The SomersIeraE KKW AKI 1 lit.T mr,a l'rt.-rifr SJ, r WEPSRSDAY ...IICTOlWT. I". REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. STATE TICKET. FOR Oe tVKRXOR, ;KN. JAMJ A. UKAVKR, ( sr' " Fe IR I.I KITr :N A XT -IK IV KllN IR, HoV .M T IiAVIKS. of Hradfiird. F'K AI'I'ITdR l.KNKKAL. A. :i."N Nc'KKIS. "f Philadelphia. FOR fBtn6V F INTKRNAL AFFAIRS, THv J. rTK AKT. icf Vonmronierv. COUNTY TICKET. Ftm o(S;i:ksmas-at-1.ak;e, EDWIN 8. oslMiUM-:. of I.u:rne. FR ro(,l:R-. FI'WAKH seTl.L, of niT1 BonHiph. K,,i,jti..ih.'1lM.i.f the Republican ltn trict roiilcrcnce. KeiR 1ST AT K f'KSATE. JciIIX K. se-etTT. of Somerset rUcmearh. ftibjeci k. the ds-it,m c.fthe Republican rhV tricl onlereiie-c. Kill! AKVHI.V, J 4 M KS 1.. I't'.H. of Somerset Roniu.-h. NoAH S. MII.I.KI;. erf Jcnue-r Township. F"iK ASScielATK Jl'Ix.F.. F A V I' K. I . W A 1 .K l. K . of A 1 1 -pli.-ny Ton nsb ip. OI.IVKR F SH l t:R of ljucnneh.iuiugTwp. FOR I't-TKKT ATTtiHNEV, FREK. . I'.l!i: KEK. f Somi-rsti B-mmith. FUR limit Jlol'cF. WKKlTilK, FKEIi K SeHMriKIK. rf tsanerset Township. Kr .It 'liI NTV SIKYEYtiR. WILLIAM ItAKKK. of Milford Township. James i. Hi.aink is t Kin-sit in I'hila-1-lliiu mi tin- l'ltii if t!ii tinmtu. i,T f..r-t that ley v-itiiitf for lm:h aiM Milh-r yon arc also volinir for a I'nilH.t St:ites Jekf Pavik (iiiidk l:n k from tin- (rrave tot-all (ii iicral Slu-niinii a liar, for daring to say that lu- was a e-onsiiinitur."'kh -ri-li-tioiiK of mhivws will be B. dismal failure ah Wt'inn' -anliqitake anil InirrieniH- day. ui WiMliie-sday Unt. ("mvxrn F. 1'.i.a k is piinc up ami down the State in-eiiiln-symj.' hi own elec tion, lie is of the name trilie of prophet a W'iiiiH, Now that the White lloiwe lias U-en thoroughly eli-aiied aii'l puriliel, the I'rewident nhoul.l try the name prtK-ei on bin Cabinet. The promise in now hel.l out that S--n-tarv Manning will rvtuni to bin diititw at the bead of the Treasury IVjiartment within a brief intiihI. Thk n- one and twoilollar noten are now U-ini; dilnibt-d tlirouhout the country, and ill a few day they will be im-d for i;,-Iieral i-in-ulation. Thk redurtion of the pulilie debt for the month of S-ptember wan ten million wix biindn-.! and twi nty-weven thousand and thirte,-n doILirx f lO.iiT.OKJi. The llepubiiran pMeension ban eoiu-nii-no-l to move, but then- are a numlT of ide-howii tryinc to dwtract attention fpmi it by a free exhibition of freak and eurioK. Caviiiiiatk lb ai K ha been taken off the ntuiiip and muzzled. He i now making a "till bunt" throughout the SUite, aovmpanied by a few Heleet friend. Thk Convention of kicker airainst Wolfe that wa lulled to line at llarri burj; on Tbunulay last, did not materially-. They concluded ti do their kicking at the iill. tfKNKKAl. UeAVKhV CanVaSS pOKKIll like a triumphal march. He i met w ith thron-j of n-ople. enjter to do him honor, wherever he is aiinoiiin-isi to ieak. The only jiecu!jlions indulired in reurilin! the nult i to the probable size of hi majority. Cot.. Jt ay pnslii-ts for ;enenil IVaver a pn'at-r majority than was pivcuat the last clivtion f-ir ti.- IU-pu'ulican candidate for State Treasurer, hich ex.-e-ihsl forty thousanil. No man in l'cunsylvania is l-tter capable of forecasting the n-sillt than Col. uay. tiEMCKvi. Hi ivkk is doine g"od work in hi canvass of the w-teni irtion of the State. After sjieakinu in Ihitlcr toan immeiiHe crowd on Friday last, a litiiiil-r of prominent I'rohibitionist nmde oi-n dis-laratioti that they will upirt attd actively work for the Ucpnblican ticket Camuiiatk lii.Ai-K visite-1 the IYeiilent btst week, and it is now annoum-cd that "the Admitisitratiou is not to Is- an idle or indiflen-nt s-tiitor in the IVnnsyl vania coiiti-st." Which Is-inginteriireted into plainer laiigua:?-, mean that the olliee are to lie distributed a iotciit ar guments among the faithful. Mr. Woi.reV dtuil campaign is a new thing iu the poluio of this State. While be i aggressively pushing hi camiaigii for tiovernor. hi frieii ls at home are taking -are of hi canvass for the Ix-gi-lature. We can ncall no other instamv of a gentleman ltcing a can-lidate for two office at the same chvtion. Kkank IIi kh, the hio Free trader who announced that nothing would give him more pleasure than to "knife the imn meu of I'ennsv Ivania." ha been re nominated for Congre in the Toledo district, and the Democratic journal-of thi State are cackling w ith glee over hia racce-w. These are the men who are no lalsirious! y iii nir a the friends of latsir. Tils iH'tiuHTatK- committeea of Wet-nion-laniL, FayetU', aud tireen counties Lave ea h for theui-s Ives n-pudiated tbe nomination of Iiaffi-rty for tVininvm, and Htci have l--n taken to hold another conference nd pla-e a new candidate in the field. Mr. llafferty prof'-si- to think that hi nomination i regular, and an nounce hi intention lo stick. The tight in the iK-mocratir rank ha grown fierce that there i sunv a pmbabilitv of its b-ing healed, anil present apjiear- ancew indu-ate that the Republican will carry tbe district if they make a judicious nomination. Some nioutliB ap the question of kxal option created preat exeitement iu Atlan ta. ia- Men brok lixne from their old party affiliation and voted t-ither the wet or the dry ticket, and the renult wan a triumph for the temperance, party. There a much iecnltion m to what efliit thi would have on the future ac tion of tbe Ik-uiocratk- part'. There m.-retho-e who lx-Heved that the vote on the local ojtion law would be the enter in? wed! t break up tbe Ieniocratic orpinization in tbe South. But a few davn ap the quetition o Deinocracy acainsl prohibition aune to the fnmt and the Iem-ratic vote at the primaries wan ianrer by 1,I0 than the temperance vote. Many of the uien who had voted the trmnerxiice ticket Lwt Hummer d--lined, ! when the question Ixnatne one of party. ! to break their aoiation witltthe le ' iii. racy. W hatever else other jiartie ! mav lo. the 1 V-mocrat, w hen it come to an tue Ix-tween their Iarty and any thins eW.alway tand with their jiarty. The Tinted States Circuit C-ourt for t hio badecidel a cae under the " Iow law." which iniioe a heavy tax ujxm li.jnor Mcllini;. The court held that the law doe not deprive the complainant (a liquor dealer? of hi pni-rty, although it may in ome meaure affect the value of it. Say the court: The law " i only "a police regulation in the interest of "public morals and for the common "pxHl, and although it may in Home " meawire affect the value of hi property, " or interfere w ith it ue in pnrpise for "which it wa obtainel, it doe not "thereby deprive him of hi pnqK-rty to "any preater extent than a larye claw of " lirilation, both State and National, "that ha not !ecn quectioned in our " puljlic laws." In Kansa and Iowa the xmrt have decided that eomjiensation coul.l lie claimed by brewer ami distiller if their projH-rty w a n-ndered Valui-lesw by State enactment, and thi i le!ieved to lie ounl law, but it will lie oWrved that the court in thi decision make the wide distinction that a hirfi license law, which Uixes heavily, doe not necessarily ren der the property of no value, and there fore coiiicnsation for reduction in it value cannot lie recovered. THE CAMPAIGN IN THE WEST. The warmth of the reception nwnlnl to In-iM-ralh lU-avt-r and 4Unn- in the ciuntit- on the -sti-ni Imnlerof the State is a rhecr itiL' nipn .of the tinaw. Wherever tliev pi tliev an- met ly j.Ti-jtt -rowdM. w ho ni-ive w hat they have to say wilh every iiiaiiif--ta:lonof corlial emlorsi im iit. llotli icm-ral lieaver and (" iii riil lKinic- uiv nu n of the ieoile, inclose xynqiathy with the niaxx-s. the source of autliority and the foiiutaiu fnmi which the tnie