The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 24, 1884, Image 2

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    ITU QYYini.cof PTprnld 1
EDWARD SCULL, Editor and Proprietor
WEDNESDAY - September M, 14.
GEN. JOHN A. LOGAN, of niinois.
OEN. E. A. OSBOENE, of Laxenie.
John Llsenrlns;, of Carbon, l)Kon. ol Philadelphia,
Calrln Wells, of niubantu.
1. Edwin J. Stuart. 1&. Jot T. Jennings.
S. John Mundell. 1- Jo- A. Eee.
s vcm J McLauKlilla. 17- J- B. Hlleman.
2 jo, K. Altemus. I. Thomas U- Bryson.
? Yni FackemhalL 21. Wm. J. Hltehman.
. law me now.
9. J. P. W.-kersuam.
10. Sem. B. Thatcher.
1U John fvi-aboidt Jr.
11 Ilaniel Edwards.
13 P. W. Slieafer.
14. Lane S. Hun.
22. Oeo. T. OHvr.
23. Joelah inen.
84. Michael Weyand.
26. Cdias A. HandaU.
s. Cyrus Kitchen.
27. Luman B. Wood.
AXPRFW J. COLBOKN, of Somerset f.
WILLIAM S. MORGAN, of JennerTwp.
JOHN' WINTERS, of Somerset Twp.
CHARLES C. SHAFER, of Somerset Eor.
CT KVS C. SCH ROCK, of Somerset Twp.
FKTER DUMBAtl-D, of Mllford Twp.
ADAttC.LEPLEY. of Elkllck Twp.,
JOS1AH AN KENT, ol Somerset Twp.
fob cor STT A rDITOttS,
J AOOB K. BOWMAN, of Somerset Twp
JOSEPH W. MEYERS, of Milfurd Twp.
Word comes from across the
ocean that Europe will need 1S0,
000.000 bushels of our wheat this
St. John pays, " I will get a mill
ion of vote." If this prove to be
true, it will be the worst day's work
the temperance people ever did.
Blaise is on his way to Ohio to
take part in the campaign, and in
view of the way things went in
Maine, the Democrats are quaking
in their bouts.
The Legislature of Maine com
prises 1C1 members, of which four
teen are Democrats. These four
teen fellows will feel " kind o' lone
some " next winter.
The Democratic disgust at Blaine
for not voting for Prohibition as they
told him, is beyond expression.
They wanted his vote fo bad, to use
among the Germans in the West
It will go very hard for Demo
crats who wore the blue and follow
ed the flag of the Union, to vote for
Hendricks. It would te just as con
sistent for them to vote for Jeff
The Democratic journals are fight
ing among themselves, as to wheth
er Cleveland is a free trader, or fa
vors protection. This is the result
of their two-faced platform, and his
dodging the question in his letter of
Sixty thousand people attended
a meeting at Youngstewn, Ohio, on
Saturday night laBt, to bear General
Logan. Marching clubs numbering
eight thousand men, joined in a
grand torch-light procession after
the meeting adjourned.
The State fair now being held at
Philadelphia is said to be the finest
exhibit of the kind ever made in
this Commonwealth. The fine
weather has induced a very large at
tendance so far, and visitors come
away with nothing but praises for
the superb display.
General James A. Beaver made
a speech in Steubenville, Ohio, last
.week which greatly pleased an im
mense audience. He devoted him
self mainly to the tariff issue and
the JJerald of that city says
peecli abounded in solid facts and
will have a good effect
This campaign is not being fought
on the Mulligan letters, or the bru
tal slanders regarding Mr. Blaine's
marital relations. The Republican
nertv means to elect Mr. Blaine, and
is tan much in earnest about the
tariff and other matters of National
moment, to be turned aside by worn
out scandals which the country dis
counted eight years sinoe.
The Democrats are asserting that
they "don't need Ohio." What
makes them work so hard Ihea to
carry it ?
The truth is, Ohio is a Republi
can State always, in Presidential
years, and it is the old story of the
grapes being sour with the Demo
crats. As usual when they loose an elec
tion, the Democratic papers are
charging that the Republicans car
ried the State by bribery. This is
not very complimentary to the vU
en of their own party whom they
accuse ot being bought Why
does'nt eons enterprising editor
quote the market price of Democrat
ic votee ?
Mr, Blaine is now in Xw York.
From his borne in Augusta, Maine,
until he arrived La New York his
journey waa one continuous ovation.
The people crowding to every sta
tion at which his train passed, tree'
ingand cheering him vociferously.
He will visit Philadelphia on Tues
day (23rd inst.), and after partici
pating in a monster Republican dis
play that evening, will return to
New York and from thence proceed
. An his trip to Ohio.
The effect of the Democratic free
" Tn1inr.
fci UC Ul V V A v. ava a a f' v - - - r i
as they call it, would be to break
down the manufacturers, close the
doors of the workshops, drive arti
sans to the farms, and buy from
Europe, where things can be manu
factured cheaply. But just wait un
til the foreign manufacturers haves
us in their power, and we will find
free trade a very dear luxury.
