i- I s; 5 t 8-' I tbf i i: tow: ' It wf to." i c hi 1 1 the Dn !r jpU A you AC l' frit (all I Ufe vt 1 tie I I M 61 I 111 t. Somerset Herald. (iKO. R. StTLU . Mr. John F. Blvmvtr, nd wife, of Bed-1 "enl7 s- Bkey, ut Quen.ahoning town- !hP will offer at public tale at hit farm. .... . t 1 1 Lk 1 1) A T. .. - - - ' 1 . . TT L a liufT. lp time is near. jf nl inwnliKtit. h the harvest moon. lit thewerJs staiul. f jHiles are goinR tip. ivful of your health. of cal-bage Uiisytar. fing mul is uni-or"''" r- k-Is are rrjnt-a scarce. ie Tackle, at C. X. Bovd'a. I the iirt month of Autumn. Wlons are being boy-ciitted. f j.is-tiles still pollute the air. v are shrinkinfr at lw.h end.-. ! coo ls now viiini'b r The small boy that hasn't got a Blaine or' ( ''lerrland cap is in hard lnck. indeed. Mm. Bows B. Heid and family, of Dunbar, J'ayotte county, are visiting in Somerset. Mr. J. Vi'arren Scull, of Irwin, 'Westmore land comity, is visiting friends in Soruerset- J'rof. Daisy's dancing class wound uitbe summer session with a hop at the Somerset House, Tuesday night. Messrs. Cook t Beerits have a large force of men at work, excavating the cellar for tin ir new brick warehouse. 1 one mile northwest of Stoyestown, on Sat- Mrxs. A. E. I'm.. Jwyors are preparing their caes for L-bt overcoats will soon be in de- 'l i a. all c ha! d. fcimii. fc. .lumps and eveiun jfwlilip. jr.T btiy housewife bing business. ircar ha not been a success )e line tins year. e:ly for us4. Sold by fumation is not argument, by bc.gcy whip go to James B. s are having a is ever buy in Mr. W. K. A'anderbilt paswd through Somerset last Tuesday, on a special train over the Somerset 4 Cambria railroad. Mr. '.V. H. Wood, the Main Street jeweler, put a five thousand pound HaU"s fire and burglar proof safe into his store, last Satur day"! The Congressional candidate, with their conferees, have returned to Somerset, and taken tip their quarters at the Somerset House. John Zeigler. the young man who was so seriously injured while working on the new county bridge at Meyersdale, a few weeks ago. is slowly recovering. Me?rs. James L. Pugh and Fred W. Die secker will address a Blaine and Logan meeting to held at Berlin on Friday, September 12, ISM. A fuil turn out is ex pected. Jolmnowi: has a skating club, a recent organization which meets once a week in the skating ri ik in that city. It is compos ed of ladies and gentlemen, and is proving i.uitc a success. in the llahastine fr Walls and Ceilings. by . Jioyu. ne will not rub oil like white S'ry it. Sold by C. X. Boyd. Tr.mt, Salmon and Labrador Her- jh't be beat, at Keller A Sanner's. fc- fever subjects are now posing i a sea.son of misery. fcst stock of Cigars and Tobacco in the t to be found at Keller A Sanner's. jtill a unction f considerable doubt wouan can do best drive a hen or Sties. i:y of Cumberland was lighted by ty for the f;M time on Monday I last wck. ;liow the country lads and lasses are forward to corn shucking, and the jt the red ear. pi Ka-Ton-Ka ures all lisea-es of fri r. Kidneys, Stoinach and Blood. t all keep it. r always, and never a-k your lellow hat you would not do yourself if In his position. J.ing you mid in the notion line I buy 25 r rent, less at J. B. Snyder than anywhere eise in town. tc jut riveived a fresh lot of new fal1 ."'doiiiestic and fine dress poods and goods. MkA-LTk,. day is a little life, and our whole 'tut a day related. Therefore live lay as if it would be the last, jleuge all competition to go side by :Utbc Berry Spring-tooth Harrow, Oduee its eipiul. j James B. Hoi.r'EHHi M. Jliill'alo Lime Comjiatiy is now sell d Lime at eight cents, delivered on I at their works. For orders, write to ti Mason, Oarrett. I'a. li s B-iker, a pension swindler, has St grief at Wilkesharre, liavine been and imprisoned in that city. His l4us victims will be glad to Lear of r- -yj.uiidrrd Ladits' Coats just received . t, this si xsonV styles, and very cheap, . Snviler A Co.'s. Castobia. I baby w as sick, w e pave herCastoria. jSlie was a child she cried forCastoria, !ie was a Miss, sheelung toCastoria. J she l;ad diildrtn she pave them Cast'a. 