The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 17, 1886, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.,
EDWARD SCULL, Editor ud Proprietor.
The Senate is now inquiring of the
Administration why it stabbed cer
tain covernment officials in the
Reports from the west say that
the snow has fully protected the
wheat over almost the entire grain
growing belt on which it is raised.
A painful rumor comes from New
York that Ex -President Arthur is
seriously ill and that his personal
friends are much alarmed about his
Thev have "local option" in North
A have closed all the
va v iuh,
bar rooms in the State except 535.
of which three hundred are located
in the city of Charleston.
bill before the Iowa
Legislature which proposes to make
drunkenness a crime. That is right.
No man has a right to make a hog
r,r a fiend of himseif and escape
punisiiintut under the plea that "Le
was drunk.
F-.Vioe Pn-nident and ex-l. S.
Senator Hannibal ILiinlin is now
seventy-nine yenrs old, and boasts
that he can run latter and jump
hither than any young man in his
He has had three
wives wiio were sirttTs ; the last and
yoimg-ft is now living with bun in
Bangor, Maine.
Evkuy no and Ihen, some of the
journals of this State the
su'.ijwt of who shall be the next U.
S. Senator. I5ut. as a general rule,
the Iteiiuhlicao recognize the wis
l.m, of WLiiic the subi-ct rest until
we have carried the next election
and m cured the Legislature. First
-it'-h vur liare, before you cook it.
Tin.- I,r..hl:incr nil Hlitl eoririne of
the ice in the Susquehanna, Dela-
ware ami Lehigh rivers and other
minor streams in the eastern part of
iIip St.itn. iius caused much loss of
property within the past few days
In the Allegheny and Monongahela
nd their tributaries the ice has
nearl all run out without any cas
ualties as far as heard from.
G o v m knt experts estimate t h at
ths f.;r:iiers of the United States
ruined last vear two billion bushels
of coru. 0:?J,M K.X) bushels of oats
and Cj7.J00,(X-0 bushels of wheat.
There is not much danger of imme
diate starvation with this liberal
supply of food for both man and
bat. The market value of the
three crops is set down atone billion
Another Chinese tiot took place
t Seattle, Washington Territory, on
Monday ot last week. The militia
was called nut to guard the Chinese
ami was cu:inelled to fire on the
oi:b, killing one and wounding sev
er;d others. The Governor had to
plfc.e the city under martial law,
and on an anneal to the President
troups were forwarded and now pre
t-erve the ieace.
Jt appears to be generally conced
ed that (ieneral Beaver will he the
next Republican candidate for Gov
ernor, but a number of aspirin? gen
tlemen are ixious to be placed on
the ticket with hiiu. It strikes ns,
as but a matter of cammon fairness,
that the candidates who were on the
ticket with blm, and who wtui down
in the geueral wreck caused by the
family quarrel in I8S2, are equally
entitled to a re-nomination, if they
desire it.
Ir now looks as if the strike in
the oke regions had wHtled down
to a mm-jc question of endurance on
both sick. The operators have shut
down all their ovens, and declare
they will not start them up again
until the old prices for labor are ac
cepted, and the men have apparent
ly determined also to face it out.
MaantrhUe iron furnaces all over the
country canuot run for want of coke,
many other branches of industry
are lvine idle and thousands of
workmen be-ides the cokers are
thrown out ' employment
Ose by one the great captains of
the late civil war are passing away
The sudden and unexpected death
ot General Hancock on Tuesday of
last week caused universal regret
throughout tin- Nation. He was an
ideal eoldier, and no officer of the
Union Army was mora idolized 1y
Lis men. Conspicuously gallant
and daring, his enreer was substau
tial and brilliant. He was a b n-n
so.dier, and from the outbreak tf
the war until its close his advance
was as steady a his fame will be
n4uring. General Hancock was a
native of Montgomery county in
this State, where he was much
teemed and beloved, and where his
remains have been interred. A su
perb soldier, a true gentlemen, au
ardent patriot, a faithful servant of
liis coaotry, spotless and pure in ev
ry relation of life, a nation mourns
at bis tomb, and will cherish Lis
memory for ages.
Death has been active within the
tact year among the prominent Dem
ocrau of the country. Thomas A.
Hendticks, George B. MoCkJlan,
VinGeW Scott Hancock, and H
Tatio SeyBiour have all within the
cycle of a few months passed from
earth to eternity. Horatio Seymour,
it he last of these prominent men, died
on Friday last As Govarnor of
Sew York and a candidate for Pres
ident, Mr. Seymour had occuppied a
large gpace in the public eye and
had attracted much public attention.
He came down to ua from the older i
party, and did much in his time to Orders for the Ceremonies on Satur
ojake' it famous. He was a man of j day -Service at Trinity Church.
sincere convictions, of marked pur
ity of character and a favorite of his
partv in New York, who followed
him with implicit confidence. Since
1SGS, when be was defeated for the
Presidency, Mr. Seymour remained
lin rptirarr. and freauentlv refused
Iika him hr I
his party friends.
We call tke attention of the Col
elected !
lectors of taxes who w
yesterday co the provisions of the
second section of the law, by virtue
of which they were elected. It is
as follows:
Siotion 2. The court of Quarter Sessions
"nhall have power to till, by npjiutiiient,
"ail vacancies in the said olhoe. within
"their respective counties. And if any ier
"non elected to fill said offic chall fail to
pyebond and qualify as hereinafter ro
" vnieil. on or Ui'ore the fourth day of the term
"of mid court next enduing hi election, the
"aid court shall declare his office vacant
"and appoint a suitable person, resident in
" the proper borough or township, to fill the
As the next term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions for this county
commences on Monday the 22J day
of this month, it will be necessary
that all Collectors shall C!e their of
ficial bond on or before Thi'rs.latj
the 2"A in.t, else the Court will be
compelled to declare the office va
cant, and appoint a suitable person
to fill the same. The bond required
mu6t be in double the probable
amouut of all taxes that will come
into the Collector's hands, with at
lea-t two sufficient sureties condi
tioned that he -shall we'll and truly
collect and pay over and account
far. according to law, the whole
amount of the taxes charged in the
duplicates delivered to him."
Collectors have but one week in
which to procure their bonds, hunt
up their sureties and make them
selves solid with the Court. They
must look sharp, or they will be
caught tiapping.
Adjutant GftiP.-nl Guthrn-to Ihc Na
tional Guard.
The following order was issued
fro-n the AJjut-Mit General's le
jartu.fnt to-Jay by (h-tirril Guth
rie: M,iior Genera! Winfi.-ld S Han
cock, U. P. A., died Tuesday Feb
ruary 9th.
"His brilliant career as a soldier
in the Mexican war and our civil
war is known to all. Distinguished
in till the battles of the Army of the
Potomac he reached the zenith ot
his fame on our own soil at Gettys
burg. Loved bv his men, trusted
by his superiors, full of resources in
action, successful in all his battles,
he was not only a brilliant soldier, no trappings of woe marked the
but the ideal soldi, r f the war. A i funeral of Gen. Hancock. The man
lVunsylv:iiiian by birth, he was j wl0 iiaj received the nomination of
greatly interested in the National : a great party for the highest honor
Guard, and his advice has been jn' the Nation's gift, he who had
largely followed in its present or-: turned the tortuues ol many a battle
gaiiization. Such honor as can be 1 0nd whose calm courage in the
rendered by regiments and compan- i r!Jidst of death had so often inspired
ies on the day of buriel will be oh-1 the faltering regiments, was laid at
served. Officers will wear the usual refit quietly, without pomp or vain
liadce ot mourning fir thirty daysishow. Yesterday, wherever the
from the date of this order."
