The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 26, 1885, Image 3

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    u u
Ike Somerset Herald.
ren are plowing fallow..
Ibis tli month nw"-VtsutbwmiD-,D'
. wHt of .ttachmeot-e lore letter.
la b rin "o" the honie "tretCb'
farrnrr. .re making ready toth8b
Vlt month bavin " " '
OP" . . ..jr., .h. nlanf tarn
niJ;vbt is be'c6 ru
f rl .n.litr Mil rhMD It
pin twine ui g-1
t B Howrw"- -
1 . .. c A Cam.
dm1-'1 3
LvV. the weather prophet, promvw
ouUtuif year tbanlest.
Oiif, CHEar-ca "P
w Ti.n't fail to Mctbm.
ttj. trees. ""
It if ekHMd that omoo juh
car. lie pn from mosquito bit,
'Vn Tvpes and Gems taken In the best
. 'trjflpv irhotocimi'hOallery.
Therhct Welfley's Photograph Gallery
J M lo tboe of My otLer m toW'
rt.mnirh taking flock and are now
"in. new goods daily at J. B. Bnyder
yaws should not fail to see that tbey are
watered on or before the brat day oi oev
u taa need a Smyrna Kug ai j. o s..y
dernd Cos you will find a new line to se
lect from.
ft, sidewalk i" some sections of the mti
BirrUtT. with their luxuriant growth of
pje sua weeds. reseaiMe pasture fields.
v mi .-First Class dental operations.
llcMilxAH Dentist,
Baer's Ulock, Somerset, Pa.
All of the Topular Library books can be
fund at Welfley-. Book Store. You oa
tlv find there everything useful in the way
of Mationerr.
pt, t fail to try a bottle of Darby's Pro
ptvLnic Fluid, the best known disinfect
U 1'rice cents. For sale only at I,ou
ther's Prug Store.
summer visitors will at Wei Bey's
!, re lbs fullest and ruo-t complete
na tion of choice reading matter to be
found in Somerset.
..c rMtl,;.,,. inat rrived
iie line oi
Bw and Black cutaway and sack suits,
new and heavy winter weights. Call and
K them at J . B. Snyder Co s.
Key-tone Iron Tonic Bitters, to be had
at Leather's Drug Store, is an effective cure
if yourfystemisnin down, or if you feel
nervous or overworked. Try it.
f. I'M u going to continue to sell his
mk this week at cost. Parties coming to
the pre show will do well to call at his
store before purchasing elsewhere.
All of John B. Alden's (the Book Ex-ri'ar-ge
ruanj publications will be found at
Welflev's Book Store. These books will be
sj,d at Mr. Alden's very low prices.
Persons desiring to have good Cabinet
pooMmiph taken, will do well to have the
urk done at Welfley s Photograph Gallery
in the Mammoth Block, Somerset, Pa.
For int8. oils, vamishes, drugs, medi
cines, chemicals, etc., go to Louther s Irug
Siure. where you can get the purest and best
rnod, and more of them for the kueney,
tiin anvwhere else in town.
rw Fall Gooi. Bargains in Canton
Flannels, TUin and Barred Flannels, Cash
meres, Wool Dress Goods, Cotton Dress
Prints, Muslins, Jerseys, Fany Goods,
eu. etc. Mas. A. E. fm.
I would inform the Public that I am still
larryuip an the rhotcfraih business at my
id eflabUfried Photoeraiih gallery in the
Uammoth Block.
W. H, Wn.rLir.
Bairn, Brick. Ban t ! As good as the best
and cheaper than the rest. Fonr hundred
thousand on had. Yard opposite the Plan
inj Mill. Howaook- F.aos & Passoii,
Somerset, Pa.
Tnder the postal laws and regulations
neither the husband Bor the wife can con
trol the mail of the other. When so instruct
fd. a postmaster must refuse to deliver to
the hoslauid letters directed to the wifr, and
vice versa.
Cascara Constipation Remedy i an infali
bi cere for constipation, sick headache and
cotti,en, and is much preferable to pills,
a it contains no mineral poison, as calo
til. Try it ; it will core you. For sale at
Lomber's Irug Store. .
FoiSaxE. A two-seated spring wagon,
with half-platform springs, panel box and
pole or shafts. Also, one Timken buck-
wsfon. These wagons are of my own make
mi guaran teed to give satisfaction.
- Cribus Scvaix.
Somerset, Pa.
The weather for the past two weeks has
Wo intensely warm, btit immensely season
al,!. We l.ave had both rain and heat in
abnn.UuK. and vegetation has been grow-
in? finely. In fact the weather could not be !
niore favorable for maturing the fall crops.
4 lari-e yield of corn is now said to be an
-"'jred tart, and the prospect excellent for
Food fall pasture. '
Veat Uittrr. Maia tereet-W have
jost added a large Refrigerator to our Meat
Market in which all meats can be kept coo'
ttid dean. Mutton. Beef, Pork, Acl, kept
constantly em hand, pea daily. Parties
Buying meat can have it kept in the Refrig
erate cntil wanted.
... . 1 "." .' . Bom Davis 4 Co,
An exchange cava that some genius has
found that the cheapest and simplest gym
nasium in the world one that will jter
tist every bone and muscle in the body is
piece of flat steel, notched on one aide,
tiphtly Into a wooden frame, and after
tang grassed on bath aides) with a bacon
rind, rubbed into a stick of wood laid length
wise on a aawbock.
Thanking our friends for their liberal pat
ronage In carpet, we felt iustifasd in increas
ing oar stock. W Lad the best stock of
rpet ia the spring in the county."' We
ve now a larger line than then. We de
fy ovu petition in amount, quality and price.
Acrtk;. . -i
.... , uu wail i in uievaui'c nu, i
-e. Brucella. Ingnuns. Ras.etc. Call and i
us before baying elsewhere.
3. B. Srnr Co.
1 s-Horse power boiler upright.
1 14 m . t,
16 " " engine "
" Corambtrs pomp.
' Pair Harrison's burstonea.
Lot of pipe abafting.
An nearly new. Will be sold cheap. Caa
seea ra working order at the 8oxMvset
Mechanical Works.
Enwiw E Wolf.
toacan fat at Boyd's Drug Store :
'nsect Powder.
Sticky Fly Paper,
Paris Green,
Tube Colors,
Shoe Brushes,
Base Valla,
Baas Hooka,
Soda Water,
Low Prices.
Wd Hellebore,
Miied Paints,
Paint Brushes,
Croquet Seta,
Bass Rods,
tvt Glasses,
Good Goods,
Mr. Joha Wright and wife, of Bedford are
visiting relative i this place. .
Mr. Simon fiebhart spent several days of
last week with friends in Somerset
A colored camp-neeting will be held in
the Ilugus prove, south of town, commenc
ing Thursday.
Prof. J. F. fcively, of Meyersdale, hat
been elected principal of the Hyndman.
Bedford county, public schools.
A goad game of base ball ban be witness
ed almost any evening, at the ball arounds
at the south end of Turkeyfoot street.
The teachers and scholars of the Disciple
Sunday School enjoyed themselves in the
Hngns Grove last week indulging in a bas
ket pic-nic.
The Evangelical Association camp-meeting
broke np Monday morning. There was
a large crowd of people on the grounds
Thursday of but week and on Sunday.
The Board of Pension Examining Sur
geons for Somerset County was organized by
the election of Dr Henry Bruhaker aa Pres
ident, Dr. Harry S. Eimmell, Secretary, and
Dr. K. H. Patterson, Treasurer.
Contractor McFadden has resumed work
on the ft' est end of the Allegheny tunnel
with a reduced number of hands. The eon
tractors fr the work in the vicinity of Som
erset are still working both day and night
Landlord Higginbotham had a party of
young men arrested lart Thursday for break
ing into his ice-house and stealing there
from several kegs of beer. Four of the
number were placed in jail to await trial at
the September term of Court.
