The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 04, 1886, Image 4

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I ibc them oft o Rnawlaay,
To nwi n1 mtiwmn tarn.
Each In hh walk brtrayin well
The rtty' deniaea. :
Linked ana In ara ttx"T mow alorif
Uke tbrw of kiiHlrvvi mind.
Brand bjr the tJr of hrotherrmniJ ;
And oo of them to blind.
The other'! iraae b ".1ft and k-n ;
And (rlanrtn tar and wide.
Whaler be be quick Imparta
To the broUier at bit aide,
W'bo Urtem with an ear.
And question an be awe.
While no ht rare lb Im-elr lijrtit.
Of cheerful (Alienee
The favored the aimnl nrne
l'io Uic way will mrk.
And waiirl lliem vivi.ll ! him
To bum Uw wirid b dark :
And beajran. m bttum'lf oil.
Bui d.mliie lit dclbrhl.
Bt hrl chia- hi- lMierlli. "
Wish ie denved uf riahl.
In wiwi.Mn lh fcaretlier irruw :
Bui be with mrtmiued mar.
A calmer JudirliMHt. rinrr thiucbt
And firmer mill betrar:
80 ew-b umi the other learn.
And kind aiUIiiee k-wta,
Bnatier by ever? tie f hluud.
And kn-tuK. lift--tin; fri.-iHK
Their btwlf ai rmy d have walked
Thl n; I ynLrr and year.
Unked arm in arm : and stranger oft
a I -A Hm.hi K 1 1 1. ImTV
And tuejr bave rimin thruuahotrt their Uvea,
A aBmetune mortal can.
The nmuinc f true bnabernaud,
Tbe aiurelir ode of man.
Jtmrphiwe Pollard.
Tlie "jioor m liin-M" of the Smth. are
p-iwnillj" wry "l lorj" in tlt wale
of humanity. Tlie iwwt of Uiem im'
from very jxHr ntk, the m uni of the
Lorulon jailn ho were aull to Virginia
jiIaMem to imy their i.k.hkij.'i' mrm Die
ocean. lU-iiiK too lu.y or too KliLft.ii to
(ret a living for themwlvef in a civiliil
community, they were, alien their term
of m-rviee ImJ expirel, lriveii from the
(alumni to tlieln k Country, where they
her.le.1 with liorw thievea anl otlier
criiiiiualK Jli-d from justiiv, hikI
hiM timl Kilety only on the frontier.
Here the tunelanwit intemiarriel, ani
their pnaivny W jtrtaken of tlie trait
of lioth lazinexK ami ramnlity. Tliey
have the .ii.M.'w'Ur" of the jumper ami
the cunning of the thief, lint they are
not all iHHeiel of tin-He i-lutracteriKtiiss
and one of the exiviitiuiiH wan a woman
namei Naney HawkiiiN whom I met
amoiilhe moiintuiiifof Miiliim eHiiity,
in Xorlh Carolina.
She ww. a remarkable erxon,anl any
m'lutv, in any Hjihen-, wouM have exert
ed a aide and troii iutiuenee upon the
ronimnnity. Hum ami raiial in a local
ity no vile that it had aojuin-d the appro
priate name of Klom, it wan aail that
tthe hail not e?a'd the universal deg
raitation; lut thi 1 euul i not lelieve
when I looked into her clear spiritual
even, that told of a pure lofty wml, that
miht lx- toui-hel hut could not lie inn
taiuinaUil liy the vilenea around her.
She wai then not far from wxty yeare
of a, and time had traced deep linea
alut her month and Ktreaketl witli j;ray
her oiuv chextnut hrown hair; hut t ill
there wa (trace and ipr in her every
luovement.aml a jtluiice in her eye which
allowed that hernpirit had not yet grow n
old or lieen hrokuu ly dvp atUiction.
Thone w ho had know n her in her youth
told me tlutt xhc wan very beautiful, and
I could easily lelieve it, for he wax 10
Htill, th-mli now her lieauty wax not of
fonu or feature, hut of the houI, w hich in
rvpoHe liMkel through her ej"e wilh a
dreamy, far away naze, hut w hen anima
ted by Home thrilling recolleiiion would
widileuly hlaft' forth with a wort of heroic
Ami yet thix wouuiii wax clad in home
xpun, and tenanted a rude if cahin on
the xloie of a xtcrile uiouutain. The
general dixorder of the thnv nxitnx w hich
eiuixMil lier home gave me no very ex
alted opinion of her iiouxe keeping muli
ticM, hut I tiiix when xhe xtood in
the doorway, and, piintin ti a hiip of
charnil logx near hy, aaid :
"Tliar, xir, ix whur 1 iunicd uiy Imivm,
on the"Kt wluir they l-li, the minx of
our old home for thar moniiineut ; and
down t liar. xir. 1v that spring, ix whar
twenty relx'lx Kiid for that tlayV doin'x,"
Thi n xhexeateil lierm-lf hy the lire. and
I heard from her lix the xtory of her
lift, w hich. had she lived in a more heroii
age, would have ere long gone into the
annalx of a nation.
At the ontlirenk of the relK-Ilion xhc
wax a widow with three xoiix, the youug
est of w hom wax a Inv of hut xixtwiu
Ii-ing aide to read, xhe could judge intel
ligently of the nature of the conflict,
which in thix xection arrayed neighlxir
againxt neiirhhor, and made a man'x foex
thoxe of hix own houxr-hol.l. With all
the anlorof an intenxe iiature xhe rever
en.vil the oi l flag, and xhe xa id now to
herxonx: " I wixh lwaxa man that I
might shoulder a mnki4, hut you, my
Ihivk, you can light, and if need lie, die
for your country.
They cou'd. iu.ltvd. Imt not then; for
there wax no organized I nioii xeiitinu'iit
in that region, ami many long luiU-x of
armed reliellion, w hich it wax iinHixxihle
to Mnetrate, xearated them from the
1'niou an uiw. Si it wax for montliH,
when the lxyx xtayttl peatvfully at home,
following their usual vocatioiix. Then
iniiie the conscription, and the three
young men were enrolled to litrttt againxt
the l"n ion. They came at night to say
giMxl-hye to their mother lietore leaving
to join the Southern, army: and then
awoke the xpirit of this Swrtan woman.
Fight !" xhe criisL and ax she repeatel
the worL to me her great eyex llasl,
her thin form diluted, and her w rink hil
featun assuuHsl a look of strange niHjex
ty. Fight agin yer iiuiitry while thar
ix wixxlxye kin hide among! 1 would
rather e you dead .lead at my n-ct '.
io take yer guns and gtito the mount
ing. Thar'x anliii Heaven, an He'll
xee the right don't liuaJly gu under."
