V rio,.:,. 2. ,JVi-"C.'"Jv'.,)S-i.r,.-.-4ilf s i I I 1 ! A i "J j I Herald. The somerset .;"L".l. I' I '- Editor. -V t a r.- . ' w KliK.-lAY.. ;.j ri'.i.! AS JulK-2" ikimuiy i:i.K'TI"N i:. cut i. ait ..t.T of the County arc Ti.. a..-mbic :K 'heir r-!f.-ti n-ji I . ! . - ..-In! t. ..I !! , .T.,ii for ouirvw. one jt-:i S-rtaU- Si-nate. Two -r'ii for A- inl'!y. .r-.n for I'i-trict AiTonny. , p-'ii- f..r A--" Ju.l.i-. Two (. r I'oor lloii-e Pini tu s-r'n I n- (or I. ii--al. t" the i.s-t in tin- t'iiv "f H.i"- ,., . .'mi.- '''. :, .ui.'ii.-.iii- of the New I': ,, jwii) ni.i-t lit lair!, ir pri'iiary. - ;:nj.r:ai.l thai a li.'i ' v- n. i--a:- S-. Hll-1 ...!., oi . of ihe matur nre a .-I t I:.-... w. II A.-i s VNKi: V l'.o.i n r. it M : I i !' tt.l, r :.I - N Hold'-. id Is ,,!, r. soi.l i.y v i; IH- -! I I'i - . 11. UL v i: kind. V a .-rk Mi- In-:. It Th . :i .ii Ac ....sl. for - ' -i.y h-r .V 1 and s.s ..'.-hi. a! .1. r. sa!i ii: i-'in. hi. insiin- in tl V. r. Moye y S.!ld::v-.l 'am.-iil. 1 1 lit 1 1 Ii II" 1: i .mi. I'a ol tiekti. and iar-. ii Fih. r Tii. i-: and ..-! ,.l ! J 1! Hnyi.ik .V I , 1- Aldcrny H-.i-I.-ill e 11 H Fli. Mayti.-ld F:. dress a. .!. c-et a c--l A.i.lr. -ut our H- and HV ai! i: .1 l;. I.M ! - it n- -1 rat.-. .! . l-.r. ti.-. aT VV HKk .V Th. M- i. Mo.-. ir-. a-! in v.: I'"-,. .ip h tu -t ii i: A : (. - an-i -1111.1 -id ar!,. an.l it Wealth lie i red n i;!i it. w - .ltdel-. lill'.l f K P. Uh,: c I Ira kind si r i . 'f 'la'-,, l:. t .1 i. !-! .1 kind v. .1 i; m :-n. A I .-. oiid-haud -I..... i I. :H "e wa-oi ' k.-o. -d ir. t:a-r "I" Ja 11. 11 1. r- a ' it i . Mi 1 :M ' i. I vt: n tk T.-n' -7. 1 :, -'. h.vn 11.1,1 l'a- iiitie- .. r .iilvtoic- l T'..i...is ;-.i I - .1 II. M.,-, l'rii.. i..,i. Wi ha.c Jn-t a.i.i.-l ; - lo our Meat M.,rlot li i.l . I" A . k. , l'.,t1i Ii i- A irlccl in -I - Wi.:-. 1. rr. I . 1 ' ...( ml. -i I' '.: I'a. '.c lu 1- ll.-l.-, tft.iiv. hi .V lit: i ivj, ( L.iits To Ifeai. r wt- .;;;oti a- f, hv tilt h L-niiarii "I'liiunx " " Armj and Navy '.-plendid " " t uliarv " 'I d' T L " ole oh - Mill er cell! I ls.tlicil.il. " Ma.ie" ,t! li " VitH.i 1 Tohit-. 'ft ii.i i ' l-'ars. "f pin , V ,-h on't r ..-!!! 1. )si1ful!y, I '"I. A litt l:iT o..ii-1-rsft, I'a . Jalit I'i. lvl. Mi. aa. l Ut am i: lieriin. and .!..cp 1.- of S. mi. r-et, l,.ie lvu anis.itii. ii Shai- il s-de V-c.i- f..r the l-'.:v'i-ior siia1.' Paint . m ;..i:iv. Thi t.m.ai. paitu i ucl f .r siiniii.i; r-s.fs of aii kiiei. an-i i ilie only one tlmt - Js rt'.-, t iti-fa.-Ti,.;, , ii'.titii.-r of joti,- - i an- s, (i, p.m .T i hi ' H.ti.-ali Fv.v!-:.,r -i Iil' :fi ::::itati, 'li painl in -i.: re t eotuitv. N.itiNili withoi.t a III I'll e..l:,t!l eatl !tale:.h till- tie Pa nt Ask u'. :: :it to , ai.- is lore pun hasin-.. M.-r. H.. :r ti-rtili.-al.- . K- am an.l .-harl.-r v to viit ail pan of '! .i.iititv and will -iveall an oi'p.rtui.iiv ' nave their r..f- i-.n-ml with th cv.vi ' 'i jsiint Wt- n-ft-r. with -rini-i.,u. to :- -annul s-u .l,r and W. S Mown. '" den. Henry I.iijr and lavid Heipie. " ' erct. and lo a l..t .-f ..liiers tor whom '' - hate dorit work. Tiny tminnil Mr. l...i.le Uiri last siilumtT. and hi house " - lint irait tht jail stablea dress it".'. 3s ' .1 a- a iHi'iiis-rof trthtT biiihiitur- in till ; '- " lie!,, which they would like vXaiioueuni nv for thc:n-hes. r-.is to l .pi U'- -uotier- - - s - -s-M Maun- llatT is x I" J. ; Hde. Hi Ijiip.Is-. her itor. Mrs.. Mr. John Map-ton. of I'hil.td. Iphia. is iis-iim- ltii"nl- ii S.in. r.. Mi Marion ri.iH. arrivnl him. v.-niu from the 1h aver Keiti.dc I Tut -.lay Mr. n ! I'itt-liir-:! I'olls.r,.. of J r.. is visiiiu- friend lb. m- . C. in Souicr-ct. Tin- la.li.-soflhcMitho.il! Chun-h will cjvc li jmrlor coii.t-rt in the near future. I ;- j Tilt- ruo-iiiTti is .icm.-rratic in hi ways, i H.-m-vcr ak an introduction to a straut'er. Mr. i I i - llii-ton. ul I'hiladciphia. daugh ter of W. It. C.flrolh. hs.p. arrived in S.m crct f'ri.lav. I ouiit S-it riiiU mil-lit J'ro). J. t'. VVdler i valuiin-l l'rof JlollnrtV noniml clu Th'ipalav lat. ., ou 1. i-n-t even town when? theehief of .,Ii.v wiil lave liew-ii r nk n, anJ thai. t.. to o-i.vu' t.j.te. -Ilool Hitr!!:hoThaiu ainl lu.-ri-liaut 1'arker sj-ut several ikivsof last ink i in tin- Y.mhtIi. i.-iv.-nior 1'attison ha Hx.tITUars.lay. Au-L-n-t 1.1!.. a-the iby for the t xi-vution of Mi i !.a. 1 M'-t.. tl.t Kjvetteeountv inr.nli-rer. The I'U-- we l.;.i oni- us w. i liimiiiir out onion c.r-.ii is liou i !i.lalien-.i hv the untirnrlv ilisi-oM-rv. I-.i'o':it.i.f-Shuri-..nll.-.-Iti.-e Moli.y t I.il:. Tile j.i.a--aiit L-.-i;i!.-rii.-.:i. an-1 av erat. latthellKKVU '.. H-lor is a very rv -till lKiuo. Th. - IL.rri I.H l'a I I'ntti't 1 lehraK-1 its i i -ury SaUir-l-iV with a ::ii'l a tine hi of a.lver- Twe:j'.y-!in:Ih a: :v"!(-i-1'.-.;il-i- ! M r. i; ivr T. swank of the J-.hlislow ii lor a h w hour Iv.. th. i :i iniin.-..n Th'ir-.lav lat. audi Hani, o.'li.-e. 1 lit llev. Whitaker. of Kio!l,iir-. Md.. pniu h in the I'o-sl.yteri.ili . iiur. h ";-.l .'uin Tlii. at l":-". M . and 7 ' V. . :.!t- it.-. !. I oine. ia!h. All .Julie, iiih il p is.-, it w.st ifirl ra.hia and ii wcdiliir,!. i i.aif pine, and sever al oi.l l.a h.-lors have not Uni liroii-:lu into '.I..- !ii:i-r;ni..!iial ark. Tin 1;. ,v i. wiil run another of their r-i.-i I . . u:-ion to Fortn-s Moiipie and Nor folk, o-i .1-,. ly r.ih. h is a i. lii-'tit !u! trip and at reaotiahl..-rales. -- . .laii-jhler ami son. of n in S.ni.-ret forscvcr-al Mrs. l'ost'i ;ii-.vail. . Mr. latuilv. r i. .r. w hen I !it-y a vi-i: to Mr. .la v u. :h. y w ill anta.-. in lite lav Kx. ii:-.!i ran- 1- triven fp.m a!! ta-ti--!, ii.!Jn: :o alT.-nd 'o!. on- w..;! a-. o..ri iti tii.- itjs-ra II. him. l'l'iday I-..VII1IIJ The ilo-.kw.sMl tram :!1 !s held lilitd .iti.T ihe l.s-t tl !-. M,,r. Jam-.-- Wcitm r and M. 1'. H-tit se..ral i!a of last week fishing i wi il the ..-. lni:iii. an-1 l.roii hi a s'riiiir of line l.!:n k ass home wi'ti il.. ica-ure 1 four:. i-u in. in. The lolici-st o'.te We learn thai our vcm-raHc I. How ciiieu .Ios, ph It. i 'pi. l.li.M. is 1 imr verv- i!I ai hi v-id. n.-e in Mid. Iin -p. k t.. iihip. Hi oii I'tothonoian. t'rin hfiehl. will: hi family arc in attendamv at hi si. k 1h1. Otiite a Itr w.i- cau-c-l in III. .'ianii md S-in-lay aflerno..!!. jti-t a tie- d:Ili nt su:: daV seh.s-i ii.ljotiHi.