The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 26, 1887, Image 4

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    5 i
Care of Poultry.
One- of the cralest prohiettiKto h-solved
by the fmltry-keeier ia how to make
the hen lay in the colder months, w ht-ii
ejisr brintr tu ioR a much a they do in
miinnxT. Tlieresre two important fac
tor to Kicraw. and they are, first, In place
the low la upon the name footinit a in
summer, fuiiul) jiijj them with warmth.
animal food and Mimi hkIwiwm
f- a bret-d which, h" the reputation of hj. ba ppa-ptacle for his pri
bcii.jr ?"od int.f iHyeiv. From a jjreat j ,,,.,, n,i UH.,ranJa he drew a
many hived U fore the pn'.lic, the l j Jmjwof f,Mw,,, cW-ly written, which
all winter layer ue l-n d.i-ied to be i first n.lnarylnil that it wax a
the riym-mtli K- k and Likrht Krjihina, ( ,,.,,., f ,AlMt ,e bad intended
and under pn.(er .H.!itini! eiUierof I to It proved to le in Milwtani-e. ami
th.-we breeds sIimiiM the farmer j sUinii vi-rbn, w i.t was printel a
with dark brown tw dii-Bir th winter. ; j,) ny.i,,,,.,,,,,.),.
To keep 'lie poiiltrv-hoiM- warm there; After iU .WUvery lit eM-i deep
is nothing Kni!1.' time j,., tnal n",j p,,, j.rt-pared it with
an well anitssi t tKe fwirpn-e. w tnsi.l 1 ,vre Kt;,l to me on the stand
lining of tarred paper. The c old and j juile,i ja.v ft or.iicln.lins; hi Hrw. li,
fro are kej t out. the ptiJT w?rvin - j iMmln that si-oech won't scour '. It is a
a a protection asrsinst insect. -,re 1 tat rjjiiire, and the M'ojle are dirsippoint
hould be Uken t-j bank the house where I j ,. .,e .j Ilultv trllU, ordinarily
rip. -.!. and it should made aa tiaht j n,mn)pl1 ahimt wiat tht. ..le would
a pwibleeomiatil.le'with wiiubie ven- j thjlk ((f iL I wad deeply imprv-w'd by
tilation. frank and nvrctfiil condemnation of
The air in the hen house tiiut 1 pure j Jjie vff n am, .j.,. tjv njN Ilianner
ami constantly renewed, as the ammonia j (f ex,irewli,1(j lhat ,t . 'ani my own
arisins from the droppitiK and impurities j imr;sioll m:is ,ie,-peued by the fa. t that
from the bird f Oder it injuri'KW t1' I u . in)tnr ,lf t,e )!av. Mr. i;verot. and
health of the fowl ut a very whorl time, t Mr Hnl V)()th r1;'m.i,Je,l with Mr. Lin-Cin-ular
hole cut into the w.K-b of hp ,n in unfavorable view of it mer
buildine.aml a fclidinif lrd arranc-i ho
they may be adjusted in mild or extreme j nn the platform from which Mr. Lin
weather, intake ex-elleiit ventilators. ; t jia, mal(. addn-ss, and only a
The house fcb'Wild la-' httewaihed the j moiiieiit after iu ennchinon. Ir. Serd
hav in the n.-sts taken out iKvai-ionally i turne-J to Mr. Kverett and aske.1 him
and replenished ith new, and until t!ie
first enemy niet with inahnuin;up fowls,
liee. ia oemnne. '
lirwnnd tohaxrn i-teirts with a fmall
quantity of siieri-arlKilate of lime is es
cellenl as an insecticide scattered in the ,
iK-sts and about the h'Mise. The lime is
very food by itx-lf a a disinfectant, a
little in the buek.-t se-vintr, a
an additional wif.-triiard.
For the summer time a foa l if piircn
rnn!-e finds insts-ts. womm. plenty of pwn
HtnlV an.l tr ts siillici.nt exercise. In
winter the case is dit1.-r.-nt: iK-in con
fined they miM Ir" supplied with those
articles necessary to health. To feed a
fowl, whether for fancy or f..r e
juir preat iuin'. They must not l,eover-
fed, as bens will not lay if fat. F.-ed as ;
much as they will eat np clean. Variety 1
in fissl adds j-nntly to llie . :iealth f
fowls and Xt the euj: pr.HlucLion, esisn-ial- ,
Iv in the cold months, lessl feeding of i
fowls in winter calls for a lar-e )ervtit- ;
aire f c..keil food. A hot bn-akfast ,
nbould always Ik- );ivcn as early as pn- i
Me. It should Is-warm and well cH.k(sL j
A (food f"ti i made nof a mash one- ;
thin! corn and outs trrouno t. her. one- ,
third heat middlings, one-sixth Veiled ,
potab. lor any v.-u'.-table. and one-sixth j
U.iUsl This .rved to the fowl
early w ill I eaten jret-dily.aiid the hens j
w ill feel in a c .nditiou to coinmence lay- !
in? at on.-e. A little red epi-r in this
early feed is pjod, bu-1 every other day ,
throw in some ground j
The poultry- should have ,rreen f'-xl !
daily, as altaua-d (lover. MWen. cabbajies, j
chop--.l onions and Us-ts. Onions Mre .
considen-d the preventive of the croup. !
The Is-st way to prepare rowen is to sim- .
ply put tne um.Hint to oc iu a imrrei. i
s.uron lert wa'-r, and cover the barrel
up le(ti'i); it sit f r a cmjile of hours,,
w hen it is ready for use. The feeding
should lw at n.Hiii. At ni'ht trive them
all the w hole corn, heat, oats and hock- j
wheat they w ill eat.
A pile of millet straw w ith heads is a
psl tiling for tiie bird-to pick over. riv
iii them exen-ise. Corn on the cob is
tfisxl for this puriitte. With somchreed-
eix it is a custom to scatter corn over me i
tl.K.r of the houses, which for practical i
... ., t
pnrpwes slioui.l m- ma.le ot scrcend
should In- made of
pravel, and then draw the earth lightly
over the corn with a rake, thiisfurnishiiu;
a novel mode of exercise. A good winter
bouse should also tune a shod which the
fow ls can use in mild weather, avoiding
I lie iiecesNHy oi, .-i.ovei.n The snow out
ofth.-vanl. rroUiid ovster shells and i
bone 't-houM be coiisiaa Ij at hand.!
Then-is not h in.' fowl like a. well an a ;
dusl lth.andc.l ashel, .lust. r '
drv earth are valuable. The roal dust
and earth may Iw in the eirlv fall
and kept in barrels
The winter .piarters should have jden
ty of w indows facing the south, as the
aim ia a valuable a-ljuuct in profitable
,H1,ilt,y-ke,-ping. hampness should ,
avoided, as it is conductive to croup and
many other diseases. The fowls should
have plenty of fresh water, and the Juins
xhoiild 1- s fiipuloiisly i-lean, aa they are
apt to toiiime slimy. ' Care should 1
taken to remove all cooked food not eat-
en.fc. aour f.-d iS the eurseof the poultry .
... )
yard. The droppings should U- r-u.ov,sl
as often as p,sihle, and f T-ro-rly taken .
wn- hi win prove a aiu:iiue aoumoii 10
the proiits, the amount of gunno being at i" cents to a fow l during the
year. The golden rules an- care, feeding
and cleanliness. .IuktVvoi i tiltiinlnr.
Labor Saving Hints.
