J The Somerset Herald. r. eCVLU Editor. oKO. Marca It, 1 Will too flit? is coming. Trim yoorgrr vines. c J Boyd Praggiat. Old Sol 'ning power daily. Ba? drop of & ST. Boyd, and t happy. TV flr qo of tha ew yew almost t ktin. erhaai tA Winter does no aji letup- ... . . country road win soon . tua w- . mi .1lM.a . iA Ann ti0n radis wm bo.--"1"- ... , Vny think k the days ol tDe seating nun ar- numoereu. a regular March day ; son gun-la? wa ,,, and storm. 6, mux of elegant mw varus m. &( Store. i mnm an a-ettine The men wdow"" r - ,11 iue tra-'e tliere ts. Paints, els, van.isbee. om p jn.-rtPplieiitC.ir. Boyd-s. v,,a iii if Toa bay your iraS. and stationery of C S. Boyd. -a. kati tTaatWl r.mc unit pi - r,.n iUae kind of weather. Li 1 v . a r.ik stove, tnmniea. on, ior im w t Miller's stove and tin store.Soroersat, Pa. i.i,. Cuifh Syrup cures Conghs and iv.i.w It hat no equaL . Druggists all keep it. nn tweep sale of cooking stoves at H Miiier's un aod Hardware Store, Somer- euPa. tv,. neit State Fair rill be held in TbUa delohia. Usting from Peptember 23d to Oc tober 7. Iv5 nr K ii.g"s pectacl nre sold only by C. V B-.yd. Every pair warranted to give sat isfaction. A perfect fit guaranteed. it (.claimed ti.ata poultice made of cut .,) drv Mbacco and applied to any part of .. . l. i. .srted with rheumatism, will ar- furd a'.miart instant relief. 1 liuniber of ministers in different parts of tl.i, (irate have notified their congregations ..,. ihev aiil rn-t adn it iMer tlesarranietit .oii,r of their meniners who patronise the skating rink". In the distance of si I miles between Mt. Pallas nd the Narrows east of Bedford, the bne of the South Pennsylvania .imi the Ravstown branch all times, re quiring the building of six bridgi Visrsn. Bac-m, poutoes, oats, wheat and maple tneir for cah, or in exchange for groceries, nf feeds, salt, fish and phosphate, at cash price. Cook A Bcbritb. Casroaia. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. A hen she was a child she cried forCastona, When she was a Misa, sheclur.g to Castoria. When ilie had children she gave them Cast a. Miat Jlaaxtr. Main Street We have ,i ,lied a lanre Refriceratoi to our Meat Market in which all meats can be kept coo' and clean. Mutton, Beef, Pork. Ac. "kept constantly on hand. Open daily. Parties buying meat can have it kept in the Refrig erator until wanted. Ross Davra A Co. The California Legislature propose to re ward the good ss well at punish evil doers a will tnpeir from bill before the legisla ture of that State, which provides that any rout i g roan a rider 21 yean of age, who learns a trade by serving an apprenticeship of tliree years, and who proves himself to be of (tnod moral character, shall receive from the State a bonus of $250. Firmer would do well to note tb recent aV-iiua of t be court in regard to barbed aire irnrts. It ia held that no boundary fence can be made of barbed wire without consent of the parties owning the adjacent Unit, and any man who pots op barbed wit fence al mg tbe hiirb way renders hitn srrt liable for all htjaries resulting to stock pa-wing along said highway. Btsctm is Watch fa. Having bought an immense stork of American Watches at tbe deprewd price, I am selling them at price never before qn-axi. Wahbam, El Kin, Springfield and Rock ford movements in S.lid Silver cases at $8, $1 $1J and $14. Every watch guaranteed. E. McDowell. Jeweler, -Somerset, Pa. It is stated on good anthority that no watch will keep the same time with differ ent people. Tbis iscuriomUy attributed to the temperament of tbe wearer, and it is claimed that even the mere physical differ ence in gait and movement between differ ent people will affect the keeping f abso lutely accurate time. Too magnetism of the wearer is also supposed t affect tbe time rfisterinr machinery of watches. A WntBTO FlIVEBS. It it generallv conceded that grans seed P"wn in the west are cleaner, and contain lew of the weed than those barvesttd east of the Ohio nver. therefore we direct roar at tention In the fact that oar stock of seed ronits of none other than choice Western Clover and Timothy, at prices com pa rati ve J k'w Home, or Eastem-gmwa Clover. e" he sold st GO cents to tl per huabel leas tKan choice Western, and farmers who pre fer Extern seed ai.d leave their orders with - i'l hesecommodated with an little delay Pib!e. Reepectfnlly. Cook & Becexts. t Wo w EvEtTtonr. The tetmn f. Mackerel Fish has arrived ""1 those wUhingto purchase the beet good h least money, may lose barrains. if 7 do not come from one to twenty miles tiamine our g.odt and learn prices, be " 'hig parrhasea elsewhere. Our flb )ck wens bought at headquarters, Boa ,on nd prices range from 7 to $1 r barrel, according to qualitv. But we m special attention to the XXX Selected r. which cannot be excelled in quality wihenriee, in this or any other retail mar- Weighai guaranteed. Barrela 200 lba , fiatves lb,. net. Quarters 40 lbs. net. l lbs.net. , Respecfully. Cook A Btixm. FmtBoogSroaiv-This well eatab 'j. ld and reliable Book. News an4 ""ery Store ... moved on Feemary J. o ' fr ' 'ld. rramped and Insufficient wnei, to tbe large elegant and convenient rw" directly opposite Cook 4: In these erimodioi onartei "y fitted np for i. occupancy tbe J " . news, and stationery has twe. II , " r m,, .- i.,Ho,Kam. atra MTvmiy v sera nmm. i ivirn, ati.u iicuh uiilii luc uout i-. a-ii--n rii -Will he iA A .v.. , .... i ..... . 1 v twp. opociai attrn- Bu.Jt aTw. -nranrnw iran. rniveroian. r AUfvlienr Clt. raitnred an . ' snpiJie, Paper. E.i- j illfcci dMilk-rr wewr Lrett. Cambria onin-! Ikuj ! Pen. Alwanara. Pencil, jty Tbe rantntwrf pntperty wan the land' Vwitiesd" f k larire j ,4 FUaian MniVrbead Tbeofflrw broke ' 'UihU ',,"frfwr which and nthtwW rerwVred osHe three fer-! l.a,... 1 -".-iimalflllulFIDInbies . ""'j men-tianta at . a snerrtiant at anch tra a e it an vantarenn to k.. .1 i. "tail hntaa .i mi, mhtv -onierahk. a oK 'of..i, he raffered. an a.. i , Alway for f . " V " wtient . " 1 Rl4jrial rbkr.ata tmf Tmrnmrnm hook TvZ.:" "-" """Us by vuisnnai Oiiidreoa Toy book. raiiea. Rev. Dailv lanai u Wli, , .. ' ", kr a. . "wwid" matter. Um, Uwrl T, rh'A wwswf7i f-n Jn.... . 