The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 07, 1885, Image 4

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Among the Takat.
The ttory pet forth bv Chief Engi
neer George V. Melville, in hi book
In The Lena Delta, jut published
bj Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.,
is the same old story so familiar to
all readers of the record which the
unconquerable and adventurom An-glo-Saxoo
race bit- carwi wherever
duty was to be done or danger en
counteredha otten written in its
own blood. Toil endured, peril con
frouted, privation subuiitted to, dif
ficulties overcome .all with the sicgle
beartedness and rmatte-of-fact mod
ety of the race, this is the story of
The cruise of the-fated Jeannette
is adverted to but brief! v, the story
proper beginning with the separa
tion of the boats of De Long, Mel
ville and Chipp in the gale of Sep
tember 13, 1W1, and including the
history ot the search for De Long.
There is a brief account of the ac
count of the rescue of Greely, Mr.
Melville having accompanied the re
lief expedition under Commander
Scbeley, and a plan for reaching the
Pole that is not unworthy of discus
sion. The book is handsomely turn
ed out, and copiously illustrated, and
the story is told with a refreshing
plainness and abstention from rhet
orical excess which enhance its ef
fect Toe incidental allusions to the
power of the ice and the perils of
the Polar seas are graphic. We read
of crowding and tumbling floes,
across which seams run and rattle
with the noise of thunder, while
blocks of ice fifty feet high are puf
fed up or tossed across the surface,
and of the chaos of milious of tons
heaped against the rocky islands,
defying the progress of even the
unhampered pedestrian. Mr. Mel
ville blurs the romantic picture of
the Et-quimaux calmly fitting in
shoe-shaped tlcds. with the lif-hes
of their lung whips sailing graceful
ly behind, while the dugs dash in
full cry atid perfect unison across
smooth expanses of snow and ice,
and substitutes in its place a scene
as full ol action, if not of progress :
Dogs yelling, barking, bnapping and
fighting, the leaders in the rear and
the wheelers in the middle, all as
hopelessly' tangled up as a basket
ful of eels. Such tangles the Yakut
dissolve by merciless pounding with
heavy iron -lipped staves, until the
poor brutes become more tractable
and scud along the hard snow at a
six mile gait After an hour's run,
the team is released and allowed to
roll in the snow and lick their paws
that to soon liecome sore with travel.
Curiously enough, the Siberian dog
returns promptly to harness when
called. Mr. Melville gives a pathet
ic description of the poor creatures,
starved and broken down,with bleed
ing feet, when cut loose and aban
doned: "They would follow aftr
for a little distance and then, unable
to go further, sit on end and howl
dismally, seeming to realize their
fate to die of starvation or be de
voured by wolves."
Of the retreat from the Jeanette.
it is enough to say that having to
haul the sleighs singly, and to avoid
hummucks, etc they often had to
travel from tw.ty-five to thirty-two
miles to advance two or three ; mean
while the flow was drifting in the;
contrary direction, so that alter a
fortnights toil in shoes full of holes
and even in their bare feet, the men
found they bad lost twenty-four
miles. When Melville's lucky crew
reached the land it was with fingers
that could not appreciate the differ
ence between a roje and a needle ;
their legs were frozen from the knee
down, and had burst their coverings
so frightful were the swellings ; the
flesh was spongy to the touch.
"When one of the men, entering the
smoky hut, stepped on my left foot,
the skin gave way from the ankle
down, and shot him off to one side
like a 6hip slipped from a greased
launching way."
Life among the Yakuts must be
like a nightmare. Forty per cent,
are blind and GO per cent, partially
eo.or one-eyed,and syphilitic disease
prevail to an awful extent "Man
ners none, customs beastly," might
be the verdict of the travler. "I have
Been," says Mr. Melville, "forty per
sons sleep in a hut 1G by 24 ana 7
feet high. For food they have salt
less fish, geese nunc till they become
putrid, flour mixed with spruce
chips whatever will distend the
stomach. Melville made his first
journeys with little other sustenance
than the heads and offal of fish
that could be found in abandoned
huts, rotten deer bones, tendous and
rawhide. One of his guides set out
on a journey ot 200 miies with a team
of tired dogs and no provisions but
a tiny piece chipped from a block
of lea. Of the capacity of the Ya
kut stomach we have a graphic if
not reproducable account at page
316, the Siberian Gargantua swallow
ing nearly nineteen pounds of mel
ted butler at two long drinks. Little
as the natives have they are cheated.
The Russian tax-gatherer keeps them
inignorance of the advance in the
value of furs during the last genera
tion and collecting in kind pays a
small portion of the proceeds in cash
into the treasury ,and steals the re?!,
while gamblers infest the villages
systematically ,buy w hatever the na
tives have to sell and cheat them
out of the money. Nevertheless
these poor wretches supported the
ship wrecked crew, and showed no
little capacity lor fidelity and obe
dience ; there is a picture of a frol
icsome young bride's love-making to
her bashful husband, which has a
touch of the idyl about it, and Mel
ville found near the Pole, as Mungo
Park at the Kauator, that the wo
man's her rt always has a fount of
sympathy for the suffering and the
fitrauger. He 6ay (p. 11)0).
"The women at once busied them
selves in the removal of my outer
garments, and gazing at my frozen
and puffed up hands, broke into a
clamor of exclamations and ques
tions. Presently I began to feel the
effect of the heat; my slusgish
blood began to circulate more freely
and went pulsing painfully through
toy frozen limbs; and when the
women, ignorant of my condition,
took hold of the top of the mocca
sins to pull them off. they also par
tially peeled the ekin from my legs
until they bled and I cried out in
agony. The poor creature started
back aa though struck, while the
rest crowded around and craned
their necks to have a look at the
bleeding, bair matted sores, weeping
and saying: "Poor white man, he
suffered from the cold !" The wom
an next used their knives, and rip
ping the outer earns of the mocca
tins, removed them as gently as pos
sible, leaving the hair of the fur
stocking stickinin the wounds ;
then the frozen limbs were given a
bath by pouring water over them,
and when dried, they were fanallv
smeared with goose greaae. by this
time I was seized with n uocon
trollable drowsiness, and notwith
standing the babbling of tongues
about me, lell mw a sound
IrOUJ V UJCU A U'U"M"' " -
length, to find myself carefully cov
ered up with the furs of the natives.
Traveling by deer-sled, though
rapid work f-ome of Mr. Melville's
posting was done at almost railroad
Seed, as 140 versts in 13 hours, 80
iu 6r hour, and 900 versU (the vert
i two third of a mile) in 5 days
and 18 hourais not always pleas
ant, either to traveler or to animal.
The wilds are pathles; occasionally
the driver has the excitement of pur
suit by a iog-teaia ravenous for veu
i6on; the sleds overturn on the
slightest provocation. The deer are
kept to their work by being punch
ed in the haunches with a pole.
