f 3 1 Grant BcHca. f Th Grant relics po to the government will prob ably be kept beside those of Wash ington, in th National Muoeaa. As mentioned in UJe deed of trut whiob was eat to Washington at the time of the failure, there are as follows ; Schedule of pwords and medals, pHintiirp, bronlt, portraits, comtofebioh,illnWf. and tolijecU of value ani of art treated by vari ous Ipoterbtnenta to denaral Hyse 8. Grant, , Mexican " oabinet, presented by the people of Pueblo, Mexico. Aerolite, part of which passed over Merino in H - . . ' Bronze vase, presented by the Japane j citizens, ; of Yokoha ma, Japan.' I ' ' Marble bust and pedwtal. pre sented by workingmen of I'hiladel- Gtneral Grant and family, paint ed by Cap 1L '' ; t Large elechant tusks, presented by the King of $iapt V; Small elephant tufcks, from the Maharajah of Johore. . . I aoturttif Oeneral Soott rij Page) presented by the citv of New York. Crackleware bowls (.vey old), presented by Prince' Koohn, of Chi na, it (i f : ' ' (inewjwrcelain jars (W), pre sentefi bv Li Hung Chang.. Arabian bible aod Coptic bible, presented by Lord Napier, wbo cap turad tliem with King Theodore, of Abyssinia. Sporting rifle rnd sword of Don elson, presented to General Grant after the fall of Fort Donnelson by officers of tbe; army and used by bint intil M d of th war. New York sword, voted to Gener al Grant by the citizens of New York at the fair held in New York. Sword ofChaaaiiooEa, reseated to General Grant by the citizens of Jo Daviess County, Galena,. 111., after the battle of Chattanooga Roman must arid' pitcher, silver menu and card,, lareirelL dinner atJ Sao Francisco, Cal. Silver menu, Pari dinner. Horn and silver faulT-box and sil ver match "box, used by General Crant. Gilt table in Mr. MoCleao'a house in which General 11. E. Lee signed the articles of surrender. This was presented to General Grant by ex Confederate soldiers. Gold cigar case (enameled), pre sented by the Celestial King of Si am. Gilt cigar ca?e (pla!n presented by the second King of Siam. Uilt handled knife, presented by the miners of Idaho Territory. Nine pieces of jade stone, present ed by Prince Koohn, of China. Silver trowel, used by General Grant in the laying of the corner stone of the American Museum of Natural History. Knife, made at Sheffield, England for General Grant. Embroidered pictures, cock and hen, presented to General Grant by citizens of Japan. Field-glasses, used by General Grant during the war. Iron-headed cane, made from the rebel ram Merrimac. Silver-headed cane, made from wood used in the defense of Fort Sumter. Gold-headed cane, made out of wod from old Fort Du Quesne, Pa, Gold-beaded cane, presented to General Grant as a tribute of regard for bis humane treatment of the bol diers and kind consideration of those who ministered to the sick and wounded during the war. Gold-headed cane, used by Lafay ette, and presented to General Grant by the ladies at Baltimore, Md. Carved wood cane, from the estate of Sir Walter Scott. Uniform of General of the United SUtesrttJ.i l . . i ....... Fifteen buttons, cut from coats during the war by Mrs. Grant after and before battles. Hat ornament, used at Pal monL Hat ornament, used at Fort Don eluoa."' ? - ' 1 Shoulder strap (Brigadier Gener als), cut from the coat used by Gen eral Grant in the campaigns against Richmond and Petersburg and Lee's army. , Shoulder strap (Lieutenant Gen eral's,) cut from General Grant's coat - Pair of gilt straps, cut ' from the coat of General Grant, used after the war. !' , . Medal from the American Congress (gold) for the opening of the1 Mis sissippi. Gilt medal, from Philadelphia. Badges, army and corps. Twenty-one medals, gilt and sil ver, and ten medals, silver and brass sent to General Grant at different tin, r. 7 T ". Konrteen medals, !n memory of events. Silk paper, Louisville Commercial printed for General Grant. - Silk Daily Chronicle and Burliog toa iiaiuU'-AikMittjd - for General Graot.; j V t 'rt Oollection vf coineH Japanese) Thia is the only complete set, except one, which is in the Japanes Treas ury. The value of this set is $5,000 ; presented by the Governor of Ja pan. All tbe military commissions of , . s . , . uenerat tjr tita g t j f i Commisibn as honorable tnember of M. L. A. of. San Francitco. Commission as member tf Sacra mento Society of Pioneers. Commission; "ai ireaiber of the Royal Hjsterieal Variety. Commission "as "member ol" tbe Military Order of the loyal Le- Commission as member of the Aztec Club. Certificate of election as President of the Uuited States of America. Certificate of reflection. r , Certificate TBI honorary member of the Territorial Pioneers of Califor nia. Certificate as honorary member of St. Andrew's Society. " ' Certificate of election as LL. D. of HarVafd'Calleie.O 'Certificate aa nonary member of tbe Sacramento Society of tbe 1 10 neen of Caltfarnis. Certificate aa honorary fcoember of tbe Mercantile Library of San f ran cisco. , - ''"' The freedom of cities in England, Ireland, including London, Edin burgh, Glasgow- nd 1 Dublin, and other parts of the world. Addresee to General Grant from various Chambers of Commerce and workingmen 's societies all over the world;' '''- '' "i 1 ' Jiewolatioos f tbe Territorial Pi onaen ad mil ting General Grant to membership.' Resolutions of tbe' Caledonian Club, of San Francisco, admitting Gen. Grant aa honarary member. If matches are made only in hear, en.of course tha makers must depend on a foreign country for brimstone. ..i,..,- . . - .y.X i' V- , ,r-r. ;:.Mr.:! Absolutely Pure.; rv ti iHUM.nriM A marvel ol nomy, tronsrth and ioleoieness. iMore vainlcal . I. ..Tl.. lilnus. and t Bold It eoBiTK-im.! with the multllo.ie of low ten. shorn welalit alum or phosphate tiowdT. Sod on.' fas. Hurst, Baai Powdcb Co., loe M- SL.J. Y. ,,'t d all waiAtia. Shatter! tt? Impair urUo, 4 and frrrn. FnrlnlrnnlHni l-Wrr, titndf, I, ark of I. nervy, it bum no equal. It nc(K and iwintww tr. wtrmalst1 ttw p- ntrr, sod wtmurtbv tbjr iiicIm and u nm. It dnrn n 4 inrnr th imldiBN Iwarifcrbfl, ror Oni: it' la:l nhr tr- t-' ft. FuTfrtm T -f Kchxt. tha fMtri4ie and acboiarr Cvb-4ic Iivin. of Arttani wj: "I haw nwd Brown Iron PiWf with th rn"t fMt m'isfcf h fr TMalari. arxl mm it iw n ('nfli and hkm Am. and U1 aivay keephoa tuiad aa a raa-ly fnmd n m . n Mk aaa Km trad maA aa4 immA Trt nsat nn arnpT Twite nrkrr. Mnrto..nlTbj WKOW nirMM Al It All I WOKV, Ml. lprr"' Hn Book wn-fol and attrtTwe. rn tarnmir iMt f pn f' rrir-. ir)(onwfim nbnot eoina c. rmn nwaf py all daW in Ia4)eiDa, aiiad WH) addrcM un ruoeipt of 9c. Camp. Ornil fr cur II.I.fT1HTFn una OR. i uii'Titb A iAi.tM.i t. oi crrnr triii-lr.bl-. Flowrr nrt l-lrlil OLt'i CIIUTC bi h.oih-t-' -.ii'. rLAllO PI.IKS fintl IMI'l.' irTH( HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER. N. Y. CIIICACO.ILL 522-3i6 E. Main St Randolph St jan.l-lTi. for Rheumatism, XeuralgiaM Cramps, Sprains, Backache, Sciatica, Burns and Scalds. Bruises, Frosted Feet Jb Ears, and all other rains and Aches. A safe, sure, and effectuali remedy for Galls, Otratns Scratches, Sores, on UorsesJ One trial tciU prove its merits. Its effects are instantaneous. Price 25c. and 50c Sold everywhere. Koa bxLB Br c. N- Boyd, Somerset. U17T D'"- for working people. 8end cent pitago it-un we wui yon free a ryai. valua- ample nox of gear a that will put you la tbe way et making more money a a lew days than you ever tintuvht iwwlhle at blv twiners. Capital not required. Too can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the tmie. All ol both sexes, ol all ago grandly succeeslul. fcu cents to i easily earneil evcrv evening. That all who want work may teat the bueuies, we make this unparalleled otter .- To all wne are wot well satlnd, we will send 1 to pay ior thetronble ( writing us. Fall partlciuiara, diiet'Hem. war; ml free. Immense pay absolutely sauw lr au who start at once, lion't delay. Addn s, Stih- aoa a Co Portland, Main. JeazS. TAKEOTI'K M.W.KEIM AfrBWIFf? and M. W. KfclM a OO..of Johnwww.4)am- brla txientv. ra., navtng fyaeeo w Ewirrawoi dated the 20k IT ml Marrh, 1SSS. con veved to the uaderatgned ALA. THE1K 1'Ktlf EKTV lor the benenl of creditors, all persons having claims will please present them and tlioae knowing themselves indebted will make payment DlU'nr. cii'ii.naii, apn. Aaaignee. JkJ UTTIl Energetic reliable II Ali I tLIJm men to sell KrwH trees. Grape Hies. Shrulxi. Kmea, Ac. Liberal Co mmi s ,wn or Nafary and hxpentet Pmid. Full inslrue tbais giveai so thai inrxirieneel men can rum leain the buaineM. Address, H. P. PKKKM AN A M) Bkiohtos. N. Y. mar.ll-Sm An n I" Send oenta ior nost PtX 1 KLe ace and receive free a euatly bozoi .