i They tFa Thnu:"1l j front Vin 4r tra The mm. IB j far tl 1t ; Thirl ( flu ; if 1 1 'f n. ?r " f; i . i la In .1 if - . : I III T, ch re or to" tti ) o .'J 'ft i v ii II i! ii S M - ak,t rrr away i Vain Imaginings. Female Druggists. Keeping Convicts Employed. 71 cutting iimoerm August. A QUESTION ABGU i V tMAMflUN . I r wrti ww . i i i i - t t iv r i i i i . i 'hd carm he bnw tie- tnait may bile In the A1inbick nirtow ' What ear;h tlial the a-'nwlenek't fiijrht This taimraer is in lfjriii ? W hat t't to him that atateljr deer At AiHrwnrtaek ftnintaina An drinkiti. or that tkitt are clear An1 Mue abnre the mountain. Fly eatchinjr J ( THihle art. And dVariy aportHnen love It ; Rut eatinc fnr a maiden heart In wanetbin' far above It ! The Adirondack deer may be W ell worth the ImrrUT . traitlnir: fint there a fairw deer, atid lit lnmiea not unavailine. lUue an- the Ailtiwudark silt In June, hen Nature 'f amliiinr . Bin be haf Keen a pair of eye. H hiw Wue If- more beguiling. Nn max-the cam-rliT may allure, N.a eianntde. flaafc or drty ; He'll u. be' alnlutelr ire. The minimer in the city, Thb year no vfNiniiig dtieta- can In Wli-mfl he hi teacher ; lie bar no nae for any man Save, briefly. 6a- the preacher ! Woman's Invention. It in somewhat remarkable tliat in the fai-cofthc fact that hundreds of thous ands of the w omen of our land re clf ntip)rtir.f, and that jw-rlmj half of the nmiilxT of sclf-wipjiorting women are the Hole bn-ad-wiiinersoftlicirfaiiiilieis there are still men ofacknowledjred intt'llip-m who -Iin:to t!w ! Ilieiriiw w to wo luan'a " hiiliTu." Thin ri.lKrt " an thy an- plcaMwi to unlTstani it, w iioiiiiilfI hythe lioiiif, and her ilutun witliin it iinijri litt If elm- than the cniit she t-in nuiliT man in thr rajwity of wife, idoIIkt nl h'ke-iJiT. Smie of tl"e male fiinuti:, i"t I an think of no other iianic ho api'liciilili', p mill further and arl iinlitfittitinly that intelleetuaity in w.iinan is a t"rt of Hn-riiuiiyt aud in mi wis- a nertuKitr to tlie fullulmcnt of lii r iiii!iii. To tliem nlie ix tnen-ly an iiiiiiiiul-iink in the chain of life, and worthy of rouxiiirTation only far a she iiierti to their comfort. To the credit of the lunlcof cn-ation, however, it must lie confesrail that ihe iiiuiiIht of thene "Mi rior" male cntittnvs are pnttlnally narrow inc down, and hy anl Iry they w ili In- know n no more. Ilul there areKtill other men, and there are a im'at mwnv of theiii, who. while adiniriiig a woman of mind and pa-tiiiiK, will not HckiiowL-dgc thai the fibre of a wouikii's bmin is .ft!ie same chara-ter us that .fn man. Tin y still liold, in spile of alt evidemv to the contnirj-, that woman has no ongniility, no creative L'enius, and that her skill dix-x not ex lend U-yond that of imitation. One of their pet arguments, and one which they invariablv advance as a clincher, is that that no wumaii has yi't written a great o;x r.i. In their divine cprtwii and si-!f-Kitisf-tion they forg.-t that there has In-cii wo:k wrought by woman of vastly gr nter iuijiort to the world at large than tlie coinposit ion of the grandest ox-ra. But this ix not the itit I starteil out to talk alioiit. I i i. that 1 um always a little nettled when I hear woman's inven tive jiwer iiextioned, Ix-cause it is un-ju-rt. as a long li-1 of valuable devices which women have given to the world is abundant proof. And if this Ih- not iioii-rh. the p-iiiiix of woman in finding out ways and means lor herself may Ik' tlipovn into the balance. It must c reincmlicrcd that the ne-l for women to think for themselves is as yet a child in sw addling clothes as eoia Jwred to the same need in men ; but wo men are proving themselves equal to the fincrgciicy, and showing a degree and qual ity of pluck, perseverance and orig inality in the ti-clh of olistacles that would dismay tlrt- proverbitd stout hearts f many of the stonier sex. Take, for in stance, the women who are thrust out by adverse circumstanivs from comfortable, and often luxurious homes, into a life of self-dejK-ndence. The inquiry, Wliat can l oo lor wyeu 7 or, nai can I uo m-st : is not an idle one, but honest and thoughtful. And it not frequently re-ults in her finding out a way new and hither- to tintro.idcn. What man would have thought of finding a fc.rrnne in antrcls .,..V vo.,... And yet there are three women in the J -i'.y of Chicago, as I am reliably inform- 1 ed. who drive a lucrative business, each in her particular line, by supplying thi-e edibles. Another woman is earning fame and fortune by loaves of home-made bread. This is essentially woman's work ; but the happy thought which led a wo man to make money by the sale of "angles' food," to say nothing of the mundane bread, and fried tnjtatocs, and chicken pies is not to lie scoffed at o ncu it ,-..ui. to toe stq.cniiicimeii.-c of farms and manufacturing establish- ments women haw aptly deiiioiistratcil , their ability. Tlie founder, proprietor j and manager of one of the largest est a Is- j li-hments in thei-om.tr- for supplying! womcu's and children's iin.lerw ear is a woman .and she is complete mistress the situation, even to the mnnmg of the entne which supphes the motive -.wer for the scwmg-mac.Mii.-s. Another wo- man is at the head ..f a large Unit and sloic nmnuf.ictorv. She "manages" her . businewau-1 makes moiiev. Still another woman, wise- ti:;ine de-crves to go iiHn recor.l, learnin-r her husband's biisiness f hmom-making after his death, siqi iortcd her family from the start, paid off 1 large legaev of i bt, an-l at the end of - thiw yi-.irs had enlarged her establish-m-.'iit thfiH'f-i'd. The fallacy that "aitv one can la' a farmer "no one understands . , , . . so Well as tin- ln.o-tl.-a) fanner tuiliself ; , , , , , , , , tint manv of lh iiioilel fanns of the land , . . , ,, , , an-owml and exciueivelv cotitMlled bv women, and, as a nile, they are quite as j wiivessful in the btisiiuw us ar' men. The H'inois S-ssjoii 1jis which are i , . that state, are arraiisr-sl. sh;ed and inib- l!hcl bv a womun. Another woman , , -, , , I a. I . . r.1 1 l in um n tic i it mnJ lo c ..... ..,....,.. .- . , ... . , . . , i.iih.iIiiiiIIi' liii-l.jUl 1 .l u. . I .l. .... . ' i i r- i- i i IHI--IIU1IUII-I, inim IU-.-PHI m'limiiHii 1... 1... ........ ! i ,. ,. - , ', , ', ., ovilii lint leice uorLeit out tlu. w-ie L it ii r . I .1 ; woman in not lacking in originality w hen ' it i-onies to IIk- imiiticiil thiium of life. I John Stuart Mill sav that tlie, stand- M.i ..rti. ......i. ,.i .j - .,.,,. .- cituufrv w ill im- the measure of tlie edti- .r. r.i ,r.t . . i .tilion of the men of that count rv. Is it a . ;i 1 .1 . t . " t-i . not iiosmI.Ic that education did not , . tit .i .. refer to iimtc Ixmk -lore in this instance And d-a-s it not Ktatid to reason that w ben the mothertakea an interest in and haf Home knowledge of Uisinens a gnmter roMrtiou .if the koiik will Jie more thorough and jrailical busim-SK men? TIk- Uilance of heredity is ac L now Iedg.il to U- fnim IIk- mother's side. And lliis sngjjm another question. If men were more caiuble and in. lustrums, iind did not neghft to pmvi.le for the rainy day.mwuld not m-e.1 the wonien to work .Hit the bread ami butter problem le largely dom- anay with? Is it quite iwife to say that to the gn-at majority of women workent the laittle ix a distaste ful .me. However bravely tiny may ' the warfare, they are yet women, with TMimuu's instinct ami vmiun't wiaknefi. Hut, so long as the neeewitr exisU, they w ill do their utmost, Tlie grand opera may never lie w ritten by thetu, but tlH'ir baltaia will lie heard in the homes, and will rind an echo in the heart of the viple. Maids in waiting those ls-vond twen-tr-tive. l-n. Jan A. Heaver, the H.-jKihlican nomine for Governor -f IViint Ivania, offert-d tlie nomination for the Viee- 1rvidenT in the Chicago Convention of 18S0, after the firvt place on the ticket had iieen jriven to (Jen. Jarfield, The detiire w an to j.U.te the utalwart element of which Beawr wan one of tlie dm c.pnKiiicuo, for tlie defeat of I Jen. Grant for the Presidential nomination. Beaver refuxed the jiroffer of the necond i-lai, and it was jfiven to -Col lector Chefler A.Arthur. Beaver, hy hin reftwaL delib mtelv. thoutdi of coiirw nnknow inj:ly, st axide the iclitterin iriw of the Tn-a- ideiicv'. If Hannihal Haiulin liad liei-n n iiueiii- n-l.wl f..r tin. M'-rrei'leIliA- on tlie ticket with Lincoln in 14, a he had ntrotif In ijni of iN iii', although newt oth er well-informed jN-rsonx saw that the of i would pi to Andrew J.ihiiaoti, then military tJovemorof Tentiewneis; the ten demy of wiliHiijuent event miht have bivti different. Ireidcnt Lincoln wa enxir li have a prominent war I Vino the ticket with him to rive it Ktn-nvth w ith the mast of the iN-ole, and he preferred Johnson, w ho wax the morf ntnxpicuoiw reprexetitative of that clai then in the country. Had the placx lieen (riven to Hamlin inxtead of to John son the Maine xtatexnnm would have lN-en I'n-sident for nearly thr-yeiirs and eleven moiithx. the coiit'.-r-l K tween the F.itei-utive and ConsJrcm would have lx--n averted, reconxtniction would have Ixfn tironght alxitit a year or two earlier than it aetnally was accomp'ixh( h, and the current or r-ceiit history ini'ht have U-ti materially chanp!. Il.iwever.this misi hance i-antnit lie altn'mteil to any w ord or ail of Mr. Hamlin. lhinii l VelKtTf'U ao coiitidcnt of rt-ix-ivinctU' Whiu nomination for the Pres idency in 1M that he n fuwjd w ith some wanntli. the aiivitan'-e of the Feeoiul phuv when the matter was sucsled to him 1'V Tlmrlow Weed, a few mouth" I fore the nominations were nia-ie. Weed, j who was one of the most sasuious iNiliti cal managers of his day, saw that no agency save deatli could prevent the W hig Presidential nomination going to William Heiirx- Harrison, the most coii- j.j,.,,,,,, Aiufri-ii vx-u.IiliT f tl day (..pi Jackson. Webster rightly jliought that he had done tuon- ) the j.y than Harrison had, and therefore n.tn t .j-. WvUr him on the ticket. Fight years later a similar suggestion was made to Webster by Weed, and was refused as lefore. The Mexican war, w hich ended a few months Ix-foiv the Whig National Convention met in 1S4S, made t Jen. Taylor the most conspicuous man in the country, and as he w.ia Whig in politics he pit the Proidciitial nomi nation of that jmrty. Weed foresaw that he would carry the convention by storni, but Webster could not Ixlicve that the jiiirty would withhold the nomination from himself, esjHi ially as the repeated defeats of Clay w hen a candidate ruled tliat statesman out of the race. Welister's refuKil of the VUv-Presideii- nomination in 1S4) deoriveil him of the rresidency for three ye.irsand eleven meet w ith iiumi-rous discouragements, mouths on the death of IWidcnt I lam- j she must understand Ijitill, lie a line sou. 1 1 trt refusal of the second plaiv on I chemist, and, alsive all else, lie a clear t he ticket in 1H4S lost him the rresidency headed, cautious, conscientious woman, during two years and a half after the j Mrs. Ludolf is the only lady druggist in denth in otliiv of President Taylor. Had j Ixiiisiaua, but she. tells of two feminine AVelister fillol the semnd place on the ! gradtuiti-s from the college in New York ticket in 1S40 instead of Tylor, thus lie- i coming lresident the attitude of the Ad ministration toward the National Hank question would have lieen different, al though Webster, as Secretary of State under Harrison and Tyler, mildly sup iiorted the latter in his war ou the bank. Welister, as President, would, it is prolm ble, also have strongly oposi-d the move ment which ended in 1M4 in a treaty with Texas, and in W ar wttli .Mexuo on j t)ial ,.,, tw v,..lr)i ,.,r. The W higs Ktnm),v favoreil ,). national link and i as ,,,,,.1 T,.XilH annexation, w,.1(St,.r ; iK..irt- WHS in ....mthv with , hihmnv ou ih measures, althoiitih his .. TvU.rV r.lVim., lu:,.ic him , ,-. the former. II, o.uix' would have made Wclwtcrthe most -tilar Whig in the country, luivc reiiivigo rated t'ne iiartv, and have given him in- sttid of Clay the nomination in ls-14. In that event he would have lieen elected, Texas would not have come into t'ne l'n iott until years afterward, w ar w ith Mexi co w ould not have taken place, the South ern desire to ' acquire new territory in which slaverv could lie extended would j have ticcn thwarted, the Kansas border wars would not have is-curred, certainly mj. .,... and the n Udlion . j , , ' , 1MKh..