-.i. h a ki. ki'i h.'I. .ir: . n by a y--titi.- i.t ;.!.- ir. -in 1 in- rmiiitn oi, their wav to . aiut t.i.i-titio. Mess: -. S:iy!..r and kn;i r. ! t ..U man's l-IoTiii,.i! the lla-il.- of I!,,il .-aii- lav i.i-i week, by kiilu-.a tliify -nupinc. a ra:-.-f'-,:i j,..t unknown I initita! t" l!.i- rci:!oi! lin-l -ti 1', 1 1- i ai,:a I ,-l".lo in-, and nil it;U r- Ka.l ItaVv i-i i; 1,1 It .aid oi.t in si, k : 'ilie The ei c ill- '11 lll'i I' ll r; i- .t:tni.::t;i;B I'tli- Jit-IV. II co J -ill, il' .. an -I :. T!,c - :- f the Il'ettl. I''i.'V II. I. r- litV '- Addi- . h;:tidrc from J, ple w :i .l.t ,1,1 am ;i-i.if w. re n..-, -n i . V. ' i loll ll -11 I i.i.ro. tii. ..:.. r s.i'.i .-.Ti.iii ti. , rtny w a I to aiioth- Opj..sili,l -tiit-st,. r i arc W hell he ll ell and s li'-d I' I of the ei and la .tioit Na v. i row 1 Ih. Marian Fr.at s-. K-! . v.!,.. !,, ftj.iiL'htcr of Win. 11 ,a- i. at Ihe lI..L-cr-ttarv. the ..-it year, i -..acalioi! uiiiintia:iitii F,t'..,!( f the - mi: ii n - '. ; sch.m; fl i. n.i. M -- tVrteu t.. I.( hat., n Nam. ie Weiclty. of llTtiv.P::. A P- it'iu.Lon,. titiy r- 1iis.il lo o-7,!,t an a:.::rv lii-t on I'-e la i!ditiL' sii h iew s ..alii n-j'ii-i-l ,-f an iiiatioi: palsT To '1 li.at a 1- roii I pr.-i- riy Take :h cit it." .i i- was r rht. such lit- of all ,'i .-! ie i A tie rieatl .l.'l.n )' phew an- la: lite itrea: lu w.niht'- i s.:i!.-l a- " o. . -i i. :ois-riiiu:i. ma of hi niii, o-iiii proUihii the in the Mate is .i, c and !l:ii;;!; ' her !' r the lubois -i.a -riii with : in- '..it ln. li . .1 t he li'W I A ll. r: r h. Illi: III. h.. on. . i:lc Coi-titUell. it 1 I llmill . Il '.- :ld Uar in n I 'the Ul and ofani pa;, r lid licit tiic ,Iidc-I n-ad-.11 .'tllcii-t nio in. II V holll.-s of ihi mid u lj .i!:i;u: coiit;: an- to ! foiiti.i atuoiio .,, ' our .pu';ai:oii. Tin .- f. ; i-oiiidcril. i:..i -t ilitci -l.oui.I retider :t i:I of he itliv If-.ivii in Iiehiwart-ihe .i.iin- have seitltil the .jln-stioi; ;is to the liability for dalliio l d..:ic to animal by a lia-U-d win- li t..i . A - It cot out ..fa field on the road when il eot tai.lnl in a barml w ire fence buili alot.o the highway, and the iiiiiuial ma so bad! v torn that ii had I.. 1M- kill.sl. The owner f tlie n.lt -ti, ii tut ow ii Tof the femx- for dam;.-in- and col them. It i claimed that i.nnp ehimiM'y and 1'inil.ierv mav Is k. ) tn.in eraekii.t' as a re sult of In at. l yplaciiio them inave-s.1 of t-i'ld water, ad.iiii-; ii littlci isikiinr salt and allow inn 'nt in; Mun to ls.il w. II over a hrc ami th, ii cool slow ly. It i simply a -otv of aiiit.-aliji. and the s'a-vier the nnolinij the tv cibv'.iiai will U- the operation. Try it. it will cost you liolhmo. Loin- Shafcr ami lal Wolfe. anl !'r..m tiie Isiilonl jail .ii Wtxiiifs-biy niohl of Iat w.s-k by d;ouTt,f a hole tiin.uoh the all of the jail yard. Shafcr wa in ou s-tiift,!' f.,r iduxiiit at sf.mc parti,- In :u Harris, m town -hip W'.cf ua in jail uwailiin; trial f..r stt-iiiiinr thrts- dollars out of Mr. hmn's p k.n at Hyiidtnan. It is snal ht i al-i wauttsl in Mart land forvariou oilctm-. Ph.ir omatv is' eiiiiltil t.. tin- crtilit of hai in- the int-.in.-t lua.-j within h. r l.r.k r-. A lew ni-his asm he cxpl-slnl a dynamite .-artn.hi- in the ear. ioi:.i of Mr. P.M.-rt Unday. (is-nte.1 s short tfistane. in.rth 4 : Ho!!itaylmrc. killing lanre numbers of the i f:li. We calvthillk of no ln..re ts'iinmirtihif act. ami the lello nieaii ant wiiotlitl it j is iM- enough to marder if lie could .irtumit the crime wilhont tletts-tio. M r. I tii l a. lei .! . :.!)!. i it. ha . U. .!..v-. fin- f:icsi oi l.:.-r ;-, ul Milidav w nh In i! In. ii.!i. :ciii road tl . on,,- I.. .--111. ret u ill Jav i'il. . ialcr prone.-. U-! sc. s.,!;,. .jcnj I., heir :i'h ot'.irailiiuc r-.a-is. I l in- .i.miiiut. on I crmaiicnt ertili.-ue. the purpose f cttamiiiiui; applicant.. AH ho intend to apply sre repi-ofcl to "cm! in their applications n. later than July 1st. tatiuir in wliat higher bram-ftes they &irv I'll examined. J. M FKKKrv. I 'lijiiniaii of torn, i 9 I Thask-. Tin- Sm- of V'.tTui of t'aj t. I Jann Iiii Imiuii t 'amii N'o. ieli to lhatik iL..- oi titir I'itiziii who oj-msKiI in uniforuiin tin' S. of V. ln:m t'oriw, and 1ioh vmt friend- limy im-vit nrrit tlrir lib erality. Wv aiu Mint-nly thank Mr. Kush S. MfMilhii for i Cr-1 -las ilnim lioaiK 'nx-iit'il to our camn. i'oiniiu; from a riti. .i ll of aiH-thtT town, this favor b t-vtiully ' ail-ni iatiil. T. . ... . in eov?p4iiioii wnii a iro!!i!nitn juanier i j "ft he Fourth DirW-t. we ln, ofa new an.l ! i.ov.1 wv to l-m .u-. Tl. .....l.....,.- t..n,t-h.me of the hint, tie it to j y,lr Ul. ani, wa,k thnill(rll i1h. fidJ wi,h your jnin enM-keil an.l tinker on the tri-r. ! The rries. of the hinl will eatiM? others of its trilx to Hoi k aniuii'l vnu. and ther can then lie .a-ily shot. This m.tho.1 of extenniua- tnitttlics. -tsis not .tenu-.!. ami those ho are so ii..H-Uiv- ut fiU-rly to trj' it- Have you any eahiuet phot. lirraphs yon want nii-ely frani.-d? Ifaveyoii any wliool rrouj" you want to if.-t frana-d Have you any ma-riair" i'rtili.-au-s yiu wih to pit tPaineil ' Have v..ii anv colhye dil'loina, or certilii -atcs of any kiln! tliat yon oupht to : frame Have you the Ird's pray it that ; yon wish to pUt in a frame? Have you any :, piettir.! of any kind r nature, or anythinir i at aii that you om:Iit to have fram) ? lio you want any frames at all. or any mould- iin.- .-ani. pinun-. or liinlw, or do you j want lo huv any pictures? If .so. the place j to Is- Mipp!i -l is at Fiher's ISook Store. ; headijiiarn r for frames and iettms Kdinund i 'iiinmiil ha atr.iin Ix-en land.il i : in ihe 'oiintj prison. This time for cuter- ine the iint store of e.n. W. IkufordA S.n. Some time dnriiii; Frrlay nij?hi the n-ar dis.r of i!u tore room wa forced n-n ami ad i mi'tamv ainet!. A doz-n or more jn-n- : I kn'vi-:uid a half dozen ra irs were taken ; : au la lull harn-1 of hikey allowed to run j ' nwav. The "Siuiie" evideuily p:irtMik j iN.uniiiully of the "spvrit" Isith first and ' j last, a In only i-oi sevepul stuanaway from ; the store w hen he sviccumlm.l to the " para- : lyaer." when- he was found in the early ; I moniinu w ilh the stolen articles in his hm k- j - el. . j Monday inoniin two. valuable hor.