The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 11, 1885, Image 3

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Jhe Somerset Herald
' " -.f. ii lata, 1
...MESOAf " i
The BepubUc" rclen of Somerset & t
Tne w , ..-i.hi. arbitration
L .. at ? O'
Cioca ul J
JOH..' l
Boyd. PrugBist
Satardsy a lovely day.
Buy drug, of CS. Boyd, and be happy
, .v t Mrs- A. E. Luis.
jb lot bargain wees at
.r Fisher's Book Store.
Comic .awn" .
BMOtiful Valentin- at r.sucr.
I commence ou the 18th insU, and
lent will
lt,oae for forty days.
, n;.kn braxhes and paint-
psints, oiw, ' .
. t0p,.lie etc..
Rowa is underrt-wd to be opposed to the
.M offices to bear arms.
"1 . ;m -re mouey if you buy your
U!.nd stationery ofC S.Boyd.
Tbt.port of Bedford, to tM nun oer ,
1 r....! a marksman club.
-Jma'lp" has made its appearand
e laborers on the&.uth Pennsylvania ra.l-
That husband of mine " al ways buys bii
t Boyd's Drue swre. v
k. ..
Ia Centre countr out of sixteen applica
nt, license to sell liquors, only eight
L. panted.
Town and Coantry Mercbanta can nuy
.-.entina at Wholesale at Jisher a Book
f. ire. Sonice1-
Out of the Ml members comprising me
nnsTIv.nia A-sembly. only tweuty-seven
-codes graduates.
E,,-eti has e-tWih-4 a reading room.
. example which mitfht be followed with
-jfilbv other towns. continue, dull, but most of the
are preparing i-n
k! a brisu spnug
The Phiiadlpbi Record sucks to t he oe
;f that tbe Pennsylvania road has gobbled
, the South Pennsylvania.
February is a notorious niontb. Ground
1,ut Valentine day, and w asuinexon s
k rthdsy, all come in that month.
Pr. King's spectacles are sold only by L.
Boyd. Every pair warranted to give sat
iction. A ITft t guaranteed.
IW.rr-Vr. G. J. Beacby is now in
.oienet, and can be seen for a short time
hilenta! Rwmf at tlie Glade House.
Rjuer skating is bee ming so popular in
me pieces that hasbands are going out to
rd to jrive th:r wives time to attend the
Dr Hiirbees terra as State S a peri n ten dent
Public Instruction, expires in April. His
Ir.ccessor Will oe sppi j
Udies' Fleece-lined, buttoned overshoes
... .a XT M. DwtV
ztm bi& cat, u a. rx.
Lbber boots, met i women s ana -Misses
ershoes t specialty.
The coal trade seems to be about the only
.el j business in town, the cold weather of
e past few weeks increasing Ue oeniatMi
:ite considerably and giving employment
a imall army of teamsters.
Mien baby was sick, we gave her Hastoria
f'hen she wa s a child she cried fnrCastoria.
S'iien ibe was a Mi, she dung toCastoria.
ben she had children she gave them Cast'a.
The present month of February will con
tof four Sundays, four Mondays, four
jiwisrs, four Wednesdays, four Thars-
ir?, tnr rnflays ana lour atumays.
lis will happen once more in the present
litnrr, in 1S31. The same thing occurred
y ll.lT, 1S18, 1829, 1S35, 1M6, 1863 and
74. ' " '
Viat Makkit. Main Street. We have
. added a large Refriperstoi to our Meat
rk in which all meats can be kept coo'
icl-an. Mutton, Beef, Pork, Ac kept
ujtantfy on hand. Open daily. Parties
Tinx meat can have it kept in the Befrig-
n:or until wanted.
, - Eoes Davis A Co .
The fnited tates Fish Commission bas
'"reeded in aroosing considerable interest
the introdaction of carp roto this country.
dcs their introduction it is estimated that
; 25 000 persons are engaged in the cul
and it will certainly not be many
m. ay the Commission, before these fish
P ll become Dlnti Tut til Anr market
Eta iTtt. Pet.ple corning to court will
i.fcet Fisher's xtook Store has
"o """d Into the large and convenient
' stnre t-tb directly opposite the old
"d In hit new room Mr. Fl-ber has
P ll ill Bn atf iinla- Xmrtr mnA mpmI
orpwxls in his line and will be able to
" tbe public to everything wanted in
la exebarse sars that it is alleeed hv one
f So ess been cured of an inordinate thirst
coholicstirualanta. that a half ounce
r und qii-ia jterped in a pint of
tepmnful f the decoction to
-.s in a little water every time the
w ''xiies on, afftnis a certain cure. In
the rrrin f.r Iiqnir will have
' iy diMpj.ea.rr4. This is a ch.ap, sim
" nd tlrTule remely fur a very serious
-Pnire sppetite.
'""rusr Notice As I have gone out
"" i in.i.rsnt n w tbat all ir
'nxileed, in my poession should call ;
"ft them j.n.n.ptly. Also, persons ow- j
- ""'T'bans Court fees will artel the
rf ,th" further deUv. All deeds not
the 1st of March, and all fees cora
if "ot paid by that date, will be
' tbe bands of an officer X tbe Uw
.ii!rt,- P'P" this voarirome
Mteotion and save further costs.
A. A. Sttttp.
'ttiBooxSroBxThU well esUb-
d and reliable R...k Xm .nA
'rJ Store was BhivmI rj Fakmar
k ld. cramped and insufficient j
w uie m W.n mmiA .
r. V ""vniy opposite uonx s.
till. .. .
irtJ r occupancy the
, ews,and stationery bas
17. larged. Special atten-
"'"hspaid to tbe wboleaale trade.
School supplies. Paper. En-
Inks. Pan. 1 T
c-wnlke i
tire fJ..II , , iand Joaiah Woy, wbo will do business un
J! from manufacturer, which .u. ' , , .
d e,..- Mb""t to j. to town ,
""j merrfcantaat anti i
savantageoos to buy there,
"""boven mm .i . i v..
as . "nd- Always lor
'tie "d T,riH M"r,m"lt
W Hi4tori- of Trav
el rw V na UMTiple hymn
Child. T.- K...V.
lews. Dail. . a.
f... - ' i
ht . " reading matter.
and Rn.j . .
re Certificates. Vail or-
Caas. H. Fisbeb.
Tli !rifbing wa exeeptiuneJly food for
several day last week.
Sunday' tan and nun pat an end to the
sleighing ft the present.
Several more good store-rootus could be
rented to advantage in Somerset.
m o m
The past week has developed nc thing new
in the Somerset postoffice question.
Dr. W. F. Fondenbnrg. of Pittsburgh,
paid as a brief visit Monday morning.
Tbe weather for the past week would in-
dicate that the ground hog i head is level
Mr. n uiiarn ttoover 11 erecting a iramc
dwelling house opposite Kaotner's station.
Our neighbor of the Dtmaertt has added
a new power press to bis already well equip
ped office.
We have not seen a copy of that interest
ing (7) publication, the beguiaiix Record,
since tbe present session opened. . -
Messrs. Samuel Kantner. Hex. ZimtnW
man and John Megahan leave to-day fori
New Orleans
to take a look at the Ezpo-
Our friewd William H. Welfleyy Jurlua,
will open a book store on the 1st of April in
the Mora in the Mammoth Block now used
for a restaurant.
