The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 29, 1885, Image 1

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    L Somerset Hera a
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.,mlS 01 !
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Crowea eatoffie
..Ana. Addr
r . r 1 J
The Somerset nenuu,
Somerset, P.
hrFD W. Blkt-t-Lft.c.iv
rl.ti'- "'...tsET.lT-UW,
mrr.F It tLi i-i
Somerset, Pfc.
; E"DLhi.
5. i , it iT.r.JI.
. - T
SvmcrKt. Pros -
eral a
WHOLE NO. 1770.
WHAT the mother says. fa dancer, or in. the SUte prison for,
t o rt t - -
muraerj reiuapo u unw
" no. a.
Novelty and Eareka
W an nUlotr at
ONLY S3.00.
Water Coolers,
WHIPS, etc
T n the Imprortd
For SealliujFraJt Cant aad Jar.
Ranges, Stoves and Tinware.
Soaierset, P-
1 u attuKET-ATUAW.
X Some net, Pi
. - ..n j!ntntEieoontle I
r.rpnetw--h, . .ill MBronvUj
7- W. H. urru. 1
f ,t i. rrrpri.
Al iviw.'--
. i4v ravr will
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
:Tbn Bafrinnon ret i:tacpt nd:
He. Is U. Xkrket.
An4 Oenerl Acrtmet U
Snse-TnrnishlEg Gocds.
And General Jolbinf:,
All Work Guaranteed.'
I To, I know there re stains on my
The traces of small muddy bools ;
j And I we your fair tapestry g'.owmg.
And spotless with blossoms and traits.
J And I know that my walls are dungnrea
With prints of small fingers and hands;
And that your own household most truly
In immaculate purity stands.
And I know that my parlor is littered
With many old treasures and toys :
jj While your own is in daintiest order,
Unharmed by the presence of boys !
And I know that my room is inraded
Quite boldly all hours of the day;
i While you sit in yours unmolested
And dream the soft quiet away !
K Yes, I know there are four little bedsides
P Where I must stand watrhful each night
E While you po out in yonr carriage.
And flash in yourdresse ! bright.
B N'ow, I think I'm a neat little woman ;
I like my house orderly, too ;
And I'm fond of my dainty belongings ;
Yet would not change places with you.
Maud S.
SubdulB a. KeoIt Wlta th Lash InS "T will trive von a little mforma-IConTlcta Jiouin in me son upoi
tiie Ktnrc CoaDtT Prison. (frmn (-nnwrnini th the3 Lauiwry.
XkwYoek. Ju1t20. EiehtT cri-i,r "(in k- th.t 9 To-Jay I ment an old official of.
nrm in th K"irnr PntintT Ppnitpn-Bi: j t. j.,.k;t i the btaie rrison here, who haa also
Uary, of BrootiyD, have attempted J
tie officer paea. Perbape oh, who
fcknew what? And may be Adolphua
in Mlnw mil kill hmr '
lkwA .n.-l Kim if there was a him'S
h of excitement, bat Aaolpbas earner. - Jr - uer.
to tea as usual and ate with an a
V..U. wuv , - - -. ,
hiinar tnld m A that wVii!iaia :
jjr aerved at fcicg Sing Priion, and he
h.of excitement, Dut Aaoipnua came-. thrnnn R'mTia n v&T.f,s":',rrL.: TJZ: :.?""aI -1
fden Green. Early this morning fif-gof her s.yeajid form, with the ex-Tjh1ere
-The adcuiaeioa of banker Yah
last week brings to my mind
. . . - K J - SitJl UI V 1 llOi U1U " - I . . . !
peuic. ... I tv rjolicemen were marched to the
ETKTitJ toaist in enforcing disci-
anwuajs n hnt thi lorrva n tinlSt...i- . tjv.l .l K Wind Ullll WeT
&da8-then a telegraphic meaeage3 M tbe 8h0w of pistols andS.,oin2 to trSot there. and had to be?:er-ed to Aubu
l 1 -
aKime many promiaeni ew iur.c
I came:
'iianfmn nf flflfint ft VPftc? ah"?3
i . i u ;;n.-r
was lame. She was Lime at Hart-""""1 ,x KK-utu.uL ii
rn i Tison duncz the
There was Ketch-
280 Washinsrton Street, - Johnstown, Pa.
... . . ... . Ithe nae of the lash had already re-.;iK.un s:k. woa onr .tfoast twenty 5 tuis.
-Koea wm not be home until at- Warden GreeQ 'taldfciSnsti' May. 1SS1. I saw her!. th York Wall street brok
uruuj. Cthe whole story to-day. aa fol ows: G'.m. v,,,, ,if fiio torv,tE-!r. who deirauded the street out d
'Are you going to Dear this; -airs.9 ... t r.,- . ' ftte, - thei:trT liri:rfflw Lii n mmillions. lie wa, tEe prince ot
Lobb arked. WWomn t.-.o,tl fniimii th.i ttiavi ,ti . . in -.004 u Jrri.nnT. Ife n. sf-r.inte Libit
w an if 1 1 auu uuLiii iu nao uuii ii-nipir i;.air o.iiil no vettnnarv'" v.. w.. t-., .
breakfast. I thought the regulation sLr,,.,,, Bvicts to wait on him, and that htltAr
Adolohus laughed.
'deeoair his mother thought. Satur-J
3 i . i i l: 1 - T
laay-wouiasnecouio j, x..,. f , . . ffee 8uffi.
M,ia.woiOMWigid t i have been told the hash
fane mijtni not tzpeuu cue buuuiu
arrived another mes-!
BNo : keep jour fiur home with its order.
Its freedom from bother and noise ;
And keep your own fanciful leisure,
Eut give me my four splendid boys !
sage :
I -Rosa naust stay longer."
'lust she ?" cried old Mrs. Lobb.
! I thought she would," said Adol-
g Old Mrs. Lobb felt that the world
had turned upside down. Dolly
P carried the news about the town.
u Youne Mrs. Lobb's enemies began
rs. . . " . i . i t ii i ii..
matter- hnf-to aeciare mat ene asu eiuueu. xier,
- - . . . 1 .L aL1..1
nau tost
"She had been in that condition! U1S' ul"
dye weeks. Two weeks after Bairjll- estimauon of the inspectors he
aad said no surgeon could cure her.ut up a part ot the shoe con
nittfa.1 Vf r a via arrnri cr :ract. lie had an ollice built lor
When he saw her going perfectly jjiniseif,
sound he said: 'I eiye it all up.8reSa
I jom Our K-jalar C..rr-?f 0'lMit,
Wa?him-,tn, R C, July 1,
Aj I wntw I th.H thmlthin" ot
jjiitif a d'.-zta eiiiuts trying to ex
gMiigubb the tUuits ot four new
j;'ii.tfa oti lite. The W? The Hefuh.
tfiiH. Il.e ti'tzr'Ht" , aod the Lritic.