-oodn, which will help you to more nKxn-y right array than anything else In th. world. All, of either sex. succeed from first boar. The bread road to fortuoe eiens belure the work era, alMHluielv nure. At once address, Tara A Oi..Aua;urta. Maine. w fa preacaft fte away. Send we -enu postage and by mafl you will m UU'et jrrr aiacKaireoi goiMis 01 targe I re Inc. that will start von in work that will at once briioT voe In money taster than anything else in Amcrl.-a All about tne 300 o In "presents wit k each hex. Arents wantedever where. or either sex, f all age, for all the time, or iare time only, to work ior usjtt tlielr own hoeaea, t urtanea fur all wurkera aJ'Suluiciy aa. eared. Poa't eeiay. H. llaixirr kl o l'.etlsin; Huh. I BH.A KING'S EVIL "Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that It could be cured by a king' touch. Tbe world it wiser now, and knows that V SCROITULA can onlv be cured bv a thoronch purifica tion of' the blood. "If this t neuseted, tbe disease perpetuate Its taint through pent ration after perforation. Among it enrlH armptomatie clevelopivjrviU are rjcacna,' fiitaneoa Eruptions, Tn mora, liuils, Caurbaacles, arfslplaa, I'urulent I leers. Nervous uatl i'uy sical Collapse, etc it allowed to con tinue, it heuuiaUsm, Scrofuloua C'av tarrlt. Uidnew aod liver Uiseases, Tubercular t'onaumption, and vari ou other danceroua or Istal budiulit, are produced by iu yers Sarsaparilla Jt the onlf Ttoverfiil and clwis reliable, Uood-fnrn j I iuMicine. It In so cfleetp ual an alterative that it eradicates from the Fvatcm Hereditarv Scrofula, aral tlie kindred poions of ooniaeioua di.easea J ana mercor;. At same tiane n t ' rkbes and vitalizes tbe blood, retlorrnr- benlthful action to the vital onrans and rejuvenating the entire system. Tots great Regenerative Kedicine It tvanamaed of the renvia Honduras Smapmrila, with TeHaKDock. tjtil impia, the Iodides of JxoUissivm and iron, and other injeredienU of preat po tency, earefully and acktitlacally eom pou tided.- It rarroula U generally known to the medical profession, and the beet physicians constunlly rjrtscrihe AVEK'S fcAKfcil'aJOIXA tu aa , t. , x, , t Absolute Cure . For an disease cansed by tbe rftlatioa of . theblood. It is concentrated to the high est practicable degree, far beyond any ' other preparation for which Ekn electa . aclalnW, and k therefors (be cbeapest, as wefl a the best blood porUvias mcd ctne, la tbe world. Ayers SarsspcHUa, , raaTABimvr' ' Dr. J. C. Ar A Co., LowW, Mats r Analytical ClrcntJats. - Said by all Dreseitts: Price) $1; Six bottle for fJ. - w M - BKTTDNIC SIBLEY'S TESTED. EESBY, JOES SON & LORD, BtnrUmgtom, Tt., Proprietor of Baas Ob Cm- Ak Sir oRonrh iVwihi.' fr Ooorlw,! Ooia, Snr Tbrost, Boumiim. Troche, 1M. BKk Bata.- mMM tmt tiL mUm. nwkH. fttoo. ante bed- bs, (kuaki, chipmunk, gopher, lae. ImiggUU PairlUUon. DroMlcal Swellliufi, IMalw, I- diirMtkm, Ueadarlie. SlnplenueM. cored 07 - Well Beim Htmemet." i i " aVmgh m Mm, A.k tnr Bnairh n ('Sana.' 1ML Ualrk. jo4lm car. Hard or aoil euru, waru, boduna. UftMn.rfKj.mln ImnmnJ. th hKt ftJT hack' ache, palni la cheat ur aide, rhcamatina, ncaral Kia. TMIa raatBl. " Wellf' Bealtk Reoewer raflarw health and rlaur. etircf Ipejl, iieadactie, AcrrouiDel, i.iiii. a. WkoeplnaCaniKB, an tht many Throat ABettloa et chltdren, relieved tr Balaam, M. promptly, pleasantly, "Huagh on Uuacbs.' and ealelr Trocoea, 10. V latfean, Ir yon are falling, broken, worn oat and netraaa, uie "Weill' Ueallh Kcnewer." tL DraggUta. - Lire mterter. Iftnipt lo ffia yonr rrlp oa lire, try " Wellr Health Hcnewrr. ' Quel direct to weak ipota. KMk TaaXkack. I InsLuit relief for Nearalaia, Tooth ache, Face ache. Ak (ur "JUugh on luwUiacka." liand tta Frettj Wifi. LiillM vIm would retain fraahaaaa and alraotty, don't tail to try - Walla' Health Kanewer.? , Cauwrhml Tkreat Afliactloaa liarktnr. rrrtt'lrr CV(ri, OoMt, Snre Thrrat, eared hr -Kouab on Uoairha" Troche, toe. JUaoid, i'c. " Konarh an lick. " Koairh on Itch " nana hniDOT.emtlona, Ting worm, utter, aalt rheum, Irosted feet, ciillblaina. ' Tk nr af keKai ta. ChlMrrn. ilnw in development, pony, acrawny, aad delicate, twa "VI ell' keaiU Keuewer." Wide Awake. thme nr four hoara ererr 1kM enerhlnr. Oet Immediate relief and anund reet by urtna Well "Itough on UvukIu." rocbts, W3. baifam, iio. 'baikoa !' preaiaal riaeleri Strenirlhcninx, Improved, the best fur backache, palne lu chest or side, rbeuniatiam. oeuralKia. Mr. Cleveland DrnonoceHl. Boston, April 23. The Boston vertiscr, Boston. Transeri'itt and 8ringfield Itejiublican, Independent papers, which have heretofore hear tily supported President Cleveland and approved bis acts, unsparingly denounce him for the appointment of Chase, 1 lllsbury and 1 roup as Revenue collectors in New England. They declare that the appointments could not have been worse, except by the selection of convicts, and that the President will lose vast prestige in New England on account of the selections. The Oiliest Man in Somerset As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on C. N. Boyd, and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon ita merits, and is guar anteed to cure and relieve all Chron ic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bron chtis, and Consumption. Price 50 cenUand 1.00. Killed Three; Enetniefc. Memphis, April 2j. Martin Mit chell, a f icherman at Black fish Lake Arkansas, yesterday, shot and killed three men, He has had a long standing quarrel with two neighbors named Cummins and Barton, who two weeks ago shot and wounded him. Yesterday he met them in company with a third man and an exchange of shots began. Mitchell leing armed with a Winchester ri fle. He was himself wounded in the arm, but be shot Cummins through the head, the abdomen and through the brain. Barton through tha third man A Sensible Man Would use Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs. It is curing more cases of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all tbroat and lung troubles, than any other medi cine. The proprietor Las authorized C N. Boyd to refund your money if, after taking three-fourths of a bottle, relief is not obtained. . Price 50 ctfi. and $1. Trial size free. . e C High Prtcea for Jerae-y Cattle. New Yorr, April 21, Some very high prices were obtained at the sale of Jersey cattle to-day. Among tbem were the following : Euratas S. Black prince, 2-vear-old bull, J2G50; Helen St. Helier.o-y ear-old cow $675 Nanette Pojis, 1 year-old heifer.$2000; bhir!eybL Lambul. 1-year-old belt er, 8'JdO, Leo Pojis, 2-year-old bull, ? S75; G istaynette, 5-year-old cow. JHOO; I'rincef of Ashantee. 6-year- old cow, $2000; Princess of AsbanUe one-year-old heifer, 51000. The prettiest lady in Somerset remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam was a siiptrior miidy a(L it stopped her coci;li,ii.-JidlJ hcft other bad no effectv.vtliatever. S5 t(J prove" this C N. Boyd will guarantee it to all. Price 50 cents and $1. Trial size tree: i, , l. Vnion Soldiers to Visit GettfBbarc Pnn.APrji.FriT a, A pril f 22. -The annual pilgrimage of veteran Union eoldiers to some famous battle-field, will, this jear ba made to Gettys-, hart;, on May: 4 and 5. ' Tbe Presi dent and bis Cabinet, several "War Governors'!, and present Governors, and Veterans . frorn '-mot of ! the Northern States are expected. The movement is under the direction of tbe First and Second Corps of the Army ot the Potomac. " j . Reansare coins up inconsequence of the great demand for export TRAOCV ICJCUVttJUljE mWmKtomWtltlmm3tmm rrotfrmmVpittlm, .Urn tie aacf JWsnit, PROMPT, SAFE. SURE J imm AaTu ft iv,lil at Imtirti a.nh... tirT m -Ti rni nr kiiiiamLaiijlaal.ri I 1 a a oa ii.ii.h.uji ro, a. in aii. .. mmW X J la V - mt -4. 