i fomerset Herald. A"' SSS6. . ; Til L-S. .. , ir.:.-r arr.vxeK'r' vi-h went a;.pA'I uc ,!i over ike ,.r lo 1. tii., VI--.TK li'V.'D TKA1X. ' "' .1. Sotrerset ;v,;:i::: : . v,.:... : , . -1 ; i ...... a - e r. ".. .; r;i i;i'n; tkains. i,.Bi.T. 1 'I'" A-. K.Vtrw'd ; 9.' 01 X " -i r 6 tvra 1! M j-irTSH! h'ili I'lV. B. Exi.r- JU:! . ; a v:. r M- LA.-I' B'lI'Mi. Vi.ll tiJirefS Coiait V '") A 'cr-M A.e. 1 'j .1 pi 1 IV: f t. v - z 1 1 s. i ::e Ii': ' '.:n: -t f- : a:l,- are i ti n'ier. Franii:- :. fiV . s i: r-! tow : . r ii-'ii'i s ' .-- i ji- '. A i !!:.! r's'd wito .1 t . . vv Will Hi.:.0 Just - e l.&ve i o-.-.r Meatj kept COO1 1 Ac. i-pt j v. Paries ;..! te ar 1. p.-rk. en loi it !: t in P-efrip- ' S .HTIf L-The Pprirr -. A)-';' 1 tor'. i te . r.-o lee ! -.ilii'rg with iirt ii-.i1:. nn f-T.ir.iit a i. mi 1 y tbe ' ief.'rn-s'iori a IV a r.-rKrv Pa. i:.r-r'n-s in I'. 'r.ia :) i- !. - isbd i-.n-ngl- It. o ( . K K it. l a. r I'! rs e:i'o::.et M Vi for t-r re .it in S . rv.- 1 r.-r. i- I ruf .it) le , .w. er. o t a half i riven, r than t -l ie whi i E ' 1 :s A... ..Hull . ;..r.d a l.V J- ii' -.i'ei.ts imv r. ' n- t xh To a; t- y t.i Il e I'ri M i i:-r. s ' ,. --!. ..Is in ,,i t-y W i si ci ni a-n i Ir:e i . n.i lar- 1 Vr-i j .-. i p a: -: In ' 2 V'-M. ......... r-t N p.vds .-I ! s-.il..) : :: veil hv C N li ' u Hat,' 1 -.ii: e.ii.-.s-t f-. -s We 1 of ihe 1.. aVr a -; c -s' frtt sli ma -ie in 1 at.) ' .1 KM a-il i'f j-. Walker li-.'ot f I! I . i s o,:r (To r- a-e ' "ilsf-f,. which e iu :,cc A ,,:; ;..t ' A H. FE!:rs i Br are in demand in Som- Lemn; 'e is tt.e r pular drink in Scrner- Au improved court boccard a new jail 1 wbat : needed. v t it-,- -. -ert onerset i- a bl ue ribbon ' Turin (.tstri.fc. . ' it w:il ren,ain so it acnes - ; tian. j The second we it ofCncrt convened at 10 ; o'c'o. k a. ni. Monday. The attendance is . not very Urge. in ru.-k ill : fii.e c.'Jt waves of the stasun j t:.ii h us t:ou sjeday evening, it is , ' ! The UjtJury oat W week returned th!r ; venh. r to the c .-urt a; half ptt leu o .1 k , ?utcrd:iy cii-jt. , TLe wi-nther aas ! 1J fir the perial C2'i '; !nf ia-t w-k. He c-ulda't hi vS'j: i.'i to B'ivat.tasfc. M-. J h.'i K. liivmver has reuted Ceorge ' s:reet and will i ve ln' j :t '.lie rt-j ul .- Tiio M'-yt r-'i!e t-x.u'T.'-i l.a quit pub i Us f.i:u.ius 'r..-'iKi.lli,, ia it be' .:'1m iiM cce W'.ul-.i ri'a'l tl,e:u ? El S. Kantner who ha. beet. Siting ' J! TelKIIK'Tlt L' er"et. , , . i r . ,i , , 1 tliem as lo incir omits in me premira, me ,, ci, C'.itirt km;ked silly the senstitso biather ee ta-.fi:t!i. retunn-U Lottie tut-daf. i ,. , , . , , . , . ., ' ! :'e of the Meversda.e Comutrrwzl and oth lVnn vlvai.:a irnlu-ut!H. grow : ri'.i-r ' -vr il.iv. l-. i r j-vt.T- have put t ) i ii.tioh :i o..ey .r. the r m I t.. ahan Ion it. I - M- .1 t- i iiiii.i S.ttMTf.av I'm::.'.- 1,. ..cl of his ho- ' i at ' CD,rs! i ioi .lay stiovej i:u Lis line unr l ou-e on t m. n -tr.tt. I is ci.iMil ii't Tues e tiie couniy Se-at to i tin u iirioii. It Uid v!.H-r ,.f signers a rr ni fot i; .i n I: is that C-.il-.nel Samuel M.-Cam- rt'.niit of B.fcircont.ty atid J. H.- Loneneck ' -r. K- j of I'e.ilh.rd Lave a..;:-i:rced their i. uf n.'..-ri;. the ( 'iitt fur the i'-r.a; i.(;i.ii;:;itifiu in li di-r:oC ri i:: oi t!ie ejprif !e 1 tmmtr'-'nt':: ri-soiti-ti'e party. T t the 0 i ret-ii i.-air.ft ; 1 i rrocitifj. A - - i j,:-: re'urnel from l.e l-r..i:tl:t with him , ,! by prim ii al of ; i -iiu a::d Art sc!i'd j .-..-.:t:a! part to the . r V..: i N. pai: .'in i-Vi.-r g it: ll.e 'ii. It i at. ill wind ; c .ml. I rs i .,1 i" t; e A C e:.!it-en of them ist si a e-s. and is p'..M:-heil lue i-h ::s r-; i tuiv-.- to :it:irv. truly !t : M-. A. v. Knew-: '.a i :.rz tl e enterF fcjvr bJ t':e:r hear.'.)' e:-r" i::s: ipsi'V re-e ol itli- pl i wtlv-PS 1 "..eS a'.ta Peso Baiiroad r tf f .r tbe piM .-veral i t It tt r lr n.: rresi ler.t S - . rf-. It: iui-! K-ither he eonU re-rent :e . r -- :rf ! ''t 'us! ia!I. urj-.!cr3'nu'iiaa; .ir- Kr. r t..i rrn'.tJ it-.- r- i to ?Jr. Sayre, iu.i , i h it e-c ' r : n er. T nil! ail -in he ec-upied by So-i'h .-(ri. H. i. Los left r.3?r.)iie : a-, ! ; . 1 a pi sliur?, wr.ereliebast'.rm .ith J. II. .Va:il,..ii.i, Esq.. ; m.-mbcrs .f the West liar. J. G F.sq.. it i : i:..i 'V-: - Ve ai: ,i:l.i-r. !! v m tl f O i! We 7 itv y r- move from this plac Li-t-v t! c i :llre vacated by ig!eia present in at- j lost an honorable member of the commcni-r'-eiisb;irsr court. i ty, a true and rescttd citizen. -..-- -Mi, Tiiat we tender our heartfelt sympa- .-t e-:c-:-o M exchnngir i ti5 Ul bis bereaved family, relatives and Vr t.-:..: Id aivie :;e !ucr"li: h. ; J .: .i:-try purp- f r m.ircy : tlie n".r.i UltT i.il':! it of ton n. ; !p to supp. it j ii .:ue enter- ; ! 1,. : tier th vi'iir n, tie-iil A. II. 'iTnth. who had l-en :: 1 ' l.:s I., -It 1 tVr s n e ;n e by F::-k-'.a.l S i f.:T r- eiivernl Ii T i W aliii to .! ( ...irt ti.e f.re part f last w.ek rs'lsy r. . vrlit he ':ff.-ri a ia:e. since 'li t'nie l.e Las lnn viry s t'.k nsly ill. iTh. whs li i.abie to spcai: T ' .-. 1 t! e -.set.t wii!:n l;e is sr..'. lv- :-tdy nd tilt!- I in at i ..w '.-k ! for. Mr. t:..f j in a lar.-e tnaj..riT of tlie j -a! at ;1.: vrctk's Court. ' tl: j n -;-te .iirti i 7 ( wbii h v ill Lave to be continued on "'e"- a;"C' T!..-que-! pr -;-:iet' ;rs of ilte s- ,m. rset Iliiuse re- ; u ; -av that they were no?, as has : i---m al.eii.-d, t!,e i:iM;gator of the m-ive-1 S li'i-i.r t' t ci'e tbe h-'-ti-ls ii: ti. is boriei'h ! ! no-r. I T'.a' : a: a . v were persua'l. i! to c r.'er into ; nient to f'ose the'r houses and that i ;:;.:! iir-.'ii' t!.a; ;! -v I -i 1 made a nii:ake thi v it:ini'-i.aTei- tii.-i fra':L';y no:;td tlie ' ctlicr I. o-i 1 Kai-p.-rs ..i i:..-ir :i,rer.i:oa inj. o;en op ...... - wo- pel. he ,-':. 1 they will en-.!-vor to entertain iu the .'..tare- a tl.ey Lave in the past, all w lon.ayrv! tip ei t'.eni. lir. Kh turxin -i.r-a Tb:rf lay muiTirjgre , ei-. .-.I a t-sleur.on tresi J'mrklm lin.ve. 1H.. as-ii.an'-lr.ir lhe iui.: n nl oiiexi-fere-l ilearh st thai j las"' bis '.rutl.'r in-law. I i VT. ( K mi. yir. fnnki.Msthiia ai cn.-e started f'.r Franklin Gr-.v.-. M aitli l!:e twvli 1-t eeeni-.g sTT'lent In S,.m"-ret wi..'-;i n.i? inti-rreii m tlie im -i- pie re-ret-r;- a: i cink T-jt-hy m iniini:. Ir. ' Kft-'s'i wis ciarm-il i'i'i ! sslla;i.i. furmt-r- to any j jy u s-iir.erfi.-L ac ! for a rm3i:iir t f year pra-i'le. .-i r thc e-- tis pr -.fef si .n :r. t!:c tt wnof Mr-ern-ial. Sev ! eral arf atro Le W'-r,t to Fra'ikliB (Ir-ire. wtfe 1 r.iii illy a -uirc'l a 1 irz scil in r-i!.ee raet:ss. Ti.e I r-aves -i'-. vtiti b r -! yeuna -zf ac-c-cpaiiit-J Mr (InLilnzhair.. arM are new trtnir at hi.n-e. Thev !,re the einecre Tit;piuiy "1 I r eirire - .rc3;cr.lty. ; I I 1 . I ', j e MlUln.E !:.. si r a:. ! lli-c-i-'.li.g Mate U- -ma-. 