Mr. Charles O. Scull. Chief Assistant Gen
eral Passenger and Ticket Agent of the
Pennsylvania Company and Mr. Will Lind
sey a" employee of the same company spent
Saturday and Sunday in Somerset returning
to Pittsburgh Sunday evening.
The persons from this place who partici
pated in the excursion to Luray last week
report having had a most delightful time.
The cars were not crowded, the trains were
on time, the accommodations at Luray ?rere
good ana the caverns truly wonderful.
A colored woman who had been confined
in the county jail for the past three or four
Jays on a charge of perjury was brought be.
fore the court on a writ of kahtat eorjnu Mon
day mornirg. After hearing the testimony
the court ordered her to be released on her
own recognizance,
m m m
A party composed of Misa Sidney F oat-
let h trait. Must Grace Picking, Miss Anna
M, Scull, Hiss Sadie S. Scull, Miss Carrie T.
Baer. Misa Mary H. Baer, Mr. S. F. Picking,
and the local Editor of the Herald, drove
over to Bedford Springs in carriages Tuesday
morning. Tbey expect to return the latter
part of the week.
It would be advisable to attend to the
registration of voters as soon as possible.
Take advantage of your first opportunity
and see that your name is on the list. This
will save you from forgetting it, hereafter.
and may prevent a deal of trouble and vex
ation on election day. It would also be
well to ay your taxes. September 3d. is
the last day for registration and October 3d
for raying taxes in order to vote at the com
ing election.
Mr. Win. H. PlaU has a new combination
well box and bucket that is ahead of any
thing ever offered here. The bucket is bal
anced by a weight on the opposite end of
the chain that makes it so eay to work that
any child can draw water. The bucket fills
trom the bottom, and is emptied by an auto
malic valve which saves the trouble of hand
ling it. There is no wooden or iron stock
to impregnate the water. Mr. Piatt placed
one in the well on Ed. B. 6cull's property last
week, where it can U examined by parties
interested. Don't fail to see the "tjueeu ot
the West," if you value good drinking
Did the young boys, and those of larger
growth, who make, a habit of standing on
the street corners after night and squirting
tobacco juice, often staining the clothing of
passers-by, ever stop to think bow utterly
mean and contemptible they were making
themselves? Complaint has been frequent
ly made to as by ladies who have bad
handsome dresses completely ruined by
having tobacco juice expectorated on them
while passing along the streets. We can
scarcely conceive of any one being so, base
and degraded as to intentionally do a thing
of this kind, but it is almost as bad to do it
through carelessness.
m m
A most horrible accident occurred near
Fritz's church, in Brothersvalley township,
last Tuesday, in which two sons of Mrs.
Mary Yoder met their death. They were
engaged in digging a well on the premises.
The one who went down first recognized the
presence of foul air and shouted to those
above to draw him np. He was lifted as
rapidly as possible, but was overcome before
reaching the anrface, and fell out of the
bucket to the bottom ol the well, breaking
his neck. The other brotherwent to his as
sistance and was overcome by the gas and
killed. The bodies were recovered with
difficulty and were interred at Fritz's church
Wednesday. " '
At the Adjourned Court held on Monday
last, the Court made an order disposing of
the Poor Board Investigation Committees
Report as follows :
"And now 24th August, 1885, upon due
consideration of the foregoing report the
same is ordered to be riled, and entered of
record as no fixed compensation has been
provi.led by law for services o the visitors,
the Court do now in view of the character of
the labor bestowed, fix the compensation at
$-.5) per diem, writh mileage at 3 cents per
mile circular and also decree the payment
of the expenses stated in the bill viz.: lt).;5."
The total number of days served was 116.
which at $2.50 per day would be $20 ; the
number of miles charged is 77, which at
S cents would be 123.28 ; this together with
the $10.25 provided for in the decree makes
the total cost of the Committee $523.53.
-LIiaHAT RiwMav. While tramping
along' the road just above Edie, Monday
morning, with bis pack on his back, Joseph
Fisiier, Pittsburgh peddler, was accosted
by a negro wbo inquired the way to Laurel
Hill tunnel. Rei-eiving the directions he
passed oo. turning after he bad proceed
few rods, and slipping quietly behind Fish
er struck him on the back of the head with a
large stone, held In his clenched band; As
the peddler fell the negro jumped on his
prostrate body and commenced raining
blows with stones, which he held in either
hand, on hi head and neck, at the same
rime demanding his money. Fisher strag
gled as best be could, encumbered aa be was
with his pack and box and partially stunned
by the blows, but pluckily refused to surren
der bis money until the infuruted negro
drew a large dirk knife and placed it at his
throat. Believing fully that the negro meant
... . , ,, .
to "jra, the ,ddler revealed the hid-
ing place or bis money j a isn oox m a ocu
next to his body. The negro took the box,
which contained a $105, two watches and a
number of pieces of jewelry, and giving the
i peddler a final whack with one of the atones,
i broke for the bushes. It was one of the
boldest robberies that ever occurred ia this
section. Less than three h'undred yards!
away were a number of men ai work in the '
barn of Mr. John Kizamel. with a threshing j
machine. Fisher acnes for help were at first
! unheard on account of the noise made by
I the machine, but when beard the men ran
J promptly to his asai stance assd found him by
, the side of tallen tree with fcoth eyes al-
I most closed, and bleeding from a number of
' rataoa his bead: Ha was cared for until be
was able to trav el, when ha eame to Somer
set and made an information, but up to this
writing no arrests have been made. - , v t
Larva- Sheriff Winters arrested an ac
complice of the negro Tuesday afternoon
with part of the stolen property on him.
Cokflckxci Itcms.
. The people seem to be determined to as
certain whether there is oil in this county
or not.
The Dtscipies are holding a protracted
esuvat under canvass, in trom oi mr'r,ieiN toeter i Quin0, tmoot Johnstown's
church, which fa seemingly a success. I raulbgba!mP ,,,, to be found elsewhere
The Biverside bouse is full of city board-1 iB this issue. '
era, and wepredictthat Continence will some !
day become a favorite summer resort.
Wait till we strike ile. . :
The painting of house and stable roofs
with a patent paint introduced by several
gentlemen from Ohio, seems to be the order
of the day among oar farmers.
Prof. A. S. Flanigan's school is progressing
finely. If Mr. F. continues to apply himself
in the future as be has in the past, he will
make his mark in his chosen profession.
Confluence, Aug. 22, 13J-5. X.
Tr Last Orrovnuitf to VistrTHt Ski.
saoak. The last of the series of excursions
to the seashore, which have proven of such
value to the people of this section during
the summer, will be run by the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company on Thursday, August
27 tu. All who have not availed themselves
before of this excellent opportunity to take
a flying trip to the shore, should grasp this,
the last chance. This is really the choicest
period of the season, and ten daye passed
now under the reviving influences of sea
baths and ocean air will be of the greatest
benefit to those who have worked through
the heat and burden of the summer. Pleas
are seekers, too, will find everything, they
could desire" in the way of amusement.
There are more people both at Cape May
and Atlantic City than there have been at
any time this season, and the gayety and
life of the coast reaches its highest point in
the latter days of August. No one coul
choose a more agreeable time nor a liveli
one for a vacation trip to the seaside. Ex-1
cursion tickets good for ten days, for use
going only oo special train and to return by J
any regular train within the limit will be
sold, as heretofore, from the stations follow
ing at the rates quoted, and the special will
run on the schedule attached : Leave Johns
town at 11:18 A. at., fare $9.2i ; Cumber
land. 8.40 a. fare $8:50 ; Bedford, 10:15
a. x., flue $8.50. Train arrives in Philadel
phia at 7:50 r. at. Excursionists can spend
the night and proceed to the shore by any
regul ar train of the following day. Bear in
mind that this is the last of the low rate
(The followiiax fmtu theGonnellsville Cu
rirr will poiot Bnt read with the great
est amount ut sUaure by tose who felt
aggrieved by the strictures the Hckald pass
ed upon the gallant Colonel Cope land oo the
occasion of his lecturing here last winter.