-. lw lomritn.' tojoi'n Mulhollund.of Ikslion! were jM-rc:; itattl over the side of a mountain al most a perpendicular distance of 4oo feet and were itisiantiy kili.il. In their descel it they were cntin ly siripis-1 of their harness ami Icnil.lv iuaiol(il. The team was t-ne-.ica-l in hauling Ill's to the ton of the mouiiiain and wa last, -tied I. a I.ipi -l.sj. and w hen it reached Iin skidway al the top of ihe moun tain, the loi: to whii h Ihe team wa hitche.1 w illi -t vera! oilier Iocs on ihe skid way, broke loose and tarttil down the mountain. dr.cr L'iuj the team with them, ami ail went into the river below. s The cloiuj ex.-n-i- of ihe . ..inersct Nor ma' ami rreparatory School w ill lie held on Thur-ilay and Friday cM-niuc;. June Jlth an.'i L'.'ith. a follow : Th"r'i"'i lyni'uttt. literary n.iiiest twicn the liclphian and Ionian Sw-ictics. tn.l.,,, i.'.-oW-Lecture, ly ol. K. H. I 'on well, of Philadelphia ; sul.jti-t. " Hi roi-ni ol a I'rival.- l.ile." Tickets for sale ai Paul I.. I 'ac! kit's. The I'.aho. and 'hio Kaiiroad irives ji ial ran-a! 1 cents )-r mile to K-rs.n wihiu to alien. I the lecture. The train will Ix-ln-M f..r all coming from js.ints east mid wt t of kw-sul. so they may return home the an- iii:ht. Mr. Kd had,, tlltc town Ir, at rove, t hrk at I lit- .-onieret lloiist serious aii idi-iit in n-Iuriiin to he . i.itii. L'rotiuds, Sundav niirht. ll w a ipiitc dark, and ih ; wit a Team-, hor-ein.-n ai. .roe. w ho was .irivins; ; 1, n utiat. !v n-.ti into a i- i-oad wa- . row.hil d i!etri:ins. Mr i spirited burse, un horseman n.min from ihe opp itc ditxi-tion. and his horc Ui.i:ii::ij uutnaiiaL'cal.le ran :ivv :iy. upcltoic the biiL-ov and tfirowiiu: out ttie oti-uianTs. Mr. roM tais-'l without injury, but the yoiitn: lady a. coinpan) im; him wa picked up tiim.iis ions. She was filly le-lored in a ii w luiiiiites. and wa found to ts- unhurt. The liii;",'v w a a eoiiip'ele wrei-k. .l-.td-i- luhrini. of Fayettel oiiniy. ha- di - lid thai the i '. .mm. !! w call li ha- no ri-ht . a -hare of the proceed of the oil -jsi ula o:. -f the late I 'aptain Null. cah:er of the :nti- Ttij-tny. It. a't:- no pr" rly aulhcii ca'id ciaitu f.-r it wascv. r mailt-on U haif I' ilie -tale. The amount I" U- di-ir:htittd ala.nt s-l'K-'. of which .:i.'fn :! prolits. ; ai ready paid lo tin-Male by Ihe admiiittra tor. i.-. In- ihi iin ie. to In- n fiiiide.1 by the a-i.!:i::i-f-a!or for r'lli-iril.utiou. Tii.-l'-.tirt of how. ver. make-tin- uo.-tion that theclaim of the I omiii"iiw.-,ii'l:. if prc-ciilcd to the and lor ami properly proven. hotil,l Ik- a'- .w .sl t hare w illi the claim f oth.-r enil- lor i In- c, i;,-ral di-tril.uli. ll. irm v. "I P. !' ...i:i'. ri.n, ' ll II.N.f it. P. I June i'i. l-sii. , I T't frit ' hinu it iicl; t 'tmfrrn : I am lohi thai some parties arc eiretiialiiiL' tin rep.rt thai n.y arnli.lacy for Ilchyale to the Repiihlii-roi Stale onvt-Tilion ha lcu : nuidc at the inst iw- of S. V. Tr nt. F... of Soiiu r-et. and thai 1 would tibtitnie him if - eitilnl. I dt-ire to say in ihe in.ii-t term ihat titi- is wliollv and a!'iut ly tale. Mr. I Tri nt. neiih. r hinisejf. or any one clc ha ; a;.-ioa-iiii me on this siibj.ct. and would have Us-n iiidtei'imlly -j.urnt-fl bad he or af.y ore il-c o prit:iii.il. I wish to n-pre-vntT the jss.i-le n! that 'ottventioii. and if e!i--ied will a". rid in rso;i and act for ihe lust it::, n - of the IN pubh.-ans ol S.mei--t l'cuntv. In conclusion, I ak my friends and otcr to Liie ine their stipjsirt. Vours. Kte., S. P. PooKKtt l.li. Wiivr Tin- i k Ni::i,nii..i:.s !ll r-et llKKtl.l AY. ha- n.i, hed i;- -i.- lieth birthday, and or of a youiiLier. iar iii a stiif 1 :i!ls aloti' u ilii the l ij It is a stiff lielKlhlieall -puiili.au county, and in; iki- a iin.- and pr.,-s.-roiL apt-:iran.i' ll. W IV1H-. I'hil't'itl.iliiu lirTiM't. ii:i Wtsiiit-day the St imcrsel 11.1: ii.i. cn-:.-n-.l uj.iii il. sivti.-ih year, and celclor.ittil the .s-iaiou by puitiiikr on a new drs of tyjs-. Ihi 1Iki;vii is a irod newsiiai an I dt-. rve the -reil phi support w hich has lotia-U-.-U irivtii lo it by tin public. lS--Mifl The .-..nit rct 11 i.um.i. made its apix-irainv tlii w.i k in the pi-omit! iww tlrt-ss, the oc-ca-ion al.. Is in the sivtittli anniversary f it t-vi-i. tin-. "Just twenty year ant, when the pt r y.t Is. re the hitalinr I i n: il l. ixn U'liio. we did iijioii it our tirt tys-fettin. and it proirrt- sin.x- thai time ha lm-u so markul that wt arc rciuiii.Usl t.f the traiisi- ; lion of the little viHapv to the rtt city. 1 May it pro-j rity in. rt-a-c and multiply un- ; t:I it Ihiiihh- a veritable mctroisiiis in the j world of i..ur.ia!im ?--' Jbwl. Tim- S.iiR-rs-t Hfkili. ibis week sinialiii j its sixtieth hirihihiy. and the thirty-fifth j sini-f it came under the lnanapsment oft'ol. -Fid. Scull. I.y adoniin; itself in nil entire new i suit. The lltuui is a first -cia.-. wivkly j ticws;ais'r. and wc U-lieve it- sujrior is not j published in the Stale in a town the sia- of i -s.mersct. If is hnve. well iriuttsl. and well j edit.-d l.-aily and tslilorially. and. aU.veall, j thop.u-ijy Pcini'iiican from its he-ad to its i h.i-U .t ,.- 1... I :., ..l l u-i.:.. .1.....:. ! aisiw.-r .-.i-.iii.st tl... Ih.n.M.'l,. IMH.. li. ..OT.i'i 1 . . i j lls venerable e.1 lorn oliimons vi-j silta-si-c .pied asorth.-lox Whig until the dissolu- .: f.l.... 11 t . ,t .., of, ha, ,,,a,le old (jirtv .and ,,,v ,1-., ri liririT"' tiuit lierri 110 les..irth.yj.i-; Republican. It hits, tht wilnstif tlie MiTitv t.ri-! fruttniiry antl it j-atnHtf fsjiwially th- ftim hove Uv :tli it flir many, y-ar ft.r it- rvutiuutA, jr.)-trity. J.h ; t1i. it wa a hcarinc in I'itt-J.nnr on Sat- I r : i. iiui.iii nni i t imrir. aint Ht ImJan.! to n,v. r H .., J'Ht 1". i..-Y..ii may 1 j sion of .r....ny whirl, ,ho alle- she wan j to think tliat with tin- MiKt-min: foniJ to xinovir at tin- tinw -!lt- i!o;-.I j ,hl" aml "tniiirthoniiiif IkI of m.iii-r. wiTh J. T. Man-ham! ami was f.n-ht k i ''"' are Pr"'lu the't a.ital it -U- ! from theSmth hv Vrank HiH ai,l Kogw ' S,H b " tln-.w. ira:i.l Iwi i O-Mara, flikf of ' iK-twtiv-i- of Pitt-!,nr.' "fn'i J ami imhlit-are 1, ins h.hi at j Hill WiltH tliat Ih. ha.1 orr,f.t . rwrar.! f i tw V'hh ,I,M h,avT"f hrkl- -' 6t :1m- a.i.r.-li, nioi, of tl,r J '-"isliwl travel.Ti. an- in the . ity. r..ii.lr. ami that, hi cniinv wjth o Mara. I wh" r.i iiip me!i attention one of 1m? fouml them at lVnsa.