r 'V t ', i i- , - t U 1 "3 1 Te. SnmPrCfS Tlpnld i Tae bomcrsei uenuu. i E-TRi tlu W!w d p"neUr-; -frif' I MAR-HMt. I wtiU-TESD-T.. .... . ! Tite Supreme Court oi mis ciaie i - i - : .3 -j a ifl no nart n ue.i ;--"!.. of a town council auu uae . up' ; to preside at it? meet in jT rryorted that the health of f",",:or Cameron is ajrain civing J that his phy;cians bavetbat il will be ruiuous to their in-i orj'-itd Liia to seek a milder cli- mnte. ,. ' 4V.;f. On 01 C.j,OW Hebrews in the city of New York, not a 6itgleone is thei ke per of a saloon. This is as re markable a.- it is creditable to this portion cf or.r citizens. Pi.khdlst Cleveland has been in oflioe a year, cr,d about 30,000 Iiepul.lican ofiicial; have been turn ei out. This is not d'-'ing bad for a civil service reform administration. There re now on the pension roll- 17,212 women, widows of the fohiii-M of 1S12. Ojr grandmothers are xHissed of constitutions un known to the preFent generation of women. Senator Alli-ox is credited with PHviiif. "Prohibition in Iowa is a iix, .1 ' fact, so much so, indeed, that j from l,CK),U0O to it is belt, r to ro to Iowa and opendejend upm for support and for . i. m t r,lrrrl(. what? To turn over thes-e indus- una oien a silvr-r mine." The :ir-t important act of Virgin-1 i t's new Democratic Governor, Fitz j JlUt! 1.' f, l 10 rwiinnj.-ii iu no oiricial m ?s.'ge the appoiiitment of j . . 1- . -.. ! puiiittioii of the State debt. ! ! . 1 The New . rk pertinently tr.tdt. D-mocrrtic breth- j riS 1 r-ri i i House, "lin't it true that 1 .. . l!:e t i.i'.en Stat, s i now tne greatest inanufacturinj i.atioa on eartu m..iiu.act,.nr,g i.auoa o.i ean.i . , WTOiv m ,ie matter of food, ! ro..j beiwteu Ilarrisburg and Pitts- j blown from the roofs out the .sheet- j and fell to the il.-or. His bod v b8 ltns ii-s neei. oona unner protec- j duUl; ' ,rop(;r hvgi.-ue regula-1 burg, and tbe co-t to open the line ling was torn off' and hurled entirely frightfully contortet! fr a fetv tr.o-ti-.:s : c -uM it have be-n done under . 'r.,Usrd by "these specific I lesi"thau 7,000,000. Whea opened across the streets. Thedauia will . meot--, mid ihen In came rigid in fr--.' tr -dt i', j . ' ,.' tiiciine couid then be cheaply im- le considerable. Today thi wind ; K-.-l:i. In ju-t 10 minutes Sroui the .charges, tne Grand Army inimedi-i d TUe total cosl would be was still verv high, with frequent ! time of drinkii-g the poison Dr. . , . r T -.-t .. 1- ... - 4 .. ! . -. . v ...... : ... ..... i" , i . t t .i ii i v.o.v-..:esMn Henderson, oi io- i , . a, put H somewhat strong in a niiiiie in the House one S! day h,i week, when he declared, "I : ,, . , would ratner spend an eternity in I -1 with a Confedftite than sn etcrni'.- it-, lieaven with a Northern ihead.-'' ii the bkssing of free trade cjppt In there are now in the city of London . , , , , , J !at once annotuic-.-d that he also aii.-.n; ighty-l:ve thousand unem-l ,11 ti , , ,, would mak. an investigation. 1 lie pluveil workingmen, aud yet Mor- f ,, ... 1 - . . , . papers of Mercer and r uvette coun- rion and his Democratic pals in . . . , ., , , 1 ties, where two ot these schools are Confess are laboring as they h.rd, in.i.t tltat the children are clare, in tne interests of the Amen- clo.htd wd, feJ an wd, can workingmen to engraft this sys- f Lut faf a8 wg Laye ob(H,rvetlf tern into the laws of this country, j d o n(t a3set Lat thoge wbo cJntro, Ki t a brief year in power, and j the schools are not making a very the Democracy is all torn up, divid- j handsome profit out of them. The ed on every issue of importance be- j State does not own the school build foie the country, and its boasted re-j ings, these are personal property. form Administration stolidly engag ed in defending one of its cabinet ofiicers from the grave charge of us- :dren to be caret! for, and this appro ing his uiutiial .power to further a priation i3 so liberal a3 to make it piivatu speculation that will put ' an object of speculation and rivalry millions in his purse. Now is the time to go west, and!, the farther you go the cheaper it is. ( ine rauroaus are inuuigmg 111 a;mU(;h up over the gtory of throat - CUllH g llg..-. r irst - ClasS , liekrts from Si. Paul to Omata are only !ir9ol), and similar rates prevail to all parts of Nebraska and Colora do. Tickets from Chicago to San f .1 ..- S 1 trt rrancisco, lormeny co.ung w.w, VmU ,,ncg) jf the truth of the can now be had for 50.50, and from j chjirce8 be ,usUilieJ. V.'e hope, for New York to Sau Francisco for less j the cmli, of huai.inityf the honor 0f than ?:j0.'.)0. the gtat9 a;id the f.lir fame of the Now that the bocks have been jSlate Superintendent and all others po-ttd. the terrible depreciation ofi implicated, that these charges w.ll b business during the past year is,"" haseless as the fabric o. a painfully apparent. From all parts j It;,,n- of the country comes the same tale AtTHoroII tile pident has stol of short sales and deprecated val-iJ!v tbe ,cand,1 in whidl ues. The business man who can J Li; AUorneJ General is involved, show aDalaiR-esht with ever eo.,,. r C)M not with,,,,nd the small a margin of profit is conder- cf rubjic StlUillient) an(i a e l lortunate. We hope to see - !C:,IlimiUee hM ttt lart BIipoi,lt. this bravely rectified during the . f(, : ie luatUT F)ri,,llv present year, as there are incr.asu,g. () , . j . w, ,j ....: 1 : . . J -tii'im 111 f'oiiiiiur iiiisitit's tirosiirii The fly in the oiutment is the pro-p-ised reduction of w tariff by the Democratic majority in Congress. I.,;,,, f;,r ;t 3 i:irge numbfr of The Uiiit.-.i -jutes now leads M,1 a telephone company slyl- the nations of the earth in the value 01 its manufactured products. These 1 11 results have been urought about bv I rrotec'ion. and ould never have!cbarttTS m m3!,-T of the Stales, and been r.