-v-'-.w- ....-a. , . X .1 Vthecry am tired of : i tin- cro :,rt-":i- V n.l sp-iilr I I I ton S .ViiiTc I d r a dream Vnda toil. ,m sick of f lifi-tl : t lie ace I in the till I-orn Ui si I would ' r a dreart And a tli no pt ,.r t!,- I c-e i nc it 1 lie . itic in" Ail tli .c dau.H And llrf . no' IV 1 r.im tj Hi 1 D Atrl III ! :n It Ao I 1 ir a dnr Ail CON I'm U I'.n. Tlir-re a. I0 ' K le 1 till sirin M.y fii-t. t!i,I d' IIH P'f t t II ; my tin'' ill. " i t. I 1 i It' ll I . II I in .1 ..1 . C " 1 . ll. US'. 1.1 III l HOT Ml VO ed lat Tlic Somerset Herald. KIIWAISD lilitor and Pn.rui .1 (auiiarj s, EtlNTSI'AV. r.r.:-- . Tin '! n'l next tin I - ci - latim ftliirtr Mstte nd vis Territuriea "ill convene. Now tolVie your pu.l resolutions j ,he UrV)en lr0iiUctk It is a trniitnt I ''' ''-v "t "tentnUat Brad ,d tMfce an inventnrv of the old and on- j - ,, ,,, ..ments the ! M J"'""""- The Wt AlaWa nuind and take an inventory iml stin k von have on hum! WArTitvofthe fl..!ri.W.rB.i(wy: -Gie u fre trade or give us d.-ath. We think hi party ill he Riven the lat terin Jtvr l.-t our K-mia ratie frienda refuse to"tkei).-.iriii tliei'rn" and they will lanrely re-iu.e the Mitjihi revenue from that f iun-e. TtiPiiuiiilrof Iteiitiafatie free traders in the M.iii--of ..ptvsentjitive i 14-'. j The numU-r of Kipuhlu-an free trader! in the aaim- 1k!v i j Tiic fund lor the la-nelit of Mr. If- ran ih jrnminp ith pratifyinp rapidity. Kortv thou-uti.! dollar aero fii!ier;U-d . before the rrave ch"-d on the mortal re mains of the illci-Trioii aoldier, atate : man and p.itri.i'. j Tnr .im.,ur- l:,tr,. assert- that Chk-f Jusi,,,. - li ; r,. . tl ' "I"" s - . . . . ..... " I of Attnn'v (iiMi-Ti! un-IiT Gi)i-rnr BfmvT. No letter mOivtion cxmU Im' made, hut let's .iit and ?. TrtK ;'- .17.-, which is an author itvon the su'.jis-t ,iys that ei-'ht thous and mile, of n r .i!:oj 1 tse v completed 1 J i li j th" ye.ir li . an 1 i"tiuiativ the vt at f I'llni.TM, in lep'Mi lent of the v'tiipmctit. C-N"'tEss r.- issi'inhle 1 on T i i :y a.ter the hoii.liv nivw. Tin-re is jus two uioutha of the til in ItTi ill uhich to tr.nis.e t lui-iii' ss. and it is pi.ili.ili'e thai little el.-to hi tiie pass c..,. of the appro priation hills w ii! is' accomplished. TlIK Hi : . Happy Ni w Year ctiuiiii ye..r u iii h one for each an 1 cvt u-s .-ill its patrons It I is. th. t tin a nm-t pri'roii rv of t ic"'i. and (hat by reason of their jinaip'.Tily the Hi:tci.! will have reason to he tru'v thnnkful. TlIK IVis l.-iit held the usual New : Year reivption en Saturday, and stixsi ! for thn-f- hours r-n i ivitij caiicrs. stitii.it- i e l at i-icht tiioiis.iii I. (l"f This trial o! j .nraii'-. . e pre-true nil stories of his , -s.-rioiis il!n -ss in iy ii- ri-ceivei with many sraitis of alhuran.-e. ! The om-ii. ii'iieioiis vtni.is of praise from all fss tioiis and from all parties is rtaiuly a irraud tribute to ' i. ncral I frana ntoiiioi y, and one that will heeher islieil and apireeiatsl by those ueflnsst to him. An honest, surap-itls, pjsitike oUaracter ia a liat the Atuerioati opl admire. Oi Friday last, after appropriate cere rntiiss in the chamber of tne L'nitiil SL.? Senate, in the presence of a dis tin'tiish".l couipallv (.Mthen-d to pay the last tributeiif resjH'ct to the'dead Sentitor, the ho ly of (ieiieral l'ait w is taken to K ick ("rt.i-k CviueU-ry an 1 deH.isited in a vault until lt dual re n; pU. b. l.' " devaded uts.n. )l the lirners I'Vi'i ass themselves who would 1m- l.-fl Pi buy our grain and .rther products, if the frtv trade Demo rrats should succeed by the intro lui-tion of foreign made i"i i.N, in drivins; our killed workmen out of the factory's and j.iili. into oo.ii titioii with them in ag ricultural pursuits? Who winibl lienelit by it, exeejit the foreign manufacture! ? When the Iteiii K-nits went out of kw er with the Buchanan administration, they left a tiankntit treaatiry, ami the Nation a IsiiToaer. Now that they have come to p'er atriin, they nr.- groan ir.i! over " theurplnin the Treastiry " which the Bi-publiean :nliiiitiiiratiou left th'-m an a l.vaev. The r.ivisrt sin they tun lay to the door of the the Kepuliliiiins is. the aurjdns of wtidtn they left in the National rofTers, and they nr.- " sitting tip l.i(!ht(i' devisinit means to (rot rid of it. Fob twenty-five years the If-tid cr.it. r iwrtv did tiothini: but st on the f,n ' and Tit"ieise li-pttblie.in ne-tliods, oh- to-morrow atrort R-pnbliejin 1 vislation, make jinni "rntp nrxutw. wait ha rt I-Kibliiali st.il.iuen. mid j At 1 4) r. tiie xrtej- pmcksI the f'ip jrrowl ut the pros-rity of the Nation. tl. The guards , !.-are,1 lu: say and ttie Now tiiat i i in ivov.-r it iv hoivelesKlv cask.-t was pia.s.-d ui.n ihe bier ih il.e M .livide.!, eann.-t ns- u m.y .,1('.. I mnda i be.i the Iloral o!fcrinj;s .-P' plaa d fic'ul 1i.'i-l;ti..n. is (i.k-U"-1v iiiMiritii? ont friH- Ira U ? : ri hn-tion of tin rfv-nuts, itnil Iii. i':.'-Lt"l .4-ii! t irr n fitrui, is intent .n!y on .listribiiltr.'r ttlt? r4tHll)4 of 4:ii.v HI I vu.it Iih at tlu' Rpi!lif:in p;trty. If om iU virtorv lot liai-ll'nl of Miim iithjis. and i( at- eiupta to set up a- a National rty aie t.iipr.'tnelr rcliculons: Onk of the ii.."ist iii,mrl.,iit duties of the present I-eisiaturf iii Is- tiie .