p. a. IIirnl,l I ilC OOI1KTCI ilLlillU. .:vi:l .1 1.1.. IM:i-r ! l'r.-1'ri. i.-r i:iM.-!AY A h:I.L h-'" I1-1 T. Snmrr I'".. I: -.1 the at H.ir- t:l. the tiiill'.iiitn.i -jiini Pill-. If flu 'ti!i, "'" it Uix.iiu' n)H-rative in r. i.i . i- t.-rm -ix !' .-iir-. ihe 1 ' .Illll' IK vt T, ;..t.nl.:i.-Hii- .ft" fahfonua rt ti,.,t l.-;r-t ttie nl . !" '' I- uio.Tal . 1 H.t.-.f Sut.- 'i iliir. 'n hi- ele--t,.,n 'ov l.nifry :nnl tin-' are fieter-,,,;i!.-. To -. .Ii ! I it. 1 ; I j t e. !m '-i in the r- to enable women of . to hold the ul.iie. That'c riht; .ll-e ;il ll..l'li-'fi .n.-r eii.'M''. I em ..i!f ..f n.fi.iry 1 t-.M the a eh. hi i-iiiMVi vl f . I- l'llh alll Mi'lerlKith o!.-.i l..t the proho-itorj- ain. iidineiit in ! i;. --t . ! .lid a!-' d ilator AU'X .,..t. ll.u- itiakitw ir-l ''"-ir proniiH.--. - WYII .l .ne trood ..lei t..i;tifu! wrvantri." t.KMi.tMiA of tlf Lo2i-...tiire ! now 'tii.d y..ii I. n.-- promptly ii-l-''l "f .r..:iib lo'V I.lliel.lllietlt. (.'IVell-a- . ,, ...;oie. a !- bt:t strati'htoiit !. 'I l p-...e :.n- tif.-d Willi 11 10 tin lilii-Io 11. A 1. :i in!: ,lMr p!. M i'l hook- ti.roiiu- :: ti.ei-.- mull nl.i.e.l in inir - inr titiilonni ollt the t;lt.-. U' a l.iit job M.lte l.'L'i' ty ..( - h.. It I .k- le rov.n-i tl SW';(ri ll.l.J 1 it. thi-t io ... -ttalioli -;t v I n unil'or f. r . -! 1 I - an i lity exe. pt 111 o! iter seh-oI Tin .1 I'd .! tie .1- to ( 'oinuiis-iolier make tin- pay -ci March 1-t. bli - !-': .1 is T.. !: !li'll!-. nearlv ilS'lc- . ii-t r.'li'N- loo. 1" rj t 1 at--!, a y.-ar i ,,ol, of !,,H.d!llIIIS lit imirL' Territore. m I. 1: ..k -;!dit- of that place. The ;, "ft. ha- pa-sed a bill ; : T I '. 1- to make -'ooil t lie 1 l-"..r tin- -r-..ii.i! suf of oil . le r. .p.-iis.- nt. -ropria -li ne! Tnr p'T- i i-.ve j Who .p;. :.!! ,-r- ,.f eleven la lies a eoiiniiittee of the l..-t week ilnlllce.l II-.', Its . llat .- in. in1" r- to ivjiort f.iv..ra- t.lv h proi l.-ed A Illelldlllellt to the C0I1- x it nt urn sr 1 ir.t women the i.f'ht of suf frairv. When tin- 1 1 .use coiiu to w nes tle Willi tb.s -e'-i'i t. we fear that the dear en-atnr will let find il so coiupla- i t-nt a- wa- it- committee. Thkiik is a demand c.mitij. uj. from all parts of ti.e State for the n-js-al of the , -alpiaw. It the '. ivpaver-will take a look a! tie " i :.-.- -1 1 t - :i ii-1 Kx-iiditiin's -..I :b co.11.tv pul.'.i-ii.-i 111 another j.itt ..f tlii- p!i r. we think th.-y will not he-itate I., join in the demand N-arlv two tliou-atid dollars paid for s. alps in i ilo-eom.tv i- ei.oii-'h to m.liii-- taxi.av- 1 ers to call .r a halt. the law by alltneiiiis! A p.sl maiiv tl.;iit can happ-li w ith iu th- twoni xt y.-ar-. but if the s-iple take care to that the next b ei-lature 1- as emph iti.-aliy I;. -publican ii is this one. we think, jii'L'ttc from pr.-sent -x-I rieii.e, they need have 11.. f.-ar of its action. After that the formal adoption ..r rejection of the amendment is w ith them. 'ne ihu.ir 1- .-ertain however, the KepUolleaO- of the pre- -lit I ' L'-'iat UO- have in a tuaiif'il ttnlu -it ititiL -pirit n--d.s-incd lie- pi- !.-' in.i-le bv th.-ir party, mi.! h ive -n-iaiiie l it-, har.i.-ter for fidel ity b. it- proTiii-c-. V 1 iii.r. prop.rt J.-bt incurred bt t to the fact that, we . 1 ot the norinou 1. h.i. war wa- din ill to iiuprovi-e all the mattia! ii.-d.-l. Hi a jrn-jt htirrv, and .-OI1--.JIH iit'v at a va-t ep-n-e. Wi do not f.-ar aiiotl.. r tvatju-lat pre-4-til, but vert dictate of iioinv as well as of comitioTl -ell-c -hollld iii--.te us to pn-pan- tor def.-n--. lost we ba caught 1111- plepareii. Ullolil co.i-t defenses, with out modern or-tiian.--. and without a navv we won! I fot a time at lea-t. Is- at the m.-r. v ol t lie meal..! f.-. Willi an overllow hi;.' treasury and all the raw material at hand, we can deliberately, and w ir ii .lnc r- L-.ird to .-i-i.ii-.i-iv , wit tbe ei.tmtry in 11 -Lite ot .1. f. -n-e. while at j the s.1 time the s-ople Will Hot be: ls.th.-r.-l wuii iitcr.-a-..l taxation, and ! n-inuiieiaiive ei.iiiloy uti-iit will be for- i nisia d tie i-aii-ls oi l.. boiei-an.l art isa us. i It is a sound apollevtu - " In tiun-s ot j j-ea.-e. pi.-pan- f- .f V. a r " Till llotl-o o !;.-pie-clltat i e- at II. II- ! blire oil We-ine-da last made ood the promise- ..f the K1 -publican platform, ! l.ir as in 11- p.iwer.l y p is-im; finally by a j vote of 1:10 y . ,.s to in. nav -. the res,.'.uti.ui I prov id,:ia or a const itiuioiia! amend- j ui.-iit proh hilnii: the manufacture and soi, of in! -.xic.-t-tij: ! .;uor-. The n.lu- tioii wa- at oik-c -.-nt to tin iio'.einoi I and loiluw itli receive'! his signature. Th.- n.-publicins of the Le.ti-i..turv are iititli-i to h'eb coitiim-iidations for the pr..mpluc-s wit'n wiii. h thev ledts-med the party '- pa . I ifco'ir-.-. the fanati cal crank- w ho .k-' l tt i-.- and snc-red. and in a -laiv chained den it and pn meditated traiid on the liepii! .'leans, and by their v..u del th.-ii Is- t to defeat the measure they pi-..fe t d to have at heart, willaain eive aid mid comfort to the 1 k iu.s-r.iis by joining in the, r cry that, the ki--ai-c of t he m.- isun- bv lids Ijccis. Uitun- i- a ini-iv juvle. vthi.-h will In ex s.-l when tiie next l-oislatun-mis-ts and eontritcs to undo w liat this one has d ne. 'xt of the anomalies of Pennsylvania politi.-s. i- the ereat si:i-identtion tlie llepui-iicaiis appan ntly hat c for Samuel J. Ilan iall, and the pain- they take to kis-p him in t'otitrn-. I'ven now in the f.:iirn-sr-ioiial ApN.r!i,.iimeiit bill's -ul-inu Is iore the U-ola1iire mucli tnnible lias l, n taken to s-i p rrviiiali.h r the iiy of Philadelphia hs to make Mr. Iui- htll a isali di-tri.-t. We are awan- that th.-n- if. tradition extant, that Mr. iLtn dall is a protv. tioui-t. 1111. ! that his 111-llueito- Minoiie his IVm.M-ratie bn-thn-n in C-oiiL-nsss is worth more to the luanu lailunuif ni.lii-ti i-s of the oiuntrt than would be the single tob' of the 1-publi- au member that suid Is- eUs-te.1 iii ltin stead, hut an o.ukv of fact i-woith a "niid of theory, and fact- show that Mr. lunidall's ideasof protx-tion n of the most diaphanous kind. He is tin- author of Ihe j'Uvrlert of words, 111 the last Ii.-iii-Aier.it ic ptatf.irin that as put forth m the Uttiff .jiiestiot! at t'hicupi and his friends in al! his I,.iiL. j,iiti,a! can-vr, an (oint to no frank, manly uneuiv.sal iitU.-rxiier in lavor of pnilt-tion for it "n oake. Mis position in Oiuren to day is that of a mere olistructioniat. He ' i lio-tile to the tarirt' as it t-xi-1. lie h:; 1 ni,.,i ti,,. r,Hl.i, tion of Iiit.-rrial IVvrt.- ui tax'-, lie liax ivfixirvl iil mm r-i-'i-' M'T.'riation! forau iii.-n-.o-.l navy.nn-1 ! harl-or an.l wit 1 fi'ii". ' " "lr- ! to uim.riatiin for the liiamifw-l- im- oOi.-avv .r.Ini)iv,ninlly tins' course' j i hr firovtn liim-vlf op)-.l to Hit- in -la- j ' tHal irit.-r.--1s of hi own at-, wlii.li it i- Moimifi! liif i-oiitiniiam-e in -.-Mi'iully In'ii.-lit- aii'l prutort-. it- n-.-imtf-l his i-oiititiiiain-e in Colint- j H.'i-il. t n.ti ti-.ii.--l of !.:- own iiit.-rvrts ami i ' .. , , ., , n 1. . "n,'."'P '';? " 1.,.,,. (..n .t.i.; to hi, tai.tr I.ut J.u..f .Itx-'litK.lij.aifJ main in the ranks of ins jiartv. There ii.mv I a refiiK-l mii-i r.loii:i'l x:n in : l ,.in,.' Mr laiiflall in (' .tiiriv fntu w i .r..iifM!ll'e.l h h'.-i.iil.liean eitv an IMiilt.- i I ' . . .Iill.hia. that i- not .li-f mal.le l.y tin' j eolilllloti lieM, Dill we .10 kiiow 10.11 , tl.ou-.md.- of Kepublirati" in the Mat' I !f-lii".e an we do that, the U-t intT'-t 1 ..f the rtv and of the.H.untn- would be I U tter Mil.--n.-l by .ii.-).l.i. in;,' hint with a u.iiind reifre-fi.tative w ho would lltt r j 1. un.i-rtain niiin'l on the nvenuiitii ; .ju.vlion of prob-'tion to Anieriean indu- . trv " " " The I'riideiit has Vet.'d the I'isahili- ty IVnsioii bill w hi.h projiosed to ciejj;,;) ynioke -taek was iraek.-l forat least I J'12 a month to all soldiers who serve I j twenty feet Iron, the ba-e. a tortion of ihe three months in the last war and are de- ; r..t ..f tin- new Lutheran hun h was Mown I o!!. lent on their daily I.iU.r f..r t-upl-irt, oil" as well as iWfs ..ft private ilwellir.ss. The j and an-sMir. rinj from mental or physi- ' ''' ..u windows were blown in 011 the , cal .liability tn.111 l.il-.r an oi 11 ic.-s or I iib in. -U..O it itrs tlii-111 1 is not the result of their '-harity farm wasblon.lown.lel..lrrapl. wir 1 xi 1,11 u ' were disablnj and damage generally dolu . 11 1.--.H'--.-. k .m 0.0 " .. 1 somewhat .b-f.vtive atel vat'tie. and there wa-no way ..f certainly -tiiuat in how much it would cost the Nation; there a li-ur l-o that it iniuhl j.lai e on the roll-11 laiv tiuniU r of uiideservinj: ni.