Taking tlieir rir!ca and what pnwder
and lead were in the house they went to
the mountain, w liere, night after night,
in atiHrta and clear, in ruin and snow, this
woman went to them with food and often
other fugitives. For xhe wax hold and
ouUxken. and soon through all the re
gion around it wax know n how the Haw kins
hoy hal elu.Uil the conscription.
Thus it waa n4 long la-fore a score or
more of stalw art mountaineers, every one
of tliem with the ritle. had gotten
and Wn organised into a guerrilla hand
hy the elder w in, w ho had inherited si mie
f hi nnitlierV xjiirit anil gi-nins. The
ntwreat anesxion fonv wax forty tuilex
away, but it outskirts they hung, strik
ing hli.wa hy night and U ing Uyond
pursuit hy morning.
thi tlieir return from one of these ex
peditious the hoy found their mother
taken suddenly ill, and, sending their
comrade to the mounUaux, they remain
ed at home during the next day and into
tlie following night to wait for her unliv
ery. Some enemy must have known
this, fur in the dead uf night, w lien the
laiya were sound asleep, hut fully dud
and with their armx U-xi le them, the
mother heard a swaying in tlie hushes
liout tle house, sona-thing like the low
rustle vt the wind among the trees, and
apringing to her ftvt she cried : "I p, my
hoy ; we are surrounded."
Wrongly harrinnling the door, tlie
mother and the ms tsik each a rifle and
rted theniselvea at rents in the walls,
whence ther could watch and hringlo n
the enemv. Tlie woman sto-xl at the
left of tlie door, where, if fon-el, it would
firxt open, and her youngest mm a Ixiy
f i(j w ax lieside her. Tbe nxsm was at
tlie full, hut dense clouil olscured its
light, giving a sort of sjiectrttl hue to all
surrounding objocta. Soon every bosh
and tree about the bouse med in mo
tion and creeping slowly down ujsin the
devoted dwelling. Nearer they came,
dim and sliadowy, till they tk the form
of men, wventy in all, as the intrepid
woman had tlie coolness to count in that
perilous moment. IHreetly in front of
her, and not forty yards away, wax a
body of about twentj-, hud.lle.1 tou-tlier,
and Is-aring among them a felled tree,
evidently to tiatter dow n the disir.
" Halt f xhe criei "or some of you are
dead men."
Xo heed was given to her Bunmona.
The i.latoon moved forward a step .or
two, when four rifle cracked and five
souls into eternity, two sent by
one laillet. Then a yell went up mat
shook the hillxiile and a volley inured
into the lieleagurcd dwelling. The most
of the bullets buried in the logs but one
struck the clay fillling near the dsrway
and entered the Isxty of the lsy w ho
stood there lieside his niather. He ntter-
ed a sharp cry, put liis hand to his breast
and sank dow n at her feet, saymg only,
"Oh, mother!"
he clutche.1 hiai in her arms and
tried to staunch the blissi which spurtd
over her clirthing, and then. Is-nding over
the boy, she kissed him on the foreheail.
saying, "tJod has railed for you, my son.
He is taking from me my baby.
I know, mother," he inixlsd, "but I
shall die like a man."
"Ion"t think of that or of ine, now.
Think of J-x'as tlit- Savior."
Yes, mother," faltered the Ixiy. "(iixxl
live. the devils another shot,
Then hix head fell hack, and he wax
gone from the sound of human conflict.
he closed hix eyex and kixxed again his
forehead. Then xhe rose, reloadeil her
gun and gave the other xhot to the rels-lx.
Meanwhile, the other two young men
had reloaded and fired twiiv, and the
assaulting irty had fallen hack, evident-
lisconcerted hy the detennineil rexixt-
amv. Hall an Hour loliowca, ounng
which thels-xeiged neither saw nor heard
anything of the enemy, and they were
beginning to think that they had Is-en
Ixntcn off, wlieu xuddi-nly the four Nir
ncrx of the nxif alxive their heads were
in a blaze. The building had lx-cii (ireil,
and to thix they could offer 110 rexixtance.
Nothing remained but to run the gantlet
of their enemies, tiiviug one hsik to
her dead son and one prayer to tlie tio.1
she truxtcd, the woman oa-ned the d-xir,
and follow e.1 by her sons sprang out into
the ilarkuexs.
Ilenxe huxhex were alxrtit the house,
hut they were fifty feet away, and ls-fore
they could Ik- reached the three would
lie a fair mark for more than fifty rifles.
The woman gained the undergrowth in
safety, Vint the boys were xhot dow n un
der the eaves of the dwelling.
" I seed them fall," she said to me,
"and I knowed thar war no hoix- for 'em,
for them men would have tisik thar lives,
even if they'd surrendered. At first I
couldn't understand why the Ijord had
taken them who was men, and left me
behind, who am only a woman. Hut af
terwards I seed into His ways more
clearly, and I reckon 1 did more for the
right calls.- than any three men in all
this region; for, being a woman, 1 could
come and go whar a man couldn't, and
somehow the folks never seed ine and
kilo wed what I'd gone through, hut they
sided to onct w ith the Union, and went
to join funnel Kirk when he came to
hold warm Springs. I reckon I scut him,
first and laxt, more men than he ever had
at any one time in hix regiment."
What the woman xuid wax true, ax 1
wax assured by a nuiiiU.-r of (stiple w ho
were H-rsoiiallr aciuaiutc. w ith her his
tory. I!ut her work for the I'liion wax
attended with a u-t deal of dilliculty
and danger. Often did xhe walk all
night through rain, mud and snow to con
vey intelligence to the Federal lines or
to carry I.mhI to some outlying I'liion man
who was hiding in the wisnls, and thn-c
times was her house burned over her
head, and she xullcrcd to excai- with
only the clothing 11(1011 her back. Hut
in all this xhe wax never disheartened.
When her dwelling burned down xhe
hail h rebuilt, though never uihiu the
site of the first one, w here her sous were
buried, and w hen strips-d of ail and left
w ith not enough clothing to protect her
from the weather, xhe cheerfully said :
" Nevermind ; a little will do me, and the
Lord will provide that, certainly."
With ni revenge in her heart, she wiis
yet an avenging spirit tot lie t Vmfederates,
earning death and desrui-tioii among
them whenever xhe moved, until at last
they left her unuiolctited, content towage
with thix lone woman a xiuiply defensive
warfare. Hut this resolve 1 hey did not
i onic to until she had inflicted um tliem
a bloodv calamitv.