Tbe Grand Army.
Sckanton, Pa., Feb. 10. General
Gobin was elected Department Com
mander unanimously. Old soldiers
say this is the greatest mectine of
the Grand Army ever held in Penn
sylvania. The Posts dispensed in charity
last year $'ij,(KX), and the member
ship reaches nearly 75,000 men. The
continuance of the semi-annual en
campment at Gettysburg is strongly
urged. Harrisburg was chosen as
the next place for the encampment.
There was a gain of 909 in the
membership over la.t year. Sunday
camp-fires were repudiated. The
Department CoKimander went on to
say he hoped the G. A. ft. would
take proper interest in tiie Sons of
Veterans, and place it fully on its
list of auxiliaries. The Women's
Relief Corp aud the Ladies' Loyal
League were commendpd. On Dec.
31, 184, there were 472 P')sU tad
ol.G'.IS comrades, Hnd now there are
MS Posts and 3-3,097 comrade. Loss
by death during the year for the or
der, 3!)7 ; !n;orably discharged, 202 ;
transferred. CIS"; dishonorably dis
charged, 2) : supensiorij, 0,208 ; to
ul gain of 8,3-V by mui-wf, tc.
Ther ere 1-3 colored Post in tti
State Department, two having been
mustered durin the vear. Post
U' at Sharookm, us Jhe richest
Pott, owning property incltiJinj? an
opera Lue, worth $35,000. r"ost
No. 2, of Philad!i'hia, has the larg
est meu.bershio. $V. But one Post
was tlistb.indeti durinic the year.
An EtilrrpriKiRK ISiftui.
PiTTsm-RG, Feb. 10 D.-tectn-e
-T)itirll"P i .
Henry Kornman arrived here yes- j
charge with finl.ilriMmt by Car - A j.,, e5.nlar t(J t
wriutu Steven.-,, nardwar deal-made to receve the mi;i
en of Aihgheny C.ty. by whow hof Pfideot Garfield.bas beenorder-
haa twen empi'yeii as
falesinan fr faree years
the search for Hi veil in the Alieijfie
ny Vallev th-; deteclitres diC ivered
that he had beeu luaintaiuini; three
or four dauietttic e.ablir;hmen Japi;r, Ga.. Fel 0. The condi
The first place vieited was St. I'eter-t j tion of Mr. Sylvester Sams, a well
burg. Clarion County, which he paid ; known citizen vi this county, excites
mts his home. Kere Hives lias a : coiiniderable interfet. Two years
wife and six children. lie wan vex.: ' a.i Mr. .Sams, while walltioj; over
traced ti IJarmerville, where, under 'his finii.wn, bitten by a rattlesnake,
the r.aaae of Charley B.tdfier, he hay '.'Ie immediitely resorted to the na-
tw oiarried evt-t J years and had
thrt children. At iSroi ville. Jtf-
frrsoa couoiy, va.' n youjaij to al-1
so pat.fd lor hi if-. ;
-mmmmmmm j
DcMboriion. Horatio Urymonr.
Utica, S". Y., Feb. 13. Ex-Qov.-
eruor Seymour died at 10 o'clock
lart nightat the residence of his sis-
let Un. Zoscoe Conkling. The
couiplic&ticu ot physical ailments
which finally requited in death ur
inated with his beinr sunstruck
while at work on tbe road of bis
towa as path master, which oSJce,
he was used to say, was the only
one he had ever asked for. He suf
feeed from vertigo after the sun-:
stroke, and never entirely regained
his former strength.
The Scoi-m'a Terrible Work. I
Leaveswokth, Kan., Feb. 12.
Hon. John Harrison, of this city,
has received a letter from a. clergy
man in Podge City, who stated that
within a radius of ,00 miles of I
! Dodge City 100,000 head of cattle
had been trozen to death, and that general charge of immoral conduct
100 human beings are known to , The chtyj-e of obtaining money un
bave perished and more than 100 der false pretence was not a?tained.
have been missing since the begin- j Dr. Pershing is ' suc-penrjed from
Ding of tbe storm. 1 clerical functions by the finding.
Remain of Major-Geejera.1 Wmfield
Sc Hancock CooijrneU to the
Xew York, Feb. 11. The re
mains of General Hancock were
from the bier this afternoon
and placed in me eieei cBsei uiue.-
cA hv his relatives. Dressed in the :
uniform of a major general, with a
military sash on his right shoulder
nd side, even in death he looked
the picture of a miliary hero As-
i:stani Aajuianv-getierai t ui.-ir i
night issued an order detailing as
the funeral escort on Saturday th
band and Battery I, 5th Artillery,
from Fort Hamilton; Batteries A
and H. 5th Artillery,
lrom rort
Columbus; Battery K j,fith ArUll. I
irom r on ouuu in. a n cwwa v
.... .. j.'i l- ti.: r: ,.u .
will ecommanaeu oy .u-jor u-
ard H. Jackson, oth Artiherr, ho,
trith flantain W . B. Beck and six
teen non-commissioned officers, will
constitute the euard of honor to ac
company the body to Norristown.
Captain Wallace F. Randolph, 5th
Artillery, with one officer and a de
tachment of 37 enlisted men of light
Battery F, 5th Artillery will proceed
to Norristown, via the Frankford
Arsenal execute the
firing of the silvcs over the tomb.
There wi!l be no organized proces
sion and no arrangements are con
templated looking to the placing j
therein of organized bodies as such, i
but all are invited to attend in their
individual capacity.
The Secretary of War and several
prominent army officers will go to
Philadelphia to receive the remains
and aceompany them to Norristown.
A detachment of artillery with guns
ha been ordered to proceed lrom
Philadelphia to Norristown to fire i
a military saiuie over me grave.
This will" be the only military cere
mony, as the funeral is to be a pri
vate on".
The President desired to attend
tjie funeral, hut it will be impossi
i We lor mm lO uu m. wiuiuri
r . . t i .1- TU.
will uo irjmctim,u vj . . ..... j
Bayard, who will net as a pall
bearer; Secretary Endicott, and
possibly one or two others. Secretary
Whitney will not be able to attend,
but w ill" detail a number of olficprs
to represent the nary. The New
York Commsndery of the Loyal
Legion will be represented by Col
onel Kilian, Lieutenant Van Rens
salaer. Major Ivan Tailor, Lieuten
ant Fordham Morris, Medical Di
rector Charles Martin, Colonel S. 1.
Lawrence and Captains Samuel
Trudesdale and W. F. Van Ueed.
The officers of the Department rf; the Columbia ami Port Deposit rml
tlie Missouri will le represented j rond, covcrina; them for a distance V.
bv MKior-izeneral Schofield and one hundred yards and to a depth
Lieutenant Pitcher.
New York. Feb. 14. No long
h;nM nf troons. no sound
h;nes 0f troops, no sound of dirges,
morning gun saluted the suiirise.his
name and fame were on the lips of
soldiers,and a small escort of regular
trcops and a few devoted friends
gathered before a tomb on a wind
swept hillside at Norristown, and
heard a blue-coated bugle sound
"taps," the soldier's last good-night.
There the remains of Wmfield Scott
Hancock were placed beside those
of his father and beloved daughter.
On reaching the cemetery at Nor
ristown, Secretary of State Bayard
walked level with the head of tbe
co!lin,and hall his colleagues follow
ed, while Gen. Sherman If d the file
on the opposite side, with Secretary
of War Endicott next to him. Gen.
