Somerset Herald. .-,r;: .... I . When a new drama h proved success Sraiso Elbws. The following is a ful. it U ciist-iinarv the audience tn call ' rnmnlefe list of Ike officers elected ill 6oni- u Var l!tt Wed tic- the author tn-for the curtain.. They have a ' Somereet County, at the election held oo . curiosity to sec wiiat sort of a tuaa it is that . ttie. I7th day of February, 1885 i . ,, ; created tlie pUy that has amused and in- bobotch ornci ..-xnt,W. .'av ni-ht. ' strmtcd them. -There is arimetniBg Tim f-!ev!ii:'K is in prime condition. t T'.f I.i-i;teti Slav. ; srructcd them. There ia sfucethine very! Berlin Boronith Number of votes cast ni;n h like this in ri-ard to our gteat news" ' 127 ; Justice, Albert Hi ffley ; Burgess, H Interna? Ctiliectur Case gathered nirs ; their editorial utierances are all Oarey ; Town Council, J. C Philsoo and S. fin .7 durins Jj mi arc. iHr. Sn wi.l H i i n Tii'ir- J. f -i:ierst Township, W p-r--na t-r-'perj; at ptirjiic sale ia.. l!t;i. FelroiTJ Uo. 1' ,i. IT K &-'- .;!,tll).:carIai:i tnMMttly. s,i;f'.erii!0 lrjni i" I. are the aiiutiyninis, but there i? generally a tradi- , S. Shaffer (tie); ConsUble, W illiain A. I'ow timi of some lialf-t.lia.inwy penotiage who J ell ; High Constable, John C. Sheets; Jiufce, has eMat.Ii-lici thrjuinial.given it its char- j D. U. Fisher ; Ii.spectors, William Dively iicier, and constantly directs it ; and the ; and H. A. Bieler ; Assessor, J. IV, Philson ; ; put.lie like to have him come before the cur- ! Assistant Assweiors.Cbarles Zimruertuan and tain now'and then, lo fcddms them in per- IVterSuder ; Schwor fa rectors. William A S'. This Miirat Hais'taJ. of the Cuicin- Carman and Alex BruUakei; Street Com i nail Vv'nmm 'uit-G iirtu ha done in the iMi-skmer, E.I McQuaide. ' -! ! March nuinher of the Aorta Ahxncan lle- Csiiitf uctice Number of votes cast, 88 ' Mr. Ievi Kniipi. one of Jt-rlcr-on town- ' rteur. to which he contribute an article on j Burgess, A. K Uuinbert ; Town Council. M i-!il p' m.i-t ,-.;ima!ii.' citizen, died Sunday ' The Revival of Sectionalism." In the i K. Mountain ; Constable, James Woodman-a't- ri.':-. the etTWt f rrysiptlin. i same number, Archdeacon Farrar presents i cy ; Hith Constable, Jasper Flanagan I - iJ'1'" views on "Future netribution," and'Judre, 1abU Grtetsniati ; Insjiectors, E. O. Tin- ma- y I'.-ict'.il- ! lr. W. C. Hicks will ., .. ,- .. ti... i. i i I !'wl.,ri,-L- Frrf Vu,l- l,r lilm A i i . . i ik, ratia i 1 1 r 1 1 n: . . . , i . t- , ...... ...v.., ...... - - r .- , ?! r. J .hi; S. L' on. ; r .prii t of I'rsina' p ipn i.r hniei. the iVnfvril H .uhc, paid u a fr.eudly visit Jlmlav t-v.riitii. t o ur..-vtd to learn of his ileatb, which Sad h in Mevcrijle event imi urrr l Sjml -v n:r:l.t. a: !: pects of Vivisection " in a way that brinin ticiher briefly every thins that any person :i,ter hurcaiin , nras..-i ar.v: iai:ii- , j " i i'-mi ,Vl-e 1 ' ear N.-.V Centreville, Tnur scli'J"!- a'e draw of note has said on thesuhjecu Max Miller variant-' r ( . N. 1" i.iv M .: : .1 i. - .i i.:.... ;. I ..f . I.. H.,.1 I! SnyUr willofTera lare ; ocs rinen ine asumi-iiiiif, . Hrtv .it o.ihlic sale "'! ' "e bunict ot nuniy, ai.u ueorirw ' ' I - . ' . . a. ' T : it n I. - D i k i.u i' iii it KiiniHiu-ftHi ffi! un acreui Miu wun , jumicc, ncury iiutu, urirra. a. I an article on - Mind in Men and Animals " ' Kau.z; Council, 1L W. Maurer. Daniel Pe I Ttie oilier articles are one bv President Gil- ! terson ; Town Cierk. Rufus Rint-h ; Cotistw Walker; Ass't Assessors, Wihiaiu C. Dodds. B. Frank Sloan; SchoU Direc rs. V. M Black, W. 8. Mountain; Auditor. A. M. Row; Street Commissioner, Thomas Kyler. Jenuertown Number of votes casj, 12 ; B ettic at J . I, f uU, in Soman Huriwci. Pa. j. it rvitn . i A.r.DI KET. fctii. 4dtulni.rtof. K XECUTORS' NOTICE. L:,,l ,.i Hie sal.' Ill'"" .Ssl.lll. if vi 'U buy .1 IV 1.1. Voiir IK- s'iil buys hisel .:!i- J 1J r-NVI'Lil V t f. ,.v,,. ir.tiHiiei. olf. f.r IS" a i l tin si re.S liners;, l a ,;or rij-is'ered Cmiii n ! a zero several lie-rnin,- last L.,-r-n 'he. pi le'O"!- a id S n;e-s !nr I. :i ; me tin. I. I s .Civ U this efiieo. w ill b ase return the T:.e c .rre.i.ii.l.Mits ..f t'ne Hkihiji are re ( i. I t i ai.-iain Ir.'iu! atiaeks on a i. ..ti.-, or f. eii r. :! -tious ca'cnlated 10 ij in !'.. tei f a i, I: feaito- -'!;er W'..:.f c r U.. 1 Z S ' I V ' Ke tieiiven Jenuer X ' oiait" on Titles ( hiefly scholastic), one by I ble. Kufus Ranch ; Jude of Election, H W" T.inrsdav eventitf. a 'j,,,!,-i,,i.,, . Jaiiosin on Simulation in ! .Maurer; IiiMctors," E.'B. Kautz, L. B. Politics." and our by Jhn W Johnson on j J JU'ii in ; Aei r. D I itePwrs 1 1 ; A Railway Iiumtraiitn V.. " - tf J-J Assessors, John Kink. J. A. Kaylor; street ' . . - : . m ill Iii t coiniuissioner, J vr. rneumic, ouu.iui di rectors Lewis Craver, J. J Grimth ; Audit or, J F. Kautz. Meyersdale Number of votes cast. 203; Justice, Dennis Ciok ; Burgess, Martin A flutter; Town Council, A. Chamberlain and Sa uuel B. Philson : Constable. Xah CatonJ the 't'K'i Constanle (A. Mnrpny ann J. w. rue Ot'a Har.i-n;.i Lkttkb. le.r-e li:i o.-i ,.j I.i l!:e N.'rt -'r:. .i.i.-e in town to ;-et j. M'NtB .v ' ' a sh.ibl" iven- ' i' i a :;:i v cent ion-ii . A i v li'i-j- l a i. le'ii'-t s. J U i.i.a A ' o's. a- - ii 1 ' r warran". t-eue m i'.l 'l.ira i'ee.l. ' .-S fcl.ll i !t ii-M.I Sever i! i i-'er i li .r h n-ers are in So:n- t. a .1 haf" bre i hiivins up a fi'ie lot of n.' !i t-. -. Tin y s iipi.-.l several car els li t v,r" I I s , .11 install. l - L ive li. e'l J li i. lar- i We an- h.ivi ar?er -il I'll ;.il 1 ..1 c: The iiVe ia i. I .r i ri n! ir .x winter. Tlie - 1 t .tea' her kn.isrti in i 1" f m i iy v 'a u imi iv ': ti ') mi rnir, rejit.-ri-i lsc t.a t V-li!i-d:ie tne nierrur i t . 7 r 1 1 .I t . II 4KKI-Bl"iiO. Feb. FfonOaf li-gnl'ir tXtritsymdtnl. Owifli: to the inmiiciiial elections this week, the I.iirUI jture did not convene until We luesdar niirlit. ail I Sit that seskm Senate did c iiuparaiivelv notliiiii.wliile the time of the H aie .is cunMiuieit by Craw foni and Ma. km, of Puiiadelphia, in their objection to lb iKissjitt; of bill to prevent ( 'HTsoiis from ae.piirim; a ri'ht by user in ipi-sin over co!!ei:e.r ac.idemy (jP.unds j jTiicsv t.vo brd iunt, prtseiiiativcs of the j J. I.. .