-,l. and hayv avirt, !ll,,p.,l1(.r..v. j j. ;wf, V(,(,r,,f ; ""-"""" ! Agriculture in Mexico. ! tl t. i.,,;,,. ..f ' xltli.iiicli the liiain linsiness f the ;H Illrli.Ilhllr,., this bram-h ofin- j ,I(lsln.'u (..irri(.,, ,,,.,. 1.X(Vl,tilml,v ,),V..ll1.l.,UH (.ilv(!111Ktai.ces. th.e .'.f I iu (1r..wlicks is that the whole I : - .;. :,. , :.,. ;mllH 11He ,. j I . . ' , , , , . I 1 CK-Mfiiw, r lamleil outti-s; small farms ; , - , . . , . ,,, J IR-IIIJJ lllll 11 HII-'M II , -lll-l --ill -'' 1 i hit ion often nillion or more, the title to i the soil is said to vest in not inon- than six thous:tnd i rsotis. Smie of thi-M- es. tuOi .s niilrf-lMi. billnn Ie;l-rHi IIIHleMil of j . . , I di,ii,iet ui-h-ii 111 iTiill1 mill :m. ifeotl to ' have irrigating ditches from foity to fifty nil.-w ill li-tlirtli M.m! of ilie l:ll-l of i , . . . ,,- . , , estates are uncu.in atcd. and the ; . ... i- ; water is waisted iijioii 'lie re'imnliT in ! . ... , . : 110-uiir-i RTKio-iiiiiiiii-i. 10- iiioK : ... , . ... ; vino 11 p jiiiiji-ioiT- wit- 111-111 an-i-A- it-eiiingiy vaneo. nun proKiiuy to a c.ui- ! sidcrahlc extent nneeilain. Some came fr.1111 tlie .1.1 KluilliJ. I 1. icri mii-iit ' through its hvihvs; some lroin Mcxhh, ! .. . .. ,. . i throu-gh its goveniors or M.,iti,-al chiefs ; ! . -, . . - , ,, . , ! wuile over a not lUcotiMi'.enible lcirt of ! , . ti .1... .i 1 1 ,.r .... !, 4l i j uu tut :'"si inim n nir ti'iunn, mv tl- tUi of the Iiun-h, alt:i'ii)i not iimiz- i ! nized !' (Joveriinient, :ir' still, to a I . , . . . 1 .. ccnain t-Aieiu, r-in-i i-o. -in u-i t" an I this, there is a marked iti-lisition on . i the .ai1 oftiie ktrge owneivof ri-aU-slate the part of tiie large o neiv of n-al estate to divest ihcnwelvtw lMjTly ; and this for various reasons, : Tlin it-111.. Ii..rarf,,r,.. til-.,. u ii.i- , f i . , ,. .... ' . - Iv n-volutioiurv ctiitiit:oiiort!iciiitiiitrv i - i ; tin- tenure of movable or iiorsonsl pMp. ! , . . . . 1 ' ,,rt.v W"M ""lei't to etiibarntss-.iii iits t , . . . , . . , , hh h real estate, or lnniiovnolc . .. , . projierty was exempt. I uderthe svstem . ..... oi taxation wiacii nas long prevail,-.! m Mexii-o, land also is very lightly bur-len-cd. Ami, Cnally. from what is prol nil Iv an inherited tradition foitii ( lid pain, the wealthy Mi Xh?tii seems to be pn-ju-diivd against investing in i-o-operative (stia kl or financial entcqirisci tiie niil mriys, hanks, and mines, in both old S)in and Mexici, forcxxmplc, lieiug to day nuiiiily owned and cuntrollisl by Kn glish r other forx-ign capitalists. yp lur Nrinwr Mmd'hly. For Hay Fever. " (iive F.Iy'a Cream Ikihu a trial. This justly tvlcbrat.il ntmily for tlie cure of catarrh, hay fi'Ver, cold in the head, &c, can be obtained of any reputable drug gist, aixt way lie relied upon as a safe ami pleasant remedy for the aliove com plaints and will give immediate relief. It ix not a liquid, snutf, or inwdcr, has no offensive odor and .ran lie used at anv time with pl results, an tliousanilH can tentify, among them mime of tlie attaches of thin ofliee." ."foo-if of Ox Timn, Mav 25. lfistt. In New tlrleans just wiwre Second street mvf IrjaUK, a white sin haa, iaiinte.1 in lxld letters: "Rudolf, Jrntg fiA," and two rtepti np taken the rwer hy into ax fresh, trim a little shop as the city can boast. The floor dix not cover any vast Fjiace, but the lxiards shine with clcanline. Cm every side one olwerveH the intimate relations that exist lietween the shoj) and the soap water. With mar tial precision the stout jars stand shoul der to shoulder aloiuf the shelve, each one wearing its Lutiu name w ith jrrave difmity, secmingr to recuvnize tlie power for Ufe or death they hold in their ca-pai-iotix 1m slit's. An alcoholized ceres staiiils in the clear counter, hut the iiaist attractive article in the establish ment is tlie plucky, sweet-laced woiuan w ho can look proudly around and call it all her own. Kvht years ap ytdlow fever niaile Mrs. Kudolf a widow, with two labies, and no reuly capital but a stout heart ami free dom from debt The creed of a defunct resjiectability and the advice of conserva tive friends- strove to drive her into teaching, sewing or the dependence of forlorn woiiianhissL Against this her brave spirit reUdletL Hie would fill her husluind's place, well and honorably. To this end she made application for a pharmaceutical course at the Tulane Med ical College. This w ax ih-nii-d. Nothing thmnted, she Isnran a system of private lessons under the lYofessor of Pharmacy, and in two years graduated w ith vast credit to herself and with the hearty in dorsement of the Examining Hoard. Then came the bitter struggle in the fai of an overwhelming nnreaxoiiing jirejuditv against her sex, protesting against the folly of allowing one's senna, camphor or blue mass to lx? mixed by fe male hands. This wave of injustice might have proven txi hivrh for her fal tering courage to surmount, had not half a dozen lilx-nil-mindcd physicians stretched out helping hands and tided her, by their sympathy and patronage, into the quiet haven of prosperity, where her taut little trade n-stsat anchor. " And now ," "she says, " I scanvly know what trouble is in my business. Never is a word spoken unlit for a lady's ear. I am treated with exceeding fairness and courtesy by all those who come. 1 am indebted to ever so nuiny lx1ors in the city for advhv and advamx'iiicut in the w ay of trade. Of course, this is a busi- i ness where one is never free from ani- j ety. Not a package of nieilieine leaves ' this counter, but I feel it carrii-s a f'tv j to work health or the reverse." .lust here the iiiest ion wa advanced a j to the advisability of woman adojiting jiharmacy as a profession. i Mrs. Kudolf advotated it warmly. She ! sjxike with eiithuMasm of her own snc- j ivss. She said that any young woman j who had the groundwork of a sound ed- ucatiou to Iregin on, and went into the study of dngs w ith honesty of purxsc and the siiuvre determination to rise su-x-rior to the dilliculties in her way, would find an honorable, lucrative career oi.-n.