"When driven at the top of their
speed tbey labor painfully along,
with heads thrust forward, nostrils
distended, sides working at every
leap, like a great pair of nlacksmith's t
bellows, and the noise oi ineir
breathing like the exhaust ofa loco
motive. Maintaining their fearful
exertions fur about half an hour
they suddenly swerve among the
trees, or up a "steep bank, to avoid
their tormentor, or dropping down
in their tracks, bury their heads
with open mouths in the snow, and
eat voraciously of the cooling dust"
Tne cattle are housed, during the
winter months, under the sane roof,
and frequently in the same apart
ments, with their owners : the hors
es are not stabled, even in the se
verest weather, but dig through the
snow for grass, or crop twigs and
branches of trees.
Concerning the Siberian exiles
Mr. Melville tells u a good deal.
One, whom he met repeatedly, was
a law student who had been arrest
ed for participation in a student's
street row. After three examina
tions the Courts could find nothing
against him, nevertheless he was
packed off to the frozen North for
life on an "administrative order,"
which said: "We can find nothing
against this man; but he is a law
student, and no doubt very danger
ous." This exile's companions
whose ages ranged from IS to 27,
wre all profes-ional men and con
firmed Nihilists, though several
said they h;td not been eo until
after their banishment Each was
allowed S1250 with which to feed,
clothe and house himself and pro
cure fuel and service; this where rye
meal costs nearly 8 cents a pound
and sugar 50. Some of the exiles
with wealthy friends receive alli
ances from "them, but thesa must
not exceed 8150 at one payment,
and mails ore very irregular say
twice a year, with packages at odd
intervals through traveling mer
chants. No exile may send or re
ceive a sealed packet. The natives
are held accountable, under penalty
of imprisonment and the knout, lor
anv escapes.
One of the exiles met by Melville
had been a practicing physician in
the Crimea; he had neither commit
ted a crime nor belonged to a so
ciety; he might, however have of
fended a rival by his marriage,
lie had been treating the child
of the local police-master, but
she was convalescent when, one
morning, he was sent for 4y that
official sent for with such urgency
that he was not allowed to finish
his breakfast or take an overcoat.
On reaching the official's residence
he was told that he was a pusoner,
on an "administrative order," and,
without being permitted to bid fare
well to his young wife, or to obtain
money or clothing, he was packed
off to Siberia within twelve hours.
His wife followed him to Irkutsk,
intending to join him in exile, hut
he was moved on ta Vtrkerausk,
2000 miles distant, just before her
arrival; she went mad and died in
despair at this ending of her 4000
mile journey, and he, after an at
tempt at suicide, settled down in
his hojelessness to practice his pro
fession without fee, since no exile
is allowed to gain money for him
self. He was not a Nihilist; indeed,
he was in indifferent rtpute with
companions because of bis modera
tion "in politics. There is some sat
isfaction in reflecting that the Nihil
ists utilize their reputation for
bloodtnirstiness and desperation in
order to worry the officials and to
make the traders sell them goods at
a discount One exile, a poet and
scholar, whose translation of the
Bible was appropriated by the Bish
op of the diocese, attempted an es
cape by securing a "double" a Cos
sack closely resembling him, and
trained and educated till the de
ception could hardly be discovered,
being substituted for him, but his
clever plan miscarried, and he was
sent into a severer captivity. The
only contented exiles are the
"Scaups' (hkoptzoi?), who mutilate
themselves so that they cin neither
beget nor nurse children. They are
teetotalers aud vegetarians, live in
communities under police surveil
lance, and farm exten-ively.
An Kou to Dune Scraping.
Elward Shepherd, of tlarrisburg,
III., says: "Having received so
much benefit from Klectric Bitters,
1 feel it my duty to lei suffering hu
manity know it Have had a run
ning sore on my leg for eight years ;
my doctors told me I would have to
bav the bone scraped or leg ampu
tated. I used, instead, three bottles
of Electric Bitters and seven boxes
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg
is now sound and welL"
Electric Bitters are sold at fifty
cents a bottle, and BucklenV Arnica
Salve at 2oc. per box by C. N. Boyd.
He Wm m IIUl Keetsler.
Young L-twyer (to witness in
court) "What is your occupation,
Mr. Brown ?'' Mr. Brown "i am a
professional mind reader." "A
mind reader? Explain what you
mean by that Urm." "I can read a
man's mind his thoughts like a
j printed page." "Ah, indeed! Ijet's
jseo if you can trll what I am think
ing of. t lease read my mind it you
can, Mr. Brown." "Thank you. I
never read a legal blank. I'm a
mind reader."
A Startling; Discovery.
Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron
Dak., writes that his wife had been
troubled with acute Bronchitis, for
many years, and that all remedies
tried gave no permanent relief, un
til he procured a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds, which had a
magical effect, snd produced a per
manent cure. It is guaranteed to
cure all Diseases of Throat, Lungs,
or Bronchial Tubes. Trial Bottle
Free at C. N. Boyd's Drug Store.
Large Size tl 00.
Catarrh. For twenty years I
was a sufferer from catarrh of the
! head and throat. By a few appli
! cations of Ely's Cream Balm 1 re-
1 ceived decided bentfil was cured
ll. L.lil. r 1.- D...U
Waverly, N. Y.
Cuzeo. the ancient capital of the
, d . Empire of Peru is situated
bigb up among the a poiut
bo elevated that, although under
the tropics, is has the climate and
products of the temperate zone. It
still has many remains of Incaarchi-
tecture.dislineuished fonts massive-
iiess, which are likely to endure for
centuries to come. On a bill, or
eminence, nearly a thousand feet
hiirh. overlooking the city, are the
remains of the great Inca fortress of
the dm sa-Dua man, in uiewirmiug
of which Juan Pizarro, the brother
of the conqueror of Peru, was slain.
This fortress was built of gigantic
stones, or rather rocks, and their
great size and the accuracy with
which they are fitted together aston
ish all who see them.
In front of this lortress is a curi
ous, dume-shaped mass of rock, call
e 1 the Ro da-riero. aud sometimes
also La Ptedra Lisa, or "smooth
rock," because iu convex surface is
grooved, as if the rock had been
squeezed up, while in a plastic state,
between irreguUr and unyielding
walls,and then hardened into shape.
A ntass ol dough, forced up under
the outspread hands, would give
something of the same appearance
in miniature. But the hollows of
Ihe grooves on the Peruvian hill are
smooth and glassy. It is said in
the old chronicles and traditions,
tbot the Inca youth, long years ago
amused themselves by coursing, or
sliding through these .polished
grooves on festival days and holy
days ; and this custom is still prac
ticed by the modern youth of Cuzco.
