The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 25, 1885, Image 4

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Haubibibo, Feb. 14, 195.
Vwm (her Rrmtlar Cbrrefjimdrnl.
Slowly the work of the law msk
ers hm proceed this ek. The
roUiOiiUeen b-vft teen exceelin!y
buij, wd have reported already
m re bills ' than can possibly be
iiso-eed, or even acted u"n. It i
turprir.p bow many n-rolutitMi
ii'l u-U-s oiotione can mtro
duerd and dred into the work of
a day to deleal a vote being taken on
Kiine measure that is not very pop
ular aruong ftue of our btates-
To the right of the Speaker, on
be front row tf chairs, bush little,
curly headed Irishman, Uubc
M auk in. who does all the oijec-tui"
for hU Democratic dv He bas
been here po long that he eeen.e to
be a fixture, and tlie Record will tell
vou his ppeecl.ea ii.vnni!y hate
Wen: Mather Spaker, 1 object.
If Any nwniberlesire to ak Jeave
to tnke up -tome bill, be objects ; il
amotion inade to dif0t;iit-a with
lurtner Teading of the Journal, ?
the House can ft to work, be ob
jecU i iu fact, if any Republican
arks the uiaitintia consent ofth
Hvufc to do anything, no mattei
what, he objecti. Tt.e other morn
ii he hapi-ened to be absent, and
for tbe Jim tinie in re any years tb
rendiiiR of the Journal was die Dent
ed whb. , i - ' p
Theie are fotne doubt? exprtssej
an io wh.tber ilKt bill requiring mi
eniini' tt-rtrt-raMMnt-truciioii in on.
public schools vviLJ t-t through tie
li.-ut-e eiirj h il did through tti.
Senate, although the House bar
been flooded with jKtiU'nt fr.i.
everv (pj irier :r.yiejjr f r its pat
Hge.' by aitual count, I fit.d 47,5V.
p r-itns have petitioned fur thia Jn
l'.Mj't of whom are women. Ti.
bill will come up for third readin,
aid tinal pasHiie lit-xt we. k. .Mi
Faunce, of rbllndelpl.i l, the ie;i(it
.f ih D'U.ocrats ia tne otdy m:
thus f.r wlio im oared to oppuse I
pasTBc' I think be had be!t rci
sider w3il belurbe tii- twkili it, t-.
be may meet p.'lilici-lly with tit
fate ol the tiery animal who iliougl.
Le would Htop the train.
Wlillc the different couuuitte
are busy fiiunii ji the several app"
tionOiel.t lulls. Hie lbillr-e liMst.,
very livelv, coi.sidri ini: un ;ci t
regulate the pracihr l pti;iroia
;i O Siile tf pi'ism s. in-ti t' j'ft Vi .
adulteration? in drug- and medial,
al preparations. It was about t
pass on its second leading when 1)
Chritrtnan. of Franklin cout.ty, ol
fered an amendment making; it
misdemeanor for a druggist to r
CuiiipnUinI any pr seiiiiiion nidi
po onlred or teipusti 1. Tlien
Kharp "el-to WhH had hetweel. S;"t-
ler, of IVrry, who has clt-Te f n
hill. ind lr. t't-ri' Z nat.. When
journment cut off further considn
tioa of the bill for the present. A
the bill now Htands it protects tl;
druggists, but dots not prevei
them from auain uing the prtscrii
tionn of physicians, that they con
Along with this bill considerate
excitement and lun have been fui
i.ished by the Judicinry Genen
Committee iu the henrii'U prante
the Iriends and eneiniis of wiuit i
known as tbe " Vivisection bill." I
is an act to pr d ibit doctors or su
geons from killing any dumb ato
tual, or injuring tne niuc, for th
Bake uf making scientific inveatiga
tiou. A ruiot r Uiil. spinster lo"kiu
maiden lady develitped such (erven
love for tbe poor aiiiu.als, that sh
told tbe committee if the killing ol
cat was necessary to cave a man, sb
would let the man die. It is need
lefflto say she is still single. Afte
a thorough bearing on both sides lie
bill wa reiarted negatively, an
that. metaiDts, will be tbe euo
of it.
The Senate has pasted finally a
bill to enable judges to coiieti
double compensation for the day
they eerve in courts other than theii
own. " Also, a bill giving preference
to the wages of servant, clerks am
other employes, to le first paid ou
of the proceeds of the sale of tlx
property of insolvent debtors owin
wages to such employes.
tftuiitor IXtoper baa oucceeded i
getting under food headway bis bib
providing for the maintenance' ju,(!
industrial etlucation of tne indigent
children of the iState, and ha amen
ded it, providing for tbe
education of the soldiers' orphans
j.i : 1 : . 1 ' T f i
anu int! mullein, cuuoreii, aim pro
viding that aB the soldiers' orphan
schools are abandoned, the
children shall be educated in tbest
schools. This is a uiea-'ure t.'iat the
different charitable institutions are
interested in, and the (i. A. li is en
deavoring to have passed.
The Senate has parsed on second
reading a Congressional apportion
ment bill that, differs very greatly
and mHtenally from the one intro
duced by Hon. A. J.Colborn, and to
which tbe House seems to tenacious
ly cling. ' There will be considerable
trouble In getting Congre-si'uial and
Senatorial apportionment bills that
will be approved by both bodie-i.
Aiiolhei " discrimination bill has
l-en introduced in tbe House by
brown, of JCne. ll is about as ex
haustive as the one introduced by
Senator Wallace, but does not im
pose so great penalties.
Among the laws proposed to be
en cted by the legislature, the fol
16wiog, I believe, are those that will
most interest Somerset county :
An act to compel common schools
to be kept open at least six months
in the year.
An act to permit the defendants
. to testify in all criminal cases.
w iwimii iu viiujiuai Lopcn. '
i a Vrf tA ,i f
r An act to require the names of.
signers to license petitions and bonds
to be published.