1. IV. In -U-r r-!i:i"-r during ti e etk --.i T-st ,,. t r, i :'i.-r. of Bri.'Wn Co., Kan- .S.ltt.d ,til..f Atl-..st;. I.. Mi ,,f i- r. . f ? .;iii rset. Il'K kC'ii-a. fcl.d 1 inei -rv t' t::.'i A. Wilier... th of All.- n t J...h svixr. tiia:i'la Loi r, of Wi.l.am A. Mil .d Lizzie A Kv f s'l.a.le !ow:-.sh:p. and ;'if inah' t-;ng towns iiip. -. i f J.lli r-oii township, ; ;s"r. of Brother-valley . ' t' i r.ship J siah M. P.l itlgll. B! '.n, le.th ot Contii'ai: i Cas.y I; th township. Living- Ti.e eiciti-nier.t and confusion following til.-ai o .n nf t!ie court in boiding in abey-R'-.i e il-,e ap.j.liiati-ns ,,f jiie Somerset and 1 ila ie !I"iise lrn ii'-rns ui.i:1 the May term, tiius niai-ii-g rs.)iai is--t a hltie rii.iejn town. and the stili- i'lent il! a ivistda I r 'prl.iors of tlitue houses in c lo ti.e i.uL'Ii .' has ail (iit-il itav :ion of the lo. 1 1 - c tiem The hotels re a,;.!ii . and the "iravel.-r and so - i .unitr ' can find fund and a 1 l.-e to lav his ha l hs of -..ire. and mart and onler onre 1 uj. re prevail, and tbe f..l that -out MreU j decay, the petition referred to was present- Il i;i:e ccu; ies an tleva-ed iii.n. TheUl and the raerul e-s f the Grand Jury lio-els otilv reniaiiK-.! cl.l tao days. hen promptly made their report, recommending the,-jaw tl.eir mistake, then opened their' tbat the imprevemetiti asked fur be made. '.,-irs nd ii.vite.1 their guests ton-turn.' The crowd in K.sn cn Tin sdav and Wislnes- day. the two .lays that the hotels were clos j ed. aasau ei.- iiir.ai!y !ar-eone. brj the k.-ejers if li-aniirig Lones and restaurant! weiee-i'ial to the eei asion and fdi:id en teraied all alio called. The ladits of the W. (1 T. I". had a pn jeet on f t to open a 1 inch ns-ni, hut found it would not be net.-- es'srr to r so The Florida GLili Waits, by Will L. j Thompson, is one of the most Waul if u : p:ecrr of mine for piano or organ. ewr( .published. Any music dealer will man it; ! to yon on receipt of price, 50 cents. j X.3T1CB to Costs icTOR-.-Tbe school board ' of Somerset township will receive scaled i propals for the building of a school build-1 ! " n tlie Hunter scnooi cn-mcr. nirj 'and speciScatiociscan be aeeo by applying jr.-!,i. SwrPtarv. Pro tv I. will he received . oa the la.4 Saturdav in March Bi. Ey order of tlie board. J. J. Daes, Sec. .jiaj dispatch from Charubersburg t t;le n; Ccmmfreial-Gazsttt says : A contraclor of the South Pennsylvania rail- road was in town on Tuesday in search of h((,)rtg He savs work is to be resumed on ,be tunnels on XIa-ch 9. and that w,rt -in pufded ranidlv to com Die-' i tion. He was very reticent as to who was ; fiing to construct the road, bat said that it j wouid be made known before niany days. Eijewhere in these columns will be found j the recommendation of the Graud Jury rel- i ative to me improvement oi our puonc i builains. and the petition that was present- ed to tnt-m tiiat brought this report aoont. I The jtit!on wa sijiiieil by a number of tee I county's bet ciliieus. in jiresenting the Peitil" to Di i ers of Li kidney, by refac.ng their remarks with the ttalement that in their opinion a tit w j iii should be built, followed by words leloouent in tiraise of lha good men who) ,,,,,1 the Grand Jory at the May term :f Court and stroug in the endorsement of ; tht,ir findir.g. t)ar own " Pluml.a'o" could i,ave eipressed bimseif more forcibly thn iid the Court. i P.v ih- irv ha. anv 'one heanl the Hi:B i iui ' cr"W over the rtcer.t Kepublican ma-1 Ijority in that biirouiih ? The inoniimf--t! j"ning ahotit the Vcorbtis'" mu-t have ii 1 ha lted its vitality. .Jryertdnle Coinuierruii. ( As the editor of the " Commercial " has ' been deliberately Tying about the result in I this boruivh at the recent election, we pub liu the foilo.ing official vote: Justices. L i M. Hick.. R.. 17."; Gillian Lint, U.,1T; Sol- onion l lil, D , .".1 ; J. B O'Conn-r. D., V' ; j Burgess, W. H Welfley, R., 1T0 ; V. F. Herr, j I , :6 : Town tohncil, S. F. Picking, R., W.C. Weaver, I)., j0; Constable, John S SbatVr. H , 1T9: Allien Holbrook, D., 50; High Constable, Wm. Gilltert. U.. 173 ; Teter Fii.k. I'.. ,": Tst Collector. Henrv Kreger. B., 17-;; t'ieorge NV. !'.enford. D , 51 ; Jud-e of Kit-tioii. Joi.n R. Edie, 11.172; Inspect- ors, Joi.n H. Huston, K., 17.") ; Cr.rtis K j (ir,.ve, !.. 52 : Assessor, Chambers Huston j I'..f 17s : John M. Holderbaum. I) , ."d rstreet i l omini-sioner. Paniel S. Knee, R., 17C; F. iir houe ket-iiers had j II. Sufall, I)., 49 ; School Directors. George t we. k. The ac.i -n i W. I'i'f. R., It ; H. S. Kimmell, R.. lvi : J. ...siig t! nr bonscs i MegaLan. D., 55 ; F.Gilbert, 1)., !!: Audit ,tt...f t?:e b -.anorc- ! or. Wm. II. Hoehstetltr. R I'M; H. II. AiniMerman, D., 5?. Rather a fairly aver- j a-je niuioritv. isn't it. Lou'.i'.er' Good I i enough to crow over. In Meyersdaie the ! I DemiH-rats elected their men to fill all the j ifaii:g . roes. Why are things ti.r.slyi j neighbor? Trim tt 'ik Rcspkct. The following n-solulions wore adopted ry Salisbury LiHige No. I's2 1. J. O. F. on Ta- lay, February 2. Issti : Wiicklas. It has pleased Almighty God in His in Unite wisoioru to remove frum o:ir midst by desth our faithful and beiov oi hrither. Ji hn Simmons. Nolile Grand, in the ' i h year of his age. therefore, we as a I.r.,l-i hereby record our tribute of re-j-e t : t i::s menoiry : ' 1: .-.... 1st. That while we deeply de ! piore the loss of one of our members, we i r.r, jnize in this event of God's providence the iiaod of a ju-t and loving father, i I i, Tbat the integrity and manv enno i bling virtues of tbe ileceased justly endear ed him to nil whu knew him. 3d. That in this sorrowful event we have o ir readers to , fri,.,Ri. and pn.int them in their sad aflTic r.ts ;n i reference : (j,,,, t Hjm -ao doeth all things ell. ii p.-dolers. who - Tl.at these resolutions be pablishe.1 in rtingtosed bet- j tji? cou ,i j.ajers. and acojy transmitted Tins- fellows : j. bereave.! lamilv. lU-sjctfiilly sulniitifd. L. C. BovrB, D. O. MrKlSLET J. D. Letmg, Committee. I Ilrv.iBiimi RrcfPKBATiox D. M. Fer ry ,t Co., the Well known Seedsmen, of lein it, Mich., announce that they are on i their fesrt agsin, and ready and anxious to ' re-eive or.iers for seeds from every one of i nii'ir oiti ciisromers. jnu ni as luauv iicn t . .- i tindiv disooised toward them. 1 t-, : ,.tIl r.miiit?ir mrr i ir, file li iomii',.t f'.v.u..... ..w.j onl.