-ached without it. English- men can afio.d to ,peud mi.lions to 1 ,- inaugurate free trade in this country aid then make money by it. It is , from such sources that the free trade Pinews of war are fumUhed, aud kWtvM. Ti..,r., nre ..j-.. , .. f..i.,- ,.!;.. .k,, : they preach, but the fact remains I that the literature of free trade has ! its fountain head in the British do- woula ''et t"ul '"'liions. as aiw.--i..:OI,g rey (Jeiit ral of the United .Slatt s. the iltadioR law officer cf the tiovera P u months previous to the last'! ment, Mr. Garland has instituted, or Pr.sideiiti.il clecticu there was a permitted to be instituted under his wonderful how-de-do in the Demo- i sanction, suits against the Bell com cratic journals over the iniquitous ' pany, and thus uses his official po internal revenue tax,'1 slid A fierce sition to personally enrich himself, denunciation of the Republican par-' X more flagrant misueo of power ty for keeping up the "army of use-j tia-5 never occurred uuder this Gov-!-. revenue officials that were eat- ernment. Inventors and speculators iiiR up the jieople's substance." The '' are not in the habit of going around Philadelphia Times aud other jour-land presenting lare blocks of stock nals of thai ilk grew quite hysterical ; in their inventions or companies for over this aliened wrong, aud refused : to be comforted, and tbeir demands for rnl.nniir,nf iKp fT uA 1- I r .1 4-1 1 r m l.UrV ut.iu,r-at 4 . .vj uuiu- v um" , ,.1 41.- ciait employed in tneir coiiecurtaj was presented to -Ur. uariand. Au Kereio.l, frequent and lachrymose. ; mit that he did not anticipate being Sut now ibese blatant howlers for! made Attorney General when he ac ref cai are ru dumb as an oyster; cepled it, he eould not have Jhaen sugtstiou :8 heard tor tne :s beard for tne "liiihteot reduction of these taxes, i end not a rinde one of the " horde ; - f useless ofiicisls has been dis- penned with. The victorious Demo crats are very hungry and very dry. Like the boeleech' daughter, their', position where Lis official power .g g.yeJ gjve, anJ eo u Ltt3,woulj nPWjiy i used for his come to pass that the revenue taxes ; personal beet, .bows him to be ren-aia aa onerou, and the revenue ! utterly devoid of any high sense of U numerous as ui.der Re-! morality or honor and therefore un- publican rule, and the voice of the Democratic reformer is eo longer 'And yet the bead of this Auminis Iheardiathe land. Vive laHumbug! Oration, that was to inaugurate pur- Morrison' new tariff bill is re- .. . . , m tK. i Ceiviiig euujc umi nwuj Democratic Dress of tbe South. The t,nanesun .ers un it i3 a laborious effort problem of how not to do it." WilmiDglou Star ridicules The leading Democratic papers of j Louisiana are fully aware of the iact tereiti. Morrisda is doing the j best wors lor me nepuuncau panj o. anv man in the lower House of - ..... o . , SnarkB r -::. : r and .Morrisons at waenineion, re publicans could afford to stand still and do nothing but pay out rope. Th k Philadtl nhia Prist savs : The enactme.it of the Morrison bill lie tas that as tmall recognition of would remove the protection eut.r.ly Zt from six industries employing in the prttilit.llt 0f lhe SoUVh iblll. In this aggregate about -400.000 hands. As jconutction be incideiiUlIy remarked none of the.e industries, coal, iron, that if Dr. Hosteller bas auy politi lumber, copner, lead and zii.c min- tal ai-pir-.tions 1.0 one could be bet I r . .- 1, ter rewaroed with the tovtrnorsnip .np.and the manufacture ot suit, em-1 hM Joie ploy women, it is safe to assume , lUiiU y OIje UJau to Rive the that each man actually employ d 'tfuu; 0f peunsy vlania two systems represents from four to five persons j of railroad instead of one. dependent upon him. The prott-c- " Mr. Goeu " he continued, "has - 1 1 1 ; . the Leee-sary funds to carry out turn will thus be removed from in-j . m )ve future a3 fje ba- dustries upon which a:i aigregate of d iu the t Wbether lie will I tries to foreigners, and la a snort i time increase the cot of the produce 10 lIje consunjt.r as tue home indus- trit!8 are lJUr.ilt.j t0 the wail. The Philadelphia Eecord in a t. L -. . .,:T. I ... 4 ..,..- rtlt.l.!. .rl the management of the Soldiers , lhe ealjS vlvauia. He cau d. Orphan Schools in tins State. It ! this because, through bis allies, the n..,;.,ritc ..f thrn .wiPli.,, nnd the Jersev Central.be . .. t , ,.., . . " J , , i ulative pur;.oses, and that the pu- .. ,;. , ... , , . . j cnrt!.'i,,U8 t ' ; aie; v toot, ta-jis to iwv. i.ieiu lines-; .: . J It . ..... ... 4 1 1 uga.eu. uejjaiiuieui .o-uiu:iuc- i Gobiu ut once appointed a commit- tee to make a searching examination . .. .-.1 ti i -i i I both ol the schools and pupils, and the attention of the Governor was ! otlicially called to the matter. On the other hand, State .Superintendent Higbee claims that the charges mini.t lhp t-rhofil nrpntil imp. Jind but it makes an appropriation year ly, based upon the number of chil- f o Tr " rs r (Ka ? aa rr.c t if f It k onli j u ; aiuuu vit at.i i u i iu. o u v .7 to who shall have the greater nura- f The Grand Armv mf anJ geuCTallj are .rnr,a ,lr,.,,n.f. i..w.r. tim .irnhin charges of the State, and the mat ter will doubtless be probed to the bottom and punishment be met ed out to the despoilers of these help- ; was yet a r.enalor ot ttie L-mted j States, Attorney General Garland : uereritetJ. without natinir a cor.sid- ,ed the "Pan Electric." The Cell pnoue company had previously a 1 . 1 oe e.tea a paicm. otnaineu ll"ir is. immensely valuable. The object of the r.ew, or j Pan.elH.