Buell and Shrrmia In the Errnln of the Firm Iy bnllon. Under the t'ule "Sbiloh Review ed "G-u. D C But-U contributes to the March Century his account of probiblv the in jst disputed battle of our war Fiom it we quote as fjlioxs: . "In the du-k of thfl evening after thetl eof tagaaeiuent uu t?un dav. i walked oat wita iuy cbiei-of slatf, f illuwiug tlie road and tbe line of tae trooj.fi. My object was to gain information by which to determine the formation'of my divisions, and I n t oiilj- observed all that I could see at Midi a a hour, but I niaia ii.q J O" as ' parsed aluifc- I came t.- iii'rlbuie left, 500 yard. fr. .1 thi: river, I feed to the front ai;d i'. t troops that answered as lloCleraaad's, aud which I suppos ed at the tim to coustitut hi di vision, but which were probably his F.rst Iiritds only ; I passed to the lront of these troops, and when I tamed io turard the road again, 1 came upon Sherman's line as it hap pened, not far from where he was, :md 1 (it conducted to him. It was then growing dark. 1 judge the dis tance to have oecn about three quar ter of a mile from the river less than half a mile froru Hurlbut's k:u and 1 think uow that it was near the c.imp of Col. fs Teeny' regiment, tiie FiHy--f-cond Illinois, that I 'found Gen. Stjeniian. "The impres-ion made upon my mind by tiiut interview has reinaiu-1-1! as vivid as the circumstance were peculiar. I had no thought of a.-eing lien. Slicnuaii when I set out but on every score I was. glad to meet him. and 1 wan there to nam iufor-1 , . . J . I nia'.lou. liy wnai preci.-w woros miu.ht and lie gave it, 1 would noi , preu-iiil at ihis day 10 repeal. xiis:du, replied Mrs BolIlCieni lor me prefent vj i-oj w I it arm d the nature of the ground in front: tiiat his rillt llink was (ioiu'- .'ioMyuri front us, and that the l)n iji by whicn L-w Wallace i w.if1 10 (!?-.- .iKf orei K w;w 10 1 t an l r-ar it an anule. as lie' TV 1 ite.I. ot -Jm;H .,rty degrres. 1 ! a-io wtii-thtr I asked t'.ie'p.,,.., a word of English. We were n t i !il 1 kiio- now that 11 ; t'. l fi tiirrpr was a lr.iru tr.s Umk and that lie did not cov-r ii in any jrac:ic:ii sense, j olit. liH) (, jm oll tije ft ior of the Sen thoui;li i;i Bdvaticina Wallace woulJ HitA, and lie wrote to me: " My dear, approach ly his ri.'iit and rear. a I i hve had the honor to go on the ais i -ifi.v that I was mistaken i"!fl,.r of tlie Senate, and I feel that nii'i'"' i i.iei' .-verai c(iu-ione in t,..i!. r.-.aiiied a le-uiir orauizi- ... . i t:-r,-, ( f. nis i. am I m e.iieiiv. nan pi i-.td him. but ready, without afl'ec-; tati.m " nnvado. t- do anylliing liiHtiu!r ruiiiirel of him. He ask ed me .vi al the plans were for tht in .11 row 1 answered that I was go ing to i.: ! the enemy at daylight, anii :i- exires-ed gratification at my i though uparently not be-c.u- - in' liny umiMXed conlidetice in the r-su.t. Mia 1 had no consulta tion uiili ii nenl (iriint and knew nothing of his purpose. I presumed that we would lie in accord, but I haJ beeu only a few hours within the limits of his authority, and I did no; look up. m hi. -n as my com-mai.'it-r. though I wouivi zealously Iuv iheycd his urders. Geueral Sin r ii in allowed me to take with me the map, a f.iC siniilie of which wa- limited uilh liiis article I never imagined t:iat in the future it wo ii l have the interest which now atta'. lies I It, a id after the battle it w.! I ii 1 a-ode aii'l forgotten. ' VV" . i 1 1 n two vears ulier tliat u,i. :ii. I n.il (ii-tii.et limits, wiiere-!tjlf. p.,iiMrv j.t.iU,j to me. 1 wrote lit is tested, louring ine process n i :n y n-t-re in fact very much ia- J t0 lim . '0, Carl, how can you think ! drilling they also struck a flow of i i -'.iix -1 1 it pos-iole for you t o spenk one day I natural gas. One of the workmen Oi" i Mir- vi e talked ot o'.her in- j jn lne ,s,.nKlPt w hen no you do not i ignited it and it burned well. d.!-..t J iu itters. In ail hi. career kllow one word of English ?" But! - - he :. i-. 1 i -utur.i to say, never ap-1 uow jt ha aj oome true, and vou It is worth remembering that no p -,-1 i . I..-U.T advantage. There, ca(, iui l(,jtlt, llow ,:ippv I am when ! hodv enjoys the nicest surroundings wa tin fVvi.k, brave soidier, rather jj sjt i,i the galUr listening to if in bad health. There are m wera Mililu i. p iiizing the criiicd situa-jjjjr,, 'i " j U people about today with one iki,. in a inch rausM of s-.tiue sort. I ivi f Cm. i foot in the grave, to whom a bottle m-ctiog, quite c nitrarv opinions l - im, iuii.it, if yer please. I recon vel.)...si ti.em-elves beiween Ger.t r-1 tlze tie that I hev mide a big nl S'lermau and n.yself coiii;eriiingjlnw,..p I 2.,. here an' hung t..e ;i il' e oi n o'l. and !ns Memoirs i .iill'. reiit i,..'c,('i'.t of the inter-tJlt Vltuv .m i . n-.-jrii;'d. ileSHVS that lie fritid i the map to my enginei r iil'u:r. Captain Michler, who, in fit'.: w ;.s !. ii pres-ni, and coainl i.ns that it was never ret urned to him. He t-v. s that 1 gru.uhied about the flragiler'. ami that he f;'ired I would not hring my ar.ny across the river. l would suppo.-e that his feirs wi'.ild ! ive b-i n allayed by the fact that ill liii vtry Mioinent my troops were arriving and covering his front as fast as legs and steamboats coul l turrv tlie.u." Married tin Know SIkhk Mi-s Ne'.'ie Coannrs, of Ltke Citv, and O-tcar O.M'ii, of Animas Forks, were married on the summit of the divide hi uu altitude ot over lS.tHHJ feet, tiie party tieing -ju suow sn-jes. 51. s Ijoiiiiur agreed t- meet Mr. Ol eeii ou ihs summit, iirin'int; her fr.euds wit'i her, aud Mr. 0;st-u was i.o aiiproaeii the summit with his In, ci n.iii up ou iSic opiiitsile side ot the mountain. Toe bride Jel'i Like City, i.x riijt.inie f by her two brothers, and A lieu left Animas K-irks at tu .