11 it ! it' t ! A Chapter ant Hnrweita. The hornet U an interefting ttudy fier he ii dead. I, for one want no intercourse with the swift soar ing w&rbier. comtoouly called tbe hornet, until I am convinced tha t he is thorouehly deceased. I can recall the time when a wan ly of hornet forced themseiTea into my society without waiting for an introduction, and I do not want it to occur again. The details of the af fair are quite indelibly fixed n my memory's archives. I shall never forget how it feels to be pierced to the heart bv the red-hot dagger of the baldheaded hornet until memo ry's page is obliterated, and the con gregation has passed around my de funct remains, and rendered an hon est decision as to bow I look in com plete repose. I was but a fad-eyed, thoughtful bov, with flaxen hair, and a tired cast of countenance, and I ordinan lv moved with considerable deliber ation, because deliberation seemed to agree with me. When I was sent to fetch anything I sort of meander ed, and if I met anything by the way that was alive, I would top and throw a stone at it That is the manner in which my young genius Ludiled, and drove the person who would send me on errands to exas peration and profanity. One beautiful summer's day, when the reapers were in the field and the poMen grain was falling before the Hashing ecythes, and the cat-bird was warbling merrily in the hedges, and I, rating, oh, bo rostfully, un der the tree that bore the early har vest apples, a summons came from the commander-in-chief of the de partment that lriendless boy bearing mv name should go down through the orchard to the bubbling spring t the foot of the hill and fetch the liHrvmters a brimming bucket of water. I had not meandered far when I saw a beautiful hornets' nest upon a low limb which hung almost directly over my path. It challeng ed mv'adtniration, for it was as big as a peach basket, and as symmetri cal as an old-fashioned jug. I was not in much of a hurry, so I set the bucket down and put my hands iu my pockets, aud made a careful and critical observation. At the time there was a strong love of natural history in my ardent nature and when I saw something that I did not fully understand, I was prone to investigate. Now that I am much older, I am not much that way. 1 noticed that there was. an old hornet sitting at the main door, and be wt not asieep. He had block eves and a yellow mustache, and be looked mad. He was the grand out er cuard. the exterior muc-a-ruuc protein., or something of that sort 1 suppose, i Had never before seen a hornet with such an impudent countenance and I thought 1 would just pick up a stone and hit him between the eyes, and then run before his friends and fellow-citizens lound out the cause of the trouble. I was au im pulsive boy at times, and did not al ways Ftop to reason a thing out be- lore I did it Usually I caught the conclusion suddenly bv the slack of the trousers, and then, if I found it was not the conclusion I wanted I just let it. go. There was a nice smooth stone lying at my feet. I picked it up. and with all the vigor of youth and an impulsive arm 1 threw it straight at the old baldheaded door-keeper. 1 do not think that I hit him. It is my impression that he saw me stoop down for the stone and imme diately whistled for four millions of bis relations, who were hiding a family reunion or ratification meet' ing, or burbar, or something inside the nest, to come out and help me go away from there. All that I distinctly remember about the occurrence is that some thing stabbed me in about nine bun dred places at one end and at the same time, and that I left the scene with considerable impetuosity. I longed for some solitude in the midst of which I could collect my scatter ed thoughts, and I went in search of solitude. But every hornet in the congregation seemed delerinined to go with me to the end. I haci never before had anything so much at tached to me. The warm desire of those hornets to remain in my socie ty for an indtliuite period was af fecting to my youthful and tender mind. I went through the harvest field fo fast that the harvesters got only a glimpse of my yellow hair as it dash ed through space like a frolicksome meteor on its mad career. When they learned who it was that was go- ir.g so rapidly, they could hardly believe tbat their eves were not de ceiving them. They had never seen me in a hurry before, and naturally they were surprised. They had no ticed that when I came "from -the spring I usually "meandered, but on lids occasion I turned aside for no obstacle. I lowered mv record far beyond the expectation of my most ruiigniue friends, and as the last and bit winded hornet relucUutly gave up the chase and turned back to re port, I fell over the fence surround ing the orchard, and the thought came into my mind that it was very, vcrv hard to die so young aud fair. when the world wan so luieht and : full cf promise, and the early apples were just getting ripe. A traveling phrenologist who came along that way next day was deeply interested in me. He made a sur-1 vey of my bumps, and declared that l bad the most remarkable head mat naa ever come under its notice. My love of home bump and my lan guage bump, which were about the tsiie of goose eggs, particularly sur prised him. Tuen there were man v : that were not laid down in the I books, and which he could not place ' wnuouv some research, lie had never eeea o mnv bumps by half on any boy'a head as I bud, and he emphatically declared tbat 1 would grow up to be either a kleptomaniac r a great moral reformer. He Mt tbat be would like to say definitely which I would be, so that my friends could feel easy one way or the other he concluded, but there was each a confuoioD of bumpg that he wa non plused, and time, the f;reat reve&ler, would have to aettle the matter. Since that day I have seen the cornet in his native lair a number of times, and hav? invariably let him Alone. He is Dot the sort of warm personal friend i like, and I there fore avoid him. If I crowd him, And he will just throw out a gentle hiut that he wants more room, he can have all he wants. The English language consist! of .ttoai ,utAi words, yet when a man s putting on tight boot or waiting for his wife to tlress for church he nearly always invents few extra words to ei press his feelings. Remember the poor