--l tin to her. Of course, she w ill w ho took papers fmni the head of their class, tme oi uiese nas since esiaimsiicu hersclf in Savannah, l ' Pharmaceutical colleges oj.cn to Isilh sexes can atU-nded in most of the large Northern and Western cities. In deed, a free scholarship was offered one young lady in Louisville, Ky. New Or leans is yet far Is-hind other towns in this particular. No course is ojn-n to women. They mast go clscwhcreortake private It-wons. At the nwnt State phar iii.icetitical meeting held at New Orleans great efforts were made to establish a school of pharmacy, one recognized, w ith a chair proierIy endowed. Thi n it would iviu probable that an effort to open the course to women would jrrove successful. At this same State meeting one of the ablest representatives, of the profession was a Mis Lucy King, of Chattanooga, Tcnn. She is the managing editor of the llrutiiiHiH, a lie. per indorsed and udopted i by the Slate Pharmaceutical Conventions J of Georgia and Louisiana as their repre sentative journal. Miss King is a young i lady of great ability, w ho takes a deep scientific interest in everything relating to the t-alling she has chosen. When so infallible an authority as Huxlev savs the studv of chemistry is - culiarly adapted to the feminine mind, the iH.int iis-s out of the line of disjm- tation. The qua'iitv which would xeent to make female genius cn-ciiilly valtm- hie in the drmvist business is the rare ! caution most women exercise w here once ! wnnied of possible danipT. They never think the time wasted in examining a prescription twice, and a constant h-h toll ties is with them of the horror an error would prmlmv. H)ii'ii Work. The Earth a Great Magnet. j Kverything on the earth and in tlie air j aUive is ienneatil w ith the earth's mag- i iw.ti.. f. m.i it m, tl.rnlli-ti t iilir i-l.itlli-A I . ,. " . if 1 .ii.4,-tiHi -.me ImuOihi it u-illlr-ilii I your brains it is a irt of life itself. ! I l.i , iu tl... i llnl el-111 t iiini.i 11 11-1tr111i1111.ee , A , . . .. - , ' has computed (taking as a unit of his , -11 ! measure magnet, fourteen inches long, ; . , , . , ., . . one incii w i-ie, one-:oui 111 incu iiiick, : I .,. ' , ,., i ' ; c;gniitg one js iiinit, inane 01 111c iiaroet t . ami ot the strongest magnetic J.n taissilile) the earth's iiittL'iietic force 'us I ,u 1 t. . C OU I u III ill lO OlUI fi Ml Oi Ml I U h 1 .i.-l, ! inauuets. The attrai-ting or lifting power , . , . , of such a magnet is alsait ten pounds, , , , I which would make the attractive power oftheirth42.:ntl.ri((l,IH1(V(l(Nril(HV(ltH)toiiK. If this magnetism were tijiiully distribut- ! cd thmughoiit the ni;iss of the earth, the : uirt-giietic iiitensiiv oi eacn emu.- vunt : . . - , , . , , onl,l K. coital to six of tutv uuignct.vr ? 1 T j uhoutsixtypiiundsaltr.i-.tive font' lYof. fltieniv. this invisible force, is a power tjlliug s;i:iiv to an unknown distant and rttdiating ill the limn .if magnetic force ; ven inn. h as the ravs of the sun l.g it, , ,. . , . ' ' the hues of the earth s inagtietic force , . , . ... la-mg from south to north, as indicated ! . i hv t he ouiiikish neeilie. 1 - Lincoln's Oath of Allegiance. (icnenil Win held Scott, when a young man, was stationed at Fort Snelling at that day pcrhai8 the rcniotest military isitl4 in tlH- oaintry. When the Black Hawk v.ar was la-gun aotne Illinoi. mili tia companies proffered their services. Two lieutenants were sent by Scott to Pixou, 111, to muster the new soldiers. One of the lieutenants wan a very fasci nating young nian, of easy nmnnern and affalik'disition; the other waxeqaally pU-asant but extremely modest. rn the morning when the muster wan to take place, tall, gawky, suiWidcd, homely ymtng man, lreed in a auit of blue jtT.ns, pnia-nted hiiiLse'.f to the two lieu teuanta as the captain of the recruit and a duly sworn in. Tlie homely young man was Abrah.ua Lincoln. The liashful lieutenant was he w ! ajteni ard fiml j thf first pun from Fori Sumpte rj Major Anderson. The other lieutenant, who adniinixtered the oath, Ttv in after years the lYetsident if the CiMifederate State", Jtfiersun Iiavia. CmrimuUi 'F.wptitrr. A w riter in tlie Boston lfrrthl tells of some of the dcVM-esemploycd in Kngland to keep convicts employed : The convicts were marched into a large yard and formed three sides of a square, standing about five ft-t apart, feeing in ward. Near one end of the line was a pyramid of twenty-fmr jund cannon 1 ml Is. In the centre of the sqnare stood the officer or pliant AVhen all wax ready he gave the onler. "Chie." when every man moved wdewoys five feet to the right, which brought the man at the head of the line opjiosite the pyramid of lulls. " Two." Kvcry man steppixl dowu, without landing the knees, the first mail taking a ball from tlie pile, the others go ing through the motion till a ball reach ed them. "Three." The men moved back to their original plwea. " Four." They r4ooet down anil placet! the 111 tiin the ground, not In-ing allowed to drop it. And so on, the movements ron tinued,the orlers quickened at the will .if the gutifd, till the lsills were all convey ed through the line and piled up at the other end. It required but a few minu tes of these rapid movements -to bring every man into a state of profuse pers piration, showing that the lalsir was of the severest kind. A short time Wits al lowed the men to rest, w hen they were again called to order, and, hy the same movement, the balls were returned to j their original plait; and so on through out the day, tln-se cannon balls were Kissed forward and buck, with no ob je1 only to furnish lalxir for the men. In the prisons established tixin the solitary plan, where the convicts work in their cells, they have what they called the "crank lalxir," an iron cylinder or drum two feet long and eighteen or twenty inches in diameter, n-sting upon legs. A spindle, or shaft, is jiassed through the drum, w ith a crank on one end for turn ing it. Attached to the spindle within the drum, which was filled with sand, were flat annR, making it necesxarv to lev considerable force to run it; a dull, I heavy drag. A dial attached to the j machine registering the numlx-r of revi- i hitioiis the convict had made. From S,- I (KK) to 10,(KK) was the usually daily stint. Can one imagine a more terrible situa tion for a human ls'ing to lie placed in then to Ik- shut up alone in a cell ten feet square, and from morning til! night com pelled to turn a crank attached to such an infernal machine, with no nsults, nothing accomplished, no object, no hojie exii-pt