Sheridan was next behind Mr. Bay
ard. There was no pause at the en
trance of the tomb, tbe regulars
carrying the casket directly inside,
where they roJied itintoaniche that
was waiting. As the body passed
through the gateway of the tomb
the first of three salvos wi.s fired
from the hillside by Light Battery
F, of Fort Hamilton. Then came
forward a blue-coated messenger
from the widow. He bore two
wreaths of white marguerites. Upon
one in purple immortelles, the
word "Daughter," and the other
bore the word "Husband." The
upper right niche was opened, aud
Uoa the casket of the General's
daughter ICa was placed one of the
tokens from tho widow, while the
oilier was piaceu upon we tfi'iitrai s
racket Then the marble bLu'k
tere Bet in position and fealtrd.
.1 . 1 - 1 . .J. 1" . I
As tli ruUire aithurew from the
seiitilcher, a Lu"1;t came out from
j the ranks and rUniiJjiig upon the
jgeiille blop Pour.JM tlie lnl ",tiis"
1 ivf (J-n. JIanctick. The beart-r?) re--
' mi c,t,,l f 1 li-T r- i w-1 line 1 1 1 1 rrota t
, ,,. tt.a, ,'Ko ,(lflT,En,U '
-w Uir(,ug.v 'tll8
l"r;,:,!"''!tdhvf,id3ofthe late Gen. Hin-
; ctx-k.
jQuerr Kflrct nf m. itttfnaVr Hito
uv, fonieny m 6ucn case", wuisKy,
th--o h," partook copiously
Nothing more .thought of the
matter until 8: x inor.U. ti?, when
iiw betrayed ivinptoms ot tt.
yitu? dftbc. lie is never still, not
jeven io his rtepp, twitching his
j iu?cles and moving incessantly,
i fe has developed violent
-tivaiptomsit c;ucri eo that he beau
his wife and fataiiy and whoever
comes within reach. He now acts
like a man with a weiL-defined ase
of rabies, only instead of barking he
makes a rattling sonnd. He has
been taken to Canton jail, where a
etxong guard can be kept over him
until the result of his case has
been teaehed.
Rev. Dr. rVrsbtng F.ooind Guilty.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 11. The chl-
mittee of ministers who have been
investigating the charges against
Rev. I. C. Pershing, President of
the Pittsburgh Female Coliege, ren
dered their verdict this morn inc.
They found him guilty of dishones-
ty and of lying, and also on tbe
The Delaware a Baging Torrent at
Trenton, N. J., Feb, 11. The
river here has risen to a level with
, anA n.nnw,
r V r .- r
the whole lower part of the citv. In
Warren Street, which the water
scarcely ever reaches, the Hood id
now two feet deep. Dwe'lings, mills
and factories are flooded and greut
damage is already done. The tracks
of the Pennsylvania Railroad are
under water and all trains have stop
ped running. Hundreds of people
are driven from their homes, the
water m some cases beir g so high
are used. Much stock
has been drowned here nnd in the
di CQUD Cbar,es A1
? .. -
some property, was caugut by the
water and imprisoned. He was
nearly drowned before being rescued.
The water is still rising, and the
flood is certain to do immense far
ther damage before morning. It is
the greatest freshet here in thirty
Midnight The river is still ris
ing and rain failing. The Pennsyl
vania Railroad Station is surroun-
ded by a rushing torrent several
! feet deep. Locomotivess have been
run on all the bridges to keep them
from floating ofh All the available
men are at work saving the movable
property of the company. There is
no prospect of trains being able to
pass through this citw for the next
twenty-four hours at least.
Port Deposit. Md., Feb. 11. The
heavy rain of to-day and last nighi
caused a rapid rise in the Susque
hanna River, and the water to-nltit
is as high as at any time this winter.
The lower portion cf the town is
flooded, and many dwellers along
the river front were compelled to
make a hasty removal to higher
ground. The body of ice in the
river remains unbroken, and :t is
almost impossible for the heavy
volume of water to make its escape
into the hay. Grave apprehensions
are again etiterlaiued and a strict
watch is being kept to-nignt. Ad
vices from up the river are very
gloomy, and unless the ice gives
way sufficiently to m.ike an outlet
for the water, a disastrous flood is
looked for.
About 10 o'clock the body of ice
opposite Uoek Run. made a brak
and was forced up ovtr the tracks of
ot six or eight Icet. A large lorct
was at once put to work to clear it,
but it is feared that the damage will
be heavy.
Ph(F.mxviixk The storm here
was very heavy and the ice passed
off at 4 o'clock. At 7 P. m. the river
was up nine feet and still rising rap
idly. The ice has gorged at Port
Providence, and unless it breaks be
fore morning there will be heavy
damage, as the town lays along the
river and is quite low. French
Creek is also very high and has
flooded the Phoenix Iron Company's
shops so that work is suspended.
The Perkiomen river is half a mile
wide and veiy wild, and has carried
t off fences and several small build
ings. Joe ice is hankeu up at toe
mouth, but is ground into small
pieces and no damage is anticipated
from it.
A Town Iiinmlaietl.
Boston, February 14. The area
of Roxbury, flooded by the overflow
of Stony brook, is constantly increas
ing. The water has risen over a fort
since yesterday, and through some
streets the curtent rushes at the rate
of ten miles an hour. Two square
miles of the citv is now under water
from two to eight feet. The cellars
and in some instances the first floors
of nearly a thousand houses are
flooded. In low sections the houses
are almost entirely submcriied. Over
1.5(K) families are more or less af
fected, and a conservative estimate
of the loss t- buildings and stock is
$500,000. The territory drained
by htttuy prook comprises manvi
square miles in Jamaica Plain aud
Roxbury, and the snow aud surface
water must all be a ided to the flood.
At one point near Franklin Park
.1 t . err. i
which must flow off through g,0,,y ,
ii.e .Mayor, roi.ce o.u.riis,
sioners anil other ciiy tUU:iuls are
at work establishing depU of sup'
pne-i ana arrangi s lor me reiu-i
,of the sufferer!.. There have been j
j many narrow esc i?s i'nvn tlrovvn-j
1 - . . . 2 . . - - l-.l .. i A'
ing. l!nui-n tliroii-'s people
have visited the Hooded ii-trict to
day, and the utret-tx in that vicinity
have been black with huruanity
Itjnce early thiH morning.
J.j nclira a pt'ieiaU.
Pauis Tex., Feb. Q Kuly yett.T
4iy m jrui.: ah ut luO uiTjat.'J
masktrd meu ppj;eitr-4 jn 'runt of'
the jail.. A juiijpe of j
their horsesaod knocked at the front' t
door. Jailer Raldwin opened the j
door and two men sprang iodide, j
l!aldni discharged his revolver.bul
the rauu knocked the jailers arm up
aud then choked him until he be
came black iu the face. Breaking
open a cell, the mob eied It. T,
Garrett, the wouudo J desperado,
who killed D.'puty Sheriff Clay
Datfis. They dragged hitn tarnui'li
the j til, placed him in a tv.iin;
and carried hi'u t thi timber thre j
miles distant, where they strung iiiui
up to a tree by a linker. .j
Garrett had been arrested for dis-i
turbinga Christmas tree fe.-tival atj
gbppkey's Prairie. Sht-riff Uivisi
perniittt-a Lutj to visit his home he-
fore going lo jail. Subsequently j
Garrett seized a ntld and wounded j
the officer while the laUer's back j
was turned. Garrett was afterward ,
captured after receiving fourteen
wounds. j
4 Robber Shmrtuhiruwlf.
QuAKEBfoqrx, Pa., Feb. 11 John
Brier, aged thirty yeare, Committed i
suicide by .booting himself this af- j
ternoon in a farmer', barn near Hat-1
tieid, Montgomery county, while Le-1
ing pursued by a constable. It ap- j
pears that Brier, who for several!
uouthfl had been employed by a'
(armer ifar here, robbed bis ere- j
ployer ot cioibiijf and money !
amounting to aooj iat- otgi;;. i nis
afternoon he was traced to Hatrieid
and a warrant was placed in Consta
ble Harr's band for his arrest. Al
ter an exciting chase Urier ran into
a barn, and just as the constable en
tered the building he placed a i re
volver ta his bead and fired, killing
himself instaotly. Tbe pistol was
part of the stolen property.
mere is ann oi nny acres covere.i ; ,,V8 Uwt a sultH,n .,t Wtst FarmiDg.
with water line. feet deep, all of;,,,,, Trumbull .,,v te,.t K a
Telling Bow tshe wis Hanjc to m Tree.