-:- jiiirt ioniiietit l tiie tt:ile into m'ris j iotml ilistt ids. For four y.-arstlie State j lias ..nied ailing w it li..iil u proa-sr a- j Iirti"iiiii'tit, t i tin- letrtiiicnt of tsuiie j lrt ions ol it . and tlu e t inii-s have I " tas-n sim" II.'t loelis t a fonn-scinnn- j at-larT to till up the repiiwiitatton to j whieli we nr.. ntit'.e.l. In lv-ti; a Ke pu'iciin S nute and a I k-i.eicr.it ic llotis, f.iiletto ii-ns.- up iti a bill. At tlx Olid of tiie amnion, io. --ic.r P.itt:in i-alhsl an extra Ksiiin lor tl.e wle itirose of apportioning tl.e Suite, and after a six tnontli sisisi.m, and an mormon ! jwnse the antapitiixth- Hoiimsa nain faiietl to mirtv. in lis. t'ie I irislatun was sfnnviy Hepiiblican in both branches and saed a bill, admitttsl to Is- fair by leading (leiiiocnit. but it failisl to suit the views of tt.e .ovcnmr.an! be vetis'il it Now that the tiovernor and loth brant lies of the legislature sr.-in ao or-1, ho to iee the lonjt d.--rred work Mmjilited at thi -sion. In some quar ters it ia auirgvled that there is no nei--it (or an aps.rtioninent now, as it will be only four yearn, until ia the tv-rular ourae of evrutK, anothT w ill have to la-naii.-, but aa e la-lk-ve in observing the Constitution! pr,ii,iiis iu this case, as fyearlv aa aiiibl.', and that then-fore a prefer aprt luliiiieiit nhould la- made during the prew-nt ws.ion. Tac cat.-Ii erj- of the frif tnolers i.. "take the tariff off the ii.ti-sKurivK of life, nd ke-p the tax on a hiskey and toliae eo." Ia there any truth in this? Is there any tan IT on the nevvHRarivs of life? Bread and meat are home production and there notariffonthctn ; mthv and tea may la- considered pritiK- niHi-mariex, and the pr.s-nl lh-publiiin taniT admits them to this country fnsof 'diitv; rloth 5nir whii'li m a tisj.-MNirv of lili- is made and s .ld ehe;i r in this ninlry ut pre- ! t,,l'"ilM TiMsr8,iou ,VU. had only time ent then at nv time l1,.ftor.n- It is i ,,ri,f ?!" "" f- -r tl -arl Sen-trtH- tlu.t luxttnousclothin? worn bv tl.e I t!,r-V 1 aI 'n..eofa Haevsn. i , . , , ; ty -r in mite. Toe lirst to l.sik at the laxlv rich vclv.ts, tin. I H.tt!tis. and fine broad- ' L . ... . rhtiis. and fati-y piiicracka atv iui. fl ed and ay duty and eome biRh, but eltvact and floe clothing, tar la -tier sad : ..f.. i ..,,r ril,m mm'. i.x-sc.1 thrnijli the rot-ui'M. a.so a im.ic n'nnmi.n'iv innii .. ....... f - is within tf.e Ciniieror l- I ""' I T,,t "" " e- : . , , leave a short l.sik and pissed on. while the : luint of to-dav. , v.. ' a- .i ,,r ' women seemed inclined In Imper. Many or ! w " tanfff;n ' MrHT ('f i ,ne,., w. n, ,, rv.uri,,v seeker, but every j llf,,n,Jti,,fa,1..l,H.t ,the ,.n.t.., t,.n , , ,, ,.,, ,,,,, evi. of American iii.i.ery by h...nM.mn , kM)lv jmere9t jn t,e IMilirv. It is the fostt-nnif ofottr ninna fiu-tnn nv tliif protective tariff Hlii-y, ' th.-it h:is i.nviu;vl ivmipctition for traU- IK'7. UnI n.-.luivd tlio price to the cmuiii'r. . Every tie fai-tory or ami, or itKlustrnil - s i etnWi-li!ii'it ia pun iiaTof lnNir.am) : the deinand for lal.r has iumtuxed it 1 1. o..t,lnvwl in i l,r"i ,lu wi tr v u..-. ... .;'! nrmineiR. huver and eonsuuier i prii of the " net-eS!Miries of life" and it in equally traiifiwrent truth that the Ke- I NU".Y J , ' j I f"".' 1 . . . Wliu n me vx.r man mn ' . creiisel the pri.-e of the Ialr,wliicU often the only thinir he has to sell. - - - .- . - j TAL. Last Look at the face of The Dead Impressive scene in tne Koiun- da Reception of the Body. Whis;toc. Dcwmlier. 3". A he-t frv fallen snow eovcred. the pmund this rw will ut that in the year just elosinn morniiip. At the Iran niansioii a'l prcpar- miii riiihn of new main line railway trai k aiion for thr ivmoval of the d-wd statesman i bave Iw-en huilt in the I'iiitil Stalra. Kan hul lm icrfeiled diirinc the nitfht. There- i s,i Iru l tin e-iuntry with the siirprisiii) mains s'ill lay in the chauilx-r where the :irno,i!il of l.i-M milea. the (jn-ater rt laid ;i neral dicl ; but had been placel in the : within the lat six innntlia. AumiiiR the racket, an elabo at iy drajl nsn piat'le. average nist throuhiiiil the country to have wh'se bernntie inner casinj of eop.T wj- li n but $JU.0 r jn-r mile, the ei'iemhtutv ronrvaled by i:s qui! c 1 li: i i of veuny mi ; in. and whose plate tiass top. not yet in p - ! " .es,s, ... re ea, ...e e.iure I iH.Tii onnp i'rr miunn. m... r.-.s. f.:i. ... I., tl... t.iI.Lili- r.f llif HV.T Ik-JiV he 1 inscription : JOHN A. I.i '. AN, I'mii:!) SrTKSi:M.ToK, Iiorn IVbiiary !l, LSJO. j 1 ed I,sv!illsT -Hi. Issii. ! Floral pillars, with lu:!era! leeii.ls, itni- j j is. 1 aacli .r. aad other appropriate mi- i j I'leni-, ut r piaei-d near tin ca-k.-t aild a!io:t j the !oiii, I lt s ! R-IN t:i u ne.; OF M1 ISNINO. , j At 11 o'clock tbe tin leriitkerand his a-;-i- ; : atiif wlthiii'i w. a iieii l!ie iin'aeiiijte f.nu.Iy ' tverc sumitioiKsl. and for a brief I'm.' acre ' i li alone with .heir leal. Then the l..i ; 1 xrn- ia.-t-iu'd in pla. e, tin ample fold- of a I I ..irr sin Hai Te arr ni.-ed altou; tl ask-t '. iiid tied in ljn- with raiietiisoCwliite. wh te ( .t.rwcrs and pa'tn bratielie- ete plai-.