The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 22, 1884, Image 3

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    lie Somerset Herald.
..October at 1
Got 'em again.
Ked (sunsets agaiu.
l'rej-are for winter.
The birds have left u.
Beautiful autumn weather.
Wild geese are on the wing.
Nut gathering time is
witli us.
I rotatoeo are phtnty. and Ueap.
I Dontcuwithe poor 5tove pie.
Chestnuts are small and wormy.
' The straw hat has been called in.
;f jiave you made your saur kraut?
I The annual equinox has been lost.
I The backbone of summer is broken.
Diamond Dyes, for sale by C. X. Boyd.
f Great Bargains in Pry Ooods at Mrs
F. Mil's.
( Lig.ier has a town bbrsry and free read-
.ing room
For a good buecy whip ro to James B.
-1 r..l.!Ufliim
., . u l.r
, ,,
the small IK'V.
i Gr.-at barpains in all kinds of goods at
Mrs. A. E. I hi s.
ij 1 he Studetwker wagon is a model of bi'au
,'ty and durability.
Wild turkeys are reported to be quite
pk-ntiful this yar.
3 Millinery ! I.atct Styles, lowest Prices
at M. M. Tred well's.
I Try Alabastine for Wails ami Ceilings only by C. X. Boyd.
I For hardware of every description, go to
James B. lliihlrrbauiu's.
i Great Bargains in its and Chililrens
Wr.i).snt Mrs. A. K. T ill s.
The Ixsft fall opening that we know of is
I a doxen on the half-shell.
You will live long and prosper if you buy
j our drugs from C. X. Boyd.
I If you would dye easy, use Diamond
I Dyes. For sale by C. X. Boyd.
None but pure drugs disjK-nsed at C. X.
I r... firm' store. Call and see.
f Black and Colored elvets, an oi tne tery
lest makes, at Parker Si Parker's.
owing to scarcity of pasturage, farmers
are compelled to feed their stock.
f Brook Trout, Salmon and Ijibrador ller-
ring, rau't be boat, at Killer S Sanncr's.
The best Mock of Cigars and Tobacco in the
town are to be found at Keller & Banner's.
New Goods! New Goods!
Just received by Pakkkr A Parker.
A full line of Black ami colored Silks at
prices never before oiTend, at Parker A Par
ker's. New Millinery Goods or the latest styles
just received.
Mrs. A. E. F Hi
lt is well for parents to occasionally visit
the schools. It encourages both the teacher
and pupil.
For sausage cutters and stutters, butcher
knives, butcher saws, steels, etc,, go to Jas.
B. Holderliaum's.
Fames : For the finer grades of shoes, full
styles, made over the different lats, goto
A.'H. Ferner & Bros' store.
Gents' Furnishing G.kkJ, all the novelties
of the season in every branch of this line at
very low prices, at Parker t Tarker's.
The prudent farmer or teamster, when
buying a wagon, invariably pets a Studeba
ker from James B. Holderbaum.
Go to K. McDowell fo' your fine watches
and Jewelry and know that you are dealing
with a responsible party.
Wood, the Main street jeweler, sells not
only the Waltham, but Hock ford, Elgin,
and several other makes of American
The Buffalo Lime Company is now sell
ing Good Lime at eight cents, delivered on
the ears at their works. For orders, write to
William Mason. Garrett. Pa.
If you want a wagon that has an honest,
square, stand-up air aixmt it, that you can
depend on during rain or shine, Ct lor mar
ket, mill or meeting, buy the celebrated
Sit udebaker of James B. Holderbaum.
Will open, on Thursday of this week, a
fresh lot of Bonnets, Hats, Frames. Ki'obons,
Feathers. Velvets, Satins, latest Fall .Styles,
at lowest prices.
The receipts of the Pennsylvania railroad
Bt Johnstown amount to about 2jo,fi(Xi per
month for freight and flo.OOO for passen
gers. A vast proportion of the freight is, of
course, furnished by the Cambria Iron
I will open on Saturday a line of Win
chester and Remington rifles, breech and
mur.z'.e-loading shot guns, both double and
single barrels also a full line of gun repairs,
reloading tools, shells, caps, powder, shot etc.
James B. IIolpkriim-..
The Ferner Bros, take the cake in selling
boots and shoes. They have just received
the largest sUx-k of tail and winter goods
brought to Somerset this season.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a child she cried for Castoria,
When she was a Mis, sheclung toCastoria.
When shehad children she gave them Cast's.
If you want to buy a good time-piece go
W. il. Wood, jeweler, No. 2 Baer Block,
where you have the largest st)ck iu Somer
set county to select from.
Meat Market. Main Street. We have
just added a large Refrigerator to our Meat
Market in which all meats can be kept ooo
and clean. Mutton, Beef, Pork, Ac, kept
constantly ou hand. Ojen daily. Tarries
buying meat can have it kept in the Refrig
erator until wanted.
We Ziave, also, 100.0D0 new brick for sale,
which we will sell by the hundred or thous
and at a low price.
Ross Pavjs 4 Co.
New Fall Goods of all kinds now coming
in. and prices are lower than last year, in
cluding all the newest rules of Dress Goods,
Foreign and Isnmeviir, Flannels, Canton
Flannels. Jeans. Casi meres. Table Linens,
Blankets, Calicoes, Ginghams, etc Call
and see them. Max. A. E. I'm.
When shining your stoves for the fall sea-! was most farorable. At ML Moriah when
son, remember that if a little vinegar or j be plead earnestly for a full vote for Camp
svir eider is mixed with the stove polish, I be!! and announced that he was no kicker,
it will r t take much rubbing to make the j but stood loyally by the nominee, the ap
stove bri"l in,! D,.l.l...i.:. !..'..,. th.t ivtnl him was so loud and
to fly off in f,e Oust. i
.in ik authoritr for the state
ment that one thou;ind hoss have i;e l i
1 1 , . ... v
') niuiitr irom the cholera within Hie
last two months. Two hundred died in one
township. There is no apparent hope for
the ee-satioti of the spread of the disease.
A full line of new Standard Print, at five
eents. Bleached Muslins, Sheetings, Pillow
Case Muslins, Tickings. Table Linens. Nap
kins. Towels. Shirtings, Ginghams, Brown
and Colored Canton Flannels, Red Flannels,
White Flannel and Bed Spreads, at Parker
4 Parker's.
New Book for Milford TowKsmr. The
l"ple of Milford Township will tuke notice
tst Fisher's Book Store, at Somerset, Pa.,
has tiem di-sij.-naiea to exctiarijte yonr old
read.- and traunnars for the new readers
and grammars, and the s:d books can also
be bought at the same place at introductory
prices. Ey this convenient arrangement
the people of Milford will be enabled to buy
an meir school books at Fisher's IWk I
Store. V J
Lovely autumn weather we are having at
The presidential election Ukee place two
weeki from to-day, Tuesday.
m a w
The country roads were never in better
conditiou than now.
Sommet U to haye two skating rinks.