:hree dalies and one Socday pat er
ire now in fiames uncontrolable,aud
will be consumed to ashes. The
type-setters beard some boys shout
;n? fire on the street in the twilight.
and looking out the windows dis
covered that their recently built and
splendidly equipped ofaces burning.
All these journals occupied a row
f buildings built by StiLon Hutch
in.s at the corner of l'th. and I)
street- The loss is estimated at $1.'.
J00, fully insured and they will
aewspapr-Lke, arise from their
joshes. I am very much, tempted
to use the Phoenix simile but 1 will
will spare the sensitive reader.
On his summer vacation trip the
President will not be -accompanied
either by his Secretary or any mem
ber of his Cabinet. Dr. ward of
lbany, who was with him last
year in the Adirondacks. has again
oeen invited and it is proUiMe that
not more than, one or poss&iy two
personal friends cf the Presidentwiil
compose the party. They will stop
at a small hotel in the woods, which
will be tneir headquarters, and a
telegraph operator will be present '
at ail times, in ca?e his services are
required. The President can thn
eoiuuiumcateti wita on impor
tant lUffetioiis it uecess.-irv. liosi-
question was fathered and fostered
by prison employes wbe are inimi
cal to me, but I have no knowledge
to that effect, and do not desire to
received his friends in a
manner, and every noiiuayi
aess cares will be laid aside tetnpor
.iriiy, and he will devote himsel; to
recuperating and preparing for a
winter of hard work at Washington.
The length of bis stay will be de-
ermlned by the condition of public
.. totraneJ tn oar re will brnmpt
''"''r.,..inin Oountlea. borrar
what was it? No one can guess.ifriends declared thatBhe
Rnaa Mnria rind nrisen from the ta-Uher senses,
PKlo trhprs the fa mil v wan assembled.1
Eeatintr apples, and had cone upland bought cologne water and soap ft
rct.;r rwi shnt Kraplf intr. hpr ownSand cum-drop8 in order to see how
fC . ar.A ,t o v, .iriBhi looked how he bore hi3 trouble.
discuss the subject at present. V el''5she grows faster one side of the boo! n-P11' irom S1UU to l,ouu cr tut3dfrairs out he has been advL,ed
the hash baby grew to manly Bizethan te 0her, and if the excessive0"5601 of the poor unfortunate;--lo reaiain away from Waahing
on Friday last, when SO of the boL5Trowfh is not reduced it unbalances lho bad not his wealth, or depend-.oa during September ii possible, as
men engaged in the shoe shop refus-.ije iower pastern, and one where it on the 5iate to furnish them:hu is the most trying month of
ed to go to work unless thy wererestd on the cof3n bone, and strainsli soaiething outside the usual, ce Jear t0 stran'er3 in this cli-
ipromised hash tor breakfast, I ino-ge limenU that bind it on thatj-'mgerbread and appies aiways sup-mate.
mediately ordered them put in celligsije, iplied on thes-j occasions. It was noj ML-s Cleveland left Washington
Kon short rations, bread and water.g .jhe statements about her repeat-guncc-00011 thing tor him to be eetc.-or j;ew York City this morning,
Then there was a miniature pande-&ej 6hoeicg are ail false. She has tof 'a the village of Sing Sing p!aymganj Eot expected to return until
uiuuiiim iu (iwic uuui . n"v"8( SuOd auOUl once in two weess-'tl""-"1"-7 aioits ueaieu lerm 19 over, cup wui
lhen there was stones, wno spend the summer m the neishbor-
aood of New York.
Ten designs for naval vessels have
ill-i.. T.I.W.
A 1 IV fk. - .'
.mr aaa aJwiaiug ooaaiiaf
nu""l Pn a.
. .trnrMA t bttflarawul tx
" cr .Z.,7ntm and fl.'.tm
I have now on hand and offer for sale, at greatly
prices for the next ninety days, the very best
Pnot let her mother-in-law in whenf?Mr. Lobb seemed to have no trouble
ntt-A A ltislv ran tin after hf-T ' &niliatalL
,'mA tKn thnt hm Itiishar.flS Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wed
reduced i f . . he rt er of her nfeaesday, Thursday young Mrs.Lobb
Saturday morning. The revolterjxhe animu3 of the article, I think,1
People went to wr. iadd8 storei . , . bla8Dhenion. obscenefi;. ,;.. T .nnU not l!n th mnrnSed Fisk. he was an aristocrat of the
and threatening language, and theirato .inven icy fat miles on Bell-aret water. He dined in the hopi
waTCry resounded throughout and mont park because the track is toop'" " company with Joan Mm-been received at the Navy Depart
was echoed by all the inmates ofnard arj- they have no facilities forMuiODs, ihe weaithy policy dealer, Jment at the close of business hours
the prison, the women included.waterjng jt "xhe track becomes a.-tio killed a brother poncy :jjeM yesterday. Numerous plans
Only the eighty remained in theiraar(j a3 a gtor.e, and is ruinous to&n Liberty streeL They had a sep-Jfur partjj 0f vessels and machinery
cells on Saturday, the rest working trotter. There are many thin-y at bie. and a colored convict tognaii aiso Deen received. The I'niou
as usual. That night there was less 3.irx,ut the mare which the trainerSait on them, and every day therron Works of San Francisco. Cali-
Adolphus Lobb himself, tapped(jwas still ab ..,f nhB' m-Ii'noise and confusion. Last eveninggan j the manager did not tell Mr P, wagon from the viikgedrove;ornia y the only private ghip Tarj
- v. WatV I,W,MJ '" , w wa- v & tA . , . . i f .VI WCLih IU tJaV a flfllk V UJ V uiwturi.a v u nil Prill It-
A A 121 1W HIK UHNKKU . I I 7 I lswa7: uSK"TJi .TftiiT Ti I I-'fand upon returning at eigociocKVanderbilt
JtX XTLV-V J-A. 1 V44 V i-iiiJMWi -xe- ?Fhurt ner ieeangs, or naa Bne Dunfiu TT,V tl , iTj .u r il found the keepers in a great
. , , , , t -iherse f? Do y, the wa t ug girl, ie-f smote tne naii. meuwmuj iu1U3t
A r f A in TTrt,fn Statue tti,h1p lV Aritchell. LeWlSS , , ,J ' . , , , .Jl.M, I,,! nf th.nnr hpr
.uaiiuwuuicu m iuv - "" j ' . . -tciarea mai sne naa, ior sue saw nertucj . . rhev flaui (Eat glIty ot tne mai-,mar,lir
Iiacme, V isconsin. Any person acquainieaturn -ghastiy pale ;" but if so, whygdaughter-in-iaw tremoung m cotlteas bad aske1 to t relieved, i;iu7r thi
& Co., Limited,
rUVnrsirt, do to sny the surior roints 0f the Celebrated
I find no fault withrjmto the yard, and tneir oraers werej-nat otfered proposals. Ten designs
because she was lameT-aken tor even wine and cigars. SucL0atmitt(i were for one lanre cruiser.
