," is the most asinine it ever made. After two courts in Pennsylvania have deci ded that the Pennsylvania Railroad cannot buy the Smth Penn, either directly or indi rectly, the Pennsylvania Railroad g.s-s into an adjoining state and in effisrt asks the Tni t.-l Stati-s District Court to undo what the Supreme Conn of the state containing both railniads has done. or KKAL FEM.riT TO THE SOI TU TES!f. ' Tlie prtent ation of course, is against certain individuals only and cannot effect : any action of the South Penn Railmad Com- pany pmiHT, nor any action of the Reor- j ganir-alinn Committee of five except inei- j ileiiL-illy. Those interested, liowever, lik i with favor on the litigation, because it j effect will be to Ion the, Vanderliilts and J. ; Pierrepont Morgan ti pnslaim their si- i lion for the future publicly and under oath -Whatever that position may be it is hardly ! probable that wheu it is once taken it will ; I-, deviated from in the future. The action j of the Vanderbilt in singing the renrganiza- j lion or compromise agreement indicates I rather clearly whot their position will be indeed must be, when their answer is filed iu the Pennsylvania Railroad Company' j bill of complaint. However, the 15th of j this mouth must see a change in Houth Penn matters, which will be better or worse, j Kither will be better for the Stockholders j and the general public than the present in- j activity. " (icorge B. Robert' bargain with Wm. H. Vanderbilt was not for the delivery of a controlling intercut in the Houth Penn line alone, but for. the controlling interest in the South Penn and Hcech Creek line. j Tlie present Valueofthe Beech Creek ecur- ! ities is now in the open market abut J4.3UU, (KIU more than the rate at which Wm. H. Vanderbilt iindei'tisik to sell the controlling interest in the enterprise to Mr. Rola-its. Hence if the old Intrgain were earrieii out the present owner of Mcech (eek eiuritie would lie compelled to submit to au immed iate cash loss of about $4.SUi,(iil0 for the privilege af doing what our Supreme Court ha derided as an illegal act, aud for the privilege of pleasing Mr. (icorge B Roberts. If such a bargain wa carried out, it would be tor sentiment and no from legal necess ity or business act u men. Any one who think that average business men ot'the day would pay $4,5d,(o0 for en(iment must be a -t. Fn.m this you must see the deductions I make. That the Pennsylvania Railroad Company cannot own the South Penn di mity or indirectly; that it could not get both the South Penn and Iieerii Creek roa.ta even if legally possible, and that the present i tors pronounced h is case hiipelem at 1 o clock owner of the South Penn must complete. wheu he wa sitting up and gating around Uie line or lae absolutely the money a I read- j the room. When asked if he wanted water y invented, f-V10-"11"- And that they don't j he nodded and it wa isnired down his pni,sc to do." j throat from a fountain injector. Then he It is admitted by counsel on both sides of i closed his eyes contentedly. About 2:25 the South Pennsylvania Railroad rase that since i action of his heart Ix-ican to fail and it be litigation in the matter began the Ueeeh j came evident that he was dying. He re Creek Railroad has undergone change that ! niaine.1 consciou until five minutes before have lifted it beyond it former iition. I ,,ie e,K- Then lie began to fail. In three The present value iff tlie securities of the j commny in the on market is placed at ahom f4.5(i(i.3 more than the rate at which tlie late William H. Vanderbilt agreed tu a-ll a controlling interest in tlie property j to the Nortlieru Central Railway Company, (ieorge F. Bear, of Reading, reimw-nting tlie stock and bondholder of the South Pennsylvania Railroad Company, stale that his answers to the suit of the Pennsylvania Railroad Compony in the Tinted States Court in New York city to restrain the re organization of the South Pennsylvania Railroad, will probably be filed this week. He declare that there has been no delay in tiling these answers, a a special time bad been set for it. 0 ! Spies, Engel, Fischer and Par- , sons Were Hanged, and LINGG COMMITTED SUICIDE Fielden and Schwab to be Impris oned for Life. " . Si-KisoriKUs IIL. Sv. Hi. The following is thecompletetext of tlietiovernor'sopinion in tlr-Anarchist case ; , The state or Ii.Lnis, 1 EXRCITlVli OFTH'E. T " .St'EIKUFiEUi, III,, Nov. 10, JHS7. J n the 2oth day of August. lXi. in the CiH'k County Criminal Court. August Spies, Aiix-rt R. Parsons. Samuel Fielden. Michael Sell wab. A.lolph Fischer. tJeorge Engel and Louis Lingg were found guilty by the ver- diet of the jury and afterwards sentenced ti be hanged fur the murder of Matthias J. Degan . An appeal was taken from such finding and sent to the Supreme Court of the State. That court, Uwm a final hca ing, and after mature deliberation.'unanimoiisly1 affirmed the judgmeut of the court below. The case