The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 23, 1886, Image 7

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Where b tt k-r1tnr w. this (.nx-cl-n.
f vellfd bour. week, all trim awl -rajr?
Tli SumnuT die In Autumn s rtiill imlmcn.
Thea W imrr eallr dreary Amiimn-time aav;
Till Bprin days rnrne. ll ! wNU rip.
ne more u work o ith a tu-trf, brirht nnile.
And Saimnc-r earner hut unoe acuta tn vaiiili,
For mli the st-ason last so hort a hile.
But w hither do thoy uke u In tlieir painr
Eyes Ixit dim, hi-arts t sluwer tune ;
Hands fail to do the work thai wm su vtiur.
Tis Winter time, ere we bare nlniml June.
Wc rnn- stay them, aiwii"r ever passing
E'en Uioufrh our live short" a tliey (to.
Altbuurh e treml.l." at the rutheiinic -had..s
That aaitnaind.and hidt-ahat iKM-my
tih, We. sad I-. I did not tLrd.oiT.
I did n takenu nt t) ery naiu :
Thy tleatm never were y me dtiiiaiid-d.
And havliiK lived, I ..ull nH live acain.
Will would I fain U civen widet knouledve,
K clear and fair, u darkly thnxirh a rlaat,
Vade darker yrt by t4j:bt dimmed oft by crying,
ho dim I rannnt sec Oie way I pass :
There Is bo sunshine here a hhont a shadow.
No smile that hasn't It's s win fuUoa ing tear,
Xo Miss that is not paid for by a sxmiw.
That cam tfore It a shade of mortal ftwr.
Ik there no land. oh. life, w here we are happy.
hale in the knoa k-.l:e that our blewine are :
That love is real ; life's be joys nneu'intr
Ife-youd tlie homrr A tH' judjnnelit ImrT
None answer, for the shadows -rrim and dreary
Are ulent with the Sileii'-e of the dead
The dead, that are su quiet, safe. untrouUed.
Krxmiiuraiurht, wlthiu their eburehyard bed !
Oh. van It l that all our live but lead us,
To ihare tiie lulenee here it a?e sleep :
That life hiuiM-lf l4h yield our ouly harveat.
And what aenm, we here alone may reap?
MENT. The wol-liiijr wont dT lH'autifuIly.
Tlii'ix wen- triutujihal im-ln, n-j licin
tenantry, mnl nc!i..l iliil.lnn wattiTfl
Muuem. TIiotv vim a -linral w niiv, a
Joi-Jioji, ( i -.,.. ii i:i I on hirk leave Kteji
fnvnl -uncle of tin- lriltvTum,) a niral
IVan, (first iviiin omv n-inovvil fnun
the ItpIi',) anI a ritualb-tir vurate. An
illi:il:lliiilllii, iiiih-.1 liy li wIkm1
liiafler, wan Mini;, cuiiniciK in
"Ml, thih fcMive K-eil!,
With nw and riec,
We offer obiatiim.
To the bride f bii ehoiee.''
I'pdiciiitiii'l " eliiec," fnun cxii'lii'V
f rliytne.) The dlili'st iiihahitant. in a
chilli siiick L fna-k. ilisa-liwl lUriii
ami iiwliilxil Init with jTaisewriliy
inlinility. KvtTythinjr that lniman in-p-iinity
mll !e in; or i-utmi cMimte-iian-e,
waa to ntnli-r the "hay
lay" liieiimrahlt' fr i:s iliwuiiifurt t tht
cintni1iiiir )arti. I ri it- f thi, tlx
lirich Jixikcl a i hanniii); ax hWci-t wven-ti-en
can liHk when it trii-s ilr, lxt-t, ami
cuiisirlfrinff that ln, to h':ik, Kt-i-l
imtnf the Mrhocil-rooiu into the chun h, i
canieJ hcix-lf with le xclf-
jBsoisini. A fr the 1riiI'"Tiii, he j
went through tho inl'iil like u rxiMicr
ami a num. anl lookcl, avorIin to the i
iloctur'n hiut'h1T, " heavenly." Not the
lf.t NttiMiiil of the weihlinj; Jarty was I
the lrih'' lirt!ic. Joey. " Th-rirlh must
1'Nik flippy aflT Iiii-ImikIh in tlitur harti
times," haI Ix-en that voting nianV n1
mark a year la-ron. Simm-I on ly pti-n-litiil
iimnniiriii'.- f -ni1y farms ami
no rents. Joey hal siiui.'i'st'l a n- I u-t i n
in the home- estahlii-hiiient in-teal of his
milistantial hut :ii:iU-pi;it- allowamv.
The cstahlishiiH'tit ili.l not juit- siv it,
hut Joey was firm. The irirls must mar
ry, ami one of them, though all couM not,
must marry 'nidTny Kitz Jolinson. He
was in even- way i-liil.le; youiur, pMxl
lookiiiL'. well on", in a wm lierth at the
AVar Ulii-e, aul heir to several rich anrl
milate relations, unlikely to commit the
imliscretiotis, matrimonial ami otherwise,
of modern oll ae. S Caiituin Kitz
Johiuam was a.-kcl lown to Miiinll
thorpi', iass-l over live ehaniiin; aspi
rants to hia hand anl heart, ami threw a
haixlken hicf to tin- shK'k-heah-l yoiin
jiemoti who sent a t within an
inch of his evotel heal. rraniniz out of
tin? achool-rooiii window, on the evening
of his arrival, to catch a cliuisc of -J-vy'
chum." It was rather a hlow to Jo
ey, his "chum " walkiu otr w ith his fa
vorite sister, hut he hore it philosophical
ly. He ha. I always intcmliii to exercise
a rti'ular care over Floric's iutensds
when she came out. ami he was not pro
janil fir the youn yoin otr so
rematurely. However, tin- I'itz Johu
Hon'awoulil live in lmlm. iin.l as.Iia-y
wax at the Foreign ( Hiv ainl in risiins in
Bury -street, he couhl still keep an eye on
ins sister, ami sv mat she still liel.l tier i
own in the '"smart set " of which lierhus
haml was si Nijmlara iiietulx-r. J.K-y
was ten years oller tluin l'loric, ami ha.l
the niaji-stic nrriitt anl law-yivinir pro
clivities of a man ahout tow n. He was
what is known as "a j.aeat institution,"
which means that he was invaluahlc in a country house. He couhl
tell first-rate ami tirst-liiiml thost slorii-s,
ami couhl jiass the severest examination
inlVhrett. He was a pillar of strength
in jirivate theatrinils, anil eouhl imitate
the ilivine Sarah to the life. He knew all
the cossip, ami couhl tell it w ithoiit secm
inj; ill-iutttirel. In short, Joev was the
rmi (ii iji, a sm ial mkh'ss.