-ii, and the I're-i lent in his nie-sie makes .Hid it wi!ll-ar the tll.r-t of tb.s-e obj.s tiotls. The eollli i;. -,dc this, we ; try can well alford liowever to take can- of the old soldiers n ho preserved the Nation- lif.-.and it would Is- an everlast inn shatne and reproach to u- a- a s-ople to -nnil tho-.- who have 's-.-oiue infirm by re:i-..ti of sicklies- or old aire, to dra out tlie rc:i. u.: nt ol't heir ei-tanced. p.-nd-i.tifs upon private bounty or as inin.ites of clial itable ill-t :t ill lot.-. Then- is 1.0 probability that the biU call be p.l-v-o.l over the I'n-sidellt- e!o, 'nt it d.'- 1.0I follow that tin-friend-of the invalid old soldiers w ill then-fore abandon further etl'.rls to have their want.- pr..v i-le.l f .r. .lu-ti.-e nl tunes trav ei sl... but it i -nr.- to arrive at the 1:0.1 1 at last. Thki.i: will Is- no tarill' legislation at this loll of t'oIllT . Not t K -ails- the I . in.-rats have abandon. -d their intent and do-in- to n-duee the tarill'. but Uvaiise of the feud- inthe pally. Is-twis-n the followers of t arli-le and M..rn.ii. and tier-.- ..f llin. lall. Attain the oi l udae when nvu.-s fall out. honest men come by their own" is shown to Is- true. This a timed demand for a r.-hictioii of the tariff d-H - ti.-t coin.- tr.nn the ) pie. A comparatively small number of th.-orists. and the iniixirtors land repn-s.-ntatives of foreign uianufae ; t.m-s. priticiii!v eon..'nvat'.i in New York, instigate and ke-p up the racket for n-diin-d duties. This eoiintrv has 1 never liven ho pnss-r..ns as under its prf--ut i.'ei.uhlieaii tarilT. At the dose of the Hilchalian Administration, after ! years of jx-aoe, and under a low taritf - s stem, the roiintry was absolutely bank ' nipt, without money, and without I credit. Tiie tui-essit i-s of the war cam pelieil tiie adoption of the present tariff. I'nder it we know that the country lias prosts-red. We have Isirne the exhaust vi exts-nse of a U-rriilie war. we have I provided for, and redin-ed w ith luarvel i oils rapidity a ppintie l.-lt, we have ', c-tablished a national credit une.Uall.-d bv any of the p.veriimeiits of the old ! world, and at the same time we have in- i n asi-d in wealth ill manufacture and in ' o, iiend )ross-rity Ik-voii-1 any other jeo- ple. Previous to the adoption of oui 1 ; presi-tit tariff system in Isiil Falkland niaiiuf.ictiired (or all the world. Now the workshops of the World is ill the : I'nitc ! State-. To-day the price of labor i- hiLt'ier. and tin- cost of living U-sm than t-iey hate ter Is-en lM-fore, an-, tin-re is 1 employment for all who want it. No country on the clols- is more pr..ss-r..us. and in none is labor U-tter pai 1 or le-.- taxed. We know that we hate thriven and i an- thriving under the pn-s-nt system, ; and we do 11. .t know that we would i.ro-r-r as well under a reduced tarilV. 1 an.l vie also know that, l-.noland as ! well as even other Ins- trad.- Nation i ! rotrotrradino, and that seeiiur our pr.w I pority other Nations an- adopting tarifr 1 - stem- similar to ours. No theories can I eieet .-r otertlimw 'tliie fact-; it would j Is- men- midsummer in. nine to disturb 1 tlii- state of alfairs, and fall to tinkerino ! with the source of our pro-s-ritt, and ! happily this idea is daily jriiniii;; force ' and sin-ic-th throughout the eoiintrv. A Knife Down His Throat. p.ir-ni it. 11. F-l. be- I'tic nonket at tlie .'. t ir beiiy o. kiip w a- lia-rilv -:i -:i io-0 i.i I t- on. of 1 l,c c.-i 1- :.y an ex cite, i pti-.ti.cr to-. lav. " lb- -wallow. si a knife." -!e.titt-. itit prison . : , 1- he -li it-, ted t !te lui'likcy'- attclilion to trioili.-r man in tin .-!: who wa- -tru'-lin and ciiokin- l.---r:ii!y and b.-ali to vomit !.od Tin- tiirtikey toiii-l no -urns of a knit, a-s.itt the mai. s motuli, but as the kniic bad l.ii' a moment U-f..rc l-n taken to him w ith some f-iod and had tlisapjvan-l 1 1 iv officer is.nclud.d tin- 1. tinr prisoner's j -torv wa- irin- and the -nil. n-r w:s at omv 1 lak-ii t the Aii.-hit.v jemal bo-pital. I 'ii hi-l. rr:tal lite ho-pital phv-l(-i;ins at " i. 'Npn tii--.ir.-li br the mis-iii knife. J l'..s-riti tlow 11 tbe Hutu Throat one of the j payi. lan-d'-covcied the li.-itnlleof the knife ( att.l in a inoiiteiii uio.-,i.v lb u-cof f.nvps. It wa-drawn out. A tll-l, of bl.tod folI.fW'- 1-1, -hotting litat some injurv had Us-it v. :..iu!it. Tiie knife t ..- silver plat.tl and s -ait -ix ni he- in leiivid. It bad Ihs-ii in-tr-fi'i.-l w itit bta-lc for. tno.-t. The man i-aiiH- uiicoo-. ious shortly after tli. knife wa-r.ni..t-l. When be rivott-n-l he was re movef u. a Ki lde.1 is II. Tlie physicians Were uimlile io determine the eiient of the iiti'iiv m The ihroat. Meeting Death in the Blizzard. l'rvit s I.Akit. Pakota, February 9 The b-iv of Mrs. E.I ward Walkers who disap-js-an-1 a few day- since, has been found near l'ctil s Uikt-. Mr. Walters came to llcvil's Uike from bis farm last Friday, and the storm became s. .-.-v.-re that lie could not re turn. U s wife it is thoticbt bad hotline alarmed at his pi..ousi iibs. ni and started to pi to her iicatvst neipl.ls.rs. Her Is-lv was tbsiMten-l a short di-tan.r- from the I r si.l cp.n the oiK-ii pr.nne. (hihIv covered by 511. . and only alsiut a quarter of a mile froin ner ow n d.H.r. The blivsinl la-t week was the s.ver.-.t of the n..p,.-t wimer ! ..... ,,,, , ears, ana n ,-irts are .,- ; m in every day of jiers-uis Is in,; caiieht out 1 iiiHin tbe pnune in tin- m.irin and fitiien to ' d.-ath. A Whole Family Burned to Death, i Iks M 'lNM. Iowa. Feb. S.-News was re-wit-J lien- lo-,iay f an atvi.leut or Ira.lpsiv llmt n-urnsi yottertiay al-.ut six lull.-, northwest of Jefferson. A smail frame house isx-uplcd by a man named Luckiuiu was t-n-tin-iy sii-umsi al 3 o el.sk in Iheaftern.s.n and I.u kluiu's ap-d father, wife and son were burnt-tl t.. d..i,. Tw neipbix.riiifr women -aw tlu Haiu.-s nj trioj Jo ps into the bouse but :h. do .r- were f.taued. Tuis. t.ip.li..-r with the laet that a jruo and revol ver w.-re found near the charred rcmaiu of tin; old man indicate Joul play.puuibly mur-l-r and -ui-irle. ! THE STORM IN THE STATE. A Falling Tre Crushes a Shanty and Kills Five Hungarians. Tvi!K. Fell. 11 1'iinnpa WoL-iit wini--tnnn la-i nltflit a lartr tr. f.-'.i on a bIihiiIv ,),,. iilw, j-iw Mn-liaiiiion liram-li t-nU-u- ,i,, ami tjvt uftlit- sinr nuiiai., nil nun- jniriaii-. rv killed. Ti..' utif..nuna!e m-ii wr-n- -mi...y.-J by Mion-rn itr.-.. ooiitr.ic- tor. A tomtiir cjle utr.ir lyroneai n - - im1 '"iitinu.-a tiir..ii!i.nit tue day an.l .i ,,,Whv,,,vv rain. Th- ,.ri...-i,l '(i;i!1J.wnm1Wil,atUl,Rll,,d,Tan- j n,n. ;mltie ,,, K1.tri0 Vght KnBin , ( A, ,SI)mr. Kirli(.n f ir, of on the Imrk -hfl ami a nnion fVer t!l.tlllli w. all,l ,tin ..I ih- s!aie n-.f on j . ,.,:,, UwWuf wen- Mown utT and a rt - ,. ,.M,l ,,ftl,r i.aik -In-1 wa- blown out of ; pla.e. ' The iron smoke-la. k on the eleetrir lijrht company - I. iiilflnn.' wa- blown over, nui hut p-rt of it bx- lvn re-t..re.l and the li-ht a" aal ""'!?" TOUNAI-. AT .ki:LN-Nl BO. (;i:h;iu I'a.. Fehrnarv 11. A t.rnhle j rain and w ind -lonn rai d here this morn- i n, f..r fully 3 ball hour Ixrtween 10 anil 11 o el.s k IIoiims. were iinna'feil. tr.- blown I J,,H, -, f.-iut- i-.irri.il away. The new j west sule. A lare uerra'K on me ..-1.1- ; oN THK sl-.!ri:H VN.V . I I.AM wi n. K. b. 11 -K. i-.ris fnmi thelow- J er S'.i-.iU'-liaiiiia sl.-.w reat dam.-ip- from the j water and i.e. The railroad bridge al iti- ' Harbor wa- moved from its piers last liilit. j a- w.i- a bri. Ureal '.i-liii.Ltoii ln.rou'h. hv i is pil.-i on tlie i.iiiinbia and Port Hep.it ; ilailroail tra. ks near Turkey Hill to ihe liei.-l.lll of til'lecll I'.vl. I Near the -tatioii.it 1 'ar.iniiiiaoahiiej.'oive has lorm- 'l Iron, -iiorc io -bore. A l.itye atnoioit ..I l.;mts-r is -..niiu' down the river. I be III.'-' -er.oli- .lalli.ip' il is 1 lievis! is yet le .in.- I k 1 V IN IK oM TII1.1K lo) ,v Kl-INO W VTKK-. Sin i;... Pa.. February II P.-.p!'- l.vins oil low i.-1-oiind near ' lie Si.enaiiL'o K n-r are moving e.i i.-uiLrhi. the water bavin; -tir-roiiuded th.-ir home-. To add to ilu-.li--. omfo.-l a -troni--ale i- blowing. Mih-s of t.-niloiv ari -ul.merf.-ed N011I1 of Sbalotl. irwik "I' tin: vvim. i 1 11 vm:-.i:i:-hi no. 1 nt Mai-k-ki ii-.. Feb. 11. A cyclone struck thi- .!a:e alsait :! o'-i-k this iiionilng mi roofintr at. nit a docii houses and tearing s'ii- from their fa-tenim."-. In tlie emintrv tin- damage i- r. p.iied a- ltv. it. a numls-rof barn- hat i'lu- their roof- blown oil' and f.-nc-s w.-n- levcl.-.l. Tiie st. .nil i- -til! ni"iiiir. A lloc-r iu:..ki:n tr lirM.EI'ONTK. iha.i.i:r-.M v.. F.-b. 1 1 . 