-tr.,. rnnitiitv into Rtt irk company w to tU..k the y' 'A company s patent, have it j "i ;lUlUa lne cou,l!' alJ" ovtr" iti,row a"J rjic il and destroy the , !vr.'ue of its stock. Ifeucoessful in .,, i, ..,,,,. ,...! thi. the I'an-electric stocK, uoa . i i i - i "t,,r"1' oulu come immensen j valuable, and .Mr. Garland's shares j nothiii)!, and no sane person can en 'tertaiu a doubt that this stock was tAA tn km ,UoA -.!.,, . i - ., , , , . , , ,, , ,1 nuiuu uw UiUCl jk -VH ti u 11 lb ....... ..I such a dullard as not to know it ai such a dullard as not to know it ai niven him to secure bis influence aa a Senator. His acceptance of it un-1 r i der this condition of affairs was bad , . , . . j enoagh, in all conscience, but to still hold on to it when he was placed in fitted for the high office he fills. liy ana nonesiy, iuu uu(jmcuuo adopted for their niotto, Turn the rascals out," clings to this badly be smirched official aid attempts to wfcite.watia Mr . Garland.yet remains be seen. Certaia it is, however. tht the mor.il pentiaier.t of the en- .;re couatry condemns tbe Attorney General, and public coufidence in bim is entirely destroyed. Tbe South Pt'-in Fat are. Pittebukg, Feb. 2o. Mr. Tvalph Dagely bas betn interviewed ou the luture of ihe South Peon It-iiiroad and Mr. Franklin B. Gowen's plans. compiete the South Pennsylvania or build auolber road dejjeuJs ou the action of the majority of the stock holders. In either ca-e, though, a road will be built. The mHjori.y can not sell out to the Pennsylvania, ' and if they do not accede to Mr. Goweu he will then parallel the South Pennsylvania with a new line, which has already been carefully lid out. This line he can construct hs ..iolote control of the iitu.tti.-ii. The new line would be about 22o ., ,..,;.. miiea ioug, -i i.-u-uo .-. shorter than the J'eunsWvu.iia Kail- . i iliin spj niiO 000. There is not t . i .1.. I: - 1 a ?mgie tunnel on me .ine, as inese are obviated by making il thirty-five longer than the present Soutn Pen a hue. Iu other words, tne line ovw (t lhlou.,h the Ui0U,ltais. The grades on it are lighter than on the. South Pen!.." The Coke Strike Renewed. Connkllsyillr, Feb. 2o. Social istic Hungarians caused more trou ble in the cake regions this morn-! ing. A crowd of them assembled at Broadford and marched to the Sum mit, on the Mt. Pleasant branch, forcing every coke drawer from work along their nute. They were near ly ail armed an 1 fired numerous shots in order :o intimidate the worktrs. At the Summit and other works the coke drawers lied through fear of vi-deuce from the mob, and io some canes bit their scrapers in the hot ovens to melt. The miners at Summit came out also, fearing if they continiiKl work the tipple and oibej huildinus would be destroyed. The. strikers demand an advance of 10 cents per oven instead of 10 Ir cent., recently grunted. It is re ported that a ine-ting ot tiuns was in progress at .Morgan Station at 11 o'clock, where a Hungarian Social ist was making an address. At Leisenring the men requested Superintendent Toggar to discharge a man who hud worked during the strike. This was refused and the men all struck this morning Money Found in Old Bridge TimDer Beawsg, Feb. 27. While an em ployee of J. G. Yarnell, contractor, was workiug at some of the timber from tbe old hi idge at the foot of Ptiin street, he fouud considerable money ia go'd and silver. The tim ber was kept on a vacant lot in West Reading, between Franklin and Chestnut streets. The workman was preparing a heavy log for a (fir der and while sawing oT aa end of Several feet, the coins fell on the ground. There were eagles, half eagles, dullars,Lall dollars and quar ters, and they spsirkled brightly. A part of ihe log bad been hollowed out IS bv 5 inches. This was cover by a piece of wood about an inch thick and was concealed so that it could not be discovered. Tbe mon ey was in a ladies' home-knit white woolen stocking and the toe was cut oil by the saw. Script was also fol ded in fine quality writing paper but there, was nothing to show who the money belonged to, or who pla ced it there, or when. The Terrible Fate of Twin Sinter. Tamaq.ua. Feb. 23 A horrible af- lair took place in Rush township this county last nighu ' John Lihie runs a grist ,m,l at Shamin H..1. He was the lather olto pretty t in Katie and Susie, aged G. The tfriyeJ int0 au upstairs room in the mill, where an upright Shalt was revolving They ventured Kw neartu mscnuiery, when ti.eir Cfitliing otcame entangled ana tney ? ..... .. . wt re drawn tiijhtlv around and wtjirled vwln tach revolution.- Ad l,our passed when they were fouua by an older sister. Their bodies were frightful! v lacerated. Katie's skull was fractured, her body torn and she was d.ad. tier sisters arms and a lep were broken, and she only lived halt an hour. Md host-for (be Postal Hei-vice. Washington-, February 24. The bouse committee ou post ouices and post roads U.-diy completed tbe post odice appropriation bill. It appro priates for the nxt fiscal year 854,- 320,588 over the appropriation for the present fiscal year and a decrease of So40,o79 as compared with the departments estimates. The esti- ;ated revenue for the next fiscaJ ! J .M M2&2 and the estimat.- . .!,.(;:.-, i ;j. ;. e7 rv urutiltl-tj ItuutuulKIl IB VI," 47li. ' 1 Two Roy Crnrtned Iq PeatU. JoHNsXftWN. fa, feb. 24. Jacob Sbatik aud William Uishler were crushed to death in .the.coal banfe of Joeeiih Levergood, on .the hilltdde above th Bedfwd Pe, while at i a j M Tk i i : . it r'VT. uf - iVie uuvb u-ti uf urn uug ouv irtitu uuuer 0f, "horseback," which1 weighed manj tons. ' . ra . . . .i - n-r rMr.'iimwi.inii urn rrt' : 1 i ii tit: i i : 1 rn. ? t""" ' f-tolidly ignore the charges agamsijiv. who had escaped d-ath, but -"v-;;.V " . .,. - wae llflS- '" ro to solve the ihi hichhehitEself does not de-1 received a deep gash ..over her Itfi i J 'UT rAr; wfcrn ace ft a yioieot deutu, us the o id ' The .... - .1 -,tH Shp was taken to a note - , " .man iooe.i as 11 no aau pac.iu;iy inciDy. Whetner the committee was tenU. &ne taken v a tu . wile. Kmehae, lost hrr reason. r.rUv ,l!a,. ir:f,V biU. to iVC6tiCate. or only to ?. ,JUS,t auoul i The husband then. " ailegcU en- In ,1 "Vd nX Force of the Gale. II V A.' V... Ort )k..nl! 9 o'clock last was blowic was blown between Erie attempted to pass from the dinin car to tbe sleeper with her husband, and bad no sooner stepped upon the platform than she was carried swifilv off the train. Her" TiUsband barely escaped followirir her. The j train was stopped ana hacKk Neh- York, Feb. 25 The storm rnged with unabated vigor on the North and E-st Rivers to-d?y. Many trees were blown down by tbe high wind. Canal boat No. 7 of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Com pany's fleet sprang a leak at her berth in tbe North Kiverto-uUy and sunk with 200 tons of coal ou board. Harbisbcbc:, Feb. 2C A wind etorni of most disastrous ciiaractcr as prevailed in this neig!jlorhood forthepsst twenty-four hour.