r Hera!.!. ..IV..- vl. l'r'- ri-1. roil-nt: :n. .'a...- nt I-yl M. an- l..tnl t- run-. , imiy ilavi- w tiii- "Ii t.tii.-. ii'-u.r- ol '. N. I'mvi: an.l lie ha'- HitT" art- j-arrit-' r tin- k ln-al i..n-i- an- a-.ini::i;r their a(iti::tin t ri-i- at- likciv i in' tiw u . : '. iii- jl.s Mrv A. K. VIA r-"iit. ( it- J: w.li .... I:-.,!, ir-i '. N. l.y.l. ! ' (: . Sf uti Tm Knit i- l.-.ru,. H -i.. J.r . Kif.Nroitii-I l.M Mi . T.-k. J W i: i. . n t- fc -Ni f.-r i'rit x I c:int i vt-r ti :ti ; ..u h .11 fiM-i ;T J. II. f-i ui '- ii'ryari! i- I ..'t W Jill. t.r fluit'.H'i.'s r.i- ! fi :-r. ! !:aHr air it w . -i! .ni't -if tln'Tii twf'rr J I. SnY!.- .. t- to rot a in'i li-niot: 'n- lV.:--l if t!;t- riiiitt 1 Ji'-:vi"i'rv lvii oii- ii . :;;r.-' ! ;: ,1 iit ijnant :(.? i .1 ut:ii. :: t!.-f hu . on Tib , of .'Azn- aV, till" !,. I-.- ..i .:- t Ii i - 1 tj- h.- lU'riit-v. at hu.t in.vh lit V 1 . 1 -1 ai.'I U-t lint- ttf 1 iiity. XI a !it- i;?; ot .. i.-am t iV. I; wiii .. i-a '.1 .-...! -Mf' thrill J. t!. SVI'rR Mf:k(T.-Wf liav.- jiK aii-i a ;.j r.iti-r our M1;! Miarkrt. :n !; ii.r.t U k ot op an! Hrai. v. '.,1 Uti. i k V .. k"i 4in:Mantiy o;, . IVrtir- boyiin niral va t fnrt raior ri-tii kM': i: ptvi- A . u- r.' in w t. k .-'Hi, !a4 kn-. N. ii'.arkt. t"iruUir'. ' -V' . a;, n. w-f Myh- .iii'l a! ihr Mu. A. K. Yul. k i.-i- of Ir"- lnl. - - ut-. u-i.t;:' tr-.tn l lip. -i ." i-t ii'. "4-iii.-ii Triot. i Hair ":-;h at!-S a-htm-n- nl a ; iItlplr . .f Mk.. A. F. I'kl. - Il' t p'i.ui Iikt- ill !!. i u T:trr:l of ch-lb- 1 i- . :. 1 irH i. r ; tJ r- ! -t ri'-ihin t-r a I.,- . i.e' aiite-l olinly II I in- a 4ii and II'.s ei.-rl!.liij ;.. l-i s; i k. ' 1 su vt. a uf .;. a .'.'...: l.:iiii Uiri! H i.i "r l-'r'' I ,.! ii. Si., k l.i" 1 Ta s4 I' - V Is.T: 1. - i .j.-. !::i.:y. I o. K .V Ut t HIT -.M-!'i-e -1 a. !..!!. 1 '!"!. -ti, J.-.. ic.f la-iiew.-.t !.- linh ... i-i Jit k ii : ! i rt! i il al t-r Ui-lio. Mi an- Mu . K. i';it.v i '-,,. t-r iii-ht are n- r i .T ;UM the if :.- il f h f ii' r i-. r 'it :i;ik:,:-r tia- ;;:m- S t .""Ti,ili2 -miif ;r:M .ij.iii m- v ht-n the .no r w,;.! !;!! i.i r !t-'.i-- in' -y .o:ir.: .ii a fit ir .in uhi-n njKar are :n t rry: ;.iv- i. in j u I in 'TriVt-'ii nee an i atiiH-v-,t I!:;:- !al r on u-it:i; ar..!;-i -.')- ut vi -y t I ( T if -t that . d "in. h :i . n- -i-w-d ( l-.i: iOt-r We ;;i"T a- t - !-v the h i ' .ru:.v " A: and y ' " i :.fdtd" " a::.:- " 1, - ?1 lr . A I,kije:t4. "s :.i. fsi t. 1'a . in- 1- Tii f lijuntiiL.-ri-.lu'i.'ii wx. ail- i.-n--! Iy ' ..- Ai-i-iit is tiHs-niti- r.iiin-uti--ii.'f Wy-itii- .-.illliTV : -Lr'Jrr-i. Ti.nt III- J-i-rHI sili.ll :'-ii !. i. liu- it.iiiri;tif'-ii foraiiv isinty tli.v titiW lr sl.all a siil-s riU-r t. i s iit.--r.iiii jiiij.- j.nhfi-lH.I in tin- i-i'Ui.ry f Wy. -mirtir atnl sl.all furnish saji-s.ii-tury evi i n t tliat Cut. ami tliat t!r tv.vi of au -:'! ait.i iKililMi.-r uf a m-tiim-ratM- vivr i.:tt .'ii-l. a .-aii-li iriTi- is a s-,iiw-ril.r aini i-f- rti-r ui I-ni. ml;. rtit.liiaii.ii in tiu-"-.iiitv sliali satistai-t.w )n.f." A i-i.a. ' Wt -a- oi in town it u ill psy ; ii inpi p J...iie p.. Hoid- rbaoi:"- Hani- - -i ;.-, it'.i'l t v-amiiie 4.!- :im o -.r.ltitf --.. ft.tt--i:t. .j W;m iKter t'o-t. and ', r I! tlt. .l...I.: ami nr.i-v nrvr-!i- 1 , , . i ;:.! ..rt-iiui.s. iI.km-1. ai.l-u.-.l- iiijcu.'- ' i-?.r siM-iiins ri.:-.i-. jtnruhr.-s, I'-w-ir. s.-,,4. t 'aj. i'riii.. r-. liraw. an.1 1'a-r M1i-.I1. :i. V.l. an.! W:i.l-iii!Ur : Ilus Jh'j Somerset iii'l i-j-i.-v i;.-i4ia4.1iii(; T-s.i-. I'ow.k'r 4 ; the ai t.irs who are n!!e to sway the eoni- i h. Flask., liuti-h.-ks. l'inn-le. !' k.- ; ti. ar,-! tin -i.a 111 u.e entire i.tk!i!,..n an -i!' 1 s... !rinLiiii;-i.i. ;.fr-w'-:.J. 154- , wtftklnv. 11:-nn.tiy friemls aiu! .lniitrt- ', y i - mi.isue, T::r.. v .'..!;.. inn k - . ails. J in the vw-iiiiiv .l" N.w York hojn di have , I'-.irk-iaiiimis. ai..l tv. vih:iij.' kt A:: a : tl-h-asiii-01" wjoii sr-iue him ly i-rj the j t.rs!i;i. il.ir -aan St-.i- ';i!i ami , J ifi-ai nKtn.H. .s. ldw-l Srtr. i r..ninT v. m wish lo Ikiv uriio:.' j Mr. t""tKr wii! nitwir a? tlie .".nerset ; Ja li. 1I-.1 ..i.iUiU . j 'jura 1 1. .ue. WeiiuosAiy evvninff. kto- j No. 3 liaer 111., k. .Sniiersn. Fa. fberanh. A tt I'.rtH.tV fci rs - i..".i. liir--s w.--4'--iit-..-i ir . J. lii:ii' T- -i. Iiriiij.. o;t. ir; Mr. las'. :f.I A. H'i'-kii W l" ik! ansav-wi"'l ..ti tli-kle til'- -:llV -f - it,l ran ii!;r-M tiiat ki.i-.of.lv:. ; ss-ieru! j.Hiiic i-rili-tiH-ii h-ft . itrie1 n th.-r tiif-y Tm--s.,.y n ii(.4f to viit Iks. - f'.trl ai.il l-. lijt i!.-e fair. 'iij.ky. the IitT.hiir.-li . i'tlhit-r. j-rt-s.-ui.sl I4IU-S. Oil. il.iV Ta-i et-k. Tiie l'r. i his. S. V.. '..ti li-. iwiti-hilut' for tot-ril.ir. i!l in the t'oiirt l li-lilH. H-u.-e. ih... Tins.. Tin- ii.-w t'ri.hi.-n-.ill -at .f t.w U-ni-lory of Taint t.'VWsl.ij. . iianw.1 yle. by I is.urt Tii.Uiy Kt'rnnn. iii.-tUml of t 'i.-ai Si.fl, as rip-i sutsieii. Mi. M..r.!.al Iiu.i-.ii. Mi Kaunit llf, ami Mr. J.Mtu F. .'.iviny-.-r an.) ilie. of S.m-ers-i. Io-'h s...-e on the early ni..riiii;jr ; train u.--.jv I if I'.iiLa'ii. !ii:.ia. SL- i v;r:j. r- Uft I'-r l"S!:-l.iiryb :i lU ii:iH i. ?ra:ii 1 iit'lay ntonm; w-.th fr-'-. il. fliar;- .;o n ltli-iwvl fW'tl iff Ist r-I otuury ii.ir. will iM-ip ur lir-H i -wr ; '.4- I .it ' HTX JLi'. litr' U.t.flUl.'- . i .uJ-r 'ui iar.-.v iti in lit ti. riu- ;TIt Ihi lit .'.IJ'iTfirtr in n ti.u :-. .-r. (i-iiny. of J.i!iM. wii. :ai- a '" r-vi iif . i e fit' N l'x ! i. i - Jin n. .vii..:--!. nc..; litii. w ;Hi a :i--a-ty t:'ii!iiif-r o ji.nr. -dii-tr a.rul ;i in aTM-tnia;:' . -'ourt i.il.kt.-iy ot ia -i i i t . it- t-i ; rx t k . - , I'uiiit-i V. I--!-! r tK t !iarf vf the- Jt j i at i-!. FrliJay. Iv Mi"- Sarah Juim f 1 1 v t Tin- r.i r'iI f'Uifiy ! up- i:.f'm-.i, w;l! -ti.;tiy irett a -Taiirii h-v.- uu-l t-!..ih-h a tu kt-t oTStr al lU tli i. M a-ti t 'ImT. of Mcy-rU!r, l;i-t .Man li luu- n-;i:EiM. j if '-ti'VTt-wu. st-.-oii-! oi ) iitm- of iin t'i a(:i.i::H'iit. j J. 1.. Hippie'. : t...- li-t .11 !i.. iil ttili 111 ali j.rohah.hiy In ; v-n IjUf 1 ill. Mir : t'l 1 R KL1 oiita;niiia '.it- ai - i xtv la;.- A. li. rii!jion a- c.v- luiii-tfl tUy ai':tjr llK'aiT a- i-?attL a;:.M:iL:lt wt j ii:t:.-.I i-ilt.- a lar- nuiotw-r of ci;r:L. VV- arr -.-.rry thr amiioi tm- lua.-.V r-i' r-. .i:iv- nit'iViL A mi i' l'(ilav ut r- ii -oil to tin t 1 :.k.i o a-!, hia Lit r in :fi T'n- ol. I i;: ii a ' K. I. Vutzy wa lay a n'ljtra-'; -1 rrv r:T;--ai .- n lit i n t hi- i.niti vry al'rt-ia- in I'r-in.i. ani hi frit-n i arr ;r In? hi- r-.rr-. HitiuiiiJiou fit f--i I riaittifl will k't'p Iht-m rally t" iMiiT u i il.t.iV all'! j'rVrllt it tarn.-.- fli'-!. lei: '1 i:ivi!n it to t i iv f'r thai h- a!i-I '!vii:' l; Miuliicti iu p i!t!.. tit ii;t it'i-iit if I'Ui'I". ih-tar-. Iia i-:t-J a in-uiar to Tr.i-!i..ri o! th- tta. h'r. !hm v.t i!m tu oi ur t i.t-Miii of T-.tirxIuy K-t-U-r a "Arl-T I'ay." :ii: ! ak fir i :t ir ai-i an-i riu-Hinu' Ti.ciit Mi t arn t1 ou; i' ohji-:. --- - - Wailaii A - rip !'