on Christ-mas. They Had (Madied Haoaaa Nature, i Some weks ago a widow moved I into Detro t from a town iu we vm! prn rart nf the Mate. tce:w K.uht witu Ler a buJidog, wmcu showed game io every movement, and it was not long before every butcher and eport m the neignoc-r- hood wanted to buy that dog. i ne niHn wouldn't sell at any price. The next thing to buying the dog - to pet UDafJgbt between mm and another canine of bloodthirsty appearance, but the widow wouldn't bear to this. . . , M I want vou to underetand, sne indignantly replied, 44 that 1 am a respectable woman, and give no en couragement to such things." Still, there were one or iwo ujcu mrhn rii.l not desDair. They began to conspire, and as a result they let a fighting dog into a barn near the widow's house the other day, and one of them paid a call at the house and said : In course, we knows how you feels about this dog-fighting, we feels the same, but there's a woman across the alley who ownB a dog which she brags on. " She can t be no lady, was iue retort " Kxactlv. ma am. or Ehe would not speak of you as she does." ' tepeas oi mc : w dj,l uoh i iuu her!" iu course vou doa v, and l should hate to tell you what she says of you. ." "But you must; nenea uniting about me, I want to know what ehe says : But, ma am, you U excuse me, you know." No, 1 won t. What doea she say?" eii, tliec, begging your par don, ehe mates fuu ol your red hair. "She does?'' " And she ridicules the way you dress." ' The vixen !" " And ehe says ehe never saw such ieet on a woman." I'll sue her for slander ; I'll see a lawyer at once!" exclaimed the woman. " We've got her dog in the barn, ma'am. It's a dog stie brags on ; ste was a-saying yesterday that if her dog could only get at your dog once, there " " But he can ! You go into the back yard and untie Bravo aud take him over there. If he can't whip any such woman's dog. I'll disown him !" "Exactly, m:i'ani, and you can trust me to see fair play. The srro gai.t head of such aslanderful, Itois terous woman should be humbled, you know, and it's you who are able to do it Tl. .. A vwr.in rlrAn r ft.A tiUm and he did not disappoint his back- j that whenever she wished her er ers. After a fight of fifteen minutes i wots to do anything she stopped to he was declared victor, and as the I the .kitchen door and gave her oner referee gave his decision the wid ow's voice was heard, saying : 'Good! That pays her lor abus ing my hair ! I'll fix her on the big feet befors the week is out !'' She had been watching the fight through ihe cracks of the barn. De troit J-'ne Press. Out UiMir hife lor Voim-n. The redemption of women's health I am more and more convinced, de pends on their taking to out-door life and activities. Heading high class memoirs which are in every one's hands nowadays, of the Car lyles, the Sterlings, and F D. Mau rice, one is distressed to hear the continual etory of weak health, and women, who, brought to face the re alities and efiorls of life, immediate ly droop, languish, and are a long time dying. If they have a house to keep, and a share of the actual work, like Mrs. Carlyle, at Craigen puttock, and Chel.-ea, they sicken mysteriously, and their life is a time of wrestling with household affairs, alternating with refuge on the sofa, or months in the doctor's hands, in that wretched, unimprovable state which justifies the sight of a much tried husband who "wisheJ his wife would get better or something I" Have I not, through the ignorance of my day and generation, wasted life enough in attacks of the familiar household demon, nervous prostra tion, which only vanishes on turn ing the patient out of doors. Twice and again, friends have looked pity ingly on me a good as gone, but taken out of doors ten hours a day, as good for nothing else, sun and wind wrought their spell of healii.g and health came attain. Hence- forth no more in-door life than must be for me. and I would urge other women to lashion their lives so as to spend them more in the open air.: Vict' Maijazine. Rare Old Helled. Laura Wilson, of Clover Hill, is now in possession of a few pieces of old Ctiina ware, a tea pot, cream pitcher and su.ir howl, which were j btqueathed to tier by her lamented i Aunt Margaret a few days before she died. W.iat is notable about th'se relics h that the Wilsons of tc-ly can trace (bar lineage back t Jlrv olulioriary War tians, and mingle it with that of James Wilson, one uf the imiuurtal fil'u-six who signed hi.s j name to ti e Declaration of Imle- ji.ender.ee. And so this ware bus j been handed down the generations. ; There is no doubt but th U it rattled in the cupboard shelves of James j j Wilson, during the heavy canouad- j ling at tiie buttles of Gi imantown, ' Brandy wine and Valley Forge. An-j other thing remarkable is, that long ! before the wagons croseed the m .un-1 tains, thtse relics were c irried from the orient up the rued stee ps of i This olden ware is almost as trans- parent as crystal, and wa made at ilonii Koncr, China, under the old process, when it tonk seve-:tv years to complete it, ilimomjalula City llei'ublican. lr. Bueanko. This name is so fimiliar with the people throughout the United States that it is hardly necessary to state that he is the originator of the great Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup the favorite tetnedy,wherever known for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and all affections of the Throat And Lungs. Price 50 cents and 451.00. Sold by C N. Boyd, Druggist.Som erset, Pa. "Words fail to express mr grati tude," says Mr. Selby Carter, of! Nashville, Tenu.. "for the benefits ! derived from Aver'e Sarsaparilla. Having been afflicted all my life with scrofula, my system seemed saturated with it. It came out in blotches all orer my body." Mr. Carter- elates that he vas "entirely cured by Avers Sarsapariil. and since discontinuing iu use, eight months ago, has had no return of the scrofulous symptoms. I tJjJ umnu i(.iu.iuR,.,. . itY f """"u'i "c "w generally understood. A good many people who exact plenty of hard work from their horeea will, never theless, begrudge them careful grooming, apparently regarding that as a luxury merely, that can be spared just as well as extra fine clothes. This is a great mistake. Grooming does not necessarily mean plaiting the mana and shining up the hoofs ; it means keeping the an imal's hair and coat clean and well brushed. Good grooming will not onlv add to the animal's comfort but to iU healthfulness. It is 89 es sential in this respect as cleanliness and care for children. Moreover, it tends to render the horse docile and to inspire in him affection for his master. Gentle handling is a great factor in securing a horse's good will, and nothing will enable a man to get the best work from bis horse more than the animal's good will ; trim that ha anything to do witu horses needs to be reminded of how ! miifh greater efforts will bt put lorin Dy a gOOU UUICC III irejiioo hi3 beloved master's friendly voice, than in response to an angry tone or to the crack of the whip? Perhaps we haye here one cf the csuses of the frequent complaint, that it is hard to ilnd a man who can take care of a horse. The ability to care for horses as they should be cared for is much more rare than than the ability to be a good brick layer or carpenter, or to do any other purely mechanical work. To succeed with horses a man must he very watchful of them ; he must get to know them and love them. Their health and comfort must be his con stant care, and grooming must he a labor of love and not a tiresome duty. Especially do hoists i;eed care after a spell of hard work, aud every humane master will at such a lime wipe them dry of prespirntion, taking oirthe harness, if possible to do so, even if he has to put it on again immediately. Let the legs, from the knees and hocks down, be well hand-rubbed, and if fevered from overdriving, they should be bandaged in wet cloths, to take away the heat Attention to the.e little matters will not only stimulate the horse's affection and gratitude, but will preserve him in good health and prolong his years of useful ness. Thought fulliCMi. Dr. Bjvnton tells us a storv of the gifted but extremely modest au- ! tiioress, Mrs. Eva katherine Clap p. Mrs. Clapp hi'd recently gone to housekeeping, and a lady friend who was dining with her noticed in the form of a flattering request. "You ought to have a call bell," said the friend. "What for ? asked Mrs. Clapp, i n nocently. Why, for your servants.of course." "I will get one," said the author ess quietly. The text day she came home with a handsome silver bell, and taking it into the kitchen, handed it to the domestic, saving : "Annie, when you want to fee me for anything just ring this bell A Cloud of Witnesses. In many instances the opium eat ing habit has been contracted through the use of narcotics, pre scribed by physicians during sick ness. Many remedies which claim to cure coughs contain ruorptiia or opium, and it can easily be under stood what a bad effect they must have on children. The new reme dy, Rfd tar Cough Cure, is entire ly free from these dangerous ingredi ents, and the mass of testimony which has already been collected in its tavor from all parts of the coun try is proof of its wonderful purity and eflicacy. Fatal KlKht lktwceu Tiger. At Womhwell and B -stock's Men agerie, at Norwich la.-t week, one of the tnree performing Bengal tigers attacked another and killed it by severing its windpipe with its teeth. Tiie animal was worth about two thousand'dollar?. Cur; for I'iles. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, caus ing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptons of indigestion are present, as flatulency, uneasiness of the stom ach, ect A moisture, like perspira tion, producing a very disagreeable itching, aAer getting warm, is a com mon attendant Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the ap plication ot Dr. Bnsanko' Pile Rem edy, wliich acts directly upon the parts aflVeted.absorbin the Tumor , I allaying the intense itching, and ef- fi cting a permanent cure. Price 5U : cents. Addre.s. The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Picju.i, O. Sold by C. N. BOYD, Druggist, Somerset, Pa Smallpox, Fcarlet fever vtllow fever and ch'oldra can be transmitted from one person to another by a kl-s : but, hang it ! what's a fellow going to do? ' It is gurniised thiit folks who curse their luck never had anv to swear to. A syllable wife fur an allilt-te should b a dumb belle. A maker of men the tailor. (Jlove clerks are counter-fitterp. TJICOBS fatRMfisrrisMiyi ii For Pain CuCS Ritemaiisni. kttraiiiU. 1 AT lKi liiilh-Ti AND ftiLlUvti. PHIl FIKTV 1 TKEmtULU l.IMtU.1 mKtTimiKK.. TAR TRADE V MARK. (oeeiK unE Good Grooming. TFT. TSl Esui Frrm frwm VpUUcmf X-'mc'tcs enaat i'oisva. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. At Mat uaHsu Ks UaaiJ THE U.J.U4DI A. llMrELKS lUTOOII.n, iiif POITQEB Absolutely Pure. This Powder nevervnrlei. A marvel of parity, strength and wbolesomeaofs. More economical tlin the ordlnarv kinds aud cannot he sold it mn.riii..f with the multitude ol low ten, thorn 5- st..N.T. my28tf. EALTH Is not alw uv eiiioycd br tlicm who seem to wsi'it. The taint of corrupted blood may he wi-rrtly imdcrniiuiu? the con!ituikin. In titne. the poison will rer-tainlyi-lirtw its rfioi-is, nml withall the more virulence the rnT it has been allowed to pcrn'2!' 1 In' wrfem. Each pimple, Fty. boil. kiu tlisordcr ami oi!-e ot unnatural lassitude, or languor, l one of Nature'! waruiuga of the cumeoutucc of neglect. Ayers Sarsaparilla Is the onlv remedy that ran be relied upon, in all facts, to eradicate the taint of hrred lt:rv i!iitM' iiud the fpecial corruptions of the IiI'khI. It is the only alterative that is siillicieiitly powerful to thoroughly r'u aiw! the sysl'i in of Scrofulous and Jioreuri.il impurities aud the Hllution of Contagious liseases. It also ueu tralis the pultons left by Diphtheria mid Scarlet Fever, and enable rapid refill t ration finm the cnfeeblcnient and debility caused by these diseases. Myriads of Cures Achieved bv Ami's EAR8APAitn.i.A. In thr prist fnrtv years. are nttestetl.andthere Is no hlood luscase, at all jKissible of cure, that will not yield to it. Whatever the ai It wills (r I tiiss elass.aud wherever found, Iron, the seurvv of the Arctic circle to the veldi-MrV' of South Africa, this rem edy has afforded health to the sunVrers !)V whom it was employed. PrusTLnsts everywhere can cite mirucrous cases, with in tli;ir personal kiinwledf.'c, of remark-IiIiIl- cures vvrouuht by it. where all other trentiuent had been unavailing. People will do well to Trust Nothing Else than Avi:rts R.tKSAPAitli.i-A. Xumorrttis crude mixtures are olien-d to the public a "Imo.mI puriiicrs." vtltii-h only allure lli patient with the pretense of many rliPart il. st s, ami with which it Is folly to cxf'ri;:i'-iit wiiilo di-case is steadily bc-coriiii'- nmre di-cp-wited anil iliiliiult of dive. Some Of theye mixtures do much Ist-i in hsnn. Bear in mind that the only medicine that can radically purify the vitiated blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BV Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co, Lowrcll, Mass. Sold by all Druegists: Trice $1; Six bottles for 5. EXG1L5M COOKJTOYES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CA5 BE SUITED )l.lM FinTliI H7 Isaac LSfceppird 4 Co..Ea!tiniore,Bi II. B. Schell & Co , SOMERSET, FA- may.T-'Si-lyr, PUBLIC SALE -OF Q U 1 1 V VI RTtT E of an Order of Sale fpsiiM ont of andtoDin uirfCf-). 