-, aud still continues. Houses have been unroofed and chimneys blown down. This afternoon two of the l-ire stand pipes o( the L'diiel Iron Voik- were toppled over, one of which crushed into the Works. Fortunate Iv no persons were ir.jurej. he n.ght, white me wid M RniM Mr, a gale, a lady! " - ""f," " , . many years m-ea .n .one. from a Like Snore tram T "'" -7-J" "Jj; ""I ' a B"MIt Jln ", uid .-Dunkirk. She . VJ V :. 7 i ws iound dead m nis nut vesi.r- near v a mile tnlore thev toutifl tB-i . ? " . .. j.. . , uiav u a uhuui i'.av unit: damage throughout the county aodjinga quantity of c-rboii!. iici-1 by Mas-aehu-etts ; bay btapion. 1 ear in the city will be considerable. ' mistake for whisky. He had just !01,, by G.orge Wilkes, SIGO-j. io F. returned from a Ion drive and lerl-jG. ll.tl.n.ok, New York ; hay in.-.r-.S Hcstingdov, Feb. -V. The ter iug chilly .entered Gerlmg & Wah.r's ears old. bv Geome Wilkes. 515';.) rifie wind stonn last niglit blew j drug store, No. 233 St. Clair stret,; t. Hudell Si White, of C.mi.eot.eu! ; down the large barn ol Thomas ! t obtain a glass of liijuor. A clerk : br.nvu mare. S virs oKi. bv tb-..te Yarnell, near Alexandria, this couu- pouretl out the whi.-key into a glass I WUkts. $b''M, "to W. C. Go.Mlloe, ty. Two hoises.'hree mules and six jgradualor and set it on ihehnw Ke ituck v. Fifty-. ight he.. Irj.lia' cows were instantly killed by the i case, on v. Inch also stood a similar '. tl j'.;;; 5.s j " K filling building and several bi.eves ! grnduator partially filled with cat-, .--. were so badly injured as to neoes-i-' t)olic acid. Dr. Gleti.on n uiom'-iit : A S-".)oo Drewt. ii-1'.i-ert'omraet. iae kiiliiiL' them. Loss will r-.ach ; later, tjok oi;e of the tilasses miu 5.0(10. Holly Beacii, N. J., Feb. 2(5. The new Presliyterian Church in course or erection ht-re was rartiaiiv demolished bv the high winds. " Baltimore, Feb. 20. After a fear - ful rain-storm last nitrht Baltimore and vicinity was vi-ited by a burr;- cane severer than for several years, In the western stction ol tbe city .a nr.W.1 on.U. sevi-r. ...-........- .......... --. ai instances not only me tin was U'uests ol snow. Boston-, Feb. 2G A furious h:z-j zsrd prevailed during tho nigiit 111 j this vicinity and fir a long distance j down the Eastern coast. At Port- William. -t p.t, Feb. 23. Peter laud twenty inches of snow nas a:- A! ivond livt s a f. w miles out of cumulated and ice is still forming. ; .Slate Bun. Yesterday he and st v Cusiness is at a stand-til!. Ttie 1 eral oi his companions wereio the .rand Trunk RaUway is blocked at wo-.kU at work when they s'.ruek Bethel.and between there nnd Sooth bear tracks ami followed tbrm up. Paris is in bad condition. At St. Al wood, who was in advance cf the John, N. B., the snow is the "Heaviest other members of the party, came un of tbe season, and the wind is blow incaixty miles an hour. At Westfield the t'teeple ol the First Congr-ga- 1 bruin on the head with .he sharp tional Church was turned complete- lend. Ilis aim was not a steady one, Iv over and thrust through the roof-! and the result was that the bear .s of the building into the audience-; caped without a scratch, and turned 00m. Dover, N. H., Feb. 26. A rough snow-storm has prevailed nil day, the wind blowing fortv four miles an hour. Telegraph and telephone wires have suffered and trees have been blown down in many places At St. Johnsbury, Vermont, this has been the worst blizzard of the year. Riilroads and high ways are badly bilked. E jht inches of snow has fallen. At f ryeourg, tMe., more than a foot had fallen by noon and had drifted hndlv Trains were j much delayed. Stacxton, Va , Feb. 20. A vio lent wind-storm passed over this section last night, felling timber and unroofing houses. high coll wind has been hbnvio'j all day. Ilurnewnipped lift Heau. St. Louis. Feb. 23. About 7:30 o'clock last evening in front of the residence of ex-Councilman James Garvin, 2315, Chestnut Street, was presented the somewhat unusual and rather startling -pectacle of a young man being horsewhipped by an enraged young lady. The srms of the youth upon whom the punish ment was being inflicted were beh) tiehtly behind him by a somewhat smaller, but extremely muscular boy. The young ladv was Mi. s Ella Garvin, the young man was Harry M. r-IlVuer, a DUVtr Ilr the I M. Kurusey Manuuctarmg VOmpjinv, and the hoy who waH hit-rtVrit g rith tlie tu.rU at Mr. .Snyil.-r to e-1 cape tmai tne blow? .r the hvr-e-; whip which were falling thickly ani heavily upon his face, h;.id aiid and fchouldera wag Arthur U.irvin.l the 12-je;ir old brother of the VOUtS( ! AVe do n -t ,-!aim to be mre h w llian u:vn Iailv- AtN-r .1 flaort sr;i!e bnytJer tathkr Point. Qi:k., Fo!). J. me.hmi, i nmnnictt.r aa v ri broke axvay and stoned t-j run, rutjTiie phenoraenitl buow-rtoriii " j-o.r- was met jut as he was stepping on j continues with a luriuu drift. The OP ttav fTOT tothe sidewalk by a friend of the! thermometer i, now below z ,r oj miQ ' young lady and was caught and held ! and suffered a tUll wre severe pun- iruiurui uiiu uic nuiji ju iuc nanus i of the voting ladv. .Miss Garvin gives the following : from house to bous" is only pos-i-concise statement of the sO'dr : ,le u ssnowshoes. ".Snyder insulted me, so I walked in the house and just happened to see Rive Do L ot. i is.. Feb. 2S, that new buggy whip slid I picked ! The worst storm for years !.a'h-Vn it up and went to the front door ind ' ra -ini! siue Friilav noon Frhlav's told him to apologiz-j. flc said be wouldn't, and I whipped him. I ! .1.:. I. T t-:. ... .... 