-r with ne eeds of the best quality. On Ji.i.uary 1-t. their immense ware house was destroyed bv fire. It was tilled j wit! proUlWy thc largest stx-k of assorted : s-eds ever gathered under one roof. Their b ok and papers were all saved, and every person who bad ordered seeds of them wiil be mppLcd ith Lis unal stock.. They had lare quantities of feeds in their ware houses on their seed farms, in tii handi of tiielr glowers sad not yet delivered, and on the way from EuroK, which together with their f.il y s:..ked branch sV-ed Store in Windsor, Ontario. ci"se at band, and the ret arol vigorous Use oi roe twegrapn ami icah,e ena,,ie,l them to secure a new stock in a remarkably short time. Before the lire wes subdued they had se cure 1 :u w quarters and were, devoting all their energies t ti e r customers" interest. In tbirty .lay? from the fire they were in oer.Vet working order a-am. When we r; insider ti.e magnitude of their bu-ir.rss, their appallirg ie:rnction of 1 , rot eriv a: the most unfortunate season of the year, we doubt ir the annals or history f imish a case of such rapid recuperation. energy deserves s access. f he members of tin i , m. tounded. when on making an examination of tbe Court house they fonnd the building iu the condition it is. Only a few years more of neglect and thi- building, like the - !jail, would ba beyond the reach of repair. T:ie I'.ii-iw'i-g mar- j They prua-.ptly n-cuiuroemied that a stitB tj era;.:' 1 1 IVgis-; iie.,1 aru'iuut of iu irv to place the build- ;ng iu g.xjj ri ;.a.r be exp' n. led. and tins will rl.,711. m .n.rf itv ii..- i-t.ii ix- f t.rnner ' . , , , . ,' , .-, i uidirnieiit and care u..s liuiitliiie tari Ur judgment ; made to ati.-n vears t come us purp f . i a great many j If the ii.nirs a-ere astounded at the condi tiun of the Court II . use they were shotke.1 fe their candidate. This is a bad enmmen and liorriaed wtien tbey visiied the jail . j tary upon the narty that asks Eepoblicans Ik 1 it heen within iheir urovince we doubt i to "stav away from the polls." There feema it rt that Ih.-y would have emphatically da ma-.ded that a new building be erected ; but as ii . they rccomnie nded a liberal ex-i jK-n 'ir. u re oti ;:nprvements. j A Xjcw jai! is n&ded. The May Grand; Jury so found, but the preposterous mu- s-atements made and tbe howl raised by a few demagogues wbo own no property and j pay no tax, deterred the September Grand ' hogs that had crept back into winter qnar j Jurv from endorsing the finding of their , ters came out long before the allotted time I imiiicd ate predecessor. It requires Ihe rec- bepm work for the spawn that was to ioiumendai m nf two successive Grand Ju-; be born on the Hay of the election. Accord- I ries to bull I r.fir niiiiic buildings, while tbe ! present ones can be improved on the recora - I mendatioo of a single Grand Jury. Real - 1 iring this fact and appreciating the need i im mediate repairs up-tm the Curt House, order to render it habitable and save it from We re fused to sign the petition, as did riianv otbers.lor tlie reason that in our opin ion a new jail is neeiled and tbat it will be a timple waste of the people's me, rev in at tempting to rejair tb old one, I was nev- cr lit for the purcose for ahit-h it was inten - , v ' .. . uoi ana can never oemaueso. ntm ' fatislitd that when the contemplated repairs are begun thi will be fonnd to be the cane, j and that a new jail will yet be built. An Italian couole were recently grant-J marriage license by Clerk Shsfer. Soxiascr Nokxat. ass PBxrtaiTiBT School. The circular for 1, in which ray j name is associated with tboseofProf. J. A. j Berkey and A. C. Eicoer. is now ready for f j, Ked" John Slane, alias "Stitfer,' distribution. With Mr. Berkey, who basiln(1 Charles Gallagher, alias "Laughing been teaching my pupils in Higher Algebra j t r- . j .t. :;,. tn him ritltlfl in I iretiiunry, m .u.. " " public schools. 1 nav oecorae acnoainted. At the last County eil I In- ' ' . ... . , I jberof the Permanent Certificate Committee, j sti'nte be was elected Secretary, ana a mm- by a very fiaitertng ote ; is a graduate oi obta attracted the largest crowd of.'oor prisoners in ctariee, ana me same ; meot ot costs by the Defendants, the State Normal School, an indefatigable j to own ut week that bli eveoin banded them over to the warden t .gan)e .William Beatty. F. Jt B. on ia worker, and in every respect a f.rst-clasa attendance mt oar courts for mar !". j ot tb Western Penitentiary. " " ; Tformation of Mattie May. XJ. JVs. enter teacher. Mr. Berkey will voacU for Mr. t off. were all indict! t . - -ry , ,. . T'. , , ( ed on payment of costs by Defendant. Eicher, who is well known io nun per- io him per- ! sonaliv. Uem asiireu m " himself active, energetic, capable ano aua- , cestui in his profession, while his letters confirm the opinion of hi scholarship. The idea of having a specialist to teach vocal music and pe:"ship ne one but we mean w make it a auwess, and we thiuk we have found the right man .. .i.- ni.K, eirjeit mat mee wilu t;,e normal dril' in read ing and . orthography, will be wortn the whole tuition fee. From infor mation already received, we are aatisried that we shall have good classes in all the ,. . t: . . ..... YV;n th tmnils of tho ! leauntg Biuuies. . i i old normal, and other friends of the olden time each make it a point to send us a stu dent? r.enieraoer, a large school under competent instructors is very much better for those in attendance than any small one. To satisfy the local demand, wesballadmit pupils from the higher graoes oi me pnonc schools, wbo will hec'.asif.ed with the oth er students, if sutSciently advanced ; and if necessary, we shall take s rxm in the old school building to accommodate pupils of lower grade. Somerset has improve:! in all ns-pecta dur ing the ial twenty years. W have six churches, with able pastors and a noble body of Christian workers, who will bclpto bring students to the services of the Lord s house. The tenieraiKe feelini; is very j strong here. Tiie W.t. T. I... well-known tnroiign lueircimiiun hickuhi is composed of Christian ladies of culture and the highest respectability. To hcir la bors it is mainly owing that we have, now not a single houne licensed for the sale of liquor. Let us help Ui make the tvM eternal The private bjarding houses are rvsiiecU ble. anil will accommodate a lar.'e number of students. Our school rooms are commo dious, and furnished iu the best style. In short, I am continent that this place, with er teniptali-itis than some others, wrliil f,,.j ,reaier advaiitoge to our pifons from abron.i than a:iy other in tbe county. Is ,ios ,. centre of influence, political, so cial, and rcliious? Where can a student larn more outs: le or his 0jjs man ne ran here? Where cau he make more valuable acquaintance ? If be ha ability, where can he find more intcllhreut audiences . If ambitious, a greater stimulus to exertion? If be is religious, where aill he find better otinortunitv and encouragement to prepare f tjje W:)r' of the Mister? Why, tlien, Jaoui, not our borough aim to hecmie the educational bead puarters of tlie comity, es pecially since nature seetns to liave debarred us from the profits of mining aiid manufac tures? Jostrn J. Stct.sa:. Et. HrEALn: The correspondent from here to the Somerset brmocrat, who signs himself " nip Van Winkle," made quite an illustration of himself by his violent attack u;ioii the Republican voters of this township- He says in this week's issue of that pajier. -Republiians. here is a lesion lor you : read, ponder and consider. L'eineir ber it. Don't forget that this is an aggres sive Democratic district, ruled and presided over by Democratic officers. And yet you attempt by bribery and uihonesty to form s fusion for the purpose of thrusting some of your men into the petty township ofiv-e. But hnw did fm succeed? Last T'lesday should be a standing witness and a lasting memorial. Take onr advice, please. To save yonmlf from further infamy, refrain fnro calling conventions ; cease from coax ing the Democrat to co-operate with yon; for when yon ask a Democrat to aid you politically, you are asking him to do some hing cnjnt. wrong, decidedly wrong. Stay awsv from the poll., and if yon wish, be versed in modern Republicanism ; spend your leisnre moments in pernsine Biaine's Twpnty Tear, in Congress"' and "John Roach's Memoirs." This shows the dirty, low. vile, and wick ed feeling the average Democrat of Addison entertains for his Republican neighbor. We are asked to desist from nominating candi dates for township offices, simply because the township is slightly Democratic, and 'controlled and presid. d over by Democrat ic oflicer. Old Top says. To save yourseif from further ir.fatny, refrain from calling conventions." Good heavens! Tbe Democrats of ibis township had their nomi nation and old l;ii was present and no Republican objected to his presence, much less denounced bis action as infamous. The ruth of the matter seems to be that the Re publicans placed a better t'eket in the field than th Demiv-raH. and old '"Rip" knows it. He says of Republicans who ask Demo crats to vote for them, "Cease from coaxing the Democrats to co-oerate with yon ; for when vou ask a Democrat to aid you polit ically you are a-cing him to do something unjust, wrong, decidedly wrong." He not only refuses to recognize the right of the Republii ans of Addison township to place candidates in the field to be voted for by their neighbors, but says'Stay away from the polls, etc." "Rip" has either not yet recovered from his twenty years of unbrok en slnniber or is a fool. Addison townhip is slightly Democratic, but not on account of snuerior intelligence on the part of the Democrats. The portion i of this township lyin along the Yo-uhio- j gheny river and about Petersburg and vicin - i Itv represents more than one half of the j weaiiii ot tneeniire townsuip. ami mis por tion i. handsomely Republican. This town- .hip extends far into the mountains, and it is along those mountain ranges where L'em- i ocrats grow and prosper. There is a eettle- 1 ,UP"' " " """sin- ! frni 1(nK tQe '-' '"ie, kuowo a. me i-eca vomer, dui nere tne people are ail ltepubiicans witn one or two excep- t'ons. ri T 1. 1: . . i , li' 1 l ne reiiiiii-mis ,i -t n u I sw m reoresen- 1 1 fully tliTst-fourth' of tbe wealth and sevent i tenths "f the business of ihe township. Nu- nicricaliy they are iu Mie minoritv, but in ' in.iiit iif wiath, business and intelligence, . ' 9 t!'.ev are largely in the majority. ' XX ' accuses some of his Democratic breihreu of issuing contraband whiskey to to be a little fuss in tbe family about this time. The man who pulled through by li y ites feels tood oyer it. Heibinks he has broken seme of tbe ribs of the poodle crowd. Xow, Mt. Editoe, after the Democrats held their nomination there was some dis satisfaction in the party and tbe mountain at onre went into labor and tbe old ground ! i"? t AX , Rip gr.ped at tbe ! bedsid with eager eyes, to see whether the 1 dwarf would be a poodle of a mouse. Tbe of neiivery came on tne nigtit ot tbe IWH mst, in'nl the product was a dwarf of diminutive j i nd necessarily bm Ufe, but there J " be eamp anvhow. A tar barrel wsS j burned in honor of tbe dwarf and to keep ! it breathing as long as poaaiblc. I "XX'says that the township used to be Republican bnt rbanged to Democratic He seems to regard this as a wonderful thing, i He should remember, however tbat in 12 - : Pennsvlvania was Democratic and in If 81 intensely Republican Miseissippi, Sfis - - i sour", etc., were Republican IJiatrs tefpr aB .!.- 1..1. 1 -ii i' - ' 1." V, iuc irueia tjr.x u..,e1 w voic mrj would, be Kepubiican atiil, only for rebel j vote. EzmucAS VoTia. Addison Township, Feb. 24. im ' TBIALOF THE BPRGLARS. j su ESAxnoAw bid ad bis PALS cnjrviT or BtautaBT jobs dcbst tst zr Ft o.ta teab The trial .ifTinntliy Burns, alias "Shen- Cn,rleJ.( tna three notorious crooks who. ... , ,. m r... i- .- r, i l. . ma Mra touuo, mim uuicu uroae. ;.,.. ChtMvt .nil P.mhria Railrrvl f. I.M.M thin nlare nn the niht rtf th. I 8, tronki in the wareroom of their , 2-Hh 0fjaliarT .blew open the tare and Mfwll wean- ' n(ier lhe (.atute, carry ing concewi! oc, tn& f, a fetonioos awsaalt aoaua p-o e i officer gj,,pi)en K. Varner, of Johnstown, by . shnotini? him in the ami when fe and con- j stable waters. oiiob m vc. ' to arrest thc party on Tyr HilL the morn ins after tlie burglary. The first ot tbesa eases, called for trial was that against Slane, on tbe charge of feloni ous assault. Tbe jury were oat some time, when they returned with a verdict of guilty of aggravated assault and battery.. Tbe bur glary case was called, and a jary secured Tuesday night. The commonwealth show ed by its first witness tbat at half-past nine o'clock on the night ofcthe 25th of January, Monday, the station house doors were se curely locked, and everything was snug in its Dlace. and that at 7 o'clocx tbe following morning when tbe agent entered the build ing, be discovered tbat during the night one of the windows had been broken io, the safe blown open, its contents scattered about the floor and that two trunks, one of them be longing to Thomas A. Shoemaker, had been bursted and rilled. They followed this by showing the defendants io the proximity of the station bouse during tbe day Monday, and at a late hour Monday evening. They next found them at Hiram Hoffman's barn, a short distance west ot Bethel, at an early hour Tuesday morning. From there they traced them to Tyre Hill where, when on the sled of Mr. Daniel Bowman, they were met by the Johnstown officers and "Shen andoah Red" was captured. The other three were then traced to the barn near Geis town. where they were captured by Mr, Jack Watkins. The bundles found iu their possession were brought into conn, and when opened were found to contain fuze, dr.lls, powd-r, etc., and a large lot of jewel ry, handkerchiefs, a suit of clothes, neck ties, etc, etc The major portion of these gj'ds were identified by Mr. Shoemaker as Lis, and as having been stolen from