- hihi! lit TV FH Liv aini iravi- a v-ry ;-rtirTiiauv, hoth aiu rno.ii ait'i ivtn.rn:. tiwiiijr tt the- Vrrv tiMtl aii'l ut-oni-raT'lf witin r tit- a'ttiu'aiN-v xa nt u:rv-. Thr-roi in twn u:t. :!it Miia''r-t that rvt r n titfinW r iirn on " i-ir-- la .'" M-.r. t!,r -.t' ri'r.rt- t Mali (1 "t la-t . i.;-'l.t:nt- 10 !.:t '.in1-!;-': aniay. a:i'I ni- ?it ih- him-irt'. Mii'i vj.iTy iH-v-tit;.- lt i(ti-iiM a ill !n- a i 't--iiti'r l.tii'i ii',; '!-. A: ntt tla-n .a'-iv ini-r.-a- in -u- i i rr l i-u't'iuan-. Tin invii-i'i:v ."'om -a-; "A lu-ou'-I:. ;Ui in.-.- (in -li, I'! i hi-I'5 iit lrw;ti t ij Fri.htv in uli!. t-.' r Nli. rtn-. l-avt r. l7i , i.-. 'T;.t-. ar. ! ' "'. Norri. our taii! ur ! u-af - n tin- TaU vi:.ti:t. ai:! Tn-i-!-; J..hn --?ia. f Uilt'tnl. tin j-T.-a. Iu an I. a.h iti IV im-vUaiiia u .11 U- 'r-i nt anl a- 'r fit- riht-t 11'. ----- The Joh!ton 7".'"" a?:- A !arj bia-k l-:ir h:f b w u eiKoiintenl me e k ;u! n -be A.h lu h'w fear I - i Ki.'ih. by Mr. A. II. Ii"ya-. and vr.iU h r-hU-d .r'lik' h ' and tnntb htni- f tiii Ji'taiili v,,t'''r'liiy in th;tt t.-!-'hl"r1.to'l. ha? at la.-t eTiie t h-f. H w -hot mi.t k '.Inl nar I'iI.i- a fr la;.r. inr by -'lilt hajii" h w rr- ii hi tr.i'!. He d-e el Thre liundntl uud. Ta iVoiibl-.-an .ik-riiotial "-r;f f -r ti::. 0 - K'h .I'-tn- m.-t ajam at the S"n:r ! !l"ii- liaday ,- ' i:.:).r ptid :::b r t.ikin !) inrtye.-VMJ !i!"t adj.'timd tt iiiis- at !" "! ' Vt-.:i;-"i;.v Tui'min-r. Tb-- "i it-Id i!.'i i-'i Vfh."ia . :hnv Tbnr i,a and ihni- KrMav. o- k.d : i'. ak:i .it .;Mh -i.-:: T-a e M. -:: .-H iave l-n t.:k !i Ui a!i. u Ud;t n-tot:l.if in irivitsir i-tthti i n- t, - ainpin-il :l:re. :it-ii-k. r I!. nr. a:, i --lil th'e. Al tlie Kr'd.-y -veiVM T! a..dt i h-t to ad- )'M:m id . at.:.! :t tu SM' ' lloti-t.-at 7 . elm k T...iray i.u.a 'trt'i'1 fv o'i Mr. iKmirl J. UhmMi. of Paint tfW'i-I. t. !-.,Ib-l 1" e ii Mond:y tii-trn;!. and v'"-r..-d tht fol'owiiit' ! ry of tiie wotidt rf'.l e' j;- !.' ; i r t ! f .nr-yeitr-i I ! j:rand-ti !n:i-5e from a iolt ,t dt-i:h hist Turhiy. A larjv ('..hr-h-.r-- wa-n bwied fi-jtli r h:i-.- td btji. ! V. t T;.!ihii: in fr-:.t t.f h!-!..ue ii II"!!k-i. Tia. riiild ai tevnptttt to hand a jafT ! ant!H-r eoild ; wittt a on -:.e r.:.'-n. p !c ti the Jn'r-r pade a udd'ii -tart, v hit it k'i'-kfd tla ; thild ilo ii mtd o'.if o lia. inniiciH' wairon h-l ja.--d i;-iL'!i:iiiy o--r hi t 5m!-'. TLe aattn an-i e,:iTfiit!t n i-.-::rl in the !v-i4-hh"r:;id tf to it-y. The !:rh- &-Miw ' a U-rr'bly .m-h.-d -jii1 waf t-airrietl into ; t la it -i!jf-L a iiti2Ctndi- ; ti- -n. Si ra . i lai he : only .'trim I Ut the hetr ; -r a hrt t :im. ami io-sW y i ; ni'nmr aroirnl iaj';ir i-tl a wr!I avt. , Mr. Jann w en t'i Mt.tr. tlw popJii ir jiihl . Ctorite triiretl'an. i ar :r of wii.it L k'e wnatht "natural --hh" I:i affine - i frt-e fmm etl' : ambtliat tni for erT-.i. eharaet-.-n-tir of t he niajrity t" T?:- thru- rtral pntie-aoii lie a! o:v wins tie tu- 1 jtati.y ttf his auIi in-. Hfs aim i. " to hold ; , the mirror up to nature," and be Mjuvett to ; ; air extent that in it le i-xe-tiiiiirly prat1 fy- ; iiurto hlnis If an-i sjiti-faetorv to his audi- i . ;j .t ...i..n. . m V.. ... i t:- rij-M Mi l r. :.. k!,l (l.K nr. - iii a ih o niiiir me totiii. . unrot pi iiiij puoitt fij'nwi hi - raler. Mr. 'mor made a ven tievfii t our ftvlin j.. We tl-nSre take thh mht!i ; tour of the We-t ia?t u-n in U-iuirl, Offai- j .-I of Kiviiif; tliat we art; extremele happv : ., I?',f4ir tr in a hit h tu- i.l:ivtl tfi n'tt.. ; . rtiis i ;.!. .-,.1 l. ';iv Hi- al. f-n..l ,l. I a? faled the : nievof I'Umdr Af.wc and Sitd0-k u the j entire atisfaetMti of the !ar a '.id it imvj wht ; tiw iiinise.l ami n.- fsr.-m-ii e-ni-ujy a- . ar in the al-..-nanitl l rttire. Pi the rr.ry rt N-(i.ni:T in-wain sanm hhi i- - ii ' on an rV.-n.l-il tour, an.l is snj.i.ii, l.r a , sin.I:jr (.,, i.W hy ww -in! .iant i Mt-i-ni" a i.l I3ia.rii:rs;ii isisiiiju. Jt titu t ! tnithfuliv of him that 1 i- one of ; Otwntnst of the tamua gn. .. li.-jttMk.ifc- i-ii.aKT..' f." c f.ii: cai;"?t y .n Tna,- pi'::j la ti1 ."'urt ilor ;al I'-'-iay t-vijintr. V . il. -sj;i-.".a-:iunii .D -f itr iJUty o:i- n '. t-aluil uiwiir.p hi f"lt-r b" ha if- Vi:!1 O -..K.-k.. a- -ir-U-l TlMi-iit ii lk luoHiliz at.! k nij.;.r!ii ,r t!.c foU..iii Viif rt-:.trj-. Il ri:. V.". .". M...tim. Jni.vr; Via. li. l'ria- . .HtwrfK-! ;' J.ihn H-.-TT. M:Hra : A. i'. Ii-!.y. K1a!ii ; ;. I mm-. i;Mif'rwk , Jai-ol; 1. Kaiiritian. I urtr ma'.iii , Za ti Miy .! -, ii. K--il ; I 'lriMUiw Kf-.-r. i Tuiktyfooi , Aiit Wriiit, M..iyr.-ni-k : T. . i. k, Mkih-; S;.-ntn-l F"-.. S.in-r-t ; W. il. J-!i-r. yu. mai...Ti-:!-: Wiii.t.. Lint. McyitvlaK-; .1.-- SHck. ia.l.-; J-.-rvmiaH Au-.i-iof. AiiiiiMi , !-osi.-u; iiakrr. J.-tli'r--a. crrrt,vu U A. .-iiuih, M-yrpl.-M-: A. iv.moihu, ij.m rvao. , i ai. m. . V. SrU r. ?ttiyMo-i. i':wi.,JUr o .WJimi-Jnu k. S-tull. X. B. I riii lifrt l'l, SiOk-r-c ; K. H. Intil. I-r!ia ; B. F. Snyder. I rsuia ; . ll. Barnhart. t.h- liiai.i.i.ii-, J. 11. Fritz. Soruer?-!. oi. p. h. tia-TiXot, .-... miiru a niirr. was the hr-t si-aker. In a aim h of ai.'it " - x " --" ot h: aathtij.e. quite ltxi.-i.tfy iu- t.'m.jiltii :.ij.iaii- wiicn hf uirtH' a i"C- ijily uu:i.r his. He ke vut tioiKy aui niii'iiiy n the Tvid-.iik q'!itivn. tak inr' liiii'-U thtr aiiit- otTim on Thi 'lUijNUl a.t .jiii-iiMn tiiut itiri.I Ik-avcr iha in hi- iKiriy u. rijiiR lit ignore liit iiM.it wituc i j it i" ut n-wihy t-r iutiv op.-l to tvoijK-rjn. li- ar.iip.'Mti tin iK:irTa:u: u-lnii;i:tra!i'Mi tr ii ttuoi uivi. tn vhr joli ty : .-j-iiki- f thv. dji-:iitii-;ii oi' ..lis J& k f-ll, tilt ij 11! Ht-T t Lite liUiil liO Jlilli-'l'Til 't.rl. KiL-ort.i. to a r.--'itiiit;v t''iiiiK-;it 'iK"(i. lie Miii-uivl i nuti'iit I'-vt iaml U'T ilS Vfloiit I'.'J Mi.n uraiKii; iion- iu I :i .u ;.b i--: io 1 A.tij u I'-wi:: li t. nMii-rai leaver. S ;;;ttr livitM. ' a.'i l Ikouimv ot li.t? cuiiiii'iatv" ; tin- u,Ti-tu Kct, Vi. n!i-i:ij i t m.'ii' i. v;ti . hf:n;j luaii, .taiit:;t ov-r !(ix it in U'w. IIjvh tc'liii J-kil ill ttii' a!r. -KMT :K lAVjf-.. ttilu'lliM -JuaWtT, mint i;tti-it!-U !lf tti tio! iti lrri .r i-ak:nj.', f.;i ut 1 tra .ii a um t ii.u- on i.i- .iy i ii:-ntatt-triat wa.- nt-; hv j lia- a.uli-uv. t v. j. kooKit, t-.. lo!!ouii tiiuli.r iavi- in a iari j- ii i it : whlrli iit t-iiart i.'kt t.'ii. ntiv Mrty H.tii laui:.. lo kr at:v i It Oa-i"- or n.!;il ,t:i il proiiii-- aut autwimiiA-a tha iii nr j i..t4i tiie fio Hon ol lin.rral U-mt r j in i-J for riwo:.- wai U he Jul not m u .; to ta? iir wa iifaraiy him no 'U; 1 i-an.e--: LV "tar T fr hi. iti t'n :ihut 'oi!'.i: i'ttiow-! M:- fco.,-. ' i'i i a hri-f htit .anii.-t aj jal l ali lii-tidi -... f to !lj ailtl -i 'ili U.iii UlfTitiif U:t. r.l I ir , no rt to tiicir t or Muin'i.T t- ; uir vv l.iL tiii thr flirtiit:i vaor aiui ;h. tuti.v i r. fUhtU..n tir-l iritiiisiftiaroiy t!o i4fi. i !if r.Mimiiit v oi rv-tntiii throiii:ii ; tl.t-ir c;ia;iii.ao. i-t irjr Ii. vuii. Ks-j.. tlnu ; n-j-.r?.-i tin- foii.iwitic n ?-u:i(on w!i, h ; v-,v nnaiii:ioii-! al-jH,.i iy ;I,t iiitv.iii-, : Tim-lit j'uhtirat. oi S.,':nr-t ("aii'.y in : ("liuty i.ut ii.i a-:ii"fi'J prvvs.-nt ! t.'.r : i-toi-1! ti,- ,t,mttv an-i la ."-Taf- l - ' lA!iu r'Int;":.. iii'l ra.iw ol m.