I write to thank those who kind'y sent
direct inw for i-moving a t.nenp that ha-l
iM-couie wedged in a pitcher. I'erha it
would lie well ii state that betore any
answ.-r r.-a. me, I extsTiuienteil suc-
oedsfully by holding tiie pitcher bottom- dorseuu ut needed In-fon- it g.a-s bi the
aide up over a st.-amiiig teakettle; by . ""I'le. The liquor dealers have made a
Lipping smartly on the Is.ttom or the : hargain with the Ietn.-rats by which
pitcher the cup fell out. I think there i i ,'," hitter are to lei-at the amendment if
such a thing "honest lirt." and that j ,hp.v control the next -U-gislature. and as
there should never !e such an amount of j lng step toward that end the liepubli-triiiiniiiigofchildn-n-sclothingastoke-p
! ean i-andidates for State otlii-es this fall
one always busy making, washing and.) r"' ' "'"ten, if poihie. It is no new
ironing them. I have two children, and j thing, of course, for liquor dealers to
lfaulrc.i l stories, bike j ,),e in ilitis but these new and large
walks and even play with them out of j combinations, these huge corruption
1ikmh and s ing them sometimes. j h'nds, the long carriage parades of li(iior
1 must give tha- jadtK 4nv uh-U.kJ of. dealers iu our great citii-s, show an or
w ash ing dishea. A tubfnl of cl.nn water i Banuation Uiat is gnwing ins. .lent in the
is kept in the kitchen, into which all of j l'ri,,e of it. strength an.l riches. The
the "sticky'" dishes are lsslily j movement U a danger to public morals,
and left till their turn to In- washed ar- ! ,wt ""'' ou xidc of temperance, but
rivi-a. The tub k a-sod only for this pur- ! heiam it means a fresh soun.-eofcorrui-we.
Thia saves time and bi!r. In , ti'ti in the suffrage where there are too
washing "stuck -lip" kettlcol use an old I "uy already. T ie liipior sellers are
knife, kept for the purjxxe, to I wiHe to kwi' r,,eir orations in the dark
them with, and never use my finger j much as possible. When the Ameri
naiU, aa many people do. Where this is n P""I'le understand their plans and
practiced the finger nails an- usually any- ' 1'urposen fully, they are likely to hear
thing but "a thing of ts-auty," and are a ,lluI"ler. This i-ountry cannot he ruled
plague instead of joy forever." I have i ''J' n"mHers
-ei Hiigrr nans inim in is pracxice DroE-
-n, worn orl s.iuare and blunt citousrh to
"set one's teeth on edge." To clean hot- j nat to say, your lungs, AU all
Ilea easily and quickly, turn a cup full of vo,lr hreathing machinery. Very won
liueahot into them ; till nearly full 0f'J,'rfl'1 machinery ilia. Not only the
h.w lye and shak- well. To have pea j '""Ver air-twssages, but the thousands of
look green after cooking them, put in ! 'itt'' l"'" d cavities leading from
cold waU-r ami let them nnm gradually j t',em-
to aboil. This is U. be done when they : when these are clogge.1 and chok.-d
are first put on the stove to cook., li is whicli oaght not to Is? there,
convenient to have four holders to use
around the stove. Tw o of them can then
tie sjwred for the wash every week.
Try, Try Again.
After tryinif many advertise. I remedies
Tor catarrh 4uri..g the past twelve years I
,m,,.,. .Vn.i' .... i
tried tly a t reau Palm, and with com
plete sue. -ess. It ia ui-r one yMir since I
M"P4m using it and tav- lil no n-turn
ot the catarrh. 1 recommend it to my
friend in this vicinity . Miiton T, Palin,
licdlllg. IV
- , tra from catarrh, were cured bv Ely'
rorlaiuelnck1sileorcheKt,ueShiloh's j ('ream Balm. My sense of amel'l is re
r.ous Plaster. Pri, & cents, Stdd by .- stored. C. M. Stanlev, Slioe lealer, Ith
Oeo. W . Bt-iiford 1 Sju. j j y
Lincoln'sSpeech at Gettysburg,
A lay r Iwn the .li-di.ati. n of
the .National ivuwu-ry at I ctt yMiurj;, Mr
lim-oln told mc tlmt lie would lx-tipcs-l-cl
to make kih--ji di the oo-a-Mon ;
that he a extremely buxy, with no time
for preparation, and that he trrcatly fear
ed he whiM not lie a'lle U aciiit him
Kflf with vry.lit, lime Irw V fill tue
r ,,rji,j,. cxiK-ctation. From
what he thought of the rresident'n
Hpeetii. .Mr. Everett repliod : "It was
not what I expected from him. I am
In his turn Mr. Everett asked : "What
von tflnk f it. Mr. Seward?" The i
sponse was: ""He has made a failure,
and 1 am sorry for it. His secch is not
ciia! to him." Mr, S'Ward then turned
to me and asked : "Mr. Marshal, whit
do you think" 1 answered; "I
am Horry to say that it ! not impress
me as one of his :reat speeches."
In the fa.v of th'-se facts it has lieen
njieatedlv published that this sieccli
was received with irr-at eclat by the aud-
i.-nce ; that "amid the tears, sobs and
it r,r,KiK-ed ill the exciU-d tliMnu,
oniir f t. ,jay, jjr Kv, r. tt. turn- :
impulsively to Mr. IJneoln, rrass-d ,
lif Jiall, aa n i exclaimed : "J coiij:ratul;Ue
,.,, your slice.- '.' adding; in a trans- j
l)ort of ..,t(.,1 enthusiasm : 'Ah : Mr. ;
Pnj,!,.,, bow gladly would I rie my .
Imn.lriiii paj-ejs to ! tiie author of your
twenty lin.-s.'"
All this unworthy jiush, it is necdl.-s 1
tlJ ,,ri.v apK-ryihal. Nothing of :
j,,, jn(i .KurreiL Aa a matU-r of tact,
r j .j,,,,,!,, (icttysburi; ss-ech !
f(.n ,)le vast au,j,.I1(v like a w .-t blan- :
,,t Ax ,lmt tiuie his reputation was!
,.,ifcssed!y on the wane. The i!itician 1
f , country those of his own larty,
t.-ther w ith a lartre part of the pn-ss I
tMlitim alut for an available can- j
,i(iate u, ,js Muv.,,r while a rreat J
u..Tity of the people were for him. I
j, " a fj(.t uni, witllollt f,.ar f ,,,. j
trwlu-tion. that Iiih famous Wettysburirh ;
W11H , r(viVe.l or col nted
u)Kin wi,h aIlvtlilli: ike iearty favr ,v
e .,.,u. tie ,,i( j,.ianK r the press of ;
the 1'nitcd States until after tiie death of :
its author. Its marvelous js-rlec-tioii. its :
intrinsic excelleiiiv as a uiasterpi.-ce of
Kii)flish cauposit ion, seems to have es-i
caped the scrutiny of the iiKist scholarly
critii-s and the wisest heads of the day, j
on this side of the Atlantic. That discov- I
ery was made, we must regretfully own,
by distinguished writers on the ot'ler
side. The London SiHtiatnr, The Sutnr-
rfiy ,-.;, ,r Tie Ediuhuiv .'. ' and
,,.,. Euro,an jl)Urnals were the first to
.jj.v, or a, it.ast u , ro. lai.u the clas-
sii! merits of the ti.-ttyshurjr spe-ch. It
was then that we Ix-gau to n-alize that it
was a ma -terpicce, a nd it then daw ned
iin many minds that we hail entertain
1 ed an anircl unawares who had left us un-
l.,,.,n,, ur,, it K,.,,,,,,; hit.r.
- j
They aay that the la-He of j
nnton,- .mi , use ,uieii.-s
hut it I a vile slander. She owes her
hl.s.m to excellent health, an.l she k."-
w'lJl '.v ""a "r- "'t-'l' s "'I'-
A New Political Factor.
The organization of the liquor dealers
as a nolittcal factor to defeat the Reonb-
li.-an party has a ,H-nlir and dangerous
sigtiificancc-.- Thin organization has ex
isl.i) for some time, but it is onlv recent-
ly that it has publicly declared ita object
of controlling the politics and k-gislation
of the state. The alarming fact that these
lni-n. the av.iwe.1 en.-riti.-s of temncrun.-
,,,.,. U,A , f( rtHi.
lnive leagneit together to prevent n
Mfy aa Uave ruise(,
n ,i((n fun(, )lf ,1Kli0(l0 , in(P),
a eor-
rtn.tion mml ot L'IM (fN) to contn. the
rtte. With this fund they promise to
place the JVm.s-racy in swer pledged to
do their bidding. As the New York
Trihiiur asks, w hat is the secret of this
ne zeal of the li juor dealers for the
Democratic candi.later? Simply that the
Kcpahlicair have already w-t a 'n-.-.titutioiial
Amendment through the Ix-g-islature
to submit tiie ipiestion of I'rohi
bitiou to a popular vote, and they have
iltsiged thenim-lves to give it, if they con
trol the next Lenislaturv, the second in-
Give Them a Chance.
your lungs cann. half do their work
And what they do, they cannot do well.