1 Cairn. htnc3fftinsraw B PvOltGH ORDINANCE. Aa Crdinanca for the Government cf tie Borough, of Somerset. we nt Or &' (Ac Bararo aaa Ton Comuc il ,c r.a a. i u Acretw Oraalal i J ' - aa1 ttt e ikt IAor (A t - POUCE AND KIOHT WATl!H. .Vamoa 1. The Barren aad Tow rfaaaeU th.v m, daeaa itT m& deem It aeaaaaary tor tba aw a.ar. pa 1UC peaea an" n.wcii K'"l- lJ ' the tfciroaah ol jsomeraet. Tha id nlhuwtrh orpolwa ahall rsaaiaa aeeh ninaajii m mm tha , BurKaaa and Town fonwll hull leaaa io and raacAabla. It ahaU ba Uwlrdaty to arreat and brtaa be lore tbe Boryeaa any aoaulcloa paraoa or peras whom lhay may had tmllUic m and tnnman any 01 tuc sirvwi. - Korouah between the hot rail eleven T M. and . a . uj m Mreon or mrauaa nut belnc aute to alve a reaKnable eieoao tneretor atiM.ll on eoavletioa thereof neiora ina iuraf mj m uu not eaoaedina; hie dollars together witnallMia 1 pruaacatlon. k a The HnnrfM and Towa council snail tabilih and maintain each a pohee aarvioe aa tha poblle fwaea and good order oi ina nuroogn may require. See. A It shall be the duty of the High oon. rul Police to enforce all the UoroUKU lawt. oniuianeei and repilatlunj, to make or canne u I made eomlalnt to the l-.unreaa t every tntnw tlon of the auid laws, ordinance and reiculailnna which shall come to their knowledge, and procure the neeaaarv nniols thereof, and in snburalnatlon to tha Birgasa they shall preserve tbe peace and quiet ol i ne nonwicn nu iiadu mi mmiuu, i and other dlsiarbaucea. ike. 4. The Biich Canrtable ahall io! or cause tn h' posted as presctlbed by Uff, I.U nonces ol elections held in pursuance oi any resoiuuuc oi the Ooaneil. ana an onunancea enactea uy ine Burveas and Town Coancil, and whenever any law, ordinance or resolution ol the Town Oounell raqjlra personal notice to he given relative to any proceeding bcliire the Town Council, he shall, serve said aotice, and he shall serve atl other per sonal notices required by law or ordinance. He hall also execute all warrants and processes la sued to klma.j the Burgess. Src. a. Tht fee and eoat of the High Oonsta ble and Policemen aha II be the same aa I bote pre errltd be tbe laws ol the Coniuionwe.i llh lorlVn- atatila for like aervlcea, provided that the Bor oaah shall not lie liable lor the lees and costs of such etttcer, lurthcr than may be aareed upon from time to time. See. 6. The High Constable shall give a bond In the sum ol on thousand dallarf, with approv ed ernrities, conditioned on the lailhtul account ing lor and paying over to the Boragh Treasurer of all monies or the Borough coining Into his bands in any way whatever ; said bond shall be died on the same day as that fixed by law for the eommencfment of the terms ol the Horouirh oiB cere, and If said lond be not filed within M daya alter that time then the olfine of High Onstahlo hall be declared vacant, and shall be Ailed In the manner prescribed by law In such ease made and provided. See. 7. If the High Constable or any police of flier abalt neglect or teluse to enforce any ol the laws, ordinances ur regulations of the Borough al ter bis attention shall have been called thereto by any dtlxaa, such ollicer shall pay a hue ol not less than tweuiy dollars. In addition to any other pen ally to which bia neglect or refusal may subject bun. Sec. t. If any person or persons shall In any manner lnterlere with or obstruct an othcer or any other person acting under the authority of the Borough in the discharge ef this duty, or shall re sist tbe enforcement or execution ot any ordinance ottbe Borough, or resolution of the Town Coun cil, soon person shall on oonviotlon thereof betore the Burgess pay a hue of not exceeding tea dol lars, together with all cuaia. See. . It shall be the duty of the High Con stable and Police officers ol the Bomugh at all times to apprehend all euspected night walkers, malelactora, vagabonds, rogues ana disorderly iieraons who mav at anv time be found on the side walks. In tront ol public or other places, and bring all such persons umi; be so apprehended be lore the Buncess to be examined, and each and every one ol such above descrlued persons as shall be convicted of disorderly conduct calculated to dis turb the public peace, or trt being hiuna gatnerea together in disorderly assemblages, shall pay a tine ot not exceeding ten dollars, together with all ousta, Sec. 10. It shall be lawful for the High Consta ble and police olhcers to detain in the lockup any and all persons who may be arrested fur violation el any of the Borough ordinance until such time as they can be examined by the Burgess. PUBLIC PEACE. See. II. Any person or person who shall en- hin the limiu oi the Boruugh shall on conviction thereof belure tbe Hurvess nay fine ol nut leas Uirn two dollars nor muue than live collars, together with all cost?. See. 11 All persona are strictly prohibited from standiaa;, VonnttlBa; ar loitering apua tha pave ment in free l of any of the cburcnea er other public bulldlna; In the Borough, or alone; theap- proaenoa te seen Daiuina; uuxina: tne ume oi noi dliiK any aerviea er aieetina; tiiereln, or In any wise preventlna: or obatrac ina; the free fnirres or eareae of any per ra attetMtanoe thereat, or of in any wny annoyina: or aUHurMtix any nersai in attendance thereat, aad aay peraal er persons uf femlinu' Bfrainst any of the (mivislons ol this see tkm shall, oa convtcUoa) thereof belore tnelrur- resa. uay a fine not eiceeulnirteu dollar for sue a onenao, uKether with all ooete. See. IS. All penons are prohibited from stand ins;, )ounffin or lolterlnKiu aToupaorerowilsafioo the sidewalks, pavemeuis, street oralleyernesniKS within the Borough in such way as to prevent the lull and tree use ot said sidewalks, pavementsand street or alley eroesinjes hy iersons iamiib; alona; and over the same, aud it shall be the duty ol the Hiah Oonstabie and pidlce otticera todlstierse said erowils whenever so lound upon any ut the said suiewaiaa, pavementa, street or alley erossinirs, and all persons who shall refuse to disperse when notified by any ol said officers shall be arreted, and n eonvteuoa thereof before the Bargea shall pay a fine of nit less than one dollar nor more than fiv aollar for each o dense, together with all coats. . . v nee. la. Any person who shall appear or be found oa any of tbe atreeta, lanes or alleys of the Borough la aa lntoileated or drunken ounditioo shall, on ermvfctton thereor beRire the Bareeas pay a hne ol not eiceeding live dollars for such ollense together aiik all aoau. NUISANCES. Sec. lb. Any person who skail place or cast any earth, oriel, stone, eoat, wood. Blth, mortar, lime, manure for saoatance ol any kia.t, eieept article for the purpose of immelialely load in; or unload ing, removing or tortng away) oa ny street, litewalk, or alley within the (kirouah. such per son shall, ea eeaviction thereof before the BurK-e pay a hae of not lea than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars, together with all eoata, provided that the provisions ol this section shall an apply to building material, or other obstructions author bed by a permit from the proper authority, er to materials used in laying or repairing sidewalks, or to the temporary pUcing ol ecaaoHtng or lal ders for the repairing ol buildings, mnd mrovidei further. That netehaBU aad others oceupiing stores ami warerouens, aa.1 engaged In selling; goods, w. res end merrhancllse may use Dot ez ceoltDar three Iret et the aviewalk next to and ad joining their several stares aad wareruums lor the display ol such gowla wires and merchandise, a they may be dealing la. See. 18. Any person er fjoia who shall hitch, er tie, side er drive any hoi so or horses, mare or maree. gsldaag ar aeldlaws uaon any paveaeot er leetwalk withia the llmiu el the BoroUKh or who aball leave or permit any wagon, carriage, sleigh, sled or other eeaiele to aland ea any such pavement or sidewalk, or oa aay latved street or alley creaalagwlthla the Horough. such persons ahaB, ea aonvletioa the real betore the IMrgem pay a flaw el aoi. eaeeedlan five dollars, tnwetber witk aa) eoata. provided that this section shall not proWbtt the ridlBjtor drrrlag ever any paved Md. wak where each riding or driving is necessary for entrance tnea aay street, laae, alley, stable. .sr, 17. Any person or person who shall coast or 4ade with a hand-sled on any sidewalkorpavu. meat wltbtn tbe Borough, rneh person er person ahalloaeunrletloa before the Burgee pay a bus oi pet eaeeeuing one auiiar ior suca oneaaa, ts getsar with all coeta. .uaa. la. Any person who shall keep or suffer to remain afion his premises any carcass, garhags, etlai, wt ether oflaoaiv er unwholesosu mailer. araasamUessttasaassaanoa any vseaai lot or upon aay street or alley, puollc or private, within the Borough, tbe same la hereby declared a com mon aulsaoee and shall be removed accordingly, and the pereoa so offending snaiL besides the ex pense ot removing such nuisance pay a hne oPnot leas thsaone dollar nor more (baa twenty eoilan, togelhet with atl eset. , t See. 19. Any netsoa whoehall ttesositor iiermit to be depositedBiiy aahes on any of the afreets of tbe Borough shall, on conviction thereof before the Burgess pay a fine of are dollars, together wrthea sssta. . 