On the 1st of April John K. Scott, Esq..
will move his law office into the rooms now
occupied by 3. G Ogle, Esq., in Ed.
McDowell's building.
Our principal thoroughfares n resented
very animated appearance Saturday. Tje
good sleighing brought large numbers of oar
country friends to town.
m m
Mrs Susan Cooper disposed of her proper
ty on East Main street Monday morning,
for five hundred dollars. John H. TThl,
E-q , was the purchaser.
It bas ben suggested that the question of
who shall succeed Postmaster Davis be sub
mitted to the voters on the day of the spring
election, which is Tuesday, the 17th.
Downtv is the name if new postoffice
in Stonycreek township, of which W. D
Fioto is the postmaster. Mr William Bow
man has been appointed postmaster at Hus
band. Somerset township.
Mr Jacob Lenbart last week sold bis resi
dence on West street, and an out lot con
taining six acres, to Mr. Washington Stone
b rater The price paid was seventeen
hundred dollars.
The Philadelphia Tun Almanac for
has come" to hand. It is one of t he very best
cmifiradiums published i i this country.
It is dm k full of information, political and
athTwie, and is very accurate.
Miss Jessie Benford has purchased half
interest in Mrs. M. M. Tredwell'a store.
The new firm will move into Mr. Henry
Scheli's moms in the Mammoth Block,
now occupied as law offices, on the 1st of
Mr. Henry Heffley has bad the interior
of his lanre store room handsomely painted
and otherwise improved, and it now pre
enu as neat and fresh an appearance as any
baxinem house in towa. Mr. Heffley is
always wide-awake and up with the times,
and as consequence enjoys a large and lu
crative business.
Superintendent Bonner bis undertaken
to improve the freight service on tbe Somer
set and Cambria Branch, and he hopes to be
able in a short time to have a fast train on
the road whereby shippers and others will
be greatly benefitted In the event of suc
cess in his undertaking, traffic on the S. 4
C. will largely Increase.
. Saturday afteraoun Mr. James Say lor with
his four strong horses moved a good sized
frame building for Mr. Hei.ry avreger, Iron)
Gravel Hill to Ip'a Bridge, a distance of al
most a mile. It was a pretty heavy drag,
but James got it there in good shape. We
understand that Mr. Kreger intends using
the building for a slaughter bouse.
Mr. B. F. I.ung. who was arrested last
week and lodged in jail, charged with em
bezzlement, etc, on information of Mr. Isa
iah Rodger, was aot released on bail at
stated by one of our contemporaries, bat is
still in jail. Since his incarceration there
have been several other informations made
against him, on which he would be imme
diately re-arrested were be released on
The Pennsylvania State encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic will be
held in Harrishurg, on February 10-h and
lltb next. The Harrisburg Posts are making
extensive preparations for the gatberinar.
and in adddition to tbe usual arrangements
some very handsome and costly badges have
been prepared, one of which will be given to
each delegate as a memento ot tbe en
campment. Hoase renters have been considerably
embarrassed in securing suitable tenements,
there seeming to be a greater demand for
comfortable dwellings than the supply will
meet. There is s good opening in Somerset
for some enterprising capitalist to erect a
numbar of eligible dwelling hoases. as the
rents of such would bring abetter interest
on the investment than many of the popu
lar securities in the market.
Tbe changable weather bas been very se
vere on many people. It has been warm
and cold by spells ; sometimes spring-like
in the evening snd below zero in tbe roorn
ine, or warm and pleasant earlv in tbe day
and freezing cold later ; then one warm day
and one cold one. There is consequently
much sickness among both old and young.
Don't be too ready to lay aside the wraps ;
better stick to them and be a little too
warm lian to be laid up with a bad cold
which may eud in something more serious.
Valentine Hay, F. J. Kooscr and A. H.
Coffrtth, Esqrs. left for Philadelphia Mon
day to attend the Supreme Court, which is
in session in that city. Tbe following are
the cases which thev go to argue: Thomas
Williams et a Plaintiffs in error vs. J. M
Hav : Joeiah Brant. Piaintia in error vs.
George R. Dri' AdminiMraiore; Joseph
Cbrixtner. Plaintiff in error vs. John A,
Horlutetler ; Somerset 4 Cambria Railroad,
plaintiSa in error vs. Mart Ga'braita. Tbe
gentlemen expect to return home the latter
part of tbe week.
It always pavs to watch closely tbe adver
tisements, but never more so than at a peri
od like the present, when more bargains are
offering ia all lines of trade, eveo at the
flood-iideof prosperity. In these days It is
in general trade that the advertising bonses
boy tbe largest stocks npoo the best terms
pot ,h'm the l frT'm 2V" K
per cent, less than their slower competitors.
By observing when and where to purchase,
as set ont each week in our advertising col
umns, the shrewd reader can make a very
material saving from tbe ordinary cost of
Tbe manufacture of different kinds of ter
titizers is a new enterprise about to be estab
lished at this place by Messrs. Fata Del Fox
r. t. mrmrt hn,Mi.
J ' . . . .
" . .i . . Mi.AA... r . . : vi ft. I i: .
south of town along the lias of the old 8osa
erset aad M toeral Point Railroad. A thirty
five horse power engine with boiler attach
ed bas been placed ia position. They pro
Iee patting in a machine for crashing
bones and one for mixing tbe material, be
sloes etber snacbinery.
oi uie nw
of tbe most iroprov-
, ... , .
fMiwmmi iuw iKHirj win nave me canaci-
. .. . hm .Ki)nHv wiu ftUMarai Uflr
farmers an opportunity of procuring first
class fertilisers at home and at a reaeouable
privsv .
President Keim. of the Rastding road, it is
amid, will succeed Robert H. Say re as Presi
dent of tbe Sooth Pennsylvania at the next
election. " i.
At the Spring election, which takes place
next Tuesday, the following Boroarb offi
cers are to be elected : Burgess ; one If am
ber of Council, to serve three yean ; two
School Directors ; Constable ; High Con
stable ; Assessor ; two Assistant Assessors ;
Inspector ; Judge of Election ; Auditor ;
Street Commissioner.
What is known as the deep cut, right
north of where the Sooth Pennsylvania
railroad crosses tbe Stoystown road, is said
to be tbe largest cat on tbe line of the road.
The amount of material yet to be taken vat
of this cat is greater than that of any of the
tunnels. It is the only point where work
is at present being done on Shields' A Dar
win's contract, and one of the bead men in
forms as that it will take fully oae year
from tbe first of March to complete tbe
work. The remainder of the work on this
CQDt"ct """" P ia few monthL
According to tbe Meyeradale OmmereM.
tbe contractor for the Stoyestown bridge
" was to get $1,084 for the job. The view
ers assessed $684,000 damages, leaving him
but $400 for material and services." It is
now in order for the Co turner daT $ lightning
calculator to demonstrate, to its own satis
faction, tbat by this marvelous statement it
has saved at least five thousand and eighty
four dollars to the county. A reproduction
of the " funny story " entitled " He Made
the Riffle," which baa been going the rounds
of our exchanges for the past two years,
would be appreciated at this juncture.