his trunk on the nigbt of the 25th of January. Tbe bundles also contained parcel of jew elry, etc thai was not identified, and that was prooably a portion of the plunder of a former raid. This jewelry was taken charge j of by oiucer Harris, of Johnstown. Tbe defendants had no witnesses in their behalf, but went on the stand and told a well concocted story. It will be remember ed tbat " Dutcuy " was taken to Sew York state on a charge of,in Eider shortly after bis arret- Pue defense was that the prisoners on triul, on the nigbt of thei'th of January, were slumbering peacefully in the barn of one 11 1 rani Hoffman, in Conemaugh town ship, Somerset county. Pa. ; that at an early hour tbe following morning their quiet slumbers were rudely broken by a son of the said Hiram Moffiuan. while in the act of getting hy from the mow to feed ca'tie. agging a pitchfork into the head of one of the defendants, known as ' Laughing Char ley " ; that upou their arising it was discov ered that during the darkness of the previ ous night their number had been incrpused by one Edward Button, -liia "llotehy." joining them ; tbat on starting out on their travels it was found tbat ibesaid Datchy was encumbered with three bandies resem bling in appearance those now on the t un sel tali'e, and that he, tha said " Duuhy," was foot-sore and weary ; filled with eom passiou and a desire to assist fellow-mortal in distress the defendants took charge of the bundles, thus accounting lor having them in their possession wben met by the officers on Tyre Hill. The defendants all told the same story, a rather long and interesting one. and tbe most rigid and careful cross-examination failed to elicit the slightest contradic tion. The trial was a long and tedious one. The counsel for the defense made a vigorous a-id able effort to acquit theirclients bat tlie jury only took a few moments to consider, when they came into court with a verdict ef " guilty in manner and form as tbe defend ants stand indicted." On the charge of fellonious aswult there was no evidence against Gallagher and he was ac-juitted, while Burns was convicted of a simple assault. "Siiffer"and "Red" both plead guiitp to carrying concealed weapons, and there not being suVcient evi dence to convict " Laughing Charley " of having earned concealed weapons "within the jurisdiction of this court," be was ac quitted on this charge, although be bad a revolver in his pocket when arrested. Tbe prisoners were brought into conrt to receive sentence Thursday niht. Messrs. CotTroth and Hay made earnest and eloquent appeals to tLeCcnrt for mercy, especially in tbe case of Burns, whose mother and broth er were present with the strongest sort of testimonials from leading citizens of hen- andoah, certifying that the prisoner bad heretofore bora an irreproachable charac ter. After listening patiently to tbe re marks of counsel, the court iaipossd the following sentences : John Slane, for participation in the bur. giary, three years io tha penitentiary; for 1 aggravated assault ana cattery, tcree years and for carrying concealed weapons one year, making in all seven years in the peni tentiary. Charles Gallagher, for participating in the bur lary, was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Timothy Burns, for participating In the 1 burglary, tnree years in the penitentiary ; ' for carrying concealed weapons one year" and fur assault one year, making in ail five years iu tlie penitentiary. The sentence of Burns for assault was the full limit of the law, and was probably the most severe sentence ever imposed for a like offence in this Court. Daring the three days mat were consumed in tbe trial or these . cases the court room was crowded, benches, aisles and galiery, bv carious men and bovs who never seemed to grow weary or lose in- 1 teresf uutil the sentences were imposed T , . . . , The on.lv other enn.inal raw tnl that attracted much interest was tbat of the Com monwealth aeainst John Durst, indicted for burglary under the same statute that - Bed'' and his comoanions were imbr-tl Th j pro?ecat!on suoweil thlt the n5ght f ! the lt-th of December last the hardwire and ' tin store of Rose B. Schell f v nn V.in Cns Street was broken into, an entrance beingtffected by breaking a paneof glass oat of the back door. Will Traup, an employe of the firm was the principal witness. He testified to having gone into tbe store about half-past ten o'clock on the night tbe bur glary waa committed, and finding the back door broken open made search of th build ing, when be discovered tbe defendant lying on the floor with hi boots off, while beside bim was a large dish-nan filled with small articles that bad bee 1 collerted from th shelves. Durst benight TratiD, wbo fa a lad of ahont eightee '1 years oi age, not to in firm on bim, and otfered him 3) dollars as an inducement not to do so. Not know ing that he bad a right to detain bis prison er without a warrant he allowed bim to go at liberty, but tbe next rooming promptly informed hi employers what bad taken ptace. ana a warrant waa issued for Durst arrest. In the meantime Durst had fled into Maryland, beyond tb reach .f the officers t wr'mn. w .i.an tl. . . . . . 1 7 I sr " - - io iuip quently came home and surrendered himself to th Sheriff. Durst ie scarcely eighteen years of ag, a married and has a young son three months old. He swore wben on the' stand tbat he bad gone ;oto tbe store to pur - 1 i chye tbe articles mentioned ; tbat not bar - ! ivglutMcifrit money to, pay toi tbem Traan i .i i . inviiweu mi iiiri ptav mree gaaia ai ser i en-np whether or not he should bave tbem I at half price; that be beat Traup the first two games, and while engaged in the third j game a quarrel and scuffle ensued, in which the pane of glass iu broken. He farther ' stated that be had relatives lirinein Wary- : land, and that fearing he might be blamed for breaking the window-glass, be cuociud- I ed to visit his re'atives in our sister State, j His story wo a very lame one. bat km told. J with an aparent air of candor ami truth-(,BJv JjWiU UiJJar, disturbing a public weet j fulness. He waa found guilty in manner jBg oa iniormalion of John P. Swindell. - and form as he stood indicted, and aenW-nc-t l)i,tu:t Attorney enter! a Xul. Prut, oc pay- ed to the penitentiary for one year, " auatlot costs by Defendants. I Sheriff Winters, his son James, and James I m vs John Heinbaugn, Desertion, on n-;"ner, sianea lor nieourga o T,' 1 . . I I . 1. n o'dock train 9sturday morning Wita the """""-'5 F- -- r" tne won iwseti ano, who iiui usiruu-1 , ..... , ki ana la tnp vmnrr jnrv in inair clulv iu , premises, the Coon laid tbe mallei , . ' " Tu JfummU the Judges of She Co o Quarter tk-uiom. Sc., and the Graud Jury now serving and enquiring far tht body tj the County: , i Tbe petition of tbe undersigned citizens respectfully represents : First, That the court house and jail are , both to much oat of repair as to require im j mediate repair to avert a much larger ex penditure of money in the future. 