When xhe had rebuilt her house a j
third time she determined to resist a I
fourth burning. To this end she applied
to Colonel kirk, who detailed for her ;
protection a dozen sharpshooter, each
one armed with a revolving rifle. She I
hid them away in the undergrowth on !
the rising ground in the rear of herdwell- j
ing, and then, selecting a time when the
111. 10 n was at the full and the nights were
likely to lie cloudless, she moved into '
her desolate home with a few articles of j
borrowed furniture. The first night she '
wax unmolested, for, though the t'onfed- !
crates were only twenty miles away, in- 1
tclligeiiee travels slowly in a country :
dest ituteof mail and telegraphic facilities, i
But she felt sure they would come and j
xhe was not disappointed. About the !
middle of the second night she heard '
approaching the steady tread of a consid- j
crable lssly of horsemen, and soon saw !
them dismounting aud tethering their ;
animals near the spring in the valley be
low. Opening then lier dixir, whence ;
she could Is- distinctly heard, she cried
to them : "Leave my grounds ye gray- I
coated ruffians. If you don't, yer blood
be oa yer ow n heads !
Nothing but jeers and yells answered j
the summons and w hen they had died i
away there caiuc a doaen sharp reixirtx j
from the hill behind the Iuhm-, and ax !
many tnxipers never again got into the i
saddle. Then there followed one long 1
continued roll of fire, as if half a regiment j
was in ambuscade, l'anic atrickcu. the i
ton federates fled a body f one hun
dredleaving twenty behind tlieiu dead
and dying.
" That run was a sight all tlie next day,
aud I've never drunk of it aiuce," said
Nancy, in relating the o-urrenc. " It
was a pity so many pore fellow every
one of them with a wile, a sister, or a
mother should die for one old woman;
hut I couldn't help it; they hrunit it on
themselves." FJmhhaI K'irLr, in 1'l.ilaM-
Euclid was the name of the "father of
geometry." a celebrated Oreck who
flourished about 3(10 C. . Another
tireek named Euclid was a disciple of
Soi-ratea, who lived about -MO B. C. He
is said to have witnessed the death of
SiaTate. '
Lee at Fredericksburg.
In the August tWwry, Major J. Horace
Ijk-t gives some of hi reminiscences of
tieneral Lee. From his article we quote
as follows: "Ascending the heights, I
sism reached w hat was called the heaiTh
miHrters batterv of (ieneral Lee Afar
T -
across the vallev and river, in the pray
liuht of the early nwrning could be peen
the white porcbeaof my home, Chatham,
made historic br Federal army correa-
nondenta. an the 'LwT House.' The
porches were filled with officers and gay
ly dressed women, and from hair a
set ire of lira bands rang mtt a.sroi! the
valley 'Yankee Hoodie' and Hail, 'Johmi
hia The commanding officer of the lat-
terv asked me if I would lannit him to
scatter the unbidden guests at my hiKne.
At his rwpK-st I asked (ieneral Lee to au
thorize the fire of the heavy guns, which
would have laid Chatham in the dust.
With a smile he refused, and, asking me
to walk with him, we withdrew a short
distance. He then motioned me to sit
by liim on the trunk of a large tree.
" Looking across at Chatham through
his field-glaMX he said, "Major, I never
permit the unnecessary effusion of blood.
War is terrible enough, at its best, to a
Christian man; I hol-yet to see you and
your dear family happy in your old home.
I to you know I love Cliatliain bettor than
any plaix? in the world except Arlington!
I courted and won my dear wife under
the shade of those trees. By the way, not
long since I wax riding out with my staff,
and, oliscrving how your grand old tree
had been cut dow n by thoxe people, I saw
that a magnificent tulip oplar at the
houl of the ravine, north of the lu sixe,
wax still standing, and with somewhat of
your rhetoric, I said to Venable and
Taylor : "There ix nothing in vegetable
nature so grand as a tree. Grappling
with its n sits the granite foundations of
the everlasting hills, it Teaches it sturdy
and gnarled trunk on high, spreads its
branches to the heavens, casts its shadow j
on the sward, and the binlx build tlieir
m-xtxand sing amid its umbrageous foli
age. Heboid, the monarch stripied of at
tendants and guarilxawes the vandal by
the simple majesty of his sublime isola
tion." Pocketing my field-glass, and rid
ing on. I heard mingled w ith laughter a
nijwxt from the young gentlemen that I
would bring my glass to licar once more
on the monarch of the forest. I lonkeiL
and even while I had Wn talking the
axe of the vandal wax laid to the root,
and the monarch had fallen.'
"Then, moved by emotion unusual to
hix calm and cnalile nature, he contin
ued. 'I had three hundred acres of wimhI
land at Arlington. Serving the I'nitiil
States (iovemment for many years on
the frontier, I market with my own hand
-ach tree that was to lie used for timls-r
or fuel. They tell me all my trees are
gone yours are all gone'; then rising
from the log, with a fire and a vission
rarely witnessed in him, and with all the
majesty of his sublime presence, he said :
'Major, they have our Irm ; they shall
never have our fowl T
"Three years after the dose of the war
I was a visitor at the home of (ieneral
l.e. then President of the Washington
aud lxe I'niversity. After dinner the
general retired and I was invited to see
Mrs. Iee in her chanils-r. She was a
great sufferer and confirmed invalid, in-i-aisible
of motion save in a roller-chair,
w hich it wax the chief delight of him
who had xo long directed great armies to
move from room to room, licndiug over
her with the grace of a Sidney and the
devotion of a youthful lover. I told Mrs.
l.iv the story which I have so imperfect
ly attempted to reprishlc-e. Need I tell
any woman who reads these pages that
tears xtreaiucd dow n that patient, furrow
ed face, or that a light and joy from lie-
yond the stars licauicd through those
teais, ax she knew that the thoughts of
her great wandered far awnv
from the clash of arms to the memories of '
theiV youthful love and courtship under!
the shade of her ancestral oaks for ( liat- j
liam was originally the pmierty of a !
near relative. Ax I concluded the sen-;
fence, 'They xhull never have the land,' ;
hearing a slight noise, I turned ami saw 1
the general, who had silently entered, in I
iln-xsing-gow 11 and slipiers The great j
buck-shot liroiis slowlv mlicd dow n that i
r.... i. ... .,.-.., I... ! t
the cart lnplake shock of battle. Slowly
mid silently he retirel, and 1 oiuld but
fifl the ihi'H-st mmpiiiHlion that wonls
ot mine slioulil have sent auotlier I wn;
tlir.mgli that gnut heart."
Ceneral Burnside After Fred
ericksburg. ien. Win. K. Smith contributes to the
August Century au account of Franklin's
1.4-rt irand 1'i vision at Fnilericksburg.
From it we quote this interview with
Huniside : "After the liattle of Freder
icksburg I had fair interviews with
Hunisiile. The first was on Sunday the
14th of m-vni1cr. I found him alone in
his tent walking up and down, apuirent
ly in great dixtresx of mind, and turning
to me lie xaid, '( lb ! those men ! oh ! those
men !' I asked hat he meant and he said,
'Those Mien over thereT (smiting across
the river where so many thousands lay
lead and wounded, 'I am thinking of
tliem all the time.'