-m i. i liM'.'l I leOV C il.'l.ll 1 'rr:i .it in.:; .V : : re:.dy f. ;i tiuir ;iift . J-;tiiit:a u i r ! rrf . .ri I "o's the , to t.?y. tied on 12i votes each); Jude, S. J. Baer . inspectors; N D. Miller and William Coule han ;, Ered'k Nanitle; Ass't Asses sors, J. F. Hivelv and M. D Miller; School DinHtors. William II. 7. ifall, John S Graves: Auditor. J. Z Bowman. New Baltimore- Number of votes cast. IS); Ilem s-ra ic s a'esiueu amused tlie Mouse in ; ituress. A. P. tlitbe ; Town Council. Wil I j- 11 I ' , T T It- . 1- Jl . L a s ,rt ! mm-tre! trollie si le. ' rat"i.i :iiuin ii. a i -rner ; iowo ciers, is the craiiiniatical jiynotast of the II" u-e, Anthony Seii;ar ; ".instable, John F. I-onjf ; and a!avs uses are" f.r "is." and instead Jude of Election. Ijewis B Smith ; Inspect or '' uses " v," as the tirst sentence of bis I ,irt SJ,annoii IIershberter. J din B. Gilles- Mpeei h shows -There are a wery pxnl uni- j pie; Assessor. F A- Warner ; As"t Asse- wersity in lfy w to haint wantiti j ors. John Siraub. S A. Toper; School Di this ere law." Mock in was busy as ever oh- j rectors. F. A Warner, F. A.- Lneken ; Au ji.vtiuj; to ever tiling any llepuhlicau stii; ditor. M A Gillespie; Street Commissioner, Ktu.d. and calling tlie y as and na son ev- Jteph Gardill. rv irivi .1 and insf-iiiiicatit tnoiioii, until 1 New Centreville Boroiiirh Nnmlier of :rt c riv. nel hi 10 .'.Irk M"" '"T ! ,h !-K.aker b.same bhnd and deaf to bis votes cast, 22 Justice, Aaron Will ; Bnr .r .in-. i :h J.i l.i-s 15.1. r. Collins ami i j pess, D. W. Will ; Town Council Rev. J H yi-r on i iie hencn. Tne was! (n fhi'Tidav both branches worked in-'Zinn; Constanle, L. N. Scott ; Hiih Con u c.iliv larje for tlie c).eninir hiy of j ,,l-lr.(n)Jy oll bills on lirst and second 1 sin ble. James B. Ferret . Jnde. Jacob Hi ne :C. Tnt.'.sa i.irje nun. her of crnuin- r1l,. all on Thursday afn moon there ; h;iii'!i ; Inspectors, Peter Pile, Iifayette I I'.itt ll lor Ilia!, bill in..-t .fil .em are i .MS ., ;.,;., nieetiins in the Senate chamliT Vounht; Assessor. Josiah Miller; Ass't As- r.'. juu ofWm Zimawnnaa, Uts of Me-srsdala Br swmerMt Conty. Pa dec it. Lum wtaasemarr ea ttieaba-e as at kavfeia; been araattsi to tlx aixlerruiBad J 'hmtirvfm antbiity. anttce Is hrb arrso to all pemiaa Imwfl to said M at tu saak lametUi ia BSDt, and thiM bavinselaiaM aaalost lh Sana will presral tbrm dal awtheaikatad kie aetilemru oa Satwrday, April t, Ufco, at Uia lata rest jeoe af deeeawd. JilvJilAEL A. ZIMMERMAN, iebzi, . Exaeator. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE, il - - j Estate of Sarah Thomas, late of Tarksy'ooi Twp. I Twp . Somerset o.. Pa., dee d. I Letters o adaUntsmtloo ea tbe atwsw estate Bavins; bera rrant4 to tbe awlersluned by Uia . ' fr.iper aotboritT, aottce Is hereby Ktvea to all j IMrsooa tndsstsa to said as'sM to maa tssnMdl- J ate pavment, and ihos baring claims saslntt the I aame will present tbetn duly iiteBtleatd lor f " sratteaienl oa Satardav, the Ztb day ! Msfea. j " 1hs6, al tha office of tbe AdnlnistratoT. ia Cod-! Same Boruaaa, fa. , W. S. WOCKTAn?, feMJ. ' 4 Admlnlstmtror. pUBLIG SALE. By rirue efaa Order of Salo Irnnd Bt o( the Oruhaus' Uosrt ef skmiersu Uooaiiy, Pa I wlU expon to public sale oo the premises, oa THURSDAY, MARCH 19, ISSp. atzo'rlo.;k r. K..tbe fbllowlndoserlhed Real Es tate. lt tbepsueer'y ot QurR;e El -bair, situate In Summit Twp Somerset o.. Pa, a.lj dninc l'Ddsol tual rlke and tbe public road sa tbe us sa ' Boa;b, eoutalnioa; eoe-iourtn acre, mora or e, barlDs; t herom a small two o'y Frame Hon e, aad oth-r ootbuiHinirs Torms : One ball easb, and balance in six months L. J JOtlER, iet. 3. . , Administrator and Trustee. ' minii rs of In. -ana coilil'V 1 he e. . i my :.i X ai four nulls on th" r to-- .ree;u year. I i Washintoil I is t'.s la' tl.reo mills. It Vel .! c i-m'v it i- -,s nulls, in Fayet'e If-.r.l -:, Urec.'ie ti , e, AUeheuy 1 in S-. ners' t eiht. t r" V ' ;1 !.!'.' I r I..', i roller skutinp ; i on nil avi r::r( ,v,.- i:i each of ti.c::i ,e Ci'ii'i-it Iron C.m- ,'! ... s .1 .wo f. t I rial at 1 t o"-e -i: l'.; man should I s'.v: ! ..f bei:u ii.iiic 1 i.-i.: i- p"'i t t..-.v.-hii. . i! n oiiw , f v, ;,.,,ll 1 : e vi-Viators of! ii.iir in c nirt. n.i- returned i. f.r siio .t uiil the case resent term of court. vh:le on the wins the awarded a chromo in .1 f .r a misdemeanor. of the Senate ami House .luniciary ui-ni sessors, v in. 11. alter, n. tl. nun ; scnooi ! c immatees to u'.ve a heariiiiS to all p ir'ies J , rectors, Henry Free, (i sirie W. Piiilip ' inter.K'e.1 in the ami-di-criininaiioii bill, j pi; An lit n-s. C. II. Walter ; Street Commn- Tlie than. hi r was crowded to hear both j sinner. E Iw.ird ? Sufall sid.-s. ami a i;reat maiv knotty (stints' Sa'i-'biiry Burttess, Henry Iex-hel; T were unraveled for the by th-jCou'iril. C.iper I.chel and C. T. Hay; friends and enemies "f I lie bill. Mr. N orris ; Constable, Ievi Snyder; Hijjh Constable. P L. Livelihood; Jud-e, Henrv Kidner; In- .i, I.. tin r w I "IV f r y - '. !' :,i I:.i-.ts. Ml' the i. c.'itn or-. ;;t . i.'i A '..r i I e l..v . 'U.i r-e'. , - ill . hi I ii Sn ,i in i ..e c mi u i.oin-s-.ahii-'.ed :t- ni' ' v U- b I h; tl.. of the Philadelphia .Vwf and represent jtivof the Maritime F.xchiiniie made the I most for ihle sjH-ts h of all in his advocacy Therailr.tad aien did not tin-.i of no-ers .t have much to say for themselves. Senator Vim! Hill tunm l ' Kmery tried to help champion the side of e drivips Icrse ! anti-di-criinii a:ion. but ma Jo as a oum ti Wasblt.r n ' d. r a he did in his oppoition to Caiueroii tie-ii'n ..f iSO. j He is oneof the most unreasonable men in :: and bridle the Senate, and d.tes more blowing than all lin.s! :o Ilev. Father It he oilier slaiesiuen lie always brunts in en i'lc -'or-i and ! s nne reference to his wealth and the tunml W,:r. t;i-1 amount he has expended in tins or Usui en a f" id x s(ector, T. Warner; Assessor, Adam Fogle; Ass't Ass'rs Tunison Olotfelty and Lloyd Buyer. School Directors, Charles Hazelbarth and Peter S Hay ; Auditor, Ross Idchty . Street Commissioner, John Riupler. Somerset Number of votes cast, 206 ; Bnr pis. William II, Welfley ; Town Conncilt Herman G. Cunningham ; Constable. Sam uel P. Snyder; Hich Constable. William Gilbert ; Judge, John R. Edie; Inspectors, Daniel J Horner and Francis F Hcrr; As-.-ssor. Cbambers Huston ; Ass't Ass'rs, -t ii"i a nd 1, th. i. r ,v I la f:r r-: in i . s si. K, v.. h.VCiist..r:a. ' , - e v.ii. a i hi'il i.e criid forCiisii.ria. i . !,e n Miss, fhei l'-.ti toCnsi"ria ; . i ii': . ',n i. si e javi t'.ein C.i-i'n. i ir x-tre'.io hos's, ye tne-enire." nt . -,,1 .v , ..ii"d printers hcrclchr lind ivi ? The shining atigel band v ti l ktiMWlrljc i- Riven, "rie'iil -o tl. j rii t r-' bor.l.s can r.eve.