great 6UteJwhen I eot her. I am bound to savt tbing as constraint where theses Admiral Porter offered apian for
of alarm. ghe has acted most liberally and ge -gmen were concerned was unknown.ione vessei. avai Constructor W.
"They said that sixty of the mal-ipmanly in the transaction. I con fcStokes paid the inspectors some?, l. Mintonge submitted plans lor
a V, i . n a ii.iu ,1 . a 1 t t 1 ir,,.!! .r.,1 ,: n J that hil TT1 UnT ... T J - . , -
C . . CfllllfMlH Iinti natru Ul T3 IClir ICUf 'ii.I.a. mnvf. arr- TAIAV riAM n , UNU LUrU?dUU UUtliU3 kUUI UU aUl.u.w:itllP V Ctld I Ana fkT 1 -J I V.-in ij r
fcr4 .i, .v, -' y.A K,fcSSSaa nd flnnp ud her hands in 88 . , r :..-'"" n . ' .V4 - w" "'
puuk ten uicui oiii " """r , .iirom Close connnemeni. promisiuurrwhat I nairl f..r hr. She is lnaave unusual iTiwiesea. Bone
rMES li'h-h.
EtlSi aad all lejnd L bBsias
flruvu w - r
1 nJelity.
!.. up-Bain ia Mammoth Biota.
nir-r T am now spllinfr. will certilv to my statement
i ' " r" '
thpv are the VEIl 1 BEST Farm W asron made,
irrpnprnl lisp now in nearly everr country on the face
Llniw nnd are adanted to ererv variety of climate. It is
I-, "- - . .... ,
L--lrWd Vv nil tn ho the lest proportioned, best ironea
married only two years: she hadpantomime 01 astonisnment, anuu
I'nprpr had a ouarrel with her hus-f elared upon the audacious youngfc
ft . a a a. ' : a L iL. vf a trtwttAnv
S.bend, and, wondeetul to relate, naaRwoman wnu iue ejea u ..i.uu-
4, ,been mends with her mother-in-law.fcmatron. .... , .
1.1vl hprh Rasa Maria Lobt crept forward
They are ing,hat she would not U 11 them ! Rand timidly tfat down upon a sola.
- J - - . . . Ait ' . ? -.-'AVt
f ho't. "Sh. Bitji where she can see out o:a co you ve come uoub., iua aw,
to resume wc
were made
fork to-day, but tbreatL-eveana now ani iri about ptrftctg "I us..d
of overpowering theJconijition jf 8jje ia an r;ght thea:Q th?lr ho
rhip, one a WX ton
keepers when the men were
taken jl!atter part cf tn;3 monlh we will trying
I wai5to have her beat h r record. X. l'.'Htce
, the basement window," thought theFiaid old Mrs. Lobb.
j fmother-in-law to herself. "I saw "Yes, ma," said Rosa Mana
ed-?some one pass through the corner of2 "Don't ma me,' cried the on
a. 42 L.t T a . A m m -a-i a l rr t
OHN" 0. KlMM K.L.
i a-. all t-w'-new aamiftaa nw ear-1
k . Jrw a aJ".r.m nO Pf 1
I ud Edellty. UO an
nJ lmlttrct rnmniiff wacrnn made. 1 present a7 P.K.... .. . j !irj H uon I come near
I I' I I l lf-11. I1I1L1 ll"ULt.Ok A UMtitUH ' , w- - I a II V fVK. iriUill'l Ik uuuu
I. . . A -t t a,- ai;!, r '. t .,.
slew lacts that should De reaa oy every iarraer, awui tuc ..iin-
lell "Wagons
1st. Gieat care
isome young niau : pertiaps ii wat....
' an old lover who knows ?"
d lady.
me don't touch
1 ve lived sixtv-seven years m
is taken in selecting only the
1 A. (IVnai
jirUppose, eaiu iuc u u.-ouu
, 111 . ,
Kims w icfceu wuiiu, t.'ui a mi" larceny
"She'll come down after awhile, lgJ1BS "V f.i House of refuge,
iam 11 av li W w- f -
ont to wash this moraine:
instantly impressed with the ideaMMn
that an attempt at wholesale jails
delivery was to be made, and I took
prompt action. First. I telephoned
for police assistance. Then I inter-x While journeying to
viewed lhomns livery, anas .nc-ijft
' . ( : 1.1 I . . t-t a. . - 1 , , . 1 . 1 .
a u aire, anas jomi 1.1 Ltu. jf ,;or a rule, ceeinoveo, lae greav uuui-i 1
. .khrp five vears for bur2larv and. ft.nctr atsi.l all niffhtHt a fnii house!
aicj 13 j jiauuais me way. iyuriug
to pr.y tee poor itiiuw.-, j,n ,. r... Nn ,.(,;. t,
hot cells oa Sunday. pant- l,ureaU nf ronstruftion ar.d rfn:iir
.- 1. .1. e.. u i :t. ... . : . '
lor a ureaia ui iiesu u.i, ""fullered de:-ns for five ves.-e ..
BeethoTeo'a Lt Day.
cfoot. lecause be was too pcor to payoiissal
a:or a ride, Beethoven, the
I i x XmBotfl biaca.
n . 1 lrllACV Vaaa ri" T I Ir. fc. V '
0 nf tho nrnnPT ftpnsfm ot th vear anal .t : j r..Ki t oQr.7t-feoeen, wi wwm i.u
LuaL 1 vy it o. . x . . . -.. v.. . - 1 . . . 1 i.r 1. i iii.vj.. .w. . -
His tonirue hanEsynmintr fvprit.h and restless. hf 5million.
u... - u.....ti, ;,t o.t v,: .. ..1 .1 j ..jUi.
