4JJL v. rjje Somerset Herald. j TtO. K. SCTLL. Editor. c ... !. 'r -' v r - ; ",," v"" Aprtl SI. !8 TIME TABLES. II - me winter erranrtm-nt. which went ,,.Ser 1 b. .rata. .", '-",y'. .nd csmoria Branch aa follows; ... , .nTl!VS .'Mn r' " - Jvhortn Mail Somerset Aec. Hi t4i r. a. Ejpr Ill J 140 1.00 1 M .i. r,n- .wn K'vrtvuie... . 140 UO A. - - , blC'l M T. at. v ""fci il T H B" A" N 1 TKAINS. Sotnctx '" Ace. Bockw'a Arc lll AOC S.ui . i'lOr".. lo.oo 3 'A ln.ie S4o In) Si2 ,.t-,K..n... J'lktD'l--;;" " "s ti"ET. 4to i: !;.' : rlTTSBVKUH KIT. R kO T BOt'XD. Exprcas Mail oor e.sj Cuin'd Aec. ( 40 a. H. 4 r.M. ' J l" tAST BOUM. KM Express Cnnid , tan. i-' r j:;rl:::::il2.iS.- "t.i s: eye on the comet, rj.: .' !.-V I'J'9 l C" N- B:yd's. -j: ..::it fruit crop is predicteit li,:er T'.-'i I'vm at f. N. Boyd's. V ir ? :':.e lime to cleau np rabbish. r,.;t-r Ki ly ' C. X. IVij d's. ar- tne cbespet fiHl one can eat j IT. ,t Ei'" binnet is getting ready to - i;;t onion should be put to bed. Ty.-tyo i .!. it r h,-:-. highways and byways are un j !:ierl rleaiiinjl "P-i.- n. :ia with dip-nets violate the l : i .n - to prwnti in. firmer I'u'-tinK tiitir handi to the t on M .;uUy m'irnins in dead tamest. - , IVhibiti-jnistt of Indiana County tti in i- .mention at Indiana on May T;.t H. .lei; Babv." Ung ami s-liort f.i ii-.l and lace caps, swks, stock ,. ,-;,kinss fr babies at Mrs. A. E. over in hiiiitia tney will prisecute ail sr. t"ha.-co aud cigars on fcan- Zts. y in' ;' investment, insure in the I". B. Lei:i"i:. E. Cove, Agent, Suiyestown, Ta. .:cr I'ves at C i. B.'yJ's. V-F-tstV!.F iv Mm.i.iveet tiooiw. VeviM j-vies in hats, bonnets', flowers. ., .; : ami aU kind of niiiiinery trim j . :i.-ii! at Mrs. A. E. I'lil's. Tue annual diMribution of Fish from the uai.-htrrv U in progress for the western sr.tirt- rF-!rKE's Uts. The cheapest line of l ,v. I fhildren't trimmed hats at Mr. 1 E l ii!'. ! w.:: jay the highest cash prices for all i : ,.f i-.jdrt. skin?, and chestnut, oak and :rv.T i'ark. II. G. CtSSIViHAM. Somerset. Fa. Ert-r iar.N of beautiful designs, are oe .ii.played in the windows of the station- tT t""e. ( 1-s.Ts - At Mrs. A. F I'bl's you can lb best fitting, wearing and com ?. i:ao,e wrsets, including the ditrerent iicia uf iieMith corsets. T. Vasliington county prubibitionists li .i la (invention June 4th, to nomiii fu.i county ticket. I'sel Kvl Miar Cough cure cllertuaily. i'r (' KiKc'tt. Fnion FniU-staut Intirnia v U i.n.ure, Md. No depressing effects. TVn- re two aiplioitions tor liUT li r- sr ;'..f (Ttseiit term of court in Hreene ;jBtv. Ju.ige Inghram refused one, and t ';!. was itlidrawn- F r etctit years Col. D. J- Williamson, ,; .!:(:-! a-tiT, V. 8. A., and ei-l". S. Con at V.:i!, was crippled with rheuma :.js.. lie gi.t no relief uutil he used St. Ja r nil, nkh cured him. No remedy on ur.h glials it for pain. Price, fifty cents a 'iue. Cnmherland county people are gnatly i r.ver the action of Judge Sadler on iiiei.se ij iestion last week. Twenty-five . mills were refused license, including '.r. :Jiiird of ilie two principal hotels in S'-.Unioburg. Xewville. one of the larg "ti .sns in tae county . is now without a . tf.Mil house. Nfsirna For laclies. I have liuen c ir. (Tt.- l;s"', tarlton and tourist ruch !Tirt f r Misses and Cuildrena lace, ein-tir'-ioert it and linen collars of the newest ';. it, il a; the lowest irii es. Mus. A. E. lnt, Ka-n-r l.fs I've? at ('. X. Boyd's. Va;7tijv.ns 1 have now in stock evry -ti iff new and ueful in white dress g-mds " iil.r.i lawns. India lawns, Vic t'.r 'ai'. Mulls. Swisses, bat.ste in plain, 'f .i ar.il plaid styles with hambiiri:". i :i .. f'-r tnniniings. Mrc A. E. Vhl l-is'.er K--g lives at C. X. Boyd's. Sot Mikket. Main Street. JV'e have ;t large Befrigeratot to our Meat V.'ket in whi(h ail meats can b kept coo' Imuran. Mutton, Beef, Fork, 4c,, kept '"'."tantly on hand. 0en daily. Farties 1 ;-in tiuat can have it kept in theBefrig Mst'fuMil anted. Boss Davis 4 Co. t-is'T K.-Dyes at C. X. Boyd's. E-"ee K 'XvrTs Wearing a new bonnet K'.: r is an old cust,mi ; I am ready to M ! 5 Sl-e bonnet or hat to keep it up. Mai. A. E. I bu M KCIAL TO '"Ml IKT t Ol'XTY MEUCIIAXTS. Hivir.g Mcurvil the agencies for Loril ' i Tin Ta;: brands, and S. W. Venahle & l" s Vii.' d Tobacco's, whereby you can psria-e from us at prices, and on tl.e aanie as from city house, we 5sl.-tftt;;y solicit your orders. Cook 4 Befrits. "Cfc-iT. Ta.. April 14, 1SAJ. r.i.ovr -Kid, silk, lisle thread and Berlin '.. Vvf ;n h'.ack and colors and all shades in i in,H;., very cheep. Mem. A. E. Uhl. 'er ? ly at C. X. Boyd's. -txtiji.j The largest and best s'ock of P',J :KP eer shown in Somerset for ladies, iren. nu n and boys at the lowest prices. Mas. a. E. Fiil. -- llgg Dyes at C. X. Boyd s. t -'tjjm CHA.xi.f.o. Black Ben," i-' Unions - J. King Stallion, will stand j ""Tic tiis snsuine season. PunJav s ex "11 at tl,e follns-iiipstabies, Tit : 6t tt.r. days, April 19, 20, lnfJ 21, 1 ' N Uxiti,:ton, in iid.llex;r-k town-! two .lays at the stable of Jacb bsrkni,, ; m ir . . . f jiinoro townsbip, and thej ,;,"jr tthe owners' siable, otie- "J "oe mM of Iaransville, Ta. al ""I as above during the season, end- Tl k bon can be seen at the owners' sU-i Saturday ever,inK Ute, and JUon-1 rnornin,. early, as per bills, eicepUng ""TSamlavs. I oh.e and see this celebrated horse and : " uur tm"'- bf"re ruttine ,W.h i "arn Ulorille, April 14, ( The grass is growing. Sunday was a lovely spring day. ! Did yea plant a tree on Arbor Pay T Toe county jail is without an occupant. ' It looks as though spring had rally ODlf. The jarden maker haa been Terr busy for the t few days. The maple stuar season, which has juit closed, was a fairly average ooe. The Somerset small boy is offering frogs in the tnartet at twenty-five cents a dozen. il.Kiavin's Original Tenneaseana at the Court House this evening. Don't tail to atien-1. Mr. James Pagh b preparing to baild a new hone on the site of his present house on South street. Tne Bedford Lvpiurtr says that Hon. J. H Longenecker has consented to be a candi date for Congress. The political pot in this county is gently bubbing. It will not commence to boil till af:er the May court. Judge Baer is holding court at Bedford mis week. The criminal list is extremely small, there being but three cases for trial. The Fnion street marble yard is being moved on to the upper end of Mr. Charles slufail's lot, at the eastern end of the street. James M. Cover, Esq., represented Somer set county at the meeting of the Bepablican -tate Ci-miiittee. at Philadelphia last Wed nesday. The now famous Buttermore hospital j case is set for trial Thursday, April 2"Jth. j Gen. Coff roth is one of the attorneys for the j defendants. Frank Hill, of Greeusbnrg, hasa-ain been called on to give b:iil for $",. This time it is a civil suit iustitutea by his runaway wife. Thirty-nine applications for liquor li censes hive been tiled in the Bedford couuty court and wiil be passed upon by judge Baer next week. lieorve Siiauiis, of sjjiuersel county, the man who stole the nogs, was sentenced to the penitentiary for t'nree years last week, by the (ireensburg Court. ' t There are a number of i.nportaut and in- . i . i f , tertsiine civil cases 10 ur uicu at term of