("all it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia,
catarrii, consumption or any of the fami
ly of throat and n e and head and lung
olstroctions,all are bad. All ought to I
a A ri.l ..f Tl, ; -
' , V . 7 , T J. . .'
P'tndofthem. That isto Uke IJ.xhee'a
German Syrup, which any druggist will
send you at 75 cents a Iwtlle. Even if
every tliing else has failed you, you may
depend upon this for certain.
My daughter an.l myself, great suffer-
j S. V. White on Financiering.
"SiKiiws in Wall Strei-t depends a good
I deal njstn a man's environment. If he
j gets into a broker's ofliec w here there are
j live and stirring men, and he hat. good
! slaying qualities, be will probably ,111
;' from the humbler duties of a clerk to a
wider field of oration. But there are
I otiices w ithin a stone's throw where old
j fogyisin prevails, and a man might as
well lie paving the streets for a fortune
j as to enter one of them. There are eui
I plovers w ho seem to think that noliody
J connected with them ought to rise. A
j man seeking lo make Wall street the
I scene of his life work should exercise
great care and discrimination lo avoid
such men. loes it require a special apti
tude to secure success in "all street"
Well, yes; it requires a special aptitude
; tosueceed iu any business,
"Some men," he continued, "are Tim
, Linkinwaters ; you rcuieuiber Cheeryblc
! Iirothers in Pickens Tim knew every
pigeonhole in their desks and was as lii
uiiliar and slow as possible. These men
do not rise a flight above a pigeonhole
1 and they never make anything better
thau highly prized confidential clerks
w ho are a great comfort to their employ
era. That is an aptitude that has its man
ifest use in the financial world, but it is
not that that develops a man's fortunes
beyond the point of a decent living. On
the other hand, there arc men w ho are
; the exact opposite of the Tim Linkinwa
ten, men w ho are all dash and bravado,
who attempt a hig coup that word I
use because it expresses the idea tsjtter
than anything I hap.-n to know in the
English language such men are always
sure to make sorse failures iu the street
than the slow, methodical plodders. Yet
most outsiders, I imagine, take all brok
ers for just such men, lcause the magni
tude of ojs-rators is oft times blinding and
the lmblic cannot seethe real circum
stances ut the hack of tliciu.
"The essential difference between our
business and that of any other man is
that a broker has to square his Iss.ks ev
ery day and see w here he stands. A
dry gissls man could fail and not find it
out for months; but if a broker has not
the capital to work with he finds it out
in double quick order. Commercial pa-s-r
is of little account ; he must have col
lateral. "The great point to Is-ar in mind alxMit
Wall street business is this: If a man
starts iu and wants 10 make a fortune at
once he will barely niakea living; if he
starts out w ith the UiKse of making a
liv ing he w ill end in most cases Ly mak
ing a fortune. It will take aliout twenty
years on the average.
"But doc not the record show that S.
V. White made a million in one day on
the invasion of a .vrtain series of transae
tions in Lackawanna?
Mr. White (he is not a deacon at all,
by the w;vy smiled all over his face as
he recalled that pleasant incident in his
"That is alsiut the figure," he admit
ted, "but you must bear in mind that I
had lieen on the street almost twenty
years at that time, and had accumulated
bv conscrv'itive management, avoiding
sensctiomtl coups, enough capital lo justi
fy the great risks I took on that l-ackn-WHiin
1 ..iteration.
Hut. sir, that episod should I no false
encouragement to young fellows. It was
the opportunity of a lifetime, and if I
had lieen a l.inkinwater it would have
passed undeveloped, and if I had been
from the start a plunger I should have
had the capital to stand the strain it in-volvi-d."
1 W.rr'.T Jii'truitl. j
Catarrh cured, health an.l sweet breath
secured by Shiloh's Catarrh lJcuiedy. .
1 Vice SO cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold;
by ieo. W. rtenford v Son.
Testing a Dynamite Gun.
Lieutenant Zalinski proved Tuesday
atlern.sin that is possible to throw dyna
mite a mile from an air gun ami blow to
pieces a hostile ship. Secretary Whitney,
lo-neral S-hotield and other naval an.l
military men saw it done. For over a
year there have Is-en long tubes 011 stands
at the Southern end of Fort Lafayette,
X. Y w ith their noses Miinted dow n the
bay. They looked like old
alsjudoned to rust in the rain, tfcvas on
ally they had ls-en tried at mark to test
raii-e and aim and the certainty of ex
plosion of the projectile. Inside the fortis
an air compressor to furnish driving pow
er forthe magnified popguns. These
purteiian.-es formed all there is of the
dynamite gun. The government contrib
uted an old worn-out schooner, tin? Silli
nian, to exiieriment. It was anchored
in tiravesend liay. The tide was flowing
out and only its stein was presented to
the guu. This made a very narrow tar
get, alsiut twenty-five feet wide. The
two masts were stripped of sails and had
only the cordage that could not safely lie
removed. The hull was pretty low down
in the water, and as compared with a
fleet of warships, the doomed steamer
w as like the hull's eye of a target.
At .' o'clock time was ca lie. I and two
blank shots were fired to get range. The
pressure for these trial shots was 600
pounds to the square inch, which, through
the sixty foot eight-inch tills? of gun was
s.iflicieiit to send miwiles over a , mile.
The presure was incrensed to n7 unds
and a real shell was put 5n. Th.-se shells
are shaped like huge rockets. Behind
the cap are fifty-five sunds of nitro gel
atine in a brass shell, and attached to
that is a brass tail that makes the w hole
rocket rive or six feet long. There was a
louder hiss when the first loaded shell
came an.l a little w hite cloud of escaping
air. The ns ket hissed along for ten or
twelve seconds and then plung.-d into
the water a few yards off the starltourd
quarter of the sclnsiner. As soon as it
struck there was an explosion, and ol
iiius of water and spray went a hundred
ft4 into the air, as if a great w hale hud
just blown. The sclnKHier rocked in the
water and the main-mast tumbled over,
breaking the top of the foremast, and
carrying the bulwarks and cordage with
it. In a few minutes a seem
shell came biH.ming along high el
clear the topmast of any bout that might
have been in the way. It plumped right
under the stern of the schooner snd ex
ploded. The old Isiat rose in the air w ith
a mass of water and came d.. w o a total
w reck. There were cheers at the success
of the experiment and the whistles bait
ed as they do at the end of yacht race.
Two other shots were fired to show tile
aruracy of the gnn. The first of them
struck, the rigging of the foremast and
exploding smashed the wreckage more
VhfJ ?-2? be rvndcfyour
it r7i$ Tor ears
-" fevted &neT
e Mart 4 v ,Qt J is TcdM tie
for the teaiMiil rolorea picture
t-1C0li jl-"
! lawimoao waul wu. KmYort
Absolutely Pure.
Thin Pow.ler never varies. A marvel or purity. .' . . . ' . ...
wrench ami whoiewmienew. More economical ; an enlightened public opinion. Some
tuui the otiliiinrv kimls. and cannot Is- olil at j ..(iters sr l.lin,l!v 1 lei.i.w-mts and others
competiUon with the multiiurte of lew tt, nhm-t ! n are "'"'JSy IJemocrats, anil otners
weight, alum or phosphsie powders. Stdil mly m are as decidedly lb-publicans from in
ram. Royal Baxinu Powcsa Co., 106 Wall St., : . . ;. , . ..
. r.
For full tnfnrniailon of the route, wh.-rv It. ob
slit lim email-in Lau.U. Mnf., EL:., A.Mreiai
Ontral !"wnirr Axent,
foniM-Tth Ave and SiuIthtleM Streets,
IttlstMin.-h, Pa.