-en- .d !ii!ilin. calico s. fin'Jisii". pa .ris. or ai ythins in 'he , . :r l otion line, as cheap and - . . von can pe them ni vwhere r, -.o! ee ti and Iw cn in' cl. J It. S.WPrp A Co. ... '1 r,T ri .'i i'ii Td t tne by i: ; or n.e will i.eae e 1 V"i I;. vl ii ! i..r t. ni ed tlie . . i .. i : ii; : r si: ..A ea..i... c. i...! tert'ris' a man WUIIOIII cimure mm nneoi-i isnnc i. vr--.pc s?a i-.i . but whose success in ml ss-u!aiion j Directors. William H. Sanner, Francis J Kivser ; Street Comniissnmer, Dan 1 S. H-t.'.v -'!' if th. hintf until the Thev both went to jii! Similar s"i;'i i es f.r like r.ffences were imp'.-'ed upon Mn-hael M Garvev and Ti Wid. mho were tried and convicted Monday atfrn...n. a ;'.p ' . r-'n 17 v, T ' 1 'own 11-. : l-.t t-.-i. to r'; . h i- f e -'.errT's - Is please i.-e or I he of an . -said 1..VI Lliiioer. who were j gained him wealth and thereby power, at De-!!! Vr v-si m of selling , bu, (in,y ju y,.jCeau county. :!,. !' li.Tfs were rc-is-c-ivelv rjdav morniim verv little was done, as Moi .'. . . by .'ml -e B ier, to pav . of ,!lc n,.se and g "' many Sena- Die ro-:s r,r i.roscrifi'in. nn to , ., .1 , I,t kiarv General roni- mittee to insjieit the Reforuiatorv Innitu tn.n at P.'nLi delphia. The action of the f, iiTimr In withlioldins ii'iminm from the Senate is crtaiiiiii considerable com ment and is now nhowin ibe aggressive sideofbUcbarailer, and his course threat ens to lead to much ill-feeling. Recently he sent to tbe Senate tbe names if two of tie Trustees of the Norristown hospital for re-appotntmpnt. and also the narneof an ex rebel soldier for Notary Public. As will be remembered the Senate rejected them all one of the ho-pital Trustees by nn almost unanimous vo'e. The ex-reU l had been ap (siintel Notary Public before the les-islaitire assembled, and been commissioned, subject M confirin iti'Mi. The Governor now claims that all these rej-cle i appointees can con tinue to act until he chooses to appoint their siicc s-ors. and further claiius that ,-n eoiints H . - ..r 1 Fill.. ' t1 -c .1 v ' inii's The II irr: nn l,h p?ntt!d say . A num b. r ofj throughout the State are dv ii g Senator Liiifeneeker, of Bedford, a s-ercf ii j'lst ?ep bv pnh'islii; that h Is the a-i hor of forestrv bid a;id bv further asert injtl .it itlindl 'i n inTodneed bv htm in ihe Seea', wl i h bill is now before the r..:e.ri,i'-ec A gric-i 'tn-e; It is due Senator L n-'"'' k. r to M'l-p t'.at the bill was pre s bv i V'n'n ! inV'.r, tif Snipiens-l.i-r, a-i'! rea 1 In j.'a-v bv Senator Warner, of Cutn'.i rl i 'l, bv spei-ird Tpejtesf, and that h-'ri 111 c'l-.neC'n with the bill what cv r. !'. S il"?. e: T: . -Tbe les'ittite a' Mf i 1! o ' -.o .1 - 1 a 1 ' u I . : t (.':,. -e a I tne-e fl- . I' , Il 11 Tl '' ii. r u I'rl l iv eveeiiiL' M:in h -.- :'. ' iiii'"tr !i -11 (.;!..! s :b 01 i : t r i .ltd en -si, 1 . d f .':i.s.,i t of r the th. m tail. ;n -'it Oa -nr- P. eial S'ati-s I c'butio! M Ji' ti. ls-. volillm"'. telo. flv through The A 1 11 "1 i.i have d.,p h ti" "if no tne re-iil; ne fuls'vie. The tniisj-al cnter-i-,'i i; ni l be nn ini( nreii'is-a Iv ronini? in Sev- ... l.i-i, e ;!r a lv com n'mte,!.;.1. from all parts of rennsvlv.t Knee; Auditor. John 8. Shafrr. Stoytown Borough. Number of votes cast, 70. Burgess. Adam Grimm; Town Council, Luther M. Bowman; Constable, Ievi F. Shaffer; Judge, Henrv Bowman i Insjiectors, Wm. Wilson, Abrani Ferner; Assessors. Daniel B Zimmerman. Michael M Brubaker tie ; Ass't A ssessors, August. Heffley. Edgar Kyle; School Directors, Mar tin V. Sorber (Wm. E. Zimmerman, and Clias. W. Pugh, tie ; Auditor. Sam"! S. He ffley ; Street Commissioner. George W. YourtR. Vrsina Borough Justice, E D Yutry; Burgess, I. B. Jenning; Town Council. E. I). Yutzy ; Constable, W. J. Shaw ; High Constable, Hiram Blubangh ; Jmlge, Frel Dull; Inspectors. J. P. McClure, Jerry Wir sing; Assessor, I. Miller; ss't Assessors, Leroy Forquer, Jo. B. Cover ; School Di rectors, E. D. Yutzy, B. F. Snyder; 'Audi tors, J. B. Lyons; Street Commissioners. A. W. Wa'ter. Wellersburg Number of votes cast, 40! then- are nu n r un preoeden-s to be cited in ; Just C J. if Leith ; Burgess, John W tug Mit port of his poMU.ii. If this tfy i9;ert. Tosii Ciincil. John Gessner, Otho r, iI..h. il, sVnat. rsn not I :.ltt to ! lees Hie) ; oosiaoie. icier ivncenui , V -.'i.-ein theapidntnint of rerain Judge, Ja.s.b W. Mi ler; Inspectors. 1'. f. The Co istitution ives the G .ver" lalier. John Miner ; Assessor. A.lam I rim- . flhrrs with the ad-, oli ; A l A-or s. u w.hih. joun nin i rice and consent .f the Senate H limy t . en ; -scnooi Lnreci-re, . . 11. ia. v.. - shn w 1 in the Governor to cimiinvcht the , Fechtig, Sr ; Auditor, John Wmgert ; Clerk- Senate when that boly refu- to be siibmis- ; rdi I hi. but in doing so be seis a wretched ex- 1 TowsHlP orncERS, . i.ple iu 1.1s oipiuiiy ami iruiy " Addison No votescast 212; Constable J.h nas Mi Clintock ; Indge. diaries Delanter; have a otlicia;s. t.r p i r to a p. int 01 .. "1. or -ni 1. Promt"' iav wi he - .l-.-liT. L. I I- ". 1.1 v :;' Lsw, S. iner-' '. Pa. v.i'1 10 n .1 of .ilowing ttie r.e-ption on the G'h ti,,. ' M '-idler'.. Exhibition ' Man h h i- tiually an oi--i.-ior. of a good int. re-t -. -Ms: Ih -f. "i. !i ail nn Mr, n ; rl to n P for T'ro' lion..- 1 lo-M-d t icah and - , bv li.-n. Prompt at- , m ill avp the tro'ib'p hi!'. and (lossih'y S C TKI J.T. S .tn. rsft. Pa. j 1 Street. o have 1 rt.n to o;:r Ment V .;'to:i. p..-f. pork. Ac, kept :i b:it '!. O'f :i :t.:'y. Parties lii-.e i kept in the Refrip- v:- P.? Dwis k tli j - 1V0;-! . ror'.-i'g t'i r.-nrt vill j .r Pi-h.-r's U ...k Store has j i'.' t':. lare a'i 1 r .T.ven'ent 1 : r. 't'v '. ?...-i'.. toe oil 1 - ... snin r risin-r i.a , -iin.-'v !a ire a-i 1 var.e-l . :- i-i ! i e and w T l.eal 'e to : ' .' to ever;. Iiiiiig wanu-l in i 1 j - V-.r; ; As I ! ,-ve ;.! .' out ':- r 0: now that aP ts's. ; . ;i,- ito ss ij slioi.i I a 1 -n !iv. A!o. pcrs.u.s -urt f.s wtP s. i!p th i -i,'-" r.lelay Ai' d.-.!s ?iot (;,. 1 t f Var-h. aM ;.'