The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 13, 1887, Image 4

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    AT LAST.
WM mi ray day vf lift-Hi "'(-'lit laMms.
Aixi In ilie triiiA- fmm atisainaud fr blown,
! bw fcr Tlw oiK .if UiiUMM calling
)Ir fat to path unknown.
. .! ho ha- made mi liotnr of lift ao ploaaaal,
Ix-arc-D Untenant, a h.n it a all d-aj !
Be thuu nir urewrtb and Ha) !
B ier whw all n'r lr)fUnj
Ea 'A nkT homr plrttitw daji of una!- and fcinc
And kitil' faow T 0,rD op""'11
TlJf lnv- whi-h aua-r miue. I
Save bin Tlier. o Fatb ! Let thr iiirit
irlih mr then fevemuinrt autl uphold ;
Mtt of pearl. branch f 11 'a I merit.
kstru of luin!K1.
fulfil it !f-) 111 nnnr-lpnirt.
Aud taitu f-irciveu, t!iro' thr aiaaindmr (fnuv-
1 liud myll'!'v hand familiar W-ktiuoi
I nto mv rutin plao".
Some binilik- d.r ammiir thy many maiiio;ns
h.K-hrlir; Iwrf n and tfrimu: o-aar
Alid flim-i" Uiro1 lvi-u'
To ririTof Tliy
Thef fmm tlif iuiii- pain.I me .araling
fain would lrn the m-tr and nitty -Mig.
Lnd find. a la.-. leiiah Thy tn-o. ef bt-aliii
The lift: wnii-b I Ionic.
The Wheeler family were little put
out when ("iiviU-aunt I'-ty died, at the
ae of ninety-nine year. Ami really,
when one otaie U think of it, it a in
conxi.lertte of her.
" It would have lieeii !ne credit,"
said Mr. Te'k Wheeler, "to have bad a
centenarian in the fantiiiiily. Oh, yes, I
know she was a trial ! hut it too
.rovokinir to think that ahe couMn't
have lived ju-st eleven motiths lunjjer.
Then we could have had it put in the
jiaper, and even lly would have Ixt-n
askintr fjueMiona. J don't know that
there's a ami in county that
it a hundred yearn old no, not anywhere
near it."
But there wa no help for it.
(Jreat-aunt llesty nevr had been one
who wnidered other a-.iilt'K wish.
and eon veti i.-n.-', and her h-ath waai-nr-rvsini-li-nt
to her life.
If alieM only awnllowed that liad
!. of medicine, nhe mi'lit have lived,"
nai.l Mm. Wheeler. ' Hut -lie -v that
net in her way ahe a detenu ined todie !
And die ground her lit., t'ether, and
turned her face away, ami ine t-1andinK
there with the U-st silver jKjon, all
" I ii'Hwe xhe'a left a nii). pum ? " said
Mrs. IJidwell, who inKn-like tipec
tai li-s vxpreswed a whole dictionary full
of interrogation Kinta."
" Not a oent ! " .said Mrs. Whetder.
" lind o' tioslien!" Siiid Mrs. Bid
well, holding up hoth hand.s. "And
he (Midi a wiving' crceter all her life,
1 ! "
" Well you know he lont iinideraMe
when the Bundleton bank fiilcd," said
Mrn. Whwler; "though she never would
own how much. And me and I'cck e
kind o' mintriiHted she'd Im-h helpiu' to
build that uiectiii),' house .un Nrat'.')
Hill, and nciidinK money to Louiy Jane
and her iniwntlile. nhittl.-ss lui-hand out
in I t.ikola Territory. There ain't no ac
eoiiulin' for the whiiuaof f.dkf in their
dotat-'e. We've laiked through all her
things, and there ain't tiothin' to la
found but a lot of the olded-fa?-hioned
dud you ever sot your eyes on. I shall
keep oome out of the old iUi for my
iTazy fpiilt, and wll the rest to the first
r.iirmau that cornea aloiii;."
"Ialwayn rti-kmie 1," xiid Mr. Bid
well, that tiicre would Ik- Hoinethini!
found in that old red client o' hem. three
cornered till."
Mrs Wheeler tdio.ik her head.
" No," said hhe ; "there wa.-n't noth
ing there but a Httiu of jrold U-a Is, worn
us thin aa eubweJis, and a s-t of lynx fun,
all eat np by the mulhs."
"Well I am asUmished ! " Kiid Mix.
Hid well.
"The loiu.Tr 1 live," oracularly sKike
Mrs. Wheeler, ' the more I realix; there
aint nothiii): too Ktrann' to hai-ja-n."
"That's an true an ioH'I!" niyhed
Mm. Bidwell. " And I hojv the Ird 11
reward you, aimer Wheeler, for all your
kindnem to that lr creetur tiiatV
pone ! "
So she (Fathered up her aiik norkbai:.
her KjavtiK l-i. nl her knitting ncedlii.,
and trudged away to tell all the Ueigh
lains how hameful!y Peck Wheeler's
wife had abused her hushandV (irvat
auut IteHty, forcing medicine down her
throat with a M'vcr sKKn, when she a.
at the last gasp and traducing her mein
ory Viei-ausi! she had not la-en able to
leave a fortune behind her.
"Au.lshea prifessin' memtaT, too,"
Baid Mm Bidwell, rolling up her even.
" Well, well, I hot it may In' a liswon to
UK all, not to la over puired-up with god-liin-ss."
Which was rather peculiar logic, but
rmineytly characteristic of the Mrs. Bid
wells of this world.
While Mra. Whii-ler, who really had
lieen very kind to ihe anr old lady who
had bo nearly attained to the dignity (if
a centenarian, and who had conscicn
tioaslv don-.- her 1kt to take cure of her,
went alaiut her housewor k with a si-h.
She always yearned f.r a centenarian
in tiie family, and now the nearest a.-p:r-ant
to that honor washerCouiiiu IU-uIh-ii
Crane, wo was eighty. seven, and asthma
tic at that.
Mr. Wheeler came in earlier from his
farm work that day.
"h, I d.vlare to (rawness, mother,
1 forgot !" said he. Iriisil!a wanted to
latrrow a few while lx-aiis. Old Mrs.
Jcnks is coining tiiere t. live, and sue
wts a deal of st. .re by baked jairk and
"Well. I never!" said Mrs. Wh.-i-ler,
who was igoroilsly svtting the table,
ritttling on plate, knivi, fork and
Hons ;.th a nietluMiical energy that
sake the New Kug'aud "housekeeper
hIIovcj. That'ajust like 1'rusilla ! What
won't stie U.rrow next? I knew when
thcla-ail ( wanteil jailiiij so bad
that it wouldn't never amount to noth
ing. If Id Iwen I'rua'.lla, I vhould have
pne aud jailed 'em myself. There was
plenty of giaai cedar piles in the liaru
and John in such a pucker ith his hay
ing but I'rusilla always as such a shift -less
creatur! "
Mr. Wheeler chuckhsl.
"I never yet knowed a niotlM-r-in-law
was counts-tin! with her ilnrtT-in-law,"
Raid he. " lrusim'a a ni. girl eniNiirli.'
Tain't everylaaiy ha. got drive, moth
er!" Ju4 then a light f.sitstep crosml the
threshold and Irusilla herself made her
apeiranee a bl.amiing matron, m ith
bright ha Re! eyes, brown hair, cTini(iled
in the latest Cishion. and clx-ek like a
ijuince 11. am.
"I on up, I'rusilla." said the olil
fanner, depreatingly lifting his hands.
"1 clean forgot to tel! mother a1 suit the
bean. It all my fault ! "
" There's a lt in wmie old atone but
ter crocks on tin- shelf in tin-at-annt
Besty's milk r.aim," said Mrs. Whwler.
"(Maxlneia' kuows how long ahe'a had
'em, but they'll wiak out an.l eat just as
weet an last year's crop. 1 may ax well
la-gin to clear away some of her old
!rusilla faintly remonstrated as Mrs.
