' ' " - v. ."I .-- - :"" - - ' ,.'-.!.- i.-r. -.r.i- , . ... , m., n..i ... , .1 1. 1 v.-j-rrrrr-' 1 ,1 The Somerset Herald. tiv.uu MX. lMitor and Proprietor WKOXKSIiAV .January 26, l- Thkhk is no quaver in Governor Bea rers tone when he-aki. of the pled made in the K.-pubinan platform. yor, the mirawi' bilff read in yVv ., t-i ai.Lr w-a one in ti.e n iu...-. bv Mr lui.'!. " repeal ti'e3 mill tax. - l i 1 Knitfbt- 01 lioor nolo n.e .... j ,. ,,) r in the In.liaiia U-rc-iture, and a I'l.ited St:!. Senator cannot Ik-eie.-le.l without th. ir eoti-enU Tin: I nt fr.e pi After th. to railroad .,te Coionien-e bill knock .. r than Ji!roy" Kite. r. p.vnui be i-i-ued only .;tieiitbi und einploye. iu:"l I'.i.avij. i- the twentieth .vern t ol Ih'- State, (iovetnor Patti- , w.o-the only lo nioiartic liovemor L- liave had ith'n t.-ntv-l;ve year. Tin. rr d.-iit o! the Senate ban placed Mr Aiexaii l'-r of thi- .li-tri.-t on the f .:i..iii-.-...iiiiiitte.--re.leral Iielati.niH : Judiciary -jH-rial : K -ln-iiehiuent anl l;, !, ,ru, ; I; dot -atioii and Agriculture. 1- s. Si:'.roii Ik re--l--t-l tP.ui M K-iichu-i-:;-on Vednelay lat. Tiien- !. three K.-ptihlieaii candidat. before the I.-vi-l itiirean-i the iN-uita-rat thr. w their te- to !::.!-and elect.- l loin. iv the Nel V. n k i'-i;:-'ilt ure. on We.'.- rn- i.iv tat il" Ii'-p-lii'.i' .ill Iliei l'l.ink His.-o k now a i-r of Cori'-, an'l r- I-!.-. 1 to the ll' t II u--, a cho-.-u 1 s;:.t,.. S iiiit.it over the present it.,,, Warner Miller. 1 iv W joint s - 1 iv la-t, the l.egilatnn in i.j, ,iis-ied Col.. nel Mathew 1 i-i. iv l'.--.:vcr county. I'nited -il .'tor from l'-nnsvliania. to 1 .1 .on !. M;tclii-1 who-- term ev il ti.e 4-ii. I.iv ..f March next. rui" i -- i if. ; -1, d. ..Hi ! .!lo,.i;e .f.ii -! -yiii..i'.ii" o! i- evl.-lidcl !..n-e-ll 1 :;t Harri-bunr . ! ' the nid 1 ..iii,ui-t cliilil and ir I! -aver. The eat 11 w ho I. -.il 11 ol it ill ioveinor and hi v . f. Tin. I: p i'-'i- hi C.iii'-u-Committee at II. irr. -i. ui- on We.l11.lay Lift un.iiii luou.: .- r.- d.e l to r. pirt in lavor of a pt .Uit.iti "1 uiii'-iidtii-nt .pniv and simple. I'll- 'Ut lt!l c e I. A (;.' !'.;! c. iiipcu-a! . .1! 'ii,tt.n ci.iu-- attacii- 'li.- ad-lition of the aiit 11 united. t )o iaii- 1 i.-.l l r.-i-i.oi .lI'-r'tTI-'iUlliV.HIIIi W;i e'.-ct ! t II ie Clerk of th.- ll'HW'al its ..tv.iniatioii two week- -ince. ha !-n apknurcil hi Puvule Sii-rctary by Ci.iv.Tiior liean i. .in 1 Major Samuel A. hN'li iiu kill i-oiinty lias l.H-n elect id Pen r m s -.li-. es-oi as Clerk of the I1..U--. T 11 K I iiiiM r.it- 111 the New Jersey lejris l.i! ill - don J.Mil aw iiv any cbiinis-, whn a v ( i- to is- made. Last week tliev -.it.-d, bv a strict party vote; a inemlior whoui tli hi-'l .lu-tnv of the State bad !.-. 1 '.. -I He not elected. I'.ut then hi vote was u.-i-ded at tl lection for I ni- t.-d slate- -s-ic.t'.r. Mk. lb mm :- r. j loit.- l a savin that M 1. I law should d'-ciine hi election to th- Viiiti d st.it, 'v S-uate 1n-c:iils" it wa S". llled Ihroti-h the iiVi tl' V " it I lemiHT.lt i. i,.i... What rot! Would Mr. :.lniue I. n-.i.s-iiiie.1 tie Pr.-sid.-iii y, had a few tlio. e lelliocl'ii'. i" v ote III New York sc our" I lulu 1 I" .l'i.'.e '.' All li: a i Ideal..! Ilirtitni. and hill- ;n. an ! i.j ih-I iv.-cii th.- liii!i'H-lidelit- i.ii ; ih.- I i.-:ii' r. t- "I IMida.l. lphia, tliev have LJi i to :.-r-.- ilui a calelidati' fur M.1V01 in. I .'tlicr cil ll.cer. and the n-siiil 1- vii:;t tl eie will be only straight I hpili ill-all -ill' I I l.'lil'HTil'ii ticket ill the held. Si vai .h Van Wyi k irot a little ton I11V.' lor I.i cloth.-, and emirelv too in de ii lent of bis obligations to hi party, to suit the Republicans of Nebraska, 50 they have set i.im a-ide, and have elect ed to hi plic- Hon. A. . Paddra-U who will not lx- o .-lf important that he can not co-oj.ei.it" w ith hi party friend in the S.-n it.-. Tti : tiui'-s show that tl.e United Sl.iti-s an- do'nii we'l enough. Simv lii-'i our jiopti'.iiiioii has ineri ii-ed i!l -r en-lit ; our hav co-p. I'i''. - r .1:1' : our cotton crop. !'i3 'i .-out; our sr..in crop, 2"i pot 's-i.t ; 0:11 ruilwav mili-ae, Jo m-i i-t'.lt ; our tliu.-.iuce .ii;a.i-t till-, '111 JT cent ; .mi ! ..10 production of piu-ir.m, ilsii r cent I . 'V Ki-Noii l'o av 1.1: has ap.iiited, ami the 'Ti .'.- i.i tin niitio't!v eontirtned th.- ; -i.ov ui.- t 'a'un.-t 1 tth-frs. A ljU iilit i.cnet il iMniel II. H.lst nupi of t'en le I'oiinty. Attorncv ijenenil Williiun J. Kirk putrick ol Northampton ('nitty. S'cr.'liity of tin- Comiiionuealtli '"haili-s W. st one of Wam-u County. 1'mi M i .111 I'.-ti-ioti lull, which iiws- ; e l both U. .ii-.-- if I i now avvni iu the I Ple-i-l. 1.1- - -li ''inc. provide- H Jielwioll j "; --. p--i liiout.h fori-Vi'i-v honoe..btv dis- i c'.i-ow- d -'Mi- i or-.tilor. iiy-iwo jear "fii." !i.is-iv".i -i.ty iliiv - durini; the Mexiiall :.i whether in Mexico r liot. i hihI f.-t l!ie wid iw of i v. iy such soldier !, r.il Iirum. Paymaster Oener.il R.-he-li-r, or sail..! if -he ha- ii .t ro-marric-d. iiuarterma.-I.-r lieneinl llolabinl, Suigcn - : liciH-ral MtS're and tieuenil Iuan, chief of P-.vovil.'s man, Halbm and.-r of ,,,u'itwr- The ai-tive pull-Uiircrs en- . iL-ht Plulailelphia. a-.n Wednesday last j vohmtivis frouube sienul Cor. The i 11-eli-i-lcl rhairiiinti ofthe li-uiiK-ntic State ! "rmeiil wan made in k.k Hill ( emcterv Committee in plii.-e of W. I". Heiiel, ; ith miht.-try honor. The escort c-.n-i5t.tl -mlnl. Tin- cuss wort, lit feivd by the of a haitallioii and luinery of Ibe Thinl Ar Wall.i.v men are Ion 1 and il.-ep, bin li.ui- ; tdlery, und. r Colonel II. (. (iibsou, a ciiu d .1! hold hi trip on the throat of the ; '"'-v f iiiariii.-j and a -kl 1- liiucnl of enlist- oiir.int.iti..n. all the Kime. I'.-nnsv ivania U iiiorfiT.se.l to Cleveland iu tiie next National Convention, and Randall' henchmen tret the otlieial pnp. Tkk Speaker of the Mouse iiiinouno-.l tin- U idinsr isiinuiittet on Thurwlay last. An iiii tion of them show that Mr. Miller has U-n allotted to the Com initti' on Apiculture. Ilun-au of Statin tic's, on Judiciary and on Military and that Mr. Purdi ha- iu atoned to the (iiiiiiittis- on ljeej-lat iv Apmion menu.: Klis-tion; I c-loral Kelattoii and Judiciary ionoisil. IV.th gentlemen have Is-i-n well cared for l.y the Speaker and are to 1 eotnrrattilatisl. Wr wa,. Wlrbt ..fthe l,kR" - T.,e ,te r-?. ,,, . 1 T , r , he nls ou, was he howl of ,e lH-tn-rats . .,r,K tl,.- last Vi-nlcntial emurn. They pit a weht of the Imokiv. nd found ev.-rv cent ai-conuted for. and ' now they arc Mirickiiu: "Tiki much monev." What a c 'iiiuieritiirv on Dem- ' ocratic wa;. und !)eiiii-r.itic ti'ate-inian- j vinp. Whn the n-publicai mmik: into i -v.r, tii.-v f.Kind lie Hiiehanan Id- i .i.ii.,s.r.ui..u had left them a Inkrt.i4 ; r , . ' Tn aPury . w hen hey Went nut of imwer .1 . 1 r. 1' n . . they left -fw miKh monev" and the I , - j lK-u.o.-rt dont know httdo w,th it. Turn the m.,. ..ut : 1 If U imMuly nt..un.'eJ tit Watdiitu? ton that a!) Kiinl-lii-an now remaining in th internal reve nlle f-ervi "ill I diuiiMsl with a" little delay a jnwiblf, j jne illlwiat,.c,,iunieftill. aasrreed u anl ith cliai-tuini: frunkneKi it ie ctiite'l , (n hv ,.f ,nn. in its tir-t that, the removals ill 1 made, not bo- j applie t lie nviiin of the act t any cause of the inetuVieney of the present I iucumlierjtR. but because the place are wanted for liunjrry Denna-rats. llns will le pleasant news for the dainty Mugwump an.l the civil Hcrvice reform ers. Tfb IuU-r-Mate Commerce bill rnrulat- j .v rilr,..lN ami other . ' ..) ,i. ji.mae nn i common orm pa-wed, the lloute ou 1 v:.i 1.. I.. tl.o..t.l.atU- rote of L.'i yea, to na,. ThW bill wa a.de.v I oemau'iea a-- a - ""' ' I friim irdiiiate liH.nniinatiiitt rateo ty railnil-. and i inteiide.1 to j.rotert the eopli apain-t c.rponttc alxiws. Wheth er it will have the efht conteniplated the tct of time, and a fair trial can alone determine. The bill is now in the hands ofthe Pn-i-leiit. und there- i but little doubt that he will make it a law by aflix- in.. hi signature. A Vnoli of the bill features, a ill lie found coverine it main in another column of thi jet per. Mr. Rjhekixis of Allegheny, at the K. ..,1 rt)iA AI1eirhitv eountv liouor leatme ha introd,u-ed into the House ! fMO bills providing t r hijrh livne. fine bill deal a ith wleilesale dealer and n quira lii-ense f.