Think one would be sufficient.
Mr. George II. Tayman lett Somerset
Sunday, on an extended Western tour.
The fellow that won't shave until Cleve
land is elected President, will grow a long
See that Your bovs attend school. There
are many opportunities offered them to play
Svjuirrele are reported scarce by our Xiin
rods who have been out hunting the fri9ky
little animals.
Those who love oysters will be gratified
to learn that the crop was never better or
finer. It is like other crops of the
Wr. Kkbard Youcbt last week purchased
; the grocery store of George M. Holderbanm.
Mr. Yotipbt will carry on the business at tnc
old stand in the Knepper Block.
Leaves have their time to fall, but they
re a long time about it this season. The
mountain forests are comparatively green
yet, considering the time of year.
In another column will be found the
card of L. J. MoMilien, D. 1. S., who has
oiwneil an omce lor iue jinnji .
fes-ion on Patriot street. He has the repu
i tation of doing first-class work
I ....
The completion of the grading lor the
double track betweed Rockwood and Sand
Patch has necessitated the discharge of 400
Italians, most of whom have sought the
sunnr clime of their native home.
Prot. J. M. Berkey, principal of the Ber
lin Normal, has been elected to a professor
ship in the California State Normal School.
Trof. Berkey will take charge of his new po
sition at the beginning of the siting term.
Gen. Beaver made many effective tariff
speeches in Ohio and West Virginia. The
Republicans of the Mountain State fell in
love with the gallant one-legged veteran,
and he was tendered an ovation wherever
he went.
We have been requested to call the atten
tion of our city fathers to the fact that many
of the street lamps have not been lighted of
late It is complained that the lamps on
some of the back streets are neglected by the
Mr. C. O. Scull, of Pittsburgh, First As
sistant General Passwnger and Ticket Ager- .
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
has been spending the past few days in
Somerset. He returned to the city Tuesday
A special excursion will be run from Cum
berland to Pittsburgh, over the Bulto. and
Ohio Railroad, on Monday, October JSh.
Tickets good for three days. Train leaves
Somerset at ! a. v. Fare for round trip
ticket from Somerset, $2 20. j
It seems that we wera in error last week
i m nr u ti m ill IIP nient ot the decision of fhe
Supreme Court in the case of Parson agaiist
Somerset township. The decision was
versed on the question of guaranty, and tl
..t v,, v to the Court below for a new
trial 'ao that it is still an open question whoN" nlro1 the Heading.
t,.v. Air the l.low. aid who pays the costs.
Another imbecile who didn't 'know it was
loaded' has killed his brother with the con--t
f slint-i'tin. The creat Tity is, these
' . 1 ... . ........ tliutllOAl V Tf
the leveling ofagunat a person, even in
play, were made a felony, and accidental
shootings effected in thai way were punish
ed as the crime of manslaughter, there
would be less of this perilous "just for fun"
Capt. A. 0. Davis, of the Somerset Blaine
m.t Imuran Club, recuests us to announce
that arrangements have been made for low
rates of transportation for all who desire to
attend the torch-light procession at Johns-..-n
Sutnrdar. October -5th. For the
round trip, the rates will be from Somerset
$1.10 Friedens, !Xc. ; Coleman's. 85c. : Mos.
toller. 75c .: Stovestown, 70c. ; Hoovers-
ville, !5c. A full turn out is desired.
Between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock
Thursday morning, the large frame barn on
the farm of Mr. David Bowman, at Mt. Mo
riah, Jetiner township, with all its contents,
was entirely destroyed by fire. Three hors
es that were in the barn, were bnmed to
death. Mr. Bowman's loss is estimated at
?1 000. He wa insured to the amount of
$1..K. The origin of the fire is not known,
but it is supposed to lie incendiarism.
The Central Eclectric Medical Association
of Pennsylvania, of which Pr. J. M. Lou
ther. of this place, is President, will con
vene in the parlors of the Somerset House
to-day, Wednesday, at 9 o'clock. This as
sociation comprisr-s about thirty members
and mee'.s semi-annually, the object being
co-operation, working together for the ad
vancement of the cause of the medical pro
tession. The association will be in session
two days.
At the meeting of the State Board ef Ag
riculture in Bedford this week the Commit
tee on Bee Culture reported 120,000 colonies
of Bees in Pennsylvania, yielding .n aver
age of forty pounds of honey j-er colony, an
agcregste of 5,c',000 pounds. The value of
this product was placed at eighteen cents
per pound for cones and forty cents for ex
tracted honey. Sixty-tivethousand pounds
of wax were produced. Some specialists
have a profit of ten dollars per colony.
As Exjotabie Event. Wednesday af
ternoon a number of ladies and gentlemen
from this place went over to Dunbar to as
sist in celebratiiig the wooden wedding, the
Cfth anniversary, of the marriage of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross B. Reid. The presents were
numerous, and the occasion a most happy
one. The Somerset party spent a ortion
of Thursday driving through the celebrated
Connellsvillc coke region, returning toSoni
erset on the late evening train.
John II. Jordan, Esq., who was the choice
of Bedford county for the Republican con
gressional nomination has been doing good
and effective work on the stump in different
parts of this county for the past week. Mr.
Jordan is a pleasant, forcible talker, who al
wavs has a good story to illustrate his points.
He spoke at Hooversville. DavidsviSle. Scalp
Level. Hillsboro. Puckstown and Mt. Mo
riah. Judging from the reports we have
heard and the requests that have come to
the Chairman for his services, from other
parts of the county, the impression be made
prolonged as to interrupt speaking for somej
This week bespeaks in Blair county X
Evory mile ot tbe South Pennsylvania
Railroad through Somerset county has wit
nessed the death of at least one man since
construction was commenced in the spring.
The hist accident r-ported occurred in
Plough's cut, about two and one-half mile
north of town, on last Wednesday morning.
There, as Is the custom, three dynamite
blasts were ;ut in, and two of them failing
to explode, a half-dozen Hungarians were
set at drilling them out,- The men went
carelessly to work, evidently ignorant of the
powerful explosive they were dealing with,
and had proceeded but a little way when
both blasts went off, with fearful effect
Two of the men were burled some twenty
feet in the air. one having boto bis legs and
arms broken, and the other his right leg.
The former is still living, but bis death is
expected at any hour, while tbe latter will
recover. The other men who were assisting
at the work
shaken np.
were more or lesa braised and I
It you meet s wild turkey Hbw, shoot him
on the spot.
A pleasant, gentlemanly manner of dis
cussing politics is far ruor efficacious than
slander and abuse.
Belya Lock wood is a dodger, too. Her
'etter of acceptance says not a word for or
against the Mother Hubbard dress.
XoTiiB Dr. S. J. McMJIlen Dentist is
now located in Somerset and invites the at
tention of those in need of dental work.
A full line of Ladies' Tnderwear, Gloves
Stockings. Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Collars
and Cuffs, Fichucs, Keckwear at Parker &
Ir. S. J. McMillen has removed from
Philadelphia and will continue the practice
of Dentistry in Somerset. Office one door
east of Evangelical Church on Patriot St.