An act requiring butchers aud
drovVrs to pay a mercantile license, ! $ ' proprietor bas authorized
rated as merchants1 licenses. j C; rfd ?ur "J
An act authorizing school direct-Uf 'V,kin? three-fourths ol a hott e,
ors to purchase school books out of; teh "? .tt.,,J- 1 r,ce 50 cU
the district funds. !DdS1- Trial size free.
An act to punish wife Waters bv
whipping. ,
An act to abolish the office of mrr-1 Marshall, Tex., Feb. 12. An
cantile appraiser, and requiring the attempt was made to wreck a pas
assessment to be made by tne town-! senger train on the New Orleans
ship assessor. J division of the Texas Pacific rail-
An act to authorize the judges of: road last night. A rail on a bridge
tne courts m each county to hx the
amount to be paid to witnesses on
petition of citizen.
An att . to secure uniform text
books for the common schools.
An act to requ re the county com
missiouers of each county to an
poiut persons n suerii.tend tlie
burial of deceased soldiers, whose
estate is insufficient lor that pur-
There are numerous other bills I
have not mentioned, that cannot be
rec iea mis session.
J here are some nnioraut oersonR '
who are accruing tbe Legislature of:
doing nothing, and ask why they do
not meet oftener ? If they were here j
they could see that plenty is being
done, and while the sesMs uiay
sfeu VJHitj cranks forget the i
Jwi"5Wif tktnnilttei
work our Legislators bave to do,
and it would be impossible to meet
oftener or longer, until most all bills
ore disposed of by thedifferent com
mi'tees. I do not desire to vindi
cate the Pennsylvania Legislature
for all it does, but I do say that the
charee of its not doing anything is
utterly false, and is the outgrowth
.if the cvnicism.
The G. A. K. boys have had a
musing lime here this week, and on
Weduesday evening made one think
they weretrulv "Marching Through
Georgia "as they tail around tbeir
camp fire iu lite opera house and
sar.g tbat dear old song.
A Hore Thai Ilide Down Hill.
Tbe Appral of Carson, Nevada,
4ives tbe. lolloaiug details of a
method for riding a horse down hill:,
'Mr. Torreyson, the blacksmith of
ibis place, is noted for his kindness
io animals. He has just built a
road cart, which in destiued to rev
.lutionize road travel and to ma
terially lighten tbe labors of that
.ioble animal the horse. The idea
,s to occasionally give the horse a
nance to ride iu the cart as driver.
The idea was first suggested to Mr.
l orrcyson by seeing a turtle move
bng tbe road carrying bis Ebell
with him. The vehicle made by
vlr. Torreyson has four high wheels,
md the place between them arched,
o tbe horse is bitched under the
vagon between the wheels, his head
recting a little oeyona me iroiu
heels and his tail just barely clear-
g the hind wheels., lne urner
tts right over the horses neck, and
tie others in the wagon face out
ard on each side. The horse is
o fastened that the pulling is dis-
tibuted ivtr his body and does
i . . I
not all come on bis necK ami
Moulders. In this position he is
greatly protett-d from the sun and
on iu. and therein- enait'eil to niaae
ng journeys with less fatigue, but
.e principal part of the invention
e in a belly hand, four feet wide,
e-siug under the horse. When
u reach the top of a locg hill,
mn w hich a horse would have to
.i slowly as he holds back the load,
ou simply turn a crank, and it
its the horse off his feet several
'is fnirii lt:e (iroimd. :md tin
vehicle then runs down the hill of
own l.llitli. It IS proVldl ll
villi art emit: apparatus and
r d-e. tl at the vehicle may be steer
d and its velocity regulated. Also
i hen the horse attempts to run
way. vou w ind up the crank, and
e i.-lifted off the ground perfectly
' lplei-S.
Some l'ilisli I'eople.
All ivv a cough to run until it gel
Viuid the reach of medicine. Thev
(ten say, Oit it will wear away, but
tno.-l cases It Weirs thelli aW:IV.
.ould thev be induced to trv the
utves.-ful medicines called Kemp'i
alsam, which we sell on a positive
uarantec to cure, they would imme-
liately see the excellent effect after
tkinj the firtt dose. Price oOcts.
nd 81 00.
Trial size free at 0. N. Boyd's.
A Brave Teamster.
Tamaqita. Feb. 14. A heavilv
a. led passenger train on the Phila
Iphia and Heading Road narrow 1
-caiied dej-lruetion to-dav through
be heioism and presence of
nind ol the driver of one ol
Veldv's powder teams. His team
ith one hundred kegs of powder
nd a la-ge amount of dvnamite
vas on the railroad when the train
wept around the curve, within
wenty vards of him. With instant
md almost superhuman strength he
lulled the horses back and the train
wept by unharmed, while but few
d the people aboard realized their
lanirer. The explosion of
hnamite. bad the wagon
ecu struck wouid bave annihila-.
ed thetrain. Immediately after the
langer wa- passed and he had suc-
:eeded iu j I icing the dangerous load
f explosives in a sale place the dn
v'er sat down bv the road side and
swooned away.
The Oldest Man in PKiinersot
As well as the handsomest, and
tthers are invited to call on C. X
boytl, and get free a trial bottle ol
Kemo's balsam for the throat and
iungs, a remedy that is selling en
tirely upon its merits, and is guar
uiteed to cure and relieve all Chron
ic and Acme Coughs, Asthma, bion
jliiis, and Consumption. Price 50
cents and 1.00.
Know m llieKouib.
New Okleaxp, Feb. 12 Specials
r-'port snow storm-in Montgomery,
i ail idega aiid I USCaionsa, Ala., and
it Col'jiubus and Macon, Mii-s
There has been a fall of nine inches,
ihe heaviest snow storm ever known
at those places. The snow atVicks
burg l.tst night delayed railway
trains, and a fig on the river checks
the movements of boats. Snow also
fell at Shreveport, Li.
Chattanooga, Feb. 12 There
was a heavy snow storm here t-.-day
and the snow is ;ill falling. Dis
patches to the Time from princi
pal points i;i Alibnua, and Teuessee
state the storm is general. There
has be 'U a heavy fall of snow at
Meriden, Miss.