statesman draw his iu;i:nition. This explains the cordiality of tle-ir jrm-lhii; everyw here. The capitalist, the business man. and the son of toil all see in the success of the Il-publioii rty their only ho- of the pros-r pnilei-tioii of 1 lie materia! interests of the country. The in terests of the various lasses are identical. The licni til of one means the (rood of all. Tin- injury of one involves harm to the others. Hence the diversified and represen tative character of the audience wl ich frrcet lienerals Iteaver and OslNinie. This is a hotcfu! si'ii. and the magnitude and enthu siasm of these pitheriiijjs freluulow the raiiiKletir of the victory to lie won by the party on the :M of Novenilier. Harrislfirg 7WmA. - - Fifteen Hundred Men in the Miners' Parade at Mt. Pleasant. Mt. 1'i.F.tKAST. K tolier '1. This day was set apart for a demonstration of the two la hor oranijuiti'itis of the -ike n-gioii at this plaiv. Tin- morning ois-ned bright and fair, and s-ople from the vicinity flocki-d into town, and the street were cruwilcd before the spivial excursion trains arrivisl. The proei-ssioti did not gi orpminsl and -"tarted until aisitit VI o'clock, when it moved over the princq-al streets of the tow n to Kum baugh's grove. There were about 1..I men iu thi- pns-ession as it jussed through the streets of the town, the houses of which i were handsomely decorated, tine ciecial feature of the rade was the lodge of llim pirians, who arrieil as one of their most prominent legends, "Once We Were Wind. Hut Now -We Si-." Very many other beau tiful and appropriate banners were carrii-d by tbe dinenut hwlges. Addn-s?s-s wen made from tbe stand by T. II. S linatterly. Win. .Mullen, district Svretary ; State Secre tary pa vies. Suite 1'resideiit (M-orge Harris, aud sHiikers, in the difl'erent foreign lan guage. A large dancing stage wa fully occupied during the afternoon aud night, tripping heel and toe to the strains of a tine orchi-stra. tivMsl order was observed the entire da v. Inman Line Changing Hands. I'HILAIIELPHIA. Oct. 1. Krallk Tlcolllrll, vice president ccf the Pennsylvania llailroad Conqmny. and Ocmc-nt A. (triscsmi, presi dent of the International Navigation oin iany.arecxectsl homc-troui Kuniieto-slay. It is aid that during their trip abroad they have pun basecl tbe franchise of the Inman steamship line cm Is-balf of the International Navigation onipany. Three iwerful steam ers are to Is- added to tbe line. The new vcsm-Is are siiid to lie the Alaska. Arizona aud America, which, in connection with the City of Chicago and (ity of llcrliu, are to oiii'-titute the new line, making a weeklv nice hctw'cvti Nc-w York and IjverjMhil uinic-r the cotitnil of the Pennsylvania Kail rcwd. Tlce olci American line sT4Minishis Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Pennsylvania are to Ik-sent to ;!a.-c)W to have triple cxicm sion engines put in. when they will Is- run in the Snub American trade from Nc-w York. A Knights of Labor Victory. JoHXstows, Octols-r 3 Some time ago Hoover, Hughc-s A Co., contractors, of Pitts burg, w bu have tbe contract for building the -aloii Hill Seminary, ni-ar ircciiburg. awarded the contract for l.jon.oiM hri ks to the Cambria Iron Coiiqiany. who have a lars- brie kyanl at tliu- place. The men em ployed by the contractors, the majority of whom were Knight of lailsir, learned of this and ioilire!y refused to do a stmke of work on the eminary building unles tbe csmtntct with the Cambria Iron Comrianv wa n-sciuded, the reaison for this actioif on their rt lieing the well-known hostility of the Cambria Iron Comiwny to the Knights of talior. It has just leakcslout that Hoover. Hughes A: Co promptly cancelled their con tract with the Cambria teople, and as a result tlieCaiuhria brickyard is shut iow n Sir want of order. There will lie a large mas meeting of Knights of talsir iu Turner Hall. thUcity, Tuesday evening, (Vtolier 5. It will lie ad dressed by tnsirge Harris, President of the State Miners' Association: John Itrady, of Luzerne county: Itauiel McLaughlin, of Illinois; William Mullen, of Soittdale. and an address in ( n-rman by Peter Wise, the labor advocate. Higbee Isn't Afraid. H Aaaic-Bi Octolier 1 Suis-rint. iid. iit of Public Instruction F.. L. Higlwe arrives) in Harrisburg yesterday fnun a six weeks" so journ in Wisconsin. He looks a hearty as aenw Uiy, and did not api-ar alarmed when informed that those who w-ere prcxM-uting the Koldicr'ii orphan schesil inquiry had de termined to cause bis arrest as lieing resjs.n aible for the abuse which hail been mauve-red by tlie governor' investigation. " I have not ye bes-n arrestL" he said with sarcastic emphasis. " I w ill look into tlie allegation against me to-dav." Another Shock at Charleston. CHARItXTOK. Sci. 3ft. At I .St o'clock this afiernesm there wa a short harp of eartlnjuake accimijianied by a detonation and a ve?ry penvptible vibration. No injury wa done to persona or property. The dura tion was about one and a half seconds. POWDER WORKS EXPLOSION. Four Fmployea Blown to Atoms The Force of tne Shock. IIaktow, S. Y'., Seit, A terrific explo uioii occurred at the Ititmar Powder Wurk at J toy Chester, on the Harlem Hiver branch of the New York and New Haveu, Railnjad, about ten o'cUick this morning. The ex-pl-siou took plat in the i king-house, a one-uctorj- frame building. A1 by M 6sH, in the centre of the grounds and aliout two hun dred yards from the main factory, a large building near the water, when' the hulk of the giant iwckr and iiitro-glyecriiie used in the new aqueduct works is man u tact uid. Four nutk were at work putting up and packing latrichres. w hen suddi-tily the explo sion cNvnrred, shattering the building to splinters and blowing the men to fragments. The exploding powder, of whic h there was a large quantity, shot up iu tlieair to a he ight of fifty ts!t. and splinters of the build ing were blown a mile away. The name of the victims were Kane-st Hralenjolin lSusch, Max Shafbolt and ' Siiiehart. Hands, feet, le-gs. anns. pies-e of skulls, bae, and c:harnsl bits of He-h were neatU-nd in eve-ry direi tic.n fmm (Ml te ! l-t from the joe king-house. Max Cnigar, the fiireman of the works. ays the explosion wa caused by two meu shcsiting into the building. He was in the jiackiiig-hdUsf, and on going out saw the two men, who said I hey were shooting at scpiirrels. He says lie threatened them with arn-st. and they lasamc impudent. As the explosion oevurreei lheme-ii werese-en hurry ing away. H. H. Stansheld, SuK'rinteniieut of the Thorite Powder Co.. ne-ar by. pic ked up a box full c if fragments of de-ud men. A iiuiiiIkt of others asitsl in the work aud the re-mains were all put in a itm ti await the action of the Coroner. One man had a tiimily in tn-rmaiiy, and the others are said to he single. Their clothing was burned to sh reels. The main fae-tory of the Ditmar Works wa nearly wrtrked, oneenil of the building la-ing hljiwn to pieces, eXMising the interior. After the explosion the lower timliers of the building tcsik hire and burned fiercely. A large- tree iie-ar by was torn up by the resits, aud a nuinlsT of other trw-s were blow n away. Tbe ground for half a mile was strewn with fragments of tbe de-ad. splinters, lacking pajicr. etc. The viole nce of the ex plosion shisik houses in Ilartow, across the crevk from ltay Chester. Many w indows in John Kiliott's Hayvieiv Hotel, at Pelham llridgc-. over a mile away, wi-re shattered. Thomas JliuwiieHiie's blacksmith shop, at V" stchi-Mcr, was shaken violently, and win dows in many house- iu the same village were broken. At New Haven, Conn., and at Nyae k. N. Y., the shock of the explosion was so severe as to c-ausc many to think it waaau eienhcitiake. . . - Crant's Funeral Expenses. New Yoke. S pt. :. The .' pulilica tioti this morning of the statement that there was still unpaid a bill of $.! for tbe em luilming if the lly of tie-m-ral Orant. the publication ls-ing ae-coiiqmuie-d by an eilfer on the part of the Sun to ay the hill llsitl piese-ntatioii created a sensation to-day. Colone-1 Fred Orant wiu interviewed and said that he knew of the bill iu question and of the efforts being made by Holme ex Co., , lei In mii it is due, to obtain aymeiit. He divlarcd it w as considered extortionate at the time and the firm were elire.vt-d to nettle the matter with Mr. M.