to complete his task, for upon that di ' cnds his supper or gruel. Educating Colts. The education of the colt should imiii- ! meiice w hen he is very young, and by j those only who are themselves educated, ! or tit least have common sense enough to i know how. Horses of high mettle tire j more easily educated than those of less j or dull spirits, and are more susceptible I to ill training or bad management, and, consequently, may Ik-made good or bad H'fording to the education they receive. Hut horses of dull spirits are susceptible to bad management, anil in them may lie found the most provoking obstinacy and vicious habits of diilerent character, that render them almost worthless. Could the coming generation of horses in this country Ih- kept, from their earliest days of colt hood to the age of five years, whol ly in the hands of good and careful man airers, there would lie a vast difference in ti,e general character of these noble ani- iiihIs. f ., jH ,.v,.r allowe.l to get an nd- vantage, it w ill never know that it pos sessesa power which man cannot control; and if made familiar w ith strange objects it will not le skittish and nervous. Alsive all things, a colt should early Ih- taught i to stop at the word, whoa ! He slnmld i i i.. ... ... ....i ..:...i .. i.:i . ov niHiir o woio cjoiciijk niinr ou no getting in ami out of the inrriage or wag on to which he is hitched ; as the lack of this part of his education subjects the person, or persons using him to frequent annoyance, and often serious injury. Vic ious habits are easily induced in horses by tickling or plaguing them, while in the stable, and under no circumstances should ever lie tolerated. Never ls-at or use harsh language to a horse in the stable, unlet you prefer a vicious to a clever one. A horse issusceptible of Lik ing in a vast amount of knowledge ; and his education should Ih- of the nature that will render him the most sate and useful. Ammrtm Anrirultarift. Courtesy at Home. One is forcibly n-minded, ingoing from place to phuy, how small and si-emingly trivial often are the things which go to I make or mar the comfort ami iieaee of j home. In some households then is a ; genuine good will and kindness which j only works out lui'f its mission, for the j reason that it does not express itself in j little courtesies of ssech and nction. ' Th. le are liion iliitMirtont tlmn Siitno fif our busy men and women may realize. The ready "thank you," "if you please," etc., at the (able and elsewhere, the quiet "excuse me," when obliged to liass di rectly la-fore or inconveniently mar an- ' other; the loving "gisid night" and ! cheery "giHsl morning," although little tilings, are hels in making a happy home. Cotirlesv' is but the retidy over flow of kindness and good w ill toa!l,aud is, therefore, but n natural expression w hich costs nothing, but whicli often cheers an aching heart, and which never fails to make home brighter and more at- . , . , ... trail ne to old and young I),trif ji A Promising Speculation. A countryman Mtrayed into the Petro leum Kxchange yesteriLiy, and watched the proceedings w ith great interest. "What are they doin'?" he inquired of a fjieeuhitor. " Buying and selling oil," replied the sKrulator, indulgently. " What soil wtith?"' " Sixty-five cents a barrel." " What !" whispered the countryman, wilh suipresstil excitement; ''only ," tvnts? You buy me all you can git, Mis ter; the Uirrels aioue '11 fetch tnore'n tlmt." 1'tul. ,1 rl KtH ff SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. Ar Um n. awn Uii.iion. UP IH llllH A. lUkl lM CnllAI.'nBORE.XIk. 'TJflCODSOn ,1AN nil.1 Curat Rrteaantiai. Nraralgia. II I II lll.l., T .Ml Pltt.'K. rilTV ITVTt I AT UULUiaST JIND HK.IIia. be ca.au t-rauui ttk,aAi.fiaoaii,aa. rj & paw's MEOOTAB TRACE yj MAtK. 25 Absolutely Pure. Thi Poarter never variex. A marvel of irtty, stniiKili and wlMiiooim-ness. trt- eciiinmieai th An the ordnnrv kitnl. and cannft U wild at iHHiiHrttiiiHi iih the multitude of low tet, hort weiwlil. xlum or phosphate )miiers. StM tmlg in fm: Hoval 1IAK1NO Powlik to., li Wall St., S. Y. Mar?eIIoTis Sewing Macbine In?entionl Wonderful Blessing to Ilia ladic-s! Tie Confinnons Eotary Motion! MAKES V.'UltK Twice aa rapid is on otl.rr tnrddnes. Twice as ease a m o'.lit-r n:aciiincs. Genuine Improved I'ent Win-xI Work. Beautiful and Practical Attacliiueiiw. Send for descriptive circular. !o. o. 3siaBc:o3irs, V O PITTSBURGH. PA. Wholesale Dealer fur We-t-im lVnosylvacia anil Western Marrtend. A Urn! Diila Prf-TilR"nt !n t'l-i pmirssloa. savs: "Don't put my n i.ne In ;wt h-tt re.erany one jou wisu to nie.aiid I iil ula-Jiy It'll wlttit t'-ie fimnina J;trmtttim 'e - h-is Uone lor me." Tluss g -rmeiaan w t.s sj l int one would tinv? triietsiit. Iilmacrip-Vi. .-.ti-t Three Onyt' Use o.fouriViii--i' iiie.ie-i liaooULaliiiitt. Mb fi. W B-Kr.r a lt;a.ii-tff m-ntif-i.-turer 4 Wi!-nun-non D--1 . nle: Tf. l.tlj '".: ' Fr -m th lir do 1 tvtfin '- ti- !t'i - ::.! Kiw'-TO-'tero l"ni, r vf I..!! v.- i r.-.i( mv i-,.-n t mer.w.-eit Tiie am of my limKi W- i ni u-s r.i I ui"t? Tt!'irl ntU I felt r.ftili-- -tit :r- t:it -.---i -I 'n.rVin. k.now "f BtJtbiiMt wlooli b it . ijiii k. and wr-aiur-fus ftu efl?ct. Onf rrf t'iiil ii- ti t' - i.i li-t mco'li'inlt, Mlt, C. fl. B.w titc r-- . lm t.l" M itn Strwt t ierw4nt-wn. t-H: "T.ii- Kinin K .i Unocal Ctir-? -jtkenpMOi.' tMun out -.I ia ii iiiiilir' u .nd u'jek. b:u liad aullerwd grv aly witii tl Ux lujiitu-t. We have test-linn -iv of tl.ls sort sn.Tcleat to Siti-'v the n,ot skeoii-' il. I't'i Ii eon liave the Kte-iin tls:u von w in! r-'-M r.i'lcr tlian testi mony. Von etui iri-t it -qu.