Somerset Herald. The .. I wttU-h Went IliVr KsHoY end Ohio Kallroed on h. trains wtll ran over tne nYbri. Branch M ta'to". ; rVsTB BOVND TRAINS. 1"" . w... . Mall Jobnft'B Somerset Aoe. . 14 4s r. M- fcjpres ' . ' s.l mi 1X.40 l.o l.U , 1 140 II' v A. SL ! - Tt'hWnbtbaiss, Sonvrsei Balto. Koekw'4 Ace. , Aits.? k'jo Mail Aee. 10.04 la S 40 S.M 1 10 1il3 lu.48 lit n.s 4.04 4.S4 4.M SOOra 1.SQ .Bart"0'1 rirrsBt KOH div. WIST SOTHD. Express RAO. Mll Cont'd Aoo. . AM ' X.30 " Cont'd norm &.13 " S.40 A. 7.00 ' IM i.s EAST BOUND. Hall Express , S5 A. w.esor.w. , ti.O! r. u. 12.6 Caps l lt Becher's. rear st and below cost at Becher's. ,if February eltion is not far off' XVho' themselves on tbe lit a..'.,'.-- e wholesale and retail, at Fish- Viler tines, i. ... itnre. r, rm bt is increasing at iuc in ,Sf a:"""- - - - i Hvrans. wholesale and retail, at Book Store , a a vast amount of comfort in these tie coal men. . tbe Clothier, is offering the great - O .... w! Hymns, in all sizes and styles, from (new "P. ' 'lsue' Book Store- Micand sentimental valentines Dyiens j..,, at Fiber's Book Store. r uest. invented by a Pennsylvania Jan, a has been tented at Washington. Indent Cleveland has signed the presi- iiUutces.-iua bill, ana u is now me w r jit country. ( suit our books settled op, To save nctiecsll soon, at J. li. SSVOEB X M S. uthB l! dul1 oa- we ,re wllin8 l..:at7, SJtions. Trimmings, and alt nod. jo our line, at the very lowest rates. M. At. lK&utl.but xv. ifrsoveroats left that will be sold re- 'i:e of Oftl, at J. B. Sktdeb 4 Co's. b the time for overcoats, becber ittbe lareest line in town, and is selling in at and below cost. Ke tf dining out our winter goods ciear.. Anything in the dry goods line iwt ilown iu price, at J. B. S.NYDF.B & CoS. Mlliinery, Seasonable Trint Goods, Hose, 5, ifs. Hindkcrcbiefs. Collars, Cuffs, Jew el at low rates to suit tbe dull season. M. M. Tbedweli. t Co, X.mci-Al! persons knowing themselves kiebted to ns, will please call and settle, ti'jfr br cash or note. J. B. 8KTDEB A Co. IomTt 1'r. u. J. iwacny can k tm it bis Dental Rooms at the Central Hotel in Somerset Ta. Operative Dentistry iwially. Vt will be obliged to parties having ac tvM on oar books to settle as soon as pos st'. M. M. Tbepwell & Co. Sapcrintendent HiKbee, of the Soldiers' '.ifUM' School, bas forwarded to each post 'tbi.rand Army a list of 500 children who be discharged from te schools during X This is done so that efforts can be Fo$mx A good farm containing nine one mile soiithwest from Soru- rvt ninety acres of which are clear, and ks acrej in timber. Frame house, born cd outbuildings. One of the most desira ble farms in Sorueret township. For terms. call on or addres Oeorpe R. Scull, Som esn I'a. All underlaid with coal. Hut Mnaxrr. Main Street. We have .at lded a large Refriperatoi to onr Meat Ktrket in which all meats can be kept coo1 isicifan. Mutton, Beef, Pork, Ac, kept totstantlyon band. Open daily. Parties buying meat can have it kept in tbe Refrig- ror until wanted. Ross Davis 4 Co. FISH! FISH ! ! FISH!'! "( have now in stock a shipment of late aizht Fresh Mackerel Fish, consisting of M-Tfls, Halves, Quarters and Pails, (quality r,d weights guaranteed,) at prices lower shin ever before. Potatoes, Oats, Bacon and !r country produce taken in exchange. Cook & Beerits. Hie supreme court of the United States ! decided that laws passed by states im ping a tax upon '-drummers" is uncon ditional. The court held that a discrim muting tax passed by a state, operating to ti disadvantage of tbe products or other aw when introduced into the first man- 'id state is, in effect, a regulation in "tint ofcoromerce among the states and as to a nsnrpation of the power conferred - constitution upon tbe Congress of the raifd States. AU Yor Goixa WEnr-Inforroation fur fcsWfree to persons going West. Descrip-t'etitse-tahles of the princial railroads in I Kited States and Canaila furnished W( To seenre the lowest rates of through bLtlielowot passenger rates to any fewest or south and to go over the direct and best route, address. , J. W. Pattos. iveling pa,. Agent, B. O. R. R., Somerset, Pa. "ru s in:g Ftore you can buv. "u" l owder, Io'iet (foods, Hid Virrore, ', k'led Papers. Tt Colors, 11 aord Dyea, fyeotaclea, ET G lasses, Fine Cigars, Cubeb Cigarettes, Menthol Pencils Rough on Corns, Acid Phosphate, Insect Powder, Trusses & Braces, Surgical Goods, at low p ices, ttvll'0'. Cbe"P fur P' or "Vthing feT t o ' line' now fa eood time to If ton, W'iulty',rlRS0 I i maintain my tri ,llln "od goods at the low noH a f" reains in dry it (j 'Ain "d am closing my ladies tfatei . ' tr,fi underwear, winter ,at cost. lot BSBaI l w. T"n of the season in Cali- ""nTr "' T'ble Linen" Gn- dwe "oat to make room for fcUfcT' PfK-wil always be as low ti lower tl i. an elsewhere. Ms. A. E. I hu on... v. i.. , ' --Bether. tbe popular . ""w. inter-), . , . We .T05 mK great change In "" until March l:h. each " AnTn.Cle.ia hiMore at and 'below W " need of a . ' U. M..-A v i s.vasa. suit, overcoat, ,Wit,w ;d',Mit-or Anything in '"r"hould avail themaelv-af kvail themselves of initV mm tl , J0' ootb, xi ' """" gooas most March is icae ".to b .. . ixirae one. CkrutB. Ja. Toe Topular Ootbier. Bomerset, fa. SCTLL. Editor. ' January XT, MM. jgr iTTllME TABLES. The sleighing U splenpid. Tbe County Auditor are still at work. Among the postmasters confirmed by the Senate on Wednesday last, was J. K. Cof froih, of this place. A full ice crop has been harvested. Every ioe bouse in town has been filled within the past two weeks with beautiful ice. Mr. Oliver Ppangler has his new frame bouse on South Street under roof.- "Shorty" is not to be deterred by cold weather. Kits Loer. A bunch of three keys, in cluding key to post office box. Lost proba bly In the vicinity of the Diamond. Please return to Hekild office. The cold snap moderated to a .great degree the latter part of last week, and tbe weather become quite comfortable. The sleighing was excellent, and was much enjoyed. Judge Johnston, of Cambria county, who presided over onr courts last week, returned home on tbe noon train Friday. He made many friends while here, especially among the members of tbe bar. Jud).