- of for all doing over K'u.O"! worth of busine in a year, and of t.'Vi for all doinjr less. In Phila- delphia four-lift liK of the f.-e i to ft to the city and olle-tifth to the State; in I rith- of the second and third classe. : Pittsburgh, Allivheny and Scrantoll. I three-llfths ." to the cities, otie-tifth to i the couiitie and oi.e-lifth to the State. ' Klseahen.- three-fifth p to the city, lsirou-h or town-hip. one-t'ifth to the county, and one-tifh to the State. All retailers in cities of the tirsi, wcond an.l third classes an- b. pay a fee of X of which s.!'til-s to the city. 1'K to the comity, and lini to the State. In other cities an.l boroughs retailer are to pay s-iki, divided in the same way; and in towllhi the ft: i fixed at s'o", of h idi one-halt to the township, one fourth to the eounty, and one-fourth, to the state. ioVKi:oR I'.kwki:' iiian-unil a-blre-s tvi.itii- the man. and i worthy of the oc-aioii. It is .linitiwi, plain ami im plicit in it Ktiiteiiients.and iinpre"" the reader with the fact that it author feel und hasluily 111easi1r.1l the n-s -insil.il ity and 'ia!ty of hi li. wly usuined .hitie. He pi.-tli.'!- l.iinx lf t-.. an cllicient noiiiical, impartial and honest adinini- tr.it ion of public jillair, taking the let ter ofthe Constitution a hi 'iiide, and placing upon the lx--i-lative and Judi cial department. of the overiiuient the r.s..nsibility of .siiii; and cxpotindin the law-. In a frank and out-K.ken spirit he favors the u1 'mission of a con stitutional amendment, prohibiting the mumifaitiin and sale of intoxicating liipiors, and sii)tai-th that the .iiestion Ih-vlip-.ied of at tt sial ileilion, where silitics and tie tiui!vle for oiliee will not 1 intr."Ju-ed. ,1 1 In the question of tax reform he points j raiii-wd or any portion thensjf ; and in any out wjme of the objectionable feature of 1 a-e of an .urr-emeiit ir the pihmr of the Revctiue law of the lust Liyislature, ! ti inhis a- alor.-aid each imy ot ii ctiimu aml su-vi-st their ai.u-ndmcnt. and b- j "''' ---rate ,.lfese. disi-us w ith force, the riiiht of laboi, iiivl industrial training a part of com mon school education. Tiiet' are only some ol the salient iinl of tne addle which we comuii-tid b. theciin ful 'ru sal t.f our n-ader in its etitin ty. It : worthy of the highest -oiiilneit.iati. in, and we doubt not that, it w ill receive the i-arni4t approval of all iiiiclliircnt citi- 11. Ti.i: licpublicHti of the 1eirislatnre have I.iUi-ii prompt action lor the r.'d.-nie tion of the jsirtyV pleit-, to sulunit a prohibitory con-titutioiial ameiidiu.-nt to jNipnlar vote ; hut as another I-ev'islalure mu-t L-m uin it, l-fore the pisiple wiil j have a chance to vote, -tos anr U-iiit; taki-n tontiieiid the lin-uso system which tiiu-1 i-onlivil the li.pior tr.illic until it i abolished. Thi i-an I ins ess.iry ac tion i met I iy a cry of hostility from the extreme prohibitionist-, and chaiyi of had fiiilh on the Juirt ol Ivepul.lican, are . Ikmih.' fn-ely made. These (Mnple have j ajipurently pn-juded the n-sult. and de termined in advuiici- that, prohibition ! will Ik- sustiiined liy the Jsipulur vote, j Hut suppose it fails? Is no provision to I I. made for the future, or for the inter vening years durini.' the pendency of the inue? It i the merest folly to rail at present. Kvainst the vstsic of a hifh and strin-nt li.t-nse law. If prohibition i sustained by the iu!ar voi.-c, all laws lii-ensiic; the ale of spirits are at once wiiod out ; if it fail, then we will have a pskI a law 11 tin- v isiloin of our I'i;i latiire 11111 d-vie,ciiiitro)liii(r ami rctr.iin j nu; it. I"t a prohibitory Hinctidmcul. ! mreand simple, plain and easily iindcr j st. Kid, le fnit in I and passed by thi I U-iri-liitiire, without unreasonable delay, ; but at the -tune time ;ive u a pl, riu 1 id, and a Is. 1 easily undcrsu!, lin its.. 1 law, to govern the traffic while the ipn-s- ; .. :.. ... ...1: .1 .v.. . .. III :. ... I II. ll is n oiiii, nii'i iiit.i wo. ...ii.ii.u. j . . . .1 1 Ii.;. i ;., ......o ..r .. i j ' , : tnaioritv of the voti-r tlci-idine Inat thev I ' e . do not want total prohibition. Ceneral Hazen Burled at Oak Hill. I Wio-ifi.Nt.Toii. .lanuarv 19. The fuiicml of 1 I liem rl W. P.. Ilaeli, lull' I iilef SiLlial Hliivr ! i-sik pla.-e thi-afv.-rn.sjn from M. John's I. K. tilireh. The si-i ii-e- w.-re ion.lneti-d by la v . It . l-i!..ird, n-tor of the ehiin h. A 'irotui of ili-iiiuriiishe.! i.sipl.- att.'tidisl. in lud'.i s.s-ii-:.iry l-'ii.l). -tl . lieiii'tsil Sheri.laii : nd iiiHtiv prominent ofti -er of the army and a.y. The honorary prtUljeaner- were Ui-u- nil lti-net, i'bii-fof or-iuauiv; Adiutani lieii- cd men from the "-ipm! Corp. The unal : salute wa nred over the oilicer'a itrave and i thi-n tai were so'ande.1. Colonel Quay Elected. ; H iitRnnii-m,. Jitn P. Nearlv evervhodv II IF RIHHI Kl,. J Sill ''ere ha.beei, callinc l-Xlonel yuay -.s.-naior" i '" "implimentory aula ipaiion. hut the title was umUv made legally hi. The Senate marched, over to the IIouc acain thik mom in; wiili Scrgeiuit-at-Ann A-h at its head. n I nfter l.icutenanl Ijoveruor liavie ,aj ciilli-l the joint iniiM-iiiion 10 order t he i-otu-isirison of the -.-(.aralc vot of the two i.raii. lu-s forl'niie.1 Siai.-S-naiir wa made. Thi was.lonehy the ilerk of tiie two H.nis- ' nadim; the roll-calls and tiie Votes fr I .inayandWolver.on.tbusforn.ally.howi,,,;;,, Ma,.(1M.v iu . ltm,rM, and was a,,. 1 , .or..y in iki. ; I'"' " '""n Ivi ihe-e,H.r, made the forma. d-..ra,i..a , ' olonel ciuay w ehsncd r.iit.sj Stat., Sen- , 'r. and he and the iwo i.-llen. imni.-l the I certificate Prohibition B. O. St, . January JU Th Baltimore n1 Ohio ". ho visitefl thi, nla ,'-ln.v' ",,n,rx',l-l h empl..ye erf the n.ad ' to .Main fmm ll I ox lent ms honor I fore be could draw lin , T, . . , ' ," Tl,e m.ivttient i Mid to have stan.si i-,-,. ,.r.i, ,, , , , e.-ausieortlie m;ly rumom ahoat drunken ,ni,linm i ,:,u ., diKir is ttw 4U am. INTER-STATE CQMMtRCE BILL. Abstract of the Measures It Pass ed Both Houses of Congress. ; common carrier euzaj-d in the transjorta- tion of aMMit:en a-hully hy railroad, or partly by railroad and artly by water, wlieu both rt used, under a iviimrln control, management or arrangement tliroUi.li more titan one sjtato r territory, or from any plaee in 1'nited .-state to an adjacent for- eitn country. It de. ti.es the term railroa.l tu included all l.ndee- ana lerrie. useu or owraied bv ai.v rjilroa.1. A 11 charge made i . "" - 1uju unr-.tiable chatye f.,r . t. -rvice i pro- j Iiibited anl d-c!arei to be unlawful. ' Sv-tion 2 nukes it unlawful fr any cotu- mon carrier suhject to tne provi-ions of thts ai-t to cbarvr. demand, collect or receive, di-ro-tly or indirectly, from any ptrot or per a cn-ater or lev nm.-uutioii for any wrvi.r rendered in the traii'rtatioii of pas-m-iisrepi or pn-rty than it charge, "iemand-. collect or nxrin fpim any other perou or per" fordoiiip f.r him or them a like ind I iHii..r.ii,ii. rrsn.n,riiiii(in of a like kind of traltic under substantially similar cirrunitanor and conditions. .M tioii 3 muki. it unlawful for any rom- -non carrier .,.l,e.-t to the-provision, of .his ai-t. to make irj;ive any undue or unreason able preference or advantage to any jiarlicu lar n-isttii. tinianv, firm, coqioratiou or iinality 01 any particular di-s rip! ion of trafhc Every coitinioii carrier, subject to the provis ions of this ad. shall, aivordint; to their res- p,vljvv H!Wt r,, allord all reasonable. pr..r all) (Ua u.ililies tor the interchange of iratlic iwtwe.11 their n-sjii-tive line, and tor the reieivin-. forwarding and deliveriuj; of pas- -njrer- :ind property to and from their sc-M-ia! hii-.- and thu-c connevtiu;; therewith : and i.ali not discriminate in their rates and ' ciiiir,- U-twis-ii sucii coiirn-ctinj; Sin-. THE l.'.NO xi iioi:r Kil l. S- ti-n 4 and ithe long and short haul and pMiliin- s.-c:ioi.-) arc as follow : Sii-ti 111 4. That il -hall Ik- unlawful for ; any common carrier -ubji t to the provi-ious if th -act i.j chilli;!- or nsvive any (rreater comjH-iisiition in the a-f:rci;ale ti.r the iraiis ponaliou of prts.-iijr. r. or of like kinl of properly, under iilstantial!y siniilarcircum-tntici- and coiidiii'ins, for a shorter or than 1 for a i--mrcr distance, over the same line, in lie- same direction, ihc shorter bein- iiiclinl ed ii -nil the loiiL'-r distance; but it sliall i.oi .tuilriicd a authurizitii: any com 11n.11 . arri.