E. McDowell the main cross street Jewel
er, carries the largest and finest stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silver
plated ware, in the county. All goods
guaranteed as represented.
The largest stock and best selections of
Black Cashmers, 48 inches wide; Silk Warp
Cashmeres, Colored Cashmers, Cloth Suit
ings, Plaids to match. All the lates novel
ties in plain and fancy drtjss gocds, can be
seen at
Pasker & Parker's,
The Republicans of Berlin and Brothers
valley will raise a Blaine t Logan pole
next Saturday evening in Berlin, after
which a meeting will be held and addressed
by able speakers. Turn oat republicans and
democrats too, and hear the issues of the
campaign discussed. Repibucak.
Trestass Notice. All persons are here
by forbidden to taespass upon the property
of the undersigned, in Somerset townshipf
Any person or persons found trespassing
upon said property, will be prosecuted ac
cording to law.
Headquarters for your Flags, Banners, Re
galia, Lodge supplies. Badges for picnics,
etc., go to F. O. Retneman, 52 54 Sixth
street, who will give perfect satisfaction in
price and work. Estimates made for all
kind of campaign goods, and orders filled at
short notice and at lowest rates at 5'.' and
54 Sixth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beaver Colleoe akd Musical IssTiTrra.
Attention of parents, guardians and oth
ers is invited to the advertisement in this
pajier of the above named institution. 28th
of this month session opens January Gib,
Winter session commences. Pupils enter at
any time. Write at once to President Tay
lor, Reaver, Pa., for circulars or other infor
lu.'ttion. An impecunious young fellow has been
lodged in the Lancaster county jail for re
fusing to pay the school tax of the borough
in which he lives. It might be well for our
school board to remember that there is a law
of this kind in existence, and then see that
its provisions are applied to the mean chaps
in this town who are in the habit of dodg
ing the collector.
It is reported that Vanderbilt and Gwen
have quarreled, and South Pennsylvania
matters are in uncertain shape. In order to
make the latter a competing line with the
Pennsylvania road, it must have the co-operation
of the Reading. If Vanderbilt
wants to bang onto the enterprise he will
have to shoulder enough additional stock
rOv - -
School Book Exchakuc. At
Fisher's Book Store, Somerset, you can buy
second-hand school books for much less
than tbe price of new ones. Second-hand
school books, if in good condition, and used
anywhere in the county, can be sold here or
exchanged for others. This will be an ex
cellent chance for teachers, pupils and par
ents to work off text-books for which they
have no use. A most extensive stock of
new school books and all kinds of school
supplies and Teward cards always on sale.
Mcil orders and inquiries solicited. Town
and country merchants supplied. ,
In the way of a handy little book to car
ry about one's person these, red-hot final
days of the campaign, for instant reference.
there is no publication to compare with the
pocket edition of the B. & 0. Red Book re
cently out. To receive a copy the only
requisite is the enclosing of a stamp with
address, to C. K. Lord, O. P. A. of the B. &
O.. Baltimore, and once in possession it
would lie hazarding little if anything to ex
press the belief it would not be parted with
for a good many times the value of the
stamp. The red book covers all the States
in the Union, gives in terse but comprehen
sible form full details of tbe lost Presiden
tial, State. Congressional and Legislative
elections, answering almost every question
one could ask. More than this, there is a
statement with each Slate showing in brief
the result of every presidential election
since admission into the t nion. together
with doctoral vote and other data, all ar
tanged in complete form, and with an eye
to clean and artistic effect truly commenda
ble. The Pittsburgh Lender publishes the fol
lowing from its Somerset correspondent :
" Break-Neck-Rocks is a romantic place in
the mountains, some two and a half miles
from Somerset, where picnic parties often
resort for a day's pleasure. At tbe foot of
these rocks sixty-three years ago was found
the body of a man named Powers, trans
it xed by a snag. That he fell over the prec
ipice and impaled himself was not doubted
and the incident gradually faded from mem
ory. It now transpires that his death was
really a murder under tbe code duello. A
written confession, signed by a mi: named
Gregg, who died recently in South Carolina,
tells the whole story. The two bad been
friends. While visiting in Somerset they
quarreled over some trifling matter. Pow
ers challenged Gregjr, who being an expert
swordsman, chose rapiers. The duel w'as
fought at tbe point indicated, and Powers
fell mortally wounded, being run through
the body by Gregg. In order to avoid sus
picion, the seconds arranged tbe body in
such a manner as to give the impreseion
that the death was accidental, and nothing
to the contrary was suspected until the
When the tide is at the full, it turns. Our !
educational methods have been growing in
system and severity, if not in perfection, for
many years, and the demands upon the pu
pil have constantly increased, until the ne
cessities for grading have become impera
tive, and the peculiarities of the individual
are almost entirely ignored. It would seeni
impossible to carry this further, and any
change now must be in some other direc
tion. At this crisis, one of the brightest
and most fearless of American writers comes
forward with a strong argument against the
whole system, a protest against tbe grading
and cramming that take so much of tbe vi
tality out of the education we are giving to
e n,nR
generation. Edward Everett
- in November number of the Aorl
-mmrrujm ru-ifew, mates m lira, lor jiati-
jTvne in Schools," which every parent and
every school board ought to consider seri
ously. The old question, Where are we,
and where drifting?" was never more forci
bly suggested than by another article in the
same number, that in which Prof. Gilliam
discusses "The African problem." The
facts tbat he gives as to the increase of tbe
neeroes in the United States, their peculiar
situation and disposition, and tbe problem
tiny will force upon us in the near future,
call for the gravest consideration. Tbe other
articles in this number are : " Women as a
Political Factor," by Judge Robert C. Pit
Progress in Xaval Arraanwnt," by '
Hobart fash a, who think tbe United States
Oovernment baa been wise in not construct-'
ing a cnntly navy ; " Friendship in Ancient j
Poetry. by Principal J. C. Shairp ; Her
bert Spencer'a I-atert Critic," by Ptot . L.
Youtnaus ; "Over-Illustration." by Charles
T. Congdon ; and Restriction of tbe Snff-1
age " by William L. Scragga. I
Th Cam fa ics.
The following additional meetings have
been called by Chairman Scott, of the Re
publican County Committee : Williams'
Station, Saturday, Oct. 25, 7 p. ni. ; Glencoe,
Saturday, Oct 25, 2 p. m. ; Glade Scbool
honse (Stonycreek township) Friday, Oct.
31, 7 p. m. ; 8toyestown, Saturday, Nov. 1,
7 p. m. Tbe time for holding the meeting
at Casselman has been change! to Satur
day, Xov, t, at 7 p. ai. The meeting at
Sand Patch has been postponed until Sat
urday, Oct iS, at 2 p. m. The meeting at
Gebharta bas been discontinued.