-rritt. the undertaker, j who had charge of the funeral. The bill. Colonel tirant said, was included in that of Mr. Merrill, which was n-ndcerd to thegov arnment ami had Iss-n Jaid. "I have," he said, "all itemized hill of all the undertaking expense and tbe reci-ipt thereof. The embalming was iiie-lueled. I audited the bill and saw it paid." I ndcrtak er Merrill' story differed from this. He said that the hill was tor work done U-fore be reacbesl Mount Mc-tiregor. His own em Imiuiers had charged five hundred dollars, which had Imvii (eaid. He had tried to git Holmes A; Co. to let tlieir bill gi into the goveniua-iit at the same time w ith his own and he uiid with it. but tbe-y hael refuse-el. At the Smh ollicie to-night it was staled that nothing had yet liee-u lieard from the offer to pay the bill. As the he-adeiuartci-s of Holmes it. Co., however, an- in a distant part of the State it was not exsi tesl that they would kani of the .s'' offe-r for several days. Mother and Child Killed. Ai.i.entow s. Pa.. Se-pumU-r :lu. A fright ful acn-ick-ti! cs-e urn-cl at llingen Station em the North Pennsylvania Railroad, at noon to-day. S veral bumlred is rsems had assem bled at the deMit for tbe purpose- of taking a train for this city. Among the arty was Mrs. Mary Wagner, wife of a wealthy fann-e-r. and her foui-year-old daught-r. While waiting oil the platliirm the child wandered away from its mothe-rand git on the tracks. A moment late-r a special train came- in sight running at a high rate of sjieesl. Mrs. Wagner saw the train coining ;:nd glancing toward the railroad diseove-reil her little daughter in the middle of the t nick. There was no time to sjiare, as eve-ry se-coiid bnmght the train ui-aivr the station. The jkHir woman shrieked to the e-hilcl to ge-t off the tnick. but finding that it failed to heed the warning, she sprang in front of the train. She sue-i-ee-elcd in reac hing the child, but lie fiere she could get back to the platform the train dashed by and Isith we-n- instantly killesl. The.child was thrown high iu the air and landed cm the- fcsit-bcuinl. Mrs. Wag ner was thrown under the ve hee ls and man gled iu a horrible maimer. That Far-Away Comet. Albvxy. tMolicr J. The-discovery of an ap-aniit insignilicant e-ome-i wiis aunouuee-d several c lavs ago by Finlcy, of the Cajs- of! ImmhI Hos- il-servatory. .Seve-ral ol-serva-t ions have 1 vn taken at the Ihidley Obser vatory to throw additional light on the ccl-e-stial watidcn-r's history. To-day Prof, lie is e-alciilate-d the- comet's orbit, and was cou-vini-i-d. as a result of his lalsirs, that it is identical with the e-ome-t discovered by IS? Yie-s in ls4. The e-alc-ulatiou upon that comet showeel that it beionge-l to the eom canuively small ntimls-r of eoiui-ts that re turn to the sun uhVr 4 periesl so short as live-anil one-half yesirs. Theeoim-t is se riously aiTcctcfl by the al Ir.ictioii of the ilane-ts, and Prof. Il.iss is of the opinion that it had not Ihs-ii ses-n from 144 until the present time, although further examination ot the rce-onls will lie needed U-fore he can njs-ak ile flnite-'.y on that iint. This isnnet is o gnut interest to astrono mers, on account of it erratic movement, and its identity with se-M-nd notable eeiine-ts of past evnturie-s. It is now much smaller than it wa item ye-ars ago, and as it w ill not probably approach the earth nearer than lunim.oon miles at this ap-arau.-e, it will not la- au objevt of ipular interest. It .w ill remain ill view of astronome rs for several mouths, aud re-ach its rchiliou in Novem-t-cr. Fire Near Chambersburg. Chamhkkshi Re;. S-pt. 21. The general store of S. S. t J. H. lasly. at Marion, wa hunted early this morning, together with the warehouse adjoining. The loss on the build ings will reach alsiut f4.'-oo. on which there isan iiisiimiicx- of .i.i. Theestimated loss on tlie goods is T.iiii, and the insurance is probably "i.ii. The peat otliceoftlie town was in the torc building, and all tlie stainM, were lost. The origin of tlie lire is su ced U lie incendiary. While removing a bureau a revolver fill out of one of tlie draw ers and struck tbe ground and was ilise-iiarg-vd. the ball hitting Simon It. Ke-mliy in hi limb Is-low' the knee. A Rich Find of Copper, Montkal, ttct. 1. It is rv.rted that the Canaelian I'acifie Railroad Coinaliy have diseo-erwl at Sudbury, axtation and rising town not far from Sanlt Ste Marie, at the Sit of l-akc Sujierieir. a ojiijict moun tain containing the greatest mass of the rich et eopjuT em-wrr clisc-orered in tlte world. Sir George Sleplien, tlie Prcsiile-tit of the ad, has jnst returned fnun Sudbury in company with some exie-rts. wlai pronounce tle discovery to be ef enormous valtK-, and work will be at on eomnwtietd to develop iU THE STATE CAMPAIGN. The Political War Waged In Earnest -Wolfe Claims 60.000 Votes. PiiilaiiELMIIa, (Xt. 5. The three parties Iiave begun their campaigns in earnest, and the candidates will be steadily on the go from now until the polls oj-en, which is only thirty davn distant. Chairman Coo per and Heiise l are sanguine of uex-e-s,but the firmer more tluui the latter. Mr. Ccx-per does not fear any great defts-tion on the (art of the ludej-endeiits. He think titer have n-turned to the fold to remain. The Kc-publie-an Slate Commitu-e has sent out barrels of eanqwign literature, and heside-B is fortiiiesl by a thorough organixatiou. It Inteuels to use the mails to even to a greater extent than formerly to carry the pamphlets into the rural districts. Hlaiue, laigau aud Sherman w ill lie along in a few w eeks, and will make sjn-cche-a in several of the largest cititse. BLACK' FB'S.KAX. LieuMiov. Ithu k and ( ol. K. Hrtice Kick etta, w hc oix-upiej the second place on the ticket, started to-day on their campaign tour. They will go through the Cumberland Yal ley, making five or six stop every day. They will beat Clearfield on Tim -slay next, where Senator Wallace will probably aps-ar and deliver a sivh. They will winel up the week at Pittsburgh. Mr. Hens-el says he has a route laid out for the candidates w hich will lie productive of great good to the tickeH. The committee has likewise burdened the mails with campaign documents; and claim to have received the most encjiuragiug re lirts from every neik and ceirner in the State. The Prohibitionists candielates have been stumping the State for two weeks ist, and a they are all good talkers they have bee n received with enthusiasm in many places. WOLFE CLAIM. The Prohibition vote is the unknown lac tor in the c-atnpaign. Were it not for the Wolle ticki-t (Jen. Heaver and his colleaguea! would have a walk-over. Mr. Wolfe said yterday that he felt conlidciit that his vote would reach tjn.HUU at least. He urgi-d that ill 11, w he-n be -oiled ,ti,t-0 votes for State Treasurer, his vote came in hunches. Some couiitit-s gave him a large vote, w Idle he re ceived little or no supirt in others. "Iu every county our iirty has sonic strength," he continued, " and it is possible for us to I-oll so,(itand ierha