4 in-r I !' ion ... -k . 1.6 1 1. i i tlx 'Kill a Ml m til i tl i..o .J I im 1 i I 1 I i 1 1 31 U tl I UNDER THE MISTLETOE. Vn 1T tin- miIe!i-. cnrly ami green. Mert llie kind lij- .'f liie v.mnp and oM ; 1'ii.I.t Mi tnintleu limn, may I ' ttlowinp as tli..ui:ti tl..-- had never been o.!d; Inder Mi minion jieacr nil 'U Miivie tlw iqiril tl.at Jong ha- been main : Uv of tho .)iir hrancli twined with it till. , , WUile unntliine of l.opr 6!1 th loud rl t.tn.iri. Y wLv .l.uid Mii- ' nJ f,,ir'11 nurtb Jn th mtn of "Id tlirittn:idenly I found? Hiur uj. iov.-e :ft i.-t. - over tt.eo.nli And let u kin- tiii.i.rit all tie year round. THE DETECTIVE'S STORY. A" an u!.l det-vtive ho ha. landed his full share of -rit:uiilf on the -.-allows and U-hind the- lir. I l"v- had wine mus ing adventures and .ju.-er ex.erienee. One of the latter ha li' -ailed V. mind within a day or t hy readine of the death of a man in a neiylits'riliir city. Forctiv.-m.-iK- sake I mill call Urn Charles lytinox. I a Btia.l..-1 "!' fore-of a western ritv, and we hd Iteeii ninuinj; along for want wet k itho.it any l.n-ak ..n the j-art of evil d.Ts. "hen miipler .svurr l. Tlx- janitor of a limit, was found d.-a-l ii tin-l.U'in.- orti.v of the Iwnk. itli ll.i-...itM.l.- d..rnoj-ii. The man had Wii stru. k on the side of the head with some heavy Height and h -"' eni-l.t-i. Notiiinirliad leeti taken from llie Unk.aiid .i-r.-a-iied in thi-way; Th rot.U r had i!M the jaiiit-.r to the door on sotor n u xt or other, am! as WK.nas he had o.-m-d it they rushed in and dealt him the Mow. It war- the nijll.t ef..r a !."'! .-l-.-t.on. and the ;- I.rw!i.-f-l-l- !" ' ,'"r' "'"'" l'r ele-tinnriii;.' had rattled the rol.'..-rs an.) tin had l"-d. In the- davs a hank rohli would h ive olly hnt the d,.r ,lj; f. Hoik oil the -wfe. ''HI they were a diif.-lvtit f nien then. !f th.-v had not !-ei, e houl-l hae orolmhly aixiied M).-i.Mly. An iii.pi.t held, a v.-rdi- t rendered that John Shield- o hifdeath at the haiid-ol part it- unknown, and he a- huned. Tl..- r.hln r- had n-.t left the slightest elm- l-hind them, hill as I wa-ami-itioi to make a name 1 allowed to U -.':n work on the .-a-. In :i town 1L mil. away I found, aftei a 1-.hl' hunt, a livery Ktihle man who h id let a hot-- and hi pv that ni'iit tofAo-tnuiL'.-r-.:oel whom ,',- Udiexed to l- two l.roth. r-. They bad told him they wee,- ..in to Am.--I.ury. hut I ira.-ed them strai).ht to lliank ville, whieh wac the plan- when- the murder . penned. The!..wn where 1 hoy liired the lu.iw was II..-r-l.tiri' and they had come th.-ro hy train in the afternoon. They eoiild have eoine down to lJlaiik vilie l.v the name train, and that they d i-l not 1 itr-ued i- a -harp trick on their part. Tney had driven away at 7 :ai o'. l.. k. The !!-. of the janitor wa found aiK.ut 1(1. The l.oiw had l-.-n returned JU-t lx lor. ii.idiiiilhl. AU.ut Hi o'clock, an I had foip.tleii to tell you. there wa an alarm of lire iu Blaukville, n l the tire .lepart.ii'-iil a called out to )Uii.-h a tin-whi.li hid la-en net in one corner of the lar;.'c taluieiv. Tin flain.v had not j;ot much of a start and were -e.iilv dn.w H.-.I out. and the can-.-wa ref.rted as the work of the hoya. I had, then, at't.-r two w.n-ks work, a clue. Two hank rohlTf, doiihtlcss from t'hii ai.'o.lha.l come to itatikvillc to do up a hank, hut had !m-.-h frightened away af-tr.-..iumittiiiL'a mur-ler. 1 kn. w just le.w they ie. h d I'.lankviile, and ju-t how they l.-fi it. and 1 had de-.ripli-.ns ..fts.tii. Vou uiiiW. say I had hat little to woik on. as the n n had come I'lKI mil. and u.iirht not la- within !.(, or if they were they had hani!.-d their identity ; hut even the smallest ).ints willoi ura-e a d.-li-tive who has his heart in his work. In doscrihinj; the wen the stahle k.-' r, w iio was natural ly ..liserviiic and had a ) si iii.-moi y, re-liiemfM-iv-l that lie- older one .-.inied a lop should.!, had -..Id tiliiii.' in his front t.-ctli. and there w-.s:, tr.-iiiii'oii- motion .f the eyc!i-ls. You have -rcd thi in people. Those who do it would taiu ineriftheydidliot wink. There were no Hiints ill tie- d.-w-ription of the other which would wrvo to ide itiiy him on thestivi't. He "imply 'l.s.ked enoiiirh like the other to Is- his l.rother." Intent two w.-eks in 'hie ipi looking for my iii.-n, and. alt hoiih I w as well as sisted hv (he -l.-t.--tiv.-s. u.y s,-ar. h n as vain. No .me .-.mid r.-.iiemU-r a cr.s.k iH-arini; that d. -.-riptioii. I was at the dep. t ready to take the train for home, when I ran a. ro-s a ('. IV .V i. i. K. .1.--tec-tue whom I had not si-n lor several months. As he tulk. d al.ut tlie I'.lank ville mur.l. r I u'. ve him n : iptioti ol mv men, uiel 1 ha-lhai-lly done si w hen he r plied : "I know them l.tl.."rat l.-a-t wheiv th.-v can l- found. I saw them in U ye.-ter-l.iy, anl they re oft' 11 on the "road." The town he named was 7" mih-s from Itlaukvillo. on a rros line r.ii'r ia-1. and I had not Ihs-ii hi it two hour- when I !-t.--i my iii-u. They v - re hiotheis. and .ne kept a hak.-ry au-l the oth. ra saloon. !Ulh had the i.-pntation of U-in -a.v-ful. law ahi-liii'.' men. and they had fam-ili.-s. It th. -it-foii- ls-h.s..-d me 1o p. 1... and the ai n-st were not made un til thev wete poMlivelv idelitili- d hv the livt-ry man an.l I lia-1 N.silivt- t-vuli-n.v that tli. v vv.-r.- a.,y 1 1 -m ! m- ' t'1'' tout-. In t a. h t-aM-, In n uutkilij; t!"' .... i.i ,i... .....n.... Mm-i, 1 llw,,l l'tlin n..ii. in.- f tht-till'.-ii- .r t rii.i.-, anil 1 r. i'lio.1 that it a l..r tl." inupl. r ! Itovliurg. . The iriiit-i tn.-r.- tttnunrt-ly silent. hii.I. j tlinujli stt-iuinirly m .ions t khi tin- fu- j turt-they r-tiis.-l i. talk . it the t-ase. 1 j tonk 1 lit'tn to K.issltnn!. put ill. -in in j:iil, 1 an.i in two or three .lavs thev were ar- i raine.1. They had sent t" t 'hi.-.i.. for foiinm-l, lint he lia.l li.it arrive.!. Ti-ni-nirj-t-.iutisi-l m-ii- are.'. ! r them, they (il.-mlr.) not guilty. hii.I in nn hour or two ere return.-.! to jail. Yon may n..w ask vour.-lf what . e 1 h id asrainsi the brothers. A I l.s.ked it ..ver I eame to tliH tMnelusion that my work had just le- run. Thev had left home w ithout noise, if not Hecrctly ; had hired a horse and ', banking instead of the railroad business. lua;y uuder false prcteiis.