-ola. Klori.la. w Ih-tv i a r"-val iur-a vrritahk- j.riiwv. Mix. Hill a,luiititJ her jtuilt ami ol!en-l to I ,ht' JTramL-oii of Knirr lom lVilro, of lipa atw.uii!iy herhibJandhoiin;. Siilwjufiit- ziK l'ti''X: 'l"'1'1 " "vir. a p.yal j ly she rf,ml him as the uri.-e of her i ,,-'"K !'"'(- Hia Gmv it of an nnin- j lil-erty, ami Hill ,,.,,, nt.,l. WIki. the ty arriwil at riiihitnr Mr. Hill i-l I Wcrtli of hank tn k. attti i nn t n i tklm-nt mi-n: i han,t,i at h.-r n,.n.i. Slu- -.. ... . . : irave liiil lier I inH-iiltiin iinioHv lowl fli.. ! ' -' elaiins i,er wile aete,! ! "f 1,-r v.ihtiou. The wife's altoniey- ! ""1 """ "- elo, rs j I.Mueht !w-k without UV'aI authority. ami mat Ilie settlement was wliollv m eoii- an imn.uniiy in.m pn-M-eiiti..,, tor aitulterv. j Jj4RV RusI5l,.Mr. s.llu Km,.v (lllt. f 1 . mw.flll fanne rs in Ittot l'u-rsvaUev township, raistj a ham on hisl-cautiful fami linsMiay. tiimi w iieii itmtpietir! will ie otic ; of ihe !arj-st anil hanilo!iict in theinunty. ! Fully one hunlnil ami twenty-live of the i frieiiils am! neifrhlior-- of Mr. Forney asseiu- hletl at an early hour in the morning and j went to work with a hip and hurrah, ami hv eveiiinir they had every stick of tiinln-r in the iiniiicne structure in ixpition. The Itald- win hand wa in aitcinLtii.-c. and disii urscsl si .me of their choi't-st music during the day. The mason work for the building was done l y Mr.' V njaniin Stull. while Mr. Frank Forney is the architect and builder, ltoth of these ir.-nllcnicn an- -kiihsl workmen, t.f hipe cvi-criciice. The dinner that was rv tsl w a a corker. The laptt tables w ere load ed with ev.-n'thin ;ood to t-ii one ti.ulii think of, ami it was a caution to sec how ihe vicinal disiipH-art.il U tore the larLf eroudof hmiu'iy ttiirkiucn. Mr. Forncv liirni is one of the niifst iie-autifid ones in Ilrothersvalley t.wiihip. a township linKil for its many rich and Ix-auiilul farm, and p nerous and prosperous f irmer. i ItHAMl Akmy Kt mcmkm-- ami IIkimon at iKJ-TYsm at;. The (Hand Army of the ; 1U mi .lie. le)iartmciit of Pennsylvania, will ; encamp oil the lialllelitld of l.ctlysbur;: July . I'd. and remain until the Tile Uu the Jdainl ,'kl of July the- reunion of the Third Army j loir will !.- htld on the same hi-torie i tit ld. The eneaiiipmciit of the liraml Army i will be larirely attended, and ihe reunion w ill i liri ntr tovrthcr veterans from eiery Stale in j the I nion. i in the Jd. intcrcstinn tcreiiio , nits incident to lilt-dedication of iiioti.iiin.liti w ill he held, and ou every day during ihe j Week Molllfthilij; of interest lo eVeiy old -ol-dit-r will iki ur. Never siu.v ihe in.-inorahle ; days of the lulllc ha there assembled on i ibis famous sgi.t s.1 iiotahle and impisiu- a i colltition of M.-tcrans a will jr.ilhcr there ( durinir this wti k. and no Ix-ttc r op,T7unity ; for visitini: the battle ground in the n.iii Iiuy of th.fsc w ho were ena'afil in the rmit i tiirlit w ill ever ! otl'ertil. For the Ifcnclit ol tin w In. desire to Ik' ; pn-t-nt the Penn-ylvania liaiiniad I ompany will sell excursion tii ki-t- tol.ettyshup lroni 1 all stations on its lint- ea-t of Pittsburgh and ; F.ric. on June :i"th. July l-i. M. :(. and 4th, i u'lssi to n-tuni until the sjh. inclusive, at ; one fare for ihe p.uii.1 trip, j - - A VKS IlllslN... j ilr. I'.tliior : Allow me. thtiiuh your pa ! per. to .say a few wonl. ti.necniin the nii i iiiirofa ham, w hieh I's.k place on the farm of P. J. Shaulis. als.iit one mile s.uthwi-t ..f Flie. ou Thursday. June l'th. A lar.'i j trowd was in atlendamv lo ait in raiinp i the Irani, which i. a lanrc structure, franml in a workmanlike manner h Mr. Solomon I '. Ikikt-r. of near Si- ill.-, w ho i the an hi- I l.i-l and builder, and who d.-cn.- ininh i crtilit for the tumpl.-Ie manner in hieh he j did hi- work. Then was in.i the slifht.-t misiak. in tin' whole job; ctcryThiii" fit c . acliy lo its place, and then- wa no ntn-ssjty for making the lc:ist t-haucc in mil tiiiiiL' j In addition to this, he showed unusual skill - in maliain the work. While the hllildinf iiii-L-"iiiii up no lime was 1 -t in t hi-tiui' Ihe Ir.ime pint-, a Iht y lav on the w.nk M -so arr.uifed a to cnaMc the nm hanic : always to point out the rilil pin-c of tinilKT : at Ihe ri'ht time The owner. Mr. Shauii. sJaiw.il tliat he .,t-i- the happy f.aillty ;of!s-iu jtit where he waiai-lt! in i v rv- tltieroele y, and a more willina ct of hand it ha never Ui-n my I..1 to s.i- any when-. The ladic. ti.. olltie h--utliold. were n..t iintiiiudltil of the want of the inner rnaii. i Ilie el.-o-ant dinn.i pn-pattil by them ix-im: m.t heanily enjoti.l l,y ail. A Ni.ioithoi:. IMiii: Fivoi.tHi r. Ai -li. 1.-. i Mi Saluriliy eiciiiiic J.nn. nown iSoiiit-r-: st County) at !e N,.. I i'i. Ancient I'rder Kuiohis of ihe Mystic Chain, wa iiisiitmcd w ilh thirty-f..ur eharn r m. iiils-r. The i a- tie was intituttd by P. i '. -auiu. ! Arthur and Supn im-Tru.-t.v. J. K. lioy.l. of M..uii tain I al!e No. TT. .b.hn-iown. The prt-id-! itiL' . rtieer-wi n-a-follow : P. ('.. P. ('. J. Yoiinir. of No. " : f 'haplniii. S l.ct- 'omman der K. Murphy, of AiiiKina : F. M. Ilu cliai.au. of N... 77 : V . '.. P, ('.('. A W. hn. I of No. 77 : F. 1. , V.i William Ih-pp. of No. ' 77 : li. S . P r. J. K. lioy.l. of No. 77: A. II. s.. v.r. .1. T. s ifh. ..f N... loo : F. s.. K. K. ilohniann. of No. 77: Tr.a-nrer. A. il. Wal ters, of X... 77: ('. of.-.. P. ( . S. A. Pnleii. of No. 77: A i . of S , P. f . William II. Thom as.. .fNo. 77: I. ... .I P. Lloyd, of No. 77: .;.. A. J IScrk.-y. of No. 77. The new I-sLt clti-itil the following olli vr: P. 4'.. 14 F. Walk.-r: P. I'.. J. F. Kautz : I 'oinnian.lt r. .lame M. 'over : Y, i .. Ptifii lb-inch : F. L J. hu ii liay : I: -.. Kd. Ii. Kautz: A. P.. S. . ti.nr.'e W. Johnion ; Treasurer. J. J. t.riHith: I I:.nicl Pie stvkcr: '.i.. Ia vi shauii ; i '.of S. Iianie! ' Peterson: A.'. ofS.. J. II Iiun.-an; Tn: i tu-. Milton Pickwoith. Leii -hauli. John H. Iunean. There wa- thirty-two Kn;.'!,t in attenatn-e at the institution from .l..hn-tow n. Iii-tri.-t- I Icpuly-Shi t- 'otiiliialnlcr. J. II. I.anltier. of Sioytown. ua prescni. as were al-. hi- ' eral other Iitt-mlKrs of Stoyifown l'aiiei No. I pi. FlioM IIVIT. THE I "i'MT. The I'.n-lhn'ii loit-i.asi al IVrlin. lai Snn da . wa largely atiend.il. Kaillz A Ilr i.. of Jeiim -low ii. n-.rt ihe t-irriaire buint- l.M.kii.o np. 1 Mr. J. K. KaiiI2. of Jt-nncilowii. rcpirt tiie faniitune hiisiiits-s Ix-Tlt-r than ever. Mr. Harry Iioyts. n-idnitr two miii- north of S.iiiercl. has hi. new dueltiiii; aimo-t iiimpleltsi. 