he Somerset Herald. Y GEO. R. Ka'LUEditor. ! .7k jSpIrT.7:..'.:.7.Sptmbr IT, 1 Overcoats were worn with comfort all day Sunday. We Lad quite beary frosts Saturday and Sunday nights. The borough lock-up contained fire drank and disorderlies Saturday night. Mr. Sylvester 8. lotts has been appointed postmaster at Daley, this county. Tbe whistle and wbir-r-r of the steam thresher is heard in the rural districts. Republican Mass Meeting the Court Houe in Somerset Borough Septemto 231 iesiai Evenini Ull the friends of Blaine and Logan are Wdially invited to be r.reent with us, to ki-t in owning the campaign. OOIi. '. j, hTOSE, of Pittsburgh, and other distin lUherl sneakers will address the meeting. ; c. cv)i-hokx, t Secretary. JOHN' R. SCOTT, Cliru. Co. Com. Fishing Tackle; at C. X. Bovd s. ,n t let the weed go to seed, en UUem off. Ksints. all colors, ready for use. Sold by ?-. Boyd. w fall goods now coming in. i Mas. A. E. Yuu y J lie Studebaker wagon is a model of beau i and durability. Jry Alabastine for Walls ami leiungs. H 1 only by 0. ". Boyd. Alabastine will not rub off like white ash. Try it. Sold by C. X. Boyd. for hardware of every description, go to piies B. llolderbaum a. jlrook Trout, Salmon and Labrador Her- tg. can't be beat, at Keller Banner's. The Indiana county fair will open on Sop. fiiber -Tilth and continue four days. The rw-t stock of Cigars and Tobacco in the jwn are to be found at Keller 4 Sinners. 3 he prudent farmer or teamster, when lj ing a wagon, invariably gets a Mtiocoa- jr from James B. Hotderbaum. J have just received a fresh lot of new fall guts, domestic and fine dress goods and 11 dry goods. Mks. A. E. I'HL. 'One hundred UdieV Coats just received ; new, this season's styles, and very cheap, fj. B. Snyder Co.'s. Anything you need in the notion line yp can buy 25 per cent, less at J. B. Snyder . o.'s than anywhere else in town. CATomx. Fhrn baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. fl.i-it she was a child the cried for Castoria, flien she was a Miss, she clung toCastoria. then shebad children sbegavetbem Casfa. The Kerner Bros, take the cake in selling .ts and shoes. They have just received Se largest stock of fall and winter goods K'Ught to Somerset this season. fN'ood, the Main street jeweler, sells not !y l,,e Wa'.thaiu, but Kockford, Elgin, , Al several other makes of American Utches. j liirir.ir to co to Kansas or e Llaka, can secure rates and other informa 'mn .if Amos Steck. tlrvensburg. Pa., who ' as ranches. timber and farming lands, and feiprovedfarms for sale. iAmtiou sales every night of Court at the few York City Auction House, opposite Jouk A Beerita'a. ..-j Y. B. Shafer, Agent. If you want to buy a good time-piece go t. H. Wood, jeweler, No. 2 Baer Block j;ere you have the largest stock in Somer county to select from. il.AMKS : For the finer grades of shoes, fall tries, made over tbe di.Terent lasts, goto A, H. Ferner Bros' store. SThe Buffalo I.ime Comjany is now wil ly (iood I.ime at eight cents, delivered on ke cars at their works. For orders, write to fllli.'un Mason. Garrett. I'a. J !urfall st6ok"is' now ready. Anything the line of clothing, dry goods, carpets. irtions and queeusware, we are prepared to ti'-'T cheaper than thev have ever been sold M Somerset. J. B. S.NYHEB A Co. j Pllosl-HATE-S AXD I.AKD rLAS.EE. X0W We in stock car load Baugh & Son's goods ie b.t on tbe market, and no farmer Aould lie without them. Thev have stood iie test fur five years. Here are tbe prices. Double Eagle, per ton. T-T0.00 Xew rrncesMs. " fci..irt No. 1, Fine Bone, " $40 00 l.and Plaster, " $1"00 Cook & Beeeits. A basket picnic will be given tinder the auspice of tbe Jenner X Roads drum corps next Saturday. Tbe Congressional conferees think Som erset is the best and coolest place in the district to hold a nominating conference. Rev. George II. Johnson, of Philadelphia, is spending his vacation with Somerset friends. Hon. A. II. Coffroth has been confined to his room at the Somerset House since Saturday, with a severe cold. Rev. J. II. Zinn, of Xew Centreville, will preach in Trinity Lutheran Church, this place, next Sunday evening at 71 o'clock. Dr. G. J. Beachy, Dentist, is now in Som erset, and can be eeu at his rooms at the Glade House. air. J. L. Bittner, of Rock wood, for whom Dr. Sadler.of Pittaburgh extirpated a destroy ed and very painful eye two weeks ago, is doing well. . . . . . It is said that if a sound watermelon is proerly coated with varnish and laid away in dry, cool place it can be kept until Christmas. Try it. If yon want wagon that baa an honest, square, atand-np air about it, that yon can depend on during rain or shine, fit for mar ket, mill or meeting, buy tbe celebrated Studebaker of James B. Holderbaum. Ripe fruit of all kinds, mad of more than) Under the nspicea of the Blaine and Lo-I the average good quality, can be had in our markets. Indian Ka-Ton-Ka cures all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Blood. Druggists all keep it. Xow listen to the pop of the squirrel hun ter's gun but receive with allowance some of the stones the hunter may tell. Several libel suita against the Vniontown Standard by members of the Duke's jury bare been very properly ignored by the grand jury. Last Thursday was about tbe hottest day the residents of Somerset ever experienced, The thermometer marked 85s in tbe shade and 120 in the sun. - Court convened at 10 o'clock Monday morning. The attendance is Tery slim but will be considerably larger next week, when tbe criminal cases will be tried. Mr. bamnelJ. Rowe, euitor and proprie tor of the Clearfield Journal, with his wife and daughter, are visiting in Somerset, at the residence of George W. Pile. The Blaine and Logan Clhb turned out in force Saturday night, and marched through the principal streets of the town. A meet ing was held at the pole in tbe East ward where several speeches were made. The citiieus of Edie and vicinity will raise a Blaine and 1x5 pan pole Saturday afternoon September 20. Speeches will be made by Hon. A. J. Colborn, V. W. Biesecker and John R. Scott. A large turnout is expected Miss Ella Scbell desires us to say to her patrons that she will commence her music class on Monday. September 29th. She teaches both vocal ahd instrumental music and has quite a reputation as a successful instructor. The Democratic Congressional Conference for this district will meet at Altoona on Tli nrsdav, the lth inst, at 2 o'clock r. x Charles H. Fisher. Fred Grof and John Thompson, conferees from this county, aril' leave for Altoons Thursday morning. A i-eg-legged Irishman was arrested by policeman Gilbert