- : bad driven j F.versim-e he liecame s hanker his ex utIv t-rot theeountrj under the t-ov- j eelleiit wife lias been smitten with th.' of tiarkn.ttv. They were objects of i preat importauct-of .her husband' new suspicion, but I had no prv.fs. It was oiy tluty to hunt for prsifs. I went to the bank to have some ouestioiis answer- i d. It was in summer, and the front j .loor Mood open. A new janitor had j Is-eli employe.!, and as I eu'ensi the caishier was sayiiiir ! him : i 'Johu, vret pa-r and wrap around . that lirick which holds the door back.: It in no ornament as it i -." Xaiurally enough I p!nm-.-l down at the brick. As tlie janitor lifti-4 it up I took it fr.nu his hand, and the next in otatit 1 lua.lc a disa-iiven-. There wan a riot of dried ul.nsl on the brick, and in the clot wen- micking several hairs which I knew had come from the dead jaiiitor'a : man's -anut slaud!' hea.l. I had made an important diwoov- A roar went throuvrh the tar, an.l "my -ry, but had at the same time ruined my j hus'iand'a hank " has been allude-I to rase. Tlie biick had been iu the t.thtva I more than out wnce that time. year or tiHtre. The IiIinkI and the hairs 1 TJ-fnr. tye evidence that.it was the weapon' ' 1 used to nke the janitor, m ith. Then- Mr. .la.-oh Froehlioh, a well-known follo ed the queries : " Would ineaeoine ; tailiw of Cincinnati, ., after Hutl'rring fo. to rob the bank m ithiHit wt- pons' Waa ', rears w ith rheumatism, wag cured in t. it likely that the brick was used " I re- . abort time by the use of St. Jaeolw Oil. i.liod to these in the tiopative, and I t alked sraigtit over t me iii I the presence of the .ris.en, nU tmia . "Neither of vou i pjilty of tlie wunwr of the janitor? " " We are not," they answered. " You were n. near Uie bank that nifrlit?" " We were not." " Bat yet you had a floret iuriie in coming here that niht?" - We had." " What wan it ? " " We will not toil." TLat ende-J the interview. Mind you every man in the community believed theni fc-uilty murder, and I was the re cipient of praise on every hand for w hat wm termed a clever .-ai.ture. Vou may .. i -. - f u n -i t from tl.lllk II siraiir- -v... - - , the jail u fully determincl lo. lear them as J had U-en to .-otivict them The draw back to K'"" I d.-tc tive work is the i h.-siLaiit-v to .Iron a false sti nt, or to a.i- I iKsiiamy 10 or a climlvd the tree. He reached the lower mit that a iet tli-.rv is wrong I relumed .... . V il i ',- i f r .h.. ,,ria- branches of the tree, md. sw inging h un to the bank and askei lor tut- aerap . m u,r uii ; la.u'h to lsiiiirh. sUkk! just l-e- h.-althofthedeadjauiU.r. He had la-en , ..., , , . , , , J , , - , ... i , low the cub, whi. h had ralse.1 to lta t.-Ot her-l to c.,i.ip!a... of 1-a.i.s an.u.id his I,..rt l.nt oiherm!- nothmc could be I said. "tn-ntlemen," I said to the bank oth-t-iala, your jauitor had gone to his cot for the night. A sudden illm-m seized him, and in his alarm he made his way to the d.s.r to tali for help, lie had got tho d.s.rla-u when he fell to the fl.ior, prole ably dead, and ill his fall his head came in contact with the brick." "That is theory," they answered. "But I will furnish the proof-. I want a e.t mortem examination." 1 had hard work to get it. but the re sult was that threv reputable d.slors found that the n ail came to his death from heart trouble. They mixed iusopie prof.-wioual terms and some latin, but that wa-tin- substance of it. The day the two prisoners were diia-barged from C!lsto.iv I said to lllem : " I can- I your arp-t. hut 1 have also brought ai-.ut our litH-ratioii. Now t.-ll me wiiat brought y.e.i to I'.iankville that night V" " An t you will kts-p it a Mi-ret?" " Ves." " To burn thai tannery. It belongs to i an esuttc- in whi. h w- shoiiid have -liar- i ed. but we were defrauded "f ..ur rights. ; III revt-nae e s.i:g!.t to bum up l j.md' j worth "f projs-rty." I k.-i.t th.- -.-.-1.1 until b- th were (.-a-i. kepi The First Announcement of 'The Century's" Life of Lincoln The following is a jirti..n of a Mer i from (i.-orgi- Alfred T..w nsend i' liakh ) to the. V. )". It'.iWd. printed May 20. 1i.". It is interesting as a graphic pen picture ,.l the White Hons.- just after I're-ident l.in.i.ln's death, and as containing the lir-t public announcement of the Lite of Lincoln, hv Mi -srs. Nic.lay an I ll.iy.tiie publication of which ha-ju-t U-en Is-gun in 77.. ;.i.'-o.. after twenty-one year-of preparation by its authors. Wa-iiim.toS. lay U. s.m. 1 am sitting ill the 1'resi. lout's ollice. He was here erv lately, bill he will n it return to tli-;io-e-s me of ibis high-hack- ' ed chair hp filled so long, nor resume his j t j. panther followed him. Keeping, by daily work at the (able where I am writ- j ., j,r,.t , ii'ort his Ik. ly covered by tilt ing. ' trunk of the tree, Weston clinilied still There are hen- only Major Hay and j higher, hoping to reach a strong creeier the friend who accompanies me. A , tl:lt extended from the llps-r part of the bright ti-.l Is.y runs in and out. darkly .,t (0 ., tree a few feet away, believing attired, so that his fob-chain of gold is j that he niignt let himseif by his hands the only relief to hit mourning garb, i along the vine to the other tree, by 1 his is little Tad, tin-p t of the White j w I,;,.), IP , I,) ea-ilv reach the ground. House. That greal .hath, with w hi. h j -i-. r.s--r was strongly fastened on the the world rings, has made il.n him only ,,ak. and he sup.s,-d it was as si-ure as the light impression which all things M,e otii.-r (lee. Wc-ton go as far as the make on childhood. He will I've to b. a : , ,,,,H.r ,t,..:it !. pant her show iiigany 111:111 pointed out every w here, for his lath- : ,iiS,.iii,,n .i follow him, blithe bad er's sake ; and as folks l-s.k at him the j jlwt w if and as try iug his weight tabl.-ati of the murder w ill ni to encir- ; carefully ..n il, keeping his eyes t.a the eh- him. i ;.niiual la-lt.w, when the mother of the The niiii i long and high and j l ,,, m-l to la-moved w ith renewetl thicklv hung with map- that tho color fury, for she sprang to a branch above, of the wall cannot ! dis.vrnod. The i 1(nd sti made her way to the outer edge l'lesidents table, at w hich I am seated I ,,f the blMilches, towaH the top of the adjoins a w in. low at the farth.-st corner, j tree, evidentlv inti nding to bead the and In tin- left of 1 1 v ciiaii', a- I n-cliiie in it. then- i- a longer t. ble 1-.-fore an empty grate, annin. I which there are many chairs. A-herc the cabinet il-ed to a-s-'in-b!c. The cari t is trodden thin, and the brilliance of the dyes is lost. The furni turc is of the formal cabinet class, stately and si-iiii-eiimfortable; tln-re are Imok- j cas.