'rig from the nuniWr of box-s in ipl'J. It. Snvder A Co.'s store, they fcave recived a large lot of new goods, jiina it takes three days to perform rriae ceremony. If a man survives 1st of bis powers of endurance he is re- as Ix ing fully able to cope with a t in-law and hold hisown pretty well. Huntingdon J'j'trnnl says: Scar Kr, w hich has been epidemic in Hun II for nearly a year, is stilt unabated, kird of the families of the town have 1 isi.ed, and there is no hoie of im- VTBient until all the children ot the town t Bene through w ith it. Farmeks. I will put the Champion T:d Fertilizer Prill side by side with Pier in the market and let you decide itr it is worth twenty dollars more or V 'ugh I w ill not ask you twenty dol Scre for it, call and see. I James 11. HouEEi:At M. ie stockings are coming into vogue. have discovered that the sole of the iri dies, whether black or colored. lit a continuous process of blood poi- is going on among those w ho wear hosii-rv. The origin of se-eral new that have lattly appeareil is attrib- medical men to the jK-rnicious dye ihich are u.el in t!ie manufacture of And now some dishonest scallawag has turned his attention to counterfeiting post- aire stamps. Bather a small business, but a lucrative one if a pas-sable imitation be put on the market. are informed that a Blaine and Logan Club was organized at Sipesville Saturday ni :bt. There should be a like organization ;n every voting precinct in the county. X'ow is the time to organize. Mrs. Cathariiie fiilbert, wife of Mr. I'hilip ;i!bert. died after a lingering illness, at her lionie in Somerset. Friday afternoon. Her remains were interred in the Lutheran ceni etery Sunday morning. urday, September loth, fourteen head of thoroughbred cattle, imported from Ken tuckv. The W. C. T. V. of Confluence. Coonells villc, and elsewhere, will hold a teiuperonce picnic on September 17th. All friends of tcmperrnce are invited to be with us. A good time is expected. Mas. Ym. Moistais. Tresidect. Xotice. Strayed away from the Poor House, on Saturday, August 30th, Matthias Walker, a partly demented inmate. Any information in regard to his whereabouts should be sent to the undersigned. F. Lai'ktz, Steward. Talent carpet exhibiter at the New York City Auction House. Call and see a con tinuous floor, beautifully covered with car pet to suit the humblest cottage or the grandest palace. Carpets cat to fit the room ; also made up, if desired. War. B. Siiakr, Agent. The popular Sigler excursions to the City of Mexico, Pacific Coast and Honolulu, will leave Chicago for San Francisco, ria Kansas City, October 14th, Xovember ISth. Decem ber 9, 181, and January 6, lsJSS, and for the City of Mexico December 9, 1S8L Round trip tickets, good for six months from date, from Chicago to City of Mexico or San Fran cisco, $117.00. For further information ad dress II. C. Sigler, care Atchison. Toptka and Santa Fe Bailway, Xo. 54 Clark street, Chicago. 1'ersons deMring to co to Kansas or Xe- bra-ska, can secure rates and other informa tion of Amos Steck, Grecnsburg, Fa., who has ranches, timber and farming lands, and improved farms for sale. The .Tenner Blaine and Logan Club held a rattling meeting at Jenner X loiads Satur dnv evening. Speeches were matte by A. J. Colborn and F. V. Biesecker, Esis. It was one of the largest meetings ever held in the township. John II. Vhl, Capt. Ed Scull, and Judge Musselman, of Somerset, J. W. Bloyd and wife, of Koekwood, Mr. M. B. Hay and Miss Georgia Folk, of E'.klick. C. I Meyers and II. U. Dam, of Meyersdale, and Dr. II. J. I'enrod, of Washington, attended the re union last week at Cumberland. Mr. C. S.W.Jones, editor of the Tyrone lli-rali, spent the greater portion of last week in Somerset, and while here made several very pleasant calls at the Herald ofliee. Mr. Jones acted as a substitute for one of