-a tie hour, accompan ied by itie lie-. F. L-'y, of Ssdverton. a,ii a fe frieuJ-. Tiie ordy way of tciiiug tha snoa-covered mountain w is o.i s iihv--i!ioos, aui tiie cliuib i; was taiijaiii.:. Tti jrr xmi and the tninisler arrived first at the des icnaUul meeting point, but they did iiu'. have ionj It iv ut, for the bride and her broilers were soon observed rnni; tlie .jot, truJj;ui along chverdy. Mis Couuors teemed less f tiiued thau auv other meutber of the party. After a short rest Eev. Ly performed the reddiug ceremiv cy with ad much iin;regMvenesg as if it had taken place in a church.. The luiui-ter, the bride, the grom and the wiu.e-ses of the marriage grouped themselves together as close as the Canadian snow-shoes would jiermit. CiJorado Beacon. Health v Girl. It is oa junker fashionable with the fiiir sex t j eign delicacy, nor are the girls ol the coming generaiiou actuated tv an ioafe desire to ate (tear fi.iiile and gfiiLetiJ at ihe tx- pr-na ot health. 1 he acrj ot bus u, bright-eyed young Ivdita one will iweH upjn any oi our ljubljc ihorougnidreti any allernoon, is am p!r uviiiouce oi the truth of the as sertion, longer do the fair ones eeeru wan and p d to look upon, nor is their style of locomotion sug jl' stive il eJiri ; but ou the contra ry neany ail seem strong aud lithe of limb, and with cheeks suffused with the ruddv glow of health. Doc tors generally agree that there is far less of eickiiets among the ser than has formerly been tbe cae, and thU ould be attributed golelr to the glo rious practice young lad it JLav cf J.iie Mcquireii of testing tseiy, cpa tij lilies as peil'-striaus, and in in oth'T forms of light phys- I0:d rxercise. It is to be hoped Misa the o d work will go ou. Albany Erprcr. Which is the most ancient of the .trees? The elder tree. j a Handy Hint for Wash Day. Here is capital bint from Pau- line Adelaide Hardy, who writes in ! Good JJouscleejnng.'oa the preeerva- j iitfa of the hands: "Many house- keepers have rough hands iu winier, 1 which grow very painiui, cTacsmK mien on the knuckles, the cracks extendiug into the palms of the hands. Thev take their hand out r . . . .J . - . i . m K in h ' n 17 ' clothes in the wind. If they did not use hot water, and the hands were thoroughly dried before going out, this would be avoided. A pair of white woollen stockings, cut off rnnrnlinrr Af. the ankle and sewed across with a thumb sewed in, make to form an excellent creasing lor a verv comfortable pair of mittens wounds, ulcers and cavities, except or hanging up and taking off j ing in conditions of profuse secre clothes. I'm thetn fast to the sleeves tion, in which cases its action is lees with large safety pins before going satisfactory. out, having first stretched the arm j Small repeated doses of eolphur upward, then they will not come are highly extolled by an Ebglun loose and the wrists will be protect burgeon in tbe.treatment of diphtbe ed. After bringing in the clothes, if ria. Fifteen grains of milk of sul the mittens are put in the clothes phur may be suspended in an ounce uin bae they will be kept clean and of mucilage, and flavored agreeably, in the right place. Of this a -ful or more ma, Hands are injured in verv cold be taken every balf hour, according weather bv lack of protection at the: to the aee of the patient. ri-t-. as' large veins and arteries 1 borne time ago an old British sol are" exposed. The blood is chilled idier from the East Indies brought in pacing into the hands. Every , home pills made of spider s webs, .. nnt hv handsome, white which he told us are largely em ploy- and shatK-iv hands, but every one can have clean hands. and comfortable The W ife if Carl Scliu.-a. Carl Schurz, when in the Senate, was blessed with a devoted wife, two lovely daughters, and a baby boy. After one ot" the Senator's great a,lHM,ilfHt .. ..J paid to his wife : " 1 . 1 r 1 .. :m pure jou leel prouu 01 your nu )AU, y You can imagine that 1 1 huiz, with a hlllit accent her expressive eyes lighting up. "My husband tel.s me that I urn his i-eyere-t critic, but hi hist speech was to me very satlS' fdl.ltirf jre was' iu the iu od to fi.iit ins voice, everything as in acci rd. Aii'l eicliteen yearn ngo lie Came to America, and he (in! not.n ... Philaueliibia. but my husband i . i. , J v' .in ! :1!ton He did coiije here and some (.,v i ,;tiai stand there and sti:-;,K, a ml ViU, iuv dear, win oeiilioi - . m rJ ,. i. SI1,j 'hrllt Uj) tH:Tf f.,r ,Iie, Leaving ' ,1,- m,i.i.i a( ii, dviinr statesman, i I bad to tell her that there was uo hope, llow sad, how sad !" she exclaim ed, tiie tears glistening in her eyes, to think that he is d ing with no woman to smooth his pillow.'1 To those who knew the story of Mr. Sumner's unfortunate marriage her womanl, remark was deeply signifi cant. It was not long before Mrs. Schurz followed him across the dark river." J'en rerley J'oore. Recent London 'ogi are said to have been pinkish, but from what cause or probable cause is not stated. A fis listed Juror. An old fellow who had served dur ing several weeks o:i a jury created a sensation in court by arising dar iu'a trial and addressing the judge. qur," said he, "jes1 .i-teu to eiiniirir.111j trvin' to frit on the iurv. an' j.t I g(,t thar." "well, whai is the matter with yuu?'1 theiude demanded. " I'm cunin' to that I gol thar. :c I told you. mi we lit into biziiess. I thought 1 wi.njd hear all about lio.v fellers irot tilled, an' how some body was murdered, an' I thought that we'd ssy some filler wai guilty an' would see him hung, but I was disappointed. " Here dime a lot o' caes about fellers reinoviu' mortsiaed cutton, an' all ab.iut Mr. Sj-ar.d-So suin' eicli other, but I ai'i't heard nothin' 'bout killin' nor nolhin' interestin' yit. " 1 am a )0'.verftil hand fir fun, j-de, an' I nt'V'T could stand dry details. 