-s. sprinkled with the sparse library of a country law yer, but lately plethoric, like the thin body which has departed in Ms coilin. Th'-y are taking away Mr. Lincoln's l.rivate eHn ts tn deposit tlu ui w h,-ics.M-v.-r his l.imily ni.iy reside, ami the emptiness of the place, on this sunny j Sunday, revive that feeling of le latioii I'loiii which (he land has scar.-e recover ed. I rise tmiu my s-at and examine the liiaj, thev are limn the coast-survey and the engiii.s-r department--, and exhibit a, I tin- contested ground of the war: then- are pencil lines up., i them, where j sonic one has tra.-ed the route of armies, ! and planned the strategic cin iimleleni-es j of campaigns. Was it the dead I'resi lent I v. ho so followed the march "f empire, j and dotted the sites of sles-k and ovel- throw ? "- There is but one picture on the marble ! mantel over the .-old giate John Bright m li.itn;ru).li. I'.ut as to hirt .;.iirniiiiv, il i tn wrilU'U ly Coloiit-I j Ni.-o ay an.l Majnr Hay. Tliy rt; to g t.. rarift.i--i-lli.-r,-itifitK.iiu7i tif lt-(atioii. I tin- oth.-r n-i .-..nii'.il : an. I wlii'i tln-rt.-I will iiii.l.-rtak.-tin-latmr. Tlit-y art; the j v t. wi, kimw his lilt- t-iioiiirh t,, xiaiist it, liav ink-t..U..vtt-.l liii-ollii ial ! t:t-i xj-t l-"i a-tlit-y lian-.l Inn w.m-U1 ' li.l'irf. j M,ij..r Il.iy is a u-iiti.-niaii f literary fur.-.-. .'.ii..iiel Nn-..Iay has a liiieju.ltt nelit "f thara.'ln' iUi.l JiuMic ui-iiMirek. T-i.-etiier tlu-V -thoui.l satisfy Ix.th lUiios itv an.l historv. tie. The Hauehty Wife. In one of tlieeities that lie over ajMiiist Hoston there lives a family w hose uias tuliiie head is a man who has won t-oii- si.l.-ral.le wealth, from humble lieirin iii'ii? not unlike tUe of Comui.Mlore I V.tn-lerhili, with the .lifferelliv that! J w hile he, like Vanderhilt. beiptn us a lio.it man, was expiinded into the Mviipation aud hata.i ve.;ised it on every issiblr tK-casi.m. The hors.-t-ar oon tlucUirs on the line uliich runs iuto the city all know her, and smile when she enters the car ami grandly utters her command : "Conductor, let me otTat my husband's bank!" One .lay lately atrampisti tookingold fellow w ith a red nose got on the car just as the banker's wife delivered her us lal order to the conductor. The old man watched her perf. inuaiii v curiously, and called out w ith a magnificent air that was inimitable; " Conductor, let meolfat my old wo- Panther Hunting. n . ii - . T . 1 1 1 ...a ArViti-Ma ,,, his d.i one on a pan- I i then trail, and oauie up w ith them here I . ..l i thev had t run's, the psnjo in a big oak ' tree. The foliage was ao thick and the shadows wi deep in the tiniln-rthat it was Hotue time before Wer4..n discovered the panther. It lay between two branche" forty feet from the pround, and clung to closely to the bouj;hi that none but the practiced eye of a hunter w ould have de tected ita pres-n-e. Weston at once rec oiiized in the cnuchiri fiirure a pan ther's cub. and wait on the s)int of send ing a rifle hull thrtnvh its liody when he n-iiieiiplM-red an offer of twenty dollars that someone in the settlement liad made for a live panther, and he resolved , , - -r i tv 'lo.iars. laamjc tus i.v- ...o . l" ' !a'!'1"' """' m"u ",c " " " 1.; 1..1. fr,t- in an .-m.-r--iicv. tie r' .... at ttio hunter. Weston removed his lasso fri -in hia shoulder, and wasulxmt to toss it easily over the young jvaiither's head, when, as he raised his eyes, he aaw, crouching in the dead branches of a tree which grew near the oak near that the 1 iii!s were interlaced an enormous panther, the mother of the cub, ready for a spring. She was hardly three pa.-es aav. Without a second's delay Veton j stepped fr-uii the branch he was standing ! on to one which brought him with die 1 trunk of the tree l-tween him and the old panther. He was just in time, for at , that in-tan' the mother of the cub lea ed oil the spot he had left, and st.si.1 gaz ing with licrv ey.-s on the hunter, who. with one aim i-lii.-pt-d around a branch, held iu his right hand his hare knife, us w ith every breath he drew he ex-cted to see the enraged animal sjriiig down Uoii him. Standing thus, u.rty feet alsive the ground, with only the treach erous f. siting of a limb a f.-w inches thick Weston knew that he was lost unless by ta.-t and s!;i!', he was able t gradually make his way back to the f.s.t of the tree v. iiii.-iii irritating the tieriv Isast into piii-ipituiing an a-.un k iij-ou nun. u- tmiaieiv. the cub left it- pla.v higher up and le...el down to the branch on which iis mother stis.d glaring hi U'estoii, wl.o was ahnnsl in-ar Hough It. her to feel her hot breath. Thin movement of the cub's distracted the addition of the old pa II Uier. and Weston, sheathing his knife in hib belt, dr pjs-1 to a lower limb. The ' pauiher noticed the movement and i sprang to tlie limb l-l..w where she ' stood, ;;n 1 pr.-eiite, We-toil from re ! ti.-ating further. The dogs all this time were crazy w ith i e. iteuient at the f..t of the tree, and gnawed at the trunk and tore up the ground in their frantic anxiety to get at the game s far aU.ve their leach. Wes- ton seeing that his retreat was cut off, and 'imt daring to risk a struggle with the . panther where the slightest misstep ; would dash him h.-adloug to death, re- turned to his old position in the tree, and huni.-r .!!. iind spring down uHin him. Weston saw what she was intending to do. and he knew the straggle, which i-ould have evil.ible utiles b.r.incii.s ot but one result, was m- he could reach the thick the n.-ighlsiring tree by m. ansof tin-. nun. i ting ine bv the time th,. panther reached her vantage ground als.ve him. He giuss-. llie cr.i r and swung himA lf olf of the branch. The vine gave away at its fastenings on the other tr.-e. and Weston keeping his hold was su ling back into the oak and hr. -light the very branch on w hich the paniher's cub was crouching. Instantly, with i veil that resounded through the woods far above the tunnoil of the dogs ls-l.-w, ti.e mother panther came b.-nii.l-ing di.vi li from the top of the tree to the prot.i-tioii of young. Weston knew there was no estape now unless a .losjieratc plan that ru.-hed through his iiitn-l should succetsl in giving a new turn to the jieril ous situation. Hrawiug his knife tiom hi- 1m It. In-phiuged it into the whining j cub at l,i; feet, and at thesiime time kicked it l.siMe from the limb. 1 It f. II iu the mid-t ol the d.