-ir tnti . ' i;'!f-. a;l i tik.-;r lirfu U-t'-rraiiia. i u i : ttr tiir (r!iK-:.U- ti(.u t.. ir funiirr n tht- l"n Inm: oi thi- UaU:e to p: k.U il; No i v int-r iu vt. ; 1-r. t tir:iia'!y artirrn m ii fiit rvfy. tit- (.T.iiioriu i.t r.n-a.' ai ''ri-i ty uk r.Tiit ' llrj-uhhi-ati r'tau- i.v.itiii. ! 'o. Wv an tor trii-?-E oi'(-.n f j r -! ! iioit to tatNT'sf tai-o'UiiTry, uTi l on- (n.!t ti'tn f hytti. iii:i'it.'n -jf iini.-Wi t..vtr tt litiinr ta;"r aiii Oi riiuii.a;:!. . a-.iir:J U'n'irn tiiNr. ttaot n '-. jii al of tht jit- nl t;.r 1 iff. aini ititt l ,i to - i-:- tiit i-fia' t- turiit t-f any t !: ttv tnti lr!i a I St- ;.r--f nt i lU'trraTir tt;i"t.- j-n-j-; to fa-Tvti ; iiion u-. lt!i. n.ra ixii'11 'i'ri-i-to f.i-r thf ;n-ithiMn-f tliv i-oj k- tf tt;t I nittii '.au- aini 1'ia'f I ! iti'-l :in- a'f.vr anl Uaooo rnnit:tioji with th- p;uiitr laior of Kuri . all,. U t- .-V.' -w- liiat tiit- only . iu . -n of ; ni.t-tin n-laiiiii: i the- pn-l ii-ition -t ! thf iiijiior trahr. ivw ;uriia!in tla- inin.t ! mai.y ol tin jut (a' -! fir t'oinii-(oiraitli. i.ii-i-t nt Ait.i 1 1:. ts-;;nl a lit (. ui'luan jr. 'Vt-niiiH'nt. i- f"iini ut i: -tioin;i't;i to a ; ..tv oj thf twtij'tf. ai.tl r thvr ! i!i"-t ' ln-.irtily iio'tr the ii,:.-ti o! tn iiottoii- : rail tatr oii t!iHUi lh -ar: to l!ji ; J'l-ii'!l. oih. We r--i.T.i.- in tifitt-nii J..: A. : 1 av r. the Ii ( -.;k- .ti n-'tinii'- i-r "-. r- ri4ir ar jr.m.l '!;iuiita!i:. 'n ' i::i!!.'it "4Iilti-r, tin- an-"Tnitiiitt-it j isi' ina!. an. the trnr r'r.-tiita-:vf of fU)H;hii-:;: pniirijii - ; a):! e l!'"ri-v J.ltii. tupt : : ie eery fi.thnt!j fhtiion. iletL.'.iii: our rbtr: .v'tr- hi ir i-r t'Mii!r;e that t iit i- nty .ie i iii.rn.-r iii not it ;t Lwoi ai: "t !h'Hi i:t hint a r-j - r i i.a!.' tn;j-irTtv v-it- they will ta-i. 7th. 'i hat : ; aii other .aiidi-l itf. m ht t.Ue tirket. iiaineiv. Lieut ria:!t i.'X-eniur. Wm. T. I-avi.. A-tb-rt.eiierd. A. Wilvi. Nrri. t retary of lnt-nial Aih.ir.-. i lioiaa J. Tt w;trT. and ' nn-.inati-a.-iairje. K ! win i.nie. Wili trk i ?. tiii"til:v aiiti -ii(ifri a hniy a- u- v i'! "sir i :.nd -d.iif r'-rii.o ri.r, ;;nd tr i.itii and lu in wt w.i; p!l ii an .,i.i-Ta-..itr:ed Sj:iet -t etfim- tn, ui -rite Tie iintrtntH tf eleeiin oiii ;ate. i ol:iviona!. S-ii. ori.d, !-e!i;;i e and t.i;".::y !i ket e t aiitHn tt sntin.'!y im;. :-. t;.Ii t.;r t i!..w i h.a-n-. and we W'tiihl. tlwrel.tr-.. )-';' tfuiiy e:irrtit even liij.i' lirati TAit.,:!- i 'k- not- tf .ne?-ot eoun'v t" v.te af the elet'tittij in Vi.,rr.iUr nM. and tti vJe ih nSte li (-i. t. ii .m !n k -I. Stale and mity. &:Th".t A-rM-. h.n-a i:i:ie naiue. T!n- i.iiv.'tm "ft a. a n:w-t inhtii;ifie i-.t. 1 i.t.-iti:.itMi oil.-. idTh'ftdit-w'n; t" ;he v.-:y d:?n:iii.- W-i.iia r tin-: i.i aft llh.'iT Vi.- ' a- iar."t- a !t i';i;-:"Vt .ii;'i !iaV Ui ti Tin. eanii jirn i. !. Ia y ojh-'h d a?;il tiie oji.Tt. auJ ir w- ! ftr at: :nu-i:a:-ly iar'- Ki-piibdrau tit;j-.';Ty iti -niei---t OttlllltV. S'gnificant At a n-- n na . ; So. A. 1776 Figures. : "f il.'P. : lOilllilH i i reen;.on rut ufoin thank ai! Hb .'a tieA'-ta k:t..liv and ifS -tin rt t. m.. in roi,!y aiMe.l in tr.m on FrliLiv. maK:im ' e r. fs-pt mitt I . k:Iii a hu: foil-wii b ;h a r.ia I ..;e.-e, wy." p:t.--d iit. i ft';i a !.. d tf;:iT t!:e .ai al r-j-rt U- iiiadt pub:;e : IH. 1 it- & 0T 45 . 16 15 .1' li 7 v ;.ait rtiTrintiU'y i Uy Ut-llM.- ptH'h' of o:m r-t M.:.t-A eoiiiri' uu-.i t !-! NI l' fN l j.."tfe-ioriat ni n Mota- fuZiUtuni hj httieb ami ti-.-ra hiUe - None! fiitnMitfI e ihjtf-it uf S-jiatT- Mom t eontr Lu;d I le litis nK ei:i- i-n- of .m,-r"t. Morn en:huil t sjri. it amp x.rtiJ'of Vfu rau I.Tiian T.l - I a-lt reaiirett fr.fn irn ai 3 " rto-. tKk. kllh . ?Mt. Ki:Hl. Af i Hi rt-aiizei fr-'tii ifi -i;rjsi'j ritritv. eTa- kt-rv. plate. Ait ?C 'Z 4raiil UaI l:Pr:M;7fKI-. For p -.-.ef -itr'tt.. ta: N-iiery. jKi-t aire. U inrara- pr ii'me ..-.. V 1.; r'or haiu t !! ta!ie nie?-:i- Ac Lit r'-T rijur biiiiiiair. Uiu-rii.ir. A;t ... CI tiet oTaoin; cuuit-T-ju anU tnu lot T lat;t... - ... I.unttter. team, labor & iretjrk. tkl 4 1.; Halanee turtK-d over to purt fund- 1 71 Tu . i; Wotitd le rrov dereliet ;on of duty on oir j.arl ti rv eiii-irattt!altil by si many upit the M.ixfs.-ful m:uuitmeiit f thi rrU!iioMt hteh bn.iiht norther the irniitt numU-rof i.rfi it- in we ltit(trv , .i . . .a. -. i tt : -. i .w-r tt.f .-ltH.ti- i .tt t'i. ,Vi- .- 't ..l.i;.i.. ... .i... ..I .. . l-.l.- i atidition to the atiti tf the i-st as a Uly, j nurn thanks to the bu:iK-7. j-ople r 'f.- i..tia! tiKti. jnpriri f In 4 U and op rn , tione. ale I ail ittlier rttijp tf -iiK'r-ef ami Vhiuity. who M.ntrihuteti .iberar'y In mmiiv. i-iKi-ari- Mad tde issi.k- nt lli . , town am surrtMiiu in tsMintrr whounvr s. ; oheerfuliy n.l ,.entif;il!y .1, rovx,.i. a,Ml 1 thep.Hl iafiiesi ly win wirliftr htsirtr. J at.J rea.ly Imu U mi iv-s as nilr iir. A , thousand tl.-anks. frratitii.k - to all. A. t. I.tw i. M Va.s. H F. Ktfm t". J. II vkkisov F. F. Koostx. H. ki... - , an.! itBW. witn iastme j 1 n, han(re M-h ul.l ho.J I-joki. vju , el ani t-a? rtiiitinutsl. I -f i ...... 1 1 1 .1 1 .... .. . r . 1 V. M. Si UK. K. JoHX IL HlVlsiS, it...! 11. L..VI, W.H.s!it. U. K. V. Uui, I' J. H.iuu. Manairi-rs. j Court Proceediags. ' Ai iflw iirt s. lukfti il: t:;- I rial '! C iiuioi:aj:iiili t-x-.-. Ni.-ai tiirlit j "t-t w ri- bvl'L m.ii cimrt m ily-uru j until a latr Ijoiir ,S:liinlay niglit. All lliv i i vii nrp. - or-, (lnvn iir Trial mrtr m-t- : or i-"rt:;inml. Tut H'tiowinz 1ijjiti..Mi , wnf ;ujk- of ru.i iw Jin- ininmai rI- eii'iar : lommoiiwi-aiili v. W 'itliaiii Xkrly. T. j I;., on ii,Wuu;iin of Mary t oie; J ttm i -ui?n-l on piyiuMit of cvt3 by :hc 1 fciij- nt. Jmiim- vs. Wiliiatii H. Wcinu r, U., o i iiiiiniiaiioti o, Mary t ". M. N-ar ; mt prumyit.u tyimta of -.rr-l.- tv k'tt'liiiaill. fui- li-- l"!6 r. .lL-auri-ing a tt-li-r.ou k-H:ii. ti tiilorni-iti.Hi of William tiili.t-rt; nn--t:ii-i. on mlornuiioii ol H uliaiu (iilnrtT : v. nli.-t not jrnihy. but oVkii.iant to j-ay tl- Sanie v..fliuc. A. A 1! , on iuformatioii tf William t.ii'mrl ; ventii-t. puiity of a.-aauit ; : m-iiu-ii-xmi to iy a line oi i tuitt oks, ana : enu-md to imv a tine of l and and ' utHfcvrjro an annsoiiim-iit in the cuuuty jail : 6.r a rrioil tl sixty Jays. Same v. namt-. -un-ty .4 ;Ik-t-iuv. on iu- ton.iaiiou of Williaiu ..iil-rt ; ear .limii-- e-1 hv the t'ourt. i allle vs. Aibert slairter, surety, on iniir- . UUU.011 ji xiaiuia.1 .uaiivr ; K-t.!i.iaiii sen- tni.e.1 to enter into a ni-oiniizau.'e to keen i-r; - 'i tdf nl. Saint- Henry lH.-rkty, lnr sti-aiin. on . mf"rruj!ioD (itn of Ar.tiia krinjr : vetrlid guii- : im-twtie and tfervfire U-tt:llin ext-eVilinlr jn tliat have not !- l:fi. or hit Unit ! i fr a itt-wtnal tiiil. Uinifiwru: U tin? taJtwyer, i-alital fforv j i4utkl by our liiuie tAutntt hitherto for ! an m TL.rw U'' .iv.i ...... a.t. i iu tJit- ( 4n ii v ( , nim i riofi-r. ami li&vf flu-- ! r. . ;.i j i"'1 tv ; Rlol Same s. Tiieit.rr Weyami. di-senioti. on iul.