'ainlidalt- arc iiiakint; their last irraml rounds. Hilly tile days more, and the vi. lo ry will Ik' won. On Sumlay. Jiineitth. then- will Ik' love- : fi-ast at the Stonyeret k elmn h. four niilex ca-t of Shanksville. .Solomon Judy, the obliim; and atiimm.s : dalinj; lainllopl of the Central Hotel, at Jen- ' ncrtown, ts doiinr a land-ottiee business. Ill Thin-slay Vntl S. Wellcr. of Somerset ' tow nbi.. w til raise hi new ltani, the sizeof ' which will b'4Hxbl'fti't. tieorye Auman i the ii.iitractt-r and builik-r. Me r Rufiis and K.tster llaiieli'iif Jen- I neiiown. Um F'ritlay purchased from Mr. M. K. liownian a brand new binder. It was a Champion, and tioti't you forvct it. On Satunlay lust the friciids ami ticifihU.rs of I". J. Shauliit. of Kdie, asstrnbletl at lii farm for the purpose f assisting him in rah in-hislmni. Mr. Simon C Ri Lit tin. ,-ur. Inter in chanre. had everythiii-i in readiness ! t ami w uu a win ail went to work, and hv I noon the raisiiij; lia.1 ln-cn eutirelT etiniidct- - 1 i etl. after w hi, h a psl dimm-was servetl. of : 1 l.:..l. ...1 . 1 1 . . . , 1. : w " o jwn.s.iw aim iieani v eniovetl. .vir. : - j e work. Everepit " ... - ' i hie to make it. This makes the fourth lam j Mr Itakerhtrs lMiiltthii.seaw.il. j O.VASK..-JAL. i See the " Fry Tn:n" sold by C. X. ByJ. ' WASHINGTON" LVTVEU. - j '"t'!-' ' !- filre "f '"1'" "i'. ' iil tuv is t'lu-imnuir, miiii, -uriii aim i j iiourl&tt as t u-cititm muust-metit ftr ! ,h,,h il- He to stiiiirat tlc Ar ! lititTlon If. ltd alio otvniiurs th( rHinui tliH " ' " ; l'roidnt tlevriand had when lie first arriv- ul in the ciiy jm vk.us to li;s inauguration. And then the strike is at last over here. Work has imai resumed on a nine hours' eomproniis-e. Houses iarti;illy enneiL on which work Itatl lti suspended for six weeks, a-aiuivho with the sound of lianimer and saw, and building will boom until next winter. And lust. tholu:h lir-4 in iinportamv. t 'onpress is still at work, without any imme diate (lan.a-r of succumhiiu; to the slummr's bent. It is (iiseusin;r Appropriation and Land forfeiture hills ami ijm-stions relating to the Il-istrict of t'olunihia. S-arcely a dav jt;L.t-s hut some t.'tm:reaiiian irivts- his opin ion of the civil service law, and no suhicct connected with finan can eonie uii for dt- bate w ithout iirovokinga liifiht on the Tarili'. i '"s n comi tly p-irtl. tliat he is in the I'm While the Hoiist wus ili-cussini; a money hiliition movement, not so much Is-etiiise he j hill, the able lUmbltcan leatlcr from New Y ork. Jlr. HisxiH-k, annnmieisj tliat he had j but lns-.itise he hate the It.-pubiiian Itadcrs, fifrtimi out a la r)W deficiency in the Treasury, j "d ho-s to ilcfurt the Ifepuhlii-ati ticket, the appnpriotiotis Ifeinj: lapcly ill exi-e-ts of j 1 do not mean by this to imply that Wolfe the receipts. He made an arj.'unK-in. whii-h : is a man uilhout tiMivielii'ms, li.i-.uie I lie miirht apply to the tariff to show that no re- ! lieve he is a man of 'strong totiv ieti.,11. lint ihii tioii was isfsible, and he li. Id democrat-j he is sour and disappointed. Loik at his it-1 virjvairantv rt-.KIisilile for this. He c- t.eiiiHil w here the nexl fiscal vear. would, on the most miiservative ttim:ile, c a deficit of 1 l.t"'.tii. The House was on the eve of an attempt to nilin e tariff taxiw and lie : i thought it wa an ixi'asion on w hich to call i its attention to thesK- sartlinjr fi -nitcs. j This remin.s nie of what Representative : lltMitelle. of Maine, xaid in resranl to the it- ftits of the present administration. Instead j of the retrenchment and ttniioiiiy that wa I promise., the estimates for expenditure ' have been lanrcly increased, until the IVmo- j ' cr.it ie Slate ( '.invention tif Maine. Ls found ' dcnouiieiii):. in its platform, a l'oii"Tes in w hieh its lwry has a larne working major- 1 ity. for having devotetl six mouth of it- la- j j Ixirs in devising ways and mean to deplete j tin-Treasury of it surplus millions to ihe nt- I ehi-T of iinp.rtanl legislation. A.- to the maimer in which the party has i i ftillillcd its t 'ivil S rvice lU-fonn pMlnisesi. the j wttii- p-iitlf man from Maine sins, that that j law has U.sj ustil as a iloor nial by that di- i tiu'uislKtl oi!i,f limker, F.neiie IIvT-dn. , and ha- Us n iralliplnl under the muddy i lx.ts of the ' hunirry ami thirsty", until a ; I lem.x-ratic 'ommissioiier of Pensions j en abltil to tttify that under the rules, a now ; applied, he obtained 1 4 IVm-sTats out of j i lai iippiititnients. am the lk-m.KTats of tin- lb iiisc are asking to amend the law so that i the "reform" Kirty t-an et the other four. Political allairs are so much mix..! in dif- ferelit slab- that the lleluoenitlc lllt-liiU-p ..f 'otiercs who have not already gotten the : siiii'-iioii of their tlitri t and yet have not jriven ii. the tiiiht. are very anvioUs alul i reiM.minotion- F.ven Mr. Holnian. of Indi ana, the "lircat I ibjcetor, lias ft Ii eoiiirain- j etl to po home in the inten-i of his feu. i-. -lb is a man w ho pn.lsibly could not U- ea ily IkiiIcii, but the Kcpublicnu- an: sure of , u'-ains in many iH-m.x-ratie districts, and Mr. : l Holman to-It tliat tin- situation was sia h thai ; even lie had Ixttar not lie so far from the !. soms of his iiiii-titut-nts. Tlie luxury of leisure w hit li the President ' enjoyti duriuij his uinetlays of honeyrii's.n. i is his no ItHiyer. The mass of ie---i.slatioii whii li w as d:linKil uii! his di-k diirin-.' his :iIi-.-iiit. f.-r hi approval or veto, nijiiin- ! i hi.-t vandiiation of ftnirteeii or tiftt. li bill a .lay. Then ha jut txvn piiblislml In.m ' 'the White Heiisc another ofjieial p.moii- i siranee ainst a t.M. s.K-iafil.. public, asking if t.resKi-t ihe htrtir for t.lli.-ial business, by i tailing to juy rcxvt only on the tlays and at the hour iki irietl for that purpose. Plillioll. Nkws. A tel.vram to the I"itisb!irdi rum- ' iw. f'int Unzttt fmm Philadelphia say: The i . rei cut purt ha-e of tin-Psnh f n-i k railroad' by friendly inten-ts of the Iti-.nlin? t oin siny and tiie pun bust of the l.tirtield I!i niiiiiiions 1'iwl I oinicuiy's mini, by the i same friendly interests, it is staled, have for- , ever disiroyid the sibiity of eilht r of; ; these j.p.js'rti.