Mr. McCamanfs conferees, who was called home, Friday and Saturday. August aud September is the time to cut briars, elders and to clean up the farm gen erally. An exchange sjnaking on this sub ject, says : Xothing so materially increases the value of a farm as cleanliness, and not only that, but it also increase the owner's self-respect, and makes him feel proud Of of his farm and contented with his sur roundings. Mrs. X. D. Walter, n Ixu Crockett, of Wellington, Kansas, who has been visiting friends here and at Mishawaka for a few weeks, started yesterday for Somerset. I'a. Charlie Crockett accomi-anies her. South B'-iid iMHy Triuwit. Mrs. Waiter is at pres ent with her husband's parents, on Main street. Young Master Crockett is a son of the editor of the South Bend Trrliunr. Some of our friends w ho think they are slighted in these columns, are informed that the editor is not omniscient, nor much in clined to "nosing" around for personate. Those of our friends w ho desire us to notice their absence from town or return, or that of their friends, should send us word by postal card, or otherwise. It is impossible for us to know all these things unless informed. The Somerset Blaine and Logan marching club turned out in their new uniforms for the first time Saturday night, and paraded through the principal streets of the town The uniform consists of a white cape with a blue collar, and a white cap with a red and blue band, and a bronze eagle in front. The new torches are tuadc of tin and are very neat, but are no; nearly so handsome as the glass torches carried in the campaign of four years ago. We are requested to say that a full turn out of the club is expected at 7 o'clock next Saturday evening. ! Ste atf and Lanp FiasiTr. Now ear load Baugh A Son's gools jht on the market, and no farmer ! without them. They have stood k for rive years. Here are the price. IViuble Ij-le, per ton, t-'O.ort New l'mces. " f.Vi.ort No. 1. Fine Bone, 14" 00 Land Blaster. " 1.'.0 Cook A BliEklTs. Mabkrt. Main Sire.t. We have ed a large Brf.-ij.-eralot to our Meat tin wliU-h ail meats ctn be kept coo1 in. Mutton. Beef. Tori. Ac. keirt yon h&M. Open dailv. Tartien I meat can have it kept in the Refrig- 'ittii wanted. ve. also. PXi.firt tew brick for sale, we will w',1 by the hundred or tbous- low price. Ross Davis A Co. itnus.-Nnw is the time to hand orders fr phosphate, preparatory, "iMing. No enterprising farn 1.1,,'in i auiru A- (sons goooyat 5'atnca m C!.-l,er column ofihis Cook A Be At the residence of the bride's parents, in Somerset, at 9 o'clock Wednesday evening, September 3, 1SS4, Mr. James X. Iewis, of Moline, Illinois, was united in marriage to Miss Annie L. Schell, daughter of Jacob J. Schell. Esq. The ceremony was performed by Elder Beter Vogel, of the Disciples' church, and was witnessed by a large num ber of relatives aud friends of both bride and groom. The happy young couple were escorted to the depot by most of those pres- j cut at the marriage ceremony, where at 11 ! - .1 . i . . i. i. . ; .1 i f. their western home, bearing with them the kindest wishes of all for their luture happiness. The school and town of Jenner X Roads now boast of al formidable baseball club. Jenner borough has also a club. A Sunday School picnic was held on August 30th. in a grove near the latter place, one of the main features of which was a match game of ball between the clubs of this place and Jennertown. Wc arc unable at present to give the exact score, but as darkness closet! oyer the scene we received this message from the Captain of our club: " End of the third gyine ; we have done honor to the town by doing the Jenner borough boys up 2C to 1 on the day's playing." The One Who Received the Message. The Tramp Question. When the crops are gathered and garnered, when the fruits of the orchard and vineyard are picked, the cider made and the wine press dripping with luscious juices, then the tramps, the pests of the rural districts, swarm at cross roads and loiter