A happier Miiile than the I'itz John
sons when they first came to fruzon street
couhl not he iniHiri n l. It was only when
t'aptuin Kilz Johnson setthsl lown in
his new house an.l his ohi set that he
nuule the kinttify ititf discovery that he
hail won his wife's heart, as well as her
hand. Hurin the courtshi and honev
m. h in the lisssitioii of that iiupirtatit
fa.tor in matriiu. .hial happiin-ss had
la-en doiiiilfiil. Florie teased, chafed and
commanded her hiishaml in a way that
to such a coi).iieriu hero waslxith novel
ami provokiiu! Captain I'itz Johnson
hail, however. linied HJratiyv clsewhsre
than at Voo!i h. The 111. ni inr aftT
the arrival in Ix.n l. .11 the wily y..iui
man left his wife in her Ismdoir tin la
teKt thiiitf iu lawiiloirs, under
Joey's siis-nision wotiderini dismally
how she would kill the time until eirlit
-j'cliak in the rwninit, when she was
tohl she might look forward to Mi-ing her 1
lord anl master again. It was Home
thing more than to fetch a forgotten ci
garette -ase that made Captain Fitz
Johnson retrace bis stcjxt 011 arriving at
the foot of the stairs. His instinct had
not deceived him. The fort rem had eai-itulat.-.L
"I leave you ho, tieotl'rey," s..l.lx d the j
jxxir little wife, with her head on her
husband's t-houldi-r ; and 'ieolfrey, as
be Kt rolled down the street, having
promised to lie bsu k by luncheon time,
hummed "Utile, Britannia," in triumph
ant soffo -; The victory won, tlie vic
tor, as he had a perfect right to do, rested
ixn bin lauix ls; but he need not have
given up the reverential worship of the
lover and mmsUiiiixI hi instantly the con
descending tolerance of the husband. It
Wan unkind of hitu w hen he came home
just in time to lress fir dinner, after hav
ing Ix-en at the club all the afteriiixin,
to plunge into tliat horrid French novel
with a KttuifiisI grunt, an.l lei rely Vouch
aafe his wife a word. It was downright
rude of him w hen she leaned over his
chair and stroked his hair, to snarl out
savagely :
" For Heaven's sake, Florie, don't iw
me alxmt like that. I don't like it."
And it was positively brutal, after treat
ing her in such a way, to scold her all
dinner-time for lx-ing dcptvnm-d. But w
it was. The Fits Johnson family ark,
pretty little vt-swel as it was, with its fr-sh
stint anil tlainty funiiture, had drifted
into tlie eurreiit which, sooner or later,
must land it upon the nx-ks. tnxjffrey,
blindeil by hellish -anity, lx-ouie bored
with bis w ife's w-ell-meant but ineffectual
efforts ti please her" much-chanped lord."
Her Uvish afl'eetion, varies! only by il-tnfale-l
an.l nornelimeti tearful deq)n
dertry, irritated him ami lnaJe him uiore
U-arisli than ever. It wan the ohi story.
Tliinp ent from bad to worse. At last
the first cruel no k loomed in the dis
tance, and shipwreck seemed imminent,
Iaily Anpelica Ijinwlell was, tn Mie aail,
a ery old friend of ieoffri'y'a.
I know him when lie was quite boy
such a nice boy," ahe tohl Flori-, the
afternoon ahe paid her iiret call in Cur
kmi t-tnvt. SJie was a wonderful anil
1 Kiida ish j-ersonaife of the Cleopatra type
of beauty, little ami serpentine, with a
voice that couhl coo like a dove, or hiss
like a serpent, at will. She used a ecul
iar kind of scent tlutt hutiK alsmt the
lon-r after she had k ft it. She waa f.iscinatini' and Florie de-
tsted her. This was a Teat --rievanee
of (reotrrey's, who was blind to the js-arl
jiowder, and inierviouii t the scent.
"Anjreliea" (he talleil her Antrolica)
" wan a cliartninp woman a most valua
ble friend." AVas it not common krwwl
eIre that Cabinet Ministers met as often
in her rose-lit draw in? nm as at lown-inp-strw1
that she had a finjrer in every
(iiplomatic pit tluit her t4tesnians!iip
had brought aliout a royal marriap.' and
averted a Euronean war? Even Joey
aiuiitted that she waa an unavoidable
mittsity. Her smile or frow n could make
or mar a man. If the Fitz Johnson ever
hoped to 1-e ahythinir, he mast cultivate
Anjrelii-a. Si Florie had to submit, but
not even the htisliand she adored could
make her more than decently civil to the
encliaiitn-sM with the cruel smile, who
.-ailed (ieoilrcy "," and who was al
ways wikHhk him mysterious little notes
atsHit MMlneionly knew what, for Florie
was never told their contents.
" The silly little fsl is ji-alotis"" laivh
sl her ladyship to herself, as she Kit in a
oorner.aloof from the "inachletiiny crowd"
of a Foreiizu otlice crowd, pretending: to
listen to (itsiifrey's earnest conversation
ami watchiiu.', with interested aniusi-iiient
his wife trv inu to keep an eye on her hus
liand ami, at the same time resinl tit
horently to the civilities of a vohmble
" I'll teach her a lesson," muttered the
siren, with an anry flitter in her dusky
eyes, as, for the twelfth time a pale, dis
trynwsl faiv, with Hpealinir eye, was
turned toward the oblivious husband.
Aivordincly when, for the thirteenth
time, the melancholy oK-nition was re
jaiited, the distress on the pale fmv ptve
plav to horror, a ml the oys wererixisl
ami blank as they saw lady Anirelica.
w ith her most entraii.-ini; smile, platv her
haml, for a moment, caressingly on ieof
fny's ann ; only for a moment, Ist-ause
it was instantly rasjs-il by lmth of his
"My dear old j-irl ' What is the mat
ter? An- you seedy ?" exclaimed Joey. as
he plunged throii;h thecroWl to his sis
ter's sidi.
" Come to-niorro , as soon as ic iH'rcV
has jroiie. I want to talk to you." w his
I p-nsl Florie. brokenly, as her brother de
j pisited her safely at her own door.
Next in. inline brother ami sister hail a
1 dip confabulation, durinp which Joey
tupisl hard at his phantom mustache,
ami Florie blew her nose very often. The
result seemed hardly satisfai-tory. for Joey
dcpartsl, n-uiarkinp that it w as t he" very
lcuv," and Florie sat lisikinp into the
lire until it went out in self defetuv.
However, at dinner that evening there
was a marked iinproveiueut in Mrs. Fitz
Johnson's spirits; indeed, so harmoni
ously cheerful did sliclxvonie by dessert
that ieoilrcy, acclimatized to a thud level
of depression, felt inclined to resent the
rise in the domestic barometer. The rise
was a stcadv one.