Owing to the fact that the reports of the
political meetings held last week were not
received nutil lata Monday, we have been
compelled to prune them unmercifully,
and trust onr correspondents will bear with
us for baring condensed their lengthy and
graphic descriptions into the brief accounts
which follow: Ed.
Davidsville, Oct 8, 1884. There was one
of the old-fashioned Republican meetings
held here Wednesday evening. The audi
ence was large, enthusiastic, and listened
with delight to eloquent addresses from A.
J. Colborn, John H. Jordan, F. W. Bieseck
er and X. B. Critchfield.
Scalp Level, Oct 17. Messrs. Jordan,
Biesecker and Critchfield spoke to a large
audience here on the 16th. Tbe meeting
has aroused much enthusiasm, and old
Paint will lead the van in 1SS4, as she has
in the past D. S.
Milford Statiox, Oct 20, Ie8t The Geb
harta, Glade and Rockwood marching clubs
turned out to meeting here Saturday
night S. C. Trent ahd L. C. Colborn were
the speakers of tbe meeting. Com.
Hillsboro, Oct. 18. Jordan, Biesecker
and Critchfield spoke to a most enthusias
tic meeting here Thursday evening. The
speakers were often interrupted by ap
plause. This end of Paint is O. K.
Bcckstows, Oct. 17. Buckstown hail a
splendid meeting in the old cooper shop
Friday afternoon. Hon. John 11. Jordan,
of Bedford, District Attorney Biesecker,
and our candidate for Prolhouotary made
speeches. Shade is solid. Republican.
ETrsiA8Tic .Meeting at Mt. Morjaii
(WO People Present .Epitob Herald.
One of the grandest demonstrations and
most enthusiastic meetings it has ever been
our lot to witness, took place at Mt. Moriah.
in Quemahoniagtownship, on Friday even
ing, the 17th inst. The Stoyestown and
Jenner X Roads Blaine and Logan Clubs
were present, in full regalia. Three drum
corps and a brass baud furnished music for
the occasion. The scene presenUd as tbe
two clubs met each other coming in from
different directions, swinging their lights
as they inarched in true military style,
beggars description. The meeting was or
eanized in the "wigwam" by calling Mr,
Wendell Winters to the chair. Fred W.
Biesecker, Esq., opened the meeting with a
speech that was full of the most genuine ar
ticle of "campaign thunder," and which
called forth frequent expressions of ap
plause. In closing his speech he remarked
that be did not wish to occupy much time,
that John H. Jordan, Esq., of Bedford
gouuty, was present and that as this was
probably the last evening Mr. Jordan would
spend in the county during this campaign,
we wanted to get as much from him before
he leflas possible. Before retiring from tbe
rostrumXlie introduced Mr. Jordan, who
stepred fa:
rth amiu the loudest cheers, and
for nearl
two hours held an audience of
000 peopld almost as by magic, with as able
a discussion of the parties and principles
claiming the attention of the American
people As it has ever been our lot to listen
l . ... , r 1
to. Those who laneu to near -ir. joruan
during his visit to our coanty, have sustain
ed a loss that can not easily be repaired.
At the close of Mr. Jordan's remarks Prof.
X. B. Critchfield was called for, but having
spoken at Ihis place once before during the
campaign, and being at home where, he
said, the people could hear him almost
every day, he would not enter into what
might be called a speech, but nevertheles
be, in a few well chosen words, added con
siderable spice to the solid food served by
the other speakers. The effects of tins
meeting will be felt for many miles from
this place Let the echo of the enthusiasm
that burst forth on Friday evening from the
sides of this ancient mountain, be caught up
bv our fellow-Kepublicans all over the
county, and let us, as a solid phalanx,
march forth under those grand, old-time
leaders, Blaine, Logan and Campbell, to the
most signal victory ever achieved by the
Republicans of this county.
Quemahoning, Pa. Oct. 13, ISM.
Shakkrville, Oct. 20, 1334. The repub
licans of Stonycreek Two- raised a
cent Blaine and Logan pole on Saturday af
ternoon. While it was being put up the
tackle parted, and Ous- Snyder, a solid lit
publican, was badly cut in the head by tx
ing struck by tbe falling pulley. He will
be all O. K. in tune to vote. A meeting
was held in the School House and speeches
made by J. It. Scott, D. J. Homer, F. J,
Kooser. A. J. Colborn, Jr., Ed. B. Scull and
N. B. Critchfield. Stostcbeek.
Lcll, Pa., Oct. 20, 1384. A large meeting
was held in the Wills School House Satur
day night. Mr. Chas. Ttayman was elected
President. Josiah Weigle and Jacob Kim-
niell, Vice Presidents, and Isaiah Baer and
Samuel Mosholder, Secretaries. The Band
was in attendance and played some splen
did music- Speeches were made by X. B.
Critchfield, Ed. B. Scull, A. J. Colborn, and
F. J. Kooser. The meeting adjourned with
hree rousing cheers fur Blaine & Logan.
Bakebstille, Oct, 20, 1SS4. The voters
of Old Jefferson raised a Blaine, Logan and
Campbell pole at Henry Gardner's on Sat
urday. Hon. A. J. Colborn made a ringing
speech. Jejtebsow.
Special Bargains in
Xew Stockinet Jackets,
Xew Havelocks with plait d
backs, Xew Russian Circulars,
Xew Stockinet and Diagonal Cloth
Xew Markets, Xew Sailor-made Jerseys,
Plain and Bwcaded, Misses' and Chil
drens' Xewmarket Havelocks in
great variety, and at the very
Lowest Prices. 'We invite all
to come and inspect our
display in this line ot
goods and be con
vinced of their
fine style A
Pakker Parker.
BEACHY-F0LK.-0n Wednesday, Sep
tember 8. l&A, at St. Paul's Reformed
Church, in Salisbury, by Rev. Calvin U.
Heilman, Mr. Lloyd L. Beach y to Miss
Georgia H. Folk, both of Elk lick Township,
Somerset County, Pa.
ZERFOSS SAYLOR. At the Evangel
ical parsonage in Somerset, on Sunday, Oc
tober 12, 1R8!, by Rev. Jacob Smith, Mr. Pe
ter W. Zerfosa and Miss Jennie 8ayIor, all
of Somerset, Pa, ;
idence of the bride's parents, on Sunday,
October 12, 1884, by Josiah Ringer, Esq.,
Mr. Jesse Holliday to Miss Maggie Christ
ner, all of Somerset county. Pa.
MAURER, October 25, 18M, Mrs. Eliza
beth Maurer, at;ed 85 years, 9 months and
11 days.
Mother Maurer was for 70 years a consist
ent member of the Lutheran Church. She
was the mother of eleven children, all ot
whom survive ber. Her descendant nam-
ber 13011 children, 70 grandchildren, and
JO great grandchildren. She lived to a pood '
old are, to look with pride upon a large
number of protperoua, botieat and respecta-
ble descendant.
Onr new line of shawl cannot be excelled
in t yle and price, v
Paixu 4 Paskck. "
New dress plaids at five cents : New bro
cade dress ; cods at six cents.