1 'uriiii: a wind-tonn h.-re to-day the end of N'i.-le.'.a- li.i'i.-r - I ri. k boa--. ..11 liisliop sir.s-t. was blown down. No one wa- injured. . . - - The Senate's Gift to Mr. Black. II l:lilia 1;... F.-b. I'l l"i her wa- I lie -celll- tlti- lllo: happy int. ivi.aii,--. of court.- a- Si nate I 'hane i.iiio of a very ies ls-t w fell 1 be Senators, in-esp-vi f party, and Kx-Lieii- tenant Uiiveriiiir ISlack. Il lias U.n 1st u cusiom.irv to pn--ei.t tne r,rl; Pre. dent ol the Senate with sonic toki'i ol -teein, but ran'lv ha-tl.e i-ourt.-.us Ibimaiity b.s-n in spired witii such uiiaiiinious will and entl.-u-ia-lii as was the eeremoliy to-day. ''be i-.tiiiioiiial e-.n-ists of a solid silver pitcher, bow! and salver, (H-aiitifully d.vora t.il with n-j.iir-- work, with this inscription on the -alver: lloX. H tl NCKV F. P.t.t. lV. I.ieuleuant (iotenior of P -liii-yivania and President of ihe S. telle. l -s:t -1SS7. l-'roin The Senate of Pen n-v ! vania, S,-s-i.rti of l-s7. Ti.r pr.-s-nialiou -p -c. !i wa- nude by S-nator i'ooM-r. ami w.t-at on.v elispi.-nt and witiy. Kx-I.ieute'iaiit tiovernor Ilia, k made n n-iiie iuem-i mine nappi-. -1 ,,.r,. ator- old was th. n siirroiiiide.1 bv theSvii- .f w lioin -b-'ok I. m. warnilv bv the band. Met Death in the Flames. St. l.ri-, Fcbiiary In. Fire broke out bettvwn 11 and 12 o'clock last nUtht in the extensive livery stable of .!.--e Arnot. on 'hi-stnut -trs-t. Is tvv.s-n Ninth and Tenth, and riiimitnr throUirh the bi.s k s-nitli to Mark. ! -ire-t. The entire bull. Inn; wa- s.s.11 a 111a of tlanl.-s. It is -aid that then- were iiIm.iii two bundnsl hor-e- in the -table and thai one-half or more of the niiiu'tMT were I. urn. -I to death. There tt.-re ai-.. a laree lilniiU-r of tine eflrriap--. tuiu-ic-. hear-es and other vehicles in the biiiMie. nearly all ol tt hi. Il were coltsUlu.-l. After the lire bad liee-n under way aismi an hour, aii'l w hiletlie lireiil.-n Were making thtir ttav into ihe building, one of the hiirh inierior wail- fell with a crash, biiryitu n-v-era! til. tncii tintl others in tiie dtbris. .It i not known bow many H-rs..u- w'ere covered, but three .I. ad holic- had Is-, 11 taken .-ill, ..it.-of tb.-at that of .bwpli Schineicr. f..re in.tii ot't-ii-j-;!,.. No. . The tvv . oib.-r- are silplH,-.l to i- ttatse uf-ta:.'.- h 'll'l-, N ales unknown. Jotm ....-li.-.ttii and .loim I 11 nerty . 1 w .. ti'-i men, wvr- -rlo'i-'y Ic.rt and taken 1" t'-a-ir h-ttiles. Wtiliain FiliuertV. aliollier !;:. !:. an, who wa- hol.iiu . j.is- 011 the sts-o,. t.-.-of the -tuhie. jlliliis-d thloilh a wiltd.o. and wa- cllp;-i.-l solni-. A liuitl U r o; other j-Tsotis tvei-e mon ..r le-s in- AU-l. I he h.-ar-c in w hich the remains of Presi dent Abraham 1. inc.. Ill tt.rr conveyed to th. ir ia-t re-tin: pla.s- was i-on-uuit-d in -the tlame-. Tlti- hc.ir-e wa- buili by Mr. Arnot f..r that -peeia! purjto-e a-itl -in.-e that d:.t ha- 11. v.t Uvn out of the buildiiiir. Arrested on his Wedding Day. PiTTsiieKt.ii. Feb. in. J. I!. Whit. It Wasliinjtou LV.utitv, and Mis- Mart- of C. i Mi sre were to be manied at 12 o clock to day. al the home of tbe bride's -in-nts in F.rin stn--t The Rev. W. II. Knox wa- to officiate, ai-ied by the K.-v. I. I.. I.ittie. The pie-ts ii-s'uible.l. a-id many mstly wed liiiti; prc-ciits were ili-.hiye-l. Half an hour alier the appint-d lime lor th,- ceremony a ill. sst-lip-r from the central p.licc station a-kt-i f. -r M s.- M.s.re. The 1111 enp-r told llieyoiiiii lady that her loter was imprison ed lor lanvny. He had Uvll arn-le.1 w hile attempiinj; to uwu a box of p. I, I pt-u-. It was learm-1 that Whitely, ju-t Is fore leaving; Washinon, Peim., for Pitt-burb. bad stolen the p-ld js-ns from a stationer, lb 1. The young man had 2u' ill hi- ss k et when arre-ti-t and wa-dn-sscd in a wisl tiiiii; suit. Heislcameto Pittsbun;h nsx.ver ed his iciis and n-fuscd to pni-ecute, Is-s-au-e be had known yuan;; Whitely for years. While't own- one of tin- finit farni- in Wu-!iintoii founty. an. I has always b-.iva psid n putati.m. He s.iid he did not know what lliijK'llcd hint lo commit the I heft ile 1,-ft the Mavor s of! almost hstratlisl. Miss M.sm heanl the story calmly, laid away her wed line parments and divlai.-l t that the wtsldine w.ilild never tt.k,. i.hi.v. Her farheraiidtwoelerptmen. who all know Wl.ita-.y well, think that he must , a eraxv. A Bomb Exploded at a Patti Concert 1 Sax Fmscisi-o. Febniarv 10. I-v-t ni -bt ,,,r"": -V-l' lina Patti csunvrt at thctirand ! (ipent House an infernal moi hiiie rxpl.slitl in tbe top gallery, ami Dr. James IIo Ili-. aeed 71 yeaist, w ho rails him-s-lf adysj r.ia JHs.-ial:st, but w hom the poliix- call a 'crank' woslradiy burned alum the fatv and bands by it. II e says he found the machine under hisaeat and picked it up, when the explosion occurred; but -ruiis who sut near him say he indiilp-l during the evening in n-niarks whieli justify the belief tliat he bmupbt the machine into the place. A aiiic was averted, it is said, by Patt; coming out and ent rami 111; thecicitci audieni-e by wnginjt " Home, Sweet Home." a riling critics des ipiate the rxphtsion a- a Patti " Ixsini " The Veto Message. i VAfiiiNfiT... Feb. 12. The Prii.iit, in ! explaining li vino of the I'f.nil'iit j IVtwion bill. -ays tliat the almost roll- j tant tfeiiKion l.yi-lati..n sin the clof of tne mar lias in-.-! U.n me ntou n.ii-. ; ut e -lirtllwe,t UtT ,hl. tiV!iie aeverity .Wj.:3 insionen of all elu-ses, for whom ! tlf Uie ,t.,nI.rat,lrt. aj UUBfUll) dt'ifth of t7o.(:i.ti have btvn ai.j.n.i.riated for the j fU)jW The severe weal herstartixl ill sawn af-.-urrLi.t year an.l for w!i..iD -oM-'l.ll have ; ,,.r ,lr holi.Uv. From January 6 to 11 Ihe. J. Utn ex i..l.J from l-.l to li. It ii now j pof,,,,) N,mi.,l,i,!- Iriiitfiil. Mer-fn.m-.f1 Li award servi-e i.sifH to sol- j ,,,uv ,ilvrniorut.1(jr, werr l(ft,. cnraled di.n, of all warsatt lie rale ..fel2 ir month. ; aJlij N,iri, ,lermIlu k,.l bu.-y It xa-t only M-rvice of thne month-, with- j ;t.tu,.iI1-r fPlu 4,1 ti, ,; k.ow fc-ro. Half j out re.iiir;tig etvaiKmenh. 111 lialtle or sub- i jeetii.n to any ari.ial !aiirers of war. The j -n-inn.ar all..e.l to men who have suir- I en-1 no injury, or damage of any kind I due to military M-rviv ami ineiudes those I w Ii never reai he.1 the Ironi at all. Tiie mw- wli. never rea. iie.1 tl.e !r..ni at all. li.e-e.- "f th" '"" """'" 1K'""" 111 l..,i-.ti ..... u. in. ..rf.. in In Im. Otlnii-t fit Ull- 1- - - jii-t and hum bievoii.- n;..i.-;ition. I he rfc- ident li.eu -'!.- forth at jrreat letiirtli hi- fl-jeetion- tti the inea-ure and add- : " ll'ihi- bill .should Ini-oiiio a law, with its treniendou- addition to our - nsinn- oblipi tioii, i am thoroughly muvim-Ml that furth er efforts to reduee the Feileral revenue audi restore part of it to ouriieople will, and r- baps should, lie -eriou-ly .iie-lioneI. It has j roiisiantiy i-en a eause 01 pnae aim ron- ,;raiulation to tlie Amerii'an eitizen that his , country is not put to tlie eharjte ol'niaiiitaiii- j in,; a lare slaudin army in time of peace. V.t we are now livini under a war tax. w In. Ii has hven tolerated in U'-el'ul ti tunnel the obligation- incurred in war. Hut lor y.-ar- pa-t, in all parts of the on-Hry. i ue 11. 111.111. i- lor 1 ne ri-iin-....ii 01 i.i.t imi d-'ti-of t ixatiou up m our l.ib.ir a-id dtictioti ha-incn-a-eil in volumeaiid ur- 1 am hoi Hiniu 10 upproxe a iu-'i-uic s.-ni;:i tlie obje,-tions to wiiieli this b;ii .s s:ihj.--t. ;md wiiicli, monstver, W"il! have I .c '!,.! of ,li-aps.intiii the eie-lation of th. - pie and their de-ire and hoe for re lief from war taxation in time of ca.v." . A Battle With Indians. A1.B1 yt itKijI K. N. M. Felmary 10 111 tellieen. c ba- r.-aelie.i here of a bl.si.ly fi;--ht U-ivvvs-u a Sheriffs s-c and a band of In dians on Moiiday.and it i- fear.-.! that il tteiv .-:id to another Indian outbreak. O.s.r-e bskli art. l.-piily Sheriff..! Navajo Sprin.:-. ai-.siiuo.i:ii.-l by Ned Palmer and Tom Killer, -taru-d Monday month. i: f.-r the Navajo n-s-ervat ion t.. arre-t an Indian for h..r-e -teul-w. They I'.uud tie- culprit in the most thickly -ettled pori.ni of the ivs rvntion, siirioiitidisi by a la.-;;.- paly of bis own nils.- Tli.- Indian n--i-ted arr.-t. an-i ls Idiari -hot l:iin. kiilinjr him iii-t.im'y. w i..-.i up.n tin- other I laiians opened ttleoli ll.e tlini-while-, a id a i.'1-tK-ra! battle took plan . j ck hart. Palmer and Kilie tt. re kill. -1 and left lyinj: where they fell. The siierilV- p. bad killed two Indians an.l wounded two more, but the odd were too n-:it against th. iii. Toe Indian- afterward rode olf to iH-nneit's store, on the Atlantic and Pacihe Uailroad. and -lolc ail tlie .rovi.