-k, sine, pennaiariit, by 'iiUliitf fm tlie RHEUIVlATISr1 CURE newfptire pamplilet, with -rimoni. free. e. rA ( It iiKiil.il. Hie. mliiitiraiaL Price 82.ou.; if .,.1,-1. iuc. man RUti.lAN' RHEUMTIEM CURE. One llx dnee tlie fcmunosa. Nonr Oennrne mitlKHC. liliA A TS it I nit to 1- Inini-I at the fftorm. Hit can mlV lie h.vl lv i-lli-l'W.Nv' I tie - iri-itl-.lt ateill-iVe. Mb.l aiiiin-KHUiif tlie AuiHmtui iTopnKem. PFAF.I ilfri BROS. & CO. " BSlLT iCCOUlTEtf FOT Thf iwrri'wioi KmhaiIi'm lhipltnlr Awrxillfnt rrtr Mtlitcrr Nd M-t imw(hhI :mrrvf l ihr mi. i -nii v nirniri lur i I Hiii mi tUv iMHtn mf mititiNK NHr! with i-fil mtMift l n. KHtricJ ! bililv nn m iiImmI Iom!.1 hwrrv imrtlrl- ut whlrh bmirt nrf row rftw:l. in n ltmf Imm1 l vrt-lHbl. Worrndfr tliln I'immI HtitMf ilinlflv nTHllnhl In the S25 PHOSPHATE Whfrh wr rlf.im l He it vrry npfrMl fid vnnffttf . M ivvaihr -rt mriirl wrnrt nnil HH-mtnn it wnfil lull- mtrH, tUs ix-rMiHMcuilv iirvin ibr rwil. Mp?tA. Ta.. .fan 1-t. lr. "lUrirw tliornaVv tM-M II I II'." tH."5 VlltIMI t'l'K.w.t- M.l-with'ith-r niakMnmu inr t tftunrl thi rwr im. 1 tn -tHwl tlmt Batuth a I IIH 'Nrll l.yT tfM Cr-(i Wr-ll AN pwmalWIll WM.lt. 1 lerTfrf rlititt and nil mir rrM fr iwo wr Nhsf 1 Urw-d tire . lh-ibM I r. 1 wiM um rw oIIkt k.n I ami lrii tt ihrntvr m bnj ttfiiijtb'a) 'itihnl' autl MmreeuH ttw-nirwlvH-i on ttu-ir rmmroun l." JOHN ADDIS. BAUGH & SONS, RAW BONE J iiivrrirrrBFiia SUPER-PHOSPHATE' Comhtnd rjtpartf t r4 our U'ritH. tmi pn ar, and still IMrORTERS, FKILADELFHIA, it,. DscBacgh's $25 PHOSPHATE At Tl K-.f'KlMIANKVr. ft!K.l ANIMAL BCCMAKURE CatarrH KIA'S Fi'nrtt Hr!i f t owt timf i XfliicMtt O.l.l in Ileid, fa tarih. Hay Fever, .W n Liiiil. Snuff or Hnrili i v.-. lt,tm litjn rh'Hit Ih'tt'jx mt'i 1 tjF'-HtitY IH',,: A punti le i. n:.i1ii--l intn ciii-li mMril. iiii.l '.ii--!ii at lnuiri-i- : livuiiiil. in uiars free. hi. V IIHn.-., rt'jri'-tfr.tl, uti-viits ih tUUfi', thi'tfr. A. FOUTZ'S HORSE AhO CATTLE POWDERS !lo Hort-i will file of Colic: Bots or Lrjca Ft , It Foiiot ltnrl?r ure nsed In tim. ! onl7 l'owtr will rtm nl pnxmi Hoo rnnt.MA. FotTti I'owfiirs will prevent Gpm i 'owl. rinitzNi PowMfni will itrr tte nnnntttr oi nuife uil cr-Mm iwetiE)- per cenu, and make Uie butter Urm anl rswot't. htnitx'f Powrteni win cmt or ptvTent .Tnrt ztbbt I)!!-1 to wiilrti Hor nnl itxe nrf nnhiert. FoiTT' Pfllt TtriU WILL IT ATIF AATTIOli SoIU everj wiitre. 1AVID E. rOTJTZ. Proprietor, BALTIMORE, KTJ. mm a art it mm r'JirjFn t It. j e v . i r 3 i n w w . 1 SliULI TRI1L eM Tltlre. tkf Oirtt Onattal ( ll'l Vl.M-?it Ilia, k: lljrirt,tMU!urtlMi l nXtx-W rur-i wU -re aii trtber n imnllt-n full j iwiiitiuif Tor renulf. lt union it p- curt rniriru ih :lxi n,iiiiir.v r.- 'Gtjtaia hMtitmtx Crirc fa mil To dsitB Ibr ik It mtct iij phjikelM rrc(iimriiJsi d Oermtn Anhnt Ctrt. Ii cuntl qm. ' M-m.M.L. Tttriek, Lm4mdrrp. Otto Irmara Aarittna. 4:ar 1 told hT iJI rlnur UiMt-i atL WW, a.n.1 Ml. or eK-rit hv nizil nti rrvw-ii'l ii pnre. i rui i ku irrr w vif Mamn iur Rxtarup. K.M lllr r v futMlii. PURE RYE WHISKEY SAX,Ji i:y the Gallon and Larger Quantity. I have ai cciiU-d the asem-y fiir the celvbrauit R. C. Laoilis IiistilU-ry ami will have constantly on hand a Lurjrv suiily of this fiiitiian I'l'RK RYE Copper Distilled Whiskey, which I will retail by the jnillon, ir In larjn-r qnantitiea. t -ORDERS FILLED SAME DAT AS RECEIVED.". Hon room at my house on West Main Street, Somerset, Pa. GEORGE AOIAX. I 7 VWI Sh ty r--i.v5.S- W--?eW Experien.-e has shown us that the best time to cot timlier for jiosts, mils or stakes is in Anpii. Tlie Ltirlc will then come off readily, and the wood becomes harder and endure. lonrer .than if cut at any other wsason. Hickory never makes a piod j or stake, aa it rots rapidly in the gnmnd or on it, and if cut w hen the liark adheren, will noon rot, or likely lie rut to piece before it can rot by wonnit But if cut in August very few, if any trees, make a more durable rail for off the ground. Tlie bark drops off, and the wood becomes, so hard that it 'jiiuiles" w hen struck, while the worms do not at tack it Hickory mils, made from trees cut in August and kept off the ground, will last for fifty years. White oak makes a dunihle rail or jmst cut at any season, but ito durability Ls increased at least fifty per cent, by eut tinj; in August. "Iln oak" is unlit for jjosts, or for mils either, on or off the ground, when the tree has died, and is entirely unfit for posts, and almost unfit for mils if cut when the sup is not flowinj;; but mils made from a pin oak tree, cut in Angii-t, will last ut taint twenty yeurs off the jjrotuid. What is trtK- of pin oak is true of red elm. If cut iu August it is as durable ax hickory or w hite oak, as long as it is not set in or on the irrounil. White elm i fit for 11 re woo. I only, no mutter at what time it is rut, and this is true of w ild cherry also. With but few exception the .twin by cutting in August is sufficient to coinviusatc for cutting at that time. It is not necessary that the mils or posts In-split out then. The trees limy be felled only, and the further work lie put off until cooler weather. Hut it is ln-tter to split the trunks into mils or posts for later use as soon us felled; the wood will then season rapidly, and the highest mint of durability is attained. . I iiirric.ii Ayrimltu r'ti. Three inemlN-rs of my family, sa Mr. J;;mes A. Sample, Cash Koom, nl'tcc of the Treasurer, 1. S., who wen- suffering from aggravating coughs have Ix-eii much licnelitted by taking ltcd Star Cough Cure. None of the ill effects so noticea ble in other cough remedies, have follow ed the use of this. The Kev. (Jko. H. Tn i VKtt, of r.oiirlMiii, I ml., says: " lloth myst If and w ife owe our lives to Suium's CoXscMiTioNlCriiE." S.ld bv (i. V.". Itenford & Sin. A Dakota Judge on His Dignity. " We will stiiji taking testimony 0r ten iiiinutes," Miiil n Thiknta justiii.- of tlie jieaie, rfinuvin liis ciKit, "ilurin which time the court w ill lick tlie nttnrney for the ileli'ii--. The constalilc will I'leam' remove tlio chairs ami small Imiv, as wo irojnise to lam liim ilown on the floor ahont twenty times. When a lawyer re fers to this court as a suare-4-onii-rcil saye hen of the alkali ilcsert and acciisen it of havinir Ik-cii lMiti:ht hy the prosecution for Si.-"!, he will (in. 1 that this judicial li:ly is loieleil for jrame futiini only in the tall timlier, namely, h'ars, ;,'entlemen, lartre jrrizxly h'ars. We itnnse to main la'ii our ii;'tiity while sellinjr on this here liench, ttml w ill ilo so if we have 1 stay at home circus day nml jmunil law yers. Ami if we can't lo it alone we in teinl to invoke the jKiwcr of the Tniteil States ami jM liackeil up hy the supreme court aii'l reirillar iirm v. If the attorney for the defense has any friends in the room, they w i" In- jriven an opportimity to shake hands w ith him, and take any instructions be may wish to send to his family. The jrentleim ii w ill please form a rimj. and we would tlir.i-t the coiist.