WheeleJ hust'iid out of the room.
"But, mother they will never soak
oft! And I want pork and latins for
ujiper to-night ! "
- Uusli, lhosilla !" Sid Mr. Whcek-r:
mother 'a dreadful economical. I-t
her think she' using Aunt Biwty'alan
111 semi the thore-laiy over with iame
rresh om dilti-tly ; but you take what
she give you, and be thankful. Mother'
a little cranky if he don't get her orn
way, you know."
And Irnsilla laughe.) and nblel.
Mrs. Wh.vler returned pr.i titly w ith
a irray atone jar, w ha w ide I louth w as
eo' tred with a flat lid, exaetly fitting the
"There' nine et etn," aaid sle nine
stone jars full of white la-ana. lid ever
any one bear of aucii a thing! Where's
your Wket lnisilla "
lrusilla ola-.!ieiit!y held up the wil
low basket w hich she had brought over
from the little hotis.- at the saw -niil,
where hhe live 1, and Mrs. Wh.vlor tilted
tlie contents of the stone jar into it ca
pacious ni-4-sws.
like a noise!", while casca.k', out
flowed a cuart or so of snowy lieans ;
then, with a click and clatter, came a tor
rent of noisy silver piece.
Mrs. Wheeler uttered a little f-hnck
and dropja'd the stone jar. It phivensl
into a hundred piece.
"niolnts me!" cried Drusilla" hat s
"Orcat-aunt Besty's money ! " ttaid Mr.
Wheeler, who was the first to reeoverhis
cotuiiotiure. oreat-aunt iiesiy a iioaru,
assartin'as you're lairn. And what a
pM-er savings bank she lias, selected, to
la? sure !
' There's eight more of 'em ! " said
Mrs. Wheelerf HliaKlii'alinilly
her huslianda ami. "IM yoil sup
e "
k Lets go anil s-e," said Mr. l heeler.
Mut this I'm prepared not to lie sur
prised at nothing that may hapjH-n.
Come, Drusilla !
It was as they exa-ctel. The eight
stone jars were half jacked with silver
lollars, and the rest rilicd up w ith ancient
w hite la-ans ; ami here, for a quarter of a
oeutury, tlreat-annt Ilesty's little fortune
Had lain unsuspected in the milk room
ppcrtaining to her own (airtioii of tiie
For li;;t capitalist, burgler, or pro
fessional Imrrower of money would ever
liave suspected a jar of white beans?
And next to Uniming a centenarian
(ireat-Aunt Bestv could have confern-d
no greater publicity upon her neice than
by tiiis magpie like proceeding, for the
(ascurrem-e went the round of" 1'ork and
Beans," "A Miser's Hoard," Uemarkable
instances of Avarice, and sundry other
taking titles.
All the neighbors culled to inquire,
one or two illustrated newspaper artists
suooed dow n Uam the scene w ith their
pencils and portfolies, and Mrs. Wheeler
found herself, all at once, a famous
"And to this day," says Inisilla her
laiighter-indaw, " we never have (Mirk
and la-ans for dinner," but that John
will say, " wife, don't this remind you of
mother's lireut-aunt Betsey, who just
lime short of ta-ing a centenarian ? "
--- -
Extracts That Cive a Notion of
What Many Englishmen Read.
There is a curious little work the con
tents of which are said to liave la-en col
lected by Hans Sachs, the Nuremlnirg
bblerand master-singer, in I"il7. The
laaik pretends tu have lcn jiivpan-d by
Hans Sachs for his private use, that be
might make merriment among his frii-n. Is
w hen drinking, and they were tir--l of
hi songs. It d.a-s not contain an v an.-c-
lotet; it is made up of a collection of rid
lles more or h-ss gmal, some coarse, and
Hue profane; but the age was not
squeamish. The title under which the
little work was issued was " I'scfnlTable-
Talk, or Siuiething for All : that is the
Hafipy Thoughts, od and bad, exja ll-
ing Melancholy and cheering sprits, of
Hihtriua Wishwash, Mater-tilh-r at
Kielen-haus-ri." Hen- an- aiiia-nf the
conundrum :
J,. After Adan. had ealen the forbidden
fruit did he stand or sit dow n ? A. Neith
er, he fell.
(J. Two shepherds Were pasturing their
fia-ks. Slid one to the other: "liive
nie one of your shep, then I shall have
twice as many sheep as you." "Not so."
replied the second herdsman; "give me
one of vours anJ then we shall have
equal fliaks." How many sheep had
each ? A. ne had seven, the other five.
If the first took a sheep out of the fl.-k
of the second he bail t ight, the other four.
If the contrary, each had six.
tj. What is four times sis? A. lUiiii;.
Q. What dia-s a g.ame do when stand
ing on one leg? A. Holds up the other.
O,. When did cara-nters tirst proclaim
themselves to be intolerable dawdii-s?
A. When building the Ark they Usik
MO years over it.
Q. I'nder what law an- soldiers? A.
Cam n ion law.
Some of the riddles have survived in
the j.a-ular mouth to the present d. y.
For instance, who la-s not know this :
O,. Wiiat smell most ill an ajaitiitvary's
shop? A. The nose.
There is one conundrum w hich sur
prises us. The story was wont to la told
by Bishop Willa-fonv that he had asked
a child in Sunday-school why the angels
a-avnded and desn-n.led ou Jacob's lad
der. whereli(in the child n-dital that
they did so lacauc hey wen' m iting
and could not fly. But this apja-urs in
Hans Sachs' laaik, and isevidently a very
ancient joke inde-d.
In tiiis ol!n-tion also ti-xars flic very
heavy riddle: " Which is the heaviest, a
(HIIII..I of lea-! or 8 piuml tif feathers?"
which every one knows, but with an ad
dition, which is an improvement. After
the answer, " Kach weigh a pound, and
they are equal in weight," the questioner
says further: "Not so; try in water.
The pound of feathers will float, and the
iund of had will sink."
tjj. How can you nrry a jug of water in
your hand on a broiling summer day, in
the full blaze of the sun, so that the w a
ter shall not gi-t hotter? A. l-t the wa
ter la landing w hen you fill the jug.
Q. How can a farmer prevent the mice
from stealing hi corn? A. By giving
them his corn.
O.. A certain man left a penny by his
will to W divided equally among his fif
ty relatives, each to have as much as the
other, and each t la quite contented
w ith what he got, and not envy any of
the other li-gatces. How did the execu
tor comply with this testamentary disa
sition? A. He bought a packet of fifty
tin tacks with the penny, and hammered
one into the back of each legate. Juon-
The great overruling siiartitionn of
China are, however, the fear of the dead
and the la-lief in Feng Shui. The latter
word means literally " wind and w ater,"
and seems to typify laith the g.aal and
the laneful influences of physical phe
nomena. It is the existen.-e of th-se su
pcrstitions w hich really fonnsthe barriiT
to progress in China. Im-cmiik- they inter
fere w ith the exoe;tiou of foreign ideas
aud the development of industrial pr.v
jects in mining, railway making and so
forth. Feng Shui is ilefiiied.Kays Um Ro
man Catholic Bishop of N'ingpo, as "the
path of the tireat Ih-agon, w ho rjshe
U i rough the air just l.v the boia-H,
spouting blessings in showers from his
nostril. He flies straight forwarl, un-h-
by evil chance he should trike
against some high building, in which
cane lie turnsaHide at an anle, and so the
houses U-yiMid .e their hhare of tin
blensiiig. Hence the sealous rare of the
Chinese house-builders lest any one
should build a house higher than his
neighlair, and the singular nniforoiity of
domestic architecture." The fear of the
dead leads U the most slavish form of an
cestor worship, and the three first weeks
of April are specially devoted to ihe st-r-vi.
of the shades. At that time every
one visits the graves of his relation with
ofl'crings carried on trays or in boskets.