-e White, of Indiana, has filed his an. swer to the charge of fraudulently altering tbe will of bis mother, preferred by bis brother. The answer denies all charges and says they are false and scandalous. Business men of Everett claim that the prospects of their town are not so black as Dewspaper correspondents have painted them. The town is already reviving under the stimulus of the South Pennsylvania news. Miss Mary J. Hanrsham has been ap pointed a permanent tipstaff of the courts of Clarion County, oy Judge Wilson, at a sala rv of $2 per day. This, we believe, is the first and only female tipstaff in Pennsyl vania. Burglars broke into tbe 8. & C. Station at this place Monday night, lifted the safe of its contents and went through a number of trunks that were left there by passengers, taking from them everything of value they could find. Mr. Andrew Houpt, one of Somerset's oldest citizens, is lving in a critical condi tion. While going borne one day last week he slipped on the icy pavement, sustaining, it is feared, internal injuries which will re sult in his death. Mrs. Husband, wife of Mr. David Hus band, died at her home about one mile northwest of "town, last Wednesday night. She had been suffering from heart disease for some time, which it is thought was the cause oi her death. The Protlionotary's office was recently entered by burglars. Tbey got In through a window, and among lha spoils carried off was the contents of the cash drawer, an over coat belonging to Clerk Fleck, and a pen bolder and gold pen, tbe property of ye local editor. Onr friend Tom Shoemaker was among the unfortunates whose trunks were rifled at the S. C. Station Monday night. He in tended takit.g passage on the early morning train Tuesday, and had sent bis trnnk to the station the night before. Considerable of his wearing apparel and some valuable jewelry was taken. An exchange says it is a common occur rence for children to get coffee grains, and otbei foreign substances up their nostrils. Here is a simide remedy worth remember ing : Get the child to open its mouth, apply your mouth to it, and blow bard ; me offending substance will be expelled from the nose. A dispatch Crom Huntingdon to tbe daily city papers, says that there are more bun per and suffering among tbe poor of that city than ever before in its history, and that tbe recent cold spell has brought to light many cases of destitution. There bas been scarcely any work for laboring men who have no regular employment. The relief association which in past winters looked af ter the poor, has not been organixed this year. Robbery Xea I.ioosieb William Hart- roan, Leonard McTeensy and Leonard Sbaa lis have been arrested and lodged in jail a Greensbnrg, charged with robbing an old man named Samuel Robinson, near Ligo nier, between one and two o'clock on Friday morning last. The men were all masked and being refused admittance to Robinson's bouse they shot through tbe door, and final ly broke it open. After beating the old man in a terrible manner tbe? took from him what money he had, and left. The robbers did not get a very heavy hanl, as Mr. Rob inson had his wealth mostly in notes. Two hundred Hungarians were encamped at Rock wood for several days last week, in cars belonging to the Balto. and Ohio Rail road Company. Tbey came from Baltimore and were on tbeir way to the coke regions, to work for H. C. Frick & C: At Conflu ence it was learned that in the event of their landing at Connellsville trouble would en sue between them and the strikers, and it was therefore decided to run tbe train hav ing them on board on a siding. Confluence people objected, and the train was run back to Rockwood. While at Rock wood, tbey were fed by Mr. David Wolfensberger. The Kyle Opera Company, formerly Ham- ersly, will appear in this city for three nights, commencing Thursday, February 4. Dur ing their engagement they will produce lolanihe, Billee Taylor and Chimes of Nor mandy. The company contains all the best people of the Hamersly Co.t and has been strengthened by numerous additions, and an entire new set of costumes have been purchased so the company will be much better, and tb finest costumes ever seen in this city are guaranteed. Tbe Company in cludes Mr. O W. Kyle. Miss Florence Gil bertie. Miss Delia Schobert. Miss Jessie Hatcher, Mr. Ed. S. McCune, Mr. P. W. N'ares, Mr. Will. A. Daniels, and a chorus ef 14 voices. Admission, 60 and. ''Scents. Re served seats on sale at P. L. Casebeer's Gent's Furnishing Store. The banquet tendered Judges Johnston and Baer by tbe members of the Somerset Bar at the Glade House last Wednesday evening was quite an elegant affair. At eight o'clock the narty took their seats at the table where thirty one plates had been laid. Tbe supper was a most sumptuous one, tbe table being laden with everything good you could think of and plenty of it. It was corker and was in keeping with tbe well earn ed reputation of the Glade House in ibis line. A great many toasts were proposed and re sponded to, all being drank in water or lemonade of course. Tbe quantity of these beverages drank was sufficient to cause a smile to broaden the countenance of tbe Vnim SumaL After supper Began, music and stories were indulged in for an hour or more, when the party adjourned. Tbe Johnstown 7WAiw was slightly astray wben it announced tbat Mr. Charles H. Fish er, the aggressive member of the Democrat ic State Committee for this county, would " vote for Hensel like a little man." Fish er not only refused to rote for Hensel, but taunted bint in open meetin'." The press reports of the meeting say tbat fleorge Rosa, of Bucks, made a motion which every one understood to be tbat tbe vote be taken by se cret ballot. In an instant the room was in an uproar. " I second the motion," yelled Hensel. " I prefer not to know bow any man vote." "Ob, then you can vote for yourself," cried C, E. Fisher, of Somerset. " Now, that's mean thrust." began voice, but Fisber went on, If be controls the patronage ot this State, be should not have an opportunity to make a black list of those who dare to vote against him. F.iriiUfltl tha 7W&ux ha tw nt tha full measure of tbe ei-C'bairman, or it would know that be is " ferninst " the Bandal I wing of the Democratic party. In Germany a printed formula on the pos tal card reads : " Only a few lines to-day. Then a space is left for the written message. fter which the following printed formula is added : God be tbanked. I am in good health, and bone to hear yon are also. The weather is ; write soon, and give my love to all. In baste." IitsrBAXCB Xotk-b. Having taken the Agency for tbe U. B. Mutual Aid Society, of Lebanon, Pa., one of the best and most reli able Companies to be found anywhere, I take this means of giving notice to any one desiring to have their life insured to let me know at Stoyestown, Somerset County, Pa., and 1 will be happy to wait on him at any time. E. Coves, Agent. When Goldsmith wrote "She Stoops to Conquer," be adapted words to a pretty but difficult IrMi air, "Tbe Humors of Balla magairy," intending tbat they should be sung by Miss Hardcastle. Bat as Mrs. Bulkley, who, as critics would say now-a-days, created " tbe part, could not sing. tbe song was not included in tbe play wben it was first published. Goldsmith gave it to Boewell, Johnson's Bozzy," who sent it to tbe Landrm Magaane, soon after poor Noll's death. In making illustrations for ' She Stoops," Mr. Abbey has made this song tbe text for one of his tuost charming pictures, which will be given with tbe installment in the February llarpar't. Have top a 8leioh. Do you want a sleigh. No young man can afford to do without sleigh at the pride they are offered at the hardware store in Somerset It is a very stylish cutter and one of tbe most sub stantial styles made. It has white elm runners, whiteelm or second growth hickory beams, white elm arms bent and spliced in back, second growth hickory shafts, is iron ed with all wrought braces, wrought T and draw irons, steel