"I made some remark alxmt the fate of
xoliiiers and changed the subject. Hurn
xide also xaid that he did not lead the
Ninth Corix to the charge as he had
xaid he would, liecauxe the generalx on
the right made such statements w ith ref- j ls-cume more and more contracted, until,
erciM-c to the demoralization of their I w ith a last final effort, the inwardly
coiiimaiiilx that he feared to make the at- wounded monster rolled over and expir
tempt. I told him that I would lead the j ed. The other limits made fast and a
Sixh Cort against the enemv and that hard pull of three hours landed the prize
we were not demoralized. After we had
rct-rosscd the river I saw him again,
w hen he told ine that he had it in his
mind to relieve Sumner from command,
place Hooker in arrest, and Franklin in
command of the army.
"In the third interview tieneral Itey
iinlilx wax w ith me, and in that he said
that tin- men 011 the ieft did not fight
well e. lough. To this we replied that the
list of killed and wounded proved the
coiiirary. He tlx-n said, 'I did not mean
that ; I meant there were not muskets
enough lint I. adding. 'I made a mistake
in my order to Franklin : 1 should have
dirci-ti-d him to cam the hill at all luiz
anlx.' "At the fourth interview best it .si tliat
the mistake was that Franklin did nut
get the order early enough; that he had
si arte I it at fouro'elis-k in the morning,
but that (icm-ral Man lie, to whom the or
der WiiseommitUil, had stopicd an hour
and a half in camp to gi-t breakfast. I
then told him tlutt he should have had
the order la-fore midnight in order to
form such a column of attack as we had
"For a few day tieneral Burnside w as
da-d by the defeat and grief-stricken at
the loss of life ; hut he soon recovered,
and planned and to cam- out
hix harmless 'Mud Canqiaigu,' his last at
the head of the Aniiy of the Potomac."
The Lowell Institute, one of the most
unique of the educational institutions of
Boston, was established in IfCM. hy the
munificence of John Lowell, "to provide
for regular inurscs of free Hihlic lecture
ujion the nswt important branches of
natural and moral wieni-e, to heuiuiiiallr
deHvennl intlieritvof Boton." AxcIi.hJ
of Industrial Design eounected with tlte
Institute of Technoliary i uiaintaine.1 by
thix fund.
t xtn.
The Quartermaster of the Aggie return
ed from a cruise to Monterey thin morn
ing, and is glowing with xirscHuxneHs of
hit) bravery in participating in a whale
hunt that resulted in a capture. Tlie
Monterey Whalhig Company is alxtut the
oldest institution of its kind on the coast,
and the stork proves a very fair invest
ment to the holders, who are whale-killers
themselves. The business office, store
room and eating and sleeping ajiartmeiiU
of the coniwny are in a white adobe
building in tlie w estern suburbs and a
half mile further south v a high cliff
w hereon is the company's lookout. He
is armed with a powerful glass and a tall
mast is rigged with halyards for hoisting
a signal when game is sighted.
The hunting hails consist of three of
the regulation double-pointed boats in use
by whaler the world ve long oars to
each lxiat, L'Oll fathom of line smoothly
coiled in tulis in the how.and twoguns to
each boat The larger aize of the two
has the proportion of a young cannon
and is mounted on a pivot The missile
discharged from it is a steel liar, four
feet in length, and provided with a fold
ing barb that iiena out when the har-
MMin buries itself in the whale. This
take the place of the old-time harissm,
and is much more certain and effective.
Tlie lighter gun is fired from the shoul
der, and look like a large sized fow ling
piece. It has a lj inch Isire. It is used
to put the finishing touches on the whale
after the harjHxin ha made him fast, and
the method is to fire an explosive bomb
into a vital xjxit Tlie 1mhii1 is 1A inches
in diameter hy IK inches long, the butt
end being winged with rubber tijis, after
the manner in which an arrow is feath
ered, to secure guiding power. I
It was early morning w hen the w hite I
signal fluttered to the top of the staff of j
the mast on the cliff, and, having previ
ously obtained iierinission hi join the!
hunt with Captain Mariano, the Quarter- !
master was speedily Heated in the xtern i
sheets awaiting the signal to shove off.
This was soon given, and six miles hi the
northwest the three boats came up with
their game, which pro veil to lie an unus
ually large xjiecimen of the California
gray variety. Tlie gigantic fish rolled
lazily alxnit on top of the w ater, all un
conscious of iuiiending danger, and did
not even deign to notice the approach of
the Ixiatx that -ame up on either side and
lx-hi n.l her. A hundred feet away the
men lay on their oars and Captain Mar
iano sighted over his swivel gun. The
men lient over their oars, with every
muscle ready to pull or liack water at the
slightest hostile movement on the jiart of
the enemv. It wax a moment that seem
ed an age of aw ful susiense to the green
liand, but snddenlv the Captain nail a
fair mark presented, and pressed the trig
ger. Tlie boat quivered under the shock
accouiimnviiig the report, ami the eve
could plainly catch the flash of the liar-
iKNin as it cleaved the air and burieii it
self out of sight soinew here in the right
shoulder. Attached to the uteel missile
was the xtotit manilla line coiled in the
lxiw, and it lsirethe appearance of a Haxh
of brown lightning a it zigzagged
through the air after its iiwerful motor.
The w hale hardly seemed to compre
hend the trouble that had overtaken her
at first, and it wax fully luilf a minute be
fore she emitted an angry snort and
started for the Ixittom at a rate that made
the line smoke and emit xmrks us it ran
over the Iniws Both the Captain and
the lxiat-stecrcr iiecred uneasily into the
clear depths as the line stopKd running
out, and a minute later the former
shouted: "Hack all! Hack hard." The
five ashen blades Is-nt and quivered with
the strain put on them, but it was none
too much, as the lxiat was xcanvly a doz
en feet awav when the huge bulk of
the infuriated whale rose to the surface
and siutcd twin columns of brine high
in the air. It. fore the animated watcr
xiiit could reicat the dose the lxiat was
out of range Ixith of the fire-extinguishing
apparatus and the terrible (lutes that
soon commenced to thrash the water into
loam. Iler contortions were so violent
!-.t the ( aptaiu could not get 111 a xhot
with his IhiiiiIi gun, which he raised ami
lowered half a dozen times without pull
ing the trigger. Finally the (1uki-s quit
their thrashing, and like a flash the levi
atlian ilaxhed away at a terrific rate,
burying the lmat'x bow la-tween the two
w alls of water fully eighteen inches high,
but the speed was such that scan-ely a
drip entered the lxiat. This gait was
kept up for a gissl ten minutes, and then
the siH-t'd commenced to slacken, and the
woumhil monster swam easily and qui
etly on top of the water.