-i.-n- th.-y could carry oil". The excitement is hieli and tiie M-ipl,- livi.i around the re-ervation say tiny will kiil ti-n Indians for every white man slain. Capitol Building Unfit for Use. Sr. Pti L, Minn.. Feb. M. A sensation was c.iU--.l in the hail ot'tlic Uoii-e ol Pep lesetitatives tlti-ailcnio.tn. Tne ss-eial or der was the final passage of the hich license bill, an.l 11a f-ail-.-i-y and ball tt.-re packed . Thec.-.:i'-.t.l. while alnnr-t a . ha.- is.-ll 1 t.Il-idered Ull-ilte Willi SjKVt.lt. new build'n for some month-, and considcrahie plaster iiig ha- fallen rsx-ntlv. Shortly after the session bejaii t'te attention of CI. airman lK.nnelly w.i- eilliil 1.1 the fact that the ccllilit; IT' -ss-ls-a Ills apj-.-an-.! to Is-settling, ami one tneeiis-r deciiinil that the eullery had M-tilt-l l-.ur ic-'i-s. A motion was hur r:e.ity carried lit ;l -p -.ial.-rs Is- excluded, whcrcii.toii lie- ailt-iy : ml .ti-les were clear ed. It is icro the opiu on of maiiytl.it a fiiiiiiful di.-i-te. .v.t- 1 Arr.- It avene.1 by tin- pnuiipt .-1-1 .0:1 t t aait'tiitiii ls.nnelly. St;lr,tpiciil!.'. a resooiti 111 was pa-.---I lor an i.i.aiciii.ite examination of the biiiiuin-r by 1 x. its The blliiihite W'tls ereetetl ill FSSO. il was exa.iiinetl and r.-ptii-l last winter. Ii is said the limltcrs are atr.rtcd with dry lot. Still in Bondage. f 11 tKLEsroN. February 7 A most remark aiile story has jn-t tome from tins-nville voiicbe.1 f..r by tru-twt.rthy is-rs.ins. Cal vin (iamaiiy. a tieirro. ha- just Irvii bniu'ht d-.w :i from the mountains who did not know until he was told, that tbe iier.ics had been freed. He is a larp- framed mail, with a dull, senseless l.s.k. I Tlie story he tells is that since the war he j has iiceti working for a man named Holly i away luck in one of the narrow-valleys around Ho Hack Mountain; that he was i not allowed lo come b.u-k to his kiii-ws.ple, i -i.l that he was flor-p-d by hi- ma-tcr, w ho - i - ver piid him any money an.lptve him but ' little clothes. lianianv h:e a bnither living near Hi s n- I ville, who says that after the war I'aivin I strayed utT to the mountains and was not j beartl of by hi- family until la-t 'h rist 111.L-, when they ht-anl that lie was kept as a lavt ! by a man in the mountains He went after ! hi-brother and -ays thai he thund him lie- itit ill-tn-ale.1, whipiied and -oiifimsi ju-t as io slavery times. A Modern Wm. Tell. Nrw York. F.-b. !. Frank Itivers, li years old, indu'v l Wm.Ja. kson. 15 years old, to let him use hi- hat forpracli.v with a tarp-t rifle t.eday. After awhile Rivers i 11--istisl on taking a shot al the hat while it was on Jackson's head. Jackson walk'tl off a short di-tan.v, and after the pnvautiou to pla.v his hat hih on bis head us iossibIe, told Rivr- t. "blaz.- away." Tin- latter look eari-t'ui aim an I i'i!h-1 tr-..-r. Sim il-ta'i..'011-l.v widt the r-p.rt of tie-rillc came a terrific -h rick tom tie hoy, w ho threw up hi-hand.-an. I f 11 at full length 011 the ground. River- ran up an 1 -is-in IiI.nhI trieklini; from a wound in the lad's forehead, ran for a-si-tance. The Wound is serious but not n.svs-sarialy fatal. River.- was held for trial. A Hot Time for Burglars. "LrvEi.tx-p. )., Feb. 9. For some time pa-t the fanner- of Holmes county have been terrorized by burirlnrs. A week ap tit.- house of an old man named Stoneiiio.ik wa- entv-n-d by m nkcd men. who Ihiund the family and stole sveral hundred 1 ili.irs. Ye-tcrdav live burglars were am-te.l at Iyiudoiiville and taken to Millersbjr l.-t nipht. They n-ach-l that pl.1ee.1t midnight. A crowd of several hundred (H-jple were w ilting for the train When the olll.vrs aps-:ir-il with their pri-oners a rush tva. 111. ide, tin I eric- of -'ilau-j them" went up from bundivls of thr-iiils. The prisotit-r-were sep.ir..n-d anil tak.-n by lia.-k streets to the jail, hut the Ulob follow. d ill hot ha-te and ho.vh-I ibr an h-iur afn-r the prison d.s-rs wen- elo-ssi. Death In the Molten Cinders. Lr.HtxoN, Febniary T. Ity the llss tin; of a tank nfrr.ll.ot cin l.-rs at the li hanoti Val-li-y Fiiniaee, Henry Kurtz and I'cter Ril inpr were killed. It-lingers sh.s-s and clothing wen-I. .irti'-d orf anil hi- IskIv and f.ex- wen- scon-hed black He disi shortly alter in terrible agony. He leaves a wife and six e!i:!dr-.-:i K i:-.jt s lower limb-were foar- ! ftiily htinied. his siht was pine and he died tins mi.nnne. 1 1 tie iieeitieiii was caii.-r.si uv a collision w.th a car w-hii-h ha.1 Ixi-n left standing on the track. Kurtz ami lb-.iii.i-.-r were sittine iH-tw-cx-u tiie tinder tank oiul the shifting inc. A Scoffer Stricken With Blindness. WiLkE- r.KHK. Pa, Feb. 9. Harry E I wards. a youiis man n-sitling ill this city, joined tiie .Salvation Army on Christmas last, but sisiti Isvame a backslider. Last .Sunday he attended a meeting of the army at their barracks, wheu he scoffed, laughed and blas phemed at the exhortera, All at 0111 lie became t-Ully blinj. and friends had to lead him fn.m tlie hall. The capuin of the army says you Hi! Fvl wards bad been visited with Iivine wrath. FREEZING. I Sixty-Two And A Half Dei-gees i Below Zero. Kort Keooh. Most., Fi-b. 13. The winttr j f srWi-f7 will loi 1 n memla-nrJ throu;;li- dijZ).n jMW wA,.h iKen t0.(,. ; , .U1,j tl(HT tlli, Ma5,ll (i .j-. H.W .r,, Uvn ,he Sx-kat. hewan plains. j V.M i)e j,, w,.at!M r in tliii. roiin- ', try an- the Imhan-. The oldest memlKrs of ,e , m. trjbe y, ,1, have been few ! mi. li winters u.- the present one yiiMV they i ... f n . ; -tiuu 111 1111- 1 enow-lone , alley THE SXoWf AM.. This year the snow tall is unprceedeii te.1. In some localities it is iinywhen' from 10 to an feet deep. In tJic level tliroiuhrtilt the Na tional park and else hen-i! is from S tu 12 fvi diep and on the tl.-ad level prairie from is to 40 inch--, of course such a heavy fall of snow mu-t brini; mon- or less suf leriii'' and d.-ath. In the milling rt-tious j we-t of ln-re terrible frei-zin;- have (Kx-urrett 1 but fortunately with little loss of life. The I Indians seem to have caUu'ht it harder than i any other human cn-alurc in the (ou: t-y. : A band of lirilish free Indians came :e - i- 1 the lin last fall am! while the weather '.v.i ; tine eanisl in the mountain! between the : fork-of the Sut river. An unu-ual stum fol low, il, mill the w n-tched cn atun-s Ik came , K-Mied in l.y an icy wall, rrom seventy ll.e , nutnl-er was n-diiccd to lifty-one by starva : lion, when while men hutiled them up a nl brought relief. The loss amonu' catlle ' as t.-rrilic. Many wen1 frozen in tlieir stab'.-.. Al.L TK WKL STOl-1'KH. j Snow licaii fallinter in the middle of No ! u.-uiber. ant! there is now nion-on the eroimd ' than at any time during ihe past ten y.;-. i Most of the stajse n rails an- entin-ly c!o-.-.l antl trains are ruuniii-.' at irn-ular inlerv.ds : -oine Is-iujr four or live days ajtart. I'ae -uj. ply of fuel is almost exhau-led. Tince days ap. eoal was selling: at Sini n t-.n at . Fort lScnton. and now it can hardly lie par : chased at ull. The -now is driltcl to i-ti-ir-nioii-depths, and is.ple living at inoiita-n ba-e- are in imminent datc'cr of mi'iiii" a borrihie fan- beneath an avalanche or ol 1 freeziuji to death. Should another protracted -tortu i.vur it i- i-liet.-l thai hundred- would succumb to .: In the vicinity if the Little .b um.- and ' '.Tiiiiircr.lr.il mines ..11 Paid Mountain, tne now i- eiehi ftvl dirp on the U-vel. and Ir.itel is imuisis-ihie ex.s-pt 011 stiow-ho--. Tin unusually severe w, liter, and the lari ainoiml of -now on ihe Missouri -l..s- from ' the Yellow-tone eoiintrv to Ilnialia. are tlie . 1 ii-i- of -.-rate appreh i.-i.ns of over Ada's 1 :::al ite.ui.ial ion of the Is.ttoui land- a! I the river tor 2osi mile-above an.l U-low the j . :ty. The river is very low and w hen- ti .