Bboes, handsomely painted and ornamented and finished with tbe best varnish, plush or brussels carpet trimmed, bas shifting shafts, leathered and lipped.and sleigh bells, saddle chimes, robes, blankets and whips. A complete outfit. Call early and get your choice. Jamis B. Holdebbacm. Death or a Well-ksowh Citizesj. On last Thursday morning Mr. Jeremiah Ash way, one of the best known citizens of this county, died at bis home in Lttterkenny township, and was buried on Saturday in L'pper Strasburg. He bad been sick for about five weeks and suffered from a com plication of diseases, which his advanced age could not conquer. Mr. Ash way resided during bis entire life-time in Letterkenny township, and died within a half-mile of the place where he was born. For many years he was engaged in stock-dealing, in connection with farming, and in tbat busi ness traveled over the greater part of the southern portion of Pennsylvania. He was especially known in Somerset and Ferry counties. Nine children and eight grand children survive him. Chambertburg Valley Spirit. OiB State Schools. State Superintend ent Higbee has made public his annual re port for the year ending June 1, 1885. He believes tbat tbe public school system is ad vancing, which assertion is shown by the fact tbat the average length of the term is now over seven months. He believes the time will soon be here when the minimum term will be seven instead of five mouths, as it is now. The total number of pupils enrolled during the year is 082,158, an in crease of 16,119 over last year. The average attendance falls below tbe enrollment 225. 080. There are 22.804 teachers employed, an increase of just 400 over last year. In the sex distribution, there has been a decrease ot 88 males and an increase of 4H8 females, while the average salary paid tbe male teacbei is 39.01, and to the female teacher is .10.08, a difference of $9.00 in favor of tbe former. There have been reported during the year 432 uew buildings. Death on the Rail. Another accident occurred near Rowena station, on tbe Som erset & Cambria Railroad about nine o'clock Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. Harri son II Lohr and Jacob Koontz, two well known farmers of Quemauouing township, with a sled load of women and children, were returning from church and while crossirg the railroad track at the above mentioned point a north bound engine struck tbe sled square in the middle, cut ting it in two and throwing half of it on each side of the road. The occupants of the sled all escaped with but slight injuries ex cept Mr. Lohr, who was picked np by tbe balance of the party in an unconscious con dition. His throat bad an ugly gash in it and the one side of his head was caved in He died from the effect of his injuries the following day. It is said that the engineer did not give tne usual signal at tbe crossing where the accident occurred, and that in consequence none ot the parties on me sled heard its approach or were aware of the imminent danger they were in until the en gine was upon them. CornT Paockkmsins. Court convened at half past one o'clock Monday afternoon with Judges Johnston, Collins and Snyder, on the bench. The following cases were tried and the balance of the cases on the list being settled or continued : Isaac Hugos' nse vs. Abraham Faith, (sp-. peal bv IVfendant) ; Verdict in favor of tbe Plaintiff for tbe sum of tl0 6S. Ann. M. Lindsey vs. Jeremiah S. Black ish notice Wm. B. Co ff roth, and Emanuel Liclity. Terre tenants: (Debt for Dower) Verdict for Defendants. Henry Schlag, Ex. of the last will and testament of Iavid Lohr.dec'd, vs. Margaret Lobr. (AssBnipsit.) Verdict for Defend ants. Frederick Smith vs. Josiah J. Long. (Ejectment.) Verdict for Defendant. George Holtzhonr vs. Nicholas Murphy. (Cap. Ad. Res Trespass.) Verdict in favor of tbe Plaintiff in the sntn of five dollars damages. Samuel Clark vs. Samuel Phil-on. (Ap peal by Defeudant.) Verdict for the plain tiffin the sum ol fifty-seven dollars. TeacheBV Iicstitite. The teachers of Addison, Confluence, Lower Turkey foot and Ursine have arranged for a local insti tute to be held at Uraina. Friday evening, Saturday and Saturday evening,- January 2Mb and 30th. lro. The following pro gram is submitted : isstbuctiok. Prof. Theodore B. Noss, Principal of the California State Normal School, will be pres ent Friday evening and Saturday to give practical instruction on subjects pertaining to school work. Prof. J. C. Weller, County Superintendent, has been invited and is expected to attend. topics roa Discussion. Object Lessons, or the First Principles of Natural Science A. S. Flannigan. Co-operation of Parents C. R McMillan. Music in the School Room N. B. Fire stone. General Information G. TV. Daniels. School Library Societies B. F. Scott Physiology in Ungraded 8;hools E- 8. Miller. Mental Discipline S. A. Berkey. Free Teat Books Directors and Citizens. Question for Debate "Does Morality In crease with Intellectual Development ?" Appropriate recitations, good music and live queries will add interest to tbe sessions. raiDAT kvismo. Tbe prominent feature of tne evening pro gram will be a general address or lecture by Dr. Xoss. This session and tbe day sessions, on Saturday, will be held in the large, com modious School halt SATURDAY rVkJIKO. Rev- J. II. Zinn. of Glade. Pa., will deliv er bis popular lecture: "Through Southern Prisons and Home Again," in the Lutheran Churtb. An admission fee will bs charged and tire proceeds be devoted to tbe porch ase of apparatus for the Public Schools. Teachers, directors, patrons, pupils all interested in tbe oomnioo school cause, are j earnestly and cordially invited. J. M. Birkct. Chairman of Committee. Mb. Editor : Perhaps a few items from the northern region of Armstrong county would be of some interest to the many read ers of yonr excellent paper We live as people of other parts of this earth live, on bread and butter earned by the sweat of our faces. Of course, some have more than others, bat there is one con solation, that in death all will be brought on an equality, as far as temporal things are concerned. The majority of the people here are of Pennsylvania dutch extraction. As the people of Somerset county know all about tbe disposition of these people, it is scarcely necessary that I should extensively describe them. The political atmosphere is Republican, and of the most radical stamp. To persuade these staunch Republicans of Red Bant township to vote for a Democrat for an of fice of any importance, is as impossible as ii is for camel to go through tbe eye of a needle. As for myself, having been brought up on Republican soil in Somerset county, 1 nat- urally enjoy the wholesome political atmos phere in this part of loyal Pennsylvania. Prohibition is also creating quite an ex citement in these parts, many are signing remonstrances agaiust applicants for license. On next Sabbath evening there will be a Temperance meeting in tbe Evangelical Church of this place, and no doubt tbe sub ject of prohibition will be thoroughly dis cussed. Sleighing is brisk, people are taking ad vantage