. 4 u
te:::s, isapaaJ all
U!IIir.::S, I Positively Cured by
Tha Peonle' Fatrorite tiTeT Pillt. '
ftf ThcyiiotsljwlybulP--rcly.donotBTtpeaiid
21 tliMr cfTnrt is lsetinT. l-'e Is they liave no
rluil. (Oortor-s fonc- ..) B-n-.ll, nirai- ooat. J
fc.' a lcTts.-umonmiB.
Vjia e-s. at a', dm- -. r - r-lcd iter pri?e.
W LH2T P! 'V'i'-g?l?:'?"'!' " ct'
i( MOM CI jrr..i:Mr currar-.c5ito r.nd all
Sold by Every Druggist la Somerset july .s-iv.
54.00 FOR 51.75.
NtwiHr pulililied in tilt-Capital nf IVnn
ylviinia. Kaoli nitralier rontaiiw H
t'uliinins. filled with
M:irk-t I-.rts,
Tiie IjiI.-! Xew, St.irie.
Miwi-llam-oii!. R.n.liiiK.
Vi!l Ih furiiilittl tu KuiiM-riU-rs forthe en-siiiii-4
y.-iir. together with a .-.ij.y of
(New Kdittnn.i
Kir$!.7- pjyaldf iti wlvanir.
Tlu prict of this ImmiU. in ail liiHik-tnro
:t.(M. Tiie prkv of the TtrUraph " i:
jrive btith fur I.7."i.
Paer in th; ri.iUtl Statm.
This )MNk oontaiiih 4H0 pavr; its
e? iimir, iiH'h- wiJo and 2 nifhew thh-k
It in
printiM on extra hiavy iaier. and h hnndMiite
iv twmnd. with enilnK-d ovtr and elU-h'tteri'd
Irnck. It i"iiirttrem from all tther wurknot the
kiDl h: y.k I'UUJHHK
It teaclic thMf m ho have it bow to t. il wiiat
the mattr hi when a permi g irk.
All similar tNMikt udl w hat to do if you know
what the dieae i. Thi lNok telk yon how 10
detwt thediM'u)', and the proper renn-dit's are
givrn for Alluj'rtUiic, lloiutoiiathic, Klwtrif, lly
dropathu'. ana HtThul tn-atmenti.
iKin't tail to avail ymim-U'o. tiib offer, which
hold IT"-1 until Jauuary 1-4, ISrVM.
- WiMm the book intent hy mail, 2Uoeiito roust
aeeoiupany the order lor pofUuce.
Invery rtrhool DWtrirt In this and adjoinfnK
Daily Telenrrapli. .' per year.
iMtiiy Teieumph and Our Kamily Physician."
i per year. I'oKtajre on Bork, J) finu extra, if
'nt by mail.
Knehie cAKh with all ordfrw. and addre
M. W. MrALARNKY. Manam.
ijos. Horne&Co.s
Pehri Avenue Stores.
No SiiniiiM-r PnM.1 1 'ambries to he carried
over, tin- entire m-k to lie ai.M out iiitkly,
we un-aii tliis, as eviili-nce read furilier.
Kine Frencii suitinp".
t'aim-l-hair Mixtures.
Checks, 8tria,
litHMl;. thai were imported Ut iwll at 1.1X1.
t.i and l.5; to-day we otl'er AM. of
them at the two prices,
JO AXI 75 t'KSTi
a yard. They are fine Dres.ii JokU. renieni-U-r.
ierfei-t, and thi -ain'?i fro.xl: ; they
enn't llliL-i-rul thene hull' and lew. than hull'
prirtn. A to how many, it s ncii her here
nor there; we want yon to nnieinln-r the
f.u-t thut tlieiic mkIs are to tie mild quickly,
tiie riues insure thut, and theli apiiu that
tliet-are the fiii.t and choicest ihmIs ever
mid at theHe mark-down prioea of 50 and 7-
.-ents. a yard.
Now, then, ill the name room, near the
door, we otfi-r more August murk-downs,
all-wool pKis at :in cents, uil-wool pMMly at
iceiit!i: then, hiLirrsi of all: one lot of di
rndl Knitinirs. Iil'IiI mixtiin-H ulid chtH-ks. ut
' o-iitK a yurU. were 76 cents and 1. no a
yard. You cinnot diiiiiiale tlu-se lrvs
liiKKli bar)r.iiiii.
lii-inoh AII-w.h.1 Here, were li and l5
cents, at jU uitK.
Then Hooie Plai.t- and t'hwrks, wen; 7"
enl!, IKT 4o ieiii.
W4 Nun's Veilinax. Mi ct., law &)nt.
3-iii. h All-wool tuitiiiK, were So cents,
now at i" rents.
Some lij;ht h.nles in All-wool Khyhcr
Clothes, down to ItK cents from M lo 7 V.
Some Sirissl Khybt-r Suitings, liht c.l
onsl. now at ill cents a yard.
Some plain Ktuinines, delicate shades, l.'i
cents, were 25 l-enls.
Printed Cluillis, 2HmviiI jtikkIs, down lo
ll! cetila.
Kncli lot Kiiecitiol here is world while see
iiilt. as tlne fnhri.-s are new and choice and
siiitahle lor wearing now and into the early
Kali. This is .Hir "clean sweep" August
UrtM Inaslii Sale.
Penn Avenue Stores.
octVly .
ro)aw4 to the citizelM of tiiis 4 VmiranB
aealth fur their apriroval ot n-j.-tiiii bf llielK-n-vral nf llie omm.Miaea.lli ul H. nntyl
Taula. PullilM(l by order f the Sw-nnary of
the tonuw.n wealth, in pumianee of Article
XVIII of the llnnwilution.
Joint rvMlutj.i .Mwiuraiiainendineut to the
I'onniuitiouuf Ihu. '.minimi -altu .
SnTl.tN 1. He it rvw.lve.1 l.v the S.-(.at ...
Hiaiw ol Hepnei.talive. of the I xmniHHiweallta j
of Pennsylvania in ..emnil met. That
Ibe follow iiiit auien.1iu.-iil if. pr.,. to the t'ou- !
Hiiiution .f tie!ih of Pennvlvania. I
in aeconlaiH-e wuh tin- Kitrhleenth Article ikere- j
There -hall be an aaMitiooal article to Maid Ton- '
Milulkm lo he .Icttguau .1 aa Article XIX a fol-
low"- I
The maiiiifaeture, sale, or keepioz for sale of opened m ith one teacher an.l thirty atu
il.loxicatitiK liquor, to he used as a bereraav. is l . i ... ,
hereby pnd.ibiied. and any violaihui ofihispro- ! l'Hw, uom now twentv teachers and two
Intnl.. .u shall be a misdemuaimr.
shall be provided bv law.
punishable a.
The Biauulaoiure. sale ur keeping Ux sale T j
inuixicaliiiK ILjiua- lor other jrpe than as a I
beverage may Is- allowed in such manner ailv as :
ma ne nreseniasa by law. 1 be .eneral Assembly
hail, at ih. Jin-lse tmre.lina the a.l.H.tin
ufu. I anieie ." the Coixtimtion, enaet laws wi.h
a.leuaic penalties for iu etifunx meuL
A lr copy Bfthc. Jolul Resnlution.
HARlJts) w. (iTONE.
'' Secretary of lha t otamouwealth.
m S if in Pi . .. rl. A . ....
aw will eusuaut iwr advarUMag at k.wet raiaa.
Do Your Duty.
As each citizen is given the ballot, it is
not only his privilege, but his duty to
use it. It is an element of power and
safety w hen it is proK-rly used, and one
of weakness an.l danger w hen neglected.
It is useless to arm an individual for his
protection, if he does not defend himself
when the emergency arrives. 'So citizen
has the moral right to disfranchise him
self for it is a species of suicide and a
neglect that must bring danger. This is
a government of popular opinion, where
the verdict should lie made up by a full
jury. As our laws are for all, and to
protect all, so it is the duty of each and
all t select thus:' w ho make ami execute
them. Each voter should have an opin
ion, and if he does his duty he will ex
press that opinion at the sills.