Parker Parker.
A full line of white and colored blankets
and bed comforts, from 73 cents to $2.
Parker & Parker,
Republican Meetings !
Meetings will be held at the following
named times and places, and will be address
ed by able speakers : October r. .
Salisbury. " 23, 7 "
Meyersdalc. " 24, 7 "
Addison, " 25, 2 "
Confluence, "25, 7
Lavansville, u 27, 7 "
Rockwood, "28, 7 "
Kingwood. "St, 7 "
New Lexington, "30, 2 "
Xew Centreville, " 30, 7
Frsina. "31, 7 "
Jenner X Roods Not. 1, 2
Casselman, " "7 ,.
L. C. Colbors, J. R, SCOTT,
Cbui. Co. Com.
H. S. J. McMlLLEN, .
((,rdu la jsendtry.)
aires special attention to the Preservation of
tbe Natural Teeth. Artificial sets Inserted. AU
operations guaranteed aatistacuiry. Office in res
idence on fatriut I treet, one door east or Evan
gelical Church. oetzt-lm.
Estate of Frederick Gilbert, late of Somerset
Boroagh Somerset Oo F., dee'd.
Ijetters testamentary oa the above estate having
been granted to the undersigned by the proper au
thority, notice is hereby given to all persons in
debted to said estate to make Immediate pay
ment, and thus narwg eiaimt agamn it to pre
sent them duly sutbentlea.1 for settlement oa
Wednesday, Decetntnr 10, 1&S4, at the store ol
Keller . Sanner, in Somerset borough.
oci22. Executor.
Estate of Jonathan Hanger, dee'd late of Mil
ford Twp.. Somerset Co., Pa., deo'd.
Letters of administration on the ibuve estate
having been granted to the undersigned by tbe
proper authority, notice la hereby glren to all
persons Indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and those baring claims against the
same will present them duly authenticated tor
settlement on Saturday, November '). 1884, at
tbe reildence of the Administrator In New Cn
oct22. Admr. el J. Hauger.
Estate ef Abraham Brubaker, late or Shade Twp.
Somerset t o.. Fa., dee'd.
Letters of administration on tbe above estate
having been graniea u mo uuueniKneu vj mo
proper authority, notice is hereby given to all
rUrstfiii indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims against the
Ume "ill present them duly authenticated fur
settlement on Saturday, the -jum dayol isovem
ber. 184. at the late residence of deceased.
octs. Administrator.
Having been appointed Auditor by the Or
nhan's Court of Somerset County, Pa., to dlfttrlb-
ma me lunus w iuv uwut a. aioi.uuu,
Administrator of Noah BurkholJer dee'd, and
to ascertain advancements and distribute the
funds to and among those legally entitled thereto.
notice Is hereby given that I will aUad te
tbe duties of said appointment at my otnee In
Somerset Borough on Thursday, Novemlwr SO,
14, when and where all persons Interested may
attend. n. r.n,
oct22. Aaditor.
Samuel Snyder
Tbe Buflalo Lime Co
David Brubaker
. In the
of Som-rsi
( No. 53 !
' (F
In the Common Pless
rsnt County, Pa.
sept r. is-4.
Fi Fa.)
No. 59 Sept. T. 18X1.
At an Orphans' Court held at Somerset, Pa., on
H,. uth iiv of Mat. I SKI. tbe undersigned Au
ditor was duly appointed to make a distribution
of the funds in tbe hands of John J. Spangler,
Sheriff, arising irom the sale of tne defendants'
property In the aoove cases ui muu among looro
egally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice
that he will attend to tne uutiesoi me anove
appointment on Wednesday novemocr in, jm,
at his office in Somerset, Borough, when and
wnere all persons Interested can attend.
H, L. BAr.K,
ocioj. Auditor.
T)unuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of
Bomenei I'OUIll T. rruuBjuwiiB, wem wiu
lie sold ot public sale at Berkley's Hills, Summit
Township. Somerset County, Pa,, on
at 1 o'clock p. x., the following descill-ed Real
Estate, late the property of Augustus Aledary,
dee'd, to wit :
v,. i A tract of land situate in tbe village ot
Berkley's Mills, aleresaid, adjoining lands of
Wilson E.Walker, Mrs. Tracy khoaus, Daniel
Bowman and W. H. Owens, containing about 7
acres ; good pasture land, good spring, etc.
No. 2. A traut of land situate in Summit Twp,,
aforesaid, about V-i miles from Berkley's Mills,
adjoining lands of Wm. Inn, Wm. Utrsch, and
Andrew J. Lehman, containing about 4 acres, ill
In a good state of cultivation.
No. 8. A lot of ground situate In the Borough
of Meyersdale, county of Somerset, aforesaid,
known on the plot of said town as lot No. 147 of the
Ollnger survey well fenced, and in good state of
Tea per eon t ef the purchase money to he paid
as soon as the property is knorked down, forty per
cent, on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed
and tbe balance in six months from day of sale.
Deferred pat ment to be secured by judgment
Kt2. Admr. of A. Medary, dee d.
To Successful Salesmen I pay a hlfth
' tnn per t001'0 expenses. Steady em.
P I jXJ ploy ment guaranteed. M more want
ed. Experience n"t necessary. Any live man
ran succeed. 600 acres under cultivation. Tbe
most complete paekina; ground to the United
States. Newest and choicest varieties of fruit a
specialty. Send for terms, stating; aire. Chas.
M. Ch ami. Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y.
BsaTsr College Musical
Middle First Session. Oct, 29.
Winter, January 6. 1885.
Reantlfullv and healthfully located, extensive
bnlldiOK. pleasant trrounds, cheerful rooms, three
literarv courses, superior advantage for music
and art. Extentlve apparatus, twenty pianos
and ortian including pip organ. Thorough
work, home-like care, moderate rate. Send lor
circular la
oetZUm. Ret. R. T. TAYLOR, Beavtr, Fa.
Personal Property
There will be exposed to sale by public outcry
I at tha la.. hflmi ol John P. Cover deceased.
In Brotnervalley Township, on
TH URSDA r, 0 C T0BER 16, 1884,
all the personal property of the aald deeeaaed,
eonMstlng In part ol horses, cows, S lai hogs.
1 wagons, 3 buggies. 1 mewlLg machine, horse
rake, and other farming Implement ; 1 sleigh, S
sled, 1 siirin wigon, 'I sets buggy harness 2 sad
dle, eopuet aad Iron kettle, att sugar keeler.
but bushels of Oats, ltt bushel of wheat, 1
ton of hay, a lot of straw ; corn and potatoes bv
the bushel: coal and eookins stove. 4 clock. I
over ICO yeanold. beds, bedding, carpet, and a
targe lot ot otner ooiumiom runuiure.
At tbe lame time and Dlace. the Home Farm,
containing 1M acre, having thereon erected a
two-story Frame Honse, good Bank Bam, and
other usual Farm Buildings. It contains a large
Sugar Camp, aad I well supplied with water.