The cost at these annual services and of
ferings to the dead is suited by Miss tior
dou Cumuiing to be not less than 32,
OHO.Oi.nt, all to propitiate the spirits of
th. whose gravi's cover the country,
and who an- la-licved to ! ja.werful for
evil if neglected. The deal are even
honored by the lanbiwal of new titles if
there istqavial reason for distinguishing
them. All Iht Ywr HuhwL
The general notion that all that has to
la; dune in forwarding a disjiatch by pig
eon is to cat- h the bird, tio a letter to it
leg and then liberate it, is utterly falla
cious, as the method of attaching the
message is of great imjsirtance. Besides,
to be of much service, the birds mast
have la-en thoroughly trained ; otherwise,
if the distance to be traversed 1 great,
the pigeon will in all probability, lose
its w ay, as it depends more u(Kn obser
vation than anything else for guidance in
its flights. I'rior to the siege of Paris the
method of allixing the message to the
bird had not received that attention
which it demanded, and consequently
many dispatches were lost in transit. At
first the message was merely rolled up
tightly, waxed over to protect it from the
weather, and then attached to a feather
in the bird's tail. But it was sam found
that the twine which kept the missive in
its place cut or damaged the ia?r and
then-fore, in order to protect it from be
ing (s-cked by the pigeon, and from be
ing injured by wet, etc., the .li.-patch was
inserted in a small giaise-ijuill two inches
in length. The quill was then pierced
cl.ise to each end with a red-hot laalkin,
so as not to split it, and in the holes wax
ed silk threads were inserted to affix it to
the strongest taH feather. By attaching
the message to this Jatrt of the bird's
body its flight was not in any way inter
fered w ith. (jiniltill Mt'jnzinr.
WHY lail I'M'KKTI !!S YKl.lOW ?
Professor Wiesner, a well-known tier
man savant, has las-n making a series of
very interesting and useful experiments
on this subject, with the result that he
now contends that the yellowing of pa-a-r
is due to an oxidation determined by
light and especially by the more refran
gible rays. Tiiis discoloration is more
striking in woal paa-rs tium in rag pa
per. He also found that dry air is an
other most iniMirtant condition for the
preservation of pajaT. One of his con
clusions is very interesting, this la-ing
that in libraries the eli-ctric light is infer
ior to gas on account of the large pnjair
tion of the more refrangible rays present
in the firmer. This is an ini)artant mat
ter, and one that deserve further inquiry.
f 1"ii,ih rti J'riru'il.
Unfamiliar With the Classics.
It was on a West bound train. A Ilos
ton v. .img gentleman had stru.k Ujia
Minersatiolial aivjilaintani-e with a I
tinit young la iy.
lo yon like S 1 left ?"
" I 1 jiiiw I've never H-ell him.
Who's he w ith?"
The Host. in young genileinan started,
but, fearing that he iiud het-n itiisiin:er
stoni, he heeded Imt the query.
" Yon an-surely f--nd of rU-l.ling? " he
"t ih. yes. it will do." replied the IK
troit girl, " bin slugging is hat I like, mid
you will just wait til! our big four gets
after your bean eaters they'll make 'em :
thitik it's raining base lulls out in the
b u li end of your park." 1 n.-'iy" Trilmiu: -
A Miscellaneous Mixture.
For the thiiil year in BHitfion the
h .-Mi if ileelare.l to la an litter fail
ure. Mrirh fai ininn is iinMa'rinir inl'ali
f.irnia. naal fiathem fetehini; f jci a
In the oour-ie of hia eareer as a nhow
ntaii : I'.iriiniii tsays he haa taken JMIJMI
ll "at the iliair."
Here in a i.'iaJ wonl for the Women.
An Knvliih Htatistirinn hat lirMvere.
that the tnarrieii men live longer aiul
la-t er livea than iKM-hel.irs. Ainonj: ev
ery l.(Mi liai-lu-lors an thirty ei);ht crim
iiial ; anions inarrietl mi. the ratio ia
ei'htei-n ja r l.iK'i.
The tain nf a well-known New Yorker
left the city lat cummer and went to In
dia to make hi home with an uncle who
ha.l irrown very rieh in orient. Several
mouth apt the family receive:! a letter
fr.un the micle Haying that his nephew
wailcal ami the laaly was emhulme!
aii-l M-nt huine on a sailing hi. lji.-t
ttit k the Viwl arrived hen-, and tiie
yoiiiii; inanV parenta, attired in .hi))
neiiiriiins;, went to ntvive the remain.s.
A ieeiiliarly hhua-d laix was delivered
to them, and removed to their home.
When th- undertaker oja-ned the rhest
to jrive the parent a hiMt look at the laidy
it wai found to mntain a larp In ilal ti
(rT. T!i- Kiirpria.-! father at oiwv eahli-1
to Ink hmther in India: " Stme itiiKtuke:
lieoiveV tx.-ly lint arrive! ; -ol!in tt.n
tainiil lienal ti-r." IjiMt nirht this
answer waa r---ivel : "No in intake;
i ieorye's inide tiin r."
Tin- dmiikard-inaker always liutiti hia
oldol and moat relialile eiiftoiiii-ra, an. I
U jr ind if -itrsiiij them and ki ki:ir
them ouL How we ahoiil.l la aurjmaeil
to hear a ahoemaker "lain the l. ra-eHin-1!
an oll eil-liuier, and tuy : " Yon
villain. u n-ainp, I have m:ile enoiitth
laat.a and alna. vou and your family
for twenty yearn, and have lavu iai.l for
them, aii-1 h-re yu atv after more ah.a-w!
fiet out, an-i l. n't t-t iim aee your fuee
aain." II.w luiinv it laktow-e
a tailor '.aating an "Id a.-li.l-i..a;e into
a irntl.T lH-auae, aft-r p-ltinif hi. rlothea
there for oyer fifteen yeara. he wants to
buy au r a minister assaul
ting an old stand-liy because he has been
twenty-rive yeai-a a comiiiunii-ant and el
der in the church, and then-fmv must be
unfit coiiiiany f .r anybody. Isn't ittiuie
for drunkanls to be asliame! of the
drunkard makers?
A lady appeared ut the first wanl aills
this morning and arked how 1 1 vote.
She was handed tickets, and ahe wvnt
away to study them. Half an h.mrafter
ward she came ajrain and aaid : " If I put
this ti ket in w ill I be voting for the jav
lle whoae names are on it " Certain
ly." " And will anybody chatise it after
I have hand-! it iu ? " N.k in the
least." " WLo did Mra. Smih vot fur
Mayor ? - IWt know." " If I thought
she vote-l for Royae, I would vute Sir
Kelseyjust to sjiite lier. Sha ia a mean
old thinir. I (fuess 111 see Mm.
bi-fore I vote. I'll come Wk spiin."
An hour later she reappeared. "Are yoti
mire nobody will change Uiia -ifter I jfive
itinr "U siainly.- - Well here it is.
But I wiah you knew who Mra Smith vo
ted for." Two hours later: "Can't you
give me hack that tuket I
in 7 I niale a mistake I vote.1 Pr Koyae.
I meant to vote for keley all tiie time.
You can't You want to npf vaa the
woman at ill, I . Well, I know what
your name ia, and yu jm ai! and see.
Absolutely Pure.