5 j Second, That the common jail is not only greatly out of repair, bnt so illy construct ed with regard to the laws of hygiene, and the safe keeping of prisoners, as to be whol ly anfit and unsafe for tbe purposes for which it waa designed, and tbat tbe mainte nance thereof in its present condtiion is in fiat conflict with the plainest principle of humanity. T i 1 fL a. L,:nA Ks-v! ! tr r1utriatnt 1 iu.ru, a.. - rate and solitary confinement, at hard labor, jinuarv mint of view, and as a place or satei. .... keeping of persons committed for trial, or committed on sentence, and it is also now raadly. approaching that condition which wttuld on information subject it to ba pro ceeded against as a common nuisance. Fourth, That tbe Court House, which with proper precautions and repairs should serve its purpose well for at least half a cen tury more, needs improvement and repair in the structure itself, as well as in tke matter of heating, lighting and ventilation. Fifth. Tbst all thtse defects, both in Court House and jail, can be readily improv ed and repaired by a moderate expenditure of money now, before the defects reome more serious, and thi s without imposing upon the lax-payers the onerous burden of erecting new buildings. ,r - , Sixth. Y'our petitioners therefore pray the j Court and Grand Jury to recommend the improvement and repair of tbe cchnty bnild ings above referred to, and approve an ex penditure of not exceeding the sum Of."' '. J20,lX by the Comruissioners nuder the supervision ani witn tbe approval ot tne Court, in putting court bouse and jaif in j suitable and convenient order and repair, and respectfully suggest for tbe considera tion of the Grand Jury . First, That the jail be modified and pa i in suitable and convenient order and repair. with such addition erected thereto as may be necessary to fully subserve its purposes. Secuud, That the court house be properly and wed roofed, with slate or metal pjof. vpntila'ors erected at each end of the hall, tbet3;ray in the rear placed in the hail, a steam heater put in tha basement, of suf fiei.Tic power to heat both the court bouse an 1 jail, a portable gas or othtr lighting ap-I-sr-itus procired and placed so as to light bi'.h jail and court Louse, and the veranda and walk in front of tbe court hou." Tnird, Tbat some device te adopted to better ventilate the court room.. FucT.h. Tnat the- 'nm of snch imorove ruents sbail not exceeJ JU,' K. Fifth. That befor jronnd H broken for improvements or -money expended, plans and specification. with" estimates of cosj hail be procured, and that no plan aball be adopted by the Commissioners without tlie approval of the Courr. nor contract be let without the Court's approval. ,. Prarideii. That a sum not exceeding may be expended in prtcunr.g piaaa and specifications'. ' 1 he Co. Commissioners concur with the petitioners above as to tbe necessity of im provements, and pray the court and grand jury to recommend and approve as within prayed tor. unless titer should be of opinion it wonid be to the general interest of the public to at once erect a new jail boildiug instead of repairing the old, bat they are of opinion the maximum suggnsled is too mail. The are doubtful if. ? with $20 X the amendment and repairs couM be niade- and sureest that it should be placed at $25.fX The Grand Jury thoroughly inspected the court house and jail and then made the fol lowing report te the court We, tbe members of the grand jury do make the following report t That we have examined the public buildings of Somerset eountv. and recommend the following ad ditions and repair : First, That the jail be modified and pnt in suitable and convenient order and repair. with such additions ervcted thereto as may be nectrssary to fully subserve its purposes. Sec.md, Tbat the court house be properly and well roofed with siate or metal roof, vestibules erected at each end of tbe ball, the st.iiraray in the rear placed in the hail. a steam heater pnt in the basement of suf ficient power to beat both the court, house and jail, a portable gas or other lighting ap paratus procured and placed so as to lieht both iail and court house, and the veranda - aml waIks in fnt of the court house. Third. That some device be adopted to better ventilate the court room. . j Fourth, That the um of such improve- 1 menu shall not exceed twenty- thocsan l ' dollars. f Fifth, Before ground is broken for such improvements, or money expended, pla s and speciricaiions, with estimates of cost shall be procured, and that no plan shall be adopted by the commissioners without ap proval of the court, nor rontroct be let with out the emtrt's approval. " Fi-otided. That a sum not exceedine two! hundred dollars may be expended in jjo- curing plana and specifications. . Ih grand jury further recommend that . above mentioned repairs .while the work is ' (to'" on. t Hxxkt Racch, lssii. Foruniaa. Somerset, Feb. Soxersct, Fib. , The court concur with the grind jury and commissioners. Bv tbe Court. W. J. Bam. Samuel SsTurB, William Ccluss Cocbt PrOCEXMSOS. Court eonTened at 10 o'clock a. m. Mon day and wo in session up to a late hour Saturday evening. Several "night aessions were held. Tbe following case were dis posed of: ' Common wealth vs. Joba Pile, F. A B.on information of Mary Christner ; oVJ. Pros, entered by District Attorney.. Same TS Bentmia Lspe, P. 4 B. on infor mation ot Catharine Phillippi. Continued. Same vs George B. Wa!mr, Sed. F. A B. on information of Carrie Judy . Continued, i Same TS John Evans and IL S. Lavan. as- sault and battery, on information of J, A XTnrittfT-lt XrJ PmmI nn ' rsjiemnt tf . . ' costs by Defendant, m Same T Garrett Herring, Xaisance, on information of Charles T, Askey ; Verdk 1 Eniltr. j game vs John Darst, Statutory on information of J. J. Schell . : era ict ! .,. . , . . . - . gmity , sentencen to onaergo aa linpnapn- ment in ite Western Penitentiary for a ter kd of one year. ! Same vs Timothr Euma. aiai ohian. Joah Eed,". Pekrjoioiw aatcoit oa mfor 1 mation of Stepaea B. "Tamer- Verjrct ! gnfhy of simple assault. ikuWaead to nn- ' derao. ta iiBJTraet in the Western Pen- 1 . . . ... - , iteniiarv ror a pentxl of one Tear. : j Same s John Slane, alia "Stiffer" j sanlt and Battery with intent to kill etc.. j on information of Stephen E. Varner; Vexi diet iruilty of aggravated A. & B. Sentenc-' , ej 0 undergoaa imprisonment in the West- ' em Penitentiary for a period of three years. , Suae vs Charles Gallagher, alias "Laugh- j fog Charley," Assault and Battery witn in tent to kill etc Verdict not guilty. j Satua vs lirzakiah Reed. John Rerl. Jr , , I ...... r 