Collmhi:s, G.i., Feb. 12. Snow
fell to the depth ot two inches here
A fcetihble Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for
. . , ,
the throat and lungs.
r r
It is curing
more crises of coughs, colds, asthma.
bronchitis, croup, and all throat and
lung troubles, than any other medi-
A Dreadrul INaaRter A.ided.
i was taken up. Fortunately the
wild freight struck the bridge half
an hour ahead of the passenger,
wb'ch carried two hundred lives.
An engine and eleven freight cars
were huried from the bridge. The
entire freight was badlv wrecked.
I he engineer and fireman escaped
unhurt Two boys were arrested
charged with the crime, but it is
believed thev were incited by others
to commit the deed.
The prettjest laoy in Somerset
rmarkfl tn a fVio.wi 1 1 ,.i.... .1...
that she knew Kemp's Balsam was
a-superior remedy, as it stopped ber
cough jnstamlv when others had no
tff. et wbat r. So to prove this
UN. B.d will guarantee it to all.
Price 50 cents aud SI. Trial size
Seeds for tbe Constituent.
Washington, Jan. 26. Dr. Lor
ing's garden seed department is
busy place these days. Tbe states
men over in the Capitol who got cir
culars from the Doctor at the open
ing of the session notifying them
that they had $1S0 worth of seeds
spices due them have been remark
ably prompt in responding. Con
gress votes $100,000 annually for
seeds. Two-thirds of this sum goes
back in seeds to the 400 Senators
and Representatives, and the Com
misioner of Agricultural distributes
tbe rest through other channels.
Each Congressman is allo'.ed 5,000
papers of flower seeds, to begin with
In addition, the members from to
bacco districts have received in the
past year 500 papers of imported to
bacco seed each; the cotton belt
members have each had 200 quarts
of cotton seed ; the wiuter wheat
meu have had 200 quarts apiece of
this staple grain ; the spring wheat
Representatives have been equally
f.ivored, and the corn Congressmen
have been blessed in abundance
with kernels of choice maize. All
the Congressmen received in July,
about the time the uominationg con
ventions were held, 1,000 papers of
turuip seed each; and grass seed,
three or four bushels to the member
were showered alike upon the just
and unjust. Sorghum and sugar
beet seeds were seut also to favorable
The pecularities of are often indi
cated by the manner in which they
dispose of Dr. Loring's crops. Borne
latitude of choice is allowed, and
members who are well up in farm
ing and gardening get tbeir quota in
the one or two grains or vegetables
that are stople articles in their dis
tricts. ben Lefevre, who comes back to
the House term after term with
steadily increasing majorities, is par
ticularly stroug in turnip seed, al
though his gallant bachelor heart
always prompts him to sow a few
choice flower seeds in the gardens of
his lady admirers.
blout, of Georgia, runs entirely to
cotton seed, and is solid with his
Tbe Hon. Samuel J. Randall has
nil bis seeds sent in a bundle to
b yu M'wr and attends to their
hiniiution when be gets
Spenker Carli-le is not so method
ical Whenever a constituent asks
him for seeds he Bends the letter to
Commisioner Loring, aud asks him
to attend to the request, lie is cire
less about getting his full allow
ance. The champion seed distributors of
the House are Taylor ot Tennessee
and Jones of Texas, with Lanbam of
IVxas, a good third. '1 hese Con
gressmen represent big and grow
ing di6tricts,with innumerable wants.
I'bey are omnivorous. They ex
haust thir own allotment of seeds
early, and then get as many assign
ments of orders from other Congress
men as they can. A literary Con
gressmen who wants to swap seeds
lor documents is a great find for a
seed Congressman.
The Hon. Thomas Porterhouse
Ochiltree was a ereat seed hunter
before he was a Congressman, but
having once been elected, lie neglec
ted his constituents in this parlicu
lar strangely. In reply to the last
notification that seeds were awaiting
his order he replied :
My constituenty don't go much
on seeds, but they are mighty fond
of partridges. You may seud a few
coops around to my room.
Dr. Loring is looking up the law
on the subject to see if he can com
ply with the requisition. Col. Ochil
tree says if a member c?n have co
logne and suspenders charged to his
stationery account, he sees no reason
why partridges cannot be enumera
ted under the head of turnips and
Jerusalem artichokes.
Nevada Jones has a constituency
that grows nothing but quartz rock.
He gives away his seeds to his
swarms of friends.
. The frosty Edmunds is as formal
and mysterious in the seed busi
ness as he is in everything else.
Nobody ever sees bis list of benefi
ciaries. He does not send it to the
department, but orders the seeds
seut to his room in bulk. He then
goes into executive ' session with
himstlf, and before coming out
makes a solemn oath never to di
vulge what has happened.
Across th Seas.
Temesvar is the first city in Eu
rone to have its streets lighted by
The canal which Germany intends
to construct to unite the ftorth aud
B tltic Seas is to be large enough to
admit of the largest war vessels pass
iug through it. It is estimated that
the woik will be completed in five
A Welsh enthusiast in the cause
of cremation lately cremated a favor
ite buli. The ceremony lasted nine
hours, and was witnessed by thous
ands. A proposal is on foot to build a
church iu memory of Charles Iteade,
and many promises of support have
already been received from admirers
of the novelist if carried out, the
fitst pastor will probably be his
nephew, the lie v. Compton Reade.
The number of ironclads iu Eu
rope amounts to 318, of which 20
per cent belongs to England, then
comes France. Thethird place as to
number belongs to Uussia, with 33
ironclads, the fourth to Germany,
and the fifth and sixth to i'llaod
and Turkey.
The British Empire by which
are included all tbe Colonies and
India has more than eight million
tquare miles of area nearly one
sixth of all the land on the globe,
and two hundred thousand square
miles more than the Ctar of Russia
rules In proportion to her own
area.' England has 6-5 square miles
ot colonies for every square mile in
Great Britaiu ; Holland comes next,
with 54, then Portugal with 20, then
Denmark with 6.30; Frauce with
1 90, and Spain with 85.
Jnat m Good.