now comes before me, by petition of defend ants, for consideration as Governor of the Slate, if the letter of Albert Parsons Adolph Fischer, (Jeorge Kngel and Louis Lingg, de manding unconditional release, or as they express it, " liberty or death," and protesting in the strongest language against mercy or conituiilation of the sentence pronounced againt them, can Is? considered fictitious, A pardon, could it be granted, which might imply any guilt whatever usn the part of either of them, would not be such a vindica tion a they demand. Evecutive inlerven aion upon the grounds insisted upon by the fonr above named -ron could in noprojier sense be deemed an exercise of the contitu- tional power to grant reprieves, commuta tions ami pardons unless based uiwn the be lief on my art of their entire inriiMviiee of the crime of which they stand convicted. A careful consideration of the evidence iu the recurd of the trial of tin- parties, as well as of alleged evidence claimed for them out side of the record, has failed to produce upon my mind any impression tending to iniieacli the verdict of the jury or judgment of the trial court or of the Supreme 'Viurt atfirmiug the guilt of the parties. Satisfied, then-fore, as I am of their guilt, I am precluded from consi.li-ring the ques tion of commutation of the sentence of Albert R. Parsons, Adolph Fischer, tieorge Kngi-I and Louis Lingg to imprisonment in the penitentiary, as they emphatically ! clarv they will not accept such commuta. tini. Samuel Fielden, Michael Schwab and August Spies unite in a s-tilion for" Execu tive clemency." Fielden and Schwab in addition present scjKtrate and supplementary -titions for the commutation of their sen tence. While, as stated alsive, I am satisfied of the guilt of all the parties as found by the verdict of the jury; which was sustained by the judgments of the courts, a must careful consideration of the w hole subject leads me to the concluion that the sentence of the law as to Samuel Fielden and Michael Schwab may he m.sliticd as to each of them, in the interest of humanity and without d.iing violence to public justice. And a to the said Samuel Fielden and Michael Si-h wah the sentence is commuted to imprisonment in the Penitentiary for life. As to all the the other above named de (ciiilant I do not feel justified in interfering with the sentence of the court. While I would gladly liuve come to a different conclusion iu regard to the sentence of defendants August Spi.-s, Adolph Fischer, Ueorge Kngel, Allan R. Parsons and Louis Lingg, 1 n-grct to say that under thc solemn scihy to do obligation of my office I have la-en unable to do i. Rll'HAKIlJ. OtlLKKKY, Governor. The Death of His Choice. t'liit-Aiio, Nov. In. Louis Lingg, the trne An-h-Anarchist aud " human tiger." com mitted suicide in his cell at H:55 o'clock this morning uy biow ing his face to pieces with a candle loaded with dynamite and a fulmi nating cup. His face was biown out ol all semblance 'if human sha. He lit the wick and plaied the caudle in hi mouth. At the time mentioned a r-(iort startled every one in the jail. Mr. Osborne, tlie death watch at om-e hsated the sound in Lingg's cell. The d-ir wa opened and Liutrg was found on hi kick. The cell was j uttered with blood and the air wa heavy wilh smoke and the smell of dynamite. The explosion was beard all over the jail, where it echoed through theeorridore and cells with a hol low " boom," and fur a moment there was almost a iauic. The bleeding hut yet breathing body wa carried into the jail office and Dr. Fengi-r summoned. He, with nther physician, at once tisik sfeps to stem tiie fast -flowing life-tide and had some hope of saving Lingg's life for the hangman. Parsons was at once taken out of hi cell and searched, but without result. A candle loaded in a similar manner to the one used was found in Lingg's cell. The tallow had In-en poured around a dynamite cartridge. These caudles had been iascd into the jail and might have heeii Used by all of the men, so far as known. A representative of the United Pn-s met Miss Van Zandt at the d.sr and told her what Lingg had done. She staggered hack a step, press..) her hand to lier heart and gated : ' What ! " Vn lieing assured that it wa indeed true she exclaimed with gn-at (agitation: "My Ood! Ha it come to i this? " Lingg s.s.11 became unconscious and his breathings scarcely noticeable. He was lur ried into the hath room and was laid on a table onto w hich thc torrent of blisjd gushed from the holes in his head, completely sur rounding him. Dr. i ray said he found that the tissues of the throat aud neck and the front of the Jaw had been torn away. Stim ulant failed to rouse the man from ills lethergy. While the physician whs working over him Lingg coughed and the hlood ptirted from hi lung, staining his hair aud clothes. The doctor said the unfortunate man could live but a few hours at most, as his breath was coming at greater intervals already. Whcn informed of Lingo's attempt to commit suicide Captain Itlack said that in his opinion it would have an effect favorable to the other men. He thought Lingg wa insane and declared that lie thought Enge) to be crazy also. He would not attempt to say that Lingg' desperate deed would have any effect on the Oovernor, but if it did he believed it would be to the advantage of the otlmmeii. It is now thought the dynamite cartridges were hiddeu in Lingg's hair and that he im-bedd-d them ill hi candles himself. The Cure of the explosion was doA'nward and outward, the soft tissues of the throat aud mouth suffering almot total, d.