for drunkenness on Fri day last, and lodged in the Borough lock. up. This same Irishman tiqs been loafing around town and alone Collins' work for the past month, begging money and food, I i X I Meat Market. Main Street. We have jit added a large Refrigerator to our Meat Market in which all meats can be kept ceo' nd clean. Mutton. Beef, Tork, 4c, kept Constantly on band. Ojen daily. Parties $i;yinp meat can have it kept in the Refrig erator until wanted. I We have, also, H0n0 new brick for sale, Wliich we will sell by the hundred or thous and at a low price. i Roes Davis Co. j To Farmers. Now is the time to band tin your orders for phosphate, preparatory io fall seeding. Xo enterprising farmer jJi.miM be without Baugh Sons' goods, at prices named in another column of this oer. Cook & Beerits. I will ojn on Saturday a line of Win- jhester and Remington rifles, breech and k.".z7.1e-loadi!ig shot guns, both double and i igle barrels also a full line of gun repairs. loading tools, shells, caps, powder, shot etc I James li. iioLPESiiAi Mickey Smith, tbe murderer who escaped from the Ebensburg jail on the night of August 30th, is still at large. Several stories have been given of bis capture, but up to the present writing he is still a fugitive from justice aud breathes the air of free dom. Contractor Collins has been pushing big work on the South Teen Railroad along too rapidly to suit the Construction Company ami was compelled to discharge some two hundred Hungarians and Italians Saturday. Shields Dorwin, we understand, are some sixtr davs ahead with their work on the same road, and will have to reduce their force this week. On Wednesday evening of last week the Disciples of Berlin were organized into a church. Vp to this time they held their membership in Somerset. Elder Vogel, of this place preached the sermon from Acts 2:4i The officers elected are for Elders, Abratu Musser and Xeal S. McCallurn ; for Ieacons, D. A. Brubaker, Samuel Shaffer and John Faust. There was quite a large representation from this place. Tbe Irishman we referred to in last week's issue as having been badly burned when his fellow-workman was killed by tbe prema ture explosion ot a blast on Shields Dor win's contract east of town the previous Saturday, was much more seriously injured than was at first supposed. As well as be ing badly burned, his rigut arm was broken at the elbow. He grew rapidly worse until Thursday, when he died of blood-poison ing. Constitutional Amendment Temperance Meetings will be held by Rev. A. S. Baum- gardner. as follows : Wellersburg, Setem, ber 23, 7.30 p. m. ; Bit tner Church, Septem, ber 24b ; Mt. Olivet Church, September 20th ; Lafferty's, September 27th ; Fnion Church, Bedford county, September 2sih ; Schellsburg, September 29th ; Xew Paris, September 30th ; Fishertown. October 1st St. Clairsville, October 2d ; Pleasantville. October 3d. There will be a perfect horse-shoe curve on the new railroad, about a half a mile north east of the poor house. Though no as Jong and high above the ravine aa the famous one on the Pennsylvania railraod, it will rival it in beauty. The School Directors of this Borough will employ six teachers for tbe lower grade rooms. Applications will be received until Monday evening, September 32a. CerUn cates must be filed with the application. W. H. Tklklkt. Thanks to Dr. Sadler, of Pittsburgh, we are able to sit erect and write as well as those gifted with the beat sight. The near sighted we now know by actual experience, can now find a new world by tbe expendi ture of little time and money. Editor Mryertdale OtmmerdaL Fifty cents expended in a reliable disin fectant at this season of the year, may save a i&3 doctor bill. Carbolic acid, air slacked lime, chloride of lime, or a solution of cop eras in water, willpurify the most offensive locality. Xow is the time to try them, and prevent sickness and suffering. Steam Saw Mill res Sale. Twenty-five horse power ; mounted on wheels ; nearly new ; price low ; terms reasonable ; owned by Sballcross Oliver. Located on land of David E. Wagner, in Shade township, Somerset county, Fa., where it can be exam ined. For information apply to Comboth A Rrrrea, Somerset Ta Mr. Hiram C. White, of A. i. While Son, merchant tailors, Chambersburg, Pa., will be in Somerset on Thursday, September 18th. and for several days thereafter, with samples of their fall and winter suitings, overcoats, etc., etc., and shall be pleased to (ake the orders of his past patrons, and any new ones who may favor him. First-class work, reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. The potato bng has been supplanted by a new enemy, which, it is believed, causes uie blight which is affecting the crop in various parts of the country. A green worm about an inch in length eats its way into the cen tre of the vine at the root, and ascends to ward the top until the vines wither and die. If those who notice the vines gradually dy ing will investigate they will probably find in most cases that the cause is the worm de scribed above. A sensible rule in church is this : " Hav ing entered a pew, move along. Do not block up the end of the pew as if you did not intend to have any one else enter it, or as if yon were holding it for special friends Do not rise to leave others in, but move along and leave tbe pew invitingly open, so that all comers will know they are welcome If a pew capable of holding six baa already five in it, don't file out in a formal proces sion to let one poor, scared woman go tortlie farther end. but move along and let her sit down at the end next to the aisle.' The recent warm weather has been cf great benefit to the corn crop and if tbe frost don't call to early there will be some good fields of corn. Ladies' ahd Chilcrens' Wiurs. I have now a full stock of this season's wraps for ladies and children, consisting of jackets, ulsters, new markets, Russian circulars and havelocka, in black and colors, of the latest patterns. Several hundred to select from, and at lower prices than ever before. Call and see them. . Mas. A. E. Urn. SirxsviLiE, Sept. 6, ISM. Over 100 Republicans and Democratic converts met in the school house Saturday evening. Perry Cmberger was chosen Pres ident ; Josiah Ankeny, O. W. Boyer, David A. Swank and Noah W Brendel, Vice Pres idents ; Joseph Rhoads, and Simon D. Bak er, Secretaries. Tbe meeting was addressed by S. U. Trent and F. J. Kooser, Esq's., and closed with an impressive little speech by 0. W. Boyer. The greatest enthusiasm pre vailed. A large club was afterwards organ ized, about fifty names being secured. The Farmers Brass Band furnished