court. There are but few cnmiual cases dowu on the list so far. A cjupleof Harrisburg detectives made two arrests in this county Friday. The par ties arrested are charged with having ob tained goods under false pretense. Mr M. J. Bittner.the unfortunate Steward of the p.Mirhouse, who is sadly afflicted, is retorted as slowly improving, and it is thought by his friends that he will event ually recover. Wnen Mr. Ihivid Husband, one of Somer set township's oldest citizens, called to settle his subscription account Saturday he said he couid scarcely remember when he didn't take the Heealp. The first number of the Meyersdale Daily CummercM was received at this office Mon day evening of last week. Tbe Daily is not much for size, but presents a neat and at tractive apearanee. For twenty-six years Mr. George C. Lichty of Somerset township, has been a constant subscriber to the Hekai.d and during all that time has always kept his subscription paid at least one year in advance. The Somerset Opera House Company have contracted with a Chicago firm to paint their scenery, which will be here in the course of the next two wetks. They have conclud ed not to o(en the house till the middle of May, the first week of court. As the State Convention does not meet till June : 0ih, one week after the date fixed by the rules as the time for holding the reg ular republican primary in this county, it will not be necessary to hold twoelections this spring, as was anticipated. The services in St. Paul's Eefomitd church, Somerset, during Passion week, a-i 1 on Easter, will be held as follows . Daily throughout the week, at 7:'i0 p. M Easter, at i a. M. Easter, at 10 : 0 a. ., Holy Communion. Easter, at 4:C0 r.H. Capt. C. J. Harrison last week purchased from Judge User two lets of ground, front ing on Turkey loot street. They are very desirable building lots, and it is said the Caotain proposes erecting a couple of tene ment houses uKin them during the coming summer. () ir aged and esteemed fellow citizen Mr. Chambers HiM m met with a very serious accident last week whilst unloading lumber from a waiion. It was feared for several days that he would not recover, but at pres ent be is slightly better and his ultimate re covery Is looked for. Mr. Will H. Wo.!, the young jeweler ! who left here several weeks since for Thila- j delphia, died at that place Thursday night ! Tbe announcement of his death was not unexpected in this community, as he was j in the last stages of consumption when he loft here He had maiiv svmpathizing friends in Somerset. ' ' We believe that lle Hebald office does more job printing than any other two oftioes in Somerset county. In quality our work fears comparison with none, lie 't printed where it may. In prices we give tbe best living figures. We don't print for fun, nor does the work look as though printed by amateurs. The County Commissioners are at present in session at their olliiw in the court house, hel ling the appeals for the borough and township. iriiLiy they go to Hock wood; and give a day to that borourl -i township, which will wind up the apeals for this year. Clerk Hileman informs us that their sittings tlinughout the county have been quite largely attended. illiam Martin moved from near Shanks- villeto Adams township, in Cambria conn-1 tv. the middle of last December. The lat-1 ter part of last week he was found with a serious wound in his throat, aud it is be- lieved that he was prompted by jealousy of j his wife to trv to end a miserable existence, The wound was not fatal, however, and he j will recover. His friends gave out that the I wound was inflicted by a large tom-cat that j attacked him as be alept. J MAKaiAoc Licr-ssis. I Marriage licenses have been granted to' the following named persons by Clerk Shafer ; during tbe past week : Nelson raidlcT, of t"ppr Tnrkeyfoot township, to Lavily Nicklow, of Lower Tur keyfoot township. Jacob R. Iter and Mary M. Poortiaujiti, both of Allegheny township. Charles lietfley. of Cilenwood, Ta., and Sarah A. Ilentz, of Somerset township. (libriel J. Htevanuus and Hebecta Jane Keefer, both of Elklifk township. Another test case has been hrouKlitai,'ainst silence, her spirit was ever hopeful and her the Balto. A Ohio Relief Association, th's ; heart warm with syrujiathy. Her work was time in Zanesville, O. A petition has been j ' well and faithfully dona." In life she filed ia the common jjleas court there by trusted Him from whence cometh our James A. Williams, praying for the recov-' strength, and in death she triumphed glori ery of $15!. which was retained out of bis ; ously. She longed tor tbe realities of eter wa;es as asessments for Ihe insurance fund i nity and repealed with dying lips His prec daring Lis employment with the company. ious promise to them that love Him. The petition sts forth that the present sys-! That we extend most heartfelt sympathy tern of compulsory insurance among tbe employes was first enforced by the com- deeply afflicted mother, who cared for her pany in April, 1S, and each month there-' so tenderly and to whom her gentle pres after until December, If 83, at which time ence was ever a benediction he left the service. The money retained,1 Mrs. M. 0. Koosia, the petitioner claims, was wrongfully with-j Mas. L. A. Hr, held. i Mas. W. B. Faust j Frank Heffley, of Berlin, lias received an appointaient as United Stales storekeeper and ganger. John II. Uennekamp, having purchased the Ilecke Bakery, is now in possession and prepared to furnish the public with bread, pies, cakes, etc Also, a full line of fresb groceries kept constantly on hand. a. Fob Lapies. Black and Colored Silks, and black and colored dress goods in great variety from live cents up. Double width caitimeres at 15c. 25c. 33c. and 40c. op to a dollar a yard, eery cheap. Mas. A. E. Cul. Koos roa Sale. I have a fiock of hand some, lull-blood Brown Leghorn Chickens. Eggs from them can be had at any time. One dollar per setting of thirteen eggs. Gcosoi AtHA-f, Somerset, Pa. PoLA!tD Chisa Swiicc ro Salc Fanners wishing to improve their stock will do well to write me for prices. My breeding stock is all thoroughbred, of the Magie Strain. Young pigs in May and June. Also, S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching. Ross F. Davis, Somerset, Pa. Fobs Sale. Three second-baud one-horse spring wagons. One second-band two-horse spring wagon, with pole and shafts. One second-hand buc li board, with springs. Terms to suit the purchaser. Inquire at the Hardware Store. James B. Holoebback. Whitewash is to some extent a disinfec tant, should be used in cellars and kitchen closets not less than once a year, twice being better. A good whitewash is made of one Xeck of slacked lime, a pound and a half of white vitriol, a pound of salt and half a pound of melted glue, the salt and glue keeping the wash from rubbing off. For cellars the slacked lime is sufficient. j To Eslk'.htex Scfebvisob. A recent (irand Jury of the Indiana county court having recommended that the court issue a cali for all the supervisors of tbat county to meet in Indiana and be instructed as to their duties and liabilities as Supervisors, Judge White has accordingly called for a convention of those officials on the 27th inst, when he will act on the