-rt-i is no currenl the iix- measures live liri in j thickness, ill tbe channel four lvt is the averap- thickness. The Indians who make their l.onies in the Missouri bottom- above this city an-m. .villi; to ihe hills, assertini; thai the water will lie higher than at any time since when it covend tbe lowlands f..r thirl v-live tlav-. A Paw Paw Ridge Tragedy. Wiilki.i.v.,, W. Va.. Feb. 11 The com munity of " Timlier Ridp-," a -mall hamlet fifteen miles from Paw Paw, is very much excited over the killiii); of Millard White, of this city, by a man named Miller. It seems that Miller, who is a de-erate character, has liecn livin-; with a married woman named Wallace, who isscpar.ttcd from her husband. The fact that Miller has been livim; with the woman ha- created much scandal in the town. In fact, the l.s-lm ran so hipli that the ieop!e determined to tar and feather thein. aiitlou Sjitunlay niplit a party of men, headed by Walio.;, her husband, stantsl f.i the house with this intention. White was .crsuaded to join the mob, and was tlie first to enter the building. Miller was armed with a shot gun, which he discharged as tie crowd passe.1 in. The charge struck White in the bead, killing him in-tantly. The crowd then Med panic stricken, allowing Miller to ss-.t-, ami be is siill at large. While was in the town to attend his mothers tuncral. Murder Discovered Through a Dog. ijol i-tn.i.K. Feb. PI. A most horrible dis covery was made in tir-s-u county, this State, la-t Sal unlay. Tiie dead body of John Kecth wa- found wrapped in a blanket mid eon.valed in-ide tin- ean-a of a .lead hor-e. Keelh was a brother-in-law of W.l liam Iks-pain. marrittl and the father of six children. He bail lceu missing for sever il diys, but iiiistan h liad Ikx-ii ma le for him. h s frit 11. 1- -iips.-ing that he wa- away ou a vi-'i. until a dog bctougine- to ilcspaiu came into the house on Saturday niaiiiing carry ing something in iiis moulh. which, when examine I, wx- Ibiintl to Is-a baud of a mail Mr. Ilc-piali tracked the dog to the carta of an oltl lior-- and was horrified to tind the body of his hrotlier-iii law therein, half eiteu up by tlog-. No clue lo the murderer exi-ts al present. A Murdered Family. FoiiT Wayxe, Intl., Feb. !. Ten miles Noriiu-.i-t of War-aw, ju-t We-t of here, a party of hunt. -rs to-day found the uiiiti! U.-.1 n-uiaius of Perry Dunham near his residence In his hoii-e Ibey discoveri-d a little two year. .Id girl with his throat cut. Mis. Dur ham, nearby, was badly cut and in-cn-ible. The hog- had i-uten Dunham s facs- and hor nbly mutilated him. Mrs. Dunham has eight wounds, al! made with a knife. The child's throat w as .-ut fr. tin ear to ear an.l il lay on the floor some six f.vt from it- moth er. The theory of the murder is that it was done for roltery. .is a lev days .10 Daii'iam ha.l sold 3'J bii-hcls of wheal for il.VJ and some calves for IWJ. Duly $ dollars of this mullet' tvas foutitl in the house.. Post Office Thief Drowned. Hoi xiHro.jk. X. J- Feb. 10. Daring thieves entered the p -tJ. itfii- here. They were disc,.-, erc-1 by the raiir.rd agent and heat once oiK-in-l tire 011 them, line thief wa- shot, but he managed to get into the River, where he jumped in, hoping to es. i;-.! by swim ming to tne olh-r side. Tiie lo of bl.si I weakened l.im greatly an.l the icy waters nuncicd him. When but .1 few feci from tlie shore Ik- sank with a . I. -pairing cry and drowned KtT.ris are now being mile to get hi- b.idy. Tlie p il of the drovt iie-.l thi.T111.1de a dess-r-ate struggle for freedom. He fought like a tiger, but was overpiwcred and taken into cistody. It is supposed that others were with them, but th-v cmo-I. H-yond doubt the robin-!- wetv meiiilH-rs oiihesauia gang who entered the Jers -v f.ty p.ist otlicc a few day ago, bound the watchman and janitor and tried to n! the safe. The Deadly bite of a Pet Dog. C'lxroN. Ill , Feb. !- Ten w ivies ago J. T. Line, who lite.1 near Dc Witt, was bitten in the ankle by a -ret dog. Mr. Lin- wa-tn-att-I by his physician and was .p.iite well mil 11 a few days ago, when he was taken with a m ilady which in som n-pects n--sembb-l by.roh ib.a. He wxs in -u.-h :n--u-tal terror that he Ik--iui.. violently insane, and yesterday he was sent to Jacksonville for treatment. He was piavd in the jail and in two hours afterwards was discoven-d ih-ad in lies cell. A Brave Priest's Encounter. I'lrrsBt B'i, Feb. 11. Father MeEnrue, a Catholic priest, of Freepirt, ha an exciting encounter with three burglars last night, line masked burglar appp-aclitsi Ihe clergy man' bed and, pressing a revolver to iiis head, commanded silence. Father MeKnnie arose quickly, however, and hit the intruder such a screre blow that he was knocked out of the room. The bur glar then fired one shirt at the priest, who picked a revolver from the mantel piece and returned the fire. The roM-eni then tied. MONTANA The Texas Election Outrages. St. Loi-is. Feb. 14. Ex-K)vernor Ireland, of Texas accompanied by twenty-eight citi-"cii- of Washington County, Texas, (-as-ed tlinmgli this city yesterday, on his way to Washington. I). C, where he and his com panions w ill appear la-fore the -seuafe com mittee which will investigate the charges of election outragt-s made against the citizens of Washington County by thtM- Republii-ans who tls the country for fear of being lynch ed and w ho ciaim 10 have been driven out by the lh p...-.;:.il- Ex--.e.cr;:Or in land says that at the close of the election in Wa-hiiigtoii County, Detv-s Bolton, the son of a candidate li.r County Commissioner, nslc up to the pre ciuct, dismount. si. and demanded admit ti'iuv to the lsilis. He wo-toh! to come in. and. u-siii opening the door, was shot down in his tmeks by a negm mimed Hill. Fight ol the occupants of the ns.tn wen' arrested and thrveof them tveresub-ciiucntlv lyii'-hed- i Tne others fli-d the country for fear of j being similarly treated, und brought the j charge against the Dcin.M-rats of the county j tliat they were driven out. The x-trote.-iior -ays : ' The hole story j of these jin n is a pure fabrication, livery ! statement they have made to show that they were the objects of political prosecution is absolutely lalse, and they- will be easy to prove by all these witnesses. They were not driven from tiie country, hut left thej-e of their own free will am! desire." They Can't Explain It. Ti k-kyvilU:, I'a., Feb. 14. For 12 years pa-t, at irregular interval.-, the (Miijile of tliis j vicinity have Uvn ili.-turlM-l by lnu.l anil : nivsteri.iu- noi-ei which i-ome from the ! r.iiiii.1 littween two nioiiiilaiiin known it Thick Ilea. I anil Saiel iiiotiiitaiiiN, -until of Ttissi-vville VII of Lis! iv. --k the nols acre .., ,. .li-.tiueilv-heanl. -.unetiiiie- like .r.-t:iiit nun- Mini; ofthiiii.ler. ami then like the ilea. len.-l (Tiia in iuuimi't 111 wiu air nir uv. win ; ilay kt wifk a nilcnt ot'tiii.t kux was on Tliii k H.a.l. wihmi tlie rumbling Ihmii in tin riiouiiutin npjmrsitf. Al rirl it v.u 1- but 1-iw. an.l Iiu'iVasol in viutt'iH i- uiilil it U( :iiip as liit Dlintilt ofu inas of rn k ml! in LvJi a iiio'.uitaiit 'uU: jfrs n w lifiir i l!n s -uii-I ay- tliat lu lia ilu!t Inn iii, it ili- was in;nif ly a Mii-trrr.iu- t'aii hi!' ;f a rral maH of rH-k 4 ir ol iur sui 1aii' .-. as il oI1.ivhI down ti.' inMi;iiain t r out tojt io tMitiom, inTt,i-!ii in ohnnt ami ci7'l a it wt-nt lown ami tcnniiiatiti in a U rrilr'tt' cra-h nt the U.t'om No om- in t!ti oinninnily ran wc any rvpLiitaT.on ol" tiit- j'ht iu iin nMt. - - Letter From Col. Fred Grant. Tiie f....wiiii; letter was receiv.il voter- i ilay l.y Majttr W. I.'. I arr..!l, of l!aliniire tn.in j I '..I h n .1 lli-.iil I X t:w I)k t'tuii't !.:.-. 1 liii article in the A .-.i---iV'.i. you for your k. ml il lein eof the ' hkI name ..f my tlear tlta.l father. I was thirty-i'ue years oi.l when he .lie 1. I .-jk-hI iweniy-six of these year-l.y hi--; lc ami never -.iw any si-n of the wrakiie-s of which il.iyii.u sjH-ak-. Tiler- are .-everal r.-..iis. a-sasin- ot' the rcititation- of others in the luiti-l States. I'liey have lor y -ar- lie. ii trying to ruin the iaiueofthe .urest man and tfie U-st father that e.-r lived. They have succee.ie.1 in iii.ikin the In arts of those w ho loved him i. Iced, iroil ll.rL'ive them and make th.-ir iiunl.-ii lighter in the next w.rri.l than th-.y have ii.l.-.ivor.ti to .la.e ilium .h- h,.-ans of ihe family nt (ieiierai Grant in liiis. Your friend. K. I. liuwr. Bishop Creen Dead. N -tmi.i E. Ttsx., Feb. 1'!. liisliop Wil liam Mere r (jrecn, I. I)., P., the oldest Kiiiscoiial hishoi in the country, died at Se wanee, Teiiu., this moniiii. lie was Irorii May ii, 17tti, was educated al the 1'nivci-Mty of North tAimlinaat ('iiu'iei lliil, onlained i.iUKt in lHil, was rei-tor of St. John's. Williaiti-lsiro, X. .'., four years, lie then beeuine rector of St. M.uthews', at Millshoro, S. C, wiiere he remained until J -4.17. when he was inatle l'ltifes.-or of ltelles letters at Cii.iel Hal. In Is si lie waselirt ed l'.ishoo of Mis.sissiii;, suceeetlin Leoni-l.i.- I'olk, and for several years he lias li -en I'liaueellor of Ihe I'nivcrsity of the S-iutii at ScwatK-e. He leaves &i tlt-Mx-ntlaiits. Iiis remain- will lie I. Uriel al Jackson, Miss. He will lie -ueceeiied as hisho'i hy 1 1 uli Milier i rhomiiswn. wiiu t.u mule assi-tuut hi-hoi in 1-XI. " The Retirement of Judges. II i:ki-bi i;... I'.i., Kei. i. In tiie S-iiic it.-day a UAl w.ls reMirti.l f;tvor;iMy provid ing lor the retireineiit f Ju-Jes f tlu .tiirtme Omrt aiul llie nirt.