We ask you to give form and expres
sion to that opinion. Confidence in the
future of our nation, and faith in the fit
ness of the people to govern, do not im
ply that all can or will have a clear per
cention of rn?ht or wronir. but it will tend
i s.iii. t 01 I'reju.u.T-, 0.11 ine musses oc
! b. -tween these extremes, and IVniocrat
I and Republican alike seek Ut that w Inch
: is best lor the country. those who will
' study the plans, ami plots, and jsilicy of
' the present national administration
should have 110 difficulty in dividing
which party to suport.
Such people cannot fail to advocate the
placing of honest, reputable, and loyal
ioioiis in power, and an examination
; will convince them that men who are
j blistered with disloyalty, bleared with
fraud, and w ho are devoid of conscience
or character, have lieen elevated to high
plaiesif trust and honor. Xo man can
avoid feeling thai the government is not
safe in the hands of a party w hicli seeks
spoils and not principles and which sub
sidizes everything to sustain itself in
power. 1 he llem.H-riitic iarty has been
oil trial and it has demonstrated its want
of principle, itsgn ed for office, and how
unscrupulously many of its officials serve
(oirty and self, d.slging every vital ques
tion and avoiding every effort for the
public welfare that may lose them
i Mir people fully comprehend that it is
the duty of our government to promote
honest trade and productive industry in
stead of dangerous speculation. But they
have seen, under the present administra
tion the wildest riot of siieculation de
lilmtely fostered by inflation of thecur
rency in order to help I Vmix-ratic candi
dates ill elections. They have seen in
dustries hittnered and destroyed by wild
siieenliition, and also by partisan agita
tion of Free Trade. Business interests
and moral convictions pull in the same
direction a party that promotes gamb
ling instead of legitimate business, de
stroys at once public prosperity and pub
lic morals. They realize that it is a par
amount dutv of government to protect
and build up industries, so that ls-tter j
conditions and larger rewards may be i
secured for the millions w ho earn their j
daily bread by their daily labor. If this
had to Ik done at a heavy sacrifice it
would still be a sacred duty to uplift the
millions w ho would fall without the sus
taining arm of a goverment instituted for
the protection of all in general and the!
weak in particular. But the Republican I
inilicy that defends home lalwir no long- !
er costs a sacrifice, for the time has ar- :
rived when yearly returns more than i
repay all the sacrifices w hicli the pro-t.-ction
of labor involves. Thus interest
and duty unite in requiring a mainte
nance of Republican policy which lias
given us progress and proserity. And
it will continue if you do your duty at
the twills.
Shiloh's Vitalizor is what you mtil for
Constipation, Los of Ap(ntite, Dizziness,
ami all nyinptumaof ItysjH'pnia. Vrive 10
ami 7- wni per bottle. Sold bv(reo. V.
I'-fiifonl ife Son.
When we compare our laUirinii people
w itli tlioee of Kuroie, the iH-neficent ef-A-ets
of tlie'Ht'iiuh'iinn lariff xlicv are
apparent. The following facta were ie-luct-l
from olficial reporta sent liy our
Consuls to the Ik-purtmeritof .State. They
are not visionary tiu-orii Imt col.l fa-U
and fifiurt-s:
1. The rate of wareti in the Cnited
States, roitjihly estimated, is more than
twice those of IV-lium ; three timiwthose
of iH-nmark, France an.l (iermany ; oni-e
and a half those of Knrliind and Scot- '
land ; and more than three tinien those '
in Italy and Sisiin. j
2. The prices of the neoi-ssaries of life j
are lower in the Cnited States than in ;
any of the foregoing countries; that is,
the laboring peojile of Kuroie cannot j
purchase the nweiwaries of life which are
coiiinion to the American people as low i
as the same can lie purchased in the Uni-
ted States; or viee versa, if the working
jieople of the United States lived on the !
same quality of food, or comparatively '
the same, and cxen-ised the same fnipal-
ity as the working people of Kurope, j
they could live ascheaply as the working
jieople of any country in Kurope.
In Brief, and to the Point.
IywjH"isia in dreadful. IMsordered liv- i
er is misery, indigestion is a fuet gfiod j
nature. :
The human diiK-stive apparitus is one
of the most complicated and wonderful
things in existemre. It is easily put out
of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy fMil,
had cookery, mental worry, late hours, ir
regular habits, and many o'her things
which ought not to be, have made the
American jieople a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has done a
wonderful work in reforming this sad
business and making the American peo
ple so healthy that they can enjoy their
meals and be happy.
Remember: So happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the dys
peptic. Ask your -Jmggist for a lsittle.
Seventv-five cents.
Sleepless nights made miserable by that
terriljle cougli. Sliiloh's Cure is the rem
edy for you. Mold by Geo. W. Ben ford A
The Chinese boast of a series of eclipses,
recorded in the annuls of the nation, ex
tending over a jieriod of 3,!HM1 years, all
of which, they atlinu. were not only ob
serve.! but were calculated and figured in
advance. The golden aire of Chinese as
tronomy was from about 2,K."7 to4S0 B. C.
- - -
Will you sulfur with l'yspcpsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vilalixer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Geo. V.
Ben ford A Son. "
The- colored normal and inrlnstrial
wtiool at Tttkegee, Ala whicli, in 1SK1,
hundred and seventv-flve xtudeuts.
Shiloh's C-ough and Conmimiition Cur
iild by UK ou a guarantee. ItcuresCon
utmiption. Sold by (ieo. V. Benford & Son
That Hacking t'oiuh tan lie so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wegnarantee it.
Sold by G. W. Benford & Son.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchi
tis immediately relieved by shiloh's Cure.
Sold by ieo. W. Benf.n-d A Son.
The Importance ot purifying the blood can
not be overestimated, lor witlinut pare
blood you canuot enjoy good health.
At tlila season nearly eTery one needs a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and ennrh
the blood, and Hood's SannparllU is worthy
your confidence. It Is peculiar iu that it
strengthens and builds up the system, creates
an appetite, and tones the digestion, whilt
lt eradicates disease. Give it a trial.
Hood's Sannp.iril'.a is sold ny all druggist.
Prepared by C. L llood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One DoM"
Mason & Hamlin
Organs and Pianos.
The Cabinet Orran was fntmdncrd hf Mapou A
rtamlin tn lNfii. Mafuti & Hamlin Orpins have
always mainUimt) (heir fniiireuiarv over all ttitn.
having rweivrd Hihfut Hunon at ail iireat World 't
Exhibition eince 7.
The Improvrd Mode of StriDL'in Piano, inrpfitfd t
by Ma.-on A; Uantim hi if a jrrwit ndv.nice in i
ptnno conctrnrtion. expert pmnonncine It th?
irrtalC improvement in piaiHiM in half a r:utnrv.' !
llano circular, contain ins letttimoniaU from .
pnrchaen.. muHiciann. and toners, and Piano and j
Organ Catalogue, fret!.
46 XMt liU St (V&isB Squrt), VZW TC2I.
John G. Sanner,
Somerset, V
are now preirJ to furnish all cIh.- wuh em
ployment at home, tht: a holt of the time, or for
their parv moment. Busine new. liht and i
pnti table. Pennisif either ex easily earn fnnu 1
.'atic tt$i per eveniiiK and a pmortiona) sum hy
devotinff all their time to the huint"w. rkirsand !
Kirlnarn nearly a much a men. That all who
ee thin may send UiHr aditn.'v and tl the hui
niw, we make thi otter. To nueh ax ar not well
satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the
tnaible of writing. Full pHniruUn and out lit
five. Addrew Osorgk Htinin & ., i'ortland,
Maine. d'T'j'j-'ivr.
i SfiATfi
Somerset Lumber Yard.
Hard and oft Woods.
Ontral Line of all (rrartw. of Lumber an.l Bull.liiiK Material anil Roofing Slate krpi in nock.