-struetinn. A pirn- of his tongue was fond iu the cell when it was searched. Lingg's life tossed away at "l:V. The doe- m'nute more he opened his eyes, glanced around, dropped hi head and wa dead. Sheriff Mat-son arrived at the jail noon after tlie attemiit at suicide took place. He immediately ordered all the cells of the prisoners to be searched. This was thorough ly done, but nothing was found. The other prisoners refused to say anything alsiut Lingg's attempt at suicide, except Fischer, who said : " I thought Lingg was possessed ofsmflicient courage not lodo such a thing. I am certainly surprised. As tor me. I am ready to grace tlie gallows." Sheriff Mat son said : " It can only be sur mised bow Lingg got the explosive fa his posHemioo without our discovering it. He has been thoroughly searched every day THE ANARCHISTS' FATE. since the discovery of the bomb, and noth ing ha been found on him. His bushy hair, however, could easily have concealed the cas and fiLte, and I am inclined to be lieve that he se-reted them there." At 5 o'eUirfc iheOomoer'jury wasbmught to the jail ami viewed Lingg corpse. Tbe jury was sworn in and adjourned to meet W. bos-day morning at the Coroner's ottiou at 10 o'clock. i- v The nntion Of the rirsrxwal of the body was left by the jailer to the Coroner. " What will be done with the corpse?" was asked of bim. "The statute i plain enough on that question." tie replied. "The body must be delivered tu liic friends of the d:eased. . X shall be in .vadiness to deliver it to-morrow if they ihtsire it.V - . . , r Anattl lavit that Louis Lingg wa insane was presented befbr Judge Raker in the Crirniicil Court thi rmiruiiig. but the Court finding it defective the case was p ! polled until afternoon, so as to secure an amend ed a'Hdavrt. Line's -li it .'t t!icu rnl -Ml further prom-dings ptirjioseltw. The Last Night Of Life. Ohicvso, Nov. II. The hour passed slow ly in the county jail lust night slowly to both watchers and watched. Spies did not at first find the slumber be Nought and wa up fr in midnight till nearly 1 o'chs-k, but he fell asleep a few moments later. Before that lie chatted pleasantly with Deputy Siberia vjuert, smoked and enjoyed himself as well ae he could. Rev. Dr. U. W. Bolton called ou Spies and offered him spiritual consolation. The condemned man turned an icy stare on the divine, and said : " You can't pray for me. (to pray for some body else who needs it. I don't need prayer." The deputy sheriff who was with Parsons for three hours last night, said : " He was very cheerful and hopeful." Such was indeed the case. Parsons was never in better humor than he was last night. He seemed to forget en tirely that he would have to die within twelve hours, so interested did he become in his own harangue to the death watch. He talked aU.ul Socialism, alsiut Anarchy, the llaymarket ami his wife and children. It was not until he reached this subject that he manifested any sorrow or regret, and the more he talked about it the more sorrowful he became. Aliout 11 o'clock Parsons went to sleep and at 2 o'clock he was sh-ep-ing as soundly a he ever did in hi life. Fischer was the least talkative of the four condemned men, though he was as chi-erfil a any of t ii-ni. For nearly I'iriv hoar he sat on the edge of the cot in his cell pu tttng at a cigar. He sfioke rarely to S. hauinls-rg. the deputy sheriff, who was sitting in his d.sirwav. Once Schaumberg said to him: "Fischer how call you be so cheerful when you know ur fate is such a short time removed ?" " How can I die?" the Anan-hist asked. and he looked fill! at his questioner. ' 1 will tell you," he said. " I die willingly b- cuuse I belive it will help the c-.i-nc I es- .-i eil tbe greater part of my lite, and which I love better than my life, the c.m-e of the laboring men. ll-sides this my ...nviction was unfair, unjust and ill.-ji!.'' t Pr til r. M. Fischer lay dowu and li.e minutes later his breathing was so heavy and regular that the watch was conviu.v I that he wa sound asleep. Engel was cheerful and cicitented, and at times even witty. loiter at night when the li-ath watch sat on the threshold of his cell, scarce! v ever removing his eves from him. Engel became reminiscent, mid som of r'ie stiirie he told were not only iiiteresi.iu. it lecidcdlv sensational. Once he said ; Y 'ii people think, pcriu.u.13, that I a n atni.l i . ,o ti the gallows. Disabuse your mind of the idea at once, for it is not true. No man ever faced deaith more calmly than I do now. I am an Anarchist. 