- 1 v -----
these two were enjoying tne soaue; UfoM) tons another of :J.i'.) tons
riot a tree, with ice water and Bome-gA thir.j of t0D3i a fourth of 1,-
athing stronger, in the W arJen s gar-.ym tol;8 iir.j a fifth of St-J tons.
bJ Jen, but it was worth my position j!ar.3 for the engines of these ves
gto say anything, as a word ironi hav lieea preparej fcy tne
lOKe.- wouiu sureiy secure our u's-oureau of steam er-ineerin"' Nav- rnrtnr l'rti!in Hirlrhnm K11
Then there was Beckwith. tiieubmi.tMi , rii. ror . rrn;r 1 .
ho T0t iat B. T.8.-,0lfnna iV.ZTAxrrrnfnt Th itUm
ns for nearly half a.3 a powerfully armed vessel.
il Daal-r la fii Eauta. Sb a. r
Sumeriat, Pa,
W-.;rprrt!rattta4to-an tmimeat antrasta.'
bin. 3J..nTadaa4oaoltaetia, fc. Ut
t a zaaawta Bmi-Uaa.
IN(la! botttntnx mtrorte"! to my ear at
:owaa u ails pruBiptaaaf and fidallty.
traerly ot Storeatuwa.)
iwrmanaaur fci Samrraet r th.
vn hl protrMt n. OaVa Itluora w,
ttL-i. HiL In mi at Drug Swra, 'Bwyi
41 LUC i-l -LV UUVWUllWl.tavif -
piled under sheds until thoroughly seasoned. 2. The thinible-t be thrt she's angry about anything
'keins are much heavier than anv other skeins in use ard are,l didn't say anytbio to hurt any
:.. - . ...... , .,' rr, , i jj ; a one s teeiinss. did l r
therefore, less liable to breaK. o. ine nuos are uou--muius-jj e&d thfl mother
ed, which makes the strongest and most durable wheel tnatT-ve thinkinr-;
this Company, prevents the wearing and weakening of theg.eushmg mro the room, young m-
axle. 5. The MITCHELL WAUU stands tc-day at ttiey . oneTfherer crkd Adol-
head and front of all competitors, and is known far and widtpbus.
as the strongest and most durable, unequa'ed in quality anaa -0u don t mean dead ' Bhnekeo
finish, and "monarch" of the road wherever known and used;lthe - J gj. Gone cra.
uont lau to gneiur u iou, s" "usu" zvand gone-out, Bir-rushed away
Remember, for the next NLNETi DAIS 1 am selling thesclike m looQrtiok.and went andjump-
wagons at greatly reduced prices. It will pay you to buy of moed into a car, and says to me, give
She thrust a foldep paper into the
.hands of Adolpbus.and stood open-j
"To New York,
And why did
!old lady
you i
'Nor your husband ?"
"Him least of all," Bobbed Rosa.
ir burglary andfp0eer, staid all night at a farm housejlenteel forcer wi
graduate of thehon the wav. During the night, beO Babbitt's atfectior
uuiioii. lie iijjv-u5.c floarrying thirteen bix inch and tour
lOSe as a chm, but put OUt hlr lht inch i.rH-h ,lir.r ri thp.
. i ,-i . . w . . ... . , r - T T n , . ,,, -. - - o
' i.Kri Poao rL''" c.-... . . F IUUJ '"cunnuug u uai. nvi. ..v joiuut.; k .atler na vin z aireci tore ana a it n re
dvww,- KT1 I. I. . W. .... ..a trtl h Ii. H J .1 1 . .. . .Ill . . .. rt J T. V .... -1. ntD,t 1 th, ' . . ...
... j K.lilljrouB11 uaiauurs iuc uuuu.i (.tjunuereu uuui mi wuj uiuiutug.iiuuu. us uuueiiibu imnccimimijjj. avrae speed at S"a IU all
a.aea laer . :,j-, t i-.t t,;, Sf . . .u i .L i i i j F '
Lgrew iu uuptmuue. a ui.u itj;wnen ue reiurneu vj uuuw, uuiijiuuuri sou w as muiie Bui't-i iuicuu-j weat her is stated at fourteen knots ;
. U . . U A t .... ... a , . , . t . .. I ...... t , t rr. .i ... , .
-"k- " c wcitr an rf.uni u ""f,;n smrwitri water hft(H-n knnt. 1 hf
account of his pull with the warden.! DjaEg r,r0vide for a shin 315 f-t
,0ne poor fellow. Tom Connaughton.j;CB- on te water ijne
who cad beea there many ye3r9.E(rpm r,rt.a(?th The, tnta! rtt ot flip
linaid something to Beckwith one davaMapi p.-t,,; f ,rfr,m,t ij
.prisoners: Ihroworeen onme tier. r-two days, in spite ot all care andnwhich ohended his dignity, and hejjmsiteii at about f l,0,..O.
lhere was some loua noise in tnePkill, it was pronounced mat ieet-reported him to the warden, iomj Th Artnrnpv r.pneril tripr i
black cell at this time. They badhoven must die. if'ot a month s notice and quit. Beck-5j,t,,;a;r.n nn ,uK .t,r ri.!fro
and to buv now ! Pnces furnished on application.
C3EO. W: Slsl YJJZIEl,
sin smisrcf ia
. jroflTHC HFSZCa.V asd srcol twrrlpMto the people o Somarw?
l-iiiaiiT. 1b tWB er'woB'Ty pf'WiT'TS
tBiia: ft t xn fnaita at oay .tr aia i
I- r.Soot ourafT at Diamond, orir knapper ?
:tu. aprs-aiu.
I " wedt aif pr"fwtooal aervlca to tka eltl t
! SarnMiiHl VlrtnltT. rnlrwpnfr1fi
r.i MiiN looatf at hla cttioa, oa Stall. I
-l tM 4 tat Itiamothl.
rVR. H. BRUBAKER tender hii
1 f miMrtnoal pervtoe. to the ettiiens at Som
'- ist! TincitT. ( 'ffir. ta raaalanea oa Xatr.
jt m tia Itaaiad.
(East frum Cuart House.)
nR. WM. RAUCH tenders hi?