Th! Powder neor Tariea. A marvel of .urtty,
ttrvwrtu and wholwsnneneaa. Mort eeouoraifal
tban the ordinary kinds, and canma be mild at
competition Willi the multitude of low test, hort
weiKiit. alum or .hopiiate pow.U-ra. S'J'I imy tn
can. Royal Bakisu Powdkb Co., IOC Wall bu,
N. Y.
Lmdw at pi in
If ' rAiLW-irCi
Twin as ri-r thit tba
land will P4V Kill
ITSKI.F lo Five
n ALr
.re rrjiitUr nd-
of choir (tnntni lanil
prion tarma of
ir tn -m T4 tun.
r-lmit. Oit-i cb'.nii-i
whiinlA and fhtri-i! W- -n-
&J!f known. A.k-rv-s.
w tend- rBD'i( Ian to to
M-a)tHitotV mn4
For full iiiformtiii.Hi ol iht-route, wherv to ob
ain Ivoveruiueiil Laudfc, Muim, Ku:., Ad.ir4
Central I'a'iiK-r AkvIii,
Comer "th Are. and tmlthfield Streets,
I1ittiuri,-h, Pa.
This Bfagazin port rays AmerU
eaui tbonght aid life from nceaat to
ku, ia filled with pore high-etas
literature, aad can be aafelr wel
i ia aar faaailf ciicle.
riltt 28o. CI $3 k TtAI IT MAIL,
tmmplt Ctpf f mmt aaatoar awKaa' apaa n
tlf ti ..- back aawasra, IS ata.
Fmalia Llat with aliker.
S. T. By S3 k SOS, PuUi&en,
130 A 132 Tearl St., IV. T.
Taut Orirlaial and Only irmmim.
Baa-Ma Mvirt SnteM. V-mJ.W ...iAIim Irt-M.
lllWrrnw--. a LADIES. -. rmmgM
hha ap. rMllT ul ak. mi.m iwi
NAME rSFlll. inaxawl
saaaaL. aai t
MtiUa fsaaMkr. I'kliaaiAZPtssa
II.L UK l ll MIR
1 Premivi-.
2 Prciro -M,
6 Prcnun.s,
25 Preiriums,
100 Premiums,
200 Premium,
1,000 Premiums, .
$1,000 00
$500.00 eacr:
S250 00 '
$100 P0 '
S50.00 '
S20.00 '
S10C0 "
TiT fnii fir.rlHnlr ant! 1irr-r!'v ' t irvti
tmr in ewry poimd -f ABWCKi t ' c rr' f.
as' .
iKHin atd nwiingX fj
niM ml nkrbt won bXlV
lMi Mm aial Bl.-rraU-. ha. va ) v.f)' aun-
VAriae'8 oiNTsastT
.X su.iw tba nrklnc and blaa t..
JN. hla
h-ahi alc-raun. an.t
mint mm rMinivai ' A w
. , v tiVr o VT'a,v ay, v .
- roi THR -
Life of
P KM. lm. lYMAX Ar-.ft.-TT Ktlttnr of tiw I'hrii- ntm HviU'iiM Iti- ht-r Ktittimi N-r-xtumu
ArHKvv H H ti.ii'.v, At it ist
rt yVtMM'wM tmr,-k. Wr. iW-v-htT ill Ihr
(wviranm of thi tik U to hiinth ; ?niu-h
ti THiii.RAi-HH At , ilif tvvcnr tiiaHv iiiirr-
ttre ih4 hi mv.y ittitvt Ufc. Tht t thr mtht
A Wa-al rxamiaalkai f. a4iniin lo llir Ftvah
atai elafl llw A.-a.l-tnl4-an.! s.l.-litilir la-t;rt-rnnM.
i in Ijt b !H in cats.
Jin.- at Kaa T, Mi lmi..-k fciiiiitins. ol6
Maarl aaM iak-'Buinc at t n'.-ls-ll a. a., pn
Tnuisitar Jura -rr,. j).t n.nmn titnnich Fn
la. tafornmiai. ritralir. Ar-, a)-)!
W A. KtllNiN.
JM-X. Xlt Ri4f Arentiv Allrjrhr-iiy. Pw.
to Blade, tl t
tiiiaiait and nd it
u n asal we will
a-n1 tou rrve mt
Siiiita a iwi valuv and unportantc t thai
'i aa ?imi iu laa-iura. a ui ii will itnnff vo-J in
auav uvaxry njlu aaay litui aliylliil.aelv li this
a-.a-.4- w ran .iu it. a work a.l live at
hoaw toiler arx : all H.Hu ttiiiii o-w.
that )aa mu, num f t ail anrltrn. Wv will
n t : ou:tl uu( wnxtnt. Tlila a .ne at Urn
tri-nutM. lM.auui ruona aft liHrtimr.
a KatvantlalMaa and ulnnaitia lwa-1 IMW 4e
Ur tmmt on-ttt (l. A-Wrr Te it IK Aa
(uaia. Mud. 4a m.lfi.
I 70NDirrKA7
j D5 SYf AYN E II son
An Armless Man.
Bmvntly there dil at Potsdam, X. Yn
wonderful man. An aoetdent depriired
him of lath arms, w hieh were amputated
at the shoulder. He earned a living by
using his feet and his mouth instead of
his arms. We are told that lie owned a
horse, of w'lieh betook the entire rare,
harnessed it, J Mened and unfastened the
bm-kles with bis eth, and drove with
the reins tied arounu his shoulders. I5e
ing in need of a wagon, he b wght wheels
and axles and built a box bnggy complete
and jmiuteI it He went to the barn
one winter day and built a eow stable,
sawing the timber with his feet, and
with the hammer in one foot and hold
ing the nail w ith the oilier, he nailed the
boards on as w ell as most men could do
w ith their hands. He dug a well twelve
feet deep on a fanu in the town and
stoned it himself. He could mow away
hay by holding the fork under his chin
and letting it rest against his shoulder.
He could pick up potaba-g in the field as
fast as a man could dig them. He would
dress himself, get his meals, write his let
ters, and, in fai t, do almost anything that
any man with two hands could do.
Many a jnan with all of his physical
faculties uninipain-d mourns because he
can not get along, and yet this armless
brother made himself indeindent with
out arms or hands. He was like the Cri
mean hero who, when his lower limbs
were shot away, wrote to the woman he
was engaged to marry releasing her. She
answered: "I will marry you if you have
enough lasly remaining to contain your
noble soul."
Enjoy Life.
What a truly la-autiful world we live
in! Nature gives us grandeur of moun
tains, glens and o vans, aud thousands of
means of enjoy men. -We can desire no
la'tter when in perfect ... -Ith; but how
often do the majority of pe. pie feel like
giving it tip disheartened, msi-ouraged
and wont out with disease, w hen there is
no occasion for this feeling, as every suf
ferer can easily obtain satisf;ictory pnsif,
that (I'nrit't Amiii fToarr, ill miikethem
free from disease as when born. iH-spep-sia
and I.iver Complain are the dirwt
causes of seventy-five -r cent, of such
maladies as Hiliousness, Indigestion,
Siek Headache, t'ostiveness, Nervous
frustration, Hixiiics of the Head, Pal
pitation of the Heart, and other distress
ing symptoms. Thne doses of Anijnul
I'luir.r will prove its wonderful effect.
Sample Ixittles, 10 cent. Try it.
. . - -
A Northern California Forest.
Here the tni-x, of trijr.intic iimjairtinnM,
rx-w in su. li cluMt' (Miitiviiity ttiut it
N't-iiie-l a Imtilc- lift' tlmniu'li luck of
(aic; uml tin- trail 1 followetl iiumi'il
until horse an. I ri-li-r liail l-an ly nami to
)i;l-- la-twoi-ii tin tri-tn. Tilt oiiL-preud
ina lii:n li-a, inti rlia ki-il in im-xtrimlile
i-iit.iiK-!.-ii.. it. f..nii.-l a .li.l curium- of
fuliiii-, fxrlu.liiiif aun-liiiit- and light so
in:li'in tr..lilu that it wan usclt-.-a for uie
to ( up t.mai-1 tin- hoavt-ns, or even to
iu tin- time of lay from ths i wit inn of
tin- miii, or from any trliininer of its rays
Not i-urrvini; a wau h. anil ai-viiHlonied to
trll tiie tinie by the length if the aiiailows
I lai-anm anxiiiua fnmi my inaliility even
tn trucMx at the time of day, anil fearel
ir-. mi tin- it.irkm--! uf my Ktirroiiniiiiiip
that the ami must la- ilfiai-n.l'ii fiir to- j
.ir-l the hurir.on. lint after a i-oniile of !