in lanes leading to farm houses. These nomads seldom, if ever, show themselves when it is time to cut grain. When the grain is ready for the scythe the tramp has business at the railroad and when it is time to pick potatoes and hi:k corn, these regulars will not be within cull. . About that time they will be tramp ing into a city looking for winter quarters in the station house, the almshouse or jail. The tramp question will never be dis posed of until every city and town in the State has a workhouse. Lectcke. Rev. A. S. Baumgardner's lecture, in the Evangelical Church of this place last Thursday evening was attended by a large and appreciative audience, which applauded the sound arguments and witty illustrations of the speaker. It is evident to all who heard him that the reverend gentle man is booked on the teuijserance question, and is fully able to meet the sophistries of those v.ho uphold the liquor traffic as a source of revenue to the State. A marked feature of the performance was two pathetic solos, which he sung to the evident gratifi cation of all present. Somerset county may, without hesitation, herald the name of its champion temperance orator, by the side of other distinguished names on the list of temperance workers in the State. J. Teacher's Examinations. Teacher's Ex aminations for 1S54 will be held in Somerset County, as follows : Tuesday, September Mi, Somerset. 17, Confluence. 18, trsina. 19, Wellersburg. 22, Salisbury. 23, Meyersdale. 24, Berlin. 25, Xew Centreville. 27, Jenner X Roads- 29, Stoyestown. 30, Shauksville. Saturday, October CoNi.RUssio.NAi Com erem k. As stated in last week's Heeai.p, the Republican Con gressional Conference ol this District met at the Somerset House last Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. An organization was effected by the selection of Mr. Alex Kennedy, of Cambria county, as lYesident, and John H. Lykens, of BUir county, as Secretary. Cambria and Somerset counties presented the name of Hon. Jacob M. Campbell, Blair county tliat of Hon. Samuel McCamant. i since )e , tj.e .ccevtance of Cleve- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday. Monday, Tuesday, Special examination 1. at Rock wood. Examinations will begin at 8:30 A. x. All persons interested in education are cordial ly invited to attend. J. C Welleb, County Sujiermtcndent. The Somerset " scrub nine" who were so anxious to play baseball with the Meyers dale team, were accommodated to a game on the latter's grounds last Saturday after noon. Our boys left home in high feather. confidentlv expecting to "knock their op ponents out" with but little trouble, and when they found that it was the second nine of the Meyersdale club with whom they were to contend for the "honors," their con fidence was unlimited. Meyersdale won the toss and took the field and allowed our boys two scire, and then retired the batters in one, two, three order. They in turn got four runs. The score is too tedious to give by innings, but at the close of the eighth stood, Meyersdale 30, Somerset 10, Somer set, by a laborious effort, managed to in crease their score by three at their last turn at the bat, which ended the game. We trust that our boys are now satisfied that they can't knock Meyersdale out, even after such a victory as they won at Friedens. Soi tiiamktos Items. Blaine aad Ljgan victory on the 4th of Xovember next. Our farmers are generally all busy plow ing for fall sowing. Quite a number of our citizens attended the grand military reunion at Cumberland lat week. Threshing is the order of the day here, but nearly all of our farmers will finish up this week. The Keunell's Mills base ball club have been cha'lenged to play a match game with the Ellerslie club. Success to you, boys. The normal class at Wellersburg numbers about thirty, and a public examination will be held at the close of the term by Superin tendent Weller. On account of the scarcity of local news, your correspondent had to be silent ; but . ojn aud