Tbi tana is in a hlgn state of cultivation, and 1
one of the mod beautiful and desirable farm la
the Coanty, lying dlreatly Northwest of Berlin,
aad adjoining tn town. The cemetery on U
una will be reserveo.
tie I to commence at t o'lock . v., whim terras
will be Bade known.
W. A. Powxll. PETER JT. COVER,
leplT-St. A oct loner. i ecu tor.
To Sell X0iy Stock. Full line of new
aad vlaablc apecialtiea. - Permaaent employ.
neat aad good salary to nceeawoJ .Aaremta.
AsVtiea, grraf ag aad reference.
Hil? BTTSLa, IiissTsa, la&Bttr, isYlmt
oct.Zz. 1-m.
U 1 -I
ft". 'in' Pitlslmriii Eipoaticii !
The Largest Be tail Stores in Weat-
rn Pennsylvania.
Colored Silks, Plain and Brocade
Velvet?, Silks fi.r VeMiur OtUlits",
Ladies', ilisses and Children'
Wraps, Seal .Skin Sactiuet, Mantles,
Dolmans, Jerseys, Underware. La
ces, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings,
Hosiery, Kid Gloves,
Corsets, Flannels, Table Linens,
Lace Curtains, Dress Goods of For
eign and Domestic makes. Im
mense new stock now ready
. in all of our 31 depart
ments. Library Hall Luihliixj, 201-205
PcnnAvc, Pittsburgh,
iJos. Home I Go's.
V valuable farm, located at Bamedsville, tn
this County, one mile from frsina Station, on
the Pittsburgh Dltislon or the llalto. and Ohio
Railroad, is ottered for sale oa
It contains ZS acres of good farm land. Is well wa
tered, and has good buildings which are situate
in ihe village oi Harnedsvitie, and convenient to
church, schools, etc. It will make a very desira
ble home) lor some mechanic who wishes to work
at his trade. The terms will be made to suit
For particulars apply to
Somerset: Pa., or
ocU. HarnedsvUla.
Estate of of Susanna CrosMn, late of Mlddlecreek
Twp., somerset County, Pa., deceased.
Letters of administration on the above estate
haviug been granted to tbe undersigned by tbe
proper antnvrity notice is hereby given to alt
persons Indebted to said estate to make Immedi
ate payment, and those bating claims against tbe
same to present them duly authenticated tor set
tlement on Saturday, the -.2d day of Nov., l-4,
at the residence of the Administrator in New Cen
treville Borough, Somerset County. Pa.
11. W. WILL,
octio. Administrator.
Leiuteof Magdalena Slpe, deo'd late of Jenner
township, Somerset county. Pa.
Letters testamentary on tbe above estate
having been granted to the undersigned by the
proper authority, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said estate to ma ke immediate
payment, and those havingclaimsagainst the same
will present them duly authenticated to the un
dersigned at her late residence In Jenner Town
ship, somerset County, Pa.
Eiet-utor ol Magdalene Sipe, dee'd.
Oat. 8. ot.
Estate of Samuel Hiapple, dee'd, late of Paint
Township, Somerset County, Pa.
Letters of Administration on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned by the
proper authority, notice Is hereby given to all
persons Indebted to said estate to make Immedi
ate payment, and those having claims against the
same will present thein ouly atitnentirated for
settlement on Saturday, Nocember, 1804, at the
late residence ol the deceased.
oct 15. , Administrator.
Valuable Real Estate !
There will be sold at public outcrv. In the Bor
ough of Stoyestown, on
The furm late of John fi. Stahl, dee'd. situate
fii Ouemahonicz Two., about intlea North ot
Stoyestown, and 2 miles Irom Hooversville. ad-
tolning lands ol John Kowman, c.manuel Lohr,
(loorifeMetigar. and others, containing S6 acres.
The improvements arc a Two story Log
BAnk Barn. i Orchard and Sugar Camp. It
is well watered, in a good stale of Cultivation, and
underlaid with Coul and Idmctone.
Ten per cent, when the pmiierty Is sold, and the
balance of one-third when the sale 1 confirmed
and tbe deed made; one-third to remain a lien on
the bind as widow's dower, the Interest of which
Is to be paid annually ; the balance in four ua!
annual payments, to le secured by jndsrmont.
oct 1", Kit's of John . Stahl, dee'd.
Vans' Court Sale
Valuable Real Estate!
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued out of the
I irphuns' Court of Somerset Coanty, Pa , to
the undersigned, there will be exposed to sale at
public outcry on the premises, on
At 1 o'clock r. , the following described Real
fjttate, sttua'e in Somerset Korougb, Somerset
County, Pa., lale the property of Edmund M. Klm
meli, dee'd, to wit : A lot of ground Ironting on
Main street, adioinlng an alley on the eat, bit ot
Jonas M. Cook on the outh, lot of Henry f.
Schell on the west, with a Urge three-story frame
Thereon erected j Aim an Office. Stable and oth
er outbuildings. TLRwS CASH oo confirmation
of sale. Ten per cent to be nld when sold.
oetl. Trustee.
Valuable Real Estate !
By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the
Orphan' Court of Somerset County. Pa , to tbe
undersigned, there will lie exposed to public outcry
on the premises on
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described Real E
late, situate in Jenner Town hip, Somerset Ccnn
ty. Pa., late the property of Joseph Berkey. dee'd,
contn Inlng 1M) acres more or les.', having thereon
erected two plank
a large Bank Barn and other outbuildings, adjoin
ing lands of Oeenre Ravmaa. Itavld Berkev. Ja
cob ltaniels, .Itieeph Schmucker. Wm. S. loriran
and others. The above land is In a high state of
cultivation, except about 30 acres of woud land. It
is situate about one mile from Morgan' Woolen
factory, and about three miles from Jenner X
Roads, awl if convenient to church and school.
One-third of the whole purchise money, after
tbe expense of sale, etc , are deducted, to remain
a ilea on the premise to secure the widow's dower
the interest thereof to he paid to her annually, and
at her deKth the principle sum to tbe heir and le
gal representatives of Joseph Berkey. dee'd, of
the balance one-third down on eonnrmation of
sale nd delivery of deed, and tbe remaining one
third in three equal annual payment from date
or sale without interest. Ten percent of tbe whole
r arena- money to be paiu a soon as property Is
nocked down. Deterred payments to be secured
by lodgment bond or mortgage on the premise.
oet-t. Trustee.
Oorreotad by Oooa a Baaarra.
stuns ra
Apple, dried, fl ..
Applel'Utter. fl gai
Krao, f) l') a
Batter, V (kear)
" Jroll) M
Backwtieat ft bush
meal, 100 a ,
Bees w a ft a
Bacon, shoulders, a..
" a...
Corn, (ear) new f) bushel
(shelled) old"
meal fl a
Call skins, ft
Lkk. V do,
1 00
.... -DO
... ve
.... loe
4 80QM6 M
it oe
Flour,?! bhl
Flaxseed, f) ba. (SO )
Hams, (sagar-cured) a a.......