recommenda tion of the (irand Jury. Oi b West-Poikt Cadet. I noher. Cadet at West Point 'harles T. from this Me dis- triet, according to the report just printed, gtood twelfth in the first class, consisting of seventy-seven at the last examination in J-tnimrr. The followinif was his standimr . , . . . in the mam studies, vu : Engineering, IS ; law, JS; history, S ; ordnance and gunnery, IS. Hisclass graduates in June, and already great preparations are under way for the event. Lovers of nature will find a choice morsel in tbe article "Sap Bewitched," by W. H. Gibson, in the May Harper's, beautifully il lustrated by the author. Mr. Gibson's po etic fancy gives this title to a description of the strange swellings, commonly known as galls, which occur in surprising variety on nearly all plants and trees. Many accurate facts of original observation are woven to gether with occasional touches of imagery in a style worthy of Tboreau. Abe Yoc Goixg West? Information fur nished free to persons going West. Descrip tive time-tables of the principal railroads in the United States and Canada furnished free To secure the lowest rates of through freight, the lowest passenger tates to any point west or south and to go over the most direct and beat route, address, J. W. F.VTTU.V, Traveling Pass. Agent, B. A 0. R. R., Somerset, Pa. Mr. B. Becher, the one-price clothier, has taken possession of his new quarters in the Baer Block, in the room formerly occupied by Wood's Jewelry store, and now has one of the handsomest and most complete cloth ing stores in the county. His stock of ready made clothing, hats, capo and Gents fur nishing goods, is large and well selected and comprises all the newest line of goods and the latest spring styles His prices are so low that they will amaze you. Call and look ever his stock, whetheryou wish to purchase or not. TEMr-FRtxrE Lii -Tries. The famous temperance lecturer, Mr. A C. Rankin, who is said to be superior to Murphy, has been secured to deliver lec tures at the following times and places : Somerset, Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 2"',!h and. 27th. Stoytstown, Wednesday and Wednesday evening, April 2S. Rockwood, Thursday and Thursday even ing, April 20. Meyersdale, Friday and Friday evening, April 30. Frsina, Saturday evening. May 1. Lectures free: a grand treat; Let every body attend. Real Estate at 1'eivate Sale. J. M. Ilolderbaiim having purchased the west end of the Central Hotel for a business stand and dwelling, which he expects to oc- cupy about April 15th, now effers for sale j his home on Gravel, Hill, west end of Bor- ough of Somerset, with immediate posses- sion. Beautifully situated, on an elevated and healthy location. It will be offered in separate parcels of the squareof 4 lots, each of fir. by 2i4 with house, bam, ont buildings, orchard, and all kinds of small fruits, and 15 acres of ground, and 4 acres all adjoining, or if prefcrttd will fell altogether. Also, 10:1 acres near Somerset borimch, and lot with double house in 3om- erset borough, now occupied by S. ('.. Marsh. and Richard V ought, and 2 lots of ground on which the burnt mill block stood ; pos session of latter subject to adjustment with Sun Fire Insurance Co. Our fanners, horse raisers and all those interested in raisine good stock will find it to their interest to read ir. feter Heffley 's advertisement, to be found in another col umn. Mr. Ilrtliey has added another ini ported horse to his stud at a large cjpense. ""-" P'"'"" liantisoiiiest bhu usi sicviiiici.s ui lucuibu; 1 horse ever brought to this country. For a' nuiulM-r of years past Mr. Hrffley has devot-! ed great deal of his tiniend attention to horse raising. He has done more to im- j prove the stuck of this county lliuii any oth er man, alwavs buying the most deirab!e! horses regardless if expense or trouble, Somerset county is justly celebrated for the number and quuliiy of horses it produces furnishing more for the eastern market than any other county in the Btate. and for this it is in a great measure indebted to Mr. Heffley. That he in return should receive the liberal patronage and support of our horse raisers goes without saying, 1 ' " ( lara Ilanuum died at her home in Som- erset, Penn'a, April 5th. ls5. At a meeting of the W. C. T. C. of Somer- set. the lollowing was unanimously resolv- ed. That in the drath of our beloved sister we lose our nu. efficient and devoted worker, who laborel tincearinply while the Lord gave her strength to prompt his righteous cause, upon earth. In the W. C. T. V. she ojiened the door and led the war. Brave and true with un faltering faith she appeared in the front lion I h.ra mm fil nnrl when la tlie j weakness of the flesh she was compelled to to the bereaved family, especially to her ; IMt. MoaiiH Items. Mrs. Hauna D. Rhodes is on protracted visit to friends in Johnstown. William nolder. our tailor, is at present ; "lj all become drunkards. We are in disabled from work, caused by cutting his j cinl w Mieve that to say 'nearly all be left thumb while pruning crape vines, at ' come druukards" is au overstatement of the which business he spends about one month ! kct, but from our observation we beiieve a of bis time each year. j ery Urrfe numberof be moderate drinkers. . : rtasrhsirM n.rti..ri. v of thnm 4viA hr tin n t - The firm of Swank & Zimmerman, olj Sinesville. has Durchitsed the steam separa-1 t -4 K lor. fV.untrvin. of this place." We are sorry that it is being moved from here, as George Countryman did tbe best threshing last fall ever done in this vicinity. Frank Dawson, of Jenner township, a member of our bnj-s baud, who was mar- tocateu near ur. r-nauers ."""J uonn, ana iook. possession 4s " - j i his lot be a happy and prosperous one. Joseph Crist, the White sewing machine agent, is the only man iu our community, who don't complain of dull times. He says his trade is good, but the roads are so mud dy, and the railroads too slow in bringing on his machines. j P. C. Maurer, ote ot our stockmen, bred from three ewe sheep in thirteen months, eighteen iambs. In December, 184. two ot his ewes had twia lambs, the other one had one in July, So, one of them had twins, the other two had one apiece, iu January 'tG the three had twins, one lamb of December had twins, and another had one lamb, thus in thirteen months from three ewes he had eighteen lambs, making in all a flock of 21 sheep. He has also a heifer calf about one week old that weighed 1H5 pounds wacn three hours old. Fhilip don't believe in scrubs, but in the best blooded stock, aud in keeping them in good condition. He says it don't pay to keep senilis, as one will eat as much as a good steer. llErOETEK. The Poob Hoi se Cases. At the adjourned Court held week before last the Court made a final disposition of the witness costs ia the celebrated prosecu tious, or more properly per-ecutions, brought by the MevervJale tvmmrrci.il against the Poor Directors, by ordering that One Hcudkeu aisd Twenty-three Dou-aks, and TUiBTi-loiB cents, $12.'