The Hixald took theCol.'s measure at the
time and sized him up right, as usual :
"Colonel L. F. Copeland, the lecturer.who
has appeared before audiences in this and
snrrcmnding counties, to their delight, as he
b both witty and eloquent, has come to
grief. He was discovered in the room of a
lady at the Logan House, Altoona, who had
registered as "Mrs. Marian Ilowley, Phila
delphia." Mrs. Rowley and the Colonel bad
arrived at Altoona on thesame train. They
bad excited the suspicions of the hotel at
taches by their actions, and so strong did
these suspicions become in the mind of th
night clerk that he made a visit to the Col
onel's room after he had retired, and lound
it empty. Then with the night watchman
he proceeded to the room that had neen as
signed the lady and demanded admittance.
He was admitted after some delay and found
the lady in a state of considerable agitation
and seemingly alone. The quick eye of the
clerk noticed that a wardrobe in the room
had been moved out of position and on
looking behind it discovered the abashed
Colonel. " - i - - '
He explained his presence by saying that
the lady was sick, and that he had been
called to give her some medicine. As this
errand would not necessitate hiding behind
a wardrobe the clerk did not recognize the
Colonel in his capacity as a philanthropic
physician, and invited him to leave the
bouse. He delivered a similar order to the
lady, and the pair betook themselves to the
Central Hotel. The next morning they
took the train for Tyrone. Colonel Cope
land baa a wife living in Harrisburg. The
last time we remember seeing the dashing
Colonel was at the Sunday-school conven
ient here last June, where he discoursed so
eloquently on the methods of teaching
Sunday-school classes the "Word." His
audience on that occasion will probably ap
ply the common proverb to the Colonel's
ease, ' Example ia better than precept," and
yet the Colonel's example wasn t.
! la its iasni of the lith ioait. tbe'llzsuin
'claimed we were " in error as usual" fn gtv
ine an account of the result of the match
game between Somerset and Meyersdale
nines. Everybody knows we were not. tus
Hibald to the contrary, notwithstanding
Further, speaking of its own club it said.
" Thev were eaeer to play a gam
or a series of games with aiy time Hrytmialt
hat or can produM. italics our own. n el I.
the challenge was promptly accepted, and
Fridav set for the first game. Then Somer
set inglorionsly barked down, conceding
Meversdale the eame to Thetrutu of the
matter is the two games played were with a
nicked upniae here, all vouths not one of
' iwn . . f . 1 1
aire. 1 lie ine eiar? oi mis ooroan nave
not been defeated for two years and can de
feat any real Somerset clnb four times out of
five alfthe time. The IIksald s brag is of
as little account as its bluster. Hcymdale
By reference to the issue of the HrsALDof
the 12th inst it will be seen that the Crm-
mrrckd errs as nsnal, as in that issue there
was nothing said in regard to the proposed
series of games. Sometime early in July, af
ter the Junior club of this place bad - well
rubbed down " the Meyersdale nine we pub
lished a challenge, at the request of the
Railroad nine. Ko attention was paid to
this challenge until the Junior nine of this
place bad again "well rubbed down" the
Meyersdale nine, this time on their own
grounds. The day that the Meyersdale nine
were " well rubbed down" on their own
grounds, A the close of the g iw, several
gentlemen of Meyevadalar and members of
their last year's club, waited on the local ed
itor of the Hebald and informed him that
though tbey had no organization this year.
they were willing to accept the challenge
published in the Hebald providing a series
of five games would be played, two at Som
erset, and three at Meyersdale. Shortly af
ter this the .Secretary of the Railroad nine
wrote the Secretary of the Meyersdale nine.
challenging them to play about the 15th of
August. To their challenge no reply was
vouchsafed. The challenge was repeated
last week for a game on Friday. A rn em
ber replied that as five of their players were
ont of town he could not say whether they
wonld be able to plav, but should they de
cide to-play.- tfiey wwild telegraph their de
cision Thurttlaf cenintf ;'
The writer also stated that tbey had ao or
ganization this year and that tbey Would
only be able to play one game which would
have to decide the championship. This was
backing down with a vengeance. Late
Thursday evening a telegram was received
by the "Railroaders" from Meyersdale say
ing they would play the following morning.
Of course this absurd proposition conld not
be accepted, as all of tbe "Railroaders" are
engaged In active business, and would have
to make arrangements several day ahead
to get away, besides arranging for a special
train on the Railroad, etc Upon receiving
the telegTam they at once replied that the'
game wouM have to be . deferred. Where-1
npoa the Meyersdale crab lifted up its voice
and. said, on a postal trJ,'wecJaira lie
championship of the county and have dis- j
banded for the season and the Cvmmtrriai:
publisbed the above cliaracteristie article.
This we believe is a direct and complete
statement of the entire a0air.y la view of
this and tbe fact that the Meyersdale nine
have already this season been twice "well
rubbed down" by tbe Somrnet nine makes
the OmmereiaTt bramrt article donbly ri
dicalotn. If there ere eiee yoarrr men irl
MeyeiwdeJearbe mreaid really like to cross
bats with the "Railroaders" let them name
their time and place, pot np a forfeit of one
blind red dollars and they wi!l meet the live
liest dab tbey ever met, or will be one hun
dred dollars in or ot of poeket. ' T
Mr. Joseph Irwin has bis new dwelling
house on Patriot street under roof.
It will be to the advantage of our readers
to examine carefully the new advertisements
of Messrs. L. M. Wolf Son, and Messrs.
Braxiw Demcatiok. The third Disciple
church builtin this district within two years
by Elder X. 8. McCallum, was dedicated at
Berlin on Sunday. August !th. It is a su
perior house for the money. $1300, and
seats from S50 to 3n people. The $: ar
rearage was made up on dedication day.
Dr. W.H. Williams, of Hagerstown, Md.f
preached on the occasion, most acceptably.
The prospect of a good future lies before the
Disciples of Berlin. ' P. V .
Mr. Emanuel Cover, of ts?yestown Bor
ough, has been appoiuted by Charles L.
Webster 4 Cfc, tha publishers of General
Grant's book, Tbe Personal Memoirs of U.
8. Grant," as sole agent for Somerset. Jenner,
Quemaboning and Conemaugh Townships,
and the Boroughs therein. Persons desiring
to purchase Gen. Grant's book should make
a note of this, as there are a number of
agents at work in this territory selling a
book with an almost' "similar title-page
hich ia often palmed off as Gen. Grant's
book. His Personal Memoirs will not
be published until some time m rovera-
ber or December,, and in tha meantime Mr.
Cover expects to call on everybody Eying in
tbe territory named, in order to give them a
chance to subscribe. Don't be deceived into
buying worthless (rub. hut be sure to get
the "Old Commander'a " Personal Mem
oirs. -!i-iA : '! i
V,. .
i.,..- ,,JW J,tir of the Sn-
- "
preme Court, hes; written a letter to the
Philadelphia Pre in "which he declares the
purchase of the South Pennsylvania hy that
company unconstitutional, and that there is
no possible way in which the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company can 'control' the South
Penn. He cites the constitution and de
cisions of the courts. He says the attempt
is against public interest and fall of danger
to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
He premises his article by saying : "1 am a
pretty large stock holler in tbe Pennsyl
ia Railroad Company and have not a cent
of interest in the South Penn, and notwith
standing, J. am decidedly of the opinion that
the so called purchase the it in from what
it may) is a high banded wrong upon the
people." He believed the courts will pro
nounce the sale illegal and ullsz xira. .