1 . a ... Atan! u : "wiss. uiank -a- vnineateSL Mail or- aiatt. Ca H. Piaanu I Moving dar April 1st falls on Wednes day tbii year. The Miliar editor of Pittsburgh Oils week. . the Huald is io Several car loads of boraea vera shipped from thia place last weak. 1 The County Commissioners will meet at their office on the sixth of April. The thermometer reg later rd two degree below aero at an early hoar Tuesday morn ing. No attention paid to anonymous commu nications We must have the uaiue of the writer. Uvs stock is bringing good prices at the public aales now being held throughout the county. Bat little raapl - tuar has been made op to date. The season thai tar has not beeu Try favorable. Mr. Bamael Ferrel of Berlin, has rented the Merchant's Hotel at Johnstown, and wilj take possession April 1st. t Postmaster Davis has placed his resigna tion on file in the PoaUiffiue Department to take effect oa the 51 instant. ) f Two of our liverymen, Mr. C. Fboads and Mr. Jacob Fleck, each Jost, by death, f vaj nable bone within the pa.t few davit. Rev. A 8. Baaruganiner will lecture on the subject tf Temperance at Mt. Zion Evan, gelical Church, teller's, on Thursday eyee log. March 19th.: : aanaeBBa jl J. B. 8nyder. of the firm ofj B. Snyder A Co., is now in the eat fwirchaaiit: a large stock of spring goods, which be will have here by the first of nert week. Mr Jacob Brceybile h.j !d his large i building used as a ten-pin alley, billiard sa- Moon, etc. to Mr. Oliver Knepper, who wilj take posscjaon on the lit of April. Our country friends still continue to come to town in sleighs and sleds, the sleighing on the country roads being first-rate. In and about town the snow has almost entire ly disappeared. We are in receipt of an invitation, from Ml. fi-ianit P...1 J V. Poi.t to lltnil the A r . nual dinner of the Coke Producer's AsauciaO tion, at the Dtiquesne Cub, at half-past seven o'clock Friday. The invitations are beautiful specimens of the engraver's art. Senator Cameron will go to his cattle ranch in Aritona after the adjournment of tbe special session of the Senate. From thence he will go to Southern California and will spend the autumn in Portland. Oregon He hopes by this trip to restore his health:. Bcksrd to Death. Robert Hart, a Scotch railroad laborer about forty-five yean of age was burned to death at the Laurel Hill tun nel last Wednesday night. Tbe shanty, of which be was the sole occupant, took fire during the Bight, it is supposed from the ex plosion of a coal oil lamp, and in a few sec-1 ond was enveloped in flames. The body when found could scarcely be recognized, as it was burned almost to a crisp. Elder A. P. Cobb, of Kentucky, is holding a most interesting series of meetings in tbe Disciples' Church. It is seldom that the people of Somerset have an opportunity of listening to so forcible ami eloqnent a'a'ker as Elder Cobb and we would advise all who have not yet beard him to try to do so. He commenced preaching Tuesday night of last week, and bis able sermons each night since, and on Sunday morning, have been listened to by such audiences as would make (.lad tbe heart of any minister. There were five conversions Sunday evening. Advuttisid Lxttebs Tb following let ters remaining in tbe postoffice at Somerset, Fv. will be sent to the Dead Letter Office if not called for before April 1. 1H85: Corcoran. James; Flanigan, Gina ; Gin dlespenrer. Cyrus ; Oarvey. Minnie ; Green, Mary ; Hart. P. H. ; Hartman. Michael ; Jackson, Charles ; Kelly, Thomas ; Lint, E. McGillan, Thomas ; Rs, Sherman ; 8cott. Winfield; Schweibing. Frank; Shoemaker, Mm. Susan ; Wood, Mary Emma ; William, Simon ; Zimmerman, Annie. Postal. Cole, John C. A. C Davis, P. M. Somerset, Pa, March 18, 18c. ' ' A Haeowi:o ScEse. William Paul, of Frostburg. Md., was killed bv a train tn Cumberland a few davs since. His bodv was horribly mangled, and tbe features were scarcely recognisable. In the pockets of tbe victim were several letters bearing tbe ad dress of Harry Colborn, of Somerset. Hon. A. J. Colborn. tb father of Harry, was on the train and was greatly frightened, believ ing tbe mangled remains to be tbosa of his son. On further search other letters were fonnd addressed to William Paul, and it was then ascertained that Paul was tbe vic tim's PkSne- He aud Harry Colborn were intimate friend, and hoarded nod roomed together in Frostburg, and when Paul left that morning far Cumberland he. ia mis take; put yoang Colbom's overcoat cm. which accounted for tbe finding of tbe let ter. Mr. John Baer, a former Somerset boy, is candidate for tbe office of City Clerk of Streator. Illinois, in which city he has made his boms for the past few years. The Tina of that place savs editorially : H is a young man, who in every way deserves the snpport of every citizen. He is of that make up which every American delights to honor. He is indeoendent. fearless and reliable, lie is competent in every respect. Every posi tion be ha held has been one that would fit him for the office. In no way can- he be said to be tbe tool of any clique, nor the henchman of any magnate. . Too independ ent tor either, he has won for himself the confidence and respect of all hi fellow citizens, and we believe, when we ask the suffrages of the people of Streator for John Baer, we but mention the name of tbe next City Clerk." The recent sojourn of Judge Baer. of Som erset, in Ebensbnrg, during the period be occupied Judge Johnston's place on tbe bench, led to tbe visit of the A-ssocittte Judge and Commissioneis of Somerset County to our county seal referred to a day or two ago. Tbe Judge was very favorably impressed with our county buildings, and at bis sug gestion the officials above mentioned came over to make an inspection of them, with a view to adopting some of our improvements to the court bouse and jail in Somerset. The visitor cam down from Ebembarg last vetiinr, apetit th ni)rht at tb Holbert I Boose, and returned home this morning, Associate Jodsre Spyder said that the party were greatly pleased witb oar county vaild- inn. and that the probable result of thrr inapection would be tbe addition of a venti- awtor snagtoer tiaw iiuprtiTeraeaits o tne i etomerset Cart Howe aud tb. enVarging of! th. Jail. Cororaiaaitmer Uamiltoa had ' tb. party in charge white they srerw tn Eh ensburg Jmmnttomm Tnbmmt. . , A Still Hear .ao TH! Rbbflt. Yeater- a day Deputy Revenue C -Hector Frank Stew-! - rt -l- . a - - . - I. ibm.iI. ml-. . w.l... . . 1. ... I I ! ..n- - m w. - -. . .w-iTi! - M.airj -uwaini ; one wrnt tnn. TTie worat aod ciill .vjere . ... 