! ;(4 of the wit ness bill be paid by the Col ntt. We are iluw able to give our readers a statement of just wba: these cases, brought by the bogus reformer, have cost the tax pay ers of the county :' Committee of Invetigation. Keisml Cos a J rnd Jumrs. two days at tel per day 36 Traverse - loar da at " -Court oriicers 4 days and stenographer... XJ3 78 , 116 V7 SO 00 00 :-i oe i 0.1 . Ui 34 v Talismcn.. Witness bill.. Total., swai o This amount of money has already been paid by the connty, with tne exception of the witness bill, and that is being paid as fast as the witnesses call for the money. What do the taxpayers receive in return for this large amount of money ? Absolute ly nothing. Humiliation, shame and dis grace was brought upon the county by these baseless prosecutions, and in addition to this, the conntv has been put to an expense of over $K4M 00 to gratify the malice of the editor of the Meyersdale Commercial. In the face of ail this how will the editor of the OwiHierciu account to his readers for his oft repeated assertion that the prosecutions had not cost the county one dollar ; that all tbe costs had been paid by the defendants. A Card. Desiring my friends and atquaintances to know that I have been publicly accused by J. B. Snyder of saying "I would not allow any one employed by me to buy of any mer chant who signed the remonstrance against that I would the granting of license, and discharge any one of my employes who wouid buy of them," and "that I had refus ed to accept money changed at his store." The first accusation is a ihlibmUc f dic hooii as I ntvor thought of doing such a thing for a moment and never said it and I defy him to prove it. I have never said to any one employed by me since coming to Somerset that they shonld buy at any par ticular store, fori pay them their earnings and never coerced them to buy at any spec ial store. I did say to a business man in this bor ough that I did not want him to get a bill chanted at that store for me, as I did not go there since he signed the remonstiance, thinking he would not wish tochanee mon ey for me when I did not patronize him. On the 10th inst. he lirst attacked me on the publie highway and threatened to hurt my patronage, unless I would patronize him as formerly, by refusing to buy goods of any commercial salesman who patronized my house. He has executed his threat in several instances but succeeded with only one salesman and in that instance by tell ing him a barefaced untruth. He was the first to start the unpleasant affiiir and said to me it would be "war to the knife." and I am willing to have it out with him but prefer to reply to him through the press that all may read and that I may not be contaminated by conversing with such a mean principled man. Thanking my many friends for their kindness in the past. I remain Most respectfully yours, MKS. W. J. HtOISBOTHAW. April lfHli. ISsfi. Jt rioE Deas 05 tbe License tJrEicnox. The bitter fight that lias been waued for some time tast between the liquor and tem perance people wss brougnt to a close last week. We give extracts from the opinion delivered by Judge Ik-an, as he is regarded as one of the ablest common pleas jndges in the State. " The laws of the state intend that licenses shall be granted, if the evidence satisfies the! o ALE OFIJIKD TKlUrOAR S CELEBilA court that the house is necessary for the j TW UKT STAtXlo.V. accommodation of the traveling public, tbat " N0X SCCH 2st. it has the rooms and beds, and the applicant I Tht? ealebrated Cart Stallion, one or the finest , , , ' lever brrd In England, has been sold to Mr. Ed- is a man of good character. The supreme ward A Alcott, of Pittsburah. r. S. a. wha in- court (Justice Agnew. . strong prohibition- ,?' SiwH-llS: i.r r.r.ilrin4 th ttitinionl Iias ho alrlrmid arhlch U now In hi, iulm, Mn.l mat r44 mwm mvlrv cnnrt nf Ihe common wr-dlh for fortv every court ot tne conimonweaiin lor tony years nas so lielil, a single very recent ipin- ion to the contrary being cited. The lu on the statute book before us ; its construe- tion is not open to doubt ; the evidence to sustain the right of tbe applicant to license, aud that denying it. is before us : now, in the exercise of our judgment, or legal dis cretion, in view of all the evidence, has the i-etionrr met tie rctiuireiitenls of th law or has hi- failed to do so? That tl only question. Public e ntimriit has nothing to do with the law, it is out of place when it seeks to change the law in the court room ; public sentiment might ju-t as well demand that John Jones should gain his ejectment suit againt Feter Smith. A man's title to his property ia to be determined by the law and the evidence; his right to a license to atll whiskey is to be determined in precise ly the same way. " We are free to say that the best way to stop intemperance is not so clear to us as it seems to be to most, it not all, of the re monstrants, and especially to their counsel. We, too, have given it much thought and investigation ; for fifteen years we have had every opportunity for observation. Ail are agreed Uiis far, that the intemperate or ex cessive use of liquor aaa beverage leads to deplorable results ; wrecks the drunkard morally and physically and brings poverty and suffering on those connected with him and dependent upon hiiu ; the aian who lifts his license to-day will admit this just as unqualified as the most zealous prohibi tionist asserts. All, or very m ar all, will probably agree ah-o in this, that tbe tem perate use of liquor has no appreciably del eterious effect on the drinker : does not af fect his health ; does not shorten his life, does not interfere with the nerfonnance of any civil or social duty. We mean by tem perate use, just such use as is ordinarily made of other stimulants, as tea, coffee and tobacco ; a man is not more injuriously af fected by two or three glasses of beer, wine of coffee, in itself tbe temperate use of this stimulant fs no more wrong than the use of any other. Just here, however, come in the earnestly urged objection to alcohol. ! that it is of so seductive a nature tkat very j few who commeaca to use it moderately continue temperate; that in a short time ' - -j ' iug to excess. This being the case, it be- i Cya,a ltn q- for the individual "ooad.Bc.. whether U is right to do that, . not in itself wrong, which impels to excess: i "r "ea " tuere nu ua"r lu luo ' lar individual, whether it is not wrong to j set an example so full or peril to others of , less firmness of character. We can very well understand bow men of susceptible and ten- ;.teIynseso dangerous a stimulant. But dangerous a stimulant. : aside from the consequences which may ! thus indirectly follow from its moderate use. ih its;If tha muderale use 0f alcohol is not morally wrong. ' Absolute prohibition has been in force in Maine lor more than thirty years.yet with a population of only six hundred and fifty thousand, there were more than one thous- j Xnd prosecutions for illegal liquor selling j last year. If men will drink liquor, it j seems that men will sell it, if they can get it , to sell. If it will be dealt in, and will be sold as long as there are buyers, then it is belter that those who minister to tbe de mand shall do it legally, under a proper li cense law, or illegally in defiance of law. and under which legislation will there be tbe minimum of evil and wretchedness? " Judge Dean then boldly attacks tbe favor ite argument of the prohibitionists that the license system