.The Oulide HcraU says: All work was
topped on Friday evening at tbe west end
of Kittatinny, second tunnel, anderbut
ro-id. Mr. Sayre, chief engineer of the South
Pennsylvania, lasted along the line on rri-
day afternoon, and, while he did not order
contractors Evans s, Ackerman to suspend
work entirely, he advised a reduction of
force until the negotiations concerning the
sale of the road to the Pennsylvania rail
road are settled. Acting on this, the con
tractors decided to quit work at the west
end. Mr. Siyre said that the chances were
nine to one in favor of the abandonment ol
the entire work in a very short time. By
the suspension of work at this tnd of Kit-
tatmnv 1-50 men are thrown out of employ
ment. They were paid oft in full on Satur
day. Thecw York aiued-ict was the ha
ven for which all started. This end has
been driven 1070 feet and the other end of
of the sarpe tunnel more than 2I0.I feet ;
scarcely 800 feet yet remain between the
heading. Work is still going on at the east
end and also at both sides of Bine Moun
tains, but it is being pushed with reduced
forces and in a half-hearted way.
Should work on the South Pennsylvania
Road be abandoned, the waste in time and
money would be appalling. The construc
tion of the road has already occupied a num
ber ot years and has necessitated the expen
ditureof$5,500,C00. The road ia in a fair
way to speedy completion, if tbe work on it
continues. The work is now progressing on
themiddle part of the route on the moun
tain ranges, where most of the time and
money have been spent. Across in Fulton
county there is a series of seven magnificent
tunnels being constructed. Tbey are great
engineering feata. Four of them are com
pleted and three are building rapidly.
About 4ft) men are at work on the tunnels
and the cuts. ' , '
Contracts almost for $3,0u0,0t more of
work are out. which will raise the cost of
the road to more than .'.000,0'JO. with
onlvhalfofit built. To wholly complete
it, a further expenditure of $7,O00OM will
be needed, raising the cost to $15,000 00.
But one extensive bridge Is necessary, and
that is over the Susquehanna river. The
piers and abutments for it have been built
over a yeafTand "only await the iron work
for completion. The original contract cal-
led for the completion of the work in Jnly,
ESOW-V Irok Masteb axd Pouticiak Ex
riaxs At JoHssTows-Pantel J. Morrell
died at his residence in Johnstown on
Thursday morning. August :Wth, at 8
o'clock. His- health failed about one year
ago, from the effects of overwork. As the
Cambria Iron-works grew, Mr. Morrell made
a practice of holding a mastery of the de
tails of the bnsiness as complete as when
the establishment was In its infancy. The
strain became too great and he gave way
physically, and it is said, mentally. For a
year past he has been unable to attend to
any business of the company, and was con
fined closely to his residence. His death
was quiet, life passing away without a
The Hon. Daniel Johnson Morrell was
born in Berwick Township, York County,
Maine, August 21, Ut!l. In 1SJ7. when in
bis lSlh year, Mr. Morrell came to I'hiladel-
tthiaand entered the employ of the whole
sale dry goods firm of w hich his brother Da
vid was a member. He remained as a clerk
with Trotter, Morrell dc Co.until 182, when
be and his brother succeeded to the busi
ness. In 1S44 the store was removed to
New York, but Daniel i. returned the next
year to enter the dry goods home of Oliver
Martin, with whom he eventually became
associated as a partner. '
In 1S45 he married Suan L., daughter of
Powell Stack bouse, of the Society of Friends.
In 1854, the Cambria Iron Company having
failed, at the meeting of the creditors he was
appointed chairman of tbe committee to
visit tlie works, after whose report an effort
was made to reorganize. ; Upon the failure
of this attempt a company was formed'
which leased the works for five years and
Mr. Morrell was chosen resident manager.
Through his efforts the institution was suc
cessful, the lease being extended two years
to 13)10, and a new company organized in
1802. Mr, Morrell continued in charge un
til his death. '
In I860 he was elected to Congress, and re
elected in 18CS." During his first term be
was chairman of the standing Committee on
Manufactures, which chairmanship lie re
tained until his retirement, four years later.
He was also a member of the Committee on
Freedmen and the Pacific Railroad and the
Select Committee on' tbe Decline of Ameri
can Commerce. In 1870 be again ran for
Congress, bnt was defeated by a snialf ma
jority through the defections in Hunting
don county. " " '
Mr. Morrell introduced tbe bill to provide
for the 100th aniversary of American inde
pendence. " The bill' became a law princi-
pally through his persistent advocacy. His
efforts were recognixed by Got. Geary, who
appointed him commissioner for Pennsyl-
van ia, and by bis colleagues, who offered
him tbe presidency ef the body. This, how
ever, he declined, bnt accepted the chair
manship ofTuf Executive Committee, a tx
eitioo of more arduous duties, and in which
he contribnted largelr to tie taceem of tbe j
Exposition. He also attended tbe Fans i
Exposition in 1878, as a commissioner from
the Tnited States.
Mr. Morrell was an earnest Protectionist,
and for many years President of the Iron
and Steel Association, which hia failinf;
health compelled him to reaiim last De
cember. ' :.-'...'.".'...
Admsok, Pa, Aw. 21. 13.
Editor Kfumenk Hbau : The question
of a new jail, tbe repair of tbe old one, or
neither, seems now to be agitatinf tbe minds
of many iiersons, and among those is one
who fills a certain position not at Sotuer
set wh., were the iwwarinii of brains an
otfense at criminal law would be declared
innocent by any jury on earth ; even a
Fayette county jury would fail to convict.
What is a jail ? Webster says, " A prison ; j
a building or place for the confinement of j
persona arreted for debt or for crime, and
held in custody.' The presumption of law I
is that every person accused of crime is In
nocent until he is proven to be guilty
Tben, if a person be presumed innocent,
why inflict on him needless tortures whilst
he it awaiting trial T Persona confined in
jail belong to two classes those awaiting
trial, and those under sentence for minor
Crimea or misdesaeaiior. They may still
further be classified as those who are charg
ed with the eoavcuiMion of bailable offenses,
bat who have tailed to obtain bail, or se
curity ; aad those charged with offenses so
grave ia their character as to exclude the
possibility of bail tor one so charged. But
let it be borne in mind that the unbailable
character of tha offense has nothing what
ever to do wfth the guilt or innocence of the
prisoner ; in other words, the presumption
of Innocence lies for alt crimes whatever,
from the lowest to the grayest, in the calen
dar, until Kuilt is proven. Another classifi
cation may be male and female, or old and
young prisoners." .
What kind of a jail has Somerset county?
I presume this jail is the worst in the state.
It is a brick building the " pen " for pris
oners and tbe home of the sheriff are all
n ti, flnnr. Whatever naapea in the
pen can ordinarily he heard in the sheriff's
"V. na
There is no tcewrity.
because escaties are numerous. Une man is
in confinement in the jail to-day, unless he j
has been released very recently, who bases- ,
raped three times; had he not loved hisj
wife, he would have been a free man long
ago. I only mention this to show that there
can be no security in such a jail as that at
Somerset. Some persons think, at least they
say and try to convince the people of the
county, that the building of a new jail will
be a great thing for Somerset borough, and
that the people of that borough want the
new jail. Certainly they want it, and they
want it because they know the defects of the
present apology for a prison better than any
one else in the county. The commissioners
of Somerset county should be indicted for
maintaining a nuisance if they do not take
steps to change the prison management, and
that soon.
I recently visited this so-called jail, on one
of my periodical visits to Somerset, and here
it what I saw : The pen for the confinement
of prisoners is on the same floor as the sher
iff's dwelling, and is entered by a door lead
ing into said dwelling, by means of a door
ia which is cut a square opening, about a
foot square, which opening, by tbe way.
was tried as a means of escape during Sher-.
iff Spangler's term, and almost successfully
rnside is merely a large, dreary room, insuf
ficiently lighted, and pervaded by a smell
lice that of the " Valley of Hinnom "or
worse and in this stench prisoners are ex
pected to live, and to eat, and to becheerful.
There'is no separate apartment for women.