I ' ptttrwt.eal ferrttei to the ctuseiii of Sooi i
ud viain I
' 1 tut of Waynak Berkcbtla'!)
irrnare Kitra.
tbranaaXf a DeatMry.)
SwltIT. Pa-,
trwtEl atteetfrv to tho Prwerrailoo o
Ji4taralTali. Arufrtal atta lMertwt. Al.
;n:Mat rmi4 pa: wtaeury. Otfica ir
" b -rk. rutr. Ealraaca uoa Uorar.
t Jw-irj Mora.
Somerset, Penn'a,
Manataetarer of
CA til AGES,
Faralibad oa Short Node.
Painting Done on Short Tfrne.
Xr work Is made rat of Thartrnghli raoc
WH4. acl tha Br Irt M,
tiallj Cooatrurtod, Neatly FtnisheJ, aad
H irrvn ( titw Mtw;iiw m
Eka awans t ha ai F T T FaO TT1 L7 M U- I
- . . . a r Iir nan LUG lllll-I V kuv tr.a aaa . aa a , fv ltllV II, V aal I11L K.1 IT a UC Uau KUUC a, r "
"aomeinng nappeueu iua. ui.-e. ,y .s not fit tQ wn in print Shad 8eiMd wUb a aeyere chill
i necessary. c 4.tx- M . -j t r, itt .j u:. i i iI.,.t
. t ,i .nn' : i t. .Iwitbtn twenty tour hours,' 1 saia.fme. Dropsy on the chest was lound.j
-inlliuutviea, eiu BaFr,A tr,an rome vpI'.s from the Othert K, l,n and witl
l-St if rain m Cook a Beeritiloek.Somer
-r- Pi.
'lMamaKitk Blork. abora Bnytl's Itraaj
im a. aio at all umaa ba fcend prepajr
ottoaakanioja-iM, tark as ttlltaa. rra
"'mniti 1 IrttntLl tAMhof .11 klaOi.l
u m material laaartaa. OparaOoctl
Brpairim of All Eindiia My Lies Done on Shor.
All Work Warranted.
Call an4 Eiamtna ay Stock, aatl Iieara prteea.
I do Waroo-wora. an fnraith Seiva n WW-,
31111a. Kea-her the piaca, aaa out n. ,
(East of CoartHooaa,) .
aprto-lrr. sox tr. i. ri
lit Oraataat Xedieat Tritunpk of tha Aga
Indorsed all over the World.
Ixjssofappetite. NattseaJbclsjoc?;
live. Pain in toe Head, with aduil sear
aaooa in the' back part. Pain under
tae.6notilder-blade. fullness after eat
tag.withaclisirnaUonoj,xertion ot body or znind. hritaDUtty of temp
er, Low spirits, Lossof memory ,widi
a feelirigjfhayingnsg!ecwdme
daty, weariness. Dizziness, Flntterr
ingof the Heart, Dots before thaeyes,
at night, highly colofedt7rine.
SZ2IC3 zzisi3 voj, ss:s si ti-zuna.
TDTTS PilXS are cspeetaliy ailuptetl lo
aueh caaea. one doae etTrcta aurh a ciiauga
ot feeling aa to astonish the sufferer.
TbRrlKrease taw Appetite, ami eataa
the body to Take Flcak, thizs the av.
tern ia BMmrlabol, and by tlieir Tokss
Artanai on the Dlcretlre Orpma.. Bfg
tmr fitfti. n-a prnt1n-1. Prfe X eratta.
Gaar HutorWHlVEU ehanireJ to a
Cur Black braauitfle applK-atton ot
Uu DTK. It impart, a natural color, acta
uiatantAoeooaiy. bold by Druggtaia, or
sent by express on receipt of VI.
Office, 44 Murray St.. Maw York
rv. ULLER has perma-
'w.-r Maaiao ta lamia atr tita nranwa a.
-apxiamoa. OSn oiDoalte CaarlM Krtaalae
apr. xi. tb-u.1
Albbbt A. Hoaaa.
J. Soott WabdJ
ta prrtmti ftrr away. Seed at '
aoKaaa. aad tr auil rna 0
t fret s a.-KB oi .a lanr tK. t w. 1 1 rn te, mar
. tmtta ytja ta aaoaer laatee inar
: m Aatrrtra. AU aooat ute WM.
' amuwtis.acaboa. Aeeats amataal erar;
, . " " aaaa. far all tba tlaw
'T- t work atcaalal Uxjtr wr
;", Itm fc,r-u .rkart ;4in-ly a
"'"t-'tlaj. H. HitxirrktV., r.rdw1
'""a taaxa.
J Stock la all NEW. aad has baea
It rtntiiu la part of
fcjs, Sarf Tzz, Sje7e 2zt
i lizsz. Eariie
rx, Urierwear,
jl'd- T.a.rtMMaretoo
k! ii r" rd Ll AT Pom
acorasaoaa to
BPRHSTG. .1885.
awaleariaa, Ucea, Wlliaary, Wat Gawi. Has
kercklafi, Otm Trlaietlart, Hatiary, Sieve,
Careati Natlla aad ariae Uadanratr, la
faatt aad Cklidraa't Cletkiaf. Faaey
6da, Vara. Zaakyrt, ate
rWt af All KM fcr - - -FANCTWOIK,
Saanrax Fox.
Joetaa Wot
inm mmm mm,
jfi rrjCTt as or
iThest Otade af Pkaapbataa Xaaalaetiued as.
kept Constantly oa Hand:
r.WPEflJt, - - - Aaamoaiatad
EXCELSlOB, - - - - Baw-Boaed.
ACID, ------ Phosphate.
Oa. fmftorr Is bow la operation, broad iatelr
poat4 of the cowa at Soasamet. aa the lta af th
ld Ksataraat a aiaerai ram juuruao.
taaaaiaetaraaoa t.oi
aaaraatae.all thai we tara oat.
... . an isat
Oar Fertlllsen
n m in nn
1 iMLUn
il-hiKSET TrjY.
Our foreman. J. A. JohMtm, wii wltH JMmaj
u.tia .if KaiiTimr- for twer 12 Temra. Tw :
naw-fr t nf rr FaatorT 1 W tMrt OCT day. W tkf
aT3. In awrliaimrar hap PtBWT)haVLrC. FaUMtrl T1
OB iair IjTriDirs iwwigiiajBi---H
ii iiLUT aoucTrBillari,h .nnthan aflared la the atark
. II w are her ta stay, aad oar soda spjak e
a-Orders br Vail attended to WltD rromw kbeauerrM w hat arsi-etase rauroau Ba
neaa and lhatiatch. Il jca tor HOpptta.