-r. iihin lie-t-riii of thi act, to chari:. and receive 11- greater coirii'iis.iiuii for a loiiircr .hM.in.e; provided, however, tiiat up 'it apj'licai ion to the coiunii ion ap lmitcd unil. r the provi-ion- of this act. u-h oniueiit cari ii-r ma in -p-s-ial ca-es, after iiie-t'atioii by 1 he coiiinii ion. U- auloor- i.-l to cbar-e le toi lon-er than tor shorter distuii.e f"i the tr.ui-.nratioii ol cu-e-is or pr.s-ny ; and the couin.isioii may froin tint.- lo tunc pr. -.-i-d-e tin- even: to wlii. li -n. h d.-iuati-d couimoii carrier may ic r. li--. .-l from I lie oT;i! 101; of 1 hi .-.-ctioii of ll.i-a.l. sc. 1:011 .1 fiiai il -hall In- unlawful f..r nv coliiinoti carrier, -ilbjcct 10 tin provision- .if ii.i- ii t. t" t i.t. r .".nv nil. r i-outrai-t. arcci'i.-ni or . onibiuatioii with any otner coinuiol: carrier or 1 ;i ri. -is. lor lb- Miolinj; ol liciiih' ot dilfcreiit and coiUting rail- ,-oatl-. to uiwil. iti.te or 11. 1 (.ri.xv U-is-n them lii.-atririe-? ot the eaimiiKS of such I-. HLH 11 t of kATB. Sstiou -i r.-inns' lb..', all. r ninety days from the ,sis i ol ibi act, ev.-ry common carrier snjj.s l to it povi-loiis shall have priulvd and k.-p f.-r public ia-iss-iion -. be- dllles -h.-witl:- rate- far.- 111 I c'i'irls. and iil addition 'o Pi-. , 11 iillj.- Ihe railroad- lo -iie publicity at all of the .i.-.i 0:1 tV ir --vi ral lines, it ei..-. it'iit.'.'-'ty !u ::n- coiniiii-Hi..n. whi-ri' it i-projH-r and tess-.-.u-v. to r.-.piie ih.-in to ivi- pubii.-:ty to their r.iii-s, toother pla--U-vond lb.-line-of their several rci'd ru:Ml. It al-i 1 sitliti-that the rate, fail- and charj.s sl.all u-.i i.iisi-d exivpl af'cr 1.-11 d .v.-ol public te;:-..-., but that they may iuc-il v il ic .1.1 pi.-v io'i- f.uolic noti.-,-: he ll-l' ieC l.'.VW". . r. - '.vvc. r. -ba 1 1. - -'.lli-l.Iiil'r .cc. w' ith III. iv.b. -lion : - -!!' Section 7 make it uulr.wf'il for anv com- 111 it. . iirrirr to i fiier info anv coitibii.ali. n or :.e-r-.'iiieitl 1., prevent thi- carr:a'je of lii ii-'hts. from b.-iti ciiiiiiiioii-. fr-.m the t.lai 'f thiplll'-tll tollie phiieof d.-ililialiofl. 111 1 V foK VIOI.A1 lo. Jsei-'fion d.-clatss liiaf .iny coinmoti i-iirrier violntiiiy the provision-of the act shull 1- l.ube- lo itie p-rsol. 01 j-r.in illjlir.-il lhi-re- hv t. e ihefull iimoiint of ihiuinu- - -il-!;ti;i-d in tt.iiMHjuciiei-i of anv -och viohitiou, to- p-tl with rnisoiiablce.iiii.Ml ,r ::itorT..y'- f' I Ihe lifh 1-ction i.rovi.i-s t 1 :n i-rson-i cl.'.itiiiiiu wi have l.s-iv duui.ii.'.-'i bv tbe.-ictiou i of common caiTie. mav pn-".sl f.r r.-covcry of 1 h.-r dciieiei- eiihi-r in th.- c.ttns flu' I'li'ii-I St ii.-.. or twfore the isun mission h.-n-iu provided for, but not lieforc Hotli tri bunals. Tie- loth .-;ion make it a ena! offeii-- to violate. ii.y ol the provisions of this act, ..ml put- fe maximum of Ihe fine which may Ih- ;iii,.o-i I it the slim of So. 000. j Two Children Saved on the brink of i a Niagara Prec.pice. Ni . .'. t'vi 1.- t I r- '. A -' V.-ra jtiart. r mile in b-netii. riiiiiiije. uinf r this tievii. I..-..- i..ri ! the I-.! ..1 M 1 l.lv- Pun 1 crvk. wi'ieli .iu: i iil' t b:iw- in iv int. - is -wol-i li-n int'i a m-hi:ifc riv. r .f i n'.- volume. . ( ,,"' uip'.i.-- it-rt-lf into th,- N.iL ini river ov. t tin pn-.-ipi.-e luai Ihe Vhirl-Hi! Jt.ip. . - i- 1 :u. riv.-r w.ls r.iiiiiiin' li iit-ii niiu-s an j hour la.--. i veiiitiR whin ltii-tha Parrell. aed I four year. ho was "ciited ill a hand -led, ; slid into it. Hcrsi-t.-r Blanch, icred ten, jiim- tl in alter her, aid f.th Were -wepl info wept ti..--. VM-r. A rn-h was made for the oiher end oi the -i-WiT. illld lllell sis-lirisl by roi.-s jii-nied into the water and waited for the children to appear. P.eriha .-.iiiie first, under water, and It! inch f .li. w.sl .n top. Win n th.ilo-n 011I I. in vvi ie apjutreully helpli-. but alt. -r mu.-h diili -ulty they were r.-s:i---i-tatisl. Tiie chibln.-ii wen- in the water leu uiui'ii.s. 11111 ofthe time sutmieiLrisl. Murderer of Elht People. Ij.ii-mii.i. Jan. 1. flu il-iu'ier J, in Ihe i-a-tern portion of Uuox i-uunly, the hou. .st npied by the P.k- tiunily was hunt ed dow n, and in the a-hi-s were found the ham-1 reniaiiis nr eight in. inh.-rs of the family. N-ven p.-rs.is, all nei-e. n . oi 1 he murdertsl littiuly, have bis-u nrr-.i,'.i on tiie charije of ..i ct 1. : .al i iiir in the atl.iir. Their nain.-s are Aimeha Worm. Uric .Mills, Pal mer Mills, Wright Siuith. Klia Jai-ks,.!, ,M,,. he sianij.-r and Piu.ia Ilinuiu net The W.irnu woman is thought to Ic- the l.-.i i. r of the iruin: und the in-t i-.t..r ofthe ad'iir. She i.-a notrioiis worn in and had n in-rtiUMlis-over tin- othi-rs why Were arre-ted. Utl Ihi-diy .ifter the luiir.l.-r th: wi.u iu wa overii.irl tosay tooni'of ihc other- : '"Thank tod thai vvi' burned everything up, . there can Is- no tr-ioc left " Another Democrat Reappointed. UlUKlMii Bo, Jan. Si. U is a!ilioiiiii-.-i Ihi eveiiimr that ( aptain Thotn.-L- K. Malo- ney, of Harri-burR, ha oeen reapp oiiited siller. llt.ii.l.-nl of the isl.-ue ts,-i.i.l I '.. t-.micd m by Adjutaul ticnei-.l Wu.l.rie. TlK-rewer. ihinv applicn.,,. hi.t U.e - ln:m ,,v .,.,. lubl..-a i tl,.- ,in,,id Armv ,,, Nl(tMmil Uuanl ll,i,,,u.j;p., -.s . . 1 R., and caj.tw'm of the City (irav. ('Diuianv D Hth Ibviuient. The salary is SHiVIa vea Accused of Swindling Miners. Saaox. January :j.-TweRiy-ciK-ht -niu have Ims-ii entcn-l against Fib-r, Tuiliff t .,. owl oirators. by the Pine township miners, win. all.s.. that the Wtfn. tami-ered with mi as to (jive short weight tor all isoal miiKit. Tiii neet-Mitateo a sjecial nsiun of court, which will be held by Ju.U. M. l.ard next week. A Big Steal of Hogs. j Crk . Jan. 21. A cae of hog stealinpr j (."LEvenso, O, Jan. A humble innr J on a grand Kale, aid to ha-e beeu carried on j der was committed here this morning be j for the aM two years, came to lijrht yester- j tween 7 and 8 o'clock. Valav C'abuU-k i a 1 day by the arrest of the parties who arenl- ; wtll-to-do mrjienter living 011 Indeiicnden. j lV"d to have ibmc the work. It in claimed street. n-ar the city limitM. He has bad that during that time no lew than 3.500 hv' employment all winter, and LN oldwt i-'n liave been taken from the train of the Chi- i ban worked m ith him. This morning he cap and Northwestern Koad, atTf-T31'"? ' I value lietaeen 1 1!. and t'XfliM. tMinic j Mifurl, pmprictor of a ap factory on Western avenue; hisn Ih nni Mcfiurl. Jr., j and five ofthe employe of the entabtihmcnt. i naniivl AuiruM Ibiiry, Alt'rv-1 Kiiisr. Karrell U Ucillv. J.ihu Kine and Thotiuu Sullivan ; eompriae the H-t of thoe am-sted in the rase. ; they retunieil they could not get into the j held it tiny hamb out to him. The bihv wa Tl.e plan of chc rol.ln-n wa to luard a : bon--. Ooint into the back yard they an i taken luck home, and though very ill. not tock train at a railroad erosinjr or other i Jame. thirteen years old. in the water clo- t j Ix yoiid the hoi of recovery. stopping iioint and. eiueriiiir one of tbe car, j bleeding from sixteen woumls in the left j The M rankest leatun: of the caje is that j remain there until the train wa uuk-r head- j side. the child was uppoed to have died early j way. 0-iiine the d.wr of the car three or j The boys lia-tcned away and railed their j yesterday morning. A phyi ian pmnouu j four ho,rs could be thrown otfiu abort order I elder brother who had gone off with the i ce.l it dead. Since the moment of its siii j ami unobserved and the thieves would them- ! father, and returniiift, the three forced an p"cd demise the body had been closely ! ..l.-. !:..!.. Tl... .1 1. .t.:.l. I ul,iHni t.. 1....,. .llwivr,.!! ' U-:iT.ln.,l In- ?!,. irri..f..t ri. .-it i.m.nr. .o,.l 1 nimaiiiiiii. i iici'-uim I iiiiini;ii nil 11 the roail as on the western outskirts of the ciiv i so d.scl ted that the scheme was never expiseil until the detective hud work ed Un the case for oinctilne. Finally u- J pii-ion M-ttled on Mclinrl and hi men. leo- pie in the hcihhorhiMid of the factory j can tosusicci that the proprietor a- pet- titift rich too fast. Mctoirl ha lecn doinva .i-- 1 . - . ., r . ... .... ...... . r- , t llinviui; luines. silplHVini; t lie litrje Hotel- with ;reat ipiantitio of soap, wbicli it is now charged, was made from the stolen botr A " Burker" to Hang. IUltimork. Mr, Jauunrj- V. John li.om 1 a Ho-s. one of the thn ioor.s in.