begets crime and quotts sta tistics in support of his proposition. In conclusion he says : Our owu observation, extending over many years, leads us to the conclusion that, in cities and large towns, in the present con dition of public sentiment in such places, the best thing that can be done is to restrict licenses strictly to the cases prescribed by the law ; with such populations thedemand t lor the stimulant is so active that there is a j constant clamor for the licensing of more drinking saloons, and we are glad to have the aid uf public sentiment in separating these from hotels necessary for the accom modation of the public. While we are heartily in accord with the remonstrants in this particular, we are not sure, with our present light, even if we could under the law do so, that we would go further ; we are not yet convinced that commodious hotels, conducted by honest, temperate men, regu lated by license laws, do increase drunken ness. We susiiect if they were not licensed the traffic, to the same or greater extent, would probably go into the hands of the ir responsible and vicious men and women. Further opportunity for observation, access to moro, as well as more comprehensive sta tistics, the experience cow being had iu states where absolute prohibition is under going trial, may show that the remedy tor the evil of intemperance is that which the remonstrants express so much confidence in. At present we do not see as clear,- as they do.' Forty-seven applications were granted and 13 were refused. Easter Erg Dyes at C. X. Boyd's. makkif:i. KHOAIlS IlAl'tiKK. In Berlin. Pa., on Tuesday, April 13, lsj, by Uev. J. S. Wagner, Mr. Elmer E. Rhoads and Miss Carrie Hauler, both of Somerset county. UIEU. rOKESrRIXG. On April 13, at her I home in Middlecreek Township, this coun ty, Mrs Mary For-spnng, aged years, 9 months and It? days. WEIGLE. Xear Shanksyille. Pa, on Wednesday, April 14, 1SS0, Xellie Slanon Margaretta, infant daughter of David and Cevilla Weigle, aged 2 months and 20 days. SVHEKSCT m&.S.S,M. Corrected oj Coo a a Baaaira. DKaLMs n CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED Apples, dried, ft a Appletotir, t gal Hran, V - Butter (roll) Buckwheat)! bash meal, 100 as Beeswax ft Bacoo, snouiders, 3 ft......... " aides, - eountry ham!) Corn, (ear) new f baahel (shelled) old " . meal fl Ik Call skins, f ft Fairs, fidos Flour, V bbl Flaxseed, ? bu. (40 ft) Hams, (iiicar-eured) fl ft Eard.f) ft Leather, red sole, f ft upper, Kip. " , MlddliDS-s.and ebop 100 .... (lata, y on Fotatoes. f bu (new) Peaches, dried, )) ft Kve ............. 8c .1 1!oig(oc 41 CO lse 40j :oc ...!""."...'.!ijse 7c So VJC 4.4 tSOc e '".'ii iiiiiii 40 T5e Vie l. aort;ar taen'oe T5ci0e il -JStl f ?0ct40c aMt.iSt 8c.Slue oT4 lc St il 41 a I Kai. ft I w.i, xrA , SI kkl . . " 1 " ' . I. J' ....... Groan 1 Alum, per sack .. - Aihn.'B. per sack Sonar, yellow jf) ft.... whits " Tallow, f) ft Wheat. bu WooL l a so ......... ec,c ...Tcnl'ie .J....10c'iil 00 S4Ct240 OTIOE IS DIVORCE. (iwi-e H. Tayman ) In fhe Cotirt of Common T?. Pleas ot IStiiiierivt Co., Pa. Eloora Tayman. ) AUaa nbpna lr liTrctoifroanc!of Desertion To Etnar Toyman : Vuvi are bereb ootlflM to be an'1appr at the next Court ot Comuum Pica of Somerset Co . Pa., to he held In Somerset on the 3J MocdaT of May, lo antwer the eomilalnt ot your hun bantf, Ueure I. Tayman, ihe pUintitt atn.va Qi.meU. atvl low mnw, If any you have, why your laid htubatvd ftunld not le Olvorrv-1 trow the bun'ts ol matritnooy enrrel Into with Tta, sifreeat.iy to the prayer of hi petition aol lit'el ehll ir-d against yuu hefnre saM "..urt. SberlfTa USh-e, JOHN WI.XTKKS. Apr. 21. li1. SherlfT. i wlJ- ?no1 1 f" ,,ut the eountry ; still, h i hM i,,t tehtnd hnn -rone of the finest stock to be I loon-i la-toe t nitei Kioulom, being one of the Hire At Blavsk irwtfaapn sari nart nil.a ... . Hm ia ina .lr.4 . msni a....nt ...I . i.1 i tbe best up of . -j -a fc juinr.r iw urn Isrs Amerirm eouitl Eurch:ks. hf true tb AdTuiuice over UlT'tliu ' (.r inn cle-n U-KaeJ, vhila ilili re(a.um th lavrtc, ttt Uri.ikOt1eiut Krenfth. HeiMcnc Irum tb NvupJ4r?ii' r Stock, und we are Mtltyned, bmild ha revch A merit -uteiy, b will irive hrI aiTuuntol hltBMli bvU r i .in: South Haiti l4 ty Aow$ Ojjict. Oct. 10, 14, 0'J .rn.T-?lll W'.'"' wjnD?, mnoT PrUes In will stand liir the muib mi n ! place In I rviua. at t-J. 'o charsre lor mares not pr.vina witn lout, aprtl. EttWAHD ALCOTT. IMPORTED My CLYDESEALE STALLION, six years oi.l. Lay in ol-ir, will stand, iMMtuioinsr April nth, al Jenner X Roads tbe first week, ths second week at my farm beainnlna- April lvtu, and week about througuMit th seasuB, at $15.00 I2JB,TTRA2XZE. NORMAN PERCHERON ' STAL LION, n years old. black Inm-eray. will stand aa fidlow.- The first week, hntliiDiaa; Aprt1 l Jtb. at my farm, the art, April luth at Jenner X Koails, ami week about daring the season, at $20.00 INSTJRANCE. Parties breeding to above horses and loslna their eolts, will only be charged halt rates ; losing mare and colt noeharwe. Ot th th abov horses, will sat tbat so two Sneroti stand In th State, and I consider my P- reheron Horn the best on I ever saw. Both bone will weigh about a ton each, with ireat ac tion, fine style, bone and make up. It will pay any farmer to o twenty mil to breed to lt her of tbe smiv horse, as I have seen th rolts by bntb, ami never saw as good ones before. Parties from a distance, wtsbine: to remain ov.r night, will be ke:t Ire. UamDlctonlan Stallion, Will also stand at my larm, at (25 Insurance, apra-an. Register's notice. ' Kotiee U hertt-y given to all ftrvxs eon-era ed a leaacee. ereui'.ors. or otberls, tbat tfce M - kmtif accounts . faoaoi rotister, ao.i that cti umovai to presetiiea lor eunnrmua an4 allowance at aa lirphacs' Court to bobcMMScoa- ret on Xcurilay, the aula itay of May, lsea, 1. First aaa noai aeooant ( A.roo Will, tcsc- anv o kaaanie Hucluiler, lel. 4. Fjh mmt nnaiaocuaaiuf JieihJ. 3Iusrrave Execoujrei Joiia Hosgravcilee-d. a. tir laixl raal aoout of H. A. Hart--ell, EjieeubirolCa-.lia.riac Jtunntaa. ilee .i. . Urst and boal arcoant ol JaJofc Oerbart and J.O. Voanain, aocaumct i'raJlL. f. avoaaua, ( . Fust and partial account of Sam Barclay, EjoeanToi JoEIhim 'ue. Uee'a. a I'iktiM niLtl jmwm tj H A H&rfIT a,xecuior ot Liavia aioaaiaui. dee a. 7. in; aaa anal accuani ol Lt. u. Acaennaa Administrator u Samoet Zrtta. dec' 4. S. Kustaad Una'. aroual ot Jualaa L. Bark-, holder. Administrator oi Sam'l hover, doe'4. . i'iraiaad nnal aeooantof S. W.aad W.H. Fritx. Aiiaunlsiramra of f ater W alkr, dee'd. 10. First and anal account o i'nnstlaa aLreger, Administrator ol Lai.l SclirurB, deed. 11. Firm and tnal aeeuat.1 uf keter filial cream. Administrator of Samuel lyota. dec A. Li. Account ol K. F. HAoiaicr and Utile Hor ner, Administrators ae. ol Fracktia Humor. dee'd. iL Account of Jonu M. Ouarduin ot VrUs S. aad MUiorra Jane lieal, minors. 14. Account ot H. J. and J. J. Miaolls, Admra. ax. of Jonas Siiauiia, dee d. li. Account uiW.A. sseliwrt and W. 3. Baer, Admra, fcc. ot Sol. J. Baer, dec a. 15. Account ol UT. A. s.ibcrt aud W. S. Baer, Aumluiatraiurs, kc, ot ssolvuioo J. Baer, dee d, woo was Goaruian ol Mary Jaae Colemaa. 