Inmm of (lainflll anxiety, I at length
eim-riil fr-mi the ihirk, .li-tln-, jlllil tie-
'K r,,,,t' t' '"'Keif re
uinler the Miiecauoiiy of a California sky
atnl the Mill with five hour1eft lo reaeli
its rer-tinn jilaiv in the w.-st.
. -
Simple and Sure.
. The f.loiii (nn ritiiiii for ilyta-n-tery,
ilii-.rrhon and all mininer com-
iluinta, ia furniahed bv a ironiinent j .1 1 y-
Mi-ian w ho un-d it in hi j.mctii-e for sev- years w ith mi iforiii aiiciit. Fur ad-j
ults, tike one tu-ii-jaamful of (iiliiiore'a
Anilnatic Wine and the name U;iiitity of
-orn Hturch, arter every tliacharjn.. For
children, take one t-:if oii fill of t .il-
niorea Aromatic Wine and the name
((iiantity uf corn i4arch. For infanta un
der one year, ten !ria of tnia Wine, and
corn Htan-h enough to thicken it. Thia
m-? riition ia safe, aure and reliable. It
doea not leave the imtient eoi4iiatel,
but re-tore to ja-rf-xi lii-altb.
The t.ilnior l!einedi-a an aor sale by
l'.ioecker V Snyder, Mammoth Illia-k,
Sum-met. I'a.
Will yon antler with lyaa-aia and
I.iver Complaint ? ShiloliV Vitalizer in
niaRinteed to enrv you. Sild by (Jeo.'W.
licnford .1; Shi.
Two Irishmen on a auliry nittht taik
refu-je mider the 1-e.U lothea from a jiar
ty of nios.Miita-a. At la.-t one of them,
ptsiiti(r from h uf, ventnrttl to peep be
yond the bulwark, an-J espU-d a fire-fly
which had strayed into the naiiu. Aroua
iii hia companion w ith a punch, he said:
" Patrick, Patrick, it'i no u- ; you mi-ht
aa well (Mine out. H.-re'a one of the
crayters a-an hin- for us w id a lantern."
- -I
listn-ss after eatini:, heartburn, i k
hia.l.u lu-, and ion are cured by
Hood's Sai-sujiariiiu. It also creates a
KaaJ aj ls tire.
The breath of achroiiic catarrh patient
ia often so offensive that he cannot go in
to wa-icty and he la-i-oinea all ibjeet of
-ii.-ilst. AU. ru time ulcerutioii sets in.
the Haini;y laines are attacked, and fre-ijiH-ntly
entirely destroyed. A constant
source of discomfort is the dripping of
the purulent secretions into Ihe throat
-sometimes producing inveterate bronchit
is, which in its turn has lieen the excit
ing cause of pulmonary disease. The
brilliant results w hich have attended its
Use for years past proa-r!y designate
Fly's ('ream IUlni as by far the la-st am!
only real cure.
. . .
Shiioh's Vitalizcr is what need for
Constipation, 1 of Apja-tite, Inline,
and all symptoms. .f la-sia. I'rice iO
and 7-"i i-entii ja-r laittle. Sold liy (ieu. W.
IV-nford A Sin.
Croup, WliiH.pinir Cough and Iiroii hi
tis iium.-di.-it ly relieved by Shi loh's Cure.
Sld bv I M-o. W. lU-nford & S.n.
Catiirrli nirv-L. Iii-alfh ami !wc-t linut ti
Mt-utvl l.y'a Catarrh j
l'riix' -VI ivni-. Naiatl Inja tir fre. S-M i
liy .. W. Ilt-nf..rl ASiiii.
I.rtlai..l, Mo.. alii,.,.al lat vt-nr U,
-?..... -.---r iv.ii 1. -13 Mi.i-i ail.l I X- f
lai ts to wwl ov.-r lisl.ilftO tliia yinr.
... --.-a. I
SlIlw iiij.'l,ta uuwltt iniat-rdUlf by tiut 1
U-rrililt i-.mirh. Shiloira Cure ia tli nn:- j
ely vcm. SuM by tino. V. B-nfiirl A I
S.n. '
It is eatiiiiuUal that ttini tma uf yarn
itre yearly ukh! in the inaiiufaiture af
biua.' balltt.
ShiUih' CVnijfh ami CorMuntin Cure
ixaiilil by ukuii a guarante. ItciiiMst'on
auiuition. SjM by Kino, V. & Sun.
Miwionaries have done wore Air the
literary morM thun all (lie wa-ieties and
institution of (he earth. In the puat
eight yeura they have ftirme! anl n-lu- t
it-d to fmting over furty Ltntruiiia. ,
That lLu-kiiiif CtMi'-h run hr a. mi.4;tv I
.,,.1 I.. il.;l l,-..-..-. 11- . -I j
. niiniii.uic. r srnanuitra h. i
S4.1 by ii. W. fcrnf-ird & !?on.
Cms its victim to be luiaeraMn, hopetess,
eoiilmed, and depressed In mind, Terr irrita
ble. lanKUiU, and dmwirjr. It ts a disease
wfck-b do-a not get will o. ltaelt. It requires
rareful. iwrLt-nt attention, aud a remedy"
throw off tiro cwiaea and tone up tlia digea
tito orrni. lilt lliry a"rfonn tlwir duUea
wildniriT. lUaal'a Kars3(K0ill4 tiaa proven
Jut Ui req.uix-d rrnaxly in hundreds of ease.
" I nv taken Hood harurilU tor dy-tK-iwia,
trian wlilcb I have suffered two years.
I trkd many otlwrr na-dU-tnea, bat none proved
so satisfactory as Hiaafs SanuparHia.'
Thomas Cook, Brush Electric LUjlit Co,
Ktw Turk City.
Sick Headache
For the past two years I have beea
afflicted with severe headache and dyspep
aj.u I was Induced to try Hood's Haisapa
rilla, and have found p-ett relief. I cheer
fully recommend it to ail." Maa. K. K.
AN5ABLK, Sew Hiven, Conx
Mra. Mary C. Smith, CanibrWgport, M;,v,
was a sufferer from dyspepsia and sb k ta
ache. She Vaik Hood's Sarsatau-ii'a and
found it the best remedy she ever used.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druiwlstv I ; six for $S. Mad
only by C L HihjD & CI ., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
HHViiifc hnd nm tit
ytn exptTH-'iu'
III !! Trnin-liti ttf
th TuiluriiiK btw-
mtifactwm t m!1
. who iwmv it.M u i-
,. OH lilt MIKI iHVirT
j with their imt-
sha ! DaLhff .
The Okl Reliable
Schuttler Wagon.
EMtaMifihnl inVhu-Hjo in lS4'i.
I hare jut rm-ivvd iwo enr UmU if the SKI.F
the nna coiiiph'te W iMim Wwi hi the mai itd
Wa.o.n tht-rv la a k.-ur hrake. to he ti"?hti
j know the mttity of when huulfnton hilly f run.
laid in S:M-k thit yvui - U-forv U iu worki m. In
I U. lna n.r i. ot.,--..f tl,r
It ix the only Wiupui that ha thl. -
of UkiiiKntrtlir li-l Uiana-a-. a in ilu i.l-l t!r
Ihe wuaou run lie uiL. .1 in ln lliuu ir cln.iu.
t' ftilly aj-1-ri-ciaii-.l, anil tni.-t a l-hina
i ta-rm- Hirrhu.:i)K el--whrrr.
j .llaV?IV Alr01i Iixll
Ill oderii!) I hit. make of Wax.m U, lite (.uMi.'.