This alone wonld bavecondeaiued this pris
on pen anywhere in the civilized world,
other than in Somerset county. It is con
demned by everyone except a few hide
bound individuals who, while they pay no
taxes, are yet ever howling about the bur
dens of taxation, and a very few others who
howl about the desires of Somerset people,
whei hut for the kindness of Somerset peo
ple some of them would have been in their
graves. In the penitentiary or in an asylum
for the insane, long years ago. There ia no
means of separating prisoners awaiting tri
al from those under sentence. All writers
on tbesorject of Prison Economy condemn
such, 'an; 'arrangement. Mere children mutg
be locked np in the same room, wittt har
dened old criminals whose day of grace was
long since sinned away, and wno now look
forward to nothing on earth, or after it, men
with damnation written all over them. No
writer on Prison Economy fails to denounce
such a course.
There is a single closet which does duty
for all the prisoners ; there is no socu thing
as privacy in such an infernal pen as this
The soil-pipe U inefficient: becomes clogged,
fills np, and the Sheriff most work for hours
to open it. Imsgine a water closet in bad
condition 'placed in one corner of your
dining-room, and you have the situation
exactly. So tar as I know, no effort is made
to disinfect these soil-pipes. Xo disinfect
ants are used. Germs of disease are scatter
ed abroad.1 Fherift Winters' fanuly have
beensicksome of them ever since his entry
upon tbe duties of his office diphtheria.
scarlet fever, etc., having prevailed ail me
tfue in bis family. It may not seem deli-
Jrcate to make such allusions, but tbey must
be made, to give folks wbo have never seen
this ren a fair understanding ol the horrors
of tbe Somerset jail. There is no means of
taking exercise by the ' prisoners. Strong
men, used to a life in tfie open air, are loes
ed up in this pen, and come into court pale
shadows of what tliey were sixty days be
fore. The cells are a mere aixdopy for cells.
An inner partition has been built ; a plat
form, not more than three feet wide placed
along it, at the height of about ten, or per
haps of fifteen feet from the floor, doors
have been put in, other partitions out
through, and a series of little, hot, stifling
rooms have been formed, one of these rooms
being next to the water closet mentioned
above : in fact, the water closet is merely a
cell specially fitted. The condition of the
! air in this cell may be imagined. A narrow
slit cut in th wall is the sole means of ven
tilation in each of the cells and if the pris-
! oner wishes the window closed he may be
K bie to cIose jt oy. staffing bis clothes, bis
bedclothes, or straw from bis bedtick, with
it. I recently talked with a man who spent
about four days in the month of July, year
, in this cell next the closet, and he
said, " HI knew that I had to spend a week
in that cell in Somerset jail, and could have
mv choice between that and hell for thei will present them duly authenticated to ibean
. ....,.. 1 dersiirned for settlement on Satarday. tlrtober ,
same time, I d take the latter. 1 1Ms at the residence ef the Administrator la
' This jail is a nuisance.
r.A:H ,,r
Certain ortices of
county officials are almost untenable,
through stench. Persons who live near the
jail are annoyed at all hours of the lay and
night from the aaiue cause. Hon. Wm. II.
Koontx's residence is rendered uncomforta
ble at all times, and after a rain, in sum
mer, the atmosphere becomes absolutely
sickening. Col. Ed. Scull's residence suf
fers the same auuoyauce, though to a less
extent, owing to greater distance. . The new
school building. I doubt not, is similarly
annoed, though I cannot say, as when in
Somerset I failed to see principal Holbert, in
order that I might inquire. " ' '
Xow bear in mind, Mr. Taxpayer, that
this purgatory is tor the confinement of nien
who are presuaied to be i innocent of any
wrong in the matters charged against them.
Bear in niiod further, that your son or your
den(.bter, nr your sister may at some time
be an inhabitant of this place, nay, you
yourself may be. Such suppositions are
nether absurd nor ridiculous. Men who
i i , ..Li. - , . .
were just mm uuuurauic, bwwi just as lain .
before tbe county as you do, have been
GsAVtt taMawr velll nn BaaWT-irtnai pharRSA-lAtnaWlll I
t,vuiLiir. jewta wae n. eVM - J.-" ewaa.w, we I
mvo.mis) An-ouisrL 1 onrve mm woo
bad enjoved just as many advantages) as
your son, have (seen in Somerset jail, and
bave pone thenca to States prison, too.
Girls whose limbs wen just aa tender as
tbosw of roar daughter, whose accomplish- j
Rents were equal or superior to those or
your daoghter or your sister; have been in
Somerset jail, locked no with ribald sinners,
and accustomed to the gibes, and oaths, and
hideous obscenity of such men for days, or
weeks or months. Tisa't impossible either.
' say that it is ; any of yoor relative
U"J "
Xot very
inviting picture to be Hire, bat I've given
yoa Uie "cold facta.
Doyou think the old prison pen Is good
enough. Jost such men as yoa are keeping
the Commissioners araid to bnilil.and when
a heavy verdict is given against the County
for damages or for something else. Jost
such men aa you will curse the stupidity of
the Commissioners, who were sent to act as
agents for the people, and neglected their
plain and sworn duty. '
Won't it do to repair the old jail? Cer- it'll do anvthinir'll do. but for hoar
.... . i -
lung: a iicw jflu a uvt-ti av wm ;
the proper tiling to have. The old juil has
i been condemned year after year by tiraud
i Jury after Grand Jury and yet it stands be
j cause you and those of your kith are howl
ing that the new Jail will only advantage
I Somerset, which Is not true. Anyone pos
sessed of a grain of common sense can see
that it is false. Repair the old jail the
idea is preposterous ! To repair the old jail
will cost from tSnM to $7VM, and in five
years more it will be as bad as ever, and a
new jail will then be needed and the cost Of
repairs will be money thrown away.
I think I've said enough on this topic at
present to convince a sane man of the true
state of the case. I will close
the Commissioners, do your
matter regardless of the opinion of any one
I am Respectfully, " " '
TtACBtts' Examinations.
. Teachers' examinations tor Somerset coun
ty for 1SS5 will be held aa iollows :
: September lo, Fetersbunr,
" . 16, Confluence.
" 17. Rockwood.
.; " ; . 18, Somerset.
H 10, Beula School House.
" 21. Salisbury.
, 92, Meyersdale.
" 24, "ew Ceutreville. ,
25, rrsina,
" 23, Jenner X Roada.
" 29, Stoystown.
u cO, Hooversville.
October I, Shanksville,
" 21, Rockwood, (Special.)
Examinations will begin at 8 30 a. m.
Applicants who desire can be examined
in Physiology and have that branch named
on their certificate. Directors and friends of
education are cordially invited to attend.
J. C. Wbllbk,
Gebharts, Aug. 25, '85. Co. Snp't.
' bt r. v. -This
world was once a lump of clay
(Or fire-mist, what difference, eh?)
That bad no father, is no son.
For Science says, 'twas ne'er begun;
And nothing else within it lay
Than fire, or mist, or solid clay.
Without was nothing else beside ;
Kor law within that clay did bide.
For law is mind, and Mind was not,
Else how could mind be e'er begot
By Evolution from the clay
To be a monkey man some day T
This world was once a lump of clay
And nothing else within it lay.
Behind that clay that knew no law
(Pray, do believe, for no one saw)
Came nothing full of nothingness
Itself upon that clay t' impress
That evolution from that clay
M ight make a monkey man some day.
The world was still a lump of clay
Ai:d nothing yet within it lay
Save nothing that iroia nothing came.
By pnt-ess which we just did name.
For not at once you well must know,
But by decrees, did Cosmos grow.
Till evolution from the clay.
Brought forth its monkey man one day.
Tbe world thus more than lump of clay
And more than nothing in it lay.
For nothing, thus by nothing made,
Still grew (of course in upward grade.
And by partition or somehow,;
Fur that it grew all must allow,)
The fittest, ever waxing tall.
The weaker crowded to the wall.
Else evolution from tbe clay
Could yield no monkey man some day,
The world, though once a lump of clay,
' And nothing else within it lay,
j Has monkeys now and also men.
As is to ev'ry tyro plain.
To nothing thanks. which did command.
And thanks to law which did expand ;
To Evolution thanks of clay.
And thanks to Monkeys every day.