There is one advantage, and it is a
great one, too, which these boys
possess over the northern boys, who
live in the land of iceand snow, and
that is, it is not necessary for them
to toil up a long and slippery hill,
dragging after them their heavy
sleds, which grow heavier with ev
ery step they take, so that the lon
ger they ride the harder work it is
to get back to the starting place.
The Cuzco bov sits down at the top
of the rock in one of the grooves,
and with a slight start away he goes
with ail the speed imaginable, until
he readies the bottom, sanding in a
soft bed of earth : then he picks
himself up, runs around to an easy
place of ascent, and is up again "n a
minute to repeat his ride. St. Nich
A Bad Subject.
Colonel Mateland was recently
appointed agent of a well-known
life insurance company. The high
standing of the Colonel and his ex
cellent qualifications as a business
man immediately secured tor him
a remunerative run of business.
The other day, while sitting in his
office, a healthy-looking man enter
ed and said that he would like to
have his life insured. "I am in a
hurry," said he "for my friends are
waiting for me at the door. I want
a $10,000 policy."
The company's physician, who
was present, pronounced him sound,
and the policy was soon made out
Several days liter a friend met the
Colonel in the street and said:
'What businefs did young Blu
mus have with you the other day ?"
"Had his life insured."
"And you insured it?"
"Of course. Why shouldn't I?
He is in good health."
But I believe he will die sudden
ly." "We have an eminent physician
to decide upon such possibilities.
What makes you think he will die
suddenly ?"
"Oh, it's nothing to me, Colonel.
If your phvsician knows, all right
The young fellow requested that he
he ollowed to go out and settle up
his private affairs, and the Judge
granted it"
"The Judge!'' gasped the (Vilonel.
"Yes, the Circuit Jude. You Fee
the young fellow is to be hanged
next Fridav." Arkansaw Traveler.
Killed Ilia Soil.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 16. John
B. Hoffman was hanged here this
morning in the jail yard for the
murder of his son in January, 1SS2.
He wept while listening to the read
ing of the death warrant, and beg
ged piteously not to "downed in the
paper." He had to be held while
being handcuffed, and was suppor
ted on the scaffold, by two men
while the noose was adjusted. He
made no speech.
Is in store for all who use Kemp's
Balsam for the throat and lungs, the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its mer
its and that each druggist is author
ized to refund your money by the
Proprietor of this wonderful remedy
if it fails to cure you. C. N. Boyd
has secured the agency for it
Price 50 cents and 1.00. Trial
size free.
Although it was the compositor
who substituted an "h" for a "c" in
the editor's item abont a "comely"
young hidy, it was the editor wo
was at the druggists next day inquir
ing the nrice of hair restorer.
Aver s Cherry Pectoral is recom
mended by physicians of the great
est eminence both sides of the Atlan
tic, as the most reliable remedy for
colds and coughs, and all pulmonarv
disorders. It affords prompt relief
in everv case. No family should
ever be without it.
"You are looking so badly, my
daughter," said an Austin mother to
her seven-vear-old daughter, "that I
fhall send for Dr. Smith." "Don't
send for him. He is already engag
td to be married !
I was troubled with chronic ca
tarrh and gathering m head: was
deaf at times, Urd discharges from
ears, unable to breathe through nose.
Before the second bottle of Ely's
Cream Hum was exhausted I was
cured. Q J. Corbin. 923 Chestnut
St, Pniladelphia, Pa-
Young men should remember that
a gi rl that can coo-coo. cannot always
e ii a s
Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lamaaaa. Backset. HesasSha, Teefluehe,
awra sals Bra
ssartu. lmlv rraoS attle-a,
. as a iu emeu auaiLi rtus saa srai
ataes Pnata ni.r
Absolutely Pure.
This Pnwder neverrarlea. A tnrvel of purity.
atrenath ami w hoi-awn cues. Mire economical
than i be nllnr klnna and eaot.nt be told tt
competition with tbe mul'liude o low ten. sho-w alum or poophae pow.iers Sold only t
Cant Hovaa Basuae Fowdeb Co., lot Waix
St.K.Y. m;.yawi-
This medicine, combining Iron aith puro
reei'taMe tnnios. qtiirfcly and mmpk-teljr
I mm llTM-pin, Indivrotion, WraktfM,
Iniiart Hlaod, Jlalariu,! hilla and Fevera,
and Nraralaia.
. Ii in uiifkilint remedy for Diwasescf the
KIiIm-v and l.ivpr.
It in invaluable for TUseav pwiilinr to I
womea, and ail bn h-d -dentiIry live. '
It dor not injure the Hwth.eauseheartacne.or
produce rmMiption nlhT htm mfltrmf 1n.
Itenriohesand purine theMiod,timulate
the appetite, aid the assimilation of food, re
lieve Hearthnrn and Ik IcMng, aud rtrtngla
en the muscle and nerve.
For Intermittent Fever. Lassitude, Lacii of
Energy. &c it has do equal.
1- The prnuine ban above tntrte mark and
Ctwcd red line- on wrapper, tj) ake no other
aaatekt BuorMiiuK-aiLTiaoat a
0 Hoftsu rtf Tour. V-m iv I t s'l r
TK. If I -c!U !oirii!n P RMrt in tin -.
Fount" I'owtiprn will ? tirv'. nrf cv M: 1 H'-i
Foutz' Pow'i-m pr-ver.t - ;x F" (
fKm tnw-r will !ncrw t! p-.-ir.tJrv r- n(-:,:
ami rrtMtm twenty rnL. mm. mnke ln ImtUT
anf nwiH't.
Fouui Powrtrr w!H nir nr rp"iit alii"? rTaPT
Dt to wtiirh Horw-j. vi'l T'ojirt? uft.
Vorrx- Po im will oi atif actios.
ol4 everywhere.
PATXD JT. FOTJTZ, Proprietor,
The Greatest Kedical Triumph of the Age
Indorsed all over the World.
Lossof appetite Nausea, bowels cos;
live. Pain in tho Hea&witn a dull sent
satioa in tho back part. Pain nnder
the Moulder blade, fullness alter eat
ing.adisincluion toxertipj
ot body or mind. Irritability of temp
er, Low spirits,Lossof memory .wita"
a feeling of haying neglected some
dnty, w.'artness Dizziness, Flntter
ing of the Heart, Dots before the eyes,
Yellow Stan Headache,Restiessnes3
at night, highly coloredTJrine.
SX3UUS 8314B3 ITOl 830 SEVSUriS.
TUFTS PILLS are especially adapted to
men cases, one dose efti-cta ancb a change
of feeling as to aatonisb tho suffi rer. (he appetite, and cans,
tbe body to Take on Fle.h, thus the ays
tout la awairlsheal. and by tbelr Tonse
AcUwa on tba Iteetl.e Orsjasta, lteru
lar Wtool. nra prorinrcd. Prire a.j eems.