SSsM' fin r1
ttaadea its very 11 vattauuiauwt twMitattoa:
tnaa.aviUaHKlMnBi.(taa, tft a kttf aa attirle
tkatarr maa. jbi usd -Mtd aapi and ipja.
aua Cyary aoaa-kt.par aaa awr.aiyr wiil ba.
a. U oars scents tauwaae ptrt. ai iim tmsseaaa
wa vaat i jaataa a n fttscmtT.
inula llMioa tku ansrrsBd rwm ill fM
n rnsamK.
Ia amdlai yoar order, address-
mnnthed to Lear it read aloud. Herl
curiosity was gratified.
"My Dear Hcsband (began thw
note") forsrive me and ask no ones
tions. tomething has nappeneo
which makes my conduct, strange as.
it is. unavoidable. I have louno
invself oblicrod to leave nonie ior a
few davs and to take with me the
sum of fiftv dollars, which you re
member you gave me to buy a shawl
with. I implore you, if you love
me, ask no question now or at any
time. Place confidence in me and.
forgive me for keeping a secret from
vou. I wish 1 could" tell you all,
but I cannot Yours, forever.
Rosa Maria.
"Why, whit on earth ?" cried the
"Massy eakes ! exclaimed Dolly
"Humph !" said Adolphus. "Ah
well yes."
"What?" asted his mother. "V
you guess what hns happened ?"
"Yes, I do." said Adolphus.
"Do you know where she ha;
"lean imagine, said Adolphus.
"Won't you tell me?" said hi
No," said the son. "No ; she can1
if she chooses, some aay.'
"Does shekuow von know?" ask
d the mother.
"How did you find out?''
"I ve exoected a smash oi some.
kind for a loDg while," said Adol
Dhus. "No matter. Dont fidget
mother. She'll be back soon."
"This ia perfectly outrageous!"
-aid the mother-in-law "shameful
candalous ! A young woman rush-
. , v l:L l.r f '
intr oni oi me nouse use iui : j
married woman, too ! Some peopl
would not take her back, Adolphus: j
"Oh ! well. I wilL" said the son
She has a little secret that she don t
hoose to tell every one, I know
Snt I don t mean to eet anery over;
She s safe. Soe'a gone to ew
"To New York!" exclaimed old
Mrs. Lobb. "Adolphus, you ought
n follow her at once. 1 ou are ncH
man if von don't. Leave Fishkill
ind sro to New York like this with
ut w amine ! Owing to a secret, too
can't stand it She must explain
f will never offer her the band ot
friendship aeain if she does not.
And anyhow. Adolphns, how d
vou know she will come back
"I'm sure of it" said the husband
'I've no doubt Koea Maria will ex
plain. No doubt at alL''
Then he brushed back his hair,
and went back to hia drug store foi
Adolphus Lobb was a drueeist-
calmly as if nothine had happened.
Old Mrs. Lobb could Dot explain
F-his conduct to herself much bette:
than she could her daughter in-law b.I
IShe was ancrv, indignant and alarm
ed. How did the know iioea Mana
was was what she had thought her ?
She mif ht have had ten husbands
before she cauzh her poor son. 8b
was not young when she married
not very. She was twenty-foi
years old. It wasn't like a youni
"You have a secret, then, from 5
your husband ? said Mrs, Lobb.
"On, dear, dear, dear ! ' cnea K06a
Maria. "Don't be so cruel to me!
Yes, I have a secret If he knew it
I know he'd detest me. I can't let
him know it Do believe its no
harm do ma."
Never call me ma again," said old
Mrs. Lobb. "Your husband must
have a divorce at once ! He can
get one; vou ve given him reason
Just then Rosa Maria gave a shnek
for Adolphus stood in the doorway.
"Ah, there he is." cried old Mrs
Lobb. "My son.'do your duty. Re
member, too, that your respectable
mother cannot stay in the house
with that person any longer !"
Adolphus only grinned. He lean
ed his back against the door, and
lifted his eyebrows.
"I thought I'd let you carry your
plan out Rosa," he said, "but if you
uad known I helped to make 'em.
you'd have been saved considerable
bother. Why don't you tell ma?
She has a full set Yours are onlya
uppers. 5
''ThoMt'a nn nMvl nf trao-wlT. mi l
ed them
t ! ltal 1 Ar . . a t - .... . r
a Doaru wun wmcu iney were oat-i As he lay upon bis bea, paie anti-:with got out or ttie way inrougr.Jto tve acceptance oi the Dolphin,
tering the door. The bar that open-in great suflerinc a man enteredome prison influence, and I acnjje decjues briefly, that the ship
ed Tivey's cell opened thirty-eiehtlt was HammeL the friend of uiany&told he is now enjoying the fruits oti. not e accepj by Secretary
on IV menu. uc uai'ainis swinuiinz operations i---ar iieim-- h;tnev thtt there U nn eiUt r.
other cells. I said 'I am going
toftvesrs. bis
,- VI - r . . -...l . -. . i .i IP
aog some one ntre, ana arawingiearned of his illness while oaa vis-oerg, upon an estate mat cost nimRooritrnct between the Government
my revolver I shouted : 'I will shoot;t to Vienna, and came not only torAsome f Jl).(X)0. f ind Mr. Roach, and that the large
any man that steps outside the eeliijnurse him. but to bring him money 3 "You remember young Walworth. gam3 of money' alreadv paid jfr
unless UDder my orders. Tivey.jit was too late! Rwho killed his father? He took J maT recovered,
come out here; 1 am going to flog His eyes shone, he struggled forghis imprisonment very hard, butl jne ery of the Navy pro
you.' Tivey had a stick in his hanujJutterance, and at length gasped: "Isihis faithful mother was ever cearpo?e9 1 make an entire reorani
and swore that he would brain anyfit not true, dear Hammel. that Ilsiiim. He was transferred to Aa-.'; r .u..:. m.'ramo;
Sman that entered his cell. My an-Jhave some talent after all ?'' TheseMburn, and then sent to the insacegyarj3 0n the Atlaatic and the one
tswer was, as the door flew open -itrere the last words of Beethoven rasylum. which adjoins the StauS.n v. p..;,;. ;nirM,:,
Drop that stick and come out or Ille was buried in the little cemeteryBprison here, from which he wa?ti0n for this purpose ha been go
will put a bullet through your0f Dobling, and very recently hisgpardoned by the soft-hearted Gov :ncr on r0T the Ja9t two montb9.