Many unscrupulous dealers may
tell you they have remedies for
Coughs and Colds, equal in merit
and in every respect just as good as
the old reliable Dr. Bosanko's Cough
and Lung Syrup, and unless you in
sist upon this remedy aud will take
no otner, you are liable to be greatly
deceived. Price 50 cents and 11.00.
Sold by C. N. Bojd.
A bog with six legs beneath and
two above its body, and two tails,
was born . on Senator Cameron s
farm last week.
For twenty years I was a sufferer
from catarrh of the head and throat
By a few applications of Ely's Cream
Balm I received decided benefit
was cured by one bottle. ; Charlotte
Parker,-WawlyN. Y. :
Uefbotlv Eyitt.
For manr yean deterioration in
tbe eyesight, especially atnoug ' pu
pils arooog papa cnuarco mu stu
dents, has been a topic of complaint
not only io this country but in Eu
rope. The report not long since of
a committee of the Medical Society
which examined the eyes of 4000
school-children in this city with the
oplhalmoscope. as well as similar
examinations in other cities, shows
that the organ of eight grows weaker
as the term of study grows longer.
Drs. Agnew, Dery, Seguin nd other
eminent medical - scientists hare
placed on record their opinions that
our schoolrooms are the factors most
directly influential in the gradual
and increasing development of a
race of near-sMtbted people. A writer
in the Popular Science Monthly.
Samuel Yoike, at Lee, says mat
'there are records of the examination
of the ejres of 45,000 school chil
dren, of all ages end grades, wbite
and colored, and it has been proved
tbat near sightediiesa increases, from
class to class, until, in . the highest
grades, it has actually been develop
ed in as many as 60 or 70 per cent
of all the scholars." The causes, he
says, to which this deterioration !
eyesight has been attributed are
alleged to be cross-lights from oppo
site windows, light shining directly
ou the face, insufficient, small types
and to the position of the desk, for
cing the scholar to bend .over and
bring the eyes too dose to tne dook
or writing paper, etc. But he- de
clares that were all these defect rem
edied the integrity of ihe eye would
not be restored nor its deterioration
prevented. The chief causes of the
evil, the colors of the paper and the
ink, would still remain. Wnite pa
per and black ink he asserts are ru
ining tbe eyes ot all reading nations.
He would, therefore, substitute some
other than the universal color of our
paper that the eye of the student
may no longer be -wearied with the
my opian contrast of black and white.
This color, he says, na;ure and s ci
ence declare should be green, and
adds: "Let our books be pru te 1
on green pper, and let our printers
use red, yellow or white ink for the
noxious black Tne reform would
be revolutionary, and the inter sts
of the trade would b at first hostile
to the change. For thousands of
years, from papyrus to superfii e
glittering note-paper, our eyes have
been exposed to the deleUriou in
fluences of black and while. Tbe
change to green, yellow and red. or
to some other agreeable nflective
tints, is eventually certain to take
place. Science and comn on sense
will compel it. Ihe substitution
can not, probably, be sudden nor
immediate, for the stationery world
must be turned upside dorn in the
process; old school buoks, blank
books and writing-books and inks
iiius) be displaced ; and publishers
and paper manufacturers will have
to adopt their measures to the new
dispensation, but, when it is con
sumed, everybody will rejoice, except
the spectacle-makers.
Bard Time.
Where'er you maj roam you will
hear men talking about the hard
times, and redicting that we are to
have a very bad business year.
But then it is a con ding reflec
tion that the time was never known
that moneyed men didn
about the financial outlook.
Let a couple of banks break, and
the merchant who has been doing a
prosperous business begins to wear
hi face long, and to tell his clerk
that he has been a heavy loner, as a
prelude to tearing down tbeir sala
ries.. Therefore, it is not well to listen to
the xong of the bondholder, because
business will he brisk, anyway.
The baker will never fail, because
the people will never stop eating
The barber will never fail, because
loi.esome people want to be talked
to and cheered up.
The hank will never fail, bectuse
the washer woman mtiwt have a
place to deposit her savings.
We might go on and make a list
of facta to prove that bur-ines must
keep up ; but we will mrt do it We
will simply point out a few signs
which go to prove that times are not
The times may be adjudged
. When a man shovels tbe snow off
his sidewalk
When the Niagara hack man
pawns his watch to get food and
When a mm wears a full heard
to save the expe-nse of being
When Charles Franci Adams
matches himnelf ugtintit a refrigera
tor When the aged beau dyes his hair
and side whisker with stove black
ing . When the merchant prince carries
his pMviMns home from the mar
When a woman is willing to cover
a summer hat with velvet to last
through the winu-r
When the man with a nhurt reach
is always tn be found closest to the
free lunch couuter
When you see a plumber wearing
Arctic overchoes to conceal the
breaks in a pair of Oxford ties
Whpr. thtr!titifl miinot r.hnno-A riin
scarf eight times a day, and have on
a louaer one every wine
' Vhen a poet puts advertising ter
minus on a love ly ric, and sells it to
a tooth-powder establishment
When a man feels in his vest
to satisfy a creditor, and says in an
off-hand way: Til just send yon a
cheek to-morrow '
When a man tnak his calls in
full-dress, saying that 1 has just
been dining, when in ta.i his oth
er cl-ithes are not fit to be seen in.
Great Fire at Racine, We.
1 . j -
Racutk, Wis., February 10 The
large wagon works-of Fish Brothers
Bl Company .of this ciU', are in flames
and inconsequence of the poor water
supply for tne fire department, the
entire establishment with its con-
tents will probably be consumed.
But a few days age the property in
ventoried at M50.000. -
Nineteen Bodies Recovered.
Philadelphia, Feb. 13. At 10
o'clock nineteen bodies had been
recovered at Blocksley almshouse,
thirteen of which' were identified.
Six were burned so as to be unrec
ognizable. The search for bodies
still continues. '"
From New" York to San Francisco
by rail it is 3,311 miles. In an air
line the distance hv about 2,600
miles. '.
Pensions afente' fees are restricted
to 110 bv tha dm. kill whio.h Vibb
i pacad the Unite 8tatea Senate.