BOYER BRANT. On Sunday, August
16, lsoj, in Berlin, Pa., by Rev. John H.
Knepper, Mr Herman W. Boyer to Miss
Sarah Brant, both of Somerset County, Pa.
. YOI'NKIX RISGF.K. At the Disciple
parsonage, in Somerset, oo Thursday, Au
gust 13, 18i by Elder Peter Vogel, Mr. C. S.
Younkin,' of Confluence, to Misa Emma S.
Ringer, of Usionberw.
aeausiT MAMSBBT.
Ootreeted by Oooat a Banna.
Apples, dried, a) a...........-
AUebatter. gal
Braa, II loe s
Hotter (roll).
Buckwheats) bash
" meat, 10S as. ....... .........
Beeswax ft .... .................
Bacon, ahoulders,
.100 Ode
. Uu
.... tie
.... se
.... 10c
euaatry hansfJI .
Cm, (ear) new w oanei... -tie
(ihelle.1) old ...... TuiaTic
- meal a 3o
OaVll SstlaUt ft aV - - -0C
Vca,dus. -., bbl t M6 U0
Flaxseed, be. S ) - Tie
Hama. (aoKar-eurea) ft -.1131:
Lard. J) a JUtllo
Leather, red sola, f) 1 3,fl3o
apper, 5ca7oe
" kip. TartJSOO
Mlddllsss,aad ehua 100 fl nan
Oats, bn eT.'e&ie
Poiacoea. V be (new) axie
Peaches, dried, ..... Seville
I --
KTe ino niga oo uie kbtkm
..ti a riti 7J 41 0
t M
.. ....tcQVe
00041 U
Sait, No. 1. bbl, extra
Oroand Aram, per sack....
Athtoa. per sack.. ..........
Sagar, yellow V a
white " ....
Tallow, a .
Wheat, bu
004a SataevaaaeeaeT aSeseeese neeeei
Eatate of David Maarer. dee'd. late of Jeaaer
Twp., Somerset Co.. Pa.
Letters of Admlnistratioa on the above estate
bavins been smnted te the aadentgaed by tbe
proper aalhofUv. aetlee is aerobe elrea to all
nersuoa Indebted U aald estate tome he Immediate
I pavmeBt.aod those havtaaelmlmaacainattbeaaine
jenoenowa corona-it.
. . ucxjtv vii tr.
DlfllllDI S,C.?
ftuMatamal Bitterer bad taste
oyrnpiorns must :
eoated whlaa as eoatt ertta ehrowa far : pala
In the back, aide or joints oftea mtatakea fur
Rhewmatlam : aoetr sSaarSi t Seea ef P-
petlit aometlmra oaasea and waterbrash, or
UMUaeatloa : flataleaeT aad aefcS erartatkaw : hew-
kes of atemory, with a palatal seoaalkei ef hav
ing (ailed la da sotMtaiag which owaht te have
beea dues. eaMutv I low spirttat a thick.
1 ealmsj aJaaaaeaeate of the skta aad eyes , a dry
esaca ; ssver i usinswiiisi r tae aims at w
and alrsveewtpaa, saw, 11 aiiawed te stead, dpo
ixvusAiuo. xf 1 9r r-3ia,
iTiTtrf t. . miaiiRtsStia
IT" II Bt? A Ta.aV rrMP T IflVIl la" C
47 ns A niAVAmeyai of s V w fiVa.
r '
- SIGN, , - -v BO WEL Cf !W PLAUtTS
. fTC, . ETC, ETC i !
It ts iiiaeiaJty seed ra tbe Seank Is aveasa the
Torpid Liver to a healthy actio,
ll acta without dieted a ana te the n stem, diet
or eecupatioa. Is aemw tataeeasa
eamses thai bftete set aa the pttajra,
BV. lUve. ud. ,
oved, temte eater " aroduwed.
aad health fcawfciJs i saints 1 Tbe Bureaat jr
Is ajsreaelih aaefstaaa the ktffmH rtnuti to
th. asoat oaHeata nt. Tot aal. disks BBS la
which a laxatire, ai atire or psnratlre tsaaadV
e-i It wta etre the aaon perfect eat UlacUoa. r
See tksl yas sat Pas sale lei with the reel
M oa rroat af laffar, hibum! ealy by
SD nBSarrrjea, . r rUXL' A, PA.
luCaWrr- " f s , , , ;
thaaataavthBiBelet trr
taaina an agvaey Bar tea beat nefcUna
oat. Bealaaers reieias graakiry. ioas
jmok ueHraniaaa
tv VTRTrr.oran nrJr Lfeaed out of toe ft-
I afcaas' Cuati at Sunarsei Cuist. Pa-, to tbe
t UDuer.aJ.iiptd. t illr.ipoo, waale by pao-
j Ilr ootcry on tne premifea, o
SATUJWAY, titl"T 12. 1S?T,
at t t-k in the itirw. Die Ml-wis tr ri'a
t.1 KoJ.. lat tlic ceutta wi Jai:UAtua.
iieoea,L. I wit :
A certaia tract olkaJ tiluste in Loner 'tu
kej loot Twp , Suirrt 'a . f -, adj-ininic Ul
of Asm Mtyera, B.r.ilwikl,.. Nlairr.
karl. Hath ftiuB. D1 others, eimtainiaa; on a.,o-
lrd re, m -re or ls. of which at-.u: aereoiv.
firs acres sr cleand. a boat firs sens la mead
bavlag thsrsva erected a k-g aaa traat
oae aaJ oae-aalf story frame Kara, rprlng Boase
ao4 ether eetbatMlaas. Cunwaieat to rharrk
Bad schouL Good water.
nM.halfaahoaeraSiBuU!ua of isle Bad dellv-
by saying totsryof deed, balaoee taonevear rrocadayof sale.
. , ".. j with latera. Btperceat of the pmrctitm Bwoey te
duty In IDiS , he paid whea the pmueriy is knneked down. De
ferred payment tu be eerared by judgment boa
en tae f iiiiiip , j. w. ntaanvi,!,
ea3. Adav. and Traee.
Talnalile Real Estate.
T VntTTE of aa order tstaedoatct the Or-
Dfcaas' Coort otSoaterset Coaaty, feeu a. to
the uDwerfticneu directed, I will expose lo sale by
pabuc eatery, oe the premisee, on
j 1 e'elork r. a., the fo!l-iwlae described Baal Ee-
te. hue the opiate el Sarah Thomas, deceased.
I j wit, a eerta tract or parcel ol land situate la
Sanrer Turk'jrloot Towonnp, (ramereei wimt,
e coaiainina- tweotT-three and taree-rourth
a res. more or team, ad loaalag of i. O. Ore if,
UuBOatDce Town Compear, and others. About
tea acres of this lend la In a coed atata of eultlra
tkev bavtnc thereoa erected two good so and a
half story frame
Andotheroatbulldina-a. Onod Fruit aad Water.
Convenient to Church aad School.
nnchalfraati aa eoanraiatioe ot "ale and deliv
ery oldeed. balance In one year from date oi aule,
with Interest. Inferred payments to be secured
br sadgraeat bond on the p rem lata. Tea per cent
of the purchase money to be paid a soon aa the
propertv la knocked down, otherwise It will aestn
be exposed to aale, at the risk of tbe first purraas-
rata. Admr. a Trustee of Sarah Thonus dee.
Estate or Catharine Frlia. deed late of Vluema.
honing Twp., Somerset Co., Pa.
Letters of admrelstratloa on the above estate
ha rlna- beea imtnted te the underatirnrd bv the
proper authority, notice la heret.y aires to ell
persons tndebtnf te aald estate to make immedi
ate paymeat, aad those bavins; claims araiart tbe
aame will present them dsly authenticated for
settlement aa Saturday. October , lata, at the
residence of the underlined.
aogW. Administrator.