Ghat llAIRor WHIKFBa changed to a
Gu"r Rlack byasinrrlu application of
till DTK. It impart n natural color, acta
InsiatitaneiniMly. Sold by Druggist, or
"( by express on receipt ol I.
Office, 44 Murray St.. New York
wanted for the
live of all the
Presidents of the
U S. The lr-
srett. hao' hest bnok ever told for less aer
twice oar price ioei.srei seiiiDg root. Agent
ea. lmmene profits to acent. All iniu.iui
eoole want It. Any one can heeonte a aocecrt
aaent Termi free. Hau-ctt Hook Co., Putt
and Maine.
Cherry Pectoral
Ko other complaint! are so insidious in their
attack as those affecting tbe throat and lusga
nooe so trifled with by tbe majority of snJfet
era. The ordinary cough or cold, resnlti jg
perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex
I ure, la often but the beginning of a fatal
sickners. AYER'S Cderry Pectoral has
well proven its efficacy in a forty years' fight
a ith throat and lung diseases, and should be
Liken in all ccscs without delay.
A Terrible Conch Cared.
! ii l.-GT I took a sever cold, which affected
i;tv InnK. I had a terrible cough, and paused
nuht alter Delimit hoot sleep. The doctors
pive me np. 1 tried'8 CBEBItV Pec
I'iUAi, vhich relieved my langs, induced
ep. and atfortle! me the ret necessary
I? the rceove.-y of uiv strength. Hy the
cniitiminl ne of tbe pEtrroBAl. a perma
ii 'iu cure was effected. I am now 0 years
Ki.i, li.i.c and hearty, and am satisfied your
(Jiiutitr i LtToim. saved me.
Uociln-hiun, Vtn duly 15, 1682.
Crony. A Mothera Tribate.
'While in the country last winter my little
I ))-. three old, as taken ill with croup;
it wened as if he would die front stran(n.
ia:i.Mi. tine of the family suggested the use
"f's CnritRV Pbttokai, a bottle of
v'avli wits alwnys kept in the house. This
si irit-.l in small and frequent doses, and
to war delight in less than half an hour the
uvuo patient wiw breathing easilv. The doe.
tor said that the tHKitRY Pectoral had
mvi-U my darling's life. Can you wonder at
our zrautude ? Sincerelv oars,
,MK.'faiA GTBsrr.''
1 S3 West 12th St, Sew York, May 16, Iffii
" I have used Area' Cherry Pectoral
in my family for several years, and do not
iieitate to pronounce it the most effectual
remedy for coughs and colds we have ever
tried. a. J. Crake."
Lake, Minn, March 13, 1882.
I sn ITered for eleht years from Bronchitis,
and altcrtry'ng muny remoiies with no suc
ce. I was cured by the twe of Atfr's Cher
Bylialia, Mist, April 5, lt2.
I cannot say eaoofrh ie praise of Am'i
Ciikkrv Pni.TORAL, believing as 1 do that
but fr iu na I should long since have died
from lung troublea. K. Baaeoos."
Palestine, Xexas, April 2
No ease ef an affection of the throat or
rings exists which cannot be greatly relieved
by the ose of AVer's crbrry Fcctoral,
aad it win almmf care when the disease is
not already beyond the control of medicine.
Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
urea in Daim.
t piTa
Cleanses tbe Head.
ATi.jl bSaBBaUioa.
Heal the Sores.
Restores tba Sense
of Taste aad Smel.
4 quick aad positive
-Jt Llr:.r
i WisiVBtO.
Fifty esatf at Dnjg
t lata. Maty enUby
WtLli I'lrratar. Sample
- a a vj ami v
Aims to cover the whole field
ot progressive journalism. No
subject is too great for it to
discuss intelligently and with
out bias, and none so insignifi
cant as to escape its notice. It
lays the world tributary to its
wants, and everywhere its
agents may be found, alert to
gather the particulars of pass
ing events and send them , by
telegraph up to the last mo
ment of going to press. It is a
briel and abstract chronicle ol
the time and contains all that
is worth knowing in the histo
ry of the world for the past
twenty-four hours.
Ite Larsest, tie Biltest aoi Dke
A Newspaper for Every
i. , i. . ,
toremost among the largest ond best
of the Family and General Weekly
NewsDapers published in th coud-
v.auu ii is now ouerea to single
aiihHrrih.r t fin nll a voarlnurlof John S. Kirikead, first gov
and an extra copy given with every
club of twenty. It io the most pro
gressive journal of its class. IU aim
ia to be the newspaper of the people
of the whole country : to meet eve
ry intelligent want in journalism.
and to make it po cheap that all can
afford to enjoy its weekly visits.
have been one of the distinguishing
features of THE WEEKLY TIMES,
and it is now imitated in that feat
ure by many of the leading jour
nals and periodicals of the country.
The best writers from the active
participants of the great struggle on
both sides will continue their con
tributions to the unwritten history
of the war in every number, and
make the paper specially entertain
ing and instructive to , tke veterans
of both the Blue and the Gray.
ed, postpaid, for One D.llar a year.
Every club of 20 will be entitled to
as extra copy. Address,
times building, phi la.
And numerous other features h.v. been ariftoL
Al a mmplic. exhaustit a summary or the news '
In all lepanmenta. it is read by upwards or half (
a millleu f p. ople, and is a kkI advertlslna; me- it
i .in. reach it it fftctnriel. fArtn. .n.1 hMnMul .1)1'
desotipiiunsiBeTary part of tbe Oiuniry.
It eon tains all the general news of the dally edi
tions or tbe Herald w..ieh baa the largest
circulation in the nlted States.
Independent In politics, it is the most valuable
chronicle of political news In tbe world, Impaitial
ly Riving ibe oocumncesand opinions of .11 par
lies, so i bat all aides may be known In the de
partment of
TiiaHsBALDhas alwavs been distinguished tv
the lullnrss of its cable dispatches Tne near
irnsailantic teleicraub cable will lncreuM Ueaa-
The Farm neoertnentof the Wbbxlt Hna-
AL- Is practical. It aoe. to the nolnt- and dM
nut give wild theories. The former will
many mora tin
From the suirirestlonsof the Farm Departasene
alone, eoncernios soil, cattle, crops, trees, tmAik
Infts, Ksnicnins;. pou try, and aeriealtaral aasaw
my. " The Hume " Ilsitucu tne housewife sail
tbe children in reiard to economical and last. I mi
neW diflhM. Ih. .ml til. natln. nf
eomlwta. In addlttoL are given latest repavta of Ba SalU, Which We Sell on a positive
trade and rl
m guarantee to cure, thev would lmme
PR0DUCE MARKETS, j diately tsee the excellent effect after
The condition of money, eolutn. of misel!aneou. lak1inK e first dose' Pr'Ce
reading-, poeiry. special novoleltes, wit and bo--! and 81.0(1.