pm,unu votes. If we i!l only tiii.tni veitts lte-aver may pull through, but if we get l't,i votes the lies publitan ticket will be defeated. I have never s-u large-r or more enthusiastic nievt ings than I have attended during the past two weeks." More Astounding Discoveries. (ouxui k, O., Sept. aJ. More startling discoveries than ever were made at the Ohio PeniU-utiary to-day in regard to the lute management of the alleged stealing going on for the ast two years. In the i-ourse of the investigation it was found that some of the be)ksof tbe several departments were not to lie found and it was presumed that they had been tarried away to aver up the stealing which hael been going en. A se-arch warrant was issues! and i . A. Hamhcrgcr, the former superintendent of the woolen mill, now at Lancaster, Ohio, gave up live of the books which were used in his de-artnieut aud which he hail carried away when he left. Starch warrant are out for the books in other dejiartinents, and if not found arn-st w ill follow. The Investigation Committee has found where wagon loads of goods w hich were stolen are miw plantcel, and tln-y will be recovered by process of law. Information is being received by the tjeiv crnor from all jwrts ol the State tendering evidene-e of iarti who were employed un der the Itcmocratk- administration and who w ill substantiate all the charges in regard to the skinning ejf dead convicts. It has been elcveloiie-d that they went a step further than making cane-, and had the bones worked up into cliarms of various characters. The grand jury is still at work em the elec tion forgeries and the malfeasance iu olliee cases, and will not be able to complete the work for several days. Killed by Her School Boy Lover. St. 1ci, September 30. The killing of little Melissa Fult by her school boy knrer, Kdelie Clark, and his sulisecjllent suicide, have ek-veloHsl a most remarkable story. The lamiiies are the most promine-nt in Mon roe county and -lose-ly allies! by marriage, Clark' sister lieing marries! to one of the Fulls Isiys. ne year ago this winter while the lad, then 17. was attending the Cbaltill liridge clistrie-t schesil Ik- esiiui-ived a violent Hissjon for his pretty sister-in-law, a demure, hiixom little miss of Hi, in short dresses. He acted the gallant when opmrtuiiity offc-r-ed, and she apieared to show him prefer ence. One year passce!. and when they met at sc hool last winter dark' passion hael devel o)icd into a frenzy, but the girl apfmared to have outgrown the flirtation. He coaxed and pleaded for her affection, but she einty laiighesl and said she did not know what he meant. Then lie became morose and dc ssindent, and threatened her. He tolel his friend that he would kill her be-fore he would.give her up, but they only laughed at him. Yesterday afternoon he waylaid her among a crowd of children, and said: "Melissa, you know w hat I told you at Maysville." Tlii-n he drew a murderous revolver and fired tw ice, and she fell a corie. He kneel ed dowtr in the road bessde her, kissed her twice and sent two bullet crashing through hi own brain. Though unconscious, he lived for live hours. The tragedy wa wit nessed by his two sisters and her two broth- The Democratic Tannery In Ohio. Col.t .KBis, O., Oct. 1. In addition to a mas of fre-di evidence relating to the tan ning of human skins w hich was found to day there were significant discoveries which tend to make more siecilic ami damaging the charges of wholesale stealing on the irt of the penitentiary olHevrs under the Hoad ly administration. Allldavits wre-re obtained by the prosecuting attorney of Franklin Ceiiinty this afternoon which prove that large quantities of goods nianiifaenuredat the ienitentiary were shipiml to different and remote arts of the State and sold by certain onicials who ke-pt tlie prea-eeeLs. All the hooks which are by law reepiired to be kept by the various he-ads of depurtments at the s-nitentiar- are missing. In a number of ease it is known that they were destmyed. O. A. Weilliey. of Columbus, said this even ing that his brother. J. L, WulHcr, a deale-r in hides at IMawarc, had seen the skins of convicts in the vats of a tannery here which is em mil by a Denmcratie firm.- He will make oath to hi statement. This is only one example of the testimony that is re ceived daily in the way of amplifying and strengthening the charge of inhumanity and financial untbrift which were made by (iov enior Foraker last week in his sfierch. Chief Justice Chase's Remains. CoLt'MKi-M. )., Oe-t. 1. The remain of the late Chief Justice Chase will lie removed from Washington to Cincinnati October 14, w lieii the service will lie held in the rotun da of the Capital in thi dry. It is exK-cted that short addresswe will lie delivered by Jus tice Mauley Matthew and ex-4tovernor lloadly, and the religious acrvicc will lie es.iidu.-tcd by Wshop Iledell, of Ohio. The re-mains will beaeconiuisl we-st by Judges of the Supreme Court and frieuWs of the de ceased in the east, and will reach Columbus 0:1 the morning of the 14th, and it is exit ed that tlie servii will be conc ludes! in time to proceed to Cincinnati the samedav. . Shot In the Neck by a Burglar. Ax boh, o.. O-tolier 1. The house of Brad fiird W. Skinner, a farmer residing in Tall modge, five miles east of this city, wa en tered by a burglar early this morning, hut In-fore he c-ould steal anything he wa discov ered. Skinner broke an emjity shot gun over his head, wlR-reuKn tlie bnrglar back id into a corutr and fired two kIhmk, one of which broke Skinner's lower jaw and lodged in his neck. The fellow them made his es si) and ha not been arrested. t Jeff Davis Breaks Silence. Baltimore. OctoU-rl. The.Seui ha a long letter written by Jefferson Uavis fnun Bc-av-voir, Miss., to Col. D. J. Scharf, of Jlaltimon-, rejilying u Oen. W. T. Sheriuan's ewalle?d rei)rt to the War Dcjiartmeiit, and which the I'nited Slates sv-nate ordered to be.- print ed an " Ex. doe. No. .'Hi, 4th Congresis, sec ond session." Jlr. Davis says : " A continuing sense of tlie . great injustice done to me and the-people I tvprescnttii by the Senate, making the malicious assault of jcu. Slierroan a public document, and giving to his slander the importance which nt-ceeesurily attac hex to an executive communication to the Senate, has recently caiiv-j! the reijmfst for a reply by me to be -pressed with very great earnestness. For this reason 1 have de cided to furnish my reply to you for publica tion." Mr. Havis tlieu prcMved at great li-ugth te dispute and deny the charge bmiighl against him by General Sherman, in which he de clares he did all in his (lower to prevent the war, and did not seek the post of Chief Ex ecutive. He say : " For all the aes of my public life as Presi dent of the Confederate Slates 1 am resjsjnsi ble at the bar of history, and must acceiit her verdict, which 1 sliull do witiiout the least apprehension Uiat it will be swaye-d from ruth by the malicious falsehoods of t eneral Sherman, even wIh-ii stanijs-d as an "Ex. doc." by the L". S. Senate." The chiel statement that Mr. Davis objects to is that made by ieueral Siierman iu 14 Is-fore the Blair Post U. A. K. that he (Sher mau) had a letter iu Davis' writing lo the effect that Davis would turu Lev's army against any State that might attempt to se eeile from the Southern Confcde-racy. Mr. Davis concludes his letter as follows : " 1 have in this vindication, not of myself only, hut also of the people m ho honored tne w ith the highest official position iu their gift lieeu coinisdled to group together in.