-miati.4i of Marv B. Wevaud : iwtu- on.vtiirt:-itei. ' Same vs. kufus Hirii, A. A B. with in- .... . . . j t f - o-ui to ts..utuiii rae, ou lniu.fiiaiiou oi iajt- rit A. toU-ma.: : verdict ginliy of assault and ia::,-ry ; di-kiwaut did n-.t appear t.r sell- t. is.e. ai.d his recopiuaiH-v was lortVitisl. . . Same vs. llwirv t . Bii-ker. am'U!)I con- i.-ahd Heais.iis. on iiiforuiatioiiof N. Caton; 'rand Jury return uot a true bill and ilie l-io-ccuior to pay the i-..si... Same vs. Je-se llti..-ii.-lit. euTvir.a conceal- il wrai n on itiNirination of John M-twrr ; j a fwoial roat of aim siuev frtvtUm. Vfr-iirt snaiUy ; niot.u for a new trial filerf. i hi aihlitiou to fn-tjueut j-aintint. thf hri-U'-Satar v. Aaron Zmimrrmnn, aa'ilt anJ ! requirr ttj;htt uiiif of bolt.-, rlc, aJi of iir'!y. on inf.-riuatHMi of Hjj-tioIi !.aa!is ; j whirl has beta ulnittl. TheranJ Jury i.r-to. f.-r am -i of ivtvii'taiit a-Aanlfl. ! Inrthrr litul that liierv )a Uvn gnuv ivlt- .Nitiif y.s. John Mi.ua. surety, uu intVwma- tioin of Wiiiiam Th.i ia ; iv4 pn ctiU-tvi! on j:ii;... iil oi s u irntiaal. Same vt. A. Wt.itfonl. A. A !.. m iu- ...-mutir.n of J. A. llunrer ; ifJgtrmdiU u Hit-lit ..f t .t by .it-I.-n-Liiit. r-atot . A.!a: liiinar-Uu-r, r . A Ii.. on !i.Ior!na:i-.ii .it I.i(ia J. Y.-tirr; mui jcs v - tt-n-i .u i-ayimijt ofe.-thy .k-tfiilatU. ana s H. i.ry hai-ir. A. A !., on mU.r I;ul,t. ol MitJuael .'lialllM'n ; hJ prjni on Jam me!ll ot n hv tit ft IHuilit. V ti. V II.M.rv- .-..ui M:.n" Hj Lir :ir-tv . . ..... . ou l'r' ni'.rt.iai'oii oj ,Nini!;.i:i iKtMlwiii : wA .iit-resi n jwyinent of ott by tiefeiitl aot. ame l.r'y aiv IA. lUthlwiti, ma!i-eioii.-' !ti; iih X oh iiil'-ntiaEioii of Mary ile k ir: jT'nr e!i'-n'l n ('.lymeit? of rtMf hy iU lei!'li;lll. .ariji. vi. tM-'-'e aini Kiiai ih ilenrv ha:h-r. iitaii'ha. luirhit f, yu iiif"f- In at 1. .11 tum !.. !' ll.-tiry H. Si.auiis ; -noid jury a tr-u- lull, and tin? pnisc-iitor ... p,iy tiit en'. Same vs. in-or.-c V ii rv : .'ra.'id jury retan: sutirorv i.tir-la- ' ' - r f a true b hstrii-t ' : ail..rui.y ciili-rs a ml pr. aine vs. K'i:;m;fi Cuniiiiifis. sialutory iinr pi:.ry. .n iiil'.-rmaiioii of i. W. iV-nforil. de-lVnda.-.i j.ieviii- guilty ; scuum-cd to pay a ii;ie:if?l. the cs-is of pnecuriori, and un-th-it.'oan ii!i.r:soii!ne!i! i:i the ieiiitentiary for a HTi.si ofeii.n-i'ii months. .-ante vs. Abraham Hoover, surety, on in-forni.i:i- ii of lr.dk 1. li...tT; pn-er awaj-.iisl. Same vs. Aiajr. w 7a.niss. surety : .ielin l- ai:t atid pr..rn tltor ea-h sellllrlKxsi !. jiay o:ie-oaif ihet-osis. Same vs. limauuei and John Janio. John iitli.-w a.id Henry ap.n. iiiahciomi mis chief. on iiilormalioii of Kred Krin ; jury recurit a verdict of tuiliv as to Kmanuel Janus, and the others not puiUy, but to jsiy ( I lie et. aoie . S.iv ilia Melntvrv, lanmy, on in- 1 t tbrniatittn of Wuiiaui liearl ; verda t, not iruir.y. j ame. WW.iani, Samuel, Aiiraham and ; J'.im Tlio:iia. John lU rkeyniie and Paul j t.roe. niTi;iu; nne-iiu-;. an.l retviviiia ; trt. an 1 j'Ein !ia,-m: aiel iviviv" lumU r, j v Ac, on itilonna; i m iT. rlaiy ; U ir j eiiiend a. t John 1--rkebiU. Paul lirovt ;;nd Wioiain and afiiUet Thtiii;u. and ver- ! !'.i..l cuilty, but AI(raham ami John fh.-ma t.tjy oue-haif the eo-t, and the j ; prt-ufor totty iiiet.iherhalf; m.ilHi fr a iu trial tiled. ! ame v-. W ;h.am Harkman. A. v U. un information ot Simon P. Lyon ; not ,hw eu- J U-n-d on liiyment t,fot.bv defen.iant. I ;,,,.... l.il.i. U.J.. 1 . li ' - - ' " Walker, ai.-jravaiei a-aidt and 1-atterj-. on j n:io. ai.i'.iti I J. M ., J. r., Jotin ami Jer aj.d Hi a Wi.kh.. tour fUM ; A ptni i on jay me tit of t-i by delt ii.Unt. j :irne v. Jthi II. Hite. llin- and fur- mi::mr .ntoxieatiu-r Ihior- to a (-. r-.n of j ktiown it.temit rule hatr:t. on inforr.iatioii .f Kiiw Miller : etit.-rvtl on jciytiient j d ot by tile it K ndunt. j .tTr v. JaiiH- t nier. A. V P. :th in- j U-ni : ki:l. ami uretv. itt e.i-t-!. on in for- ! tnatioi) oflit-.- Ann S;H-wnian ; W vteti ! n payim nt ol ni !y it Iemiant. S;une'. John . Lvn. Uj:; litiutr t tn;:i t- oi, i.;i"n:nt,on uf J I.i'nj.nMi Piie ; .' irr.iti'1 jury vini itot a true ti "1. ami tiie ; -r iittjr T.t p;iy tiu i'i'. 1 Same t. I E. I'a i t arry itiir eomt-itl-.-d utrijftn-. ..it i?.to: ni i-n .ftiiarU F. Ko:.- .non ; untnd j'ry r iiirn nt a true hiiL and the ftu?itv ?o ... y tiie fta.i. Smit vv j..!;;i Evan-, tairvii.i: iiittultil MfU'-ti. iu:i -niatjtin of'harh K. li-i- - in-t.n ; vtri;.t guilty : motion for a new In- , a: t.: anic . liau; til t-.ij;K Piit. .-arrvitv .ii-ta!- ii;forn:at:oti of 4 barb- F. ; i;rod jiiry retura n.t a true b.U. M.ntv t' luv tine i-tt. .mil :.l Sa:m- v. E. K. lUvi. joim Evan. Hamp ton Pile and John ai:ip'ii. rir. e.e on ::-fi-iMiatiou of 'hara.T. K. Kiin.tn . venliet truiity ; iisotioi.for a new tiial iilei. E. li, la :. ua- not tried. n lie Jta Hot yet ili arrf.te:L S tiU' v. -aiuv. r-;t.rt: ati ttttieer. tti in formal ion ih..rb F. IJ. ddn-i- ; verdict uMhliy: niou.ni for a ne trial tia-t. Same . John Uurke and "hritiai Wei rder. tatut'ry bij'inn'. on iiiforn:atitii of M. K IUi.y ; verdhl puilty : nt-rind t. i:n;r'HiitH-nt in the p niieu:iurv ra -i'u of ei-iittx ii nui'ilb-. .a:iie v-e. r'rauk K;h.-rt 3 -a.-j -i:ii:ij li'itioi Suml. d-r- n- IkiTlt.ilit lil1--:s.- In mi no-- a:rl oji I j ii: iii!'.iri!i:ai ni '.f Win. V.". Br.n: r(ir. W'r alsi miimim-inl tliat tlir iii-Li.-it a.ls miiiij : -siiti hit jM.I;.ii-J j li-uttim in lliir t'niirt U-Misv lx- ;aiiit(sl ami i- a'.joiirr-. t 'i:;-r. S..OH- v. John i !. maiiMoti.- mi hef. ii inior'naTi.-:: of il.-nn' Shaiih. : -iraud jiip! Muni n f a irn- bid and the pr-se-toot To i. ; the itt-is. tA-v nt tiie 1 to S.one v. Nel-fi !. S ...1... 1...- : .anus, siuiiiiiirj i:ir- 1 lary. u ii.ftini.a'.ion of lieonre rio-hfieid ei!it illU-ti. SaiiM vs. Aaron inttnertiuin, lainvtiy. tu information of S. P. Snyder ; Kruel jury re- tuni not a tri.. tiill. L ZCV.m i.w., .-a.) lig J . , , .1 r without i fviiM- ai.I on suttuav, on n "i ton of W W Krow ti - i.iiss I ma.ion ol u. irolir piiee. Saiiie i;,,u. iiiiorn j awanhtl fur am-: if .Ii fendanI and ca.s j it.ntinued. cimc v.. Samuel Ami. Mtrety, un mtor- niauoil ..I jl. laii.ii-r num . .-usv nininuiu. Same vs. Jaoi P- rkey. surety prjee awarded au '-a,-- eoiitiii'ied. Sunt. vs. Levi Itte. .-du.tion. F. t B. on : iitf..rrtiiirin if Sctrstb Ai till - font itnitvl w i o j i,.r . F i 15 on inS.niiat on of Annie Savlur-' ' ""' " 1 - i ?w" r ' - 1 ni . " -Im "' " '"r,, I Mime vs. John .M. W nt surety, on infor- i .,- Aanm Zini merman. statulorT i hunrlarv, ot, ie.rnti,n. of W. I!. 5-iiaft-r ; I . : . .. . - . I verila-t m puitty. I 1 I II I in. EUl II. I .! AM Hklls.I V1K, rrtitiou of ritiavns of Nitl.ni.ton town- ! ship iiir tu vai-atiiif-ami sTjpjHyiii.. vrt ofa ! naul h-aiiiup from east akle uf Brush t reek j at ronmy liri.ljft. ti Tp.utroan tr.Hi in sa.M Northampton towtifcij.. Tkwet. P. .-'weita-r, Athurt iHmur and J. .1. lint. Pt-tili.! of ciliai of AliwirtT towti.iiii . nitHl from a..iui-r! l-Horl!.irt- ikr nxMi, nrar the 1hkm of WUIiam H I;- - jaw. in siitl tou-lii(. to a pui;u . t h- -oa.1 tahiin-.