1 will M il l Piihli Sa at the hotel ol KichmrJ Caliiwell, Id Die Koronicb of Ken in, on MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1886, it 1 o'clock p. if., thenmlivMetl half of the farm known tb John Penmd ,finn," in Hmthert- jiily townnb1p. wtthloone mile Irvm KtHd. ocn tAinlnt; lltt arres more or let, with lmelllnn House. Bank Barn an! other improveraeuts there on erectel, of which 100 ai'TfS are clear, io acre In meadow, with a tine, never-lillinif ftrirtnr. and running aier thro the tame. 1 wH1u1m seli on TUESDAY, JANYo, 1880, at the lata rrridenoe f Tlenry Penrod, deo'd. In Hhada Townshln. at 1 o'clu k p. a Urm known a the homefartn of Henry retired, omulningyj acres, mon or lesa, witu a lare onoc DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Darn, anil othr Improvements thfwon erected, with Sugar Hi-um ami Suirr (Irchanl. rruii iircnani iinj SHrnuunuun Mune I oal, wl:h mnny niwiiiK piirr Hi at never fail, on the same. tM acme clr and 'M acres In meadow. ALSO At tlm Mme lime anil place I will f 11 farm containing 74 aeres uo'ire r aloininir Lmls z jcipe Mu-ii, jeremtan jieiKeviuie. Jus. Iir, J..l'n l(e, l. an.l ntbeiK. with' Dwolllnx Hue anil tsuiile I hereon erertc.l. ul wlilcb abooi &5 acrss arc clear ani 10 acres Id meadow. ALSO At tins an l nlaee af"res.il.l 1 w ill nll a lot (( T'lUinl rt'uale in Uns;T'n. Shade Tp, ooij. laiiiiua i.ne-eaii an atrc. inure ir less. I ti l.iniis arc all In excellent c mlitlon. and are near to Schootit. 4'hu-vhrs and Stores, anil will be sold i Tean.il'le terras. Tdej are tlis Unds owned tijt Henry i'enrod. deii'd. wTerranmiiie kaotrn on day er Hale. JOSEPH CABLE, Administrator. novls FASHIONABLE CUTTER & TAILOR, Harlnchad many years experience in all branches of he Tailoring bus- lnens. 1 Kuaruntee incus, i Kuaruntee satisfaction u ail i woo mar call is Ion me una lavor me with their pat. ronajre. Yours, fee. W.n. M. IIOCHSTErLFR, Noinertjeti Pa. if. L. JENKINS & CO, is ii um mm PETROLEUM EXCHANGE, lOIFoarth Avenue, PITTSBTJH3H, FA.. Oil Bought and Sold on Margins. y-Order MmU w TeUfrapk rteeite Premp ttniion. scp Stem. wlDEaHAHC AliESTS WASTED rr THE CATC0XSPIUACY A t hrilllnz review ol the led U.tlHjUKfc.ATRtHt aSuKSrar. eriui a ol bra. Jsha A. Lsa. Strike ouira Tir choice new. i Hl'MtHD BKUH.. faallskera, Pkiu a-eipaia. fa. uo2iit- XLCLilOIiS' KOTICE. late of Alex. XcOrecor, aes'd, late of Shade Twp., bonicnet County, Pa., dee'd. been aranled lathe undersiirned 1t theDrouac I uiunrivj, none is aerenv ftirea w ait persons i .A aient, and tboa havinsj claims acainst the same will present them dalj authenticated tor aeuhnaent withont Ula. . KAAtrEX. MrGKEOOR, JAUUB MKiKjH ocll. ueuton. Robust H yalio Real Es :t rx J .1a. - A 41 is Bsmjcbs Oa CassBka. Ask for "Roach on OoaKbs," for Coacbf, Oulds. Sora Thmst, AloarsanaaS. Troches, lie. Uqatd, Uc WtJKii Bals.- Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed bags, ikudu, eUipuiuka, srutiUers. lie lfruggUt. Bvstt Palsia. Palpitation, VropslcaJ Swelllncs, Dizziness, In dicstlon. Head a? lie. Sleeplessness, cured by " M ells' Health Eeoewer." " Sasai SMi Cera. Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 16c Quick, eomplew care. Hard or soil corns, wans, budon. "Kobcb: ass Pala" Paraaaad piaaier ; 8trenthenlns;, toprored, th best for back ache, pains la cheat or aide, rheumatism, neural gl. Tnla reepia. "Wells' Health Renewer" rtrtoree health and Tlfror, cures Xiyipepsla, Headache, Nerrouanes, UeoUlty. L plBSiCaaKh, and th many Throat Aflectloss ot children. promptly, pleasantly, and sately relieved by Troches, lie. Balaam, ibc athara. ir you are falling, broken, worn ont and nervous, use -Wells' Health Renewer." 11. lttugglsia. Llfa ls eaarwar. If you are loslna your urip on Ufa, try " Wells' Health Keneaer. ' Uoes direct to weak spots. M Is ob Taolhactae." Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache, Fsee eche. Ak lur'-ltougn on loothacke." liand a. Pretts Women. Lailies who would retain freshness and riraelty, don't lull to try " Wells' Health Kencwer." raiarrkal Throat afrertloaa. Haeilns;, Irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, cured ly "Kuugu on doughs." Troches, 16c Liquid, ac. -KosiHSBlIck" " Rouiih on Itch " cures humors eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, trusted feet, chilblains. The Hapa af he Kalian. Children, slow In development, puny, scrawny, and delicate, use "Wells' Healih hencwer." Wide Aaake. three or four hours every nliiht coiiphlDi. Oct Immediate relief aud st'uud rent by uniuic Wolls' "ituuga onCkui$hs." i roches, 16 lialbam, 'Sm. Roach On falu" Pnrsnaed Plaalrr StrcnKtbenins;, Improved, theljest for backache, pains iu chest or side, rheumatism, neuralgia. When Baby was sl'-k, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castvrla, Whea she liecsme Miss, the clung to Castoria, When the had Children, she gave them Castoria. Persons who are part fifty will find Dr, Kennedy's Favorite Remedy just about the medicine they need when they need a medicine at all. The ten years which follow that se are full of dangers which do not threaten younger men and women. This preparation gives tone to the system, gently expels impurities and prevents the outcropping of diseases the feeds ol which may have been sown in earlier life. Why not live out all your days in health strength, and Shiloh'8 vitalizes is what need for Consumption, Loss of you A p- pt.tite, Dizziness unu all symptoms ol Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents par bottle. Q. V. Benford & Son "We don't have to recommend Parker's Hair Balsam but' once,'' writes Mr. C. A. Burger, druggist, of Liberty, N. 1 . "After that it Ftands on its record." It stops falling hair, restores original color, softness and glois. Exceptionally clean, prevents dundrufl'. Croup, whooping cough nnd Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shi loh's Cure. G. W. Benford tfc Son. The children's health must not be neglected. Colds in the bead and snuffles brine on catarrh and throat and lung a faction?. Ely's Cream Balm cures at once. It is perfectly safe and is easily applied with the finger. It aUo cures catarrh and hay fever, the worst cases yielding to i. in a short time. Price 50c. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shilobs vital izer is guaranteed to cure you. G, W. Benford" it Son. "I have advised my daughter to try it, and she is going to do so." He further rays : "I called on you about six weeks ago sick with bil lous disease. You gave me a bottle of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Kercedv arid it set me all right. I want more of it.-' Thus writes a man who iives in Lubec, Me,, to the propria tor. We are sure of hearing favor ably from the lady, for this prepara tion is exactly suited to the troubles from which women so often suffer. Also for little children. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath i-ecured, bv Shiloh s Catarrh Remedy. Price oOcents. Nasal In jDctor free. G. W. Benford & Son It will not disappoint you. It is the best article known for purifying the blood and building up the health sin! strength, r or 2o years erysipe las broke outiu blotches on my face 1 tjunii no cure until 1 used Par ker," Tonio tvo years ago. It is the medicine fjr me. E. C. II. When two weeks old our chiid catigLS cold, for eighteen months could not brcsthe through her nos irn.j, tiecame emaciated. JJv ut-inn ii.iv s cream palm sne was cured J. M. Smith, Owego, K, V. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Is. V . Benford & b-jn. a single trial ol ur. Henry Uix- ter s Mandrake Bitters will convince anv mie troubled with contiveness. . . : j i- , ,. torpid liver or any kindred diseases of tbtir curative properlits. They only cost 25 cents per bottle. For Sale by Mr. C. N. lioyd, the Drug gist, Mammoth Block, Somerset, Pa Shiloh's cough and Consumption Cure is sold by 0. W. Benford & Son on a guarantee. Itctnes Consump tion Do not suppose that because it is recommended I ir animals that Ar nic.i it Oil Liniment is an offensive preparation. It will not stain cloth ing or the fairest skin. For sale by r xr r " That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shibh's Cure. We guarantee it. G. W. Benford it Son. Downs' Klixir will cure any cough or cold, no matter of how lono- - 'ding. For sale by C. N. Boyd. n For lame back, side or chest, use .Shiloh's Porom Plaster. Price 25 cents. G. W. Benford & Son. The nntidy, dirty appearance of a K'tZl'V beard Should never be allow 'y beard should neve Buckingham s Dve for the Whiskers will readily change their color to a brown or black, at discre tion, and thus keep up ycur reputa tion for neatness and good looks. TH C INCINN ATI Weekly - Enper FOB 1886. Will, as hsretofoia represent and cater to the In. terests of the roe:res?ive Feople of the Age. 1 he enterprise and vigilaare that have made the Lsoriuex: without a peer will cuntinoe to hold it In the front rank ot journaiifra. rlavins; posses, sion and control of the very best facilities and the ' services ot the most able writers and eorrefpond-1 enu la the country, together with the largest . corps of reporters er?r eniaiced 1 y any single pa- per, we ciaua uiat we juAiriaxa is tuo MOST COMPLETE AUD PERFECT TAPER now published, of which fart we wish no better evidence than the past years' "hard times" ex-pcrti.-n.-e, during which ft not only maintained its lance rlrculailuo, but addrd materially to Its list ot subscribers, nine of every ten letters from our old patrons havins; the familiar phrases, ' Hard times," Business dull," -Ko money in circula tion, vet I .11 LSI' have the Eki imkr:" In sue (lately Increased) it is equal to twoordinary Sl.aU papers, being an S-page snoetof 6i columns each week. As a FAMILY JOURNAL it has no equal. Each and every member of the Houoebold using treated to an ample amount of reading best calculated to entertain, Instruct and ainuw. fAKHINO AND HOUSEHOLD MATTERS are an original ieaturv, eab Issue containing many letters Irum practical, suol-cssIuI farmers and t-xperii-uced housewives, that make this ue jurtn.iot a better school tor learning than is otter ed l'y the wxallcd agricultural pafiers luolil AMIStLL ADVAMAlitOLfSLY Is a prime cunderatlun with all. Our own re porters in all commercial marts furnish the h.s uuiaia with the very latest am reliable iulof- iuatin nguresand values that enable our read ers to trade at ruling prices in every locality, near or distant. BUYS AND U1KL.3 An Hfr over the corner allotb il to their use. In tact, the EairiR bk omits nothing that may contribute to make it the bri choice ol every lauilly ; its moraltoue and teachings being always in accord with pure thought and taste, exerting an inhuence for good in opjmeiiion to all eitniamiuatink; evils. A.UfLE CO Pits MAILED FKEE to any address. Procure one and comitare it with other j'Kiruuls, and we wut abide by your decision as to menu Or 11 FKEMIX'MS May be clawed a HOLS EH OLD NEOESSL Ti t-5 ni true wurtb aod -nuine merit, and otter ed al tifiurrs, In some case, below wholesale ntics t ut iitvt-r tmiow oo, as we are But tnuie bum- bug tiUMnera; oar object beta to bene tit our i tmn, und make oar every tiao&jk'Uon a reoonv oieiiua luu I"r luture atnDae. THK WEEKLY ENQUIRER Co?ta rou f 1 1 j a year. 65 cents for six months. v, e nave no t.uit rules, an payltw ine same rales, itxlo or In cluttg. Me give a lree voitr one year to any person tfi-xiding us a club el sevea subscrib ers at Cl io cacn. 1 mo. 3 moa. 1.2J 46 1.2 i mos. 1 yr. Sun'lsy and Daily 7.uu tU.uo 4.00 l'J w 3:i (W 2 2i 4 00 l.io SI00 iiai.y vxc i uduuv Any ttiree tlas Ahy two days SuDitsy fsuue 26 t6 1 ii 2i0 i;a-iiuuuiiuiuiiuons paia lojisrents ana r imi- mast.Ti. JOHN R. McLEAN, Publisher. IHE fiEff-YOBK TRIBUNE. THE E W-T OR It TR I B I E enters up on ihe new Sdhtertptlon year will) uutliuiinUhtd tavltb In the restorettiun U oower ol the iarly bi n Ii;a rJhown the Ktejtet eipat Ity fur faia, plbinotlr lutclliit nt nveniment. It thanks itf agents and fi lends lur thetr beany suj purt during ine l yi-ar. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE reruafrs tiie principal Dai tonal exponent ol the aruiueDtP doc trines ami aitnfloi tbti Kefuhilcan party. It is a rtnnir auttrefiMY nw.-iHi"r. unwinitnimlslnclT Repuollcau, and latthluily dy voted to the boiue interests ol ull America. Tne pajter IaIkts ear nestly lor a protect ivetarill todeiulopilierreoUTC- es oi tne ointrepi states ana secure icimj waiies, sowi tod. ko1 t'lottih.ir and romlortahle hom-s (or the people, and ItSflipays the hiicbemt prices to its own men f any oliice in Now York t itv; for equal ngiits and un bonest rote. Aorth and outn; hr every practical measure in the interests of morality and teinire.ance ; and for upnlit, dlgni bed patriotic government. Espitiicans ITsed The Tribrms. Everv Intelllurnt farmer : everv old stildlcr: ev. ery wurkerami active man of whatever occupa tion ; every gixxl wile with alanilly; anil every clllzcn who wants tn iilentlly lilniself iih tbe party oi progress, nruuant achievement anil mor allty, necilK XUK TK1BUNE. THE TRIBVNE will be gcod rca.ltnir aftpr i:on-rKfS meets, wnen hvans. nerman. Liiran ana other nrimuni leaders nextn to a?k tne Ail niiiiistrutloD iuesikns bard to answer. As an agricultural paper THE TK1BUK E is unexcelled. A Series of War Stories. The vractler features or the War for the Union have all lieen recorded. The minor lncld.-nls, the thrilling, and romantie eplsmles, are a sTeat vtl ume, ol whlcn only a few chapters haye ever been written. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE offers A PRIZE OF f 2SO Iu cash lor the bem siory d iliu iatc War, writien hy a private soldier r sailor of the Union forces, or by an officer undrr the rank ot Ooluncl or Navy Captain, about .VJ0i words In length, relating a thrilling incident, mid tight, escape, adventure, or experience, of which he himself wm a part or an eye witness. A i KHIZ.fc of IOO "Hi oe given lor tne sroomt ttest story, rwcntv-hve or mure of these stones will be published drring IS5. Every one accept ed wilt be paid for whether It wins a prize or not. beains January eth. Tbecouifieiltlon ends July l ne iest two win receive tne prizes, rumtcanon 1st, lsso. All manuscripts carefully read. PremiTins. Wood'a Houstibold Prtetit-e of MedMne. two handsome volumes, profusely lllnatrated; Web ster's and Worcester's Unahrldiced iHctlonarles ; Ktdatti s Illustrated History of the I nitei Sta'es; i ount s ronordance of the Bible; and the Waterlmry Watch Semi for sample copy, whleh d es tribes the premiums. TS2HS, The Dally. 7 cents a month: Ma year. The Sunday Tribune, alone, ai.&O a year. The Seml Wc kly. a year, or 00 In clubs. The Wecklv. il a year, oral. oo In clurn. triveyour sibscrip'lon t.. THE TKIBL'.NE'S local clvib Agent, il there Is one. THE TRIBUNE, New-York. D 9 OVER 1000000 BOTTLES S0LDAN0 ftEVER FAILS TO CURE COUGHSXOLDS.- THROW AND ALL LL'NSTROUBLES AU. DRUGGISTS SHilT PRKE 25CTS. POB SALE. A GOOD FARM THGnndersiKnsil lias for sale a Farm, on the Mt. P!esant and Somerset Turnpike, two miles East of Mt. Pleasant, In Westmoreland County, containing 87 ACRES 87 Ten acres of which are under cultivation. The balance is w verel wl:h cood tout) timber, which would py one well for clearing ready for the plow, fbe house and bank barn are just new. and cost 2.400.00. There is a never-failina; sprinn ui ron water ut loeauor. woi lurtuer lntorma- tlon call un or addiess R. B. SMITi-I. MT. PLEASANT, 10-21 t. Westmoreland Co., Pa. HELP tor working people. Send 10 cents ptiaxe and we will mall von fretm. ri.vml nlna. ble samiiTe box of gixjr's that 11 vouresa r.val, valaa- win pot yo in lue way or malting more money in a lew days than yon ever ttxrauht pusslble at ai.v business. C'apital not renal red. you can live at home and work In span time onlv. or all the tmie. All Of bulb Sexes, ol ail aires UTandlv sucnrasrul 60 cents to 4 easiiv earned v..r mvmninu Th.t all who want work may test tbe business, , make this unnaraileled oiler To all wh m well satlsneil, we will send 1 to pay for the trouble of writing os. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolute! sore for all who start at onoe. Ixm't delay. Addres, STia aoa k. tj.. Portlaad, Maine. Jana. EADT ACEXTft: Tbe first and only Bv tbe reoowne.1 ehlef. Inwi.iT Tk.v... r Pokter. What (.rant s book Is of tbe tr Porier's Is of the ilair. The utsseiasia. hiun- ry of Its sjiffaatle achievements, wriiten by tbe mmtter spirit In the rim flirt is nf Kuimui U, est. aod will sell ataweMa. For panienlira. address novas-tt. HUBBARD B ROS.. Pub's. Phil. Pa. PXECUTOH'S NOTICE. i.iUte ot Tarld Xodvers. dee d, late of Shade Two.. Somerset tin . P Letters testamenury the above estate hav Ins; been granted to f e nnderslaneil by the prop er authority notice Is hereby irtven to all persons Indebted to said astat to maka Immediate pay. ment, and tbose havtcc claims acainst the same will present them only authentic ted fur settle ment on Monday, December 21, IMS at the late residence of deceased. WIU.IAM BOnOERS. FBANKLIN BUDGEKS, aovi. ExecuBjra. a mw mi O. W. BEKFOBD. DRUGS. G. W. BENFORD & SON'S DEUG- STOEE, NO. 1, B AEB'S BLOCK. VTe keep cons tan D hi oil a stock of PUKE DKTJGS AND MEDICINES, Chemicals, Dyes, Toilet Articles and Sundries kept in a first-class Drug Store. Truws, RrnMJ, SapporteTX, ami leading appurtenanws use! both bv PIFtlctn nn Fsm!liei TOBACCOS A SO i lGAltS. tbo r-t in the m.trket fn-m Domefitir to lrjnp.rteti FBI M RIH- TioN'onroiMt:n with mkk. family hzczipts puled counter- L Y. All aiTrtii. metltriiH1 ket oo L.aul. 1: nnt pttniescan tlrpend on itf arrival In a aort tlmo. as we pay reat attentito to all Mich ttniaint, turuwsroake ol HOUSE ASU CATTLE F0WDEU if tei.iu doubt the te.t io the market, itf eta. per ponnd. We to to do exftente rA psckinir, lalwlimc, aUvertiMcv, Ac, but keep tn bulk. Ant Inhere I i? tit wantetl Sfeciali- eao be aUUed. t'ivl1 aDtt see kr yuursell. and Ns ruavioced we oder Bttr'tin. CJ-. W. UKftroHii A Si-? Intend doirc a square bufinet, an-t a ant all to tee for thetutfelvea. IN'u trvable to show our Hoc It. wIure Wines and Uquors for lMe-licinal XJt Only.