1 lielieve in its every principle, and as it i.opioed to the present order of things, what is more natural than the desire of the authorities to choke me?" The last Scene of the Tragedy. CmcAtio, Nov. II. No sooner had the (iovernor's final decision been received than the final preiara!ions began. The greatest bustle and excitement prevailed in theoffice, but Schwabcoiitinucd writin-.; uninterrupted, the others remained equally nouchalcnl. not withstanding the confusion that marked the beginingof the end. The repn'-ntative of the press were con ducted to the north corridor and seated with in a few feel uf the nniffold. At 1H:.V alsiut 2iKl newspaper men, hs-al politician and other had passed through the dark under the gallows and began seating themselves. At 11:1U the jury fell ill and t.iok their places in the double row of chairs which had been reserved ill front of the press tables. Altogether the corridor was not half filled. The cell on tlie first thsir, a well as those on the two upper tier, had la-en emptied of their occujiant. The scaffold was not paint ed and was brown with age and usage. There was a sjuce of about two feet between each of the roes and the four tases-s hung ou a deail level. The mix- was light but of substantial make. The gathering was quiet and decorous. Hals had been removed and cigars thrown awav. There wa none of the crowding, pnhing. smoking, swearing mob tlit di graced the execution of Italian two year ago.- 1 he name of the junir were called and each rose to resmd. Ttien then- was quiet deep, awful quiet. It was as if hearts had st.Mxi still ; as if the blots! was congeal ing in the veins of anxious iecta!ors. The tilltics was hrokeu by a tvail, a wi-ired. gruesome sound. Jt was only the t jail cat, but it paled the ch.-elc of many a man who at another time would make the event a source of hilarity. She animal, which bail been secured in an adjoining cage, wa taken out, and again the stillness of netie. Thmtigh the high barred iatiel of glass di rectly back of the scaffold a score of armed police were visible. They were as motionless as statue, their gnu's at their shoulders, and the mimics bearing directly on the pillows window. The moment on. A re.rt gains cur rency that the Sheriff is holding offuntil the last moment in expectatien that something will he heard from Springfield. Suddenly the face of Deputy (ile.Ls.nl wa seen ut the eu trance uf the corridor leading to the scaf fold. His Cue is white, he is trembling in every limb. He raise his hand. The mo ment ha arrived. The shuffling of feet i heard in th corridor. It is 11:49 to the minute. Sheriff Matsoii apears, his baek toths gathering, he is facing the iroeHiou. Spiea comes into view, a bruud-houliercl bailiff is on bis right side, next comes Fischer then Kngel. Just before the march to the gallows Fis cher liiied his face to the 'eel Is of Fielden and Schwab, in the gall. tv aixve, and shout ed: " Hrudk-r Schwab, wir wuiischen ihiieii eiu gluecklicbcs lela-n, mid das fichu!. I her atlskommcn." ( Brother Schwab, wc wish you a happy life am) that you may ssm lie free.) Then he added : "fnssl bye Sam." "tiissi bye. Sam." echoed Spies and Engel. Parson said nothing. Schwab stood at the door of his cell, his hands folded behind, hi brow overhung by matted hair pressed against the iron Uirs. Tears streamed down hischeeksaud ran into Ins black unkempt beard. He was so overcome by emotion that he could not sjKak. Not one of the spectators was un moved. " Don't tint the braces on too tight ; vou hurt me." The wonls came in sharp, querulous tones from Parsons, was the last one to be pinion ed. He shook all over. Whether it was rage or tear that moved him, who know. The spell of the moment wa broken. Now the iron d.ir between life ami death opened aud tbe men moved out, slowly and with measured tread. First came Spies, then Fischer, then Engel, then Parson " Won't you come insiile?" sneered the latter to the reporters, who hud been observ ing tlie last toilet. With a crash which resounded through tlie entire building the heavy iron ikior clos ed and presently the crowd of officers, with the four white-shrotnlcd figure in their midst, disappear around the tuni of tlie cor ridor. ' "Oh, my God, my God," exclaimed pr : Sara Fielden as his comrades diapieared from his sight forever. Then be threw him self into a corner of hicell, dropping to ' is knew, hiding ni face in his hands. His powerful' frame shook under the terrible Hr.on ol tneraomeni witn convulsive .h. Ho wa writhing in agony. For moiuei lie remained in this attitude of passionute deair. Then the relief came. The great, strong man wept like a child. The )- ta tors ti.