1 wanter bear suthin Uiat will in ike my Imir stand up on end I thought that a juryman had a fin-) timethought tuat with him it wan a re'ui.irshow, but as I toleyou, I've bt-i'ii deceived. W'y, 1 moot Slav here a mo'ith foolin' with sich stuff, an' even then w luidn'l h ive noliiiii' ter tell the b.ns when I got home, so, jedne, ef yer doan't eive me a chance to hang a fellerj I'll I, live to p" 'lunir towards home." ArLatuaw Trav'h'r. There mut be an open road bfr tween tbe food we eat and the sub stance of which our lu.dieg are com posed. If the road is closed or closed we eieken, f.iint and die. This road is made up of the organs of digestion and assimilation. Of these thestomach and liwr are chief. j Most people have had more or less experience of the horrors of consti' patlon. Prevent it -and nil its lear iul sequences by uing Dr. Kennrj dy'a "favorite Remedy." It is the tirtt step that cotw. A part of thf xmrgo i the steamer Feronia. recenllv lost tin the Patch coat, consisted of S.OOO.QWlQU needles designed for the Chinese fade. a u. Bhemeaiissi. sieuralois ,.-:. wii.T.,iiiw,( 1. .'n-... rirwtr. KUF. fni J T. voi.ru s itLauxuiw.Mi. UflUEfli (URE AhaaluUiu '. ( fr-m OpUtf, Antnol 4Mt ft ' AFE. SURE. PROMPT. AT litiwrn n 1 vat taiaua a vetikia etx.aaLTikrjai.B-. P JACOBS Q I s a lif-a. m Mr I M At I Ear Uftalll r" I. v-nrPQin I III I Mill r tlir CHARLU k. to. TStADE WVV MaRK. i 25! Health Hlnta. Sassafras tea, strongly infused is credited with wonderful properties for inducing cheerfulness, happiness, free - conversational pomen and a geuerai wi.ug spoonful doses nT sassafras oil, taken in water, or soda-water, are said to produce a delightful species of in toxication, and to remote pain of colic, cramp, etc. The external ap- pl-cation of the same oil is also said to relieve neuralgic pain. Sassafras has long been need in tngiana as a domestic remedy or palliatiTS for chronic rheumatism. Powdered sugar has been found led in India as a prophylactic against and cure for ague. He assured us that he himself bad been a sufferer from intermittent fever for years.acd that, though the disease was not eradicated, be could either avert the spells or render them insignificant by the use of this singular remedy. One of my children, a girl about nine years old, had a vtry bad dis charge from her head and nose of a i,jcii vellowiah matter, and was growing worse. e bad two diner ent physicians perscribe for her, but without benefit. We tried Ely's Cream Baliu, and much to our sur prise in three days there was a maked improvement. We continued using the balm and in a short time the discharge was apparently cured. A ("nrir. drninir. N Y ' , Xainral Ja lit the Greeasbarg Jail Grkensburg, Feb. 16 Kelly & Youug have removed their machine from the jiil where they were drill ing for soft water. They struck a flow of soft water, but whether it will be sufficient to supply the wants inejau humiuiudiuuhu uum . . . r 01 laraers ionic wouiuuo ujuic gd than all the doctors and medi- Clues tney nave ever useu Winnipeg papers report that Mr. Gohet, of Medicine Hat, began his spring plowing last Friday. T3 ECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES ol Xki the Director of tle Poor and of the House of Employment of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, fur the year ending 3d Jikunury, A. D., 1S6. Ciars C. Scbbock, Esq., Treaanrer of tbe Somerset County Poor House in account with Somerset County, for the year end ing 3d January, 1H86 : Dr. Jfrea'pt. To ami. m-'iL from Racbael Moraa EUte for mmtfiuiD of Mrm. Karhel Motan... U 00 To ami rer'd from K. Kliearer estate tor tnmntco&iice of MraKlixaoeth Hbearer V BO To ami rvc'ri from l. J. Brutwlcer (iaar- nun for nulnteoaDce oi Iran swana- drnber M 00 To ami recM from K. Woy, for malnte- nanre of Alice Seihert. . . $T 09 To anil rec'il frtan J.USe.bert,far maln- Wnanoe of Alice se.tien S 00 T8 00 To ami rer'd fromK. Win, formatnte- aaui of HrUuda Bittner 75 Toaiu't rec d from A.Cabeer,for main- tvnanne of HellDda Bittner I It SO To au. t ree'd from UMiUer.formala- tenanreof Mary Miller $1 00 To ami rer'd from Jm. L. Miller, for niaiDtenanre of Mary MUlfV -At tt tt tt M tt H tt tt tt 1 tt To l to ttti To ami reu'd from W. H. Kuppel, Esq., fur mainiensnce of Msrgsret Weller.. To am 1 ree'd from Jesse hoover fVirK.C Trexel for maintenance of H. Lenker. To ami ree'd from Sally Walker for maintenance of Matthias Walkor To ami rer'd from Mury B. Kimmel,for maintenance of Theodore Kimme! To aui a ree'd from Samuel Bookman, munevon nia person, lor maintenani of Samuel UooLnian To am t rer'd I ruin Hannah Boucher money ou her peraoq, for maintenance of Haunah Boucher To ain't ree'd from Wm. Stonebraker, fur old wagna tire To ami rec J from Ella Cunningham, fur beef hide To ami ree'd from Samuel Fox, for beef hides To am t rer'd from II. U. Cunningham, fo. beef hides. To ami ree'd from Joseph Shaffer for one horse To ami ree'd from Mrs. K. Lauatafor one calf To ami ree'd from J. J. McOovern for oneooflla ... To ami ree'd from 8. Fox A Co, for bones To ami ree'd from Somerset Aleca. works for old Iron To ami reCd from state Treasarer.moa- ev refunded under Act of t3d June, lss.1 (Hamburgi at w it 4t Ot I tt 4 tt 4 0 1 Tt 163 43 t t To ami ree'd from SUteTteasnrer.moB- ev refniwied Utt'icr Act of tui June, lvii (liixmont) To ami ree'd from Connty Coma per or der No. ot I w, nai. oi im, interest on C. Mosselman donstioa To ami ree'd from County Corns per or der .No. oi ins, one year uws.) uterest on C. c. Mnsaelman donation To ami ree'd from County coma per or der No. ot ihs, baL of purchase money of real estate and rosta To ami ree'd from County coma per or der No. of lb, to balance account.... lltttt 4447 St 8471 tt Cr. Expenditure. For Expense, 4c, unpaid for tbe j eiir 1H4 : By ami pid on orders for Ont Door Re lief, bal of :ni4 g " " " fi Cottl as for Out Door Pau pers bal. of tM " Constable fetvlba of Itm - " " "Jusucea f eea, UaL of lt " " - Apple buiter, baL of las4 Coal, baL of ISM " " " Farming utenaua, bal.l4 " Salary f. Launta, Steward bal of 1SS4 tt to 4 00 t 43 1 00 1 05 in Our Door Expense for 1885 : By ami paid for Out Doer Relief.: f " - constable fee Juadces fees , . (i services. coaiu....' Burial exneatct " KenL ii m small pok pstM-aia at teodaacc, c t4T It t M t ISO to H 4t 40 vtt9 I t!4 M ExiKnse for Maintenance elsewhere tfiaa in 1 oor House : 9j mV ptid for maintenance of Homer. el county uper in Bedford county.) By ami petirforuauilenanceof pauper at Slate Lnh. Huspual, arrlsbttrg. ... By ami paid for mauilenani of pauper at West fenna Uuxpital, Dixafoa. .,. By ami paid for traveling expenses for out door paupers and insane Br ami paid fur cosreyuig oaf 'door paupers and laasae '. By ami paid fi- AUiu-oad far fur )t door paupers and mesa By ami paid for mi mi manor of caiidrea ia private famiiaw n n 94 It at it tlttt t iitttt txpenaea of 1 oor Uons proper : By oX r'd fur provisions, Ac, "eat tilt 41 " .VVaiat and Soar. Ut St - " " VelttlaUt a a - Coffee. ..J.T.7. J.-t " " Salt it S - V inegar. 4 7 -- Hire ttfZ " " " Bcoa ttT .-' Sugar . ft at It It " " Molassea 1M tt . It tniMT grocerie.. 4 tt f . . If Kaaoa 'tat - " .. Tpvif boner.... 1M at - . PmmM- it n " . (ipar.'.'..J?..-. ' f jf :: : i?z- 5 Tohaoro ' U - - - Hauaadcapa 1J C - SSoea aad IfaTber tat S . . " - Drag and asedJctae.. tt C . . Mcootas at t " " - J'ir- " Z 1 e. mi. CtJirwan..... w as - Cuai oiLae " Keaauir atatter Hreastnat; - FTlstiaf " AdvertiBUg, Dessocrat Stl.lt: Herald. B... mo " " " Carding aad wearine.. 8 70 " Stoae crock ou " " " OtoTca and pipe It SO Fire loMiraiioe i at " Kepatrutf rlm lc and eirlnc niarbloe t so conatablea fees for In mate. n io Jiwueea fee for Inmate a M " " BonriM fee for Inmate t w TaikertRC T 15 " " " Coma for inmate.... M u Pomp i 7 ConTertng Inmate ... ( t Traveling expeaar for Inmatea. 1 00 S IM U Farm Expense. " " Farming ntensU. M M Fertlluer ts7 M Seed and planta aft 8 Saaruig lumber. 1 si Nalia, c, fi repain.. to M " Labor on farm 14 " Keao wire 17 1 " " " Preiailt and expreaa.... Ill Caeung 11 s Blackamuamg H $4 ' Sadillery I " " " Fana Horae 10 ou "" Bull 4 oo " " - " Shoce MM FtiTrhaae amarr and eoctaof Juilgtinfuil.. 11 to I itdi as Permanent Improvement and Kepair : JTew baQdlng wagon shed t 1W 7 " " Kepair painting roof of new brirk building.. 3S tl m Kepair mason work, c 14 tt ISO 7 ' Extraordinary Expenses : By ami p'd for Furniture book case for Muaaelman Library. ..$ It 00 u u - n Waahing machine and wringer It 00 " " Clerk at Ann ad Settle ment 10 00 Anmrnl for expen se of liirect' Couven. :b oo " " Kecorduig two devil.. 5 Ki Salaries : Director pay, Jesse hoover t 60 at Keuhen Woy. to 0i Josiah Ankeny w Steward, Krauk U'inti 1 00 Matron, K. Uanit, 40 (' A wit Matron s i Treasurer W " Chaplain V AUorner.F.W.Beisecker lw PhysKlan. E. W.BIough lw w Clerk, J. H. Weimer... Mw Total.. t StTitt Poor House Director in Account with Somerset County. By ami of Estima'e for Expenses, made 1st November, lw t li.000 00 To ami of above four county orders No. 7.6- us Balance onexpended to the crnllt of the Director $ 4,371 tJ C. C. Jftuvbiuin Donation. Poor House Director In Account with Somerset Countv, for the C. C. Musselman fund, see Record of Denis roiame ti, page 73, Somerset County Library : Beoeipta. To ami ree'd from Co. Corns. for the bal ance of Interest for lt4, on the C. c. Musselman fund t t SO To ami ree'd from Co. Com, for the In terest for 1SS5, on the C. C. Mussel men rand 30 00 Total Receipts Expenditures. By two rear mbwnpilon to Som erset herald, paid with the as sent of tbe doni t 00 By one year's subscription to Som erset Co. Times, paid with the as cent of tbe donor 100 B; Bi'l No. SSS of books, Ac, pur chased and paid with the assent of the donor 80 40 By reading matter purchased and paid with the assent of the donor 1 TO 3D 30 M 30 Xote. A number of bill and order in favor of Director for Travelling Expense paid by them, Ac., were laid before I lie Auditors. A stated case was made and presented to the Court, see No. , Pebruarr Term, IKK, and the opinion of the Court waa obtained on the legality of the bill. The orders were approved or disallowed by the Audi tor, according to the opinion of tbe Court In said case. The following list show the orders disallowed and the orders remaining outstanding for the past year, vis : T rkem Untt. St. J Order. Amount. P. B. Director.. ..13UTl;i,ST,4 S31 8t 80 JoknUaman 4 toot wriomon Baker.... tit 1 out Christ. Weightman. 40T S os: Anna Berkley 437 I tot U B. Mengea 44 4 U Mary Havemlcat.. - .t out Noah Catoa . 