excellet mu sic for the occasion. The Blaine and Logan Club met in the school house this evening, Sept. 13, and elected Perry Umberger, President ; Joseph Friedline, Vice President; Will P. 8ipe, Sec retary: Josiah Ankeny, Treasurer. A marching club was then organized. David Ash was chosen Captain; Mesech Beam, 1st. Lieutenant ; Xoah W. Brendel, 2d Lieuten ant. There were about 25 new members en rolled. It was decided to purchase uniforms and torches. Sipesville and vicinity are ablaze with enthusiasm, and with Davy as Captain you bet we will make things lively in this neck 'o woods. Occasional. One of the most curious incidents in the history of African slavery in America is the life of Charles Stewart, a slave owned by the Johnsons, of Virginia, and afterwards by tbe Porters of Louisiana, both noted as the possessors of remarkable racing horses. He was born trainer and rider of horses, and during his lifetime has ridden the winning horse at manv of the great races down South. He could not write, and knew noth ng about figures, bnt' was nevertheless trusted bv his owners with the care and transportation of their stock, and the cus tody of bets and stakes, and he seems al wavs to have come out right. One of the ladies of tbe Porter family recently took down the story of Lis life as told by him self, and it will be given, in his own negro ialect, in the October Ifarper'i, with a por trait of the old hero of the turf. las sess Any ties I Notice. Strayed away from the I u, on Saturday, August 3u:h, Matt Jl ilker, a partly demented inmate. i formation in regard to his whereabouts ,u!d be sent to the undersigned. F. Lacst7, Steward. IVe Sa i.e. One portable saw mill, 1S rse power, one year in use. costing En be s !d for$l,4'i0 : also a portable saw I!, 2-Vh.irse power, two years in use. hav- cost will be sold for ,. Ad- P'-sm Am, Steck. Greensburg. Pa. Several team grist mills for sale in Indi- f a aiid Westmoreland counties Amos Steck, Greensburg, I'a. At the New York Citv Auction House p ti can oh'.ain Sloan's six-wheeled sew B.uhine castors. Wm. B. Shafek, Agent A action sale of umbrellas at the Xew rk Auction House on Tuesday evening jMourt. f rev ions to Rrtub!ican nolitical '..; ing. Wm. B. Shafer, Agent. N'xks of store goods in Irwin, Latrobe, i-eiiburg, Indiana, Vciontown, and other points. Address A mo Steck, Greensburg, Pa. Ano . Steck, Greensbuns. Pa District JMid Agent Northern Pacific Railroad, will h i d.jij,tive pamphlets, circulars and fides to all Mrsing bim. who wish to fto Minnesota. Dakota. Montana, Wash--:t or Oregon. At an early hour last Thursday morning before davbreak, the large barn, with all of its contents, on the farm of Mr. Amos Walk er in Brothersvalley township, was entirely destroved bv fire. Among tbe contents were 300 bushels of oats, a large quantity of wheat, hay and straw, and all his farming implements. A valuable brood mare and colt were also burned. The loss is over three thousand dollars, which is partly cov ered by insurance. 1 his farm adjoins that of Mr. Joseph Walker, whose barn a de yed in the same way just one year The jurors appointed by the Court damages caused to the several prope in this county by reason of the running of tbe South Pennsylvania Railroad through them, met last week and made the follow ing awards : Tbe damages to the Poor House property were assessed at $70), and to that of J. M. Fike, in Somerset township, at $.2,4uO; Margaret Say ler, in Jefferson Twp.. was allowed 1$1. and the jurors concluded that the property of the Boyers, in Alle gheny township, was rather benefited than otherwise by the road, so refused to allow any damages. An amicableadjustment was bad in the other case for which a jury was appointed, that of Mary Weber, of Allegheny township. Advertised Letters. The following let ters remaining in the postoffice at Somerset, Pa., will be sent to the Dead letter Office if not called for before October 1, 18M : Andrews, J. K. ; Allison, Mrs. Rosy B. ; Bales, Frank ; Bergen, James ; Bennett, El mer 8. ; Crowley. Michael. 2 ; Crist, Michael (Foreign), Douglass, Stephen; Daily. Jo seph ; Dosison, John ; Evans, John ; Fitz benry, James , Flynn, Miss Maggie ; Fagon, John ; Field, Wm. ; Feeney, Andrew ; Gaskill. Mrs. Rebecca ; Gillian, Henry ; Heinon, Patrick; Jackson, Charles; Jack son, Sam, 2; Jacobs, Milton H.; Kemp, Eg. ; Kearns, James ; Lynch, Miss Isabella, 2 ; Mudd, Wra. E. ; McGeary, Mrs. H. 8. ; O Harm Sohn, 2 ; Wilson. Charles ; Y eager, Mrs. Mary; Young, Calvin, 2. Postals Caton, Solomon ; Coal, Oseola , Fail, L. ; Shaulis, Daniel ; Shaffer. Henry ; Smith Jerry ; Thomas, Joseph. A. C Davts, P. M. That a small dog is the best guard burglars was illustrated about two o'clock this, Tuesday, morning when Messrs. Farfc er Parker, tbe Main Street merchants, were awakened by the savage barking of the small rat-terrier they keep in their store After pacifying tbe dog and listening for few minutes the would-be-burglars were beard quietly working at the lock of the door in the rear of the building ; inquiring who, was there and receiving no reply a shot was fired through the upper part of the door which caused the intruders to scramble off the porch.- From an upper window two nien could be seen crouching against the wall beneath. Another shot was fired over their beads when they took to their heels. Hello, Fisk.old fellow ! See you are back from tbe west again: thought you had boagbt a few thousand acres of land orrt there, and was worth a couple of million by this time." Well, Mikt, the speculation mania seiz ed me, and the tumble in wheat cleaned me ut. Indeed, as you see, anew suit, and was just on my way to get one from onr old friend J. B. I hear be is still selling clothing." l ou bet, Fisk, and you should see tbe piles upon piles of new clothing they have just received ; and cheap! well, you know we used to blame Snyder for stealing hia clothing, to sell them at tbe prices they did ; but at the priors they are selling at now, they must get the freight for nothing, also." " Wei, Fisk. i will go along ; my wife and Sarah each want a new coat, and you know whatever J. B. Snyder Co. keep for sale, is cheap. Tben they are all new, as y never kept ladies' coats before this sea son, come along ; it seems natural lor you and m to go to J. B-'s again. Bakkrsvizxe Items. Theodore Bruner last weak sold his farm to John Tphouse for $3,9s5. Mr. Bruner intends going west in the spring. People are daily going to the tonnel. The work is being rapidly pushed there, and the mills are running day and night on account of the scarcity of water, trying to keep the tunnel