1 , .. ... . . .. : I tasen re. Lt-rettn arm srnt--en to AHeyttynv cUt. Witberbrand t.k tbe n.Stier ' rv canlly and told tbe . Arer to an ahead, j Thia anakea the th'rd dirtiHery. m a Hie ' moonshiner principle, that La been cat tared hy revwonw efficers in Casobria otatnty, and fmm all armnnM thai aeirt ta nra at .... ins row win oe repoeten to tbe department Depatv Wewarl U a faithfol , fficrr. at ten. to si dot and al wtf oa lbs look l4it . . I Bir violaUotM of ta rev.nne Uws. B ! the sida ha ia a t Baitean ana an ajaablt onrnpanioa. . aVaSra. His Honor, Judge Kreba, of Clearfield' baa slaughtered about half tbe licensed houses in that county. Oat of eight appli cations froca QKWtJJLprjMtiVMied, tndr the same, ratio wMTJtoaeTjTaAiefiM to throughout the county. Ha also gave no tice that in fuWro 6eroald grant no license to any one known to keep his bar open later than half-past ten at night. The Judge also refused all woraea who applied lor hotel li cense, claiming that it is about all i can do to ran a hotel pi aptly. The following bill was introduced in Hoo.se of Representatives by Mr Co bom, on January 22, 1b : ." .; . .- AS ACT -v- ' Snpplementary to Uie several acts of Assem . b.'y relative to hawkers and peddlers. Sbxtiob) I. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hons of Repreeentatrvea of Km Oiravnon wealth of Pennsylvania In General Assem bly mtt, and it beraby enacted by tbe au thority of the same. That from and after tbe passage of thia act it shall and may be law ful tar all persons to hawk and peddle the goods, wares and merchandise of their own growtb.r vanaaeturtf witJAn tnebnity waver toe tamaaxe growu or naanaaicrnrea witboat any license so to do, and all acts or parts of acta, whether general or special in- ounsisteiit herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. r gowawoop taawaaeiat. asuoii. essatiup districts ensure a ruuer vote and render frai Qr difficult of aocomplishmetit. Newspaper correspondents should bear in jiindihat exlitrs da. no y aina ooinureica )otia by fheif -length. Sri iy lbe juisrnea and frbneaxjf theloial nasi wkicklhey contain. , The die draveta near iihjnthe country e litor's big stock of patience will be sorely tried by a deluge of column articlea on "Ihe Last Daf of Sctiogl." ftnl-flhau down, friends, boil down, skirawfiT. an send noth ing but the pure, thick syrup. x The proposition lj editi the children of the Com mini wealth bn hioney derived from liquor licenses i an invention of the devil to lengthen the life of a business that is doing more than nil things else knock; the pins from under tbe ttroily, tbe church and the Slate. Exchange. CosrLi E.xcE Items. Dr. Fichtner, who was down with rheo- matisav is out again, but not able to travel. Hk protracted rbeeftn to be held in the Lutheran church, commencing in a few .jJ'c'U a'lOtHC.oVT Wc are to bare a skating rink in the near f-itnre.'TA partly feminine, wUh wei!-d-ve .oped anderstanding, withe to know if Siatescan be adjusted to shoes with under cut heel and toe. Moving time is close at hand, arid there are about twenty more Rouses wanted for the accommodation of those who wish to live here. The scarcity of bouses is owing to tbe difficulty of obtaining lots on which to build. The Confluence land company own the land, and it seems they don't want to aell uutil the town grows larger. Of cmrse it Is their land and they can do with it as they see proir. , If a manufacturing company to come here they could not get enough ground to pul their buddings on only at a fabulous price, if at all. .! It ,- must, ixy as apparent to those who are treating 'Gen. 'Grant, as it ia otne eamide world, that tbe fearful dis ease is beyond their control, aud that it will soon prove fatal aides arrested, and why tbt-y should object to D. Brown, simply b cause b at fusts to mat known his treat ment, is not apparent, 'and by no means Jnstitiable. . If Dr. Drown 'sees fit to be ir regular it Should not deprive the old war hero of the benefit of any remedy that prom ise relief. . rules Dr. Douglas and Baker will agree to give Grant the benefit of any treatment that would likely be successful, public feeling will be against them March 13tu. 1885. X. The ookiso assual mkstiso or the SkxTBEEH George Brumbaugh, Andrew Beaatior, William Kurtz, H. B. Brumbaugh, David Neiswanger.Seth Meyers, Juhn Rush. Andrew Spangler, John Stoner, Benjamin 8chelleobergert tfilliani Zimmerman and Isaac Heading bare been appointed by the Brethren ounfenanst of too sjiddlo district of Pennsylvania to prepare for the holding of the Brethren national conference ia Ju- i mat County,, Withintb last few. day llO.OW fset of damber have rice unloaded at Mexico Station, on tbe P. R. R., and hauled a mile and'ohe-nalf to tbe farm of Rev. V. R. Bemshor, about four and one half mik east of Miffilntown, Juniata CwUMty, where buitdHigs wiU neeiwoted for tb largest eccleitical meeting ever held in the Juniata valley: Tbe'tneettng will be opened on the 23rd of May. No- meeting will be held on the ground at night, but Brethren ruinissrsr wirli-innAi ? st night to bit thVy niVy be irrrlted. In order to secure a perfect management in all of the detail of tbe meeting, tbe committee named above have sub-divided themselves lato eleven fcomuilttee. for the securement of building material, erection of buildings, for the securement of groceries . bread, pies cakes, beef and pork, queens- ware, cutlery, tubs, buckets, feed, furnaces and printing. I , t-f 'JfrrO Twenty-five steers that weigh ten or twelve hundred pounds each have been se cured, and are now in tbe course .f fatten ing. In addition to tbe beef, the bill of tare for tbe meeting comprehends SOW weight of ham. 1,000 pounds of coffee, SO pounds o1 tea. 2.190 pounds augar. 500 pound bologna sausage. .00 pounds dried beef, 1 000 pounds of cheese, 20 barrels of crackers, 30 J d z-?n agga, six barrels pickles,- iW gallons milk per day, with many other good things to eat. ,The tabernacle or ureaeh ing house p to be in size 1T0 feet' long, fc4 fcetwide, and hav a capacity to seat 4,500 people, Th dining hall is to be 150 fret long. 90 feet wide and Iiave a capacity to seat IJLQ0 people. Tbe restaurant building is 100 feet long and 12! leet wilel JTereitoaarajtrTf commissary department ana Hospital. While all the means mad details for tbe erection of the boildinjrs and for the board ing of the "mo I tit title wilt be provided for by tb brethren qf ihe conference, f the : middle dintrict of PaoiVlvarJ'fli aWetinl will be a national one, and fifteen hundred dele-1 pites will attend to represent th Brethren church of the United States of America. llnntinodon Journal. :iii,UX .am Or Hakbisbiko Lbtteb. Habbisblbo, Fa., Marco 14, laS From Oar Aremiar t'i uaasai'twf. f. n. After A vacation 'ol a weti the Pennsvl- vatiia Leg islatnre assembled and started to work in great earnestness, and after passing ! several rather" insignificant measarra, its work was (topped by a long useless and ex-' iiaim a inmiiiileraSann isf a hill lajwatilalainii rspecuTalKrTfniJtritricls'ari gram withont ' delivery. J lie o:i-orkr loDDy I here in Sucb number a to buck up pasage-way and fill every vacant chair. Mr limine of Venangti, who ha made his niflli.