mor, Iwth aoclal and pollileal, sportmir news, jj T-...I . ,... r V n ... Ji-.
p palar science, tbe doiiuta of weH-anowJ Tpersnns: 3 Trial elie tree at L. IN . Boy d S.
ol tne worhL, a department devoted to the dram- 4
atie and lyrte st-ae. While tbe WauaxT Hae- j ,-,. rmmmrr a. ,h Tklaer
" Hives the latest aad best news ef the world,. 3 Kmmatmrw it smut turn Taiafc--it
is lr.,m journal lor tbe family. "
Sutacribe one dollar, at any time, for a full' j uriwl mtr-t nn iKJa Unul f,-,.
year PortaK frae to any part ef the United H Uk1 you wr,te UP thI9 ,ocaI ,or
states or uoxadaa. j Snotiks, the gTncer ?" asked the city
a-j good advertising MEDiiM-a i editor of a contemporary of hia a-
ASTatimi. SIquH k M iiNot later iiuk -i
One Dollar a Year.
-New York Herald,
Broadway and Ann Slreoto.
Yalaable Real Estate.
virtue of aa order ef rale issued enter th 1
N-pbans' Uoan of Somerset Uuantr. Pa
J U UUSVA r, JAN X 15, 1885,
at i o'clock r. the following real estate, via:
.umBpr! kTJn 'tTlIZ '
t"w as lms Noa'm'sId iv j
i wo certain lot.
Borough, Somerset
general plan of the t
renting 7ieet on First street, aad extending
back aionw WUlow Ailev usfaM M...L. xZ .
ley, having a large Twotor Fraata
thie-sbirv Frame Kitchen attached, aad ether j
vu .'.iil.uiKi iuei'b smnvi, hh ioijs nnviua
mTt irLJZ-Mtail
Wl IW UlWIla
tymm fonri. I. m-A 1. K.T 1
ee In . hree eoaTl aaiaaTnaTwianT rltb latr.
est. Deferred paymeuU i te esewred b jada-
meat oo tae praailM i 10 per eai of the pareluMt
Bon-yMbe paid when tie peoaertv ie Vaueked
down. J. it. HOLD km R a UN,
Onardlaa of Christ taa an Minn Fried line,
Ak fcr "Boaitk Ceae," for Cob,
Ooliu. Sot Tbrot, tioarMDM. Trocbet, ita.
v. - BMh Bhrtn."
Clean sat nu, atlea. roaenea. Bin. nU, bad.
bag, ikoak. chipmunks, goph, n. l ie UruggUt.
Palpttatlfla. Dropateat Swalllaat. Dixzlaet, Ic-
autTKivn, Haadacna. BlcepieMawM, earaa vj
" WaiU'
u' uaai
alta Kenawer."
Aak tar Well' " Rough ea Uoraa." l&c. Qufck,
aeuiplata care. Hard or toll oonu, warta, boiaona.
"BUaujrk mm rla" a Plaaaar;
Straotftbenlaa', Imarotad, tba beat for back,
aehe, paiaa la ebaM ur aide, rheumatism, naorat
ia Tttla rnilt.
"Wall' Health Eeoewer" restore! health and
vigor, carta uj peuaia, Headache, MerTvatne,
UeMMy. 1.
Wkwalu Cmmf k ,
ad tba
bj Throat A Button
ot children.
promptly, pletaanily, and aafnly relieved by
"slough on Coagba.A Troches, lie. Blaam,c
If yoa are falling, broken, worn out and nervous,' Health Bcoewer " il. ItruggUta.
1.1 r trearr.
If yea ar losiig vouraripon li'a. try H Wells
Health aSeae ma. O- ea uirect Iu weak spots.
" TMtkarlse.
Instant relief for Neuralgia, Tuoth.ehe, Fce
che. Ask lur "lWegh oa foutbaeke." 14 aim 25c
mttj mmmm.
Ladles who would retain freshnesa and riraeity.
oon't tali to try - wells' ueaitn aanawer."
Caktarrkal Tkr.t aoiectlceia.
Hacklna-, Irritating Coughs, t'oMs, Sore Throat,
euro ty " UuUko on ifeugns." irocnes, ix,
Luquld, zac.
atsiabai lew."
Rooich no Itch cures humors eruptions, ring
worm, Utter, slt rheum, I rusted feet, chilblains.
Tbe Hepe f ibe Saloat.
rbllilren. llow in developmeat, puny, scrawny,
and delicate, use "Wells' ticalih Kenewer."
W ale Awahv.
three or four hours every nlht eonghinK- Oet
Immediate relief and sound test by umdk Weils'
"hough on Coughs. ' r roebs, IS xtaisasa,
KaisiaTbOB Pal at" Peraia4 Plaater;
Strengthening, improved, the best frir backache.
pains in vnei or sine, rneuuiatism, neuralgia.
Alaska a Mineral Wealth.
Washington, Lec. 17. The re
ernor of .Alufka, states that he ar
rived at Silkii on September 14;
that Lieutenant Jsichols,of the navy,
turned the government over to him
He says that within the next decade
the productions of precious metsil
in the dibtrict will be an important
facor in the finances of the United
! States Government, and he recom-
I ruenda a joint survey by the bng-
Hin ana American governments oi
the boundary line form Portland
Canal to Mount St Elias, for the
ivason that rich placers have been
discovered in that locality which
raiity lead to disagreement.
A Fortunate Discovery.
A new light is thrown on the sub
ject of Consumption by Dr. Wagner
Kemp, discoverer of Kemp' Balsam
fr the Throat and Lungs. A rem
edy that has proven itself to be a
remarkable conituni. It does its
work thoroughly, b topping a hack
ing cough iiiblantlv.
Sold by C. N. Boyd. Price 50cts.
aid 81.UJ Trial bottle free. Get
Tbe liauaeauf a Sfrvanr.
Hamma," exelaimed a little girl,
, mooiiig into the house, "me and
; Wiliie wanted nur-e to sit down and
let 4M pour sand down her back, and
she wouldn't."
'Certainly not. She did quite
righL" :
"Well, that's what you told her
jihe was to do when she firH came."
"I told her the was to let you and
Willie pour sand down her back ?"
' "Not exactly that, mamma ; but
vou told her she was to mind the
The Oltlrat Man in somerset
Aa well as the handsomest, and
fthers are invited to call on C, N.
iBwyd, and et free a trial bottle of
Jvonn's Balsam for the throat and
iuiss, a remedy that is selling en
itireJy upon its merits, and is guar
anteed to cure and relieve all Chron
ticand Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bron
chtw, and Consumption. Trice 50
cents and 1.00.