- itoinz into the hands ol the ; iVnu Ivaniu railroad I 'omjitny. This is re- ; liard-il as determining itively tiie amni- ( pli-bini lit at some ilar of the plans of .iiin s litio!i ai t-.uiciil by I rv-!ilctit Howen a.nd ' olhers iu.nint tht- Peniisi iia.iia Ii.iilroa.1 Company. A n orlin r of tin-Iiead'uif; 'ompaiiy -tat.il to your iirrs..iiiit nt that the completion of the Ninth !"etiiiylvaiim railroad wonid Is- : the next step taken in the orifrinal plans. It j will of iiiurse, lie neti-sary, he stain I. in rt- I iit to the Supreme Court iK-Ii-re which the j tjiitniion of the ri-rlit of the Pcniisyhauia ruilrouil to pun hn-e is liiiilmc. n await the ; dtt isioii of thai Uaiy ln-fore taking any fur- , tii.r a.-iion. In the meantime, however, prominent capitalists: who arc interested in the completion of the property ai-e not iille. They bale purchased valtiable timU'r and coal trails aioiiL'the line of the S.uth Penn sylvania which will lie tlcvelnjiet at the pros-r time, and it is further staled that one of t 'nc itltiinate urp. -of I he coal lands w iil . Ik- the formaiioii of a coke syndicale which, will openitc in opsisition to those who are ; now sending their tommfc over tiie IViinsi 1- , ania llaiir. iai i i ' u, tpany s lint. Prt-idi nt le w. ii. of the Ibailim;. when sti n by ymir corrt-jsimlt nt and qucsiioiitil upon liicse mailers, statu that he deemed it a.h iable not to talk ii.n the subject until : the ll.-adiiio pr-.js-ity had Isi-n rtun-iiuiiail. : hn! lit- would say that all hi original plans includiiijr tin-Smtii PcnnsylviiLi would Is' i-iT-itsl out. and that the Rtwlinir ris.nraniza- tioii aeinriliiiir to his plan would he actum- ! piishcil in less than sixty ilays. The I.ctuni Jndiresof the IVin. ratie pri-iimriej-held throiuhout fambria i-taitv mi Sat unlay last, met in K's-n-bur-: Mondavi.. count tiie votes cast W the various .-andi- date-. mid aiiiioiuitv the re-ult. The old -y ' tern of voting dirtvtlv for the candidalc at ! lb. primaries, known as the 'rawford I nun- i ty system, prevails by a lanre majority, the ' vole for il iH-in- 2.7i to S4i- in ..(.esition. ei . -.at:... .. .t ... , . , ,,. . 1.0....U-. ooios. ..i ,.ne wori.i, na.i a waiK- l over for the t 'oiisrrtscsional lioiniliali-ni. there iH-iiii: no other t-andiilatc. ! Daniel MeLaiL-rl Jiu, of John-tun it, and J. S. lihej , tif Biei-lir-r. carril ofl' i lie lesris- ; lative lienors, !! rote fir Assinihlvnien injr a tt.llt.ws: Mclani-hliii. l.r:i; Khcy. i 1.1ft! ; Kitzliarri. l.fww ; Strayer. T.lmT; Ijn- ! t..n. H.1; P.ryan. 5-4 ; Kinr. IJT7 ; McMul- ' leu. KYI. . I II arry f.. Ko-e is renominated fur IHstri.i ( AttonM-y over Jam.- M. Walter-, of Johns- j tow n, by a niujority of "sVi. the voti utand- ins:: lit me. 2.J7I : Waltt rs. 1.722. ! v i. ,i ,, . , i . ... . , i For i'o.thoiiotary. It. A. shoemaker, of Wmi-tmrjr. the pnssint inrumlycnt, has. 2.13! ' vote, to 2m7 for Janit-t f. Ilarby. of t otn- ! niaiifi Ikittiiiih. : Tlw vtrte.m ReRi-ner ami Recmlcr was a-- ! follow: Cch-tine J. lilair, of Klnisbur!:. 2.ol2; TlM.mas U.iover. of Cambria Town ship, ticoruv C. Miller, of Coneniau-li litiroufrh, 1.2SU. Shaffer defeats Mullen for r.r-Hi.us IK-m-tor by a vtrte of 2.H72 to l.r-4. The efticial count may var- a trifle from "" "ire.-.-Air Tnl.HH,. " ' uwittti J-.iFm ises. Tlie elosiiijr exercise st"?"1" formal St h.ml. will 1 held ill the IjlTht-mit Chtin-hon l.sfiu.l-o- ' ""' Jum. w,m - to at.end theexerci an.l share with ns i i;t.-r t-s-t rt V' r EjlCT"- H emmiuem at ti v. Admision fn. W' H- 'TK, PatstiPAL. Paint lirushes very chap at C. X. B.yd. ' I .-aniril.e, .i a lt.u-toiifl.ir in the v a ht racing T:i- i'uritaii t..k the cup. mid thc Mayrlower i-arriiil of ihe honors. The May flower i probably the roniins- champion. . .. . . Ai-VEKTisti. I.:ri;u.. The follovvino -tcps rem-.iiniiio in ihe I'os! iihec al r-itmcr-.-.'. niii U- sent to the lHad la-o.er I lh.- if ift .alic.1 for oil. ir I., f.n- J-ih ... !;: liurke. IC-.: n : ' I:.. l.i- !s, :-Ir. la.;,ar ! r.iMT, John: Mill.-r. Mis- Ida; Mdier. Mi -Ti.'iie; X. l-ou. John , r.-rshimr, Kev. Jos eph : Iiirrte. Miss Lizzie: I.hik-. ( har W.: Smith, tc.p,fe S.; Shultz. itnri'; Smith. Mis:. Klla: Sl:v. Mrs. Mart-arct: Shatlr. Elita- : SpatiirW. 1ias. A : Trent, '. H. ; Wirii h. Heiiheti ; Yotm-?. mie: Yartv. Mis F, ( Yartv. Frtcman : Mu-cr. Wm. A Miller. Wiu. J. K. OH--ROTH. 1". M. Somtrset, Ta.. June SI. lsi;. The I'ulithml Acem-Mr. "es.--ah OpiMoy or Wmlfe's ('amudvcy.-Iii an in terview in Hiilatlrlphia last wwk. hm. John t'wiia a'ui if i!m' -an.iitLn y f H.m. riiarlt-s S. AVoIft f.r .invt-niir m the l'mhihiti-m tii ki-t : nolles eaminlacy is not wing to hurt licuver much, if it hurts him at all. IJadJca! ml f..-inuJ fr.lilit;....is ..III ..... f.. .. ; in itnil for ihe T.iwn.-hip .a I.uer Tursev l.s.1 mid h'.m as they would to some man who has j i .uniiv ui.ircs.n.l. i-roiiii:-v .aim- ih-..Mi;'i r Uvn more thoronhlv and constaiillv id.-nli- j ' 'i".'i:i'ti.u-.li!.i.. ho t. iuz.My hitl witli tlK-irt-aiw. Wllc i a tli-anint- t to hi krimi. 11-.- ,!.- iaii'l . l i:rt J t-.liti..;,M it: t i' i ' '"fii iininnT-t, it w irT :ui;-rn-,fl fl 1-htii .an. Mr i N,ur at tla- Ka.Up. an.l ,imr, !K(. A. I(. M!1l ui u-n Vu ; lit lovt-- liotonrty. It i. plain It rvtTV in- 1 iiu-riv.-iiH:it thvrttMi in thr mm si .-'in-M o j tellij.i-nt man if hi.' j j 1'ives the l'rohihi!i.nis!s and their princii'le ii'i ill of VestcniaV his attack oil ( alncn.tl . . .... ' , ! . , iua. 1 he Wonl he u-es m denolinc- ,.-,,, arc or,i .,: ;,,-, a,,,. vre Proliibtlioui-t, with an eye siiij-lct.. r and j ,n simv the a'Uaneenient oi tiie 1 lohtbitton cane. 1 think sensible Prohihiiioni-t everywhere w ii: realize i hat he i u-.t the kind of man they want for their staiiiliird-lxurer. No man who has Iki ii id. nlili.il with either of the old )litical panics and afterward leave- Iheiii to join the Proliihilioiiisis would Ik- sironix a eaiidniate a some man never Ixi ii a ".liii-. iaii. but who h Iki n a Prohthitionit." " Then you have no fear of Mr. Wolfe's infhieitiv " N',.' a hii," -aid ihe ..Id leader, piomj.tiy. " If he had Is en 'iv.