of tbe snow to do their hauling. Business is very much depressed, people are breathing vengeance agaicsi me rot tenness of the Democratic party. If you will think proper to publish this yon may expect more in the future. Divine. Pierce, Armstrong Co., Pa.. Jan. 22. As the first election of tax collectors un der the new law will take place next month, tbe following act may be of some interest to those who are desirous of filling this office : AN ACT TO PCKian PEfAULTIKU TAX COLLECTORS. Sectios 1. That if any person charged with tbe collection, self-keeping, or transfer of any State, County, Township, School, City, Borough or Municipal taxes, under any law or laws tat this Commonwealth, shall convert or appropriate the moneys so collected, or any part thereof, to his own use in any way whatever, or shall use by way of investment in any kind of property or merchandise any portion of the money so collected by him from such tax or taxes, and shall prove a defaulter and fail to pay over the same or any part thereof, at tbe time or times, place or places, required by law, and to the person or persons legally authorized to demand or receive the same, every such act shall be deemed and adjudg ed to be an embezzlement of so much of said money as shall be thus taken, converted, appropriated, embezzled, invested, used, or unaccounted for, which is hereby declared a misdemeanor, and any person or persons whatsoever aiding, or abetting, or being in any way accessory to such act. and being thereof convicted, shall be sentenced to an imprisonment not exceeding five years, or to pay a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or both, at the discretion of the Court. Approved by the Governor, 3d day of June, A. D. 1885. Rorert E. Pattisow. Dear Hebalp Inasmuch as it is time for my epistolary visit to tbe columns of your excellent journal, I am prone to adhere to my adopted custom. No periodical is so dear to my heart as the Herald, for, like the ' Old Oaken Bucket" it brings "fond recollections to view". How eagerly I watched its career all through the late cam paign wben enemies maligned and fain would fell the standard of Republicanism, like a bird in its aerial flight came out all victorious. Time continues with its usual meddling to make many changes and now in this epoch of time, we are subjects of tbe ''Brig adiers". The present status of affairs prompts me to inquire "what would Lee and Jackson do if they were living?" This is a conundrum propounded in one of the Southern States hence it is a happy tact that they are embalmed in oblivion. I have always understood it to be true that ''Virtue bas its own reward" and if there be such a thing ns political virtue, suiely it has been exemplified in the case of the great 'War Governor," A. G. Curtin. Now, I bad not intended to touch on politics, and yet it isn't probable that I could write a letter and remain silent on this subject. At any rate we propose to "doff our tile" Beaver to tbat gallant soldier and citizen His Excel lency Gov. James A. Beaver. Altoona City maintains her nsual quota of casualties as in the pass and were I to at tempt to enumerate the many cases of death by accident it would simply prove an ig nominious failure. Tbe shops are running full time and this in itself is "tidins of great jov." Dr. Lindsey, a man of intemperate hab its, quite prominent, too, recently fired the contents of a horse-pistol, consisting of small shot, at two young men who had evidently been taunting him, lodging two shot in the the one's face and one shot in the leg of tbe other. It seems that tbe boys were habitually calling him ngly names and he resented it in tbe manner related above. Tbe young men are all right and so is the Doctor as no arrests were made. Speaking of Dr. Lindsey in this connection it is prop er to say that he is the great discoverer of "Lindsey's Blood Searcher" a medicine world wide in its fame. It is authoritative ly stated that he was offered or its right the munificent sum of fifty thousand dollars out of which be was subsequently swindled. I have had my say and to be "pungent" I must be "Drief but as I have been neither, I Close with mush esteem. 8. C. Galbraith. Altoona, Pa., Jan'y 18, 1886. Mr. 8: R. Brooks, of Pittsburgh, the great American lock picker, is exhibiting a new burglar alarm and lock combined, a repre sentation of which is given above. It is a safeguard tbat will keep thieves and ma rauders at bay. It is simple in construction and easily applied. It is durable and tbe most expert thief can not evade it. If you want to see just bow to keep thieves ont of your bouse call at the Glade House, and Mr. Brooks will take pleasure in showing bis wonderful alarm and lock to yon. If you think you bave a lock tbat is safe just ask him to pick It for you, acd you will soon be convinced tbat there if no such thing as a lock (bat cannot be picked. Tbe only ab solutely safe thing Is an alarm. Four Jow-Boya Killed. Gainesville, Texas, Jan. 21. A party of nine cow boys visited the town of Burlington, several miles north of here, on Tuesday night. After becoming crazed with liquor they terrorized tbe population, firing into the wicdows and acting like savages. Deputy fchenll Looke, with posse, about dajliehl ran the ruf- ' fiana nut nf tnvn trillinir fnns f , , r. . . " . tbem and nve DOreeS ID a running fiffllL ' my. MARRIED BLOCKER MEESE. At the residence of Daniel Meese. on Sunday , January 17. 1?C, by Rev. O. F. Harshman, Mr. Albert A. Utocner to Miss saran J. Jieese, both Garre'-t County. Md. LAXDI3 WEIGLE. Jan 19, 13, bv Rev. J. J. Welch, at the residence of the bride's parents near Shanksville, Mr. Charles Landis and Miss Isadora Weigle, both of Stony creek Township, Somerset County, Pa. LOHS METZKER. At the Lutheran parsonage in Friedens by Rev. J. J. Welch, January 21st, 1S36, Mr. Noah Luhr and Miss Anna E. Metzker.. both from near Hooversville, Somerset County, Pa. DIED. BETTS Near Jennertown.Michael Betts, aged 73 years, 4 months, and 19 days. ST CTZ MAN. At Kansas City, Mo., Jan uary 21th, 1886, William H. Stuzraao, eldest son of Prof. J. J. Stutzman, aged 21 years. Tbe remains are now ou tbe way to this, his birth place, and tbe home of his rela tives, to be interred in the Disciple burial grounds. The funeral will place on Thursday next. probably take FORTY-OXE ARB DEAD. Only One of Ibe Miners Who Entered the Shaft Tnorsday Morning Ea capes How tbe Explosion was Caused. Grafton, W.Va, Jan. 23. Forty-two ruen were in tbe gang tbat went to work yesterday morning in the ill-fated Orrel mine at Newberg. It is now known thatof that num ber 41 are dead. Tbe man who es caped is John Miller ; he came up five minutes before tbe accident The cause of tbe awful calamity is attiibuted to tbe removal by Al bert McWilliams of a bulkhead across one of tbe ventilating galler ies, which turned tbe fresh air from its proper course and permitted tbe accumulation of fire-damp. This was tired by a naked lamp, and the explosion followed. Vhen the explosion occurred the cages were at tbe bottom of tbe shaft and tbe tremendous energy resulting from