The Part He Knjoyed Ihe Ceat.
Pianist ''Which part of my rhap
80 dy did you most enjov ?" Igno
ramus "Which part?" "Yes;
whiich movement?" "Oh! the last
one." "Ah! that is the presto."
Pi esto? What a queer name!" "Do
yot! think eo ? ' "Yes. Up our way
when a maa gets up, bends his back.
81X11 les to the audience and walks off,
we ot!l it a bow !"
Some Folitli People.
Allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond ihe reach of medicine. They
often say. Oh it will wt :r away, nut
in moat cases it wear them away.
Could Uiey be induced to trv the
I successful medicine called Kemp's
"Weil do yot
consider it just the thing to announce
that his "fresh eggs can't be beat;
his cheese goes off of its own accord,
and his butter occupies a strong
place in the regard of the public?' "
The Kins of ibe Maoris.
The Auckland, New Zealand. Dai
ly Herald, iu referring to the depar
ture ot His Majesty, Tawhiao, for
England, to visit the Queen to be
confirmed King of the Maoris, ex
press pleasure, editorially, at the
cure, of His Majeety of rheumatism
by St. Jacob's Oil, and says that
during his stay at Mercer lie was in
troduced to the Great German Rem
edy. A Tan Reply.
In the shop of a boulevard) pastry
" Jouiiit maaher que.
Uoned the freshness of a tart. The
shopkeeper was touched to the quick
and remarked : "I made tarts, munir
and remarked : "1 made tarts, young
man a i?0" while betore you were
born." "I don't doubt it," was the
rpnlv ''anit thia
reP'J aa tDlS
mU6t he oce of
itie Prettiest lady in Somerset
t remarked to a friend the other day
itbat she knew Kemp's Balsam was
j a annprinr rsmsdv aa it atr,riAl f
... , J rr.
C"Un lli8la,U,-T "en OUieM had DO
effect Whatever. SO to Drove thlf
n v p.,j ;n , . , ,.
lioyd Will gQarantee it to all.
Price 50 cents and tl Trial
j 1 cenlH ana
st. nicnouis
Ko printed periodical can take tbe place of
pnrent, pastor, orsrlionl-teaeber ; hut asond at.
arloseaa supplemest tbelr work and Influence ie
a wottdrrful dearee. Ia view of this. It ia Dot ez
travsasnt to say that instead of "Can west
ford to take St. N ichols ?" the quesUoa of
every earnest household In Enalish speaking
eoanirte-, to day, sho-ild be MCaa we afford not
to take St. Nicholas T"
Tbe maiaiina, darins: Rs eleven happy years of
existence, under tbe editorial ebaraa of
aa irrown familiar to hundreds ef thousands of
young readers ; and their interest and intelligent
enj yment have constantly Inspired the editor
atid puhlish-re to fresh effort. To-day. Us strenanh
is In its wholesome growth, iu sympathy with
youna life, iu hearty recmrni Ion of the mova
ment of events, ami iu steadily Increajlns; literary
and pietorlsl resources Tbe loUowiaa; are some
of the rood things already secured for luture num
bers ot St N i oho .a :
"His One Kault," a serial story for boys, by the
popula author, I T TrowbtMire
"Personally Conducted," Illustrated papers oa
fam ot places In K.urone. By Frank K Storku.n.
' Hist..rl-Girls." a companion series to "Htstor
Bots " By E S B twka.
'Keadv rr Bminecs " : snaeftlons to hoys
ahoat to eno se an ocenp ilkm. bed on personal
interviews with prominent tpreiema'ivesf vari
ous trades and professions l.y .. J. Manson.
Drivca Back to tden," a serial. By . P.
-Talks for Tonne; Folks." a series of popular
papers, by H I. ( Helen J.ckun).
Among Ihe Law makers"; recolleetioDsof a
boT-pag-e in the I'. S Senate. contain ina; much
jiucii information, Doin instrueuc sou rau.
fr By Kdmund lton-
" lavy anu I m utioun,-- a wry lunnj bw
ry by a new writer. Utas CarryL
Short Sb-riee by Louisa M Alrott
"The Proirres. ot Invention - From Palan
quin to Parlor -car." "From Cros.l.w to lae-ton
Gun." etc. Descriptive papers, by Charles K.
" Art Work for Toenac Folks" : nepers an deco
rative h.ndfcraf . bv Charles O. Leland.
Sheep-rS.lverr' asto-y of Texas life. By
the late Kev. Wm M Ksker
- (tardea of Olrls." Iw Ins; six short stories for
girls, bv Six Leading Writers
"Tales or Iw.j Continents" stories of adven
ture, by H H. Bojesen
t)srt ons for i.oys and Oirls," funny pictures,
by St. Nh hol.s Artists.
" From Bach to Wagner" ; brief, pointed biog.
rapines of yeat musicians. ByAgwhaTun Is.
Siiai papers by chosen writers, incluillng
M.rv Ballotk Foote. Jowiain Miller. All -e Weli
ir.gton Unllins, O: B. Hartlctt. Harriet Pres ott
Spolfonl. Kev. Washli gt n i.huhlen. Julia Schsy
er. Anna Lea Merrttt. W. O St ddard. V. Ker.
Krnest ioKersoIl, Clara E. Clement, Lieutenant
The Illustrations w'Uhetbe work of the very
bent anlfts snd engnvers and there aili be
plen y id thm In the November and December
numhets are beauUlul
Buy the XoTember number for the children It
emrsonlv2e nts and all hook and news dealers
sell it riie subscrip inn price Is 3.I0 a year, and
now ts JU it t he i lme to sutiaci ibe.
A free specimen eopyf St. Nicholas will be
sent on request Mention this papr.
Thu CxsTuar Co. ! w.York, N. Y.
Best and Cheapest.
Two Weekly Newspa
pers for the Price
of One.
And the Best Daily
at Low Rates.
Ibe Hanisbura- Weekly Patriot is a large
eight-page sneeland contains a greater yarlety
of rewllua; manor than any ot her paper pahiisn
ed. I' is newy, spicy, In."ructlve and enter
taining. The subscription prii of the Weekly
Patbiot ia il W per annum, cash in advance.
The Weekly Patriot and New Tork Wet tig
Sea will he sent to any address, post paid, one
var for 1 so ; i he We.kly Pateio" and New
V' rk H'retlf World to any addree. post paid,
for one yejrt rel.KJ: the Weekly PATaiorand
the Philadelphia atu'dsy Record post
ear lor II : tbe Wseklt Patriot atxi Phila
delphia Wteklf Times, post paid, one year for
tl e&. In ail eases the cash mujt accompany the
Is 'he only morning paper published at the stale
capital ; tbe onh morning paper outeide of Phila
delphia and Plt'Si argb gyts tbe complete
Associated Press nws. aixi that has a general
system ol r(eci.l telex-ams ; and theouiy dally
th.t reaches the intrlir towns of Pennsylvania
lrire the Phlhulelpbia and New York pawrs.