-iMe to pit!I him olf if he attempt to liite or pull hair. Take your )msition, for the court is a-coiuiii!;! Etrlluu (I:ik.) IU ". A Xas.vl IviKtToi; free w ith each Imt t'e of Shiloh's Catarrh lictmily. Irice 5t cents. Sold hv (ico. W. IVnfor.l & Son. " You may reniemiier I spoke to you til Mint having lH"e:i alllicted with severe sick headaches. Well, some time aii I l"rMH taking IV. Kennedy's '"Favorite Ueiiitily" in faint hoie of relief. To my delight and rather to my surprise, I have never had an attack sinctk Hew thank ful I am I need hardly tell you. I hear tily wish that all women tortured in this way knew how certain and pleasant a j cure " Favorite lieinedy " is. Sarah J. j WoodniH', Xcwlnirj, X. Y. i Ark vol' maiie miserao' hy liidiestion i Constipation, Iiz.iiiess. Loss of Appetite, ! Yellow Skin? SUiloh's Yitalizer isa pus- ) itive cure. Sold hv (i. W. IVnforil & Son. ; Without iK'autil'ul hair no woman is lM'autiful. Is yours f.i'lini: olf or faded? The loss is vital. Parkers Hair Ila'sam ! will preserve vour hair and give hack its I (floss and youthful color. Clean, elegant, ierfect. Prevents ilandru!!'. Siiii.oii's CritE w ill iiiimediatelv relieve Croup, WhiKiping Cough and l'-ronchilis. ' Sild hv (iiM. W. Ilenford ei S. Mieii Il.il,y nussiek. ue irave hert'iisinria. Wiien she whs a t "hilil, she cried fur Cast ,riu. When she iH'-'imie Mi, she ehmi; to fiisinriii. When she Inn! Children, she jj'ivc lhim ( ':ist.riu. Km: Ih'spKi-si t and Liver Coiuiilniul j yon have a rriuted iiilar.iiitee on ei-rv ' lmtt'c of Shi'oh's Vilu'.izer. Jt never fails j to cure. Si'.d hv icn. W. In-nford .v Sm. i The family ihysicia!i asked the clergy man Kitiric.illv how the itrian-hs cauie to live so lon. "I'.is ause they took no jihy-i' 'siiid the minister. In every land ami clime, the merits of St. Jacohs i til as t lie only roniiueror of IKiin, are lieins; acknowled'd hy the press and j-oie. Wnv will vof t'uiih when Shiloh's Cure will (five immediate relief, l'rice 10 cts., ot) ets., and 1. (i. W. Iienford iV Sou. Mechanical dentistry is recommended hy n I'iiiladelphia dentist as a suitahle and iirolitahle eniiloyment for women, lie refers only to the inanufacture of si'ts of arliiicLi! tivth, w hich rciuiri'S t-irefu! and delicate manipulation, and not to suetrical o;n-rations iu the mouth. "I tell you hiudnmd, 1 want you to try it," I had sutfi-red ered for years with a complaint the physicians called Crave!, and they had riven up the attempt to help me. My w ife heard of Kennedy's Fa vorite Heinedy and oke as ahove. To please her I pt a liottle, Cned that and two or three more, and presently the trotthle vauisheil never to return. My wife luid a sort .of inspiration that time." Washington Monroe, Catskill, X. Y. Faith lik.i hers deserves its reward. " II ackmktai K " a liLstint; and fnirrant K-rfiiinH. lriv 25and .Vlivnt-. Sildhy teo. W. IV-nford A Son. FimhI for the brain and nerves that will invigorate the body without intoxii-sitinjr is what we need in these days of rush auil worry. Parker' Tonic restores the vital energies, soolhc-s the nerves, and brinifl. giaal health quicker than any thing you tun use. Shiloh's ('atakiih Kkmkdy a posi tive cu re C ir Catarrh , I i ph t heria a ni I'Ca li ter Mouth." G. AV. Iienford & Sm. Knglan.1 will want !S:5,(VXX) bushels of wheat, in addition to what is produced in that country, this year. A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. f t.mfi. ' c-u Br-i-Ar'-i Irna a-..-rw f nv-ry-thiicr Vrll itd-a't. H.it it dmror-ii;!-.h JVrf u ai'-b tt nin;h.m p -j uma w '-ud r-m? :v:t-t 1 .'-' PtlAci)UH rHcoruw It m at tM brt, r . rt-it.- ma.T.l toowis lo Ih-t mnt ml vad uu-itry rvf j v W.inI cr-mcal firm ia ?!stviia l:vwwrt-a ttwr lbw &r m r prp imi tan at ir Clun t .y mt.rfr -enl'sciBna cw-i ioratuii ina. Ttm a..- ca ctotrir thi irna ia jk-katvrlr4rrrl b tun bj int- r.ot i't- tn fjfrir'il 7tv.vii.--ii prctu-. lty b.MeT.r r'irirkfciirf frt. tht prt-1" Jm tJi-Ct.- ly .MSH;ciuiT tta ccmbccUAua hail n teu UtuaX BHClVa'S (RON BITTERSSTJS: betviaeb. nr prottaoa ern.rtmtiro all ojfr ?tow mrtiirtnc d. Biiil W'.N'S IKON T-ITTES ercs lodiweviiaBa Bilioti!nf?iw, Hcahocis nyTtorMio Ula'artn- n-id FTcry Sd, Hnek it LrnlH.H n!n'Sf x-A N-wl. rtn for all these ttQatrau Irm H pnirr)ti .ifr BF;31V?J'S inOIS BITTERS-lETS-tt elimijf. wri.a tikm bj v m f.rt. mpe-ffn n 6mic. th Oucti tmTi. thfh-?tfawrtK-- Ii; tmrn theilrwt W cs:iilr mTi rifi: 1 m r!ci Tin ttyrrt tMtfiti M ottos to bnjrhfoa : tlw riit i J--r ;r: nilr!i c iiYconrM t tr ch-k; nrv.vtnr ti- .r; fuaari-)nl .Wircn" be-m rwca T il if ouninr nt'.tQW. ebunlnT town -.nee h fir r r aiW. RwH-w-r Bmwn'n Iv-im BittJrt-i ml, ) ONfY ir.io mfCicine that ' nit in jnryviB. I'm ;u-anM ctw lrufUtm rnnMf' i; Th-i Gmoin ban Tnufc Mrk and rrwH rd tinea uawnppar. TAKE NO OTIUU The Best and Cheapest JOB WORK VT THIS OFFICE. Attention, Farmers ! I want A VOO .IA'.VTtn every Tor.-n.-hfp tt !'! 1 hfnnrii .'inltt, .v.r Hnritt, the Iw-st Vittvt and Vann HarrH' on earth. Price only rirttvn iloliHrei per iiuMk- sut I'mj mi hilHe-iretf. (hm! inv in lurem-. s.-ii'I rr a m ulur. railu orm! ir'' JuIIN . 1 1PP. Ajt't. Bprll-tun. ssouictx-i. I'tu The Old Schuttler Unto Wished in f tet rV:i-iyU!-' :eSs W- 1 I have jiM. rcciivM two car of the SEMM.IL! V.. TKKI.-SKKIN S li( TVl.iM W..oXS. ; the !inl roni.h w WV-tcm Wugon in tin nmrkt-t for Kid or Kjtnn liirPM-. im tht- S it c ttlkk ; V.i.N tiisrv is it Ui-ar l(rke. to tie wiu'ii hanlimr hay or rrain. Mwu;fiiiiip thai famurs 9 know ihe iK .iiv f wht-n iiauiin m hilly farms. Kvery ntt ! ih- Wool-wi.rk t mis u.uun h lui.I in. stok threi y.-ar Ix forr In-Ing wtirkvil up, !h iiii; Ironed, lli'in tlie jtateiitee." of the DOUBLE COLLAR AND OIL CUPS, It ii- the mily Wnipm tiuulc ihat has '.lit- iniinn L-milil. It uvuM- i!u- mei.