1 iflgT
n no
'lUA ..t U
Abcclutcly Pure.
Ttili Pwdar svrarvarii. A marvel of purity,
tratutth ana vholf-MBMMiw. Mora exMioataal
Ulan the oriaT khyll and cannot tw mid tt
eoapetltl. wltk th awliliwl o low ten. than
wel- tit, alum or patwpbai powitera Sold in
Can Hotal Himii Powdsb Co., lut Wall
St , ft. Y. . "rt
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
Twretabla tonira, ouirkly and romi.leteljr
t arra Orsneiial't, I naiirrnf Inn, Wrabrraa,
1 bii are Blaad, JlaJaj'la.t hlllaautl FeTrra,
and Nraralata.
It is an unfailins; n-medy for Diseases of tbe
KMarya l.lvrr.
It Is invaluable for Plurasps peculiar to
TTo arn, and all who lead reik-iitiirjr lives.
It does not injure the teeth, cause headai-he.or
produce eonstiimtion At Irrm nmiirmmlo.
It enriches snt purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of Ibod. re
lieves Heartburn and Kelrliing. and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lat . of
Energy, Arc, it has no equal.
Sar The pmuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
-4.MII w sniisciiM-i.rosii.Tioi.
Jlo will die of folic. lion, or I.rsn F
Tan. if Kontx Powdrm ar iiea in nm.
fiiuu't enwilrrs will mr ami prevent Hew I wiuu.
Foiiti-s HowHcrs win prevent OArr. ix F'wt.s.
r.oitj's Pnwrtprs will kirnwf the tmntur nt n tlk
and rresm twenty per cent. snl mtke Die butter llrai
ani sweet.
Fontz's Powder will rnre nr prevent slmm4 r.v.rT
Disr ask tn which Hnraea and attle sr snhleet.
Fom's Powntas will sits tiATisrscriox.
Sela every woere.
SATIS T. rOUTZ. Troprietor.
Imitlral work of V psres. Colored Plate, and MM II
ilniuna, with aesrrtpunns of th ee Flowers an
egrtaUes, prlcsaof Heeda and Plants, and how to sna
era. Printed la Enzllsh and German. Price sol 1
nt. wtalcfa mav fee deUueted from flrH order.
It tells what yon want for the Garden, and how to ft
lnt ad of running- ss the aiuusn at th last Bweaeai t
sv wliiiiever needs happen to be lea over, meet log wit
asppuls'ment after weeks e.f waiting. UL V OM.'
' JAMS VXCX. Bsttikawtsar. H. T
Seed fr war I M.r'T' TEf DK.
t ttirrittf AiAiHH.i i rrrnt
Vecetabte. Flower m.4 rleld OLlUo
DlllilC IH '-B. t IXIIIIe.Tl? vtr.
ri"rlls M.IK o-d lllfl. WFi
l all ktaaW. taswlcet P . 'tt a apalkratiM
322-326 E. Mam St 203-206 Randolph St
ta lt-lTt.
Biliousness, Dyspepsia.
Indigestion, Diseases of
the Kidneys, Torpid Liver
Rheumatism, Dizziness,
Sick Headache, Loss of
Appetite, Jaundice, Erup
tions and kin D iseases.
Me. 45c. per hotels. Bold bysll DrusjrUls.
ItttT, JOHSail 4 LOU, heps., tsriiarltB, Tt
Fob Sals Br c. M- Boyd, omrst.
Railway and SteMip Apcj.
Passaft-e Uriels io or Iroa Europe hy prnmlneat
8TEMSHlf LINKS Kallruad tare at re.
doosd rates hi eonawetioa altk ooaan pwsaa-.
asTUraru and Money Order a all plaeas la
ho rope.
(Offlo at Johnstown sarlog Bask,)
JoRSBTOsm, Pa.
Cream Balm.
Cleanses tne Head.
Allays InflaoiDwtloB.
Heal tbe Sores.
Restores th Sense
of Taata axl SbmI.
a qalek M l postUva
Fifty orate at Dras;.
tats. Mxty -eots by
aiaii. resnstereii km
trtHrenlar. Saaul
ELT JtUTUEBS, Owaga. It. T.
the norjAncH.
eexlei'z imr miss szatz.
"Tbb Ha-py Medlaaa."
"The Per feet Skate "
- The Pat oftt-B Unks,"
" Tka rreaaare of ProAiool gksters "
Tk A esse ot Oraeetal Motion, and 8cl-atl8
BkUlsssIr attain 4 .
ob ma
Th snlf CMsaMWy Seats" JhsMer SUte a las
. Marktt.. ,.
443 Wood Straet,
The Farmer's Lime Tom paay. LhelUd, wUlsall
at their kilns, er load ea ears.
at I rents Der bwheL ar deliver H as Lnw u tha
Lowest leail sUUroad Sutloaa aad SMInsrt la
the tViBJKv, aad oa taa Barlla Braaea mack low-;
er SafisAsetlea CMraaieed. It ia the Gray
rarnters Lias, wktea ss kaewa ty Praeiica
aadSftaBsiitBbathaatrucajBBt aad Basilar As
neanarai s-urpasB. au omers prornpc ly nueo.
WBSB,- : u wkMtmmM 9, W aitlKM,
in . . . Oanaq innnOsPa. t
FEfltfjil 0 i
i r
o c a."
Ask for "Kooe-b. on Coas;hs," for Cooschs.
Oobta, Sore Throat, dunrsenasa. T ruches, too.
esajh mm Sat.-
Clears oat rats. Blea. roaebaa, Slea, ants, bed
bBBS,skaas,chHiBBiilis.(li rs.l i. UruKgl U
Heat PmlBB.
Palpluthm. Drot sical Swellliwi. Dizziness, In
dis;eUon, Headaelie. 8leplsert cBred by
" M ails' Healtb Keoew.r."
atassca Caraa.
Ask for Wel.s' " Romch oa Jorn lie. Ualck.
oouplata ear. Hani or soil euros, warts, bunions
'steMSSjk rala1" INsrawel Plawtor 1
Strexwtbenloa-, Improved, tbe best for back
ache, a1bs la cheat or ai-le, rbeuoMtism, neural
gia. TBI at rexfBlB- .