. C es c-.m-lKi 1 ; I aid bv '1 lit e:.'e. w iii Ik- ' e ' 1 1 ill' filler ot the I iw I... '. l'' L-ive lb'- ruir in'ine- j .: ic.ri savp t'nrriier Co'-. i t A A. STIt7M- ' We are vr( to si some of the Dem i . -:! ie .apt rs of . county favoring the re r.w II- TV . :-!. .. f , .1.p. l-l-'Tienl ..: I-.' rg ' IM'iiets. il roiil 1 er-'t c.iit'IV. to the siu,-rv:-or-l in theou' ' i-ite. Verv !i''l of 'he rmd is nitl'ln the limits of s,niifrsi! coun"y. and t.eariv i'-'-' the money to keep up its repairs is ta'ten in at the tlir ? pates in Fayette ' count v. 'r li.i'is !ia s rvr 1 two years now. a:.d Pave'te - mi'lr -Uiu il have it the next term. As long a there are cimpetent Democratic app'.:ca;i' in Fayette, it hxiks I like a so tefnl f.ici i.a! st.lritthat leads our 1 local D-mor-iitir organ t 1 favor a I man. Rn.n'J nzi .Vtr.i.' .r.f U: C lief Exo u'ive of this Cuinnion 1 re d.y is ' I ,si-c;ors. John Englehart Amos JetTrevs I There wil! lie a He-publican caucus of tbe I s-a-ssor, John Binl : Ass't Assr's J. L An House on Wednesday evening, the 2".th j .tine, Eli Bender; Sii(rv!, Lewi, inst. the object of which is to receive the ap- ' Saiisman. John Smith. Jeremiah Augustine p rtiontueiit bid the committee, apKiinted j s;Uool Directors, J. L. Augustine Uvi Ster ner; Auditor, Ross McClintock ; TwpCl'k, Stejdien McClintock. Allegheny Number of votes cast, 90 ; Constable, Wiliiam II. Feiton ; Judge o Election, Daniel Coiigbenoiir ; InsM-ctors . George Feiton. Wiibaui II Miiler; A-wess- r.i b c-.mpai.ieifr.m discriminating r jj l. Walker ; Ass't Assr's T. A Miller tic. J M Cook; Constable, J 8 Baal j Judge, k DMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. James Murray ; Inspector. B F tvtnm, Jerc ' XjL tniah F Bittner: Aweasor, Uriaa Hurra v, J Estate of John J.Spoerler.vVt'd. laU efSoaMr- o 1 i . 1 set HoroasL. Susarrsst County, fa. S P ciW, Itiejrr Aa AjreMoea, m I LctUrs of admtnbtrtlo3 oa tbe boTS estate Msrer, PattrClioenaker; Saparvinrs. Wm bs.s;ota.i u tbe sBdwstes by tbs ... , - . ' Y . ' : ptpr aatb.tiy. not lea U fcereby atv to all , F Bittner, Clinst Jlinttroeyer; School Di- persnns sdeht.i to nil e-tats te sake tnnrertl- I rectors. II Johnson. ivi BaOirhman And- " pajawnt and thos haTtecetolms " -be 1 I reciora, u j jnnson. xv ";,,mn . , ,me u prssent them duly sutben'ieaisd for wt j itor. Otto Lawrence ; Totrnship Clerk, Eph- tl.tnrat r beHa-e Kris.r. April ia. t-U ' Us raim ueiper. j Ixiwer Turkeyfoot.--XBmber of votes cast, Ki. Constable, B. Yoonkin ; Jud-e. E. Cunningham ; Inspector, II. B. Harned ; Joseph Lichty ; Assea-. A. Nickelson ; Ass't Assessors. IL II 'Rush, N. Gerhart; Su;, M. Hartieil, I GMwall. A If. Danieis, G. Hre; Schi4 Directors, J. H. Younkiu, G .W. C-dborn; Auditor, H. IVant; Twp. Clerk. C 8. Younkiu. Middjlecteek. Nuuiber of votea cast, 7. Constable, Criaa Say lor; Judga. W. B. Bar. roll ; Inspectors, Iienry BarToa, U.J King; Assessor, C. J. Cramer, Jerry Wbipkey ; Su pervisors, Iii ram Tedn.w Michael Ansel; School Directors, A. C Moore, 8. A. Put man ; 'Audita. John H. MUler Township Milford Number votes cast; 114; Justice, . ;J Cotiiable, Jan mis . D -Cnehnekl ; Judge, Daniel I) Miller; Insneetors, Hiram Wable, PLoiig; A-a'r, Alex Snyder; Ass't Aser s, W li H Itaker, Peter Putman ; Su ervLsors, J C Crichfield, Solomou Snyder, George Dumbaiild, A J Sterner ; School Di rectors, Henry Bach man, Solomon Flick; Auditor, Silas A Walker; Twp Cl'k.'Dayid A Lohr; 'Twp Treat Henry W Werner. : Milford No 8-TO vote cast ; Judge of Election, Jacob Bittner; Inspectors, Jacob N Walter. Bernard I Walter. s V . '. j Northampton Cl Votea polled ; Justice; John Ehard; Constable, Geo W Ellenber KfT; Judge. J B Trial oe; Inspectors. II W Boyer, (Calvin Poorbaugh and Conrad Wer. iter, tie ;) Ass'r, John Wagamin; Ass't Asa'rs. J J Poorbaugh, Saml Poorbaugh ; atijiervisors, Hennau .wan z, 11 is Louhe- nwur ; School Directors. Levi Boyer W II Poorbatipb, Noah Manz; Audito., John II Miller ; Township Clerk. JC Murkel. ; Paint Number of votes cast. 08. Justice, John E. Seese; Constable, David J Berkey- Judge. Gillian Seese; Inspectoni, Jerome E. Hlotigh, John Weaver; Assessor, Jacob W. Dviir ; Ass't Assessors, Abraham A. Wee r, Jere. Kaufman; Supervisors, Josiah Ct'sJ-r, Frederick Ott: School Directors. Te te HfTmanSam I Weaver; Auditor. Sam uel Kiuble ; Township Clerk. John F. Dei'z Shade Number votes cast, N; Constable L B Manges; Judge, L B Manges ; Inspect ors, Jacob Helmar, Irwin Clark; Ass'r. J B Warner; Ass't Assr's, John Yoder, Sam'' Mcgreger; Supervisors, Daniel Helman Isaac' Berkebile; Schind Directors, TP Ha uler, Philip Berkebile; An.litor, R W Mc Gregor ; Twp Clerk, F 0 .Mock. Somerset Number of votes cast 2 X1. Con stable. George F Auman ; Judge, George J. Bittner; Inspectors, M H Bowman, George Thompsin; Assessor. Wm II Femer; As sistant Assessors, John C Barron, 8I Baker Sujiervisors, Samuel J Bittner, Henry J Baker, Jonathan Nedrow, Benjamin Stmz inan ; School Directors, S W Shober. J M H.ichstetler; Auilitors, Jerre S Milltr, Geo C Lichty ; Township Clerk. Eli Bowman. Somerset No 2 17 votes cast; Judge of Election, Wm Good ; Inspectors, J F Rhodes, A J Ankeny ; Registering Ass'r Jont Brendle. Southampton Number of voter cast, Constable, B F Baker; Judge, George Marts; lnapectois, Jonathan Martz, Jesse Kennetl ; Assessor, J J Cook ; Ass't Asses sors; Anthony GWx. Andrew Kennell ; Sn lerviors. J J Kii be. Wm Trout man ; Sehotd Directors, John Martz, (Dan'l Leiban and Wm Emerick.) tie; Auditor, Y Marts; Township Cletk, Jsracl Emerick; Township Treasurer, Adam Lefdey. Stor.yrreek Number of votes cast. 117. Justice, L. C. Ackenaan ; Constable, Millon Knepper; Judge. W. II Miller; Inspector, Francis Walker, F. O. Dngherty; Assessor, Jonathan Leidip; Ass't Assessors, M. J Snyder. J K. Will ; Supervisors, Sam l Zig lcr, A. J. Miller J M. Knep(er; Scbod Di rectors Jonathan Lamliert, A. J. Miller; Auditors, J. M. Glessner; Township Clerk, Jefferson Kimmell. Summit Number 01 votes cast. 181 ; Jus tice, A A Miller; Constable, J II Lowry; Judge, Andrew J Boose: Insjiectors, Fam'l Firl anp Hiram Schrock ; Assessor, Elias Ass't Assr's H W Savior and Hiram L Mil ler; Supervisors. Cyrus 8 Fikeano Elias A Yoder ; 8cbool Directors S J McKentieand Ellas Lee; Auditor, Conrad Poschman; Twp Cl k, S G Conghenour; Twp Treas'r, George Werner. - ; Quemahoning. Number of votes cast, 1CI Constable. William J. Dinges; Judge, Jacob Zimmerman, Jr., ' Inspectors, John , W. Smith, Herman Swank ; Assessor. George Stinebangh : Ass't Assessor, J E. SbafTer, Aaron Blotigit ; Sutervisors. Josiah Lolsr, William Snyder; School Dirnctors, J. ,H Zimmerman, Levi Sell ;-A nditor. Lemon Miller ;. Twp. Cderk, J.l. Bowman., k ' J"pFr Turkej foot Number of votes cast, 1I2. Justice, L 0. Williams; Constable. D. Mickey. Judge. J. B. DnmbavVd; Inspec tors, Simon tfaidiey, (H. H. Witt. J. B. Hos tetlertie; Asressor, Herman Kreptir Ase'l Aeswrs,"j.W. gullivaH J. C Ymin" kin ; Supervisors, Freeman Younkin. Pj P. 1U uan ; .