The silent vote that the Demo-
crate and their assistants prated eo
much about in the early btasres of
the canvass, did not pan out to any
great degree in Maine, as the Demo
cratic vote instead of increasing, is
about seven thousand lees than it
was for Hancock in 1SS0, while the
Republican vote is about that much
more than Garfield's. This is a very
striking fact
The Democrats came very near
losing their candidate for vice
President last week. He was in a
private car, attached to a train that
was wrecked by a broken rail near
Farer City, 111. The car in which
Mr. Hendricks was Eeated rolled
down a high embankment and turn
ed bottom upwards, but fortunately
that gentleman escaped with a se
vere shaking up, and a few slight
Henry Watterson, editor of the
Louisville Courier-Jourial,the lead
ing Democratic newspaper of the
South, insists that Democracy means
free trade and nothing else, and the
overwhelming Democratic vote for
Morrison's free trade bill in the last
session of Congress sustains his as
Notwithstanding all this, the De
mocracy of Pennsylvania are still
masquerading as Protectionists.
Because the Legislature of Ohio
was induced to elect Payne L. e.
Senator by the persuasive eloquence
of the combined purses of himself,
Brookwalter, McLean, and the Stan
dard Oil Company the Democrats
expect to buy the whole State and
lift i:, as it were, by the boot-straps
into the Cleveland camp. When
thev come to realise results they will
find they have oversized their
The New York World some ten
days since announced that Hon.
Hamilton Fi?h, Secretary of State
under General Grant, had declar
ed his intention to support Cleve
land. Mr. Fish immediately wrote
the World denying the report, but
we observe that notwithstanding
thi?, oil the Democratic papers of
the country are still announcing
that this " great and good Republi
can will vote for Cleveland." This
is a method of electioneering long
since practiced by the Democrats.
The narrow escape the country
made from a ruinous reduction of
the tariff during the last session of
Congress has thoroughly aroused the
sugar planters ot Louisiana.
The Democratic Congressmen
from that State who voted lor the
Merrison bill have all been refused
re-nomination, and protectionists
have been nominated in every dis
trict This Bhowa how thoroughly
scared the Democrats are at the
prospect of losing the vote of the
State for their Presidential candi
date. There is nothing like fear to
reform a Democrat.
The letter of Mr. Blaine to Wil
liam Walter Phelps laying bare the
secret of his early marriage, out of
which has been manufactured the
foul imputations upon his own and
his wife's honor will confirm public
belief in his manliness, rectitude,
and purity. It is a burning shame
that in this day and generation
nothing is too sacred' or can be held
too private to escape the malicious
pen of the campaign liar, and thus
it rnmM about that in defense of
the honor of his family, Mr. Blaine
is constrained to lay before the pub
lic a bit of domestic history which
concerns no one in the world, save
his own household.
The Democratic candidate for
Vice President has developed into
the most lusty beggar of votes in the
country. The plaintive appeals
made by Mr. Hendricks from the
stump are as ludicrous as they are
humiliating. He directly and square
ly begs the people to vote for him,
and tells them he wants them to bad'
ly. He argues that as the Republi
cans have held all the offices for
twenty-five years it is time that he
should have a chance, as he is old
and has been out in the cold all
that time, while the other fellows
have been toasting their shins at the
fire. This is the old argument of
the political mendicant all the world
over, but coming from a nian who
claims to be a statesman, aud who Ls
a candidate for the second office un
der thia;reat government, it is a
very email a. wejl as a very silly
'Pity the sorrows of a poor ai Jan
WboM trembling limb tart bora kbf to
your door.
WJtoae life baa dwindled to the fhortent f pan.
rh, gUerellef, and Heaven will bless your
Ever since Mr. Blaine's nomina
tion the newspapers bave beta
threshifls over old straw, by discuss
ing the so-called " Mulligan letters."
Last week an additional batch of
them was laid before the p&bljc, and
ourfcxethren of . the press have fal
len 4o, wiAh whetted appetite, to
crauncb Ahem jover again. The
whole matter waa mut the subject
of Congressional investigation fsan
agOj a.nd thiB general public had atq
pie opportunity jto examine and dq-
-eide for itself. ,Geaeral;arfield,the
Democratic Senators, aud the Re
publican party all expressed theif
views of the scandal, when the one
appointed, the other confirmed, And
the masses applauded Mr. Blain's
appoitment as Secretary of State.
', Further discussion now, is as much
!a waste of time, and of as much c-
count, as the discussion ot tne ver
dict of a jury, after it has been ren
dered, and judgment entered upon
it by the court.
Rcecail Republic Party'
WIlkes-Bae Record.
In nineteen years the National
debt has been reduced Irom 32,756,
000,000 to $1,400,000,000 and the an
nual interest charge from $ 150,000,
000 to less than $50,000,000. No
nation has ever made such a reeord.
. That Set-Back In Maine.
Philadelphia Call.
The result is an awful set-back for
Blaine in Blaine's own Stale, with
Blaine as the candidate for Presi
dent Albany Argus, les, it al
lows him to "setback" and enjoy
himself in the thought that now
nothing can prevent his election.
What Comes of Bearing False Wit
Philadelphia Sunday Republic.
Democratic orators and newspa
per-men assured their readers that
Lincoln was a baboon and burton ;
that Grant was a drunkard, and that
Garfield was a thief, and yet each
was elected. 1 he saue follows are
now riroclaiminz Mr. Blaine to be
all that is vile, and the result will be
the same aa it was with Lincoln,
Grant and Garfield.
A Cowardly Dodger.