The Oaily Patriot tons beva greatly improved
in all Its deiartmenu wlthia the last six months
and is now equal in all respects and superior in
sotne. to the dailies or the Urger t itles Price by
mall -6 00 par aanam in advance (or S7.00 If aot
paid in advance) ; t3.0C lor fix months, ia ad
vance ; ?1..'0 for three months. In advance ; Soc
for one month, in advance : to elabs of Ave.
per enpy per annum ; to eluns of ten. t4.S0 per aa
aum. pav.hle In advm. The Daily Patriot
and the Philadelphia Daily Rreord (Sunday edi
tion exeepted) will be sen on. year for t8 an eash
in advance. Send forspeelmen copies of tbe Dai
ly awl Weekly Pats or. Ia remitting money
lor surweriptfnn send postolBee money order, cheek
or draft. Address
XJa Market Strret.
Parrisbvra;. Pa.
Valuable Real Estate!
Ry virtue of aa order of tbe Orphans' Oourt to
the undersigned directed, they will oiler at
public sale on the premises, on
SA TURD A r, JANUARY 10. 1S85,
at 1 o'clock r. w. .the following d scribed real e
tate, late of Wm H Hoffman, dee'd. to wit :
A valuable tana situate In Jenner township,
Somerset county, pa. adjoining lands of 8uhmon
Mmpson, Jacob Arlsman. Jaeob Uutlman and
lex Hoffman, containing about
lOO A-cres.
The buildings are. a Two-story Plank Dwelling
House, nearly new ; New Bank Krn About Ji
acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion ; balance of the tract well timbered, t 'oa!
and Limestone on the premises ; Also, a Oowl
Sugar Canip. Well watered.
100 on tbe day of sale : ooo on the 1st of April.
1&": halance in two equal annual uatments:
one-third alter the payment of deb' s, to remain a
lien aaaower. iieieered payments to near Inter
est from April 1. 1IHA at,u to be secured by judg
ment bond. Possession gives April 1. 188&.
deel7. Admrs. of W. H. Hodman, dee'd.
cn2c:;i: iiseasis specialty.
The Purest and Best
Ac, Ac, Ac,
Kept contfanll) ea ksnd, aad told at Ik
RlnM 9XWkA ftfflr AM Meifa. firasal IksaA a4asww
FM ol tb Hmrstl HOB NonttnaL Pt. A
ahtrn nf t h ruihHe. ins' nvnm trie la esMvaawM Inllw awm.
llciicd. CmU and Impeet my 6tck.
Estate ef Eliza Heffley. late of the Borough of
somerset, -Somerset io., ra , uee a.
Having been appointed Auditor bv tbe Or.
Chan's Court of Somemet County. Pa., to exam
ine ami pass upon all e'alms preetated, and make
a distribution of tbe lands In the hand, of Henry
Hrffleynml John at- HoMernaam, Administra
tors of rllta Hrfflcy, dee'd. to aad aav eg those
leg ly entitled thereto, hereby rives notice that
be will stt for the purpose of pm forming the du
ties of said appointment at his office In the Bor
ough of Somerset oa Thursday, the Mb day of
J-naary. Ia. at 19 o'clock a. at. wbea and
where ail parties interested can attend.
derlT Auditor.
Estate of Tobl.s Bloogh. dee'd, lale of Quema
honlng township, Somerset County, Pa.
Letters testamentary oa the above estate hav
ing been grouted te the undersigned, antlee ie
herehv given to all persons Indebted to said estate
to make Immediate payment, and tnose having
claims against tbe tame will present them duly
autbentlea ed fr fettlm-nt. oa Saturday, Jan
R.rr IT, UM, at tbe late rerineaee ef deceas- d.
DeelO. Executors. ,
If ant. md l Jni M J. hKOt X, hoi M. Bar.
liawrtaw P.U..N. Jeadrasiveapaaad.nktaof
wad.iwMM.vil lustiaijiuus aawtoasa. Ima .
wm hmt itt heaw Threw Mawtaa. aad vo win get
(East from Court House,)
Somerset, JPenn'a.
.Manufacturer of
srRisa wagoxs,
BCCK rjoojrj,
FureUhed oa Short Notice.
Painting Done on Short Time.
Hy work la made eat f n.imUa Sraseweat
Wood, and the BeH Iron aad SJteL stilus,
tlallv t'onsiruoed. Neatly F!r-kbed, aad
Worronled to trie SluKt
X Enploj Only First Cass Wcrksiea.
Repalrinf of All KlmLda My Line Doae ea Short
All Work Warranted.
Call and Examine my Stock, and Learn Prices.
I do Wagon-work, and furnish Selves lor W tad
Hills. Remember the place, and call In.
( East of Court House.)
apr30-lyr. SOMERSET, PA.
FOR k-i
CONSUMPTION tasbeea cur
ed times without number by tho time
ly uso of Down' Elixir. It will cure
Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Pleurisy, Whooping-Congh,
Lung Fever, and all diseases of the
Throat, Chest and Lungs, when
other remedies fail. r r oh.
BES2T, ;c3STSiar LC22, ftsp'i, larUsjtsa, Tt.
For Sale By c. N- Boyd, Somerset.
We are again offering our celebrated
Star Copper Rod,
The Only Protection again.t Lightning.
Those who desire baring their
Should call on or address us. We
Somerset, July 19, 1884. tf.
to Kienee. merbuiieit. en"itiennrf, die
VjvenM, invention. .nd patenl.erer pabliihed. A-eer
amber iila.-tr.ted wuh splendid engrmTjnea. Tbii
nblicHon. fnrni.-oes a not valuable. .BcyciopedJ. of
nfortnatMia which no person shoold bo without. ThS
opnlantv of tb. f-ttSTli jo AXfiEICA i ach th
t. circulation near! jnal th.t of all other paper, ot
nSa. oldbyallnenic!i!er-;. ilL'X.- A CO, Puhl
i.h.r. Ko. 1 Bron!!-. -N. Y.
I " Years- pracmo i
1 I aaoaaaaaaaa. t n., f,.ifa t Iffl
I I land hare prepared more than Ore Hun
I I lured Thoueand ar?lcaticns for pat.