The living tug came to a total standstill
at hist, and, pulling around to a broadside
Mition, the Caitain wa given hi op
IKtrtuuity. The second explosion wax fol
lowed by the whistling of the rublier
w ingiil Iximb, which buried itself in the
great mass of hluhlicr. Scarcely had the
smoke cleared away from the bow iK'fore
the muffled boom of the bomb exploding
in the historical residence of Jonah
sounded the death knell of the poor old
w hale. Tlie victim' huge bulk grew ani
mated again, but for only a moment.
The flukes thrashed violently for a few
xtHiniilx, while the water-xpoiitx lavauie
tinged a warm red. Struggle and xjiouts
il.u tw.u.a. ...., u.i.,H. :
j 01 in 01 1 ii.ui nir ii..- Miiric 11
i was cut up. Siiiitn t'rnz Vurtrimlrurr of
I tin' Nfiii Woicixrti ,i.
i The onions of Wethersfield, Cm., have
! long Is-en famous, but Sunderland Town
I ship, in Western Massachusetts, devoted
I sixty-three acres to that odoriferou bulb
j last year, which yielded 5LM bushels to
i the acre, worth &.tl,UM or about '.17 to
j t'ie acre.
j " What's the extreme ienalty for biga-
my ?' asked a man of an Id judge, who
answered: "Two mothers-in-law."
At llm iiajw Aat paAUOa,
Kr Yin
W I wall! at HCMan in nifa
a eaiaiaa a. im n ra.aimaaai.aa
, IftMMev aMt Maw,
Absolutely Pure.
Thin po rlT nevtr vaiw. A mrY. of purity,
ptrvitxth unci hoW-wrtm-iw. M.rt eiiHiomit-Hl
Until tin tmtiimry khnK himI rtiiitH 1 mU mi
roMiMtifiri with tin muHmitlr fUw tv, iwrt
wt i-rln alum tr ulnrxprmu- fi. i"'t in
rw. KoYAL KAK1S41 FoW I.KR ., 1 Wttll H.,
N. Y.
Mar?e!Ions Sewing liflwt Invention I
Wonderful Eiessi u: to t'.i? Ladies!
Tie Mm
rj Motion!
MAKI..S Y.0U!i
Twice aa rapid as 0:1 dl'.ir machines.
Twice as eaav as on other mavhiiira.
Genuine Improved lient WixkI Work.
Beautiful anil I'raclical Attachments.
Send for descriptive circular.
o. o. ETvrMOisrs,
Wholouilt DealT for V.-Blrn Penonylvaiiia and
Wwtern Marylaod.
S2.50Did It.
TV ivriri nmt rx-liw hd rit trnMnit of
il.-lljr iu tlm nirirrwrati- tn irt.1 n-lni lr..m Mieu
T:iiti:n hut nil t-i no purr. . nutil lli.-v twil tha
IIsst.N HUM l Tlxi.H (CUE, b.rh
t-i.: two rtolUni u l flfu iviiu.. Ti- v say it iiii k
ly aifi cnii'lrttly cnn-.l tl-m. ai..l tl-n Ukj Late
niMX liaa uo return uf Kbeuu.atic liuuUc
We imhhah a littl rwin-l- let imit frrr to mnT it
&Km ui,wt thitix lesuuioiiy .:u-l w- t!i.-y inive it to
us: but if you bav any iloil alnt Ux- nutter,
wnu auy of Uw beUcvixl lUwuuiatioa, aud i4 an
cxiiriMu-'D frooi Uiem:
J. D Writ. Btoomubnrar. P
Hki'il 1)i Hsu.of Baoi;aD Bnma, Lancaater.trX
John M.-LAriiRUM, Iaiiamlr, Pa,
William Skmi-uk, AlWvhuuy. Pa.
F. D. MlUDUtToN. Bwlfor L P.
K. C. PoBTKa. Churry Hili. Mrt.
K. M. KnHlw. Newton 11111111111, ea.
Oil. t. TBKOBAiai, oiiiuna(.wii. Obia
Tar Raaxiaa KhramatUm fare ban mrtd
every Khrumatic utti-r-r a bo Law irlvrn it a fair trial.
. an en ' If nill Mr additional.
rflC6 9a2OVIt If mrwterxd luc. mora.
Be am taia aijuoal txauuaark la oa every boa.
An rrt It hi not to hr fonnd at tha atoiva. hot .-aa
obly br bad by eneioainjc tbe ani. uut an alHivir. and
aadrcaaiiur the Auicrkaa irorirtor,
Sltt-Myl Market Htrert, ihUaael:hUu
II? 15! hm I
fit nra Hrfirf tit intrr and
CoNl in I Iat, Ca
tarrh, Hay
Mr it a I.ifuitl, Smtf r
iSttnUf. f'rrr jntin
IttjHrhtn liniff
HAT -FEVER ,A i"ji--r?piI
mmt-altlr. rrii'i-w-i-iib-t ..niKra..- ; Uv mnl,
iwi.itin-l, h ifiii. t irciiUn. tnt EL V ii Hits.,
Urutftif'm, thrtift, X. y.
Ho Rota vffi tte r roue. Bon r Lfm F
Till tl l-outz! Paw.t are meA in time.
Foatzl Povf1wHIriirrini prfTi Ho rnoTift .
Kauut PowtVi-i rill prevent GaPci in foLA.
Foatzi Pnwtert will hw- th qmuitltr of milt
4 tmxu tweaiy per ceoru and make Uk tmuer firm
and iwtL
Ftmvtl Povr1ra wfTI rnr or prrmt ajmort TTTtcbt
Himah K) whtrti Horm .u,et ntlie art Mtct.
Forrrt Pow-mru wiu. itk fceVTiaracnoa.
Sold arer) hrrw.
PAV1D X. FOUTZ. Proprlatr,
ja-JB-'rW 1.
8I1SLS Tf liL an
I t;.itW ra(sir(.l
)trm null-a artJM n, it
.rfftx-M curwi w!:.Tf mil mUr rnjli fail
i wntiin imr resultn- I(a iets tM
learvw e-nei iu nit 1 L'U.UttKi'AKMl
limiwrarui-ir. mirrvt nnd rrrtnln. and a
U pimiaUy vmrmi art. JtttCT 10 mm at nj umm."