Grover Cleveland is trying to win
the Presidency by dodging the lead
ing issue that enters the canvass.
Where does heetandonthe tariff?
He was afraid to express himself
on this overshadowing question in
his letter of acceptance. Consequent
ly he contented himself with point-
ing to the Democratic national
platform and remarking 1 say ditto
to that" But he was perfectly well
aware that in eo doing he was guilty
of a miserable evasion, since the plat
form was framed with the intent to
muddle and mislead. Nowadays a
desperate effort is being made to
show that be is not a free-trader, but
he himself continues to hide his
real convictions. He evidently
th i nks b e ca n fool both the protection
ists and free-traders if ho keeps his
mouth shut. Truly a high and man
ly order of statesman this 1 Thinks
he can sneak into the White House.
Xew York Tribune.
Columbus, Sept 21. The Repub
licans of Columbus are up and doing,
and the interest now
the Republican State ticket has nev
er been surpassed in Central Ohio.
Every night meetings are being held
in the various wards, some of which
would m former times be considered
as large even for a mass meeting.
The organization of the Blaine
and Logan clubs are nearly comple
ted, and their appearance on the
streets in their neat uniforms attracts
great attention. Last night a grand
ass meeting was held in Capitol
Squa'e, at which not less than 0,000
people were present, and listened
with most marked attention to the
speech of General James A. Beaver,
of Pennsylvania, who is doing great
service in Ohio, and is recognized as
one of the best drawing cards on
the stump. The speech last night
was mainly m defense ol a protect
ive tariff and American industry.
His exposition was so clear and
forcible as to convince many who
were wavering, that disaster would
follow Democratic success, which
meant free trade if it meant anything.
Arraigning Cleveland.
Cleveland, Ohio, September 17.
Rev. George II. Call pastor of
Hudson street Baptist Church, Buf
falo, ha3 written Rev. Dr. Muller,
pastor of tho Scoville Avenue Meth
odist Episcopal Church, ot this city,
a startling letter regarding Governor
Cleveland's moral character. Dr.
Muller is well known in church
circles. He waa for several years a
member of the Methodist Episcopal
Conferences in Western New York,
was for eleven years, a pastor in
Buffalo ; is an honorary member of
the Minister's Association of that city
and is personally acquainted with
Dr. Ball.
Dr. Muller said that he was desir
ous, not as a partisan or a politician
but as a Christian minister to obtain
a conscientious statement of the case
that could be depended upon, and
in that spirit wrote Dr. Ball, and
yesterday received this answer un
der the date of September 17. It is
an indirect appeal to the ministers
and to the moral sentiments of the
country. The letter, among other
things, say:
Before the nomination for the
presidency Cleveland's deeds of
darkness began to come to light
Prominent Democrats in Buffalo
confirmed tho bad reports. Physi
cians, police officers, detectives and
other citizen whose professional du
ties or business relations made them
cognizant of the facts, related them
privately to some of our pastors.
lne shocking disclosures were dis
cussed and mentioned at the minis
ters meeting. Letters were written
by several of the pastors to editors
ot Christian Journals to put them
on their guard. Investigations dis
closed still more proof of debaucher
ies too horrible to relate and too vile
to be readily believed.
"For many years, days devoted to
bufiness have been followed by night
of Fin. He has lived a bachelor,
and had no home; avoided the re
straints even of hotel and boarding
bouse life ; lodged in rooms, a ha
'"The Ilalpin case was not solita
ry.. Some disgrace and broken-hearted
victims of bis lust now
slumber in the -grave. Since he has
become governor of this great state
he has not abated his vices. Abun
dant rumors implicate him at Alba
nv : wen autusnticatea lac is con
vict him in Buffalo.
"The last amour of this nature,
.clearly verified, occurred bo late as
April, 1S84. - These allegations do
not rt upon rumors, hearsay, nor
second-band statements, but upon
the testimony of men and worsen
who were personally cognizant of the
lizts related. Seven of our pastors
! have &U as a provisional commit
tee to listen to uie testimony given.
A written summary of tf f vidence
has been reviewed .by able cbuneei
and pronounced surprisingly fully
thirty of tiie ministers of Buffalo,
after hearing this SBmmjuy read, do
not hesitate to pronounc bjm. guil
ty of habitual unchastUy. and in
temperance.'' , :
New York, Sept 20. Mr. Blaine
received a great ovation at the head
quarters of the National Committee
on Fifth Avenue to-night Fifth
Avenue, from Twenty-sixth to
Twenty-ninth Btreets, waa crowded
with 15,000 people long before nine
o'clock, the hour appointed for Mr.
Blaine's introduction. A platform
had been erected in front of tiie par
lor windows of the headquarters,
and it was tastefully decorated with
Hags. A band of music played
many lively airs, and electric lights
and fireworks lit up the scene. The
enthusiasm of the crowd was extra
ordinary. Promptly at 9 o'clock
Mr. Blaine arrived from the Fifth
Avenue Hotel. Police Captain Will
iams occupied a seat on the box of
the carriage, with the driver. No
little difficulty was had in making
passage for the carriage. Mr. Blaine
was accompanied by Senators Hale
and Hawley, Colonel George W.