-d ti..iii Lip. 'fuese "Hi' .- of hoe and usps-l 1 A.-re ;'i'!'..rtii,'. by t!ic l.niiij li in I - .t : he ; . i!v sou. Ail it.-iti; in rei laik'.- i'-.r t.u 1 more formal, bit sij.l inva.e le.n e tali n, toe .i.M.rs ' r.- oa.ii 1. an I ih .1 .v. s i.i ts.rtt'.i bv ber M'tia.i'l lollowe i by I. led ltl0'l'- ter a'el her husband, the iran d-m. olhet i. latives and near. r f-ii.ti I" of tl eeasist. to tbe mnnis-r of ;if!,-.'i, or tw ;,.!, i.urisl. Mrs I..i.in k: .-It a ad '. li" c.i-Kei. aa I ' ieu .'"f.-S'll eo' 1. : h.el entered ami Hie d'Hir ha'' ' the v.-iee ol'th" pasiof Has in praver j TUi: ,.fc---'1""r" I There a as a mo," "' stience. i j .!, bv the sol-' l' ' -tri. keu on. okell aiet !..... ,i... ,.fi i-nd.-rlv raised a iiiosi I intuitu: 1 nn of the widow and bd her away. l i t- renin, ni: friend- passsl for a last sL-bt j f the features, and with their de- lmnar! einUsI the family's eie-tody ! t..f statn-inao remains, i ilt l onii-ssional Commitlee now t.sik formal el.aiie of the remains, the S?r(reani!!-aI-Anns up Tintetld-iii-the i-hiin; of the tasket, and its slow and onk-rly removal from the cbamls-r of I ath, dowu the broad stairway, between the lin.s. of thenneovep.sl ieort and it piai'ili'-' in the hearse. Fife- uud muHled olruu.s M.un.lid a siiiute whieb mep.'ed ;:'lf into he air of Nearer My (.dtoTb.-e.'and at the iord -Foragrd ' the bcarsepti-i-ecdcd by the pa-tor s carriage alone, surnniiio. o nv p.a- I i - ..rii I run ih.'h in nnitonn. am t..Uow.'il t.V a lon jn..'ss,m ni wri.ks.'s, j moved .lowly down ibe bill lo lieHapilol. j I.N THE Bol'I NBl. j At an early hour tbis m iniiiiii workmen j were busily eni;n,uTd in Ass .rat ins 'he w.-st rotunda oft lie Uipitol in tnourinu and erts-t- j it the bier u, in li'i' wistor.-s! tbe ca- I ..it fsintaiiiim; the nauaina of the dead I Senator. Upon ljil'r llav leius Lineoln and tarliehl, fhief Justua- ; flew and Pk.'pi-es.ntat':ve Thad. Stev. ns. j The heavy black di-ai-ry with which it i ii.v. nd. however, has bieu previously s-l I but on niK'wviiiij i. It was found in one I of the .S-natc ervpts. will) W inscription at ta, lesl to it. stV.tniMhal i bad sa.-terd the bier on wliirh I'n-ide.it Lims.ln was la.:, in state, and it was thoiti'it u.pnipriate that it should serve the same sud ottii;e Utr another d :siit,iroisbsl sou of Illinois. Al-otit noon floral otlciiiijis brought from ( fllumet I'laee i.s jpin to arrive at the rotunda and wen- put in psiiuu at'out tiie ba r. Al tiioiijjh it was a cold, raw wiutry mornini with an inch or io of snow on the ground, yet as early as l'lu'eiia-k a crowd ol several liunihi d pis. pie had (.-at hcis vi at the capitol. wait mi.-to view ihe p mains ot S...,ai,ir 1.- I itiii. ln. h are to lie iii -tate untd 11 A W I alsmt it. and at 2u At tne assctiia.ai thousand msi.li' li ivi-i by tics tiui: s eher 1 afMi!l tin- iMM iniar.iv was :TiiiiU-l ! tti til rtl iuj vu' Ih.' fam" of 1 1? dca-l j warrior. AT TH T. V y rlT'l j Al an raHv Imnr live tuii..lrt1 M'rrjMr- i.mI aMt;tM.l in llif mtmiuLi of tiie faji.i'.l, 1 tli.itiLrh it wa- not exnsicl that I lie; remains I ,,f s.-ualoi l.;i.-;iu .iu! l lie lai-1 in state till ii :t r. M. At nu.m tlieer...! !il swollen i to one tlioti-.m'i ami .tieifti awalusl the ; arrival ot the luneral s rt wlitcti aid not t reach the t'apito! until .hait'-pasi otic. )tn j interior of Hie t." itiliu! w.-v. tHstefully lmK-l. ; aii.l on ihe sisit where inanv who lime I iii.-ale their mark .11 American history have tail. 111 slate rvstcil the tuer presirs to re c ne t!,..c.sl,ct coittaiii'ii the renia.na of the 'lead ss nator LVlSu IS TtH. As tl.e funeral proccwimi a;.;.to.u hisl the east Iront of the lapitui tiie ilsir of the ro tunila were osihs1 ami the asiii!,laj(c un t .vcrvil an.! si.kmJ in res;ie'tful silctire. The Co nmittis' ami tiie honorary pa! I -I .carers tiled in, forming as they lialttsl a double line, oeiw si, ,,.. mrm-i, -as ,..,,- ... .e. p,a(X ol state, inen tne tkiiii-oearers retina ami the iccuitors were rsjms.i,s to with draw. When, at o'clock, the doors were ajjain 0keinsj the lid of the casket had heou re moved Military guards of honor, fully uui foniied. Hisid al jM .it the head and foot of either aide of the ikkct, while line of Grand Army mm were dtawu bp from door to door, iKSlw-n which the ptsjph- (MaaeJ to view the remains. TIIOl , vNOS AT TnS BIES. It Is impossible to even rousihlv estimate the numWt vf )crsotii, who haw ti-,sel thriah the roiutitW ttt the (.'apitol t.wluv to iay the last mark of resptvi tothj- n-mains ..f (Jctiera! lvan. Those who liate ian in aiimdani e siiue the lj.ty was plaeol on the bier say ; Wt raiuiot u il liow many have HsstsJ. Thousands Un Ikvii here; no one Min estimate the number." When the lid was lifted from the eaki. shortly before three o'clock this afternoon, aUmt eiplit tlaxisand pisiple were outside the ,. H.rs.kf the CapHuJ. paiient'y awaiting are opportunity to view ilie dejj man's feat, on.. They formed a closely jmcked lilac six dts-p, extending from the hrv.tise doors at the astern entrance f the rulutnla, down the Capitol mtf and anvss the carriageway to the atatne of Washington, situate 