20. Any person or persons who shall wilful irmft'and stiller any burse, mare, gelding. muleor jack, hog orgoat, sheep or geese owned ty them or lb their cafe to run at large within the Borough shall pay a fine of not exceeding one dol lar, and It I hereby mad the dutv of the High Constable er Folic etlioer to take and impound such animal whea found running at large and roceea to maae puoiie aaie M inem alter giving Four di.vt notice by at least six advertisements posted la the most public places of the Borough, antes tbe owner or owners at such animals shall. previous to toe sai, pay or tender to said officer the rata of fifty cents for each animal so tmnound ed, together with all ousts and expense of keepiug ineaame. ana yrvnoca, lunner. tntt wiien any such animal or animal shall be add the money received therefor, altar paynteat of all eoat aad expenses, aaau aeunm ia taw nereugn treas ury. ..... Sec. 21. Any person or persons who shall ride or drive any horse or horses, mare or mares, gelding or geiainga, muie or mule on any ol the streets of u tsoruugn a a mster xait than a slow l rot, which shall be eonstined to mean net taater than a mile la tree mlaate. ahull en convict ion thereof before the Hurges pay a Hne of not less than two nor more wan tea ootiara, tusretaer Willi au costs. Set. 2L If aay person or persons shall bitch or tie any horse or boraea, mare or marcs, gebliag or g sidings, male or males to any shade er ereamen tat tree srttaUn the Borough, such person or per sons shall on eoovietioe thereof before the mr- gess pay a Hneot not less than one dotl-r aur more Uu ten aeuars, tagetner with aU ousts. Sec. Us Any persea er r-ersno whs (hall depos it ea lb strain of the Bonicajb any paer, hay er straw, er ouier aaacenai uim weaua oostraet tbe drains or water Utiles of said streeta. ahaU oa con- vtctlon tht i uufbeioTotho aurgea pay a Hae ef uet exasoaufi awe sonars, iogeuier with au cost. See. M. Tht owners ef lot or cart of lot ad joining what are aaowa a private alleys shall keep sach private alleys Clean, and free from Bos ton aad t last n depoetu, aad U sack ewaer or owners anau neglect or reiuae ro cteaa up tucn sl ier oa be law aouaea te do so bv the Street Cooa- musieaer then the street eoonmlsaloecr shalleaar tasni te a e leased at taeaipeass el the lot vwu ers, or tbosa of them who may hava permitted sact eaTeastve jtepaalia. - See, Sa. The High Const able ahaU remove any ploughs or wheeibarrewa uaat may be left ea aay of lbs Desements or sidewalk ef tbe Borona-h al tar sight, aad shall salt the mm after three any notice ol such sale shall bar been given, anless the owneis of such plows er wneelttarrew ssatf pay him e eent lor aen removal. Sec. S. Ho person or Derosas shall erect within V the tlmra ef tae Beroaaa awv traaae saahjeeranv ewaai oag to we uaea lorauea purpoee vwa w leet of lay dwettsmg bsxua or -any balalsig ased for narnoeas, and any uersvs or person of fending against tbe provisions ol this section shall pay a Bje af ea fcandava Boilers, together with See. TT. Any person, or persons who shall, withia the said asarvagk designedly disturb er aanoy, or eaeaw aa eeenetureeu er aanajaM, any etner peraua or persons, or any sssembiyoreullecUim ot persona, with bells, horns, pans kettles, drome, or ia anv other manner whatsoever, or shall, without proper eceaeioa disturb tbe oeeapent er occupant ol any bowse, bat id tag, mora, er other place, by knocking r railing aa meaner, gate, winnows, or winow thatters inanot, er by naaing aay bell attached tesny deer, arasiag any knocker so attached to any door or otherwise, apon conviction thereof be- J.-X- -...9s.i tban one dollar, nor more than five dollar. See. X. Any person or person who ahaUabator promote or encourage any horse-race, which shall be actually run, or any part thereof ran, withia the said Boruugh shall pay a line not exceeding gfly dollars, at tbe discretion oi tbe Kurgeea. .Sec. W. Minors and others are hereby prohibited from congregating apoa any of tbe streets, lanes, or alleys ol said Borough. except it be bi parsaanos of their lawful calling or business ; and when neb minors r ethers are foand upon any of tha said streets, banes or alien, balloeuur. making hon-flre or otherwise disturbing the nubile peace, each 'I "7 pcr,n o otl.Dding BhU pay a one not person so oa lite dollars. icacccdlim j See. SO. Any person or persons wboahall be found I apim any of the streets, lanes or alleys of said Bor j ongh engaged in any game of ball, mnrolee, sbia- ney.or in the practice ot snow nailing, or any oib rr iraettre which will snrwy. molest or disturb any person or pen), er the pnblie peace, ahsll be nned not exoecdkig live dollars. See. 31. Any person or persons who shall short ell any gun, cannon, pistol, crackers or suuil within tbe limit of the said Borough, shall pay a One or nae dollar for each aad every offence. Pi-seise however, that this section shall not alleot any gua-evnith resideat. withia the Borough when trylug or proving such nre-artus See S2 Tbessleof Breworksofevery description la hereby prohibited, any person er persons who shall sell or expose lor sale lire work of any kind whatever within the limits or said boron eh tball be liable to a hne of not less than ten dollars aad not exceeding twenty dollars lor tacb aud every such otlense. Set. 38. Any person or persons who aball deposit any building material of any kind whatever on any street wltbin the limits of said borough, shall pay a Bbc not exceeding ten dollars, naiess they shall brut itrocore a Hermit from the Town Council, ami said permit if granted, shall designate the time during which tuch building material aball be permitted to occupy such street, ana it is nereny made thedntvof the Purest Commissioner to re port to the Iowa Council all viola Uouaol this uoa. Sec. 34 Any personor person now engaged in or carrying on tbe business ol slaughtering cattle for tha market within the limits ol the boiough, or who shall hereafter engage in or carry on such buinets shall keep his or their slaugntor house fciget her with their surrounding, cieaa and free from all ollenslve garbage and offall, eo as not to emit anv noxious ami nauseous vapors, smell and stench, to tbe annoyance of er prejudice A the health of person residing, passing by, or being employed in the vicinity of such places, awl tbe owners or proprietors of sach places shall, wit boot anv unnecessary delay. cause all garbage, ofWU, aud all other atrts ol waste of such place or places which might become oBonslve, to be buried ia the ground to a depth of not less than three last, or haul the same Itcytsad the limits of the borough ; ami. Provided, That no such garbage, waste er offall shall lie hurled within forty feet of any street, lane or alley, dr witnin two hundred feet ol any dwelling house, and any person or persons ohead ing against any of the provisions of this section sbalL on conviction thereof before the Bunresa, pav a tine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-rive dollars lor each offence, and the proper othcer ol the borough shall have the full riirht at all times to enter' such slaughter houses lor tbe punsise of examining the condition In which they may be kept. Sec. Si. That from and after the passsage or this section, all privies and privy vaults within the Doniuirn snail ne iroperiy eiosen up ana snail