17. First and ooal accouot ol Jercmian J. File, guardian m Vto.1- S;im12B, minor. Is. Second and Baal account ot David L. Mey ers, A-lmr. ef George If. Uay. dee d. l'J. t ITU account ol l'aniei J. Horner, ai air. a. t. a. ol baitd iieic, dee d. jo. Account ol Isaaiel ljuatner, Ailml. oi rnup Glerner. doc d. iti. First and final account of J.L. Pnghaed A. F. Dickey, AUmrs. of John J. spanaier. deed. Fin! and nual ao-ountof Josou Cable, Ad ministrator o! Henry l-earodlec'd. SS. First and nual account of A- F. and W. S. Bittacr. Ai annisuau.ni ci samuel bluner, deed. U. Aooinnl uf faaiu.l Bcraey and laoia Blougb, riecut'rs ot looiaa Blougb, dee'd. 2a. k iat aud nual acoiuit of XaaAC Voder, Ad ministrator of Daniel C Youer, dee d, vlw was troardiaa f laxie Austcar. 10. steeoad aud uo.il account of Michael Long, iUfccntor ot George Hardin, dee d. tirstand nual account of Feter J. Cover, E.t-u:oro Jobs F. Cover, dee'd. as. First aud iioal account of J. M Lomher and Aaghui V luprman,'trusiees fur tiie saieoltiie reaiestate oi cphraim h. Snjder, de3 d. a. First und nual account ol J. M. Louther, 4.dou. ot Fptiraim D. and Isabella s?uyder, dee'd. No. 36. Account of JaoO Uertaanl, guarulaa f Jnas HeinuauKh, icHl.Icr 3UII1CC, i t'HiL. C. tSHA E.K. April 21, l:so. i Kc(tiiter. JEGAL NOTICE. To Zclinon Koih. of fifwa County. Neb., Thomas Hyatt, of sieward, W cstntoreutnd Co Fa., and Alloa Uvatt. at Coimeiiavillc, Fayette County. Fa, : You are nerebv notified that In pursuance of a writof Fartiiiuo issued outu! the Oriiu&us' Court 4' siomeret Countr, Fa., and to me directed, I wui bulil an inquest on toe reale-titeof Lluaoetli Hyatt dee'd, aituate in Liiwcr Turkey fool Twp., sitimeraet County, Fa , on Thursday. April '-J, lsso, when and wnere you can attaod if yuu talnk proper. suchfi Office, i JOHN WINTERS, Marca 24. e. i btienff TAVERN LICENSES. T'HE lollowinc prjrji have filel la my otilce tneir iKdUiiun t.r T a vera ur KediAur.nl Lt ccoife., itrKeiher with the c.-rtiQcattt!, atHlftvU0, Iwntla, 4lc,.um nutico is fa tj re by Birtn tnai ia ttauie ba iire.t-niHi 10 tlie 0url tf iioarter CHttittions (jt mlluwauc on MLoay erenm. May. 17, l-'s'J, Hfn ani wnere all erdu&a inien-JieU eta ftUend it they see prupsr. Thsrles A. Mitchell, Allison Tp. iiwanl Nictf . K. T, Kr et, CuntlueKcc Buruagb. C?4.iKi Sierner, " Au.'UcVU Koebler. Cimemaiuch Tp. Frctterick Imrr, lireeuvtHe 'lilt-mar. Wiiii-vms, Lii. Uck t. f. S'iuer, laAniaer KotNrt Viutairie, Alejer-lile Borcuxh. fc. U. VVbtker, ;ttHj.niel Siicer, " -John H. 5tioer, ' t iitA A. baer, irerge lH.rea. N'-trtiiamptua Tp. "niDi J. i':ier. New iUita.tre lrtKigh. S.iiiim i a. H iiuc, KcjckW'A.tl iitjruuuh. Miluuel turlau;ur). Suiu- l t. aster, Mo?towa J-'lin H. lltie, L..IZ A. i.iui;iii, S"Oi2riet v. J. liiKintHfu-vUi, - Juha t. rsu&, Lrs iii BorocU. A. A. Ai ilitfT, " SeoM Ku.-h, J.J. Kenntill. WeUs-Tstar-f PrutLoQ.miy i Orfi -e, f IS". ii.URlTCHFILLl, Apni 1, lvvi. v froiuoQuCary SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry wiitsol F!. Fa. Lt. Fa an J Vtad Hi. isjuei outol tlieCuurt oi Comm iu I'les ol NiiiMfrsct Co. Pa., amtto me ilireoied. then will he eaiMreti to pu:l.c ule a. the court Hihuo In bumerMi loruutch. Pa-, on SA TURD A Y, JIA Y 15, 188G, at 1 o'clo. X r. a., all the riibt, title. Interest and claim oi' S. W. Herahocrger, ol, id and to tne tol l'wim Jecriiieti Wtot around, fiiiaate lo New iialiuuure ijonmvu, anil knova oo rbe plot of said town as lut 'o. i. trontlna tiS lost on Wah incton atrei aatl runniiiic baca w teet eriual wioth to Uibrmun alley, Uiuntievt on the Eal by lotoi Hcnrj J Fnirberu anil on tne went by kit ol Francis J. tiilleepic, containing one-lourth ot an acre, more or lens, witli Uirge Irame i.torerooui thereuu erected. i'jken in eieeutioa as the property of S. W. iiershoerxcr,at lue ault oi Elian urir.. ALSO All the right, tills. Interim anil claim of Airnea Biit-r. owner, anil luaiab anl Wru. r. tiaer. coa tracutn. ol. In and to the lollowim; lot, or piece of irruunti situate In Somerset Tuwn?hip. Somer-et County. Fa. ailioinlna lands ol Lriniel KimineU on tbe west, north and eairt, and th Somerxet and beiioid piationthe south, and having thereon erected a Uive trams dwelltnit huue and store room. Taken In execution as the property of Aftnei Baer. owner, and l'aiah and W in. S. Baer. con tractors, at the suit ot Ch.trUa 2Shaok. Juiah J. Walker and Man in l'rant, i.'artners doing busi ness as Shank, Walker aud Brant. ALSO All the riifht, title. Interest and claim of Wm. Fjiert, of. In and to the tolUwina tecrild lix of around situate in the IKinaer survey of tbe IS ir ouab of Mcerdale, bouo.lei on tbe north by 'urtb !treeu on the east by alley, (ntheaouth by Laie street, on the west by Kit oi Christian Ilia, with a twsiory trame dwelling hvuje aad otb erou'.buiidinKS thereon erected. Taken In execuiitrfi the nroperty of William f ilert. at tne uit ol J. K. Flke and Joel (neatcy executors of Jhn Fike. dee'd, use ol Margaret t ike, of Samuel U. Fike. ALSO AU tin- riiht. title, intercut ami claim of Frank Wull, of, in ab.l tothe following; Jefcritie.! real es tate. Til : Two certain lots ol ground situate in liale City now Meyersilaie Borough. Saenet County, l'a . known on the plan 01 olinarer A.1JI tloa to saul Birouith aA .-ts 'o. TS anu 77, each Irmtlnx SS teel on Brinulway an,i extemtiiia back l'o teet tit Penn street, b .umieil by Peun sixoetoa the South. tli:bth street on the easr, Rpjauway en the north, and lot No. 7i un lbs ea.t Taken in execution a.i l:..- property of Frank Woir. at the suit oi Samuel Fount, as.lgncs ot A. K. Shoemaker. NOTICE All persons purchasing at ths above sale will plenae take nt ii. t; tbat a part of tne pur chase miney to lie male known at ths time ol sale will tie require.! as sin as the property Is kni,ck, it iliiwn i,llirvi It will Im. .t.u.I i to sale at ths rik ol tne nrt pun haer. Ths reiiiiiue ot the purchase muney un.st le paid on or heiore Thursday ot ihe first week of the May Term ol Court, the time bxel by the Court for se curing the acknowleoKtiicnr otoeeda. anil no deei will be acknuwlets:etl until ths uuri-haae money is pai.l In lull. Sherili's Office. I JOHX WINTERS, April a I, i-sq.' Sbertrr. PUBLIC SALE. OF IY VIRtVEofan Orter issued oot oftheOr I pharw' Court o, Somerset Comity, Pa., to the under; iirned directed. I will expos to sale by pub lic outcry on the premises, on SATURDAY. A PHIL 17, 1SSC, At I o'clock p. v.. th followlna- described Real F 'tate, l ite the estate or Adam Fitt, deeea.-wu, to wit: A certain tract of land situate In Mllford Twp., Somerset Co., Pa., containing 147 acres more or leas, adjoining binds ot Aliwrt Will, Joneph Say lor, Sawlla Vowler. Ell Pile. Henry Lucks. SI. moo Yoana, Aontliam Barrone and others, kav ula; tbareun erected a two-ctury log DWELLING HOUSE, Lv Bam. an-! other ontbulMLnits, shoat cm hun.treij tveres "Ipcm1 sni In a rea)iiahle state ul ultivAtlto, balarw timber land, small ratrar or rharl. guuJ water, two mtlei ttotn echoul anil ciiureh. TERMS. (100 cash on eoBtimitla of sal and delivery ol deed to th purchaser, one-third alter tbe pay ment of debts and expenses to remain a lien upon tn premises t secure the widow's dower, the In terest to be paid to her aennally. and at her death the princiiitl sum to the heirs and legal represen tatives of Aitm Fitt, deu'd. balance lo twoe.uai annual payments Irom eonhnuAtlon of sale : tea per cent 01 tbe purchase money fob paid when the property is knocked down: deierred payments to be securvd by lodgment bond on the premutea. HENRY FITT. tnai-4. Administrator and Trustee. OF Dealers in MerMise, He, -IX SOMERSET COr STY, FA. TAKE NOTICE Tbat In pn.