1 at the opjsisite end of the p.ive.1 spice cp tratin the Capitol building from the areen iark on i, wi..,., Mil l .irs. i iati. as ii irrew d'Jsk the crowd thinned otil p.TivitiI)ly add more time could be allowed each of its com ponent turmben. A large number of ladies i I in ;n. At a !;tte hour evening a stream of ! . sUm'Iy and steadily paving the ; .u;,,. I j ! ' A Steamboat Boarding House Burned. Jkcwx, Ala. Ii-. More than a aoore Of ! nM" jwri-ue-i in re law u.i i hnilditis a hride ne:tr hcrv, an I the nm- lioat was uh1 a a hoarding luinxe for the worknun. KSajm. hnrt out on tU h.t ! '"" '" o lo. k and a vain dimple for lifi' - ; r,,!l)Wj J. Ein.v. of M..bile. and is MiihouK, of Xb York, hoth white, j are mi!,MT1. aI),l Lm ia Adams and Ik-nja- min lluh. Iiotii nenns, art- known to have known to have jierihed ill the flints, and , to niany mope to have been drowned. Railway Tracks in a Year. of i hi( oo, Div.i".i Tlu-ffai7Mw.4.7to-inor- iu-1, t. Him-. jre tfi.tt the yir IT will nlmw SOMERSET MARKET. Correcltd Weekly by COOK BE.ERITS. l.HLtKS IS Choice Croceries, Flour & Feed. IVm-- for January 5, 1H.s7. Aij'rt. drml, r xi Ai'i.ie li'iin-r. j- tfal licoio. y i.u ... Hrl,.L IIO Ills Uu.it T. iroii.l It. ke;si. j lb Ulli lkUheul. t1 'U meal. ., Heis .WtX V tti , .."'.." liaeoii. Si;;ir-eiire,l Ilitm i r tb, 0 oiuim' I. hid ) i ft. , .-'...alili-r-i r It. ' is;,,, -r it. ..'"Z"'."' ..aias) ...Sv .....av- .id u .... la We ...f ss ..Vssa.li -.-e ... l . .....it i.' .!' ll ... i. i orti. lettr- 0 lai i-.:i.'li..b y t.u M' " f i- !!!.'..."".'. 1mi. ctirii ami ils all rv.-, I V Iaa;s V .1.. .... ..' 'Lbi!V.V."'.'.".'.'.' i l.nir. 1... a.T i s ,.,, 'iellMU KJ .i .v i. t ,..a stalls- i'snjl .! .'.'s- . i. le . -se !' 7.V h .si si :. SI -'SI l ll "JitTe 7llle '..'.'... jk"90e p.. p. M. p.erff' d. t r l,a a.U.i Net I ? ni.1 - . 'Asjif.,.i mil ss'-k i. :,t. V' Mow. y ttj '. let.', f It. . r,w f It, .ut. V On Beware of Scrofula fcrnfu'a i I robtb'y more peneril than any other AuK.it. It is liisiui'ius l:i c'j..racter, and maiiife-ts itvrll Ii nmuir.p serei. pustular eruption, bails, mrclliiiRS, eulargei Joints a!iccss:,soreeye, etc, lloc1usSana4.ariH.-1 expels all trace of scrofula from tbe blood, leaving it pure, entle'aeil. and liealtliy. " I was severely uCIicted wt-.li s-refuli, and erer a year bad two runulup sores on my Deck. Took flva bottles Ilood's B .rsauaillla, aud am curod." C E. Lovuor, Lowell, Mass. C A. Ar-vold, Arnold, Me., bad serotinous on sj for seren yean, sptikg and fall- Hood's barsafarUIa cured him. Salt Rheum Is we of the most disa freeable diseases eanaed 1 an aire bluest. UUreaiUly cured by Ilood's :.a. siipu-Ula, the Treat blood purifier, William "rlcs, EyTla, O., suffered (rreatiy f ora erysipelas aad salt rheum, c.used by 1 diiiiR tobacco. At timet bis bands would rk osn and btecd. 11 o tried various pren orations wltboct aid; finally took Hood's 8ar taparilla, and now says: "lam entirely weU." " iay sou bad salt rheum ca bis bands and on ths calves of Ms lees. lie took Hood's f.ars:imri:ia and Is entirely fared." J. B. CtauUm, MU Vernon, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparffla Soid hj a:i drult. ft; six for fJ. Made en's; bT C. I. i:003CO,Apottiwriea,Iamcll.a:ua. IOO Dosos One Dollar 4 l lMl'iit s NOTIt'll Ituviiik: U--n a'ioitiit (jIUai uy lUo. it!kif ''it;rt til SuiiuTss.-t ttitimy to U(kii the -.-tnus tUit" Atiiiiiui-irut'tr h acoiiini In ti lulv. In id ttie .urns h ij't mi opinion, nnd mke dtstritiutioii of Ihcfini in raid stale to and rtiijoiit iue Uk'utly tntiilt-st iihthio, notire i li i.-rii tiiiii Iwillattnd to dtiticKof -avisl ttitjxtiui a irti'-c in SiiiknTset N-rouch m Kr.duv. JauiDt'-y IsV, w and wrc ttli pcr suit mtereiiuxl mf stXU:u4. J. :L. UWRf janC. Auditor. rKIT OFTAKTITIOX. u-auiiuh. iiiiornmrnrt Ith Cliriftian Wm- vt, . iin'triit i,. Va , rnh. hue niiHrriri with KtiiHiMiul Vev.T, (if Amlirin DMiiiiy. V., l.niMiiut'i Hi'diifii. ol Vinbrm , ntv, ra .Jut'tih liii'iitfh. r:lni(r in li lncitii. Am.u. mlvntwr nta iU: SMtiiuci VV. Illt.imh. f MTntma .. l'.t., lx'. ima, i:. i-nniii 1 i 1 w itii JhhimIi Foiist. f i rtujlir::M .um, K . Ki-hl. iut'nni.rril witii J..ui i.:.H--:n. : i'muiuut .vmiity. I ' . i hn-riti-. ut 't MMrncd with Hcniy r-wxl r. ilain- lir.M iiMttitr. Vu., Htuatt.m. Keiiu, rt-.ju vi Mi' tii.oi. JVu-r Kciin. rifvitiuir hi M;'ti';jni. Mirm itiicriuatrritii v ltd Jo (in W, liititr1.. f Alj f.4'!ir Mtt.il, r 111 Mn-'itptin. M ut". I i'i r)iiiirritsl nilb Jtrti liluugh. resi'ln: iti ! Jl.i-.'HLMii : V-Mt nrr ht'r-lT notified tht in pnr.iireof of tin- ori.'.siis- 1 ( 'onrt ot i.uoin-t i njntv. and t in diwtcl I mii iMii-l an iTi.ts.-j ii,, r, Kfatc of J.lm I kcihi. "Hi:.!.!' .it 4 tiiu TiutnIt h, yii(-- !tiiinf l4l.1tls.Sil,. avtriUTM'! (SUllllV Oj. Oil MJll Vl . illC 1 ith .lay tt r'''lrimr'. A. H. 17. wlu-a and HUere vm 1 : 1 1 V iilfrtH, if yU 1'iil.k lnttHT. Sll-Tlll". ..Ii- J.m. ajicrifT. TO!' 1'AKTITiOX. Susai'Miiii, intermarriisl witi Chrtstfan Wea. '..). o. l aiuh: :a . .iiiiily. I'a.. .satali. ilileimai'rie.1 -.c'lli Me.icai.'l Weuv. r. of I'anmria ispiiiily. I'., Kiiiikiia.