-ti who ' k;Ui.-.l an air.! white woman for the pur. I of -clliiif: her IkhIv. a to-iiiuhl convic-e l of J murder in the first decree. The jury w;iout 1 011U at. ut thirty minuti-s. Tl.e trial i-one ' ot th. .juii kest on record. Il hcttan -li.c ly j l-fori- li is.-lock this luorntui;. A half h Mir : was --ut in petting a jury. This aftcnio .li ! was taken iijj with the U-sstimony, and to j ward in niii- the anuiueiit as ls--uu. Tiie Slate coiielude-l at 1-1:15, and a half hour . later tl.e jury l.r.iiirl.t in a verdict of guilty a- indicted. Tin- crime for which i:.s w ill sutb r d. tth . on the gallows is familiarly know n a- ' burk- ins." He, himsi-lf. cnf.-saeil that tliea-:-.!-; and janitor of the medical eollep'. Ami. r 011 ; Perry had promised to him to kill an old white woman who liv.sl in Ihivs" hou,, and that he would (rive him lor the lly. I Without any more ado I!os proii-di. to do j the job. He pn-vaileil on Ailii'ct llan bius, i another colored mail, to help him. The two ' went to 1 he hoii-i ami w hile Haw kin- wan ii- sl wiThoiit Ki.ss t niered the .1.1 .vinau .- iiHiiii and iii;isiii-.l b. r kud with b.-i- k.. ! llav; iiiii--. -o Iew viv-, th.-n w.'iit ia aid iiu- ishisi ibe jo'i by staiibii:.' the woman to the heart with a knife. The crime was disis.vi r , il after the lty wa- bn.u-lit to the diss.s-1-; il.-l's.ui. Now that ihe Uov. . a-.- h.l- Imi-ii t di-pocd of I'.-rry ami Hawkins will l put on trial 1 he imprcs-ioti i-tha! all thre- w ill sw ill;. i A Texan Train Robbery. ! Fokt Woni H. .Ian. L'.'l At .'t o'clock this 1 i morning as tiii-cast-b-. iiml Tcxn-and Pacific evi.re was pulli'ivr out of (iord-in. a small 1 -tation, sixty inilwc-t of hen-, two m.ckcd .and arm.d nun jumped on the enjrine and , covered the engineer and lircman w ith their I revolvers. The eii-ineer was foiecil to pull j ahead until the train reached a hivth trcsile I i -.vo mil.- ca-t of Lord. .111 As vn a- the i cnitiiic ami ba-s'a.'e and mail car- had p:is- d j over the trestle the train st..ped. letiviiiK the pa-senger coache- 011 the trestle. At this (H.iiit the masked men were reinfontsj by six assistants. The robber then went throuirh theexpr-s car, taking ail the money and valuables 111 the safe, the amount l.-iiiir -sti- j muted at from !.' To 15.noi.i althou-'i j the P.u-itic express officials rcfii-e to state the exact niiioinil Molen The robb-r then pp- c-eik I to the mail i-ar, where they obtained , twenty cit'bt reiri-t. r-d packages. Theu--I s.-iiL'ei- wen- not di-turlsil, and their coai hc ; hciiiKon a huth tntle they ismld not (ret j out til assist the trainmen. Then, i no clue 1 to the robin is. j 1 Fight Between a Stallion and a Bull. j Loimsvillk, Ky., Jan. 'JO A siinrulur com J hat took place this morning in a cattle ear j on the Air Line Railway tielwccn an Alder j ney hull and a Nonnan stallion. The train 1 was runnini; near New Alhany wliena brake 1 man pass.-.! over the ear heard a furious bel j lowing lH.-n.-ath, and climbiti dovin the side i of the car f niii.l thai ihe petition hi tmen ' ihe two animals had Is-en broken down and i the infiiriiit.-il brut.- vv.-reciiKacd in iKadly ; .-.tifl'.-t. The train wa- stopjie.1, and the crew (.iithereil around tne car, hut 11) mean I could bed.-vicd for stopping the cticonnler. Tin- iron heels of the irauie horse were plant ed with tellini! Lllcci upxin the hull's head, and the horse was gored in a horrible man ner. Finally the -tiillion got in a blow lie twis'ii the eye ot the hull, and the latter animal fell dead. The comlxi! lasted thirtv- j five minute, and the horse died four hour 1 later. 1 Explosion in a Baggage Car. j PirrsBi auH, Pa., January 19. The Ijaj-ac j car attai hiil to the New York limited ex- , pnss which arrived in thi city at I0.:io I o'clock last nifit wa alinoat blown to piec- ! e by dynamite a few milea cast of Altooiia, I Pa. UaL'k'airc Master Harry Miiuru, who j was in the car at the time, was pretty badly 'hurt. The trunk was put on the train at i 1 : Iiiincaiinon. near llarrishui-i;. and waf i chct kisl through lo Pitt-bur. Milieus wa :tn-.iii-iii the trunks in the car, and picked : up a small ordinary one and threw it on lop ' of oiiie other liaae. when an explosion , follow.). The Pennsylvania Railroad ofli ; cials had the man arret. si w hen he present i ed hi cheek for hi trunk at the hafy.ufc- room thi m'.-iiiii.'. He said that he was a I Hungarian coil ruin. -r. iiud ihat hi name j was John K.ienni'i. lie i-ame fnim Jlazle i Ion in s-an-li . f work, und trenuoiily de j nti-d ih;it there Wii.- any explosive in the j mink, it i-oi-iaii.' -.1, he claimed imthnie: . lint ilothin aii'i souii- mutclic. IViidinjr a , thiroi.L'h iiivc-te-..tii.ii he will lie detained, j I St. John's Reckless Lies Promptly ! Denied. Vol M.eiTi.win. Jan. L'l. Jonn P. St. John, while tiilkiiij: pr..bibition at the ita ' House la-t nicht. as--rlsl that at the R. i piiblieuu National Convention in t'hutij-o Mi Pran.-i-Wilhinl wii (riven only fifteen 1 minute 10 ad.lns the Committee 011 Keso I lotion- and wa riiu ll. to talk amid : fiiin.s. t.f lohaci-o smoke surrriundtsl bv j drunken revellers who openly snw-risl at her j -etitiiiienis. The assertion luaile by St. j John were t.-livraphisl lo .'oni'n-ssmen Mc 1 Kinl. y. of I'Miio, and Phelis, ( New-Jersi-v, j who were nieinUr-ol tbeeommittee, to-day, j and cu b avitively u. ni.sl the stau-meul laud asserti i tlmi Mis Willanl w.ia given more time than any one else and delivered an afilo aiyument which cimmandisl the clon-i aiu.niii.ii ,, t tic- committee. Disastrous Prairie Fire. I.01 is, Jan. siecial from Table- juah, Indian Territory, says: One .if tbe most disastrous j.rairie fires that ever oceur-n-d in this section, swept over the prairiis, about two mibn north of this place Usitven iuir. The ind was bloiuK almost a hurri cane, and the tin' devoured almost everv- J I'liiif,- iu it t,tb. Kems-s, hay and every - i thine ot ihe kind were buni.sl for epal ! ...il ... I III. -.11- .. ..o.ao.,...o. , ,,..K,wam,iivniL'tlin-e , uoii-s nont.wisit ot tins niai-e List everv-ib i.... j b 1' his dwelling. H, cribs full of.oru. and ..-r .11 . i -u wt-ie iiiiniin loa-siits,. others f ; -ort even- !.-. Xo lives were lost. No Pension for Mrs. Logan. W vshimh.toi, January 11 The bills (rrani iiiK pi-nsionK to Mr. Logan and Mr. Blair, widow of Oen. Frank ISlair, were defeated this 111. iniine in the Hiae('onimitU on In valid I' ensious. The members were arraved on Jiarty line, w-ven IV-mocnils voting against and five U. publicain in bvor of the bill.. It i umlerstoiid tliat the bonis of oppo sition to the bills is reluctance on the tart of a niajnriiy of the committee to a continu ance ofthe policy of granting hiirh pensions to willow of officers w1k did not die from injuries incurred in tlw aervior. A Mother's Ayvful Deed. and hi son went to work hortly before 7 o'clock. The mother. Antoinette had been out of tenier at the breakfast table, and had refused to talk to her hm-band. Directly af ter brcakfa-t she sent lK-urv. her fifleeii- year-ohl-uu, to a (rnry store near by. and Mill another son to a milk dcimt. When j " - . . .. Tony, an piirht vear 0I1I trirl. bleesliiitl from a dozen cuts ill her left side. On the Hour near by were Mamie, five years old ; Auloi- neltc, three years old, and Willie, three uioiitha old all dead from dreadful stabs tn-ar the heart. A blily pair of -hears told the story. A hunt was then made for the mother and -he was found in the i-ellar I 1 : r - . r. .J...1 .1... 1 . 1 ':'!..! t oaojiiiK infill a ranT, ut-au. . tie lino t.ioi-'i I her three children, mortally injured two others and had then comuiitt-d suicide i'lie 1 children who were Mill alive w.-i re moved to a nei-.'h).r's liou-'. but I ln-y ..ill li-. Vocause for the terrible d.-cd i- ; '.. n. T!u- hii.,liiid doea not think bis wii .. . Ill-.lliC. I tie two injunsl children. Jame- and .n lotn. -tie, were removed to the City II i-tal where the doctor- say they will siircli .!'-. Kjch was stahlM-d thirteen times. The -i.. 0 wire nine ini-hes I011.U. The Inslies of .ce ihne children and the mother were remov ed to the morgue. No inquest w ill Ih.