-ii a pla, e on the ticket in it won!. I have tin all nht. and he wouhl Ih- in tiie partv t.wlav. MARRIED. P.AKK-WAl.KKi:. iin Sunday. June -ii, Ism. at Ihe n-i.tcuiv of the bride' par ei't. by Ih v. J. J. W. l.h. Mi. Kra K. Pai r to Miss Alice Wj'ker. bith of Lull. .,iuerset Count v. Pa. SHANK-MII.I.KI: On Thursday. June I", lssi;. ;,t the I.uthenui ).ar-oiia-e ill FH'-d-cn. by Kev. I. J. Web h. Mr Aaron Shank, fmm near Shanksville. and Mis K!i:i A. Mil ler, of J'-nm-r Townliip. Sonier-i't ( '.unify Pa. FIsIIKK-ZKPFos- on Sunday. June !::. Is.; by Ih-v. J. J. Welch, a' the residence of lie-bri.ie's .tioTher. niiir Slanksi iiie. Mr. II arri-oii Fi-hcr to Miss -uati Zcrf,. lth of Stonycni k Township, Somerset I ..uniy. Pelili a. DIED. I'.lli m iKS . Mr John :r..ks nits.- no in i Irotlui-tioii lo the Kipieof .-.imcrset County ' i'i ordi r lo U- known. The mention of his lliltlie I" ihe eitiet:- of .s.lllet I . unity. SU-I- : i-I-ai: oi-i tiiue t'ricti, 1. a:, hoitoinl iitii:.-n j and a chcri-lu-d i hr.-tian broihcr. He wa b.ni in Mms,trr, e rinanv. the p I old Fall..-,- .,n,l. on the .Mst of May. !ju. llccaiuclo America with h:- pm-ui -: in !". and --ni many of hi- first y-ar in ' tlie ieiniiy ..f is rlin. M.t of his married ; I lile was .cnt on a farm near. Jennertovi u. : ! 'I'iiere he s-nt man) happy yi-ar of home , life, until ihe death of hi Ud. a'.il wile in ; ' 177. Ut- then made his liome with his son. i William until tiie sprinir of ! w hen siii- was made, and he ainl hi- iuo sons ami their i families stan.d for Wat-r!.s., I'da.-t Hawk , eollllil, h.Wa. lieii he was .li .roi:diil , with a .-i.ii.iorta-'ic home ! y hi son William : w ho lain hast-i a U-aiitiful farm ais.iit i . mill- ca-t of Wat.o-i. Haifa doiieii y.-ar ' wi n- - nt in this Wc-ieru Home ; and then . atioi i.er -.J. a;.i aiiotl.' r inoie stijl fartiier . w.-t. iati.led him a:nl hi -on' family near ! Hanly. N"l li..!l i-ouniy. Nebrnka. Wt ' wcicom.il him a an old Pcti'isyleaniii fiien, 1 ; ! atnl iiicohiM.r. and as an aci-d fellow--la!s.rt r -in ihe Vim yard of ihe bad. He !i' ul lon' enoii-.di to j.t.-u.l half a day : .piile piea-antly in tiie v. :ier' home, to U-- coiue a.-o'iaiiitt-l w ilh .jiiile a iiitmls-r of hi ; Nebraska ini!iboi and lni-nd, lo stv ihe : prairie clothe iit !l in liviiijr rrvii. and the 1'laniiil seed L'mw !!:' up ililoa h'-js fill liar- ; ; v.-t. Ou Thiirstlny I'lit'1!!;.. Jan. :. 1-sii. , Fatht r !'.r.i-k lii.isht.i hi- last day's work. He wa- taken with a fneziin; chill which ! wa followed thai ic-.-hl wriii a severe attack of hectic !'a it!i' s i. Mcilica! aid gradually brottirht rt-licf front the aiumih t.f jioin but . ii.uld not arn -I 'he j-'nr of 1:' ae. Ail , wen-!iocfu!. t .i-pt ihcaeisl ufii n-r who siid thai hi dav Would -iii Is- tiunilH-n-d; , y-a. hef.elt w i-i it to Ih- s... ip. : w a n a'iv.e.1 or. SatiKith afiern.s.n. Julie l-'I. ; w In ti la-ts-aceiuily nd triumphantly pass- 1 ed awav in the Lord, lit the aire of i; yi-ar-and "' !.... He livnl f.'i year ill S -niei- -I . actv. p.i . -i year- in :he Slate of Iowa. ' a':il a I::i!t lie . re than ' A o months tu ihe; Male of cl ni-ka. : Tu.. -oi. I..oi!a ialitcr Mi-law. t'.verand ' ehildri'ii and one hrotlu-r n-main lo mourn ' hi- departure. Fifty-two years of hi -iti-were sjs-nf as a faithful christian and nn m- j 's-rof 'he Kt aiiLt-hcal I.UTh.-niii eliun h. His . limt nil lo ,k pl:a-e in the Ltilheraii ehun h of Ilar ly. Ncbr.iska. con.Iui t.il 1, the ivrit. r w lio pke from II- elaboii. H:I '.. I lei: K. M u nt.i:. Haniv. Neb., June 17. 1.;. ' pi.NAM.IAL sTATK.MK.NT -OF SOMIBSET 91. SCHOOL EiilEiif YEAR FOR THE ENDING JUNE A, D. 1886. KKi KliTs 1, Ca-h on hand i-roui -title l.nri.nali.'n. :C1 sii If' IR. .iu I M Hi.-k- From John A. Mailer. I o! r.. v.: EXI'EMilTl'KEs. Ain't ii,l for leit.-hers' wuli . fuel, c.nliiii.'.-ii--it a:..l janitors r.si:r - - rteM ani intrrcst Ui:--..:i.iiie.iis.... " " trca-urer colli... 17li ml !" S 177 is turn 7v 11 ui .17 : 35 ul 71 si t : alarv .rf seerei v Bolante tin h.U. JOHN A. WALTKR. ' uinstior. To er.ani.Kirit fif.!ui.l:s-ate... HK. . S-J7ti : K. T iimmni ii.l ..ter ! at txtujemiHin allow tJ ... its 70 . ...,.n.i,.... .,n . t i,i ..vr ir. -u lalam ' Je. 1 - S-Cm -' LIABlUTIK-i OF THE WsTKKT. Bomlsomstunilini: jfcm m .! I.l S PMO oj Y?1 Z l ,,fp'' RKSiil KfES OK TIIK M-TKHT. Ain t due no .luplieiiu; of lssc: tl -- l-,.. ..1 - ' " lss.1 .Vts l! ahmhainl 71:11 J 7'id e; We. ilie UBlersiinit.i! Auditt.m ..f -smierst-t Bor- vnt:h. hereby etnifi- Umt we have examlnetl an.l j MUtiittii ilie mtiainis mi. 1 rou.-h.-rs .rfifie f.rvif.- j inn (.latcinent. aii't tin.1 lliea., orrect. In tesli- j lia.ny lierwf we nave hert.-iinto set our han.ls I aJKt svai the fsih .lav of June. A. J. ls, i JOHN X. sNVlihit, it. S.l ! Ji il.V S SHAKKK, L s i UU. Hm H.-TETLEK, ,'l is. j SI, 000 GUARANTEED j ANIMAL BONE j FERTILIZERS Xasarea Crof mad Jwirfnrt the Laad. llralar. Snd for I i Joskia Honer, Jr, & Co., ; Ssa.ltiaaa.sre. 23- ! :a""' 1 i. Tit in Ibf r- it, II,.- :-!(!( t th- tjtri.r -.if H' - .n.T-i.iijTn rl i tt- V Ml '!lt li r t-tj, nil hlt.w U ul Jai jtl i t-i - t. v y , ;.r fit t i-Uttr -i-1 sriK - hn mi : ji't I'-Ja't )iii -t : ,ir, nwf t ' .c : 1:1 . i i. t ,-. Ii.KK NOTIt'K. Niirc i hvn ltv L"ii-ii that tiivi F i:-t. ari.l j Maiyan-L Ilk iU-. t Aiiiti-.,.iy To.i .:vui', ..i; ! erv.-i l iiity. lVt;ii-' ivatiut. ty -U -mi tf ufmi.t j Hr'iiiii. f ) -ait! iH-nr1 l' u-i i.ti-uti M. i !V, til lrU-4 l-tf tin U'Ht-.it ! Jtu- i' 'ti.r-. ,. t;.,. lUiea:i A i'-'iit. aid tii- Lni: . Ui !t..-"r .Vmii fc will itiakf known tin m-. lo tJsr l- dav ;JvAv. V IK lw. A ITLR'ATIoN l mi: i.ani w.vi; KANT. harl.-s .tf the lnwn-htp . Loner T.irki?vffsH. in tae c.iuiv of s.,m, r-.-l. ai i ties for i". ai res tl" inc. I tliiiil.' in i.ic iov-ti-t,; j of liwer TurkcTt.iot nti.t ' .ti::v of s.n:i.-rl. h: I ioiiiliiK lali-ls tit l nrtN..in-r kau. on Ihe s..iai: 1 west. Janie M- Ncai mi the N -r t It a el. cliar'a ! K.i-e on Ihe fjisl ami Soulli. aliu Iw.uo. Ketiai im ) "e ne I sovrnrt ': fMARJ.M Riwp. .NS. ! IV fore Inc. III.- sIllrterilsT. iiJ-lslice , if tin- 1 ; K'-' U niiw rv-q.iiiiij oil the ait.i lift- I hT thf !.t-t HKNJAMIX V. CLKVKV'-KR. ; Su ffTi and u?M ri?H-l bfi rt- int.- im V'Ui of JlHi'-, Ni, 1 U M. T!M E. J. r j N Kr f l i,!i:,t-i. . iW lor,- im-, t. ,lurv'.'(if rh- iv-a.-s- in an.J ir ;! 