Plants, in bedrooms, as a learned writer
now declares, far from keing hurtful, are
beneficial, inasmuch as they exhale a cer
tain amount of ozone and vapor, which
maintain a healthy dampness in the sir. and
besides tbat are destructive of tne microbes
which promote consumptive tendencies in
human beings. It is only flowers, and not
the plants which bear them, that do tbe
damage. Ferns are innocuous ; roses and
suu flowers are pernicious, at least during
the interesting period while they are in
Next to the love of her husband, nothing
so crowns a woman's life with honor as the
devotion of a son to her. We never knew a
boy to turn out badly wbo began by falling
in love with his mother. Any man may
fall in love with a fresh-faced girl, and the
man who is gallant to the girl may neglect
the poor, weary wile in after years. But
the big boy who is a lover of bis mother at
middle age. is a true knight wbo will love
bis wife in sere leaf autumn as bedid in the
daaiet spring. There is nothing so beauti
fully chivalrous ss the love of a big boy fT
bis mother. CaWue Herald.
Kixs. Many of our readers are doubt
less unaware of tbe extraordinary induce
ments hild out to them by one of the great
est Railroad corporations in this country fur
exploring in that wonder land, Kansas.
Round trip tickets can be obtained of the
agents of the Atchison, Tupeka and Santa
Fe Railroad, enabling land seekers to make
a trip of over one thousand miles through
the most fertile portions of Kansas and tbe
famed Arkansas valley, at the very low
rate of ten dollars. These tickets are good
to stop off at any point, and enables tbe
holdur to visit Topeka. Emporia, Florence
Newton. Wichita, Wellington, Winfield.
Elk Falls. Cherryvale, Cbanute, Iole, Gar
nett, Ottawa and intermediate points. Send
a postal card to W. J. C. Kenyon. Baltimore
Md, for the Royal Record ot Kansas, sent
free. Far rates of fare apply to v7. J. .
Kenyon, Baltimore, Md-; or E. E Pstmn
Somerset, Pa.
Tax RnLLia SxATxCaAXt The Pittsburg
Tuna would like to know if there is any
body so forehanded with knowledge as to
settle why it is that the roller ekate lonacy
overcame the public mind so suddenly and
sorecentlv? Why, for instance, didn't it
develop a year, or two years, or five years
ago, when roller skaters and roller skating
were as meritorious and amusing as at any
time since. This is one of those intensely
psychological problems that come unex
pectedly and all of a heap to bother tbe in
quiring spirit of mankind. In some places
it is remarked that this sort of recreation
bas become so virulent as to occupy not
only the minds and time of the population,
but to have so straining effect on personal
fiscal affairs as to threaten a mild epidemic
of bankruptcy. Boarding bouse and store
keepers feel the infliction to tbe utmost; they
say their bills remsin unsettled from week
to week, all the spare change tbat their pa
trons secure jier.g to the enterprising rink
projectors, and that nothing short of a gen
eral mobbing of the cause of this distressful
condition can adequately meet tbe emer
A ma Tax RALLaoana. Senator Wallace
has introduced an anti-diserimination bill
in tbe Senate that is very exhaustive in its
provisions. It provides tbat any railroad
shall hare the right to intersect, connector
cross any other railroad, and shall receive or
transport passengers, tonnage and cars, load"
ed or empty, without delay. Any railroad
or canal company refusing or neglecting to
act as a common carrier, or demanding an
exorbitant compensation, shall forfeit and
pay threefold the actual damages suffered to
persons or corporations by reason of such
refusal. Any railroad or canal director.
official or employe neglecting or refusing to
aid in the performance of that railroad as a
common carrier shall be adjudged guilty of
a misdemeanor, subject to imprisonment for
not more than six months, and pay a fine
of not more han $3,000. Any railroad de
manding or receiving exorbitant rates for
transporting of freight or passengers is sub
ject to payment of threefold damage to the
party Injured, or if the employe so charged
shall be adjudged guilty of the misdemean
or, with the punishment stated in the first
instance. Threefold damage is to be award
ed where unjust discrimination is prac
ticed. Edis jxb Vicisitt.
Our obliging merchant J. A. Friedline is
taking ao inventory of his store this week.
George J. Swank wbo bad a severe attack
of typhoid fever bas not yet fully recovered ;
An oiled tongoed swindler made bim the
victim of a Kttle fraud by taking a fire dol
lar bill of bim for medicine which never
came to band.
A fancy young man from Lignnier came
through this neck o' woods a short time ago
selling knives, forks and spoons, and sells
them for just what be can get for tbera ; it
is said one farmer Daid $7, one $5, one $4
and another $X5t) fur a set. Some of tbe
same farmers retesed to take the sane goods
from our merchant for $2.50 per set, 8ome
of the same farmers refused to take tbe same
goods from oar merchant for $2M per set ;
but Jt seems our people will allow them
selves to be taken in by any clever rascal
bo lights on them
JotiaJa PYied!ine and Ed. Daniels are each
goine: to set their steam saw anilla. one on
eitsex side of Laurel HilL
William Cower moved from Petersborg to
Lewistille. William Griffith moved intdrrer. A little dvnamite under hia coat tail
wbere Cover moved out. Samuel Phflippi
wilt more to Petersburg in the near future.
Oar friend Mesheck Beam wears a broad
amile, "they are twins.'
Tbe loafers association of Edie elected
Mesheck Beam captain. Any one can be
came a member by setting ap Uascigaaand
giving his name to the captain.
Mr. A. I. MUler nderuk a Ull job on
last evening from tbe prayti uieti'ing at Ci
beer's Church. Veil link, could yoa see
any stars when yoa looked up.
RepnUicana feet easy sices Don baa been
elected to the TJ. 8. Senate again.
Tne gentlemanly wioowerid Jen ner town-
ship. ha been here on bin second trip tak-
ing a business view of tbe lair widows of
Edie. Occasion-Ala. i
Xdie, Pa Fehrsary 8, 186A , ; t
Oca Hasan tuna Lamia.
HAaaiSBTto, Feb. T, IMS.
From Out Regular Correspondent.
There hare been several very lively and
exciting scenes in tbe House this week, al
though scarcely an thing bas been done. On
Monday evening tbe Governor's veto of tbe '
first House bill, establishing fcrar additional
Magistrate's Courts in the city of Philadel-;
phia was read, and then the fun began. !
which lasted until tbe time fot adjuurn-
sJment. Filibustering and political strategy
PWre resorted to by the friends and enemies
ef the bill, and the veto message u mt dis-
posed of until Thursday, when tbe b;U was
finally lost for want of twelve votes to give
it tbe necessary two-thirds. Mr. Fauute, ao
old Democratic member from Philadelphia,
and Sneaker of tbe last noose, made the
most powerful and eloquent appeal for the
bill. He said it was not a question for pub
lic opinion and newspapers to determine,
for the Constitution of tbe State has deter
mined it, and it is only necessary for mem
bers to consider whether they will act in
acoordanos with the oath they had taken to
I uphold, defend and obey tbe Constitution
fof Pennsylvania, or to follow with the mob
wbo despised the mandates of tbe Constitu
tion, and were crying as of old, "Crucify
Him, crucify Him."
Immediately after the natural gas explo
sion in Pittsburgh, every member from the
Allegheny delegation seemed to bsve a '"nat-
oral gas" bill to Introduced Of course they
want a liberal appropriation in every bill,
and to impress tbe necessity of such a tbing
upon tbe minds of the unsophisticated
members from tbe country districts, the
balls and aisles are filled with smiling, en-
ergetic, omniscient " bill-pullers " It is al -
most time for Pennsylvanu to stop the un
necessary appropriations that every two
years she is called upon to make. While I
do not think it good policy for the legisla
ture to promiscuously grant appropriations
to every public or private institution, nei
ther would it be wise to go to the other ex
treme, and refuse -aid to all; but every ef
fort should be made to find out what insti
tutions are worthy and give them a fair
and just appropriation, hut not one tbat
will fill the pockets and make ricn the dif
ferent officers.