Hooker, Chairman Jones and Sec
retary Fessenden, of the National
Committee ; Assistant District At
torney A. . Tenney, of Brooklyn ;
ex-Governor Cornell, Hon. Emory
A. Storrs and George Bliss.
In the absence of James D. War
ren, Unairman ot tne Kepubiican
State Committee. Mr. A. S. Draper,
Chairman of the Executive Commit
tee, received Mr. Blaiae and con
ducted him to the platform. When
Mr. Blaine was recognized by the
people a tremendous shout went up,
and lasted for some time. Mr. Dra
per introduced Mr. Blaine as " the
ninth in the honored list of Repub
lican Presidents." This title curised
more cheering, and then Mr. Blaine,
stepping to the front of the plat
form, said :
" To be received by the city of
New York is indeed an honor; to
be received by eoch a magnificent
demonstration as that which I see
before me touches me deeply, moves
me deeply, and calls for the most
sincere and heartfelt thanks.
Cheers. Your great emporium,
this city of New York, represents in
its growth and grandeur the United
States of America. Cheers. It is
not merely the chief municipality of
the Empire State ; it is the commer
cial metropolis of the Continent and
I conceive it to be one of the chief
honors of my life to be thu3 wel
comed to its hearty hospitality.
Cheers. I renew to you and im
press upon you the gratitude I feel,
the thankfulness I offer for all that
you tender me. Shouts of uyou
are welcome" and continued cheer3.
Mr. Blaine was followed into the
parlors by rounds of cheers. When
he had disappeared Emory A. Storrs,
of Chicago, U. S. Senator Hawley
and other gentlemen made short ad
dresses. Then the crowd again shouted for
Blaine. He returned to the plat
form and witnessed the parade ot
2,000 members of various political
clubs. After the uniformed men
had passed Mr. Blaine, being again
called lor, stepped to the front and
said : " Allow me to thank you for
this fine display, and to wish you all
a happy good-night."
He then returned to the hotel.
LWainc and Grant.
New York, Sept. 19. In spite of
Mr. Blaine's desire for a day of re.t
in New York previous to his public
reception here, the Fifth Avenue
Hotel was besieged with visitors all
day and until a late hour to-night
The main incident of hia visit to
day was the call of General Grant
Thi3 occurred at about 2 p. M. Mr.
Blaine wa3 seated in his room with
a number of personal friends, in
cluding Senator Miller, Senator Eu
gene Hale, ex-Senator Hannibal
Hamhn, Mr. S. B. Elkins, J. D.
Warren, of the New York State
Committee, T. V. Cooper, Chairman
of the Pennsylvania State Commit
tee, A. P. Brown, of Philadelphia,
and Harry Oliver, of Pittsburgh.
Suddenly there was a knock at the
door, and Mr. Blaine, who had just
risen from his seat, stepped forward
to open it. It did not take an in
stant for the crowd to recognize the
veteran figure of General Grant. In
aa instant every man was on hia
feet. Mr. Blaine stepped forward
in delighted surprise and erasped
the General's hand with much
warmth. The reception on the part
of both men was sincere and unaf
fected. The tears seemed to sparkle
in the General's eyes as he noticed
the deference which all so gladly
paid him. Leaning on his crutches
the General was led to an adjoining
settee, and there Mr. Blaine and he
remained in conversation for nearly
an hour.
A little boy attached to the Re
publican National Headquarters
who had come over to see the candi
date was seated at a centre-table in
the room, on which rested his el
bows, while he gazed earnestly at
the spectacle before him. Then
turning to a gentleman whom he
knew, he said in a quiet voice :
"And that is the man whom Ward
robbed." Altogether the scene was
one which those who witnessed are
never likely to forget. General
Grant talked hopefully and earnest
ly of the prospects of Republican
success. To Mr. Blaine he said :
"They are abusing you as they have
abused roe: by,t they will elect you
"For my own part," continued the
General, "I do not know of any
time when Republican success was
more essential to National prosperi
ty than at present"
The conference between the two
great Republicans Listed for about
an hour and Mr. Blaine at the part
ing shook both of General Grant's
hands, and assured him that he was
more than delighed with his call.
"Vw Aiaf ilntir aAov a "fji r r "
fr VaUlrJ BalVl ailllill,
said Mr. Ijtlaine, "was to calf on yon,
but yon have anticipated my pleas
ure in this regard."
A Grandson of Henry Clay Shot.
LourayriXE, Ky., September 21
Harry Clay, a well-known lawyer
and politician, was shot and perhaps
fatally wounded here this morning
by Andrew Wepler, a Councilman
of the Eleventh ward. Clay was
drinking and wanted to borrow some
money irom Wepler, who would not
lend him as he wanted, Chj then
began abusing him, and went out
for a pistol with which to shoot him.
on his return the two men, armed
with pistols, said they were ready to
right, and took their stands, Yp!er
fired a ball which struck Clay in the
groin and ranged downward in the
thigh. Clay is the grandson of
Kenry Clay. He was one of the
Artie voyager in the ill-fated Proteus,
and is prominently mentioned for
Congress from this district His
wound is very 'dangerous, though he
may recover, w epler gave himself
op, ' : :
Yocngstowx, O September 21.
The Ohio speaking cativass was
opened yesterday with a reception
to general Logan. His presence
was the inspiration tor an attend
ance of 50.000 people from the Ma
honing and Shenango valleys. From
an early hour people poured into
the city from every direction by every
possible conveyance, Every incom
ing railroad train 5 waa crowded.