oe aeiit ci"se ana iirivate so as not to eum anv on and offensive stench that may annoy the peo ple In the vicinity, and when such building or vault shall lie keiit otherwise, the owner or uceu pier thereof who shall neglect the entire abating of such nnisanee alter having been notified by the rHrcei commissioner or by any outer uo routed out efal to do so. shall, on conviction thereof before the Hnrgess pay a fine of not less than Ave dollars nor more than twenty dollars for every such of- iense. See. M Any person who shall Indecently expose hlspersononany of the streets, lanes, er alleys of tne rforougn snail Dav a nne ol not exceeding bve dollars for such otlense ou conviction thereof before the Burgess, together with all eosta Sec. 37. No person or perstms shall keep or store in sny house, store house, shop, cellar, warehouse or other auartraeul within the limits of the Bor- ouirh. more than seventy-five pound weight of gunpowder at one uroe. ami tne aioresaia quanti ty ol gun-powder shall be safely secured, and any person violating tne provisions oi tins oruinsnce. shall on conviction t bereof before the Burgas pay a tine of not less than tire dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each ofience together with all coats. See 38. No nltro-glveerine, dvnamlte or ether high grade explosive shall he stored at all within the limits of the Borough, and auy person violat ing this section shall on eavvictitm thereof before the Burgess, pay a one of one hundred dollars, to gether with all the costs : one-half or said fine to go to tbe informer, if said informer i not aa otneer ot the Borough. Srr.su. If any person shall throw upon any of tne pavements or aiaewaiits wunin tne tforougn any orange or lan.toa iel or broken glass such iierson shall on conviction tnereof neiire tne Bur- gess pay a hne not exceeding tea dollars together wit u all costs. CONTAtHOrs DISEASES. Ser. 40. When anv physician who may be en gag. etl in the practice of his profession within the lim its ol Somerset llorough. shall io bis said practice uioet wilh any case of smallpox or varioloid, he phall give prompt and lmraeUat notice thereof he th Burgess, or in the event ot his Inability m act to sjnie member of the Town Council. .See. 41. Immediately en receiving sorb aetie said officer shall cause a sign with the words BAi.L-rox" thereon in large legible letters te be attached conspicuously to the house where sach ease may be, or to the gats leading thereto, and all inmates ot said bouse are hereby required to re main within the said house so long as said patient sulleiiiigwith small-pox orvarlolofd shall remain therein, except thai such inmates oi the house who may not actually lie taken with the disease may. under proper restrictions of th Towa Coun cil lie allowed tbe liberty of the lot on which said house Is erected : but no Inmate who has sytnally been slek wltb the disease shall be permitted W leave the house under any circumstances whatev er until the attending physician shall certify that all dauber of contagion shall be nest. Pror:ded, However, that If on the discovery of any rase oi smitn-pox or varioloid in any aweiung house there he any inmate thereof who may not have been fully expired to the disease, uch In mates may by the aut hority of tbe Town Council l removed to some of her place, there to remain uder similar restrictions until all danger ot fur ther eooiagi' or spread ef tbe disease aliaU have passed away. See. tr In order that the provisions of section 41 of this ordinance may be fully carried oat, the Burge, acting under tbe advice ol the Town Council Is hereby authorised to see that all slek gfersooa falling under the provisions of said section have proper medical attendance, and that nurses or attcadants are procured fir them, ami when the Inmates of any bouse shall have been isolated un der the provisions of said section, he shall appoint some pniper othcer whose duty It shall be t j com municate with such inmaie trom time to time aad convey to them such food and other necessaries a may be required, all of which whea the etrcum stauces of the ease so demand, may be famished at tbe exicnsc of the Borough. All infected clothing and bedding snail be de stroyed by burning the same, and it Is hereby ex pressly forbidden that any such Infected clothing or bedding be hung or exposed from lb windows of any house. Authority is also hereby given tn erect er procure some suitable building to which patient suffering with smull-pox or varioloid mar be removed aud eared for. Ami. sremded, further that tbe Town Council shall have full power to cause to be done anyand all things which In their judgment may be necessary to rrrry oat th provision ami esv jects ol this ordinance. Any person or xrsons violating any of the pro. vieioosot this seciioa shall oa eonvictioa thereof before the Burgess, pay a ttne of not less tbsn five dollars or more than twenty-Bve dollars, at t'ledls eretioa of t be Burgess, to be collected ia like Buta ne r as other lines are collected. PKOrECTlON OF FUBLIO PROPEBTT. Sec. 43 Any cerson or person who shall break or destrty or in any way injureany public lamps or who shall cut or deiare or in anv etner way Injure any post to which such public lamps are attacked shall pay a tine of ten dollars tor each and every urh offense, one half ot which gne whea recover ed shall go to the informer. Sec. 44. Any minors er ot her persons who haU tresiass upon or enter on tbe grounds belonging to the public school buildings without permission froia ihe proper authority, or who shall In aay way fmura or break the fences, buildings, tree or snrubbery on or belonging to such grounds ahaU on conviction tpere.it before the Harness ay a fine el not exceeding ten dollars for rack otlense, to gether with all the costs, ami It is nereoy mans tnadutv of the Hum Constable or Police officers to arrest or cans the arrest of ail parties so of fending. See ti. Ifaav nerson shall without aulhoritv remove from their place of storage any ladder or anything belonging or pertain to tbe lire engine except on occasions of aa alarm of fire, seen person shall on conviction thereof before the Burgess pay a ttne of live dollar, together with all com. LICENSES. See. 4. That any person desiron of keeping a stallion within said Borough, for the sen ice ol mare's by paving Into the treasury thereof for that purpose, the sum of ttve dollars, and tiling a re- iwiiil for the same with tne uunrees. iiisu oe enti tled to receive from said Burgess, a eertineate that such person Is a lioented stud-keeper for the term ot throe mouths. Sec 47 That any person (except a licensed rud keeneri who shall within tbe limits ef said Utr ouiru load or ride out. anv stallion, through the Boroogh or anv part thereof, ior tne purpose oi causimr such stall oa to cover any mar er mares, shall be liable to imv a tine not exceeding five dob tars, together witn costs ol sun ior eaca a no evevy onenve. See. a. That If anv owner or keeper ol any stal lion, kept lur the service of mares, (except 1 teens ed stud k topers) shall suffer such stallion tn stand st ml ktepers) shall suner sura suuuoa n Bin irhed in an street, lane or alley of said Borough e owner, keeper, or person so offending shall be ible to pay a hne aot exceedidg ttve dollar, to- tutcheii the liable to uav gether Willi cost of suit, for each and every such offence. Ser. 40. AU nubile shows, exhibitions and travel ing theatres, ar forbidden within the limits of said Korougn under a penality of ntteen dollars ior tbe first ofleace, and twenty -a ve dollar for every subsequent offence : yrondea, tnat peaceable, or- ilerivand well reaulnteil exnioitions mav oe tier- milled ander the tolkiwins: restrictions, to wit : bv the payment into the Treasury of said Borough of a license for each and every exhibition of a circus or menagerie of not lessutaa ten ooiiars, nor more than twuutv-tive dollars, and lor each ami every other exhibition a license feeof act leas than tw dollar, at tbe discretion ef Ihe Burg ess. Whea such permit is sranted and the money paid as aloresald, th BarK-e shall give a eertlfteate or license to l be owner, airent or manager ot seen ex hil.lt Ion. which iieenseso obtained, shall exonerate sach owner, agent