I 1 len-. in the Vmied btale anJ formsa
I J 1 countries Ca.ea;. TrdM-irt.. topj.
e m .,-,. . iMiiraamtL sad .11 otner p.pft
foracnring to inventor, thnr rtf aw i in the
i'nltvd Ktaten. ( anjda. Lnr and. Iraara
rmiH .nl nhr foraifll ccuD'.neA, nrapores
at short notM-e and on reasonable emis.
lnfonnatioa a. to obtaining oelent. ebeeerolli
KiTn witooi cn.nre. xiu.-u- .-. ' .
lion ml tree, PatenU obtained throoco Mans
. . - - ...1 i. ih. KM.nfiM AiMfiflfl fill.
rhe advantage of ioirh noti'-e i. well andomood hs a
re.wb. wiKh to dipoe of their p'eol.
Addre MI NN .,ot4.-e N3aim Mmirtt
tH Uruadway, L.w Vev
Cannot We a Horse
Adjusts Itself to any
Horse's Neck,
Has two Bows of
Will hold Harriet
In place better than
any other Collar.
row Wont to Bum a Coos' and Cheap
Call on me. 1 also keep constantly en hand a
targe Aseortnwni ef Fine Hand-made
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Brushes, Lap-Blankets, and evervthlnr to he
found in a Fir-t-eiassSaddlerr Good Teams
uxt Kiding Horses alwavs real for hire.
When in need uf anything in my Una,
give me a call.
decCi. Sou em -T, Pa.
N. W. Car. Pens Ave. aad Sixth Sts ,
ABords unequaled facilities for the thorough,
practical edoeatMi ot young and middle, ged
men. This Inst Uutlon keeps abreast of the times,
aad possesses tba unqualified support of upw.r-ls
oPdiOtMof iugrafaates who araerediiaUy ail
ing positions ol honor aad trust In almost every
city of tbe American Union. Individual instruc
tion. No vacations, ritudenta eaa enter at any
time. Special department for Lvdies. For cir
cular, atidress J.O.SMITH'S SON.
mYStnd Jot tke Notional Accountant, Price
4a IW by J. C "mitb, a. a. The latest, hest. aad
mi comprehensive treatise oa tne sricnee of
Mooa-Keeping published. Specially adapteI to
the ase or schools. Academies, a ol leges and Pri
vate Learners ; also a book of reference r the
Counting Koom. aovl lm.
The Fanner's LImerompany, Uw lted, will sell
at their kilns, er load oa ears,
At cents per hashal. or deliver It as Lew se the
Lowest la all Railroad Stallone and Sidings In
Ihe tSountv, and vn the Berlin Branch moeb low
er Safissctisw GMrsafretf. 1 ie tbe Oray
FerriteP'U. Lime, which la known ry Practice
and Scieoee to be the Strongest an. I Best for Ag-
ncuiturai runxses. an oroers promptly oiled.
Address. HE.f KY S. WALT Ell.
deeM-lyr Oarrett, Soiaerset Co., Pa.
KsUta of Albert Reeke, late of Somerset
Somerset Cuantv. Pa dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the abire gsiale having
been granted to the undersigned hy the Kroner
authority, notice Is bereb.' given to all persons
innentcu to saw ea ate to maae immediate pay
ment, and those having; claims against the same
will present them dulv aut hen tested lor
settlement oo Satardsv, lanaarv SI, lsej, at my
office la the Borough of SoaMnet, Pa.
J.L. PfOH,
dee3t Eaecawr.
Estate of Jane KnoutT late of Jenner Township,
Somerset County, Pa.
Letter of admiabtratioa oa the above estats
having been granted to the aedereigned by tne
prop, r authority, not ice la hereby given to all
persons indebted to aai-l etate to make kamedl.
ate payment and those having claims against the
same to preesMthesa duty authenticated for set
tle meat oa Saturday, Jan aery 10, IMA at toe
resfcieaee the Administrator in Jeaner Twp.
I ahdU
Administrator. .
Oar Stock Of i
and Chemical
Is ihe Largest in ihe County, g
iog enlarged mj Store-room, h
vow suited to a rapidly iocrra.
ing trade. I hurt increase
my stock in
Aad Ask Critical Examination of '
Social Care Given to Compoundi
mtzut Praaistica m riaiij
so.u-s. I
School Books and School Supplies f
at Lowest Prices.
-We ask Special Attention to this Dena,,
Good Goods, I
Low Prices,!
lni Fair lealitg IrTith 1 I
Z Z 1 17- S 0 m v b 9 m r
AT A AIAf r.TTT lilOPl'
lUit AVA aA Vlli A-SA , J V ft
niiiin in i
msi rATi B' !
R. B.
Schell & Co..
I alwavs keep on haw a larre stock of FLOCE.
all kinds or CHOP. Also, all kiwis or OK ALL
whien I seU at
Wholesale and KeUil. Ton will saveeworv
bujlng troa me. Mj stock is alwavs Fmh.
life Assume Gompaiij cf ft
United Slates.
Ilenry B. Uyde, Presl.
ASSETS - - $53,030,581
SURPLUS - - 12,109,756
INCOME - - 13,470,571
New Assurance written in
1883, $81,129,756. Paid to
policy holders during the last
24 years, $73,817,699.
Tbe Society ha written, daring tbe past ta
tv jeari, aa aagreaaU amount d new asFurssa)
larger Inaa baa beea written by aa other sgs
panj in tbe world.
Tbe surplus land ef tbe Soociety. ea a WJ
cent, valaatloa, is larver Uaa tbat af oo stMr
life insurance company ia tbe world.
The K quit a a La Lira AaacuA.cs Sorirrr
sees a plain and simple contract otassurssca,ftet
from banlensome and technical eondltiuas, aai
IffDISPUTAbLE after three years. All so"
ciea, aa sooa aa tbey become tool Datable, at
payable 1MMEI)1ATILT ao satislacwr;
proofs o-' death, and a Ies;al release, without t
delay aiual with ener compaaies. BJ
raoarr ravaasT. the bneftclarr ot an Eqai''
Me policy is aot only saved (rota aaneymg dsis
and expensre, but receivee pecuniary teilsisi
quickly aa If tbe amount of tbe aararaaee sss
beea Invested ia a bond of tbe Governmrntof w
Unl'ed Statea
W.Frank Qaul.
Special As:ent for Komret Co-
obtahied. aad all business In the U S fs"4
(ce, or ia tne Courts attaaded to for Q0H'1
We ate oproe' - the P. a Patent j
en ohtaln patenrs ia leas uate loaa taose rsaw
W aea aiotlel or drawing Is sent we advlss si w
patentability free ehanre; ami we nsas so
e refer, bere, ly .be Postmaster, the Sost -tbe
Xon.y rder Dtvlatoa, aa.1 te efflcislse'''
V. 8. Patent Offlee. For circular, advice. ter
aad reference to aetaal elieata ia year ewa
or eoaaty, address
C. A.. SNOW A CO..
Opelte Ptaateoi 0
. Waaatnatea. D. C.
W7 .
XUV W' Li!