-iis by tbis kind' of ganiDliii:.ipwed the bill witb aH bi power and in order lo prevent vote on th bill pruUmced bi speech hv a great many lengthy auae-i, dramatical xrs-' ...J U... ...ill ll.'L... t . ..I ajanit rwUert bmond waatj Uie tir ra. f ih Amy were 4i!erf and tbe bill wrnt -ver ti I th next dayj tliua U wa omaWrsd f..r sereral day. - Hatlnjrs alway srin.Jy etH-nKb lo ejsk aiaitisl time rWef ied a voir koui in.ii. Mawaia, ai aniia w mil kj.. .LU t. .li.t. L.I..J f filihiwterin: a (treat deal . tbe !nur -pant . ..... i tleol if tn niir-rtatit ..... S1 V r .. wr ' tne Utwiae n,.if 'at 1,. i.fwTn. think tl iMaml L ri.,r. Ir'aO. al of itimraailliw. Were be- tt eev Cue iil44 r re tefts the meniw-r- what h! "I- -iit;tir u ajMia law ana whaA euatit tw aw kilted. Thecaaater.Witfc hi Dtain roth, hhth silk I hat with rtaprrajttriaar riaa.i and hkr eitan , shaven face, speaking as fhe Sf4rit meres hint, alway trains; tti red thee and th..n th.,,dthlt.ailier14icir.,...;nt , 1 i " , . ....... w nianiai iaa-1. aan aiatsiattT a rniaiiii. i ........ w ua a. a soldlnraJrmoant Park. .WBf,.m Jl 1" THa"rU i TJ Ikaoc aaoa. Wata ratty jaosa,!. am atajts sew nllrak-raj Vi-y. I wt, wav...... lifail nyuVL u ing noees, corpulent bodies and fitf pocket ' book are here, speaking with vehMwnca, I n.-H. k wmAJnt .rnVtiMl tha B "J ' "B " - - 1 language in their efforts against high-flceose and all temperance measnrea. The book men. with the book agent te nacity and untiring perseverance ar bsarw, showing the big scheme tbete is in tbe scien tific temperance education bill, and this bill took as though it were going to be kiLVd since it has been revealed that Mr. Ha at, i the fnimer of Uie bill, is the author of accp- (yr'jrited work-on tiyii'Mry ana nygie n witti fprc al reference to the effects of ale o- hlic stimulants on the system, let with ad (ties couteuding element the Legisia -ture thus far has gone about its work in a very independent manner. In the Senate most all of the legislation done thia week was in tbe interest of Phila delphia, however it asaes one measure that will be of interest to all the farmers of your country, an Act to provide for tbe erection and maintaining of water troughs for the use of horses and cattle on tbe public roads of this commonwealth and providing penal ties for the injury and destruction of the tame. Senator's Lee and Wallace have at last framed a bill from tbe different anti discrimination bilis, which will be passed.. It provides, among other things, that all individuals, associations and corporation sbaU have equal right to have persona and projierty transported over railroads and ca nals, and no undue or unreasonable dis criminations shall be made in charge for or in dualities for transportation of freight or paaeni:ers within this State or coming front or going to any other state. Persons and property transported over any railroad shall be delivered at any cation at charge not exceeding the charges for transportation of p Twins and prop-rty of the same clan in tbe same direction to any more distant ata-ti-in ; but excursion and commutation tick- 1 ets may be issued at special rates. No discrimination in charge or facilities: for transportation shall be made between 1 traip irtation companies or individuals, or in favor of either, by abatement, drawback or otherwise, aud no railroad, or canal com pany, or any lessee, manager or employee thereof, shall make any preferences, in fur nishing cars or motive power. The underground wire bill bids fair to get a hearing in the House, notwitbstandinr tbe fact that a committee, composed mostly f Philadetphians, tried hard to kill the raea s ure by reporting it negatively, as a resol a lion to place it ou the calendar will be cabl ed upon Monday evening. If tbe House bill is defeated a bill of like import, coinpellinig telegraph and telephone companies to pla ae their wire underground, will soon be pass id by the Senate. The Democratic Senators have been bond so much by the importunities of applican ts for positions under the new administration, that they held a caucus on Thursday even ing and reso.lved to sign no applications for those who wish office under the new nation al administration unless the applicants ar personally known to them as men of State or National fame. Ou Friday last I went with tbe House Ap propriations Committee to visit tbe Penn sylvania Training School for Feeble-minded children, at Media. Everything was in the most perfect order, and scrupnlously clean. It was the unanimous opinion of the Committee thatot all institutions in this Slate, there was none more wotthy of an ap propriation than this ; and the excellent maimer in which everything is mansed is an evidence of the great ability of Dr. Isaac N. Kerlin, the very efficient Superintend ent Pennsylvania should feel proud that she has institutions of this kind, where hun dreds of weak and feeble-minded children are by judicious training prepared to earn their own livelihood, and so have been ?be means of removing great sorrow from hun dreds of homes. The class-drills were ex cellent, and gave proof of very careful train ing. and showed, too, what could be acconi plished with mental imbeciles, by efficient instructors. I was at the inauguration of President Cleveland last week, and amid the jam and jostle of tbe crowd, while the parade was passing, I heard several very oggeative re marks. In front of me was an aged colored citizen of Washington, with his wife, re viewing the procession, and when tbe col .red troops came marching by, be remark ed " Dar, Mary, i our boys ; doan dey look sojere? Lod, who'd a thought it! When de las' Democrat war made President, 1 war standin' on de block, down Penneylvaaey abenne. belli' sold for a slave ; now at de nex' Democrat presidency my boys march in de procession Again, when the rebel General Fit Hugh Lee came riding by there was a shrill, pierc ing veil, that seemed to come only from the upper part of the mouth and which only the shaiLbellied Southerner can make rent the air, and an aged man standing to my right, with a startled air looked around and said : " The lt time 1 heard that in Washington was when the bu'k of Democracy was try ing with bullet and shells to take the Capi