or manager from the fin above lniuoeed. Presides further, tnat citizen ol aahi Borough rlvintr concerts ot vocal and instrumental music shall aot be subject to tha penalties aerela- neiore imposea. See. to. Tha owner or owner ef any skating rtnk witnin us uorouga aaii pay a urease oi uxty dollar per aaaaas, par able auanasiv la ad vance, and any person keeping open sack place without having first procured the license required ny mis Beeuon. snail on ooavieuan inersoi neiere the burgess yay a Una ol on hundred dollar, to- getaer nil a all roots See. U. All hawker, peddler. Tender aad sel lers of nostrums, medical compounds, patent medi cines aad foreign and doasestie wares, good or merenaattiae el any description whatever, w aeth er the same be solo by sample or otherwise, shall before selling their good aad wares withia the limits ol tbe Borough first procure frsa tha Bar ge s a license granting permission te do so, and shall nay for the said license a sameinot is titan ohe dollar nor more than ten dollar a the Bur gess at blsdiarrerJna aaaywetermiae. and tbe Bar rets shall also hx the ume fur which sach lieeose hall continue ia fore. Aay persoa or persons violating any ef th provision of this ordinance shall en eonvictioa thereof be for th Barge pa) a an af net lass tbsn four cellar nor snare than tweeuy dollar, aad, freeaere art tier, that th pmrbtons of this ordinance shall aot be heM a BBpiyiiuj te UeauMBTiat TraSelta was art! te dealers olj. , BOBUVQH SCALES AJtD WJtUOBJHTCB. Ser. Si An bay aad coal soM urttsia aha Baa. ough shall am be weighed oe la Borough sea lea, aad the nwmber of pounds or basher be aaeettaa ed, a oecUboelaot whtch shall, he gtvea by th weigh Blaster to th vender ot hi agent to be by a im delivered lo the purchaser ef the article aaid ar weighed and said cenlheale shall ina! bath th nametof the vender and pnrcbaaar. Any persoa or persons wb ihail aril r deliver aay bay or coal without first having tbe aame weighed as above provided, shall on eoavk-tfcm thereof before tha barges pay a Bae of not less than live dollars nor more than Ten dollar at tt discretion of th Bar ges, togrt her with all cost ; and any person was ahali pneure aay on else to violate tha prevision of this asetioa or any of them (hall on eouvirtloo thereof pay a like fine. See is. It ikaH be the d aty of th weigh master te weigh all hay, eoaL, straw, bv stock and swell other article or things that maybe piaeaented to mm lor tnat parpen eatae twwoagB seaiesaaa fnralah a uruner certificate of lb weight, or If coal of the number of bushel of the article weighed. See.tl Th ehaiwealorweiirhtng on the Borough amies shall remain a thev now are. but said charges may I changed from time to tluie by th Burgeas nd Towa council. ' ' SATLROADS. Sec. IS. That from and attar tbe passage of this ordinance, no engine, locomotive or train of ear uiati nepermnca toacai ea laeeroasinaroi asata street In said borough, for a longer length of time than four minutes, nor shall they be permitted to stand on tbe crossing of any other street, lane ar allev In said Borough for a longer length of time than twelve minutes, and any person or persons in charge of any engine, locomotive or train of ears vfolaiinir the nrovislons of this ordinance, shall on conviction thereof betore tbe Barges, pay a fine of not lesa than five dollar nor more than lea aoiiars. Sec. M, That from and after the passage of till ordinance, no engine locomotive or train of ear shall run ax a e-reeter rele-of sveed than nv mile per hourwlthm the limits of said Boroogb, nor shall any engine, loconwiive or tram of ears cross Main street in said Borough at a rate ot speed ex ceeding three miles per hour, and any person or persons In charge ol sny engine locomntir, or train ol ear violating th provisions of this ordi nance, slut 11 on conviction thereof before th Bur gess, pay a fine of not less than Are dollars nor mere man un nousrs ' Ser. 7. Any persoa or person wbo than lonnat or loiter at or absat th station of the S. h U. ti lt. Co. after being notified by the gent in charge t leave, or wbo (ball act la a disorderly manner. or in any way disturb or annoy passenger wbo may ne arriving or aefiarting, luce person or per sons shall, on proper proof being mad before tbe Burgess, sty a line of not exceeding ttv dollar ior ucn on. nse, together witn Bit costs. See. 51. Any person not aa employ of the Gmv Koy wbo (hull board a moving train, shall be lla i to pay a fin ot not exceeding fir dollar, with au costs. COLLECTIO.V OP TAXES. Sec. TO. The Borough taxes aball be collected ander th provision ef tbe Act of Assembly of April iz, I5i. See. eo. The High Constable (ball be appointed ( ol ector or Borough Taxes and hi official bond at High Constable shall let forth hit liability for atl taxes coming Into his band a Collector. He hail on and after the fifteenth of January of each year proceed to collect by dial res ail laxet out standing on the duplicate at that date, and pay the aame ever to the Borough Treasurer on or be tne xuin nay ei l enroary. Ser. 01. The High Constable (ball, on or before the first day of May of each year, make and return to the i urges aad" Town Council list of tbe num ber of dog and bitches within the limits of the Boroogh of Somerset, with tre names of the own ers thereof, and after such lis. I returned to the Burgess and Town Council, they sliall levy a tax of one dollar on the owner ef each dog, and for each additional dog one dollar, on tbe owner of one bltcbdog, two dollars, and for each additional bitch dog. four dollar. The taxes so assessed to be collected and appro priated as other Borough taxes are. Every person having such dogs or bitche la his possession, or harbored aliout bis premise shall lie deemed tbe owner tnercoi. STREETS, PAVEMENTS AND SIDE WALKS. Sec a The pavement and sidewalk t reauired on the streeta wltbin tbe Borough shall be made and pnt down tn the manaer prescribed by the Borough ordinance by tbe property owner hi front of their own let on their receiving due no tice from tbe proper authority to make and pat down such pavement and sblewalk and they the said owners shall also keep In rejalr and renew tbe said pavement aad sidewalk from tim to time at may be required, and la every case of neg lect or refusal on tbe part of owner or owners of any lot to ma as ana put aown or renew ana repair pavements sod sidewalks wltbin the time stated in every notice to them, their agents or tenants directed, tbe street commissioner, antler the di rection ol tbe Burgess aad Town Council, shall proceed to maks and pat down such pavement or siutnaik or renew ana repair tne same a may be reauired at the nrooer eoets and ebanres of the owner or owner of such property or lots, sold cost and charge to b made, secured and oollected ac cording to law In such cases made and provided provided that not less than twenty day aotice be given lor th making or putting down of a new pavement or sttewaig, ana not less than ten aay notioa b given for repairing of pavement or std Mi. See. 63. All pavement notices shall designate the name ol the street on which tbe kit requiring the pavement fronts, nd th notice ahall give uch description thereof may niakelt sufficient hr plain as totbe particular lot or property meant. The notices shall be given by dlrecttoo of tbe Bur gess and Town Council, and shall be signed by th Burgees, snd sttested by the Clerk of Coun cil, t hey shall be served by the High Constable pemaiallr. and bv eopv upon the owner or owners er rv-fMtted owner or owners of the property or bit. iu ease ike owner of the lot is a Boa-reaident, tbe mtice shall be served up n his agent or upon tbe rvoa eeeupving tu am lot, or upon botn ana cony thereoi sall also be sent by mall te the own er. II hi residence be known- In case of vacant leu owned By non-reaidenu tne nolle snail be posted ou the bit and a copy thereof sent to the owner by mail if his residence be known ; copy shall also he tervea en hi agent or tenant. If any there be. The High Constable tball file bit return ot sum notice aerveu miner oatn, ana return, set ting forth apon whom and In what manner th no tice was served. . See. 64. Th pavements and sidewalks on Main street and that part of Main Cros Street