-p)d prverenily aside before thi great paroxysm of grief. Spies. Engel and Fischer stepped from the second tier cells to the w-affold. Tlie peca bir drew a long breath. " Parson is saved, the word that went around, but it ' wa not to 1. A second later Parson ap- '. peared. - Tiie four nieu placed thenwel tin the trap. All were ga-tly pale. Spies' hair seemed j to literally stand upon end. Enget's shoul ders seemed nearly to toiteh the lop of hi , head. Parsoii set his teeth firmly together ; and locked down calmly iisui the emwtl j beneath. His fai-e is the fiice of a man of j iron. A murruer of admiration for his uu- finichiiig nerve goes through the spectators Engel funis around and say something in a., inaudible tone to the tieptuy. it is evi deutly of a jocular character. Sir the con- demued man laughs heartily. Fischer looks at him a moment and then he tio, puts in a remark. Spies and Parsons at either end of the scaffold maintain a solid ami ditrnificd demeanor, but there is a hsik of unut. rable ' wis- upon the face of the ex-editor which j pien-es the hearts of those surrounding the I scaffold. The shrouds bad already been adjusted lie- j fore the men left their cells. Nothing re- j main but to encircle each neck with the i nt se and to cover each head with the rap. Jailer Folx approaches Spies. A tZi movement, so quick that it can hardly notice. I. and the nis is around hi neck and being drawn taut. The same woe begone look from the eyes. Folz moved a step and in a moment the throat of Fischer is encir cle! by the ntswe. He moves his head up uml down a if it hurt him. Engel does not move as the oiemtion is ceing s-rformetl. Parsons rivits his gaze on the ground and hi features are crontracted. All four are evidently determined to tlie game. A deputy approaches Spie$ with the -ap in hi hand. The condemned man say something in an undertone. He isevidently remonstrating with the deputy, who wavers for a moment. Spies speak till more ear nestly. The deputy lisik at the Sheriff. The latter closes his eye. It is enough. The cap is iiiickly dntwn over the face of l Anarchist leader. It ha been -i !' .r lb.- time in life. The head of Kngel is next covered, then Fischer. Parson hist. Fischer's head moved up and down in the direction of the Sn-rifr, who, with hi hand li n the iron railing of the gallery, i r.- !y lo irivc the signal. It is us though t'.e A 1- an-hist, as well as he can in hi niu-din-cov- ernl head, is beckoning the herirl' to an- proach him. That orH.-ial. however. d.s- not resind. There is a nioiueiit of death-like still. i ss then clear and distinct collies the voii of Spies. His form straightens up. The mus lin seems to move in harmony with hi lip. "Our silence is more iwerftil than speech." That is all. but there is a ring in it that eelMss far away down the corridor. Silence again for a second. Then, in a round, full voice, shout, "Hurrah tor Anar chy ! " comes from Engel. Another pause, broken this time by the voice of Fischer. " This is the happiest mo ment of nip life.'' He had had his say. Then the clear, well moulded voi,-e of Parous breaks the oppresive tilhiess. There is not that enthusiastic ring in it which market! the utterance of the other. It is the voice of a judge delivering a decision a scarcely-definable pause between each word "Shall I Is-allowed to .eak ? oh ! men and women of dear America." The Sheriff shift his position a little. He is several feet away from the ieaker, but the speaker must have seen the movement through the folds of the cap. There is a rising inflection in his voice, not so much of pleading as of demand. ' I-t me ieak. Sheriff Mafon." is what heay. " Let the voice of the people be. heard." Iown went the lroi the last wonls of Parson had died 111111 hi ie. Fotirtsslies swung in empty air and the llaymarket massacre was avenge. The drop fell at lli.Wfi. From the first step of Spies UKin the scaffold until the cut ting of the rope, precisely six minute and til ree seconds hail elaiised. For a moment after the tlrop had fallen not a soul stirred. A low muiiiiir, like a )s-ut up sigh ol relief went through the corridor. Then, as if moved hy one common impulse every man nie lo hi feet and every eye wa rivitetl uiion the liody of Spies. The arch Anarchist was dying hard. His legs and arm moved convulsively, with extraordi nary rapidity ; it was as though he were alive and eoiiious and slnnrgling to free himself from the cord that bound liiiu. His whole frame was aggitated by a quiver ing tremor. Low groan of horror came from many lips and the expression "He's dying hard'' was heard on all sides. This contin ued for over a minute an hour it seemed and then the struggle grew fainteraiid faint er until they finally ceased. The bodies of Kngel and Fischer w ere mo tionless for a moruenr after the drop, save fir the swinging to and fro: Then Fischer's Icl's drew up and down and there wa a con vulsive movement of hi arm. Kngel's strnggles were brief. Parson alone tlied as though hi heart had lieen pierced by a bul let. He came down like a log. There wa not a twitch or contraction of the muscle. His neck iiad been broken instuutly. All three if tlie others dietl slowly anil strangled to death. Tho bodies were lower d at 12:i, ufter having been susiieiided for .To minutes. The i-.illio plain out, painted a dark brown, with siivcr-piated.screw w.