tol they have now taken by means of the ballot." And then when the gallant James a Bea ver came riding along on his prancingsfeed, tbe whole crowd of spectators seemed to be carried away, judgine from the burst of ap plause that came rolling along on both sides ar.d the loud huzzas that bunt from a thou sand throats a some loyal Pennsylvanian shouted : " Hurrah for the next Governor of old Pennsylvania!" The busiest men on the Hill " now are the reporters and newspaper men. Few people of the many who scan tbe pages of our dailies know the work a reporter must do to give them the news. I suppose next1 to Mr. Pedrick. the Associated Press man, who has been here for twenty-two years. Tom Jones, of the Harrisburg Teleqrnph. is the most widely known. He is an untiring worker, a fluent and spicy writer, a man of brains and good judgment, and one who ia destined to gain prominence in tbe editorial profession. Every member knows "Tom mv.'' and the rapid manner in which he gains the mo-t imrxirtant information is a For ten years lie lias been "plvine the pen" and telling what be knows" tlirmih the columns of our must promi nent newspapers. He is the man who made public the- action of the Democratic caucus last session when they sat with closed and guarded doors, and in varinns wsys reveal ed to the public information that helped the Republicans to wipe out Democracy last fall. Sasco. MARRIED PHlLLirPI-MKEriE -On Sunday, Feb ruary S, 1885. by Jacob Gerhard, Esq., Mr. Aaron Phillippi to Mis Sadie Meese, both of Somerset County, Pa. r SAYLOft EKOS On Sanday, Febro ry 22. 1883, by the same. Mr. William Sav ior, of Favette County. Pa., to Miss Sarah Fnm of Somerset Omnty. Pa jsyoEMABEB TRErSLEB On March S, Iah5. at tbe residence of William Shoema ker, in El klit-k township, Mr. Jeremiah J. Sb-n-niaker lo Mii Melinda Trcssler, all of &iaitrct CVunty, Pa DO N A II OE RI KG LER. December Z. oLt.n.-ww..r . 1884, al On fluence. Pa., by A R Uaiabert, r. Frank r.nahoa and Hiss Lydia Kiastlef, bi4b of Somerset County, Pa. MILLER - II Til BERT -On Tharaday . . M ,, Y.. .1... n.u u. m.a.i A. Miller wrid Mis Effie H. Hnrubert, both I f Hanserrsville, Bt merset County, Pa. i t ! MEYERi-DETWILEB. On Sunday. , Man h M IHsA hmt tl.m am. a lie William - - Aih - rt M.l.ni .ml Mmi I'mma Taaril.. H. ll, ..I I'. , i m ill., Fa. lie C.hii.I, Pa. . . , i , , .-.a.... LEPLEY On Wedneadav. Uarr-h 4 1IWS ! near Wellersberx. Maria, wife of Valentine f Lej.'ey. aeti car. Sju.-niha aj.il 21 dva 1 wavag j CVVV t II i:'."TV 1a At J - a r.f r ii 1 i-s, rrtia.,; Baarar, rwssw ea i r . All tb Eaapley) Utacbargvid. PrmBUBO, Blaich 13 AH the creditors of tbe Oliver 4 Roberts Wire Compeoy, limited, htvesif.-n-ed for tbe rxteoaion. and the tr da tee. Major 8. U Bent, ot Steeelton, and John 8. Slagle, of tbis city, this day asaomed charge of the works. Tbe first act of the tiaatees was to issue an order discharging all ihei employes : of tbe company. irut-teta ku) remain in session day and to-ai'rrw, in oritur t lend to me neiau mature nro narv in rlirt-ctinz the cotuuit busiorts under the new regime. ' !:i A Tbief K oiled. Readisq Pa-, Maruh 12. Mr. George A pp. a wealthy widow rewtl ing atSeiplea Station, was called upon on Tuesday by a man who represented himself as a New York attorney, who desired to settle np, some matters io connection with her deceased husband's eHtate. C Durinir lest night the visitor blew open the family sate, abstracted raluahle pa pers and fled It w nelieved thut be was after . $10,000 which Mrs. App received on Monday from the !aleofiron mines, but which was placed in bank at Allentnwn. ' : - . i IH ii in ' i Col la pa of the Hew?) 8teel Pro- t i Readiso. Pa , March 18. The an nouncement was made here this af ternoon of the collapse of the Henderson Steel Syndicate. This was a pol formed hv leading iron manufacturers of New York and Pennsylvania to exrxriment wilb the Henderson proorcs of mikine steeL It was claimfd that it wis cheaper than the Bessem er method, and that equally good steel could be manufactured. The pool had raUed $100,000 to experi ment witb and control the new process. Men Who Din oa Dogs. i Lebanow, March 11 The oppi ftition to Hungariiins, Polandersand other European cheap Uhor bns been intensified by a discovery junt made on the Blue Mountains A nam her of these foreiffners have been engag ed nearly all winter in chopping wood on the mountains and fre quently ran short of provisions They had several very large watch dogs with them, and these they ate. Many of these foreigners have left the coal and mountain regions for tH- r native lands." They say that by a few year's hard work and Div ing in this country they can live at home in comfort Uunng the win ter many of the finest dogs belong ing to the farmers, along tbe foot of tbe mountains bavedisappeared.and a party who recently visited the de serted camp of the foreign laborers found tbe bare bones of no less than a dozen dogs in the vicinity of the hutu occupied by them. American Tube Works Blown t'p Hakrisburg, March 12 There was it terrible boiler explosion this afternoon at Middletown. 9 miles east of here. The boilers of tbe American Tube Works burst, com pletely wrecking the estahlwnment and causing t logs or sio.UUU. Al onzo conn and U. if. Alelhorn were so badly injured! hat thev will die, Seven other workmen were hurt more or less. The work were the second largest in the country. Terrible Deatlmtlon. Wilkesbabre, March 12. Pat rick Ramey. wife and son, living in a smala shanty near H alien back breaker, are very poor. Two months ago Ramey 's wife, while drunk, was out in a severe storm, daring which time she froze her bands and feet m a horrible manner. The neigh bora, not seeing or hearing anything of the woman for some weeks, be came alarmed, and visiting tbe house fonnd her lying in bed, the frozen portions of her body being mortified. She lay in filthy room friubiful to behold.. Her cae is be yond recovery. Office Occapants. Washington, Marcb12-Secre tary Bayard and Attorney General Garland have both - notified, clerk in their respective department that thev need have no' fearof Josing thir positions, as they dri not pre posedisuQireing any one except for neglect of duty. - Flaane) Devour $1000 in Caab. Oil City. March 12 Yesterday momine the elegant residence of Joseph Black, in Cranberry Town ship, was burned to the ground. Among other losses was that of a curpei-sack containing 81000 in greenbacks, stowed up stairs. ED TAR THAOK Vtg MARK. Wrwa Oplmtm, Jaaafic aaat iimw. PROMPT. SAFE. SURF Cwea tar .. Cotaa mm eaaav Taawa saa Tim CtCT a yi.a. ArSai .a TWlCBiatOI l.TOUSLXB COl. aH UrT-n -- j--. -1 f ra . n ;M -mm,irB. rui " --alM, Bialaa aad ether I'ala. mm4 Ackee. .