St. Louis, Feb. 14. After u night
of delirium Miss Georgia Aldrich,
whom some men attempted to haag of hydrophobia. He was bitten by
at Windsor, began to improve. Her a mad mule.which was shot on Sun
consciousnesfi returned about noon day. The mule had been bitten by
and a short time later she recalled
the incidents leading up to the hang
ing. She said :
"I was eittinsr in rov turn room
sewing when my parent-; had gone
to church, and about iilf past s sprang lorwaM with ltd mouth wide
o'clock I heard a noise in the kitch- open. Mr. O'Neil started to run,
ec : Tthought ie waa the das, tut a hut before he had taken a half doz-
few minutes afterward it was repeat- en steps the mule had him under
ed and. seemed . to come from the hia.fctt, and,.. hegaa. hiticg Mr.
porch. I put my veil over my lace O'Neil. He grahhed him first in
and started to 6ee what caused it. the let? and then in the body. Mr.
When 1 opened the door I saw no O'Neil screamed for help, and per-
one and I walked oui a few teps. I sons who were rear by ran to his
was then seized from behind by a assistance. The mule did not move
large man who threw a shawl over at first, and a liberal use of the stick
my head and face and lhrew me was necessary to drive the beast
down. I cried as loud as I could away,
and he then thrust my veil into my
mouth and then a gag, which he Guarding Hancock a Tomb.
tied with my veil. He kept the ' .
shawl over my head all the time Nohristown, Feb. 14. Notwith
and spoke'only in whispers. His standinc the slush and mud in the
language I Cannot repeat, but it was ' lane leading to Montgomery Ceme
mostly curses. After tying my hands tary haniJreds of people to-day visi
and feet he carried me to a tree and ted the tomb where were disjmsed
Inp. mv sift anrl mif it Aver rAct r"f :i V Ihn rahi.ina n f lion I lm.
IU1 V Ul U 111 Ull VJ t i B..A L'uv .V V
niv neaa ana tooK nis enawj. ne
lieu uie uncus xo iuy nanus ami
and hanged me. The rope broke
the first time and I lell on a pile of
bricks under the tree. He cursed
. . , . . i , m.
again ana lieu me rope, oui uie anoi
caught and uidu t strangle me as mg the General s remains hat! been
hard as the first time. I think he securely .-eHled. The sealing was
went in the house after that, but I substantially done this morning by
can't remember anything further. I Henry C. Cressman, who bui't the
didn't recognize liim, as I couldn't vault. L-ist night the tomb was
see and he spoke so low." guarded by persons specially em-
This was all she could say and ployed by B. E. Chain, the family's
this evening she suffered a relapse intimate friends, and will be stcure
and is now delirious. The note ly euarded for some time,
found has been placed in the hinds
of experts and will be an important
clew. The Anti-Horse Thief Asso
ciation met to-dav and promised to
hunt down the criminal. The preat-
est excitement still prevails
in me
A Kiemlikh Crime.
Mattoon, 111., Feb. Vi. Mi.-s
Georgia AlJrige narrowly escaped
hanging at the hands nf. unknown
parties at W'iusor, two miles west of
this place hue last night. In fiend
ihness, the attempted crime has
equal only in the noted Emma
l.ond case. Miss Georgia, who is a
daughter of Dr. J. Aldrige.was adore
in the house as about 10 oriock,
and stepuing out of doors, wa sein
ed, her hands and feet tied, and
then hunc up by a rope, which was
placed around her neck. She was
ticcidently disc vered before life was
estinct by her brother, who bv
chance, came in the houe from the
rear. Kil'irts to restore her were
commenced at once. The nervous
shook was s.) ureal that she did not
recover hr right mind, but contin-
ued repeating ; "Oh that man,"
''th;it man." She is rtsting easier,
and il is believed that she will re-
cover. A note lound ne.irtne place
of the attempted hanging, said that
the deed was committed to take rt
venge on her father, Dr. Aldrige.
No other clue bus been found. In
tense excitement prevails in the vil
liige, and should the euihy party or
parties ne discovered, there will
doubtless bf a lynching.
Attacked by a Catamount.
Ill .NTI.NODOX, I'd , Feb. 15. J. U.
Wniuelsdorf, a young farmer of Ju
niata towi.ship. while returning
home last night in a sleigh forma
neighbor's where he hat! been at
tending a parly, was attacked by a
catamount and seriously, if not fa
tally injured In pacing through a
ttiict clump of spruce trees uear the
bae of Terrace Mountain, his hor.-e
beeam greatly aui'.uted by the pres
ence of some animal crouchinn in
ie roati a tew be-
ing unable to control the horse, Mr.
Womelsdorf was thrown violently
out of the sleigh, and before he
could recover himself was attacktd
by the vicious catamount ami fright
fully wounded. His face and arms
were laid bare by the sharp claws of
the beast, anil in hU terrible fight
tor life hi clothing was torn into
shreds. Mr, Womelsdorf succeeded
in escaping finally by the judicious
use of his pocket knife, but his
wounds are of such a nature that
! small hopes are entertained of his
Saloon Wrecked with lly .lamite.
Clevflamd, 0 , Feb. -A special
lUn ' ww:kpd
.Ifmuii,(1 lhis ..,.: The
people liatl been at war with Haw.
!" f irir-xtie time and thi is thought
to b the re-lijt
' '
Nf) particulars are
Showing the aggregate amount of the Assessment and Valuation of the several Townships
and Boroughs in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, for the triennial year 1SS(. in accordance
with the Act of Assembly, passed the loth day of May, 1841.
Allegheny. ........... .....
H. run B t iukq '.. ..
ConemiaKa ...............
UonHuem-tt. ...... .....
L.iwcr Tarkeyiuut.
New Baltimore
New I'cntrevllle.
Northaiuploa. ..... ......
K.IClttftKMi.. .....
Sallsrmry 3or
Shasiew ......................
s-.tnercet Bor '.........
, erL. ....... ........i
StrniTereeit'. .'. ..
!tllTStlWl i.
iVl'' Tarkeylbot
I -: t j na Bor ...'. '. ........... .
V't-llertUfK B- r
Il.t VI ... 1 , .....
that they will sit as a board of
pf JrebruarylS86, at which
,.-m.Hf au. ,iWtTO. n ntMistiDoia iitrmmre t assessable at the rata? of t live mil!- on the dullnr arl r,.r .. ..... t
Cumu, ju lite ratpvf we per peit. V witches $1 ea.-li. X,,. 1 75 ce..t9?a.i N , " , ' ' 1 , 1- 1 T
a.n.mnt of County t a atrainjt the dilnt tlbtrict, is approxinmely c'rre,-t. The rh anWt ha he , n Zhv",- rT'l
The undersijrrted County Commissioners of Snmersot. (Innntv P, uu.. :
ttnnc e.t tl.a A coaenva fo 1,..
tion of an Act of Assembly passed the 5th day of May, 1841.