-gs la-low I just as its mother sprang on the branch i.bnve tlie hunter's head. The sight of j )i, r ml. U-iii torn l.v tin- ..js, iin.l tin- ! eri.-s il -:nt, turn. .1 lit r alt.-ntion entire : ly ti'.iii Weston, an. 1, w ith a 1.1 l-t nr.l ! lini; .1 v, si-e l.-aiel from the hiyii i-n li ' in the ir.e an.l atiiiie.! mi the li.v. I Weston lo.-t no time in i-uiii; to the j croiiml an.l seizing his filio. Aithoni;h I hilt a few sti-on. Is were oeriiiji-.i in .loiim j this, all live of liis il.ip. were Ntrt-t.-hei !. a.i on the j'l.iun.l. torn to .ieees l.v I lh.' iuliiri.-l :t lit I u-r in ilel'eiise of j her yoHim. "jt'loix- Weston t-ouhl tin- ; shot. The til.i iialitiier was li.-kinif the w.iumU of her .lead euh an-l niuaiiiiit: 1 over the l.o.ly us the hunter sent a rifle j lull inlo h'T heart. That was Weston 'a i last tt. Uit to eaptnre a jianther alive. and il was .lays la-fore his nervous sys tem ret-overed from the elle.-ls of that hunt. .Y. I". Not. I Tales Of A Pulpit. The Yev. Kola-rt W. T.sld. of the M ! K. elmn h, in a reei-ntlv .iil.lishe.l work ' presenting recil left ions of thirty-three years of labor ou the Del --ware and Mary land )-uiiisii!.i, rel..lcs some ainu-inu aneedot.-s. j One of the famous .o...-d pie U'brr ! of the lielewan-Confen-ntv at one lime l'r. sidii'.i: Kl.h r was r'nist I'ollett, eoiii- j uioiily c.tll.-d. by himself as well as others, Old I nist. Hen- is a niet-inien o." his aeriumir: Li text was, "And without i oontrovetsy. yivat Is fhe mystery of eotl-lini-sx." u Hretherin an' aisterin, .lis am a ureal Vasion. an' 1 am i:ot a (rn-at tex.' If a po' preacher take a littte lex" on a l.iif '.-asioii. an" deu done if.uie preach a m ennon. tie "seinbly don't pit notniii'; but tlis art.-rmsin Ver shore o' de tex' any way. "IV 1'os.sel say without tuntivarsy ! lin-at am tit- myst'ry of psllin.s--s; and if j 'lipion f,r dat's -vliat he mea is am I pvat uiTHt'ry without eontivarsy, what a j uiiifhty bitf mysi'rv it must be w id tunti- ' varsy. Whenol.- Sick limits went to tie Mars to ax him "Unit de kincdom he told him, 'Ni.-k, you can't Kfjeeze in nohow i-l.mt you come like a d' little luby got to W lsirn ajrin, Sick. IVu iH-mus he mv, 'Mars, how can dat ar 1? Pat'a a pvat liiyst'ry.' IVn Jesus he say, 'Sick don't vou heah Iat wind? Ikin t you ! know it's blowin'? Kin voa 'splain it t . v : T . t.A 1 . . 1. , A Mar8 war -widout conuvamv .' and godlint-sx war a great myst'ry. . . Frends I've heard gome cullud us- una round dene jiarfs dat go to meetin' an' about all olier de housw; an' den a goin' home at nijiht, doy takes a henoffn some body's apple tree. Pat am a great j myst'ry. But s'pose dat cullud man gits ! 'ligiou right end fo'moft ; den he leave i all de hens an' de debil too behind him. I'at am de iiiyst'ry b godliness. "lien dar am de myst'ry ob de Iord'a ieer fo' us. Le Bokssays he count de ; hairs an' watch de sparrers an' 'tend to the little baby ravelin, it twy also two i sparrer'it only fetch a fardiu' in de market, i il reckon nut am 'bout a cent. I If dat' j . , . . ,f Z , ' , . "V 1 . V . Z .ow .itn, ei tie jiini.j ioru uiae aver 01 de little sparser what's (inly wo'th one half cent, does you think he won't take keero' you fifteen hundred dollah niggers? No wondah de Isel say 'great am de myst'ry oh ginHine!"" KNEW' IT W ASSUME KIMI OK t.KASrt. Uncle Jake was a preacher of over imwering dignity and very particular almut fonns. He could not read, but he alwayc used a Bible, hymn lasik an.1, a pair of immense brass bowtvi s n.et.it -1.-st in giving out the texts and hymns, c. r. fully turning the pages and scrutinizing the Issiks, " fo" de 'earatice t.b de th';t ; to de "seiiibly." Belore going into l!i, jiulpit lie used to pn-jmre for this peifor uiaii.v by availing himself of the It ..ru ing of a U-tter edm-ated brother nam. 1 Aaron. One day after considerable uiani-iil.. ti,,n of the pulpit Bible, he settled .low il muni-whore about the middle of the vol ume, and with a great show of confident ceremony, thus announced his text : " Breach tie fiosjs-l." Bess in-tantly work in de season an' oiitt-n dc season : dat is ef .ley kin -'prove, 'bilke, 'zort ; all along a suff.-riti." 1 esc words, bn t!:er iug. voii'll 'si-nver ill de sti-on varsenb.it foiirtll eh iptcr tdi tie second 'pi-tle of Saul o' Tarshi-to t 'lover." This w as more than " Brudder Aaron" i-ould stand w ho at on,.- interjMisi-d with: I'lit-lc Jake, h t are a mi.-take. Ierc am no such a 'jiisi.i- in .!e iMMik. It am 1 aul le rustle's pi-ij.-to 1 uuoliiy. 1 11 til III ly llllc. Jake resiMi s .l: 1 1..;'- a nothing .laiintel, fa.-', ..i J.ider Aaron ; it's kinder dar in heah. I sti-.l il wai some sorter grass ; 1 'scovers now, it am Timothy an' not tie ( 'lover.'' Female Vanity Confounded. A celelirated Parisian helle, who had ar.jtlirt-.l the habit of w liitt-washinj; her self, so to sjieak. from the soles of her le.-t to the roots of her hair, w ith rlit-inipaily j.repared i-oslueti.-s, one tl iv took a uied-i.-ated i.iatt and on emerging from it, she was horrified to find herself as lila. k as an r.thii.j.ian. The transformation was complete ; not a vestijje -f the "supreme C'aiicasion raee" was left. Her jihysit iaii was seal for in alarm and haote. On hit. arrival lie laughed immoderately, and said : "Madame, you are not ill; you are H t-lieiui.-al pr.slu.-t. Vol! are no longer A woman, but a sulphide. It is not now u question of inedit-al treatment, hut of simple ('heuiie! reaction. 1 shall subject you to a hath of sulphuric acid diluted with water. The acid w ill have the hon or of .-oiiihiiiinir v it ' i you; it will take up the sulphur, the metal w ill prisluee a sulphate, and we shall fyid as a precip itate n very pretty woman." The -jo.1 u.itiin-d physician went through willi his reaction, and the Ik-Ui-was restored to her nieiulM-ihip with the li ill-race. Young ladies w ho arc amhitioiis tif snowy t-omplexioiuj .-thoiild rem.-mlit-r this, and he car. fill w hat pow dei and t-osiiielitii they use if they use any at all. J-htivJ of (lummtri), . The Colonel of New York regiment telli a utory of the battle of Winchester. Ill the thickest of the light, when the slaiii.'hter ill the Union line hud become perfectly frightful, he tletectil a stout Irishman ol his nyiiiii-nt t-urled up be hind a fireat tr.t-. He nsleup to the tle lin.pl. -lit and savagely repriman-le I him for his cowardice, lint the man with irn-sistahle Hiln-niian drollery. ressitid ed. Now Colonel, dear. I easy with a sNir felly like me! Faith 1 think I am : but lM rather lie called that every .lay in the week than lie lik.