-snanre of th sev eral Ants ot" Assembly of tbls Comonwealth ta provide ravenoe to meet the demand upon the Treannry, and for other purpueea, th andorslKS ed Appraiser of Mercantile taxes, for said Coun ty, has preiared a llstol tbe trades In ld County and has plaeeil eaeh In that chars which to hlia ap pears right, to-wlt : . . . ADSlSoa TOWXSHIP, Unmet. " " TVsaVa. C7t-. P -an. H. U Bm. Retailer. ' M Hntlalsy, Wm. a-ttoa - ...... 14 Fr. A. t " Hatfield. Mrs. A Liston, Bros " 14 vamaDlB Real Es . 40 ) , n ft it .... .... ... SO ... .... SO ' ........... .... Waal, Ferry it billiards...... 34 BaoTHsasvAUjrr Towssmr. Hoover, Edward Distiller . Laadis, K.C sjbulu, Abrarn " coMiaacoH TowssHir. Keohler. Auti Tavera . Hoffman, Daniel. Ra'alitr . Swaaa, Jacob D... cosvli rscs aovorGH. I M 0 14 1 Black. A. O ltodda, J. M Fraics. R. T Urotf. Simon........ Muou, J. H iouuuin a Co toss. A.M. Bra ... -hrock, Ja-xib . . . .... . Weakland. L. W .Ketailer .... . Tavern ... 30 do . Beuiler . Tavern M OU . Ketailer , li JO CO 1) 14 . Tavern . . Retailer . ZutaU, L F xumcx Towssair. . Hay, P.S Ketailer.... Manst, L. A " .... Ycusic, lieo. S " .... oitsjcivnxi tovrssuip. Dorr, f red................... Tavern .... jxrrsasox towtsship. rlarkl.-T, J. W. Ketailer .... Gardner, 44. H " .... Hull, ki-bert T Schlajr. U JKSSCSTOWS DOBOrSH. Orlffilh, J. J Retailer jo a Kit TOWSSHIP. Cover. James M Retailer Misbler a Kebtlager ' ..... Morgan, '. S ..... O Connor. John A SUirio, Fred. ' ..... Laaijiaa Towsswr. Cook, J. M Retailer P. iuhman. Jee liistlller Heal, A. U Retailer Sweitier, S. P HHUIlcr same. ........ Tavern ..... lowes TCRarnrooT towsship. Colbom, O. W Ketailer tlreen. A. W Schwelbeim a He man " Somerset Lumter Co ' ..... ailDI.Et'BEa ro Hmr. Miller, J. f Retailer 13 14 14 14 13 12 u u 14 13 14 14 U 04 11 14 14 14 14 li Moore, U. B " MiLPoaD Tovrssaip. Walter, Cuas. A Retailer MKVXBSDALS BoaoVUU. Hl.-unh. H. J HroiL F- V , . Ke-julcr . ii 14 .. 30 (M 14 Citizens bank Hankers ... Retailer .. Datum. 11. Fb-bsor. BroH Farmers' Bank Fabony, J.dri (.raasmao. (4. W . ... Iruthrie, Koicn... Hiuly. at. a ro Hartley, S. C , Hocking; Kros John, A. F Kerkeek, J.O.... Lint, Mra. V. (.... Miller a Collins .. Morrell.L Kelch, R Kutter, M. A Shipley, J. T Micer. Wm Slicer. N Truxall.C. W Walaer. Jacob B... Wel!h..os, A F.... .. 14 .. 30 W I .. 14 n ! .Bankers ... .Ketailer ... .... Tavern . ....Ketailer . 14 lo il 14 'JI . 49 On . so 00 IS i miliar Is.... Tavera .... Retailer.... Tavera ..... Ke:ail-r ..... . an : Wineland. K Wile. Sjl..m.... Wlibert, J. A " SEW SALTTWOBt BOSOCnH. . i F"!ier. F.J IHllejple. F. J. aaer, Anthony. Spicer, J. C T .iir, J. M.. ciatne T .nr. S. A... b.iuie.. . Tavern ... .Ketailer ... . Hrewer ... . Tavern ... . Keuil. r ... Hi.ililcr ... .Keialler .. .lH;tiller.. a .11. a.. V ,(! : ""I 14 ! sew rasTBEviLta Boaoriia. Hnshnn.1. F Ketailer ... McMillea, W. W Yuuirut, L " XORTBAWPTOS TOWNSHIP. Brlnham-M. F Ketailer... lie tiaven. ileo Tarera ... Miller. J. H Retailer... Foirhaugh, S. P rAIHT TOW39H1P. HelieL Lewi? Retailer ... Keam, rarret " Stull. B. F Youker, Henry " JL'EVAHOSISO TOWSSHIP. 14 U 14 14 M oo 14 Bl.wixh. P. J. a A. Clark, John A Clark. A. B H.Her. Geo Sliecht, Jiiah.... ...... ...Re'ailer . ... Tareru . . . . Retailer . :3 , M 00 14 14 14 anrawooD aoaorcn. Ah a MeElfl-h Rrtaller .... Bin'kmaa. Sani'l Tavern . ... Haines. S. A...... .... Miller Bn Retailer.... Kbuais. Alex Tavern .... Simmons Mrs. A. J ketailer.... Smith a ttunpetine. ......... " .... Sny.ler, H " SnyHer. Zacb " .... Wulter?iMsrHer. li. H .... SnMERSICT TOW5SHIP. 13 . 54 10 . Sw 00 12 . to o 14 14 14 14 14 Apple. Bier. Mr. Arties . How man. W m FricJl.he. John A Miller. J. i Co Sip, Feter....... I'oumau. Jos ..... Retailer . SOMERSET BOBriliH. He. her. B. Jr Kenfonl, Alex a Son.. Bcntonl. 4. W U.y.!. O. N Co.k a Bcerits C..DrothaCo F-rner, A. H. aBro.. Fisher.Chaa. H Frease a lv j.iS.-r Hertley. Henry HiktiiiboLbatsi. W. J., Htoilrrbaum, J. B Holilerbaatu. J. il.... Keller, Jusiah Knepper, A. Ma. Louther. I'r. J. M..., Mclnmell. Fiwanl.... MilleT. J. H , . Retailer . ..Retailers.. . Tavern .... .Retailer '. so oo SO 00 Parker a Parker Filer, Sam 1 Pl.-tUA. E Billiards. .Retailer . Schell, K. B Schrock. Mrs. M. E Shaier. M. W Somerset County Rauk.... Snjiler. J. B. a Co Tavman. Mrs. A. E Tre.lwell, Mis. .11. il Vhl. Mrs A. E Vhl. Solomon (assignee)... V'mht,C. B WeirteY. Wm. H Wood.V. H immennan. IL Bl 14 I 11 . 30 Do ll 90 ou 14 11 14 13 14 14 14 . Bankers .... .Rciailer ... . Tavern .... Retailer .... STisTrRErs: Towstnp. Haltier. C. L... Hrant. C. A liunham, S Fl. to. A. .... Retailer . 1.1 14 13 111 14 SO IM 8 14 hnici. J. !.. i 'a,i- J,J.wli Tavern ... Ii?iiller .... Ketailer .... Topper. J. M. Wagnar, I).. STOVSTOWa BOBorOK. Bowman, Noah Cover. P J Custer, Sam'l... ... Hue, J. H Kyle, F.dar -chla-.p;B Thompson, Jae aSon. Ketailer ... Tav-ra .... Ketailer .... 14 14 50 00 50 OO 13 14 14 S.VL1SRCRV BlIROt'llS. Reachy, H. I. lovely, Mrs, L , Iiivelv. Jos Hay. p. S Hay. C F LlvenicoI. J. D. a Co Shaaa. Kran -is Smith. Mrs. Jf . Bott'er. .Ketaiier . SO 00 ;o oo u .Killl.udj. .Keialler . stuti-r. t Walker a Leydlg t'Rini rowssaip. Lohr, W. E Keuller .. SorTHASIPTOS Tl'.WSSHIP. Hinkie,Val Diitlller ... SVMHIT TOWS4HIP. Enos. Frank- Ketailer ... Hoblitiell, J. J. asn JiMy.Samueld " Tllp. (ieo " rrPKU TT RKlYrcOT TOWTISHiT. 4er laJ B Retailer' .3:n A - I tJol kra -a n IEKISA BOBOroB. Albrluht. James.... Beniord. L. J...... .....Ketailer ..... 14 14 13 14 14 so ui Vl 00 SO 00 14 14 I'avts A Ccler Hunter. J. A Jenkins, I. A.... " Same Tavern ... Lyons, Jlin. ...... ........... Miller, A. A .1. filers. P. H Retailer ... Snyder, M. A wsxLBRSBrao BoBoroa. Kenoell, J. J Tavern . so 00 OaiiKcaioa of rtndert im McrchanAit : Sales I l.ooo 4'lass 14 Tax t 7 10. Sale s.ooo 4;iass I t Tsx 10 00. Sales IO.O00 I 'las la Tax 11 iO. Sales 14.000 Clam H Tax li Oil. Sales au.mo Class Kt Tax -0 Ou. Sale ao.Ooo Class a Tsx - . Sale a,ou class S Tax ' , CUiutfealion ef Tavtrnt: Sales below 4.0- 0 Tsx M no. Sale 4,0f) Tax 11 1. Sales S.00O Tax '3M 10. ClaniHcat ijn uf Brtwert and Tfiilillert: Stales below S3,onn C!jn-Tax 1 Oa. Sale .ok .'lass Tax, H 00. Sales 7,000 Class : Tat 40 00. : '. Ku, K. E... Ktaller.. j atxi-iUSST Tow-wsmr. ' , , b..h HuWJtiell, .J.a 3cs EtUUer.. ( ' finar, . w ( aaaux aoaprna. j , r. k.,-ii : BJ- Retailer.. if, J'Vf Vi , a .' t I f."" - ! Srls,""r'!J' iv A' i, w Jlss a. a, f aal CI r n ll.tm. A. aw. t ....... . ' '. S. t-o. -- S01 ' , 5'tri Matthews "taller . ClattiUcation of rf;ya d Dometlie Liquor parsons In, looted to aai-1 auratt to make Immctl - Deaim: ate payment, and Um ha. lan claims aa-ainat th Salts Mow 5.0OO-Clas 13-Tax !i 09. ! nmf mU Preseot them duly aotnentieated r fciu.iio:a4-hIwaitiyMltaoIeoaU TAKE SOTfCZAJ. ern who are coneeriv eiJ tothn aprii.miit, lhat an appeal wt!l be beid at lire C ocd mi5i ora' 4 Ace, in Socnrraet. ou the ma day 01 April, ww. Deiween u aours 01 a. m. and 4 p. a , when and where y eau at- 1 . i teod if you think proper. Hi J. B. DOtBACLD. NEW O si usr gNEW PATTERNS! 