-re placed iiritler the isslics across short w.hmI-ii horse. Spies' ily wa the first to Is- taken down and low ered in the coffin. The white cap covering hi head wasdrawn up some little distance, excising hi neck with the rope tightened around the skin. It was with great difficul ty that the noose was loosened by a deputy. After much tugging theknot alipl and the white cap was takeu otf. Spies' fins- was covered with a greasy prvspiratioii ami his mouth was open, showing teeth somewhat discolored. There was no discoloration of the face and the noose left no siirn or murk on the neck. Dr. Lewi placed his finger under the right side of the neck and pn-sed inward. " Spies died by strangulation." he saiil shortly. " The neck is not broken." In stantly the cap was replaced and the rover of the coffin wascirw-t ilowu. - As sisui asthecofrln lid had been adjusted. Fischer's body was lowered and prepared for encasement. His long neck showed a blue black line of discoloration, with a slight coagulation under the 111 ear. Kngel's body was warm, although his han.l show- j rd great discoloration. Tlie strain 011 his ' handcuff hail la-en so severe as to imlied their iron in the Mesh. The somewhat frail firm of Albert Parsons was eaity handled. Over a spotless undershirt he wore a suit of tlark blue flannel. It is given out that $.") ha lieen offered for the clothed which Par sons wore at the hanging. Tlie body of Spies was removed at ten minutes before 2 o'clock ami the other were delivered a few minute later. Blaine In Perfect Health. Paris, Nov. 13. Mr. Maine continues to spend a great deal of his time wilh Ex-Cun-gtvssman Allen at Hotel (.'allium. One of Mr. Blaine' physicians, who in coiijimt tion with IH-. Orr. of St. Thoma Hospital, Lon don, has made the most thorough examina tion imssible of Mr. Iliaine, from his bend to his feet, making a most minute examination of hi kidney, pronounces Mr. Iliaine in perfest health, and etpial to any emer-rency. Mr. Blaine's friend thought he bstked ill centlyand he often Complained of tlizxim-w more money riirhlawar than anytliinir -le In this an. heart trouble, so Mr. Blaine came to see i Z'' i'lZJZ'.ll" "Trk ,,ve lK ,. ., , . . .. ' ,"- Kither x ; all un. Stsueimnir new. Ur. Mucdavin. of Farts, and said : DiH-tor ! lht just eoin money ft all workers. We will I want tube assured that Iain nerfcctlr i n7m capital nt neednl. This one of the , , assiireutna. lilt perfectly , gennine, bnt.nnt rruiv-a of a lifetime. Those sound and equal to any political excitement who araamtiititms and enierpriMinj need not de thatmayvnr." iSiStS!"" AWre" Z GO ;!GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S JOHNSTOWN, 1A I CARPETS, MATTING, ! OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, stair PiVDs, srrviR rods, LACE CURTAINS, TURCOMAN CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES, &c. i LOWEST PRICES OTTA R ANTKK1). i - j Their Stock is Immense. i on the S. & C. K. li. by OUTS, FOSTISI & Q UIXX. J. Klee & Co., Manufacturers of MEN'S, YOUTHS' BOYS' AND CHILDREN CLOTHING, ' Of Fins aid Haiiuaa araies, at ths Ystj Clssast Prices. tbSO. J. KLEE & GO'S. SUPERIOR WOFKIfs- fANTS. Every Pair Guaranteed N 't to Rip. Nos. 62S and 630, Broadway, Xew York "zj 811 LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBURGH. THE TRIBUNE FOR 1883 GREATLY ENLARGED. Much the Biggest of all the N. Y. Weeklies. Greater Variety of Centents. New Presses, New Type, New Appliances. AT THK HKAD OF THK KKITBI.I- i I AN I'UKSS. Tun AVir I'tfrk Weskiij Trihunf will be en larued on or bet ire the 1st of January, 1 by the addition of from four to eight more iges of actual reading matter an increase ol size of greet exjieiise to J :ik 1 Kim but H'ithiiit fjiif.tt . lit? sittiMTihrr. A compicte outfit of the new folding and . inserting pises will lie put into Thk Ibi- I lii-XK press-ris.in in Noveuits-r and iK-eeni- I Is-r. And the extia sheet will In- folded ; into it place iu tlie main sheet lietore it , comes from the press. The enlarged Tut- ! BfXK will tie the biggest ami Ik-si of all the ! New York weeklies, and tiie new machinery . will print it. in the enlarged form, at the rate of 72."o copie sr hour. j Xew Fratiin-s and a greater Variety of I'outeiits will la-ail'ltd t- Tit Trtlmur .hiring : the -oming year. Header will Is ,-iven j nearly a half more for ttn ir money than ever 1 Is-ttire. ' Pensioiis fir the old volunteers. es--iaily j Service Pension, are being vigorously agila- ' ti in Thr Trihuf? : much Kiee is iriveii iu ! every iue to thi subject, ltetter Pmtec- lion'to Fanners un.hr the Taritf; thesi.lva- turn ot the country from the curse of iiitem-jx-r-.nice : and the rescue of the national gov ernment from the hand of the rels-l briga diers ; these, and all the other live issues of the day are receiving aggressive, earnest and loyal treatment in Thr Tribnur. Th Trifxtur doc not attempt to siin-eie ' the local Sia e and county pre. Hut. tu i the great Presidential conflict now at hand. ! every thinking Kepublican. old soldier, tar- j mer. and tem-raiice man s.nld have ,is ! local ptl-r un Tlir Snr l"-t Trihuur. Siibfrrijiriim Hates. Weekly, $1 a year : ex- ' tra copy wilh every five. .