-lhut pisir cr.iyter yonder." The "psir eniytcr yonder."' to w hom the Colon. !' attention was di-re-te l, was tli-mangled i orjise of a sol dier whoso heel li.i l l-en entirely de molished by a n'tol. 1"le old i.:iri.-stii-ss of the f.-ll.iA s e.-iise made (h. ( i.l .i.el lauh h.-artily, mid t ie man W is i.-ll to tin- .-'ij -. 1 1 n : : . t of liiit In e. - - Mrs. '. K. llot'L', K-'vv.kI. 'a!.,saH; Tl.-.! Star C-iiTyh ''nr.- is the Iw-sl luedicine she ha-ever us d f- r . ol-ls for tin- chil dren. " What's i.ll lliis.inM.l iloii.g lu te?'" ak"l a Strang. '-. a h (-.Hiid the pave ment blts-kad'-.! in frol.l of a I'-loaduay store. " Why," n-plie.l a b -lander, "the pro prietor .'tier- .1 pr .e for tin- closest guest, as to the iiut'ihoi- ,,f l-:ins in that lit tle."" " I bin' an- I he ss s i iiiinini' .' " " From :ki up ;.. I hioo." " i . i.liaw ! W hy. there must be at l.-a-t I'KI.II ul bean- in th it iM.tlle."" "Where miht you be fr.tiii,straii'.-r?" ! I'O), Fin from the West. I've lieen j out there estimating the population of j cities from the numlier of names in the; dire, lories " For i ye. i rs Henry V, Italcom, of shir- : lev, Mass., sutl'ered with rheumatism. : He found no relief till he took Hood'n : Sarsiiparilla. " Why do the ncospas-rs alwayssjieak j of a tts.l inillioti ?" We jiresiime it is Ut ause they think it is an ice thiiii; to ! have. Hotel keepers iii the mountains, who j are erow',iutr over nnuiid board bills, should remenilier that thev live iu the Frr fr-nwm Opiate, Jmriirm m I'oitttHi, SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. il lit: .i..ifi llsrAi.C.. btnr.iArj hemi I III f HI pJTrirTTTST. he caiaLn 4. Twicua cu34Utauaa.B. JSedJStar TWACCy? MARK. (toUGSfClUBE 9 , Z it Ul mm racn Absolutely Pure. This Powder ntver vanes. A marvel or punty. snvnirth ami wh..l.inieurs.. More efottmiel than llie ordinary kind-, an. I .-i.n.a Is? sei.l at ronils-lili.in with the inulutiMe ..I lou- i.-M.-lion weight, alum or phn.hale Miwl.-rs. SM .'' in nnr. KOVAL B.tKIe POWIiF.R.Co., Il Willi St., XV. ffi&naCordial t ic i: s DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVFR COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUELES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT is Invigorat- IT give, NEW A 1 I T irp - Ika mc ana wc- -m m Hfht'i:! to take. And ot rttt value a a Wcuicme for weak and Ailing Women and Chil dren. 6' , j whole SYSTEM iflby Strencthcninc i I he Muicirs. Too- ine the NbKVES. and completelyDu gc&tine the toed. yoummraim GO N 1 A I 1 9 no hurtful Minerals, is com posed oi carefully ar tec ted Veeta ble M ef"cnP5. combined k.ill fully, n aiin? a Safe and lcaant Kennedy. v7 A Book, Vohaa, by t e a d i n ff . f physicians, tellirf :.ow to treat dts rs at hOME, .: aikd, together with a set ot hand some cards by new Hetiotype process, on retxipt of 10 c S' -1 H tine fMirr nmr wtm ti.'l kee,. Wtl.l pWll iU 1m Mil, c um kvff. OI.I llttMM il., r. u:i 1US (nil mm Volina Drug and Chemical Company. ftALTiSUHK, BU L. S. A. n' iT" nr (irmiiM-ui I'tt-iiu- hum riTi'iit'y ItwiV; i-vcriil l(ii"-.it" VVt-i ly .f.-i-i-' N(,ri;iiil Hiii KiUi lor h M'Vvrc r'ti).'l! uii! i turn hi l!!ir'UL'li;v vm i ot ti. im-rit- llmt tt uiuti Us- IH other, r. . Itnyii tl. t'lcl will r t'uinl ""' " l LM ,,r 6 Oon't ( iKiflhhi but Snn.tlni. bat it r..e Ot i. eoenr tine, it cum. Ittvl. BrRN. I.nuc.itr Vf. Mrt llAHlMA!t hi. Kl-"llllsl:in.' Pa Mit.. Itrv It 11 '.-HiM-ov S.i..n-wi V. IU4. W'H. .VI.-. ...(i I-' Wlw J4... Piililelpbl. .1 V. SUT-'S . .....I.-t. X J Miis. Maiiy i;jn-i..i. .M.Hfsl(.wn. N. J Hin MtKL. M... .1 i t. ivk I'n. i . ., .7.,- 7 tin i r. 'w k " nj ,s ij rJtilMTT?H Ct'f hlOATt'ItK QSjr rr co .:,-'"' inf..rmt'.n. Ilrwnpmf raw l.bln. will. t.-c.ni-m'3. lrr-. t . - L.v till ari:atsl I r "tie r Ms- ..IVr J i..it m ei'K.i. M i.-ri.isii a 1-' y.-n-.k. u. l- -r-k.ui-W-,1 toll.n'tn.:irfi. l.nt m i lv dwt t- i!i-i . wwl A-nt.-.. I'K.IIII..I-.II h !-. A ' MS A- ffil -lKrk"t MMsrt, 1-l.iluucivhui. Cure v.tiir t'iini.-h Mini t'nl.N m iih W.-i In- I-es-Wiw' Ni.nnao Bal-jim. (.'. N. lsiyd, S.l.' Akci.I. f ii f t ' - ' V -u:- ? W HAS ATVEfviiuED Baugh7s S25 PHOSPHATE t.n-r Mil.-l- U s i.ll I oil. let ;oll. lis sii.-s (Imi'iio ti,e jia.-t JO:ir li.ive -x. ii .liil itli . it vioiis year, :.lstl vt? look l'tir.tunl to ;ili nil) r -... 'l.iite.1 1. 111. hi. I lis :ir for this : i l ur Cher brands of RAW BONE MANURZS. It' v.iiir i!.;i!.r li:i timie of our rumis i.:i liiiiid, .s.-!il your opUts iiiri--t b ii-. hi.-utl jour iif.lcr In early ant! you utl rot tie .-..i- .-llt'tl lo wail when the season is lolly un us. I 'm- l! uit;h''5 I'!.i.ilialt? ;it!e anil .( tier ii cul. us an. I ioloritiai ion.a.t- BAUGH Sl SOHS, I.o.m.h; li.rt-l- "I the ( fli-limn-4 BAUGH'S S25 PHOSPHATE I mi ii bf J i n.,,. V i 1 1 - A l K l.V 1 1 1 A, FA From a Druagist ofThirteen Years Experience. J. H, li)yhwItT. Il;ixi.-tufi, K.ns. gy-:"I litf U-'ii uiiiK Wi-i !.'"Wr' NorniHii iultiu in mv fiiiiiily .J'iriiiy ih; Hini- r. jui-I fiml it tt U't n iiili it 1im -vT - -:h mv fnnim.- u tnt- ciiiv. I inul ii v--ry -(-. jy in i i nr n l;cf and ttttlt;r nlhK n '.in-. 1 hvt ufl M-vcr.iI t iiit tlMintiililv tt-ff.l vinuv-. Itiiv icivn tl t mv cIiiMrrn, jiihI ti-H-tl it tiiy-H'lf w ln-iirvcT 1 m-tUM-I ftiM iimiiifi-t ili- tt -H'iirc ncvT knew it t t'cil. I l!KV-lrn-1 ItiirltfU v'.irV jHriih' In i In -(rut: imii'-. m:i l.avt' h.i nlii rniir!y till t'l K(itiitir rH''ti'-. rn-l .-an IirTiilv n"-r (imt Wfi If N'lniiHU liil-aiM U-l iltftt, r!u-i mit! ii!M!T 'in- iii the ni.'t;-(. uti'l tkv lli'u-iir' i?i p'l-t.'tntM'iMl'iitf it l jiII th-in (' ii r iin-l .'f li' tiiti " So'.'! nn a Hii:vt KUiintntrr fiy C. . Ifctyil. Weekly Press. THK I'-Ks'l OK K.r(.r..i. M.k IkSSU- ( yMirn-4fc..ililr...rt. p-jr Only 1.00 Per Year. The Most Liberal and Varied Pre mi urn List Ever Before Offered. k.vih:ai:!.k idmhina rms's with ' A I.I. THE ltHTI.AU I.ITFRAIIY AMM'I.ASS rKKI'iDK ALS. THE WEEKLY PRESS in .ri..i.-l In tml'l. t-l.-nr Ivp-. Il slitiiln-Jilv K-p.illt.-iin Iu polili.-s. WEEKLsY COjNTEJTS. An eUtiornTr liiftt f tl I lit tin-f 4if !! H .ik. (mk1 oriRiitttl HiorifM lnnt inft amtior-. cikI onfrlf. .in im r',f ine lopii-y. eJi ii tv n ;rtfii ul I ir -r. Th Ihlj,iim t Ifiprf (irvtltiii ('KrlufVflv lotiH'in- U'rttlMif w:iivii in llr.