1 1 wuttitt. x kjvc utm a iireuv L'foti . horsewhipping and I am glad of it.ln.n.ii.:K fifteen miles ,!.e;(.). A,- except that I broke the whip." I other train i buried in fift-.-n feet 1 A IJospeiate Couvlet Killetl. i down express trains on rn.lay find " . """'i ""''s Stiixwater, Minn., Feb. 24. ; Saturday have been nuahle to get : hcnenciaL Will C. Reed, acting deputy ut the ! through. The storm is irn:reaing! If your dealer has none of our prison, bhot and killed Frank Smith, an 1 the drifts swell 1 ister than they 1 goods on hand, send your order ii a convict from Winona county, yes-j c iu be shoveled or plowed away. ! rect to us. terday. Smith was one of the worst! Wt.rk has had to he suspended till! Book your orders timv for ship con vicU in the prison. He had work-j the storm is over. j ment when you want the goods ed in the wngon factory f.r some; j For Batch's Phosphate Guide, Ume past. Werday he suddenly. stros Unto D.-a-h. and further imWation, aill on or dropped a wagon tongue on which j ! atjdress hi waa wnrkintr ctnii'L- tlm firuinin i Stiiv.t-niP P:i P-K O", (-..l ' in the face, then grasped an irju mallet, breaking three different machines and threatening to kill j widow, who died here to-day, nged ! several attaches. He dropped the! eighty-five. She never t ic k a drop j mallet and picked np a ha'cnet and j of medicine of anv kind in her lfe, said he would kill the 6rst man that never was ill, and strnnge to s.iyi laid his hands on him. Tbe guard 1 ber raven black hair of young wj- wroie out a pass to the cell room 'manhood is jdst as blick, glossy which he handed to Smith, telling aud leimihy alter death as it was he-1 him to trive it to Reed. This he did fore. Not a erav hair can be found ! and followed the deputy to the dim- peon. At the door, as is customary, neeo oean to searcn smitn. 1 his , made Sfnitii ancrrv and he rushe I infrk thft rlllntrpnn Rrl v.rn- I . .' . ." , -. A .".1 him that he must submit. Smith then started toward Reed, when th-; latter drew hu revolver and nmi ! Smith fell dead. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict Uiat the kUling was done bv Keed daring the per-- formance of hiadaty. I Revolting Crnelty. Oil City, Pa., Feb. 25.-Informa.- riiio. 10 io vK-ii.j dav. The old man lav stretched nouae. 1 he story torn oy u.w wu- j u a buSalo. robe, and the wood men, who c.-rnui.y iiivertiattd .elfire QU bi8 harth was out jiiT : cae, M one of revolt" crurlty and d whea jl8 v;as in cnuia on the pait oi la- uu.buiid , hpa!th 'he f,redicttl tliat he wou!d : at.d ins brother. 1 he c.uple Febru.-sr- i3. at five o'clock in: j tuarried aiiout tweuty years ago, 1 . . . i, -1 1 . . . lined ner in tne oia mui "ruciure on Pithole crcek.fuhya n.i.r du-Unt from auy other human Lbiuti.n. He has hept a flock of sneep on toe puce, at.d in coia -fcaiue. bn.u- ed the crazy old structure with the,.nt K(tnU, V;..,a.if .r. ,. wrman. While they have madei,. , , . .. ttie place boriioiy nnuy, iiify uave still been i f Service to the woman, for with no fire she has been coru- .)tjje(j to huddie with animals to keep from Iretzmg. one says ner mind cleared up about two years ago, nud sinca that time she cau re memUr evervthina that has hap- pened. Killed Hun in Ten Miuulc Ci.EVELAxn, Feb. 23.- Lr. J. H. G leas . isou, at. allopathic plasician of 1 standing in this city. hs killed good last evening by accnlentady tirink- idraifitd the contc-nts at a gulp. lit - alizing the fatal ndsiake be had ' I he owner ol an extensive relrij: ra made, the doctor calle.i f..r raw cg-s l'!r wf""k.- have left for Finland las! at once, and atest'ver.tl t.f tl.eiu. ' ni-bt, at tbe invitatiou f an E.ttdish j'metics were a;-ii tveii. ai d everv means waj taken to rid tne a-outnen j of the deadly dose. ' 1 Dr. Glea.-o:; wa very cool, dirt-t ! ins the nicveicents of" those atmut him, and, appari.tly, su-leriug no;w,l! take live years to lid. ryr inconvenience from the poison, "r :ea -tiers have been bu-lt' t: t . . - ...I.,.-. - lite iiiintui'-i (iriiseu, v. lien siuiotjn - Ir the unfortunate man, who bad remuir.ed standing, lurch. d fonv :r 1 uie tmn was a oao in in. lie leaves ! a wi.l...v and ot-Tt-n children 'i'ti'.M'i Willi 11 near. to the boar. and. bavmr ao ax over , bis shouhh.-r, lie attempted t siriiit; ;m At.vaoii, w:io nad started n 1.1a back to WiVre his companions were. I.-iihi overtook the man an. I a se vere struggle took place. Alwood drew his knife, but could not use 00 account of bting pinned to the 'ground by the bear. Several of the ! party came up at this luYment and i one of them, who bad aril!-, lire i ! lat the bear :.nd put a bullet throtigii j ; his head. A i wood was removed, ! ir,:n bis ,1 u,,.er us po-.;i n. havi:.g ; only a lew bruises i.a-1 Switches, :ti ter the bear bud bn killed. Kissing the Rride it hunt Paying Sophie Koleski and L,ouis Kiiin-ku-ki were married la-t ni jrht Th re were a number of tlie Polish frittiua ot the bride and bridegroom pre-ent, and Hccirdinir to cu-tom,.i kiss from the bride was worth SI. There was a general rush of I inner admiiers and the bride sold a large st ick. Certain previously lavon d and priv ileged ones refused to psy, wh en-lit the new husband became indignant ind a free fiiiht followed. Oilicers were detailed to quiet the distur bance, which at 2 o'clock this morn ing had assumed alarming propor tim. Everybody participated. Even the bride rescued a prisoner Irum Officer Dully by force of arms. The women clung around the offi cers1 leg.