' tr of WaKim furtive yraxahrn frvlehtinif a-nwiiie fda-ky M.aiiilaifin,
j ovrr nwl-. Hut m-rr alnniKt :n:Ki.-nl.c. ami th.y aUy ihr test. I f.-rl
j muiUal in ayil.K 1 laiirvr lluin H,4W.i. ..n a l.-K
I ' w Olmr A"i-ir . nnj lli tfhu, ni,,, will ,,, yn 0,t
W"it Wuolel Throuicliotit Ihe C'lnuilr.
pi-rri-Mt i ii.:i'i'r.i:v.
j sowKKskt. M vm it -n. im,
' ""
I I I I. I j
M 'TIKKR AMI I'K i.KK. MH"lt:.iH INii Kt Till Lit i'.f
Hard and Soil Woods.
OAK. Htn.AU, StfilNOS. I'lCkKr-". Mot I.I.IM.S.
ASH. W'Al.Nl'T. KIiaitllNi,. SSI. STAIK KAILS,
I'HKIIKV. . YKI.t.liW 1'IVE. sllV,.Ks. Iai;s Rl.t's1 .K.
A Ueneral UiiiMifall (mules if I.umla-r aii.l H'i'l Vairnal an.t K-.-linf -li- tri in t.
AWi, i-au nimih anythfnir in th- linr -f air isi.iim-w ii a-.t-r with rt-a.tial.le
tiniltlttm-. Mii-h as lira k-1.. tM . u-A a. at. rt
Office and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
Patriot Street, SOMERSET. PA.
t wish to call the attention of IK
Thai llie 11 tKKKK l!il aK nkrli. Hi- .!;.(-.
Tllal llir -II H KK IlnlK U w nuin-ti iil ti
Thai in- sn.l- r KK If M r: i,t a
a any .-tlirr li.iw in .!i.-r. t.
Tbal tlir.-IIAFKKK lint -K IT..-riH4- ai'.l
tlian any latM-r tant--in HiH-fN. t.
That III--II AI KI U HOI SK. ! a I. uita raurr li....-a-.
Thut iIh- MIIAI I KK lfl K w Ihr taniirr.
That Ih.- VI i'KK Hi it -K I. Ih- irav. k-' h-.n-.-.
KarttM-ra ami .ali. ta u-itl.i .air I.. a n will .1. a. II t.v l tin- S!l KKI.K liilK.
April S. 'T.-Sin.
Cvcr S00
- -
M0K.rt-V-r'L r ' - "ANY,
CoaiAniag PrW.
3 4
' V.. V '
All ItimaM itfc in
m altii rVii ii.
C A M r K.l. LA M B KKTS
Oil of the bet nwHllrin? ever cliKruvervd fiir
tije cure of
li in rv.T iclr a icrvl Iinlu-r of Itw hlotl. .ml
IHf a on aiu Ktt-tTr iff ihe Ai-iiu-. wtU a
a SiroiipilKMier f ilie -ntiT Sycrra. and a rr.
tnm tuu H.-vy cure for in Hip, ifihtheria. and
jnirnl rirrp Thnwt. ain tuniM Uurtfint iu
fvery tkiiiUy. This nitfiirine lit niaite entireiy if
KiT nut) ir. Hrftf(ly imfv. ku nil ttbiT n-in-elie!i
hive foili-d. this one bao rftt-ttetl a rnr.
Many who bad triven uff ail hie ul riuir rrur
to health JUfAin. redact? Ui I tht-y htirtl iri the
( VMOikuiiud kH fyniu. fr by utig one or two
i :!.- ihy writ r-trvl to irri'i health.
RHKl'MATh: Kl.rilK
K;r thr n-llf tf Khi-uuidliMii. VMiniituC Sick
IT'-athti-hr. liihlhTia. Tool hat tie. I'tiim,-. nml ix
hh; l tin U-t tiH-iiU-iiiiw of the ac lr tiitr ulive
i isettfH-. Al t rvt
fl'J tyr. laiTib.-rtv.ile, Nut'rt't Co., I'a.
ACADEMY. A- rHMi a is a.D
H'tYS. MKi'lA. t., mi.iv from liiiladfl
ylila. Ktittl pni'e rsivtm rierv rtiK-iis.. -veii
Hk Ac No extra rhs.iv. S' inrhlernHl vx
iwu. No examiiiMtiu ur -aliii-Mon. Twelve
etnnrtl u-ai'hi'rr, all men. uil all raa'ltnu.
p.firti ojijiortuimy fir ait fiit'leiii-t ui aK.L(
rapiiliy S;nHiaI drill for ituU ul Itw iVwunt
btfyit. I'ainiaN or utioit-ntx my any tiiid-
or choose the rwnUr Kntf iih. Sctvur. m
imtf. rtfutMical or 'ivil Kna,mt-riii row tn
deiitF fittiil at Mtflia Ara4-iuy are !ioK-o- and
var1, Yale, 1'rinvetoti, and ln otii r ( uto Colli
royt-t hnir School., lo tit1vftJ nent tn l.
in Ksi, t.' in 10 in aHt lo nil A
ifnt1imtiiiif rlii.' every y-ar tn the rminenval
l.-parttiieut. A Physical &ni Cheniical ljtlm:i
n , . mitaMum anl Hall Nnwiiil. )n) volutin-;
H'l'lctl to trilintry in l-'U Met!ia htu m- en
church.1, and a "tcnita'ranif charter wh:ch pro
hihiH the le of all tmoxicAtnig tlriuks. fur
nw Hhi-trutct cfn-utar aMrtf the Pri. jial ami
froprtet'ir. H77W.V t $lHtkrUIiK. A. Jf
(Iarvtrii tjrailuit ) Jfna. Jti. auxA-'NMyr.,,
r VTpn Mn ftnH.-nll khiKfif Nur
1 J M.ry stJH-k. To ntvml
Httlnten I fmy an hitrh an Sliiu yer month ait'l t-x-pctiMi.
KxiN-rictice no neot-.Haxy. Apply imme-ittati-1,
with stamp. ieivttii;aLre.
k. H. K.MKK1N, Nurseryman.
.MaylH-itn. I'attersiHi. N. J.
IL! N . ii t.t, K K 1 N Si 'HrTTI.KK W4t;o.4,
J.r or Kann t' SiHLTTi.i-.K
haulinu haiy or trraiu. a nojucthiii that tanner
Kv ry jai.rl tt th- Wm. work of liiN wuoti h-.i
urinji the aork to In lhonMirliI ratir( U-forv 1
nt. It ar.a.U th n-oruy
: by .mn.ljr tiiniiu a raj.
- . Thi- Wnipm want. I.. I
Ui tiy will .!n trll tim-i- it
V IllSlirctl.
aill ut I n-,. thr wmr
Traveling Public to the tct
-n ,--it irf il..-,ai..-r na. N.
a I l.-i-in.-. n. f t. n a-ii:.-
Mir v tc
ailMKir-Kr, I'KNX'A,
l'irr..f uhI la-aK-rln
' "a aurf ..,r ta ud i at.
A Hrr.a.. 111 umi Kl.M JIK.VT WukK aiil
Itn-l 11 tli. ir ni.rr.-l i..i M mr .t.
a .rT l.a i.r aiil l- ivu th.'m j,-,'t
'"""' -a Itf, 1-l.lit.s
ttkt .. I inrtu- Tja! ait.-tilu.n lo ilia
White Bronze. Or Pur Zinc Monument
IntTlii.-r.t l.y KKV. W A. ;KIV.: a a Iw.lwt
lm-.nnrni.-lit In th hih ,a MVTKKIVI. AMI
OiN-IKminS' aial ahi.h a. .Jr-anir.1 bi t
thr t;,uUr M--.i-i-:. i,i a iK.r han.-v!,t I ,
-iv f-s
Uknrr, aa.ktm, Ravllailaar car larraJad
-Saaaaaa. ,aar4a mt tlaa waIO.
l . la ' '
.A I
tt.i.aiain raaartt Mra-lM. and lliaallaal
ihI tiiia kai'aLn. ui i.