- li. M. The Curonerand d-stor? i-lieve thai lie- -.o-nian was er:iy. CaUilck wa-a .Irunki-i. fellow, although he worked and. with ai--oti. earmsl i7" a uionlli. - - Creat Flood at Buffalo. II1TFAI.0, N. Y.. January ".'I. -Janice- I'.-iiiarkable thaw pro.bic.-d lb.- woi.-t II--1 . known in years in this locality. In addiii . 10 the hn-ak up of ice alonj; the -iioic. iu i which a numlier of fishermen ban-ly i-scap .1 : with their live, the Huilahi river overflow d i it bank- last niht, mi l this morning i.,. Tliirbsnth ward is imd-r water, s,.,,.. ,j v.-s-i-l-moonsl in the river nun il.t nt . I '.iiiirv.i;' lorn fnim their ni'H.riic:- n.d t !, i:""i a'nin-: the Michigan -irei-i i.r. i;i', vi .-is-kiiu; the roadunv iiml girders ol lin-aii- 1 I proai-h to tin-briilLi-, iiMil cutting oli all Iral I ii. over the structure. Tiie ilhio -irel ! bridge, iillhuuh thr.-.- v.-s-el were hurled a;ri.si if. I so far w'iht'MM the imiti-n-i-pri---iiri-. The ice is only ci-ht ifuln thick, other wise there would have liei-n a ( lean sweep of iv itv t !i j lie; in the river. The situation is thrcai.-uiinr. Niiie-tenth- of ihe Thirteenth ward is underwater, between o.ooo and 4.0-si a. ri-s of lanil in the ward is subiucr-.sl. cellars llotwicd and feiws- swept away. Scv eras fami't-- h: d narrow e -at . O 11- Iciiim v. ilh inmates only i'-i aped desfruction by thi' inicrveiition of a number of frees which caicjht and held the ice. The Erie track- :H the transfer frr-i-ht hou-e an- nbiucrr-cil, the water l-eiiiff higher than durin- the -real I'.mhI ihriv Vi-ar- iil'o. The Alia rctinin' yard is under water. Kalbtlcish's ch. mica! works and din k are under four f.vt of wafer. Ail tin-biiildinirs had to be secured by roj' to prevent their rioatimr awav . Natural ira-ivK-ks are four tis-t under water. The xn supply wa su-.-ii.lisl during y.stcrduy and la-t ni-l.t. Tin- d.nnaire will Is- heavy. - -Sold His Family for $90. U 11 kK-tohKJjw, JiiTiuarv - i. -TI V.lui-c ol Wa rich a iiuiht :m.l rnjn'l-.r of a ttrti tii Imu- (iL-NM.(I tkf Itih vt ilr aii'l iour i liii tiiMi tn til' hi.-l-urdciH iiatiicl Ciutrit-s ; Mawrvr for Utv uui of W-tvri. li w:i- of I a very iuarn isniKMliVt-intfii and hu-l:in ) and wife wciv fntjiionily m t Si' outs. W hen j tin? Ktiius of miI; wrv !ipt drawn up Way- j r'u h wanlrsl $3 for liin lamily but Mawit-r j r fu'd to tr'wt (hi., amount unit tin.- fithfi ' r-lit'V-l tiim tif itie two youiiir t rliildr:n a :-i i ami wlto Mawivr rlainnti wen- noi s -y jroil ro;rTr. a- ;liy ntdd uoi wrk ; i'nt tiirrtfori Mould tio i,r,i: iu un n-v-t-Mi . A rl.i.rtiioi- a-!u- i.'d lv whird " l it to:i idt r.iliHi ol 1 Mir. U:m 1 i.'k'Ii iht f:ittiiljt in - :tti p d .1 r-l : :i-u ol 1 .10 ;iti 'lf ufu-Htril .f j.sin hi.- in-. u- iird ;il lor tin V. il":i;td - :4oi.t- t lot iwo it. it-ll iilid I Mt-iVf. ! Mi. Wayrii'h "tt-hf iif- j ily - 11 :-tim I i ith tl liar.-.;i:i. I.i'rT, -; i l:oiu. i' u i no1.- and iiniu-triipii? nuin and will m at li-r ; kifi'iJv. Th in h itii-t-iiLd is nov in rli.;r of : he Itoardtnt hou-o nnl A-ar an air! in- ! d-.itd"ni. Wuvri h lat onr W't'-T to ; I've. j Stamped Him to Death. i -AVToM, iri., Jan. -I.-- Jiuorni uioti i.a- leu nss.-ivisl at Ibis p!as- to the etf-cl tiuit ; on Wcdn.liiy ni"ht rive men in an ambush iired iiii! An.lv HoWiinl, of Yeliow-t..nc i ere, k, in Iiavvson inly. One ofthe .-hots j took el?.'! in the leg, niiikiiiK 111 uuly li.-sh j wound. The nu n, hnviiiu- einptied their H'.in without . nth resulting, ru-lesl ujs.11 j Howard and -lamped him so badly I li.it his j bowels protruded, and death ciisiiisl in tiv-11- j tv hour. H'mard had U-cn a i 1 nue in- j former, and was then a witness iu ihe I' titled j Stuns I'ac.rt au'.iin-t sevi-ral ol his n.-ihlHir-, and siisi'icton ri'st- aiain-t certain men in the ncighlKirh.sid, ho h iveUs-n eiiL.-a'. cd I W vi-iif N'.Tos. Jan. Ji. The Woin ui .s inbliKka-fnc, as the guilty om-s. H .v.ai.1 j (luistian T.-iniH-iaiie" Pni.m of the distri -t was 3.". years of ae, and had a family of tx j 1,,-l.iy .re.-ciiteil a p-tilioii to ihc.-'. .nil.-sfc-ciiildrcn, all .nel.-r. 11 yeat-, of u:re. nil of 1 jIur f.,r nniii-.tl.tt.- investuatioii ofthe ttliorn he "av.- to bis iH-ibU.iN U fore bis j death, ilis wife diisl nine monl lis a--o. A jutrty of disjrui-.-d mc 1 fi II iihiu another revi-nue itiforiiii-r in the district and cut bim up badly, hut he isslill living. Tl. 1 in. 11 said they intended killing Howard, and suc-ir.-Ie-l in doini; il. The Favorite Son of ' Dead. Cov. Beaver II vhri-hi K.i. I'a., Jan. 'S-l. The funenil of Jaines A. Ileav.-r. Jr.. tbe .'t vi-ar-otd sou of l.iov . Ifc-aver, 'vho di.sl sbortiv after U'o'cl.M k j Ui-t nit'lii. 100 k plac' ui In o'clock this i morninti ir..ni tbe Kxivtuive Mansion. It-.-v. t'iiamlrt-rs, of Pine Sins'I Presbyli-i-inii ? t. ii-in-h olliciaiini:- rin-iv- were pr.-seut iov. : Iti-avcraml his oldest siin. S-crclarv Stone. J Ailjl-i.i'U. Jlastinirs und frivate Sis-.etar j f.-iirson. Tin- remains were inferred lem- s'i-ari'y in Ilariisbiiiv er.tclerv and will ! U removed to Itcllcfoiif.- Tin- liovi nior stattsl 1I1111 the little f.-llow us ill in n they cainc lo Harrishiint lust Moiiilav. and the disease did not develop until several days after, when the doctor proliouti.vd it a bad ca.- of diphtheria. The niost skillful pliysieians did ail i 11 1 ii. tr sivv er to save the liv. who was tbe , t ,,f jlie liousebol'l. but wiiboiii avail, (mi. and Mis.. Itniveriirt jtrief-siricke't over tb- .-id ev.-ut, and their fr, ends lm-.c s.-ni many m.-s-saires of -s.ndol'-n.s-. Strikers Blamed for p. Fire. 1.1:1 n-Mt ... P.... Jan. Iu. - j'he strkiu lllinel ill lb. IJiilcc View I .liij Hi.) 1 o!.e I 'onji'.ii'V '- works, winch are siniitt,.. n..jr loitroV', 11 fu -is I to nil.c.v ih. iti'.nii,' to i,,.i.,r. 1 '.,.,',,; ... .. . .... j; ' -t s j,, ,,, , llliril, tppl. ':iili biirilisl il iit,. I ',c 1 surioiin -1 . i r buihiii;..... ith tljerx. . ptiou of j Ihc crieitic-bou-c. J bel.iss will reii. h in.- ; oil. The j.rici. rty was ovvtieil by I i. I.'. (Mitr-e A to.. This is ihe third lime the work have Im..ii ..1. tin. i. u -I.... li,.,.. u..l. ii ,1.. j cause bi-iir surrounded in mystery. It is charged that it is the Work of the striker. Ji searching investtigulioii w ill lie iilslilitl.sl mill Ihe guilty parties brought to jiLsliee. All Licenses Cranted in Perry Coun ty. Xirw Hloumfiklii. Jan. il. Ail ai.i.lii-i. tion-forliceii-,avi 1 ii ir.iiii.siin lijei.mrt : Heretofore all have U:i refuseij. in .1. f.-r- j en to public opinion, hut under tl.e Su- j MtHM-Curt d.i,;..i. i K.. I :. .. ', - - - -ii-ne-i held ilia, the smutm w oWt.-ry where tbe iKner- far .nitnunjliere.1 the reinon-tniut. ! A Live In Its Coffin. r L-.- 1.... .r, t. .,j -u ! . j . r 1 i-..-. c . illi.it!itnnf'ifle. living on rotter avenue. I ... .. . ... , , , ; acre taking tnetr two-vir-Id infaiit to the) Si. Loiii Cemetery for interment yestenl.iy. i when they were startled with jKi'iiliar noie I i5'.iiiiii fnmi thei-otliit. At first the (laniit." j were dumfouiided, but the tither. phicing his ears aainM the cotUn-lid. heard the bihy crie of hat he thought to le hisdeail child. Ho tried to force oien the lid. but in vain. IMaciug tiie cotlin on hU fliouhler he has lened to a neyoriiiu' ar.Kvrv, and with a hatchet burst the lid. The child with out- i Mn-tchJ arui and with the faintest eriw . - .... -... ,. .... ; no sipi of life was evid it. It ot icy cold Tlicre were no and was as st i If as a corpse ."ipis of brcaihin and the eye were -et as if j in death. Several doctors, who haw Us-n I attrat lel to the case by its ctiliarity, e'm ; to think that the child was in a trance. The j funeral pri--iou via- m-ar tin- cemetery, j and if the 1 ries of the infant bad not been ! i .. i. I:. ill nun-ii 111:10 11 niiuti nave, 111 a irn in 1 it- ut.-. tieeii buried. The aliendiiit: friends vtatl.er.sl around the now joyoti- parenls, and the funeral i-oriee was turned luck. - - - . - . Handed by His Suspenders. Wii.ki.-hakkk. Jan. L'4. The p.liie station house ui Nanlts-okc was thcM-cne of a sin-u-lar suicide about two o'clock this morning. Early on Sunday eveninga Wfll-di-e-cd man about ;;ti 'ears of a-.i had 1h-. ii put in one of the cells, tin t he ot her side of a wide corri dor wen- lour 01 five other cell-hi which were a iiiimU r of prisoners. The doors w v re of op.-. 1 iron ,..rk. and about two o'clock in Ihc Inoi iiifi- ihc .Hi'lip.u.ls of ihe oilier cell.