- of the Slate. Tiie lull retire.- .Suirintv tmrt JuUl' on I etirc.-i MiivnK V4Mirt jiiU'l on ilirei'-t'orutiirt OlJllT JlliI, Tiw hill itrnhihiTiiw tiivnn- 'V-it)I fur ' i i - U'iuitery waa uiativeiy n-jnirle'l. Rutan's Anti-DiBcrimlnation Bill. II 4 KKi"Bi'K;, Fed. Umaii s Anti tti-- nnmialioo CuniuiUt:' bvh a rneettinj; liiis afternoon aiul arev-! on a hill to -tiitjimt- j . .,i . ; ,..,!,..,,w ,.r i- ... . ! att.l Kt pn iiUt.ve to U liehl next w.vk The tiiiiiniittit is very iv.ieeM a? to the iu tnrv o!" liiv Itill, btil it if U lievtnl to In pat terne'l aOer thf measure Iia.-1 hy Con j;rt-sj. The Prohibit. oa Resolution Signed. H AKKism ., I l. At 1 1; '! this morn ing the ;Kaker of th two J It Ml-n-! tf the Ixyilature ailixed their Mnatnre to the (.'ti-tituliotia! rohihitiry noliitittn ari'l piimitf! latT it w;w on it-. .vay to ioveni'r i:iver at tlie Kxeetltive iK-partnit'iit. The tiovernor, us sttoii a-i it was plarrt in his hatnK real it over an-I at tar he J his' signa ture to it. A Washington County Monstrosity. Vsii:Noro?c, I'a., Keh. !. Mr. S. (YU we!i, a (Uirvin.m of Paris ltoa station, this county , owmil a row that jrive hirth to a ralf on lat Smuiay tnornin which was a rvat monslm-ity. It hail two hcals. four eyes, twti ini ks, six le, aiul two tails. It (lit-l iinmliatcly after b-.-inj bjrn, as a,!so ilifl its mother. In Memory of Cen. Logan. Vasin(;to. Keh. !. hi th-- Senate to ilay txisines- wa-s sueiiIcl as an :i lition ai mark f rcirt to the mcfiKiry of John A. Ii4an, and etiioistic ad Iress.- on tiie life and char.trler of the dewasvd ildit'r atid statesman were m tdo hy Senators Culloui, M iriu, Kdin unds, Mandcixm, Hampton and others. Mrs. Lo.'ail and her sm. daughter and frietuls Ut the nninU r of " occnpi-d seats in the private raHery. Two Million Feet of Log Carried Away. IH'K II VVKN, Kill. !. V!.r-il till- iv )?ini- fr.iiii nl. ive rt-at-lii-l lii-rt- l;t-l evi-iiin the ptvs-urt- ;.- s. jjri-at un tin- Imiiiii tlint ti w.inls of two million fil of saw o;t won; f.r.-.-1 out iiti-l carrie i nway. Tli-..- lo-. will be a totiil Ins.- to tlu-ir owiit-rs. a- mi iiu.un ur.r liuiif; bt-low. One Woman's Numerous Progeny. I'lTTsBt Ko. Fli. II. Mr-. Tlu-nwt Ifcvk. at-1 S. il-il at M.-K.-t- s It M-k- to-. lay. Siie lia.l ftnirt.--!! t-liiiiin-n. 107 raiitli-liililn-n an.) --v, iiiy-six!:ri-at ;:raii.. liil.lr-ii, making a total .f St" .Ir-ivmlaiit.-. A DM I X ISTKATI )I!'S NOTICE. E-iie of Itartutni U-hiuan. dr'd 5te of Paint Tri fiiim-r-ft c.i.. IS. L-ttr- of attiiiiuistralioii on thr aliove r-latc ha vmi; tm-n rranu.il to the nn.trT-jKii(-i bv the prorfr authtiniy, nutire is h-n-liy yivrn to all (K-rV.iis in.lel.l.1 to shi. I estate to make immr-li-ate payment, and tho-chaviiiK rlaims aeainM the same will preM-nt them ilulv ainhciuirau-l for K-tlU-ra.-nt on Saiunluy. Mun h ID, 1S.-7, at the renideace of Jut. J. riem- in said tuo. J. IS. I KHMAS, toh. A.lmituMrator. Agents Wanted For the New Book of Fmn.. Pi Tli..'!rl... k . , , . . .. t markaMe neii In all ;runtri.. Nalinu. In land. Wildt-rnessea, Tnipic and Pol.. Kxied liiKly IntetwHlns and Instni-tive. lWiiiifiilly lllu-traa-1. A Great Snrreaa. AiitIwIj-wi.hiin paving .-ropl.iTmeitt. wrile quirklr for full tlr rtptron and partk-ulara to A. .hiKToN c Publiahera, Phiiadelplua. Pa. fc-bl- KT-lyr. " IOUS! Beware of Scrofula Scrofula U probably more general than any other disease. It Is Insidious In character. and manifests Itself In running nores, pustular eruptions, bolls, swellings, enlarged joints. abscesses,8oreeyes,et5. lI.l's.Sarsar..irit!a expels all trace of serofnla from the bloej. lea, ing it pure, enriched, and healthy. " I was severely afflicted with icmf uLt, and over a year had two running sores on m jr neck. Took five bottles flood's S..rsaart!Ia, and am cured." C. E. Lovrjor, Lowell, Mas. C. A. Arnold. Arnold. Me., bad Bcrnfuleui ores for seven years, spring and falL liood's banaparilla cured him. Salt Rheum Tsoneofthemost disagreeable diseases caned ylaumreblood. IttsreaiMyetiredbyllood a i .:: - iparilla. the great blood purifier. 'W Uliam Spies, Elyrla, O., suffered greatly from erysipelas aud salt rheum, caused by 1: nulling tobacco. At times his hand would crack open and bleed. He tried various prep arat ions without aid; finally took Hood's Sar saparllla, and now says: "lam entirely well." " My son had salt rheum on his hands and on tbe calves of his legs. He took Hood's Sarsapari'la and Is entirely cured." J. B. SUnton, ML Vernon, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by alt dragtrUM. Jliilxfurf .V Madaouljr br C. I. UOOD CO., Aputbacarira, Lowell, atau. IOO Doses One Dollar SOMERSET MARKET. Corrected Weekly by COOK A BEERITS, IrKALKlL- IN Choice Croceries, Flour & Feed. Pri.-es for Fei.niarv M. f!-7. Ai-l le-. .Iri.-i. y It. Je A..le lliiller, t ai Heans. I'i . Unit,. A imi l.s Butter, .roll.) y Ik ,.Uc ?! 1t M HO JtM' .r"Kr kem. V m I Hut kvl Ileal, "f l.ll . " lil.-iil ; ite.-.unx y tt. le...i, .Suir-curcl liane-, j. it,. ' (SinuIilT'i V th iSi.H-M !t 'tni. ivur) Itit " flH'lIflll t 'U Mrul f Jt. C'llOp. Ci.ril UUI MtS. lULi His... nil ryo. y lm Y.l-. lit!. Hour, KoiU-r l'rK i', j t.-l Vtriihu. f bt i Klax-H vl. y hn I r. c m MuMUinrs l'Hi lt !-, f-'MI J'.r.aliN-s y lut I'i arh-s "irittl. ? h Kvt. y (,ii Sutl. .No . Mtl !nii!iti b:'!ii v st.-k ! Aiilnii) :u.: -in k l un'ir. v'1hmi. Jt u Iiitf. lb Taliow, y ft. heat. lu UK- V-ri4H' . .' .:' : ...i'l 'A , I k- , li... l.'.e ..s.a'cc QUl'lIAN.- cut irr S.U.K srv!?alialilo Heal Estate. BY VlltTl! Iii:t!l 't. f tlu: Or u the :.lv t.y u:jr-!tiTHii 't:ri-!t-l, I v. iii : puitiif uiiii-iy (Mi pr"mw . uii SATCniKl ). MM.'Cil K 17. at liK toclii'.M., ihf i-iiio'.viiij Kt-Al K-Jntr. lut tli proiiKily ni" l.i-vi Kut'idHT, M... A i--,-na;n pk'i t r (i;rfft . U'l-i -itiiii.- n-dr : n--. i ! .f, in SHiUM-'-t. Tmh n-lilj snii'r--'i mni)., Va . Rilio'tHiu; !;i:ni-ui r.-i ii.-rU . .i.ini; hn k, M Vt. i uii'i pi;!.;,'' r ! 1. i-tc.i iiL' .I't-'Hi eU-vei, a'-r-. u lii -ti w ill -: in ln- r ciiiir -. lo-uil jtureimfrv -uit.i: tr l.r cj);.-.-. TERMS. j line-half in limi.l on tin- l-l .f .;-ril t hen a . ilcctl will 1- -it-tivcrt-l. nii'l 1 lie l-ilrt!.. . tli a y.-ur i w nil iiit.-r.-si Ht-eriK-.l oti tli.- ii.u-1. i . ii . r c.-nl. ; ot iiiiit'iL.t-e luoitcv to i.c i-.ii.l ..a i .-1 v ..i"s.ii-. ; "ii i f y. iv. IVU16. A. liar, ol . K lit, ;n-r. -1. e'tl. KtilSTKK'S NOVK'i:. Nolle, is Urr'-)y iveu to 11 e:-o!ti enuetTii 1'tl a i'(.'i4Ut s, ereli;oi o! oiherww. t;i.ii ilie folio'.vtiu' iifCitiiMU! ttiivc fKt-'il n-u.-UT. Ht.tl that l.u- iumr wtli bf iMVM-iiu-il :'or oti;inn.H"i.:i -imi aliowniiee ui un orphans' ( Vmrt U If belti ut S.:n.'rrl on Hunxluy. .Mun-n .-i. WT . I-'irt ai.d tiihil aeei mil ot J :iuliu?i Btior uinl Wm. It. H-ier. Kir-t ati'J liittil a rititit oT txi Kir.-i Mii'i Itnal aeiiiit of Join If. Ca.fle ofMinii lio-im-rs. i (-f tl. l'irl Aihl initl H-fMint of Irwin I. Inill arul il. II. (mil. .vlmiiiiir.tiirs .f Ivtvr 1'nll. ! t KirM ami liinii itffimnt al .luhu il.imvr. f i'iur-)iaii of V'nclia Ijihr. nrpi-rly .uuliu li.i-r. F'lrl ai.'l Hiiiii mtimitl of Nosiii i.ini, Kveetitr of .liwoo l.int. iK-r'tl. Kourth Htnl ittiai it tniiii of Jonn M. ulini: r. Trusite for tin- Mil- of ilit rcai euiu- ot lVu.-r I Mevers. .k-e'i. ! .v . I un l finul iicoM'.iit of Jot-n . iVaehy, k.t ,i n. I tl. .1 u ,.l I r isfr.F. t.)...-Tl. tnttorot lar:mll iih-:iii. .! !. ! l iio iM-couni f KruiikiiH It. -' :-ni ii i m.nJ. iiJikT ini J-Jitiln-ih Wfilt Ke tiur ; Jaeob Ut-lU r .ii.-r'.J. j K-L'MTtrt1iOf. t f'HA. f. .--II V yy.H. i VvU'ys. ivT. K- -t-ti-r. It is to Your Interest IO HI Y Vol K I -p. -Drugs ai medicines C. N. BOYD. Ni:ir !or "!-- iMrt-t ao-1 (t- i k ;t "it rtHk. Ifhlwheli -lip. hectite itlrr; hy -l.i!,i- iiu', as te rrain ! if. fin ti". v 'i. -sirv ttiein. nitti. r tli.in im-'.?-.' on o ;r ens!-i;-i.-r. Yoll t:U 'h'ivtl'1 on li;t iti.f Vt'ltr PRESCRIPTIONS & FAMILY RECEIPTS : fiileil with eare. Inr pri e- are as low as ! anv nt her frt-e!a hoits' and m.tiiv artieii s much I- w r. The (xH.pie of this c!i(.;y --. :ti t- k:."W i thi-. and i:ave ,'iveti n a l.ir-e har of tlo-rr patrottiie. ai d we -hali -til! r.n; t-. ::e 1 them the v;!-y h:t o.t-K f i their n"t'iey. ! P twt t"or.-it thai 'Ae nril.e -v Tty of ! FITTIXCi TIM VSKS. ' We narmtee s.iti''.it tioM. .nd. It i i:te , iiad Trotihte itt fiii t!:r. ti.n. '. iiixr n a call. j SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES 1 in i:n-a! v;irii-!y: A full s,.r 'f,-, ,rn,-. j O.iiit- in tiii.l liitvi- y..iir .-v. - t-.inr.iir.I. .. C'liiir:.' for Hm:iin,itio'.i, uii.l v..