.il llSl .
A. J. Hileman, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, Feb.
D)ini;ofa Mad Mule Bile.
Atlasta. Feb. I). John O Neil, a
planter of Fultou county, is dying
a mad aog tnree weess ceiore. ua
Friday Mr. 0Neil went into bis
barn yard. The mule was standing
still. When Mr. O'Neil waa within
a , i "V
a few feefTof theaolu)it, it suddenly
V- -..." uw'.uu...w vr " LI.. . .....
cocit. i ne euosiaiitiai granite ironi
auu ueavy Kaiveiu,eu iisi tuie, im-
pressed the visitor with the outward
security. But on looking thronjih
the narrow oneuine above the door
' ... i
ii was seen mat me men contain-
A litxdj Durietl Won Military Hon or n
HAFiRISBLIK;, Feb. 10.
-The wid-
O of Colonel Seneca
who was unieu m the late war, was
buried to-day with military honors.
At her retpuest one of the Grand
Army pests in this city took charge
ol the luin I he tnu-iic rendered
whilo the remains were hung con
veyed to the railroad, preparatory to
removal to Pott-town, wa.i that, in
dicated by her in directions written
in a book. Several dirct s w ere rei,-dt-rtil
nh tile and ten-.jr drum. No
Imte drum was used, at the request
of the tieceased.
St. Louis, Feb. 11.-John 1'. Mub
laly's livery and s;i!es st.i:lrs were
bumtd at an early hour this innrn-
TIm tire originated in the h.ty
The employes ( the ;-till.s
turned their attention alfnt- to say
ing the horses, 05 iu number, and
hail taken eeven of them from the
building, when two polii-euieii, tl. ink-
ing that the employes were thievt-s,
clubbed them into iiis'.-::sibility and
thus dtstroyed the only "rf
saving the stock, and the remaining
lifn-eiht were burned to deatl
Loss $12,000, insurance S3,0(K.
Oorrcctwl by Cook a Bsbkitk.
Apple, dried,
Ap.ehutt-r. ?1 K1
Bran. V 1"0 H
Hutter (nll)
Buckwheat ft rmh
weal, 100 1.9... .
Keenrax f S
Bacim, shonl.terf . f
" Mm,
eunntryhams? fc....
Cora, fear) new fl bashel....
(Bhellrrt) old "
meal fti
Call skint, fl h
Form, fiam.u
flour, ft bhl
Flaxteed, fl to. (soft)
Hams, (gagar-curod) ft )....
I,Ui.59 k
Leatlter, reJ eole, fl 9t.. ......
" kId. "
Wt 6v
11 uu
Wti 'M
- pie
......O.rd a
, lie
1. e
, 3m-i tic
1.vf Tiw
Tfc-q -vc
..1 il 0
Ul7 4lC
, le
1 50
1 'i.
W 6fl
...... ?(&!jc
8fg 1' 0
...5C"1 00
..... 35e-IO
Mlddllnirs, and chop 100 Is..
oau. q ba .
pMke, .tried,
Racf. V ft
Sail, No. 1, ft bid. extra .
., O round Alum, per
Aehtnri. prsack....
Suar, jellnw fl ft
" white "
Tallow. ft
Wheat. flba.....
' :
wool, ..
-a js
tflO It; .strnv
aa il.OWIK iV.i ITi.HS,;-,
u 11. np-nairr im i's-li.-t iiwrjir. sij fat it
Dm M. r"ER3t 4 CO., tfstro!, Klch'ad--.
j an e et.e o-w
-IMfURTAXT SOTir.c:. '
Xotlre l hrreby priTen that all n.rtu Hill ow
ipg me a, late Fro:i,4Hit:rv. cot taiil within 30
!; tum thif ilatr. wli l roilene,! ir Imal
urouefa. Partiei wIhi have not .ettlfl tteirai:-
m'8 Hilltaecu by payltiirpnuiiptly
I'. Tii
rMuuijfcT, fa., retiruary a, le.
21 TO
, . :s:
- 71'
1 3105'
677 1
' '
" Bto'.l)
T.s.f i
. :.140,
' "i5
. i
r-t u
26111 V
f -"n,
7---S ,7,
a?Ki .
3fl 1.
u w
. eilj-i
a M
' Ct5I
. Tit
- lsaa;
, 41W'.I(
, in:-ntj
. ?-;
. -tatazj
lUts I
' 11M)
. Wis;
- Kait:1
117 J
y uj.
' wrw
revision at their office in Somerset, on Mondav thP o.,i ,;!?,.V
time and place they will determine whether anv of thp val,.
itcii mautr oriow a just rate accoruin
J II . .
.3, 1886.
By Tirtue of eeriain writ? of Fl V. sni Ynl.
Kx. iued out nf Ui 'nirto!' Cwmmoii f ,
tMaierrVrt Co. Fa.. to mo (iirecie-J, itn will
b p-sM to puKie Jttle t tlie Court lioiise in1
Sumtrset t orcu-Li, I'., on
at 1 o'clylt r. all tiie ritfht, title iateret an 1 )
No. 1. Tiro rertmn lts ot irrmtil iUui4te fa j
kiumo a if I. N i. .ivj MIJ.i jn the i:uhlv '
urv5 of Sai-t iioroairh. fruUu n iiaitruiti
street, uni running l-nrk l.'xtltstti ail(r,
ttol lyhtit ht-iwi'fii Tlilnlftrnet anii li Sk o'..
ej.rh of sui i i Inline let wlI, vih one.
story Frame JtivelUnt; Hoa-e eni'tcl on l A o.
;-imj, axiJ a w-u-rv Frutne I'we.itns Hau-e and
fit. JL riieolvi.fl 'iii.!.;!? furt X. 3VT
in 3Lfver a;! :i;i-u of te iv.iUich f l-yr.!aie
(? unxy an-li tte atortsiM, fronting 4' on
Unuit'M.vrt. atl xfensinic J.uih to sait.;i..ury
Si:e.-t ; tn Kui" nnl We; ra- (sdi Mare
owned Jty or lt.tnifps. bavjna t?irrton erec e l
two-story Kr.iute limtdlnit witu Itdemeat. ir
merly kn.-wri :t5 Hady's BoLtlir.K ttahnsl
njept," with tl:c ai-partenanre?.
liken to e.?cuti n at the uit ot S. B. Ph:l3 m.
CaaUicroi tli CintL? Kink.
All the riht, title, interm an-J flalm rf Valen
tine Hrarh'.ol luau'ttthe f.d'.owina; Kvl
tale, iiuate in Sumtuit Twi.. Sfimersi t;.... Pa., !
Urtierintc wn the waters l Uw H itlalo Treek n-i j
( 'asst'liujn Kiver, anl adj.dntnz lri 1 if Jatb P. ,
Walker. Ko? Forwar-l. .loo a l. K.M!y unl l.tte 1
P. P. H. W niter and other. cjniiAiniiv i" a. res
a!il 'ml fieri hfs, tut. re or lo-n, Lavmti; i hereon (
triTU"! a one-t'iry Hoto', StaMe and oilier Out- :
IfUilditi ith the appurtenantf i. j
Tatu in execution at the Bint ol T. C. Jenkins, -et
a). I
AH the riirht, title mtr-t and elalmof the j ant, .lat.vtT. Weimer. ui. In and to the tol- ;
lowiDt; Keal K-it ite, viz . Thr-'e criaia of
jrouud situate in the village of ttairett. Summit
, , , f ... . t .
mw town a i-.u ss iianiss. ech ir.nUDit: s,wt . Uk n. tx. ,n.leJ ,m ;t, 't
street ao.i i..t ... aa, on the East i.y
loiS N.ja.2; aivl with a tw.t-tr Krutno llw I. I
'" h.o t n . mh tta;vintuw.
urteiinnccD. i
H. W eiuicr j
i. iKt-a in execution ai tae iu, I ot s.
nw,.is. n Livoni
NOTICE All pern puirliasltitr at theabnre
ftaiewitl take nti-- thl a uir! of me jiur- l
rtia? Dt'ify tn l.o ma-le kn.iwa at the lime ol
t;ii! at The rk t tnn drat parvher. Tne
rtitii lue .t tlie purchsij'e ttumey must be uid d or
Mie willl-e nxiuirt-il smmastlie prortT is
l-l-r Tliarxt iy ni ihe urst weei ol Fe:ru:ry
lenn iti i oor'. Ihftine 6xI by the .mrt fr if-
curing the m:kntwlt-!tieut l Mee lit, nai no dnttl
will he Hrkinn until the jur.'li;tiie money Is '
piI in mil. !