- j were ev- wiiiicm.s ut a horribh ira-.-ly. Theyoiiu- man was sn calmly to i:vi-st hini-cif'of bi- c.s'f vc-t an.l collar. Th.-'i he mi'.iiilisi a i.ol cloe by ihe d-or. and iiik-inu- hi- -li-p- ii l. r- knoited lb. 111 lirmle 10 th-top bar of liii il Hit. Then he fii-o ti.-l tl.e oiia r . ml iit a 1 utiniiu n.Miv.. ijbout his mil: and kick.-d I In- stool away, hun.' tin re aiid wa- stial.-i.-d to ileal :i. flu- witlie-s.-s ot the horrible .-ceil.- made a -Teat ii.ce and shotitc'l lottilly tor !i-!p. but f-r a lotur time le.oi.i- 10(1. .n . J. an.) the cell- ociii-' lockc'l tli.y eolll'l do liottlil'-. A Desperado Burned Out I.iTTI.K it s K, Alls., .hiiiuury L'l.-- .ii ii-es j iVoiii I .ii'io i-i l'i:y nay tii;t a nc-'i.. ili-.-iK-rn- ; lo. tboll.;it lo Is' l.l-.vi S'-tilpo!l. W.u killed i iv(!i: iitii tii! ui ll.uii;itn. iiti S;UinJ.tv. Tin ut ri'i u.i- i luitt iv lun itu:ii an 1 li.td ,ikvn ivltu:'.- hi a M rt'i i'.iIiiii. wln i'i- lif k"l't !ti" jtur-iivrs ;,i i,:ty fyi It. mr-. The jiM-u al la-l v i (ir t.i iin: Un, ami ; licit tlu :u '.TP. ran mii i!jPiii!!i iiv i:nn aluti itiiit to Mirrvii'it r. iU v:u-"l, ami va ri-l- j il.fil ituiNw. in i .:; iuii-oi a j ntcri'-r-l t' tf!i y-ai-' iMp-i-miMfnt l-r niurli-r Tin-i liit-C wii a'a;;i-t iiiin a ii' i:r h.-ro. o Pill ie-1 I 'oj. lli- p .!:. . l'o itll.!. VV n v "f lu ll ItlVi ! VV.I- Viol .on. had MI- il till III- ciiV. W.l- f h;i ilu Us'il !ioi 1 1 1 sillio-'ti. wfio trad out- id.- lit- pri illlrl c-e ip. .1. H ilton -bowed ' kin;-- on a con- 1 kili-1 I o(H-l.,li i Wife Murder Prompted by Jealousy M-ilM II UA.N' ,1., Jan. -1. A week hl'o i William lti 1. vi fr. ni a ball al ; ! al'icr a l'-v word of i'.ilmyrs. wt-iii biiiuc J ii piiicc w iib hi- wife, and I piekel up it riM-kin chili.- j ii'id 1lc.1l! her tlirj! iiinrileioii llie h.-i i. ni-hitur In her -kull carr-. d her 11;. -fair- 10 b.l i.c! ! blow- ,.u ! He lliClt ih.-d 'hat niirht. soicc llicii t'' l-idy ha- laid in l!n room on. list ov.-.-e.l, and Aiturti n-in iifu.1 about Ihe hou-e :Oid -.-pt iu the -iilne room with ihc iii-ir.l. 'id woman uniil yesterday, when the luidv was discoven-d. Auoh-vv wn-iii'.--st'sl and iiicki-l ti.. He h.-is cotif.sscd, siiyiutr Ie-comiiiitlcil ihe .Ut-il whih- drunk and that he was pi-omptc.l by jcaloti-y. Disaster in London. laiMisiv, January 1 A triirhtful ac id, tit liapsnci here tins eveiiiiu:. 'Ihe H.:btV'K dniina'ic .-bib ' iv.- an ctiiertititiiui nt in Prin-t-.' -irvs-i, spii-iiii. t.ls, vv hich w is aii.-fidisl by i.l... -if ."m -:-so.'e, 111 i-ily .b-v.-. '.i:ie one in tin- ir Tiierv. 'loiiiit:--1- for a joke -houl-e.l " Fir.-.'' I he as wa-iuilii. -l-iitcly Iiirn ed o1! iit il.t; i.i.-ier an.l a terrible t.tiic en sue.!. Th. people ru-h. d in a soli. I iiiii-.- lor ibe il-Hirs. ii.i.l ;iu:iiiM-i-- vv.-r- In- i-li-n under fooi. ii.-n tie- ! iiiie Ini.l Mii-i't 'I. il ua foi; ill I 1 liii' ini'lii' women uiid fin yoi.liib 1 1:11 1 I ..' 11 t .Mill till 1 to .leal h ill file 1 1 1- '1 to i-s-c;ij . uii.l 111:111V oil.cr. injured. - -- - Fight Witn A Burerjar. T.rvM.vM.. Jan -1. -A muni- Mti-a .iui! wa- made by a bur'i:ir at an eir.v hour this n.oriiin on Harry Williams, a Iwardei at ! No. I'ili laike sin t. j from his sleep aU.ui William- vv:c siarili il o.-I.K-k bv a nois. iu nis r.iu. A tn.m vvts i.tkntir bis watcu from his isK-kci. Wiliiinus sprang forvvur.l and rvreivevl a heavy blow on ihc head, il.- lua.ic for the burglar a.-.iin, and .1 il.r-p.:ruie I'il'IiI eii-iiisl. 11, e burglar run don n siiiirs. and Williams imnblisl .low n 1 he tliith-. 1 -hind him. At the i;,oi of the sl.iir- aiio'lici lint too:; pla.-e. and Williams received a .laturefous -lab in hi rtjrht bieasf and another in his thinh. The biiorlur i-.- iijs d ith a watch worth sl liMinl i) 2 in 111-b. j Women Want to Purify Washington. morui condition iu tin district. Tiie s'lili.-ll oic-isi of tin- distr.-'t chac'i's ibe cointni-si. wild disr. i;;iniiii tltc j ral inleresis atnl ribfs pity, safety and 1110 ;'i." Ksiile. P i-.- scrts tbiit liu y have foi monfiis p:i-it .h-cii protectiiiK pimhliin; b ills, pool rooms, s.i- lisins .-iiiii I1.111s.-s of ill fiiuic; that a house i ow nnl by one of (lie c imini-sioncrs is used tistii' ofli'-e of tin- liitisian:i Lottery, and i 'ivi'-s niiiiici-oiis pitrticiiliirs. The ieii:i.ui j Kii" rcfer.il to tin- 'ommiil.-i- on Ibsf-i.-t i of r..llimbi.'l. Found Oil Instead of Water. ' i LvrnoBK. .l-iii. Li.i The l...vailiaiiu.i 1,'oul j j :.nd t'oke t-'uinisiiiv, vvii.i- work-sure located j j one mile cast of this place, 011 the line nf tin- I Pennsylvania Kailroad, have Ks'ii for some ; j lime jst borinir for w'ater near their ls.il. 'r 1 j house. Ycstcidtiv, win 11 it a depth of about ! j l.iioo fist, the drillers removed their loo! I from the hole, when il was discovered they ' had entered an oil sand. The discovery caus 1 1 d some cxi itein-'fii . aii'l the coiupiny have ! ...-i'idvsl focase tbe water off and continue i the siiikini; of tin-wi ll to -ati-fy themselves : as to the .ti:tiitify ill which the oil e.vists. Lives That Are Heaviiy Insured. ! run vio:i.i-iii v. .li'ii. L'l Anion.; the I'hil- ' ildelplliiltis VV l.t.ean' on ih.-ir i i v is Job ilisiin d lor 1 .' ii h.rtre iiisiiraiiiv pili. ai'iiiiiiiker, w ho ;s n...-e who c;irrv jlou.- arc r mi. Iiiin I!. i.cvc.i k,-r, Tli. o ior- if. Pei.-r-on. I 11. II. i!..cuini.. r. Tii. .ii.ii Wb.irloii liar- iinrd I'. lersoii nam 1 0 rs.ui. liol.in, .1. 1-.. ' 1 'a ti 1 vv . '1 1 aiid lilt hard J H ibbiiis There j iiicoiiiv iwii un 11 wlioarc iTisunsI for liii'tr' r i t .1:11 .n c bent It. .-sf..fs.,n and Hamilton ; !.--t"i ImiiI. ..I vvlioin . arry in',uv mil ,, - A Bible for Beaver. Umiu to-day 1 note a- .In -'1. - v. nioi- l!s.. Il.;ivcr with a .'.iv.-l a I'.ible 1 Hows. ' ruii.iiiri.rniv. .Inn. 111. ti7. i t;. 11. .liiim-s A. iM-iiver,of the Ki-vsioue .State: I HoMiEKn Mn Anvpt ibis Uiblc from a I woman of I'hiluilclphia. - .,-i this: Hible j lie the auclior sh.s:' for your liberties and j practice 114 ptv..vMn." t.en i". S. lirini. - -- -- - - i A Handsome Chicaao Residence Burned. i . r. si- . t 'niiiMi, Jan. 21. diuce of N .rma-i II. i.u... was alm-t t,.ta!i -Tli. h. Ke ilu, on V.lirie uve- j , ... ! i.liri..sl II. IS lll.iCi.1..' . ... .: ,.. . ..." ' i lie jus is i.-si)i!r, uis!iraui J;i -r flie 1 l,ouc Uu. fv re., y beeu eoni.ile.. and the owner mas to Uike tseHsi,.i, next weet I A Wife Choked to Death. New Yobk. Jan 1 - -o.i.c Wilson was ye-tcr.l ir clianeu with huvin mntherel n wile to death with a low?!. r-!ie w. toun-1 I ... . . 1 tiiiiy iineii 1 mi tne ivti. tl r were imr- i noly tutien. ami lier mouth, throiit and Inmra tilled witli b'uKjd. Tliere were no other si;;ris of violence. It is known that Wilson and his wife liave not lived happily together for oine time. Tiny have five children, the oili est 14 year of age anil t he youngest 'months Recently Wilson has been very intimate with 1-auni Tiionijwoii, a pretty domestic employ ed by William Daniels. A'n.ut two year ao he ran a vay with a i'evear-ohl-irl, but he was arnleil in Ittfalo. S,-veraI tims. Mrs. Wil son's -i-ter says, he has threatened Mrs. Wil son's life. Senator Voorhees' Wife Dead. i Wash (ikutos, Jan. 22. Mm. Voorhees.the j wife .if S.-nat.ir V.Kirhee. died at their resi ! deuce in this city this afb-rnuon of a.-ute per i iionitis. She was taken sick on Monday last j with isinestivccliills, followed by inrtain i ! tion ofthe bowels, which terminated fatally, j The rem ains will be taken to Terre Haute. I Ind., to-r.iirlu and the funeral services will be held on Sunday. Offered S5.000 to Settle. CarmsI.f. Pa.. January 22. Word ha l-cn received here by John IJovvman. of Me-clianii-sbury, that hisson's bidy, which wa.-liui-insl to a cri-p in the late wreck at Titfin. I'., on the llaliimure and Ohio Kaiir.xi.l. had U-t-ii nssinimsi by the official- of the road, and intern.! by the company, t is reported i h.-ii the company has oiU n-d Mr. bowman so.i'Uo fir a oetlleinunt. - - . The Borough Sued by a Circus. SiiKM.Msi.ni, Jan. 24. On July U last, while Huiburt i Hnntin-ton's cin-tis wi-s j ri,.r:iiin- here and during the i'Vciiin i-ii-I. iMiiimeiii a crowd of roughs attacked the circu-. hri-akiii;.- up the ierfurmaiicc. To day the lllaliajers of tin-circus broli-ht suit aain-t the boruii-.