-semi-Wii k.lv jc a ' year: extra coi.y with every five, bailv. . s .'rn per year. Siufl'tt Tribune, l oil. New siiliserilK-r receive the p;i-r until .lanuarv I. l!t Keniif always by draft, chts k t-x- I.ress or iosLiI money onk r. or n-nisli-red etter. i-uo'eji -I. 7'A-AVir York Trihuur i His tory of the I'liit. .! Slates and Pocket Alb World, Uimo.. ii't pa-e. oo mat. " eoloreil ilianranL : priie.4Hr.-uis; to sntiscriliers. -Jt cent ; prettiest premium of the year a fas cinating rnntiiiiL' account of the history of the country, w ith a gn at variety of statistic and general intiirmat:-ill .'. I'ifticntt:d P.H-ket Knife; sulM-rils-r" j name and picture of his choice for l'resi- j dent on the h.uiiile: send for descriptive t ir- : cular : pr.-e. at retail. l 7.), bu- given with j the ll'rktf Trittuuf tine year for the same' money. il.To: iwoothersrvlcs Sir less money, j X Popular Picture (iali'ery fi fine pictures ineliidimr the new oiticer of theli A. Mr. j Hlaine. Senators, Kvart and Hiscs-lt, Ke ttirn of the Mayflower." "I'hrist Ik-fore Pi- ' late." and "t'hildn-ii Writing to Santa I Clan " Send for circular. j 4. Walth.-tiii Watch : expansion balance j movement, stem wiitd-r. stem set. 7 jewel, j nickel rasp, thoronglilv reliable, and an ex- , eel lent watch : wilh the Weekly Tribune I year for 7 .". 5. Tribune's " liook of ( -n Air S.rt." I li. Wi-lister " I iiauri.lL'cd I'ictionary." ' 7. Wtasi's " Hotiseholil Medicine." These pn-miiim taniiot lie ilescrilssl iu I full here. Send for t -in-nlar. THK TKIli'.'NK, New York. fpurs' TKK'S SALK QY VtKTI'E 'fnn.rtprifalei.nI mi utthe Cort if Snmt'r-. ( ... t, nit Mirn-teri, i win extow to putim U-onttie lriMni.H in Jefl.Toii TH Tihip, .SomeXMrt hhi- SATURDAY, DEC. 10, 1887 at ! ..' I s-k p. M., the follnwfng descrils-d tract Hi U I, Uu-Hie properly 0I Sol.11a.1n Baker, tie-cea-s 'f, to ail, V.-s . The h.rnt-Mead of the ileeea-s d, ai. l. r,iiitiniui i;-i ere more or le-s, a-lj'..Diinf lands ut siishii Niierliei-H-r, H.-nry s-'ih.e te-orue lUri-lay Wm. Mull an.) J. V. Bsr-t-lHy. hsv.iiK th.-rtsiit ereel.-.( a ipssj twtsstonr trsiae IWLLLIXG HOUSE frame a-.le and other milliiiildiiigs. There I also un tins tract a gtssl ier mwer Sw Mill, with x s-lleiit water tsiwer fur th m and irr--i mill : iheulii - baker Instillery " is al-.. le- al.sl . this ini-rty. The fsnii i-onlaile- a line VoiiliK iirehnnl .if 1,-arimr fniit trees AIshii V, acres ,rf the lnif i cleared and Ihe haUlu-t- well timliered. The fsnn lies al.MK Uie Mt. Pleasallt nmt lledf-ir-l Ttwipike, and the dwellinir i in the toniiot Hak.-r.viUe. Thi train will 1st ..!.! M-lwmtely. in parcel, or as a whole, to the ls-t ikilvatitiure uf the estate. . Vn - '"iiiaiiiinga acres moreor lists. i.v. a,ij,ii1K ii,t 0f Wntlev Bar- eiiiy. 1 nan .itton, an.l .itner. The wh.le mi im-i i tsivere.1 witn t-hestniii an.1 while oak. timeer prinetjlly TERMS : Tn prm of purrhivw m-.nrT to bt- Mm an the pnu- rtr n hriot-kl imn : Oiit- thml A the baWnve bftm (miii oa Hie tHivry of .,t-t, an'l lh rt-tfirtihiiiif tw.-ihiPl to fx pttii au;iiJ ii!v aiMl to he wieurtMl ou the prvtni. kvww-tion Man-h :tl. ihms. JO.VT. ii. B Rf'l.A Y. Tni.tn;. rtr itny information !n rHrnnl to th hUivc proriy c.l'intM the Tnt-tct- t Haker-vill?. A I'DITOK'S NOTICE. in Re F.-tsteof Wolftani H..tTmn rfereapd The urKlentiirietl havinv rss-n m.iM.im.sl mi- ititOf l.V the I irt.hl&iw' ( t.Iirt of Somerset I '..,... . tn m;ikr a dlMrihiition of the fhn.1 in the hand of Imn'l Hruhaker, A.linr. of t,lljtan liutrman, deetl.. to detlut't the fee of the A.l.nM.istr.i. and theex(ienesnfthia pr.s-ee.lmjr. ami .listnh- nte the balance to those evll ,m.l ii.r..... hereby nve notice that he willatiend hithe du ties nt said appointment at his tatice in somer set HortHichou I'hurxiur. Is-cemts-r t, lN7. when and where all turtles interested can attentl FKEU. W. BIESEi KKR. Auditor. MONEY; to he mmte. Cut this out and send it to n ami we will APDfl vis, frt-m u .n, a thinicof icreat value and importanre Ut vou that will start ,ui in ..,..(.. u . i. , : ' r alaaDle Real Estate TO Freight paid on Carpets, etc., to points lO W Vlssi, i.VA'.' V .s.l . E (iF- SOMERSET COUNTY. PENN'A. THK "i mi rn ; -annrH of I 1 .!! tl. n-l.y mve nonce Ihslt!,...