'j,., Attornty entered a SvL Pros, oa paj Bf.njatun of Calbarwie HeniDaugti. S;im v Row F. Davis. A. A B. on infor- . , r , n i- i . ia ' mation ot Samuel Ptifer. Defendant plead guilty ; Sentence.! to pay a fine of five dol- lars and tbe costs of prosecution. Same vs Timothy Bums, carrying con ! cealed weapons, on information ot S. R. Varner; Deft, pleud guilty and was sen tenced to an imprisonment in the peniten tiary for a period of one year. ; Same vs John Slane; carry in; concealed, weapons, on information of t. R. Varner; Defendant plead goilty and waa sentenced to undergo an imprisonment in tha West ern Penitentiary for a period of one year. Sam vs Charles Gallagher, carrying con aealed weapons, on information rf S. R. Varner; verdict not guilty. baoje vs. Timothy Burns, Charles Galla gher and John Slane, Statutory Burglary, oa information of S. R. Varner; Verdict guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of one dol lar each to the county , to pay the costs of prosecution and to undergo an imprison ment in the Western Penitentiary, by sepa- for a periiMl of three years, as to Bunts and Slane and four years as to Gallagher. ...CIVIL LlsT. The following cai-es on the civil list were tried, the balance of the cases being settled or continued : Win. II. Kooatz, attorney for the proprie tors of the town of Conrluence, vs. Andrew Bowiin iPci. Fa ) Verdict in favor of 'he Plaintiff f..r.35-'.SI. Edward fitters vs. B. F, Lung. (Replevin.; Verdict in favor of the Plainthf for $451 m. Hertz Reiser's Executor et. a!, vs. R. K. AG. B.Snyder. Sci. F. Stir. Mortgage . Verdict in favor of Plaintiff, for $l7.-li, subject to points reserved by the Court. Listou Brothers and E-'ton Cunningham rs. Wttttam Kensir.ger. i Feigned Issue. Veniict r r letenlant. Motion f-r a new, trial lileif. Br) ad A3D MurxiE Vitas. : Petition of citizens of li'iemslioninitown- t e - Batnut aim jueo .iramermsn io tne puotic roaii at or near tbe school house on land of : Noah Khaffer Joseph Cable. Jacob Mdire-1 gor, and John Koontz. viewers. j The petition of SuikI.-v citizen, of Broth- ersvaliey township Mr the review of a road i leading from a )iitt on the Ea-t I.oiery j ami Hoi bin y rmd. to a point on the road j leading from Berlin to the Bedford ami ?om- j erset Turnpike. Wm. Baker. Samuel Bar- j kity. and John Thompson, viewers. i Pctluon of sundry ti'.izrns of Paint Town ship, for the division of said lowcsl.ip of Paint. W. M. Schrotk, Somerset, Cornel ius BeuUer, Aaron BSougb. viewers. Birrjfisors Misu nx a ? ilk At the miiiere' inter state convei ti.m held at Cnm terlaud. last Friday. 16 deltgate were pre sent, representing the following districts : PocahQDlas, Virgini; Elk Garlen. West Virginia; Meyersxlaie, Irwin. Garrett and Clearfield, Peni s IvaJ.ia ; George's Creek. Maryland. I. wo resolved to demand the foiWwing Siale of rates for mining : Irwin. bo cents; Clear i-ld, B0 cents; Meyerst'.aie. and Garrett, 40 rents ; Pocobonias. 75 cents ; Elk Garden and George's Creek, "w cents. These rates are a general advance of 10 cents s to or r present prices. This scale will be presented to the operators with a request for its adoption i)n Mar-fi sh next. The region represented employ twenty thousand miners, and tbe federation is formed f.ir the better protection of the miners' interests. Death of ax EsriXABLa Lady Mrs. Geriniond S. Harrison, relict of George Harrison, fonnerly of this city died at tbe rtaidei.ee of her oo CpL George W. Har rison, at Piedmont, yesterday morning Mrs. Harrison was a sister of S. !. Wo id row, formerly of th is citr. and was born in Iorgantowo, Virginia, in lelit, but remov ed to Wheeling in early life, and was i.iar ried there about IVa) u George Harrison. They removed to Cumberland in 1J4U. and remained here until leV7. whontfcey return ed to Wheeling, but aain took up their residence here in ls3i Mr Harrison died soon after tha war. and on the scattering of her family about five years ago Mrs. Harri son removed to Piedmont, where the ended her long and useful life. The deceased lady was a person of ureal beauty of character, a devoted wife and mother, and noted for her charities and kindly interest in the aiTalr of any one in trouble. She had large num ber ui friends wherever her lot was cast. Mrs. Harrison leaves five children, four teen grandchildren and fonr great grand children. Her children are Mrs. V. M. Wbite. formerly of W heeling, and Capt George W.. of Piedmont, Capt. f'vArles J. of Somerset. James Forsyth, of Emporia. Kansas, and Samuel B. of Wheeling Cumfifrlund Dniltj Times. MARRIED. WEI EH XIIA.EK.-On Moo-l.y, February 23, 1ss, 1 tbe resMeace of ihe brKift's pareats in Somerset, bj LMer Jacob D. MUler, Mr. Hermto 1. Tur to 51 In Aaoie B. Millsr, both oT Som erset Co., Pa, latlr ei Brown Co Kaasas. MLLLEB KrU'PEH Ua Thurs.lT. the Stk of Febrna-y, 19. at tks ie.Mns of tld. I. C. Johnson by the stats, Mr. Wm. A. Miller anil Mbt Liile Knerper, buth uf S.m. set Co.. Pa. I:!H). LEVAN. In lotvan Hiiiiip, Jackson Co. lil. on Monday evening. January l-th, Emma Levao, wifeof .Samuel L van. aoed 79 yvars, 11 months a id -.--J lays, Km ma Husband was born in Sc merset I . county .Pennsylvania, January .311. im,. nave oeen sij years otd next Tuesday. She was married to Samoel 1 van Oc tober 2'th, ls2s), and moved to CJiio in 1832. In la-'aj tbey moved to Jackson county and settled on th hxie rarrn where tbey have lived ever inoe almost ."-J years ou one farm, iiha bad beea coBilued to' her be-i fcrtiie past two years and was al laoisl helpless during the entire time. She leaves a husband and a lare number of relatives to mourn her death. MIEMtT llRkti. . irrattad by Uooa a BamaiTS. luua m CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR 4 FEED Apple, triad, ft a... Applatrattar. sal.. .......... Hru. ft li a Patter (roj,.. ............ BacKwaeatJ kwah " aiaaa, 10 BeMwaxV KarM, saoaMr, ft sun, - enontrrhsBusi a. Corn, (ear) bw basket..... - istaaiked) old " . Calf skm. m ., !O0 .aoe 1 ao I .. lSe 4e'e I .....M....l.,,4-ae ...... . . , . lto ..J0( i04' as e soe 6 M TV larrt, dJ...... Floor, ft bbl.... ' u(?ilr'rifl) p'a." I-inl. W , hr aarasae UrfrTW 1 Leather, red iota, fl t - appei .... ? .wMannrs.W eioa ui mt""Z"'XiM - ft b Po-.-A. ? ba (new).. : raeaes. ansa, w a). .seaaiii su. w. 1. m km ..u. it t-neat. ansa, a jmr&rm I .