Lard.y a
Latbr, red sola, fl a
Mid (Jlinrs.and chop 1M a..
Uata.fl ba
fotaUiea, fl ba (new)
Peacbe. dried, fl a
Rye. ft bo ,
Ksirs. a......
Salt, No. 1. V bhl. extra
Ground Alum, peraatk.
Afbtna. per sack
Snarar, yellow ft
Taltow.fl a
Wheat. f ba... .,
wool. a
-c10e '
I i
.01 T:jel M
.. - 1 'W1 40
.as iw
.. feme I
. aecSliw I
... AeT I
.tWctHM J
. Met?.
Election Proclamation.
WHSREAS, in and by an act of (lenernl As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "An vt to regulate the general elections
within this t'onimmweaitb," II i eiifomod upon
me to give twldic n4ire ol mild elections ami to
enuiurraio in raid notice what other ar"tnt
elected. I, JOHN J. SPANULFR High Sheriff
ef the county of Somerset, do hereby make known
and give this pnMie notice to tbe electors ot the
county of Somerset, that a Oeneral Electron will
be held In said county on Tuesday the
FourD Day of Ropier. 1884
the same being the Tuesday next following tbe
first Monday of November.
The electors of tbe borough of Confluence to
meet atthe Council Chamber, In said borough.
The electors of the bomngh and election dis
trict No. 1 ef Somerset township to meet at the
Court House, in said boroogh.
The electors of election distrk-t No. i of Somer
set township to meet at the house and shop of
Perry I'mberger in S1sti!Io.
The electors of election district No. lef Milford
Township to meet at the school notue in Rock
wood. in said township.
The electors of election district No. 8 of Milford
township to meet at the old hotel formerly occu
pied by Richard Caldwell, In Uebhartsburg, Id
said township.
The electors of New CentrevlUe to meet at the
school houe in said borough.
The electors of the township of Vpper Turkey
foot to meet at the house ol John A. Shultx, lu
said township.
The electors of the township of Lower Turkey
foot to moot at the school bouse in Vrsina bor
ons: h.
The electors or the borough of TTrstna to meet
at the honse of J. B. Miller, opposite Davis a Co
der's store, in said borough.
The electorsor the township of Addison to meet
at the school house in Petersburg.
The electors of the townshin of Mlddlecreek to
meet at Ihe house occupied by Jesse C. Swetuer,
m .ew Lexington.
The electors of Ihe township of ElkHek to meet
at the house of Mrs. Barbara Barcbus, in the
borough ol SalUbury.
ihe electors oi tne rorouga or saiisnury to
meet at the house ol Mrs. Barbara Barcuus, In
said borough.
The electors of the txrrouga of Meyersdale to
meet at the council chamber in said tioroogh.
Tbe electors of the townshlpof Summit to meet
at the council chamber in Meyersdale borough.
The electors of the borough of Wellersbufj to
meet at the school house in said borough.
The electors of the township of tireenvtlle to
meet at the school house, in Pocahontas, in said
The electors ol the town?hlp of Southampton
to meet at the house of J.
L. Kennel, In said
The electors of the township of Northampton
to meet at the hooe ot John Poorbaugh, In said
The electors of the township of Larimer to meet
attbeachoul house in Wlttenburg lnsaid town
ship. The electors of the norouirh of Berlin to nice
at the bouse of Archibald Complon, in said bur
Tbe electors of the township of Prot hersval ley
to meet at tbe house ol Samuel UetHey, in Berlin
The electors of the township of Stonycreek to
meet at the school house at Shanksvllie, in said
The electors of the borough of Stoystown to
meet at tne nouse formerly occupied by Henry J,
Miller, in said borough.
The electors of the township of 0.uemahning
to meet at the house of Jacob Custer, in Stoys
town. The electors of the township of Allegheny to
meei ai me nouse ol Aloert ituiegas, in said
Tbe electors of the borough of New Baltimore
to meet at the hou?e of , in said bor
ough. The electors of the township of Conemaaxh to
meet at the house of Peter Levy, in said tuwn-
1 he electors of the township of Shade to meet
at the bouse of Jacob Melman. tn said towns 1.1 p.
Tbe electors of the township of Paint to meet at
the school hou erected on the lands of Henry
Berkey. in said township.
Tbe electors of the township of Jenner to meet
at tbe bouse of Thoa. Oallaher, at Jenner X
Roads, in said township.
The electors of tlie township of Jeflerson to
meet at tbt house ol Solomon Baker, in said town
ship. The electors of the borough of Jennerville to
meet at the school house In said borough.
At which time and places the qualified voters
will elect by ballot:
THIRTY PtKSOisS for Electors or President
and Vice President ol the l iiited Stales.
ONE PERSON for tli? office ol O.ngressman-at-Lnrge
for the State ol Pennsylvania
ONE PERSON fur Congress trim the Seven
teenth I)L-trlctof Pennsylvania, eomnosed ot the
Counties ot Uedlord, Biair, Cambria and Somer
set TWO PERSONS for Members of Ihe House ol
Representatives ot Pennsylvania for Somerset
ONtPEKSON for Prothonotarv of Somerset
ON K PERSON for the office of Sherlfl ofSoiuer-
set County.
ON E PERSON Tor the office of Resister and Re
corder of Somerset Countv.
ONE PERSON lor the office of Treasurer of
Somerset t ounty.
THREE PERSONS fhrthe office ot Commis
sioner of Somers. t County.
ONE PERSON for the ollice of Poor House Di
rector of Somerset Countv.
mutt, ri.HM. lor ibeorneo of Auditor of
Somerset) ountv.
1 make known and give notice a directed, that
every person, except Justices ol the Peace, who
shall hvld any office of appointment of profit or
trust under the government ol the United States,
or ot this State, or oi any city or Incoruorted dis
trict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise.
a suourmnaie omeeror agent, who (ball be em
plowed under the legislative, judiciarror execu
tive department of thi State or of the United
States, of any city or of any incorporated dis
trict : and also that every Memlter of of Congress
and tbe State Legislature, and ot the select and
common council ol any city, or commissioners of
anv incorporated district, lis by law Incapable of
n.unng or exercising at the same time tbe office
or appointment of lu.lire, inspector or clerk of any
election of this Commonwealth and tbat no in
spector or other oihcer at any election shall be ell
g ible to any orbce to be voted for.
I also give official notice ot the following proviso
of an act approved March S3, IV 6. That the qual
ified votersof the several counties ot the common
wealth at all general, township, borouirb. ami
special elections are hereby hereafter authorized
and required to vote by tickets, printed or written,
or 'partly printed and partly written, severally
classified a fallow: one ticket shall embrace
the name of all judge ol court voted for, and be
labeled on the outside Judiciary one ticket shall
embrace the names of all wateolflcesvoted for and
he labeled State ; one ticket shall embrace the
name of all county ottlees voted for, Inoluding the
ofhoe of Senator, memberor memborsof Assembly
if vo ed for, and mmler ot Congres, if voted for,
and be labeled County.