-lanivs of reisaiUsl taLsehcMsIs elt-lioerale-iy spoken by Ucueral Sherman tlie Ulair-Posi slander of myself, the dciainatioii of Hie chacacler of General Albert Sydney Johnson, tlie chstr agemeut of the military fame of (ieiier.J Grant, and the shameful aud corruiit clu-r-against General Hampton. 1 have pre-jured this examination unci cAsure- only Is-cause the Senate of the t'niteel States has given to Sherman's slander an indorsement which gives it whatever claim it may have to at tention, and of f-oner to mislead in the fu ture. Having specially stamis-d the state--meiit as false, having proved its author to Is an habitual slanderer, and not having a l-ir-tisau secretary to make a place for this noiie-e of a is-rsoiial tirade, w hich w as neither an of ficial n-Mjrt nor recaml made during the war so as to entitle it to Is- receives! at theoltice of archives, 1 submit it to the public through the columns of a iicwsiiit w hich discouu-tcnanci-s foul play and misrepresentation.' Parade of Odd Fellows in Boston. liosToN, Sept. ;jt. Tlie arrival of visitors from the subiirl-s to witness the Odd Fellows' aracle to-day Is-gan early this morning, aitcl all of the liire-ncMin trains on the several mads brought in thousands of pee -pit, lie-au-tiful wc-at her contributed greatly to the suc-e-ess of the demon st rat ion, and incks-el the conditions could not have l-eii more titvor able. At the hi-adi-nattcrs of Lieutenant ticiieral I'tidi-rwood, commauili r-iii-chie-f of the l'atriarc hs Militant, Hotel llruiiswick. a consultation was held at alsiut 11 o'clock i'V the ceimmauder and staff. Meanwhile the different brigades formed oil the parade ground iu the lomuion, and pn pared for insieciioii prior to taking tlieir -osition in the pnaxensioii. The most marked and in teresting feature of the priK-ession wa the brilliant nniforms, tine marching,- skillful evolutions and line appearance of the Patri archs. The main Issly ofudel Fellow came ni'Xt in tnlert pnivltMl by the Hervc imml. j t'nre iheiu is the tinrestr.iine! oi intoxi of 1'rovuleiMv. und Hunker Hill Kneatn- U-aim liquoix, they Mi-r-it the mloptioti of ment, iWLiirtiiiK Thief Marsh;4 rhurk H. j a high lieeii.e ua the onlv n-mwly for the Porter and ntnff. It i etimateil tliat la'twivti j many evils ami uLum- urisin from the traf IO.ixnIuikI l.'MMHJ men in line and the in- j lie. The presentment then es in to ay : cewion was alutut two hours in iaiii a j "We think we are safe in say i in that the Kiven iint. The ppn osion jKLvseI in re- j majority f the inmates of the reformatory view liefttrt the H rami Sire 'of the ;nuul t institutiotin of our eitv are hroii-'ht there Iiv Lenljref at Chid Kc-llciwa' Hull. U-fcirc Muynr (J'Brie-ii at City Hall, tieiveriiiir Kcliinsuii at the State House ami l.icute-naiit (Jciveninr Aiue-s iu Mreet. Miss Cleveland's House on Fire. I'ne a, fx-jit. :M. The rcstiik-ucviiwiie-d and iiccll.iisl liy Miss U.-Cleveland at llcilland 1'ate lit wus discMvcrejcl to he nil lire uliemt 4 u'clcN'k this atte-riicHin. A lare crowd imii-trre-fate-d hut not iicfciiv the Haine-.s had made Coiisiilerahle headway. Al'er a hard filit the hucki-t liriL-acie extiivuislusl the tire. It is .si;iieised that n tireiliict- in the rear ot tlie lihr.iry :ls the origin of the catastmiie, iv which .Miss ( lee eland hese-M 1'r.nn to! il.tnil. She had no insurance. Tlie house was n-iiiocie-llcd latclv. It is 1 the old Cleveland hoiue-stcad. liivi n the Ciin ily hy citizens of Holiard I'l-te-nl at an early elay. It has Ucn christt lied "The Ve-ds" hy its present eH-cujiatit. A Pet Dog Burled With Honors. 1'ot eiHKKKFsiK, Se-pt .UI. When the train from Xew York arrive-d this numiiii, a box. apjiiireiitly eoiitaiiiin a i-orjise," w:is ta'si-n fnun the haisMjn- car hy the coachuian of a liroiuinciit Xew York tuinly, w !m came up with it. A carriage coiiiainiui; evidently friends of the ck-ccuM-el w;ls iu waitinir, and the liox was taken ill tiie iarri:i4K- to the cemetery, where it w as interned in the family vault. The remains we re those of a ie-t ilojr, and we re iiie-istsjl in a handsome rosewood casket, with a solid silver plate on the lid, the name of the dog lM-iiii iticrilvcl Ueoii it. The handles of the ca.-ket were also of solid silver. The name of the family was not h-amccl. A Colored Chicken Expert. Miiiiu.KTrmN, Spt. .UK .luim- Tm ke-r, colored, of Snnilystone. Sussex esuin v, has the distinction of iK-itij; the most extensive proelucer of i-.-jTs in New Jersey. His poul try yarLs inntain .'nm hens of the white i.e-g-horn breed, and froin thi-se he ohtailis thirty elozi-ii eigp. a day. Mr. Tucker hits lieen so sucix-swsl'ul iu uiltry raisini; that his mi-th- ils are U-inn wide ly adopte-d, and he i ijilote-el as authority on epiestioiis relatini: to the business. ' The ro'.otvel mail." .Mr. Tucker facet i. ms ly re-niarks, "has loiif; Usmi e-redite-d with a ;jrre-at kliowledt.'C of raising i-hickeiis, but ul ways othiT people-'s. 1 raise- my own." The Horrors of Cholera. IiMmK, Sept. :(. Cholera is izainilii; uniiind in AtLstria. It is worse at Lie:, a vil lusre liiwr Airrum. tlf the nine hundred iu hahitatits of the village', nine-iy have lieen strie-keii and twenty-e-iht of them ehiil al most immisliately. The penplc distrust the dcH-tors and conceal the sick as Ion;; as ihis sihlc. Itoe-tors an- frceiucntly stones! in the streets. In one house a mothe-r ami her daughter we-re found half nakeel on the- Ijare, Hoor, writhiin; in the a-ony of ileaih. In allot her Menu lay the lioely of the fat her. on which had been thrown the corjise of a son. The villacrs are too much frifrhte-ni-d to help one anothe-r. A Vicious Bovine. York, S-pt. .'. Mrs. KliilH-lh Sjiahr, rcsidini; in ManeheMter tow-nship, while i-oinini; to town ye-stcrday, was attiu ked by s hull on ihe Harrisburg pike a: I'msp.-ct Hill ese-iiiete-ry, knocked clown and liadly hruisnl. Tlie ferocious animal next juid attention to Mrs. Siiahr's iiiiibn-lla..entiri-ly ileinolisliiiij; it. The lady made pmmI her i-scape and rauie trt York, w he-re her injurie s ree-eived pmier attention. Pleuro-Pneumonia In Montgomery ' County. RitADixii, Fa., Sept. 2X. rieliro-piielinio-nia mpiiK wiih lllipn-e eslctited virulence amoiiij cattle in Limerick township, M out come ry county, as well as seinie iH-iirlilsirinir distrie-ts. Many have dies!. Ir. tiilliert re ported to the Suite Hourd of Health 18 cases in Limeiie k tow nship alone, and the farmers find the only remedy is to kill the rattle, Itcavini; the State to pay for them. A move ment is on lis it amoiijiT the farmers to hold a convention to -titien, the tirtlicuniinc Leg islature to take more effe-e-tive measures to stamp out tlie disease, and, with Western States, ask aid of tlie General Government. . The Alleged Murderer of the Logan Family Almost Strangled by Would-Be Lynchers. Stkklkville, Mo., tk t. 1. Ever sines; n. Wallace was brought here under arres! for the murder of the lsigtm family, there have been threats of lynching and 'rumor of plans on fuot for e-arrying the threats into execution. At 11 o'clock last night it seem ed as if Wfallaee wejulel never come b-fore a leg;d court and that lynch law would dis) of his case. At the above lamr an organia-d lslv of masked men man-hed to the jail, where Wallace is confined, and elemandisl an entrance of the Sheritf. The She-riff re fused to admit them, and apH-aled lo them lo disiierse and let the law take its iiiurse. His apjieals ami threats, however, amounted to naught with the dctermiueil men. and with a shout they rushed at ihe jail pile, which gave-way under the strain. A guard was placed at the entrance aud a few sclevtesl men proe-cmled to Wallace's evil and dragge.i1 him firth. More dead than alive, Wallaes? was lesl under a tree in the Court House van! and a rope wa placid alsiut his nec k. He was told that he had hut a few minute to live and that if he wanted to say anything he had better hurry up. Wallace then made a state ment stoutly protcfsting his iniioe-em-e and claiming tliat Sam Yaughaii, odored, to w hom reference was made in these di.siatches yesterday, was the murdrecr of the I.ogan lamily and hael given him (Wallace) fJH to keep the sis-ret. At this the mob hooted anil yelled, and at the word the ro- was thrown over u limb and Wallace was sii-pen- .1... I :.. : 1 .. i is 1. 