- Sebool DirecUHrs Ephraim Scbin.k, V J. Henry; A editor. George Kri-gar ; Township Clerk, Jacob Geshard. CR. By srder No. 1 fiar Somerset County Poor Moos By orders lot Asuesm pay... ...... - tVmninwiUfi oMts.... - New hriilarM- Hrkl.-o rvtairs. " Hrt. nl r-sHt views.. 4'oanaimlnBirrs'pay Tiustaves J ' Jury CnunibiHnBers t . Kerord ami sitatloaarr . ' Jail exinse . " tVimml-Musert rterk an-l j extra pay.... , Kreium I " " Prim lu and advsnMcs; . Urcitou expeases....... 9es'(w MvMf refunded ansntcd lands Lanatleas.. Inm. ......... Oraudjarr...M.. ,...... Trrer- jury .. t ons sbles rtTna..... ' Jll.liilcln An ilior'spay "clerk's - Cnnnnirioners attorney ami ex m py C a ti losiltais Penl'enilary I'tisnslhia - Int. on burrowsd nonsy . . - Karl ... Stoves. Pspnerlrania Refona Seb.sil Stenographer. ........... Shorn! Spwaiar " Pm'b.aioury's fesa lor ls3 nd 1SS4. Aittl"c ate AocoonC; jnnns.. ....... - Huad Ilaauges Inqnesis ................ Horruwed ssoney........ . Court Hawse repairs and expenses " Meats pnrpns.s lbr 1S83.... " CeamisskiB sa aa,ul a at J'spereeat M Am't f school and mul isses ahi far ISTIt, IsM and 1S1 Byam't School taa paid tot 's3 a, 'fa.. - Knad " - iiM an ITU T U143 "3 4l Ml ;; & 1443 114 Sa VJ WE WILL OPEN THE IICAEPET TEADE iSO 0 i!of 1885 with prices of the (lifter sjent grades of goods lower than SHIever known in Western Penn'a. lt) ; wi ISO o 00 tit 9s 70 0 679 V! 34 I) . 1 I'll M 04 4 'i T7 ZU0 S7 TJI 44 4S w St 0.1 v. 00 m ;s aus 00 4M 14 llS 04 121i H 93 41 3 1 iO 46 ToUl i4M 99 L. F. DABHELL FLOB1ST, JOHNSTOWN, PA., stAEifl a aractaLTT OF FINE FLORAL WORK FOR Balls, Parties, Weddings, Innerals,.d'c, Flow rs packed aad sent satsly any dltae by Expre-1. faUU-ttn. pUBLIC NOTICE. Tbe lollnwins; aernnnt hsubeen bled In my office and leu ice ish rby aiea ibst the m wih be pr. -'ntnl t 1 h- V urt fi.r eunnrmatlon oa Tbn a dav Fehraum lid iv in T. Hohutieu, Awigure of George J, Blsek and wife. N. B CRITt'B FIELD, Sumerset, Pa., Feb y 2, ISM Frotbonotary. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES ' - OF SOMERSET COUNTY mi THE M BAY OF JANUARY 1834, TU TIE 211 BAY .OF JASUASY. 188i 8. V. TREST, E-U. Prothoaotary and Clerk of : tbe Court 01 linarter Sessions, and of Uyr and rrnilner of Somerset Ooan'y, la Ae eoant with the County of Soawnt, for tbe year sadtna; Jaanary t, 1W4, and for tbsyear ndias; Janaary S, Wi : DR. 183. To jury fses and tones lVi oO e-sts onC-.un book 7 00 To hn-and jnry im Jan. 7, U " imbi nut alloweil 13 'order No. 13 4H4 Total 74 t'K. 1- By fees as Prothnootary. t 1S " t'lerk of QarterSsnons. .... 404 " " U)er and Trmlar.. T, on road .1. ckel 1T0 " foardars eoai'a'atloa K In Mas. 21 and 403 4 TVal 74 UK. IS To jnry foes and flns 18 - costs on com do- Set. 7 ebsnre out allowed. 25 - order No. 14, T Total ..- ll CR 1H"4 I By fees ss Prothonotary 1 s j - as clerk of Ctuarter Session.'... .. 40 M r-es n roa.1 .1. i-ksi... le. W "Oyerand Terminer 4-1 Sa Totnl syo -J JOHJIJ. SPANGLER. ESQ., High Sberlif of Somerset County. In ace- nnt wl h tbs Cunnty of Somerset, for the year ending January S, 180: IR. To Items not allowed.. Wc need hut quote prices df two grades to convince the pub lic. Tapestry Brussels, 50 cts. a yard. Body Brussels, 1.00 a yard. These prices are without prec edent and the goods are the best value for the money in the mar ket. People of Somerset, take advantage of the low prices now, to recarpet your dwellings. GKEIS, FOSTER & QTJDNTN, 113 and 115 Clinton Street, JOHNSTOWN, PENN'A. BOYTS, PORTER & CO., Brass and Iron Founders, Machinists, and Manufactu rers of Mi nen Supplies, WATF.n ST., fil't'fVilTt: f! ,tr O. TEP0T. COSSELLHVILLE, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF THE YOUCH STEAM PUMP, Ererr Pnmp folly at. i .... - A.i.lil.o- tniM T.kWIlsliin i Tk wlii-n the iIiMir swuiii: Vi-ifN. b.' Chairnian G:thrn, liave tlet-iiled up)n. The to.fgr.iph lines pre bemiiii)r agitated n.iw. m the bill reti'.iirinj: " I'l irirrt iiinlfr.iiiml litis lieen reported Aniithtr tiill lias been intPKliio- .. . i rsl ly Mr. r.mrttny, of iJincasier, r..lnbit- in' tele. in rai.-s l.-r s'ii.nii: nie-.a-. ; u is -rj ja,b Tipton j Schtxil Directors, Sam I Fair, turn1! litesU- r;i;lr.u l disi-ritnination 'H I Hi-nry Ftlt.m, Auu."ta- Glefmler : Supervi in iti't every rtic.ilar. ! s..., Elias t?uhre, Peter Brick. Henry Hart- Fri.lav tli-r.. roiiMH-ralile flutter at t'.e Vicl.'ai II iti-1 0kii iitil io ln!'bk-.l tl.c tuillant t..-!iral j t;rtierfvalley Number of cast, 23S Jatnei A. fVavor bee i to I'lii-'a-! jus,ice, g p. Fritz a nd Ti bia Fifher; Con . ' .1 ..t....i,lii... f'uIlM Mini Kt. ill- . it s. . I . CT..- )Hierfl:,",i"nJ " .'.r--i-..- - - - . siauic, v. v.. ivnriH-r , t..Krvt), oairiu pel..irm liiitw.iy li.inie. On every side be , Eali ,n(j jjenry W.llter ; Assessor. Jona wa warmly (:reete.l, and in a sh-irt time tnan XI il 1T ; Ass't As'rs, A. M. feiviw and the utliie and lobby were crowded with j viHiBni ti. Walker; Sutiervisors, H. IT Tl.c Ta. iii r" I.c:rn-t Institute 'f 1 an.t fr.rii.'ii to rctt lum bo h..l rit-eii ' Y.xier S. D. Brant. J. E. Mamni and Jacob Town-flip. Nmu-rMt Oniiitv. convened at trra. hi r .u.-ly laiii;lit led by wouid-be Ue-j rjrkley ; SchiKil Pirectors. William It t'n-ier s. l...l-l..i- at '-' o'. l.H-k r m . V b- jmldiini,! Fritx and E. K. Suder ; Anditor. J. M. Slio- rttarv 7 1' 5 .., ..itn-l l-y sirin the ' Q iire a iitinilHT of mt-uiVr are tick, and , . -,D -jj A Hoover : TwpTreas'r, , h urn, " N-:i r Vy od to Tin :" : -,-vi-ral will pr-baldy not rtcovt-r. Most of j williaiu Haujter. i Tin- followiti "Mi. 1 r- iti 1I1.11 c!i-:ted to nle are atiflVrii'ij from j.iietimonia j Ometuauli- Nntiiber of votes ca-t. 1V1 . ,.ve .J'H" tin- e.-?si'ir : Evtry s-i'iz 11 in Hits .esitita msrea.tb Juijee, aacL Yoder; Constable. Sol Hoy- Vice r-i-ilrtt. J. 1. liipple; Secretary.! j,,,,,; .-:.i.atr Cameron s -b 011 j jn,,.P. .aac . KaufTman ; Inspectors S. Z.n.tiii'rnHiti ; A ;rt.i!it S-ecretary. M. 1. Coiunicrce. Since it- atiul Ik-re Ins moi-l : g , Swank, Moses Weaver ; As-e-sor. Jo (Ifis. l. ; bitf enrtiii-i have 3t'ktniwldj.-d hitn to .j, T Yoder; Ass't A-srs. Jai-ob KaufT. I'mf. J F- IV vr. ss nj Tinted to tale l,0. ,at tie i-. a Mate-man of brain- .