the combustion crushed them and the heavy timber lining of the shaft into a confused mass. This demolition of the cages obliged the iesciiers to resort to the iron coal buckets as a means of reaching tbe level of the drifts, and as they will bold but tbree men, the work of re moving the obstructions proceeds very slowly. the force oe the explosion. Some of the men have, however, forced tbeir way through into the mine and peuetrated about 300 feet along the main beading. Tbey re port tbat one cross beading 80 feet long, which bad been filled op solid with slate, mud and refuse, was blown entirely open, tbe enormous mass of debris being scattered for several hundred teet aloTig tbe gal leries, Th first bodies were reached at 5 o'clock this evening. At 6 o'clock this evening, four bodies had been dis covered and removed to the bottom of tbe shaft, but they will not be brought up to the surface until morning. .Thev are so blackened and disfigured as to be unrecogaizi ble. Every hour since the disaster, scenes of tbe most agonizing charac ter have been enacted in tbe homes of tbe villagers that were poor, but happy, yesterday, but are now deso' late. At first it was hoped that the men who were in tbe mine might have escaped instant death and they could be rescued before they died of starvation. While there was reason to believe this, the wives, mothers and other relations of the unfortunates retained tbeir feeling to some extent. This e'er, when word was passed from mouth to mouth in whispers that there was no hope that any of the miuef8 were still living, a wail of anguish resounded through the wtole villuge, and when 36 hours ago laughter was heard, the only sounds now are moans. THE VILLAGE IN MOURNING. Twenty-two of the victims were married men, and of that number 10 bad families living in Newberg. Oi the unmarried men and boys nearly all bad relatives among the 500 persons that makes up the popu lation of tbe village. Sbe Geta $4,750 lor a Ride on a Dray Joilet, 111., Jan. 20. Mrs. Sam uel Jacobs received a verdict ot 84,- 750 damages against former City Marshal Stuart yesterday, In 1883 the Marshal levied on Mrs. Jacob's stock of clothing. She questioned the legality of tbe action, Stuart knocked her down,!) dragged ber about, and finally put her upon a dray and committed ber to jail The Coldest Day Yet. St. Pall, Minn., January 22. To day was the coldc-t of the present season. The mercury early this morning ranged from 23 to SO de grees below zero, and at noon mark ed 20 to 25 degrees below, with a high wind blowing, making it ex ceedingly disagreeable. The rail ways are experiencing serious diffi culty from.tbe drifting snow. Burned to Death. Berlin, Jan. 20. An enormous haystack, ner Lomberg, Bavaria, under which vagrants in large num bers bave recently sheltered them selves by night, became ignited at an early hour yesterday morning and burned to the grouud. The bodies of twenty persons who were beneath the stack have been recover ed. Oorrectad by Ooog k BaaaiTS. DSaLaaa ia CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED Apples, dried, V Applebutter. V gal Bran, ft ltM I.S Butter (roll) Boca wheat f bush " meal, low Beeswax ft Bacon, shoulders, a s sides, , . eooniryhams .... Corn, (ear) new fl buibel.... " (shelled) old " .. " meal ) ft Call sains, ) Eggs, 1do , Flour, l bbl Flaxseed, f) bn. (M ft) Hama. (sugar-cored) t) ft.... Lard. ft ft Leather, red sola, fl ft , 284 400 mm 1 00 lac -rMJ-oe ....IWie xae He 100 124 .fWtl) tutct to e w V w Jie vus lue 80e-e33c 44im7(IC 74.-ft'SOC ..fl 241 - 10140, -arftlue SijT le I 60 ft 24 3 to Tr4SSe SftTloc s7e ... V1 00 aacat4 ppsr. nip. Middlings, and chop 104 fts... OaU,a bu Potatoes, fl bu (new) Peaches, dried, ) ft Kye Rags,) ft Salt, No. 1. mi bbl, eitra Ground Alum, per sack . " Asbton. per sack Sugar, yellow fl ft " whlta Tallow. ) ft heat, V bu.....,... ....... WooL Vft A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eatate of Pbebs Walter, dee'd, tats of New Cen travllle Ber.. Komrrsel O rty. Pa. Letters of administration oa the ahovs estate Saving been granted to tbe onii. rsigned by tbe proper autboriiy. notice ia hereby riven ui all ate'pajmcn and those having claims against the isbi to present them duly authenticated for aa. tlemeat on Saturday, February n. lKs,sttheres- tdenesoftot Adminhitrator in aid Bonoa-h. 1. W. WILL, jaaak. Administrator. TAVERN LICENSES. , rpB E following persons havs flle.i In my ornc X tlielr petition lur Tmveraar Ktiirani Ltaeo- aea, with li,.Dt, nrtiticau. atftdavfu, and or the same will ha presented to toe Ourt 6 kIUw ance n M.wiy.erenini, Kebruary.J,.l : TAVCtS XICE3SCS. Charles A. Mitchell. Addison Township. Edward Nlrklow. Adillaoai Towaehip. Ihumas Williams. Elk Uck Townahio. Frederick Knrr, Oreenvtlle " oam.iri A . Hulnea, liuokwood JSuiuagb. Samuel Hue It man, K'lia A. Tavman, Somerset " Joseph malt, tonyerek Township. Hubert Oathrte, Meyersdale Borough, K. O. 1 alker. "athaniel blieer, fclUa B4er, " Oeorgo IK-Haren, Northampton Towneslp. J, Lyiwa, trslna Burvngh, -A. A. Miller, - J. J. Kennel, WeUersburg Borough. KK8TAUBA3T LICENSES. Mary Kreltiburg, Meyersdale Borough. Proty a OttVe, ( N. B, CKITCH 1KLD, Jan 'y XT. ihh Pruihuaoury. lMtlrtiSrRATOB'S NOTICE. Estate of Adam Fttt, dee'd late of MilforJ Twp., Somerset t o.. Fa. Letters of ad ministration on the above estate having been granted to the nndersitcnrd bv the pruper authority notice is hereby given wall persona inueoui to aaiu estate to ma&e imuicui. 1 ftl payment, and thuae bavins; claims aaainst the ! aame will present them duly authenticated Kir settlement on ttarday, tb- sta day ot reoruary, MM at 1 o'clock r. v., at tke late residence ot the deceased. HENRY FITT. dec23. Administrator. rji.VTW ASSUAL STATEMENT VF TH E FanoBK' Union Association AND OF SOMERSET COUNTY PEXN'A., FOR THE TSMB DDUO DIOXXBEBSlST, Ju D. WHi. m: Number of member 814 Total am t ol Insurance rabjeet to astets- aieni 1.W1.910.00 Milla aseeaaea during tbe year l1 Kewiurcea ul Co. llcc.31, 1h4....(37.-.:.18 hesources during the year lttoa.. 1-44 8V Total jsa 7 LIABILITIES. Am't due December SI, 1S-4.....:11U 00 A hi t of kwa by tire during the ytyr las lues 00 Am't due tor alt other expenaea for tbe year 14 , inclu.iiag f- ncere ay, ovmmiaaiona aod exonerauooe sot "3 i; js 73 Liabilities la eiceas or resources tlul M RECEIPTS DCX1.VO t'UE YEAR 1S1V. Rcoelvetl od aaeesstnta f48Kl o2 lur meoibe,ahtp...... tri 1 Balance in Treasury ul 1U4. (5021 11 DISBURSEMENTS DURINQTHE YEAR SS. Amos Walker, bal. of insurance .s-.o 00 Jacob P. alter, lull ..... 2u) ot Keuben McMlilen too oo l avlil Bowman, lull of insurance. 13uo oa Samuel J. Coleman, " - loou 00 Jaooii J. Deiti, uart ;oj oo lian'l J. Hrubaker. Soey'a salary, au fc t'h. J. Walker. Treaa. .. 3A ml lilrectora for services 8tf oo Prealilent j oo For printlsir, etc 9 'J For ioataie and alationery v oT For mom rent tor holding: elfc t 'n. 1 j) ulo 82 Balance In Treasury. (10 2 RESfH RCES, DECEMBER 31, 1S5. Am't in Treasury lo 20 (lutntanninK ou duplicates, Ac. in hanoa ul agent, aa H7 Si 15S 14 LIABILITIES, DECEMBER 31, 1SSS. Jacob J. Helta, part of inur....4 15 00 Kiiwm Deal, uauiage by are.... oo 00 Wm. Dickey, - .... s no j263 00 Liabilities In excess of resources jlo4 nS D.J. Bbxsakkr. Sec. S. F. REIMAX, Pres. t. J. Waikbr, Treat. 