.m-xi uiorninp. wnen
the slave ouplit to have imi-ii in c!os' at
temUimv on her master, cutting the end
nH'of his ciirar, lillim: bin match Ixix and
meekly reeeivin the orders f.r the day,
she was . laying a xlka on the iauo ami
a-tua!!y forgot to wish the irreat man
pHxl-bye. In ami off during the day K--oflrey
fmii.l hinisi-lf .nd-rii,j; oil the al
teration of his w ife. It wan, of course, a
Ixire to have her following him about
hxiking like a whiix-d .!.' ; but, after
all, that was a fault on the riht side, and
showed that she ii.rveiat-l her sition
as his w ife. It was a sign of .nxT, if
cxivssive, Hiibjeetioti ; but tosit playing a
txilka w hen the hat brush was mislaid
was an unheard of di n liction of duty.
nJeidTrev refurnel home exact I v half an
hour earlier to ailmiliister a carefully pre- '
jxinsl hi-ture to the culprit, only to find j
that she had gone to the tiaiety with
J.x-y. The solitary dinner with no one j
to scold was a dismal cxx-riclii'c, ami ie- j
otrrey felt distinctly aggrieVeil. Next j
day things were no better. Florie was in .
tearing spirits, received the deferred lv
ture w ith ribald laughter, dismissal his j
theorieaof wifely duty as lxish, and hal ',
the auda-ity to refer him to Ijnly Angel- 1
ica, who, " 11. 1 doiil.t was authority on :
that subjixi as well as every other." (ie- ;
otfrey was very tiiixxly all that day. The
men at the club voted him slow, ami !
l-adv Angelica called him a lxre t" his 1
face. It was very annoying, but he was 1
obliged to admit to hium-lf that his tri
umph over the slll.j.vtioll of his wife had
Ixx-n a little premature. The pnxvss '
must lx- eontiniusl, and one great ele- ;
meiit in its final suiivss was, he told
himself with set ret (jliv, the fact that, I
unless hhe had suddenly and uuaii-ouiif- I
ably altertsl, she loved him to distract ion.
Am that evening he walked up Curzi.n
street, it wits this thought that nude him
prepared to la- very gracious and as leni
ent as he ixtisisletitly could !x- towanl
any little exi-esn of youthful spirits. A
sharp struggle with the latch key was cut
short by the buttler opening the dixir to
let a visitor out. Tlie ixvurrenec
in the afternixm was strange, ami the up-ix-aramv
of the visitor so singular that
tteoll'rey stan d at t hi- iipiaritiou in un
feigned surprise. Hm (for the visitir was
a man) face was jartiallv eoia-ealisl by a
slouch hat. What there Wastolx- s-cii
aplx-ared to lx of au olive hue an. I adorn-
ed w ith a sweeping black mustache
Inky hx-ks hung in jin.tiision lowu al
most to his shoulders, ami the rest of the
lly was concealed in a cloak that would
have made the fortune of anv meltxlrama.
, ' V r"lI-,."""r"""x"'u,r
wouki uae ixeii in ins eK-inelil. Jn
t'urion-street hea.Kireutly was not ; for,
with an tth or at least some foreign
exclamation that sounded to 'ieofl'rcy
rathcr like iickeled onions " he gave a
swift glum-e at the astotiislusl faptain,
ran diw n the stejis. in
the gl.xmi.
" Who the dickens is that Squares?"
" The gentleman did not give his name,
sir. He said as how Mrs. FiU Johnson
would know who he was, ami I need not
announce him."
Squares sjxke in a tone of restxx-tful
indignation at this outrage on the rwovn
ra. tn-offrey ketit his l-n-si-is-e of
"tHi.of course. I had forgotten. What
time did the gentleman eome?" (This as
an after-thought while ascending the
" At half-st four, sir."
Hah'-iast four! And it was now lialf
Jiast seven.
" IHd any one else call here this after
noon V
" Ys sir, but after the gentlemen came
Mrs. Fitz Johnson tohl me to say 'Not at
home ' to any other visitors."
tKi-ffrey did not w ait to hear any more,
but daslied into the draw in-r-room. He
half excted to find hiM wife the victim
of an assassin's knife. m the contrary
site waa at that eternal piano, playinjr a
dreamy sonata of Uula'tistein's. On hid
entering the room she half rose, but on
see-'np w ho it was ahe resumed her seat,
"Oh, it's only your
"Whom did yon think it was? That
tiuy Fawke back attain? Who, may I
ask, in he, and what was he here from
half-past four till now for, to the exclu
sion of everyliody else?"
tfeotfrey was gradually workimr him
self up into a passion. Florie made no at
tempt to calm him, but smiled faintly,
ami struck a few- ajrrTavatinjr chonls on
the piano.
" If you really --are to know, that ' Ciuy
Faw kts,'as you are pleased to call hint, in
Count Sparlatti, an old Iresded friend of
Joey's. He is an Italian, and w hen Joey
came Ijack from Itesden the Count came
with him to learn English. He waal
wavts at Mumblethorpe. Ah, me! (an
other plaintive chord) what happy day
those were. Ami wliat tun we had ! The
Count was mv sweetheart then."
" Why, you were ouly nine yearn of
" That's all !" (another still more plain
tive chord.)
"Itontlieafool, Florie !"
The jiaHsion had died out, ami the lec-
turinp mood taken its place.
You are nineteen now, and juite old
cnouph to know that it is not pro-a-r to
have men stayinp three hours Me-a-t'1?
w ith you, and to tell the servants you are
not at home to any one else. lv you un
derstand y
"No, I don't"; the blue eyes opened
their w idest. " I thoupht it was the
chic' thinp to do. Of course at Muut
blethorjie they would Is- awfully shockisl
but then they are old-fashioned. They
even liave family prayers. Dut since 1
have lieen marritsl, J have pained experi
ence, " I have, seen several 'cliarminp
women.' Lady Alipelii-a, for instance.
Couhl you wish me to take a hotter imsl
el? Heme if any one notices my friend
ship with Count Sparlatti, you can tell
them that I knew him w hen he ' was
quite a lsiy such a niiv lsy.' I may
soon become so 'cliarminp' that I can
make love in public smile in that ' niiv
boy's face, put my hand on his ann for
him to clasp in his.' Only this sort of
thinp requires prai-ticv, so you must not
think it straiipc if I have a few private re
hearsals when I am ' not at home' to the
world at larpc."
" How dare run sjieak like this?"
"Oh, you don't know how much I dare
when I urn put to it."
lint the defiant little lauph ended in a
sob, anil the dauntless novhv ran out of
the room.
ticoffrcy inn-wed his mustache, fumed
ahout the room, resisted, as unmanly, an
: impulse to run after his wife, kiss away
j her tears, ami implore her to only "lie
' channinp on the old Mumhlcthorpf lines,
; and finally decided to confide his trouli
j hs that very eveiiinp to Lady An
j pel if a.
From that fair oracle he received but
. very cold comfort.
: "My dear (tcotT, it nerves you ripht.
! You thoupht liecause she had piven you
! all her heart, you were warranted in nep-
lectinp her. So like a man. Mr. Lans
j dell was just the same. Now she is con-
solinp herself. Juite ripht. I hal no idea
she hal so much sense. I admire her.
lo you think she would line with me on
the tifti-enth? l'.y the by.ifthe niH-essity
should arise, let me recommend you my
solicitors. They manaped Mr. Iinsilell's
ami mv all'air ls-siutifullv. Mv husband's
inessa.'fs sound almost affiH'tiotiate when
... ,.,,. tll ,,. ,hn..,h ,,
me through tlie senior
Heavens! Had it really ime to this?
Not married a year, and solicitors on the
i's already ? Ijidy Angelica gave a sly
glamv iimler her eyelashes at her down
cast companion. She had a heart, though
no one susxcts! it.
" Iyxik here, t feoff, lx'a man. !o home
ami tell your w ife that you mean to turn
over a new leaf, ami not take all her de
votion for granted, but try and earn it.