- from Fur itofv tn the S:on r- him iktitonl tlin..ikf, at or near t'a a mill J-.l.n . Kv-iix. :u A:krl,. iiy t..iL-Lr.. Vkw- 11- ' I 1 . !. its. Vim. M. !slin-k. St..DVf-rt. John II. Sonler, Jolm Rayntaa. rYti'ioti f.tr bri1;n over Vu!S i.'tvt-t. In ?-.?r-r!M t o ii.-li;,!. on 'Ii -in k :i U--s to liun-.t-rr- In;: l.ju- aoi Slint-villr i-rrt-w. said rr-t. Vi-mri. L. j I. lolborn, M. L. Shaver. EriK-t E-liricti. I I-titioB of cuizon if lnhic ttraus-hip for a i IMitioH of oiuh-iw of SIuhIc tir-tuhip for a puUii; bt-inuiux at a .in on a puhlii- nl known as the Lambert iuwL at Jol.u j Wet'lin-nlKai-CT's Uwute, to a point on the pub- j lk road near Reiu's mill. Viewer, Jaivb ; wiiis, juotu i. ivauinuau. jortjn ix-o.ur. ; Swank. JaiMib I. Kaulftuan. Jo?tph lic-n.ler. Bicniirni or the i.ra.ih ji kv. ) Tu tht litmornfe the Jwigt the (jvrt vf lfutrtrr Sotutu ef tkr Fr-je : We t! members of the Orainl J ury beg to make the followim; Mairmmt Uir-iuh our i foreman an-1 iwsitniliy a.--k its consider- o'm. FfaiMt Jury ht-iiig airjn-l of liie tart i "- , t of iounty fandf? lut? Ir itral Tmrn ; bwu vt-n havv are trnwiuauy uu li.r j us the County Commissioner, and have eli ited the toll.. wmjj : I Tliat there are in the county al this time j 1 10 briiLjrs erected by the county, (if the; .. Ma .11 ft ..... - I .... I ; oie.e e uu . 'o. ... j.a: "-- u.o iu j in.n, and l-iall in-n. Tliere was expended i in t"-" alioul liti.ii for new liriihn-s and j hri.lfv repair-: iu lvs'i 'about t4.j.i.ui, and i - I- ii -I. , . . .... in l- it wdl reach the large sum of l!yi. making a total of over ...) in tlie lunt i years, with indiialious of heavy cxvnM ; for . The first iron t.n.h.-cs were erw-tl : ni 1.S7.S. yet only one out of the lo mi rwtiv- trfiKf on the jwrt of t!.ofe who tiaty it L- to hk after i-ri! in that where any ian of i intv 0':.fi way or imw rt-jpur in any wv then ha beeti Vfiy littl. aini e--neraliy t etfort wliauver. mailt-on the '-art of tUv -f Siii-rvir-or ! oino.y with the retniireiitf ftt tlw iaw. lj-eilully uu!ir.tt'a. M.SnK-ik. i .NtJvr M, 1;. Foreman. 7w Mr I('jntft!u. the 1 onri f tfntrtrr Ssfirltttt fth I'fvvif Stmersfl (.'winttt, V; tin nit'inherof the iran! Jurv hen-bv ' et rtifv tlirtui'h onr fnifiiiau. ttiat in a.-t-irl ... any witli the iiitru-tiu ti The t ourt, we have rx.iniiiKI the poor Hon. and buiM-iu-jT adj;w-tit the .vto atid air linaiiinum in r'wrTln th:it we fotiMd tlie main butldiiur a w-.'H x aH the out bnildiivj-, exett the an. ,.l .hr. 5..s,.n in .l.I - ... . - . .' and the irmiatcs apiKireiitlv well cans! for. TK.. i.noirl Inn- i. 1. moil lit. ill. ?o .iii.j.iiii.. , ..... ...... ....... ... .... --- I "? ''I'"'"'"- TI building i an old frame one-story structure, very lunch i dtny.sl. Ls poorly venlilated and tlie heatiii!! l i'it;i'3 are "'ythius but what should In- e l :.. .....l. .. 1...M.1:.... uuii. "owini-irtp- omuieii-1 that immediate sti s be taken for its removal and t!ie ercctum of a new on. at Tetu-he.- will not fory. t that the line of re tts early a day as iissihle. and constructed in j .ird earls. ciiron..is. an-l other prize? Sir a manm r so that the unfortunate creature? ! iii,.ir pupils at tl.is esrahlLIiUient is simply now confined, or may hereafter lie coniii.ed. j U-vond ivlief. Tea. -hers' mail orders fn.m can be hetMT cared tufaix! with some .Iesre of isinifort tj thi-nisi'Ives and a creil.t to .he county whoe duly it is to care t.r their w-el- fare. We further reeoiiinien'l that steps l- ; want in the sthoo! line. taken for their better comfort durimr the j . - coming winter, than it ir..sihle tupfej Jenner Township Teachers. them iu the building ill which tiiey are now i At a tneetiim of tlie Jenner Town-hip kept. I!p.i-t:'u!!y sul.mitied. j school !ni held in the school house at J.-u- W. M. S-hbm'K. i ner X Roads. Otoin-r -'1. ti e S.tl.iwiin. tH-tol-r 'J. ls.si. Fon. num. teachers were ekvted for the etisiiii-ar term of , , , , ,. . , , i S monlhs. l. inini.-ili t Is. The fii.-i.n-s op TdUi lltMonthlr the i.'iuri of ihtartrr .Vww I ' , , , . . . . , . ; ist-ite each name show the salary tttid per of the Pr-irt of Smerrrt (i.e.-iw. Pe a : ' 1 We, Ihe memiieif tlie Grand Jury here- ! bv certify throuv'h our toreman. that in eordain with the iu-truitinis f the t'ourt. we lutve made a earehil examination f i. it? Puthe buihlintr a? well aj ife mil.' rt-lative ; to the a:iM luiltlinrs retunietl to theM.rt j at February and May Stoi.rs and reet t- i fully r-(ort ttiat we api-n-ve t.e ret'rt of I tl(e (iran-l Jiiry in'! at Febnian e7i n- with jtoine further n-eoniniemiation-". n(- I ijdfl inreto "ojiy of item ifturue! at ! Fehniary Sivihiu. li. .x jiiat the jail be modified and put m j suitable ami civetiient onler and rejaiTN 1 9ilvh atlditioiw erected thereto a mav be iucesin to fullv Milt!erve it itiinvs. ! Tfm ;ie Court Hou tie .n-rly and j Wt.C nfe.1 with .latv or metal nf. Veti- ..r, t t . h w..t .f iu h-.ll tU . ... .... . , . ... , ,t ': Mairwav mine rear iiaetu in me nao. a emu tt4Kiter put in the l-erm-iit ttf Mini- eient :iwer to heat both the Touri lbtue .....l ; .;i - lMlrt.i!,t. t or i.tb.-r Iwittinv ai- i-antta?- pna'tintl and ldaetl a to li-ht Ml jaji u1lt 4viirt lb him, and the veraiwla aIltl wa!k iu rniit of the Court Ibme. Ttiat .iim-tieviie e adopte,! t. U-ttfr ventilate the eourt r.om 4th. That the .utn of ueh iniprtvenieiit ia!t not t'Xtettl ifl-ti.utaid twenty tiion-jinl -f loiiars. Mh. Ilefore frrotiud i bntken fi.r Mieh im- , i prtneliieiit r nun try eXelidel. piali- ami ; "i t-i ilieaf :!!.. with estimate of ? hall le ( - proeuo-L and that no plan nhaH !e adtpted j by t:e eoniuii.ioet! witlmut iipplval f , I tie 'urt. ir i-4utRMl be jet without ;h-. ' I t'tturti aiirval. rmidrd. That a Mini iu4 i exeeeiiin (Wi twu Iiundn-il Jollara may ! exte!uleif iu prA'Urinf plans ant iti- ' (-atit. The ft rand jury further reeommemb ha! ; lb.-fi. W.J. Ikurhall ua-rintendthe above . tn. ntioiit! repair wh:w the work i ?-in;' on. Signed. Hfjikv llw H. J Ft.Vv Ji. 1-S5. Fort man. ; The trruntl Jury now -ittln-. in apprt.viti f j tne foiwoin ritittuiiientiaiiun. further re- ; shetfii:!y ret onum-ml that a new wihh Mieil. j ef., Ih built for the ne of the jail, a we. I a- f ; a m-w A nv, wh't li i Imdly titttlt !, and tliat i e-!e'iai eare le taken in the drai inure of the ; ! jail. That we eondeinn the ptildn- water J eloi-l a. a m.ian-e ami Mirert that it lie ; put in a better eimditioii. That whilst w iiavo Urn taken, a. we leani. to roof the : I l ourt Hoiie and -aint tiie leifry ami eor- i j niee, we eonsider it as highly ituporant that ; ! the infirm oiit.-itle of Ihe bul.diinr .-hou!d ie promptly uint.d. j ' We have al-o examimtl the Tanlt in the i ('iini!iiih.itT' orlhv atsd find it very nndl ; an.l Mi-orly pn-teetel frin fire: t:iw matter hou!d not la? overlookt.il in tnak;n other ;t;-m! at an early 1mt. Wt- furtiM-r fiiul a irrt-al st-arcily of water ! for tltr use of the lvtllir Bui!.li:i2s in ca--- of di. .-ti-.. aui rvcs'iuinrliil tliat a Jars a:i.l . .1 : 1 1 -I ,14. rn.14.r71 iiimvii .1 . ...r,-4-m. riT ' ' . ' ' . . ,,;.. . ,.,.,. .,! c,- ,, ,. j case of firv ami otlit-r l-iirj" J Iu rtmsi.k-ration of the irt tliat otlier rvr- omiiH-ii'lations in rt-iKiir havel.