- am-onri -li-nt ! v I'tiii suit y..ii. I 'n iiu- an.l --- lilt-. I-Vlfilllv, c. :n. hoyd. Mammoth Block, Somerset, Pa. LIST OF CAUSES. i I Tin- folinwillK is the I.i-I .if ( ii'lst-s st l fnr trial at Kt l.ru..r-lenil. In-iliuin M..:i.l;ty, IVLma-T JS. Iss7 ; Fll-.ST U KKK. I'.-l.-r 1'iiiiit-ls v- Ii (. Zi.iiiii.-rinili. KlintlM-lli S-ili.-rt W. A. s-.li.-rt. J. J. I,iv--Mi;Hj.l vs. tic-iiK Wtilkt-r. I SKCoSn ttr'.FK-IlF.INMN'j MNIAV, MAK H TTH. I!etri"h TriTii(iey v. Vm. Swoitrr. .1. K Hij iiiwr v-a. Jf.v Kfi-nvN tin-U. Marker. MuryA. MurttnvM. V-wr S. tt:iy. Kli-ha M(tn vs S.iners.- fo. li. It. o. A!lrt.fv MKn vs. Suiiie. W. jhimI s lu'r vs. il. H. CtirJieiMiir. A-him Ari'-injiri vs. Jti'-iith imi K ,r;etl1:iM Ctiit-. Hl--iiiile vs. Ittroln- LuuiIkt A lU.,m o. Klialteth Itoyerv. V. S. Iivly. J. M. I riteiiia ltr ue . Areh. l.ieni.xl. t'oyie Hrs. vs. Mr.. J. H. WuU'T Jc Shi. Kil'en Joimi . H. . . It. !L t o. li. H. iiahl vs. Simon Hunger. J. U. Friiz ts J. H. rritelmel.l. J. C Kuly vs. Win. Mtid AtrHiu t'ulf. Same vs. Keiij. Uender et al. THIKb UKEK B&ilNMV, M'M'AV. MAH' tl JI, Alfrwl Ianiels vs. John Ream. Mkhk r. HMr vs. Wm. Su.).r pf nl. Piuiip Ncdimr v. Henry Ntilr.w Admr. I'hu-b,-fHrshttli's Kxr s. v Ja. M Marlial. J. S FhillM'i's ne vy. IHvid I'iekey. Silns J. iViirn vs. I. B. Ziinm- niirtii. Mrttttua Itounmn vs. 1. V i W. Shi-n'innker. J I. I,iveimni vn. Suiiy l.ivenj;!Hi's Athnr. LiHii'l Ihtrelms vs Stuiie. Annie J. Inti-Hrt vs. Wm. JohtiAHt. Hern Keir'! o-f vs Jtph John". Imuic Hupn v. B, O. K 1 ( o. J. W Bromrher vs. Henry Itttntrtiman. Abmm Iahik vs. KHUnn'imf In-. Co. Mlhy, rtirrA Co.. va. ii. . (tt.nmuti. Sitme vs. snjue. P. ifrov; v Mriover iNn A "o. lintel Altirinht vs. B. A n. R. K.iK ieri;t K Kennel Sntn'1 Kelnii, Jr. F. it. ShHfler rt ul vs. John Kink. lrlty'iinFire. J. a LKI ft 'HFIKl.Tt Kfby2. 1W. Prtrfhonotary. X T f T T cn live i home, und make V I 1 I I nu,tv n"-y at work lorusthan I I J I I l nvt,,i e-e in thp world. X - iitJ noi newjt-!. Vou are Htrted ire;. lKrth xw ; all mcvn. Any ooeran rtolle work, leaner, faminics sure fmia the start. Ouly outtit and U-rnui fiv. Bttr not drlay; coi tou noltim to end as our addre and fin;! out if you are wise, you will do Hi at one H. UaiXCTT A Co., PurtUad. Me, dc22.1yr. ' t I ! tiKuRUK W. li-JNi-'tHtli. DRUGS! GEO. W. BENFORD i SOX J'HiiI'IMKThUS or TIIK OLDEST DRUG STORE IX SOMERSET COUNTY, At No. 1, Baer's Block, SOLERSET. PI:X DHUGS. MEDICIXKS. CIIKMICAIs DYE STUFFS, PAINTS. OILS A XI) VAIiXISIIFS. i.te niivst and tiet to foil... 1 111 tin- in TRUSSES BRACES, SUPPORTERS. Ami a. I tlie uaiiin' a-.nr!.-ii;t: r u-l j TOILET ARTICLES AXl SCXD HIES i EXEkA LL V KEi'T I j A FIRST CLASS lIiUl STORE. j LA!QE ASSORTMENT OF BIRTJHDAY Glf TS ALWAYS IjM STOCK i TOBACCO and CIGARS. j THK !!1-T TIIK MAIIKKT A l-'Ki 'III ia.ill l.oii!, AN! v. r, j Frescriptiaa Onmgaimlea, Family (ur own make .f HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER. It i- .,( a , . , r lilality. W-k.-. iti l ulk, st, that aiii -i--, i.il 'in-n-.ii. ,lt ,-aii ' ' ' ' K' a.i.le.l. S-.l.l at Jo cent- a juttnl. We do a ."..iiare business ami will ri,. v,, v ,ur . tmiil.le to -li., -,:..js. " "" J PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES OViv A LARCE VARIETY OF FRESH CARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS ,V7- CEORCE W. EENFORD 4 SON. IMHU.ir S A I Iv 'CHi:i:ifrss.vi.i:. - s . - jm.. (IK- I Vahabl: Real Estats ! i o Tut: rlit:i:-;! ii. r.xeeut..r-..r imv;.i er-. .1.-. .-.L-e.l. int.- ..f s.-.a.l.- ten it-l, :.. sc. t-...:i;ly. !:-.. in iirMi.m. .,1 il,.-it il! .1... .-. .l.-lit itit. 1 all .r.lcr "t l-.e .!.!.a-i- t nan ..I -iii.i ! t-...l.il . w iii t.ttvr at i.iil.Mcsua-t.ii iln-l-r. 11.,.1-m.ii ! sATCiiKir. FtJiry i'i;, i, . l'loi't.M.k A. S.llir- f. .) 1. HI i it n-.l! t-s.ntc till- .r..--ri .rti.e i.e..- navi.l K.-iscer-. .I.--M : j lir-inti lie ii. ,1111 i i c: -ui.l .k-e'd " " 'l.lllililllil ' 20S Acres and 64 Perches, tm-t iTH:-urt-, v.tT-Hi.- i:t Sinn.- l- ' j':jiiiii: s.ui-i- "i .iii Y-u.il - intf. b k'fiT, l in-wi nml i.tlitr. liavii.ij cr.-.-i.-it tiu-rruli a i wrv liiitr twi-;,rv Dwelling House, itank liiiru :u:l (it crHry o.u!.u!!'iink'- ii j 1'enritii: iktA- ami ' !t ..n l:ttnl n':t 1",.. at !. "I r'.t'jtr litti'l. in h :;i--t -lal ! -li:ltv.:i ;. 1 ci in li n'd'iit 7- it' Tt - an- r,, im-.-i itA . t an a iniTiifN-r nf iron. I -.riiii:- w.i,i-r n tiie '. fa rin w !i h .1 riti.u.iiir -t rt .cn i i v. .1 '.-r 1 1. r -n-n it ; j pi ruv ! lim. Mint ..a! iiit fh-t.tMf. il'ti-i1. ti.e- , . larni. At Uu- aie -t tiii- 1 ruff ii ;ai,i !htn-i;II , tK-r rvoi ui:1 kri)i iiT-1 lr ll.f t-nrtal .I !.. ; tli' . - ol' I itf 1 Cta.'!. Ciji;!;i.IJ:!ii; (t.lUl niir- , f-'iirlii '.i an acre. i V- - Hi.' far;; 1 of ti e .1 .I.-.? kr ?i iNU a-tiiv It-.; tar-ii. :tua...i .it ( aii iuuii"hi. ei-;aj!ii .i; I I1S6 Acres and 124 Perches, rtri' I lii'rture, ji'ljoiuini: tari-i" if AN-aiiai.i Mr.. haiiT - ,Ma',f. ;if ttt lii-It -a' I ! ih- 1. il. ..-,-. !. I. .Milieraiiti N m. Kim1it. i;a uii: ihvr.-uii t tl a two Win' iKv.'iiiii j Ht'iN'. ir.c.if i.tnk uu:ii aud .-ili.T rmil.lmc-. i lit-ri- it wlvH'tl-i aip: aiul i-iierry orehar-l ou i-rt iiii-i ; aUmi IS- ae re- i-ii-ar. in t:Hi eujttvaiii'ii. .uTt of ;i: -h nu-;. !. A i-Nii i,:inii t.f ex -i-il.-ii- 'ia!:E io(Kil Ott !(! falil. al.'l It j.- V.t'II tt.tleffl ; ;ttv er tiutitig fUvttlU?- of uaLt r. N) further eontimiiinee of this iiile ; h fun us w ill he p(jiivoiy and ptvvcion will be driv en ou ibe 1H tlay of April. 17. Terms : 10 p-r rent of purcha,-e money must be pa:il w !i n proKTiy is k:nx-kel tov u. . i V. 1 inMii on tuc iiii.(r.viii: icrni : lt on e.tiiiirin.ttiott f -aW or iieltvTV of tie- i a:;l . Hie tj!aliee of lae t'.iiv!i.i--o nuHit-y m ." annua! ttaynienis from i-t oi Apr;i !;. wiiii ;utereai imin I, tnl. ate. j No, J Ik; miM on the following lenn ; 1 011 f-on.irimiiioii ofale or (!eli--ry of ilt.-i ! lite lNiia:M'e o j m- j.ir.-ha-' iijo:n y in ,"j hm nti ui .ayi:em. frou 1-tt.if Ani 1W uuh interei iroiu that 'tale. t'eit rri-.l puyiurut- to In? wen re I Ny jiulyineiit ' WII.UAM KOlHiKHS, KKANK iai'.KK. .John . w.iltfk ' Ki-eutor, ic. jaiiit. .iut'tiout-er. i A DMIXISTIiAToK- nf Valuabh Esal Estat-3 ! The !ii.lers:jinea. Alrniiai-.initir- -f th folate ot VM.ESl lSt: J MILLER d,- J . lute of (.uemari.iiiim; Tnwii-lilit, !iier-et Co.. !". ill orl r ul jmMie mi Ihe prt-uii-o. in l-.'w iiiiip. on Ti t: SHAY. FE I! V 1. ls, at L'oVlock r. m.. the follow inn fieriu-l Rr-ul !- I i i . e!liK ihe ho!iH-ie;i. ot .iT.l V jl! .-U I i lie J M ilier. fief itM-i, eontniniio: nere nnir- or i -s HU'l-itunie Hiiinn iiiri-e ,nie oi -inytii'M:, i iul :i :i.iii itiiii-s (rt:u Kr;eK-.e-. tni s- en nii ! im.n .'Hin-r-ei. ;; i joining Uti-i- ot" Lemon Mill T, W in. H. Miller. Satunei How iinei. il. nrv r. Jo-.:iIl llL- tlinl Ntm.l tt!-i'!-ker. 14-'' iti-P of .ii!- hind in ;i -(.lesnlid -ijite ot" .-i'itivui;o;'. !(. t.u;nee k in-.; u etl t-iiiffp-d TSiert I'n-renn erei'tt-d tt t:ol t'AO-tof Dwelling House, t-itnk Iwirn. ne-.v w:win il.vl und i.tlier oiithuiM 1HL". uiih a irtpje tii'i-hfird of nnprt-v nl variei ; of Leariiit' anoie trre. H-ii-ior-. ooi'n-. tfr:!.e nm oti.tr ttuit. i Ij.. re ur; n nnti.'H-r of -j.rine- of ih vi r I;i.ii;iL.r nuiiT on tiie ;trtn. ami tne tntire '.r.l-t i- wvil tt .tiered, li i b .tut i !'l iy i,l ;tlld i- 'on etrent io flinreiies and M-iio-S, ih-re Seiiitr a -eiiool hoii--on th preniis-. I he .Mil ler iiee-r 1 ut -Tory it v. un in tit; v rod.- o.' lije dml Inijf iion-t. I'KM'.viuu tt ill i;iv.ii ll:e iiri uav nf April. 1-7. TERPvlS T.-n j..-r.i-iit orilif piir.-lin.-i- T1..-.H.-V :.. hi- ptii.l m lu-ii ih.- j-r-.j-Tiv i- kii.K-lt.-.i .!..vii : ::ji.-ti i;.,-l-l .l.ty ..I Apr 1. 1-.-7. wifii .l-.-.l mil I... d.-liwr-tiii.t j.is-,.s.i,,u triv.-ii : .iiit- 'i.iril ..it.nliiiit'.. ni' t. r p.iym.'iit ..( .1,-t.i-. to niiiiiin u lit-n on i.-.t-pr.-titi-.-s in li.-ti ol iht- wi.l.tu - .t..vt-r, at:. I i'u-r.-i.iiiil:.:. r til' T li.- pt.it'liu- :n.i:i.-y It. t..- pit:. I m livt- .-ii.ai hiiiiiimI pa ni.-ii:-, ivilh iiil.-r.-i Cr...il April 1. P tyii.. ut, 1.. in-si.,.!;r,.fi ;,y jit.ij. Illl-lll U. II. I Ol ITlt.ll.tt;.- t.;i ti;.- p.-: .- s.M Mil .n:. sl.M' i.n P. Mini:; jtm'yly. iiiiiu.i-ir.ii. T-. -i.iFTii:-:- SOMERSET COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. For the Year Ending December 31, 1886. To la!nne in Tre:i-ur-as jK-r l:v-t r prt. 1 -t-et'inlH-r l"i s To i a-ii r-eiv-.l ftn neu- j.sfliej Km led 'lnn.itc lw' VI To esh r't n. d on rvneu ;tl - luring :io 41 Toeadi rifie 1 on iissmi-uts S und t etillts-u-d dtirini: KilO -vs Total . r.d.: ir i MsmTtSi.MKNTS. No 1 Puiil Isnul J. Seti roe It In full for t;irn imh) No 2 paid Audreas KtK-riine fr damn.' Tire ; .) No t (mid l apt r J:k iI fr -i;iliiiu;e v Hn , No I paid Wm Hudordumaf hy liri' s ,ii Nitj ets in I Mi w ease s-pt and IW Term- Noti Hkkam. oitW for printing lilank- At , rt No7 paid r .1 Miller extra Htrvis m No s expense? in a Ijntin lovt .hf -oli Kiehtner. ,iiiu No tt rata;e. stittloin ry, orom Ae for ottie ..." N-lo. n id and fuei for 1 yenr i.ii. No It salary of N-rrelary and Tre.iMir- ir for I yt ar. nni its' l:i Halanee In trfanry t'ash premium in Itand of auentN for elleetion Asi-.