Wells Health Reoewer" resturrs b.alth and
Tt(fr. cures ly lieiisjk, Headaelia, Keivvusnes,
Uetilllty jl.
W bsMail Mt Cmmgm
and tha many Throat A fleet lows ol ehiMren,
promptly pleaoi ly, and (afely reheeed by
Ui)auK cm I !auih. ' TnuohAS. ho SbklMifn. 2io
Balsam, Sic
It tub are falling, broken, worn out and nervous,
use --Wills' Health Manea-er " fl. lruinritj. rre-rTer.
If von ar LmIi.. tnnr vHn nn lir trv Welle
Health Keoewer?' G es ulrect to weak (Dots.
M Basts: h Tsmss karkw."
Inilllll MlUf In. N.MmL.1. 'P..ik-h r
ache. Ask lor "Hoagb ou iou'ihiteue." u ana itte.
Prelt Wsbvi.
Ladles hnwoolil ret u In Imahn.t. a n.1 wtr.etlv
don't (ail to tr, - Wells' Health Ueuewer."
Csuarrkal TkreMst atTeetiaas,
HaoklDK. Irrlta lne Connhs. Throat.
cure-i I.y K.-UftU un Cutmhs " Troches, 16c.
1. qalO, ;sc.
"SeBshta lick."
' Eoairh on Itch ' cures l-uraors eruntlnns. rlnsr.
worm, tetter, sll rheum, Irosted I eel, t-bllbUliis.
Tbe HoM r k Nat
Children, slow in develotimeat, iiunv. scrawny.
and delicate, use "Well.' health henewer."
TV m- AsfBhei.
three or four hoars every nhcht coughing. Oet
lmmeowte reuei anu sound rest by uning wens
tiuuxu on uuukos. - t ruchts, 103 uaisam, zsc
'(k Oa Psla" Pe'eawd Plaate-r;
Strenirthenina- lmnn.ul ih,h.e A.rhM.ku.ltii.
pains in chest ur side, rheutnatim, oeuralKli
TatuiiiK a Kreth Ilrpnrter.
Last night I was asciened to re
nnrt a fir ove-r on the Vvt Siilp
and 1 wr-'te it iiu in grnnd etjl-.
niadn a hiilfi-iiltimn nriielf nf it 1
beer an it in this w:tv r ' Stuhlf-nlv tin
the "till night air rang the shrill cry
oi nre, and at the same moment the
little link
light play along the root's edge had
caught the eye ot the midnight
waicner, leaped lurth, no longer
ulavful. but fierce and aiiprv in its
. n j - -
thirst and greed. Like glowing,
enaey demons the lurid links en
twined tbe rlnnmrd hiiililimr in
venomous hisses and spurt. . the
names shot into the overhanging
darkness, whita frm every wimlow
and door poured lorth a dense, fml-
rthlirrtlliii krinilie tho f?fulv KiifTu-
I J , .
eating breath of an imprisoned
fiend." " I went on in that ftvle for
over half a colu un," said the rejKir-
ter, and this is what showed up in
the nmwr thia mnrnino- : ' PiitShpp-
ny's grocery was destroyed by fire
loO XW.k. . I 0-.A. ....:..r..,'.nA 11'
huh uigub mop, , uiuiieuicu.
A Fortunate Discovery.
A new light is thrown on the suh
ject of Conf um ption bv Dr. Wagner
Kemp, discoverer of Kemp . balsam
for the Throat and Lungs. A rem
edy that haB proved ltwlf to be a
remarkable comixtund. It does its
work thoroughly, stopping a back
ing cough inetantiv.
Sold by C. N. Boyd. Price 50cts.
and $1.00 Trial bottle free. 'Jet
Unknown Aaaaaa'n.
McConnellsruko, Ta., February
13. Hubert A. McDnnald, a promi
nent politician and ru- rchant of this
town, was assaulted last night and
stabbed in the neck by an assailant
who had requested him by a drop
note signed "A Friend" to meet hi in
at the Post Ollice. Mr McDonald
showed the anonymous note to post
maater Shimer, and walked acrons
the street with the idea of ascertain
ing who th writer was. hue
making a step upward on a orch
some concealed person struck him
under the chin with a ktife, cutting
an ugly gash. Mr. McDonald is
able to be about, however.
Buckleu'a Arnica .salve.
The Best Salve in the world fur
Cuts, Bruines, Soree, Ulcern, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap
ped Hands, Chilhluiris. Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively
curen Pile, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to nive fierfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25c
per- box.
Ft.r sale- bv C. N. Boyd, june'20
More Coke Ovens to be Fired I'p.
Pittsburgh, Pa , February 10.
Twenty percent, of the idle coke ov
ens under the control of the coke
syndicate are to l e fired up at once
on the authorization of the jyiitlicale
Five thousand of the syndicate's 10,
000 ovens are now in blat, and it is
anticipated that by the 1st of March
all will be running. This, together
with the advance in the price of
coke, will give an unnetus to the"
trade tbat will go far toward a boom.
One of triy children, a girl about
nine years old, had a very bad (lis
charge trom her had and nose of p
thick, yellowish matter, and was
growing worse. We had two dif
ferent physicians prescribe for tier,
but without benefit We tried
Ely's Cream Balm, and much to
our surprise in three days there
was a marked improvement. We
continued using the Balm and in a
short time the discharge was appar
ently cured. O. A Cary, Coming.
N. Y.
A BlooOj Row at Dance.
Fort Smith. Ark . Februarr 12.
Another bloody affray is reported to
have occurred at a dance in the In
dian Territory. Last Fridny ii'jtbt
aea isuoou gave a dtiice at ins
Louie, at which whiky tlowed free
ly and nearly everybody got drunk.
Two men engaged in a fight. The
friends of both ititt-rfervd, and (he
fight became general. Srvrral
strangers were killed outright and
a number of others wounded.