Ef tat ef Jottah Mowery de'd, bite of Somerset
Twp., !srmert County, Pa.
letter or admtnWratl ou the above ettate
harts a; been rranted to tbe un!eraltfiied by the
pnp. r authority, B'rflee la heret.y itlveu to all
per Indebted to M estate to make lmme.ll.
ate payment ami thwe Sarin claim attains! the
9meto present them .Inlvauthenticafe-t for ret.
tlement ou or before Thursday, the 17th day ef
September, the late roMence of leccaaed,
1 sAwrrr, $nyieh,
TtHulda Popev.of Poatoia.e, W ettmore-
land Countv. Pa
You are Hereby nntir.ed that in purntanre of a
Writ of Partlti'tn lpued out of the trph.toa'
rvrt of Somemct f Vmntv. Pa.. I wlil bold an in-
quest on tbe Keel Kuala of Thomas Kexm lec'd,
ar hia law resilience In Iwcr TurkcTfwt T'wn
hlp, on Tbunday. the Xithdaret September,
la, wucre ya cau aiwu'i n J ir;. i-i-i.
Sherin a Ortice, JOHN WINTKKS.
Aon. W, 18. i Sheriff.
The Fanner i Limerompany, TJmtted, win aell
at their kilns, or load ea can,
At 9 cents per bushel, er deliver tt aa Low aa th
Uowen to all Kailroad Sutloof aad Sidings It.
the tvoniv, and oa the Berlin Branch moch low
er Stt faction Cwareaiced. It la the Qray
Ferrilerua Lime, which ia known ty Practice
and Science to be the Strata-eat and Heet lor Ag
ricultural Purposes. All ordera promptly filled.
A ldreaa, HENRY S. WALTER.
decM-lCT Oarrett Somerset Co.. Pa.
Valuable Real Estate!
rrur.r!tnERSlfl.XED. Administrator and
A Tnutee for the aale of tbe Heal Latate of
Jobs J. Spang ier, lateoi somerset iwiwikii,ww.
eraet O-untr, Pa., deceased, ia pursuance ol aa
order rranted to him by the Orphans' Court of
Somerret County, will wll at public aale. at the
Uuurt House la the Borough ef Somerset,
At 1 o'clock p. av, the following described Seal
tatate. etc :
KO. 1. A certain tract of mad situate la Som
erset Tep Somerset Co., Pa a.l)iina: lawia of
Jonathan J. Berkley, wm. marteeny. nnry
Lona-,8anrael Fox and Joelah Wot. Daniel Uau
tcr. Sol Lenhart. and others, enatainlnc 10 a, rea
mere or less, with a rood two-atery fraaaa
harn. and other outbuild a thereoa erected :
f oal water, fiae orchard, and ia a Blah stale of
miilTatinn. Thla farm la known aa the " Jona
than Berkley Farm.' and lis riteate a half mile
north of the town ol someraet, on me jonaatowa
turnpike ; eunvenlent to churcnee. srhoela, and
railroad facilities. Tnie farm will be Bold a a
waete or la parcel, to ault piirohaaei a.
All over US 000 cash on enuflrmatloa of le and
Jelivare at deel. and the M.U0W to he paid la ail
annul payueuta oi l,WJu each, tbe hrt thereof
on the 1 dav of April, ltvl, and annually there
alter until paid. Payments secured by moruraae
bond, without In te real. Ten per cent of the waoie
purchaae money to be patu on the day of sale.
4VFoiiriea aires (Xiobtr 10. lis.
NO. X A certata heuae and lot ef imaad .ituate
In the Borouah ol Someraet. Pa . ! joinlnir lot of
Jacob 31 ier'e heirs on the Kaat. Vnlon atreetoa
the "aorth. lot ef Ed. J.iaa.i the West, Main
atreet on the South, frontina El feet and running
back t-et. wlih a twojxorr trame bonoe, ta
ble. and other eutbullilinaa thereon erected.
TEKMS . Cah on coohrmatioa of aale and de
nvenr of deeit : 10 per rent, of the purchase money
must be paid oe day of aale. Fuesruioa .irea
October L, 1-93.
NO. 3. A certain tract of land situate In Shade
Two . HoeiereetCo . Pa . aminlne lan-lnof Cyrue
Berkeybile. Jacob Miller, lavld WUL M-wes Mil
ler, and others, contains; luS acrea. more or lera.
with a two-atory plank h.e. bars and other out
buildinsa thereon crecte.1. Good water, orchard,
an-t wall imprureii. The farm Is known aa the
Bernard Criyie Farnt "
TEUM S: All er fM Mcaah an mnfirnistloei
of nle and delivery ofd?ed. and the tves.ftS in
payments of each, the Brat thereof to tail due
Oct. 1. 19t. and anuually tkerrafter until paid,
without lntereat, aad te te applied to the original
purchaae judgment. 10 per eeulof iheeah moet
be paid oo the day of sale. Poesesrtoo alwi Apr .
1, lW J. L. PUlrH. U
aug-eL Administrator and Traatee.
BTVIRTrE oTaaerler fatmed out nf the Or
phan,' Court of Somerat-t County. Pa., to tbe
un ersianed directetl. I will cije tn aale hy
p. e eatery, oa lbs premises in Ba klry'a If Ilia,
SA 1URDA Yt SEP' T. 5, LSSo,
at t e'elork ra the afterooou, the follow In de.
aerHied steal estate, late ina eatata ea aaeaet
Wahl, deceaaed, to wit :
-KO. 1. A eertaln heave aad kat af roasd aftav
ate ia Berkley a MUla, omersrt Co., Pa., edjoin
lnc Baptist Cburct en the South. Wllaou E.
wafker ea tbe West. EUaabetk Judy ea the
Nor in. Earn Berkleys eMate on tbe East, ctev
tainmar 4 perches, atrkn meeauia. hsvlna' there,
oa erected a rata II frame LlweUkna Haase. Stahw.
anil other eutbaUtllnara.
XO. a. Kaowa aa Ihe Shop Lot, a-ljoram Tfa
I oa the Eajt. t'harlea CrilehBeid no the Stiath.
Peter P. H. Walker's estate on tbe Wert,ciTa
leat s Church, School and Mill.
f'aah oa confirmation ot aale and denvery ol
deed as Barchaaer ; lu per cent e the pan naee
money to be paidaa tooa as the pr"per- to anock.
eddowa. 8 w- rRlTA,
Admr. and Trustee e Rachel WahL deed.
Eatata of Joel Mirier, dee'tli lata of Elkllek
Towaahlp. Sosaeraat County, Pa.
Ittars at admmlauaUoa ea the above eatata
kartell beea rranted to the uue-ervnTnea oy toe
J2ELrf2E5 toTeeiateto ma. imtnedl.
ir. M.-..t. aad these havinc eUlnaa acalDSt the
sametopraerattbeai duly aaihentlvai.l far set.
tlement oa ThurJay, Sept. i. It, at Uu lata
u ,ASm
AatM- - Administrators,
t Ealaie af Benjamin Baker, decd, late of Someraet
1 a.
I w a. . somaraw ,
tattersofadmlntatratloBeB the above sstatekav.
g beea Branted ea Ihe "-lfrt. ajOca
kereby alree to a 11 per-
to make Immediate rayaeal, and tbaie bavin
th. tame will preeeet them amy
aatbentiea ed (oraatUemHat,eu Sntunlsy, August i
i uas at tha bus reaidence of deceaaed
,nt22. Adaaialsuatar.
We iiimounce that luivini; Ixiimht a hime
stock of Flaimt-ls, Varus, IIankets, Canton
Flannels and other Fall and Winter Goods at
Low Figures, we can offer then, ut jirnrs never
before touched hy the trade. Everyone that
buys will have the benefit of Low Prices. Our
stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mat
tings, Rugs, Stair-crash, Stair-rods, Buttons,
tic, tc, is very large, and is composed of the
most desirable Goods in the market.