1 1 . 1 .. .. urn 01 luici-ieir. lie nua neici mere u lew minutes and then let down again, the mol still hooting that he would confess. It was several minutes before the half-dead man cotilcl regain strength enough to talk, hut when he did. his denial of the crime and protestation itf innocence wa as firmly made as be fore. The crowd by this time great iy increttscd, mid many culls for mercy were heard, t o!. A. J. Zay. a man greatly resi-t-e.1 in the town, was called uhhi to address them. He, mid a.U i-cd the me u to desist and allow the law to take its course. The Sheriff and others lollowcel in the same ' vein, the- mob lost its vim and the prisoner I was delivered to the Sheriff, who replaced ! him in his ce ll. Tlie croud then dispe-rsisl to the-ir ficemes. Locked Up His Aged Witch. Mother as a .Mnini KKi iici, Pa., Oct. 2. (icorgc I)ry, re siding near Mt. l'icasanl Mills, Snyder i-oiin-ty, lost tw o horses and a e-ow Inst spring, and one of his children tis.k sick. Adam t'luipp. of Oriental, told him that the stock was witrhed and that unless he would secure the witedi and nail be-r up all his cattle anil horu and children would die. The w itch, he said, was Pry's own mother, w ho is past and so feeble that she has toe r.iw l on her hands and knees up and clown stairs. They nailed this old woman, securely in a dark room, where, it is said, she has Ixi-n conlin ed for eighteen weeks. The terrible condi tion of the old lady was discovered on Sun day last, when she calliil to .some children who were piu-sing the house, that they should tell I'oiistahle Wcsimcr to come for OikI's sake, and take her out of this hell. Dry said that his wile had to whip the old lady every now and then tei ktvp her under submission, and that every time they feel her the sick child would at oner get noticrably weirsc It is said that Judge liucher had issued a w rit of hnlxiu mrjms to have the old lady taken away and cared for at once. -e Advocate a High Liquor License. rmnm-ri.piiiA. Octeilicr 2. In the final presentment to Judge I'l-irce. the grand jury J titr tin .St(ttoti ilr Utiii strtrnirly urlvtM-utt a j high liijuor lit'cnw. lirnlizintr That 1 fie i iiiuso nf a ntajitritv f tlie vmur Imnmii! U- almse of lieiuor. The oist of maintaining thisee estiihlisliiueiitscoiiHsi out of the jme-ket of the tuxiayers ol the e-ity. whilst the nioti ey ohlaineel for liiviisinm the husines.s that entails such an i-iionnons e.K-iise on the country (eM into the tre-asiir)-of the slate. j As the city ha to lir the it ii hut ; sinijileeeiuity that she should enjoy the- rev t e-iiue ele-rive-d from lie-ense. or at le-ast a jsir j tion of it. ' I Davies Certain of Success. i l'mnt'Ei-Piit A, October 1. Senator NY. T. j Duvies, n-pulilican candidate for l.ieuteiiant- ! I liovcnior. was at the hotel ye-s-j terday. He le ft for his Inline' last eveniii!.'. In the course of conversation he said that everywhere thmiihout the State he hud re--j evived the most eneeiiirairiiii; lucsurances of the sucrcss of she liepublie-ati State ticket. ; The Stale, he said, had been thorouirldy can vasses! and the size- of t he prohibition move-- , ment pretty thonmijlily gaiificd. He doew not think the Republican isirty in danger of di'fe-ut by the adherents of the cold water candidate, who, he estimates, will poll only 1 the average rrohibition vote. The (iree-ii- i bae-k-Lalsir movement, he said, had not been seriously coiisiele-nsl, but he did not think that any claiiu-e-r was to lie appn-heiidisl there. u the whole he thought the oiitlcnik j rcmarkubiy favorable and thought it would; Is.- considerably more so before the ciunpaiVii : elosesl. Crowds to Hear Beaver Talk. Mercer, Septciiil-r ". Ceneral lleiiver and Ceneril OslHirne had a picnic exirieiice to-elay. A re-ce-ption i-oiiiiuittc-e from New Wilmii.iitoii met them with carria.-e- at Xe w Castle this liiornini: and drove them across country twvuty miles lo Meree-r. They had a biu reception at M'iiniiiiion There was a priK-ession and many people were turned away fnui the hall in whi. l. tivy sjmke. tieiie-ral lieaver araiu devoieci his talk to the rrohihitionists and sail! that if clee-te-d he would do everythinir in his s.v-e-r to that a prohibition amendment was suhinitted to the iiesij le. The p.irv wen- tH. .Irfven M Menvr,' IIKt't- inc was held. Lancaster County Shaken. I.ANe'sTKIt S-pt. SI. Reliable- citize ns ol .Washitijrtcm horotii;h, on the Stiscjiieliiimia. this county, state that a shock of eartheiuakc Wiis plainly felt there last evening at "'-' r. M. In several iiistaiices the- n-sideiits ran , out of their buildings. The shes k has not ; lieen reported from any other part of the; country. j SOMERSET MARKET. i Corrected Weekly by COOK & BEER1TS, UEALEieS IS Choice Groceries, Flour & Feed. rrice-s for tH toln-r . issii. Apphes. dried, y t. Jr 41 Kr -icle-...fl -J ...l tl 1,V Apple Butter, al if mux, f nu . Bran. A lim ltis Butter, troll.! t " diegi. 1 Buckwheat, T hu ' meal Beswewax. ?l III .w... ltacsin, (Suirar-curesrl Hams) t ' (Country hainsi y tti..... Ohemldersi Y tt .. ' (Sides) -f t roru, (can t bu . '. " (shellesl) ? hu. Meal lt Chop, corn and cans. lttl Hni al) tk, V lew line Ernes. V dea Flour, Holler IToecss, y bb " Vienna, V bhl....w . . . rax- an- ltc 11" j- le- UK- I .....VnAlMIr i .....Vxe'nr j 'A- SI jn iv l.V "i on IB i' HaxsveM, y till IjiM. y ft.... scu lni- Mietellitim. 1(10 line Jl arws! emu,. l,n.. ,:iiifii.:t.'K- I'citatca-s, bu . Pe-whes. dried, US Hve. ? bu - - Salt, ( No 1.) l.t.l " (C round Aluml e sack.. " (Asliionl full Mu-k Sumr, yelleiw. T- white, y ii. Tallow. V Wheat, bo a toe Nat'- T.'K- .O m rg ! JSt vi ! i leu- 4iir.V- : ScoiWH: QIIARLES HOFFMAN, MERCHANTJAILOR. (Above HelHey' Wore.) Latest Styles, and Lowest i Prices. c I IsrAbTlUN UUARANTEED. i 1 Somerset, Pa. i nMixisruATdirs sal: F - Valuabli Real Estate! BY VIKTfK f an emlfr if tbe Orphan' Court nf Se-nieps-! County, I'a., to Die br-etesl, I will eiposr to public ale on the premises, at 1 o'elc. k f. M-, em .s.irf ', OCTOBER .), IsKti, the foMowliiit rte-srrns-rt Real Estate, late the pmi,-rty of lsiiiati Keclce-ts. eJesr'd., ru : A certain fann. itusie in cjiit-nuthotiinir tewn, Somerset County. Ph.. ,i ih:i,mi lrnl of Jsc-ot. snatier. Noah stwank, A. Washer ami e tro. Metgar. e-oiiuuniiiii 117 ae-re-s nicere or lem, hav ing Ihereoli ercH-ttsi alwessiory frame DWELLING HOUSE. lnr liiik liiim. awl rthir (HitlnttMii.1.'. TIiIh tiirin ha- itUittt t;ii' hlin(rcil itcrt utuN r Kni c ii alifrfi. mii Hriiii'iaiii Hita)y nf sihmI rai nnti lii'it-nu. a tcmm tm iiant. mit nt vtT-luithiK sritip4. tiiii in wiiiittU-tl rtUnit oiit anJafiKirtb huv frina l he vitiajfe of Jiovtrrtvtiit. TERMS. One-third In hand cm delivery of dissd and the lutlHiii-e iu imi e-,jual Kimiiul iMvments withiu-t.-re-si, lei Iw sennsl on Hie nd : and it' there tie any snriilim after ayuient ol clelas and ext-nsi-s, eihtMiiiri! theresit' 10 remain a lien cm the land iu Ilea 01 eiowerto the wiciour i,f lsMiHh Kesltfe-rs, elect-used. Ten sTnl el iiiireh.