Is in store tor all who un KeruoY
Balsam for the throat nnd lungH. the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold "on It uier
its and that each druifiiist is
iied to refund your money by the
rropnetnr of this wonderful remed y
If it fails to
has secured
Price 50
size free.
A head iroierlv contituted cd
CCOmmodnUJ itdrlf to Whatever pil-
lows the vicissitude of fortune m-j
OlVCe Under it
-,r.u.uu" 1U
wgencj f..r it. wsWeW-- dX'lirn'd'
r..! n.i 1 (Ml Triul Bll wno want work m.v test tbe businen. we 1?!?: d,,- Haujci .t.o P.d.
FISHER'S book: store,
This well established, old and reliable Book.
3d. 1WV fr -m its old cramped and InsBttlcient
More-Ko- m Ulrei-ily opposite Own & Keertts In tneseeonim av usquar era penally n ie-i np ior
lis oc-'Uimnc. the stork of Book. Niwsaod Stti"nery has t-eea very s;reatlv eolareL Jipeclal at
ten lion will be pall to the Ukoltiati Trmdt. Srhiad Uss. r-huol !u. (jliesPuper. tnvel. -s. Inks.
Hens. Alnnnae. Pennls HI nk Hoxks. fce , will le bout-lit In Ume inaniile .11 reft tn m manutar.
turers. wlih-h will enxhle this estahihmant to l b to town ami en- aire meivbanis at such figures ss
will make It edvaataKeoas t bov hee To retail
beiflered. A I wave lor sale a? ex-en ive and varied
T-avel Novels Lutheran nd Mtseiplrs Hjmn
ztevsews, inuy rapers Biory rapers, anu a general uneoi readinn matter.
Day School and Sunday School Reward Cards,
I Have Just Received a Car Load of the
. Hollow Iron Axle Wagons.
fEvcry Wagon Fully
No. 3 Baer's Block.
T.K. M vRSkiALL.:
: Wholesalers
lUnr 2C6 Main Street.
M ani Soft frts.
A Oeneral Line of all nTdes of Lumtier and Bulldine; Material and Rooflnif late kept in Stock.
Also can lurnisn anythinK in the line of car business to order with res nat le jirjinptntts, such as
Brackets. (Wd-siieU wurk, ax.
Manager, Somerset Branch.
Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C R. R.tation. Somerset. Pa
The Great Blood Purifier,
Has been used for centuries br the Indians, and brought by them direct rrom their Western horns.
IwlLinSKatbertheruots, herlis, b-trksand Hjums, awl ship them easttous A few uf tbe most leurn
ed and sklllhal of these people are seat here U prepars this ramarkabla medlcln tit the white man's
aea. Tbe Indians rlKhliv beliers thai
And that to keep It pure Is the trail to health. The science of chemistry or el medicine has never
produced so valuable a reise-lr. or one so potent ta euro all diseases arising fr-im impurity ol tbe
tloo.1, as this Indian preparuon. Nosullerer from any of these atBictlona need despair who will
(Ive It a fair trial.
Causes such diseases as Dyspepsia. Slek Headaebe. Sour St mach, Loss or appetite. Heartburn, lie.
pression, I'earjlula. Female Uis-rders Kidney Diseases. l'oniiiitl..n. Liver Coughs. lllu-tlli.
Asthma, InflmmlioQ, Plies. Insanity, Jauoilce, Melsncnoly, Impure Blond. SI vplessnen, r'evcr
and Aaue, Sciatica, Kheumatism. NervoUMiess. l)-itlveness. Bilious Attacks, fauislntbe Body
Liver Disease. Bolls, Pleurisy, and a h t of other UN.
Tue medicines of 'be drairirist tak -n internally, will do no (rood. Tha only safe and ure cure. Is
In the useof BilV1l Bi.V Italia the liver an I stomach to resume natural action, driv.-s the
poisons irm the system, tones up the nervous ir no-ncee purines the body, and restores perfect
health. Ask vourdruiricist tor KA TON Ki. Take nothlns; else, as you value juur health. It he
has II not, tell him to send for it to tha
rrice $1.00 Per Bottle, Six Bottles for 5.5.00.
Iseertalnly tha best Remedy ef Its kind ever introduced, ana the people ehoa-e snltorinv with
Houghs, Colds, and Luna; Troubles should not delay. Its ettects are mimical. oOcems per bottle.
SB sse. av bv 1 1 Will never be f rgotten by those who saw the w -ndrrful cures per-
ImuieilUiely. Ak jour rui(iisl lor dixlo; Indian
awa av a Baw av ar am ro-me-i in punuc
bottle. Larva bottles oOeeuts. For sale bj all
(East from Court Bonne.)
Somerset, Penn'a.
Mmnfaeturer of
Furnished on Short Net Ice.
Painting Done on Short Time.
My work Is made out of Thoroughly Srmtontd
Wood, and the Brsf Iron mud SirtL aabrtan
tlally I'onsiruc ed. Neatly Hui-heu, and
H trrtnitd fa Gim Salitfactlon.
I Employ Only First Class Workmen.
Repairing or AH Klnd.In My Line Dona on Short
All Work Warranted.
t 'all ami Examine niv Stock, and Learn Prices.
I do Wairou-work. and lurnisb Selves lor Wind
Mills. Remember the place, and call in.
(East or Court House.)
nprtO-lyr. SOMERSET. PA.
, Tlie Pnrwrt and Eel
ke., fce.,
Kept eomlantlf on hand, and told at Ikt
Store ami Offlee on Main Street, three rioorr
East ol ibe -mernet Hi-ese. Sooieret-t. Fa. A
share of th- pnblle w romia;e Is reypee.tnilr so-
llci.ed. V all and IniCec, mv ,tk
Pr work lne; people. Snl
penu pxeiaue and we will
il vonreea r-y il. valua
ble samp
hoi of gWstbst
o in lor way of maku.z; more avuney In
make this anmralleled otter To all who are not
w. II as lis Bed, we will send tl to pay for the rvalue
""Il pmlcnlars, dlrwtms ete .