JTna. 0. Latt St. t i. ttn
.tv. jaw. rwma, "i"Hlia . Uiit,
"Ocmara AMhmm Cwn Is aU ynmaUtok feral, bavrar
fil.. - . M. Tom 'laftri.A, GrwnitU. M. f
Mj yhjtteUm anainMj Oaraaa Awhata Cm. id
tor) tac. Mr: M. U T'tntk. AmataaiJirrf, Omim
n.-raiaB A at at a Vmrm iaaoMbran drn
IHrtaU at dr.aul I, or eot by mall ou rerritd
tof prtoa, lYial narkare frro to any addrepp frrl
wamp. m. nirrm , - w.. -H-l-aaUMIaa-l
a ;kxts waxtkd
1Y rorTb-t
Everyday Life ofAbnto Lincoln,
" Those Who Znew Hun,"
Prmu lh otmiiilT of lit. tmyhnoit to theilatenf
his Imtiic .1. Kill. A no rlKarraphr if the frmtt
AiiM-n. an Prc-iilmt. fnim a new WniilMiini
ruratv and exhaimivo in hu-t anil iii. iilrut. rr-il.-tc
with pniliw and .-limtnl in illmt
trailon rjai kn..avimi frmp tiriiriiial il.-snnu. II
InstraiiiiK Im i.i. nts. iim.n, KrrHiu, , in
rliHliuc tin stw l Pnnrnit.
fur thai this Is ihe iihisi ulahlr and
pmritalitr lx'k pulili-hrd ; or. tnaarr tinH. Mild
l i at .mi-r for ( auva-v-ine Biaik. and matt- v.Hir
rhoirr of townshlua. Aildrma. S. II. THuMl"S).
PI Bl.liHlNi tl., PublWieia, Ht. Louix. M.i.. or
Sew York tlty. Julam.
15 5s,.ws K aa
mS-i5? HUNTS' " ;
mm Hps i
Mental Culture.
Pmprpi4on martx everything in na
ture. It i a law tliat gtivertiH (he fucul
t of the human mind in a iir-eminent
dttrree. IntUm-y bi marked with nu'titnl
imbecility and ftvlilenenn; and an life ad
vance and the mind eximnl, it facul
tieB increaMfe in power and ntren(rth until
we behold the natural mind, the trjran
tic intellwt, the towering (genius.
Tliere is eonneeted with tliiis Mibjw-t
an impnrtatnt ulea w hich should Vie kept
in view : and thia it) that mentul pn;re
ftion and moral improvement must be the
remilt of effort, Swh a thiiijr an well
develo)iel mind, an exndel and iihii
jmdienive intellect, witliont toil, effort
and lerxeverini; industry, lias never lx-en
met with.
In tlie varied n lat.ons which we are
tullisl 11js.11 to sustain in the jtrcat diunm
of life, hixhand important duties devolve
upon us ; and unliw our minds are prop
erly cultivateil, we shall often find oirr-R-Ives
inadijuiite to act our part pni-r-ly
in lifeV jrrcat tlieatrt'.
Many wvk to excuse themselves tm
the pround that tliey have not ln fur
nished with the requisite advantages.
TliiN we ronxiiler, to make the Unt of it,
a pimr excuse. " Where there is a w ill
there w a way," is emphatically true in
rcA-rence to the matter of mental cultiva
tion. The history of the world is replete w ith
exumplfK of tlioxc w ho liave been unfor
tiiiiately situatcl iii referem-e to advan-tai-s
for mental improvement, but who
nevcrthelcHH have plodded their way up
the rtifss-d hill of science, and have lieen
able to lisik from the jtiddy heiht-tdown
Umii those who, favored with siiierior
faculties, have used less persevcr-n.-e,and
have lieen content to allow the wheels
of time to carry tlnyn onwuril without an
effort ti overcome the difficulties w ith
which tliey have In-en surrouiuWd, or
even to improve the advantages vouch
safed to tliem. The cla-ssic hail and the
celebrated seminary of learning have in it
furnished moru sie-imens of thomuulily
cultivated minds than have the tin-sides
of the humble home where tbeauibitioiis
youth has devoted his leisure hours to
mental toil, and pored overthe midnight
lamp; cajjt-r to find the hidden wealth in
the mine ol scicni-e.
No inuntry on the jilobe has funiislied
a jrreater iiiiinls r of self-made men, who,
by dint of their o n active ciietyy and
imloniilable Jiersevenince, have overcome
the apparently irre;irable obstacles that
have surrounded tlii-tn, ami from poverty,
indi-iii-e and oliscurity, have risen In
honorable distinction, than our own na
tive laud.
t'ol. Wni. Iiuis Schiey, irand Secreta
ry, I. O. M. (irand ImIt, Maryland,
found I Set I Star Couii ('urea -rfit and
ivrtain retnedy. I'riiv, twenty-five ii-nts
a Is.ttlc.
Catahkii (ikkii, health and sweet
breath seciir. d, bv Shiloh'sCatari'h l'.-tn
edy. Iri- "Hi ivnts. Nassil Injei-tor free.
Sil.l by (ieo. W. lieiiford .V Son.
For Hay Fever.
iive I'.Iy's ('ream l!alm a trial. This
justly celebrated remedy for tlie cure of
catarrh, hay fever, cold in the head, Ac,
can lie obtained of any reputable lni;r-
rist, and may lie relied upon as a safe
and pleasant remedy for the alsive com
plaints and will jriye immediate relief. It
is not a liiiiid, snutf, or ponder, has no
offensive is lor an. I can lie used at anv
time with pood results, as thouxinds can
testify, anioiifr them some of the attaches
of thisaitiice." Sitrit of llir Timr, M:iv2l,
For lame back, side or chest, uss Shi-
loh's l'onius I'laster. l'rice i"i cents, ti.
W. Ik-nfonl & Son.
"My Mother isi-urhty-three years of af
and for years has suffered jtrcat ly with
rheumatism. In fact she was ipiite help
less, lieinjt unable to move about the
house. A lady friend ind.iced her to try
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite iJciucdy. Slu
did so and found almost immediate re
lief." The witter of this medicine tod.,
pus! extends to al! aitcs and a wide ranv
of coiiiplaints. You camiut HMsib!y re-jtn-t
havinjt purcluLsed it. Ki-iiiciiiIi r
that rheuinatisni cannot In- u r - 1 exter
nally. That II u kino Coi i.ii can Ik- so juii-k-ly
curi'd by Shiloh's Cure. We jtuaranti'e
it. Sild bv (ieo. W. I'M-nliinl A Sin.
When Bithy was si.-li. we icave lu-r Ciistiiria.
VVlien she was a Child. h.. .-rliil for Ca-.ti.ria.
When she tsi-alne Mi--, he i-liltlfi tit I'aM.iria,
Wht'll she hail ('tlililri-ii, she Kiivt- th.-ln Casturia.
Silicon's VirAi.i.Kit is what you need
for Constipation, Iissof .Vp-tite, dizzi
ness, and all syiiiptauis of Dyspepsia,
l'rice 10 and 7:"i cents per little. Sild by
(ieo. W. ISenford A Sin.
When Clara heard that one of her
friends had married the three-armed ui.iu
from California, she exclaimed: "What
I had jtiven myself up as lost ln-cause
of inherited scrofula. Tried everything
for purifying ihe blood without iicnelit
until I used 1'arkcr.s Tonic, and can
truthfully say that it has cured me. I
stiil use it for its splendid effect on my
general health. 1 1 K. Lyn.l, ( 'hicairo.