-.ji;entH tMit.HtHtidiiiK in eotirof eotlttioii . ;tiM im Pn-nttum inMe Ualde t a-se--uii'nts ;hi.Vu in) Total .T4J.hu Tneild ItUanl of I kin -tors and dieers wciv continued Ur the en-un,K vear. Bv order of tne Braird. .ISO. HI Ks. orrieidskmHTspt V Ins. i f.teiary. felj-:iu Snner-s't, t eb. H. A UDITOK'S NOTK'E. Kstate of Adam FIohtPtler. def'd. Th undrsttmrd tmrine ben apnotnu-d Audi tor It the orphans' Vmr of Somerset Comity Pa , Udi-tril.ut the funds in the band of tiie Kxerutorf Miid defeased to and amnir the keHv entitled thereto, hereov mrm noik-f ihai he will -duthm mltrr in A.nVrHet N-nniirti hi Thtirviny. Ke)nittrr lo. Iv7. where!! pirt.es in tereted can attend ifthejr think proper. t;Etk.E r. :ri.i. Jn- Auditor 1 Vi'.K 'I V., DRUGS! .1 ii.r-c Mli. k f ir.-t. We .ii-t k.--; ..11 l,.i el .1 l.,,t!i ..- r'tv- ci.-i .1 i.iti. Receipts Filled With Correctness. t, , --I'i.- "1 -"li. rv ,.. .,- j .... .... , . 1 - -" --i u.e ' -'ci ii....- .., ,.; ,.. ' "' ii I'.i . ,.n ....... : FRIDAY. FEBRLIARY 25. 1SS7 i "i i '.': ki- :. t!i:,.. .,,.., ., ,. ' '' '"' "a-l !'!. I- " . r .. '., . I " ' ''"". ,"'r','i: ',' I'l'-- -r ., . .." ' kt ' " 1 .' 1 !" " '-;-.,-! ..: ....., ,.. :. , ' - 1 '- " It-.' if...:. j , . .. : .1".Tm'?' i.?' .'.yvx;';'??' : l-'-e- !' - tt. . l!',, ',...; "' . Icilv. J,,.,., it i; ..... i ... r. - i,t.., ,-,,r i ,ti 1,. .',.'., , n , , ; -: i.t.iuli .1 . .,1., i ' ; , , ".' : .1. liiiti i r... .. . . la , ,'. . fuTiy ; r.n ,i ' 1 I..,.--i i-i i:;,,;t ! firt.M'e-, h:1 i'lii !. Wttif-r. hi -nil ,i j'- i ' u--. I. ' r an. Tiie ! i'. -ii . -f.it- i;t: d ol" 1 -n.t - :n .." , . A ini.'i i -: i- -n:i -.1 l;,r t j.'. 1 rt,-:. . ':u .f V. A I o - "I if; ;: : : I i I j ti ii i t'.'oii ,i- the i -ii.. at i A I -i i v:i ill- ritfl.t tlti-. ii.t.-,.i .." ,.!.,.. ... i - - "' :" i-i- ii.c u - r. r;;; .-i t!.-. I.t.- ..tt-- toi.T ,:;. r.-.t iii t ,.- i. - -..ii-i. I -i:-.:i-. . o- ! ,...ni. r ..I' M.tni n:, l ....... .'. .-.1 -' r. in 'li.- .,r..i, . , - ,' ! "'' t -ivy !.! '. I '-" " ' .l'.'i. " mi !vl i.i Mum ,tr..,., .... N.Tln. -Vnnfisf. ,:r..,.t .(. ,.lts, at, h .. -..Hill, loin! W;ii:a.,i I'.nitiuKer ...i III.. '. . ii. tv nit-tln r.-..ti ,-r- . E.-.i tt i.tr.-.- iruin.- .1 J. " -'.ll-i'-. "I.t I ..:n,-t- .uil.l!l.illis- .t-.':-"lr uppnri..:i,.'t -. I iki-ii in fx. .i,-,..,ii si ;!. proi-rtv ..I I.VMr Kyif. tti tm-siit., r-.iiy-.viM-in K,-LM r kx- n: -i Ai.-U- VII ti:.- r:Ui. l.;:,; ::.:-r..-i a-i.l . 'iiiiii ..f HI- I . i.-.v..s. ..1. -i ;tl,.i ... lit- ...l!..u;i.K i' - , -i r.-.:! -Pit-, vi: !.., it.h mi, r. -i nmi- ,-; I !:.:.! Mliitl'-. :i I i.,,-.., . 1 l-k. vt,. .,,.,. :. " r-.-t in!;, pi. :,.ii..;i,,u- l.iTi'l- o! i-... i A::i.-I.v n:iii 1 1 : t I'. ,,,;, ,i,n, .i; ,i .,, . P. I r.llil l; I... I) !,;,.-i,.uv ;, !, ;., .j . .1-! tin ii-.:,! r. . .,t..r.. ..r its ...! :.. litiw::-lli.-r. i, .1 ,i t-. ..(,.. I . - : - i.'-'i---. tr.nn. l.ii rn. iiu. I ollt.-r nii'l,' , ..i : .... '.is,. ,i !..l..r-'. ".i.t --.Hi. ti i:i l'r-!!i:i !!.. . ''! 'l ' '' .ll.-r n:.l. kllollll oil n. .... ,.; ' I- L-l X... .11.1. i.,itii.!... l.v S.V. rtr:. .11 J. t ii, -fin; .17. , i p:lt. . :. i..l .. r. .im.1 ..tnai,. iii -..;. r- : -"" : -' - -"iiir t.-'.i.tv I'i. . .-mitano-iiii- "I"" '" an a. ri. p.l.sl ,, 0,,. , i . . 1 1 1 . -1 -mi in r. K-i . ...i lh,. ,-Hst '.v i::i . t .-li ll.e -..-lit r.v !..( ,,; r. .- ;r, ..t... , . . vt. -i l.v mi jtiitv.Hti.l h.tv in- tti. r.-..i; - - - . : a l,i..--t..ry irit!-i.-.u.-:ii.,i. hntt-t.. tn:.l .. tti-:.. . iv. :i: i lit- ..p.iirl.-ii.i:t(-.-s. 1 ;-k.-li .it ...-.-:ii -.,. a. iht-pr..p.-rl v .. 1 j. .t :. ''. It.ivi-. tit -un til -.tiiiii-l liart-lav'- lic. M.ot . 'i. t':-r:!.-iit. ti-1.- ii-t.-r.--t hi..! -I.t: 1 ' n K :i .:. ,i: ..:t, I t.. i i,. ii,,. ,,.,,..(,., ..; !.'. ii'l. -li'.al.- -. il.,r,,i:: i i. M! - i -.!... I'i. kn l-.'- iiiii. a- I.... ; .1 on J. l-l J i -. -' -o. -s. -wi -,, s,j ii-.i -.a. i. l..t I.... ;t ,,,,,, .i, . p. t,.ii.,i. ,j ,i;:.i , 1. .-ri 1 .t-. i j.,;. N r.. i. ai.'l ,1 in iiu,. .-:). .ir, ti..- ii., rlli l.v Hi, it.- I, at Mrl. ..ii Mil. 11 -ir.-, !. .,n tl;.- ..,,, l.v an ttii. '-y an aii. y. Iia t-,-r. . o. .-M-.iy ir.i'ii.. .i...-:!-;ii- l,,Hi--e. a-i.l-t.t i 11 -I Ut,;:. aii -t r -- r . -it :i -.f K. I. V . '- -"-.i .- 'l'-l;. I-'ls-tiiiis' -;.i-,:--. a: .i i, i. -. 1J7 ai-. I 1-s ;,, ,.(.,., i, nr.. ;, tli- north i.y Pn.k-.- -tr.-.-!. ,, t!.r . ..v ;. -lr.-.-t. o:i ti-.,-v,.;i!i h l-.i S.,. l .,;,. : . l-y fa:ii -ii-i-t-t. intv.tiL.' tin r a . :: -i a a him -p.ry frame .l.n ii-i;- hihi m..l -: ,-.. So, l.s. I...iin,l.-f ..ti Hit- norm l.v :t s,.. 1 ta.- i-asi hy h.tiir-iH,! -tit-.-l. on lh- s,, ;(', : . v l.-y. ai-l on iii iv -t I v Main .ir-t -u-..:.: i-..-1-.l .: ia.K-i,,rv tram.. .la. i:.;.L ' .- 'i,'.:-- N-.. ir. ..im,!,.,i on n. ,,r.!i . ;.,; s-- . t t- t-ii.-l ,y u!l-y, on t(i..s,,tii, ,i. t::. III. it-s( l,y liioi,.uay .!r--t. w.lli a ' .. ! il. a. - l-itis-ihiT(. ,,t, .,( .. . . -' i-ma.i .1 ..a i.-i,.,i';i, .,v .. t - -. a-i t.j Hr.i. .t ., i. ,: . . , S" - ! .lii-l .'li iii- i'vl i.v an a, . . i,t :.;a -to y p.-ioi.- .l-.i-.l.i,a l.-ii-v u.;.! : .. r . . ; ! S... i-s. iiu.) ji-.i in hi-.-k .,:..,p-.. l....,:t.:-.i on ::i,-n,.r,i, i,y an a,.,.v ,,n t:,. 1'.!'.;;.' ay t. ,,,, ,, ,,v J;., i, .. o't tin' tit'-l hv ai: a:!.-. V-. -.-i ai.-i -;.; ,:, .,-;,. i,-, rt ; .-. . : ;ii- i-'i i.l ' . -tn-.-t i ;-: i.. . . s. ..u.i ,.y an a,;,t-. aii r. N... 1--: "i'i.: .. , a- . i- p. i I' :-r 1 ..h- : U - ' - a:; l ill hi ! to '":r;- 'i i'.li-i' N....:i - ir:i t 01 dtte:;i:i- hoii-e. ::r.i !:ie 4:;.j.i:ri. i il l ol ;-t .'. ? ti- A ! .-'- A!l I: r L-lit. title inn re.r u-'d ' '.m 1 '' rn iieraiun. ot. iti ,tu-1 io tiie joiiou :iu' 1- ' ' i-V-rMTl'! vttai.e Ml rt,;er-et iMii..:,:: ' l a., k i ion n on ; ( -i! l lie 11 ')." A ' 11 i- M- No- I-., li. j; uit-t i. -i .u - ' 1 h tol.low. t.( ,i - ui;.t II ur- " oil- lot-, troll!!. It-il 1 lie ia-t '-V Xf.oM '" ' 1 on lue north t.y I,e-i:i'it fti !-y.' mi ti- - ' ui;ey n:. I on r!(e ..-t y or N . .. -a 1 1 -" ' ' ' ' ;i' !i la li .-t tr-'lit aTiO e!en hio: l-.ii ! ;'! ' - ii- ie.-t. N"-. ;i i-ii! v'.Kr. foil t '!". 1 ' on tin- ra-t !-v nil :ii!ev. ti ihe -iii-n - ' - " ' ; (, ttu t;.'- i -t t. An k :. ; tpi-(. .t. ": 1 f lot No 1'. iid .,t- I..-IH." c ii H" !'! ' r"' aii'i ex:ei: i.m a 11 f t-L to Vnk- t- . ' with ilii'.i'ii!in.'iiii:i'i'., Taken in exe m.-m tl t'e :roi r ' '"; n THi.tii. a. tiie -cii ot lif -oh J. Zor;.. Al.- A!I t':e ri'iit. title, intere-t hi. ! ' .d.r. ' r ' than l.i yi lit'. "I". in .tin I to tiie ti.:..ai!.' ! " " reMt v-tute. iz : A ertain lot of m: :i t - " 1 " ion i i.-. k tup., S.mr-et ('.. l'ii.. .i-: ' h.nd- o Wm. Speirii. r mi ) 1i-ti:i:i:i eoiiwtMiiii' '4 of .ot were rtnd :n .ti- :i" '' ' u d a t u. -ton.' o::tnk hoti'' tiad ' :-- l - ' ' " t;ijnrteiian-i'.- luken -n i'j'i utMn as the property f ' i'- at tin Miit of K. luIl!lr. A I S t Al! :he riu-ht title in--re-t ind m " 1 1 '. M rrsiniri!.n" L.1: M. l:.-.l", ' " ti-e oiS'w :n- it-erit-d real en.are. vi ' yu' e'-lith :ii;ere-t in n e.-n.rii tmei of l..n-l - ' ; I.o. er urke- f- - a tow n-l-ip oiner-i il Jt- . he lo n I fa i- ;m:i i,a'!;" r - ' it rrauuii 1 .io:- oo; y u " (. e.i-t n lid lav .d An- it :n-l II 1 :r ' n -l.tii itiid W.--I. -;u-l .Met tl-.H It Hi: '' a tuae or li--. nii'l ii-iv i n- there ii er- : ' lt , tuo -T . tr (i'Aell.n,' t...'i-e. In. ':':' I) :itl 1 mthuld n-,:-. w itli ? h ai'p'ineiift.-t -. 'I i'i,. n .n e v n:.i n h- : ue -'per; , . I ar.;. !, now I.vd.n !. l:r;il d t; i M .: k h. uuy. NOTICE All --!'...rt. p'irr-i n-ilnf r.l tin-at"'' fc:'.' , . p:.-nr- takt- I'....;, .' Ilsal a part M I.':- I' -"'( " y Hi...,, v It, r- lu.t.i- ki.i-.vi; al in-' t '11" 'I., '.. au-'lil tf r ,i!iirr-.I n.-st..ll U..- i . ki..a-k-l .l-.uii. :!.. r-.. i :t ai: t. rA rl u.s,,i.. mi rpf ri-i ol ;i:-l.r-l p.ir.-!--' ' ri'liii- of piir-ii.i-r- moii.'v rmi-t : !" ' or U f..ro Tnur-i.-iv ..! II-- ir-t w.-'k : .' " ..t. nary u-rm oi't'o-tr-. IP.-rim.: tix.-l hj for -tsjunin; ii.-itli.ia i.sii-ir lit ol 'le",".J no dii w ot if a-know tt-li;.-! until !.' I ' ' n.on.-v is. imiil In full. .tt.-l.. (Itt-ritrMrti,,. i JOHN 1M. .K t h y i 1-wT. "arr y y'-