-I lli.s.i,!!. of ( Mii.liria roniuy. I'a., Jr r.,1. I...!.li. T-lithiji 111 V'haiAii. Aiinie. inter. ln..rr!i'l with sntii'ic! W. lil.li. of 'atnlirla i-ocmy. I'a., laiii.ia. inlenMairle.l with Jo-iah I'.iii-t ot 1 amtiria county, l'u . kaehel. inter. IIIHlTle'l W Mll J.lhll S. ltio'teil. of 1 Hlllliria CHIII- 1.. l'a . ' 'ii I hiir: lie. inleniiarnfil wiih Ilennr SiK't'lu.'. ,.f I'HlilhrtH county. Pa, Fiialiii;l kenii. ic-;.lni(i in k'l"lei:ali. Peter Kehn, re I'll iltHi Mu icju starts, iuteniiarrit'il with John U . IlI'Miirli. of unibria Ckinniv. j'u., 'ra :.el . Ililfi iliarrle.1 a illi Alexaltiter "s'tahl. sm. n.a in Mich nan. Miiuiv, uiieriuarried siih J'iA.'.ll hlo'..'4a, r-i'l'ti in Mieliiyau ; You nre herehy niittli.st tfirtt ill iMiryiiunee of a Urii ot Pan i lion isn i.st out ol t'n: ifrpiiaii-.' onri of So ii.-rsct (s.iimy . Pa., atnt to intt .jfre'-tefi I uiil iiolit an inquest uu the real esialeof rrt,y Kenn. .h'ts-u-ssl. siutan? in eonemMtiifii arnl -mahoning nwnshi. s.iner oihiiiit. Pa . od M'.u.lay. the 11th lny of Kchruary. A. I. ISsr?. when ami here you 'may au.-njif you think pr.,;. Mi.iiirr- M'ru.'K. ! JiIN WIXTKRS. Jan. 6. IW7. Sheriff. X"' 'Tlf 'F.. ( rhe ,t,.r,iin tll ap,.;y to the U-(rtslatuw 1 ai int- ucxi m-smioh i.h- ine stssai;e or an Act ,. tiorir'in;an.l irsiiiniiR the AiMllor nueral and Sisi I r.-asar.T 1.. aa.lil anil s,.tiio tile aecoutil of i.tsri,'e H.-tH'-y. f Soim-rsel (swinty. Pa., f.- lent, .lav Una lor Hie ot a Ii.ni- and ltK iu Iter hn. ill ihe roniity atofesaid. ots-upitsl hv eaLaiu li.lcsaii.l iMiy.ivr au.I ihe lavu mnlcr iiieir com mand daroiK the year Ixi. aiij-lia. ' OKultol! JiUTI IV. A UDITOUS NOTICE Mt-urv i!omr 1 1 Ilithniirt of Commnn Lyh Uisucr. iilt-i PIcim l S:tivn( i'ouuty, WalV, 1'. T. I X. lHH4mlT T.. 1hsa. Fl -Mii. Uny J (V..lin,utrv viicnmt-iiL, j Au4 ujs ui w if. -V'h iMfiii-st-r. I., on .-tion j of t'.,il. If , 4-HfHtf. anii VdltT'itie llnv. Fjt. i hi- mttir:. 5 . prtrv uioii iu int Uxirl Jihn k. Sr,u j Kh . 1 M'-iauiMfti UtUketUt: ii-M itoniy. find the j u. i. att.'l tiiMkc tstlisstritMiiiiaj ul fund in the !ha-i! i (Im A4nwumJ atuvtiy ii' gaily .ni:tltfj t:.t,T-ttt Kinisvr-s-t tNtuiv. SS. iL. s nvt-4-t frwm iht recknls ren'.flcd 2tKb K. B. CRm!inKIJ. NotUf hrr- tirw fo.l pMnitv mtcrxTsird tlutt 1 witl fttu-'Ki iti tiie dmieuf the Jov- ai IMini'mrtii tit tnv .rft.iii tl.- liitr.MiK(i ii SniK-r-t, r . ni l.iiirMaty. the UTlh dnv of JAJinry, i I0otl.uk. a. ti., wht-ii ih.f ia iuieivst ctt aA'i;d tl liii'V nut roKr. JoIIX R snTT. Autliior. VD1TOUS XOTICK. a. V . Ktle of A, lata D Sn viler 1iss,1 it n orphan. C,in held on the inh dav of iKssim.. issf.. in and lor .Sumerspi n.,n,' m I motion oij o hiinmell. K4.. ihev.Min ai.isrtiil- ' . onsicn r.so . a I'tit.a- loacemu thead- ' tu awl makes llsttil'io.i ol the fniida hi the liaml. .rf Hie a-liniiii-jratia- of IhniU'vr taie.toaiHl rnioiif ilKs' a-Kaliv t-iiutled tnenio lieo lix (jives luaiiv thai h.-siil attend totliedn" tn-s of hi. jpi,:iitineii al the other of Colhnrtl iV 'ollsni. S.L.iets.-u Pa., on 'ri.v. Ihe Till rtsy .a jMinuirv . Iss-. t iii h, k a. hen and alien; all p-rwti. luieivKt.sJ tau aiu-nil if tiiev think r"lr L. C. olbo1;n. '- " Au4lur. FOR SM F- "fF.AM KSQISF.8 em and hs Inai Work. SecoiHl haud Knrnes and Hollers on band, tkustina tnsiu and Ma. eUlIMsry a Siwciaily. THuMA! CAkLIK ir. tia Our Great Annual RED LETTER SALE Now Ready I O O O O O O O o A Tempting Feast of BARGAINS For the Next 30 DAYS ! IX BLACK AND COLORED H' ' Silk U'-qi Cashiiieres at $l.(H'i 4Siii Black Cashmere , sil k, ' 0 and 1.00. 30,55 andtlO. Win BUvk Cwhim-ig in strii and 4in Black Dn-m Clic ks, at .tciothaat 73. oltn Gillerfric()t co in tI,ixttIre, 4lilt tiillHT . at3t All Wcad Cloths at 43. ;lS!11 io-I Cliiiien,t at 30 and tiO. adhuiereH ut '.'. .!ti;. n CsiHliiiierttt at 22.. L"iu Cashiuerus at :. rin Cashiiierea at 10. A FI LL LINK 01- Fancy Dress Goods in J.'in and 24in at 3. S, 10, 12, 1", I -i, i, ami ';. I'laid IreipJ0.1sat 4, 8, 10 and V2. :!:.'in Satim-s at S. :52in Ctniur Prints at $. 2-in Colon! Velvets tit 33. t'D-totm ut 10, 12; and 13. (iood Standard Dark Prints nM ut 3, now 4. Indipi Blue Prin e at 3. Shirting Print dd at 3, now 4. Lancaster (.iincliamn svuhl at K, now "J. WikX Brxk tiiiighaiiiBtnIil at ".now li. Winford (iin;hams sold at (i, now 3. Scotch (iin'haum, double fold, gold at 10, now 8. Brown and Colored Canton Flannels at ti, 7 and 8. Cheviot Shirtings at 7, 8 and 8. 4-4 Eiiterpriaf CnbUiaeimd Mdint5. 4-4 Appleton's "A" Unbleaclmd Mulin at 7). 4-4 No Name Unbleached Muslin at 61. 0 0 0 All the Leading Makes in Bleached and Unbleached Stiwtinp Pillow Csi.se Muslins at Great Reductions! 4-4 Wam;.stitw BIit hei MH-n at 12?. 4-4 Williainnvill Htcafhe.1 Mils! in at 10. 4-4 Fniit of tht Llooiu Uteacbetl Muslin at 9. 4-4 Aniirtwngwi BIoaohoi Muslin at 8. i 4 Hill BU'hWmM Muslin at 9. 