-, chewed their hands, and eventually drove them lro:ii the jseene of conflict. I he pi -nee sui.se n'J-r.tJV rrt-oteti live YOUni? ili; ii, Uii .0t waorn were hued 80 e.icu and jcts by Ju--tifM Tearnev tliis inoru - in 2. Otlker Dufly, who whs hiHeri severely on the hand, la i:ic:ip.tcU:'.t ed fir duty, , r.r nt .nmrsnipm- S-.ow ha3 fln continu.div for .sev- t-nty-two hours to a h-pth ef frtv- Ollf JliClitS Oil A leV' I. J Tie roaOfi ! are blocked and communiVuio.i txpre'rs tJ-iiu wis buried in Un f.et of snow near Troia I'i-sP.k-s.a'.thonsh t wo ermines wit 1 a srtow-o ,uv R-t-re tifsnotvr.,. Hlr Mo-ii.t .i!..bi..rti,. : ihA ?." A;.r..n.! .tin d ! , ' . .-,., . . 'ef the m-;st remarkuhle women in! IVnnsylvania, Mrs. Diniel Moser, a oa her he.id, and her evehr ws and jeyelii - hes are also quite d.irs. She! was wonder. uiiy wen preserved, and had never coiuiiiaii.e I until to-il.tv. 4 l:i!i it.T.'n.r. tr.. ..f - . ,-,., i .. r? ' . . . . . . , .''- Caused herinstant (tenth, ."sue f-x- p - rtenced 1.0 paia and died calmly. nithrmt .1 nnnl She was the mother 01 -i?ht sta!-1 wart children. Her hvsb ir.d d six months ago, aged eighty-sij. He was also hardy and well preserved i Found Doail in lit Hut. j Womelsdobf, Fa., F.b. frliiw The t-il.t in'in Vitr , l:,edia, ;Jt afur that h went anon ; t, a U)lliI -taill3, in an extremelv wild , ai(J u,lirrquell?ed rHC,. ami .0.x ; he W0H,tl IiB vr ieave it nor 0,in , mil!gu Kltti ,he ieo.,ie ,!- world. Sale vri.lue Gtums Stock. j Lexington, Ky., Feb. 2?. The l';r :ded t saui oi u. iraneld at tu. 1 grounds to-d.iv was larjcly attt nmrii::--'. iit.il il. i? hrruK- p - i by buyers iVom all parts of t;; l'" country. The lt prices paid wert: Y'.'TI"T:.".l,"r,'h-'r "J""1 '"t:;ex. brown colt. Z vears old. bv (teort'e 1 1 b-l-. i.v the u.nti - v i iv c U lines, (lam lielie Patebe::, 5, lit I, to 15 )Weriuan I;other,of Kentuckv; cli-vtnut co!:,"2 vears oitl, lv Nut ; tvo.id. l;'!u Ladv Pitcher 8it;:; t. t.. j F. G. Labc.H:k, NVw Yo k ; so n 1 1 fi le, o Ve .r- !H he ,w to.!,. i.. Pa'.che-i. SUM), to Josnna U'ilkii.,. : Fokt Woutii, Texas. Feb. 27. to ptrltct arrai !. !).. i, i',r the .tlivery oi ortsserj be to j b' se:.t in lare ipiaiitiuts from F t. ' Wonh to Knglai-d. A $..K't).(." contract has been made, u i h-;, it l.".iil!i ? .r .u I - I I . i n lPI :T 1 m ( ' .j. ...... .... the ot.h I'otuid lira'l, istatiiii.i i.n ;is liea.l. Pour Clinton, Pa., Ft' James McCamany wis lot::-, ii,g on his head, against a Iyi.---:rt.'.iy. It is .-uppe-'.-.i i over ti.e wall, ari l I t ii gut jextrici-ta himself, sint..'Jii '. 2-1- ! S' nil--a.!. !' 4 t re.! death. li:e jury ;.'tirn a e 1!: , inc.1 vii:i t:):it. r:- ' . . . V 1 .-' -V c f ' 1 A BIG REACH. With an abundant variety of new Spring Clothing we can easUv supl)Iv the Filt anJ tlie Lean Man in fact, the Young and Old, the Youth, Hoy and ; Chilli, are all Within OUT rcacll. I I I A. C. YATES & CO. i t'luthinif r.r Men, Yomlis n..ys and t.'hiltlren. 602 604 6G6 Chestnut Street. l-IULA DKLPlIl.V. 1. P. THOMAS' BONE FERTILISERS ! A NEW OEI'AHTUUE in the meth od of Netting. K6Lnt teats warrant us In off-riiiu: onr e.Is to laruters aa lt-r the following KUai.in.ec ; W wA plc oar ftrtirxT-t. ty wniTr:?f ! rin -o:um:rcuil tcrtil.xr mi i:n; market, un- ; frm ay w1 h-can This Is what the farmer has boon looking for : J i'vM i I t ASSL ram t: tin t lie cii.ni.uy no j ;ufciAFbu ot turs I SEMD FOR OUR CIRCc'L AE au'l GUAR A N- j TEK. I A live n l ensrctie r-.ji.rt il wu'..-ii in evcry ltK.-.ilty. AH'-ri-sa I. P. THOMAS, CIIKXEY P. O, DELAWARE CO., P.V. mat-Sim. Factory Phllailclphia. P.i. IN THE ilf ((-( Si EARLY SPRING.!, their Whit with nlT'- 1 w 'T ,th BauSh 8 $25 riAK-.lr.4Ki should ton dross 1 T.. I . . 1 , .- r- . ! Awr "kh3si.no, especially II iol- Inxtrtti Kr fill -.f r-n,,. :., -.1 . BAUGH & SONS, . 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. emmusuiB vai. prvv tvcuio ivn oniv vrrmmr "'w,A;s;H BOO.C-KEEPING -A-l? HOME, Soaielliing w. Sample Copies Free, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE niakaa. ' alto i.v pa. KGISTEU'S NOflCfl ' F rf .Vbtiw t hrehT KKen 10 l!l pers ciin-rnM .iirt'sprp.ii.ifr.. or thrmt. thsi tka int. Hiiwoe t n itnihmu' Court to brhi! atsom. rVlVLlrSLiX il Cinrmtt.i-,Thar.iT Marsh 4.1 wr?i?r'1'moe i CM4S C-SUL;. Ens! hisNd s l-:"?'--4 CiV.-. l.--i.---il ..1 V. 3 M j-J i- Iir-r. .-ri- v. t :irr l)v-i tni iirp In. ;n'l Nrir:ii I ' ' j !i IS lilt .:'. :!M? r. I.iHrT ivn! l.i'tr. tr i.;v, ,.. : r Vi'i'''' r-'; :i" ) V. ifTi, ..rH 1 1 :. 1 i,. t v : i( ii-irv t" '.v l. :.,( 1 . I -v Ji t-uri--f v ar-'i -Lniit-s ii I -;. ' f '.e .t;n.-ut-.'. uii.s :Lt' :r ;r. i'.n.:-. i: .' r - 1 : .i.-V' s; ii..-::-i.-.r,:i st t I;, . ,,, .i .: :. i v:v the !-"ir nn t.:tv. s l'.::r'-jy. vt. it hii-i lit t i'. CfsCil ; Lin. -n w rujx r. 'i .,m . . "Ji- uaL Hi Ua.H t ULSIt i. L t U L. n;..i;j. 2 APPEALS I ' i , a the tl-iys onJ iju-vs u rv-y :, i'j 1. Fur AT ti r.-r 1 Tw-t-:.:;,. So,.;!:, ; f.. h . of ;i.rvl H.ii;:s, in Ji tv. o-i I'- r un. irntfia... . - . : r . ! . irctii 1 u'.lii . i" y. I p r. i:i';7.-n r---i.)fi.- i:i-;tr tf'1' h -r.-..,.rr r la. , 3 a- vrh i v luu.-t at i-t I at It rkifiii!, will tu i-.M-a ( I. 11 .v. iti il iy iu .M it-.iri .N'irJi. i I or l-n a tf ri t.'ttM at il." lu ..ii" t.f S in:- : n-IH:iiiics i. .iiil i-.-ri ttfi. i.ii .it i,..v. -.a....ti 1 in IU 7 ii i- OS p. I V) r M " ; a E.'f UIIitJ l'..ir.--li!i Nurrhsii. N.. (V:! tr.-iiie li'-rou;it i-n .tl;f,-!i lit. :-t mj elv -a it Ih-um- iti-:::l ioxt.-:.!i). Irum iu o'.i-ck ! a. it "J i r. M I 4. F-r l'..e.- Turki yfuit T wn';l;. un W - risi.y, .'.l.tr. It 17. at tit. th-ti u li'-u-..- in l'.icni.ii, ir . ! 