Also, can furnish anj-tliing in the line of hu-.iin.iw loonier with reasonable
prumpliiL. mi.-h as Bracket. Od.l-sized work. etc.
Office and Yard Opposite S. &
- -
IAFE2 thai;
SRIDOEPLiiT. tony.
HAiuirT-(.m av
listram ffrtife stciie.
Over 5O0 lll ll.i Send izr
Beautiful It.' 1 1 1 Frico -'.zi C
Designs. iP, St Circl-' ":-
Patriot Street, SOMERSET, PA.
I with to call the attention of the Traveling Publio to the fact
That the SHAFFER HOI 8E Is closer to Ihe station than either of the other notels.
That the Ml AFP ER H'H'SK Uasconveaieiil to all businen pan of town aa Ihe other hiaisex
Thai the.iHAr"FEK Hol'i'
aa any other house in Somerset.
That the SHAFFER HOl'SE Proprietor will
4hau any other house in Somerset.
That the SHAFFER HOl'SE U a temperance house.
That the SHAFFER Hi IPSE h the farmers' house.
That the SHAFFER HOL'SE hi the travelers' house.
Farmer and others visiting-.air lawn will do well hy stopping at the SHAKFKR Hot'SK.
April .'K7..:tm. P,riptl,r.
Contbtoin, a ftn-..,
All famished with
-"T" hirlrawi. r-.ii ..
6,000 Miles
1 .1,11.
and HHSlftti -..
thk mux bh ims-i MicttniiN.
THK KHKK l.AM s i f I K H V
ANI' Milrill-'liX NT'll: V K .
Far Bpt, tone Uhiss. and mfnrmarm w tr4 falleat
H. A. CROSS, Travelinc Art, La em r. Pa
Prmkbni. Traffic mo. rW Agt
- X f'Aa' "a. ll?es.
and Soortintz (Goods.
cliukf ixiniL lu Iu lif(L Sinult
inn sh linns. ti evrry kiml of HnHh
LiMttiniif itii'i tu'it-amm Ktttt, ?:ti H"; Mux
f lt-l-ilin ikHil!. Mml inu, ut V; Sin-
Kir Him. hiiis, ."il ii'rM. ?1 to
i Ail kiiKlsof rrtriUi-s, ShrlL-. 1 Hp. Wl
i TihiIs, PoHift-r r hisk-., simt Pim-hit, PrimeiN.
i in ijiI 2 'iits for llhiMTnttett I Htithti'. Ad-i!n-!i
;iiKAT V'tTKUN lil'S V(tKs.
f ittl SMIT1IFIKI.I STKKKT. IMTTsni Uiill.
I PA. .N IVTliis Ua Kyeur nhl. rvlinld' firtn ;
Nrft-tly trnstwfirthy ; urdt-rs fllhtl promptly
and 4omm Knt hy mail cr exprej to any part
; ot Dm world : uo lualttr what you wimt in
ili-1 inn lin, you run tt at th- iirt'ut West
ern ly w riiinx a lottr.
tiuiio tnifif t4 ordvr; tiuiw and lU'volvi ri
npuin-l. suptll-in.
same on a package ot COFFEE is a
guarantee of excellence-
a package ot COF
s of excellence-
is kept in all :
m the Atlantic to tt
COFFEK is kept In all first-class
stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
is never eood when exposed to the air.
Always buy tfc's hra- i in hermetically
j dotti. K-iiKiiww nmn mwi a na r iina daulr. "Exactly"
Whftt Tfrrr FirtaCT- tnl Wrwvi Chopnr wso'k. ,"(raf tfHrr f-nr
AMrw FOLDI.M- M4HtK ..
300 3. Caiul 8iroev, Ctuoftffo. IU.
Hu iiiif had many
years experience
in all hruiit'ties of
the railornttf hUK-
in,st. I miarantee
oatiMm-lioii ut all
w:io aay eall np-
me with their it-
4 Minute.
Youni, Jec,
The olih-st and K-rt Institution for ohtaininsr a
Hnsinews kdueation. We have Mieeemfnlly pre
pared thoiwiiMh of viHim; men for the a-tive du
ties of lile. For tiruhirf add re,
1. I1 FF A fS6, littburK, I'a.
C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
Mannfu-tiirer of and Dealer in
ICiuttm HVwi Fiinulu:tio .SIr Aor.'re, in all Vvlun.
Peron in neert or MONt'.MKXT WORK will
Burl it lo their interest tor-all at ruy hop. where
a showinn w ill be (riven Ihem. -.-..
Uu-ii.-m thumtntetti m Errry i'utte, and tkff 'Ey
YEK V Lo IT. I invile p ial atleiiiion to the
White Bronze, Or Pure Zinc Monuments
IntnMliire.1 by REV, VS. A. (iRINii. ana PerMcd
lmiin.veineiit in the iul uf MATERIAL AM
ciiSsi lit CTION. and which i ilestinwl to'l
tiie Popular Monument for our 1'haiifftmhle t'li
niau-. GIVE ME A CALL.
Vfry. ,;,
I .1 r-
Price $7.00 "&3S2 I 2tlTnJ:J!,J
the ... . " " VJ
: -... r;T.rT "'-. ana Ketaiicd
SoWKHsET it CAM BR It HRA.rif.
( Mils. fare.
j S.H5i.-rH.t to stoy-own l'J1, f til
j Somerset to l(..Tt-rsvilie 17
j Sorn.-lNft to HethrJ TO
Snm-rwt to Johnstown : 110
I Sini.Ts-t lo Ki kc.l. , . M
: Somerset to 1 .anvil lfl ,"i0
Som.-rwt to Mi-yeraUle 21 TO
H.nuept to umirlaiid ..a 2 00
Hiran-Nrt lo Washington..... 210 6
Sorafrwi to Balumore i"i 7 SB
rtnim-rs't bi t'ntina -J4 si
Smier-st to Cunfliirm-r w
; .somerset u. loniii-Iisville -VJ ISO
i SVncretto litll.urich Ho S i
The fare to Philadelphia Is SW..I4. and to New
i York. !!..
! Summer Arrangement In ITecl sine stay 29, 't7.
XOH Til-HO CXD Tit a iy.s.
I l.ntrr.
1 RiM-kwfDMi 6: ; a bi
! SM.MKitMr.T... :,:.v a di
; iviKor nl k m
t. -!.. 11 H:-J ata DI
i lltjtivem il lo 6:; a m
Betbel 6uV.' m
Johtmlowu l:mJn a m
j MAIL Xo. 93
!A rrtfvit
John.'iUmu..lJ:40 p
ntt.-lniri(h 7 :!! a di
MiKoni Hri m
Snuer-t II i m m
S(i.viiiv,ii m in
Him vtr nv it it. 1 1:"'0 a m I
Ik-lht-l ....Urttop ui j i
PrWiitfffs fniia Iiiihurv)i i-hanitv tun itr :
points tu ihe !-m rel A nnttiria al KtK-kwtMMi.
on Sundays thin train will nut two hour latf
fnm KtN-kwKl l Somerset, uiitl live htmrn Uie '
friu ftuiuersrt to Jhnlt'n. I
-No. it t
Hrtltiiiitire a ra
PittSburKli .... 1 in pin
Kw ktKMl b:'M p m
Milionl b.u't p ui
A m m.
BtlMF.RstT tm p iu
f'MMyvnttvr for SimicrM-t ftoin th eal and ft
' ln J';it.-lurth Iivi.iun, chantce iai at KiM'k-
i un(.
.v.rT,f .,r..Tk . ... .
j SOf- lll-lOLl TRAJS.s.
iUM-kwttmi. V a m
( uinie rland.l np ut
Wa.-hiiiiruin..... 4:J p m
HiiUiiiiort - .Vj p 111 :
PilUthiirKli p ni 1
.lohnstown. ": a m
rU'tiu-l s.: a in
ilouVi ! H:trirt)jl
loftown a 111
(tt-iK'T V.J;"iaiu
Mitiord y a.
ptuMeiiKen Ut points eai ainl wet ehanity cam
! im this train a ill run tw.-i.ty
i !ale Irolu Joliu-lown to K'h LmihhI.