14 I 14 I 13 13 1 ou . 11 vi I VELVET, M0QUETTE, BODY BRUSSELS, W i IS 14 Tapestiy Brussels, Extra Super, Ingrain, Cotton Chain, Cottage Carpets, Straw Mattings, llurjs and Stair Crash, Stair Hods & But ins 14 14 CARPET FLOOR 32X25 FEET CARPETS. LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN POLES. Tr7a will paj irsiIit a Cirpets to prices are tha lewsst. CARPETS. LACE CURTAINS. ETC. WE GUARANTEE IT WILL PAY YOU. G-EIS, FOSTER, & CTT7TTTT7 CLINTON STREET JOHNSTOWN. PENN'A. jA HEiv BOOK STORE II, SOMERSET. WM. H.WELFLEY, BOOK SELLEK SOMEKSET, PENN'A. C?::3 a re and BIBLES, TESTA JIEXTS, IlYJiy BOOKS And Standard and Min tHonKjUS L'.)l in all 1 1 artninitm of Litra ti're, .iih a.i HISTORY. EICCRAPHY. ALL THE FCFULAR NOVELS AS WILL AS THE FAVORITE POETS, IS ALL STYLES ASD BID1SG. oo i liiwOT 14 I school 0 13 ECOKS AND SCHOOL STATIONERY ! The PuLIle will also Had a tail iw rtment of '..: Pt:-ra!r.ir ; the Stationerv Tnul, ncludlng a great vanty ol blank Books, such as Ledgers, Day-Becks, Pass and SleacraiidTin Becks, FISH W&ITISG PAPERS OF ALL KISDS, WMTISG TAP.LETS. PENCIL TABLETS, PAPERS IX BOXES, ENVELOPES, PENS, PENCILS, INKS, dc, fc BASE BALL GOODS, CB0QI ET SETS, ETC.. Pl' TCBES, FRAMES ASD .H01T.DI.VGS, Ot ALL SORTS. THE STOCK OF JUSTICES' BLAXKS IS FEESU X COMPLETE And hav all been ear!ully printed ktus in Scmerset County, and will htfjun irrcf iaai'l fartmtari. Corrtp-.iienc atunt Books, ac.. is Incited, and ail mall order will re ceire prowipf attention. Si-STORI ' I ROMsftt . .Nt.T Tit BOTD'St Sllti STOKE. inayl.,. . W BEXFUKB. RUG G. W. BENFORD & SON'S DKUGr STORE, 3STO. 1, BAER'S BLOCK. Ve keep ennstann hand 3 sto k of PUKE DEUGS AND IdEDICINES, Chemicals, Dyes, Toilet Articles and Sandries kept in a firt-e!a-ss Im- Store. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, jj1; tSWE'Il- "l1 J' lniM PPrtnane used both bv Fhysl.-iiir.. ir.d F.miMes 1 1. J LS " ' lr'AR- 'beN-t in in m irset Tn m Homc-iic to Imported fFIFHS R ," '' WITH ISKt. FAMILY RECEIPTS FILLED WuVtYr. LY. All a..eru?ed meiln mef appr on hand. II not parties can depend on its arrival in a short time, as we pay srrt attention to all such demands, (rarown mnke ol HO a.i CATTLE fvWULR is bey.nd donht the te.t ia 'he m.irkt cis. per pound. Weaoto no expense of packinir. laheilnn, a-lvertiin" Ae but keep In bulk. Aar inaredient wanted specially ean be added i li an-! see l. r yr.urwif. and t conrlnce.1 w offer Bargains l W BkKFoar. . So intend doir s square bu.-in-t. and want all to see lor themselves. Xo trouble to auw vat stock. srPnr Vini-w and Ligtiorsi for M.lio-nal I.'e- tnlw."S 4 cti iti) Over SCO Ceautiful Designs. fr-sV-" K0N'J.VtTAL F(02 COMPANY. IT LE TO ACCEPT UK REFl'SE. To El.xabeth. Iniennarrlc! wirh James Ko.'ir- ers of 1 ol S'alp Level. Cambria County, l'a.. ami Aiiretta, Ellen. Jesse, an.1 hLutle bUjdicers, minor chll.lr o ol Mary Kudirers, dee d, of Al- t.'na, Blair Co., Pa. : Vun are hereby mitifiet! ts appear at aa Or phans Ccnrt to be held at S-.mer-t oa H'mday. th ITth dayof.vifiy nexr. to accept orrelusto Uke the real rst'iteof Al x SLi Gresror. dee d at the appraised val.iari'.n. or show cause why th same ut uid nt be old. Sherlrl st'tfice, I JOH.X WINTERS. April 7. 1-os. i Sheriff. EUAL NOTICE. To Charlea E.aers. of lledford Connty. Pa., lames Kiters. la Id Ku. trarj Catharin I .x v. titan .if 1 alnbn 1 'utinrv Pa L' lnaa Ui.ls r. ol Chii af, KL. k..itcifa i;t.le, of ford Omiiri. I., a. it th fol!"Winic Y.nir tf A icnea. Bowtlwfiseil, namely : Iiatui lftl1r, HanDatvh, iot rmarr ! with J tt Ljatur. ot I'sriiNnJi t'tnnf.v. Pa , iarr. roiernirrtJ wirti HecryLirjc. H O hrLn Ctjniy, i.w. M m IShafler. of rarkanau;, ac i GK-r Stu.iferb ltlt.r'l tV.wsDtT, P. : Vo are htrrt'bj notift-J t appear xn Ov-pban- Oiart to b bil at Srrr. ;ret on .M alyx Ihe 17(h day nf n.t, then ami laar to show c:u. it aiiy you he, whj a rtain trart of IadJ, situate in Sh! Townhip. $mn-1 i'.rtiotT, Pa., TfiAfimr.K lannti oi J. V ea taioiSai JU aorri aaJ (icrrhci ih- aVaim farm of UavlJ. Ui-Uacer., de:"d. saotti'l Dot be at juMic ral? ji- Tttinir to the i niyprof a ptitin hlfl ia Mid r.nn 1J the axerarim of ni.f ir. Sheritt". Oiflt. t JOHM WLNTEKM, Ar.rll 7, i SHeritl. Lsuta of Kel'oea Xawn. dee'd., lat of M; lwp.. Sumerwit Co. r. Letters of a.lialnlstraib4i oath aWv estat haviajc been a ranted to th urt'luaiimeU brth i Proper authority, notic ts arcbT Ktven to all ( ApiSV AJiBiaJatrsiw' U Bbew Ma. EGAL NOTICE. 1 n foitowina' accounts hate been nlM In mv omce. and notice Is hereby given that th was will be presented to th Court of Common Plea ol" Somerset Coonty for eonnrmatloa on Tharsduy . ,.rT,or,n. mv as. IS- virat r..l oral acc.mit nf Sae.nel Fonat. Aa slsrneaof A. E. Shoemaker aad w f. Proty'itD. 1 N. H, Calif K FIELD, Aprtl r, 1!M ( ProtaoBourv. rSAC'iiCALLI:- T'-A.' U:i Uu.tia UwOi. . jL lillltijt ii . ; 1 ; r Son 1 - - r j 1 str iVfr! Price List 11 ?S Circto. ."- ZL.r.sJ 1 '-if. - AJRFETS FOR DISPLAYING S: irset and istarcsdiaM pc2t3. C:n3 to Z3 ta bry Tell selscted Stick cf STTPPLIES ALWAYS IK" STOCK WM. H. WELFLEY. C. H. BEXFOKU It Will IJay Yon To Buy Your Memorial Work. or Wm F. Staffer, Omsk, Mi Manufacturer of and Dealer In : KUai Ml G21J1TE m fattens R'cr Fursithri m Start Satitf. in a.'l I '' Alto Agent Jar Me WHITE HRuMtr Peisons in seeder MOSVMEST WORK will end It to tlnir Interest toeall at my sh. p. wher a pr"Fr sh..wia will b alren them, r Varna. fartion iiuaranttttt tn Every Case, d PRi wERr LOW. 1 Invite Ssecial Atteniioa to in Wilt. Ema, Ziai XiZaZats IntnHlutvd by Rf.V, A. C.RIM u e'oed imrnvmnt In point of MATERIAL ASD COSSTRL.CTIOS. and which Is destined to t the Popular Morum"nt tor mir Chanacabi CU- WM. F. SHAFFER. JU LE TW ACCEPT OR KEFt SE. To J..nas Snyder, of Fulton CY.aatr, !o. -Marr . Intermarrleii wirh Joseph Praia, (now dx-ased; of Pennvllle, Westmoreland Co.. Pa arxt the followin helrior J.,ba A. Sovder. dec'a vii : k,.h Snyder, of Baron, Allegheny C. aid.. Allen snyder and David Snvoer. tori of Oateaburx, lu.. an.l the fc,Ui,.uif heirs ..f Sa rah, dee il.. who was lnteraame,t wltb R..trt Llndsmaa, viz : Solomon Lindamsn. of Morrill. lir..n Co. Kanssn, nd Sarah. islmsrrK. I IT" pl:,-b,,1''- '! Anns- Ro.en, both of Mill Run. i yKCo.. Pa, Delilah Luidamaa. Intermarried w th Hiram Hall of ilia RuB. IayetteConty. P . d Elr,bta Hmebau.a of Beatty. .tlarsbaU Co.. Kan. : . , berehy BiKiaed to appear at an Or- f, " bui at Sosaerwtt B Monday. the 17th day of May e, to accent ur retua i - 1 11 ak t Ka mm I - v : w . tuaviisvrrMie-tiiteriia.iaa. V &QTr. -W.i a mr .pprat. va.Qarfc- or show eaoae wbr tb am shoq.u Dt i JOHX WINTERS. Sheriff. THELCvTEST RATE S ON THKOCUK TtCKETH WEST AND S0I:TI1WKST. Via. F-ir rail Icoraat1oe of th rout, where to to tain Hmernment Land, laps, Ete, A. X. BBACRENRIDOE.. Cent. Pass. Ax'C Cob. 7th. Art a SaiTartcu parrsaroM. P a. a m?. rvrrr w a tsttt. xiuxjxi jl iiuitawMmnl the iarsjett. oWst-eAtas4iitlirt, beat know sfles us ta souniry. Mt tttieral wrms. Is )Ualel facilities. Prices low. Uenera Nnry. Established 144. W. t T. SBBlik, . w, T. spa 4Trow.