Clear up the mystery of our nods and
Ixi-ks ami wreathed smiles. Kxplain to
her that the "tender little episixle at the
Foreign Kline was only gratitude on your
part for my having promised tosgx-ak to
the Iuke aliout that stairapxiiutmeii in
your xx kct. Tell her that she is lx-tter
off than I. If her husband has neg
lected her, he still loves her dearlv,
while I"
"(ixl bless you, Angelica."
"Don't lie silly. Now Ik- off. Aha,
Comte! Knchante le Vous Voir. N'avez
voiis as eutendit hn nouvelles "'
tfeoffrey walked home under the stars,
a happy man. He had Ix-en a brute, ami
a fixil, he told himseif severe! v. it was
lucky things were no worse. After a'l, if I
winning his wife's heart the second time ,
w as half as pleasant a pnx-ess as the first,
the x-namv for jsist neglect was a light
one. It was sinking twelve as he let
himself into the dark hall. The darkness
was imusiia! ; forSpuires always left the
gas burning for his w ife to pi,) on. His
match lxx was empty; but then- might
Ix1 a stray light in the x ki t of his In
vernesH. To the solemn ticking of the
lm'.l el.x-k the sean-h comnieiu-eil. it
emhil iirematiin-ly in the sudden ox-n-ing
of the draw ing-nxiin dixir ami the
rlixxling of the landing at the top of the
stairs with light. Someone was still up.
Might it not Ix- Florie waiting for him?
j iinflrey walked iiiickly to the f.xit of the
j stairs, but stopix-d w ith one f.xit on the
; lowest step, as if turned to stone. It w as
j Florie and some one else engaged in
J rapid, breathless eoiiversiition.
"lx-lay 110 longer iiniuin ..... He
may Ix- liack at any moment."
"Uli, buigi: I dare not. If we should
meet him. he would kill you."
Vh-iii ! Vieui !"
iixill'n-y steadied himself liv the banis
ter and wait-d. Then, shown up by the
surroumling ilarkuess as a tablcim vivant,
j then uph-ard on the landing his wife,
j Ixxxled an.l eloakixj, hxiking fi-. rfubv out
j into the ilark abyss !x lore her ami cling-
iug convulsively to the ann of ti e Italian
j Count Sparlatti. There was a veil, a
shriek, ami an .,th as (reollrev lsmmhsl
up the stairs ami seized the intruder by
the clouk, just as he endeavored to retreat
into the drawing room. The yell was a
broken Kuglish rendering of " Here's a
go." The shriek found ex-resnion in
"Luigi! Luigir and the oath was well,
never mind w hat. The chase and strug
gle was desxTate. The fount, who had
left his cloak in his assailant's haml,
cleared ottomans and chairs with as
tounding agility. Mrs. Fit Johnson's
heroics had degenerated into hysterics, to
judge from the ials of laughter with
which she greeted the Count's desperate
efforts toescaiie. At last he was corner
ed, hissing and scratching likeau enraged
"Oh, fJeoffrey, oe careful. His lieanti
ful hairr for the infuriated htisliand ha.l
hold of a handful of the Italian's matted
locks. Tlie warning eame too late. There
w as a tug, a groan, ami lo and Udiold, not
only a liandful, but a whole head of raven
tresses remained in the victor's grasn.
The flowing mustache eame next.
"A very good joke, Joey, my lwy,"
gas mm! tieorlrey, faintly.
lb. Joev. water brandy ! He is not
welL We carried it to) fur. I told you
we ought not to do it It'a all your fault,"
acolded Florie, with all a woman' treach
ery, ami her amis round her still dazed!
husband's neck, and cailinp him all the
names of the honeymoon.
"I think my plan was a suivcss,
though," twiil Joey, as he wished his sis
ter pood-night under the re-lit pas.
"I think it was" said Flory, with a
happy laugh, but no one mast ever know
about it."
And no one ever did, exeetit one ikt
son ; but then she knew everything.
"That's a very clever laiy, Joyey,"
mused Lady Anpelica over her nioriiinp
ciparelte. " I mast see what ' can be done
for him.' " Heiijraria.
Flies on the Window Pane.
Holman Hunt, in au autobiographical
article in the CoiitfiHiomry Rritr, tells
the following: My Cither was from the
first Htrouply oppose-1 to my Ix-coiningan
artist ; he hail had reason to see the ill
effects of a loarinp idle life, and he be
lieved, in accordance with the general
opinion of those days, that artists were
necessarily of a reckless, frivolous charac
ter, ami led a aseless, unstable life. So,
finding that at school I scribbled more
designs than exercises in uiy copybooks,
he removed me from school when I was
IU years old, with the intention of plac
ing me in some city office. Owing to a
fortunate accident 1 wan placed with au
auctioneer anil estate agent as a sort of
prolwtionary clerk, and one day my mas
ter coming into the office hurriedly saw
me puttinaawny something in my desk,
anil, insisted upon seeing it, dis-overcd
that I could draw. This hi I to inquiries
on his part as to whether I hail painted,
and it turned out that he was himself
fond of art, atxl when ever he got a
chance, practised painting. "One day,"
he raid tome, " When there's nothing
much to I done, you and I w ill shut
ourselves in here and have a day's paint
ing together;" ami so it liappened. Here
were the tables turned npm my tit her
with a vengeance! I was getting artistic
encouragement from the very employer
who should have Ix-en distilling into me
commercial principles. This lasted alxut
a year ami a half, when, owing to my
. . . 1 .; t
employers retirement ironi im.siucs, 1
obtained another situation in the city at
a Manchester w harchouse, in Catcaton
street, managed by a Loudon agent of
Kichnrd Colslen. Here 1 sat by myself
in a little nxim hxiking out on three
blank walls ami inadccntries in a ledger,
and seemed further than ever from my
desire of ln-coming au artist. Iiut here,
tx, curiously enough, another artistic
friend turned up in the jx-rson of an x--cusioual
clerk whose basiness it was to
design iattcriis for the linn's calicoes. etc.
Surreptitiously I also used to try my
hand at designing, and attained sulficient
proficiency to enable my friend to make
use of my designs on various ix-cassions.
1 rememlxT an amusing incident of this
x-riod, which gave me great delight at
the time. The window of my nxnn was
made of ground glass, ami having but lit
tle to do, I passed my time drawing with
lxdh pen ami -encil flies upon its rough
ened surface. Irtxxl blot of ink sulliced
for the body and some delicate strokes
w ith a hanl x-ncil for the winvs, ami at
a short distance the deception was jxTfect.
Iay by day the iiuiiiIht of flies in that
nxim increased, till one day my employ
er, coming in, stopx-d suddenly in front
of the window and said : " I can't make
out how it is; every day I come into this 1
rcMim then' seems to lie more flies in it,"
and he txk out his handkerchief to j
hm-di them away.
Wanted a Limited Marriage.
" We want to Ix" married for three
years," saiil a man who headed a party of
I'oles that yestenlay entertxl the otliiv of
Clerk Hobinson, ef the Jersey City Police
Boaid, w ho is also a Justice of the Peace.