The only bills tbat have passed the House
this week were bills making appropriations
to pay the Judges in Philadelphia, Berks,
t'ambria and Clearfield counties, as these
were cat eut in tbe general appropriation of
A caucus of tbe Republican Senators was
held last Wednesday night to determine
upon a bill for the Senatorial apportion
Evervthimr moved alm hsrm.mi-
cveryuiing movetl along narm.Hii-
ously, and tbe current of opinion iavured
and tbe current of opinion iavured
a ratio to be determined by dividing the
population outside of the eight districts of
Pmladelpbia by forty -two. The Philadel
phia Republican delegation of the House
have agreed upon a representative appor
tionment for Philadelphia, which gives
thirty-two Republican and seven Democrat
ic districts, and this it is believed the gener
al caucus will accept.
Tbe Senate has done very little this week,
except pass three or iotir insignificant meas
ures. It cannot get properly down to wurk
until the House quiets itself, as it has been
quarreling and wrangling for nearly four
days over the veto messae-
A bill bas been favorably reported (and it
looks as though it would go through) which
prohibits the employment of school teachers
under 18 years of age. This will be disas
trous to a great many young teachers. I pre
sume, in yourcounty, ss I think the average
age of your teachers is scarcely IB.
Pittsburgh's handsome statesman, Chris
Magee, has been here several days this week,
moving around among the Legislators and
Senators in his usual genial and affable
manner. It is singular to watch how the
reporters and newspaper men follow around
after bim and constantly watch bim, as if
be were a dynamiter.
Tim O'Leary. the big. fat. Democratic
ward politician, has been here In the inter
est of tbe natural gas companies.
All tbe talk now seems to be in regard to
the different apportionment bills. Tbe ire
of Hon. A. J. Colborn was aroused the other
day, when one of tbe Senators sai d they
were going to make a Congressional district
out of Somerset, Fayette and Westmoreland
counties. He told tbe Senator he would
fight such a bill to the bitter end, and he
knew "the frosty sons of thunder" would
stand by bim. Westmoreland is overly
tnxious to be tacked on to some Republican
district so she can forever throw off democ
racy,, and ber Senator and Representatives
seem to tbiak Somerset, with ber 3.000 Re
publican majority, n the best county to be
hitched to.
The general sentiment among Republic
ans, so far as I have tested it, is tbat it will
be true wisdom for the Republican majority
to claim neither more nor less than they de
manded during the former sessions, when
the Democrats controlled the House of Rep
resentatives. Petitions are still rolling in,
and so rapidly snd lengthy do they come
that the genial, smiling face of the gd
natured transcriber George VonBonhorst
is forced to wear a frown.
On Friday morning a special train took
the appropriation committees of both Senate
and House to Huntingdon, to inspect the
reformatory there.
Our statesmen have most all gone home,
and Harrisburg in many resrects reminds
one of a deserted village.
Following is the report of "Bmmm's
School" in Somerset township, for the thirl
month, ending January 27, 1S5 :
Number in attendance males 24. females
19, total 43; percent, of attendance, males
93, females 92. total 93 ; number of visits by
natrons, 8; number of visits by directors, 0.
Tbe following named pupils attended ev
ery day daring the month Ross Hoover
Charley Hause, Chrfst Yinkey, E l. Swank,
Harry Sherman, Herman Sherman, Frank
Walter, Fred Altmiller. Willie Zimmerman,
Harry Roberts. Mary Swank. Cora Swank.
Susan Yoder, Emma Ynder. Mattte Hause.
Essie Hause. Clara Hame, Emma H-Mver.
Mary Bingner, Emma Bmjner. Ella Wal
ter, Lixzie Walter, Mattie Roberts and Man
In this report the attendance ha been
somewhat better than heretofore. I hope
that the attendance from now on until the
school term is ended msv continue to be
better. Parents should see that the b-y
and girls go to school every day.
M. R Bowxax,
February 2. 15. Teacher.
CosritcscB Items
lae pointer murierea in the spnnjs o?
1979 oetween Albrighlsville and Cranrnrry
Summit, West. Virginia, a note of wlrch
was published in the Hisald at the time
tarns out to be Andrew Jackson, of Xew
uaven, ra. ins greatest poD'iary was giv
en the matter at the time but nothing was
learned of tbe name of the murdered man
until recently, when it appeared in the
Preston County (W. Va.) Journal.
Tbe protracted meeting in tbe M E.
Chnrch is still ia progress. Miss Smith wss
here and added much interest to the meet
ing. J. O Donovan Rnsa don't like to take
hie own melicine. He may. however, now
enneld. himself a martyr instead of a mnr-
might rid tbe coantry of a wicked man, bat
the example weald be worse than tbe rem-
Coofloence, Pa., February 7, 1885.
Fbok SocTWAnnoa.
This vicinity bad quite a grand wedding
last week, and of course, as a general thing
faanariallv in thia nart i if Itumnntrv mwmrw
.. , kw "
tbc crowd, wentro serenade tbe couple with
anything they could get hold of in tbe "rat
tling' line. After arriving at tbe place and
getting permission of tbe old gentleman, we
gave them several rounds of mnsic and ev-
erything went on as merrily as a "marriage
bell." But behold, indeed of the couple
making their appearance tbe groom came
oat in a great rage and said. "What in the
b I do you want here?" We said we want
to see the bride and something to dnnk.
He said, "X don't have to bring her out, and
as to drinking, you may drink water Of
, coarse we ent home sadly disappointed.
Cooks Mill, February 7. 1S85.
January 25. 1S83, by Rev. J. S. Wagner. Mr.
Albert E. Glrssrrer to Miss Susan M. Stutz
m' both, of Stonycreek township, this
Tbe following account ' of the death of
Mrs. Alpheos Husband ia taken from tbe
t fhdl.u Cntre Globe. It was handed as by
Capt JL J. Waller.
lil'aBASD On Tuesday morning, Jan
uary 17, 1385, at 9 o'clock, Mrs. Priadlla
Husband, wife of Al. Husband, aged 39
years, and 9 months. ;
A postmortem examination made by Doc
tors Criley and Grossman revealed the fact
tbat her death was caused by rupture of tbe
uterus, while in confinement, and the rup
ture was caused by tbe disease of tbe uterus.
Mr. and Mrs. Has band were married Feb.
13, 18G4, tnd by their anion eleven children
have been born unto them, and a large fam
ily of children and a husband is thus left to
mourn the loss of a mother and wile,
Fur the past eight yean, off and on, this
family resided iu Dallas Centre snd have
. many warm friends here wbo extend their
: heartfelt sympathy. Mrs. Husband waa a
good christian woman having been a mem-
. ber of the Christian Church nineteen years.
Tbe funeral will take place to-day, and
the sermon will be delivered by Rev. Archer
at the M. E. Church at one o'clock and the
remains will be laid to rest in the Dunkard
cemetery east of town.
WADSWORTH. AtStanton's Mill, Som
erset County, Pa , February 3d, 1S85, Miss
Rebecca Jane Wadswortb, aged 12 years, 5
months and 12 days.