-e 111.. ney lo be iMil down on day of seeJe. oils A. WAI.TKK. W. E. Rlir;KKS. c-til. Aueiiciiiese-r Adiniiiii irmcir. o lil'HANS C'ul'UT SALE OK 1 rt v vi hti -v ,.f .. . .t, s..t o. , ... k . . if li u 1 s.imers,-t I otnuv. rennsvlvainii. ic us. the nn- u.-rs'SIlitsl cltrt-i-tesl, e u til e-X"S.' til Jdltmc sule 011 ihe preiui-es. ttt I ci'el.M-k p. iu . on SATURDAY. OCT J3, 1SS6. tiiy f ftiinu-l Vuizy. of urtt-uvii! Iounhi( iu No. 1. A ivnum tlHiitattn or iract of In ml Minute iu sum! low n-hit,!iiiif iaiit-oi rvwr i. Jiiiit-r. Jop I M. i ui.y, B.'njtuniti 1 l-vry aii-1 oth.'n.. ('oiitiini tiiif :-Ht aert- an-1 1 j " n lif, afM.tti l1pi acr-.s ol whit li are rli'ari-U ; on u Inch i tiv.:it,i a GOOD FRAME HOUSE ai:i lrn an or. 1 1 an I if rhik v fn;il on w vem- iM.-s. kih! ihe farm i-. in a trni statt'rf citlti atiott. j TERMS: j OTii third in hand, ami the injlanif hi thn-e i etial rtiuiiint iwiyiiit-ni. to Ik M-unl mi thf i iirciui-H.s hy jiKifriiu in ImiihI ; i M-,r vtu of th i hjiiil tiumy to it (mill art it tlu jmriy it kn-ivi dtrwn ; 'o.-M.'ri()n jrivru Ain! I. Lv7. K. D. Vt T.V. Johf. M. YC'IZY. AlmuiKrrutot ol Jnii-: YuUy. EXI'XUTOR'S SALE iF- Personal And Real Ett THKRK willht l puhlir aW at the lute r,Mlf!H-f ol' A'lniu tH'irnt'. di-ft-uvl. in New Hiihnnori' Ilrnli. Stnn.ri-i Onimy. l'a., on SATURDAY OCT, ',).;. rTNiiaI nnTty. foiii-tiiitf of hor-?, ifttk. I'ariiniie ii:i li iin nt. imi-r' ciiitt ri.xum-, canHriiti-r t'!. and hoiiM-hold j;Hi ; aN. (Hie farm I'M -4t d h Hhin a liaif miiv t" Ntw liiltimort lUnr'MU'h, contiiinihir ttrrt. kU-hi tin ;un of u iiii-h an' vl-nr-.ti and nt'rv in Ni. 1 ntt-ndoM , and rli-nr land hi a Kot Mali- oi rtilii valioii ; tht httiiUH f i- tll titnU-ixd . tin; hnprovt-nit'iil arv a one and a hull' inry DWELLING HOUSE, Hank Htirn. and other mithinldhiirx. and an or i hard of n variety of ehoire fruit ln-e : then- a ticam tf nnniiiu vvait-r tit nr tin tmu, making it a d"-inlii pn-jrcrty. ak' to eotninencv at i o'cioi k a. ui. of Mid div. w ln'11 t'THi! will Ik; niMdc kiiown. liKoKtiK tt WALK Kit. Kxeeutor. IMIXISTK.Toirs NOTICK. K-tate of Tmny Keim. deia4'd, lat of Cone niauyii 1'ttun-hio Sunrrst-t 'ounty. Pa. Lerti-rs of AdiuiTiiintl:"ii on the estate haviiij,' hei-n grained to 'lie undo rijn-d hy tlie proi.Mr auihiiritv. nirfirt u herehy ffiveit ti nil jer!stii iintht(.-i1 u hUI e-tate to make imniedi utt paymeiit, and Uiom- having claiiu au'aiit the Maine will pn-M-nt them tluh atitliriitiealed for M-nlrment on Saturday. etolH-r , at the late rtiden uf dt.H-ea-'H'd. JotIN LA llll. -ept. Adminiirritor. A KMI.NISTIiATdKS NtlTK'K. Kliete- of H. A. (,'iiiiniiivham. I.eiters c.f H.liniiii.trHti.111 cm tlie-aiiecve estate havini! In-cu irrunieil to the-iiiiclersiLnie-.l l.y lite irnr aiuliorilv. ucdiee is here-hy irive-n to all jie-rseniie imlelitisl to saul estule- te, nitike illllile-eli-ate (Hiyiii.-lit, nncl those havinv c-hiiiiis Multilist lite same to irese-iil tliein ihily mittieiiliealecl lor set tlement on H!Mr.luy, eictolier :fu. lss.',. al ltit-otlie-e of It, L. llac-r. in Siiuerset lIciroilL-ti. JciHS M I Kit. Hepej-J: Aciiuiiiistraior i 'I'ECIAL IH'KT ri:cM'l.AIATleiN. Whkkkis. The Holioriil.le Ihe JuiIkc of the I Council' e .ainoii rieas ot" S.inerset e onnty have : onlc rest that a S-eiBl. or Acljocirueil Court of i e'oinnioii 1'iea.s, ejiiarle-r Sessions, and ciri'lians' I Cciiin. for ttie irinl ctt causes therein, shall Ice held I at Somerset on MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1886, i Now. there fore I. John Wiiili-rs. Ilierh Shertffof ; Souie-rsei County, heretiy issue my iiroeluiiiaiioii ; iriviiu; notice to aii jurors an. I witue-ssts, .uiimioii. ; el anci to all ertn-s in causes to Is. ihere and then Tried, lo In' in atteliclall.-c on said Court, i slieritrs l ittVe-. I Jciil.V MMhKS. se t. -Mh. i she-rill. ; y1,min1STUATuKS N(,TKF i-lieleof Jmi-c,1i e-royle. cieeeHMsl. late of hftde ' Town-liili, Soui.-rsel ouuty. I'm. Le-tlers of a.liuinisiralioii of tin- al,ovi- esuce havini; lieeu ralitesl to the iiiici.-rsiL-necI hv the ' proT rtilthoi ily. llotiee is hen.-i.y eiveli In ull K-r-, sons iu.leiile.l to said e-stute to uuike iiiiiuisliMte ueiuent. aacl those huvini; c-iaims a-raiast tile-sunn- lo (irese-nl them duly authenticated lor sel ! llelilent without delali. 'Aieii'siTl'S IIF.FFI.KV, ; atiKl-s. Admiuisirauir. 1ST OY CAI'SKS ;et for trial at ttte O-toher (si-thmuU Tenu of 1'onrt. Utritmiiiij M-nday. H-th r orn ha Tiv-in-' v. H. .v. o. K. R. u. Ma K. Kt ynttid- vs. Snine. Klcha Moon v- SmuirMl Co. K. R. To. A. J. Mon . Same, rm ivsntliee, t X. B. t'lllTCHFIKLIi. H ot. in. j ,'n!e!oinry. ST. f rellnUC fsril rid . V V- J -v 4 " " Makes I.OVKI.Y eCOMPI.EXlON. In a St'l.KXDlK TH.MO and cures CANCKK. BOII.S. l'IMI'I.ES. sil RllKt LA. MEU-1 01' RIAL anil all BI.Olll DIsKASEii. I Sold by your IlrilKKist. I Sellera Sf e-dlriae ., Piltsbnrx. fay. m ice i-L-i i-e,m. Al.KI.RT A. lIoKNK. J. SeciTT t AMI. HOHNE & WARD SCCe-fcssoRS TO Iilatoii & Bros. NO. 2j FIFTH AVENUE, PITTS It I HO II, XA. SPRING AND SUMMER, 1886. NEW GOODS EVY XAY SPSSI<ISS Kmhruidrrirr. Ijtrr; Millituri. WhUr tetmln, I,tntl krtrtiirf. ln TrimmiiMjn, ll.airry. Uhirin. (hr Kit, .tfuVin ami Mir, hi, I n lmmr. Injun!' ami tlriUWrn't Onltiin-l, fwj Omln, lanwe, 'yhtfrt. Materials ttf afl KM Jur FAXCY U-llKK. Gents' FnnusMre Gocfis, 4c, 4c. Tour Patronage Is Respectfully Solicited. .Orelcneby Mail atu-iiclesi to with l'mniptiie-w and Iiispatch. Kneiwtie, reliable men to sell the choicest Kniit and ( IniamenUl Nursery Sun-k. on mtlnra ei-irt rjyn ,,. or m eomniissioii. mt preferred. Heady employment throiurhoeii tile yifar. Bui- nestuie-kly learned.- Send for tennsT oci-13,. v-vSev. mum Seal Estate 1)1:3 Sli- Salesmen f anted! AHIiOUNCEEIEKT EXTRAORDINARY IMMNHMMHMHMIIHHNMMSMMMHIIKKHMMNNHNM At Cost ! FQH THE NEXT NINETY DAYS Becher's Clothing Hall WILL BE THE SCENE OF THE GREATEST SLAUGHTER lH Clotliing, Hats, Caps, and Gsnts F'amishiiiT G::ds That Has Irer Been Seen in Scnerset TO THE PUBLIC:. Having purchased an interest in another business that re quires my entire attention, I will close out mv entire stork at nnoJ R?rZ-S Ck 0m n0W Until January 1st., at and Wl(',v COST. nis ls a rare chance, and every boly in need of a hI Suit, Hat, Cap, or anything in our line, should avail themselves of this opportunity, as it will be many a day belore such a stt-t k of Xew and Stylish Goods will be slaughtered, as is now lH in,r done at Becher's Clothing Hall. Come one, come all. Fixtures for sale! Store to let ! Possession given January 1, 1SS7. CLOTHIER AND HATTER, X"o. 2, Haer.s "Block- Grand Army Suits, 5.00. warranted not to lade', Viid Scliool ELEVENTH AVE. tND SIXTLEJSTH ST., ALTOOfiA. Theeiiiiy s.hw,l h, thi, see-tion with a s-eial I'l iiiiis.i-li j, i. t.,ir!i:.eiit mi.! !Mt lc n- "e. i- . -e-piiii I.) Aellliel Hil.iliess. A few have the lime or Me .let lo -o.u. lo i.e..- ., r. Inn . ,.,- i . nien-ni! I ..iirse. ureal caution should is- Used in -s-'cs-iini: ihe' s.-;r.I (,, iit,.,,. , ,, ini-re urniiis up of a l.u ..'i-of l,t- will IUit snihce for a l:u-ii.e-s f.l ., :,,.n' , ,.,'. 'v..'u ', ., tend lhesill.,l lunl has I'-Hliks ar.d cMlie-r oilei-s ; that lia.s . A.timl In 1.. iLirti,,, 1,1 ,,,. fornisiif iieeoiia!,!,. paiTiin-use.1 hv student in ttu-ir v.orlc T- I. im;,.,i.., , is-, if, ..', cliar-'i-of 1-lfF. II. t I ..;. the e-elehrated l'. u un-t ot -I. is. M- .v' ul. . . as a Ten Artisl. To tiioH, who enter How and twfcc-t!i- till! tiusiuess c ours-we e''l."v.- rflr slnielions 111 lirnaini-iiial feiiuinli-liip Coiir-e. lnir e 'atiiloeue. I olle-ne JoiiHm' acil i 1.- cii - mens ot l'euiuaushlp tree. Address, " ' E. D. BOWMAN. Secretary. Valuable Real Estate ! THE l'NrKIiH;r:i AImini!tratii- f the f (atc nf iitiii J. Miilrr, i-(va.