-ly i if Uikinitut! the whivL t" stow, a- In the "I'l style ; l.y niiu,iy turning a I'lip tlie v.Hmi ran U- oiled ill It- tlKin five minutes. Thi Wauim wants t..i seen !n lie i'uMy rtiinviiittil. ainl tmrties uisliin? tu liny will ilowi-ll t-.M-e it iM-p.n- tiUi-hiL-iliK elst'ivliLFV. Every Wagon Fully Insm-oil. in nn"rrine ilii mnke of Waxnn to the pulilie. will say 1 wsil the smie muke of Viin-'uii fur live 'years hen fn-iislitlas arn-s the R ky M-cmlnins. over naei- that were alums! iini'ii aide, anil tin-y alway.. -tnl the Ii -t. 1 fi-el warrunteil in snyiiut I ta-lieve tliem the llest Wiutim en wheels. t'.i mt 0i'i-,v Kiiir nr II, m n . trlto ie,7 i-i e ,11 !l- Wtl'jililX. -Aa.nt "W'aiite.1 ThrouaUoiit tlio Count y. FFTFI I UK irFJEY. Si'MKUSKT. M AK 'II Iss... Somerset Lumber Yard. ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, M aM I .IT1 'It KB .M IlK.M.KB. V Hill Ks U t V. VNI KKTAii Kit HP LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. I-Iarcl and Soft Woods. OAK, llllM.A'.:. SlIUMiS, PKKKTS. J!( HIIH S' .s. ASH, W AI.X1T, Kl.lHillIXi;. SASH, STAIli I!AII. CHFUUY. Yttl.nW FINK. SUlSLiLrX IH'l;s HAl.l sTKKS. ( HKSTXIT, WHITE I'ISE, LATH. l'.I.IM's. X KWKI. I'l s r. V liem-.ul l.inei'fnil irnules of l.unilier anil Huil.liusr Mn'i-rial an.! I!'.fn' slate f..-It in stm-k. Also, e.-in fiinn-ii atiytliini! in the line i.l'nirr Imsim-s- t.i i.r.li r wuh n a.Miimlne limiiijiine!.. slii-ti as lliaekcLs. I fitii i.eil wur;. i t:-. Office and Yard Opposite S. & KAUFMAMS' GRAND DEPO - FIFTH AVE1TUE A1TD SlIITHFIEL7) SIREET, THE LARGEST AMERICAN OUTFITTING CLOTHIHCxij j SHOESj 13 Stores in one. gi,5C0.SGG invested! j 400 Employees! BEAD THIS N COTJPOIT. v r t; 1) I 1 w - X s. ' " i - . Z Z 'Z " o c w n tr s ? - - i' - f e-. - T - - o v - - - '. , ; i : . y : "2 W u o CD t CD . CD 3 ? Q O rr s - 2 - 3 i e- U r , W V. W it Wb will send Gratis to Our Tleaiiliri-.il- Illustrated Kew FAMIIUS PiXlIC rnntainlnr all m-it t!i new s!eif the mmn. lnrtnietini Ton ' trler riNls iim '. ti-Hini; vihi nfumt wir .vstem n( preftfirini; all exriresH etmrL-e ami aiiiunintinc; von'with our enormnus estlli-hnienl n,l wir aielb,sl o( ii--'1' ImsineM. Thi hook ia aliuwt imlisienible tu erery UinMehoiiL Ii eost j-ou nirthiog but will tan you manr a dmlar. He ure anJ writ tut M. CAUTION! CAUTION! DON'T BE MISLED F.y fraiuliilent hoitsesj who represent themselves a. enr concern. We nave J0 Erancb Store anywhere. Our onlr -hie liii-iness is our MamnmtU Xew Buildin?. known !t KAUFMANNS' GRAND DEPOT, ich Ave. and Smithfield St.rJo'MHT'ScE.PITTSBUEG.rA. CHAMPION FAHHIHC MILL. ASl rAITCREII BV Fi-ank IT. SuDillJ To farnirrw desirine tniice a chk! iuvsmenl In thtiM rhnniin Mi'i, Iinnfflv hiMti - tho ' Kst;'r Mili.'' ihy will ii wH rTr;imr mi meal my nhtirrn eorm-r f Iatrn4 ami K-iJi Strfet. I now i,lfrT u tht Mithf a fhH ami retiahie mill, as I am b ti-rminel nt ! t-e un-itt-TMtM. I will orter nniirtM'ivK'iifeti htrvHMi! im thiim; thlrin a km1 mill. ALL WORK WARRiVXTED. F. H. SI FALL, s..)iF.itirr. I'a. max i.H-t.m. l.-Vf.Va-l .) lMMX. tMl for Cm aUr. j JgsIi. Karnsr, Jr. BM.TIMOEK. Sia FOR rvrf'i. """'i HtnTinPrQ IhimUr. HORSE HIGH, BULL TRONG. AND PIG TIGHT . SOMETHING NEW. j We are eiitraLrerl in the ;u'tuf;M-tnre f this ; ft nee itt j.ttn-pt ami MrvcrvUiie. It i the nui j iMir.ilite. aiel !tr(iip-t f m-e Lmn. No -Mrf. no injury t M-k. Km'try iu Stnieri at the : otil kirMT earr!xe fai-J m myltf. J. M. MAK-H.U-L ?i)V Unliable Wagon. Chiruyo in 1S4'1. iiiMnini; the work to k Thonmirhly -ci-i-m ( u iurc r C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. hATSJ jFUEHISHIHSSj u :.i fi n ":""-. - afi kE I I 1'JtJ J fc-l ...e-i" m j ?! i r.i -i ti umm Li vV Vi Fences S2 i ? J" 4 I f. " 1 j! I m ' ; J m ;u It s:fl KL Hh; Mn if. iiSii 1 iiilfflii STALLIONS lyV. f-S:. , -AT- Highland Farm! oH. ly.U-firtU-. nt $(0 J V 1 1 A . t 1 I -laic', l $10 inlurlnce! PERCHERO t STALLIOrl, J J." J. ' years. ijil at 120 insurance. Thr nlnr St"ffnf tf"7 If itt ntt f';nn tUr iniiitiitl jrirl nj t!if tt' 'lr 1"r th urni'X 'it iw-iri Iii-.;n.rti-l i i.v-lr-li'i Slallii.n STHATHEARH arill b at Sloyslown frcm July $lh t. August Sth, at $tS insurance. Ait-r t li.u time tie Kin i,. h'uiii.' al.i. I have -'im' i-liiiii-e COTSWOOL LAMBS, fjr tiret-iiiiitf iith--s. AW. Berkshire pigs 1. IIJEFFLKV July 7 j! PARXER'S fiHAin 3ALSAr.: t ! 1-ji lar f t.Ho f drr-. , , ... F'iV ''l t'-;1ll dui.-.. w mln. lLm. : y hairf ill nu'.a:.. i.iMi-ii,trL.. t.t .: e . j-il !W..iuiilS:.wl.irllrj.v- -U ' mfaAaKS2 1 he bet Cotigh Cnre yoa can nso. Am? tholrft I'rpventirc l ?H.rn f"rCfm:imM,..in. It t-nn-sbiKli-infi,aiiii;iili-orUi-r.if the M-ns:;. How-rls. l.u'V-'- I-"er. Kk n--v. I nnarv C-.-a;., a,.,J p.U Frtm.1. C-.uil'luiM. Tui; f-lrie Bin) s 1., tr iliDl wrJin-S i1i-mi-. arl Kkinitr d:if:-iir tins r-if, will i.l rnit -e:i rnirr liiei- l.:.' i, thetin.elT nue et rA!?lcu'. T"SW-. ruit d. 'ur I. .i.in. .rrvui. inn. It in time. Sukl pjr u cm-.t , ln imre Ikri lea . $ 1 . no. HiraoEiicoRns TlwMtJe-st, aran-irt, i)tit'kir ami b-5t rnr for -Trm, r.tmion.-, W art". Mni'-, t'm'.l mi,. IttiwU-rst'eir rr,r 'r.rrTowth. lttwa;i in. efv-ik.ttrouM. HMfeuia fr-rt nirirtah. Hi:t'ir-rr.rtw cur-i tarvrYti;itij CTR 1.000 000 Ecrms S01D.4N0 never FMIS TO CURE COUGHS CPUS. THriSeiTAOALLUINjIROUELES G-Aaop.ysGisfs smir price, fi ODefllYBflP (JJfli.ii fj i . i.ij a '.. t M'vmi i F,ir full irif.inii.ilioii i-f he nmte. wiere tr nl laili i;,iM-ruiin.-:iI lin,l. Mai, f.:e.. Ailiire-vs .1 M. HI:.Vi:KyttlliF.. i -ntnil l'ie--en''ir Ayi nt. i'nr:ier Till Ave. ai -l Stniihrieiil stnt-w. Fill-'iuriih. Pa. K.YiSIIIOVA.IU.K ; CUTTER and TAILOR, 7 f -tfij Iitviiiji hut iii.mr i ".- 'i- Kir 1' l.ri V'.-cflsiio-t.i, ii. m t.. !i : '.-T-- 8Vr'f.;a .-5 win. may .all ill. ; S) J -M Atftl "Ti me a.i.l fmor niir '.villi liictr p.it- Yniir. .vi-.. V I.I.I AM M. Fm HSTKTI.KK. Si-Vi.KI.T. I'l. V-200.000; --: t - t ft );-... rtul "V limit ye! wilt m--k tic tt i !r: vnitit-. tintl wili -t.-iri - i.l U iiil i tttilt iil M :Mi f rrii;"- :m Hi im.it--iiL-!i'r'itiii u'lVTlitmr -M- ii: Ann ric. AM ihe -.: in pn:.-aii:tf h ;tii -t !i x. Ax'".' watitrd i-vi-ryw Urn ''t'ith-r x-x. i-fail nm-. ' t:!l :!ft thin-, or -jnin' I-nn- unlr. to Hon; t'.r w : !h irtiu n Ii-intt-. 1" rtiiti-9 I'ofiiii v, nrk'T nh-im.-;v iivim-l. iM.n'i WUi. II. I! ii : kit .v pfrt.aii'i. Mc jiin-i."!:. r. I-OR SALK: " Th.X V F.S'i I t s. rk. sriiti'l h-iaii Knj:n-s ri,i':i- Kliifin -i'i !.i y'W.l.s IM.I.IS. all. I H'-il- r" nil hallil. i liiui ry a -(r, iaity. iii-i .at -.ci . c PITTSBUE.S, FA. ESTABLISHMENT, fTOTOKS, RETAIL AMj . .V'rlo'iESA' E I any address flBgl ip i I 1 4