-rut mal, j,,,.,,. Yler Suj-ervisors. Ihiniel iLi'-irfi!;.- ii.i.-i:. ; ability. It i- i4 ajaavs tlie mst -fluent ; m,uh. Peter Tbonias ; S-hod Directim i il.'--v i t of .he Ii -timtc the : r. l.-liatirs who make tbe ivp- Kaufman. Moeea Kaufman; Auditor .1- suwrMuily car- r-r-.-nta' iv-. f.r some of the windy "'em- j.b 1). Swank; Township Clerk, I'eter j l-r, like Kohiii-iin, f Ih-iawarv. who can I j,vv .-.! 1.1 !r.ort. "I'mi 'e in .a:k 011 no'biu f ,r -irw hours c tlie j Klklick Number of votes cast. 17. Con- Paint Towv-'irr i'n-TtTr. I...I .vin-.r pr. rsinr.'e ric! oit : .-t t'l W.I- ,1 , l.v I'r- f. J. F. mi. 11 n, ,,ft.. si l' nr, SiatiMii'ireliiaiiiu tiiy 1!- ifiaiitiii ,a(,ie H J Christ ner: jB.L-e. I) M Fiae. j ou r the ;m.rii.ii'l uii-asiiri ij; the spei-then : l!,0.r. J S LivenpHMi. a A Kretchman ; H'i. n hy a num-' i,,a,lc 011 trivial jiie-tioiis. you -V : C C Oarleto; A-'t AssemorK. Oeo ikiI, and it!iers. : tbcv o-t I . e Star tlurfifands. So can t .,wrv. D Johnson ; SuiK-rvi-ors. I) J Eryle. " " see bow t-xii.-ive it would lie to liave a! j y -.irM.ti Jnmr Patron 'rhiK)l Dirvc- u'e convened at 7 Senate and Hott-e full of windy, flm i.t and ,, 1 sr.,,,, .. J J Km,!.; t Auditor. .. ... h.,1,- ( S . . f f : 1. 1. : .. r-t...t. II i.r... t ;i" I'lij-n A j .'T- 1 i! r.a-'iHrd b mi jeimr nt en- evl-r ready talkers. . - ' Kliiuli l.ivme.vKl : Townliip Clerk. Ii Sf.eR.Thi- w.-l! csi.r it .-i. " Wl.. 1. tin ( leaves " ,'' ( The G-ivi-rnor i sai.l lo feel so v ry juhi. jj . Township Trea-tirvr J J rr.:,u;i- l-B-i. N . ' r,(- S- ji'iiiir.-tmaii liicu e.nraim-.t the Uit o ver the mui: ofhi- tir.-t Veto, that he . f;nTie Xumler of Totes cast. Clt . a 1 . 1.'. hr.. ' 1 I -'.! vite ,i!i x v. rv ii.ti-r.-ti ng lutk uii the j luiends tryin: it s-aiii on some measures (.fable. Fred Dnrr; Judite. 8a nine I . can 1 -l an-l ii t-'ilVd i.-i t i'.'i. ii of Ariiliiiul.i:. I- j. .rt. si-Ii.k.: i..ii-s and Kur- l v L S I.iviiig.-toil, whicli was inf. 1 .Lr.-I U- r...;- f.u.L- A- . i.-e .iart-r ' 'rv 'U f 'r "-:". ami of " fir i! o l;i.;ttn v in r, . 1 1 'Vs. n t. ai d Hull, mery ) a- '-'t . ula-.-e 1. S,Hi-ial att'i; i .1 i . !h, wIh.;.-hV r0 ie. .- fci:p:i!i. Pai r. 1 tVt;. Alman-s PenciS. "" A.'., sill be hi.iijht in lar,:c i,K ' ' !r..:u Uiat'ttf-mrer- I.i. h !t' - Vs c tab! i-V men i.i j it. t.. t -wu ' 'rv n r- i..ant at .-neb fnrurtv a- a'i'.ai.tsje,,.!. t ,i. v :iiri. ! t'lt-e- an a.i:st il mi- u-rr,! '-I. -i,i I.- ,,;i'.re.l A:.. ' .Us.-iw ( ,1 a;1MJ ns.tir-B.CIll al "r. Uin;i,rim. b iok of Truv- i m-.r -ii- iliaract-.T. was TiK-iferoiiyly ap plauded. Mr. i P- iei-! !-j.,jke on'the hulject of tjc!inl Manaseim-nt. His address was of m-j li :i,i-ri; and l otfu to the InsiiiUte. I tuiualea of ibe previous iiLiriin. i M ileinrt. by J. 1. Kijple; t-uhj.-ct. - The ' I). key di.-ru-sed he subject "Closin the N. c.-sit) and A'.Uaiilae ot the Gent ral School." ar:tiiiig that il d rs hurt a t:u-K.ii of Knoal -d-e.'' Mr. ICipp.r ranks j child to lie whipped lbr laM day .i sh'.L hiiru as a tea her in the M-hi-o ii of Somcrw-t i " I'nparjti fthe Tea. hi r,' h S A. and hi- rei- a c'eiirer'J in an ei-Urtaib ' tihaulie He maintain tt Uni Uw stcler 1 before the I-yislature. W-imt-r; Inspectors, J. S Hosteller. Knab s'Ss"- Lint; As-esMir. E K. Hueletler; As t As- ' " t-nwor-. J. J Lin', Fnd Iurr; opentson.. Jw-TKuso ToWNsmr Ix-titite. Valentine Saas. Jiwepli Bhul'i ; 8ch.l Di- lniiute met at Ber-ville February 14. ; ,., j j Lillt J. C. Kendall ; Andiu.r, and was called u.onler by the President, and j N- Lil) . -p -rpaiMHv,., jin Helwia;. ueiieil with tiiucic led by G M Dickey. j, n,. x!ltl ber of sls taM. 104 ; After tne rea'tin ail approval 01 ine jaDlrt Uarnell ; Jude. David Gardner; Insiec'ir. Peter L. Sliulti ; Asses sor, Abraham H. Kuhlinaa; Aa-'t Asesir. Coiira l Mil'er. J.Mthan L Miller; 8upcr vior. IVler Cri--, Daniel Darr, J v ph Bnifih; S-Iks I Hireciors, Ji-eph Ii. Miller. Ahram It Lei. hart : Atilio.r-. John. M i; maimer. 1 . arc m .tvrrr.. ...r, -r. RimmeM ; Two Ttvasurrr. Mesiev H Bir t-. I-...:t rcciuiioi were .it livt fid by -j. V j fie waj I for teavit.lujj -re 1 iu It'Sr f (.jav iei -s-L S. il (-aulb-l:. M'liiev Hoisaiipie, : lliorniH preparation jeniier - It B virfe iMlled: Cui-lable. E ( David t'u-u-r, K W. Trtvorro. and, After di-j. -in of irue i tjue u t.jj,,,,,., ,,f Election .A B Slisflir; jotben, rirti. I ismutea Ij lurned f ..r ilii.iier- i Inspet iors. J K Uiesecker, Jonas Ankeny, and !).- iple b .n ! M'l-ic a 1 J Qj'-rl. at tlie of the PresU j -.linc Reform " was iipened by II II i 8r , Assewor. Jint Sluink ; Ass't AssrV, Jo- '''- l.iii... rm, "tioiiar.,-, fl.Uilretis Toy -. I. t'v. 4 Ji .. I,-1.,,.. s ofv pa- 1 'K rai tf ,,.). ,(ter "! su y k .! It. war! Liaytrsand Ju i.eb a .le, Ulank "v t.rtiLcal.s. Va-l or- ""ic.ud. Cha. H. Fi-ara. ide. o; afer tti.uu, time was esteinie,! for; Kn,,loei, followed by A- F. Berkey, whose nas Maurcr, George Frieilline; Sujierrisors, resolutions a'.'i ventral ri marks, ojs-iird by t lriCT,rv U "act a Ht ejsn pi ! U S Livi:.i;i.:.'i.. ly 1 D. fc-irties-.J t(r (v, Wrj, jn svt iuiif nwirals J. F I i t. i l jrhicb is H L Kline, EL Korns, C Wechtenbeiser. j Ge..iye Cable, School llirecton. H II H .ff- Kipjde. ai! others The-e The Vaiedmory as tl.Jivtred by C, F j man. .dm P Ankeny. Isatc Miller; Audit t.-i. pieMiittd ver) t ,mI aus.ioua 1 foljowetl with inlerveting remarks bj I or, Jobu rlie-etkur; Towbsil Clerk;, Jbi n-laiive to District InMituUsj. . j Utasiia. ffsal Shauifa itd A' ' F.'Beritejr. 5 V 8ls I H- H. Km mil, fcecretary. I Larimer Number of yoUs cast, 101. Joa- Ab AstesicAK. Epi ao VmsiTT. . ; r, - Siiuw pletity. : .. Weather cold. . C-ial biisints-s b-KMiiiim. . I . ' . . v All is quiet at Sipc-ville since the election for township officers. ' "" Onr friend Link thinks the cellar is no! tbe right place to keep the rooster. Ab went to Jennertown on Saturday but have no r'Trt from that quarter yet. John J. llaker is preparing to build a new ban next summer, which be is e really in need f. Mrs. Sipe. wife of Sipe, Sr., died on Saturday, ared about 8$ years. "Somerset north" can boast of quite a number of old persons : Henry Shaulis. 