-ir hdtiM'n'iM v. rU. lit ru- ry mlture, mm-i.iI H'H.Hi;'finrii! ami i iit-rt:u-ment. O'ttfun tfKl fntilMI.--. rulf!"- t th- .'IH' iMi beaithful rti(Hriiiin).4i-iii ol vt-iint jo!t- ot . ih xt. in Ma: .on ii h;c. TV V 'rk-I HtfUHl i ,! iioiii .-t-rj iru' iint eomniTtMMl centre and nniy lf rtltt- n otuu-lv ifrni to (he hour of iroitiir u pri. 7V K'lf Jrtiffr thul hnvv nUrit-tcti imi.'h atlcniioii for their t!iirrcMt nl Accurnry will be continued thrmif-tiout ihr romiriK y-r. ' A SjftMf LE COPY f REE ofhothih- WEEKLY PRESS an lis m niiicenl rrweii ..V will be -in ui miv h.I.1o-. upon at'itliraliim. He sure you an- K'-tiiiiK 111 moi anil ls-t lor juur nmuey ls.-fi.re v.m -ui-cribe. Artiirew : THK I'lttSS ft!.. Limit,!. Arvl-H. nihul' Iptii-u QHARLES HOFFMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. (Above Ht-ta-j-- Wore.) Latest Styles, and Lowest Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Somerset, Pa. Kt Rev. Ir. Tuttle, Bishop of the Pro tectant ElLt.p:il Church for the IiocPe : of Mi--ouri, is not unknown to those who hat! the good fortune to enjoy toe Binh- nf's minis rationn in the jr.il.len .lays of I Montana. AWn" a xcore of-ears aiM, lt- fore the railroails lia.l cro.-l the Rocky Mountains Bi.'-hop Tuttle wait sent an a mi.-wionary to the Xorth estern Territo ritn. He might have lieen appropriately sty Id I Eft'itcuim in jMirtifmt uitiiUUuin, for j the ri.uu'li liiiiierti ami mountaineer who in habited the ountry caretl little for the men or affairs of the church. The con ventitinalitiett of life, the mere huks of WK-ial funiiK ha.l lieen pretty well i.!icarl eil, an.l the ieople in the mining camps hal come down to plain burties. The j averajre preacher in the even of the aver- : ae miner was a man whose businessi was to piss arouiiti the hat or the contribu tion box, if there had lnt-ii one in the country, inul who made his sermons tint pretext. The jjoo.1 Bishop initrlit well have lieen appalled at the first view of his diocese. But never was a man better fitted by na ture an.l by grace for his high mission. Of hemic stature, in every physical sense a man amon; men, he had a heart for every fate and a courage and resolution eijual to any demand. The city of Helena was the metropolis of the northern mountains. One winter morning!, soon after midnight, tiro broke out among some shanties in the upper end of tin- nni. ii. Tin- mount. tins were white willi snow ; a sinsll rivulet which meandered amonthe ricks was lucked in ! ice, while a biting blast blew down from the ti i. oi 1 1 1 1 : lit ;in I. sweeping thr iiisrh the j tforge. S HUi tanned the fire into a contla- j gr.iti.in , men rushed to the scene ith j buckets and blankets. Then- vas no fire ', briiride and no other apparatus for fi-jht- : in the flames. Kverything was onfu- ! sion. n the raving of the g.il , the ro;ir I of the fire and the .-hoiitings of men su; - ings of men sill - exertions of the iroierty, and in pleai. ntei! the frantic ex Kiiple to su vp their pr. many cases to t-si ape with their livt ! win .mrf visi tn i.u..i'ii.-.- . 'id. :: t.iii.'K v.... it. from tiieti.-rv furnace, into which : m-.n-m.m. v riirl.i a4.,.v i.i, ,,v-hii,-.-. l-. ii, il,i - U..I..1. Anv ..iic cull .! I!n- '.-..rk :io. '- at narrow .iirivou that held tin- fated town, home, t-.iim-r .--x : .i!i s..,n-.t net. , , , . tint! jn-l i-nin-ni..i.. v f..r nil ..rk.- A ...i! had been converted. : iri ..n ; . o. ihI n I.. I. I!ii- S,,.,. ;t,.- In a s.H-i.il coMViiIsion peoj.le cry vitalc ' i"l " .-(nei.'.- of a ludiiu-- Tli.pt I I ..... v. he rtn-iniihilum-inul .Ml.-ri.r';i, it- , .t i:..! .1.--to their iToiK-r pl.ii-es. The real leader ' '' (.nil..! ..miii v..tii--- I im i ,v ( .... ,i- ....11.. .1 ..... ,....! "" '''-- - lyr. in" i " i.ii.. i ii. -iti.-i i i-r. ;it ine iieil'l of atliiir.-i, thi!e others ire content to oti-v ; hen it hud ln-eii n-a!ie.l .that to ! sine the town was iinpo.s-iilile, every tin- ! erj;v wits Lent to the work of s-n in tin- j iiiuiizines of provisions, ami a few lead- j in:; spirits had or'.-inize.i a def'i list-and hail gathered the populace lor the last t s:rni;ie. Tlie plan of ..-Rtioiis was j simple enough. It was to cover the pre- ' cioiis houses w ith Llaifsetsaini keep them wet. A few daring nien were to maiii Uiin theins.-lves on the holts, -tops w hilt tlicoliiers Were to past lip unceasili-Iy water in hnckets, iiuinv-s of ice cut from tin- streain-i, and liure halls of snow. The men on the roof inut brave tire, .smoke, and freezing w ind. To falh-r was ileft-at ; to retreat w as rain. There w as no faltex iiij; in that desperate truj;i;le, and finally the battle was won. Morning had come, and with it the Mill, w hich, as it rose over a shoulder tif .he mountain gilded the forms of three men who stood hiyh on the p;ii;is''. of the btiildiim where the lire hail lcen I stopped. They were the chief's, self chosen, to lead in the conflict, hut ac knowledged and obeyed by the jxipulacv, who instinctively recoyuize their suprem acy. These three men, with their visag es grimmcd and black w ith smoke, their hair and Is-ar.ls singed, their hands torn and bloody, their hat.i blown away by tin w in. I, and their t-lotiiing ragged and awry, and w ith the fire of battles in their eyes, and (rim and stern lines of resolu tion on their ftccs were terrible, almost ferocious. Who were these men? They were well know n in the mountain.-, if not imuiedi aU'ly recognized in the disfigurement of battle. The one on the right was " Hi ter liisit l.ill," otherwine .Mr. William lUin kerly, a noted desperado, who got his cognomen from a daring adventure with the Indians in the Bitter I'oot Moiin tains. The man on the left was ' (ientle uian Joe," u leading gambler. His real name wa-. Jos.-j.ii Floweret', said lo lie from an aristocratic Virginia family, lie was a handsome f.-.low oi tiiiriy. well ed ucated and so well known tor his courte ous tit-port meiit that the public apprecia tion ha.l crystalizi-d into a title. The fig ure in tlie centre, taller, more erect and heroic-looking than the others who had :iE,?:!Somcrset Lumber greet...! him than ihshop Tu ii. i.ii. ,i .lie.-, hi. ii 1 1 ... i 1:1 ,t iia i.-ii oi.t.i. j other and had ri-t n to leadership. ; The gijtsl llikhop wasbisiii at tin- height- i of his Hipularity. The iiioinifciiiiccis luid : lest.jd Ins iuauhsil,aiid they were ready : to love and tra-t him for the friend and counsellor he proved to be, and the J.p- ' ular Verdict w.i- s.ii.