The funeral services were held in the
Hopewell M. E. Church, which was full of
sympathizing friends and relatives. Rev.
J. C. Brodfuehrer improved the occasion by
showing the duty of this life is to prepare
for that life beyond the graye. Tbe Text is
found in the nineteenth Psalm, twelfth
verse : ''So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts to wisdom."
Toe followioc aeeosnt has bees Sled In bit ome
u sroy itivea inai same wui o
nr.ntaa lh- i-.,ar, j,6rmmiMB am Thais.
. day February 2S. ism.
Mm T. Hubutteil, Assignee or Qeorge J, Black
and wire.
Somerset, ra., Feb'y X, its. rrutbuoutary.
Estate of Jacob Snyder, late of Stonycreek Twp.,
Somerset Coonty, Pa.
Letters of sdminlsiroxiua wa tke abovs estats
haviDa; been grmatad to the Bodmlned by tbe
proper authority, notice Is beraby a Ivan to ail
persons IndebtM to sal-i atate to maka Immedi
ate pa; meat and thoac having claims atrainai tha
aims to present tbem daly aalnenllcated for set
tlement va !tnniay, Febraray li, li. at the
late residence of tb deceased, la Stonytreak
Township. . .
.uikv Is heraby given ta all persons eaaeened
as I Ktea, creditors, or otherwise, that the fol
kiwluar accounts h passed restaur, aad tbat
thsaamewtU tepresentad lor eoonrmatloa aad
allowance at an Orphans' Uoart to be held at Soav FebraarySS, lsa:
t First and final aeeosnt ofBarrlrv Snydar,
Tn-atee fc tba aaia ot the real estate ef Joseph
Soyder. dee'd.
' 3. Partial aeeoant of Joslab Ksller and w. 8.
Morasn. xeeaton of Phetio Marshall, aac'd.
X. second aeeoant of J. X aad F. J. Cover, Ad
ministrators of S J. 'over, dee'd.
Kirst aad final aecnant of U. A. Kretebmaa,
Trustee for tne sale of th real estate of Jacob
Qcatrr, Ave
a. Hrw and final account of Daniel 4offmaa,
Ga.rllan oi Eilward Kovdsr.
S First and ana) aecout of Ftnisoel Cover, Jr.
Oaanitan of Franklin Barkey.
;. Tbc accuaot of Irrtn w. snlUvaa Tiastee tor
tbe salool loa realestautof Philip SalUvan. dee'd.
8. Acnmnt of Henry F. 8c hall, Qaardlaa of
Isaiah Miller.
Taoaenmat of David Casobeer, Admbustra
tur aad Traaue of Sarah Baker, de'd.
10. First sad final aeroont of Perry 'Walker,
Administrator of aarnstas Medary, dse'd-
11. Too aeeoant of Crlah Zafalh Administrator
and TrwtM ot Siinoa Zafell, dse'd.
12 The aeanut Berkay. Owardiaa of
Georr M. Mooro
13. First and final aeeoant or samaol b. Bar
ker. Administrator ot fciljah Borksy, dee'd.
14. First and final ace t ot UaiM Ha
tor of John P Orady.
li. Tha aeeoant of A. F. Dleksv. Exeeator of
Joeapn ii. Colemaa, deceased.
1. Third aeeoant f S. V. Uvaegood, Admrals
tratorof Joaeph lcyers,deeaed.
IT. First aeeoant of Daniel J. Prabaker and
Jease Lanttls, fcltrs of Htnry Laadis. dee'd.
li First and float aeeoant ol lcvl Oriffltb, Att
mlnlstrator of Edward R. Orlffltb. dee'd
Kezister's Office, ( CH AS. C. SUA FF.R,
Fmb. 3, USi. KeijUlar
FollowlOK U the I.hrt of Canses tet for trial at
February Term of Court, beginning Monday,
l yras Borkas vs. Samuel Compton.
M. E. Uanbam va John Alsip.
s. Phllsoa a Co. vs. C. U Battaer.
S. J. Cover s Admrs. vs. Samaol U Uhlor.
Silas Jmkins and wlfs vs. Uoorgs Firestone.
C'orneUa TImoo nalvs.B.kU. tL K. Co.
Lisue Bros aialva. Wa. Ktnsuiaer.
Aaroa Crissay va B F. Long.
Paler Meyers' Admr. vs. Mary Meyers et aL
llanry Biddla vs. Fa rrtew Coal Co.
aacoan wxxa.
Hows Machine Co. vs. Fkhiner k. Ellis.
Santa vs. dame.
A ante J. Lambert vs. Ia Johnson et at
Mary A. Bender's Trustee vs Geo. Doerner.
Lydia Keiman vs. Susanna and C. C. Walter.
Charles Zimmerman vs. Conemaagh Twp.
Lyo-miof; Inanranea Co. vs. Fraeeu E. W timer.
Saase vs. Herman ia, Baar,
Same vs. John H. Hit
Same vs. Henry Shomber.
Same vs. Eliza A. Taj man.
Same vs. Same.
Same va A.J. Colbora.
Same va Aaaast Koehler.
Same vs Joha Waller's Admr.
- s-ime vs K S. Meiltllen fc Bro.
Same vs. Henry Schlaa k Co.
1) W. Brendluger va iMniel Berkeyplla.
Same va Same
S. P. even' ose vs. Zacbarms Blttswr.
tieorre W ober vs. Joatah speebt.
bietriet Trimpe vs. Wm. Sweltcrr.
Jamee Panoa va Jalia Whiteaell.
J .s. Hamhanvs BuQalo Valley Lime Co Lua.
roty'SUffios, M. B. CRITi HFIELD,
JaaSSlSsa. Frothonotary.
StCklAratAtlT Ut'iriSM The fot
Wwing oamtd henons have filed in my nfflo
tber petitions Tavern or ttestaaraat Lassoaea,
towetber wHa too eerUmalee alfidavlu. bomla,
etc , and notice Is hereby given thai the same will
be preted to the Coon of Qarter S-salons for
:ill.iwaaeeoa atooday evening. February 3, lasa.
when aod wnere all persons Interested can attend
tl tbey see proper.
Edward Ifleklo, Petersburg. Addison Tp.
A a, aveshler, Oavldsvllle Coaemaagb Tp.
Fri'k. liurr. ro-ahon'as Oreenvllie Tp.
tlltam sheer, ateyersdale Boroaa.
Robert CHit-rle, -Walter
J. Jones, - "
Kltza Uaer.
Saml A Haloes. Sock wood. MUford Tp.
tmul Borkman,
F. I. Folirr. New Baltimore Boruugh.
t Ua layman, Somerset
.laeoos. nefctoa-, - "
W. J. HiKlmanham. "
. . Mil er, Uraina Boroegn.
J. S- Lions -
I A Jenkins, -
J. J. kenaeil, Wellenhors: Borough.
Wm M Waison, reiersoanjl. Addune Twp.
Joaeph Stall Shanksvlt a. S onyereek Twu
Oenrae H. lioMiiseB. Uleneoe
Ssmael t'nstcr. Stuyestowa boroaah.
John H. Hits, - -
Thos W lillama. W. Sailsbery, FJAMck Tp.
Joha A CUrk, Hoovanvllw.
Ssmael Ferret, Berlin Buraega.