Sheriir.-MMtt.-e, JOHX WINTERS, !
J;iu i a;, i vi. siwriff. j
1 I.
IF!:SI4;XI T A.-lniinictrut.,,- an. I :
lie silc, I the rea! -s'..te nf S-..v
mn.l. ,.;nr. .t.e.l. Ute.l S er. T.hin
h.tni.-r;vt entity. f ill dl t ,.ubiic ale.
u..;er. at L. ill r. t). .n
TJiunst'AY, FKiry is, isso,
a: 1 .V!oi k P
, t!ie (-liuwinis dcscrloJ real es-
tu.c. vi :
5trt f A c-ri.iin trnrt nf l:in 1 r..n-
3IVi iKlninir -l un-:m-M;'i-'er-
r... .t.n. ni ii. it-m-r, ii. nenu, IK ll. alK- j
er, t miiiTiimi, .irul iii.-t.
11 A traf il liinil ii!:l:iluiu
m j.'Hiinif I.. jiuhilt' ri.ii-1, .1 .Un (.fiiiuticr
luii! 1 lvt-MiH'tl ami others.
rf ry A trart ol b:i.l C'ir.iaHiinT
!Os 'nt-aiTP. mure t ril-
i;:-,irii o. tvUur, Mrs. Alex Saylur. ch.ircli a, .1
drhr-'i erniicrty.
T$ 0 'A A tract uf lati.l . ..Dtainlna:
ixjm :5- arr. rm-re nr lrr. a.
.j'frii! HvnTY t .'laycwmti. Alir:hliaui Itani
tlw.rire Sw::nk, ami oilier.. Till:. fr.u-t
W"U lirril.f ii.,1. TtK-three l-.rmi-r pan-ri are 1-jrtji
n :!ie :ar:r now owneti hr ll. II. Walker are
VRluiWe, ti-iati-e mufh'ei it !: clean.-! ati.l In a
KMi.i tare of i-nltlvalfnrl. Thie i hiia su
icar ratiPi flirt-'n. with waltr, t.mlir, eie. to
nukfl il a ir.t.ortv. t'lwc ?:ore.
i.- .H,l ami hnr.-heH, al.ut f.-.ur miles eapt o:" Smii- t
eret, at i.i s church anil lii-rUn ruail.
(tin- Ln.r'l to remain a li-n. a!tr 'I:-' !.-. anl
fl r.S "1 fatHIC ATI lUtly it !.'h iiircicit
To liCjn.-l tiuribt; i'jcr lilcMnie. nn-l at
iit-r "teat li the Tin' i.;il lothf heir ul thi-t!ei'eai-etl.
Cue-thirti c!t on cimnriijaiitui o! llto
hriljtn - v hi thrs'C eiiuai iiavtuent, iu oe w-
run-i! ry jultrii tiT tin the i'rrriii.'.. T- n cfcnl i
to iL' t.U'iHV in s.lie. Ar.V tTFni lt"Jirtm
vt ii.Tiii-T iii;tT!i;;i;U'n 'iin-ut ilie rci--r! will cail
m ih- Anunmtntiorf, t J-Am ii. I hi. K.-q , at
Somerset fa.
.1n?i A. Wai.tkr. W. S. KAKK.
0. ilui'ti'.iiter. Atiuura. and Truilees.
rp:tE r.'lln-n pi-! --f.M8 harenlf.l in mv . rfi.-e
1 ili.-irp-ti l .n i..r Tavern. tti-ita-irant Li.-rn-fes.aith
t. inil". -cr: l.i-it. atll Uvit. Jti-, and
tlie ituiie will ba p-rute 1 to thy lurt fi.r allow
ance .Ui.n lay evi.'n:n. Feiiru.ity '1, 15vi -.
t'tmrlcs A. -Mltcht-11. nTonnhip.
K'iw:ir.I Mrklow, A'lll-on T-iwnltip.
I In in. u W llliHtu. K1H l.lck Tuwn-tliii.
KrrderK'tc liurr, tJnfnvillft
nu:m:l A. lliilnef, K'iliWocd H 'r-Uiih.
S oiincl IluckRiin, "
y.'xt-x A. Taymn, Soracrpet "
m. .1. Hliifcrtnli-.'liam, Soaitrw B'.-rntiirb.
Auirutu i littvi.-.
Ji .i',.li Mall. Slimyorprk Towrnkip.
Kuliert Outhrtti, .M(.'ver!fc!iile n-.irnuu Ii
K. 1. Wniker, "
Nat liiinitl SMcer, -
KltTil Hjt, '
Julin H Slerr, " "
tf.-;u IicM.ivrn.Nirthifiiptnn T.iwneii
J, .. bv.niii, t!nina Kun nli,
,. A. .Viller, - '
Uaite A. -tenkirifi. "
J. Ken'-I, Wellcrburir lionuirh.
u-jntns K-H-hler. t '.inHiietu-j-li Tnwiitiln.
Frank J. Fuller, New Haiti more liomuirli.
Sniuuol t'-ti.T, Stiivrstuwn
J'-lin H. Hue,
::si.ii im iK Kt:. Krfitihurit, .Moterclule Koniuirh.
Pp.:- lira .... t .. H, ChlTCHI'lKIJi.
Jan'y 4i7. :s l'r...tlhoo.rv.
'i all pen ont tpfiom it mag concern .-
l ake nutice, that e ha.v ma.lo appli, atlun to
Hi-n. J. Sin -roHiAfriiM. sretiiry m mti-rnal Af.
Inirii., fi.r u warrant tnr live f ".) arreii utiimt-ruvrri
Ian ! situaip.l in Stiinyi-reek Tixn.-i, i N.initraet
INniiiy, Fa , ailmtniDi lar.i! wm.uitF.i In the
I.all.ti .it J.ii-j.!i Milltr '.n O r S. nth. .Jai.l. Hull
on the Wcatan.l IVt. r Kcu.-h p ,h .N. rh. an.l
at the r.pir.ilinn of thirty t:.v will uk that a
warrant te is-uea i..rthesami-."
LK.VLSf tSHliltJK. f
,. , ,
l-ellal'W nm. nilC le than il
v ..v... rmiinitii uri.a-
menMI Nnr-er? Kio. k. on Mlar rib
I,.r,r:,r,.l.ii.,..ll,i....u . " V.
prr nald.ijrra runim......ti u i.t..n.i
htcail v en plovtnent thrnuirhnut the r. Knat!
n...i.i . i .
wutn DKVincK. ur-rrv ii - n.
jan.l , i-t. K.k hkstkk, N. Y.
r r rt r. n -. . . .
I w.i
es E.-
t 'll 2.