between tbe Diamond and Union street (ball be twelve feet wide ; oo all other streeta within tbe Borough of the width H e feel they shall be ten feet wide, snd en all streets ol th width of Olty leet, they aball b eight leet wide. The navemrnts shall be laid of good flag-nones. bard-burned brick or tile, or of good plank of the required length, not less than two Inches thick, at the option of the owner ol tbe lot ; it made of Ume brick or tile, tbe pavement or sidewalk shall b provided with a good curb-stone. See. OS In ease of the neglect or refusal of the owner or owners of a lot to pal down or make a pavement or sidewalk, and it become necessary for tbe Street Commissioner to put down the aame in accordance with tbe provision of Sec . the pavement shall be made el plank, and when re pairs are required they sba'l be made with the asm material a thy war origiaally made of. Ser. ea Th Street Com missione , ander the di rection of the llurgess, shell establish the grade at which all pavements and sidewalk shall be lain, lo wnica graae an lot-aoiaer nau coniunn. Sec. 7. In all case when bit owners neglect or refuse to make, renew or repair a pavement ami the aame I done by the Boroogh authorities, a benallv el twentv per cent, on the costs thereof shall be collected from such owner a provided for by in aci Atscuioiy. See. fts. Th street Commissioner shall have charge ol the streets of the Borough and he shall froSB urn to Ume ander in direction ana control of ihe Burgess and Town Cotuie.l to do, or cans te be done alt necessary work and repairs tnereon and t eat homed to employ all necessary labor, i lie shall, also, in tbe absence or inability ef the , Highl oostableto perform hit duty, serve tb dif ferent aotice of th horoBgh requlrer under tb ordinaaccs. Sec. to. The Street Commissioner shall he charg ed with all tools belonging to tne Borough receiv ed by him at th beginning of or during his term of olfloe, and ahall give a bond In th sum of ffM for tne proper aceoonung M aaca tool. DEPTH OP GRAVES IN CEMETERIES. See. 70. No grave hi any of the Cemeteries of the Itamueh shall he due lo a lets depth than lour (4) feel above the space occupied by theoottin and any person offending against the pr ivisioa of this ordi nance shall on conviction thereof before the Bur gess pay a tine ol not less than one dollar nor more than tea dollars at the discretion of the Burgee, together with all costs. MISCELLANEOUS. Sec. 71. All nerson wb are brought before the Bunres fur violations of anv of tb preeeeing aee- tkinsorordinsce hereafter passed who shall ne glect or refuse or be unable to pay the fines and csts Imposed on them by the Burgess shall tie placed In the Luck-up and detained ior a period of not more than forty-eight hoars. See. 71 The Clerk of the Town Council hall keep a bonk to be called tbe Book of Ordinance la which be ahall paste printed eopb a of then ordi nances and of all other ordinances that may be hereafter passed. Sec. 73. In the absence or inability of tbe Bur gees to perioral hi duties the senior member of tbe Town Council, or some ether member ol I he Coun cil designated by a majority thereof shall act as Bnrgvsa. REPEALING CLAUSE. See. 71. Allpreviousonllnancesor portions there of that conflict with any of the sections of this or dinance are nereny re peal ea. Kmueit mm ttbtcribeS tht 27 dor) of April. A. D. 185. Attest : Laarn M. Hkvi, I W. H.WELFLEY, Clark. Burgess. GENTS' F AND HATS AUD CAPS. My Stock is all NEW, and ha been ELECTED WITH GREAT CARE. It consists In part of Hats, Caps, Scarf Pins, Sleeve But tons. Silk and Linen Handker chiefs, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Umbrellas. &c Com and see It, Tb articles ar too nraeroa to detciibe. AU good SOLD AT POPULAR PRICES. Dont forget th place. ROOM NO. J, CASEBEER'S BLOCK. pra PAUL. L. CASEBEER. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eatate of Michael Snyder, late ofStonycreek Twp. Somerset t o Pa deed. Letter af administration an th above estate having bean granted to tha undersigned hyth proper aatborlty, notice Is hereby gives tn all Indebted tn said aetata te aaak immedi ate paymeal, aad those having claims against tbe aame wl present tbem daly authentic far it oa Satardar. the ath dav of Mav. Uaa. aa &ae rewiewee oi jaua i. viotessan, in Hueasa- Beauasr lewasnia. JOHJC O. COLEMAIT, " - UTRCS K AYaTAlf. asBra. jDMIHISTaATOR-S NOTICE. Estate of Abraham Laadla. derd, late of Stony. Blank TbttiiiIiIii niiitisn I'm n r ' Letters ef administratloa oa the above estate havtng beta grant as lis aaaetabrned by the proper Mfcouruj euiice is aereoy given la au arson indebted te mid tateto nrak tmmedi- satmyp,ndUloaebawagelaJBnMthe ansa to present them daly authenticated for tet lllant ag itataay. Maya. 14s, alia e'duafc -,(, aa aoaat ot amaa n aiaer, la Jipgaary, Bid Township, late the naldeneaof said ileeeat CV ' . -. EDMUND LANDIS. rr,Ttt T. MILLER, aim. Adaxbibjtrators. ESTABLISHED 1880. FISHBB'S BOOK STORE, SOMERSET, PENWA. This well established, old and reliable Book. New aad Stat lonerv Store was moved on February Id. lfoie, from iu obi, cramped aad tnsudketent store-Kooni directly opposite cook a Heerii'. in tnese com raoatoo quarters specialty nnea up rur Its occupancy, the stock of Books, News and Stationery has been very greatlvj enlarged. Special at tention will be paid lo the H kolctal Trmde. School Book, School Supi-lies, Paper. Envebiic. Ink, Pea, Almanac. Pencils, Blank Books, ac, will be bought In large quantities direct from manufac turers, which will enable lliit establishment to job to town and covntiy merchants at such figure s will make It advantageous tn bay here. To retell buyers, an almost Innumerable line of gtsnis win he offered. Always for sale aa extensive sad varied assortment of lMetleal Works. Histories, Book of Travel. Novels, Lutheran and Disciples Hymn Books, Dictionaries, Children' Toy Books Magailnes, Reviawa, Daily Paper, blory Paper, and a general line of reading matter. Day School and Sunday LAWYERS AUD JUSTICES BLANK. BLANI BOOKS, TABLETS, AND MAERl'GE CEETIFIIATES. tTMAIIi OSJDETIS SOLICITED. CHAS. ti. FISHER. SOMERSET LUMBER YARD, elias cuNisriisraHM, Kaiaraclmr ail Dealer. WMEsaler ani Rcttifer or LDIEEE 11 BUILDING MATEBIALS, HARD AND SOFT WOODS, Office md Yard AT Somerset, Op- S- 4 C. ft- R. Sttio. OAK, FOPLAK. SIDINGS. PICKETS, MOVIDISGS, ASH, WALMT, TLCOUISO. SASH, STAIU RAILS, CHBRKT, YKLLOW PIKE, SUISGLLS, VOOKS, H ALL SI LKS, CHESTSVT, WHITE PISE, LATH, BLISOS, At'W jt'Z, POSTS A Qeneral Line of all grade of Lumber and Building Material , and Roofing Slate kept in Stock. Also, can lurnisn anything la tbe Un of our business to order with reasonable promptness, such at Bracket. Odd-eixed work, c. elias OTJ2srrrisr3-s .aim:. Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. KA-TON-KA The Great Blood Purifier, Ha been used for centuries bv tbe Indian, and broaght by them direct from tbelr Western bom. led Una gather the roots, herb, berks and gams, ei anil skiiitui ol these people are sent nor to prepare mi remarkable meuicin for uio white man use. Tne Indiana rightly believe that THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE, And that to keep It pare I tb trail to health. prolate sovatnabi a remedy, or one aopetent te care all eissaje anting from imparity of the Mood, as this Indian preparation. No sufferer from any of these afflictions need despair who will give U a fair trial. A DISORDERED LITER AND STOMACH, UNLESS CURED BY IA TON KA. Causes sach disease a Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Soar Stomach, Los ofanuetlte. Heartburn, Da nressiun. 1'eun.Uita. Fmal Disorders. Kldnev Diseases. 