Ckoi i', WiiooriNo Col on. and Itroiichi
tis inimeiliatcly relieved by Shiloh's Cure.
Sild by (ieo. W. lk-liford & Sin.
Suite one lioldly asserts that the Amer
ican hen is hot doing her duty. You
would have us lieiieve that her son is set
ting, would you?
- - - ,
The malinger of the Fort W.ivne, Ind.,
fi'ir.-, Mr. U. M. Ilohnaii, says he h i
often read of the wonderful i-ures elf.--t-ed
by St. Jacob's Oi!. I!-.-nt!y he'
spmined his ankle, and invested in a
cane and a bottle of St. Jacobs ( il. The
latter proved the iiettcr iiivestmeut, as it
entirely cured Iilsaitkle.
Si.kki'I.ess xkiii'M. made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the
remedy for you. (i. W, Hi-iiford .tSm.
One night aw hile ago John ijivtoti.
w ho runs the main line In it tr.iin fro::i
Boston, eame on my engine sick us death.
He was so feverish and nervous heahiiost
cried. Cheer np, John," Kays I, "and I'll
fix yon in a jiffy, and I gave him a good
dose of Ir. Kennedy's " Favorite lieme
dy." He went to lied. " Two days after I
saw him liMiking strong us a butcher.
"That's the stuff for a rai'.roud man,' he
saiL" Daniel Fitts, Kngineer ( ld Colo
ny Kailroad,
Will voi-si ffek with l)ysa-iisia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Yitaliw-r is
gtuiranteeil to cure you. S.ld by (ieo. W.
Benford & Son.
"Her features are not regular, yet w hat
an attractive face she has!" It is her
lieuutiful hair. Once it wusthin, jrniyish
and fading. A few Isittles of 1'arker's
Hair Balsam wrought the transformation.
It will do as much for
Siiiuiii's on on and Con-nmiption Cure
is sold by (ieo. W. Benford A Sin on a
guarantee. It cures Consumption.
lKr-4ttta rrmtwi atragUi. ar wba fifrr rVaii
rafltitf rrmewi 4 atr
ilraiUc avtmttar
UlrmiUi a-Miiar ta urv artv, wj
Trria mmHm argraMnai Iron with jMia votr-Uhla
tmiea, aod is towmiuxble fur Pwratwj paeiihr t
M oaeB. ao4 all who taad mmUt:trj lti-. Il Kb
rtrk ad PariSew tA Bom4y Nitmnlnie
the ApratsUl MreavthrBK tkm .Mwrlca aatt
rrreni fact, tlrrHa.hlT (nvifrryrate.
Ctaua Um ompl-iott aatxi tr.&keK tSe kin wBorth.
It doa aut blackan tha toeth, ctnj batulauii.
produe Coaatip?UOfl mil vtkrr irw ah' .lm-r
MHa. KloiWII BnJt. T4 Fu-wtell A.. Milwatt-
kut, Wn.. an RiKler ile of iNrc. ft'U. 1:
" I hava oaed Brown'i lroo Bttteta.! it hahwi
irafira than doctajr to m. baniitt curvi f tiia
WAavInwiM li1ira hava m lifa. l eunxJ mm 4 Lit
ar (uamlaint. aaxl bow my aotnpMxi. n m i-kn" an4
(oid. Ha ako tMaa bannticial u my chitclrea."
MM, LouutA C. Bkaqdow Katt lAKkpurt. v T4
ay: 1 bave uffeivJ niiT'W mary li..iu Kmvla
0"iDplaiBtai, aad oouM r4afaa; nimt fvuat rftuilititaf
axcepc liruwa'a Irua Bft:. "
Oanaioa basabornTrauV Mark mMiAarvmd rA ima
od wrmppar. Take mo other. hm unl by
The Best and Cheapest
Attention, Farmers !
I wiiut A 4HHtIt t:F VTIn Hiprr T.iwii-.hili 1.1
m-11 .-rrllii sb-W .i.ivm. lir t Plnw
nn. I linn linrn.-ss eartli'. ITi.-e 1.11 lilun-ii
.lulliin. -r .lisil.U: -!. I'm? llu w Jliriti-li-s.
O11.MI imi tu agents. Semi f.r a Cu'I.hi
nr M.t.Ir. jss JiiHN VV. t'l'l'l'. ;eti. .'!.
a.rl4-m. Snu.rsi-i. I'h.
Tlie Old
Eslabllxhrd in
Il.rtvi ja-l n-i-t-ivMrta.'rtr liluf tl- SKLK-ILINi. STKKL-KKIN H III TTLKU WAtio.XS.
tin- mw r.-nijilftt' WVstiTii Vu-iti iu (Ik iiinrkft fr lUtui ir Kami liir.-r. oti ihv ntm.i.n
Vw..N ilicrt- a ki-ar lirakt. ti tu' hmi.vIhii l.uultinr hay nr arntin. a wmu'iliiii-j lh-t I'nniu-rv
knnvr Hit iuiwity tr w lien Iiuuiiii),' on liilly f.irmv Kwry urt f tlie Wtiml w.rk of tht wa-ot. hiw
1hi1 in Sun k tlmt y-iai- W fitn- Ik-Iiir worLttl t. iiiMirn.t; th work u U- Uiori.UK.iy m'h.-"ii-1 U tWrc i
iiehiis in nut i. .Vint; tlit wU'iiU- of the
Il iy tin? only V. aiitiu mak' that ha.- thi. iiitpHrtfiufni. It avoiiis the iiftv-it
of tnkinort tli tt lKt i to Krva as in tht rI I tyl : hv imply tuniinir a i-a
thf v, itvitii ran l? oil--I iti lw tliau live aiiiniu -. rhis Wiifjon wnut- m tu
JH?e!i to U fully apprei htu-). mid patties vihiiin to hny will do well ton H
In-fore pun hasitijc elsewhere.
T-eiy AVaj'on Pully Iiisui.m1.
In int'. rinij this mnlte of YaaiMi to Ihe pilhlii-, will say I used the same
make uf W aenn for live yean when rreiifiitinu m-nw the Km-ky Mnuntains.
oyer nulls thill were aliiiie-t inissiihle. !i.l tiiey alHv -l.i.l the test. 1 feel
uari'iinieil in savins I Inlieve I hem the B-sl Wuin.u oil wheels.
('(( iii Olinr K-u jiH r nr Jl'iir;! ;, nhn trill .o- i.n thr
i .A.sieiit AVantfil U'hronahont the County.
i!rri: 1 1 in : inLEY.
StlMKHSKT. MVKI'H . lss."..
Somerset Lumber Yard.