BssTACnaST. ,
Anthony Selgar. New Baltimore sronsh
John staeer. Meyersdaie Bereaga. -
Fiwi'k Hady, "T
O L. Miller, - '
Pr-Ky'sflee, I H. & CBRCHniXJ).
Jan. 28, 1S84. . Clark Q.&.
grlERIFFTS SALE. " - '
Br rtrtoe of a earraia errit af 11 Tm la.a.,1 ..i if
the Coert of t'ooamoa Waasef Bsmsrsst Cxemry.
Pa . aad to directed, thev will he i rn eed is
paMIe sale al the Uasnt ITnnaa as flnmaaaai a
eugh, lon . ,
at 1 o'eloek r.n thefcrJowiag described real as
lata, vis :
AU the rtaht. title hitaraat aa4 efaUm or taw. -
Rmdaat, Walter Harrlag. la a certain met et
bd l'te in the Btarwaan of Urataa. Lower
Turkeyloot Township, gumnsst leemtv. Pm
bowsded ea the Itonh aad Weet bylaad of A. W.
Ttsewa. on the East aad Sswth by laad of . D.
Tt1it ' n'llnlna Itl mai nlih in h.if
story Frame DweUlnw Hawsa. Praaaa lean. mmA '
ether eat bwlkiings It in in eteataU, with theaavj
Takoa ta evecaUon at tha antt afK. D. Tib. I
see at Herta Keiaer, aaa ef J A. Hsatav. !
fcm,Tfr:'vu pwretaassngattae abewe
sale will pieasa take anttse that a part of the
rarehaaeasaawv-to be made saiwa at thaUme !
enrn wui ow requirea ns sane as tae ftwaw ty
Is kaocsed down. etheewtne t wOJ e aaaex
posad to sale i the rath ef tbe seat seuvhaaar.
The realdaeofth-pavehass avowee meet he mid aw
Ooan, tee time tsad ky UteUsan InrtawtamwZ eeens. nam aeeees wm eeaasa
ea asui tee percaaas Bsaw tspaa
( OF
T3 THE 2:1 BAT OF JAS0A1Y, 185.
se: -
Jeha H. rTeiaser. Esq. Tnuvrer wf
Somerset leant 7, Ia AcCMit with
the Cawatj ef 8saeneU
To tax rscaivtd trass collectors of Coasty and
iuu raxes and ievtaa fcrtha ysass lsSX, bus.
(Jot. l -ro as. DisraicT.Taar - Tax
Qeo. W. tarney, Aodl-
sea rowaaaip. IMS a INK
A. D. irkow, bevlia Bor-
Sui J. Baer. MeysfSdale
Boroaah -W-U
Ceivia Baser Soathamp-
toa l owaahlp
. S. Kahhaaa. I'rstna
' ssot
IS 44
its as
4A 43
a si
ios ss
143 ST
S34 4
13 00
44 OS
174 SI
SOS 37
si ia
is :t
14 u
S 15
I 90
s u
47 IT
n to
SS 14
SS cs
t ss
141 M
43 00
li 00
43 90
371 47
It 4
39 43
A. j. ;
Towaafalp. 14W
Joel la-UMiia, AUoghany
1owm p
C A. HatBey .BerUmBor.
ooga. .. "
Alea ataseer, Brothars
vaUey Township.....
John UUaSuaCuuniwoee
Bonma-h. "
Jerry Irota. Elk Ltefc
Jacoh F. kaau, Jenner
town Boroogfe. "
J. W. burn hoiaer. Low
er Turkey teot Towa.
Samaol Bowser, MiUord
Joha P. Splcer, New
Baltimore Boroagh.... "
John K. Miliar, tmial
lowneDlp .... ........ "
3rftx iMvolyaJlabery
Boroagh. "
Levi sLouataShadeTuwa
Daniel rilek. Somerset
Borough. "
Gabnol Ouod, Somerset
Simon Lev ley, South
ampton lownahlp
Bomaaas Balawsu, Sto
nfenek Township.... "
Ada.m ovlm, Sauf slows
Boroagh '
Ellas Fiae.SnmmitTewa
ibiy "
Thoa. U WilUaauv Up
per Tarksyfuot Iowa
imp. -
W m Shaw, L'rsiaa Bor
oagh, Peiar Ifawnresm. W al
ien lBX Boroaah
Cnaa. kaiheban:er, Ad
aiaoa Township ...ISM
Jefansarver, Allegheny
Township "
D. J. Brnbakar. Broth
ersvalley Township. . . "
Daniel H Faber, Ber
lin ooroogh "
Isaac Yoner, Cunema'gh
Osuraa Lowry, Elkllck ,
Township "
A. J. Stouer, Oreenrllle
Township "
Wesley 1 Barclay, Jef
ferson Township.
ship. -
Jacob F. Kaats, Jenner
lowu Boroacn.
Jaeoo S. Keai. Larimer
Township ....
J. W. Bttrabolder, Low
er Turkey loot Towa
shlp -
Olliiaa S. Miller, Key
orsdale Boroojth
Samael P.KIoh middle
creek Townsnip
Joseph Meyers, dliltord
Township- "
Lewis B. Smith, New
Baitlmora Borough...
LeKoy Scott, New Cen
trevllle Borough ..... "
Juha Xaraley, North
ampton Township.... "
Jacob si. Feast, fatal
Toeraship. "
Cornelius Bonder, Qwe
mahontng Towaship..
Wm. Smith, SaUsbary
Boroagh "
Levi Kooata, Shade
Township "
Oeonrs M.Saylor,Som
ersei Boroagh .. "
John J. Baker, Somer
set Township
Israel tmcrfck. Sowtav
amptoa Township....
Joha M. tslessner. Sto
ayereek Township....
Aaron ShaHor. Stoyes.
Ellas Flke, SammU
Towaship. "
44 00
4t 44
nas or
TSS oo
S80 oo
lesr 04
039 34
1 to
S4 (1
3t IS
so oo
4 4S
2J 4
24 00
4 2S
44 40
ZIS 31
71 It
aft as
wts u
SOS 40
3343 00
147 43
JOT 43
960 00
Use to
380 00
90S 30
ISSii tl
414S 00
400 00
ants ot
Herman PhiUippi, Up-
pr Turkey tot t lowa-
Abraa A. Miller. Urat
aa Boroowa.
Peter avnearaam. Wet-
MSrsbars; Boroagh....
1SSS 00
MS 0
ms 44 fSSTS so
Deduct ami ass'd far
State lor iss. (20SS 40
Tresa Commission... not
BaL covered Into Co. 10 1
tSIS 44 S23U44
To am't ass'd aatl eoL
lor State 181
To Co. Order Ka-...
By draft of State Tree.
for 14 0201 4S
Treasarer's Commls- 0 31 OS
$106 .'
MSB 00
ran 04 (0103 SS
To Balanoe dee County at last settle-
To Balance oa State Tax for 18.
To Cash trom Railroad ta right of way
To borrowed money in 1S84... ..........
To concerts...
To redemption money. Unsealed lands.
To cash for old bridge sold .
To cash lor fines
To county tax lor I'nseatoa Lenda,....
To school - - " 1S It '83-
To road -
To balance dee Treasurer.......
By order No. IS for Somerset County
rour nooao ... S619
Bv orders far imiiMi' nay....
1104 00
- Commonwolth easts....
" 14 New brule-ea
" " Brlde repairs.
BrtdKO aad road views..
" Commlssloners'say......