-h for d iuiap s aiin-iinUii- ti ji".'0. SOMERSET MARKET. Corrected Weekly by COOK JL BEERITS, I'fcVillK- 1. Choice Groceries, Flour &. Feed. r Jaiuiai v i: Aw.l.-. dried. n. ... I Afi'le biiu.-i. piiai . I'-cali!-. t l,il ' h'.iii.'i loill..- ! hlilttr. :r..ll. 1...... i " ili-t-i. r" !..... I iliicku li.-it-.. y !u .... -I Jl ...sl Hi ! L?e IIK'rli, -wax ft- U'.ir cur.-il H11111-! f t.. 0 '..luilrv fmiii-i "e ft. : .-!i.,-i!.i'i ---, -p ti. : iSi.fi'-i j 0, ! I'ori,. ,. an e en . mc .pir l-iieh. '1 1 r 'U . M-11! ' ii.'i.. I'oni nii'l ..nts, y iim 11- 1111 rye, f cj tin r-es. , .t.o " Hour. Ih.ller 1'r.s--.- . 1,1,1 I. -1:1.11. ! bl.l Kill V-'S'i!, f I.U I t r. ( . V tt. Mi.Mlnu-. -f 1 l II.- 1. '.it-. 1.pi I'..liitis--. y 1.11 I'l-ni ie-v .f: -i.-.l. j. . I:-. e. ri l.tl . ...-I 11 Ui sl .'Hi .. .-'.-r Lie .Wilis' ....s hie 1 ; .-s.i it . v.. 1.1 - i.i.i -1 -f -lillii' p -lies . V lil'ilii Hi! S.i-.ir . How . V tt, . I. III!.-, r Hi. T.'l.ov. r rt. li.-at. y I'll I 111.' jv'i.ic Rheumatism We doubt If there I. or can he, a specUlo remedy for rheumatism ; but thousands T ho have suffered In pain a have been creatly '. en cfltcd by Ilood's Sars.tparUla. U yon nave foiled to find rv'.icf, try this creat remedy. "I wns afCictcd v. ith rhecmatism twenty years. Previous to 1 jS3 I foond do lellef, but Brew worse, and at one time was almost help less. Hisul's fars.-.pariili did me more good Uion all the other medicine I ever bad." II. T. Balcom, Shirley Village, M iss. " I bad rheumatism three years, and pot no relief till 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla. If. has dune (Treat thintrs for me. I recommend it to others." Lewis Burbask, hlildefoid. Ma. Rood's S.usiipiirllU Is cbamcterized by three reciniaiilies : 1st, the combination ef ri-mc.li.il acuu: 2.1, the proportion; 3d, the. jirocet i t securing the active medicinal qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual strength, effecting cures Lkherto unknown. Send for book, containing additional evidence. ' H.kJ's S-trsfirariHa tones up my yteni, piirilics luy blued, fclciryeiis mv :ir.i i-tltp. and seems to 111-ike me i vit." J. 1. Thomphon, lieeiMcr of Heeds, Luwvll, lions. ' H.wyl- 8 irsanarilla beats rll other, and I wort li 11 weiglitin cld." I. Uajuusotun, 130 Bauk iJUcci, Mew Vuik City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by ill dmtrirlst. tt ; sii for fs. Mads only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. jimTi: sale OF Valuable Real Estate. Tin; wi-Il k"' n iViiiij. r-.lVii-.Mii la.m. ,rt .k ii nr To'i i!iii. t :i iiiiit." Norih oi Si ttiir' l ami Jaiiii.Uiu ii turiijiikt1. I- oil. r J nl ri v nit: -,i T!:-fat, h l''i.' s i'hr .,j J, ;,,,r tt putt iJ in ,-fU hi' ,,ir . in, v.,' ,-,,.:, it,,,,, ,j,irj ,.ty.,, mark' " in 'rtf.va'i. Thin is on oi ihe itn"t vulua hUi utux Desirable Farms in Jetin.-r 'fown-iiip. vvlii.-l. iMiii..iii- 17. ai res 111 're.-rt.--.. ui.,, ut no ;t. :, .1-..r, ami uumt o ; 11 'I. - :ii u..i und excellent null- r l'U"i. The . till .11 i- 111 11 li.. ii -i.ee of eil'liv.i:i...i, ... !i :e,,i Iilus .1 li.iu'.' s:i'..r t'ri'Ve, trom '.'sli to .at.l p,,n:,.l(, i ot siieur :s l.i',-.l eu'-ii s-i's.ii. iitcre ini-. a i bui;- APPLE n,i,l PEACH ORCHARD i an.l a Lirce twie-tory I'.Ki' K I'll A' aid -. ii'-'c . I : unf i,-.i,..l' iZ-h ii. f 'lU f.iilll is 1 ..111. -'ii, ui lo I s. Inoi .in-t nhiir.-'icsiiit'l 1-otil;. i. i-.i-..; iiiiics I'm. ui ross Koit.lv, .f.'tiii.-rffivi it iiti.i ,iss.ilie r-- s;m .'tliltlv. llli t:irl;i .vill liol rt- - l.-i,'.! o' -a!.- i lu-iu'er itiuii until Keh'y l-.tii; iuui iiiui liu,.- il 1 iv iil Is- (iilercil iur rent. 1'arlics wtstiitnit to '''l I more information or see the fur.u and vl leriu I vtc..caii mi.ire-s or cnil on i yi.'7.V . ( ill O i. M.I.V, ; tsi'-m-" a., or i .i.v.v; :. i (..-i.i.v jallll' . il-.. r,'..". 1. l' l. A1 l M I M ST I IA TO I I S . u'H 1 K. K-l ilf ol Waller F. ?srolt. di-rcu-.l lmr ,,f Ji.t!'. r--4u Tow iisiiip, .s.iiu,.rsei Coiuuv. pi;. W-tiers of Htlmlui-traf foil of tie- Afi.ive csimic liaring ls'ii irranl'sl to the iniitersiene.1 bv ihe pniH-r aiilnurily. notice i- h.Tel.y kiv.-ii 1.1 h'1 er st.iis in.leliusl to saitt e.-tulc lo mute immediate imyiileiit. and thine hnviiut eiaui!-. anainsi Hie same to present tlicm duly initlieiitii iiierl for sel tl. i.ieiit iiiis.ii,ir.liiy. the Oi tt ilnv of February, Iss- i t!:e residence of tin; Administrator ill s.s.il eoiiniy. ViA If SCOTT !. A.liniiiisirator. IS! F.CUTOU'S NtiTICK. K-i-ite of John tinu-r. lioe of Shade Tow nhiD. .s..llcrs,-l (-.-., 'a., d.-e'd, ! l i-tier-testaiiii-niarv oi the al.ive estate havinc ! lye. ii ei.oiitl I,, nu. iiiider-ieni l,w- ti, t,r,,H.f Miiihorily. noii.-e is h.-n-Ly eiveu tii all iiei-nim j iiideliieii to said esii.ie to 'make iinme.liiite fwy 1 mem. and those l.aviue cl...ms HBuiiist thesani. j to reselil (hem duly aillht-llli. al.sl for sc-ttleint-lit J to the uii'lersii-iieil fcxeculor, rci.Iiu iu said ) Tuvvu-llip. Hltiioulilelav. I tl. W. W I U.I A.M. -f iN del".' fciecutur. A DM I X IsTRATon s XOTK K. K I ::iie of -lauu F. Sintt, hii.- of frsina norouijli Annersi't Co., Pa. -.'tiers of administration on th u,..u hnviiut li-en Knuitvil i.. the iuid.-rsi"ned t,v I ,T,"'r "'"'"""Y- u"l'? '" ''vrcby Kiveu io ail pe,,,, ' .,U, , tMaIt. tl k ilm,.,n- I aw payment, and tlitwe huvim rlauns aitninsl the 0 ' ' ..iiiouiy uiiiii.iKii iit.it tr sii It-nce ol' the Adiriii'tis.rdlor in" I .'.- T,.,!...-!-.... .riiiir.- 1s.t . , Township, in s,id eountv. NOAH M-IITT. AdiuitijstnitiH. j JXtCLTUIi fi XUTK K. ' Estate of Jaeobllw.T. ilec'd. hue of f.iroi''i. som.-r.., 1 .. I'-. sit.iyesfovvn ; I.etlers (esiii.-iiL-iiliir,- 011 the ntM,ve Cstnle j hm iiut hi-en (rrunle.1 u. the nn.lHrsi.-ti.if l,v lite i profier .iiiili..rilv. notice Is her-l.v Riven to ail i t-rs.in imlehieil to said e-nue to iunkr imiu.-.li- ale Kiytiiciit. and those hav un; eliiiian a",iint Hi . mine witfpresiiit them duiv aiitlic-niicdii-d for j wrilem-.it 011 se.tiirday. Janiwnr Jfi. Isk, t ti,c. ciflice of ihc txecutnr in Stcyesto'vvn U..n.n'"h. f . W. I'L'iiH. dccVi. Exerulor. i Yr,,xl;TR-TOB'.S XOTICK. K-mieof Fn-d k Rininrer. d.i-eas,, jau, f ', , 1 r -si'i'-eei i niniv. I'd. l-eiieri'fi.tiiiioisiriiiioii unalmveestaie havina been irr.-.r.ieil to the iiiHlersiauetl t. the pr..r aiiiiKiruy. lioiw e is liervi.r mvi-n .rJ,., i.,- rt,',:"1'.1 '""j'1 ""e t mate ilni:ie,li,.le puyiueut n,'i !'" hnvunr cirt:m wiiHst the smne will lltS-l.t ll,..f ,i,.i- ...i. l r ... 1,1 L t . ,u.,u' -eitiement :i,M1. ,.1B. SSSf f '""i" rAaw r Btfurd Co.. Pa. " janw. Admloiatratora. GEORGE W. BEN FORD. Geo. W. Benford &Son, PKoPRIFTuR-; up TIIE OLDEST DRUG STORE IX SOMERSET COUNTY At No. 1, Baer's Block, SOMERSET, PEXX'A. We keep constantly on ban': a lai-re Muck of j DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIEMICAEs DYE STUFFS, PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. ,,MIil TRUSSES BRACES. SUPPORTERS. And all the leading nppurt'. naii.s-s u-cd lith by Phy-h-i.m ami families. in this line, jn-rfn-t -silisfution TOILET ARTICLES ASD SUNDRIES OESERALLY KE'T I A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. LAFGE ASSORTjMENTOF BIRTJHDAY TS ALVVv-YS I jN STOCK TOBACCO and CIGARS. THK PKST TIIK MAP.KPT afi'i i;i 11 i, .umuj flor ,mn . , , I . . . . f LI ADC C AMn r- "" iiwiui, j-vi,u quality. Wo keep in bulk. hi- aililcl. S..M We do 'ii:ire business ami truiibii- PURE WINES AND LI0U0R5 Jan. ... iss7. B. & B. i I 15! HUT My BOOBS SALE ! 1887. COMMENCES JAN'Y 10. SACRIFICE PRICES BEFORE TAKING STOCK j -sl Siripisl ;;k Velvets -o at ."im-. j I ..ii. re.! S li; V. i 1 1-- .11 7 ... in-. 1 All-wool Siiitilij.'-. ::ilc'v lloli'l pay ! satili' : -'l-inch Stri., . -St.it . 11 . lis-. I cariy -e-i-on nvtv -I 1'".. Anarn mi rl..i 1 1-in. ! I "" "I- I H-p.irl 11.11:1 I ..is -..111.- '..iv.-HWi' ;..-.-! T-.viii.-t I'i.ii.h. ; Ty 0..11 p. :.., I and I . ' U : ni.-e l'r;iit--. ( :i-!i:iu-re- '.. 'h. i die , s. In. : lit-i,' lot Fancy l;rH-adc si I iii.il N' oclii, --,, .1! .-1 a ,ir. -not li.iil .r ' -js'i;ii 1, ,r-':iili- il; l:l.ii k -ilk.-. I '..iofcl s ' Faille F111111 iii-.-s. (p. .i.i.inii -. suiyh- : ail .lb.C..' il, e'.cllil!- -hill'. -'. Ic'-eV Ml'.is' 1 or i.t!(- j r.f.l -r iov u r lauii-l- .- -Hi and ;:.-. : I nel-. P.lalU. t-. SK!.-Is. T.I.lvuii ' ' 11-. T i uii llhi'ikefs. li .-ie -y, C, -.,.- V ui, r i 'Il rv.rnr I IT TfliT s Am iwstsi I'rices 1 nt .!,.- : 110 regard . . .