-vn sH t.rth i iKlii-rthan are eivmi in the Felimary iv.rt. j 7 "TUlr 'Uii1,i'"'f ' H'-.n of!.tR)Twithouiiid.kllars.aJJ of whieh i . ... .. . . . . i L" rvslv't",II-r i W. M .flR.KK ? Mttler2. 1 Wi. Foreman. iieiv-n.iai,,iui BUUKS. Tl.att.iiiiiHiof larv-iits. Ki.iIs an.l l.-a. 1.. ) . 11.1 ... .1... 1-. ...i- ..r. ..i 1 1 1. 1 s is culleil to tlx- la.-se stin t of -s h.s.i i...ts J c. i. i.i 11 ii. .... .--i.w 1 s. in. 11 (...j. j fir sale at Fislier'it It. is'tore. Mr. Fisher i lias estaUIisljed a rtmilar Seliool Kr- i ohan?e fr tle sale, exrhane, and purvb. of seoiiiJ-haml st1m.1 lx.t Hi-n-run rn ' m re you ran , fr f .k..J I..A4 ,..1 : i .a-l..n ., m,u-l, tit. r4ii lit v MMitiaa'liarifl at miu-1. Lj& rknvw I T T ," , ! "- ! nooks are as p. mi as new. Here you (-an , iiui luir on U4uiu iiin. 11411 ih. 1.11, 111 , '. "W theh.1. .rein p. t svll airain. oihI are in i wenisrnein.Iitifin 1 iw in the countv. ; Save niouey by otnmirilip: Fisher's S-1kw1 ! titM.K MiiKU),awi oeireto luvesruswe his !eronl-hai.l tt-bvnl bw nmntrr. . . We are having km-ly weatiier. An Open Letter to the Public. j !Seri.t. , j-uiVr T--:. i I i,aVe with i srrvat ,i.ral of i-it.-r.-4. .-t. J Ufiioti aii.rsij.vrw m.n-l mil itArh(-l in J the la.t t-uiy-fie yrar a il jvt that 1m- ' lain t:.l.U-o in th? BiMe. irswr it Iu-b. ii'it tw, n Mii.i,,-.! ; whk-h wl'j-it I rail B.i-ic Hi i -ifij-j iis ii.l Svml.'K i.l in iiivatrr (art t-ontainnl iu tin- A;-nl.p.-. :i h U'k contain-, iil.onl m.-iif i!i.tao.l aonK that - . . . . . iiavc tlK-ir common --rijMural rTiiti-:ii-tts aiKi about fotjr hun.irti rl ti.al havr y inUrtiai ;n.i'u-atioiu: ft liic:i aiv i-m:! in i "ynthtil okiU-nary, anti itintt vi;.;y-fivt- t niotv xTii"!!!! naliBT-lLat havr the iir- J citicatsoii tlial tht-y liavf a s.wbi in tiu-.r original la. : Knie in El r).-rua-s : ioun.J in a iif ot iht.- : llir in cianv of our Lir-e i'.ii.I. - :u:.l a : f,.ur!li purt of thU .-uhjTt inn-. of liw l-l- . WT. f ti,,, alolial a.- Hi.-or..'lvi.!.!i or sa- j rrrvl nnurw or charai trr ; 1kt-- Lv named f three iiart- of the book of KrVeLuioii u.t Ih.- , :tl(; jujirj fonnt'rif, hv our liihit- rtu- ! iruf mudied fonnt'rif lv our Bibk- rtu- ' i Ji-nts of ihe pi- it iLiy hav tail. if n to . thwu, the plain, pra.1i.-al rumninn kiim!. fuihUimrnial trftvt srrtH-ral l-riiH-iL-loi an.l ! truth!, whic h are taught in most of the vrther- ' iw (Tnw.r)y iny-Miral and mysterious i urxvi. .. which tiier are a Urr number. auJ wlikli. wIkii pn:Rr:v mitK-riI tea i t a varittv itml a iari'ijuujlier i.f :int iiiiiM rt- urn a i i4i iiu.iiif. a.- wcti as 1'r.immi nwni! ! in reiim aiiii rthr ami tmr !'jtvl-. i ! i -rt-rns to ne ihs.t th aiiovt- di1 thn-e xiMire tvv-i, an.l for tbL r-i Ue hii- : ,i,.n and ina.ie nivsterious aitu mvjUtsd to ' them these kwus. are wl.-eu Ihrr are ! tTij Ui,dorst,l. ola;.ut as m.i. li iniportan. , ami value to the pevpie as. (!ist jyrb now j ; tu,mU. That is. the svmU.li.-al si-iiilka- j ijou, ,,f -inb aiv as important as tl:i ircm- i m riptural sL;iiiii,alions. T!ie sii.-iiirii a - t -e tioi.s of scrij.iure tiaines are niorv imj riant I than the mere nanie. The s'itr.iri.alioiis of. t,e l-.-tters of tlii i.f aijKiai'! arr iiiipi: tain : as their iiaiiies and sounds. The (.iiil-ratioii of the ultima? fniit? an.l rvult of thte Hii-nivoii. i,d vm- . " rx show siirh an j!n.ortuuiv anl value, The- fruit and results will lie tlttr uniwr- -ulitV iff tr true rlii:in. rmral wifoin 1 truth ; uui verbal oro-hxy, ami fruitfulu-e J i ami iiru.urv ami -U iiht ; univvou. hv. aiul j ; b-,riitrrh..i, uitivi-!ai nI.tivUMM?, x un ty, and Ji-aee on earth, and denial fa-e ai:d j joy ill iieavm. Though th-e a.ne riu-i- jf-ies are at f.rk and have l--ii at rk in ' the Ja.-t.a krioftioi-e of th h--,ai iil r j a-wlerate and hateu the above ii.tinia;- Pf- t 1. .i iil sulls. 111 proportion a.- th.y are U-arn-d and ibeved. ' All are eordiaiiv invitrd to mv exj.Iu-.-a- i i tion?. at the Luthe.'tii t.hiir ii on abUtt!i al- ' teni.-tus at .'.: oeloek. a:a! on Tu.uv and - ; Thur-lav evenings at 7:a. ,'oijie. not only I -ve the snuj., t. As 1-aui ; ays, " Prove ad thmj;, aod hold a.-t ti.at Whi. il is C. K. W-VLKtlt. You Ought to Know . t.-:. i. - I. -. .. liiat ai r isi.'ei s onoi. .tioix- ou can I'uy any i L;d of M-houl-hook that i- u-e-i in Soim-r-et ' i- ... u. .. .....i I ...,..:i. .. n . ,iUitti. x a ii. 1 1 1 s, icai oci aim j-ujios mo. i lllake no mi-take in p.io lo Fw.er. Ia.k i for anyihina wanteil in the M-uooliim-. ' You out-iit to scv the imiaeiise stack ami of hool-books, taidcts, .Sales and cop; ii i .... . . . i ; ijirt. ils al nils siore. luercuiest vari. ly aim j tj,e hai..Lsotiiet iahicts ever si-en in tiie town. ', ail over the coimtv are -s.ii' itt-1. and will re- j ivive pr.inpt attention VI .;, ..L. 31ae no mL-.ae i,Uj to Ki-her s l.k More for ail vou inotith. and total ot eertir.i-ale. Hie-ker L. T. tiar-hier. ?JS. 1 1 i tM.er IK L. Wiand. Pn!i.iomil i'ver II. E. Sba:rer, -!7. 12. Hun U K Stum. 7. 1. H-rinan S. S. P.h.iuh. P5x. Jenner X Ufad H. K. t--fc-y. a. Vr Uurei H;n L. Walter. J7. 1-., Mauref If. I'uurKe!. Ji. 1U- Pih Ann it J. Ikrkey.yJ.. 111. Shunk L. S. lVter-.ui. &io. pn-f. S:; M. U Wr-hh y. -7. Y2. !::itoii- Mill L. Forney. lib Stutft- J. W. !Vil.i?.7. PJ. Tlitrtiut.- Ihtie Iou O'l'iMint-r. llx. Waiter 1. II. Raitei;. f-C. U lUKo. Short Horns for Sale. Ihiii. ew- aial h-ia-r. lnl am! heift-r frttin " t iuttith -id. bril frt.iu ne! fn.t., i.. -li t.i..f.ri ..M fn.T-. ,,!. " - lettt-.! ire a K'l Hover and Miehiiran Art h luke V. wiio h-n in-'i it la (.Id 4ld for ". lie by !.! lMike of Airln-I -ll..'":. who -too I al vm'. St ret I b Koval i.xfonl ; i v77ll. a pure .-iford atid ' , , , . . i 1 1 . j , one of the Ut andui.f n..(.l bulii t'.a ewr bvetl. Sire ;f theilhiMrioc.- Prh I ue:.-- of Ainlril. wlnw prttrer.v (,1 forover"'. A!o thoroughbred Poland China ptir brel fntni reeonbtl t.ek. Sired by t'rtm well (in.l Kin:. !hmi- tiu-en ami Pri-le Pritr? low. ai! on oraddr?. A. ti. KlMMt-L. It IIn IVriin, Pa. Wanbd-lu.il atnl at o!e-e-with l.'' ttaiia, lodel ' ta .iner ,-ith i--" wheat. 1 t-ai it. but -k wheat, or-jon. A" .. Ae.. , . , . , - :1 i-s-ny'T. 10 tratir .-. blue e:i'iet. warrantetl uei eoh-rs. at ' tent yar-l ithaiuat . eer.. ami anytbim: iu the -Irv -ni or !MT:.it hi:eiinteil, a! b'est prices tttft ftl anvwht re. I have the kind of -.-l von want, at pri.that ean t u at. and will take any kind of pn-tii.r aX Xhr h;-'het niarkt prior. a:l ami set r. j. ii. SNYIt.k. Improve Your Wool. "I have for ale -Veral fu!l-bhNl Merino biii-k ft hich I wi!: er.ite aini d-liver ttt li K. at tfti thda- ea'h. Tiu-e btu k. trostt wi;Ii lonir-wottlf.! '.ves. pptdu? Ur.f -htep with a heur ilee-e .f very nl oualtty. W. S Mv;. ieinahnii.Si. 1'a. Saw Mill Wanted. Ti eut an! deliver aboitl it white ak bindter aini l'."-. t-es. Ap ply at -Hire to . K. S-uII. IItti.i orh For Sale. A fnM-e Ia jrrtuvry stttre :r S-mer-t-t. Pa.. iiiiic a i.l butue-, and w(J !.iVo-i. IS rea.- pi for seillnsc. Trnn- rtasonable. Address P. fjox lit. S .liter. Pa. Meyersdale Preparatory School Kill! Tri .if.