Leaning on the man's arm was a well
dressed young woman, who smiled cheer
fully ami mslded assent to the expressed
wish. " Why, I can't do that," said the
Sniire ; " it's against regulations." " Well,
make it five years, then," pleaded the
man. The young woman, easy to please,
again nodded acquiescence. " Can't lo
that either," said the Justice ; '"all mar
riages in New Jersey are for life, unlimi
ted, and for liettcr or worse." The man
seemed greatly disapxiinted. There was
a consultation in which all the party
txik jart. The young woman made no
objection to any of the plans promised,
save that of abandoning the projod of
getting married at all. The man seemed
inclined to that rather than marriage
w ithout limitation, hut he finally consen
ted to the only contract which the Jus
tice would ratifyand the marriage cere
mony was jxTfonmsl. The bridcgnsmi
gave his name as John Budroiich, and
the young woman said she was Kate
White. Both said they resided at No.
-HI.'! Henderson street. A". )'. Sun.
Both Born in Kentucky.
Jefferson Iais is in his Tsth year, his
birthday U-ing the :lst day of this
mouth, ami it is fair to say it will no! h;
Unite so viM'iferotLsly rememla'red by the
American xsiile us thal.of Washington,
r of l.iu.nln, who was Ixirn a year later
than Havis, ISOil, Kebr.iary 11.
tht-se historic characters were Ixirn in
Kentucky, one in Christian, the other in
Hardin county, in the bluest of bluegrass
region of the State. Pavis drifted South,
Lincoln North, ami their jsilitical curs-s
diverged tu-cordingly until culmination
as oxising chieftains of great armies ami
governments in the irrepressible conflict.
I hi vis was a year older than Lincoln, two
years older tlutn the fiery Toombs, four
years older tlian Alexander II. Stevens,
five vears older than the " Little filint 'V
lxiuglas, live years older than William
I Yancy, four years older than Judah
I. ltcnjamiu, two yeaas older than Yulee
and twelve years older than that
otli r brilliant young Keniuckiau who
fo'lowtil him into the folly of the relxd
lion, John ('. Brccken ridge. All these
are gone, and the aged ex-jn-sideiit of the
Confederacy can well lament ami say
w ith Cssian, " Where are the comxinioiis
of mv voiith?"
f rv 'from OyUae, Emetic and loiotu
AT I'ajt UUMTW An Itui LUL
4s 1m sm
III! K'T.IIII MKhta.itt.rn.
at ciiailu a. ftaiEua nx. BALTiaoas, an.
ear Hhsumlthua. Nctsralaia,
Absolutely Pure.
Thf lAiwItT iM'Vfr varkn. A marvel of puritT.
rtrvniftl. hI hnU-wmwuiaw. Mtv ecoimuiH Hl
t.i'TIH-titi'ii with iiie itiuUiiixk if hm fc-M. nhttrt
iit;ht, lum r h(lmio jut. tent. sJtl im
priHir. Koval li.Kis.; '., 1 Uall W.t
X. Y.
Marvellous Sewing Machine InTention!
Wonderful Blessing to the Ladiet!
Tie Continnons Rotary Motion!
Twice as rapid ai on other machine.
Twice as earn- as no other machines.
Genuine Improved Bent Wood Work.
Beautiful and Practical Attachments.
Send for descriptive circular.
o. . O. 23AOtf:OBnS,
Wbolwsls Dcslr for u .--tern Pennsylvaoia sntl
.t.Mcafc Westers Maryland.
We hoticvetheRlssIABI BHKCMATISM
CIKE I1H2 real, genuine tuerit. It i tni! tn.ih
w hich ruu led us to put our money into It so
liberally. We have put mure into U tlwu money
money could not ouy the tuir uatue we liavo
piiiiied bv twentv year of h.morable buines
dealing right hereon Market .-u I'hilailuiphia,
anil yet sogreal is our fuilh 111 the KussUn Klieu
rnatiam Cure that we arc vrlilinctoMwite our re
putation on it as a aale. yTly ami xrinalieiit
cure forall Kheumn'.lo trouble, t'oiiid we offer
any better BUarantyof pood laithT others be
sides ourselves have t-U-d its merit, and mid
tli.-ir hearty and unequivocal endorsement.
We seud to all who ak It a pamphlet contain
InKniueU of such testimony. And vet it you
lmve Rheumatism w hy suiter nne day lni:er
than is necessary, it costs only 10 beeurtsl,
and while you arc innkiiiE up your nuud to try
U you misfit be madewelL The
has saved every Rheumatic, sufferer who has
given it a fair trial. It is for you to decide
whether orn..t it shall cure you.
-I en cm I If milk!. Hc. aiMitHmal.
Price s.ou.t n i-).-rrd, uc. a.
One box
doe the
wttboat tbts
As yet it is not to tie found at the stores, tmt can
onlv le had by i-n.-txinir the amount ax above, and
a.lfrsin.rtbe Ainirumii prr-!.netora,
81tM21 Market Si-reel, Fkiladelriklm.
The lun rwvl ItMU-ub'w I'hiMpliate mm
am r xrrllf nl rrmp rwftntr mmd rrMniinc
:mHroi-rl il-Mil.4nitly mcrmmmted fmr
ll l Httitt l thv huiit-i ol" nnimttlH-. nii4
tfb M'(-iMl tt-utiitl t n. Arrnl ndupia
bltltv mm a tltnl lml.'
Kry puriH'tv til whirh bfnr arc ron-M-rI.
in a dirt-l IimmI t r-rlttblfk.
W rrntlf r ibU fiHMl Immftllnlrlr MTHtiblr
In the $25 PHOSPHATE
VfeUb wi rlt.ii tm lr tj prrll
viititnur. m it tii--ilic rrffp anrnrlv tvinrc
nnrt witiiti ti a mil mr mntmrrd be
tttfl tftrriUHurMily fMroins tbe
Htntr.nK P.. Jn Ult w
IMIOM'ii T Y..tA hv tim wnb -ittirr mikel enftt
in mit pr i.m. I am atiitMHl that Baucfi's
,t 1 li- fr rirtor.M mrll as pflrtnnnf-tit remit,
i hit Tre;ier urlifil nJ rut niore kiim Ux two twrs
rt-r I u-ttl ?:i- riiophnir. 1 will um do
uftit-r ki:il r.i1 a-Kitxp all lanuer to buj Itnuftb'w
'i " I'lHi-pltnlr au4 Me reiiull tW l(.nni !i' oo
th.-irufcrrv--iMl - JUti.N k AUDIO,
TiiK t)ltl(iI!i'AL
Msaaftct'tKra ol
C'tMnbtntNl capacity
of our Wotkt, 7 .Uiil
Um ikt )fir, and still
ioc re latin
Use Band's $25 PHOSPHATE
t: i . fKi:!.iM:T. nri
'i'i'iw i?.Vl ott-Tftri't
7C Ait eMM
tiff Ftv,r' '
'I I .V.n l.biuiil. Ni . T i
A I Wk ti'r f7:m
HAY-FE VE R . '-
into fui'h ii'Ktnl. ati.l
ittHimvuMc. iTMi.'(ir nt.' t rmn:it- : lv niHit.
i.mtim). m tvnti. 'in'iilHP- frw. HI. Y kkK.r
th ti'jiii-'. t tin' ft. .V. 1.
?io RotsB wm die f roLtr. fwvm or trxa F
vit, tl KoiiUE'a om-ck are tia-nt tn lim.
fonu'a Pnwi'r w l !1 nir nn-l prr rnt it oft rnni.KBa.