145 N. 8th tt.. Fhllada.. IPa.
Mi-tance A.t fare.
Milra. Faro.
HtinvrM-t to St.ivioura 1J', to
Sirartl lo H-it'r-ville 17 i
U M-4ll.:l 70
Su.T4-t hi J..hi.-i..wn v I lo'C ti. K.K-k a.! 9 ;
SiHii-r.-! to i. anvil -" .' !
Hoiai-rurt o M. cT-lnie Jl To
Sonn-na-l to luinH-tlaii.l i 2 00 !
riomeryirl to Wahirjirl..u 2l a .Vi I
SonifrM't lo Hal-Jmorv ') T . I
SomtTM-l to I'r-itia i'I j,TMl to riii!u-!M-e -jrt W;
SiuH-na-t to ri.nn.'Ilsvill-- .r- 1 n i
S.mrri-t lo IMiul.urirli !! :t to :
The fnn- to l'hilil. l.liia i an-l to S- '
Yort. ill. .ill.
Summer arrangement In efTect since stay 29, '87.
JolISSTiiWN KXriiK--X.i. St.
l.l't'l ..
.IKk.KT ... ':
L. iK. r .
Miy.!-m n i.:.
li.ii'tVITsviilf- li
h.llli-1 6:.
John-tot! u....
a in
it :it
a tn l
a ui j
a ui f
f.r'tn. Jtuvk.
.'a m i'imtoM 1 1A p '..'lo . a m I Hit' a it; ,
Ik lli. l 1.' .1- I- ia I
i-.iK--n. fr-..,i -fi..irh .nr. t.r
ff.-m h-M-i(H.t t. -..inTs.t. uvc n..iir- U.i-
Iniui r--t u J-Ki!i-ti. ii.
SiMKI:.-KT A- i iM M' il).TK N -No. '.V t
I -
Hitltmiorv in ! a m
l,itiiur,:h !:! p m
K'H'kViUtNl ( 111
Miiior l .": i.i p iu
SO.MEIt.-l- T -Ml p HI
for omr-ct from rht ta.-1 ain! west
on tltc ruthari iMvis.un, chaiiKt cars a: Ko k-
snl'TIf ItoVSh TKMXS.
!.:rt j A-tr
JotTt-t:i 7 v a ni 1 l;N-Uotil !' V. a m
Ki tf.t I a ni ! itn: tK"i;iJhi !' jo (i in
M(ttvi-r ii!r v i; t, i UMa.t-jIliru.'ii -i .it u tn
:iviovin in I J'iui'.i.trc o p m
''iT '.i'IU ; -'.' p ;;i
HlKI;1.T a in (
Mnlon y a in j
I'-'-f for foinu. ntM an-1 i d,Hiw.-.r-
UTiOfiy- this tri;i will mn twcinr iiiinuttn 1
late from olin-iomi to Kifkuc-ni. '
ACOMMlATI'N" -Xu. m.
J ihiiMowti jsii p rn I Kuckw! I p nt
F'-iiM-i .;. p tu i .tiuiicrirtin! ... 7 , m!c... .11 p isi i ii ;i Wi
St. a -t.v ii ;J j ji tu i V n-huiw'MU 7 t a in
ic.j-f :( T ii rt-.iiuiit.irc ? t a i.i :
N 'SrK-kT P'.' p Ul j !
Mdloni i U. . iii j j
r'aciiL-tTo fur no; ur-t chunt cur-; at
I Mi Mti-!. ih. tr-.iii w riii t!-rrc !;.::r tintl '
fllV-vn uiitiutcv Uu in.., i J-'iintnn to Kickwoid i
KVhI A ' t'MM'ltATIoN S i. iti t
N.VjUMT i. 1 l. in l U. - L- is. ...I iMll t. ..
M!ttMrJ , -r
... ,.' ' ",' .. . ,
I'ti. nirrr- i -itvr.iif hm !lil train nui make con-
n- lion nt li.n ii h i'.ii iiiyiit Kxpre train
till ttU'l ct.
I i i I y . t Iai!y rx tpt ninhiy.
VI T Ts n ( v 1 js io.x.
I 7V.I. h -trr ,
rilt-i.U'L'.l l:M l. a.
I t'.m.i-t.H k 1:.;
, M.-k.-l.irt 1:4- '
i w.i N. u-u j;...; -
, Hr.m. I V .'.I : -l "
' I !)-vi;lr .; "
i i ilia l.t "
; ..n:u.vli I: l-
. ( , Ii;t ; ;., -
' i n.-.Eiiiin ."-:l i -
K ;.-h! "
. a.
iir.n r. .a.
lii.-l "
..'. I
l- .!
I-. i-
I. .si
: Sulll.ur JulR-. .'.
, M. y.-r- i',.i.
j K- y-l.-n-
! ;uni i'rtl.-i: :.:
; S-.niiuni.l.o f.:.
i Kjirl.--w- i
I Mniliiu;ii i;
i i uitHwriitut! 7.
li .-I
ii: -
tl:' "
1! ..i -
1 r. a. J.-I".
I " 7. .1
WEsT-lUit S l TL AISs.
1 1 ...i' ,i-
! T.w'w Unrr t urn tf'i J;-. .!.,,'. r..,t;rM.
j ) a. a. lit-iai . m. I-. a.
I W -i-iiiii-i.n! in... s -
H:til r:.iu.l -:"l ' '-r. M. . ! Jii .i. a.
I Hvn.l:u;ia ;: .-T I i
; K.iir'.iie " ) ,
-.'H:;iMli;ul VJ ' .... -
.- ilht 11.1. il ''., ' l-!7 ' J
; K.y-l. li.. " i-ji -
; l y. r-ii.i,. -.. j. . z " -J.-:
' -I.nry Jim-. -i i -ii
i i. -.r-vt! " .-n i hi :r,m
!iLvi.l v i-r. ;rs '
-.-'ma.'i l'l--.. " .Vi-i"
t I r.-.)i 1v.-i. Vai- :t-",:!
i ..iiili)-ii.: I. Iii v.'.. " -
. n' i.i It!.- In ,- ,v; - .. '
; --iin.-i ! i ! ! 11 t ti. a. - ,vbi
: I'.riiMil ll-. - ti-.;.
McK' sun
Ar. I'iK-iMir-h
iThtMifiH Rfivt-n Kji-tt-ni Siainlii! I Tii!t- )
fcOTE n KitJifay-- Kiawx.! Kxf.r.-A Ivmv
I'rt'f.nnrti ;ii .a V. n.. arnv At m
. r. m lai !;.M km-l ai Ut r. h.. iirrive
At I'.ii.-iniri.-ii Ml - !'. t.
Mail Trrtiii fomirri ti ih fe w wirh rriitTiv
to ;iiiil in.iii ..ih r- I an. i .liiil. u. ill Hinl
iiiaii u ith fruit- I- jih'i triiti U'-lu.vti. i:trn-il
it h it ! nii'l frni V 'i'Ti. ?a -uii-fnirj- Jnuo
lioiiui'.i: ;i.itti Uf aiiii lieu -al:.-i",irv.
W M t 1 TVI-JNT- MAiiuiivr.
f". K. I. ;''( i r.s. Ai.
lintl iron. tu' n "f "t m ' v WINKS KrlK
i UKun.I IKiiX'.tirtheMM-ultf! K.MI'l.Si
I a ..f ild 'lurry. Extra-! uf Mult,
j nli.1 tin- l!, a ti.-hfH.iH.i miniu'iuiit
' uli.l lliiiriin.-ul.