91 ; Michael Sipe, !sj; Abraham Ileaiu. SX; and others just aroe the line in Jenner, David Bell, I-aac Ankeny. JacobCoverand others Prof. Austin of Johnstown treated the people of Sipesville to a series if Phrenoti ical lectuna ami examined their beads ans) pockets, without respect to' persons me chanics, merchants. doctors, fariiera preachers ai d verv likely some-soft bead i J"" Maiaky. fiorh- 1 ..... r- .i'l... aKiUa suwasaiv a iiv- xriTawrr inrti tit imnti ai -1 i ic. vut Joha II. --".Jl-s Treasurer Somerset County, in Accennt with the County af Ssmerset. DR. To tax received lrom collectors of Coosty and Stte rates and levies lbr tbe years ISM, 1-M. and 184 ; ' - ('01. eitor. DiSTKlCT. X rar Ku. Vs . I uracj, Aailt- soa Towasliip lssx f A. It. t lulu. Iterlla Hot SutJ. Baer. MeyersUal B.voh " ClTin tker Soothainp- iua loDsbip Mi t. Kalilumn Vrsina KuruUKB " - A J. Hikmaa, Addison TuWDhip 1S8S Juel latiis, Alleifheny li.aiisti p.. " C. A. i ffley, Berlin B or- uaxb. Alex Masser, Brothers valley Township. ... Jobs Oil-.n,Cvi.auaiK BorU4 n Jtrrj toik. tlk Lick Tuwaski p--..,- Jacob K. Kautt. Jenner- tosta Boron J. W Burk iHilaer, Low er Tuikeyloot Tuwn- sblp , Samuel Bowser, Milfurd lowusntp " " John f. Spic-sr. New Baltimore ttoronah.... Jobu R wilier, .faint lownship . ... Jostpb Dtvely.Salisbury Burougb.... - Levi Kuonu ShaaeTuwn snip- .- Itaiuol Fiick. Somerset , Boruu.n...... Galinel Good, Somerset rwnsi.lp Slmoa Lepley, Sonibk auiou.n lonship ..... Bumitiius Haiti w n, -to- njcrteS Townsb p Adm i. run, sujuwwa honiUKb " Ella r'is,SummllTiwn snv. Tbue L Williams, Up per lurkejfuoi Town- nip.. Wss Shaw, Vrsina Bor- oai(n. Peur Kneaream. Wsl- Wrtric Bori-uah .- Ckas hu-Qebarver, Ad- aiaon Tbip 1SS4 J. I.B sarvsr, Ail((beDr Tuni.ip 1. J uruosker. Brotn- ersvaitej Iwwnsbip. IUulel H. F.suer, tier-;a Iaite Vinitt, Junem'na lubmt Juln.1i11.-a1. Confluence Butoub ' Qeire iJr, Utile Tuonrinp.. " A. J Ji, out r, Greenville lownsblp " . Ih() i. tt.r.U-, Jef- rerniD Tonnship. " Alcllvuius.jenner Tusa- , tap. " Jacob r Kitais. Jeaner. mwn Boiuuaa J aeon S. i .el. Larimer tl.WLSllip .... M J. W. hurbolder, Low. rr Tarkelout lown- suip.... S. Sillier. Mey crsiale Buroaab.. " Saaiuel P.b.inn atMOle- ereea Townsnip Jo- epb Sis) era, jtUkml luWLSbip. " Lewis it- Siol a. New ' BaitiUH.ra Borougb ,. " Letti.y soott, Xew cen trevllio berouga State Taa 164 M 30 U C 74 71 90 S 90 27 10 19 71 1 23 r 1S &. 3 15 1 w S 90 8 S3 47 17 4 11 40 2 07 36 14 00 33 t 5 03 loonty lax- 111 50 09 2S 00 13 M li 71 1M lj ii IU 81 l-t 14 73 S7 U 47 Zi 4 3 33 91 108 M 1S7 324 49 IS 00 4 30 U 08 174 91 47 87 13 (0 soon found nut that was not tba place f him and sMin left, i . . ' 'i Our corjiulrnt neighbor David is malt) ftood use of the pood (-leihin, haulin flit tintrs to and frm Peterst.nrg, and sb lfihirtf the fair women to Somerset. r-. . ; , Guess work is all riaht when it hi's ; but those people who ,re pneiiie"'sr1r tli Eilie correspondent fs bad better try aipiin nOi(OINTi - , - MAKRIED." , . . . - . - -. ., ...... . , .,..,,.,. WALLER - s-F.CHLEK. -Oti ?-tiaday. Febrnarr 15, ISnV at tbe b.-nie of the bmie, bv Rev. 8. J. Taylor. Mr John Waller and Miss A. J. Sechler, all of Turkeyfoot. this connty. ....... . . , ROBERT? DAVIS On 8unday. Febru ary 15, 18&. at the parson ape, by the saaie Mr. W. H. Roberts to Miss Lucretia Datl bo'b of Addison, this county. BlDniNOERi-SPEIKEK On FHday, February 13, 1S8T, at his office in Addi-on township, by Josiah Rinter,- Ecq.. Mr. William Biddinfrer to Miss Emma Hjieiker' all of Osrrett countv, Md. Jaoot. toast, falat unhlp Cornelius Heniler, Qua. nutbooisa r..usli p .. IS ui. Maiih, Siilu.y nur.aiK h Levi koouts ble l. wnsl.ip ' Oeoran SJ lor, Som erset Boioutb Joau i. Baker, aamsr- el Tuwn biy ........ . Israel tin. n. k rViatn- " aniptou l'tiwui ip.... : Joun .M Ul'Stuer. 3to- 1 njcretk Towmdilp ... I Ar a bnasler Stults- . luwa Buri.uKb Elis- like. Summit Tvwnsblp Mr-man Phllllppl, t - pt xartrvhMi lossat snlpv Ama A. Miller Vrsl- aa Peter Kneresm. el- krsoars; Borsagw.... lMiiaotam't sss'd far Siais lor ISS4. t30t 5t Tress Com mis ion .. nl Bad coveted ln 1.0. 108 91 22:3 M H-7J .1. ;v o?-tW 13 44. M . itiK.n. To sm't ass'a sod eoL ' hirS'Ste 18-3....... Totfe. Utster N ... By tin it el .Stat Tree. for 184 f8i Treasursr's Coa-la- al 0 jin-s "9 MBit 0 MPE u-au Siie wit- born June 17, 17U6 Died February -"0. 19.-3. aated git year, 7 months and 23 dayi She was married MarclY 2t. 1817,, ami wa tbei mother of 12 childrenroosnd0 daOKhtant, frlgtand cbildren, Et-nit grandchildren ; tbe hus band, w'.o suiviyea tlie deceaaad, ia now nearly SO years of aite "The friends desire t' return their Ihanss fir the aid exirnaVd tbriu bv the neighbors durinif their hour of To toad :.... , t. ci .. 1 . Ta aalaaaa das Twia rater. .. ...iu.. , s. ot mm iijriitcl nw ber of tbe cburcfa ainpt heryuulb. " P. rnos isios To Balanse dae County at last ssttU mrnt To Be Is nee oa Bt Taa ssr Uai. .... To L'asb I rum kail road la right at vy esa... .M ....... - To borrowed ssunsy la ISI-... ToeusK-srta - ; To issdeaipiicsi a""sy, Csssstsd laada. Toeask lorull bridge SoUi...... ........ To rasb lor lines - mills try 1 1 Taeeant. tax tot liasaatsa l1e .... To artioui - tt ... , -' .sskiat'O. 1.. ....... " jary tees, etial etc.... "order No.if'.s " 2 7 " 44 8, l!Oi5 Tutal CR. llyenm. ensts. oos riti nit prisoners mlocellaneuns items.... . e-.-a 07 .. 1st So OS &" ... am 0j .. 3T0 00 .. UM 6i 2847 99 7S1 '4 .. IS 9 6a 37;- . t 47 99 i Total We. the Auditors of Somerset county dobtreby eertiry tbat in pnrraance ot tbe Ft urtta Section of the Act of Assembly en til led an "Act Kelatira to Coontles, Toansblps ' ac.. passed the l&th day of ; April, A. D. 1K14. ws net In tbe Commissioners' Officw ia tke Borongb of Somerset on tbs Uh day ot Janaary, A. D, lssj. and did and it, adjust and settle tbs account of Jcha H. Welmer, Esq., Treasarar of S- tnerset ConBty, with the Connty for tbs year 14. and tba account of John J. Spaaaler, Sherl S at Somerset Coanty lor tbe year 1884. aad the areonnt of S. V. Treat, Erq, Pro thonotary and Clerk of tba Courts of Quarter Sessions snd of Ojer and Ter Iner with the County for the years 1883 and 18S4. and that tbe aeeoonts as in tha Commissioners' Office of Somerse' County are correct, and we find a balaoos da tbe Ute Treasarer at ssld Coanty of nine band red and loor dollars and ten cents. (904.10 ; la testimony whereof we have hsreaate set ear hands aad seals this aeth day of Jaanary, A. D. 188&. JOSEPH W. METERS. (sxaL.) JACOB K. BOWMAN, sxaL.) JfORMAN B. PENROD, (sat- Attest .