From the country the people flocked
in in long processions of wagons
decorated with banners, flags and
green boughs. From the mines
came mules teams drawing the little
coal carts. Every town within a
radius of fifty miles 6ent marching
clubs of Plumed Knights. Delega
tions were also present from Akron,
Canton Cleveland. Warren, New
Castle, Niles and Pittsburgh. The
Americus Club of the latter place
made the finest marching display of
the day. The city waa beautifully
A monster procession formed at 12
o'clock and marched to tho Fair
Grounds. Fully 10,000 men were
in line, with 1,500 wugons. The
character of the demonstration was
made apparent in' the presence of
inarching clubs from all the numer
ous iron mills and furnaces in the
valley, bearing banners with signi
ficant inscriptions.
The manufacturers and tradesmen
of the city participated in the pro
cession with a long line of floats, one
of them was an iron bridge labeled :
"Strong for Protection." On three
others workmen constructed during
the march a handsome carriage,
which was put together and drawn
back from the Fairgrounds, where
the speaking took place. A fourth
wagon from the same factory con
tained an idle blacksmith's furnace
with rusty tools lying about and a
generally desolate appearances,
avovo which wa3 the legend:
"Democratic Free-trade Prospect"
From the Fosterville coal 6haft
came a small coal car drawn by a
mine mule, labeled ; "Tariff Buggy."
On the route of the procession, over
the door of a mechanic, was a no
ticeable inscription : "To the only
Senator who voted for every increase
and against every reduction of the
tariff of 1883, welcome." The record
is said to bear out this point in Gen
eral Logan's history, though .he
himself was not aware of it. The in
cident is significant of the intelli
gent character of American working
men. The vast procession was an
hour and a half in passing a given
point, and gave positive evidence of
the belief of both employes and
jemnloversin the manufacturing cen
ters of the necessity of fostering
a protective tariff.
general Logan's speech
At the fair grounds fully 10,000
people asembled around thespeake's
stand. Thousands were unable to
come within reach of General Lo
ean's voice, and the clubs and bands
marched off throug the city, parad
ing the various streets and serenda
ing prominent citizens. General Lo
gan's address wa3 a pertinent arraign
ment of the Democratic tariff record,
a comparison with the Republican
record of prosperity since 1SG1 and
a challenge of Mr. Hendricks state
ment about the Treasury surplus,
and ridiculeof the Democratic plan,
which favors a "free ballot and a fair
count" He closed with a masterly
tribute to Mr. Blaine, which drew
forth round after round of applause.
jje was followed with intense inter
est by his great crowd of hearers,
most of whom were workingmen,
and who applauded his telling hits.
Another Earthquake. '
Cincinnati, O., Sept 19. A very
slight shock of earthquake was ob
served here between two and three
o'clock this afternoon. It lasted
scarcely more than one second and
was not perceived at all except by
persons in high buildings. Dispatch
es from Ft Wayne, Indian, Wind
sor, Ontario, Toledo and Grass Val
ley, Michigan, report a slight shock.
Detroit, Sept. 19. At 2:45 p. :j,
this afternoon a shock of earthquake
was felt very perceptably in parts of
this city. Several of thelarger build
ings were considerably shaken up.
driving many people into the streets
through fright No damage is re
ported. The vibrations continued
through ten seconds.
Dubcqe, Sept. 19. At QT p. m.
to-day a shock of earthquake was
felt here by the printers in the up
per 6tory of the Herald office. The
building was felt to tremble and
The Reynolds Statne.
Philadelphia, Sept IS. The
eighteenth anniversary of the organ
ization known as the Grand Army
of the Republic was celebrated to
day with more than usunl ceremony.
It is what is known as Grand Army
Day, and at an early hour this
morning the blue-coated veterans,
their breasts decorated with tho
bronze star, were to be seen on their
way to the headquarters of their re
spective posts. Brass bands made
merry music in the streets, and the
whole city wore a more or less holi
day aspect. The procession formed
on South Droad street and marched
to the state fair. -
In the afternoon the several posts
participated iu tiie unveiling exer
cises at the Reynolds memorial stat
ue at the north entrance of the new
tin presented the state in a few well !
chosen words, and Mayor bmitti ac
cepted it on behalf of the city iii a
brief address.
A Murderous Bartflnr.
Dodge, Iowa, September, 1G.
masked man about twq
o'clock yesterday entered the house
os William Junnison, the school
treasurer of Washington township,
and demanded or Mrs. Junnison
the school money. She replied that
jt was in bank whereupon tte in
truder drey bis reyolFe'r and 6$
her dead. Another woman wijo was
in the house appeared when the rob
ber fled. A large pai ty at once
commenced search for the murder:
er and four persons have been ar
rested who in part answer the de
icriptioaof tun, ... ,
Valuable Victim of Plearo-Pnenmo-'.
C'hioaoo, September 18. A - spe
cial from Peoria to the Xeui says ;
J. O. Bailey haying discovered un
mistakable symptoms of pleuro
pneumonia in bis Jersey bull Polin
us. has caused the animal to be kill
ed". The left lung was found to
weigh : ,wepty Beven pounds and
the right bix pounds. 'The. bull cost
v30Q0, .: ; . ,
Mr. Blaine Make a Speech,
' A Urcat Crowd Llsu-n to HI Compll-
meniary Remarka at Woroeater.