" Tipstaves
Beoords aad Statloaary.
Jail expenses
" " CommixkiBer sclera aaa
extra pay
- FrelHtit
- PrinUnar aad advertialaw
" ElectioB upenaea.
" Scalps
Money rerusded..
1714 47
1X143 73
tl SO
774 64
1443 00
74 "4
4S 30
StS 4t
3M4 0
030 00
IS 44
1131 40
440 40
343 OS
440 3
344 77
MCI7 96
3634 3
tOo St
77 00
103 00
74 0
ISO 00
Set 00
70 00
144 S3
- " Lieeds tor ansa
M LonaUcasjlaw
" Traverse jury
"- Cons ablea rev
" Jail physician
- An-iftorspay....
" Commlrftoaar's attseney
and exira pay...........
" Cvwaty hiiilinln
" Pealtewtlary.. .....
- Ceetodlaa
" ; Incoakorsnwed money..
i .......-.... ...
Stoves .
34 a.
lol 44
SSS 04
M 77
134 44
4 40
14 UM
ll 00
am ts
" Peanrylvaala
" Staawwranher ......
- Shenif Spaagler
- Pmaotary'a tas far
la3 aad ISS4.
" Am.! It tad Sata"Aesownt!
" Boardlna: jarors ........
- Moad Damages
" lnqaests
Borrowed wnaij
- " Coart Heea rapalrs aad
wTXy49AeVose9 ',.
State pwrpoSftSlbrlSSS....
Cemmlssioa eu t4S,a SS
St ."percent.
- " Am't Useheoi aad road
taxes paM ler U7S, 147,
Benstt MU. a
By am't School tax paM lor 'si A m"
Road -
444 14
98 41
Total ...
. V. TRENT, XSO. , PmlSBsary aarf OerkeT
the Coart of Qaarter issliiss, aa4 ef Oyer
aad Terminer ef Ousansst Osanty, ni Ar
' count whk tbe Coaaty of Sosserset, tor tke
ywarsadsag Jaaaaryl, 144, aaw ssrtawyuar
snalag Janaary 4, 144
DR. ' -
To iea-V fas and am
-- caeu an (Joan oooa... ... .
To fine aaa jury leas Jaa. 7, Uftt...
- Hems not auowea.
Ho. 13
By sssa as Protheeutarv.
" Clark a Quarter
" - Oyeraad
14 ' ' ftawreav
" aaHea.ait
To jury ttes sa4 1
efcatfjee net alsswsw.,
TVeafta eaeweai
By (ess as Piotawaetary
- aa dark ef Quarter
- to rami e
304 03
100 01
704 S3
Twos SO
4 OS
333 40
40 44
19 W
5 00
974 97
KB 43
744 04
SU4 10
$ MS m
1 88
. . SS4 4
ommti .. . ... w..S 708 SS
e wie awinl 4)
asNMaSanoff..,.. S0 M
sM...... 11 tt
MiaU.. 4 IS
w ee TM M
wax M W
mm aweeeeeseaeee Wf aw amm
is4S4Me ae4 am uswasv flB
m s
SN 4
ei a . a e was w a e si uVuw want
' Total.
at a
JUHN J. SPAMOLEB. ESt, Hick SherhTef
Summon County, ta seeeant wwh the Cuaatv
erSosxerttt, tor the year ending January 4,
T Itaass net'aliowed.
" " M. I....
M iarr tee. eoal ete.
94 40
"order No. US................
t M 7 ............... .......
S,T44... '. ,
Byeesa. eoata. . ...
'Doarding pnaoTH-rs
' aSassellaaeeae Uema.. ...........
We the Auditors of Somerset county do hrreby
eeruiy that ta pursuance of the Fourth Section of
the Act of Assembly entitled aa "Act Belaling to
CoaaUes, Townships," at, passad the ljth day of
Aprtt, A. D. IS34, wa met ta the Cumntlsfsoners'
Office in the Boroagh of Sosasrset oa the Kb day
ot Janaary, A. D, 1SU. aad did aadlt, adjaat aad
settle the aceeaat of Joha B. W timer, Fi
Traaaarer ef Sossaisst County, with theCeanty
for thetyear 1S-4, and the account ef John J.
Spasgler, Sheriff of Somsrsst Conaty lor the year
1SS4, and the aeeoant of 8. U. Trent, Esq, Pro.
theaotary aad Clark of the Coarta ef Quart er
8 lesions and ef Oyer aad Tenlner with the
Uoonty for the years 1W3 and las, aad that tbe
aeeoaats as Recorded la the Coaualsslooare Ofllce
of Bosserr Coaaty era aomet, and we find a
balance due the late Treasurer ot said County of
nine hundred and four dollars and tea cents.
la testlsanej whereof we have hereunto sat oar
heads aad seals thiaSSth day of January, A, D.
Attest -
Joaw J. Scaaxv, Clerk.
Cowwisaioaxaa' Onto, Jaa SOth.
We and the Comity la debt about S.2t 40
which will require the tax ta bo raised sow mill to
liquidate the debt, and pay current expenses.
By order of the Commlwiooers.
A. J. h ILKJt AN. Clerk.
Sua and Owirg ty the Collectors cf
th9 IMSerest Ecrouglis and
Tcrcships, as Fellows:
Oatstaadinsr OabUndlng
Hear. Co. fax Slate Tax.
A. V- FlotoVHerun Bor
1S83 t 30 38
t SO 08
T 44
19 43
4 04
13 40
s SS
18 40
14 20
33 OS
T 44
83 W
10 18
1 93 47
3 75
4 98
1 SS
34 47
1 TS
76 73
33 S3
T 74
444 TT
Sol J.Baer.Meyersdale
Boreana. - 373 40
Joel Lxadls, Allegeuy
Township 1SS3 104 13
JereFotk Llklick Town
ship 149 07
Unas Broaehor. Mey-
erwlale Boroaah " JS 73
Daaiel Flick, Somersst
Boreaaii. 39 41
Adam tinm, Stoyst'wa
WUUam Shaw, Urflua
Boroagh - 5 31
Charles Bisbebert-er,
Addison Townsnip.. 184 080 08
John Server, Allegh'y
Township - 347 OS
Daniel J Bra baker,
Brxbersvalle) Twp 744 4
Daa'l H. FUher, Ber
lin Boronirh 30 1".
Isaae Youer, t one-
mangh Township... " 411 10
John Ultteon. Couuu-
ence Horoaah. " ljt 41
Alex hlorns, Jenner
Township n 4i
Jaeod F. kauts. Jen-
nertown Borough... S 74
J. W. Burkhok.h r, L.
Tarkevfoot Twp 44 S3
Joseph Meyers. Mil
ford Township " two S3
Jacob K. Foost, Paint
Township IDS SO
Wm. Smltn Saabary
Boroagh - 183 7
Levi nlaonu. Shade
Township. 843 IS
John J. Baker, Som
erset Town-hip. " &S1 4S
Israel fcmertch..-ooth
smptoa Township. 3T7 47
Hennas, TJ.
Turkeyfuot Twp. ... 193 0S
A. A. Miller, L rains
BorooKh 47 4
Peter ILneaream.Wel
lersborf Boroagh.. 100 71
Totals.... S713
The fallowing payments bare been made since
the settlement :
Crlas Broweher, Xsyersdale
Chas. Btsheberger, Addisoa
133 73
304 84
383 00
ljO 08
174 00
Township 304 44 0 38
Daniel J. Bruaaker. Brotb-
ersralley Township.