- SOMERSET LUMBER YARD. OSes ind Yard AT Somerset, Op S- Il C. R. R. Station . OAK, POPLAR. SIDISns. PICKETS, . MOULDISGS, ASH. WALSLT, VLCOR1SO. HASH. STAIR RAILS, CHERRY, YELLOW PISE, SH1SKLES, llOORS. HALISTEUS. CHE&rSVT. WHITE PISE. LATH.- RLISbS. A i W EL POSTS A General Line of a!l grades of Lumber and Also, can furnish anything In the line of our business to order with reasonable prituptness, such as nracaeis. uuu-siteu work, ac. zexjIs cuisrisrnsra-H. .aim:, Offices and Yard Opposite S. &C. R. R. station. Somerset, Pa THE OLD RELIABLE SCHTJTTLEB WAGOIT- ESTABLIMIEDIIS CHICAGO IX 1S4?. 'yjl'.sav1 n I liavejtist rercivel w rjr lo.i Is of the Hs'if- iili:i Sliwl-skein S .huttler Wsjdds, the must ootnplete W'estorn Waiin in tiie in irket tor Ruid or Kiiriu Purple. )x th lutter tbeie is n U.'ar Brake, to be u-sed" r!ien hauling hay or eraiti, a souietinnj tliat farmers know the necessity ol when hauling on his watton has lai.i in StiK'k thn-e yean before being worketl tip, insuring the work to be wiorenyiuy seasoned uetore tienif? troiiea. DOUBLE COLLAR AND OIL CUPS, It is the only Wagon ma le that ha this improvement. It avoids the necessity of taking olTthe ply turning a cap the wagon Wagon wants to he seen to buy will do well to see it EVERY WAGON FULLY INSURED. In offering this make ol .? "take of Wagon for live 3, ;sj tains, over roads that were : m) the test. I feel warranted wheels. Call on Oliver Knepper Wagons. -.4GE.VTS WASTED THROUGHOUT THE COLSTV. SOMERSET, MARCH 28. 188S. 1842. A PROCLAMATION. 1836. Know Ye! Know ye All! Men, women ar.d children that t.he.cnwt sta!T of editors, who. headed by Dr. tleorue Thnrber. have kept the Am-rrinm A'tritullitriit at the front for 1:5 years are now remfortiil by 'hester P. Dewey . Set h Oreen, and other writers. We propose to add to the hundreds of thousands uf buines, in which the AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST N read aud revered, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, us an old-time friend and counsellor. it c areaccoruingiy enlarging tne HEARTH, HOUSEHOLD AND JUVENILE DEPARTMENTS. and adding other features so that it is to bi. from this time onward, essentially a IIO.M E PKUIODK'AL. as "veil as Iwing di-vutel to Agriculture and Horticulture. Kvery person who immediately sends us $1 50. tli subscription nrii J. and 13 rnw for pv.fie niakins l.fi-" in all, will receive the AMKiilCAM AGKICl'iyri KIS t LAW ISOGK, just published a Coiupendium of tvery-day Law for Knnners. Atn-haniess. liusitiras Men. Manufacturers, etc.. enabling every one to be his own lawyer. It is alargs volume, weinh ine one pound and a half, and elegantly bound in cloth and (ioid. Tne AMKKICAN' AGRICl LiTl'KIST WANTS THE TCAKTII to yield bigger retnrns by incri-asing its great army of reader. We distributed M).00 presents to those who aided in the work last year, and We are planning to give 100,M0 I'KESENTS to workers this year. Send forji onliiiential terms for workers, when you send your subscription. Subscription price, ll.St) a year. .Single nmnliers, lo cents. Semi 5 cents for mailing you grand double number of the AM KUK'.W AGIilCl'Ii Tl'KIST. just nut, and sample pages with table of contents of Law Il.x.k. .ZrC'AX VASriKRS wanteil everywhere. Address PUBLISHERS AMERICAS AGRICULTURIST. 751 BROADWAY. M. Y. DtVIDW.Jlfiu, Pr t sl-L BrilSHMH.Vf'T. tasMaisaitMWssMirr ru r t .. Jaaw. mfj,., 1 iifTisnsiTI for Infants "Csatorla is so well adapted to cilldreji that I recommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me.'- II. A. ajcHia, it D.. HI So. Oxford St, Broutlj-Q, x Y. Tn IT LE TO ACCEPT OB BKFl.SE. To Jeremiah Yutir. ofSli nv fTltv. Iowa. An. nte, in'ermarrietl wiih Jonas Henchy. ol Urants ville. Aid , Catharine. Intermarried with Lwinard Maust. now with Solomon I). Yiter. of Ornnl. vllle. Md., Diary. Intermarried wiih Sam'l B.k es, of Conrad Orovc, Iowa. S. M. iutv. of Sit. JoT. Lan!aster Co.. Pa.. th heirsor Il7ahth dee d, who was intermarried with tianicl Hockes, of Conrad Omve. la., and Joseph C Vottv. of Falls City, Neb. : " l uu are neri-oy notihcd to appear at an Or phans' Court, to l held at Somerset on the 17th day of Iieermner. to accent i r refuse to take the real e late of Daniel Y utsy. dee'd. at the ap. praired saluatloo, or show cause why the satne should not be sold. SerUf sOlfie, i JOHX WINTERS. Nov. Si, Ii4. ( Sheriff. TJDITOK S NOTICE. Io tbe matter of the estate of Brnry Custer, deed At an Orphans' Court held at Smr.er-ot, Penn'a i the th day of November. 18sfc. tbe oothriiaard was duly appointed Auditor tn fix the exact amount coming to John W. Whistler as Adminis trator or Prlsi-ilia Whistler dere'd, on the first Auditor's report In the above estate, as well as make a dlstribotlon of the funds In the hands of Henry r. J. Caster, Administrator and Trusree of said Henry Coster dee d, notice Is hereby dlven that be will atter.il to the duties of and appointment on Thursday, the 10. h dy of Dew ber. 198a. at his office In Somerset Boroon, when and where all persons lnti-rested can attend. S. U. TREaT. novl8. Auditor. E LECTION NOTICE. The Amaal Klecdon of the Farmer." t'nion Association and Fire Insurance Ct mpanv of S-im-erset Coaaty, will be held In Berlin on Tuesday, the 28th day of December. Ice, to elent a Prenl. dent. Vice President, Secretary and Six Direct ors, to serve the eoraln vear. By Order of the Board. DovxMt. D. J. EKTBAKER, Sse'y. C. H. BENFORD. J ELIAS CUNIsrilSrGHLM, Maanfactiirer 2ii Balff. Wltolssaler ail Rstailsr of LD1IBER AND BUILBIKG MA1EEIALS, HARD AND SOFT WOODS, Building Materi.il and Rooi'lnx Slate Kent In Stock. hilly fa run. l-.very part of the Woutl-wurk o! ueusg tne patentees ot the wheels tj grease, as in tiieolJ style ; by sim m can be oiled in less than five minutes. This be fully appreciated, and parties wishing to before purchasing elsewhere. Wagon to the public, will say I used the Mme years when freighting across the Rocky Motin al in ost impassable, and tliey always sIoikI io saying I believe them the Best Wagon on or Henry Hefflcy, who will show yon the and Children. Castoria cares Colic. Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, givea sleep, and promote U- ETstion, wUaout ipjartona medication. CsxTaca Coapasr, 1: ! Fulton Street, 5. T. JIXE TO ACCEPT OK HEFISE. To Wm. A. Rrul aker. of Peoria. Illinois. Jo. seiih Hrulrokcr. ul NvwCamhria. Kansas, Kate, Intermarried with Thomas Fearl, or Camr.ria Cuonty, Pa.. Lena, Intermarrleil with Clue. W. Slater, resl.linit in ottamwa. Iowa, Mumrie Witt and Minnie Wii, of J .hn.lown. Cambria County, Pa , children of Mary Intermarried with Darld L. Witt. Sarah. lntriitarr.l with Jeremiah Walter.orOeitown.CambriaCn Pa. Yon are hereby notified to appear at an or phans' Court to he held at Somerset oq Mumtay, Hie 14th day of Iieeembernent. to accept or relume to take tbe real estatoor Abraham Krnbaker, de eeaseil. at the appraised valuation, or show can why the same should not he M. bheritrs Office, 1 JOHN WIXTFRS. Nov. A 11S5 . Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Esute of Adam T. Snyder, itee'd. late of Rock wuod Bi r.. SomertConnty, Pa. Letters of ailmini.trati'in on the above estate having: been vranted to the and-riirnet by tbe pmper aiithoriiy, notice Is hereby aiven .o all perrons indebted to said estate to make I mm nil- ate payment ami tbose havtnir claims avalnut same to present tnein doly authenticated for tiement on Mnmiay, the ih day of January, atbls late residsnce la R-kwi '-loninah. SOLOMON SNYDER. no 25. Administrator. TXECUrOire NOTICE. llate of Elisabeth Keitr. drt?t., late of Berlin IjOUrt teftavmenUrroB t he Above et&t bavlnac bea frrntl to tbe UQ'lersiKned by the proper aii tbniy, notice i hereby rWcb to )) persons .n debteu to uil ftaftat to make immel lata pay. ment, and those bavinfc elaimt aarainst It to pre sent them duly aathentirarM for settlement and allowance on Thurlar, the 24th lay of December ki,. at the boose ot the E ecu tor. In Brlin Bur. uzh. Pi KKHAtJOH, novll. Kxecutor of E. Kolaer, dee'd. without a match. Our "Large 'Stock." Our "Complete Assortmero Our "Xew Styles.-' Our "Superioi Make." Our "Low Trices.'' I A. C. YATES & CO j Clothing for M, VnthSi t hililren. 1 602 604 606 Chestnut Street CURTIS K. GROVET (East fmni Court House.) Somerset, lenn'a. anufactanr ot B VGGIES, SLEIGHS, CARRIAGES, SPRISG WACOM. AXD EASTERNj AXD W'HSTIKN .,S5 FurnUhed on Short S..!i?s. Painting Done on Short Time. My work Is ma.! out of Thorotvv, . Wood, anil the Rnl Iron mad V.ri''u.lWH tially (;nnstruete,l, Neatlv Fmi-M Warranted to Gict Satiioctinl Employ Cnly First-CI23 rk. Repairing of All Klndaln My Line 1,0, stin Notice. PICES REASOSAI IE, m All Work Warranted. Call and Examine rar Stork, an.l Leam P I do WairoD-work, and !urnih Stnrii i. r ft',.'," Mills. Kirmher the place, and -all io. CURTIS K. GROVE, tbut ol (Juan Uouite.) pr30-Iyr. SOMhl;SET, Pa. The Best Newspaper in Arrerca, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to eau money in distributing the Sun s Pr;. miums. The most interesting and advant3. geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected Something for all. Beautiful and .-iiibmamial Premiums is Standard Gold nnd oiher Watches.VsJubJs ISix.kn, tlio Bent Family Sjwing Mhioe known to the trade, and an uneqruled iijt of objecU of roal utility and inetructba. Bmtes, by Mail, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (withont Sunday) $5 00 DAILY, per Month iwithout Sundsj) 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... 1 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year ... 1 00 Address, THE St. Tort nti. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for d.--ine the hair, ktcnncihec when gmy,ani prrrn:ir.; L'at dnif?. It f-lr:inf the v.i!: Al stops the har u-nn.. and i -;t! re to i I -:. s-v. aiwl $r. at I r- The Best Cough Core yoa eaa ut and the bet known preventive of C'tv;timr:io: Pakker's Tonic kept io a home is a sentinel r kep stckncM out. L sed tiis:rtctiy it k"-;- tr blorid pure and the Stomach, Ltver and ki:nc in working errirr. Coughs an.l Cuius jifaj t -fure it. It builds, up the health. If you luffer from lcbilitv, Pkin Fr!ipu. a Cougri. Atthma, lypcps:a, fciiiacv, I'n-jnr t; Ketnaie Complaints, or any disortir ot t'-r L- .z Stomach, lowc!.-, i!'fl or Neivps, d ;i'r till you are sick in bed, but me I'AKkCs's To -i to-dav ; it will give you n-w lite and .r. HISCOX A C.. X.T. Sold by DniCaTtst. Lurje savuis; buying 5t " OANDEE" DOUBLE THICK BALL. Or.iiaary Uuliber Tiootfl Iwar wrjtr out r.r :n thob':ilI. ThariiJt;H I:.'Mts am faW u' on tiie ball, ciu guo D0CELE WEA2. )fot economist RnMvr tfaHt la tli'j mark;' r. l.nm !fnur th:io auy ruicE 50 uicnEtt. Ca'l and ex- vor.rm tha gV-Mt," mmm rzu&l?:'..:?ri I 2 I ftZgp? FOR AL 3Y H. CHILDS & CO., WIIOLET ALE AE3IT CnFE'n. oc7.6m. PITTSBURGH. PA. LIME! LIMK! The Farmer's LlmeCompany. Mnited. will" at their kilns, or load un ran, GOOD LIME At cents per bq.hel. or .!'. t II ai V- " wrst to ail KallmU trt mnl i-'ii'J J the fi.antv, and un the IWim Bnt ti i"'J' 'J ' er Solufucti fioawmmtnd H H th erriler"s Lime, whk-h Is km.wn Yy '" ami Science to be tbe stmnireM an-l ht 1 ,r H' vlenllHral F-.iniLiaea. All nnlers tir'tr.l1" Address. HEXRY S WAL.T HtNKY S WALTtK. decSi-lvr Oarrelt S..mersei t o.. r. A GIFT 1 Scn.1 10 cent t '"?. sire, and ' mull r-a A" " al. r.!u"i 8 iB r box ol icons that ill out yua in ttie T ' ln more money at iBc. than aayti.lt i " ' America. Both reies. of all aires, cm homo and work In spare time, or all tne i" ;.ltal not re. aired. We will start m mene pay suie tor those who start at d2- 81-lr. Stissos a Co . KiTtlJO'l anythlr.s;elW w i n,"L :ri 'jz: rj. it K.u.k ..sit UfirinnaT nsasl afrSD'l. 4 fall. Term tree. H-U.ET 11 CcM' Maine. D M I N ISTR.T0 R'S Estate of Sius Kmlsen. det M., NOTICE. late ofSiixl Letters of administratis en the alm'f esta havlna; been arranted to ths nmlersHrnen r u proper anthoritv. notice Is hereby Ki" ,,. persoas Inilebteit to sa.d estate to mass ixn ate payment, and ihnee havlna claim" ",,!, same will present them duly authenticate' ' settlement on Monday, the i"th of lnesw". 1M.I, at my residem e In -"hade t..wnsbip. Administrator. A UDITOR S NOTICE. "SV. .t.i.Mf. havlne been duly arH",i by tbe pner authority to make a '"" .j,. the sale of tbe personal property and real of .!ae.,b B. t ntcbOeld. beret.y ivs a"' "A will .Itsehsnre the duties olsaiSapr-" Iw. his office in somerset, l-a., ia f"';fwb!rs embir . IMS, at 1 o'clock t. . "ben o 11 persoas Interested can attend II novl. K0 L BOOTS lip mm