- 4 lialin rjlaS,T I if Ooaat at fiROCERiai FLOUR & FEEt 0M04CC puB,rM, W Ml a AoiaataKtav. aai am oe Bsaa, f) (a Sx.a i oo r m -iaj-a I ftVU fa ao-ao . a.M ft kwak steal. IS as. sue a ..... ic W . ........ BO! .... . ...... loo try , Data, ( new - " - (bbuim i ota ' Calf skins, ........ Ftoar. bM PlaZSOM. W b. tS S) Haata fBaV-urai LaM.f) 'appar, - ... ktlddl ' Sa-H1 11 , rif ....acjloe JJ! T? Uat. Potato. . (BOW)... Ky. ....V.Y.'.'.'.l JJJ'bJ. w"bai"Batr".7. Or-aaii Aksm peraak. " ? - a -w- Ba.ia.tS a. ft 040 - , 1MJ! - ee 30c eosj a TV ia4i a4ac .- 6-7lat Tfc-eaala. ........ .... ... . aaw iIm ahaie al BuUtla mCOTOE'S SALS ' OF 1 valnabie Real Es tale - it i i ikti c or an emer issiMti saioiio ur - i I fbMf Coart of Sor CjtT to aw ittrsot- 1. 1 wiu axpua at paDlie tale a soottrau Hut - ago oa i 1 the u.wn, and ar valuable fur bwihll-m ir woe. Asv rvrvon vlatilni- to aaeara a valawM- lot to baild apoo. sow to too chance. The lota will oa soU Id ia wbuio or aepanua. to salt pareaaatf. aV-TEBtaU CASH. " r! JOIAH KFXLER. -maris. EzTof F Gilbert deeM. ILIOOISTIEB. , ;j Ariajaii tallica; Ssrinz Ttra of 12 W&s Cjus M 2d 1323. Win Tho Normal Department I dericvod etpottalfy far toaehera aod IN too or purioa Ut tooea, oabra eioa ibuniaah tirill in i!ie tnulUb benbj and no ho-ls or toactilBaT. To AcnUemlo UcpartBMat pr ivlilea. alter tb rouirb EuowlMigo of tbe taf ub brinehes, a full coarse Id MatbeKSties, Hel oBeo. O oek aad Lailo sonVteai for peafowl- nal S'adira or advanced e-4leg ela-e Oiwd libra ry literary aeriety, aad aodsrsia rates Mrtai Uoo aad b -srdlag. 1 i ! i j For furtbor par tenUrs adilren KtV W H. VINCEVT wll PKOF I SL QKAHASI,. ,, Lioosna, Pa alar. IS, ' Pflnelpls.? EGGS FOR HATCHING From PnrBrMl fttwclu Hi For th of lati I aaa ennnlr Tmrwrn tntm Lanarshan'it pars-bred Fowl at ALSO per settlair. 13 mid. Tbo Lana-shaB's stand at the heit of iae nit or aoarly all poaltry yaraa. , , Fob Hal Bv M. A. SNYDER, . ' marte-lm. Vasts, Fa. A Eetul D M I N ISTRA TOR'S NOTICE. tut of Henry Penrod'. doeVI, late of Shad Twp. Komoraet oanty. r a. Letters of admininratioa un tbo abor estate kartoa; ben araoted to the and rsia-nsd by tho proper au'hori y, a-xlco is bereb Klven -o all per'ooa iadebte-i to said ette to make immedi ate payment ami tkoae havina claim aa-alast tti same to present tbem duly authenuratad lor set tlement oa Ttars-lay, the )rd day of April, at the late reside ace ot deceas. - JOSEPH CAPLE. marll Administrator, DMINISTRATOB S MITICE, . Aetata of Margaret Hanlln. dee'd.. lata of Jenccr Tp meret t.. Pa. Latter of admlnstratioo oa lb above eatat bnvlna been itrenied to trie nndersierne.! by tbe proper aatbority, not Ire Is honrby aivaa to all porsi-ii indebted to said enata to make immedi ate payment, an- tb. m having rlalms airalnnth aamewlll pnseni tbem duly aa-b--Biirated Sir sett 1 ment on Pm antay April 2i 1SS ., at th re Ucncoof Jacob Siadt, Id Jeonrr Twp JAW1W !TT"FFT, -maris. Admln.etrator. Financial Statement OF ' i SOMERSET BOROUGH, PA. Far M Year Ending March RECEIPTS. Caeh balance In hands o( Trees- '' arar Ci. K. bbafer 1 3 , Wm. H. Piatt, C'olleeUir'i bon-l. 1111 Jo. Irwin, daplicate ISA! (Wm. (iiloeri) 2 ! Duplicate ISM net bal. ot Hickn. 37 90 ' ISM on abatements .. T4 v - no abatemeou. - It 71 " per et. add. S. P. einydcr 1U 08 Canh from Boron(U Scales, 11. tl. ' Zioimerraaa 0 IS Flues ami Licenses per K urged. Lumber ami Drain boxes 46 70 Cab KaL llo. ti B. ben 11 ... TS borrowed trum Una. td Scull loo uu tXPEWDITrBES.ou-i 1 Police Services A lampllchtins; Brpa-rs and Labor on 6ira. bridges and Oraina Krection of Lork-np aad Board in priaooers Paiu talaiitS Bura;es, Sorre ta ry. Au-'lior A T-eaturer. .... Toole. iHdee. Vateriaia etc .... Interest, Printing-, aod Repairs to HoiouirB Scaki ... Old Order. Lilted.. U'O to Ui 03 US Si 138 0 1.1 17 9 16 aut) ut tatU2 so LIABILITIES OF THE BOROCQH. ToW.B. Mlr, bal. on Bit be k xtlngulh.r, payable juu a year autii paid 4 000 00 To Hub. laL s- ull. bor'd money. . 100 0U, . - uuutauding Uruers Ni.a ol, 03 aoo 19 "lis M ' -: To l aaeulod Aoc't of Borough - and cnuul Board 19 Sfl With Freasak fceoser, amfg-to 131 1 RESOUKCES OF THE BOROUGH. J Amt of Tar Duplicate tot 184.. , . 13 8 - tjaxn pa. i rea. tnereon sit es - keteaewl to Tazpareta. In . -- '. t- per cent abatement..,.. 37 J 9"! ft Added for Collection, ttc. ....... .. : t t . Whol amoaat of lmplkat In t . hands of S. P. Snyder '. W ho. am't pd Treaa by . P. ' Snyder 11 OS Wtioie am't of exonerations and labor theraua aiWwod....... M a BaL In S P. 8nyder's hands and ' hi aauald dupllcat. Balance untjj hues da Bur,... lM 19 $5439 ISO -J lrS 70 M CM Total 19 -. e. th Bmleralaned Auditors of S-imrr.-et ir- eoah hereby op iiy that wo karo examined and anuiteo ine areuauts, oru.rsanu voucurraul ia foreolna; staiement, ami have ft-nni them er red, w itnew --or bands and seals at oaaeraet. r. le aned I W. M. HO HSTETLER, SSAt. JOH S . oUal'LK, . iaAl-l JOHX .V.SNVDtK, ' he&u M. BOWERS, 1 BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. . SOMERSET PA. Harlnar taken ehanr of rbe property an -4 fix tures vl the Bakery lormerly -adocted by Albert Reckt, aol rehtted aotl reinrnii-hrd the same. 1 am auw prepared lo furnish ta public with every Ihiog In m line. Steal laruisued at all noara, on abort not lee, and at rvatonabl ratea We hav constantly oa hanjl tb cbokmt CRQCER1ES AND CONFECTIONS, a.nd are prepared to fuml h parties h Ui pieaiii Ac. with erei jthina in our Do I IT. UK a rail. marlL II. BUWtKS. PUBLIC SALE OF IEW CM-Ml nil! THE anderiiraed will II t Paollr Sale th VALtUHLi: GKIST MILL -KOPtKTY, oa th - urrmli-et In scaip Level, Blehland Town aliiy, C"-brla County, Pa., on THURSDAY, MARCH 26, At I O'CLOCK P. M.' 1885, Th Mill Is ew, having been bnilt about three yeas and ia tbe best kirated mill In this section of n-aairy. Any person wishing ta parens a SI 111 pp petty should examine this ore be lor. pur chase ir elsewhere, a It wilt prov a Tiluald - In veslmeot. Th water-rltbt itowitn the Mill. There is also a HOUSE AND STABLE bullion the property - aarShoaldaayaersoa choose topareba this pniierty t fore the above-Darned day of sa a, they can do ashy eallki oa tb anders'aned. , For terms and (arther particulars call on or ad dress HEBWAN MANTLET. marU-St. Ea'rof QoUl-iib Baatley, r.dea'd. FARMERS. IMPROVE YOUR 'STOCK ! Tb Imported ClydesdaH' Hon,' : r 1 . 