hands in flour. A birthday party was given by Miss Bina Morrison one evening last wek, which was attended by a large r umber of the yonng folks of this neighborhood. Miss Bina was tbe recipient of .numerous handsome pres ents. A birthday surprise was given to Mrs. Ma son on the 11th of September, it being her 65th birthday. Some time ago some of her children concluded to give ber a surprise on ber birthday, so letters were sent to her sons, daughters, and other relatives to be present at her house on her birthday, each family bringing a basket The morning was fair. and early the friends began to gather in and by 11 o'clock quite a crowd had assem bled. Each one had a few words to say to mother'while some busied themselves carry ing the baskets into tbe kitchen. Tben one of the friends called Mrs. Mason into th hall, and told her that part of them were go ing down to the farm for dinner. She re plied, ' Xot one of you are going away; can get dinner for you all," and started for the kitchen to get her two fishes and five barley loaves, when lo! she found them changed into baskets full of roasted chick ens and mutton, sweet cakes, pies and the best that each family could produce. Alter all had partaken of a sumptuous dinner she was presented with a number of pieces of silverware, glassware, and numerous other presents. gan Club of Middlecreek Township, one of the largest and most euthu siastic meetings and pole-raisings was held at Put man's bridge on Saturday afternoon, the 6th inst Betwe-m 1 and 3 o'clock p. m. a har.asome pole over one hundred feet in beig ht was raised, learing a streamer with the n ames of Blaine and Logan ; immediately th ereafter the Xatinal colors were flung to the breeze, amid tbe hnzzaa of tbe people and th e music of the Cornet Band, playing " Blaines Grand March." By direction of, Mr. A. "Weimer, a procession was formed io front cf J. C. Miller's store, aud headed by tht s band marched under the flag and throu( ;h the bridge, which was decorated with an ies of evergreens at either end, and surmoun ted by good pictures of Blaine and Logan, to tbe beautiful grove ou the north side of .aurel Hill creek. Here a large ataud had beed erected, and waa gay with bunting and flor al decorations, me meeting was then or ganized by the selection of the followin, of ficers President, Josiah Pile ; Vice Preside nts, Haniel Bowman, John Infield, Peter Whip key, Jesse Moore. Jacob Crossin, John kro ner. William Flick, Secretaries, C. B. Moore, LeKoy Scott, David Henry, A. G. Will. 'The meeting was addressed by F. J. Kooa- er and S. TJ. Trent, Esqs., and CoL H. B. Barnes, in the order named. The speech were felicitous and happy in expression and created marked enthusiasm. The divisions and discords of years agone had subsided, and all the sons of Old Mother Somerset stood shoulder to shoulder to give her a successful deliverance under the lead of the Plumed Knigbt. The ample preparations for the entertain ment of the people, the music by tbe Xew Lexington Cornet Band, the cheerful hos pitality of the Messrs. Putman, Moore, Mil ler and others, with the delightful weather, all agreed in making the occasion one of Lasting and grateful memory. Committee. MARRIED. MILLER BRYAX. On Saturday, Au gust SO, ISSt, at the residence of the officiat ing minister, by Rev. C. C. B. Duncan, Mr. Shirle Miller to Miss Estella Bryan, both of this place. REAM STOFFER. On June 5, 1SS4, at the resilience of Elder Hiram Musselman Mr. Jeremiah Ream to Miss Rebecca J Stoufer, both of this county. KLIXE BAKER, At the Lutheran par sonage in Somerset, Pa., on August 31, 1884, by Rev. J. F. Shearer, Mr, Gabriel Kline to Miss Lydia Baker, both of Somerset Co., 1 jr rmiTATK bale. Valuable Real Estate i Allegheny Township. TIE oodenleraed offers at private uie his Keal Efta'n, iltoau la Allegheny Towuhip, Somerset County, Pa., eonauiiog C Uie tut km Inn described traeu : No. L Th homestead farm, emulating of om hundred asd levant acres, well impruml, wita a barn and boom, nsw. The land u ia t food state of cultivation. Ho. X A tract of seventy-two acne, ad joints a; No. 1. Th Improvement coosiM of a good bonis and bam. No. 3. A tract of oae hundred and twenty acres. Tbe lmiroremenia are a good Log House, and other buildings. Tbe Hediord and Somerset Turnpike runs through the laat two named tracu, Nos. and 3. They have also sufficient timber to supply the lanua. Ne. 4. A tract ef one hundred and fortv-eiKht acres, with a amall house and stable thereon erected ; live acres cleared, the balauc well tim bered. No. . A tract of one hundred acres, known as the "White Hon Tavern Stand." with all the cleared land aa l the Improvements thereunto be- umgina;. 1- our of the above tracts are situated within one mile ot the South Pennsylvania Kallroa,!. now under construction, and tbe "While Horse" property, within two miles. Poeneulon will b given April 1, 1835, or sooner, tf desired. For further nartlcuiars. nersona deslrinar to Bar- chaw will call n or address the undersigned at iiTiuinv muge, i a. uia.m. saai'u, wiL&ta THE EQUITABLE He Isnce Ccupy of fig DuM States. Hen ry B. Hyde, Pres't. 120 BROADWAY. N. Y. 81 CHEAPISDE. LONDON ASSETS - -SURPLUS - -INCOSSE - Xew Assurance $53,030,581 12,109,756 13,470,571 written in C OSHIMSIOSEBS' SALE -OF Unseated Lands IX SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. At tae ew " ork rifr Auction Iloue on Tbecaiuwiien in this count v U1 beopen- nn .o re-t, opp.itCook & Keerita's, I ed by tbe F.epubli-ans next Tuesday even- are oij at Lalf prw-e. 1 ing when a . B. Siurca, Ajrent. New Fall Goods of all kinJs now coming and .rioes are lower than last year, n Ucall tbe newet styles of Press Goods. Krtign and Domestic, Flannels, Canton in ''. Jeans. CasimeM Tal.U 1 , , ...ubu.v, . . . v mil ' :eUiem. Ma. A. F Cm. 1'ateut carpet eahibiter at the Xew York y Auction House, rail and see a con- f aou. flow, beautifully covered with car lo mit the bnmblest cottage or the nlet tU?e. Cartets cni t fit t!, 10 b:i,! nn if4;4 B. Snarita, AavnL mass meeting will be keld in tbe Court House. A number of Blaine and Ixigan clubs, in different parts of tbe coun ty, bave resolved to attend tbe meeting in a body and the probabilities are that it will be one of the most largely attended political gatherings ever held in the county. Among other distinguished gentlemen who will be present and address tbe meeting will be Col. W. A. Ftone, of Pittsburg, whom many of our readers will remember as the eloquent 1 gentleman who with General Beaver ad- dressed an immense Republican meeting ia ; tbe Court Boose just two years ago. Now, j as