4-4 lileiui JJu I in at 5 and f. A full lint: of Tirkin at H, H; 12 and I k GREAT BARGAINS IN FLANNELS Of Every Description. j U ll:'v' ni.s-lineol" II A W, (XJATS . ;tn. iti.AN'KKTstlii.t must be closed out within the 30 days. Also, a full line of taiiu: i.ixi:.s. SAM l.s, TOWELS, lil.lt S ME A US, SKIIITM, skinrisu 1,1 tu yrf. ha vm na EDGIXO, LACES, It IB RONS, CLOVES, HOSIER V, iia.iki:iiviiiei"s, I'til.XfiEs, LADIES' CXPEIiUEAlt. AT GREAT IUKGAIXS. A Full and Complete Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods At (ireat Bargain. - O O O o o o . o A yrvat many giaals that it would be iuipxMsibltt jv fnetiXiou price for want o "jiw, ' '' f" ' ' HV only al tliat yon girt us a cill and h fully to.risW that (lit goods w propote to n-r for the nrxt THIRTY DA YS art elteop. WUliing you all a Happy Nn Ytar, Parker & Parker. A MUCH LARGER SF BETTER ASSMENT R, OF THAN F' NEW GOODS o . .okerbockers and Astrachans ooucle, K Tiicols raei m it Hill IBIDESCEIT. Ul Clasps, Buttons, and Braids. Jersey Jackets, Ladies' & Misses' Coats, Sacques, &c, &c. Special Attentien is Called to our Immense Stx:k of Carpets, Oil Clotlis, linoleums. Vatlinjs, Pugs, He, lie And we b-g to asr.ure ths public thai to pKicjarerp.IJ.S rOLCv7 as st Geis, Foster & Quinn's, CLINTON STREET, JOHNSTOWN. PA. ;:-.o::;:: v. i;ENF.iiti. ci.aiik ii i!!-:xriu:. Geo. W, Benford & Son, PROPKlKToRS OF TDK At No. 1, Baer's Block, 0 W'v Lt iiriiMantly "U liiiin! t lar;.- l.-ck of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS AND VAUNISIIES. Ti'V purest and liest to Im- f mini in this tnarkct. We also keep oti liaml a full line .,!' TRUSSES. BRACES, SUPPORTERS. And all the lea.linif appurtenances hihiI laith by Plij leianh aucl fiiiiiilie. Wc guarantee In tlii line, h rftvl .siitisf.atii ii TOILET ARTICLES AND SCSURIEH GENERALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. UASE ASSORTMENT OF BIRTjHDAY If TS ALWtYS IJM STOCK. TOBACCO and CIGARS. TlIK MfjP TliK JIAliKET AKKHIr, HiiU fjOMKsTrlO il IMPORTED. Prescription ? Ccmponnea, Family Imp FiM Will Cprrecmess t)ur own iniike of HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER. It in of a superior quality. We keep in bulk, no tliat uny Mpeciul ingredient ctn lie added. Sold ut 2" tvntu a ixitind. We do a winare btisim-sa and will 'rouble to show goodx. PURE WINE5 AND LIQUORS FCB MEDICINAL PURPOSES ONLY. Jan. 5, 1SS7. OEOFTGI? W. BENFORD & SON. CLEARANCE SALE! My Annual Clear ance Sale Has Now Uegan. It is niv pijrjwsc to re duce my stock to tlio lowest . 'II i ' Si POSSlhlO 1)01111, I r ' Of.it. r-xr ii KtoLinir' illlL"ry ll) Ll K 1 1 111 J nrcna stock." I would rath er count money than i count goods. You will consult your interest by buying goods now. Every tiding goes cheap. Dress Goods espec ially low in price, Dres Cloth at a great bargain. Muslins, Ginghams, SIiiings, Table Linen, llamburgs, Hosier, ant GIqvcs at Great reains. good time to buy underwear. Fancy articles wav down. Wraps at Cost-some less. A. E. UHL. tts.ie of Jan P. Vott. lute f rrtiiift ronng!i, mu-px-i Co.. pi. Letter of admniixirtiiUri n theaVYt ti? httviiiK Ixvu RntnltHl lo (hf iUt.lfri-'j.iKil t-y ihv pnafN-r illMtrav. u 'lie.' W lu-rWtr nixru Ut ail pr-iiti iittlftiuM u MMid t-Mule u ntjtkt imi-icii-at (tytnitt. iid tin liavtui; i-iuim Mi;ai!l the -Min. to ptvnt liin duly tnu.ifiitnuu,. r h-1-ttcnictit iu Sviiirday. Kcltfuiiry . l-7, al the rei dtnt' f i h Almi!ii-4.ruiur m lxtr TurkcvftMrt Tuwnnhip. in mid niuniy. NOAH WiiTT, deO- Adm.nlxntitrr. us i i-sTK.yr 'rs N( (tick. Estate of Waller T. sm. dupc wil. Inle of Jeffer son Township. Stiiaerst'l Oiiiiiit. I.,.. letters of adiiiinisiralion of the atiove asiate having las:D eranUsl Ui the uitdersimieil hy tne proper aulhnruy, notiisr l hefcl)r riven to ail ht Nons liifk-tHe.1 ui Mid esiale to make linintshate payinenl, and those htivhiK elatlus au-auist tiie same to present lliem rtuljr autheuilrntisl for set tletoent ou Saturday, the Mh duv of Kehrliury. las; at the resideuee of the Ad'tuinlMraiur in said county. . NOAH SXTT. BW.-V Adiaiuistraua-. JXECUTOUS XOTK'E. Kissoe of Jacob Custer, dee'd. late of Stnjreston n - lkmrtiirli, SuuiurMft Co., I'a. Jyettem h-ataiseiilary on the aixTe estate having lieen (minted to Uie urHlersianusI by ttie prunvr autlMSllr, Uutim im herehy mven lo all pi-rsons iwdebted to said estate to laake imroeiii ate payment, and those havtag Haims. aeatnst the same will present them duty authentiatnj lor settlement on Saturday, January su. issii. at the Met of toe Enxuur ia sxuyestotra Rumutth. U w. f LOn. MRS anJ Brcc3-e3 YeIvels' Ercc3M -aDl mm wifi MP TOffiS T- MATCB -rfve yon vonr money's worth. No PUBLIC SALK IN' IT USL". I phalli' ( V ANCE of an order iii-ti uiit 01 the i T' urt id ' SnmtTai-i rutimr. w. witlntltrr ai I'uui.c Swilf on thL pi'tiiniiH-s ai 10 o elm k A. M. ou SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, ISS7, the (-.lowing Ileal K4tc, sitnatt in &rtnerot 'loivuhii. .s.,mer.-it it .until), I cini-j Ii anis. late thc,..-op riyoi' ..hM..ry'.(a'.t! T eort Nr. 0 '" ,"e "I'lral-vnwiu iuii- I I fltl 11U C tammK-iiki) -tvci acre and ..1.1100.1 alio tiiiy-iive iHO-iiCf, adj. i inn; holds ol Jonalhim li.'yis, Siciinel loleni.in ami ol.'iers. It lA-lliy part ol the Jioiue.steiid lanil, all eleiir ami m a suae o. fcood eulutaliou cxci i-l alsmt eiitht aervsi.f liiuhrr land. Trss) M Q t'oniaiiiina one hundred and I I Uol ItUi O un a. re. and seventy si ..-ie..v -. a.ijo.ii.11 lands of K. .'