4T t 142 Catharine Mtahler.. tut 10 Out Chrua. Weightman. su; 5 out Barbara Klngler .. MO 8 M Saaan Shnltx til t Out Henry Knieream. tit t wot Jacob Eu-henoar.. tit 10 out Emma Server..... 14 10 out Philip Zimmerman. tit want W. J. Olesaner..... S34 loot tl33 OS Restarts, Order disallowed a per opinion of the Court, t Order said to be destroyed new order Issued aad paid, t Order outstanding not presented. We the undersigned Andltors of Somerset Coun y. Henn a do hereby certify that we have audited. settled and adjusted the account of Cyrus C Ken rock. Esq,, Treasurer of the Somerset County Poor House, aad the account of the Director of the Poor of said Countv. for the year ending id January, IMS, and that the foregoing statements are correct, witness oar nana ami seals mis ism January, 189. Attest j. w. jtir.in.rcn, nesij DlNlTDJ METBUt,) N. B. PESKOD, Seal Feb. 10. Clerk. J. K. BOWMAN, Seal TEPORT OF FRANKLIN LATJNTZ, L Steward of the Poor Honse and House of Employment of Somerset County. Penn., for year ending 31st December, 1HS5. srrjet as ran. No. of Hone 4 t!ow 14 Ball - 1 tvearoM cattle 4 Yearling ., 4 Spring calvea...,, , t " Sheep. 34 Brood ow , 1 Pig t laeuMBvrs on rixn. Same a before reported. raooccn of Fiaa. Ko. of Ton of Hay 34 Bushel of wheat . Buckwheat 81 " Kye W Corn mo Oats. 10 potato.. 700 Beaa It OnHin Apple SO " Turnips 10 - Beets Barrel of Dried Corn t - Sour Krout t " Pickled Bean ' encumber, 1 " Soap t Oallon of Apple Butler n Cider tit Read of Cahhbage son Pound of Butter SW " Lard. SOS " Tallow tun Wool 10 " " Beef ...."tht " Veal 17 Mutton tao " " Pork. 4aa aancLBs HaxmcTcatD in norm. No. of Sheet 4 113 11 t XI 74 M 14 S 4S IS 4 4 T ts s 1 90 40 45 1 II 10 II a it " Pillow ease " Bed iKks Bolsters Pairs of window curtains. Towels Sbroods Women' chemise aproa sarauea. wins waists dresses drawer " cap pair of women stoekinirs t footed , men's shirts - hants...-. drawer .. ailtten pairs of asea' socks " footed calldren dresses " " kiru aproo chemise pair of children stocking " boj pants " shirta pair of shoe tfUltfJ or ALUS House. Ha p Bouse on 1st Jsnr. 1S85. diaacd dunnz the year ss J ; Whole No. la Boas dartaf the fear. .. 151 Na died dunnf uw year- I . disckaraed, ma off, Ac, during ar J s Na ah Hooac oa 1st Jsny, last.. ...... ss Of the St inmate reiaalnuur In Ihe house on lat Ufi l!s. there were it sane males. IS sane leiaaks, SJ ujsane asale aad 11 insane female, t Idiotic oiaka aad I laiotle females, t blind male Silt blind female and one deaf and dumb male. AH or Afaxi ver Jrhut cteept one sane colored ataat, aad ail were jEdult ituv t white children, ail aaa f raaia aaa on Cemae. Caarjes Daalets, age4 . Atoer Sfeisoa. aea tt. una Meyara, a-en aa wauaaa rraaiar, aced 30. Hubert LrBca. oulored. and aa. Jeaaa k arts j Rellsioaa serrkea were held la tke Hnase seven m times by Rev. Hiram Klac and one (i) time by jfff. Jt K. Raadall fffjota or aaruraa. AlHarrlatar( may afd 1 female. Total.... I li Daatoui t auk uu ; tz&eit. - .. . i atHorxawacaoaL. ' t aulea aad 1 f emaat a catuaaa aocnocT to para, jn BuJeeaBdltfenuleawhoare alive CBILDBaW 0W TBIAL mtmmAimm.. r fw tuartUMtU twir raanuaa ' lasaieaaada leaala......ir!..".'.,,...... t oct rxwa aauir. ' Na of persons relieved,!? males and 2t females, ssdadrat eaadrea depeadem oa parents jrecetvian; relief 41 'aaari alia vaoaajrra Xa . alXreaaae4 aad Meed durtn. jear....4S7 aseaia roraiated tultieia - - - ... awe r. LAU.VTZ. Steward, Absolutely Pure. Thl Powder nererrarl. A mrrel of parity, tren-th and wholesomenea. More economical than tbe onltnarr kuxls and cannot he Sola II amMHltl'io with tbe multlluite of low test, tbora welabt, alum or phosphate powder. Sold eny la Csa Koval Bakimii Powdh Co., loe Wau St., R. Y. mnyjsi .. WORTH? Of Confidence. - yrnin P.irsapariila i .anieilicincliisf. M tH O ilurhii nearly 40 years, in a 1 iiarta of Die world, has pn'tvrii ils edi iai y as I lie ticstbluodalU:riilatv kuowa to liieuical scicuce. SARSAPARiLLA VT fcnuiue lloudura.1 Sarsapsriibk i u h:i..o, auj lis 'ovrr are euhaiii-eil I V the r-Ylrarts of Vcilcw Pin k and rilil lni.'iu. ilia ImliiKii uf l'o:aititu eud l.'oii. :i;id ollu r ;utcut in ;n iliwits. i nir b iud tilbletl by tii-niosementt w of liu ii:es!ive nnd nsiriiiUitorv func tion; is ii tuiu'uU by "scrofula? or diH-s il i- Ki'.iiu the polsou ol Jlercury or ( uu: lat ins lisc:i? TUP leadiur phy-irians of l!ie t'nited I n t laie. who Lnow llio ruuiixMiioti of Ayeu's S.vi;s.rAi;iLi.A, say tiut 1 1 f Ii i n ve so frood fur tiie purifu-a-tion of I lie blood i within the ran-e of iiUr.uii'y. "KJ1 V ''y ''l! 01 thi remedy ii it Ui3 f omMc fir a nT.,:on who h:r i'orru;'!ed blood to iitlain sound licnl U u!id ,ri'V:'iit lr:ii.snii.ion of I'au di uraclive taint to posterity. TU'tE'flfr'JJ V cffiit ive renovation InunUiJunLY ut iiiet tu hum ine'udi! not only the remotal of eor rii;i:i ui from the lilood.bnt its i nricli ni tit and tlio streu;lheui:v ol llio vi.ul organs. Dm I A PI IT w itnesses, all over tbo tlt-LIADLt world, testify that this work is better accomplished by A YF.it' SiitSAPAKllXA than by aiiy other rciui'ity. Bi nnn that i corrupted tlironh L'JJlJ c:i-e U made purr, ami IiKmhI wcali.-n 'd throuu'U diiniiiiltioti of tlio rr'd i-111-iiUM.-les in made roni.', by AYEIt'S Saksapahii.la. nUDTVlur ','1' and buililin:; rUrlirYlilu up the sytem require time in serious can's but benefit will d -rivrd (mm the ti.