JohnOUasoa, Confluence Bor-
Joseph Meyers, MilluTilTowa-
John J. Baker,
Totals (1181 3 (S3
We, the aoderabjned Commix ion era of Somer
set Coaaty, la eon formiiy with the Uw. bare or
dered the aeeompanyins; aeeoant of the receipts
aad expendltares of said coaaty, for the year 1884
U he published, and hereby certify that the above
statemowt efeatstaadins; taxes dee said county Is
correct ss per records la the Treasarer's and Com
aUMloaer't sBces.
Attest 1 Commissioners.
A. J. Hrtaioax. t
Commlmlnoers. 1
-IMpts aai IipenJite
mill CflUTY f
John H Wei&er, Zsq, Treasurer
Scaerset Ccutj Peer Ecuse, is.
aiccoiut witli the Zczxy for tha
Tear Zndisg Jan. '7 5, 1SS5.
To amount draws from County Treas
ury oa order No. 18.................. (
Toeash lor mare aotd. ......... ........
" piaasoid
" Isaac Voderoote. .........
two eve. stoves
" tree aaadry persons wr
sapuun of paauers........
Byesn't paid for Immediate sapport.. S
" " wheat and corn aa.
" potaiuea and vegeta
tahlea. ...
" Applebetter .....
" - shora aad leather.....
M 14 irrocerlca......
" " uhacco.
" earning aad weaving.
mm i. erf
" - - ewInVmae'hhie.'l."
Total.. .. $
By em'lpetti Hireotdoor paaDers .....
" ,' oua ruing tramps la
" - printing ta 1483 aad 84
" Colons aad funeral as-
" lumber and reyalilag
at baUdlng.
u lasuceaadeoaatables
" - tveaehiaa-
" Slobiasua's plamMng.
" Canveatloa aipeaee
" C Biesecher, Charity
icSMa-ts 1SS3 and 1-84.
railroad tare.
" " " esmveylag peapers...
" labor eafarm aad car
penters' work .. ...
ouuloar meuicai servi-
S 7S1 T4!
14 44
477 30 '.
. 1 47 m
,il 98
190 00
19 40
2 90
12 Ou
332 70
10.068 88
Slil 41
sa a
418 ie
77 7
388 48
143 48
at os
48 41
24 14
nadinst matter, by
Jwise Mumelman....
fruit n oes.
Jeasmoawealtb costs.
baniware a eamlnc.
" malaMnaawe ef eiiil-
Ire Insurance.
" Att'y Hcott, rlgbt of
way ease
oui door relief..-
tnamne at UarrUbunt.
M bmefctmithinf
- lentitsers
farmtna ataasils and
fenea wirut. ...........
traasnonatloB to Eng
land .tnr.
umc. ...............
" poauraL....
dlrecunr's extra pay.
yawWBM fvAwdod.....
paymani oa mmt
awware's salary lor a
" director ssttlesssat
1SS4 and MM
m elerk's salary
" tuasai I'scossssimlna
" Au'j Biaaeefcer salary
elerft at eettleseeat....
mlinillssi us
444 71
4 49
473 W
244 S3
lis a
loe a
e a
...... ............. 4 M.01
We, the awderahjneil Auditors of ganasrist Cov,
no be roe aarttfy taat we bare settled sad adjust.
Is scon ant of Joka B. Wotmev, Trees-
arvr 'if gomenet Coemty Poor Bowse for tbe year
issc, aad tbat this sutemlnt la sorrcct.
ewr lead I aad seals sat dayer jaasv
ery, A. IX US.
JAOOat K. BOW38 4.W. S'AI.)
KOBJCAir B. PEN BOD, (aaax.)
attSSSr -
J. Scatsaa. ChurtL. s
Otaanoaa Tbe sum eeK.44
laian aad
a a
X) 8
a a
a a
00 '
of 1885 with prices of the differ
ent grades of goods lower than
ever known in Western Penn'a.
We need but quote prices of
two grades to convince the pub
lic. Tapestry Brussels. 50 cts. a yard.
Body Brussels, 1.00 a yard.
These prices are without prec
edent and the goods are the best
value for the money in the mar
ket. People of Somerset, take
advantage of the low prices now,
to recarpet your dwellings.
113 and 115 Clinton Street,
Brass and Iron Founders, Machinists, and Manufactu
rers of Miners' Supplies,
For Coal Mines, Furnaces,
Turn-Table Dump Cars.
' ' 1 Ayw sp....... ? fev
, ; T ,; iU eT-' --' ' , fi
Heavy Castings and Forgings
repaired at short notice.
l ales' 5Str H Vrllr 1 "
Over 500
r T iL1-
I L 'III prlco L!ct
ere -a
ear a f-w a (--w or sr-
it ri 1 TOXitLa.X. Oil'.-!.
Watches and Silverware
aim ornct ANOvm
I Unfitted E-Sui
Kear tM Mai- StmtJ WW-t-H
ojr. P0PLd. situsex hckkts, mouidihgx
A Oeaeral Line of all grades of Lumber aad . .uildina- XatawaU , asm Boortnf 81a kept bs Stock.
Ala caarerBisaanvtblseistbeUne beataes aaswar wltk us I srossptaeas, sack a
nVackets. Odd-Meed work, he.
IT-anacr, Ccmcrcct Crcnsh.
Cm and Ytri tttMis . 6 C B. B.t3. Zzznt, Pa.
Eierv Pump rally
Railroads, and Boiler Feeders.
Hoisting Crabs " ZZZ
Stone Wedges,
- Iron Work ;
Machinery of all kinds built and
It WiU Pay You
To Buy Your
Memorial Work
e F. Met, MbS, Mi
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
mn -m mm
Cefem Wort ruruard ea f4ert Wttitt. w H
Color. Alt Aftntor Me WHITS B&OSZit
Persons in ael of AtO VC Jtr.VT RroiaT will
flml tt to their latereet ta call 'at my nf. whow
a proper hrtna: will be aivew tneav 4r?ertt.
action GmarmmteeA in Etrnf Caae. aaa PRICt
VEHY LOW. Itnvlte Special Atlenitoo ta tne
111!. Bnsa, Or PsT! 2la Ixazits
Intrndae-d by REV. W. A. ORIwr a e Pe
H.i1 tmprxmnnt la point of MATERIAL A!ft
C0.V.T8l'CTO.V, and whiefc la destined lobe
the Popular M'-oumtit for our hanaenble C Li
ma le. mV4iI4 K 1K A C4LL,
With BIBLE HELPS of Priceless Talae,
sever before knead ta ens Volume, aad
form tne a complete Bible Library.
U0 Beyal Quarto pases. Sous illaeirmtlona.
We do aot hesitate a say this Bible Is the
Crowning Achievement
ot the recent BIM PubHshingmoT.meBt which
baa takes poeeeaelea of the christian woetd.
Its accuracy, artlstle elewaaaw. and
abwndaaaoef Eswravtaes. eismbui to atake tt
wltnvat a rival la tb world of bible. Pan.
Ilshed n U styles et aiwdlae.
ear t nn leiy ttseral Ttrmo Jerara, ,
Iataeastsr County. Pa.
Bs-aatoim DfSc end T'wrd
l mmii.
Somerset, Pa.
04C. i. . $7TI0H.