. Welch, t'oris lian Keiu. ami olners. it Ismiii; a part ol tne M. lolier hirin, illi mIkjiu Mxty aerus ciear, the Lid nnee liiiils-r latnl. Trort Wr A ('""tai"U'S ix;y five uer.-s I I UUL Illa and one hlllidre.1 and lorty pelv o:-, aojooona trnel .ik. :i Hint iallds of saiu'l t'o!ciii,in and oliier.. It 's iuy a fwirl ol' Ihe M s toller farm. ith aisntl Iweniv aeres eleai and Ihe IliUiky in lini'icr, aud Having tuereoti erwttsl a two-stoty plank DWELLING HOUSE, and strtl.-lc. Tht.-re i : jJ.kkI Snar Oixuj. on tftii trai, t iiliimf Tkj itfc TMAf M K tiMiitttiiint-Aeiiii t!iir um I I uLl IIUi J and iweiiiy.tu.i n rcii.i. jtKiiitt ir.is.-t i uiifl iuml uf Km.iiuu l a;ut iHUt;rs, u.Mnt ix urn- i jcar, and i!ie imlaiiti in tlm'KT. 'uMctiuii givou on Ihi liiof Auril. A. U. 1HS7. TERMS. Ten is-r eent to lie piiid when the pnipeny is tn.s k'sl down, one-third of Isihinev on delivi-ry oi deisl. onc-tliiid in six monuis thereafter, mid one-Uiird in six months alter this piiviiient, with tnlerv-kl ou laith payuieiits Iniin l-t ot Aj.ril, Iss; S.VMi id, SXVDKK. W U. iloWIJY. Jec29. AdiuutXiatora. DMIMSTllATUK-.S SALE OK Valuabl:JReal Estate! BY VIRTUE of an oficrollc IwuK-d out of the tfrptiaiiM1 (.'ourt ol sSuiiK-rsi-t Coumy, ' , ii me mrvciwl. I will vxMjne ui imld:c sal ai Trvui FottUitlit;, on SATURDAY, JAN'Y 22, 1337, at 1 o'clock T. M . the follow inir Heal S-tate ol siiuiin:! FUteher, dee'd, siiuiue in Mnlnleins-k TdAUaliip, .-siiui-tsvi Count)', l'a paiileulurly de- st:nlsd a. lollow. Tfort Wrt 0 Containa n atnai and lt: I I utl ill, C iien nex, is all wood laud and atsMi. ,.ne ue.nir heavily tinitiensl with p ,lar. hick ,ry and .sit ; lue soil is rich, and Ins' iioia r,s-ks ; ine eloer half is ti:nhen-d pnu eilsili) wilil elie-tnill and ouk ; I he ruiiiona i l.t.d liHu l l ,flSk ulAMii, raiiuunt from sis Iu IMi lve leet iu thickness and woritsl lor many years, isi'.imeti u tin. tr.ici. ami nas tis-n dividisl iniuLas s.:rulie, and will I sold ass wiiole. or in lias. Tarm's "IK' ' ali in hand, and latlante lu I CI INC) t tao isjuai jvyiueiiu ol ix aud Unu- iu..iohs, with iiii.-r,-s,. K. I-. KIWI, dei'.sj. Adiar. ol aaiu'l t ieU'tn-r. dee'd. II VE AM) UW KUU SALK. 1 til 11 ut iriau sit'iv niv litms nuil bit .iv :ti Sitmrvi Tt. ii-liio. ndi.MiiiiiaF S!.tatr-'i Krso.'.). Tit 1 -t i-ininii nw mi to, mho on ii i 1.'H'i:t frame hoOM stub it mii1 irfiu-r suit- I buiidiioTi. Taisr:-ieI'MU.Tare mi ih-irem- ii . a 'o atMnu-ii. Hiiti a uuniiHrr of l arini; Iruii irte. Kr sanieiilurs, evil Mt my rotdt iit ,. A N A I. YOU can the at home, and make uutiii liiijin ; at w urk tr lis iinin ul niiyi,iii et-e ux tic wttrld. t uuimi mil lutilvii. Visu un Mu.k n.f. i-ib i.; a:! ;vjvs. Any oueeait dnihe work, l-nrtv ear)tuiv oru ft-iau the Mart, rcrtly ootut aii.l ivnua fa lletter nut tK-tuy : rtiKt Hi iioiliiitK ui ivtul uk ymtr addrt-a and Undent if von are wi. vm n-'ill do mi at onee. H. U aLLKTf A Co.. reriiatid, Me. dceiClvr. TOU'S XOTICK. i-i.t of John liraef, late of shmlt- Township, feoinersel Co., I'a. dee d Letter lestiuiieiuary on li.etsvt-strttehttv,nG; beeu irrantefl Ut the iiridersiimed lv the pro,r aiithoruy, in.ti'x- Iwreoy aiven ; aii g-crx.na indehted to said esluie to iaake immediate y inent, and th-ise havim e!aim r.ain.t the snie Ut present tiivtn duly auihrntleal.'d tor sellleim ill to the iiidtrsifinsj Kxisiiutor, reciting ia ud Toa tuliip, wilcoot delay . C. W. WILUAMsajS. Executor. vaiuu Real Estate boomj fob mwwJ-J- Si ! r j 0w jk'ioc.Kd 'pw2 'xx,'gx mm mm houl; lunilvj. 0)toH for c?ttr.tyvw,vqh on ilvj nc-;i train, wnWfW1 oiHorvivVo o eoon ck gv poowHy van. ow tie aioi-KJ ck'cxj a aood dval of monyty on what ijou ow. bwl o&zi YOUR FAILE TO PITTSBURGH WILL EE RETURNED TO YOU IN CASH BY KAUF1IAXN7, rrovidin( the saute Joes not exceed un per rent of the anxmnt of yottr ptirchasew TT TT .vZis-Jf riUil ty ! Must be Sold.! The Stock Formerly 0ntt by W. H. Wood .Vint If Stil'l, nml trr emi nJTir yon mch Itirijiii in RINGS. WA TCI1ES., CHAINS. BRACELETS GOLD PENS NAPKIN RINGS -fr,. Sc . ttc. as w ill pay yon to come and see these Elegant Goods. MAX' OF Til KM WILL BE SOLD AT LESS Til AS FIRST COST. CALL AND 8KK WHAT WE HAVE. AND GKT l'UICES. These Goods Can be Seen at the? DRUG STORK OK - C. N. BOYD EVEIIY DA V AM) EVENING VNTIL DISPOSED OF. B. & B. CHRISTMAS!! Tiiisinj'EMriKi: oFFnuiNr; orrsKH'L axd ! OUKAMliXrAI. UtiI.IDAi J-KKSESTtJ ANIIHAKGAUd bL'Ki-AafiltS ALL FOR M K 1; , isKASKiM. . Swtr aj'lr ftrUH Il irimhiti Im Uf mrfiit ; 100 pieces Eiderdown nr strip, d Jisev FVinnrls, :tsivuis. Imthv a -triiied siik Velvets. Ml e-.-nf halfprhv. Kieli suiH.-.l Hilk Velven. xoisl. at :'... I'lain silk Velvets. ,a cciim ami M : All Hie choice, shinies Fine Costume Suk Vclcis, illsck and colors, silk l'lu-hc all colors, il. M S and Uplos.:.j0. KiuejU-meli rival I'luies for Vrnj. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. Black and Colored Faille rrsneaivus.. Kvenlne Sliudes in faille Franeaiwes ami Khailaines. Ail lUealaiecat phi es Uiat slvw an important savins'. Dress Goods atSSeeuls. l'huii. all -.s.l, double width and fancy weaves. All wool mixtures. Camel's Hair. 44 inches wide, ., Msincli all-wool noatiini in sinis-s ii ecnls. l-arxe uiterimrs of l-'riMieti lircss tssls at jOe early season's price, 7." and si. Sew llelio troM! and iMIilia shades in dri ss iftssis. ew Kniudeloths. I'inraiiis in EiiKlish. rieoteh and Aiueriiau Suitings, Ul and in. aide. f'T)AK AND Kl K ItF.PA KTM KNT Seal Gar- melilll and Jackets. Fur UTillllued U raiw, iielils' ts al Cajis and I'urlutii.s, In-nu' Seal ,,l Heaver liloves, lKliea' Mulls and Uoas, lniies Sv-nj lll. Fur tiiiiimiUKs. all widths and tine ualiti.'s. ooat and liear cairiagu rohes. Ail ahoveat prices thi.l w ill interest yoti Thon-aiids of doiens Silk and I.inen Hamlker chiels. a.lk ami Cas.inere MuilUrs. i.euis inuial iUmlkcn hiet, hviusi.n-ried in I.inen ami Jatsv- llei riiiks. Ikillw.' andelillllrvirliatiilkerelllel cm.iee-l uooos and luii eat prices now miuw n. ART IRVIiOti.S HKI- VKTVKXT. or Fancy IlohiUy iriaals, now open audd.iilv arrivals add ed llleruU.. A visit ol Hi-peel on .iheile.L. ,elits' Japanese Auoking Jack. ; plain and embroider ed, at low prievs. 1 1 .t. r Underwear, l.iovcsand lliwiery, Fuoinels and lilankeus. Kider liuwu Couitorts. I'nissi i)lul vi ill interest y.ai. Write to our Vail Order Iicpartniem for samples ol above melll.oued barahus GoiaU sent to any addren lowi-J prlres, best Tallies and ati.sal't:ou iruuraute. d. BOGGS & BUIIL, ns. vt.mhm fsdebalstsiet. AbbEGHENY, PA. diss.S.-SB.-l-y. WORKING CLASSESTlu are now prepared to furnish au rlasse iwi ei ploynieni at home, the whole of ihe time, or li.r tneir spare moment-. Iliisincs new. liicht and profitable. I'er-uus of cither m easily cam from .Jk- to, perevi-niiixaml a prois.rtional sum bv deviKiiis all lh ir time to the business. liovsaud inrls earn nearly as niueh aa mm. That all who see this may send their address and test the bu-i-imtss. we make this offer. To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay fia- the trouble of writing. Full particulars and ontlit tree. Address Oxocus Stissos A Co.. Portland. Maina. dooZJ-'aS-lyr . mm M .s . siW Jh l-rtS? 5JS? t-as PRE wmfcy. ;v i n . . as y -t Tliofst.- flndinp' it inuossil!r? to po ppi-sonally can tiikc alvanta4'e of this nrand Ilolidny Sal by onlrinjjr the t':rls ly mail or exprr-ss. Kauf manns' li.'autiful Ilhisti'atcd (iatalo'v'ui and in-stnu-tioiiM how to ordtT 1(H will r sent rnitis, on application. He nure to -write for them. YYTHMT IT TiT - , i J UiTisCiii.:u (Ui Louthers Main Street, This Moisl Dni Stcrc is Rapidly 3:::ci.T7 arcat Favorite rith Fccph in Ccarch cf FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. Jlpflicines. Dye Stnfi's, Sponr(A, Trussis Supporters, Toiht Articles, Perfumes, S c. THE DOCTOR (ilVES ITJISOX U. ATTENTK.N T, , uMI WSIi,si; l)F ni m i . . . GREAT CAKE BEIXC. TAKES W t SPECTACLKS. And a Full Line of Optical raysiciaos rrescnuioi sucli a Iarjif iis-s-ovtinrii, all tan hv suitctl.' The Finest Brands of Cigars Always on liaml. It isaUnysa j.lt uMirc'io ilis,.lat , lir ,h to iiit 'iiiliiijr juilia.s rs, win ihe r tin t inu from us or ( -Im-u b.vip. J. IM. LOUTHER, tVI, D, BOOK STORE II Wimi AVAL. II. AVJCFCICV, HX)KSELLKi, SO.MKI1SET, I'DXX' V . in! iff.- and llIllLES tiamixis, IWOKS An Standard and Miset llati- ous Pocks ir, all D. partmtnts cf Li-en- ture, such as HISTORY. BIOGRAPHY, ALL THE POPULAR NOVELS. As well us t!ie fuvoriu- IVx-is, in a!! Styles an. I Blmlln- ANY b:ck in ths abeit IE flctly turrLin SCHO'.L BjOXS AND SCHOOL S'J. fL ALWAYS !;: STO.i'. . STATIOXEEY! The Pnbliewlll .ho find .full Aorrment f f!.at. bee!s,n to tliv etattouerv 1 wde. t. ': Urcat Variety of P.umk Hook-, such a- Ledgers, Day Books, Pass and Memcrandun, Becks, 7.V H7.777-V.' I'M 1 i:s Or ALL AIM,., Writin T,.l,let. J en i TI1. ,k. J : , , r in J .x,k, , , . I. , . . In. JVnc-IlH, IiiKk, A,.-., A.c. RASE BALL GOODS, CIlOijl'F.T SETS, F.T:. II, Tl Tills. FUMUIS. AM- M !. INCS OF JLL S011TS. I UK STOCK Of'Jf SI ( .V It LA SKS IS HtH.SU ,C coy Hill And have all been ears-full,- printed for i,-e ,,, S.me.-et t .a.:,:,. . .,! is J- ,. . .. . pa.1l.i.,. tom-spoudeuce .Unit Bonks, etc., is invited, and nil mail orders Ul receive prompt aiieuiaai. fir-STOHE ON MAIN CICOSS ST.. MINT TO BOY PS DBlU SIOIU.. Win. II. WKhl'LIlV. wCIE;TI2T3L3 fCslAPESTIM g-, m 'OvV&CQ f f; A 3 V 1 Send f;r Beautiful f .t f ' f rice Lict u Dee siena. i V j L-1 Circ-f.-rr. A A I is , ' . rc.-f . j. V f jll i i- -.i'l.VL' ii "er. --srn r, ' I y 1 A 1ST n 3 HiiiiJ'JTUti. tS-v-s--' Somerset, Pa. IS IF oxi.r FUEitI . 1 XI) rtEE ARIlflE". V.YVA LASSLs, (imnU alwms on IuhhI. - wi - 'i - l f.. ( ,,,. k ,tr IT WIL.L, PAY YO! TiJ KfV Y(1 It 32 v.yI JA!a U OlUi Wm. F. SHAFFER, yU'W l"ti.ier4,f .-.nd I. .ii ill HEIS III Inlil E'lil it'; ; V'-(, ...'l.;0 r-t -'f.-. '. I Ai, wai p ;u white ;;.'. lVrs.-,n ii, .'.-,t t.e t.ii i-t vwil.K ;ll fiuil it lo ihcii iii.eresi lo i ad at my -i,"! "" a printer snouii.;; Mill is- i;ivcn ;lui ' '"-' f.e:.--li -;,:.- ..-i ,s l.,r ! I . -i ,. ' )'' ' Eh )' i.OM. itIVitt "pi . ,al lu :;,.ol! :,. White Ercnzr. Cr PLrc Zinc Vontrrf n'.f liiinslie-td l.r l:tV. W. A. I !',!M'.s Ini;.rov.-.ne.'.! ;i. i,e I...1M .1 HVIil.l iN'-'n:l I'I't'lS. and uii . ti ' ,' -l ': the i'-.p.r.-.- l t"i;. r.- -tuf l"! s.:iirc tmiie. fliVE WE A CaU- ti .I"-!' ,' .1 c F. SUA FLU. J - Drug Store, n 1 n . ami v Hfinamlc