-mnly iiniiotiiiced by Mr. William I'liiiikcrly, when he de- ! flared : j " He's lull jettele-i an 1 einht. '. Il karats ! line; he's a In-iter gt-iitl.-iuan thiin Joe ; II. iWcrcc ; he's the biit-!t and I lest ! liishop that .-ter w-.re a Iiia. k gow n, mid , he's the whitest man in these mountains. 1 He's a tirt'-lightt-r from way buck, and ' whenever he chooses to goon a brimstone raid among the sinners in this gulch he ; can do it, an I I'll l.a.-k him wi:h my pile. He is tin; boss Liishop, and you i hear ue how I." Tin? statement apicai'.l to lie uniter- ; sally satisfactory, for uinong the rough men of the mines and mountains no 1 man was ever found to gainsay it. -Si. j Ism ' It in:t-'tt. The Time Fiend. u iini- tif tlio r.-1-..-nt tvtild nights a man was, liasleiiint; :it-r.ss tht timiinim vvitli his 1 ivt-rt-i .it l.iiltoin-.l Ui I., liis ii.-. k. lie was ratht-r iiiixiuiis t.i know uliat tiini- it W;is, liiit lit was tisi laxy to illiliiittuii liis in .r.l..r I.. ! .it" l.iu ,t..l. ij tlill lit- saw h man of well .Ir.is-t;.l ai- is-araiu-f 1-0111111:4 in tin. ilistain-e, ami rt- inarke.l tu biiust-lf: "liotn! I will i-Vii ak y.ni i.-iitf.-l 1 stnun.'.-r w'i:tt tiint- it i. an.l lit will 1111- Imttoii liis i-oat, mil ..lit liis wat.tli, ami inrrin in.-of tin. hour of tin nijrht." II. M-n-.-iv.''l that tlifstraitiT was liut toiifil U just as In- was. Wlit n lit- i-anif Ui. the man win. want.'.! to know the tilil.- toil. Ii."l his hat polit.-lv, uml in quirtil : "Sir, .lo you k'low wh it tiini it is?" Tin- straiia.-i' (i.iii-,,-'l, it'inovoil hisriht fjlov.-, iiii'iiittoiit-.l his nvin-tKit from top to bottom unliiittoii.il liis iin.l.Ti-out, an.l finally iiilit-.l nut his watch, whilt. the coH win.l IhmI against his uiiirutti-toil brtrasl. Hnliliiy ip llit; watch so that tht light won'. I shim- on it. ht scrutinize.! it an in stall', ami s li'l : " Yes." An.l then he as--tl on without anoth er woril." Fashtoii Notes. roloiiaises are n-vi-.cl, j Sleeves are mi innuer rut liirht atfive j theelUiw. i Shoul.li-r seams are h linr! or slimier tl,an.'v,r- aii the me. Tests of surah will be worn with win- U-r costumes of cloth. OHS MY BACK Lvrry uni r rld attrk that irik hark TKC BEST TONIC fi.rnlhciTS thm JlUM'le. undlrc Ibe Vnrs , n. J. I. MvtKf jrfiM. Tttt ' b. (! it. D Blttf tll -t lr Tl fPHTK t- I I trktiDtrn mm .jiMir,' pr:t;o. 1 bf I'-t-i' X r l1 :n all lit; Latmifi .linwit lun; frfr tiir:.M, i ti. virt--ni. I' e :t irtMlv tu n. fn-i'. ' !r. W. F. Ubowm :: ht , C wmrt n. Kv.. " m: 1 wB ciPii'J.'U-l. bnikf'D (i"U m il- '.llt-. t i .Altil wh i.nn in my hik Biu Jt"U f i'nnin hi- bTrm- Mark nd rr. rr.i I:r.M .-. ri.. r- TaUc B olU r. M I - 01 B - o-'.U i:ft i. tin h '. .' a n si:ley & co. :i;UCHSTE!l. v.. V. t KICArO. UL. ; L i n w itpT r i i. ,.!,.. . i M ( I N H Y -"wi'ii ' 11 Vy ' a i 1 mi yen ir. .- ...- ....... .. i ............ i . The Oh! Schuttler Estttllishe1 i'm A l iWJi iifffiisi -v'h CATALOGUE t -. ' ; -p.: . .ill'i'l i .... : I;. r . i i.i'ii!,:.' Mi it. lHi:; r '':. .J'iI.T..rr-T3l jt". - ,.V-.; lf : : tif-a -v. 4 . i -ra"- t"---i? i ' -ti,. -! r. .., i. i- ' y-s.- "vi'r:ivs? i'C. " -' i .- -rf--' ,, 1 iinve jual rcf ivil to r.ir ltttfWof the SEl.F-OlUVi, Sl'tUL-K tliN iUTTLKU W i' N-. tit mutt ir.mi,lwj W.-'UTii Wuttit tu tlie umrkt-t Uc Hi-ul jt l'r.ii l'urio-K!. ou th? hitiikp. V.vo.n there i a Rar Bnk ui nn5vt tnu tmuUtc bay ur (frniu. a -.miethina ilit iann. r knjw the nei-ewty of whn btftiilinic u hilly faniw. Kery n of thf WinWord tf ii ha liid in Stut k ihrw yfarx bftre tH'iux wnrk-1 up, lmnrin th work lo l1 tiii-rtjuhh h mi-i:. 1 s.i. iM'inif ironeti. biiiK the jtnterittt of the DOUBLE COLLAR AND OIL CUPS, Il b the only Wukoii tnude that ha thii iini.rufceMient. It avU1 the nee-iiy of tnktnp oil the v. helR to -:t, a, in the "IJ 4yle ; hv iiuply tumiriir c:ip the wnion t-tin be oiled in W-s tlmii live mlnut"-. Thin Wii:n whui u le seen tu he ftilly appreciated, aud pwrti wifchlif to buy will do well t -ee it !efire pim-hawiiifr eWwbere. Iveiy AVaon Fully Insured. Ia iitTeriuK this make of Watron Ut the puMii', will fiy t tlie une niike of Huk'on Pirtive fanwh-n frtitflitinK m-n the Kirf.ky Mtuitnirv, orer rihi-l that were ulmo:t iuiia.--iili-, and they alwa ttM-tl ttje ti. i ittl warTanUl in naying 1 believe them the BcjH Vatn tin wheels Otll on OHrtr Ku'-jtffi' rr IU nru If. fjfry, vha v Vt hw you tht HVr tf'p, ' fccwrit w Wnnttl 'I'liroiitrHo-ut th Ottiitv. I KTK I t II K V V I , K V. Sil.MKHSKT. MARCH 1S, ish... ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MASffAtH RKti Akil) PtAl.tH. HtMI.K-.IKR Hty K TJt 1 1. 1? r LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. Irlard arid Soil Woods lltli. Itlfl.XK, SIMStM. I'lt KEIS, M(l'I DIV.S. ASIt. VI.Nl'T, FltsiMlNi.. iVSH. TA IK li I i.S. rtlKRkV. VKIllWPINK. sl!t.Vi.l.hi. 1'OUKS ,'t , I IS fKhs. HKHTJiLT, WHITE ri.VE, UTH. Ilt.lMr. NKWi.I. I-l is'!' - A t'it-n.-ral IJnt-.-f .UI uia-i.--. of l.iiniit r unit B-i!!il!iiu Vtsit-ri.ii ani U.;. .finir .Vat" k.-pt in Aisi. nm niriii.-i. taiyt'utiu in n.- nut- - ii ...ir ib.-iii.-. in )-.!. t v. ;i it r.-a -..itim:.-pr..iiiioi.-.i. -in.l. rt lir.uh;-. tsl.i i.-'t .t.-rk. -li- IOI.I AS CLJXXI XCJ I I AM, Office and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. A XNO LTN" C.ISAI KNT. Jlli. li. SKIDI.H. ..f llie tilil tirm t.f It. iin-iimn ,V S-i.l'f ii'iiiuci-1 1 hi-iii.inv 1'rit-ii.l-au-l i.iir..:M. tiial hi-, -il-k. k i tli.in at anv linn- in hi- hn-im-s .-:ir(-r. ct I'm.- ll.iiiiUiy HiMhis t-ompri-iiiip DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Siivsrxirs, 2r3az33. Frnch and Ansricai CIscks. j stout-.-., v arc t-nal. I.ii to inoiiiit l)ia!ii"n.i- 10 i "liort. mis -lin k ill ail .1. p.irtiin :ils l.its i an slmw the I;irir.-t M-it-b ul' wat. Ins 1:. r.'i. Iti.li.I.-.v- Tr-.it.- u-I. i.'h In- ri-.'!.t ..I al ill. .-I 1,.1V,. , v. ry r. a-Kin to i-xh .1. " Vnur Iatrotiaif Solitiiteil. R. SEIDLE, 50 5th AVE., PITTSBURGH, PA. ! V-v5' J JA HA8DS9BSE .TntJ!a.'Q. BI87H3AY m HQUChf fRESI, --tj THE WONDERTUL & m 1A biH 3 a ICS &T3: mhmin' ??al!:?Zr,mnkin'- or In-ralld ? 