-M7l io; ft
1S7 Hli ai-s
lJXti 4o7il7
7l:0ia 0.111't
6-1 1 till Si
71.i, l-.rr'.i
a:iO s-)
17-". V.-M
"ui '"'
I 62-1
I 6-(l
"l Ji:l
'iiuo "!
7-K) '
16 11
u a
41 1.1.1
2.1 .yt
17.J tl
1 sj
1J og
us '11
2i tXW
2 "0
4 U..0
-y -uu
J.tou w
liiu .
2 i
a 7
I) 1
U 3
a oi
1 2
4 4
U 10
1 ..;
o i
2 4
4 S
0 ..'
7 19
2 1
1 :
2 3
1 1
i: i
4.V 4!l'.i:.
lUIUKl '.-7t
M.-.771 1 anl
.J7.17 s:3"
3M41, UL 8
lsii7 f7i)lU
Vnlll; 4iaJ'
li7s;i,' i-aoi
474i kiMl
VJ17i 1SH749
74UH l!Mi
IU, lj7ott
If Mi
.. . .
to the meaning and inten-
mm Real Estate
Salesmen Wanted!
This Succtel Irrg Sicrs is r;
Aim a run iine ol optical
such a large assortment all can bo suited
The Finest Brands of Cifars
Always on hand. It is
poods to intending, purchasers, whether thev buv trom'iw
. f . J J ,iUlu l VX
J. M.
W. 13
: tl 1..., i ...ill II.. .1 4
! It UlfV Mill 11I1U I
o(' Goods to
You will find all kinds nf
(iold and Silver Watches,
Silverware, Toilet Cases,
Cull' buttons, Clocks,
Chains, Charms, Lockets,
Scarf Tins, Lace Pins,
if , i r t
j oi every sijie irom puim xo wcuuuig niis.
scie:;t:st3 li
Valuable Real Estate,
By virtaeof an or.ler of the Orphan' Court of
S. inernet Umintv. to the nn.leriane.t. Trustee f..r
the aale ol the K:al F-tne i.l lnvi l (tell ilee M,
tlu-rc will he eyjfe.l t.. pate by puhllc outrry at
the late resHi-n.-e ol ftai-1 de,.lnt i-i .lenner Twp.
Tiirnsiu r, Fi:irv is,,
! At 10 i.Yl.x-k a.
' ti'Utf . Ti :
m., the followlDK (lesiTlbeJ Heal
A rertsm tract of lam! innirn as
the HutnePteail Farm.' irn.
: ate In Jrnnrr Twp., s..oii-r-t Co., Pa.. a.i.Hnin-,'
lands of Jonas Ankeny. A' niliain Hram, Hiraiu
j Heain, an.l o;hers. containing lci a-ies ami rt7
p.-n-iie?. :r -i metrur. havitur thereon erecte.l a
I larico I nn -t' - ll-i-llii..- hou.-e. a Ttiurnn-
. iv.nnt ll..u-i-. a a .l liarn, Mahie. arul other
..n.t;.. - ..i. -. . . . . . 7 . .
'""'J -e in a i,i.:n atats
euitivatlim an.l well waterol. nne frail of minv
: .....i v.. , .. a.u.
' vmH.-iI-i an.l & 1.1-ub v-. . . i.l- ...... . -
' ' -a - . v ' . . ... . .
t A. I I J -' "" anown
- w
Mthf .M;iurrr turtn itu-
I ate in N-.iu'?r-Pt Tirp., Som-rft , p., .!..,o
l;.r.tin ul ;, ah, Wm.i, krf.ifr. John
i J. lU-iier A'TiUiaiii Ht;im an i ther.4, : nt:tirilTi
l Kts acre and alUiwutv-rn, hJ.viDic a Lirjo tw-
a In rite Batik Barn an.l other nathaildlnn there
Miaenvleil.uli.iul. 110 n-rn In Due tartolnv onill
i tlnn anU w. II waterej, and the remainder in tx
( fellnt tlmiir, with a Saw-tnill. a 1-irito Suirir
camp, a t.'oil back with vein ol l',.l,
1 i-nl :in ct client ynuni; Krult-lienrinir Or.-hnl.
i "V1 ! A rartnto tr ici ut hin.l km.wn
O " a tiio - Hnuirer t'ann," ua-
i ate a s iiner;! Twp., Somerset t'o , Ha., a-m-j
!ni f-i "Win. ;-. Kni.i,.6f, Wi,j.,n Maitnr,
I iiii-in . jiiiiei. HiMui lleam. ami otlit-ra. c-o-,
tAinintc 115 irr an-l 1-Ji i-ri'f,es, x rirt :npa-urp,
. wit n a iwo-ftiirr liwellin4 Hhhot. lUna Ham an-l
: ber t'UillliiH thereon ; a o.kI tirchtrl. a ana
S.ii;r-i.imi, iruol uniiirja an.l timber l.-tnil.
; lit ii'iort Ihrt? fitrml ire cor-rrntent lo vUooti.
. rl.nrrbe. milli, niort. elc. '
Jiin .V. 1 an.l 2 In Bl.K-k F,
i.' - fitaate in t', Hiirnanh nl I r
?Jna. Somerset t'o . Fa
on t ne ..uth si. le nt Parli
hum -?
xteivirmc teet imtopili lo wBm alky. h un
iloil by l..t 'a. Sor wm 1.1 un the Fs-t ami
(no thirl uftlie whole of the pua-haixi money of
eaeh tr.u-t to p-iiiuin a lien on it. iimni-a-n to u-i-iire
the win. iw s il iwer. Ilm !r l.-n-.t oi whli-h it
annually to lie ji ii.! to Surah Hi 11, tri.low ol liavi.1
Bell, ileeM n-l alter her .loath Uie prim-ipal sum
to the heirs mi. I t.itil repri-si-ntatiies nt saiil d.
i-e:il. One thirl ol itm iln-Ier on ileliverv of
rletl. an! the lialanca in three eifaal annual iay.
menu with Inien-st. llel. rreil (nvmenis to le se
rnrnl hjr Juiliiment Ivfinil Fire per cent, of the m iner to I )ii.i on nay of naie.
1'oBsH'snion L'iren Apnl 1st, 1-so.
an.27. Ailminlstrator ami Tranter.
ValiiaUe Real Estate!:
BT VIRTUK of anor lerof alo Is'ned not of
the Orphans' Court of .Somerset Co., I'a,t me
dlreete.1. I will exooee to puhlie tale i.t Keam'a
Mill, In liraketjwn, S. rnerf et Uounty, Fa., ou
at 10 o'elork a. x.. the Miw!ns Kcal E.ute. Tlx
S' 3. A eeruin tract ol lan-i iru ale in L. .wer
Tuiaeyf.Mit Twp.. S.juierset i o.. Fa. a.lriiniin(
lan.lsol Alex. N icola. S.-hjl House Frolienr. Hr.
act a heirs, no. 4, an.l Wm K-aia. roniamiun tix
acres ant seventy-three pe'rhea. moio r iess
WO. 4. A certain tract nl lanil situate aa
sM, .Va 3. iacoli Moon, ami others,
e.n aining lw acres, aiore or less, tx-inu well iim.
stale of enitiratiun.
One-thlri to remain a Ilea apon the lanil. the
Interest u b patit anuuatly o the wiuow ol Thon.
uhetm, dee d., tlurlmr hor Diet me. and at her
death the principal sum toOepuM t the heirs snil
lesal rcpresentatiree ol sal aeceal. I me-thirl
ol the balance cash, and the remaloorr in two
equal annual payments, without tmeren.
febs. Tnute ofThoa. Keam, deeU
i MmiWK ST027E.