1 onstlbalion. Liver Coughs. Indigestion. Asthma, Inflammations. Piles. Insanity. Jaundice, Melancholy, Impure Hiood, Sleeplessness, Fever and Arse, Sciatica, b lienauatisra. Nervousness, Ooatlvene, Bilious Attacks, Feint in the Body, Liver Disease, Bolls, Pleurisy, and a host of other lilt. Tbe medicines of the druggist, taken internally, will do no good. The only safe and sure cure. I la theuseof aaA-TOW-KA. It aids th liver and stomach to resume natural action, drive tb K I sons from th system, tones up tbe nervous influences, purines the body, and restores perfect alth. Ask your druggist for KA-TOM-KA. Take nothing else, as yon valua your health. If he hat tl not, tell him to tend for it lo tb OREGON INDIAN MEDICINE COMPANY, cobby, FEisrisr'L Price $1.00 Fer Bottle, Six Bottles for $5.00. THE IHBIM COUGH SYRUP Iseertalnly the best Hcmodv of Its kind ever Intmdnced. &n1 the nennte whnaiw anffeefnv with Joagh, Uold, and Lung Trouble snoald not delay, riflhAP 1 1 Will never be forgotten by those who saw the wonderful cares per I I J U-M B-S m mm B formn.1 ia nnhlle hv the ln,Hn 1TM.n..nA Mn i, Mii.M ,... Immediately. Ask your aruggiai for Modoc Indian till. Take Bother. It Utile best, a.eentsper bottle. Large bottle 50 cents. For al by all d ggisl mal-lyr. THE OLD RELIABLE SOHTJTTLEE WJU3-02ST. ESTABLISHED IS CHICAGO IX lS4'i. I hare just received two car loads of the most complete Western Wagon in the market there ia a Hear Brake, to be used when hauling hay or grain, a something that farmers know the necessity of when hauling on hilly farms. Kvery part of Hie Wood-work of this wagon has laid in Stock three years before being worked "up, inauriut; the workto .be thoroughly seasoned before being ironed. Being the patentees of the DOUBLE COLLAR AND OIL CUPS. It is the only Wagon made that has this improvement. It avoids the necessity of taking off the wheels to grease, as in the old style ; by sim ply turning a cap the wagon ran be oiled in less than five minutes. This Wagon wants to be seen to be fully appreciated, and parties wishing to buy will do well to see it before purchasing elsewhere. EVERY WAGON FUL1Y INSURED. In offering this make of Wagon to the public, will say I used the same make of Waeon for fivevears when frrjiubtinir acrisei tba k..trv M,.nn- I. , -; 1,. .I.-. Miua, win iiaw wis. sue tbe test. 1 reel warranted in saying 1 believe them the Best Wagon on wheeh. Call on Oliver Knepper or Henry Hetfley, who will, show you the Wagons. SWAGKSTS WASTED THS0VOH0VT THE VOVSTT. I?. HEFFLEY. SOMERSET, MA-TlCXi 28, 1685. CURTIS K. GROVL ! (East from Court Hoase,) Somerset, Penn'a. Manafaetanr af BIGGIES, SLEIGHS, CARRIAGES, 8PRISG1WAG0NS, BUCK WAG OSS, AND EASTERN AND WESTERN WORK Furnished on Short Netle. Painting Done on Short Time. JSy work Is Blade eat or Thoroughly Seotoned Wood, aad th Beot Iron mud Steel, butxtaa tlallj Bstrnrted, Neatly Flnl.hed, and Worrmmted lo Giro SmlitmelUm. I Emplcy Cnlj First-Claia Workmen. Repairing of All Klndafa Hy Lfo Dob oa Short Notioa. PICES REASONABLE, aad All Work Warranted. Call aad ExamhM tar Stock, aad Learn Price. I do WajroB-srorlt. aad tarnish Selves for Wlad- JBUl. iteip"rer th place, and call in. CURTIS K. GROVE, (EJtofOoartHoB,) . aprM-lyr. SOMERSET, FA. PATENTS obtained, aad an baslae tn the TJ. 3. Patent Oflea, ar ka la Ocart atteadea Is tor O0EIATE FEES. Wa ara opposlu th V. & Patent Ofllea. en- irad la rsTEIlT BUSINESS IXCtUSIVElY.aad sen ebtala pataetala lesa Uaaa taaa tasa raaM from WaSHINGTOR. W sea BMdel or dratrfa; I atat advtas as to petea lability free af oharsr; aad we saake HO We rater, Sere, to the PeMiaaster, the SapL of the Homey Order LltvaUoa, aad le etBctaisof the B.Pateat UfBcs. for alrealar. advlea, terma, arcoaaty, aikli ias jom mwm O. A. SNOW ft CX., Opposite Patent OtHee. WaaatosrtBB,D.(L ftj taaa at aavtMna else bv f lawltaatefraa ageacy fer th beat astttn; Boes . aBgu tall. Tsrau tree. ea gnawr. na Book Oo, Portlaad, q Barters to the large, elegant and convenient new School Reward Cards, aad ship them east to as. A few of the most lexrn- Th science of chemistry or et medicine ha never it eUecu are magical. .10 cent per bottle. 8clf - oiling Steel-skein Schuttler Wacom, the for Uuad or Farm Purposes. On the latter ... -i -n . : . 1. 1 i . i , , buiiix iiiiiwkwiiic, anu mey always 5I-OOU THE EQUITABLE Life Assnw Compaiij of lis UnM States.; Tr..u.. s rr..,7 n . If Xa llyllV, Sri Cff I IA BnUAUWAY, ti. Y. 81 CHEAPISDE. LONDON. ASSETS SURPLUS - $53,030,581 - - 12,109,756 - 13,470,571 INCOME New Assurance written in 1883. $81,129,756. Paid to policy holders during the last 24 years, 73,877,699. Tha Society ha wrlttca. darlnir tb peat twen ty year, an accreirat amount f f sew asrarance lanrer than has beea wrluea by aay other c la pa nr ia the world. The sarpla fond of the Sonrlety. on a four per sent. vahaatlMk, I lanrer than that af oay otnr life Insurance company la the world. THaKqutTsaLBLira Asacaaaca Socictt I aaes.a piaiB aad alBsale aontraet ot assu ranee. Ire frem bonlenaoine and technical soodltiuns, and INDISPUTABLE after three years. All poli cies, aa soon as they aesene laillspatalile, are payable IMXEDlATtLI apoa satisfactory proof of death, and a leejal release, wliiKmt the delay Basel wltb other eoapaniea. Uy tht raoarr ravmcjiT, th beaelkclary of an aialla ble policy i aot only saved front annoying delays aad exprasaa, bat receive aeeaalary i alter a quickly aa if th amount of the assaranc had beea Invested la a bond of th Govern aant of the United StaU. W. Frank Gaul, Special Agent for Somerset Co. )Bij IJQONIIt AcaJcij anl Korinal Insltntte. smu Ten or 12 wedQ m. m 20. m Th Normal DrpartaaMt I alaaed esnealallT frr teachers and tones orsusrlns tu t(wh. cmhra- i eiaa theroaab drill la the EnaHsh heanebes aad ' Bw.boda of taaenlB;. The Aealeaii lwiawtnMBt : provides, after tbiiroaah knuwleiis; oftri tn-; llsb braacas, a fall roars la Matbeaiatic, Bci. -eaee. Ureek and Latin raOcieBt f r prvfel'nal swaicsuvauvaneea e,nege classes, uood libra ry, literary eoeurty, and aaodarat ratsa fur tal tiea aad b-jardtnc ror farther particulars addres KKV. W. H. VHfCFJfT or Phor. L M. OKA HAM, Ltaoaxaa, Pa Mar. IS, PinciiIi. vv. T.TS.Vn OTHERS FOLLOW Our&foek Of Drugs, Medicines, and Chemical Is ihe Largest in the Countr. ing enlarged my StonvroJiri. i; riorv suited to ;i rapidiy ir.crf-a. ing trade. I have inert;,! my stock in EVERY DEPARTMENT And Ask a Critical EaiiBlnatioa ' GOODS ?1XD PIIICES. NONE BtT FUSI DRUGS BBFEM r-iwcial Care Given to Omiponciliin rAIXTS, G LAS.-, PUTTY. VAUXltHES, ASh rAisrEns- Zemin B ILL'S 1IKS. COMBS. SI'ONGKS. PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLE;. School Books and School SuppHei at Lowest Prices. eWe ask Special Attention tn thin Hqm-sic Good Goods, Low Prices, An! Fair lealirs Tl a rru. vvfs vr OPTICAL GOODS- 1 v- -- - , v ---- i r. ' ,'.3.V' ' l '.- I ' C. N. BOYD'S. MAMMOTH liLOCK, SOMERSET PA ISAAC SIMPSON, IIMY Ml SHE STABLES, PATRIOT ST., SOMERSET. PA PEALLR ITT SP60HEB PAT.G0LU3! Cannot Choke a Hone i . 1 t Adjusts Itself to fij 1 Horse's MecK, lias iwo liovisui Stitchinff, WUI hold Hamet In piaco better thin any other Collar. r Wont tm Us a Good sa Cars GUTTER Call oa im. 1 alio kwp rntutntlr oa lualA Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Brahr, Lap IHankefi.. and evervthtcx Is liun.1 in a Hrt-cli.ta.Mlrry iii i'3 anl Kiilmir Honrs alwavw rra ly fvrMre When in aeiit of anything la mj Use alajsjeacall. " . lSaAt! SIMPSON. liecJi, Si'vrF-"rr. ft CALVIN HAY BERLIN, XA., (MILLER'S MILL.) MANL'FACTCREB OF FLOUR & FEED! T altaj lrartin rami l- v'lra mtntr nf Ftrl Cf'RS-MKU. Hl'tliWHK.tT FW'B- if all ktB.1 of CHOP. Also, all kinds ul lia wnico i sen at BOTTOM PHICES I 7holes:il and Efil. Y..n will fare mnujl buyins; lr"m me. M j stock is lays tra. OEDEBS PILLED PHOMPTLl Every Farm an experi mental Station. The best analysis of any izcr is in tlio (armor's own Soil tests arc reliable tests to de termine the value of any maouft An analysis is only an intcllig'-31 suggestion, but actual trial by fit iarmer proves conclusively wlitti a fertilizer will give good c?5 or not For six years our $23 Phosphate has stood scves field tests. The best results is been obtained by intelligent far ers ivho us2 it season after seax in preference to any other bras If you have not used it yet,4 hope you will do so this seas BAUGH & SONS, Philadelpbi ! lime i um! trill8 Th Farmer's Llmrooirny, IJnl',,. at ihelr kilos, or i au a n, GOOD LIME At S ceau per Iraihel. r deliver H "J, Lowest loall Kiiro4 SUik as aa-l th Coontv, ao.ljrt the Berlin BnD"' flt er, SmtufoetMm CmlW. It a) "o rriler'o Lime, which is kaowa ' J jr and S leece to i tbe Str.st as.1 o jjjif. rlealtaral Purtiaoa. All rdcTsprnB-P''V. Address, HtSKYS. VAt, oaue-urr uarreit If fl I VVl m 9.1. l m B - va '( AT J