3 Mf&GM LDRErrS CARRIAGES TH LUEUftC MANF'CCO.. 143 Oth St., PhMacJa.. Pa. i j Beaver College and Musical j Beaver, Pa., ' "'"a; 3lMsanl healthful. I Jtatr, $125. v'"ui.;"'" "Ji"iiw.. iwff srrm Fences FOR Farmers. ( 'htljt. and HORSE HIGH, BULL TRONC. AND PIG TIGHT. SOMETHING NEW. We are nemfrv in the nin'if-tm of this fence ai Amtpet antt Mt ytr?lae. Ii ithe m.wi iurKhit. and MrtHijft-t V-m-e Jjimuii, Nu l:rt. no iujurr lo in lt. KiuMry iq Stuiirrwt at the old Krffr carritte fai irrr. raayhMf. J. M. "MARSH AM. Jc SN. FOUTZ'S HORSE AhO CATTLE-POWDERS foutz 3 Hnasi will dt of Cruc. Btt or trx F Ta. !f V'via't Io'irT nr tb.1 mtiM--. rontri I'owirwlliriirciinii prvnt HufnnjTn . HJtt Pow-t-ri w pfevnT ."- IX fc. rwnui Powi" wii In-rrn-e xr cnant'Tv o n s n't rriim twcut pr miiu aii'l dak. ti lui;r l ai ml swft-u r:l, to Wtnf-li Hnoe. r,p i Htl! !'tr it' fr-r' PfH p K IU, VITU SATIr ACTIO. SoI4 vervwtif re. DAVID E. rOTJTZ. ProprKtor, f BALXIMOiUi. KXX rua-'JC 'Sfl l. : is AEBricm Eeleclie Era,; Main Office, 94 and 93 Diamond S!ret. ' Pittsburgh, Pa. ' v;--r-- itil.-tfl t.U tl.H vvlfii , II,,- I. -i r.-t S'ni.v. ( ...iiti.t.-nl.! s-i.u- in iil'tii.- I Pniitiiwl t- .eei the ;l 1H1..I i.it,- I It. Gil kiv'-lx. l-nii.-iit HtirJ i.-n .Sum. H KHI.K Mi liovt l;i.. Sup, riTi'.-i!'t.-ii; John I.lki :.. A-.i y t-..-1 ; .- Hun-tin. R.'l.-reM. t-: Join.- J. Hr..kO-,j,. n-t -,-r- ! vi.-e liivn-i.iu. Wiihintni-ii. li, I'. s.-n.I :..r ( ir- '-ii.itr. iH.t.rt'.ni CUTTER and TAILOR, iia 'hu' 1'J'I iiiiiiiv ftv3 i- . -r . i -s: ii.i' 1 ....no '-i-itI V M." XT Yuiir.. m.. W!1..!M M. Hi.CH-TKTI.KK 5..M..K.-IT. t't. able Wasron. Chicayo in lS4'i. W?"s r . v -T i '.ilili.-i..-. ill l"l". ! ! . an. . lar-.-r al-'t rn-.r. onn..!-!. Yard P.irtic.itar aiii-iiii-.ii .1.1- 1...-.I ui.-it i.i -.!...u..n in I lit- iiv. Willi a laru. .ii-Tin.-iit t ;..- -.I..TT ilolit-C. I .nil lo rl :..- I h -.nit any i:u". i. u!;ir i-.iiry (..i n in. i-. :isl ami r."iii fi.rtv viiir- i.....ik.-..l l,.i.1.Hu v . ....... ... ' GUN MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers in all Kinds of Sporticg Gcoda, Fins Pocket and Tabls Cutlery, J7it Ijinr ill" Pinni ST.i PintrtM in Vtr f'.. BROWX Sz IILRTII, 620 and 522 Wood St.. Pittsbursch, Pa. Th ..nly Onn B.UT.-1 Muniifm-turr Wert oi'ihv Mounlnins s n! r..rtu.ln5.ii. wMKUa. rg mmi Institute FOR YOUNG LADIES. cn the Ch:o. English. CUicl, Music and Art course. Pipe fntu Jmtrm 4. ...inf mi taiUin t.t ri,r r,l n& Mk'i It Will Co Glad Tidings to he LAX IIs TO KNOW THE GREAT IMPROVEMENTS M M U't n OfWI V CTU'V ill lAVj Al AL 1 1 1 . 'JS J' ' ;"; 1 1 y v ... ' ' ' ' " "A WHITE !: ha-a ...' .i'.-v.- b' j A . lUM'l.ti' 1 1 il i. : . SELF-THRE A DING Kx.vpl lie- eye "I I hi itivt- T VKIM'I VI ni--I' : A i;-;. s -!":i't". A i'K!'. !'.- ': SELF-THREADING SHUTTLE !l leu- ..a run V' from n.c,-. r-.-.iiHK A Ij.'V. Stitch Regulator and Indicator, Hy U ,: ,i i -i::r-, .vm 1(1. , ri, ,:. w:::im;i! -;--.'ni-.t .ii.i.v: . . AUTOMATIC 3033IM-WIXDE3. "' '. ' :,:ii ' .-li .".!-! ii. ; , --..i ..I . i .it.I v, illn.-.n Hie hi.j ..I li.. ' . .. ii .i;..-r ::.):: y. , r.,.,i . o! ;;,' i ui ii. i' m v any is Ho.-.- I: 1-. .i:.- .!...,..i.t ii'. ..u l r. ailv mini ? ;i. LIGHT AND QUIET RUNNING lit t .1 . ti'.i-!i P.e trc.'i'ii -.1 r,!., Mm-iiii;-. .: r r.- i illy tiu- WHITE. I-T.t l:i-i.:.i -ii mi' v .().!; 1 i -.1 ;jOSHPH CRIST. A-l, - Jenner X Roads. set C a. I Ml lI !..VM'ii-:KT iiLOOI) SHAKCIIKU. tn.. ill-- In li. Ml rii'.-CMi-'; l' -1 !.i'- V i'.f -V '! i ! K. . i. i, .-. INi A MV T!' up !'!!!: II N'---i;.''; i .. i.h t r.i f i:. IN THK IlliKA-T. 4.- . .. IT - i. 1i-,:,-r ... .- ... ... I.'-'. ; ' r :i: i.. .r. r i-l' il.e Ai.)- l-.ir . a.- ,v i. !.:.- r ii- t :il:r.- -;,.:-n; ... -i i.i..i -.iv . a-.-f.ir i'i...n., r n-.j ('irrM S,-.. 'i.-.r.-..:. ..I .! :;M li:..r. r. - ; , ::; t-Vt . ii.i.: Iv. i".;.- I i - :rn- ; l:i;:.l.- -. : . i:-..; ..M'i 't I iv -,;,',-. 1 Me:. ... ... -.li'- ii.r.'i f;.i!.il. i-il- n:i. ftiH-t.-l ii ci M-.- at. na-l :'!: u;i a:, iussr '. : . r-.-.i ! r..-.i:i ;i-.-a.:i r- j...--.- -li ' ' I .- ti i-; : '..Ni;-'.m i K..t -i r;(.. i..r i.j u--ir- r - t i-. :-.' '. , ..-l,. , h..:- -U .1: : l:!i K' MA I .1 H I M. f ,! !.'.. .! ii'-M. I'. i !,-, .. i a !.. !'. a- : :..- .n, .:. - i u,.- il'. N.-i-n K.-r Hi. 1.1.-!.. -.1 th. M'Jl i i. I. wit.: it : l-""r - p. 5 b i- I 5- . 1 M h t'nited atvi1 i- r- p'iDM!i-ni or tr. -i e m-jriran continue to a"t i : "r i rtrr'ii. fr h I 1 ' "ra lo "btAin pstenrft m Caii.. .:: tiu. trn- -0rainj". mnd a!) 01 hr n'intn" Tb-ir en -r;-nc ia uaeuaiod aod iht-ir fncn.tiea &r u pi --!. In tn I'm fu: ifr-.-tj "ti ! or ti'." i'-.-.- renn'L' -v. .i . -r. r lur r-.":ii i : 1:10 of Or lr-i'. ns A i.it'. b 1:1 ' I'r' iiii;-. l' ,"i.m . ' - i lntn IK i'lV!" ""T . th lsnf-4 circu -t: t . ' I 1- ' : ' ' fwpat-"r -f r ' I if " ; n9 fc'lvtrrjea ot 'ic'n a nonce e-i-i , u:: Jtni i-.N "1 h'x 'r.rr 1 '- fTTll.f'v il'u-J'rtr- rt"rP W ;..ihi..:'t Wt'A !VI-Vat ; "ir,: -' .i't'.'.i i- 1 - -I LV"r ; "" o : -r . , r- i-i n- -i "f in i- V " ' ". i.t i.. . . ; .11 . ...ii.-'. It or. a.'i .- ' ' ! 1 i 1 ' t - .-. f ; - of et -v : . ' -' . Trv i- -ar lii-La h;e - S- ' ; !(' -Irl'lT If -.-in l.v ah :nntifn to ;; -r -M-.n-s . i , nuhI;sntTH of SciBi i, Ainwr..a, to 1 vvf Vnrlt H .uair. about pAMttU UAilaii trmm. iiniViJir-LiiinrtliS' LIiil-ii:i .t::rr M :g .:ne I:.--l!r? M'tteilim 25 CtS. I M;:i-. C'"lr-' lir'-t , il.f- Qr-r-n:i! Cf-ntriSunnr. i rtt;!!-. iv .a; h IVU'M 7 -ui' i -.1 llie I n j X''' r'i I A Compiei New Novel g V-m i f t . jr,; u.aj-.t m::t ia 4. Jo. l I -ivii . irl.nrv of 12 ne an.i v..Iu:ir.i' w j trvn ;t: ; lo ili.w. .inr.a.iPy. at Lie n-ff. 1-i ' i,n J of.-. iv r iar-mn Sub-rr ..l.'T f . o r r! I b- y H . biwrrtn. Kruncc- H .i. i -. I.. l'.-i' H --l!i. r.K-. Lu.y C t"i. j f.li. r. . : i . .!y a.ue. Ci.-:u,. .l-iui'i, etc., ma.Ic i on .r ' i. . I -'o J. J Lif PINCOTT COMPANY 7Ij i.-.d ,'17 aCaiket a:., P.K.ii-.J' ; iftii f". i k .."v.-':i.-t-5 p; F f-U i':TiirHi;i'' r. r.i' th" ri"'-. 1 '! " '" am imvc-ti'm- m l.jini?. Mui-. i -' . x ' ' (. . UK A' K y vf.7 .' t. Otitral F4s-i:irr Arf'-r f. form; 7th Av-?. ant snirh:- M ' T" Tlis Bellows Falls feGd::s H.iv r'! " Nn'l- t r';r ; l..r to wo " iij-t'.t!i yi .-:-. iiti.it. !.:- '.T -, U .PII.ITY oc . wT i-uit- t-'srj-iT,'i't::';.-'1Z Vfinv Ttlor'AP'' ti 'l'r''x 1 tr --.it'!-1 Jl ir T.-li !i tcstirnonl.'U to Yi. Farm i.;c;n Co., B--Uca ra3 f AStHV..t';" K I l.i-.Hr.i msiM rai.-.!-S" . V wtist -:,.-.-t ai-i .rt-.it. ' "r",,,'- 1 Wvr .il' in l! riub-o A -nw- ,!., S -II. in.. -IC-M.1-"! Pt- ... r.-r.r, ,,H.-'!!l'l!ttvr-l 'j PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. Th Original and Only '"-0,B J, Jf,,v.. - LADIES. "r f-.- ., a ti '-t '-r:k:tf m itt- hr ft mr. LAME PAFR. "t- W R. T. TAYLOR. PRES.