M INt ryiTI KI K AMI IK1I:K. Wh.iI.WAI.ER AMI UKT.lll.fcB or
IIai-cl and Soli AVoocls.
1VK. Ftil'LAR. SIlilNiiS, i-UKtT-, MntI.MN..S,
A l.eneral Line of all irrailtv rrf Lunitier un.l Bnil M:iierml ami Li.rt'in: S!Mte k.-).t ill t k.
AImi. eail mmi-ll aintliini; in Ihe lit I.Kir t.'iipl'.-r wiiii,it.le
.ninirfne. u.-h it. Itiuefc.-t.. iil.l siel a.ira. etr,
Office and Yard Opposite S. &
13 Stores in one. $1.500,000 invested! 400 Employees!
" - j; s i J " ( - - vcrrsi
tf T C U
i s.
1 Z Z t Z
J a
X - rn Jj t5
3 J3 y-t t -
- 1 Z 1
c i 0 0 i
1. U S -1
r". . vi B
QD 3
Wk will send Gratis to
Liiaiuoaa. 1 hi. book to aluiort liKllspenaibNl to
TV I :iu.!ii!ent h'tl-m who rpprwont them li an onr concern. We have KO Branch Store anvwhere. Our cmlr pl.-Mvof
l .i-inext s .Mir Mamnwith Xe BiliMin". kiinu r-.
-2 Ave. and SmiMeld StrTc?JpoTSTS?1cVPITTSBURG,PA.
asrr.i"rrB r
Frank II. Sufall.
To 6irnirw tltftliinff to ni:ilce rw-i invwirtH-nt
In the l hampitn Mill, ftnun'riT knmn a. ihe
" KKt'r Mill." ihey ilt . wHl ly -a.itiiifr ''
me hi my htpon -turner ( 1'afriot ivi-hii.
Str'tt.. I now off r k th jmhtic clifHft aiul
rvimhltf mtll. t I Min ktTn.ii.fl not u tte uti
tltn.tM. I will oift-r Miii-wiiiit-rt tjttrvitiii! Urn
niUVlS-ni. SliMKUsKT. V..
naaaj -
Ttvur f mjiaj avml
ltiiriTi tit La mi.
Mud lor Clrcuiavr.
Jest). Horner, Jr.
We are rnowl in Hie Miimiiaeturv uf
; f.-ni-e al s.nii ix-t anil M.-yeiMlale. 11 in the 111.M
1 liiiruMe. ami lr.HKi-l It-m-e kti.w 11. Nu luirl.
1 nn injury ti fl-"'a Ks-!..ry in Sini.-rMi hi ihe
i "ill Kit earriuire fix t.ry.
! iimylu'. J. M. MARSHALL 4 si.
Vhirtitjo in tS fi.
C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
rs : i
ery l,,,M.i.l. j, c,. j.m n..rhl..-. !.. .ill aar.
mm.,. iB33i q
arifcf rBiir aj- -i t at- i i easaii m t iiiii mi r- j
r. 1 i - rrrr r . ;r-r-f .-r
. -
Highland Farm!
1 IU4LI '! iny.le.taie,. at tld
IfIIV l;r"v ''ii!"i. '
I U II a ' i ': 'ii-ini. 1. 1 tto
years i,
J J" var ..i.L at $20 insurance.
Thr trf 'J.'i"firjf r7 V itt Hty F'trm thr rr-
Mi'liHWO fMirt nf ffit :f.itf Uff tit prrrtcr i,f .Vr
!int.n'l t'lU-U.e Sinltioii STBATHEAR
wilt b At S(oyston from July Slh lo August So
at $15 insurance. AttVr tlmt tin - lu w,i;
I hum Nunt t'hoic
for At liir i-rif-.
1. 11EFFLKV.
f ':
T- Vl Mk- .! !.e.f-T. . H
1 Xlttn 1m -st i ourr !l Carm von u
Tul ti: j U-'t i'.f-rc:rivr known f'trCniMQmptioa. It
c.: '-jilr!i: ' piiiaK, aiJ ill -Iirlr-i of IS Wjnjj
I I;.). -. I.;;: s L:T'. In :J:..'a, IViDju-y l)rM auj
a:i f ..!..t-.iTit. Ttw ft-brr aiitt ik k, wtru-
- k .' . l -..'.: I tliM4ut, !! twljr lrtf:tutf towxnts
V.r-i i f, v .".1 t i in rtirr thfir henlih br
-lh-t. w ij-1 ot I-'.wkji'x T. .tH . tul d-U? dam.
i-t.xj in, Tftake it l:i I in. 8okl by all Intgxuis y.
T ' .f m . Min-rtt, iu.crt and ImmC ran for ('mm
uinTiit. Wnrji, Jlokts Jkliai,drc. I!tnJfntrtr fnp!
,-Ti!h. KtjM alt pain. rivwir.triutlj. )U)itM
. co:nlVrteh.e. Hirli"TinM tnrrm whenc-twytbiakf
) wukii 1 i
For full lulirmntiori of the nmfe. n here to oh
t tin t.uvt riiiiit ia Jiiiflf. .Miifw. Kte.. -liri-
.1. .V. MCA' hESkUf.h.. '
entral ra-iiifT Airt-ut.
Comer 7th Ave. i SmithtieM
l'UL-'in.rvh. Pa.
fashk inajii.f:
l!av;iiv n
liie T.r .r,.., l
4 1 - JL 1 m"v
S'HKRkT. 11.
.S-2(X ).(')(")(') i'wi-v:.;.'
a.:l ht iii ft.) 1 ym will if a
jja'kiirr- "1 ifn"U ii l.r-.' .nitte. thai M i.irt 'i
in v.'.rk ati'l ilmt uui at ut-v hrtiik : y
la-tor '.Juiti H'lytliiiiK eln- i'i Aiii-rii-a. -'laiai.Mi
Hie ji . i mi Trvwiii4 with t-at'h taut. Atfiit
w .'iiii'-! vy cr w lit-re. ot eitiier -x. ot ail u-'t-. i r
tt i t it' -r -irc li nt uly. to .rk ;'nriij.i
lirir . m hti'iH-. r-irtiiHi-M It-raH "r,-i"r' nS--'i:t-l
seviirfl. f nii t tie.ny. H. IhnnrAtii,
!'rt!aiil. !-. j.i : - "-'yr.
1 VIX ''ilia - if,nl
vr timl Si;ii-irii( Work. S-vuiiiMimih! Ki, ?:
.tnl l..nlt-r 'mi hand. flii',imr Ki;ifi" .::i1 51. i-ct.iut-ry
rt i-.-iutty. TUV s 1 AM IS,
.-v il- Vi -ly r. AttihHM fit, ht.
any address
,o many a dollar. Re .r ao.1 .rile fcr .
111 It!
ws - .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-tr m m k. '
- r 1 mm a, n m w m m m