KfMtza Powflrn will pnvnt ir i Jowia
fouui Foprs will IntTrw ttie qunntltv ol milk
and rrpitm twenty per cent-, and nmkc tu- butler firm
ami s eet.
Koit7 TowIpt win enre r rrevrnt a'mot ktkbt
lXtrAMR to which HurosiHi ui1 utile ore atiret.
Sold everyvtwre.
DAVID B.JPOUTZ, Proprietor.
ma '26 M 1.
1 I1ICLI mil tm
tisrei tkt ! taffitkai'
ruotrt nuliitattsV-k: Uisun crouiinrtAtti? nlet-l:
lT-tB run-a btre all other niuedi-' fall
wnliiii tr rrwiilt. Itm urthnm m
cure ia elTerted in aOl I HA Ui.H t AMC
imnpflMiv. nirrri nun ppnain ann
U rAiM4aMsU emtfmX mm. Bcft-r U bm at aar ttat.
Ham. JT. lt, m. ."art-si, Ji-im
I aa faaUrvtf raturad to bs.-IUi bv Gerauai litbitii
('.. " JTkix. Ftttr.n, UimiUmt. fMitv
OtTataa Actluna rre la all to daiai far mu It awv.
fiU. y.W. B. r ifriw, MM-riil, M. C
Mf pfc-frtcla MtuaatJctd Uctbmb AiUm i m It
cird mn. Mr. M- L, Tttnck. Lamitrmdarrf. Gam
Ti i M ii I af mmUmrUtmim mm lit. Aaa. aay m aajlil
if Diiua. '1 rial i
1 rial iwa-kaxe irre tu any ad4ivF for
K-tatcnf JiM-ph KHiifnnan. i1ituhi1. Uter('iiii
rinaiiKh T.. iihiii. Snufrwt t iaiiiiT. I"a.
I-tu-p. f ailiniui.-trutioii of tJic alsive eMail'
hnvinx lo. n irmnt-1 ti the iin.liTsiiriiiil l.v the
nH-r tilitli.irily. li..ll.f i ht-reliv Kiven lo all lier
rniiis in.l. i.. -ni.l t.t,ni. i,, uiHlif iniiiiiiliHte
parnKnt. an.l thiw' htoint; Haim asmili-t tlia
aiur tn imwlit tiit-m iluly ailtbelitieatisl
tlt-ini'iit mi M. tn. lav. Aii;ut , lwi, Mt the late
rew.iViii'r if the ikimseil.
ISAAC t. YotlKR.
Junci lmiiiwriitor.
Kstate irU-i Kiicit, .I.i-t.-.!. late of Sauiier-M-i
Ts ii.. s,mieret t'sintr. Ia. '
Letters of ailnoiiitrHliou i tltr alsnre estate
haviiiK tut-n mtiiu-l l.. iln-ilii.l. r-.), i,y (,e
tnnr Hiilh.irilv. n..iir- i IhtvI.v tiv.-n to all
vrairfaii lij1' liu-.l M saiil t-state lo make liumtsii
ate uirmni(, nw tluw huvinir i-lainu. aminM the
same u. nwiit itnnj ilulv stilh. for s,t
tlrnient on iir U l.i luW. the M lMv of July
lw;. at the late resltk-nee of itaMmasnl. in Ijivau's-ville-
. K HAY.
may JC. A.lra. Otm TrMnmnlu aumm).
A Tragedy of the Far West.
A ilisjinle arose in an Imlian inni near
Stockton Hill, Arizona, recently, ami 1
re it emleil a buck named I'izzur with
his Winchester rifle shot ami killeil Ah
Quinthe and his stjuaw, a lau:htcr of
Chief iA'Ve-Leve, mortally wounded an
other ilauixhter of the chief and slightly
woumleii two other Indians. Then the
murderer .fled, jmrsucd by mounted
braves. Head Chief Sumnn arrived at
the caini soon after, and his first order
was to kill all the relatives of the murder
er. Tlie sijtmws und jKtpliooses hurried
to the miners' caino near by, and lieinil
hiding ).l:u-es in their cabins, and this
anuiseil the miners, ho told the chief
that he could not carry out his blisly
l!an, and that he must countermand his
order. He reluctantly complied, but is
sued fresh orders to brinj llzzur in at
any cost. In the meantime the avenp-rs
were ridin fast. after the Heeiiu miinlerer
and followed his trail into the Valliimi
Valley until darkness .nt an end to the
iiirsuit. tirly next mornin; they" tsk
up the trail, and, after ridiiif-twelve miles
they camcuiou the Issliesof the murder
er ami his horse. It was a n arent that
after ri.lin his horse until he jr.ive out
the In.liaii killed him, and then, puttiii)?
the inuzle if his Wincluter to his rijht
eye lullel the trirer and cheatol his
itirsuers of their anticiutel ven.-ance.
Wealthy Jockeys.
The nit,ulay jiickeys, Fred Archer, who
laid us a visit last year, and Wissis, have
Ihvii usmvm-iI on the income tax list at
fjOXlOaiik f),tKlO. They sti-iile.l ls-i-.iuse
they thought the amount Usj j:reat.
The aitls were rejected, and it apts'ar
ed that these jia keys did really make
that amount. Archer jrave a jrreat Kill at
Newmarket the other nij-ht, for which
four hundred invitations were issued, and
the luehcM of Montrose, who still lets
the Worm jrey on herihimask check. and
whom rumor at onetime assigned to be
the bride of our brilliant journalist, Mr.
W. II. lluiiburt, was tircsciit. A man
must find some way to sjK-nd his money,
and this is js-rhai as lilcasant as any.
Uecentlv a music hall singer died desti
tute in iiiidou ho tiji to his illness, had
earned : a week. Tew jockeys have
anything In-hind them, thoujrh in a In-t-
ter uisition tlu.ii musical artists, who
earn a Is-rarly sum of 10,HI or .!."i,(nsi
a year. .V. 1'.
Of course when a man is sound and
well he don't rare a copjaT for all the
medicine on the fare of the earth, lie
has no use for it. Hut when disease is
eating his life out he wants the rij-ht prc
srriptioii ami he wants it riht away
For that reason all who know what I'r.
KciuuhIv's Favorite l! is turn to
that for help, and it never disappoints
them. And it is just as to tu-w
friends us it is to old ones. I'lea-uint to
the Kilatc, and trent'e in its action.
That II m-kino Cort;n can Is- so tjiiii-k-ly
cured by Shiloh's ( 'ure. We -iLir.nil.-e
it. Sdd by l ieo. W. Itenfonl & Son.
My liver w;is so fearfully disordered
and I felt so feeble and Liii-ni.l that I
s. ai-1-eIv tisik interit in anytime;. Tried
nil the so-called n-inedii-s without relief
iinti! 1 usi-d Ia rker's Tonic, which elft-ct-cd
a HTuianent cure. Ihivid l'.::sh. Little
II.H-k. Ark.
Wii i. vor si'ffkk with lh-sNisiu and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitulizcr is
HUar.inti-ed to cure you. S.d bv (ico. V.
IVnfor.l A Sm.