&Cdl and. buy, and SA YE MONEY, at
113 and llo Clinton Street,
Over too
Sand for
rice List i
1 -i t. i. V . -T" '.' -e
vxri.-'rT-v:i st
X f
k, f
Cffers a Large sxi Well-selected Stock cf
And Standard and lliwlloncou Btxl in all DrjttrtmeHU of Litera
ture, tucJ. OA
The Public will also Bad a full AHortment ofOoods Be!-nir!n to the StatHtaery Trade, ncisdinf
a great variety ef Blank Boohs, such a
Ledgers, Day-Escl-s. Pass and Memorandum Becks,
Aad Bare all beea carefully printed loruee In Someraet ounty. and will te need eorrrrt il
frticitrt. C'orre)nienceabi.ut Book. Be., la Invited, and all mail orders will re-
eeire Dmmrt attPTition.
may 27. "WM
Beaver College and Musical Institute
FBI Tor6 L1DIEH. Ftrat searion of IS weeki ersss Sar-reuBaB . Siyrler Ael-
nilain for awaiale. art aatel .rwtl.B. Extenaire apparatus, te ptaaaM and SMrtraima
ibcIooidu pipeoraaa. fijead for elrculara te B
ausl-.Nov5Feli. Kaw. . T. I4TISE, . , Beaeer. Pa.
M. B. Gorr. LLI' . Thanerllvr. I, PreparaUy ichot.l. Including Ommerrlal brare hea. II.
l.'iMlea-e of Arta and PhtloeoDbv. IIL Ietertiiieita of tnatneertne and Chemistry, fatalrnruee
ai ma full iatormatiaa sent en applleaUoa. Next
Jos. Home & Co.'s
august ornsmGs ros gdr cdstosesi
Our $1 a ard Gros Grain
i Colored Silks, worth $1.25.
Our three special numbers in
P.T r-t- Silt CI S1 Sir CI "it)
rtl.lCh, Olio., 1, $l.-J X $l.OJ
a yard; these are the celebrated
Guinet make, and best ever sold
at the price. Col. Surah Silks,
24-in. wide 8-5c. worth 1.10.
Checked and Plaid Surah Silks
24-in. wide at 1 were $1.50,
Handsome Ind
down to 50c,
, , , '
stock at greatly reduced prices.
, . ' ,
These are only here and there
, ' , J ,
lots. e have perhaps the
largest Retail Silk Dep t in the
f? ,
U. S. bar none, certamlv the
right place to buy Silks. Dress
ClnnAa tear n v n . btuti nT Tli r
vjwvij , r-
gains at 10 to 20c then a l big-
assortment ol double width all
wool, col. Dress Goods at oOc,
, ' , , rrt Tl" 1
only half price, lhm Wool
. . ' . , - c
Dress Goods in cream white &
, ... .- 1- !-
colors, Albatros,Nun'eilin.
& Cashmeres, at low prices,
New wool Tricots, in mixtures,
oOcta. Also our own brand, 54-in.
all-wool Cloths at Tc worth 11.50.
Ijtwns at 5c Batistes at 10c, crinked
Seersuckers at 20c, Sa tines, good
ones, at 15c Anderson 40c Gmg ma
at2-rc, fiioiceAm. Ging'ms at 8c,
thin sthite BIod8. embroideries, la-
. " . .
i r. ladies underwear aim nopierv.
. .. 1 I 1 .
iat special low prices this month.
m . ' . Tk
j 2J0 pairs of Lac Curtain . t $1.50
j to S4 a pair, fe Orders filled fame
friar aa received. Address all or-
ders to
Jet Ho 4 Cs's IM Stm Pci kiss.
aegis lyr . Pittsburgh, Pa.
ia Silks marked c.uniieootWajr,ui-.ioa "r;''"
w- , . - Bcwat lo enwtt. "V a
. elvet Urena- ioramtoamvieMinleditri.T. Itaeeee.
. . - a . .a. a aA aaraaat laravesBa aaitrartat MM
It Willay Yon
To Buy Your
Memorial Work.
ft F. Mr, tot, Ma.
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
Fertcna Work FarmitArd Verf Sotirr. re aI
Igkrt. Aim Agent Jar Utt KlifTE tHOSti.1
Prrwa la need ef WO.Vt' Ki.VT WORK will
flnd it to their lntereat to call at my alr-p. where
a proper showing wHl be gtvea them, awefii
faction tivarantred in trej tare, end fhit e.e
t klir LOW. 1 Invite Spec1! Attention to the
WEt! Brrna, Cr Yzn I:c IciastJ
lntnluc.l by BI T. W. A. fRTN. as a I'e
et'leil ImvroTenvntlin point of .tf.t ft HI If. AS
fUSSTRli "Mo, ami which ts destined b-re
the Ppiilsr M'tnumTtt for mtr fhanaeable CiV
mate. (VHE A t'ALL
avjaa aea aiuex ar m i'ki. mvaa.
eny, ra.
Term Opens Sept. let.
pmioeed to tae duienaofina, i owimiwi.,
lor their aettroral .r reierlKai oy ne treocrw A-
wmM of ihe '"monwealth of Pewn,lvaam.
puhllined hronlerof tbe Secretary ot tae IJom
monwralth. in pummnreof the let section of Ar-U-
X V II I of t he tX-netltution.
Joint reaoluti-pa pr poatna aa amen.wnut to tha
C'ttatltutfon of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylva
nia Be It reeolved hy the Senate and Hue of Rcp
reMntatirra of the Commonwealth f Pennylr-
nla in tH-ncral Ami)ly met. tnattae H.wina
to Pr..j.e.l aa an amen.lmcnt of the Conatltui
0,lh,VHlllHlw.uBef PeenjTltanla. In aceii
i acetirtl.
" ot lM of1 yt-"
T hat wtitA are of article are of the rnnrtiro
tk'B ef the Commoiiweaith of Peuaylvnia.
which reada aa Jollowa : - Wheoer-r a county
hall contain Irtv th-iuaan.1 tnhabltanta It hil
eoaaututea aeparute judicial .linnet, and
elect oae indue learseu 10 - " . .
oral AMemhly ihall provide for additional m!ee
of aeaueiate ;wn. a" - --
hed m theeonmie. fnrm ny .
bM ikairrw.1 aweiaW Jl" l van
tai. c..utun..a hu r adouted aDn vj
their unexpired terma.- Be eu.1 theiame m hereby
u.iwa.-t.iwiuMi" jj"'"
m.y !. a .per... j.tictai t;trtr
mar elect neiu-lze learned la tjte taw : an.1 te
owrti Abii .i,!'1!""
W cti
T "T- .VJ k Ik. hr UW
arvi . J'JZi:
amendmeat ihad bu a-ktad. shall serve a their
.cip.ri fr-.
A true eopy of the Joint "ecni
ml-rtt-law. Secretarj0' tne Common we. Ita.
U .
, ,. a f
VailUD-S iM3l ISUw3 I
THE rH DEBS t"""'" '" "7
m il at oowt. sale oa ihe premi-aa la tba
reaamavwaw fuw a lliaaviaa ftmaw . -
. , ta.,i..ra.f txuntv ra, ta
lWWaBIrvi jwmmr,,
- a.Uh a w
th. Mlowiaa- dew Iked Beat t
r.t T.o ..t ziM
shout fcarmile. weet rf S'"'""LS.t'l,
the Grmaara aad Bfyu--a J?-. ."if ;, VM cr.a. jtrVt "a'rjlTZ- W
nl rrederlrk cfeif. 1ST leae. j. ' ", w .
w treea. aad -wtl' aupoUed,
j, .... The itra f1""" - -
wuae ; conreaioBt to
harchea ami wv'Ha.
. . ..i. arntaelaar.t
ha halaare oe-
umheral- The f'v IfJ"
V,... f hivatt-a. an.1 is free from aioaea.
lU'i of raltlvatlx
Tumi mtmii
Ml'jHArO. A
aa 18.
.4.. - aa. T rke Sal 111 UinilCTI analT IftlUUV,
lvft PTltirA .... 'lmi AtMblr BftT LrTrt. Th.m-j