! Over 5CO I f t'i Send foi
i Ecautiful IL if $ Price List
: Deeigns. IT -Xi' Circu'arc.
I? a Great Favcrita rita ?-
in Search cf
uooIs always on hind V
alwav a pleasure to
linl;iv nnr
1.,. l..-.i C - 1 i 1 .- ,.
III? JLSl kt l( ('!('( I tM.l-
suit Purchasers.
Kar liint
S and Linger Hin-s
It Will
Pnv Y
To Buy Your
Memorial Work.
i F. Staffer, Somerset, M
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
HUflU li Eliill! Nl
Eantrrn n'or Fv.rr.ithri on Short Solicr is'(
lotort. Alto Agint Jor toe H HITE BS-J.Nil
P-nn n. in of MOM MEXT WOHS wiU
nr.l It tu thtlr tntre.t tn call at mv uti .T, whert
at r.r.h wlnir will be nircn tt.em. mi-sat,.
f.ictwi. Cuar.iutrta- in Ere'y Cttr. tn,l tall i
il LOW. 1 Intrite Stwcial AtteaiUui tutli.
Wine Bnip, Cr hn M imrti
Intr- .lur. by R K V. W. A. ORINt. a. a l
ehlwl Inipr.Tem, nt, in K)lnt of M t fEkl .L AD
I 0.S1 HUT lo., ami whhh I, ilenline.! lot.,
me bi polar Monument lor our t tmoiieanle l it
mate. ll.(iUKt AI JIL
The r..Ilowina the llt of r-anses et for trial at
Febru.-try Ternioltkiort, beuinning; .Uon.lav. F.'S
ruary T2, l.-si :
la.-n Hn. . Cunnimrhnm rs. Win. Kenin!ti?r.
r. i.intor vs. .1. M. .liilier.
Jiui'yh t'limuuis vt. (1. A. Ko.
Win. II. Koont. Atty an-., ys B. wlia.
l.auiil Weyaml-.TriuK-eM. Jn... lih u.H ami
Ja-ih Marker.
K'lwapi Siteri f. R f. J.nntf.
Her Kei-i-r's u.e vt. J-merih Srll-cr: el ai
Hiil.inn iim v. II riry H.i
rt. ty. I.uns vs. K. Jnmn et al."
r.iiii .i. lii:in nisht ac.. v. X, r..n r. .hr.
IK-.1. . .Miliar v. K ll. Couuhen.ur, et al.
Nn. ne v. S iiiie
Same s. sain--.
e tt u t'i,.
Mary A. Mnrtm T. P. S. Ha-Frl.-ier
k. Fia;.tis-a0 vi Mai f. r. -!!.
.1. T. Shipley vt. J. V. Mwhill.
J. M. .M ir-lnll v. .J. T. .-.hiplej
MarihriU Br t. a Kuim
V. K. WeiKlev.. r,e.h Mull.
Aiiireilo Uii.irem. v. Pniierw.ii i Kulin.
; r?', u.-m vs. Fi.h. au-i lia
T. Ilinefiiiuith ei al rs w. II. a. il..-'i-ie Se'.ltr?.
Mary Shu.Miim'. u-.- v J. hn .1 SiniiL-l-r.
"i "II" ,,-'.v,r- 'liar..tlrn. lh Williams.
K. r. H'1!( B.ilt,, in, t iiiri., K K .V. '
Nanh Kll.n. InrlKlitvs A. B. a inha.t.
barth f. Frle.iliiie in rischt s J.nnl. Ltiiiurl s
(if.. Uiinir, itc, vs. Cr. F Aiman.
Same vs. John Wlntere. Sliertrf.
Hvnrr Srhlatt ra. Iieniiis liahoner. et al.
Hr rrj.. m Si.y.'.:r vs. .1 ! Hine-.auir!:.
Kll-h-i il i.ii vs S-.merset Uo. k. K.l'n.
. I l'on vs Sim.
I'-Mer'on Wel.s vs. Trfomaf MitTweii
I'ri.tlii.i. .tarvsiiMI e. Ji. li.CKl I('UF1I.U
Jan livj. r'n.tiii.i.otarT
8 Real Estate.
IY VIkTI'Kofan onler ttuM out -r th r-
ltrec;i!. I will r(. rt) u puhlif tuie on t i.eurei ii
sv At 1 o. lrk m. on
The followini; los.'rlhea liial Fstate. la'e tJie
,n pertyol lniian Hanger, ol .tlilt ipl I -n-shii.
in -al'l eonn-.y, iler il :
A certain pii .-e or parrel oflli-sai.l .l-ni'tun
H iuirerlartn. situate In .Milf.irl T-,wri.,ip a' r
nal.1. Sai l piei-e a.l iii.l William Haunt. -
ii. Sny.ier anl ihe orixinal truer. Iinn il.e ..i'.
east en. I ol nil tract, eontainina; al- ut ;i rt
tne-thlril In imml an I the l.alane la two r mal
annual (.lymem. to be eeuretl ia the l-r-nrf s
Tun per-enl of tuohtml monry to he p.l l aite'
tt-e property It ktt ! Jown
A-tKnf ILU
janai. AJmr of Jn.j. Hauler. .Iw'-J.
Motln- Is heri-br iriren fo allners.ns rm -erne.1
as legatee, rrr.liror. or othef-slse. that the I--1-
owlir arc'.unta ntre imnsefl reirister. aul thai
tnesamewiu ' e tor ciinniiau-.n an-i
allowance at a-i Irphans' Court to oe ii.l-t at S oi
er"eton I hurs.tay.the 2ath 'r of r'etouary. 1
First an l na ,1 n'e.unt of Al'tiert H. Kii-s- ai-1
I'lliltp Kh.xals, .lecu-vrs of M m. A. hlK-a-ls.
First and fin il account nfJolin I. Voiler. A ltnr.
of Jonas F. Miller, dee'.l.
First and .-e-junt of t'ath-ti ine Meuler,
A'iin-nist'atrixf Hi'nrv .tieiiie-. .tee'.l.
Arrount -it ts;ne.lict Yoiter, iuaniian of John
A-lam Sjmaay
A. -count ol t.?i Bender, Trustee for the -al.- "f
the Keol Katat" t. tllchael Kinar, dec 4.
Fl'st and rin.-il acc'uut ol Cyrus K.tpinan and
Jeha tr. Colei an. A lni nLtralor and l'ru!es
ot Michael Snyler dee d .
A.-e ,unt of Au-tin ienn:sn.'meof the Ailnun
lfltrators of Jeretnlan la'oy. dee d
l-irs-. and hnal a--,untot S. W. Frits, Admr.
ml Trutieut Kaciiel W ant, dee'd.
First awl Hnal atrount f l yras Kaynusn. -ld-minislrati
of Ja-ot Snyder dec -l-
Sw.nH ai-r nnt of w. 4. Biwiln, I i.cuti-r . f
VVk. Howlin iteii'd.
F ri ani tin il aepoaat of Edward LinMs an i
PeteT lller. Admrs. ol Abraham Io- is. !
First and na 1 ur-iuis of Air m Will. A imiui
tra'orof J-iioii in H i lis ctler. dc.tase.1
First - n l hn-tl a- .'.-unt of Aana Wdl, Executor
o7Ju-i Brant. i:e.-ase.i.
Ae-unlolS I. Livenn svl.Ouanlianof Her.L J ,
-ruianus(liant. John W. iJearv, and Jacob N.
"iwb. minor -Blidren of Nathaniel t r -br.decd.
t'oritifinatl.n dar. Thars-lar. March 4. 1,",,"
Kevister's f'tnosi, t'HAS. C. SH AFLR,
ieo. a 1V. Keulster