1. " 1 ' e. . - Will stand frr the servlc of Mares throaarboat Ik staaon of lata, at my fans an mile west of Sipesvllle. TfRWS.-aietolnstire a Bar with foal. pay. ment to b stad who la mar 1 kaown ta bo with loal. Any pr-o panloa- wl-h or falling ta aiiear. wits aa laearwa mar wall a now reapoB elble lor th Inaaranca, Pnmer car will be uk . bat rosec atitabllrty fer accidents. DESCklfTIOS .-Baron ts a beaaMful dark bay, Importfri tr m tienWand t jeaie aao. -weigh 1 poanda. Is 1 hams high, aad po teases good hone aaa ainew, a ana temper, a la a (Bkaadld meter. - , marll-av, , . , , ,OwaBa attars. UDITOR NOTICE 1 . . i . v i 1 la tb Coort Oeorc Black n1 Sarah H , hUwiie, Wat. T. BobtttssU. t s fSmnsoa Pleas of itomrrset (Vrlt, rPa. N. Iff Feb T 'M Vol. sa'gmt M laa. 'S Ace't l ed t'-uof Febss. ttb March. 1S8 on mUoa of H. S Eatey Ks . one of ti e Atty'sf r A.aignee, (led, L V t aib-rw, ton. aipeiBted Aalariu.ilarTiia'f tbe th! legallv ei UUed ih-rato. , , , , . , bom-ra-t .uaty,S. ' ' I t Ektraet dom the Eeaortl, ertlAl afar. j I 4 jgui, - hl..W.FIELD. Proth'y. ' The anrierslg'K-d Aodltor hcrrhj give nut e Ih.L aa no It' I irixt I. il. ilr-1 M eal at Ih- - (Be o ' is A fa. oa aeatiay tbe lis ! ISM. whea si wh-r all pea.. atunaa u taey 1 nto p-npee. la U. UOLt aauat. AatUlar. The i WDXESDA 1 APEIL 1G, 1S&,, i"- S-J Sr f'L i -. . . w . ," i 1 .Vl-k . .1. mi- l.. nr. ! MUtaoU Sl.lwtoek mm Hi. East aad Jx-olH. wiia OT I fh W 1 I M TIT1 00 Ht- i au ia snri or-aab, Svamm. ilmatr. Pa.. . ?h"T. .ri' " bTlnll . . I gHERIFFS SALE. ! Byvlrta of a certain wrltsof Ft Fa. mx! Vead ! Cx tsraod eat sf tb Coon f Uoamoa Ptras of j BVxT-arsvC O aaiy. Pa. sad la M directed, tawt will ! ezp fed to pablle sals at toe Uoart Hons, ! In aVMMfMt Horoagn, Pa,oa JTEliSESDAY APRIL 1, 18S5. I - atlo'alsekr is.. ltth irtfht, Utle, 'cUimof w. H. Sllrs. , ao-l . r. to tk Miwwtna; deseriked real . a rUiB tract ( land MluK la L ( keji.ot Towrwhrp. stomenet o amy. pa , eca tahrfoc& serr sioroor les, a.ttntnma- iaads 4 . rj-l . T, 5 ling BuoM, stable, aad other watbojidiag tber wuo too appartenaBeoa. exeettia as tb orooertr of W H. Sailer and N. P MaaM. partner doiaa: biiflooa i aeStllareaiMiasl. at the toi.oflloMrl Talur! I AIJW- ! I Ail too riKbi, title lniivet aad rlafm of th do- i arMiHr, Hmrf Val.-otin. of to and to tbe hiUow-. law real estate, vis: No. 1 A cnaiD irart of lend sitoa' In Lowar Toreyot T-weshtp. -.aiereet Oiinty. Pi aoatatBiBaaaerMaB.1 9i twreno adi-l loa lands Jure CaunBlns. Joba Ifciv:, tbo Boroueb(Of vmrnamcv. aou ouiera, wiia too appaneoAucoa. Ni. z. A certain luc of roaod situate la Coa flaeaea Boroach. IVnnt? and State aforesaid. known on tbe plan of wid town a lot No. 17 In blocs No 1. ailiotafBa- Latrob Arnoe on th LKvrtbr, Lot No is n tbo Soathoaet, Alley oa I tbo Snathweat, and lot No. Ilea tbo Northwest, with a two-story iraaM dwetitwa hoase aad staMa therooa orectoil, with th opoananaarea Taeetr la exaeuikm a tho rr"prtyof Henry YiUeaUnc. a t th suit of Joba U. banner aae aad Juaa Oaris s Adntr. I 'IV. TEBMS : Wonr ATI persoas parehaslna; at th above sal wHU Htm taaa aotio that a part of tke pta-eha money to be made an..wn at tbo time of sale will no roq aired as snoa a th . n.-fwrty fat kawske-J doero. otberwis It wiU k araioex. poeed to tale at tbo risk of tho fir ounhuier. Tborasldacid tatmrebaa asoaeym Stnaldon er liofora ha eunflrmaLiom of deed, .ad bo dead will bs acknowledged aniil tb parehaM avwe 1 paid Until. JOHX WI5TEES. marll Sheriff. I T EGAL NOTICE I , I J In xe estat of Jo. O. In the Orphans' Court CoIojmb Hee d. ot Somerwt Co-, Pa. And now to wit, th Ma eb. US, on Bwtlonof Valmtlne Hay. E., the l-oort appoint John O. fclimmeli. K-q . AuUiUir. to accertaln advaare Bicn a oJ m.tneand report a dirtribu'lon of tbe fandlnth hands of A. F Pirkey. tirrator of Uie last will and tertament of Jo. O. Coleman, dee'd. to and anionic thoe legally entitled thereto. goaMrsotOoanty 88. I txtraeo from th ReeopL Certified 5 skal ) Karck, iw5. . CHAS C SHAF ER, l lert N -tli hereby a- Ten to all pa-tlr io e-este-l that 1 will atuad to th datiea of the above ap pointment al oil olt.it! la "omaraet. Pa..ti Prklav the Soto day of April. 1-H5 at 1 o'clock when and where a l persona loteresMd oaa attend 11 taov think proper. J.O.I11MF.LU Start!. ABdltor. ADXINISTRATOB'S HOTICE. Eitate of Sul-nnon J. Baer. dee'd lato of Somer set Twp., Somerset to , Pa , Letters of a.lmujtsir-.iiton on the ah..te estal aavma neea rrantod to tho un-lersia-n. d bv the pmaor aaikorlty ngtle I krreby alvea to all persons lodebt- d to eald eetate to make Immedi ate paement and those havina elatma aaalt ike tame will present them duly authenticated for e'tlement on Saiantny. April 1 IMA at the Store ot Baer a Bra., Loll P. .. So-tntwi Twp. W. S. MAtK. W. A. SElHERT, Biarll. Administrators. A aMlN I3TR ATOK'S WOTICE. Lstat of Rachel WahL dee'd. lata of Summit Township S-iaeriei t'ooniy. Pa. Letters ol a-lminutr-attoo on the above estate havina been granted to tbe nndersiirned by ibe proper autnoriiy Botice is hereby siren to all peraoo Indebted to fald eetate to make immedi ate payment, and too hav na: clalme acainat th same to preamt tbem duly authenticated rorast tlenieot at the house cf the Admlnlftrator ia Broiherivailey Twp., oa Satardav. the ll'h day ut April,14U. , s. W. FH1TZ. mart. Ailminl.trator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ldtataof James Oatteo. late ot Lower Turkeyfiot Twp., Somerset Co , Pa., dee'd. Letters oi administration on the at re estate havina been aranted to the undeiirned by the proper aui bority, notice la hereby given to all pr SOD9 in-iebted to said ratals to make lmme-llate paymeat, and thoee ha.lmr claim anlnn the same to present mem auiy autkentlcated forset- ment on Ma'urday, the llth day of AnrlL L--SS. al the lal retirionc ol deo-asrd. J. W. BURKHOT.DER, mar. Administrator. JXECLTOR S NOTICE. Estat of Wolftran- HofTmaa. decease 1. late of - xsrutMrsvalley towashlp, Somerset Uv, Pa. Lot tan ustamentary oa the above estate havtna been aranted to the unilerslaned by the pro-eraa-thorny, notice Is hereby given to all perwnsln deoted 'o said estate to make imme-tiatc pay ment, and tho harina: claim saalnrt it to pre sent tbem duly aBth.ntiea.td for settlement oa Saturday, toe lltb day of A prtL A. D. 14-S. at th uyucc ot u . j. ttmoaaer. -. i PHILIP BOFFM AX, si'l Executor. OillNISTRATORS NOTICK Estate of John J. Spana-ler. dre'd. tat of Somer ' set boroacL, Somerset Ooaaiy, Pa. Letters of adminbtratioa oa lbs anore eatat Bavin; been (ranted to tb