tben, Col. Stone is one of tbe atauncbest i Republicans and mart able and popular t stnmn sriMkera in th Ritj mi all s m ' -e Democrats are talking about carrying ! possibly can should" be present and bear o. Four Tears ai-n tX t j o . making arrangements for special excursion rates on tbe railroads for, the night of the meeting. M more than Uiirty-f-w thousand major- is a rather la -re firare a work Iiat. The October Uorptr't will contain as a frontispiece a charming picture by Mr. Ab bey of "Judith Shakespeare," tbe heroine of Wm. Black's story, which nears ita close, and will bave more of the delightful en graving from tbe pencils of IMelmaa and Gibson, illustrating E. P. Roe's "Nature's Serial Story," part eleven. Both Mr. Bougbton and Mr. Abbey illustrate tbe in stalment of the former's clever "Artist Strolls in Holland," which will appear in that number. Horace E. Scudder will lake tbe reader to Copenhagen, " Tbe Home of Hans Christian Andersen," and Knftm F. Zogbauru to "The Home of Tommy At kins," who is quite another kind of person). Tommy Atkins is the popular name for tbe British soldier.' and tbe home described is tbe great camp at Aldershot. . Both these papers will be fully illustrated, the latter by tbe writer himself. A Mexican metropolis, Monterey, will be described and illustrated in an article called The Gateway of the Sierra MaJre," by Frank B. Brown. Two historical papers, one on Kings College (now Columbia). Xew York, by John MacMullen and tbe second by Rev. Treadwell Walden, on Westminster Hail ; and two biographic al one a reminiscence of Mr. Itenrin, with , a portrait of him in middle age, the other the remarkable story of a slave horse-Jockey Charles Steward, told by himself and edited by a Southern lady, will be features of the number. One of the auiscellaneoos paprea on " Municipal Finance," by W. M. Ivins, private secretary to Mayor Grace, of Xew York, will attract much attention, and there will be tbe usual variety of stories, poems, asd departments. BaOTREBrVALLET ITEMS. Fall seeding is finished, and Ui acreage put out is about the same as last year's crop. Whooping cough is general in this town ship, and you bet tbe children are whooping er op. The happiest man in the county at pres ent is onr stalwart friend, A. u. Kimmell They are not only big, but there is a boy and a girl. It is extremely dry, and the pasture is drying up. I'nless there be plenty of rain this week, the fanners will be compelled to feed their stock. The apple crop will fall far below the av erage. However, onr iriena l'avie has already been running bis cider mill for more than a week. The bay crop having been a little short and the weather so favorable last week quite a crop of aftermath was gathered in splendid condition. The warmest weather for the season through this section, was tbe first week in September, the thermometer ranging from 80 to 90 every day. Peter Suder, the only extensive cattle dealer in this section, started for tbe East last Wednesday with a drove of over one hundred bead of extra fine cattle. Heavy frosts in this section on Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. The old say ing is, three frosts and tben rain. We have had tbe three frosts ; hope the rain will fol low soon. B. F. Rayman, an ex-school teacher and a Stalwart Republican, and by tbe way a good potato grower, raised from one hill 130 potatoes, quite a number of which were good sized ones. Rev. H. R. Holsinger. from Ashland, O. preached in the Brethren Church at Berlin Friday eyening, to a full bouse. Tbe rev erend gentleman has many warm friends in Berlin and vicinity. Our friend and neighbor, Wm. Rhoads. is confined to his bed with white swelling on his foot. He is entirely helpless, and suffers extreme pain. Mrs. Rhoads has also been confined to her room for some time from ill health. The Blaine and Logan meeting was not as well attended last Friday evening as was desired, oi account of a free lecture in the public square by a straoger. ' But when tbe vote is counted out in November you will see an increased majority on all former elec tions. Last Friday our efficient constable. Silas Knepper, while assisting Albert Sibert in loading a car with lumber, was accidentally pushed from the car and falling on a crots tie, broke bis shoulder. Mr. Knepper is suffering extreme pain, and has oar sincere sympathy in bis affliction. A few of tbe Berlin Independent Repub licans, wbo have been clamoring for Blaine for tbe past ten years, are going to vote for St. John. Tbey know St. John don't stand a shadow of chance of election, but they say they want to show the Prohibition strength in that way. Gentlemen, this is a grand mistake. Tbe rote cast for St. John in November won't show the Prohibition strength a particle more than the black of the finger nail will show tbe strength of a man. It is nothing more nor lea than riv ing the Democratic ticket a half-way sup port. Xow A5B Thtc. a hi For sausage cutters and staffers, butcher knives, butcber saws, steels, eten go to Jas. B. Hoklerbaum's. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF Personal Property AND REAL ESTATE ! 'There will he efposed to sale ry public outcry A at tee late notue oi jonn r. lover deceased. In urotnenvauey rowncmp.on THURSDA F, OCTOBER 1C, 1SS4, all the personal aropertj of the said deceased, eD8lUrjir In part ol hones, eowi, S lat hues. 3 wagons, z bngglea, 1 naowir.it machine, bom rake, and other larmlng Implements : 1 sleigh, 3 led, It print wagon, 2 net Kugiry narners, I sad dles. eoDitei end Iron kettles. 870 sugar keelers. ooal and cook Ing stoves, 4 clocks. I over 100 jears old, beds, bedding, carpets, and a large lot ol otn-r household lurniture. ALSO At the same time and place, tbe Home Farm, containing lbs acres, having thereon erected a to-stor? Frame Hoaxe, good Bank Barn, and other usual Farm Buildings. It contains a large Sugar t'arop, and Is well supplied with water. This (arm is in a liign state of cultivation, and is one of the most beaulliul and desirable (arms in the Oouir jr. lying directly Northwest ot Berlin, and ad)olnlng the town. Tbe cemetery oa the farm will be reserved. Sale to commence al Se'lock A. sr., whem terms will be made known. W. A. Powkll. PETER J. COVER, scpl7-3L Anctioner. Executor. E XECUT0KS SALE OF ValnaDle Heal s late There will be sold at public eatery. Ia the Bor- ouga oi stoyenuwn, at xo clues r. on SA TURD A I, OCTOBER 11, 1SS1 The farm late of John O. Stahl. deceased, situ ate In Uuemaboning Township, about miles North ef Store'town, and 2 miles from Moorers. vllle, adjoining lands of John Bowman, Eman uel