I KiwkwtwKi
i uni'ieriaiid ...
W ahinum
t huiumore
! Johri'tou it '2
:m p m
4:-V p m
7:K p ui
p m
7:jn a ni
fv..o a iu
; ife tiif 1 ;t:'t p in
t itotvT?viIle : ji) p m
! toy stow u. ;t::r' p nt
I ui1 aw :(;."; p in
I sMi:KKr W p in
Milunl 4:Ii p m
I'usjvnyvr for eaat and west chanfrc ran at
j koikwoufl.
j On Snu'luy thii triu will run thrvr hours ami
j flf'levii mintitLH laUa In -in JolmUvvii pi Kockwootl
Kl K'KWl s I) Al l (IM M( iDATIi IN No,
'A t
Lftirs l .Irrirfi.
Somfh-kt ...
:!S p ra KnekaiXKl 6: p in
.n:7 l in 1
Pawenirt-n Ihviiik -n ttn'ji Irain .-an make eoii-
ii. n at K
kwmNl will, instil Lxprt-isb trains aill t.
t Iiaily except Sunday.
I'lTrsm R i ii ii viso..
EAsT-i:or.t Tit a iys.
Tmiu Isurr i 'niittrrf d Ex. MniL tfrr:
PittfNurvh p. jt. "7:1 a. h. ttriD r m
Br;i,MiNk " ;
Nt vttin M m-.s
itnwfl K(ni oi.ri "
onsiflNviilo ii-M't " .iM " li;.r '
Ohio I'le
i oi.fiH-n.-e 4:U " :.Vi 44 VJ.Ia.m. i
I rtnu i.iu " u,'n 1
''a-M'IniHii -:U ' it;-
KiN-kwiNxi ;k-jii " lt.:ti 105 '''" I
UarrfH :;:i7 " tu :m
ilishurr June. -V47 " !- " '
Mtytiitiftie .'..n( l:ii j
KVyiotie ."rr.v 1 i i( ' ... . !
Hn't Fatrh H;iH i".:ii "V" j
Siit)itiiupua 6;jri j
Knirliofx- " tirfj H:;4 "'"m
Hvultnan t:iC ' l Ut "
ruiurtcrluixl 7;l; "
W HUnmum 4:Ji 7. jo
Balumorv (arrive! fcjtf H.;it "
Tnium Isnrr
W ohii.irl..n
San.i Pali-h
Srtlil.iir- Jiuit
l 'a-v-Milinaii
lliilo Pyie
'oi:nell.- i!le
Hr.m.1 Kurd
WeM Newton
Ar. i'ill.-l.iirvh
VHmttrrf ii Ar. Mnd. Espmu
. a. Iihw .. . T--, r. n.
lo-Vi s-.V.
Mm -j.v, e. m. l-ai .. a.
" :--" - 1-.'!
" a-ji ' .
H-.V "
S-l!' " i'lT iwi
IK'S " 4-.'t "
!t-:l " 4-J7 " -.'-.Vt "
c. -:u " 4- ai ' ... .
!H.I 1-4(1 "
II-.V, 4-:t -
UMtt in -
HKJB " .V: - :t:,:t -
in-:a) .V:i-, s..V -'
IH-.VJ " v.1 ' 4-jn
l!-.i K-:a .VK)
I l .v, o- ir.
1-4. P. W. 7-IK " V2 "
1 .'l - T-V. - K-l: "
I .i - H..I)) ft.,-)
(Tnelime iiiveu ii l-jWern Siau.loril Time.) '
H0TE. tin Sundays Ri-kw.Hl Kijirew leave '
Pill-liun-h at N-:itl. a. .. arrive at K.iekw.aid at !
r. -a Uave iii"-kw.l at 4-i r. .. arrive I
at Piu.-.lMirirli al ir. s. j
Mail Traill- connect at Ri kw.Nl with train? I
lo and Iri.iu S-iitii-r-el and John.-t.-wn. at llvnd- !
man a ilh trains to and from m-.l:iri. at I, am It
withiraiiiMoand from Herlln. al .-ii-l.ur June- i
lion with iraii from Suli.-hiir'.
". M. rj.KMKNTs! Manager.
:. K. I.nKli, i.en'l Pa. Aid.
jMKti u.the.-ltieli.-.or' llii-. ronitn. .11 wealth
for iheir npi-nivai or reji-etii.n l.v the l.eiieral A, of the onilnoliweallli of PeniiavlvaliM.
P11l.liHh.1l t.y onler ..I the S-creiary of lliel oni
moiiwenltli. in puraiance of Article XVillol ihe
Joinl n-solnlii.ii proiKumnn iimendment to the
consiitnlien of the coniinonwcHllii :
SUTIoN I. Hi il ffJmlliii ih, .vfc , ,
HI k'lrrHlilttttt 4tj llir I 'Mlhi'lltCnUth t,f JHHyl-
' ' 'tm AmmVv aw. That the foMowiiiK
is nroKed aa an amendment n. the . ..iiMilntioii
of tile eonniiomveallh of Penn-vlvania in
an. e uilii the proviMoin. 1.1 ll.e'eiuiiieenth article
thereof :
Strike out fn.m wtion one. of article eight, the
four .iialiti.-ati..n for voter which read-, as lol
U: " If tWentV.tWO VMn itf n.m ... ............. k..
-hall have ji;d. wiihin two years, a taleoriaiiH
,y ia. nnu u fnull nave hc-D a-wwd at least
two months, and paid at least one month l.i..n.
the .-let-lion.' m that the section wbieh readsaa
Every male citizen, twentv-one vears of ..e
ponesaiiia the IoUi.huik ualitl.talious. shall Iw
nlMle.1 10 all el.-tioos;
First. He shall have heen a eiii.n r.rthu 1-..0.
ed states nt least one month.
.-xi-ond. He shall have reside.1 in the sti.tM ......
year if. havii: .reviiily leen a .iialilied
eleetorur native eiliien .rf Hit. stale, he
shall have removed then-man and returned,
then six mouths, immediately prerediUKihe elec
tion. Third. He shall have resided in th .!...,..,
disiriet where he shall otter to vote al least two
months immediately prwedinit the election.
rol.lltl. 1! twellty-twn vearsof aire or lii.aanls
nun nave fi.i, wtmin two years, a slale
eonr.ty lax. wtilch shall have been assessed at
lea-l i..o in.. 1 1 tlis. and paid at least .me mouth t.e-for.-
ihe eleeihHi." shall be amended, so as 10
rea.1 as loll.n.s:
hvery male citizen twenty-one vearsof are
po-sesMtiir tl. e loll. .wine auahliei.ti.trt. to viae al Ihe polling place of the elec-
11 -II 01-1 net . K illtl.-n he shall at the ti,.i. 1. .
ri-s.deut and mil .-Ita-where :
r nl. He shall have been a eiti
ed Slates at lea-t Ihinvdavs.