'IIERIFF'S SALE. By Tirtoe of certain writu of Fi Fa. nJ Vetvl. Kx. Issaea oat of the Ikmrtoi' Cummon of .somerset Co. and to meilrecteU, there will e exposed to puMic sale at the Court House in Somerset fcorwunh. Fa., oa FRIDAY FEB' Y 19, 1SS6, at 1 o'clock r. all the riitht, title Interest and claim uf i he Delenilant, Frtvl iaily, of in and lo tbe tollowli a: dearrlneil Rial Eatate. via : No. 1. Two certain iota or irr-mml aituate In Meyersdale Borough. Somerset I ouuty. Pa. known as lota Noa. 3W and 3X1 In tbe Buerblev fcurvey of said Korouvh. tnmtinir on KailnMU at rent, and running t-ark l.Xl teel to Kidc- all", ami lylna: In-twetn Third (treat and lot No. ii each ul said lota belna .V teet wMe, with a one iUiry Frame Dwelling Hou-e errcted on 1' No. sso, and a two-storr Frame Dwelling tlouae and statue on i"t no. 3i. No. 2. Tne divided middle part of lot No. SSi In Meyera' addition of the Boruuab of Mi-jerwtale County and State aloresiilit, tn.otin 40 feet on Grant 'Street, and extending soutb to Salisbury stri-et ; tne t.aa ami west parts ol sau lot are owned by lorir$ Dnnirea, bavlna thereon erected a two-atory Frame BmliMnjr witb Baaement. for merly known aa " Hatly'a Moulin Eatablian ment," with tbe arpurtenancee. Taken in execution at the euit of S . B. Philaon, Caabler o. the CitizeLr Hank. ALSO All the riithr, title, interest and claim of Valen tine Kracbt. of in and to the Miowina: Real Es tale, eiluate in Sumuilt Twp.. Someraet Ci Fa., bordering; on ibe watt-ra ot the Buffalo Creek and ("auelman River, ami adjoining lamia of Jacob F. Walker. Rura Forward Jonn D. Hnddv ami late P. P. H. Walter and others, containing to ai res ana percnes, too re or iea. laving thereon erected a one-story House. Stable and other Out buildings, with the appurtenances. Taken In execution at the suit ot T. C. Jenkins. ALSO All tbe right, title interest and claim of the De fendant, Jacob O. Weiuier. of. in and to tbe fol lowing Real Kstata. !.- Three certain kits of ground situate in the vl.Iaa-e of Uarrett, Summit Twp., Sumeiset Co , Pa., known on tbe plan of aaiu town as iota ,ns -4 an t zs. eatn irontlnv en Washington Street ami extending South to jenersuo street : ltt no i bounded on the west by W Iker Street and lot No. 23, on the East by .Mulberry Avenue and l it No. 'J4 lying bctwren ktta Nos. 21 and 'J. with a two-atorv Frame Itw 1. lit g Honseoa lot No. 2S, with the appurtenances. I jkfn in eiecutlon at the suit ol S. U. Weimer ase of S. D. Llienguod. NtiTICE All pcreonsirarchasiEa' at the above sale will please take null, e tbat a uart of the our- chase money to be made known at the time ol sale will be required aa soon aa the property Is aaoi:a,-u uuwo, uinerwue it witi De avain exoosed to sale at the rink ot the hrst parchaser. Tbe rrsluue ot the purchase money most be paid on or mriore i tiunturfy ut tne nrsi weea ol fertruary Term ol Court, the time fixed bv tha Vort for in. curing tbe acknowietigment ol ueetta. ami no deed win oe acknoKieuaeu. until tne Iturcbaae mim Is paid in full. Stierltrs Utace. JOHN WINTFRS, Jau j 27, 1-afl. Sheriff. QRPIIANS' COURT SALE OF Valuable Real Estate, - :o: - Kr Ttrta of an order of the OrDhana Court nf tbe title .iT u i i". . a m-icw ior thefts wtll he exputed tu tale by public out " "n uec u, I ml the late residence of said decedent in Jenner Twp. THURSDAY, FEB' Y IS, 1SSG, At 10 o'clock a. a., the following described Real Fsute viz: t A certain tract or land mown as it Vs ! the Homestead Farm." situ ate In Jenner Twp., siomerset IX, Fa,, adjoining ..... ... w. .....o ....-u,ij, ainamui DVSIO, 11 1 rlB Bum, and others, eualaiuiog 1S aciea anil 7 perches, atrii-t meature, hating tnereoa erected a large Twi-story lWelling House, a Two-storv Tenant House, a good barn. Stable. 1ml ol S.r ootouil.llnts, about 146 acrea in a high state of cultivation ami wen waterea, nne Iruit of many varieties, and a large and valuable Sugar Camu a Ooal Vein, he. iVM () A eenalti tract of land known l'V. dCt. aa the ' M surer Farm " situ ate in Somerset Twp., Somerset Co . Pa adjoin ing lands ol Hiram Una Wm.O. Knepper. John J. Baker. Abraham Beam and othera. containing 15 acres and allowances, haying a larga two atory DWELLING HOUSE, a larga Bank Barn and other ootbuildings there on erected, about 110 acrea in nne farming condi tion and well watered, and the remainder in ex cellent timber, with a saw mill, a large Sunar eamp, a Coil bank with a four-loot veinofCoaL and an ex ellent young Fruit-bearing Ui chard VI I ! a certain tract ol land grown JLvVf. O aa the" Hanger Farm." situ ate Iu S uiersctTwp Somerset Co., Pa., adjoin ing lauds of W m. (i Knepper, Wilson llaurer. Noah -. Miller. Hiram Beam, and othera, con Uining 114 acrea and l'j) perches, s rict measure, with a two-story Dwellm Houaa. Rank k,m .n,t ot her buildlnga thereon a good Orchard, a 0ns aogar-camp. goou tanning and tlmlter land, 1 lu abort tkrtt form art rmvraira lo sraaofs, caure-aes, mill, forrt. tie. XT A Lota Nos 1 and 1 In Block F, 11 4 tltaats In the Borough of lr slna, Somerset Co., Pa on the South sole o Park street, and tr ntingon aame 37 U lest each, and extending IM ieot In depth to Wilaoa alley, houa ded by lot No (of same block sa tha Last and Brkk alley oa tbe West. ve narchaae mtfmtev of each tract to remain a lien oa the premises la se cure the wioow a dower, tba interest ol wht.-h Is annually to be paid to Sarah Bell, widow of bavtd Bell, dee'd and after ber death the principal som to the heirs and 1. gal representatives of said da- ceased. Una third of lemntnder oa delivery of wwi q ine uaimoca in ta-e equal annual pay ments w It h Int erest. Uelerred pavments to he se core.1 by judament bond r He per vest, of the whole arcnaee roottey to be pakl n day of sals. PoasesakoB given April 1st, 1-SS. D. J. HORXER. a. 37. Administrator and Trustee. OTICE. 51 T wife Reborn bavin k-lt m herf uvl board. I hereby (!re noti:- to the paMte not to harW ber on bit senoont, as I will nut be re. spijnslhle tor aniebts ol ber enotraotlng dec'iT. CHRISTIAN C. MtVER.S. 6Q Enentetle, relUble men, not les than twenty. fiar years old, to seil the chulcest Frail and (irna mtnul Surwry Murk, on Mtar ptu,or on e!mm.44ia as prelerre't. I Steady employment throaKOout tbe year. Bus- i4(i!.ij iirupi. rrn'l l"r lrws. CLEN BROTHERS, Nurserymen. jan.Lj.n-u K. HTg, N. V. X-OTICE. 