Kly's Ikilm is worth its weight
in gold as a cure for Catarrh. I ine laitth'
cured me. S. A. Livell, Kr.uiklin, I'a.
Si.kki-i.kss siiiiiTs, made miserable by
that terrible coii);li. Shiloh's Cure is the
remedy for you. i. W. Ik-nfnrd St. Sm.
When Haliy was ilfc, n- Kavi- lu-r ( u.iria.
Wlic-u sin- wa. a I'liiM. slit- i-ritl f..r I al..riu.
When slu- iM-i-atui- Mi.-s. lie rliuifc to t'utoria.
W Ih-h he hail t'ltil.lri-n. she travr tli'-iu t'astoria
I .vrwutii ct iiKli. health and sweet
breath secured, by Shiloh'sCutttrrh Kent
eily. I'riir -Ml cents. Nasal Injector free.
Sild by (J.-o. W. IVnfor.l A Sm.
" Why should not the time come whi n
the uatue of I'r. I 'avid Kennedy shall Is
associated in the public mind with tin
purification of the h'ood, us the name of
Ilurvcv now is with its circulation. For
certainly no other medical man has doin
as much to that end as he has. And it is
also iiiijKirtaut that people should know
that the result of his !a I sirs arc within
reach of all in the form of I- Kennedy's
' Favorite Ilcmcdy.' " Hn-n'mg Jntiniti!.
For lame back, side or chest, uss Shi
lob's I'omus l'lastcr. I'rice i ivnts. Ii.
W. Uenford A- Sm.
What is mere;nvable to a laov
than to know that her hair has not onlv
lost its color, but is full of daiidruli? Yet
such was the case with mine until I Used
Parker's Hair I!a!s,iui. My hair is now
black and iH-rfectly clean and jrlossy.
Mrs. K. Sweeny, Chicai.ii, III.
Ssiiloh's cot on and Consuuiptii.n Cure
is sold by Ieo. W. IVnford A Sm on a
frutir.inu-e. It currs Consumption.
We have n-sil Kly's Cream Italm in our
home f,,r nearly two year-, and Iin.l it the
lust medicine W e have ever used for colds
or catarrh. J.C. Va.sselin, ('oviiitfon, Fa.
Smi.ou's is w hat you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dixzi
n sis, jin.l all symptams of Iysa'isia.
I'rice 10 and 7 i-ents er Uittle. Sild by
nit. W. IVnford A Sm.
Why is a ncwsimiier like a prettv
lf Its
man? Itccause, to Is js-rfect, it must
the embodiment of many types,
form is untile up. It is alwavs chased
enjoys a jr'xsl press; the more rapid the
h.-tter. It has a wcakni-ss for wsip;
talks a eisl deal ;c:in staml some praise,
and is aw fill jipiud of a new dress.
If you have a com;h or cohL do not
dose yourself with -siisonoiis narcotics,
but take UM Star Cou-ih Cure, w hich
contains no opiates, and is safe, prompt,
and sure. I'rice, twentv-live cents a Isit
tle. Ck.k r, WiioociNu Cot iiif,and Hnnichi
tis immtsiiatel v relieved by Shiloh's Cure.
Sild by ieo. W. Beiiford A Sm.
I have sutrertHl fur years from Chronic
Catarrh; I tried Kly's Cream Uahii. Uc
lief was instantaneous, end has already
resulted in an almost complete cure. S.
M. tireene,, Catskill, X. Y.
A IiusIkuiiI who had liecnout shisitin,
but had not ln-eii smi-cssful, rather than
return empty-handed, stepped intoashop
and pun-hastsl a hare. "There, my dear,"
he said to his w ife on rcachinj; home,
"you s-e i am not so awkward with a
a -run after all." " Let me see T " Isn't
he a fine fellow?" " My dear," said the
wife, us she carried the hare to her nos
trils, and put it down with a .'rimace,
"you were ipiite rirht in shoothi); him
to-day; to-morrow it would have lieen
too late."
You will never mjceeitl in finding jier
maneut relief from rheumatism until you
have used SL Jacob's Oil, the great tain
cure. Price fiftv rents.
trrrj s'ral. or raid altars. 'J WMk hta-k
ssmI ararl -wwtrausi in.
tSircBctheM th 31ii-rleav
ftcrauliea the rve
Farirhe The Blod. CI Tea New Tir.
IB J. L. Mtbu. FurnakL Ioara. aass:
" BrowD's ln.a Bitum :a tbe b- Irn rordicfrjf I
harm knrwa tn mf Ju ymmrm prmcttcm. 1 tun found A
mpt-cimlij bwctirul in txerwtm nr phyacl jibjirtsna,
and m all obiijt-aun hn-ikM ihmt bear pr taraiii
n Uta aaten. Ua it tiwijr to my vn laauiij.'
M, W. F Bbowh. tK Mara St., 0wrt''ri, Kr .
BATS : "I waa ouCDpltaj bria;ea duwn in fmtiUa ana
troubled with putta ia my back. Hrowu'a Irun
bitters anurtdy nwluccd mo to baaitll.,'
GeaniBa baa abova Trade Marfe and crrmed ird Itnaa
ua wrapper. Take oa artnrr. lln-le ti-lj 1-y
BatOW.N lUfXKALlU-. liALTiaulilw
The Best and Cheapest
Attention, Farmers !
I want .1 fHXiD .l;;.vriii i-vi-rv T..n n.hii. to
sell SlitnnmH MmHv Skrl Hnrmm. 'the ! I'
an.l Kunii llanieNoii earth. rri-.-onlv tiittvn
il.!ltir ikt il..a1.U- set. tut u iintle
trtnl la toaenl. Sen! b a m-nlar. lailisi
ura.i.lrtw John h . TH". i.eii. . t.
arllm. Sonar-;. I.
The Ohl
Established in
I lmve rrt-ivi-l tno i-ar f tit- SKI.K oil. IN;. M Kil. KKIN m limi-KJ: UA.tN
the uvt (tmiplflc Wi-u rii Wai."ti iiuht niiirki-l tor r Kami I !ir; t n i!k s h tti i ft
Wai.on tlTv i.- a Itrakc, tn In iNtl w hi-u luiuliiiir hay .-r irram. m hik liiin-. tliat (amnT
kimw thv mrt"-iiy t-f wh.'ti hatilitii; n hilly tarins. Kv.-ry jutrt "f tin- WimhI ui.rk . thi. wa-r .!! hit--lai'l
in Mn-k tiinr ytii -Rfrv bviitK wtrktl iti-urin tlu- utirk tt tn- tintnui-jiily a.M.iM.-.i f..r-Itt-iim
imiH-l. Ik'inu tin jHitt ntci-i ot llic
It i- thr oidy Vut.n ma'le that ha thK iinjTirVi'MKrit. ll u vil- lUv ntN iry
f taking iirt' tin: whtvl It rat. n-in tht-oM -ty! : ' "imply t'tniinj: a cap
thr H'aiMti 'nti ht oih in lt"s than five niiniito. Tiii Vaifti want1 tu In'
H-rii tu Ih fully :ittrviiut'-lt aii'l jmrths wi-hin to luy ill t1 wrll tMY It
ht't'tre pun Imiiii; l-1h;u in-rt.
livery AVajjii Pully Iiisiirt'Ml.