--il. aw if 411. Hiiihiuiiiiie Tow Hstiip, Somerset ouiiiy, willtnlt-ral MiMit-.-uil mi Uiv pri-misct fi !iti Unm.-iiip, mi FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, '86, al JoVlm k P. m. . the ftlm inic lt- n't n-al ti !:. tH-inj; tiif hHiHtifH4 ol iiiv jvtiU Vult-nlmt J. Miller. li''tt-wi, rniiuniiu cnti, uiun ir i ami Mtuitte within thrtt- miiti4yt-hrii, iwomltt half miK-j- fnmi Krietieti;. aid t-vt-ii an! a half milt- fnun StmtrMt. Mljin i iiif lamlt f Miller. W. H. Miller, wmiu. I . mnn, Meitry liartV-r, Jiuh HoNauJ Nouh Kii !eeker ; 1 . w rw nf tfiii land w in a Hplemlid ffale f eultivatioii, Uie Iwlanee Wiii? well tiru bereil. There it there u treeled gtnid iwi-si-ry Dwelling House, Bank Itim. new w ajm fhel, ami other nei'i rr (MithtiiMiinf. with a larjirr hunl oi" imriveit varieties of tK-ariiitf apple lrf, ai h plum-, irrap-e-. anil titer fnui There are a imml- r ,f mmI oprniir- f iiever-lailitiK muiit mi the lurni, hikI the entire tnt i well wftere!. It i Uanti fiilly ltH' ami i eonvt'iiit'tit to whool" umt ehiin-hcs, there beinx a wtiiN! bmi.-e on the premim's. Tlie Miller Cheese Fctru$mn MaCI,jIU; a'"o on the preniiM"-. aii'l within "i-r vanl. of CZ tne 'inelliii hotine. )'oi.'?ioii will he jfivei April. l.s7. TERMS. the l.-t tluv Ten p-r t-nt or the pnn hae inon. v to pitid when the ppirtv i- kiMK-knl tlow'n ; on the 1-1 tiay of April . w i,-ti wiUlw ile- liverwl ail ptrsMrMon iriren : one-thnit il haiam-e Hrti-r payint-tit of rlht," to ri inain a lien on the preini.M-s in lieu ol" w idow lo t-r. aii'l ihe re-inuinth-r of the purehaw nnuiey to Ik paid in tie etpml payint-ntN wilh inrertt "fnan April I. 17. i.vment.H p Ih- -eMin( hy judifineul bnl or mortuKe on the premise. ISAA Mir.l.KK. MM IN K MILI.KR. -. Athninitrahr. PUBLIC SALE H Y VIKTI'K nf the ainhoriiy -rivt-n in the will m of Jaeol ItltHurh, late of linn hervalli-y T p. h'-enf-eil. ihe ni;tU p-iLrm-il Keii(or. will at-li ut ptihlu otiP ry on ihe premi. on SATURDAY OCT Hi. At 1 iiYlm-k r. ).. a plantation "itnaie in niid town.tip. wiiiiin one mile ot Berlin Ifctroniili, eontainniK aenH. strict measure, of w hh h aUitu 1 nen-s an- clt ur. nnd nnler a km) ta:e l t nliivatitri. atont Waere in meailim, himee well tinilwred, with a DWELING HOUSE, Suiss htirn. enter pn-. .ht p tale. atnl other iti!.nveiiit'i?t ihreon -n-i-ttl. Aii, a )faror eharil oi -i tP rtith k-iers. A Ai-. Iru't ort-hanl e'iijtniiiiitir iinpiovtfi aneti. Tlie ea tire farm i- wWl M;ppli,-.l wirh water. anl i uear P ehuri he?. hooi-. orej an untU. One-thinl in hand April !. ls-7. halanre in x e-iral ttniiiiul payment4, wit fnmi, f !teiirei! ;n Ihe preim-M-. Tin Kxeenlor wiilvil the oaiii' in two pnrtv if ih-iretl, or.r toeontain aere ami the oiher Pi7 ar-r-. n ith t-n iar rent f the haml imai.-v t ) p.ii.1 a- a? ute orrii- i eily is knoeked down. JciirN J.'i.ll. li.AVU) e.ll. Kxenlors. sei-l. gAMTKL I.AM I5KKTS 151.001) SEARCHER. One- of the best meslie-lne-ee ever elise-overeel for the e-lire of I'ciN.sI'MlTliiX. HRciNl'IIITIsi I'Vsl'KlNl.v. IIKMiiKllIIAiiK. t'olidl. CHl.lisi. IM-.VM.MATluN" UK THK l.t'NCS SIlciKTM-S-i nK liKKATH FAIN IX THK BREAST. eVe.. Jte It i- wl only a ureal Purifier ol liie Wood, hut aiso a eertani Keslertt-r of Ihe Appetite, as ell as a s. reitif.iie-iier of the entire system, and a e-e-r-tiiln and sp iiy enire fca- I roup'. Iliphllicria. and p-itrid S,re Tbroeit. and slaiulcl th.-reliire Is: in even- family. Tins medicine is made entirely of Hoo,.. and Ls iK-rli-elly safe. When all olher ri-m-ei! e-s n;ve failed, thin one has effected a cure. .Vni.y who )uiii0ieli up all hoiie of heiinr re-tor-el Ui lie-aith atrain. rejoice til t they heard of the l onipoiind Koot Syrup, for br usinir one nr tun botile-s they uere re-torel to s-rt,s't health. SAMI El. l.AMRKKT's KHKI'.MATK- H.I1H. For the relief of Rheumatism. Neiiralitia. Sic k HeT.'.ache. IiiJiihena. T.Nithac he. I ramp, and i nne of ihe lesi nieslieines ot the ae for the alve ellsenstst. Acidre-s .-A.MI KI. I.AMHKRT. art"-lyr. Laniliertsville. .Sanersel Co.. Fa. E XK( lTuH'S NOTICE. Ktatc of Adam f.-onrt i!ei-'n., late of New Haiti more lioronuh. Somerset oiimy, la. l'fterji t-!tainentary tn thaltove estate hav ing U-en jfrantetl to the umlfp-nnte! by the prop er amlmrily. notice henhv uiren to all ptr-Hi itwlelHeil to xjnl etre to make immediate (v-nio-nt. an.l ;hoe havimc t laiin- aiiiii-i the atiie w pn?ent iIm pi l.i;v mtrhtMi.frttf! ot---tiniTH t (In Kx-imtr. i.t l.'if hue ttioeni- ofwil e-Ml. rtn Sattinlxy. the Im Inlay ( im iUt. lsni. at 1 oVIoj-fe p. m.. when ami when he will attemi for ytniA jairp' t.KoKtiK U. W I.KKK K4-xeetitff. JgXEC'rToliS NOTU'E. t-titteof Harriet .nyler. rtw'd, late of Stimycrevk Tow n.hipp. Somerset Co.. j'a. Letter te-tatAentary im the ahoYtial- ha ine teeii jrrnntett to the ni1eiijruiHl hv thr rop-r anthonty. notiee ia herehy jnven t4all periH in .lebUrt tOMtKl e4ute U inukr immetliate pttvim-nt ami thif; havintr e injur-aieahet tlie Mfne will pTwnt thrru ilnlT aiitiier.tiratl Ux -t4iineiit on Satnnlay. ta t.ilvr :, lwi, at my oUtee. iu the BoTOUKQ Of SiOMTXtt. JAMKS U H on. . p. EjiecuUirof Unmet Snyder, dee d. .Me Ileal Estate KNHNMKSSNMie H, CM HNHNKs At Cost ! Grand Armv Middlese x Suits of Ai-t, S. D. FORBES. President. The Improved j WHITE IS KING. Il .niTiority i -i in-.n-tnu.-.! !y the fart thi: i ha ttiken the liilu-t Ir:itj ? m m at im-hmj every ?tate .r ltitenmtiinnl rir. Th-.-r.-ha in-! up u the prv-ut tinit ut-arlr ()(K),(X)() SOLI), And the t'niversal Vc-rdie t of ladies usiiis il i, that it la the Ll'iltTtsT I; I V.7 Ye;. t,,. WIETEST. the E.t.-t:sT TO MA A '.'. TIIF. LK.IST I.IAHI.K To (iKT ol T OF of:lFH. the liest adapted f.r doilut NEAT AND FANCY WORK. Ami keeping the work lenu. .inl fr !r.m ..; anl having a eaaeny t.r loinff 1 1 ' ereaut rainrv ami the Inns- t vari.-(y ..f work of any ; In Hie worl-l. It is ti e uu.-t Ua,ins ad justable Stwl Iti arihuse. the in -t (s-rfei l s. i! I tlire.-vlillK Shiillle and eclf-st-Uhis; Needle and Inaible-ste e-1 Feed Am. .malic j Bobbin-Winder. All it eanrassiiiK iikciiIs are- reiiiiri.l to cue fill! Instnieiions. Ladies will n.ake a ureiil i.e- lake if Ihe-v buy asewiiii; iiecelunc without i j ainiiiini; the WHITE. IVm.ii. nishmif i.. t amine tiiis niac-hitie shoetict write at ...n. e to I JOSEPH CRIST, Ag Jenner X Roads, ' i . v . c- v L- V r i anvl1-'. Sawing Matio Easy. koxabch iiOEiairja savtmq kaceiss SENT ON 30 DAYS' TEST TRIAL. Tor tortrtn? emmf imcd-TarrK fimvf? frtnr ftit Imioentw wvrtt 6t IsiScot irlw'r- v. r a Also brii.' lactlv lUufn'twl; n. i cuiui tUl Iroo AtfVTitB W ,int-l Jt rv t - . PITTSBURGH. P. The oldest and liesi a.i,ijited in.iitnlio obtiiiuilie a b.i.ine. iviiii-iei'ir.ii ; r'.r il.ldre-SfP. DulTA Soni. Tlie Bellows Falls Evaporators Ht pmTPil th"tn- 5 lor to anv appar f lorccra-Kinttnir s.t fOHel.H.'.n a S t'IDKK. H Zak9.- r never rseiieqeiallH- er tKen eqnalle-d for RAPtDrrT of vro- t'ok. m owiht or prfi. m urAi-rrTorraeipre-r Jtsny THOT;3A,,rD,i in owe. snci tor uius trated circular with twetlirniiilaU to VL Finn Machine Co., BeUows laiia. Y. eea-l:it Ilainj; fun li:Ls-.i a full set i,f "UT Leii.s-si," I am nnw re uresl te, til tlie HiiMt dilficlilt oLse a. If yeitl have- lia-1 triiiiliU- tc r.t i;litsesisi tci siiit you, cotiie- ut 1 niiif tin. I jrivr tut- h trial. Sitlirif iltuintnlrril. I uiu suit- aflit I'cir I'r. Kitio' (V!i-lir.ite'.i SMs:-tae le-s. Try u iir eif tin-in, aid ymi will use- n e.tlie-r. Iie-siin"-!l"tlly, ':. x. iinYit. FOR SALE: STF.A V A .Vr; Y C"' e V ' y S . V:--' CS -4 ;el ep and heet-inm Work. s-end-h;':id Kni'Ti- and HoiltrHt hand. Hiittntr Kmnnej and M thinerr a (echtlty. TH Mas t ARIAS. dia's6-lyr. Mkieug VUyt