1 To uhi' t 1m vr Turk. i. n-l ( oum t-r ; "ttti.I. j :-n!iuliy ra. fi.-irt . i r.f--v liitimM HIH'!; ajit. lM-tiitr tiuK v(ru ( .n Mxm l. law . tl.'.l iw j.i- ami tn Ilt.tTh. -r:i i- . tl.'.i rr t.-o. tli:i! no wjirr.Hit" In-t ii i-MMii ii.r tlir UimI Miat'VO lU-tTMn-i. IM; j in hi " " name, or ill Hie n.iaic ,.r iian.-s ,.: ice .Kherts-Tson or persons, ini.li-r w h..ci he .-i.iini- ' ri1( sum1, atel iluil Ii.- via an i-.iciincic r::i: ; .riii::;;:!;;;:;;:-.';:',:;,;;;- . iiuilic land and l.iii:.!.m: .!,-.u-ic. aid Sworn -un! .Mi.-r tA JniK: A. U AXXOUNXMENTS For tie Jehs Esplcaa Frimaries. Yo'i i.l iIt:w MiinmiiH- Thr ' jri-UH-Hi1!! a- f-iiiitli'LUsf f-.r tii- -li-oitittt-l M Tii-- K.-j..J.Ii.-s'i I -in: tt N- hfM tm iI'irtay. I'm-.- h. w il.i.i it. .- t.l;. o '". ili.Vi.7.'.. FfiAXCIS J. KOI 'A'.', .ijhj.-jt t-.tl.'. K-. l-i-.il tf I t KiiT m II v t: j.i I am in rw-;itt u lit lilt- iirtin il'i;t!t for ( . Sllli.f'IIii'f hi.- ol K J isTcs. .1 il Til ..-ii; i V. W. !l. -N! ' '.v...--- EDWARD Sri'LL, l' -.Mi.i:.-I.T W.IS l.e .ic.-l-i'-i! ol ;: . bi a 3 f "i. ' .! it; -t:ATi:. JOHS R. SCOTT, ..'r ..HK-T Koi:o .,H t to Ihe .1.1 i-i. -Il ol the Pi-io' i ! siii.j.- ) eie-e- h-'iK -sf. V:. P. JO IIS A. WALTER - -Cil l:i t i (:. I 't -ii ttitm- I - a cti;'t: 1 r'( it 1 1 .ii-r-M-!i:U-r . A--.-ii,!ih . i'lfHIiff' ilHa-i Ul.ik A 1 th.- 4 ..ii;,; t i:! il-in: JAMES L. PL' till. r i!T J'''!.-'! man Y. -ti':i. i U- ht l' NOAH S. '-." . I.N Ma MILLER. T"ivi-lill .-t Ihe la I ;.!.s v ;;.). EE IIR AIM D. MILL EH, la s k '.. iti i-ii -I-. ! -.li. e K-p-i.. .-.iij. . laari 'K, of ) ! al I- i ':i. I i I. A.ii;;.P. ED'tAR KYLE, tF VTttY(TtiW (; : ,.jr. lia.r. bin ti.. It. JtlSHKliEhGF.l:. lll'i.-ct usitrv i;le. lion. i.. u . .1 ii.. 'cf .1..'' .i ti: ;i t WILLIAM roLLISS, .a -on :l-i r r.. i -. . a : I-. tli. lion. .1,- . -f th- !: man K! t,. i J : a '": .l.ssoi 7. TV. J i ! JOHS 11. Z1MMERMAS. of tc i' i) .i u- -s : . . t '. it-'i :j- 11 it f T T'. Tin- 7-1 -Tl t.f 111- fit lil S;,nir'l hi j.c!.'..:,: roi: A tt, ia r: '".;. SAMUEL WALKER, of Ai...K"UIV T"H.-!UI'. -Ul.il iiinrv K 1 I.l Iin- .ie, :-l,.ii oft-.. U-.-f-.'.Ci : '".' Jv"' I A TKJIIu.' (J LIVER '. SHAVER, -ul,, ,-1 tiitht maty Kle a n: M. JOHS G LESSSE R, o- S-"l i;i; .--c. i . li. auir.- Khi-taii:. A'H 1A iK J'. I'i. DAVID L. WITT, ol" s-toyitTow H..l:..r.H. Siil .jell to ihe nun KUi tio'i. t. 'loot! of tile Ken'!' - I.ci.l sii'.uniay . Ja Mir I 'll; USTKlf T A TT'tllSF. V. F. II'. RIESECKER, -t.HK.'l-irr B..I:ol i.Jl, su'.j.i-i n. ti, murv Ki.i-iioti lc-iasi of the ii -ii.si ol" iSie e 1: ill Sat:,:' 'll. 1111 !: - ! Tl'il; llTl:l' TA rpI:. t . 1 '. L. C. COLRORS, .F soxt-KKKT I'- h.'lcll. rstll'j.ii l the Clarv Kir. tion ls i-ion if,,- riepiiblt. hi i. 'ein. ;.l -utiir.hil. Jim,- Ji.. iTi- i i-filt frmJt llooi J'lktj !'!:. ; FREDERICK S t 'IIM EC KER, 'F iM Kfl. FT T'-WX-I,:!'. STjlij'ft J th-- )t-'is!. .n (.f Tl.. i; ;.:!.Hr .:n Tri j nrnry Kltilhtii, it htM rafrrniay, Jm.t ji., hv, . Pni: ilorE ftfHFi'T'tli SAMUEL A. DEITZ, of so.yF.Ksrr n.uN-iut- stil,j.-t-t to th lrmry Klectioii. l.i-Lioli of t!ie la-t-iii ia-:i:t .1 I- lit i.l -allir-itiv. Jinie -J.. fri ts... ATF. T'l THE . 7'. 1 Tt. 1 ' I ".V- ro.v. WM. 5. MORGAS, 'F JKSNF.K T.ttN-Hip. .HlPl ON tH-iClfrf-. -Wilt II-- MYiV hr.riordt.lo mean tu s-urf iil fall. uoBjumium Ami f ftt: DFLl.il A TF Ti) TIIK TIOS. 'r.iiA.viA - v - CHAS. C. SII A FEE, ll SOJifcE-f T B..la.r.,n. I was itr BeaviT in n:aj am for ). ff selected Its A ticleiti.-, ,1! :ie tav ls-t to secure ui ri.-aiiiiMiioli autirleeii"ii. l . ti-FoR I'F.U.tiA TE TO TIIE TA TF. t O.WF. V ?7o.Y, S. P. POORDA UGH, or oUTHAJIPToX TOWS-HIP. Siihieet to the 'Uciit.n nf th. Hettiil.lienn IM mary tk-elki, 10 he hcM, Stttiir.lay, Juue J.,lsst,. i i NEW UA Hi MOTS IX NEW PATTERNS. VELVET, M O Q UETTE, EOJ) 1 ' BR US8ELS, lain fifty Brussels, Eutnt Super, Ingrain, Cotton Chain, Cottage Carpets, Straic JIattings. Hugs ami Stair Crash, Stair Hods and Buttons. Carpet Floor 82x25 fa for Dis playing Carpets. LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN POLES, I we wi!l pay Freight on Carpets Points. Our prices are the .CARPETS. LACE WE GUARANTEE " T I y-. I . . sL - I ii O HK l it AJL-IJ, lUMLl Cliiitt.n Stit t t. M LNSTOWX, I'A. HEff BOOK STORE IN SOMERSET. A AVM. II. 1I( K-si;i,i,Ki. BIBLES, TESTAMKSTS, JIYJfy BOOKS, And Standard and Miscellaneous Books in all Departments of Litera ture, such as HISTORY. EICCRAPHY, ALL THE POPULAR NOVELS. A- v--: a- 'he favori:. h i. in ail .-tyk-am! U.n.iinj. sr. it A wvi. ..il a. SCHOOL BOCKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES ALWAYS !N STOCK. ST A TTOXEEY ! Ledgers, Day Bocks. Pass and Memorandum Books, '' 'Hi. Vl.-il ii-. ! -. ; i I. u t II. I, i - r ; ! '. Till'. STOCK OF.ICSTtCES' i:i. !i:.t'- 7. . u. i.Kh'!:;'. - ' : t . a - ,::,r,.,, ,u.;;..i;.,i , r. r.-.-. ; . i . .. . . ....j. .1 i.V ' ."- - v, 'A ' :'.) !,- l-l-l-i. .. Win. II. WKI.Fr.Ky. I II i-.-lii! DRUGS. G. W. BENFORD & SON'S DEXJG- STORE. ivo. i. i5Ai:irs .i;:u.jck. PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. li-f.icai-. To.ht A ': h-sai -i -uiidri- k. pt in :, :ir-t -,-!.,.- -.,.r,. .Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Vi ta li la ! WHi d -;- FORD 1 SON l-r' I 'in Viiit-. .-tin ! I. i. j tu i-: NEW STORE and NEW GOODS. J. M. HOLDERBAUM lid removed hh Store front jo. 4, liner h Mod: to hh neic rooms ht the CENTRAL HOTEL BLOCK, (tnd has added a fall line of nSTZEW" C3-OOI3S. Erertfjod Js invited to eall and sec the sloeh and the loir prices. Country Produce : Tale a in e.nhomje for floods, WOOL esr- iafh, of irhirl, tre ,rmt 5.000 oh,1s. for li'li ah ire trill un,, nn,f rflsi J" . AI. I-Iolclei-ljMiim, CENTRAL HOTEL BLOCK, jIain int-rvt-t -Miiry. w h. ni-o k'-r-i- all lA litt put it oif. Uit fvme i ow.t:. .-5trfot. -i - - . I isJjr '- ' t to Somerset and Intermediate lowest. Come to us to buy CURTAINS. ETC. IT WiLL PAY YOU. l V 1 A'' I I 1 1 1 1 1 Tl (A Vlllllll V-V V VLlllll wi:lfu:v, - m i:t.si:t. pkx.v v. - - w m X i ' Uimt, ' U.I. A'Vi.. '. I- in Jt...'-, -V.-., -V. . ' '. '.. .' I: A i;.'. - ; . - . I: A 1.1 A.KS IS FKI'.SII ,t COM VI.f'.Tf, --ris II t : in i . ii. :.:! -. . BEN- c. w f.. -1...VV - li.rMi on- ! k. iii:tl I riniv. r-:-: ..! hv -i".-. ! the cel.- "FKV Ti:iss ' t IF .J !;'Jjr, ' h ,tn ur- ,-j,t: t XII Hi A 1 ' ') in : Ml ! I V i 7T -4