-ns N-:..U-r U. Is-.;, t ,nn- iikhi an.l liii-l4-r l.r.in.-i-s tailirht. 'Ttlithrtl -.il.t i. nl'r... ... V". r li f.t 1 1 . Ki.r in Med-e. i-al jI..jju-s atl'lress tin.- rrimijei!. J. I i Dental Rooms v . Al the Somerset Ht-te. IT. . J. U-aehy ill mL-ei a i.mf.um;il trisit to S..m.-r- on s,,ber 27th, U, remain but a short tinn-. T w;o.mrf bis serviera wil! i.h-ie rxii wiMuug ius senira iu j itae ejn earlv, an.l make apratintmerit. MARRIED. -K J Uh .L-At rVsl.H-liO- ' Sirs. Ir. E. il. Kininu-U, in S.m.-p-t. Tui-slav, S (pml-r 21. l . . 1 . .w 1 1 en.!..- . - a 1 ues.ray , n. iiii si 1 . 1 . o . - 1 1 1 - - ; Vfjvl. Mr. Ijfwis W. Fir. of lir.i. M i MI-, Ii M kimnieil.4(rneret. ra SHAFFER KII'NEK. At the fi-';lt . -ri i - .wrs,Biaire. in Murisrt, on Thursilay. ; ' T. , .. . .1 . t.- n-ti . i 7 . '., "', .T .. . T V. .! I J,-r'n " -'" ; i lara Ikidner. orshar.tsville. TO MEET COMPETITION. Mi.Hl.Ti liraml Army siuiti. ot Sf.Ki. and ail other tlolhinir, Hals, fat au.iMii! Fur- j ... . .. 1 - . nwt.ttjjt gwsjs onere.1 . . . . . . h.r in fin.jiortHrt; al i r ViinuiiM Ilot sic -- - i Im't forxi our laree line of new audstyl : - 1. , - . . 1 tx c. t -.1;. xi: .. . I isii v ioua kihx o po Muicst, 1 i lliikiren. j At V tivy's Book Store. vii!-i.rv, m :!i.J.. !.-. ink. -jj".r. r-i'y t.'rtvfs. to iMrt, .i lrii:? ... i Ji:ml a a ri:l ;it -k r ; ' ' ! ! Il FISHER S BOOK STORE. School Books at Wholesale. T'.wn aii-i '-muy nie;il.ai-t ili piie n-il--t i'':-j i l a-, v-an iiunn n- ?-M k -f tl:iK:v .'. r- :.. 'I in-.- ' Minify, aii'i am u--':y :!; a"-I to !'!':" l! ' ! rra.fc. ai wh -!.-sa;c p1-. iy k ii" lai- i I i:ik-. -.; -i;a!k. prilfil-. ete, i fiiilv ' laJi-t-aii. I vari-il a- b- k.-ja in ri'y ittw- t ; -;iie lion.-e?'. I t:w.k.-a'-"alty oltl.e Tl.ontp- ! ; ..n ( o!v-lMk. l.i li i the lst in tit.- nwir- ; kl"t- ' "v""' 'r"!.v l,r " I ' ",au ' ".v.pr...- f.-r m:.-r.r copy U.. !-.- than . i;y pr.ies for inil-rff.r A".-., a very larjt- si.u k of all sin-s .a6,Iales. y.ii'. orders soli, ilt-ii. and pn.in.;'v liiNd. M KLr H. Kl-HKR. GENERAL ILECTION PEOCLiSATiON. WHEREAS, ht anti n rt tf 0-oerl At- j rmMr i the i vixiuoert a ol fenit.viaU. ubin th '--oi- Q-imltb. ia.v A. L tv. u i !. toe cb:j- ui u S.terid r ev-rir iuut5 :tfain t cwaikB Hirstfi tu at i'atiir ; ut Krmrk : JOHN l.TtKi. H.kH iimtf -t t-t aitu (ce thi ut.i.- aiice fcu tit-cv r A th T 'T Vn ,?Drsi lk wlu (TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Ltturetit the hourt of 7 o'tlvi ! - a 4 t I I k, K . , , t , . j , At wr.lch tim ami plaoaa th uaalithsd T.)tr fill ei bs baiiut: ' ',S;K PUi--a. f,- the .: of (n.veruor of the I .ll r'.'Ti -i.X' 1 .ma r, rhrl 'N iWflfii'. tr:mrt, im -it;erf lVi.T-yivania. i uNr I'hNiM, -h.. .a a ,,( ,. j. .4-r..: ; xA trie Ma;e of PtTjiviva;);i. ! . tkNJ;fl",','r',,r of w-rt-ry f In- j j l,-nai Ai.t!r.i xvtr -iit- t l'c:ii .vioita. i j 1 ' r. 1 hK. 'N inr ut- ,.f t wirc-iiiaa-iii- : VVi-i' o':i.:' . r. i i tfi- rrvi :i!u!d i--ir I lVr;i.- ivai;in. i-...t- ; v oi the OMiniit- Jirtftr'i. BMir. aiulflr,. 'SrS' ' Tit i . ILL t . . ... . 4 .: . li Ut prciaati..- oi IVn i-y:ma t-r ii-r-( ' "'tW it t w . . . . fr 'air --! tirtii.iv h l:t, frh th- f',v yI " t Au.ni-y IT T:;)' itt.it: . "f:if P-I. Nt FKi;. r.,r Hi U-e tf l'r ll.-oi-i- Oi I r- t'.r iir .;. t r-s eMiLi'.v OSE PKlts.. ! r the .ii-i.-e ..f . -m-.y Survev. i fcr .ii-rei MiiiFr 1 bK'-J kn-wu ao-l aiTo a-.tice tit ; ' e-;rai ratcti. lnr.Tvc. aa f'jn.-to vi:h i Z'L"1 lTT7U arJ f'"1:'" to wu : i Iu eiTt-r ti he tv-rnuta of 0nfltteiK tu : Bit-tatThe C'Amikil i'batuin-r. in ti i trUira. AZ 11 tu. ! Court H-.itwe, in sai! lr''Uch. i ae nvUfrA eieetio imn-n I of Soakr- ; j m u wa-iiip t aiet at tbe tuu aoJ uf laeelfs-t.jrs ( no. d .li-.riet Jfa. 1 uf Vlli. r.l ' "-""K V -uoul - . j w.ssi. ia HAM k.n4.Illp. i i 1 '" elwUl "1 eeeti..n iirict Mu. i rf M'liuM ; i ....... ........... ' j i'j uy ivif-u.n .i-iweii, m ueuiiarull'UriC, ui 1 MiLT-.rf .v....,,. to ,k. I ebi.l h.-use in sai l burxiuua. Tii.eleet.ini A the lutniship of l'j.jir Turk7 lisil u meet al the tHrtlse A J-in A. Saolta, ia "t tuvihlt. Tae elecinrsof the towaship of Ijw?t Turiiey kt tu meet at tae ea...-i a-.as lo t rsuia iivr- f B ele. wr of the boroaau of t'rslna to meet at '.he nonse A J U. Mlll:r. .-ppjitelialJ 'Jo oer's store, in aaiii Uiruush. The el-et-.r.! the l..wh.tii. of AJdl& to meet a: the s. n-..i h-'ose la Peiri'ur4T. Tat ees-t.rs .il the tnwasuiu v jiitiiHeereea u m w Ltxltia-b. i tne ieei.j.4i ioe uiwosnip oi tame. u. meet , u ;h(i ClocU ctlMIOer n.vaa o lturr. Tl elertfn rt th tyraah f Sltbary to ! tewt at Una t jancil Cbaantivr In smui N.iirfh. Tq eeetur m Uie tV'piwii uf h-t-kwjAl u ' meet at he f-hxl b.-oe in itl HoTnnn The eierwr of tae iMrujb oi Mcy-rr4ie to ief at tue coE'-il chi.tT in sM rr -iiie tt. A'ik elfet-r 1 1 f rwattiipui ammu U mvet a: ihe muaeu bamr 1 Mc -r-ii UifouKQ. The eiTtt-Ts ol iftw W'-iu nt Wiifrairar U j otfft ai th M-ti'jl ht'0 m itii! i-Mtn'Uifa. THe !. n . the t.D-hip f trenrlll to nitt at ti.- scbool Quu-v-. iu f A-atf-ola. in iaid , tuwiytiip. f Tbe eteftor ( the tewjh.p f SmThamiM-frn ! tu ui'-et at ia a-ui m J. il K.iul, in ai ! The eirtn of the tnwrvhlp of Nor"hanBMi j lo meet at the Douse ot J"ta Kirto(ill, in mid ! t'TL,r,,,r,h,r,.M.., ,m.t at'he.-tot fio us io Wttienttora iLMhl Krn- ili.ii. Tne eleetors oi the Ujroxh of Berlin to mee f at (he Lmm uf Art.-aitia O-mm. in uil txjr ; jineeattaiehouwi Sauine H-jfflej, in Brrun i im eiectt-rs of toe lown.hi ot unTcreek to : net at Ue .ijt bvoje al Suanaille. in eail ; : ifwnjtaip. j Thv electors of the tOi b rf Su-t:wb u : nceet attbe bBipp r.i-n.eriy .ccupHJ vj Henry J. I Miiier.n ?ail rx&. 1 be lee4Trt uf ti.e uwahlp of avnaa4iinc i tf meet at tne bfUM t Jaoub Cuter. ua Sujr- i I t"jrn. ; The ele.r" 4 the ffwu-tblp f Alleg-feez.? p, j j otetat tla? 1hum of Ai.ert U'i.r-ica. in iiM I ! Tae trltiTt .tf the h.r-axh oi .Vew Baltimore ; I U meet at tae hooe of . in anttt tnir- voir a. 1 he eleetr til tbe twDti:p of 4'emaaab to ; meet l bvtt P-f ' Lctt. am aui u-wiv J sler. j The elertr f the wn?.ip f Sh5e meet ' at te n"0.-ti.t J Ht-imaii. to tel. tiwi .in. i Tae ei?i-on t tae uwnhtEof Famt tnm-i at . the efesi Iv.u-e ern-l ua ihe Uiw'f Henry ; tt-crk-y. in mul i"wnj.nm. The ejef.r tf trn ttwruh!-j nf . Tenser to meet i ; t the tt.oe f.-rmerlf trcai.ieI t-r Td. iatla- i Ifher. st JenaerXK'xvlit. io ai l 0'wnbip. The eieet-n- ui the i..wnhip of Jetted ( ; et at tia iv-ose f SotfOHt. BaKer. in Mhl t"rn- j , VI. I p. I Ihe elet-if! i,f the bortKiieb of JennerriUe to ' ; i site kfoiwati'i K've n-xice ttireetej. that eerT irrttfri. eapt Ju-ti-t; of the Peace, who ( bll h.Mi anj offn-e ot afptntoient ! n-tlt or , : zruti awier tue ir'"ernavat t rtit I n?tel tate. orwrthisSia.e.or any et,T . ta.rp..rted ' trli-i. wb-iber .aaiti.iiifiei1 o(T BI-er-.r.:ertiw I a uisirimit4- otfiirur .ireDC. iio fhaii t-e ta t iii.o(sl oB-.'-r tiie teal la. i.e. ia.url.rT ur eira- ; ile i)r.mtni ol ihl State oruf the I niie-t . r. v-i -ii ui r- U lir--. j-l .r-l ui ! trv-t : an1 ta( ererv Member ot of t -Oitre ! ZfZZZVZ ?