Woucester, Mass., September 18,
1884. James G. Blaine arrived in
this city from Boston at 12 o'clock
to-day. He came to attend the fair
of the Worcester Agricultural Socie
ty and was the guest of the Society
and Congressman W. W. Rice dur
ing his stay iu this city. Thousands
of people were in waiting at the sta
tion and lined the route to the fair
grounds on his arrival and there
was considerable cheering upon his
appearance. A national salute was
fired by a section of Battery B dur
ing the irrival. His visit is entirely
non-partisan, the reception commit
tee being composed of members of
the Agricultural Society and repre
sent the different political parties.
A number of institutions iu the city
are closed for the day. Senator Hale,
of Maine, and Lieutenant Governor
Ames, of Massachusetts, accompan
ied' Mr. Blaine, who was met at the
Union Station by the reception com
mittee, and the party were driven
through Fort, Main and Elm streets
to tho fair grounds. They were es
corted to tte tent of the president,
the large crowd giving them a hearty
welcome. A lunch was served in
the tent and there was e very pleas
ant social interview, which lasted
until the time for the speaking,
when the party adjourned to the
judges stand. Mr. Ulame spoke as
follows :
I am sure that under this rich au
tumn sun and this rich and pros
perous btate you will expect Irom
me to-day nothing but words of con
gratulation ; and if there be any one
spot within the limits of the united
States which may challenge all oth
ers in prosperity, contentment and
general happiness it must be the
county ot Worcester in the State of
Massachusetts. Applause. We
are in the habit in our minds, with
out looking closely at the figures, to
think of some rich sections of Eu
rope a.s far more populous than any
sections we have in this country ;
but in the great United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland there is
not as dense a population as inhabit
Massachusetts from this point to the
sea; there is not in the crowded
kingdom of Belgium, not in that hive
of industry, Holland, so dense a
a population as you on this ground
represent to-day, and when you
come to compare the comfort, the
thrift, the general prosperity of the
entire people, there is not perhaps
on thirf circling globe a community
that can stand the comparison. Out
West, on those rich lands that
"laugh a crop when tickled with a
hoe," in that "boundless contiguity"
of space in which the agricultural
district stretches from the crest of
the Alleghenies to the great plains,
it will bo a surprise to them, if it is
not to you, that this county of Wor
cester out of the seventeen hun
dred and odd counties that make up
all of the States that this county
of Worcester is the fifteenth in the
whole United States in the value of
its agricultural products, and what
is more surprising, that, standing in
this rank of agricultural product, it
stands still higher in mechanical
industry and the product of manu
factures, for in that great iist it
stands tenth in the United States, so
that when vou come to estimate
$3,500,000,000 as the product of the
the manufactures in a single year
and $3,500,000,000 as the product of
agriculture in a single year in these
United States you can see what
must be the magnificent prosperity
of this county that it should the fif
teenth in the one list and the tenth
in the other.
Gentlemen, this county has been
long noted, has been long known.
It is the county best known in the
State, go widely known throughout
the Union, and if it were to be pre
sented, or if any county in this
country were to be presented, as the
one exemplar, the one illustration, of
what free industry and free schools
and free education could do, there
would be one voice in favor of pre
senting the county of Worcester as
that exemplar. Applause. We
are sometimes a little jealous of you
in Massachusetts, but perhaps it is
only for your superior prosperity.
Laughter. But outside and be
yond that jealousy I am here to say
in behalf of the State which was a
part of the old Commonwealth that
for the county of Worcester, for the
State of Massachuseets, no other
feeling is entertained than that of
profound respect, admiration and
honor. Applause. Thanking you,
gentlemen, for the very cordial and
ho? pitable reception which has been
made so agreeable to-day and wish
ing you abundant increase , of the
great prosperity which surrounds
you I bid you a cordial farewell.
Applause. -
Fire Started by a Thresher.
Miffuntow.v, Pa., September 19.
The house, with household goods
and barn, with this year's crops and
farming implements, and all the out
buildings, excepting the spring house
of Rev. Thomas Gray bill, near Rich
tield, J uniata county, were destroyed
by lire yesterday. There was no in
surance and the loss runs into thous
ands. Justus Mr. Gray bill's hands
wire finishing threshing in the barn
the fire appeared in the shaker.
They were using a horse-power
threshing machine. The conjecture
is that the fire started from a hot box
in the machine or from a box of
matches, that might have been left
in the mow hy a tramp and, in the
work passed through the thresher.
Many raaengers InJarpU.
F akmer City, 111., September 17.
ruorninz a passenger tram on
the Indiana, Bloomington and Wes
tern Railroad, while passing west
ward, struck a broken rail and i. was
thrown from the track. Fifteen or
twenty persons received such inju
ries as to be perfectly helpless, but
fortunately ' no one was killed-
Attached to the train was the pri
vate car of President Henderson,
containing Hon T. A. Hendricks
and party en route to Peoryu This
car rolled down an ein.bankrnent fif
teen feat d?en. and turned bottom
up. It was with much difficulty
the occupants were gotten up. The
party were pretty well shaken Op.