In 'rtV rim; tlii- Hiakc uf Wairn tu the puhlu-, will -ay ! um-1 tiie nme
huike aft'ii furtive ytar w heti frria.ahliti urn thr K i !)' Mmmtaitis
nvrr rtwi't that wrro alin-t i:ii;a--a)U'. aii'l tiiry alwa tixx w : -t. I frrl
arrantrI in siyiiiK I t-rlirvc liirtii tlie IV-st Wat'nii on . livrl.
(ifl ou tpfif-.r Knri.ft.rer if ii- ft H'ttt ., ' ""'ft -A""" the
Vy;iit-s Wrint-iMl Tliroiicliout tH County.
rra1 1: i ii k KKUiv.
Somerset Lumber Yard.
11 AM f.ViTl 'KKK M. IM'.AI.KK. Wlllil E A I .EK AMI ltETAIi KR .IF
I-Iai-cl and Soil Woods.
IAK. i1ri..ll. M1M.M.S. I'll KKT MMfl.I'ISi.J
I HKItKY. YKI.I.oW PINK. SIHN'.l.l-.s. .x;s, IIAI.I sTKKS.
A Uetiertil of ill'. i;riiiU t.f I.tlmU-r niitl lfnili!iii- M.iturial mi. I K.w.rnjr Slate kept ill tek,
Al-.i. e.-lil liinii-li n thi hi' in the line nt'mir l.u-luev. :i. ..rli-r with rea.-.MliiMe
.r.iiilH. Mii'h a Hriiekelw. Ill-.i.el work. ete.
as ci;xxiNGHAr,
Office and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
13 Stores in one. $1,500,000 invested
s a
P:01 -p- Irl !
We will send Gratis to
Our IVantifnllr IMiMtntfl K-w FAmilnv
Irllinir tou al-mit tMir .T.t-iu nnt
tu siuesa.
Tit in tMM,k im 1-is.t .a.-...-;i.i .
, i v iu
fy fauJuIent boarM who rt-j.resent themselves onr mn(xra. yc have X0 Eranch StoM -tnvwhm. Our onlv 1 1
business is our Mammoth Xeir BiiiMinir. known as
?ifth Ave. and Smithfield St,
li-Miik II. Sufall.
in ?htI-l 1 ( hftr.j.iun Mill. (tn:i;T!y kii--vii a.
" K.Hr Mill." ih-v iH'-i-il " . -.i-linar
iiiv-atmy ?Jwpmi otrnrr f liiir.t K.-fii.
Sirtfi-. I now fTt-r tt tbe fniMtc a rhtnj a'l
rs iirlt Milt. t I am .iHfmitiw-t nt t ! uii
1TatM. ! will (Tt mirewk-nu-i liurcHiiw tia
tlie tU-ihuic anil.
F. a. l FALU
S.1HKK.-ET. Fa.
Itvur ( mm and
tnirriTs ih Latul.
sector UrcaUr
Baltimore, jia
renccs for
.v. '-'I allilLlwV
I We an' lli;iiji-i ill l.i.ninfa.-Iiire i f th:-
1 f.-ni - ji s..iii.-- I mi'l M-vis 1-ik-. ft i. tlie m.r an.l nur"t fetiee ku n. N. lr.
r irnurv to -I- k. Ku-t.-ry i: s.i.t.-r--l at the
! ..M K- .-r e.trru-.v 61. -!-
im--v-tr. J. -M. MAKSII.I.I. A. sX.
Ki liabh'
Cliirato in lS4'i.
rkf.i- .
' "1 . ,,1,inn? 1 ahm,t n(w rtTt t the
. v " ya anio our
uousclKwl. It costs jhx nothing but will save
vla7 UUli
' &
s r : ,
ft StMVin ? of Otir f lot hi M T .
'span,s- H'"--S liiittonh,,!
are all carpfullv cxiiniincl and
tested by rompetent nnrknirn
In short, our stock oi' Clothing
in all essential ioi;u is ery
stron-j and attractive.
. c. yates & co.
fi02ftM-fiO.J Chestnut Street "
Best KJ-le fl-.thlni ia Philadelphia.
? ii'-T .- ..-v ' "is trt r r. i r m
i, . . .... ....
The iK't vo'.th yoa ran r.s,
'.n! the.- p;TT(.;!Ti-t.' (tO ',-::tt. ... ,
ciin-f ; --. -.1 -!i-'r l.-r -. r. V. . .
I-rUL'... I ru y .
:i i-VrtiAk-' -, ia.. t a- u-' .. : ...
Lrllni; ..;-: '.'-- &r . -loiy t'r. r -tl'
p . -v, ' - ?U .: ii hii.-er t:.t ;
ir-lir::r;;. a ' C I iKkLa'a T s. tn-t (J. .
jfi. ri.-u. Tii it in tivM, SoUl bj
TheaaJV, .t:rrt quirkr and brt rnr tT
Vnaivns, W.u-t.-. Mitu-t, aii-j-jj-fs.rfcc. Hinrtrrni'-- ta.
t'.L-f pTwti. stotrta!1. paun. t.iv-iT-iNtniM-. 3f..i,.-.tiTf,
T ot wnifurta-W. H inlTrxrns rure- mbrnry-:
OVER 1000 000
1 iitii,
Fr full iiii'i'mi-iiioii uf the nuiir. when-1 ).
tain iiiT ii-H'iit Iji mt". Mai-, Kt.. AtMrtw
.1. V. A iV.YiViW.f.
"Ltral i'tt-M-fiiT Avrt-iit.
1 -r-H r TJh Ave. i.ti.l Smirlilu-ltl Strt-tf.
I'iithunti, I'a.
t. 11 !! -a "' hu.l :r
fit . 'flL-trf year- ex--n
in all friii- h--
thr Taiu.nnt:
;ii'. i tr'.r,!i;;'
Hiiii-lafii'ii t- j
W ho 1IIMV . ij !
m nir iiii'l
- ti.-!.iL-i ;!.h1 hy mail yon will '.'
i ;.! .N tl Iiitl''' Vi'lur. that m ill -iin-i uiil at u'm i- lrini; v .u i:
;;-: !;!! : : i y T h i 1 1 L' r '."T IM Auuri' :t
Hie ,n j.n-H.-iit- U:tti'rh
w ti !:tt- ; - t'.vrc. uf r.ti:--r -h-x. ( ;i ,1 ;
all t tilt . T -:trt tiinr uiih . ?- u .rk i
ir.rir uu n ti i;i-f--. K-rtu:. thrall wur-lut.-l
a-ttn-L !-.'!i"t .h-lay. H. Hi:n
I'urtlai'.'l. Me. jan:-
FOR S I V - sTf: - v :-Vl'' w'
rr-s :itil - ivi-t-irun Wurii. S--"inl ImuA r.: !
ati.l IV ' .Mi haii'1. li'i-T:iiu' Kiun:- .r 1 V-rhin.-n
:i ( i.iitv. TJi'tMA .if','
I 400 Employees!
any addres
irlrr if--l m" I
r nvHih' vl "' "
trason, Inrtmrttne ?o bw t u
nonoou MtmHbruent ait.i ur nm"
you bqiut a duilaU. bv nre ml wnir -r