-ZZZJ?Z ; tnc-rpttr:e-1 .lt-;riot. ti -y U !! tMe t-f ' ; bo.tiina or exereijinjc ai the same Uaxr th t.tn.- j f nr api-.-ntment t.i iu.;e. inpeetor or rierk of any elvtii of This ,Er)we-.l:n arvl thai no tn- 9;etr or tercv?er any election ?hU te el li'te w any ffiee . tn tim! f.-r. I ai" giT-ttfii: ai n-tiee ..i .t- f'lltwlnc proTi?v ol an a t apt nel Mrrh 2. 14. Tbat ttequal- in-J vner4 tfae ptTni udth ot tae eaiaH. rl V Xow ;h -pet-ial a'.rel t by Oc4?t printtni ur written, or rrly iinfe"t "at wirW w-itiex erraliy CUin-tJ & I UtW9 se tliCeI ttuMt I Tne B.-uie of all iiirt(,Q -tTiri 6r. aivt ' HHei on the 'HitM-le Ja-u-'ri rooet.eke itftBit -t ; e;iace ;he n-nne f ail atmeee . f-r aaa . Ne lreiel 'ae : ? ti-ke' bail etfro-e he j j ftiinec t all pmntt fhee vutetl for. iDt-la-'iotf the i : offc'" of Senator, member r memfterf A-emviy i if to e-i for. ant! iiner ot ('oarf'a. U oieJ lor. ' , an-1 he lahete-t C-Hicty. j 1 ftweo i utter my iiaihi at my office at S"tnerei I ttttJr.fa 'ia of t ti 'ir. in tbe year'f oor L-fl i ! one tba'tacl etichi hcnlr'1 ant eijfh-T x. al in rhecne r.ai"irei n-l T).h yar of the Iivie- i i benuence of toe I oiteii .tt I ji.)H3f witp:rs. Sher)tt"Hfi'. ( .-ii-nT. j 'MINITK.tTm:s SAI.K ! V "! i.f 'i Valuable Real Estate! ; QY V1PTT En"an ori -re-S wi; " The U t rti(iiy. pa.. ne mlrf . oQ t:r pr lii :p. '!: SAT CROAT. OCT. J), 1. j , i(, rr,-t t. a;i ti,.. r, ja! K-ith 1 tif smwi 1 Vtt-lwr. JrtM. -H'latr in Mi'Mie- .rfw4.ys-H 1'ii.miy. ra., !ttr.K. -l-si as f... - Tris Un 1 -.i.iaii. lr! airs ami ji-ins i I laCl ItUi I lnu.ls .f -ilK.il !!! Ar.-i..u Plt'l' ll-T. 1 li'- teti '.Ta:iiiattrtl i r.tatr Lrtji.t. Hit i.-ti tuirar ir-e. anl iwo yemtig or- etiar'i-. i-rifniaif to nrr. Trie iai.i i hfav?!y timf-fvI. ran m-a.-.y ai: tie r-x ; flit fan lima. An 11-" 1 mrHie vein .peoa j ,(i:3, tnet. .t-ji a t.'.l two-tory frirT,e Ijwwiirnr 1 Hoi, it :th .ltMiiMinp. and a iei b lam i j TfT 7 T"" '? otl IUp aC rhvs, ix a.l w-ni (and. ltiUAi!- tmrije iMVi;v rimi-i with . j hi. k.y - neh an.l tte ! n-k. : tne other hlf u u?alereti pnaeipii 1 w per- pi AT. J from ! iiv Willi ! rftf-in.lt a id uai ; tne taiuoti i I-IETCJILI: LIXESTOSE ijlALLY ...inn. fViim 1 144 1 fH ii. iM.-kiu 1 .ml j-t-rf f. 1 nianv vi-itr. is siiuHtnl m tr.i- tn.-t anil Oiis , K.. ,...".14.1 ...... 1.414 ... r' .Ml.. ...1 ll'l . . . . . . . - 1 iw m;.i a. . n-n uj i- s. Trart NO. 3rrJTJ:: , '..ibir-T hmvni tinirarre! atih the ant rf k .nranii: ; .-ui -.. op K. 1(1 rf thwai. trvt 1 .. attit t '?. - ! aw mm mme . T CDMS inie-balf in baisi. ao-t j tMiianee in lw ejatj ! iiULvt -u wi ;v".vr nion.n. -la luter- i ts4. fi r. Kl. S fcrt. Admit.istriof saia 1 f ktruer. sr 4. A PMIXISlTiTOU-S N tTK'K. 1- -..!- rtf snsano. Ilflnun. l. p..t. Jafe of Jenner t..i-l:ip. si-uw-rt 1 .santv. r. Letters tf( .t'im.n-lra:i.rtl the aLve estate savins in unnwl u.ih un.lr--.m.-sl tr.. 11 r .iilbunTv. n.f:-vli. h-is-'.v ie v.-n r. all i.f.ins iiKlt4eii t.iil aie vi in.ki; imimsli. Im nitt u. rfliiT ,iiTmtsl-fi . -t'-leTneiil 'ti 7aifiniHr. ibe i'-f lav of t trfieT, j I; at Uu rwle!kee w lx.e Aominwrau. 1 j. , 1 1 1 f 1-a i Fl ortfi. AliniiUBtrmtur. j A MUCH LARGER STOCK BETTER ASSORTMENT THAN EVER, OF NEW FALL uOODS i jBoucIe, Knickerbockers and Astrachan i Tricots, Stripe Stripd ani Brsccfl Vte, BniaM as! I Ml Dress Fattems, 1.11 JET. IHE IDIBtDT. UJ EfflF IliiES H M1TCB. Clasps, Buttons, and Braids. ; Jersey Jackets, Ladies' & Misses' Coats, Sacques, &c, &c. Special Attention is Called ! Carpets, Oil Cfoths, Lincfsums, Mattings, Hots, le EL Ari 7T3 beg t: zzzzrz 5 prKlc ; 1 UblLl ! ciiiitoii stiwt.JoiiNs'rovx, iw. Louthers Drug Store, Main Street, Somerset, Pa. This Mcdsl Drug Stcrs is Rapidly Esccsisg a Great Favorite with Pscpls h Ssarch cf FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Mediehus. Dye Stuffs, .Sponges, Tritssts, Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, SLc. THE tH ifR dK- PKK.tNvL ATTNTI N T' THE O MPt .fNIdV. F PhysiGians1 Prescriptionsf Family Receipts HHEAT r.il:E &F.1SH TUCKS fO V.C ,SLY FRF.-U AS1 F' KK AXII'IE- SPKCTACLKS, ' And a Full Line of ODtical ! - I a large assortment all can be suited. IThe Finest Brands of Cigars ; Always on hand. It is always to intending purchasers, whether theT buy from us or elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER, M. D. STKKET, SO.MKKSKT. I 'A MAIN' k m BOOK STORE IN SOMERSET AVAL. IT. VEL,FjL,"KY, IM)KSKL.L.KIt, SOMKUSHT, PKN'N'A. ' '!T r a lATta- i.i! u'I-'tt-iel kmIe .f KIDLES, TJSTAJLMS. JiYJIS HOOKS, And standard and M lscellaDeous rocks ui all Departments cf Litera- u tUTc, ftUCu && HlSTllRY Klnr.RflPHY ATI ! ' ' A well a tlie favirit- P-t.- I . 1 ft a1 aVV ; ! school books and school STATIOXERY ! ",rtnt.r Vahe'.j of H;a:. h -t-. -i n an i Trie li.:: Ledgers, Day Books, Pass and Memorar.dum Bocks, H.f: U LITIS-; i' IH: "f ALL A.W-. "VVritinu Tahlfis, Pencil Tablfl -. I'mjmt in I'm--. .nv-l Inis, IVrn-Il", Inks, .Vc. Ao. ?..i.E UA LL ,"": ' L'xjir.T : AT'".. '' 77 .'As. 7;. Mf AM. If...' .V'.s uf u.L s'.jVr.s. TIIE STOCK HFJlSTlCEy ISI.A MiS IS I lit. Slid eiMI'LEU., .tli'l have N-i'n i .rv'fiiliT i-rtns for in S mi-ns-i '-.iiitt nn-l . f. ?..! a tU pirtri'i'. tVirrv-.p.iu'.!i.n.s. aliKtit hunk. ' ian.i. wii .i.l m.i' .mli-rs ili ns-ivi- pnmi .ui-nixin. ir STOLE "S MA IX '-Ross T. AA.VT Ho fit li:l ; T"l.l. nuiv 1T7. SETTER O iX.J.Muiii LA nicncALLi T-;rr-i-,';t TV.rrtv- .---l Price Lis; Circtri-r fcTONUWENTrL fOMPANT, 13T1i.".-JT ff.S-" iTHE WESTERN UNIVERSITY . H. K"0". Ll. Ii.. i 'hiims-il'.-. .'irfi.-tfe if Preparatory l-jir(ix. nl pivpanii ijt llie- r (at at pheaXKn u iTtt J. F. -Kif!i. rry , u rt t. ll..lrr. wb. -.i hn-ls .!: kiDitsvl Tnw L not put u otf. tmue l Mkc. acwi ia: perftx-Uj : Cer 500 Jsi', I Beautiful lURK w f-r " 1-- w t -r. to our Immense Stock of zz placa ire 1223 SC LCT as 3; 0 (X Vy lllllll S, 4 . . KYK-CJLASSKS. Goods alwav fin tiSltll! Krnm a pleasure to display our OOtli THF PTinilAD MOVriC ...w .v. uwnii 11KJ w ll. in all ?y!ert and Iintiin. - a a ww4 aa a supplies always in stock I - Win. II. WKLFLKV. IT WII.I, 'AY voi: To r.. V ...I H MUTIOSII V5, WO UK t.r Wm. F. SHAFFER, j-oMKiisi-rr, I'Kxn'a.. Vacfafe ttr-r .f n-f l-a;r-r n mh m.om mi A'rt'tAr '4 IUTE ..".'ui.' J-.r-.-i- Jn !.ee! of VwM'MKNT W--KK :! Mi'i it t !h-;r -li'er--t lot a.i at ;i t -!...p a hrt a proper Pi:ie ;;J nit en tNsri. ?. o ' . . ' t-,. ):! i i.'yH. I -uv.le ,-ec i. atlennoi. w U e White Bronze, Or Pure Zinc Monuments lum'bt-. hy KKV W oFfVi. - lniptM-meiit in .ft p.'nl H.IKkiAb A b I 1 1 n T Kl T I V, atMl il-ii,'.r.J lit the P p'.:f M't t-.t f -r .ir ' lian. n' ie u.ate. CIVt M A CALL. WM. F. SHAFFER. OF PENN'A.,33d, .Vrt.in1 J'nittoy. Eiaciurrnnc .it. i M-mslsr tei - iii. aiaiutfiM- niTinx nill inf.nnatt fii Next Tnn . 'p-u s-pi'.!-r Mh. r.nirai.e-e f x i -t - Instantly relieve.! by rfinx thf -ek ' hrate. "FIIV TKUSS" WhU-h riT-- an upward arM invaM prownr ikante ai Ivtiwlm x mwur up w;'fi the .'aa. . of. f... tw-c .-r iiiiir? ira etiife. f.S HYI A J-Ul Uu- .tn-r- n! 'Hi : 'w-t-r Kir b4b Vm .- auJ .vm.tsii BtimL .Vo atrn e& 6jC auina. it 1 f rr7