Governor.. Hendricks was slightly
bruised, but not so as to interfere
with bis engagements at Pearia
B$ cm H lyajfe ;
' Johnstown, Sept 17. The Cam
bria Iron Company, employing
5,000 workmen, yesterday posted a
notice ordering a general reduction
of wages from 10 to 20 per cent, to
go inio meet on October 1. In or
der to equalize matters a reduction
of ten per cent will be made in
coal and in the rents of the dwell
ings owned by the company. It iij
thought the reduction Will be accepted.
Manipulation of Be.
Philadelphia, Pa.. September
18. At the State Fair this afternoon
the bee tent was the scne of a re -
markablo entertainment Professor
Arthur Todd, of the Wissahickon
Apiary, gave an exhibition of the
method in which bees are manipu
lated. Quite unprotected by head
net or gloves, he opened an old box
hive full of bees, took out each comb
seperately, and transferred it to a new
hive. He carefully sliced off the
cells, and placing the comb in his
extractor, emptied them of their
sweet contents. He sought among
the crowded colony for the queen
bee, and having caught her, showed
her to his audience, who were safe
ly standing out-ide his gauze tent.
He then .depo?ited her in a little
wire cage made expressly for her
introducing her to her friends, and
when she had issued her commands
for their attendance at her new
home he put her into the handsome
ly furnished hive which he had pre
pared for her reception.. Mr. Todd
handled the little insect as if he
were ignorant of the fact that they
all carried a very ugly weapon, and
he appeared to be on terms of affec
tion with them all. They crawled
over the bald part of his head, they
swarmed on his hands and arms,
and they got caught in his beard but
they seemed to think it was all play
and he appeared to enjoy tne lun.
The astonished visitors look on
with mute admiration.
Another Kerosno Victim.
Mt. Pleasant, Pa
, September 18.
Martha disinter, a 14-year old
daughter of a miner livins near here
died yesterday from injuries received
from the explosion of a can of oil.
While making preparations for sup
per a few days ago, she poured a
quantity of oil on some coals which
she thought were dead. The oil ig
nited and a burst of flames shot
from the door of the stove. This
flame caught the can and it explo
ded, hurling oil over the unfortu
nate girl, who in an instant was a
mass of flames. As soon as the
mother, who wa3 in an adjoining
room discovered the terrible situa
tion cf her daughter, she summon
ed aid and the girl was placed in a
tub of water near by and the fire was
extinguished. She was so horribly
burned, however, that the flesh
came from off her in great masses
while her wounds were being dressed.
She lingered in terrible agony until
A Schoolboy Stabs His Teacher.
Lancastr, Pa., September IS.
Harry Grotf, aged 13 years, son of
wealthy nareaUj, committed a mur
derous assault on hio teacher. Wil
Ham Levergood, in one of the public
sciioois oi inis cny yesieraay. l ne
lad had been disorderly during the
I I .l . . 1 - mt
music lesson, and when his teacher
attempted to lead him by the arm
irom the room he drew a knife and
stabbed him in the arm. Ue then
made several desperate plunges at
his teachers breast, and was ouly
prevented from carrying out hi3
murderous designs hy some of his
school- mates, who went to the res
cue of the teacher. An officer was
called in and the boy was locked
up, but later secured bail for a hear-
j mg
Wltclieraft in Berks County.
Reapino, Sept. 19. The village
of Shoemakervilie.this county, is ex
cited over a supposed case of witch
craft. Mrs. Daniel Yoh, a young
and pretty married woman, attracted
the atteution of her lriends by her
Strang and unnatural actions. She
is now quite violent and her family
were compelled to tie her hands and
feet, in which condition she is con
fined to her bed, constantly attended
by two persons. A "doctor" of this
city, who has considerable exper
ience in cases of witchcraft, has been
summoned and says she is under
a '"spell." He has '"pow-wowed" for
her and also prescribed medicines.
Frightful Suicide.
Reading, September. 17. Mrs.
-nun imiier, ui iarauise, inis coun
ty, a religious maniac has been con
fined in the county hospital fT
some years. Yesterday she delib
erately set fire to her cloths burning
herself to death. She beat off tho?e
who attempted to save her. Por
tions of her body were burned to a
crisp and all her hair was burned
off her head. She imagined that
she was offering herself as a tsacririce
on an altar to the Lord.
l.... r ii .i-
Gored bj a Ball.
Rkadim, Sept 19. Abraham
Henrick, a wealthy farmer, was urg
ing an Alderney bull into the barn
yard this morning, when the beast
turned upon him, caught the old
man on its horns and tossed him in
to the air, catching him aa he fell
and tossing him up agaia
the ball had nearly gored
death he was driven off by
him to
the hir
not ex-
ed men. Mr. Henrick
pected to live.
Iowa Gooa forl3.uoo.
Chicago, Sept. 13. Ex-G overnor
John II. Gear, of Iowa, while in
this city yesterday said that the Re
publicans would carrv Iowa by from
13,000 to 20,000. The fa-ion of the
opposition would cost some votes,
but the Prohibitionists would lose
the Republicans but little support
He does not consider that the Pro
hibition element will effect the re
sult by 5,000 votes either wav.
n...i .i . .-
iuuer biregm h insignificant in
A Train Wreckers Sentence.