! ( IIIK.1V VI ILT III l the S;,m-tl- an-! I.iv.jr
(.niT-ai!a :.h-i-.;-i.-i;ih, iv i.iiiii; .l;',, th.-n.--1
Jiy HiaLiDK it j-i.ii.-ni.i- fur fiy-i-iia iu it- va
r...n . l .s.-f Vi'ia-tit... II. ii-la. h-, lu- ui
lli-l. --ii-rnl 'h-'-il ly, Wuttt nf Vitalily, N.-rs-ou
rr..lru.-n. i'.-li-Vii ti.r.i. -.-.
If ; .mr linuc -i i:. k.-.-;i it, -.-n-t ?! im f. r
rn.- l.ilr ..r S i t.r --x b--i:!ev K.r- ..ii-l.
I-1 K I 1 . I'll AH M Al .vi. ro..
: M.ii l. n fjn-. X. V.
Si-l.l l.y ail Inii.-vi-t. mar:- T tyr.
' h t "if !. ftaW ttaU SJS irW
r rn
rue wm r9. i
"lit. v vi
AJCn UOW 10 IfeiE T) A. It.
r.i.FOANTi.r t k vTK r,
jvr Urn Uiu. i,;. iti. w.
Th1TflTlfjrnv.( fa--i-n.nit hoolc frtV M'-. ti ;
t- ft.'Uiiiii-l rn v"ii Hi.H tn v niT !.
tie-in f li-. ..r . "instil.'! )a.n n..-rt-.ia n hny
; -I ur O'ltniiT. nj-.ti .tuy liii.;nt-- rrtlevi.-ii,
.iitf nvn Hint mm, n (f-m'-ninv: J'U will flrni ifw h.K.fc
, t xrt-iU r;inf, .tt 11 uifu-"- lifi .Li'.i ..i-it-r 11:, :
, h t-s. rvv-r hit Urn tn t! hi"i7rf l:p.irnr- 1 t I
IIS! .Ml if I Will ll-t sM-si'w ju, Ot,;-M Of lliUIU.MitL sH'tli-
-hi U n f-i.Mtw.tI1oTi v f.;iif'tr. IU- Uk r.- i
avrr nt., i-vii.i.-.i r--ui; -rcrv '1k h r x;tit' im-? O.
tt"A fcra Hiwik for (tiTwtr4
v Mfn t -.tMiM'! it of thm I . s. n n. i -..nf1
: nthttwtr wnt ri:i i.i.n; n- 'lTi'! r.'n la l-r n!-.
, i!i-ir (-f--nl;iUiiiK l-y l a-i.tiiK-n ( Jl.l a U n il 1
r ' :l:r,g IL.n ,1 w!l tc -! 1
I i y'.wi. Lit Mart tell ; i-is u f..r th: n.irit. h "li
t- . nQ. . n t l .r."i .HT'-rit cua m:.k ft iu '
.l,..n,iTfc.Tltha-:l7. Wo tTTB ttJtrvrratu
my rrvassn i-:h U.m Isr. .-an ,. a momt mrrr..
" Maar' M IVs A wr-w,. -. M w9 v S
pwialTrm., ii,. pi:, r rY,hi 4 h-rfrt, H--
WINTER A CO.. fubhshars, Sprlnglieltf. Mass
r. k r- v. - y.i Use rluar v; tll , i-lt.n Itl j
U ' . AMO TO OST wo oe
. I 'Jr riesh Worm, o..
surau It cares
iLim a. I'rrsa no
Atii, "caoirri.A. Caa-
ran. Hoi ta, l" ir a a a.
MitrriiiLMt all
S1KI .Ii
Tst It. Sasal Ibraim.
lara. Suld by U lirag.
Sellers KMiicia Ck,
SH'Mll'l rT FAIL to BH
BflU I "' as It sultana
nllr I tl.aio. J.I..I Mnnaabacs:
f IJ" I Ul BLUUBl or ToLTB.
L l For atakliis; PtlE
iflVI B-.tail.-lna
-ltril a.s no
a L.l.1'
5 Ml-
a-) r
For Men and Youths.
For Boys and Children.
(th Chestnut Nts.
ui '
It Will Be Glad Tidings tfi rt,
I , 111 liaZT
1 J 1 F t
M A 1 1 K ON
: ti'i: iM.L v ns the
j It !.a ' a; If.- fil t.K
ii.iSDLb.D mm ma:
It i ai-.::at;v
K..-. ),r .-vo i.i' t!ii- ro-.-.l!(.. . j,;.,.,
iiiv.- T V K K-1 I Wrnii it'T A 1IK( K
si'kim;. a i-kkki-ht
Its tcTi-i.n cum he H'tfiilatrtl uithi.
Mt rTlnvtI,(f
from the race. A new ami conv.-
Stitch Regulator and Indicator,
; " -Xiirt '"'" (.r.h;t,;.
without expTiinntiiuf.
i tu,. ... ;. . . ,
: By w hi. n a lj.,l.f.-n i-an . ,.Tr
of Hi -enil M itliullt tilt a!.l .if the l
II f. ThK M"T lrKAI:i.t:.,,l TH'.e! '
" .7f. y i;rn.T ma' iiist: Ti.
Ho.'.)., tIr .i.iiii-li,-,
at, at. I KT.-mly a.Iiuirt- it
(na!itii -.. HTi.t ai lh lr:iiio-n- rarii-iy ..f pm.-:,
an. I iwtul u..rk that ran I ,l,.t;c t1
lliii .Mii' liiiK-.
I-.i!;.-i.f U-U -U1.I jU.I-IMl Ilt !),,..
Ii jt-iin I.- ifi-aslit i.f liiiyiiie m,y M.r v.
MiU'llirc. Ri-r-n rnlly t-xi.-n::,;.-i:,.,(
: liif WHITE. ili:na t.. rxiuuiii, it
; li..'i i-t at .in..' a.l. tr. -;
Jenner X Roads,
Soriierst.'t Co., I'a.
Pure Bred Live
Stock Establish
ment in the
9ipw ImportatiHt
time, Rar iihTiiiiul
rfj)ncJUIi Ctr"Ut
fnr ctutToRHr hare tb adrsntatrv of wir man?
yHm rinrm in biwiinif an-l r .-i
fiftiinr qnlity : Irx THcty nl iinmrnr
r-ilrtia: rttortiinity of roniprtnc fiirfrn!
brf-ln: xrni lsr prim, bot-stUM nt oir a
eqi(lM fnrilitmtt, rxtnt nt baln?B, ma
Iw rmtf )t" rr&nportiD.
WiRLt nrtf-r such wirantatce ui thr purt-br.
TfMilnr welcome. Corrfpniirn aa,ihnr.l.
Circulars fre. poWEI.L BKOTHMl-.
prinit;tor. Crawfunt ti
W ben frtQ writ mention thi pKr
:H, mm & co.
1 13' 511 Wood Strat, S
Our Special Drive 1 0
"H" j FOR 1S87, j
S! $3.00 S
Seamless C:lf Shoes
In Button, Enjr'ish Balmorals and
Saarr.leES Top Congress.
Any Siz s. Three Wnllhs.
SZXD for S-lIJa and PRICTi
r.i'.l:.'j.-!';ca Guarastesi
i.i.rjii l r.
All PErcta caa lie
V I VO I, TI Hi f 11 r
: L 1 eiOl 4 1 BAITS. 1.
.ISP t'lH .s UH KY
li. H. ScIhjII & Co..
anel- lavH-r. .4,
' I.KA!:sTHI
! IfKI..-Th'K.vK-
j H.--I.ri--ti.r -ii i.
; T A T E. a M K . 1.
; A i'.t -k U.-M. f
, i . i'jvr . iin-.
4 .mr .-'.r i. &I.-.II..I ml. earll "'r.l. i"'1
alv. f.i... IT . v a .ill al lnia-' "j...,,
ri. -!--.l, r.f.c. tr.-l!art'r-r. I'l.1'1'
itnit. K. S. . tuaria- '.'
,.f-' : I
i, a. - -rZZ f