- Joaif J. Sew ell. Clerk. Nora. Coaatssio-rxaa' Orncs, Jaa 30th. We find the County la debt about (8 240 00 which will require the tax ta be raised ooemlll to liquidate th debt, and py current expenses. By order of tha Commissioners. A. J. B 1L.EJ1 4N. Clerk .0v H ' - i V . i . . .. li 'c17ifcf' f i. - - t ': 7 ' .. 1 For Coal Mines, Furnaces, Railroads, and Boiler Feeders. Turn-Table Eurup Cars. Stone Picks, Hoisting Crabs : Stone Wedges, LAKRIES, PlTCARj". COKE sCRM'ER?, COKE BARROWS, COKE OVEN FRAMES, IL K. FKOGS. BRIDGE BOLTS, SWITCH STANDS, MILL GEARING. PULLEYS, AND SHAFTING. Beceipts and Iipiira 01 FOR HIE YEAR 188-1. John EL Veiner, Zs, Treasrer cf Somerset Ccar Pocr Ecuse, in Account wi-Ji tha Craity for tlie Year Sd:g Jan.'y 5, 1SS5. DR. To amoant drawn fmm (Xonty Treas ury oo order .No 10 ........ ...... I Toeasb for mitre sold - " pitfssoki M litac i oderaote. ......... - two eook s s trora sundry persons iur rapjirt of paupers. Heavy Castinzs atnl Forjring-. ; repair 1 at short notice. it5 ESDOESED BT PEACTTCALLIlr Ill!-c1'"-:f's ui! Sheet-Iron Work ; Machinery of all kinds built and may"-lyr. Cver 50O Beautiful Designs. st 4 '.: r.f ; Li It Will Pay You To Buy Your Memorial Work SMHCr-r-r-f-Ts sy MOMUMEMTAL ZZW. C ' Of a F. Staler, Sinet Mi Manufacturer of and Ooalor In HE ill EH1IITI IMI rrr Work Furnuhtd en lharl Xotier fa all Colort Alto Aim Jot the WhITC BMOSZk'f Persntis ia Bred of .WO.vr.W E!tT W0UK will dr. I It tn ih. tr Interest to esll at ay shr. wbero s m.psrsh wn will he rrren them. - i. fart, an tiuaranittd in its Case, aad MICK VERY Lun: I invite -tpecial AUentioa ta taa Wt! Bnin, Cr Pan laoati TatmHowd by RFV. Vf. . ORI-r m !). et. Impr T.nvnrlo point nf MATSRIaL A. COysTRirTloy. sad whlea Is destined lo hs the p.-p.-lsr M's-ament for oor t'haaaeaaia Cli mate. s,lilTE IK a CALL WM. P. SHAFFER O.i'l) it 190 00 19 M j S i 'JO 12 M 23S 70 TotaL. .. 10,0i 64 CR. By am't paid for in mediate rapport-. t " wieat and corn. ...... " " mercBaadiss " " " ptitausM act veaeta- ' tallies- Ai.plebatter shos and leather..... m i ifrot-snes. " ..cro. tinware - ramus and weaving. - s. rf sew ids; m&ehine. ...... 44U SS 1H -2 14 1 7 47 74 47 114 "O 31 I M W 4A7 4i 39 DO NOT BU YOXJr. Watches and Silverware UNTIL YOU JrlVVE SEEN THE FINE NEW STOCK ToUl Hy am'tpsid f.oat.tonr psnners .. " ,- tiMliiit tramLS jail " - prlnttna missaaad'ti - - - Codlni snd ransral ex- W. EC. WOOD In S C MEBSET, pensrs . lamher aid rcseiricc mi asiiiuina insi ice sad ouBStaMes lees preach inz Kobinsoo's plamMnc. Conrentioa zpenses.. F. Biesecker. Chart y reports l-3 and 1 4 r ilro-d fare.. rantesin tanners... f..ei...' ltK on farm snd ear pet.ter.' work .... . outdoor medical servi ces readina; matter, by Jongs Miisela.... frait tree. I ommoawealtb costs, htrrtware eastinc. maimcnaoesi nf call it rvn lire Insaranc. AU y -3eoU, right of way ear.. oat door relief. insane ai Uarrlsbarg. sadiilery ...... Iilu-ksmlibtag frr l-Uers tannine atearlla aad fcaoa wire. transportation ta En g . land .. n . ......... director's pay......... d m-s posiaa-s.. olr etor's extra pay.... seed ............ ....... Praeioa rsfnaded..... hysicianHS Klmmel p3 BDt sa bad s.s.ard's salary ssr 'S3 - - '-4 dlreetort eeUlenwat l3and ISM clerk's salsry treasurer's sossssisWa Au'y B.weker salary eb-rk at eoulou. sat.... iscslianeoas ! 3111 si SJU No. J3 Bjl, BLOCK, ll 45 31S 10 T7 70 I iss-sj - 'CVT-Jr 4W 41 J v" i 1WW 7r J rt ; I V J I -irr.w s. . I MS 00 21 70 14 1" 30 70 ISO Oil ia to M 00 4 MS 71 4 44 114 03 373 0 Ui 33 11 00 lfrO SO 9i S3 a st. 70 7i M stt S 00 173 00 law m 231 OS 0 80 0 3 00 M 00 30 00 10 00 11 40 Total 1 10,06 w's, tba adsrsiaaed Aadltors of Soeaerset c, do hereby certify that ws have settled aad adjust t Kt K ad hs aeeuantof Joha H. Welmer, lTsa., Trea 1-st 01 ' arsr of Soaenet Oiaaty Poor Boosa Iur the year oa u I is-s, ana iui tnis piaivnuai m wmwn, 7voo oa j 4 133 sol M 00 I ta it I s CU ' 73 S7 . a S3 . 74 S4 1 . -for- Infants and Children Trvu jri-ts owe ChtTdrra mr cheeks. It" hat cures their fevers, makes tnetn steep; n.tori- TiSen BaMesi frt, ami err hr tarns, 'Wl4eurs their ooua, kills their worms. Cutwrin. AT-at nrlck!v cure's Constipatina. Soar Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : raetwrta. M 4 Fars-well lh-n to Morphine Prrups, Castor Oil and Parefroric, and V. Haitraatnssia. " CaataoH if so well adapted ta Chilirea tbat I roeommen 1 ie as superior to any siadt cina known to c." TL A. Aacaia. 51. m So. Oxford St., Erooklya, 5. T. TSM C rraca CoapsTT, 1S3 Fultoa St, 5. T. 3EA7E3 COLLESB AND IUSICAL I5STIT-TE, FOIt YOUNG 1DIP.K. Spring SetwlAR of IS Weeks, Ope as Marrk SO, Pe.o lfally and hsaPhrally k-rafed. exteastra ha.l.llDs pleasant arooivls. eberfal real, lh-es liter ry eoaros : sapertnr mimmnr masioand art x'mlTe itpp-waias, 30 pt.ana an-l one sos Inclalins; pips vra-sa Tnoroach work, aooksli ear, ns les-ue rs SmhI for eli ll.rto krr g-I.TATLim. lebll-lsa. Hearer, Pa. DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. t 480 as ussv s itaars oar baasis and seals Mia day of Jana ary, A. D. lMa. - JOSEPH W.. MET KSS, (ssul JACOB K BOMA?t, IssauJ MOKMAlf B. PtXBUD, (is-l.) atlest JosiaJ 8cwKU. Ctarfc. Hots ar raa tnaarrowa- Tho saamrsasvoi la above eeeoBBt paid oa orders uaaaa la Ustt aad fA -r-l iigL7J'U--U,-i ji3er.j;c3T Am a solats) tors tor nnasf asatlvrn, Spr-alas, Pais la t a BaMS,Bars.CsUJs,. Antm- Vmimr i-al ar. Fatat Psnlel V Tader dee'd la's of I maaab Two,, -tower ses .. Pa. Letiers l adminlstrattoa sa tbe anwv aetata baring lieesi v Bore-i tn tbw audeeslrsed. by taw (ir per .a'bonry. natte le bveby glsi ta Ib-ssa inles'ed wH to make Immediate paya at aad tlx we bavtna; rlaimsor dem ads will plsasa pre. snt them daly aafbmts-atsd fur ssti lernaal os Fri-lae. March 37. 1th i, as tla lata rstdsarsef deeeassd. ISAAC TODER, , fehl. 4mla isvator. JgXECU TOR'S NOTICE. Estate of WilPaoi V Rhnsalwu deeeass 1. late Brotbersvaiiey township. Siiassrsst Ctv, Pa. Lun tesxamentary rm ths annve slats bavtns; bees grantsd utbaaisrshrBl by tbepropwraa th-n-ity. not Ire ta bs-reoy glraa to ail persons la dented ta snbt setatw w ssake Isssssdiata pay awnt, and tnosa bavtBg- claims sgaiast It tn pre sent the duly aatbentlrast fcr SMthnsaat sa Tvesday. March l i 1-S4. at taa lata rssllsass st tba daeeassd at 0 e'el.s-S. a. w. , A-BKBT B. RHOADE8, PHIUJP aUOADt-i, janlA Kxssatsia mi a ft a issssyOissst wrtafisj ww V 1 1 J ' ' acewev Ssr taw beet seUta !. mi 'ealesg-S ibiiMO t".'. "9-. ML tstMtfOw. -tr-t aSsrSa VSsfvrss,