brains.' He came out and two of remains have been removed to theHernor Robinson, and I believe he L-3' xt, r .vt,mj,
the keepers plied the raw hide. AtJreat cemetery of Vienna, in com-Snow settled down and married. Snndertaken the reonranratioo of
contrast to these let nie;lhe Customs service. Special ag-nta
the first stroke he yelled for mercy.Spany with Schubert, who earnestlyfj "As a
, V . i.t 1 ft . .- , , . i "1 .. r t
ana i stoppeu lue puuiruuieiii, anci .,iegireu to be ouneu oy nis sine. grnenuou tne case oi poor Ljwyer ir). niatin inquiries with a view to
ten or twelve mows an a uiaueq gg. wno xniea ms wue s euucergreiiuce toe force and expense of the
him get down on his knees and3 What a Cent Growa To. gm Jut2e Southerlands oflice, mLa(mnr,.t n,..!;".!,.
apologize to the other prisoners for
the example he had set Thif-I
morning I made him go to the headj
of the line and lead the men V
Paid by tbe Private.
The Baltimore Sun revives thefol-,
8New York Although a man of ed-aleport9 hllTe n froma
rill be made.
An Ohio Snake Cahrmer.
- n J ' ft, ..winn ct.tMf ri t- ml nvft inp in.2tuc
Maria broke her plate of falseE . f - ; m)1-,hinM . n
biting an apple. I've expectfj , . f.'L nf h war wher.3
to go tor some ti me. I nev-f, a . , t, cr,iialwa.4 aia
A mrttr or Trrtrtmnn ar at rir-
a . - i . . 1 . . t II
,T saui enytrnng aoout it, dui me. pri?a,e tQ shQW hig patriotum and
e-'t ram, nwrJpf. Monecrew scarce
I' 1 - A.
i ana nis regiment,
her mouth. liefore I went into the
drug business I dabbled a little
'dentistry, and when Jack
icade your set. Kosa, 1 was m the,
'laboratory. He told me what a
'pretty girl you were, and I peeped
Ninth, was left unpaid for thret-
Rmonths. At the end of that time
term aster.
"WelL how much is owed them ? "i
blandly asked the private. ,
bat is that to you r saia tae
of sur-
tbrough the little window where the
. . T 1
curtain was. and saw you. i maae
up my mind to get an introduction
then. It was a very artistic plate.
No one could have guessed you wore
... , . , ta , u,.. uti
:U but you see you loox a great uea.r .m. a,ar x iv
oi trouble about noining. Hnri
hy didn t you ted me what its .v.: ;.t tr- nnrrhol.
was all about you ungrateful boy ' ,.;f fiffnr ftn, th
. i , - .T - lillVII. AM T wa M -. a, vaa w -
Cried Mrs. lX)bb. ,"t rMi n-r rWt fnr
...... ..a a aiuvuua a ii at v vm a- 1
"Why didnt you tell me you;,,
knew ?" asked young Mrs. Lobb. 1 VOQ ?n d
bd.ld.ntr"tellmeyUbatermaster. '
Kliaa Howe, and my check i
good for the pajof the entire army."
A 1A. T
a ron r aaaTrii ni n vamp nn:; . r- fc
f it i onlv doubled a few times 7 "" t "VMuumber ot these agents ana H is
d it 13 only aouoiea a lew times i ,wa8 WItaout moRey or friends he3,1(jh!v.,i that a redaction
grows to a marvellous sum. A3ja Mnf . . ia ,tri;n2'0" tnt a 'euaction
voune laav in rorismouin c.iugnt,ji: i, j ,1 -- f--
her tather in a rash promise by aU lti,. t,iaJL r tK'!tiog customs
, a . . c . - m a tiT 4 tw a ara f iuuu. ouv va a,a-ja m
Knowledge oi mis raw on n pan.gTwM(i riD He wad a hloQli of the?
ne mooes uy proposea mat u ner,! t water He wa3 piven. samp.3
a .. V. - aa r- v- I . n1iTA K AB Ann w fr . A
lauiei .uuiu ii..c iic. icu. nn-rfo,, n th hosn hai 3 V.-
day aud double that amount 0JQ CQok and waiter and uj
rm . i puvtk-i it. ui lux ijsi 11 , ; , . . ...
month ehe wouid never ark him fora -r;. lkat.Bv h-.. . w ( vr-t i.. r-..i
nother cent a long as she lived d, -,. . -. .w,.,,,!, , r-:..: ..i t-,i;. 1;-
Not stopping to run over the fwure"-- n. Utn- h cn i 1 " " "r . -.T.;:: XI
, r iT ( j 1 kxAlAl yiAA. Ul at a-l a A (Auiwiiviw
hi way. Already he has been as-Ithcv have scared numerous black
tal, a mostJnaije?t from one foot to five feet
noor m the upper l;0r,g, from their nests in the rocks.
Km ' 1 . . t n ffr. ri a . . .1 a t a : . u :
T. -ii i i 1 . 7iuai. vi iuti vunt uu.iuii. q t P4 KLIIrMI LUat S CUriJllI-i'JU&li:LI
Howe,inhia private umiorm, oneai iu.iuuc luauicutw..
day entered the office of quarter mas-o tne lutare. un tne iwenty-nitx
the soldiers oi Jday be became greatly alarmed lest
.- . . i t:-j :t. v:. ,.i t
the reginent were to be paid. g" 4 A very pleasant way for
in his head, and not supposing that
i" "l,"lu""" - ""isrned a bed in th
Wtaraa rrllii t OiTWaarM fh r.tfwl J f i-krf ' ....
J , , ; r r. ". "r..:2eiegantiy ntted
minxinz a iavoraoie opporiunu-i,ia, ( ,K t..
A Mew Game.
"I don't know," replied the quar-Scce ne migni oe oongeu to te ue-?)f v , t0 entertaia
onuarupktiii f ""pelves at an informal
em?" said Mr. Lobb.
"I shall be obliged to explain to
save Kossas character," said tne:
!mother-in-law. "You must see'
that" !
"If Adolphus don't leave me for it
I don't care," said Rosa.
I am afraid old Mrs. Lobb enjoy
ed making the explanation to her,
friends ; but, after alL that was only
human nature.
Jut tbe IMffereacc.