IZi .Vir,".2A dTTa
sent iree.
i "" A-urUskB-l, M.lisej. jana. I
r nMTU.D rABMS.-Book .. . m.p
i IS"'"- - wtiananaB, U't. r, i
'Ifct. kbU-Ua. I
Will !
Bw.iw.wJ.' .DitilBoi rVaoi eS ,n . V,h ?': N T J-
News anil Sta-tonerr Store was moved on February
qosrters 10 the la-ir-. eleg-ant and convenient uew
buvers. an almost in nraeralile line ( ipa.i will
asinmeiit ol I'uetlesl Worfcs Histories. Ho--ksof
Ituoks. 1-irttnnarh'S. children's Toy Bvoks, Maa;as ors,
Call and See Them.
Somerset. Pa.
'.XJrandi tXllcw and Vard
anfl Dealers,!
Somerset, Pa..
and Retailers :
ov tne tn-uan ueuicine .en. it relieves all
Oil. Take aother.
It is the best. 2eentspcr
Hi Assurance Conpi of tie
DalteJ States.
Henry It. Hyde, Pres't.
ASSETS - - $53,030.58!
SURPLUS - - 12,109.756
INCOME - - 13.470.571
New Assurance written in
1883, $81,129,756. Paid to
policy holders during the last
24 years, $73,877,699.
Tha Society has wrlttea. durtns; the past twen
ty year, an SKsrrgate amount f aew asfuranca
la ut r than bus been written by any other eom
lny in the world.
The surplus fund of the Suoct-ty, i n a four per
cent, valnaikn. Is larsrerthan that of on ether
life insuracce i-emiMtny in the w.-rUi. I
Tbjb Kgt tTABUt Lira Ashubascb Socirrr Is
sues a plain and simple ennuaet ol assuranee, free
from burdensome an I technical conditions, and
INDISPUTABLE after three y.-ars. All poll.
cies, as soon as they become in-llsputuble, are
payable 1MM LMATI LY upon sailsfactory
proors o death, and a legal release, without the
delay ufutl with ober companies. Hy ibis
rsoarT fatbekt, the beneflcisry or an K.julta-
ble policy is no. only savat from annoying- delays I
and expenses, but receives pecuniary le'lefae'
quickly as if the amount of ihe assur tern had
been mrrsied In a bond ol
Cul'eil Stat. a.
the Ouvernm. n. of tbe
W.Frank Gaul,
Special Agent fir Nmeret Co
obtained, ami all business In the V. s Pjt-nt
tnire, In tne tlnnrts attenleu to lor MODERATE
We aie opiMislte the V S. Psreoi thrive, en-
enobtal paimis in less Urns niau tnuse remote
W hen ntei w drasrlns; Is sent we advlna as tn
pa-en'sbtlitv 'ree of ehsnre; and we make NO
e relr. Here, 10 the Pirttni isier. tne Supt. ot
tbe Money nler lHvlnt.-n, anl to offlrlsls of tbe
V. S. Patent Offlee For elrenlar. ailviee, terms.
and reference tn actual clients in yoor own State
or eonntj, address
fj 1 u'l V .'!
"i?' '
1 l.liawiLD I lirni a llit
Wasbla oo. II. C.
la prttenlt fivr awaf Send or i
e. t poe iKe ao-l bv malt ton will
e frte s parK-tge nf a;-els ot larae
.h.l t .I.M ...Hi. I.
that will at oneebrlnB von In Bwmev Usi er th.n
anvtlnna el-e n mere All ah. a' me K' 0)
aa QniVI" Send ernu .or nosf.
!JrJL . 'Jt.W.J
money rlBhtawsy thaa anythins; ese In tl...
era. abeolBtely .are At oaos address. Tars a
Usx.Aojrmta. Malwa. tanaa.
Our Stork Of I
Drugs, I
Medicines, j
and Chemical
la ihe Largest in the County. fjaT
irg enlarged mv Store-rtM.m, jtj,"
i ow puitwl to a ridU incrra.. I
ing tnule. I have increased
my stock in f
And Ask a Critical Eismlnsti n nt ' :
mi DRUGS Wam.
Sp clal Care Giv, n to Compounding
PtF-'cans' PrsscriDticus ail Fan:! Eri
asd painters' supplies i
soaps, ;
School Books and School Supplies I
at Lowest Prices.
wWe auk Specie Attention to this IVp ruen.
Good Goods,
Low Prices,
And Fair lears With Ai 1
..JKT10H SF'sS. t
limy mi uu Sim
CannotChoks a Horse
Adjusts Itself to any
Horse's Neck,
Has two Bows of
Will hold Harries
In place better than
any other Collar.
I'oa Want Io a Good and Che.p
Call on me. I also keep constantly on band s
Large assort mem ur Mue Hntl-maue
BrBh-s. Ln Blankets, sn-1 everrthina' tn
lounil in a Fir rj-l:is Swl.ilry iV y Tef
NUins; H -s s aloa- spar "-r l i-a
Whrn 1m nrei 1,1 nilMi- b my line.
KlveBie s cm li.
lecJ4. soasss T, tt.
Old in Experience.
We have had thirty years'
experience in manufacturing
Raw Bone Supcr-Phospiiates.
and farmers may depend upon
our goods.
There is no improvement
or economy of manufacture
suggested by science or ac
complished by skilled expe
rience, that we have not
embodied in producing relia
ble and cheap fertilizers.
It has been shown over
and over again by testimoni
als from reliable farmers, anJ
by analyses made and pub
lished by State Boards of Ag
riculture, that Baughs :5
Phosphate is a complete ana
reliable fertilizer for general
noWManufseno Philadelphia
! IwavskeeponbaiKlalarBestorknt FU"'J
all kovis .f t'HOP. Also, all kiwis of OIUW
whlcn 1 sell as
Wh..lesale and Ketail. Yob will save im-aeJ'
bo j ing ipim tne. 1 j stoek Is always Fresb.
617 Wood Street.
A(ent lor
I d,r, eomt etllton wl h ibe Skates. The
ua. -m b, .kw. k
wewej swr SbbbbiI FwJf, C. .
vx; tin ,tji
iri i