11 ..'fl-it a m iv r . ... ri-r l:'i iiiT."-. 1" 'Wm. n ti u-, 1' ur-l.tv. Mar ! liic t ivi-i i .11 I, ic li l V.-1..J..J.. iru.ii :ti ti ..-! i:-ii a. :i iii ti. I'mt ,ieli ri 1 r.wij.. i."-n Fri i.iv lr il 1 a: the i it- llnu I. ia-: la a:tlJ .i-inu, l.u:,t U'l'.i.i. Ii A H. Ill . I. II ' 7. t-nr .1 fTiu.-r i'.i-.vi.. iiit, :t.".l T.- r ...... . . r. put n. n;i I u. i:.y, -VI if !i - u t!io ci-c:. n ii in ra'.i l'.ii.n tui.. rt.io n i. . ii-'k a. m t.i p s E..r C-.'ti. li-.t e.-n l- wu tiiii t' ... n ... rttar- i -I, at tin: t !i.-i:;!. ii !;..!. . ;n .i: i ' vtu, irum -i a. .. io 4 l. M. u. r.. - .mi- t i u. i ,i un t.:jr-!.v. i. :r n -J.,. if Ilts -li-i-il Hi ll'i'it.- !!i :ilii i"i,r:-:;ij.. l.w:a li.' u"c'lKi A M. In i f. i'l E.ir fe.ia.lt) l'n.Tii .iiiin.M Fri.l::y. M trf 'i S i al i.'iL -k'i-U.n ilti-l-. la a!.l lit.i,.ii!:i, i,.;a s ti i . . i a. n. Ui :i ; M. :1. F. U4 iiiaii.;r;iii Toivr;"!,.;. : . V'.;-t.'-ia ii.rt, i'!t S.ilitr i '.t. .'.i ir -i, jr. at 'iii. I ..l0 i'i .Ivliii H llllt . li. s-tuj c u. i. , .). IT :ii ,. i- A. M. to 1- .. i it ( r.liM.-i i -i -.-!.- -i- In.-i.y ol It.- 1 1 i.i:.-- ; ,t r. ii II r i k:i Ilia- wi-n t-i a .il an I its .-.. iv. ui. in-il- mi, ! iLi'i'irwijic tni.il t.-..ii ., iri'.ii : w 1M I-. -.. i-. Kv.r .S. .it).. .:i:i- T. 'An-'i: mi ' f. .ri-i:t .-, ;t.:..-. it t1. at I ' i- i:"t-i'.:; j !i uii. in Sit:i:-.'.. vl if, niiiii i t't-l.-t a ii . uii f m. I. . lur.Nciv H.uliii.i tu i. ...itiirfi in Tu .-.v, Maf.'ii -:0 at ; i-ieiS . ti . m .-a, i il.i i. I i V M. t.j a -. M. II. F-r au-.-uiumv I i.iv n.-i, ,;i i n v.'-i I.-,-; i , Mates 11. a', tin; . .-o .il ..i t ;a f ;: i To-!:. a. .ui !n u'c:. k a. ii. li- ;i r. 2i l-j r i- . - Ti. t -i : iii . ii l . v. u 1i:m ;! . r v, .X J r i ! I. at t uie t.t il L'l-a. a in . .: i .... ir ita itl ti V in k" A. .M. In I. i. l t-r iiwri',il,..,- T-ivn:. ; . F.-i-l.-v .-.tui; - at t::e li ni.t it Ii.tt i . f.ti,n.v ,i. i,: ii r;;u .r.ii:.::i, lr..':i 11 1. i-ii,.-i a. m i , i-. m. 17. i- riji-rl'ri Hi r tm!i rn n iiie-1;: -, -! .1 a; i a.-,;.-.' ..; il.i . id t. .Mwjli iu i; ,',, ir. 'ij . ..' i .. Iv a. it tn .i. !- i: . r i n.i.i .! li .j u ;ii on M.TI I .v. li;:I at f; .- ti I M , : t:: . :ilJ. U. ri-i nil i- v-i' U '. .11 i" u..i II .u-i ul Una. : .i e M I ',: 1. w .-r t u.' . v. ;t;i ii 7. a. tai: . ;t, Ii .at 1. ,' -i , l- . r I r..ii.:. t: .:- r: i; i;. -: 1:1 si 1 1 o;i i.tta.iit-ti. A;.r:l : :it 'i'C li. : tifi-.li Iti h A ' ! I I':- I o '"it 1. M. I.) ) I. M. j 'i't. K-r Nn.:;'iti mv. .!!. i r -.1 1 11' ill 1 ' O t.N. A -I. HI . , "I. ! I'lt 'rliiT. oar i, .r-,jU ..11 V."'- j Ai)f:t U, i;t th. 11. -u-a -t ... i;n.:;rl. Jir"t:Hil t 'Til ) o I'-rk p. m. t. 3- r : ! t Utii-i Liii.-n ':. n ou P! I Al.ril V; ;it lhe ii UM'.ii .I.J. xvi'Dl; Ii, i-r.-luri i-iornUKli. tr .ci oV-i a. i. : j i i.r Lttiui r lu .. ,-n t-'.i i ., ' at t-.o turiin ti .u-. 1:1 j,til I'w ;i i.: 1 J p y. it -1 1 n- ! oVi"c-k ,. v. to :i r : , L-i b'-r iirti'uvii ; Tovvi:?;;: u t Stiiir-I iv, April IT. at il:ii ciL- . . .t:?. s .: I 1 jw.i-mj, j ir.mj T .tk a. v. , . .-j m. ; S'- F"r..-'t vsrt I. r u rfi -m T i . ...ril : 2 , iii ti.e L-'a-ii.i fp..itvr- .-t:.i',-, iru::i it ; ri a. j ! T U 4 P U. I :1. S.'rnnrs.'tT-..rn:i . nt Wr In-: )..v itml t Th-.ri .ay. ...urn it :M iii ir..:u m. . t' .. St. "II CJi-'d . S I i'i li r. I Jti. i-''-r ii cK.wifi !.-. ;iui an I l r; 'JVvt; I shi'i Nur.ii un .ii atii, a: e,:;,; ,t fl ;.:( :!1 will ; f c v.-t. :k i'ij hti. S;mat 1 U.nr.. !.. i( U- i wiIiT a "''.Vr.1'" .t.'".--r.;.'? ...it " : ''l'ZX 'X" I. un r ni ty. April iJ. trin.iA. h. ;i j .n" sii.i.-r. l.i - . ' .1 .t ; r ...l al. ar- ;liir .it! I i atl-t.-i it'i 1 f Hl- 111 tr . it ia-- e T ' in C In ';iff I i-;- ri it ia :.:i:Ai t.:i, - n -. i t- l.t.i i. , ! J'lN.-l Mi- l.i.Mt.CK. Alli'- J l --lUlIlii-.. ner:. A J rT.:i.H-.t.y ici.l-4t. ci. r S Salesmen Wantoa! f-mr ril73 ulti, to p. il thv4 LTK.i' f.-t k'. m; 1 i tr 'a-ni'-ui.tl Nnery S:ik, in rilNrv it iii r-- lrn.fft pnitl, or on coiuia.-i-i.on an iir-c.'.rr.- i. rti;.' . rti. i-i .vtinfut rrr-'uifii'.iit th- m i-.ti.-i-CUEN USOTHER--, Nur-ivnvn. P-EPORT or. th k Costy Anuilcrs of Somsr sjt Ca, W SOMERSET COUNTY, PA., ui m .ii.: Fifth l)a;f of Jenuicri, ISS.j. to the i'ouvtli Hi'!' of Jnnicirij, IS SC. CYRUS C. SCHRCCK. ESQ., T.!;:v-rt::R v - -. s;:r , ,-.. In Axc-i-t vriti th; C:u-:y c: T:t Tax Kesel-cl fr..m O ii---- .-i ff S;..te si: : County Hat. 3 iiuJ Iv f r H.:;.;i' S:. an-l V M ) : O.Lf.!..-M::5 TnsTHt i. Yt ir l. A i. Kl'ito, itcrliiiV'"?" cu;;Ii I-J. ; 0 i diH tt'in-u:b ' T..u'..'ihi " ! Jrrr K- Iii i iki, k T'i. I'rLi l.:r ''icht-r, t. il ie o -r- 'jti '. l ;:4 f..roii:i Ailttvm O.i. 1:111, fc:o;(-i"t:i Iioroti-h k 1 i ii) Wm '.Up-v". l'r?ini- Jur- -.:i .-it i.'iiifii u Jj ,, Ji h S.irviT, Arth'i. . T.iwii-li-ii " !:.'. I H iii;...r I..m,. f I:nl H.H'iir. iTiiu ll'X- uth 7 H 1 Ia !f i. lr !-' :.ou !i rofrr.chi " ii Joiit !ir--x-n t 'vull 1. a. v i:.-i uir V) .3 Ales .111 tier K'irr.n, .Ur- ti- r 1'iniMii p ' 7 J..ciW P. Ka'itz.. .Ii Dnr-- twn Ituronnii ;j 75 J. W. Kurklt.-i Wt. I 'w'r Tt r-'-e :H T-iwr.-riii . r, ?c J.rj.h W. .Me cr.i, .Ii - Iori Town-ni;. " 18 Ja-vit ti !. P'in. Tp. ' zi 14 Wm. Smlili, Siiisbarr K-iriuU Ivi K- Titr. Shi '-. T wp o ;;j John j. Hkcrt Swui-Mtt 'iuWTt.at.Jt Ur i-l t.tu ri-li, S iiTh- rnntitoo Ti)wr.fih!j' . . 4i Hrriuan Ptiiii'j (.:, I", p'r Tti'trvfo f T' " ;u At.ram A. .Mill r I rIn.-i H .r. iich ... - 7 .,-5 PeTr Kiia--ni. V- l. lers? an tor.h (i 3o :i t If ' l u ! y c m ; t tin .' (o'k w.v; Art-it" n ttmn9hi. ILnry I W-Oker. Alls K t-nv tdWTS.ip ... ... lMititrt H. Jiduer, icrlia l r. uiili Jw?;i WalliiT I;ro,!i-ri- v-4ilpv town fti.s Y T.iao I'-aemaauh townvbij James A Unnlley, (.'onJfu- en hf.rirn.. J''Tih Pi.ttij. Hki'ri; fi A. J. -t'-ncr. Urterviiis town!il!p ; Nab Kruiifr. Jc(irn ti, John F. Aufcpny, Jenatr to hip JivMb h Kutat JiatT- ll.