andersianed by the proper authority, aotio I kereby alvea to all persons Indebted to aai-l etate to make immedi ate payment and those havtna-claims airamat the saraa to present tkemdaiyaaibaniKated for et tlement on or before Friday. April la. 1-U at th ode of J. L. Pnak, In Sonaamt bVroaab. Pa. J. L. Pt trH A.F.DI KEY. ftbtt, Adminlatraur. pXECUTORS' NOTICE. KsUta of Wat. Zlmmrmaa. Ut of Mswrdala Bor., tomertei Ooanty, Pa. dee'd. Liters testamentary on the abo eai ate havina Beeo cranted to the amleralaaed by ih proper authority, notice Is hereb.. aiven to all persun rndestco to said e ate tomako immeillata pay ment, aaa tsoe ntTing claims aaainat iae same will present them dul. autbeatleated ior settMment on Satarday, April 4, 186, at ike lato residence et iireeasen. MIDUA1 LA. ZIMMERMAN. febCS, Eaacator. L UDIT0RS NOTICE. In the matter the eft ate 1 In tb Orphan' i jo-ep soiiier. oec a. i anot aMmersstlo. late of Sionycreek Twp. ) Pa. NtKlrw Is horelr aiven t bat tbo anderrirned Anduorapnoinled ny aei.1 Coort " to make a dla- trlb r l- n of the rundsln thebamisof Harriet Snr- r. TrastiM r ia sale of ihe real eetate of Jo seph Snyder, dercasoil to ad smoos; those lefaU ly entitle ther-io." will sit at hi .-ffW In toe Horouab ofvmeret ok knday. thesuth day of Man-b. I, lor tb purp-ee of ducbara-mr the da-ioa ot bisssld app-da'atent. when and where all uenoa ia e rested caa attea-t. ar. Aaditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. batata of Daniel V Toder. dee'd. la'e of Con- mauxh Twp Somerset "o.. Pa. Let l era of admttitstratloa oa tb Bbura estate bitvinit twen arante.1 lo tbe Btideri-lat-eil, by the pn-per aBtburity. Boltee la h.ey givea to th--sj lu.lelHe.1 tolt to make Immediate paynvntand thoee bavins claims or demands will plea. pre sent them duly aut hectical ed for settlement oo Friday. JIaxck 27: l-j. at th late residence of deceased. ISAAC YODEB. Mil". Administrator. D M I N ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Sarah Thomas, late of Turkeyfoot Twp. Twp . Somerset o.. Pa-, dee'd. Letter of administrates oath above eatat kaviasj b granted to tb uoderslKned by the pn-per authorliy. notice Is hereby given l- all porMio andebted to aaid e stare to maae lmme.ll ate payment, and those having claims against th sam will present tbem dnly authenticated for sett lament on Matarttay, th 1Mb day of March, H5. ai the office of th Administrator, ia Con fluence Borough, Pa. W. . MOCTTTAnf. feMS. Admin latratror EUREKA! WILLIAM PEEBLES, 517 Wood Street. PITTSBURGH, PA. Agent for EuHSZA ECL1S3 SZATES. I defy eomt-etltlen with these Skates. The only t : (kata that wiM not band akke or ass wheel. Mil far Ba atla ratr, C. O. W feU-lm. pUBLlCSALE. i (i It U'U' V Ry virta of aa Order ef Sal Issued oat t tb Orphans' Uoort ef ao morsel Connty, Pa4 1 will expose to public sale en Ike premises, ea THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 18S5 at a'rlock r. M.,th following i earthed Baal Es. tat si lato tbeproperry o(Ooig Eicbaov. annate tahvaatm lap-. Sosasrsst fco.. Pa. adadaiaar lsnd of Mamnef Pike and th public road oo th a eoai,ooBtaana-g aas tearth acre ssnre or less, harlas; laareoa a small two ory Frame Hoa-e. sad other owiballdtng Tanaa : One aaircash, aad kafcae at eta at-mta L. J JOOER, .MS-. '' AdmlrtltratorBdTTti DMIK ISTRATOR'8 NOTICE. . , kUtais of Astrew Pbek. dee'd, law of J0roa .Xwa.Somcrtet Cu, Fa. Letters of ailmlnistrat tan the abore eMatehav uut bocBV pax ani k Ue-aatli rslgae. notice I harvhy given 10 all parson lmiehte-1 to said eatat to make Immclistw atyawt, and tnoae having claims against toe tamo will preseat them dui aataamam -r til-nml, o" Hatunia. April ts lass at tbe kaiaa mt th AdatlBastrauir. aaar Bakeravlil. , . SILAS H. CABLE. marlL , Admhawrator. Ap r? 1 z r rivTrKr. i S I asa ea. " aasi receive tree I ,a tl) laig 'I u.a, ai.ak Wl'l help yo-J tn Sa-1 I a.Mie- n hl aw y Mian anything la U. j- J v-ajw ait, -if -imer sea aanoee.1 ir-aa nrat n-air. The bn r-ad ta lortane auea. h.mre the w.a-h era. aoaulaulv -ere atoaea addraaa, Taca a v.w.tajru.iav, jaaino. WE WILL OPEjN rjCAKPET ever known We need; but two grades to convince the pnb- nc. . v.. . Tapestry Jityssels, 50 cts. a yard. Body Brussels, 1.00 a yard. These prices are without prec edent and the goods are the best valne for the money in the mar ket. People of Somerset, take advantage of the Ioav prices now, to recarpet your dwellings. G-EIS; FOSTER & QUIN3NT, ' 113 and 115 Clinton Street, JOHNSTOWN. PENN'A. BOYTS, POUTER & CO., j - Brass and Iron Founders, Machinists, andIanufactn rers of Jliners' Supplies, WATER ST., OPPOSITE B. 0. DEPOT, COySELVi VILLE, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF THE YOUCH STEAM PUMP, 1 c it. . . . , rt. For Coal Mines, Furnaces,' Tmn-Table Lump Cars. ' Stone Picks, LARRIES, PIT CARS, COKE ?CRA PPTRS, COKE BARROWS, COKE OVEN FRAMES, R. R. FROGS. BRIDGE EOLTS, SWITCH STANDS, WILL GEARING. PULLEYS, AND - SHAFTING. -1 . . .. . Heavy CastinpTaud Forging ;, Slittt-Iroa repaired at short notice. - . ESECESED T SCIENTISTS AS PSACnCALLI Iaaiuuaaulia , Over SOO Beautiful Dealsn. .V. v StMl'P.r-n-frn ST ' M0NUMEWTL BROZt C JJPAWY. jji Send far JW-K DO NOT HJTY ."' YOUR Watches , and UNTIL YOU FINE NEW STOCK W. II; WOOD'S, 2 BAJETJ. BLOCK, 80MBSITr, "3?JTZ :i for tnfanto-mm . , . 1 - f, - ti trsi mnimiiiaaaaaimiiuitaaneiaiaaTiTaam I aaowaajine,' H. A. Aarsxa, JL D, I mKkOtfbMSVBiwattx.T. I ' ' Ta bsolata enw far CkemiiisnL. Snntina. Pain rat tHe Back. Barm, Galls, etc Aa InaaotanMm Pmia nllwii avakd UaaliBa; ISmaasiw. i t. j THE TKABE of the differ- oods lower than in-Western Penn'a. quote prices of Kttv Pumrt rally WAkHA.XT t l-i) y-1 aa -i - Railroads, and Boiler Feeders. Hoirtirjg Crabs Stone Wedges, Work ; Machinery of all kinds bnilt and mayT-lyr. ; 1 It AVill Fay You To Buy Yoyr lYIemorial Work Of . t . ' . IeF.. Staffer, M, Mi ' Manufacturer of and Dealer In im. jui mm mi tmmtrrm Work Furr.Mri on Skm-rl JVofee. fa mil loiorm, tjo Agent or Ikm WHIT Si H&QSiKI Perann la Bed of XOXCMl.ST WOMK will ' Ond It to th. tr Interest to call at my shop, whwrw a rr per th- win will ho alrea tbrm. - t.m. faction (,Hronttr4 in Ert-n Case, aad FHICk rtkV LOW. llnrite Special AlUotioa to th Wlctj Broia, OT Pen zinc lams latrndoo-tl hy BET. W. A. OHIVf. a a Do eMe1 Impr-menirn point MATERIAL J.1B VOXXTBLCTIOH. and which I destined lo bo the Pi-p- lar X -ntini.nl lor our haoHaabla Clt WM. F. SHAFFER. Silverware SEEN TELE T ft Children. Me, CtaaWlpaUua. Sntar Mom WT' ' w - datiedsoai Cayracm OoanraJT. ia rnrtoai gtiee. H.T.