- .,:' ...'.'. .-siiufrs-! (.- ,. Phe -ale ill the ft am House iu .-.,ii.,r-i r,,7 'Hiiih. til I n'rl.k l. 'FRIDAY- NOV. 25. 1881. the fOnrtwjtDt nsme.l Inir-ts hw .arr's of rn -rt I.1111.I-. ohii-ii hsve ls-a (.un ties. .i tt.. the rr.-s-nr.-rs .,1 ssi.l ftsuiry aii.i ri-mainril ,. redeemed for live year mill lii.wnni aurwH' ii tothe Act. .f As.-nily ol'Mari-h 11,1-1, uie Siii.riiieiilal act thereto ol Mnrt-h, Is i Altnisos Tuu:-uu: Name. Jsii- Hi"vr.. Adnnl inle . Acre Tax an-1 'vm -I 71 I rostl.CKX' i; b-irki mi. ("harle Vollss-hi .:!4 ,n, Simon licrt.in I-1 Fnlltrton Hrolher -J M A. It.t-rt '. P. or N. P. Ijiitsh':! - II.'tTmaa lirn l " LAKIHEK TiUllir. Peter Meyers' heirs I 1I Mll.HiRli T'ins!IIP IVter Meyer' h.-irs if: MKYERxltA I.K IIHRiin.H. !: c; 1- t: ! c lin IfofTinan.. hn Tipton. s l.it . 1 lot . 1.; II -i t Vf:i;l-:T To H'.v.s-. I ...... w""m ' - iu .. 'VTIl.XPT T' H.Vs , p John Philllppi James Siiaw is v. JU f'A's.VJ IMHtHVII. Anders. . Spenee A C.i. I.a T : ''.Af Tl kKEYtnitr To WS.-llll: ! Paul f levenuer ..!. j) is j PKTKK lit Mlitl 11., AHAM f. l.Kl l.K i Attest. Jti.SAS M.1 I.IN Tot K. A. J. IIii.kka.si. Clerk. l'.,itiiiiii..i,rr j QUrilANS' (VI'HT SAI.K i -OF Valuable Real Estate! "IKTI'E of mi ordr i.-fiu iit of the 'tr j D phrtiic. r.t-tirt ( mrrMft t'oumy. hi . ttni to I imh (iirtfx t-!, I will exp- Uulv bT puMir 4tit I cr' on SATURDAY,N0V.W,1881, at 1 o'clock p. m .mi the premise, llir t.l..!'i I itesentssi renl late II, t- i.r..l-r!v uf ' Turii.-y .l.s- .t. viz : j A certain uact ot land situate in A.Mts'H Ta p. somerset t t. a.tjoinmit lands el I rins kiim j It-, 1 viu-nii r. lereiiiiKii Kinir! r lmli k.i- j an.. .Kli-rs, .-..niaininir ..ne to.t;.lr-.1 hd.I sixrr J utlf iliil I itr.-c-IOiirOi acres nn.1 allownn.-i-s. m.lr , or l.-ss. ulH, l.irtiTi- clear, lm.f which !V in in -.i.lim. an. I In.- Uilunce Is well tmil-r.-.l. Ii j li's- Uiereou ert-t l.st a two-st.irr l.r DWELLING HOUSE tutnk rni :".x."- tti tth-r ;tliil1 iuir1 . K'ii Hl) r : yiMinic riuiri . iiiii i"r HiiliiM .- vnni-ol' tlif ifliiKtf : inrtDfmi inu (-iitnmiiiiily : cnvt'iii-iit lo ciiiinb nil TERMS: ', nu: iiVnl of ftun lms; iihd'T ttH'-r i-h-. :jf-nt if : dt tt.,nii t-XM ii- ot'-iMk rt-l-lin ! .Jl.. r't:iiiin , ft Urn nil llif l-f litW.-c lo urt Un tt i!' -'!'- I tt- inu n-i (h-rt'ot'to jwtii aprmHiiy tu'r i h ilow, inI .a her Wvath thr priur'.ynl -'nn heir antl l-rtl nj.r-)'fitalive ni An.tr T;f- n-T. ; one -hull of rh piir-h' Mii'fy r.n : on t-oiiririililt)oli of Mile aol i(-livTV tr-t v.l thi' hitiunt in two e'jiitil Hunuii! r,rtm-!il- frr.. i I'oiiiirinifitoii .I'-iiU-. tviihout iMU-rt-i. in r.-. nl of Hit: ,'Hrt iiiife titoiit-v to v (mitt n- -rti i- knt-kl ilown. whtrh u.U -- r u (;rt (myin. 111 n tn. hr-t otit iwli : (ifi Ki'-n Aj.nl I. lv in f.-rr.-i .!im. nt- : f i eurti ou ihv irvmi-t. hv jii'.-'ifu-'it '--imI. ' ' Jo S fl KNKV. , .J A.i;.lnMr;i!.T T -i-t' Trustes's Sale OK BY VIKTt'Eof an sJia ,ier of the ito6m' .'sin of StHm-r. 1 ( ..initv. I'., t. tht-iin'l--r-s.irned direet.il. they will eVp.elosie to piiti-lit- outcry on SVTUUDaY, DEC. 10, 1W, i at 1 oCrik p. in., on the ptvmiew, th ff.!'mtrmjf l"MTi rfl rtiite. Iiif tbf pr;t--nT f "wwu"''1 ( Hmt-ftiiKt. I. ri : M 1 Aceriftin itwt ( Ua -inun-:n j IlUt It in .t-Mi-oti Tw, "'"r-M j Pa.. :uij-'iiii"j iitri'U of John K. !' iTtit.-k D1 I I'oiiifhfUoitr, Hitik'Tl l.ninhr Company , thw Nmiti StHtii mill ('. Trt-fit. lim i hniiteh rt'nl oth-r. fontiUimiif t-'4 w'tf nv ; I. u( w hih n iinrflt H in int tft1 1 m-r iiiit.KT UntL hftviim tl.Teni erw 'tt! t'" j story hru k Dwelling House, with bwiwnt : ml tatnk barn HH!! f- t"1'1 .4l.er tH!lhtnlilins : wsief an-1 fruit . "ic leriaid with eonl. rire clay, iron un- an-l stone I ..liven lent to ctnl sti'k --him-n ti-i lNllnr th. Isle htHtifleml til .Ic.-ei.W-'l No. 2. 'nt. told othi Simate as afnresanl. V.l. I. ISM.Is.rt Nlh SeiHI. S. I Trent, add mticr-, iiitaiiun tJt ai-rw an"1 less. No. 3. Sioiste a aforesaid .Itomiu triM-t No. :t. N.Mh -Volt s. I Trr'a antl iitnfrs, isHitsiniiiK 4J4 sere twr tic If tl Jt Sinullr aforesaid. ID l0. 4. trt No. 1. tan.ts.il f'-f i haairh alsl trtners. rotitallimic l- acre lut- ' lc V.u 1 .n.l M kvtlv li.nlnsl itfl ' ) ehualoitl r....lu- .,..1 k..n,l.L. SU.1 ATT AIM HI. two mile in no Fort Hilt Maima. on the " I Kailnsul. i t TorrtlC CI lllo UNSEATED LMDS - IN - YalaaDle RealEsiate tnie-thinl down mi tsmtlrmatitin uf '' f deliver) ,if.l,s-.. ..ne.ihinl in -"lie year ii-l """ third in ttTt-ar from dnr .rf.k : 10 l-r of the lsir.-l.a-e money tor paid its i"'11 . p pros-ny tt sold , defemsl payments to tie el on .'he prenii-e hy jndinneiit l.n.t- : I?"a h.ll irlvt-a at .Mire. All .orre.ll.llt-n.v ..I'.resssi u Uie undefMirn.-d. will receive ii.mp "r lion. .. , ,. JKKKMl All I f-ol Kik l-i' k. P- f.,n He I. P J. R Sftrrr. Att'y at Law, StmKret, P. VOO CAN FIND S S55t RESHNGT01T BEg wu will wuwl nt minnuiut 1