Se.i.n.1. He shall have resided in Ihe t- ..... lor if. havine previouslv been a .... ... ..I
e.-u.r or native U-rn eliixen ..f il,. ku
situll have reaMived therefnwn and returned, ti.ea
s.. nionlhsi imm.sliately preee.iinie the election
Ttiird. He shall have resided in the ele-lt.m
di-trui w here he shall offer to vote at least thtrtv
imtiiellalely preeetliint the ele-tiB. The
i'L'i,iliir Ht thv M'iioii thrntf
ailoptioa of this section, shall, and fn.m time to
nine Ihervutler may, enact laws to properly eii-
I K.mnn. Kvery male eltiien of the aae of twen
; tysaie years, who shall have been a uien ur
i tinny days an.) an tuhat.itai.t of this stale one
I year next preceding an election, except at niunie.
e.. i.n. e r ...e i as. miny .iaV a resi
dent of the election district in which he may .f
r.r his vote, shall be en tilled lo vote at such el. -e-ti.Ki
in Ihe eleciondistri.-t of which he shall al
the time U a resident and M elsewhere lor all
ortieers that now are or hereafter may be elected
by the people : Hnmthi, That in time ofwar no
elector in lliea.-I.ial miliunr serriee of the State
or of the ( nile.i Htau-.. in the army or navy
thens.f shall t? d.-privtsl of his v.rfe hy reason of
his ahseiiY fnm su. h elei-lion district and the
leirislature shall have power to provide the man
ner in which and the lime and place at which
such absent elec tors may vote, and for the return
and canvass of their voles iu the election district
in whu-h they respectively reside.
hiiih Kor the purpose m voting, no per
son shall be. deemed to have valued or lost a
residence by reason of his presence or absenre
while employed In the service of the I niled
stales or the Slate, nor w hile engaged iu the
navigation of the waters of the stale or of the hnth
seas. ur while a student of any college or semi
nary of learning, nor while k'ept at any alms
house or public institution, except the inmaies of
any home r.a-disahlcd and indiicent soldiers and who, forthe purpose of voting, shall he
deemed to reside in the election distjict when
said home ia located. Laws shall Is- maile tr
iis.-eTt.iiiiin. bv pn,pcrpr.fs, thecitieiu. who
-hall Isr entitled, to the right of aurrraae hetl-bv
ustabllslied. '
A true copy of Ihe joint resolution
Hecrebiry of the Coromonweaith
State Normal
I'nvurtauwed in its
healthful and insoirinr
advantages. Location exfNynenced
teachers and lionor.-d gradnales of colleg.. State
I'Prnpnations this year fe..unu. txiensire M-l-K.n
hM h.NTN onvemt nces and c.miforta su
peryar M.slel and Traluing HehooL Slate aid tu
JAMES ELDON. A. M.. Prlnelrl.
M EI t
M i I
B. & B.
We It.
to announce tin- "H-nir, ,, ,,Mr
and V:nii r luirt:iiions ..f
j I
I1K.1I AUr XoVKl.TiKS.
Fancy Silks. V. Iv.-is, I'iii-:,,, Kt,-. A in
I'iisik ami Suit IVainniciit a in.,,. ,,.
pl. tc line in en.lli-s u-.nm -ni ..f
Ij.lii-s', Mi-vs,-.' ,ind l'pil.r.n'i
fall jackets,
plush sacqces,
anil l!.-t Stall. I .nil Make of I...nd,,i,.Iiv
Till.-. MiM-lc of Full IJ.aaln. Fan.-v u, ,
Siaple. li.r cl. ifaii.-e in style and .puiitv"
(-..inpl.-ti-iH . in a.-M.rliii. nt. and' '
U-t valiii-. H.i lo price, will he
t-Xi-ell.-il t.y Ilieiiiim.
try Kat or NV.-.I.
II I ifi nit.-.l
FALL & WINTER CATAL0CUE ofl.7.a lor -rainitoii, .iMril.iit:.i
will Ih- ready atn.nt li.-i.iU-r 1-t., an.l ,
coiitaiii m. ls;,., urn-; j,,,,,,, .ith 5
coniplet.- line. i', iit. n-pn-x-ii lin- i.
iniinr Fahi.M;.ii.le style in
Alwi. a Review 11 it. I Ih-scriptive Price I i,r f
which wilt U vahial.le t. von in m:.k .:-t
.iin-liaw-a if your tall -iippli,-.. s :. u-.1 1
(Hpstul cnnl your name and n!..tli e .
tur copy ol'ihi illiistr.ile.1
Si-pt.-mU-r -Jitli r.. ii. ,,l.r Ut:, u? Intrr
State Fair will la- held ut K.-iii..n l'a-k
Alleiflictiy. li-t..ler 4rh i. limnd Amir
iay. and at tliv. ,eaon of the ve-.r nnm.r
on .-Leap nciiri..iia will lv mi', to IMi.iirj
11ml Allcyliciiy We invite ,.nr n-a-r. an.l
the piiliii.- ckiu niily. win-n in tliecitv al ii.:.
time or other limes, to feel -rft-ety In-e t..
ni ike our t..n hh.iii their In a..iia;ti r f,.r
ni.-titin ol'fri. ii., apN.ininieiits. ,-t,-.,i-i Mail Onler ln-inrt-nient
tor U-netit ..four nianv cu-iom. liv
inu at .1 .liMii'i.-e. Will eml Kimpli-K ..f r..
rrti. ........ anv u.itin--4.
murke.1 on evervthing.
IIS. 117. 1J9 fi, 12. FEDERAL STBEET.
Who have been disappointed in the res'ily i from the n-e of i,lM WINES, HtEF
WINE and ilyiN, .a- the so-called EMIlsloNif
tXI LIVER till , should use
a.i.ui'h!naIi,.Bol Wjl.l llierry, Extrai-t ..f Malt,
nd the Hynoph.xphutea, a siituuUni
and nutriment.
1'hkhry Malt aeta oo the Jttln)a.-h aD.l Liwr
incrensi ne the a,.pet ite. assist i rur .1 ini-iion. ih.r
by makintrit api-licahle for Dyspet.-ia in iw
rions fonu." : Im of Appetite. as.,tu
nia. Irt-tierul Ie.ilty, Want of Vitality, Nervous
PnwtrMlion, Consumption, etc.
If yiair Kmioriid floea not k.s-p it, send Jl.iOfir
one bottle iarSi. l for six lttles Eiress I''
Maiden IjiQe. X. T.
Sold by all DnmaiM. mar))- s7-lrr.
Valuable Real Estate!
BV VTkTVE onler issiiel ihii f the
phaiis' Csirt ni Somerset t',.uiil. Ha and U
me d!re.-te.l.
I will eX.SM- p. sale t.y plltill.-
cry on
SATURDAY, NOV. 19.1887
at I oVlisf-lt p. m., im thepriiitMj. .lit fii-l
iliwrilI ival .iute. lale Miv pnT-riy ot
Turn y lt i l. u :
A ci-rtMiu Irnrt f larut ituite in AM:in TP-Si-riifnH?i
I,, javlj'.iui iikf irtiidf ut I n-w Kmi
W, Lev i st-riiT. JeTcruiuii kjnifN-r. J-iin M"
mid others, t cHtiui nin jr uo humlrvl ' -it'
mie ati'l thr t r-.iirth tf -r- al) iiilwit' '. n"1
ur Irw, hIhkm li-twrti i -la-Mr. l"f wiii'ii At ia
niMln. ud tut ifttlui.fv i ull tim. rd.
nvwtutnk )miii fent mid 'Uli. r l'1
iiiap. ifiNxl wntrr : vininr on iianl :
-villi. it iHMvanituI" the dvteliinK : iw wn":
in iiitnniiiiiu y : cuiivt'inrnt U
cliimh !
Ime-thinl ..fHir-hase money after payment of
dehp. and of sale l.-i'.iiri ii's-n
a hen on the pr- mises lo secure Ihe wid.. "'w''
er. the interest thereof to Is- Jsiid annnali; u:u
widow, andal herdealh the prm. ijial "im
heirs and legal sepnenialives ot Andrew uf"
ney. dec d. ; one-hall of the pur h-e iu-'. '! '
on .srt.lirt.ialion of sale and delivery ol dec. i'"1
lile !a.aiK-e in :wo e..ial annual paym.-ins
conhnnalKm ul -ale. withoul tiu.-re-l . I'r'7"e
of Ihe purchase luonev to la- paid a- " ,
properly is kn.s wbt.h will Isreatea
as Mn (uivm.-n' on the lirst one-lia!f ; p"""'
given April I. ! Lelernsl payments lo fx s--etire.1
on the pr-luiae by Judgment Is.nd.
octli A.llnlnislrapa- and Tru-h
. inflniauuoa.
0o i, "Vl
Heals th
, t? I stores th SnM
Tasta and Smell.
V1 UX T. Kn PlirP.
A panicle Is appllen inio eaen ii
agrwal.te. Pn.-e sleenl" at l)nig-jist : "
registere.1. Hl.-el.ta, EL Y UH0Tiihl: '
v r ' i
male- T.lJt.
Luck Haven, Fa.
mc .si.. .Vew Yw.