-t ; ,. no .1,1 irt.-r ll'.'i: :!,. -1 k i- 1 :n:.-! -.'II. Ill the lille. II. Mi - ikiic ".it- 1 This iucluiles all und 1 verv'liiit'.- i irotii cloiii ;ii..f ih.it io -,'.,iv., ! liariiieiiis. riiil'ln-n Wnips. t' I illl.l ,evVlll:ll'Kct. j flush vvriii.s. s ;t from s)., plu-li in. k- Cts Sis I'll im .s'.'.". ; luipol'te.l VV ri!)" .'ot il'eli- 1 iiiiTiind str.s t w. ir, sVi from .;.', i,i;.l j.i.( . i Kin.- iiKirted l.' i ;l.i"s- t'. .1 iier ..r-. e i.e.. : nov. l.'i -v an ; b': 1'. .11 -. . , -. r lu ll m i ! "Kris. " wraps i.,,!f , ,. . i Tiu.-li .-.iciiucs -ii. .'.-, j,.,. ,i-.i , th,.-,. ,1... issi tor tiii-e pri-.-.. !',. piv.i o-uicti I 're.uu Si-rim or cr.r..i'i: ui. ic:-i,:- 7) ut- ;, var.l. Write to-i-ir Mail il. le !)ep:ir: in. i;i 1 rut i if m?.x b iiatt'twt A i:;. LOWEST PRICES AND BEST VALUES ALWAYS CUAR ANTEED. BOGGS & BUHL, !!S. 11?. 119 it, 12! FEDERAL STREET. A-!lsEGjHENY, PA. .ic.-.S,'s..l.V. iMust be Sold, W II Wood RINGS, WA TCHES. CUA INS, Hi! AC E LETS, GOLD PENS NAPKIN HINGS. f-C . tf 17 :ls will pity you Ut o-ttno -iiid -e f i'5' Elecrant Goods. o .V4.V)' r rn:v will iu: su at I A'.s'.S THA V FIRST COST. CAM. AM SKK 'ATI T V. IIVVK, AN'U i.iET I'KH'ts. I These Goods Can be Seen at the DRUG STORE C. N. BOYD A'17.7.1 h i) A.l E P.MSi; CSTIL DlsroSEO OF. KIT OK PARTITION. To Susannah, iiiteriainried with 'hristian ver. ui Camhria t'u V , .surnh. iiiiermarril with KinnniK-i tteiiver. rii ruiimria coiimv Ki.. Kiiimuiel i'.lotii,-), of l uinl.riu eimtitv, l'ii..'Jucil, Kloiilih. residinif in .Mii-himin. Annie, iui.-ririiir-n. d with Siu. inel W. Hloiiiih. of I'ainhria Co.. fa., fjivinin. ir.terumirieil with .fuslaii i-oust. nt ( utiil.rtaCoiinty. I'h . Kiirhel, iiitcrTnarri.-d with Jolin s. Bloiii-li.iif I 'mnhriii eountv. 1 , f iitlin rine. inu-miarrieil vvltn Heiirv S;v'icher. ..fCuin l.rtu is.uuty. f.i.. linim-.u.-l K.-im. r.-si.iin- in Michit.iii. f.t.r K.-oii re-idiint iu Mieh-eun Miirm. !lit.nnum.-d vvitli John W. I:I..ul-Ii. of Camt.riii e.nimy, Ha., r'runi'i -. inu-rmurried with Al. --llul.T siiild r-si lillif in M i. Il ii;.. 11. Mi.ttie, intcritinrried with Jceph liioiii-h. n-sidma in Miclii-an : You are herei.y notitie,! matin l'ir.iHni-e .. a W'li of fi'-lition isn,Hl mil of :h,. iw.i,,,.' Con n of somerset .-..imt v, !'., and to me directed I wiil hold nn inquest on Hie mil e-uue oi j.tun Keim. si'iinn- in I nticnmiiith und i;n.-mHli'.niiit townships. -s.iii.Ts, l rnuiilv h. on Mondnv fie I .III .Iny of February. A. i. IssT, when and where yon may nin-r.d If vi.ii think proper rhertlt sllliice. ! .IOI1X WINTFfiSi Jan. ilh. , Sheriff. DMlMiTKATOI: S XOTIf E. tsuue of V B. Snyiier. deeeavd. late of Somerset Bviriteh, Soiovrs-ji ounty. Pa. Letti-rK.if AdmiiiLsiralion on the al,re estate havunr hi . n erame.1 to the und.Tsiirne.lbv tne proper authority, notiet ia hereby tnven io a" persons ludehted to saiif estate to eiak- iinnieifi ate nayiuent. and tl.ie fi-iviii rla,n. a-anisl tne same to present thetn ilmv 'Ul-eiuicted fr seltlemcnt on Saturday, the Mh uv of March L i RVf otfieeiM-John R. Scolt; In tbe ouifb irf Somerset.. Pa. J"11' Adminiauwur. fL.VnK li. KEN'ono. iuarK - T. v ai-o kf-i on Iiainl a fi; :; of We "i.irat:t,. Paifll In MI Th AMi IMPn!;ri; I Witl r . ii i.ri.r :.v n e n I i -.rnnrns.in aiuuu iiu iiiiuu mm luilClliias A -T"t-T r- n...r. i i lc t-VJ w UC.K. It i.s of .. that anv . sllj. pii-iiil iniri-.lient I ut 2") cents a nr.uml will ive von your to show ohm Is. money worth. FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES ONLY OEORCE W. BENFORD 1 SON. PUI5LIC SALK u BV VIKVt'K ..l a.-, r.lrr i-...i . .l:a:i- li.url.il s,.n,rsi-t . j u...-i.'i;iiii.iiro.,n iiKy . public outcry on lUi- .n iuist-. '" lu '.T SA TL'RI'A Y, FED ) u lite foU lo H II : No. 1. fcrtMHi Irnct . of Jul.. .itm- iin.r. t,r i. - 1. "I w hit !i tt'Mjui 11 .. . ah ciiiritMrii.fi .....1 1 "Ml tt'llN (inn '1 ui, .,k Ih.j.u,-, r.;l !-tr-K i rrv,.IltilI1 iirul it-r, 1- iv. rvL on.,1.,, 1 ", ' llJiiiik;llH(li - Jlt-l (Mi ,1 UllTCKII I impany, ilji niat-n. bt tVi!i; Kili U.I ft iw.j--urv Dwelling House, ' It liliclf f ::ir,: J,',. . lil.T oil. M ,,.'.,.,C T t. v-l -l Mill (ireimr.l-. rntlr,t wilh ,', " " .' v.. iailit.s -.rui-s. and i. un.l. , ,., - ...ic.-,!.. 1.1 . 1, .i.. i ., hii.1 -.. n 1 !1 I III ol - ..-oi- .,1 tne lii.ii.,. a 1 L.'.. nue-i fariiiiiiu se. ei'u-i:ie ian- ii.iii,,.,, K ii .1 1,.. oi. No. 2. -u.i a- st.n-.-i, 1,1 ,,.,-.'. , ..-I- rttl.l 1 .-.r.-l... .... ''"''"" 'ia-i.-of eiiarclai,.! in m.i iu. .i,. ' iilleeu-.l li.,i),..r., .,,,". 1 , . ' i'!, u '.', k 1 " ' h ,r "'' Broiii'liVr." 1 .uu 'tV.'a 1 ...in, . , ,lu mere., u l :'u. -t bus 11 to,,. v, "ri, ilmi ..pri,,,. h..ij-e . it,.. i.i.i I. , V." ' ' ': ell Vi.l,rii.i - - ."lie- 11. uu tiif II. . i: t. li. 1:. TERMS. Olii-.hif.l 'i l.iir- liHM-mi.n.-v aitrr xt,t. ..? -.tl. in 'i.-'l'ii-i, .) t. r- Tin. 1 n 11 . ''' '-I" M-inv i,., k ..., r ''iS-r-ol I'l Im l. ,1 ,,,,,.':, ,.. ,K i-t-wi: tin- (rt-' r I'-lif'i :;it- i riii'-ii-rti .11:11 i., !:i .in i .-r. .!.-. , . :--.. , :.. .,t- ii .111 'siii:r:ii.-iii,,, ,,t .uit. 'I -ill llllll'iiil riy il.-lll.str..iti.-i,i. 1. itll"lll interim,. . ;,-ti rrui ii...iev to lie -aiil ' s.n 1.-n t :.si .t'.un. u hicii will rs- tre:iir.l "i. toe r.rst il,;r-t ; F'..-s.-.-;, a ' ii f. r-.-. in. mciiM n. is- llll-cs hy jiuleiii. iu ViliV.liUH yi:r.iF.Rit k run. y.l.Lt.S Hhl( fllt.K, Trusiv?. tt : 'in l.l.-Ii.- I'lV t.tl:.ii v iu ' . r ri'incon 01 sin. et . nc i.iri-liii-r ).r...i.'Tty is fcn.H 0 i".n . u-i.j, . Jiv-ii Vi-r:! 1. I i '.l 1 un Ifie p. t'taptiou bun. I. jiin li I'UIMAC 8ALK 1b Ilea 8. iv hii I'Ult.T iftif i ot t oi iiiH'iv-ti'wiiiiv, nc iMirt ': SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, ISS7 t: i- tul Levins Ken! i:-l,iti sin.at in ,v I 0. 'l-oi.J-. .s..li'el-t Coillily, I'tlill-V li'itil.i. ;., I o in.,,eriv 01 J,ui!l Moury. lie.-, i . 1 rart W.i ' a..rni- .e. HUlil I1U. C i l Ililsiviv -.-v.-iin-r.-Hii.l I e...- t. ' . 1 nir. -. I .111,1 fifiy-live (.crela,. .ij' ii. i. : I.O..s..t .I.il.ul.l.i I. HoM.. .su,,u, ( ,,;..!,,.,,, ;,J : ..tl'.-r. il 'K-inif part of ihe I1..1 t. ,i'l farm, ml , . l.'i.r -HOI ill II -lille t, . Illtlliiil,,,, ,.Vi pl -'u lien- .'l Illnlirr 11IHI. Tract No. 3 .T"' (.111 liiiii.ire.) tn-.l i.ti'1 s lr'ilv - X .' 'r-' ... ..iii nir iali'ls .,1' K. c VI .... I, 1 Iiiin li. il i.-i.l ..iliers. 11 Ik-mii; a part .11 il.r M t.-i'" t'O'lll. V. illi iU.i,t .ixly mi-iss . -. tiie u-Af- i--T.-,j.--. :,,ni nir i a ii' If- ut' K. lhui oun-r-. it r-ini: iil.i't. I I O.Kti. liUi T" .ini u.v iinmlu'.i an-l rv (-.' fit . JUljiMlilllJC trilft o ,ll;(t i.vn.j- ,: ,'l '!' 1 '' t'tiu'r-. .t it, j...ri p. ti - I.-K-r ta 'U. wil'i rttHim tivi-liiV B.-rtifl. a. hi t:.e ..i..ntv i:i tniiUr, mit .i.tv.inf ihen on Par d a lui-tury ph.iik DWELLING HOUSE, Tract No. 5 Mii-iiuinirtu "iiiy Ti iir " i atfi t v vn ; v.i v t- ri i;' nii- 1 ru i u. l an1 Imi'N or." I-'.'.tM-.i'-: 1' r t .it rr-v t ltir, ui'i 'l.f I-, i-.e .l i:i iviiioli til- !-: ui A --, II tIMI I"-.-.-. TERMS. knfkfl (Jttu ii, f-iK.--th.rtt "l '' ;Ii.!t i- .-n -U 'i-t-.t uiix-tttir-t in -w ifM?' h- tiir-- .: (inr-iiiii'l i ii -i i-ii.nt'i H:r-r ).;i.iiM: !i:i-T-i on rin injm'in ir-in ;-i '' .-m' ttlllilt.-f:Lf -el i: January Sale. AMi U II VT IT MK.VN- Tin- in-1! stock iimll I)e..i!-;iii. iii-f down to i In- ."smallest ).;!. I,- p Iv for.- Pi-hru.irv lt, I"? Silks, Velvets, Dress GjO. wi.rt:i: wn.ivs. l.ve m:r.tii ret mi-Mwrxa.-i. .' .iav.V'.'s. A.XD HEAL I'LltllK-: Mark Downs, To hurry tlitnirs our, esju-.-iailv' in -cir Ie..-s f-iooils Te.ai-tinent. .jj-in. li Wi "Jl. -1 ! IXGS nt it-ins D.iihlc W' .l'i: i-I--Wi M II, SfTTIN'iiS a i i.1 .s ns. I'.r-'K- u '. sun nu-nts of I M Pi ii TKH S 'I. l'lir.s--FAItlih S at "si is nts. f ,i- i- tin- tr.oi'fli our store is Imsy. u.l f.r .-nni'i.-s " anil m.ikeyonr s,hs f i.iu. at ..n.e. it y.-u c'i'' t come. Ili-st viilu.s. we li.iie, ve- di r-'l. JOS. HORNE ik CO S RETAIL STORES. 613-621 Panrt Ave., Pittsourgh. Pa "OTit'E. at lh it-f fi uvr !.- . a-.- tan A' ;horiin tnl r-.(i.irif.' t:. An-lttttr f-ri--:il " ?lHl Tn-t-'ip'r Ui S'i.J -riui t.1' it '-"tif rt?orK Hi lfl-T. ot Stm-T-ri t-a!y. F .. At., tint- iiiin f'tr ihc ( a htntti n:m i' ' r Mn. in tho MtiTttv Mlri"-;fl. n-upi'-'l ? "l BowU-aiKt Sii4er on') the mn miir ;hr ir ! matxl diKMiix thf v'ttr VW Beal Estate j moh lEslal (UQQU