-e of AVER'S Si:s.P.Mtnx moro niccdily than )in anything else. MriOlrtT forwhirh like effc-ct are LUiUllit. falsely elaimed. is aliuii ,1 mt in til- market. under many names. Inn tin- or.lv im'paraiion ihat liasstissl t hi- :r: of iitui'. mid proved worthy ot the vurU! coutidi lire, is n rs Sarsaparifa, iVfl J rnr.r-Ar.ED by . C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. :d by ail '.mi-gists: Trice St; .Six Unties for $5. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY. EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KIND& 11 Mm m lie Suite! AtcraiTcasD bv ISAAC A. SHEPPAED 4 UL, BlltifliarS, Mi, AND FOR SALE BY R. B. Schell & Co , SOMERSET, FA.. maj27-'o-ljr Alsskt A. Hobs a J. aieoTT Wiai). HORNE & WARB uccaaaoaa to EATON & BROS, SO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA, FALL AND WINTER, 1885-1886. NEW GOODS EVEEY DAY SPECIALTIES tffibroidarfes, tiesi, Milllssry, Whit 6ood, Hjnd krchefi, Oit Trinimlngs, NotltrT, 6lovs, Crst Msillsand Mris Underwear, la tisti as4 Chlidras'i Clothlsr. Fane j Goods, Yarn, Zhrt, Mate rials f All Kind for FANCY WORK, Gsals' FaraisMfli Gools, k, k rou raTaoaaoa ia BsraorvrLi.T solicitid S0r(lers by Mail attended to with Prompt ness and Disatch JOS. HORNE & CO'S RETAIL STORES. Special Bed oct Ions t Bednce Stock la All Departiuents. Our silk depart. ueut off.-rs great inducements to close buyers, as the reductions here are very great. Summer Silks at 40 cents, 50 cents and ODwards. French Colored Su rah Silks 26iuches wide, at 75 cents. Printed Iudia Silks, in dark and light colors at 33 cents, 50 cents and 7$ cents. Thee goods wire sold at 75 cents to f 1 25 per yard. Colored Grog Grain Silks at closing prices, lull assortment oi colors and extra quality, especially our U5 cent grde wheh has always Bold at SI 25 a yard. Colored Oros Grain Silks from 50 cenU a yard up, all extra g0ft4 yT!ue. tion;that begets dyspep-ia; rheu- Great maxk-down-sale of Dress j matism and kidney trouble follow Goods. The entie ctQck marked in their train, and death ends the down, and the best ali-woul 4f6f chapter. You whose lives are pass goods for 50 cent? a yard that were : 'od oyer' di-sks and in the confined ever seen, some of tbem M id. i air of ofljcea ought tq keep Dr. Ken- Every Winter Wrap now on hand has been reduced ; this includes our entire stock of finest Alaska Seal jGairjaanU and Small Furs. Vlotb Wapf at X)st, to close them Pttt. fins ii trie buyers fH-tunity. Send for samples now. '.' T . . . i Jos. Horne II Cos W " nrV.1, eWr-r ' ' ?c,,,- rJnT-' PENN AVENTJE PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. " Hat all Tka Way." A boy will eat and a boy will drink. And a boy will ptar all day ; Bat boy won't work, and a boy won't think,' Uecaaa be ain't built that way. A girl will lina and girl will dance. Aad a girl will wurk aneaet ; Bat a caul throw a atoa and blta church, Beaaoa (be ain't built that way. A girl wiU flirt, and a girl wlU matt, Aad ne'er give kanelf away. Bat she can t scratch a match on the ssat of her pant. Because ihtaln't built that way. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Wnooping Cough and Bronchitis. Geo. V. Benford t Son. Entering the asylum for inebria tes, he asked ; "Do you treat drunk ards here?" -Yes, eir. " " Well I'm one. W here's yer bar ? " A Nasal Injector free with each . ... ottle ot bhiloh a Catarrh Keuiedy. bottle of bhiloh'a Catarrh Kemedy 1'rice 50 cents a bottle. G. W. Benford it Son. Some men work harder to get a divorce than tbey ever did to sup port a 1'jjDily. When Baby was sick, we gave her Cattoria, When she was a Ciiild, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Uastorla, Wheu she had Children, sh gave lhara Carina. You are not old, your hair 19 get ting tliin. Your friends remarks it, your wile regrets it. Parker's Hair Balsam will stop this waste, save your hair and lesture the original gloss and color. Exceptionally clean, prevents daudrutl, a perfect dress ing. A Deailloclt iu the Cuke aUrike. Pitts bi'rg, Feb. IS. The Coke Syndicate refuse at present to make any charges in the prices and tbe cone wurkt-rs refuse any couj pro mise upon their demand far increase ot wages. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Botirlxm, tnd., says : "Iioth myself and wife owe our lives to Shiluh's Consumption Cuke." Sold by G. V. Bknfoud it Sox. No fatal accident has befallen any passenger on Cayuga, Lake during i the history of eteau. boating on that stream. Foil Dyspepsia and Liver Com- pltint, you have a printed guaran tee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vital izes It never fails to cure. G. W. Benford & Son. The bangs having gone out of style among young ladies the rol ling pin and washboard begin to look more hopeful. Gootl Iiccislai i , j . . . , . Maryland legislators have. in com- toon with health ufticinls ot Brook lyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other ciliefi, endor.-ed the new dis covery, lied Star Cough Cure, be cause it. contains no morphia or opium, and always .cures. The price ia only 25 cents. UA student of human nature says anything can be sharpened." Some things, however, don't need ; sharpening so we Lave heard ex perienced married men remark. Are you made miserable by indi gestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Sliiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. G. V Benford & Son. ' An awfully homely man at a so ciable where kissing games are played looks as lones une as a straw uat in a snow-storm. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. G. W. Benford & Son. Newark, New Jersey, has an anti tobacco society composed of young ladies. That is a good thing. We hope all the young ladies in that town will give up smoking. Boston Poxt. Whv will You cough w'nen Shi loh's Cure will give i'limedi ite relief. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and SI. G. W. Benford & Son. Prof. Htixlev says it would require nearly 1,000,000 barrels of herring to supply the Cod on the Norwegian coart with one breakfast. ".Hackmetack" a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 2-5 and 50 cts. O. V. Benford & Son. A Philadelphia physician fastens his lantern on his horse's breast on dark nights so that tne litrht i cast in front, where it is needed. It is soring. A resurrection of nature's latent forces is taking place. Like theworld around you. renew your complexion, invigorate vour powers, cleanse the channels of life. Aver's Sarsaparilla is the means to use for thij purpo. A lady advertised in one of the New York papers a day or two ago for a pair of opera glasses lost in a fashionable church on Fifth avenue last Sunday. Is your hair turning gray and gradually filling out? Tail's Hair R-medy will restore it to its original color and stimulate the follicles to produce a new and luxuriant growth It also cleanses the scalp, eradicate j dandruff, and ia a most agreeable aud harmless dressing. Pekin, the capital of the Celestial Empire, is g iid to be the dreariest wilderness of dirt and dut that can be imagined. The streets are in a shocking condition. Curious In think that rteula anA chairs kill people but they do Taken in larce quantities office fur furniture is fatal as vellow fever. II . a "a ve su ann write ourse ves awav. ; Sedentary habita produce constina nedy'a "Favorite Remedy" always at band for the atom ich and brain, Acqwitied on a Technicality. fudge (to prisoner): ""You am 'cused ob de crime ob murder. Am ' u$ IM 'hjr or not euiltv ?" j faher;f ; ' h primmer can't hear you your honor. He is deif.' Judge: "Ilairi.'t got ho hearing?" 'tr: -n,,..' . udg-.: "Den I reck'n de court '11 hev er discharge him, as de law aya am er pusson must have a K.nr, nr. Y.t..n I. I. n I. . I, : . .1 "m iu( imiusu uc am w i;uuvit;teu ob er crime." ' d O. W. BE.VFOKD. DRUG: G. W. BENFORD & SON'S DEUG- STOEE, NO. 1, BAER'S BLOCK. We keep constann hand a stock of PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Chemicals, Dyes, Toilet Articles and PAINTS, OILS, VAHXISIIIte, T'fZ';,7l V 'T1!? lOBA'CUbAM t Id.t K. the Wt in the 'i ojtrxoei huh LY. All aitveril-eil n eilirinef kejit on hu l. If n-a pur, te cm oe. en-1 n it., arri ) ri a saort lime as we pav ar-'mt aMeiition to all iu, b diuan s. I ur own make id lion ASU CAT I LK PO '; K is ls?ri,n. duM thru t In the ma k. l. ii c s. p.r pound. We go to no elpensn of piciing, l.itieiinx. a,ivern.iii. ,vc , om keep In bulk. Any tna-redient wanted penil,y ein he a.liivl. I'al1 and se. fur yoursell, and be convinced m uder Hrfniin. ( W. BKsronoa So furrnil doing a sinare iu.nne-s au-i want all to see for tliemselve. No trouble to su.iw cur stock. Pare WineH and LiqaorH fop Meliciti:il l.'.sr t)nlv."t SOMERSET LUMBER YARD. Offrs and Yard AT Somerset, Op S II C. R R. Station . OAK, ASH. CH LRRY . POPLAR. H ALM T, YIU.OW PISE, STttlSGS, ri.COKISG. VHEDTSVt, H till I. fc. LA I n, A Ot-oeral Line of all araile ol L'ltotir an I Also, can lurntsn anything in the iiu of our business u oriler with reas.nai 1c i,r.mi:ui s, u..it a Brackeu, Udd-lsed Work, ac. ELIAS CJJ2TlTXlTCrTB.J. Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. s'ation. Sumorset, Pa TIIE OLD RELIABLE SCHUTTLEB WcG-OlSr- ESTABLISIIED IS C 11 IV AGO JS ISti. :. . :'. .. .--c ... ;, - ; ... I'Z,-' -'';'("?' X' -.5-..-. ' - i -: ;:"-;' v! .. i I have i'.tit rweiveJ tw car loail.Kif the rii'lf ni'iii Steel iii-in SiJiu i ......irie Western VVa'un in tlie marKet fur K Mil or Farm Pan, tl:eie is a Hear Hraice, to be useil wneu tiaiili:i;4 li:iv nrirruTii, a niiciiit;. i:ia' t'.irnu'i know the necessity ol" when li.iilliiii; mi lit 1 1 v fiirnu. I-ery pLin nt iIh-U sh! in iSinl' li is waiton lias laid in Stock three years before being aorivcl Uf.. intiriiii; t :ie W'.tk lo in lioroni;ii)y seasoned before bein ironed. iU-tiir liie iateiitei-s ul' the I DOUBLE COLLAR AND "OIL CUPS. It is the only Wagon male that ii.is tliii iniirovfiiii:it. I; jvni.is tlie necessity r taking off the wheels to grease, as in the nil m'v!c ,- by.i:n lly turning a cap the wagon can be uilej in lfru t!i:i:i live miini!i". Til is : Wagon wants to be seen to be fully appreciated, and pnrtiei tviihinn to buy will do well to see it before puri'lia-iinti clMw!iere. EVERY WAGON FULLY INSURED. In offering this make of Waon to the public, will jay I n-ed the s:ime m if'l 1 make uf Wagon for five tains, over nads that were alniijst impassable, and they always stood the test. I feel warranted in saying I believe them the li.-t Wnon on wheels. Call on Oliver KnepjK'r or Henry Uellloy, who will slm- yon tin Wagons. mrAGEsrs wasted throughout the covstt. P. HEFFLKV. SOMERSEr, aVTAPlCtl 28, 1835. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! CQFFRQTH & CO., SOMERSET. PA. Bright, New and Desirable Selections for Fall, at GREAT BARGAINS. Imitation Walnut Chamber Suits, -S'l-3 t0. Black Walnut, Full Marble Top, :J0,0I). , Mtiire of Every Descriptioa ! Parlor Up'ohterei LOOK AT PRICES.' ITWlLcCOST C XOTHIS'i 1 IN HAIR CLOTH -----SPUfi SILK - EMBOSSED PLUSH - - r - - HTCoiiic Hight Aln, stnt! firt (!ic la,.irgai.is. ocUl 6m. " THENDKJAT IONS " FOE, THE HOLIDAY SEASON I Are thatC. N. BOYD will sell oods at such prices that' everyone will have to buy their friends a Christmas (iii't. We ean offer such inducements hoth Goods a nd 'run as to have you come at once and see for yourselves. We will men tion a few, but space will not beautilul things that are lor sale Ladies' Dressing Cases, Gents' Dressing Cases, Ladies' Work Boxes, Gent9 Shaving Cases, Ladies Toilet Sets, Whisks and Holders, Cat Tail Easles, GOLD PENS ! GOLD Am selling my stock of Gold Puns and Hjld rs at COST, and rare bargains are offered in this line. Then we have Pocket Bonks, Letter Bocks, Side P, inks, Smokers' Sets, Cigar Cases, Razors, Gents' Traveling Shaving Cases, and the Star Safetv K.iz ir. If any of yonr friends are nee lini: .ilEfT than a pairor Ur Kins a 8PCT C1KS or EYK-GI.ASSKS, in f;,,, Frames. We have tlie , Sole Agency f.ir tliese Genii, and jiUHntw lerfect sutisf.ie'iitii. riniw c.ill e.irlv. brfire the desirable gixajs are all ir.ine. I'.ilire a!t-iitnn "ti.wn. wiii-tlirr nn ni-!i :,i purchase or ri'it. No trouble to slnw k-hsIh. Ci.me. I, nit tiirougii o;ir sMtK.'iret ,m: ri Ces,ni if s;e rsnnot save yuu money will nut ak you to bnv. Heapcut fully, P. N. BOYD, MAMMQTIl BLOCK, SOMERSET, p.. LIME! LIME ! Tha Farmer's UtaeCompany, Umld, will sell at their kilns, or load so ears. QQOD LIME At Scents per bathel. orileilv.r u as fiw as tha lowest tuail Kallruaa Staiians ami tlini(j li. tb Onantv, anil un tb Berlin Braaeb citieb kiw er StU.ifACtiou Gurubfi It 4s ih (1... "j hVtb. r S ul V"11 . ... . . ' ' rscnnorai rurpvssa. ah I tuners iT-imntlT tllli nr..mi wiLltll. Oarrau Somerset Uo.. Pa. t). H. BKXFOKD Sundries kept in 3 first-clj In2 S: ire- "Piurtensnrej , nutrbet fr m I'n k:. family urd tv'th by Phyielan" snd F e imeslH- t lm "r nl lB Kll'- k( t'IPS VtU-ttt C'tSli i. ELIiS CUNNING II A A I , MaofictORr ul D:3!er. Wlulcalsr ail r or LUMBER AND BffllffiB MATERIAL HARD AND SOFT WOODS, PICKETS, I'OOKI. Xii ft M.V. V. SIMM .!.', KM. t.V7.v It US L1, - . 11 f. L HOS fs Kuillinur M:iiri il and Km rlnu !:i e krn; In ' '1 i . tlie i tt r I'll tin years when freighting aery tin- Iim ky Md.hi ! $35 00 40 CO $50 00 permit us to mention half of the in our Store. We have 'Photograph Alliums, Autograph Albutn.", Scrap Albums, Plush Albums, Plate (il iss Mirrors, Ebony Frame Mirrors, Writing De.-ks, f'liri.-t!ii:i.-Caril; Odor Sets, ti.it Fratnt-s, Crumb Tr-iys, Ct (: is- i; .:il(.- I 'X l'iijiers, Komi--- E is!c?. PKNS ! iOl.D I'KN S ! 'IjK. notliini w-m! I he A VALUABLE FABH I'O.a SAII'. I ffT fr sale my f rm, kn- wn tin the l. a. Wn,l fr. Ii S nwiret inwn-hii. Tii fsrni enntalr.s a lltile sTi-r , ns liumlrel ser.s, n? n' sren tte a-r-s In a Mleof ri l' isli. n; Ihe halilh-e Wrll ilmhs k. wlm a t. "iurv irsme dwelliDK house- bsek harn ami other .u ii .;i th.re.ai erected There la a Inrns iiir ni al nrrr faillB aateratrhs Sno.e. Ther hum i-a lara ' twriDn fmit tncsut aim ut every 'i-v. Tseks reasoesM... Tor further Inroriratl. -; ap. ply lo tbe onJerslitned in siuiit, r- t,wnhi;. LtVl J. L( (.. rii-ire 'iii'nhi. CURTIS K. GROVE. tri-iB Court Ii Somerset, Pcnn' IDUlJCl'JrtT !( BIGGIES, SLZIGHS, CAM I.iCE AM) EASTKKS ANl W t -TI'KN t 'iral-he ! .ia Sh . ' -'9. Punting D:na 01 Shcrt T;tj v w ri ! m 1 i1 'll'.rf, hi, It..-. li.lil;. i II ll dr r.j r.i i n i; ,.j l'li - 5 i r:n rf A'l K-.n i la .'! v Notive. ."'r if .fx All V7ork W, .ill an i t cjirt- : S-... ( .. . l.-.D t-tr u.i? j-;.ti't. r r CURTIS K. CP.iV (l-in; ul C-ur: li. ,u.,.., :'rJ0-!i r M' I' f i;s'.i-s' i 'jf.. XL9 C.:..: Cjufji t-.o y c.ia a,j in I :':,o i,, t!i .vjr . - . , 1 . k: i l'..v: : ;. -,: i.i : : , .......... 1. I . V : .in. I' C, :i 1. on '.:., !, u.'i.l ' , : I'..' '. r t i:i !, : r. I n r t!; ;i a ,:.i'.r j'mi xiil i;.i , ".-'- . 11. CHiLDS :, CO, ivnoi.i:r ti i: i. i:ts i in;ii,, -s'-i- PITTSBURGH. Pa. ECTTL.T5 SOLD AMD KZV" FAitS TO C'SS CC'JGHS T ftp 3 :-T,';;D A!. L Lf 1 1 3 TT. ' '. "L 3 Aj.r.-.u:c-.-i7s szLir r?.x. 4n i - J J ! .1 .y.. -' VJUHX m. A:i . FASHIONABLE CUTTER & TAILOR, v '-;.., .1 .1 .' t j i i- ft iO.jAJL' Cr : ' , -4-4 ' - " " " " " TniKTY-FiRS'! ' 'ANNUAL STATL.'IlM T - -oi-'iiii:-i SOME USE T ' SI liiii fi mm, ii! I'll!! 1 UK Yr.Wi KNiiN j:, l-i . Mi. T-i I'll ' n ',,'( im li:uiil p rl.iiif K" - : 1 :h i , . T i'ii 'ri -v ' I , -i i, nr p I, (- 1 - ! ' 1 if y :i- is 0 T i'- ti r;'.i . ii r.; rs.ilii .'nr'r ' fi 1 .1 T h n-'-i. ii na'ciiair,'' 1 C : ill rlT: ; I',' 'II.TI'I 4, AS e-'I .'. 1 li I. h- r l K. .1 H icn-r In full I I.-ifali Hafr, loll h: lire . 4 H:rm r.i-n r. I'lim..:."' J y 1'iri'ii Itiir r, l..rn . 4 II. Mi.mln ,!l' Ii - r. Tniit. rm I' u-i .' '. H-. w ll K-s-a J. au '-e ill !.' i-'i- - N-. 7 M ii'f ( 'IfiTli k Kile. I A ' T!ii' I. e in 1-4 i 'l rn -.1 rnuc ro Suri-n: l . ,if. I iijw i-iifa V i I I f . hriu'lt l. -'irr.-e .Vfi 'Ull-.KAl. I'rtnillir ' ". I"' til fii n I I-u '.liin'a I ' i r- ' N.. :i !' sag" a- ' " '- Vi. ll.-:ii- r- r,c un,! lilvl. ljr N. i3 S.l,ry iSc a Imi.ljr 4i It' Ian1 In Trein-jrv Au-:i U'it 'ti Fren.i'jin n- Aini'ihl i,n'.Iitli'i. .. Dtmtvrl Eur'.til fo i 7 1 ti- Si r, B ! I K ti e Will :iir I ' r':i. J:, m- I'm ,H -: i,er A!i r. 1 I: M Wrt. I .1. ' 1 III, . r r I". urirv. V.i bn I ... P. fcL-l-.l,, ,.t V.r- r.l i Win A Kaip. f W !tta- rrlawlt'o.. fljSri'i-t Urcltd for the :jibj I""- s,iirn, KAKitLaY. Presi.:. JNt.i. Hlt'KS, Sec, Tieas. au-i ' ) ifaar aJaVa'Tai ii. i i . I !' v ! - ' ;. I r JL V s -as-' stsi ' V'- p'- 1.' T r ' at' t WL.lt. I n"'i i . ' L-. LL, i.. . o-."-r-.rv Ti'it-h r r.-wf t r-i .... . ' !:' ',' ...' : I . i