( 11 . . . . ... Ground Ahira. par tack a '.. fs saea I vwi' I hw-V:"""!."r""X - - Wooi - '-- """-" t: ! -- TCBLIO BALE OF TOtffW LAJTS. w . , , m. ana lira ruww ixs m In nnaTAQITB M iao w-twra- WwlllT, ra . Will r MNrtl airCa. a. TiTmP . WM H KOOWTZ. mt? K"r ' U" nt9ac. PKO BONO AVe announce that having bought a large stock of Flannels, Yarns, Blankets. Canton Flannels and other Fall and Winter Goods at Low Figures, we can offer them at prices never before touched by the trade. Everyone that buvs will have the benefit of Low Prices. Cur stock' of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mat tings, Ptugs, Stair-crash, Stair-rods, Buttons, &c, Sec, is very large, and is composed of the most desirable goods in the market. Call and buy, and SAVE MONEY, at GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S 113 and llo Clinton Street, JOHNSTOWN. PENN A. k Iff BOOK STORE II SOMERSET. WZLvT. H.WELFLEY, BOOK SELLER SOMERSET, FElJTarT'-cV- Cf crs a Largs zzl Veu selected t:ck cf BIBLES, TESTA3IESTS, llYJiy BOOKS And Standard and Jlitrellctieoiig L'A in o!l L-frlnrntx of Littra tttrr, evch a HISTCBY. BICGRAFHY. ALL TKE FCFULAR NOVELS AS HI'Il A3 1 hE FAVORirt toETS, IS ALL STYLUS jAC in;.(;. fi 1 ,V,4, aW J-AtiXtm At.M T o I t ,ll. SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL STJPPLIES ALWAYS HV STOCK STATION ERY ! Tbe Pnl.Ue will aisn nm! a . !1 Assnrtrcent of .' s li-tnlnn to lb Stationery Trade, a great variety bf Ulan ijj, sutrt as L.dgers, Day-Bcslss, Pass f J. HBlTiyG rifEHS OF ALL AT.VPV. WRITJSG TAHLETS. PEXCIL ENVELOPES, PEXS, BASE BALL GOODS, CR0ilET SETS, ETC.. FlrTUES, FBAHES ASD 3101 LDIXG ALL SOW S. TIIESTOCK OF. 1 1 STIVES' ELAMKS IS FRESH t COMPLETE Aai hT !! bTa fr'Tihv T'r:i!sd nr bm to Sccicrwt o-;Bty. arJ wl ! I r fntd twr rrt in Mil jtr1iclrB. Cyrr r m;Df aUai l-ks. .r U invitetl, uni aU niavi.' tnierr wiu r?- WTORE O.I n CKOAnfeT.. SMLXt TO BOTD'A PRIW HTOIC WM. 0 UTSTANDIXG STATE AND COUNTY TAX, DUE ASD OWINti BY TIIE COLLECTORS OF TIIE DIFFERENT BOROUGHS AXDTOTVXisIIIPS AS FOLLOWS '. list or intxaaToa. W. A. Kof's , S' loreon J H' .. .- willt.m Sin th , Isrmi Eieerlea... (reonre W a-s Hi-nrj U W alkr. Hinlel H F fhor Jil-h Wsllier Jame A bratllcy Jiseh Pattea ........ A. J. Sioner J' tan P DXeny Jaeer. F Ka'.i J.isiah F Hlnaer J a m-. Clr,ni l'ntriB isbebarger Lvl Lose William Dull Pr Wenuer Gideon Bowiuaa. ......... I'ernelln Renoer. ........ Ifavld Loebt Ittrop I e'beyMl !'. J H -w Isa'itii ii st.... .......... B F. Bafcr. Jacob T h.-nii-soa......... Wm. H. La ad is Hertr.-t Krsicer Frank P. An-srsoa Peter Kneriew ......M'ftRnnenee Borroah iMev.rwIal ilrvnch. ............ ,Slt?'T Isvrurb ...... !t wTbsirpreB T' n? blp . ........ ! A iM.m T"WB?hin ..... A llea',.sy Titwnship : Perlio H-r oab Br-fbersviU. y inwnhtp , ...... r nfloeree Hornegh. ............. ..... E'kne Toabtp.. ...... ItrrenvHIe T'W ship. . ...... ;Jnor Tiishtp ............ ......i.lerDert wa hrrtBEb.. ...... Lar mer Tnwn.htio .....iL.wr Tnrkev to I Townsiitp..... ...... .Iieiiieer Townsbip iWilfc.nt To-a hip , , jNew Bulitui'ir KfP-sth iJSiitshnmnoo T. wiiki ....... Clttemab- B'Te T-ensnip... ....... S'iI-or H.TBaa.... .... Sh4i T.-iweshin ....... S.merset H'T. uifh. ...... si. -Men -t Twnh!p ....... S. arbsoipteB T'jwoihlp. ........ ...... St' tOi n FoTToah.. S'iniBlit T..wnsblp ...... t'tner l ur.e.Mcot TuBb!p ... , T'mira rv..uob . ...... W ebersbant Bwrnech Totax,. We, the undersigned Comnr::siior:er3 of Somers'. Cccr.ty. ir. cor fi rm itr with thp law, have ordered the aceompaDjir ? rcount9 cf the rfceipts and expeT.dituTPP of nid County for the Year to he ublisle d, and we hereby certify tbat the foregoir-e f'laterner.t fit" nut.-tardirs tax-s due iw.d county, i ct rrect according to the becks in the Trpa.crer and Ccm mi'sioners" cfSce. Attest, PETER DUMB.AULD, A. J. IItxeman, ADAM C. I.EPLEY, Clerk. JONAS McCLINTOCK, CoMi:r?ioEPs' Otttce, ) Commissio.nzks. Somerset, Pa., Feb. 17, 1S5. ) BEAVEK COLLEGE AND POR YOUSC L DIPS- tirBit Sprint- Tnn 'f f wk at area :. IM. Fa Vim jLtenaive. au.i tin.ruafi ; rnt.f .1. Faeul t mi.ie t..I ei; rwn. il hBor..-r !. ca . ( 1 iatenv r. . Maffte, ana Art Si-Mj and EijcatH-o I(ses r..'a-i. s.r frrem Llr to ir I e.irut. fw-- REV- R. T- TAYLOR, D E., Beaver. Pa. (HaPESTEAj 151 illitiL, f . V ,; f .4 Over EOO Boau'.iful la' t. l'?T-ie Licti Designs 1w 7T " " TV X OTICE. ymiee U krhr :e tkat I wilt atf ao debu ada br bit wi. ir,, u iba Lei 1 my b4 aad Biade boar Ufemtraat. ABBAUAV Mt JSET. Barl'towa. Fa. Feb. 1J. XECrTOKS NOTICE. katata of Joba T. Vpars. im'. 1st f Jtt- tniitp., Svaiciaet fw. Letrs taaanu7 a th aaova Mtar aav- Bn.yer satberny. aotie m k; ie to th i M,MM to u ai it iBBiaiF)WMnl mi . those baviBf elalaii u eewswif will piea pro- , " l . sent iseai uaix ierticateii vr setiieDxatoa lm s, .... .. ... , ... . . -J . ' .an isi. TVioesc irr. a Twp. XAGOIE tPHOl'SE. I te"1' ajiecaior. teMT Mmmw ft aaiBiivi rmjMWT, aeca u( Of V aaaw ujal uwn airaiBi ti pmptr t Borrty aVt MfTMIIt tVl aaaVaTi Will brttatll I .! dulw aafaaaakai ! TtUtenBtta ka waaL. tii-aT f hv h4 dalai aul 1 e.uot ; vukniDTftr nrt t A1ratritr''r. T--e--'s lttT atlca oa tb ua snI jTtt - 2 -i - 1 -. , r l u tb Bdi-aied a ta f T J -rf i ts.s x , aotie I assj iv,a to all 13. ( t.T T 7 A 1 v ' to mm o ai u 1U44 twaixil. f v i.i .. : f; V . IV., kl... al.ln ...... ... If I ' . . i-s--W AiimimmnMnx. PUBLICO. Beloiii and ifcncrsadtus Bzzkz, TABLETS, PAPERS IX IlOJiES, FEXCILS, 1XKS, dc, dc. Pf IT. "VTD LFLEY 5 ' " .1-Tf a 30 .tlMU. VJ, 2 liss n ft. l ;s .- nr. 4 lis.) a 40 01 .' - i !.-! r :4 .! :i r. ,.: Tu' 33 . ; i v r - z .i .1-1 Jm 47 ler. 4 .. " ft 4- -..'i V- ..I' 'iu "t ?J r ,. " j ' in ' ' 1.-9 Al 14 .. 4n w a ..' - 1 47S 44 IH '4 S!. ,.i i! 73 J .. 5 W ..1 - 1-4 S3 S ..! " r-t M 7 ..I " s; I-"- io ..! 47J 94 a .. - i 743 U 17 a ..' - I 7- i 7 VC 4 .. - . S.0 i So 4a 77 D 7 .. - H4 ie ill n ... " WJ Vs it .1 19 61 XS ' s4 S4 1SV9 M AKH7 ii MUSICAL INSTKU It Wm fay You To Buy Your Memorial Work. Of Manufacturer of and Dealer in Mill ui wm mi Etttrrn Wort Farnisirt M SA .ri( lit mil LMors. Als Arsi Jtr Ih WHITE MHOXZll Perw DS is aedof MQMMEXT WOMM will nri It Ui iair totore to eU at ny ab"t. wner a iriMiIi"m will rs riven them. vSmu. arfioa ttuarantttd im Arrv t.mse. n4 failA. HMY LOW. ItnTlu secil Atuatka u taa flit Btj:s, Or Fir. a Introriood REV. W. A. ORIWO. u Tm )ert lmpr-s.iD.1,1 Id piloi -r K.rtJl. At t OAS J (,( 7 iO.H. aao whkk is dtlaJ lot. ta Popi.lar M"raient fcr our I'baoaabla Hit ant. aa-iTk. a a. a call. WM. F. SHAFFER. JISSIGS EL S SOTK'E. AM aw Fhrar ia V aotlee t. bereby atvaikat aiati hr. Aiwo of Jonah J. al A bs Ihi i(7 a r1 b' p.ltl'B BrayiBf 11 rtt. irvt a rec Bvvaoci,r tb . saI prem t ta anreor. n.i that I' will frt j i w a Harch A, la, sol. 9 csbm be i&usi to, tb airary PrwiT-x e ) 7f. B. CKIT"HriSLD. eii. 1. lr us. ; Prottoavu ry. IS -OTICE. Th Bi'ei Hmed hereby f iu oorira tvr.a will site applnatkiB to ta jj- il i:a ftM of S B.rt L'tr,t o.ta Fi7 Term fl oon ii ta ih4Vuf w.ira r t. i.ofit of lh set of Atfew M d t April la Z. rrr trr io trarrleti wuaiea ibir r.er. mp- In., -ic. aeart-lt. MAGilE BAC.&. V&ataraVi W KT.F - a; ., vrw jM : -Wff M3l 'tr WlCnMaO't ' ot -,-:trt mfj I -i- 4 L)W A. -J:i i J" w" -. X.la.t ( lil . :- AW s- - ! - . C. a. K Y A CO., liraoU H&l&i.-