Lour, George Metxger. and others, containing Macn-s. T he improvements are Two-story iaog DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn. Good Orchard and Suzar CamD. It is well watered. In a good state of cultivation, and anaeruua wiin uoai ana limestone. TERMS. Ten oer cent, when the nrorjertv is sold, and the balance ot one-third when the sale b confirmed and deer made ; one-third to remain a lien on the land as widow's dower, tbe Interest of which Is to oe pau annually : tbe balance In four equal an nual payments, to be secured by judgment N A 1 HA aeplT. The Commissioners ot Somerset County hereby give notice that they will sell at public uie la the Court Huuse in Ckirueraet Borough, en WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1884, the following enumerated tracts of Unseated Iiands, which have been Durchased from tbe Treasurers of said County, ana remained unre- neenieu tor nve years anl upward, aa-reeaniy to me aci oi Assembly oi Mar- n 13, isio, ue. me Supplamental Act thereto of March, 1!M : ADDISOS T0WXSHIF. Samrt. Acrrt Ceil Ic Tens. Marcus Church : ou bl 60 Thomas Lory Jr. 47 34 ALLEGHESY TOWSSU1P. Co (troth It Schell 1M 60 04 BROTHERSVALLEY TOUXSUIP. 1883, $81,129,756. Paid to policy holders during the last 21 years, $73,877,691). The Society has written, during the past twen ty year, aa aggregate amount cf new assurance larger than has been written by any ether com pany ia tbe world. The surplus fund ef the Scociety, on a four per cent valuation, Is larger than that of ony ether life Insurance company in the world. Tag EquiTABLS Lira Asscbakcb Sucirrris. snesa plain and simple eontract of assurance, free from burdensome and technical conditions, and INDISPUTABLE after three years. All poll ctes, as soon as they become Indisputable, are payable IMMEDIATELY upon satisfactory proofs of death, and a legal release, without the delay usual with other companies. By this PBonrr faymest, the beneficiary or aa Equita ble policy is not only saved from annoying delays and expenses, bat receives pecuniary teller a quickly as If the amount or the assurance had been invested la a bond of tbe Government of the United States. W. Frank Gaul, Special Assent for Somerset Co. IT WILL PAY YOU TO IUJY Y'OUU DRY GOODS John F Young. too ELKLICK TOWSSHJP. Thomas Corey i 475 J W Band io 1 lot James Caden 1 lot Patrick Countryman 1 lot S Utile 2 lots John Klngler 1 lot John S wanner. 2 Iota Uriah Wagner- 1 lot Erank )thu 1 lot Patrick Courtney 1 lot ' Thomas Moore. iuu' Alartin Meyers, in trust S M Same Same ' x JESXE& TOWSSHIP. John MUhler.... 400 LARIMER T0HSSH1P. Bowman A Berkley 19 Meyer A Brlnham SCO Barney O'Neal 1 lot 43 17 IS 07 J V 4 ee 11 ) 9 M 11 34 Tt 9 Tt 9 72 30 00 11 0O 10 00 40 74 IS H4 32 70 11 20 LOWER Tl'RKEYFOOT TOWSSHIP. 'JX THE PUBLIC We are again offering our celebrated Star Copper Rod, Tbe Only Protection against Lightning. Those who desire having their BUILDINGS PROTECTED, Should call on or aiMrrss us. We GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, OR NO PAY. RHOADS BROS. SOMEBsrr. July IB, !. tf. AND MILLINEEY AT GEIS, FOSTER & GOODS QUINN'S, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Their Stock is Large, giving- you a wide range to select from, and their prices, are the Lowest. GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN, 113 and 115 Clinton Street, I0HNST0WN, PENN'A. T.R. MARSalAIX,. MAIN OFFICE AND YARD AT M&om and Healers,! William Bell John It KolJy Same JaoobGPrtilllppi.... Syirester Hurraiic S W Bou-h.-r......... Oeorge Oftm heirs... . 412 . 7 . 140 . Iwd . 9 , Hot .Hot 0 28 14 : .i 3D 12 XI 14 11 47 9 M 9 7o MEYERSUALE VOROCCH. Oeoree Brubaker 1 lot K A brail 2 lots w illiam Ferrins. .- 2 lots John Urine 1 lot James Harden 1 lot John Helner 1 lot Henr' Johnson 2 lota I-evi Jonlan 2 lots Oeorge Lavman 2 lots I redenca naiucie 3 lou John Kyan 1 lot Joseph Saddler 1 lot I harles Tunnan 1 lot 1'red'K Wiser or Wita.... 1 lot KU Walker 1 lot John cudu 2 lots w m Boose 1 lot Normun Miller. 1 lot Joseph Filtiert 1 lot XORTIIAMPTOX TOWSSU1P. John Neff Same Horfman Wll.. 21 Acres 20 1 Lot PAIST TOWSSHIP. Jacob Bonnet 43!! Acres SOMERSET UOROLCJI. Charles Rot h U Lot sr.n.Hr TowssHtp. S Fisher. , Fern Francis Williams U W. 1 Lot lLot XLo's SJi.tSBI.Jir BOROUGH. John Smith.... Jacob Keller... 2 Lots 1 Lot 10 S3 10 us 23 M 14 SO I ', 20 11 20 13 It 18 4i 15 01 2ft Kt 14 75 10 93 II 34 12 6 17 55 10 01 15 Hi 12 12 14 20 9 14 22 12 OS 11 IS 13 73 11 82 11 OS 12 SO 14 M 19 26 Butter icc's Patterns ! I Now Have in Stock a Full Line of Butterick's dit-Pnnpr Pntrnrn OF THIS FALLS STlfLES, FOR Ladle, H and Children. . Mrs. A. IC. Uhl. aaUlfaW-tl J7XECUT0RS NOTICE. LTtite of Jacob May, deo'd late of I'pper Turkey, loot township, Somerset county. Fa. Letters testamentary on the above estate bavins; been granted to the undersigned by the proper authority, notice Is herer-y given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those bavins clalmsagalnst the same win presentment duly authenticated lor settle, ment on Saturday, the 20th day of September, i, at aij umro in AviDirwovi. JaCOB QERHARr, amis. Executors. W WEAK LAND Branch Ofttoa and Ysnl AT JOHNSTOWN, PENN1 mi vmu, : SomerMt p. Ker 2 Main street.: Wholesalers and Retall8rtJop.a3:4c.R.aR.sTATjoN.a Lumbc -AND ' 1IATS2IALS, Hard anfl Soft Wocfls. POPLAR. slbl.sns, Pli kET. WALSVT, VI.CORtSG. SiSH, t Ll.LOW PISE, SHIMiLLS, HOOKS. k Hm: pur i i r inw, A ueneral Line of all irrad. f ijimi., ..i nii.ii, . . -1 . . . .. . . , iii',!; ',17','? aay'h'nif 'a tfc " ol onr l usiuess to or !er with reamabie promptness, such as Bracket. Udd.slsed work, Ac. elivs cun :x IJN" OIIVM , Manager, Somerset Branch. Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. OAK, ASH. VIIERRY. CHESTSVT, Moitotsns. STAIR RAILS, BALI STL US. 'U POSTS IIEMFF'S SALE. VPPER Tl'RKEYFOOT TOWSSHIP. R. H PATTKi Executor! ot John ti. Stahl, dee'd. SLA HL. TKKSOJT, STEAM ENGINES A livuHiui cixidcp ana marninerv a Nrwnx it. Second-hand Engine and Boilers on hand. Send mayl4-eow. Allegheny City, Fa. Sawing Made Easy. koxascb UGHXHnro sawcto xacbxsb sent or ao DATS1 TEST TRIAL ft A 1 JHl I iJusna " awe . wood Yards, fannrrs retttafroat For loinrtnr emxmm. wool, and mil eavteof k-rt A buy ot 14 can saw kxr ftM and umerue macrxng of taaw and niry. wnt iUj ILusnrauai eatauoufue In 4 bnliiaint onion. MM a--. Immeruv asrtci for f ri1 mlwo brLiiaxitiT tUuiniaated poetrr tn 4 eoaura. AO ArTi! WAXatMl. PQ mrw t rV ntrtVy. D5A&CH 170 00., iaV J06 fttate fit) Chuacot VL juijo ftB-aow. FOR PRESIDENT, BLAIXE OK CLEVE LAND! Fwr a Pertaatrent Pa finnr Pnitfin aa man, Koch ester, Ji. Y. leU-lm 1 A full stock of new Fall Goods in all line now id store. IUblA. ETau Infants and Children TThat ftrea oar Children nw cheek, Vhat cures their levers, make them Vm, Ctorl.v. VTh-a Bahie. fn-t, ark! err hv turn. What cun their cxmms, kills their vmto CtoH. hat roJck!T core Constipation, Sour Stomach, Colda, laditreation : Cmtorlm. rareweTl then tn Morphine F Traps, Caatoc OU said Paregoric, and HailCaotoria. "CasrUrl It to well adapted tn Cbadrca that I rceoamead it aa superior to any i edi ct ae knowm to aa.n H. A. Aacaxa, M.Dj, 1U E. Oxford St-. Brooklyn. 