-jro i a set ol ",-,t in 4: :--7i :o 45 is 4'2 44 17. : 4o v) :i 1 iii. so 00 t I 0) i.-j (.. ." . .71 bZO 00 'WnM'r'lr' i Joinh V hhiim-. ln.riin i sVui: iKS eTii!o b-tMunn V'n,f-!!:"IP 1041 li ':(!' IV r VVt,.,:rr.:.J Dl'rC liV;r j. ... .... Ir"' ' ti. Niw t"o:e vii;e N riikfi .u-!(-T-n 'nr!-;1 Tin '-1 K "irt. I'i!: tn. h ulrti ' 1 t J." ':.:v. ..ts!iUIjT ...r-uj'.. ... i.rut t rk.; t :1c, Sz c il .a 7 60 1-: 1: U5 !17 i'i CO 4 .. 55 ICT 0J i7H I J ll rrtr. Sj:u-r-'t Nr.n'.j !..-. c hi .. d somerji-t H r ti ...-, -.li.ir-t : t. K! ;: :it j oii, ?.j e ; i c : i.' TI I... IT'!'. 1 '.!, lit rr-.Tr, Kr4 f ' Ti 1: : :ni- ::i-) .... . i) 1 .i K'ij t l.li ..7 ;'r.."k P. i P. ' T h !-ur: ' . T'a- a ; ! ;:r v i ft-. I ' ; T :Vm ui.r r- :s Ir. til. I.' y ( "ii i t '..1 1. IV uiu": rf' 1 'r .lit ! f s o m'3 l, -.:j- r , : T -:i'M tint r i"--lli.i 'r t-v i ,...: ! (: Il i" , !; !t '! .1 AiT-ili, ; 1.' :':t'r, T.i .ui- r.i ..."ivr i fr i ! lux Hi-vi'al .f.-.Ui.t.. I T -.m dm r''-'ii 'I : m-n. u;y l.tjr-t- . To m irr' rtvi-ivt' (Ser ( 'im'-t I-it'i I'm tut i vt.-.'vi-.; :. i i.jir -! . .'nr.- frf.:.. r) T.i mi rrrvivc.! 'nr l.txr. w iii'-h ' .h:i.ii n f v-'lK". c i. . T :i:'-.ii:ii. ri'c' l ;.-u I'. WiiU-jx. 11 ' nr r.i.-l 0 , Tuntnwt:- r--'-.v ! fi rn r.r ..ijit; r. rix-Til ilfl t; ..ut;. 0 j T-'itT' un! r ivr i fi-r - tit '.. rilr' !- i !, i n r" m T.i :;::! U' r nrctrivr-I fri.in J. S: c-: i.1- ilk lun.i. : I f t'iit:i:t!i T .' .1 TC . f t i Ti (.: ! - ii.-p .it k n t vm.- e- ' i 'inr ..i s..,: St iir. fii, I r- . I ci:. r, i .ii :. v. '.I j -. ' l.y .u?.. ' Iv-' !1 ii. I in 1 i'1- ivj 1..'. , 1 i'v Tin fu:it jvi 1 -r. ' i' ! '-r-r-vL i , ; I'y Jim tint ptM ci-Hm . : nf Wfi t' :; bir-iusii i .- -.'n i rrft in i-i .... IW & i i:i V .1. !i -imi-'t Ir.-' ut 1 i P.v -iii.'t pai-t for !.!" fovi t' 1 ni. 'i'y i':it I .; l':; 1 Ut :i, -i .r :'!: v ij i t'i i:-::il f i--'S Pits . t-.T i.vt I r.:.i-.. Ul'i ;.;vi t -v. : r i-l-W --i it, k-- i-iitt-ri!, ! r.) 1 1 5 S4 vi n 'ii ri''"rtn ? i, ; I; I i I j t !.::.: v-.j. " r"iili.'t.i n't .a !. 1. .- :. 11 i.t .iT I r: ' ',V i nn .'..'. X a . Si.' r - It I :v : 1- a-.; i .il t ri. i-t -r:vr t r : a i-j r ii '.'.tit :tr .r ' F r: K.t ! f'tr frur1 i o 1 1..-.., i" -4 : ir.-Uv-T v iur! r it - . . i -ti-' i--r law i. 1-r ir;. , i ..ir. k: t: -k'--r.cr l'i-.rt-t ;;'y -'icr's . I r li -uut.i.ry 'i Ii'l-j uivli. ; -i- ii' I .iy . i jury t: . i-i-. -t---. .n I ' ; . 1 ; r-1 wtet-i r n; i ).. t An I'd ;j -. yr I-i;:' i .-.ua- I y . g'.i'r. 7 i in) :ri-n! -I t.' -.111:1- -t. i,'. I' ! .! Mi!- tt.:, ti. i ,1 I; s-i M 1.. . 1 41 fcrsn Vkt .ii: This V.ziz Gi::o is rapidly FI-lKSl-i lN"D PUKE DKUC- KEDICi:-3, DYE STCJFPS, SPOCIi, TOILET AI1TICLL3, PERPUMLS, TUU-.SI surroTsrcs, &c. &e. L' fLSi').'. :r. J Ll.i ii u I Mb i 'J i : i i.i.;..T c.4 Kf TAKF.y ro S i'ECTACLES, Aiul :i Full Lino r.f );:.icai s'tcii ,1 iur:r'' 2p Finest Brand1 of Ciyaw Always ou Iiaat! i,-ooils to intoinliii el- wiiero. It J. M. LOUTHEi?, U. T-. EVERYPERSOxN IS INVITED 10 CALL AT W. I-I. WOOD'S, here thov will find the Ietclectel Stn of Goods to suit Purchasers. f00D'SjEWELIi You will Gultl am .Silver Watclios, tSiiv rwaro, Toilc-t Cacs. Cuff ikitton-., fl'icks, C'li-'.iiis, C'li.irtns, Lockets, Soirf 1 in I-cc Tin-, ' Kar llins, ami l-'inir-r of every style from plain to wcMiti rinjrs. SPECTACLES &. EYE GLASSES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION COLD PENS AND PENCILS. aSTO. 3 3f.F5. 3X.OC:ir. SOMERSET, PA- 1M CO in: -IT 12 :mI S. ir.c . jj-e "-.i'' 1 l't .1 ,T. 1 , .-.o Ci) CO If Kj.i1 la un r:fa!' : ut,;? lu:-. ' P ! f ik '.: i O-i 51 "! "i 1;: M;i;- J f. w t.. ' ' t--'.a ! I itliry .lit,;., ,..,., 1 -:f - .1 liable H : X. II. ( lilTiV.-'r J.I. ... E;0 , ."!1UiT t C T-n.v. ; T am i- n 1 i.'.tl! T -i:n . : t T :i..MUU- . T.t 1 .ts, ;-.,.r r. mi! ui :. ;,-.. (.-; alii. .nut ui lees lili. I,- m tin. uct i t .. .iae .:- ( ., .i.l it-r iiln.r '.) si li VI -t ) b '. ) J. 1 ir) T i'al jtiiiN v iNTi.r;- limy. IVLt... t ' ui: j : T Alii- UT t "t r -f.- I" . ;i fn.-til.t ol l.ni t.,r -i .itU U!it . r l.T 1 -. t't .-.in- ui i l rMcr Nn. Ti .i' I' j aim m; -. uMt rw. n; T-ca Rv am y ;t:'i ur.x "i !: ... t t'.itryni'j Wit.rr I'v ;;irf.'ii.i -it - iii :.. T( I'l- ii.l -,..i,i:' i . itH- i-jr-: '- ' y.ir-l wan t'lsf t ..r tii ",, v :ni;il;i'p ii ii 1m- ;:n '4. - J ( ' n:n:y -. r. i vr p.i t i K S ir.tiTt -ir.l. t ;i ( xi ti - ; i I ' Uii v t tj i : : i n- j"! tii'-ii-; i r: in j,r. ui' tt 1 i-i ti.i . ii , ii.- i i: ',n 1 1 I .- H: r ui: IT- I- t ' I 'M' -tt. lit i v liU J . 1 it"i l: till. IT r N . tali 1 I Iii UI" In M..? - i .-1 a- rtt 1 Pif-Jo, .:. 1 i !Tti i i -t ir i'.x pin -iu-.i'i. '- ..t . i UiTi:l.-I An i t r- .-..r -M: cf'1:.. i rt--i' t tl.c 'i f i'; t n- 'MTirr hoi -nr. .th iiV ! li:-ti!n i -et.k- it.f -v v I.I -V. UU.T -';if Iv t.i : i -ry. -iibiir . t-i ol II ." I-lJ-'v t :- t.--i. .. .MM :.i : ! ! t' lititit nr :iml ;ifiii. ! . :i c ini-t iti.( trtit' -ri in ir.. n'i..ir a. viz i i r:i . t;. SrhpH-k. !:..( . 'I r-a v.jr.-r V. il Ut I t '.. Kill V ill SiMli.'r i-1 .-4. U e n! li:,. i.:. I.- ).. Pr.ti, i: : . I mi: y r li li," ?.ii-! i "..rt.it ;. . i s t- ni- i i T i'i-i ' in't-r. s '....ii:y wi'h'h' . :ti i t'l.iin v ..1 s. :;m lvs mm ! we tin i it I ."i 1 .1 , , ,. I " 'i' S. .Tii . i : . Cvru-i .-1.. -.ir 1 1 t fi-nv-.i... .Im.i irs un I Lilr.-vt :i cm-.- ( IIS. :.. in tii.ii win ro'if wi'li::-. c !i. r f !:.lll. 4 .i :) I 4:., 14 ,ii i:M pi.,..,. ;if..,-,..:, :..y i t - 'tunry, a. I. i-j. j. w. -.ii-:-! K.:s ,: .1 m A" I' M ifl II l. 1. I . K. Hi 'V .n:.:s 'I n. e.M. STORE, EOMEH3ST, fc;;:i;s:j a Croat ?arc::c2 -r:':. ; ,rr':.vo.v ?. r.'!f O 'TO F .WM- r " ,-'rr"iT? I.Y FRX:t ASH . j'lYE-Gl.A.SS (i..:l nl avs c:i .rtracit all c:tu bo s"i; ;!. '.v iv-; ii pii'.i-are to n: -pi pun hiisors, win th-r tlioy buy STOBlj find all kinds ol