11 To all Ptrtont Who it Maw Comctrn : Take notice that I hate mails apulieatirn "irs.w IT ur m l.n.. I ' ., I -.. aujtinioa; Undo warrD.ed in ttio nam of ' . ''... o, cKsiurBVfc , ouu l , , i t nariesoicie o jutin Henkaun on tbe East, Mary nuoic, Jr., on tlieSoutn. Juba .Iee, oa tne Wnt.aBilUnlwi. il ShaoVr oo the .Nontt and at tbe expiration ol tfilrtv days will ask lht a war rant tie issued tor the same to me JnW. JACOB WITT. EOAL NOTICE. To Elisabeth. Intermarried with era, ot li., ut SiValo levei. t'anitria Cvuutv, !., am Alfretta, Ellun, Jeseeand Katie, children of Mary, tuLeriaamtil with Jjmea Kmlirnn. - uwiwi, ui aihhhw, t i m i r i oun y, r. You are hereby u ptl .'li, 1 Mi . i in Mnuuv. nf - Writ ol Partition usuoO uut ul ib ( irftutu 'i.urt of Somerset County, V., I will aula aa iciiumt oa the Keal Kctau-ul Alex in ler .Mctlre..r uec U slmata In Snails Twp., Sui.:erM:t Co.. Fa., in Thuriniaj, cna -;u iU ol January. ISM), wnen aatl where yua an at una Ii you think proper. . SUerlS'a tilUce. j JOH.N WIN TLhal,. lec. 23. IxaS. ( Shovia. JXECUTOrVS .NOTICE. Eaiats of Lewis Veigley, dee' I., late of Somerset uwnauip, SHtmerset Co., r a. Letters testamentary on tha above estate having been granted to tbe undersigned by the proper au thority, notice ia hereby given to all peruana in debted to satd estate to make imraemato pay sent, and tboas having claims against It to pre sent tbein duly autheuiica'.M tor seitlemetil and allowance on Saturday, tbe lath day ot Februviy, IsM, at the late residence of the d?ceaeii John wliglly. Jan. Q. Exeoutor. JEGAL NOTICE. iu franklin Lobr, John Lohr. McCleUen lVhr, Itaiiiei Lohr, Jane Lohr, intermarried ilh It win t;lark, Christiana Luhr, intermarried with Jufteph La.h, and Jeremtal. Lohr, oU'entrtl AmvricH, and LHzabetb, Inlrrmarriel with Thumns E. .HUe, ol 4 ainbrt County, Fenn'a. "Vou aire bfreur notitied that ia puram ol j w nt oi runiiioa sutM uui oi ine irpnanfl i;onrt of .merwt t utility, Pa I will hold aainqueit on tbe real etaie ot AdalineLLhr, dee d., witume in IS hade Twp., Somerset o.. Pa., oa Thur-lay, tbe 4ihd.iyut Kel'ru-irv, 1,ko. when and where you can attend il joa tuink proper. Sheriff Mllue, JOU WINTFRS. Uec. , ltxo. i Sheriff. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Solomon Vhl and wile Xo.UL Feb. Term.lSM. John II. I" hi. j Voluntary AstUnment. Notu-e Is herety jtlven that Solomon I hi and wife ot ' ."oinei Pa . ty de?il of Todmtary s slvcuoient datetl 6th January, 1h,m). bve aMivned t John H. I hi oi raid place in tru-t tT the tene ht ol the credtruf ihe Mid oIoDumI to I nil the estate, real antt iwrtouul, ol the ai l ?tlitun I hL AH pern Itviebtetl t the said aSolvraon I'hi will make Immediate paj ment to the said aiienee, and thotfe havioy Uianand demands will prts-nt the same witivml delay, at hi-" trn?e at Somerset Pa. Jo UN M. I'HL, Jan"y 1. Awiicnce. c OUKT PUOCL A M ATI ON. Whkkkaa, the Honorable William J. Bakr, Prellent J ndve ot the several Courts of Couimno Pleas ot the wreral counties euo.posinu th iofh Jndsi-lal district, and Justice ot the "our sol Uver and Terminer and Uener.U Jul) IMivery. fur the trial of ail eapi:al sihl other oneners in :ne sail I i strict, and Ww t'oi.Lise and Samtkl vosr. tiiuirt, Jutlurol t lie CcurtPtd Cuimon Pleas ana Justices ol ih Courts ot Oyer and Terminer and (.General Jail Delivery .r the trial ol all e pi tal and other ofiendcrs ia the euunty ot' Somerset, hare ifued th' ir precepts and to me directed. UT noidinic acour. ut ixuiimn rieas aia ifeuerai irlunrterSetiehrtifl of the Peace, ami tfeiirralJail I uvery, and Courts otOycr and Termiiier, al CMimerseL, un Aeodsy. brns.rj S3, Notice Is herehy Riven to ill the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the sail County ol Somerset, that thev t ihen anl there iu liieir pnvper penDs with their n, rec ords, inquisitions, examinailoos and utberremeut brancs, to do those ih.DfS wiiich to Ibeirolhrns and in that twhttlt'appertuin to (.e tlnne : and l.o they who wiil prtse.:uie an-ainst the prisoners that are or shall he in the jail 01 Somerset county, to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be U3t. Sneriir Office, JOHN WIN1 FRS. Jan. .7, 1-i, ( Si.eritf. LISTltJMSE The following Is the 11-t of rau-ies set lor trial at February Term of Court, beginning Monday, Feb ruary , i n: riRST a ux. Listnn Bros. A Cunningham vs. Wiu. Kenilnger. J. P. F.aker a. J. U. Miller. Joseph Cnmmina vs. O. A. Ross. Wm. H. Koonl', Att'y Jw., va Andrew Bowlta. lakiel W eland's Trujlee vs. Jno. Khoads and .l.tcoh Marker. Kdward Siters va B F- Lung. Her x hleiser's u-e vs. Jose) h Selbert et al. S. Philsoo's use vs. Henrv Hnv. 11. F. Lung vs. E. James et al. tliia .1. V. elgle in right Ut.. Newton lyihr. eo. W. Miller vs. E. U. tJoughenour, at ai. Same vs. Same. Same is. Sam. SECOND ntEK. Mary A. Jla-tin vs. P. S. Hay. Prieeler k Flannigan vs. Max a, P. H. S. hwet benz .1. T. Shipley vs. J. M. Ma'Shill. J. 11. Mar-hall va. J. T. Shlpl. Marh.ill Hroe. vs. Patterson a; Kuhn. tl. E. Weiicte va. Joseph stulL Angello Lazoreno vs. Patterson h Kuhn. L A. kretchiuan's use vs. too. and I'rlai Miller. I). Hinehauich et al va W. H. k Mnirule Sellers. Mary Showman's u?e vs. John J. Stmntrler. J. M. Hay vs. Charlotte ami Thus. William. B. F. K- yd va Balto and Ohio R. K. . ii Sarah Flk'k. in riahl vs. A. 11. k C. Lenbai t. Sarah (,'. 1 rieti line In right a. Jacob Lenhart's Atlmlni-trators. Qro. Lalnr, Assign, e 4c, vs. G. F. A'.iman, Conslahle. Same vs. John Winter. Sheriff. Henry Schlag vs. Dennis Mationry. et aL H:irrton Snjdtr vs. Jacob Hlnei.iuah. Flisha Moon va Somerset Ca. K. K. Co. . J Moon vs. Same. Jetferson Well' vs. TanmasMaTwelL ProtbonotarVs Offl t, IN. B.CK1T:FIKLI, Jan'y T,, tA. Protkonotary. 0" UP II AX'S COURT SALE OF Y VIRTUE of an order 1-sue.l cut of the Or- pbans' Court of S- ntcnwl County, fa., to uie directed I will expose to puliltr sale on the premi ses at 1 o'clock p. is. on THURSDAY, FEB. IS, 1SSG, The fallowing descrihel Real Kstate. Ute the pniprrtyof Jona'han Hanger, ot .Vlilronl Town ship, In said county, dee'd : A certain piece or parcel of the said Jonathan Haugertana. situate in Mllftmt Township ai-r'-saitt Said piece mljulns William Hann.4. Crett. U. Snyder and the oriitinal tract. Iwing the south east .end of said tract, containing about ;ilU acres. TEKMd. One third In hand and the italan.-e !n twt annual payments, to be secure.1 ,m the premises leu percent ot the Hand money to be paid altur the property U knocXed down. property AAHOM WILL. jan20. Ailmr of Jno. Hjugcr. dee'd. PUBLIC SALE. -OF- T"t' E tJNDERSIONFD Administrator and Trustee for tbe sale of the real estute f SoL. mon j. haer, dee d. late or Somerset Township. Somerset Countv, Pa., will sell at public sale, or outcry, at Lull P. V. on THURSDAY, FEB'Y 18, 1SSG, at 1 o'clock r. "., the following described real ev late, viz: 91 gm. 4 A certain tract of land eon IIOs la taining J4 acreaand l.vjper- ctes. aiijoimng U, Keller, B. Henta, 1. H. Waik- er, pub le ruad, and others. w a g A tract of land containing Oa at. a 40 acres and 100 perches, . adjoining L. Loug. public road, John Gumber , I Daniel hUmmell. and others. t fl A tract of land containing IJUs a3 one acre, more -r les i. ad joining I). Kellar, Mrs. Alex Say lor, church and scnotti property. Jt A trset of land i-onialnlng aAa a acrea more or less, ad joining taudrt ot unry Clayoumn. Abraham Beam Ueorve Swanc. and others. This large tract If well timbered. The three former parrela are parts of the tarm now owned by li. H. Walker and are valuable, because much of it is cleared and In a goon state of cultivation. There ia