5. T. tn Cxsraca Coscpairr. 13 Futtoa St, 5.T. Oeoree Dark Uarrah A Miller.. . 4.1S Acre . 20 IRS1SA BOROUGH. Smeailley Joseph A Son.. Oeisler Sebastian no. 141 lLot 1 Lot 13 12 IS TS 64 VI 94 Sals to commence at 2 o'clock p. v., and to con tinue troru day to day until all the lands are dis posed ol. ADAM 8. SHAFFEB, JWSEPH HORNER, Attest: H. W. BRUBAKER, D. J. Horsier, Clerk. Commissioners anyfl)4t. Q 0URT PROCLAMATION. HERKAS. the Honorable William J. Bacr, President J udge ol tbe several Courts of Common Pleas of the several counties eomoosina" tbe 16th Judicial district, and Janice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, lor the trial of all capital and other orlenders In tne said District, and w at. Colli : and Sirx Sxtdks. Esqnlres. Judires of the Courts qf Common Pleas and Justices oi the Courts ol Oyer and Terminer and Oeneral Jail Delivery lor tne trial oi an capi tal and other orlenders in the county of Somerset, have Issued th lr precepts and me directed; for noldlno; a court ol uommoa rteas ai,i uenerai Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery, and Courts of Oyer and Terminer, at somerset, on Hcnriar, pt. 22, ISfta. - Noticr Is herebv riven to ill the Justices of the Peace, tbe Coroner and Constables within the said County ol Somerset, that they be then and there In their proper persons with tbelr rolls, rec ords. Inquisitions, examinations and otherremem brances. todo those thins.- which to their offices and in that behair appertain to be dose ; and also t hev who will prosecute against the prisoners t hat are or shall be In the jail ol Somerset county, to be then and there to prosecute against them as snail bejurt. Shesipt's OmcR, i Sheriff. . Auc. 29. 1884. ' By virtue of certain wrltiofFI. Fa., Al. Plu. FL Fa., Poet Vend Ex.. and Lev. Fa., te sued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Somer set County, Pa , and to me dirccred. there will be exposed to public sale at the Court; House, In I ooznersei, ra., FRI DA Y, SEPTEMBER 19, 1831, atn o'clock r. a. all the liaht. title. Interest and claim ot the defendant, tremor Williams, of. In I ana to tne roiiowtnir real estate, vis : a certain lot oi ground iituaio In Meyendale I Borough, Someeeet County Pa., known on the I plan of Meyers Addition to said Borough as lot I no. K, Deiug so leet wide by lit) feet deep, bound ed by alley on tne North, lot So. 8T on the East, Second avenue on the South, and Cherry street on the west, with a one and a half story Frame Liweiiing Mouse, and other outbuildings thereon erected, with tne appurtenances. Taken in execution at tbe suit ot 3. O. Meyers, auiuiDiuaior oi reter ateyers, aee u. A LSI I All the right, title. Interest and claim of the de. fendant Jonathan Poorbaugh, of. In and to the following real estate, situate In Upper Turkeytoot Township, Somerset ounty. Pa., containing l'J6 i,dui,i,w ,ws wij,nujiix utwis oi AIDS, Daniel Dumheuld,' Isaac .Uetiler arfi others, with a log bouse and Irame barn thereon erected, with tne appurtenants. Taken in execution at the suit of Hestimore Cremer, use of John S. Cremer, use ot Adallne uremer. ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim of the de- lenuant, w . a. ivuniman. or. in and to tbe follow ing real estate, vis : One-hall interest in a certain tract of land situate in t'pner Turkeyfoot Town ship, Somerset county. Pa., adjoining Inula of lonn sroocneron tne Lns, South, Joht. F. Kreger on tbe West, and D. Rhoads on the North containing fia acres and W perches s'.rtc-t measure, with a one and a hall story frame dwelling boue log barn and other outbuildings thereon erected. who ine appurtenances Taken In execution at the suit of A. W. Walter e of Josiah McClintor-k and Lydia il. Hamed. uec a. BOYTS, PORTER & CO., Brass and Iron Founders, Machinists, and Manufactu rers ot Miners' Supplies, WATER ST., OPPOSITE B. Jr O. DEPOT, COSSEU.ZYH.l.E, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF THE YOUCH STEAM PUMP. (Eterv Pump fully WARRANT For Coal Mines, Furnaces, Railroads, and Boiler Feeders. Turn-Table Dump Cars. Hoisting Crabs Stone Picks, stone Wedges, LARRIIS, PIT CARS, COKE SCRAPERS, COKE BARROWS. COKE OVEN FRAMES, R. R. FROfJS, BRIDGE BOLTS, SWITCH STANDS, MILL GEARING. PULLEYS, AND SHAFTING. Heavy Castinpi and Forantrs ;Shert-Iron Work : repaired at short notice. Machinery of all kinds built ami may7-lyr. Tbe handsomest line of dre s goods rrer ' ahown in Somerset county, at the lowest prices, at Mrs. A. E. Vhl'a. j atesJarto cm for Sprains, PtUa ia ihm Bssck. Boarna, GaTla, Aaiaw Psiat valierpsBT. For a good bogRy whip KO to James nolderbaorn. B" REGISTER'S NOTICE. rnuriDMlTmN DAY SEP.'3STH .1 V .wl I -.1. II L. , I as legatees, erelliors. or etberwlse. that the fol- ".aunman. weiauvnic X3 aeres an-l 44 lowing aeenonts hre passed retister, al that ih um will benresented lor eonflrmatian and allowance at an Orphans' Court to be held at Som erset Septemncr 22, li4: 1. rint ana nnai aceoant i'i k. naa. n. unu, Aiministrator of Alexander Fnedline, dee d. 2. First and final aeeunnt of Itavld B. Ash and LeTan Ash, Administrators of Anthony Ash, dee. 3 First ami nnal arnnnt ot u. J. rotts and Charlotte Bowers, iieeutors of Jeptha rocta. deeeased. A First and final aeraant of unonn stem, AO- mlnistraturof Alexandn Stem, dee'd. s Thinl aoeoonl of William O. Sehrwk and John S. Meyers, two of the Executors of Jacob J. Meyers, deed. L First and final aeeotmt or James imr)ert, Ailitiininrauir of Sarah Homer, dee'd. T. Firat and final account of Uimma Hnrner. I Administrator of Jacob J. Homer, dee'd. i A First ami anal acroant ntamoel Snyder. Ad ministrator of MasMalena Gool dee'd. s. Fim and final account of Jacob U. rowell. Administrator of Kofns Feterman, d-'d. In. First and final acroant of J. BL (lltnarer and Wra. B. Cook, Administrators of Aagastas Iia, deed. 11. Third acroant of Joan M. fHlnrer, Trustee for tbe sale of the real estate of Feter Meyers, deed. li Ancncnt of H. C. Beerita, trturdlan ot .Hin- nle E. Heffley. 