Olven under my band at my office at Somerset
this 1th da of October, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and eighty four, and
in tbe one honored and ninth year of tbe Inde
pendence of tne In I led Mates.
Sheriff's Office, Somerset. (
Oct. 4, 184.
Vahabls Real Estate
Allegheny Township.
THE uodersigned offers at private sale ffl
Real Est, si'uale in Allegheny Township
Somerset County, Pa., consisting ol tbe following
descrlled tract :
No. 1. The homestead farm, consisting of one
hundred and seventy acres, well Improved, with
a barn and house, new. Tbe land 1 In a good
state of cultivation.
tin. 3 A tract of seventy-two acree, adjoining
No. 1. Tbe improvements contlst of a good house
and barn.
No. 3. & tract of on hundred and twenty
acres. The ImnMvemenU are a good Log House,
and other buildings.
Tbe fled lord and Somerset Turnpike run
through the last two named tracts. No. 2 and i.
They have also sufficient timber to supply the
No. 4 A tract ef one hundred and forty-eight
acres, with a small houe and stable thereon
erected ; nvo acre cleared, tbe balance well tim
bered. No. 6. A tract of on hundred acre, known is
the White Hot- Tavern Stand," wltb all Ihe
cleared land an I the Improvements thereunto be
longing. I- our of the above tract are situated within one
mile of the South Pennsylvania Railroad, now
under construction, and the " White Horse"
property, within twomiN.
Possession will be given April I, ItiSi, or sooner,
If desired.
Kor further particulars, person desiring o pur
chase will call on or addre the undersigned at
Dividing Ridge, Pa.
He Assnrasce Company or lie
Unitefl States.
Hen ry B. Hyde, Pres't.
ASSETS - - $53,030,581
SURPLUS - - 12,109,756
INCOME - - 13,470,571!
New Assurance written in J
1583, $81,129,756. Paid to
policy holders during the last
.! t-oot-o HT7 KQO
The Society ha written, darlnr the pact twen
ty yeari, an sgarrexat amuont r.f new asraraaoa
larger than ha beea written by any other com
pany ia the world.
Tbe surplus fund of the Seoeiety. en a foar per
cent, valuation, 1 lancer than that of ony ether
life lorn race company In the world.
The IgmTABLa Lira Aasrajtara SonrrT !
nes.a plain and simple eoa tract of aeraranee, free
from burdensome and technical condition, aad
INDISPUTABLE after three yean. AU poli
cies, a soon a they bef'One Indisputable, are
payable IMMEDIATELY apoti satisfactory
proof of death, and a legal releaaa, wltboat tb
delay utaal with other computes. By thi
raoarr ravarsr, the beneficiary ef aa Eitulta-
Me nnltrv 1m not onlv saved from nir.tit. i!ta
Knt ..n.f 1. '
? J . ,PTUD ""'f "
oaioklv a If the amount ef the imiium hal
ken Invested la a bd of the navsrnmeatartha
United State.
W. Frank Gaul,
Speoial Agent for Somerset Co.
Tliefr Stock is Large,
giving you a wide range
to select from, and their
prices are the Lowest.
113 and 115 Clinton Street,
Kearsctj Main street.: Wholesalers and Retailers ;
M and Soft foot
i Hf.BR J. I t'. f oil' PISE, SHISOLES, ioo.
A treneral Lllie Of all vrailes nf I nmUt .n.l
Also can lurn isn anything in the line of our busines to order wilh reasonable promptness, such a
Brackets. Odd-slxed work, fcc.
Manager, Somerset Branch.
Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C R. R. Station. Somerset, Pa.
Brass and Iron Founders, Machinists, and Manufactu
rers of Miners' Supplies,
For Coal Mines, Furnaces,
Tiirn-Table Dump Cars.
Stone Picks,
Heavy Castim and Forgings ; 8heet-Inm
repaired at short notice.
Over 500
sfnFcr-wv: nv
SiuixrEpciir. ccs:;.
4 cLtZ
a m mm m
3 b.w. O
C!rcth - -.
A Bnarnea Edaeatloa I the awet prontable, heeanee It 1 tho most asefttL Cm aim U to trrartleany
trxia yoaa? men for the actual iwmiremenu of thia commercial atre. Iiwiviitnal Inatrortum. fto
vacatioq. Btodents can enter at any lJaa tat caxolan, addree P. ICTV a HOSH, Pittaharif, P.
ar ar
Estate of John I. KaefTman, deM, late of Con.
maotrh Townnhlu. Somerset Countv. Pa.
ltir of admlnbiratloa on the atove estate
havtn, been aranu.! to the andersianed by tb
Mun amitt,u uib. ...
perm Indebted to said eetaW to auk kmiae.ll.
i at payment and thoee bavlnar claim av nst tho
j same to present them dnly authenticated lor set
i tlement on Tbamlay, November a, 1-4, at ta
! residence of the Administrator.
I JACOB l KArrrxAx.
ep2l. AdiainiMrator,
;l. w welki.ani
IJrani-li trli an.1 Yard
-ai Eeataj
Somerset, Pa.,
0p.S-&C. R. R. STATION-
RIMIn V.t.lul B.xirfnir k..t In
erv Pump fully
v, -rX'Lr
Ilailroads, and Boiler Feeders.
Hoisting Crabs
Stone Wedges,
Work ; Machinery of i
ill kinds built and
It Will !Pay JL OU
To Buy Your
Memorial Work
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
Eatlrrn Work Furnithtil an tiknrf Saiirr. in all
Color: Alto AjtnXor Ika WHITE BkuyzEt
Perms in need of MOSVMEST WORK will
find it to their Interest to call at my hp. wbOTe
a peper showing will be alven the so. -Varii-fnclion
Untnranttrd in i rr-y Cat. and PP.K E
VERY LOW. I Invite Special Attention to the
wails BnB2. Cr Par! tin intiaS
Intmlard by RF:V. W. A. OKfTva. a a Tv
elded Improvement In point of M A TERlAL
l OSSTklCTIUS, and which hi destined la ho
the Popular Monument tor onr f'hanaeahlo C'llr
mate. M.tiliE IC ACaLL.
Xo. 2, liner Illook,
Somerset, IPenn'a.
DiaECJil!. WiSia, Solid Sil72r ail Flatsl
jjiaaoLCTios orpjtaMiMHiP.
Tk Co-Partnrblt hereU.trire exlstrna
between the alerlalei. dote; basinemanderth
arm name of Mowmea a. KyK waa dla
olveI on the th dar of Oetotv, lwO. by mama I
consent. All dehta owhna; to tho mill partnership
are tu bo raretved hy eit her ot tho torowr partner
at their office In Stoyestown.
Xh Bowman will enntinn In b
tmra$ fa tbe ans boifalimr a deal
er In Dry Corel. Notion. CKMiilnic. ete. E la-ar
Kyle will eoatina hnslnew la the same hulamK
also, a dealer in Groceries Hardware, eta.