atso a gtjd su gar camp therein, with water, timber, etc, to make it a desirable property. Close tt store, scbool and churches, ant tat four miles east of Som erset, at Will's church and Berltoroad. One third to remain a lien, after the debts and expenaea ot tbe estate art fully paid, the Interest to tie paid the willow during her lltetime, and at her death the prioctiaU uth heirs of the deceas ed. One-tbiru cash oo euolirmetioQ of sale, the balance in ti-ree equal annual payments, to lie se cured bv judgment on the pre raises. Tub percent te oe pain on nav ol sale. Anv persons desirous of farther Information abnat the property will call tne Autntnlsiraujcs, or jonn a. l Di, c., at somerset, Pa. W. A. SEtBEBT, W. 8. BALK, Admrs. and Trustees. Jon A. WsLTaa, jaa.u. AueUiaieer. tHI i T-l IIS Salesm wantefl vamaDlB BealEs vuie Real Es I.s-1 '. lis I II II I Y yji; JRI, I PEO BONO PUBLICO. We announce that having bought a large stock of Flannels, Yarns, Blankets, Canton Flannels and other Fall anil Winter Goods at i to j T TT insures, we can before touched by the buys will have the benefit of Low Prices. Our stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mat tings, Rugs, Stair-crash, Stair-rods, Buttons. &c.j &c, is very large, and is composed of the most desirable goods in the market. Call and buy, and SA YE MONEY, at GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S 113 and 115 Clinton Street, JOHNSTOWN. PENN'A. A lev BOOK STORE WM. H.WELFI BOOK SELLEK SOMEBSET, Cf ers a Larra and BIBLES. TESTAMENTS, KY3IS BOOKS Aral Standard and Jlitu-ellaneou Bonk in all 2c; arlmrnl of Litrra turf, fitch as HISTORY, BICCRAPHY. ALL THE POPULAR NOVELS AS WELL AS THE FAVORITE T0ETS, IS ALL STYLES ASD B1.D1SG. A1I7 ECCS III TZZZ 1TAEZIT TOL S3 rr.Cl:TLT ZZIIUZJ. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUFPLIES ALWAYS IN STOCK STATIONERY ! The Public will also find a full Assortment of Oimls Bel-nulng to the Stationery Trade, .scluding a great variety of Blank Boo, such aa Ledgers, Day-Bcoh, Pass and l-Ieaorandm Bcclks, FLVE R-KTJAG PAPERS OF ALL KISD1. WMTIXG TABLETS. PENCIL TABLETS, PAPERS IX BOXES, ENVELOPES, PEXS, PENCILS, INKS, ,(c, ,(: BASE BALL GOODS, CROQIET SETS. ETC.. FfTl RS, FBA31ES ASD MOl LDiyr.s, ot ALL SOKTS. TIIESTOCK OF. JUSTICES' ULANJiS IS FKESir.t COMPLETE And have all been carefully printed lor o-e In Somerset County, and wtll h found torrid im til partKutarm. Corret"hlenr about Boos, kr.. Is invited, and all mail oniers will re ceive prontp attention. -ftTOIlE OS HAIS CRaa rt , .E.T Iw IIOTD'S PKIb TeC. mav27. WM. The year 188-3 has been one of the most busy years at this establishment. Forty-three Monuments and One Hundred and Seventy-two Headstones is the record for the year. We thank our numerous customers for their liberal patronage, and would announce to all who may be in need of anything in our line that we are now in the field, looking up orders for delivery in the Spring of 1886. We propoee to continue t do the best work at the lowest prices. We are determined to eclipse the past in the extent of our business, and to this end have reduced prices to the very lowest figure, and shall continue to do the best work. lio not be deceived into believing that dealers of a few years experience can do work as well as we can. If you are in need of work please visit the 13erlin Marble Works, or else wait un til the Proprietor or one of his agents calls to see you, and you will be sure to get the best return for your money. IR,. ZEE. KOOITTZ, P S. I aim deal in Drain Tilf and Earlhnirar". HA! Are HwAlw P A THE BE 4 -t-?Z-t Trie I i-' J great th:it"it, Jl -ii filJ supply all the 0X 9U 7 it.eeeas.,,, : Ntli.ldy on Mm Ali.sldy iiiiiippm'ii rs ctitl. lence. Otir TKans are sons: itnftpr by il. e l.very Urcnn 1- ully U Fully Warnmlitl nr Five TirE ONT.T CROATI EVI:B, AWA3DED Ja, GRAND GOLD MEDAL BT THE TP! i-ST ATE FAIR ASSOCIATION, THE OtTX.-?- QROAH VOS. WHICH A. JHAN3 GOLD MEDAL WAS AWARDED BY THE NEW ENGLAND FAIR, I he lll'jhnt Amrarda at mil Intra erjter EjchibilrH. pOARDMAfJ &RAYpiArJOS -A-ITH TIIE BEST. SIX BEATJTIFXTIi RTyT.Fg, UPRIGHT, CABINET-GRAND AND SQUARE. The only Piano ever Awarded a C.R.VXU Ki,r MED AX. by the Tri-gtatw Fall A-uciatloa The prices as ktw as any Art clans pianos. These Irstrnmests are handled exel1vely for thla county b the uodevsigne.1. Persoas who think of surceasing ether an ssrgaai air flat wet will do well to n"C examine these in-trumeota. Ms ny relerenees ir- m prominent citizens ol the County, who hare these Instruments in ape. will t-e given If desired. These Organs eaa be seen at Knepper tiros'. Insurance Olfiee, Somerset, Fa. Write tor Catalogues, Prices, eta., te IE. IE. jan27.3m-ow. WELCH, .G-EZsTT, FlilEDENS, Farm For Sale. A fine firm lit us t In Shiwl towwhlp itl knuiBUiho D w. BactiMiM form. wtjotoiPir tirtr Just. Wmnier. nJ oth r, U rfrel ftrra-l. Th Urm ntjiiriii is ftcrM. of wbi!: crr ..rv eirmrv!, the hlDc in xod ciMaHJial. timber. Od aBtl oa-iiaif itory PlaaJaV DWELLING HOUSE, flood new barn, good w ater. a ad an orchard of Sne lruit. Convenient to aelMHils and rhurebea. Pos session given April 1st, IntM bars apDlv to for further part leu- IK VEIL, " kId I( ' i - - - . at e. acain icvei. lrl' an aceacy f tne beet selllwc lv.i ... mram.tir Kimm i book eau. ' lliulnneis suscssd trnauly. Jtosat 'Hall. Terms trae. Haxut Boos Oo-PettUad, j . otter them at prices never trade. Everyone that WeH selected Stcck cf WELFLEY THE 13KIlLI2r STILL AHEAD ! ST If. THE SOMERSET il. The only ttnrin iiirulc in which H snccesafttHy com rtmeii the fitilnwing eM'titinl utiliti- of toua: pow er, depth. bniiiarii'V. iiml synipotttetic lelicv. The moNt cxtiiiiitc:y ta-autifui solo enVcia ever prmtucttl. The only st.,p rictii.n evir invented that can not be diarniti2"t Itv ur. niy (trtrin niflc with bellow enpneity u riiiiire Imt little effiirt with Uie !tt !n he air dosinil. ' and nnft elegtint cases In mark.t. oni:iuienl uaed mvlhimtf out awl a . ,ot arrrtMpr mnttr tn raapen tmm seos-ft in order in nnor ,irm:iuciir.r;iit. weselltaaiftw pr:i- s and rnainlHllt ttm hlhet orilf.r of ey,-.. l:ruet de-nr-i unii iui-it cuilivateil mualt-i .tin arrunli tl nr Five Years.'M X K.V.AL NOTICE. To Joaas Snvder. af Fulton enoatv. Oni'. Marv Intennarrled with Jiawiih Prtu, mow deceased) ol Pennsv:lle, Wetmtreland rooniy. Pa , the foi l-wing heirs of John A. Snyler. aecea-ad, via: Kiata SnsOer. of Banon. Allegheny county, .wd.. A. leu Snt.le and T'avtd So r. ler. birth of Ualee- hnrg, IU.. and the (olhrwlai heirs of Sarah, dee., who wis uiiermarned witn Hoo-rl Limlaman. . . . .i. . t . i u ... Kansas, and Sarah iaiennalTied with son and Annie Itowea, both of Mill Kua, Fayette county. Pa: l ou are nereby notjaea tnat t a purauaaee ef t wrltof Pinltloa lasued out of the orphans' Ceur ef soav rset ronnty. Ha. I will hiM aa WHoe i the real est , te ot Adasa D Snider, dee !. situah mtaeimroex-aol Rockwoua.awietcw:ty.ra .i kMlata r. 1'moe on UtfdAf lam IK ,1m, fmm. ruary. lav, whea and where yMeaaaitaad ITyoo think proper. think proper. Snrioatfnee, I JOHS w-LVTKRS, Deo. 'A I SaarlJ.