18. Account of Henry Ranch, Administrator of Mary Walter, deed. 14. First and final account of Abraham Lrahart and Ladwiek Lenhart, Admtnlstraton of Jacob Lenhsrt. dee d. 1. First and final acenont of Henry H. Stern, Administrator" Mary Ana Hetier. dee'd. 14 Firn and tnal aecnant of John H Chi. T rastee for the sale of the real estate ofSotosnea Knee, dee'd. 17. lrst and final acconnt of I A. Kretehnrad Cornelias BnrkhoMer and Christian Hare, Ad ministrators of Noah Bnrkbolder. dee'd. Kecorder's Ufliee, I A. A. 8TUTZM AW. Anj. 37, IsM. i Keflster. Adminttrators of Wm. Hamed, i ALSO. An the rla-ht. title. Interest and elaim of the de fendant. Lewis eraser, of in and to the bilowina- real estate, rU : A certain lot of tronnd situate In Jennertown I Bor- nan Somerset Conntr. Pa ailminlnir lania I oi jaeoo rnenitne on me cvast. Ureenshurz and Beuiora nae oa the South. lands ol A. H. Kama on the West, and lands of A. Biewker on tbe I Mortn, wita a two-story frame dwellinir hooe. iuier nHi. anu suote tnereon ereeteil. with the aj-tparicnances. laaen Inexerntion at the snlt of Isaac Hertmr aui nrraey, dumiajirator! oi joee(n Ber- ALSO AH the rizht. title, interest and rl.im ofthe dr. fewlants, lMTid Ml-hler awl Joseph M .shirr, ol in man ru me KniowmK real enaie. situate In a. emaaa-h town-hip. S,,merrt Omnty. Fa.. a.lj.,in- iim wtijyrwa. lanus m LnvMi .m ijnier. teorire a.nin, la. Kin. Jacon l. Kauanian. Jwnk T. . Aiinmu anl 'A3 acres and 44 perrhes. strict meaure. with Two bwrllinc Hi- es. Bank Barn. Blacksmith ami Watronmaker snop an.1 otrier ontuniMliupi thrreon erected, with the appurtenanres. Taken la exo-ntion at the rait of Stephen Stutc nan. ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim of the de fendant. Caroline Zimmerman, of, tn and to the following- real estate, six. . A certain lot of around situate in Mllford Townshln. Sownrt I'.mntr Fa, adioinrna; Sf-merret and Cambria Railsnad, kit now or late of Schell A Wilson.- lands of Julia Arm Lona; and others, eontainlnir 4 perche. str rt, with a one and one-halt story frame Irwelling House and other outbuilding therrt erecte,, with tbe appurtraaners. Taken in execution at the suit of Samuel J. Bowser. fcoTica. All persons purcbaslne; at the abore (ale will pleas uke notice that a part of tbe purchase money to be mad tnvwa at the time of sale WIU be required as soon as th property Is knocked down, otherwise It will be acain ex posed to sale at tn risk of the first purchaser. The residue of the parrhaae money mast be Datd oa or before Thursday of rbe first week of September Court, the time fixed by tbe Court tor the acknowu edsrmxtit of deeds, and no deed will be acknowledg ed until th purchase money Is paid in full. JVtlX J. AJVULEK. i 1TTSBURGH FEMALE HOLLEGE m PITTSBURGH G3K SER?ATGMY OF M'JSIS-133 full Music Lessens for!!?. -tinrt HrAooK .ir l.iltnl Arts. V'Xlc. a.lomtion. Ijnn,, rf r.ntral. Healthf'll ny tear'-rr.. Mclr-.t rirnrze TLlrtirtn -ar ..,-. t. Jri. f.ttm Butkloa; eaiiaiirain.M !1 wTDR. I. C. PERSHING, Pittsburgh, Pa. It WiU fay You To Buy Your Memorial Work Of e F. Staffer. iM, Ma Manufacturer of and Dealer In mw m eojiti in SCIENTISTS AS P2ACTICALLY 6y "ETTE8153 r- Vm i ' Oer50O lalJft Beautiful tLU !.& t smwB t. 1 .- , l if . i-4j i Send fr 1 1 Price List & Circular;. Sheriff. n. W. Cr. Pram A. aatal aixth PITTSBURGH, PA., Affords nnequaled facilities tor th tboroack, practical education of youna and SDlddl-aed mea. This Iostttation keeps abreast efthe timet and poesesse tbe unqualified support of upwards of JD.u0ofits graduates, who are creditably fill sos; positions of honor and Inst la almost erery city of the Amiieaa I'nlon. lndiiidaal iostrae tioa. KoTaeatkmA StadenU eaa ester at any ttm. AarSuecial departsnent for fuadie. For c:irralars address J, C. SMITH'S SO. ar5rad or Ikt Stional Arreaaiaaf, Priet 3 00, by I V. SMITH, A. M th latest, beat, and saoateomprebDSistreatisoa th Selene of Book-Keeping pubUsbod. Specially adapted to to aa of ScboolA Academies, Colletre and Pri rat Learners : also a work of reisranee for the Coontlnc iioera. aepS. Galary 1 Expenses PAI O reliable and eaergeUe men to sell Trees. Vines. Shratie. Kc pes. etc.. grows la the Hoker Sarseriea. Established 1CS6 Bend for Terms. H. B. BOtKIfi COM PAST, seple-Zm. sx )!, J T. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To tke CtOttton Statt mn4 C'ewaf Taxes of Samrrtrl County, Pm. .Your atteatloa is call td to the Fony-nioth Section of th Act of As sembly Approved 1Mb of April. 1WI, which resls as lollows : "Erery Collector shall, within three months after rtrelTiar ta. corrected diipliral. pay into the hands ot th Treasurer of the proper Coua "tyorTown.hip, as tbe ease, may be, tbe whole "amount of th tax s ebarred and assessed ia "torh duplicate, exivptinc such rum as the Com. mlsskmera. or Superrirors and Orel see is. as the "ease may be. In tsjetrdiacretia may exonerate hlm from, en pain of twins; answerable tor and ehanred with the whole baiaac a remaining "unpaid. Fromtk arore Section Collectors win notice that, a nleea they pay an promptly, they run the risk ef losins; both exonerations and their commis sions. We mast bare money to meet tbe demands of Ut County. JOHJCH. WETMER. SepJ. Coantr Treasarer. cakpaig:: goods, . aid ocTrrra oa Marching dabs. Furnished at Short Katie BV P G. BKIHElIAjr, 82 and 54 Sixth Street, PITTS BCEQH, PA. IK (iiaiAMiiiiisaiinr. AVCend tor Dltutrated Price list aaazO- X V w-TSrr- .t r-r MONUMENTAL BP0KZZ COr.'PAWY. JbillXiEPCir, cert" rrr Work ramisscd w VHorf So41rr. in mil i nlort. Alto Aatntor Ik WHITE BMOSZEf Perseus ia need of MOSKMEXT WORK win find it Ut their Interest to call at my shot, w her a prpershowine: will be riven tbeui. at-satif-faetiun I,armnlrr4 t Ewey Cr. nm PHI' a. ll-Hf LOW. I lnrit Special Attention to th Waltz Bnis, Cr Purs Lz KkissS! Ictro-locrd by EFT. W. A. OBIs. iss De et.lefl laipr T.men la point of MATtklAL ASD COSSTkll.TIOS. and which I dst!r.d Mb the Pp-tar Monument for oaChaaaeabl Cli mate, twitk ac a call. WM. F. SHAFFER. WILL H. WOOD. THE Jeweler, Ao. 2, liner ISIock, Somerset, IPenn'a. Watcta, SaiiiSJiTir ill m:i J ENGRAVING NEATLYCONE. Musm nsnnxEiiTs ura sheet xcsic REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO JiaoamLCTieX r PABTMHIP. The Copartnership heretofore eatetrsc between Vn. J. M. and J. A. Loatner. la the irrBf Business, was dlssorved by mutaal run wot ea Taetar. Asnet Tt, ia. Dr. J. A. Loutaer retinas;. The business will be eoadueted at th eld stand by lir. J. M. Loutner, t whom all indebted t th old firm will make payment. J. Lcrra B, angST. J. A. LUCTifXiL WORMS : 13 I-leT.l' tow. PrSr r A3 VrzM-