The quartermaster made out his
bills, and Howe gave him nis cnecu
for three months pay for his regi
ment Tbe Government afterward:
reimbursed him.
elared a
tion." But on the thirtieth day this
irl demanded only the pretty little
om 5.i,Tt3Ji).ri ine astonished
merchant was only too happy to
cancel the claim by advancing s
handsome cash payment for bis fol
ly in allowing himself to give a bond
for his word he considered a.-
zood as his bond without noticing
the consideration therein expressed
ind by promising to return to the
bid custom of advancing smaller
sums daily until otherwise ordered
Be Had Tbe Boodle.
Jordan L. Mott and Roscoe Conk
ling were dining a few days ago at
the New lork club at different ta
lult arAUl;nM l n ,1 sat ma nnocVvnV
duck, and upon finishing his BeBronchitis, Pains in the Chest and
wont to Mntta table and Raw liimt"""r'"yof.'"""'J
Xhia Idea of Going Weat
To Colorado or New Mexico, fori
pure air to relieve Consumption isj
all a mistake. Any reasonable man
would use Dr. Bosanke's Cough and
Lung Syrup for Consumption in all
its first stages. It never tails to givei
i:r .11 n.r rvn,.k rvM
riiCl IU Bkll uisca vm wuituo, witKrf
Jeating a duck.
An. tou have a can va3 back, too
I just had one."
No. that u a redhead," answered
"Yes; one dollar. A"c York
--'The leather product of the United
States amounts to $200,000,000 per
Tantrum. .
at a a m a Bare BMaey thaa at aaythhy ejn T
book T Beaiar od irraadiy. fM fresh girl from home.
a. ktaiu vow v, r-i(L-. cKo h.A nnt rtM
There is only one thing sadder
How did she .than death, and that is a seat ia a!
Uknow she had not been an actress,ori theatre behind a four-story hat
Miss Susie had been more than
usually fortunate in keeping her lit
tie brother within bounds when
James came to see her. Her court
ship met with a set-back last Satur
day night however. W hue Jame-
waited for her to get ready to go to
the rink he noticed little Sammv
teontemplating hia feet with a loos
of absorbing interest lie began to.
:eel uncomfortable, as will any
Hvoung man 11 vou 100a at ma leet
long enough. At length, out irom
Ithe fullness of bammy s little heart
;his mouth space :
"Mr. stewpan, kin I look at your.
Certainly, Sammy."
Sammy examined them faithful-
y, and then, in a disappointed tone.
Why. they ain't any Uiferentf
from my pa's.'7
"W hy, Sammy, why should they
"And amt ver stockins or yer.
bare feet different nuther?
"Not that I know of. Sammy. But
why do you ask?"
O, coz Sue said to ma last night.
It m imraasible lor leopards to Hhat you were such an onerr feller
escape when once ia confinement,! ?be wouldnl look at you if you
I for they are always " spotted." Uweren't well heeled."
tion. Price oO cents and 1.UU.
Sold by C N. Boyd, Somerset, Pa.JI
In a box at the opera two Iadie
are bringing their opera glasses to
Do vou find much difference be-fbear on a third a brunette of ma-
- . . . . 1 s . a . . t
tween the two buds 7 inquired, ture years made oeauuiui wun su
Conkling. iperD diamonds. -jlook. paia one
ni is me wiuntesa -v. ner oair 1
jet black, and I am sure that it was
J . ft .a- . 1
gray last year . y err iruc, mj
Bear. But vou forget that she is in
mournite. She lost her brotheri
some months ago."
part v to
gathering L-
for them to try and distinguish each
bther by seeing the eyes alone.
Pin a shawl around the doorway
tbout five feet from the floor. Cut
two holes in a large sheet of wrap
ping paper, or a newpajer will
erve the same purpose, which wii.
.show the eyes distinctly, but will
not expose any part of the face.
If any one present possesses a
talent for drawing, the paper, which
is to servo as a mask, could be fur
ther docorated with a mouth and
nos put on with a brush dipped in
india ink. 1 his wid add to tbe gro
tesque appearance which tne snawi
urmounted bv the masQ.ue.wiii pre-
sent EyeKrows mijiht also be,
When the paper is pinned above
j divided into two parties, one to re
main in the room as spectators and;
guessers, tbe to go 'behind the scenes
otherwise the shawl; as performers.
If there are over half a dozen of thej
latter, a Lne should be formed ; thei
one at the head stands behind the!
mask ao that bis eyes are distinctly)
en by those in the room, and
the performers asks :
owner ? !
response is given, the
performers clap their hands. The
(owner who has taken his turn gr-es
Ito the foot of the line and number
two takes his place behind the sceen
After a time the parties change and
the fun is renewed.
.another of
itl-L- - . 1.
Iti 00 u uie
If a correct
gold colored man went down to the
tfcliS3 the other day with the avowed
intention of capturinz a lot of the
snakes. He took his son Geonre
Vashington along with him to help
kill the reptiles. When he arrived
it the excavations he drew from a
capacious pocset a very small red
pipe, about six inches long, with
holes like a fife. Putting this to his
lips he commenced to play the pipe,
which produced a shrill tone. He
played a warbling sort of air in a
minor key.
After a few minutes the black
snakes began to- stick their beads
up through the rock., with glitter
ing eyes and forked tongues. Soon
oe after another glided from their
holes toward the origin of the music.
a Soon the old colored man bad a
.arge number of the reptiles -near to
him. He than walked slowly
ttross the fields, the snakes slowly
following him. Gradualy increas
ing bis pace he walked at the head
of a procession of the snakes. wbo
were strung out in a long line
following him. He sooo reach
ed a place where be bad left
his son, who was armed with a club.
A3 the snakes passed aiong belore
-.he latter he killed one after anoth
er with a club.soon piling up a large
number of the snakes. V ben ail
were killed the old man put them
in a bag. shouldered it and took it
home. He stated that he was going
to fry the oil out of the snakes to
ell for a cure of rheumatism.
As well expect life without air, as
health without pure blood. Cleanse
the blood with Aver's Sarsapariila.
A cow is a strange creature. Al
though it may not always have
enough to eat, it always cod eat if it
A Cooo i Change of Baae.
"Is the 'coon a smart animal V
asked a stranger of old St Jackson,
on Onion Creek. "Talk about 'coons
being smart. I should say deywas
" .... ..a . . t ."J
smart" W smart are iney;
.V coon played me de meanest tnck
vou eber beerd tell on. I found a
hole wb3r de 'coon went inter de
groun', and I waited der all day
long to shoot dat "coon, asd when
he did come out he was a polecat''