Atlantic City, N. J., September
18. Moses P. Brown, of Philadel
phia, colored man, arrested for at
tempting to wreck trains of the
Philadelphia & Atlantic City rail
way was sentenced to imprisonment
of twenty-one years bard iabor and
to pay a fne of $2,100. Brown sta
ted his motive for the crime was to
"get square with the railroad com
pany, being put off the train for not
paying fare. , ;
Peafb of Annie $utt.
Unioxtows Pa,., Sept. JS Misa
Annie O. Nutt, second daughter of
the late Captain Nutt, who was kill
ed by Dukes, died suddenly last
night of cholera morbus, caua.ed by
eating unripe pears. She was illon
ly about eighteen hours. Grand
mother Wells, the mether of Mrs.
Nutt, and Nellie, a little daughter,
are sick from eating unripe (rait,
ana may not survive,
r LuLND! For Peruuuient ParlD Ponitkin u
6alutn, writ to J. AUSTIN IS HA W.Nnnory
Msn, Kuebcttcr, . V. ieplT-to
To Our Patrons.
All goods are subject to imperfections, very
many of which can be discovered only through
wearing a garment. A piece of cloth may Q
damaged in the weaving, or the carding, or the
dyeing, and yet it may not be perceptible.
When an article fails to give satisfaction We
shall appreciate it if you will show us the arti
cle, no difference how much worn, and allow us
to refund to you a satisfactory amount of cash.
We wish to publish broadcast that we ai
ways guarantee to make every article sold It
us worth the price paid for it ; but if not satis
factory you must inform us of it, for if vou
don't, how would we be able to find out ?
I Have Just Received a Car Load of!
Hollow Iron Axle TV
fEvery Wagon Fully Warranted.
Call and See TL
No. 3 Baer's Block.
Never Equaled in Workmanship ! Competition De:
E, W. Horner's Harols and Granits Wcrh
I always keep on hand a larsre selection of beautiful JO.Vi'.V;
AND TOM US TONES, in All Colors, which make the finest d:r
memorial work ever seen in Somerset County. Parties desiring i
some Monument or Tombstone, will do well to give me a call, a- ej
is the finest and cheaoest Seeing is believing. Give me a call.
Kl A.-TOJM -K A.
The Great Blood Purifier,
Hai been used for tentaries br the Indian, and brrHi?!H by theto illrort fiwa tVrfr We
ImlUnt rather theruuu, herb, bark and ituras, ami ship them eart t A fcvr "f th- a
d and skillful of these people are eot here to prepare tuia re in triable medioese tor the 5
ilk. The Indians rightly b-liere that
And that to keep it pure is the trail to health. The leienoaur chemistry or el me.lin
prodtK-ed an valuable a remedy, or one potent ours ail a'iaeaae artninK froia unfi"
blood, aa t hi Indian preparation. Kosufterer fruta aarof thcM arttistlon need de';-" ''
give It a fair trial.
mflnimrmnn Ttrrnri i muw nTT mTTPfin WT.irn DT7 wt eir.M Tl
& lJliUOMUJ WW OloJaauit, UllULOA Willi 01 i.a lu.1 A-
Canmi inch disease al Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Sour Stomach, Loss of appetite. Hear!
pression, I'enniltfia. Female Disorders, Kidney Liueases, I'onsiipeiion. Ljver tJomfln. '
Asthma, Inllanunalions, Plies, Insanity J son. I ice. Melsneholy. Impure liiood. Sleeplr"1""
and Acne, Sciatica, Khooibalism. XerrousneiJ. Oxiilreneai, Bilious Attacks, Paiusis
Ldrer Disease, Boils, Pleurisy, and a host ol other tils.
The medicines of the draiciist. takn Internally, mil do no (rood. The only safe and
in the.eof fciA-TO KA. It aids th lirer and stomach to. resume natnral arti' ii. '
poisons iron, to system, tunes up the nerrous icfluences. purifies the body, and res'
heaith. Ash your druggist for K A TOM K.A. Take nothing else, as you aiue your hr-
nas it not, ten nim 10 senu lor it ui iue
Jriee $1.00 Fer Bottle SUf Bottles for f5J)0.
J certainty th best Remedy of lUttln! ever lotrodaeerf, ao the pofi mohi "'r'',
M. T f- a. 1 . -a. 1 I .Ui.a last tim . 1 li.aaK jar
PIAnAr s 1 1 Will new be. frjaotfcea by tbnse who saw the w.vl'-r'"1
ltJUJf W Lj Formed i latbiio txr I he Indian Medicine Men. 1: 1
immediately. Ask your uruggut for Modoe In-liar tit I. Take not her. U is the fl- -
TotUe. Large botUes 50 cents. Fur mm hj all d agists
Cbas. H. Fisher. Wholesale aad Retail dealer
Stationery. Always hi stock a well selected stock
of Trafrl and Adventure. Norels and Standard
Lutheran and Disciples' Hymn Books, Dictionaries
of Trarri and
day school and Day school Reward Cards. A
.-oreis. iraiiT rapers. ana ifenerai rer:oaicai
muu ww jiunNji veriuicaiea. r mm aiuniui rimi uv v&
Somerset f
fillffRflNTEFD ?
and Jobber in"Nrhoo ';! Sco..r S j.
ef PoetVal W orks. Histories. Bl'"P"
Ptose Works. Bibles, Testaments. -"r
awl Children's Toy ks. Ma"'11"
literature, nm miuic i"--- ., l
Lance and Complete Stock of Blans