t 1. id:r.j; s! :! .""atur j miuf-ton Ot ilire ay a rill, UTS. olie.f in be-ch and and Bedford that of John II. Jordan, Esq The conference was in session at intervals until Friday evening, when an adjournment was had until 7 o'clock this, Tuesday even ing. The vote on each and every ballot taken, stood, Campbell C, MeCamaXit 3, ordan 3. ictV The Cxxberlasd Rexsiox. The reunion at Cumberland was all that could have been expected. It was simply grand. Somerset county folks turned out en matte and helped swell the throng. The three days programnje ; was carried out fuily, and the Society of the Army of West Virginia, and the patriotic and loyal citizens of the Queen City, are to be congratulated on the grand success of everything connected with the reunion. Even the weather did making everybody happy. The spinning jennies were out in full force, as usual, and had a good thing of it. To tell who all was there, anil what was done fully, would take too much space, although no doubt it would interest the stay-at-homes and couldn't-get-aways. Still, a short account will have to be indulged in. On Tuesday the feature of the day was the trades display. It was simply Cumberland on wheels. The rolling mill peopletook the lead, headed by their superintendant. A handsome eilk banner, bearing an inscrip tion of welcome, was carried at its head. Xext came the puddlers, 150 strong, attired in red shirts and white caps ; following the puddlers came the machinists and engineers carrying implements, such as wrenches and hammers. Then catue the bar-mill men followed by the round-house men, and hosts of other B. & O. employes, coal carts, lum ber wagons, stove warkers, and a thousand other craftsmem in the trades with which Cumberland is blessed. The tombstone men did their part. One had an incription on a large monument, Welcome G. A. R.,'' which caused a good deal of merriment. amongst the old veterns. A few advertising elephants, followed by seme dozen ciowns harlequins, jockeys, buffoons, etc., on mule back, made fun for the little folks and clos ed the procession, which was one mile and a half in length. The Society met at the wigwam twice a day for the transaction of business. The Great Western Band furnished excellent music for the meetings. All the generals were there, and one speaker told the truth when he said it was a "general admiration society." All the battles were fought over again and again. Ex-rresident Hayes tickled Gen. Crook, and Crook tickled Kelly and Kelly tickled Milroy, aud the high pri vates, if there were any, tickled themselves. " You tickle me and I tickle you," is the way the best speaker on the platform put it. This was the famous sergeant of the 14th Bennsylvania cavalry, Rev. Jesse Core. He brought down the hemse. After that rebuke the enlisted men were heard and Sergeant Jesse Core was ordered up as a "file-closer," and when he said something everybody in the wigwam heard it, for he had been in training during tbe summer at several camp meetings. Letters of regret were read from Gens. Sheridan, Sherman, Logan, Hancock, Mc Clellan, Rosecrans, Wallace, ex-Gov. Curtin, Senator Tendleton, Hon. James G. Blaine, Senator Mahone, Attorney-General Brews ter, Gov. Torter, of Indiana, and other prom inent gentlemen who had been invited to attend, but were unable to do so. Sergeant Core did the reading. General Logan's letter was enthusiastically received, but when the Blaine missive came the great camp-meeting orator was nowhere. The whole audience rose up, and yelled and shouted for ten minutes. Straw. Sergeant Core looked everywhere for a note from Hendricks, but none could be found from him. He is one of those fellows who twen. ty years ago voted the war a failure at Chi caco. Grover Cleveland's letter elicitd some applause, but nothing to compare with Jilaine's or Logan's. On AVednesdav night the obi veterans and their families were treated to a musica' entertainment at the wigwam, given by the Great Western Band and Thomas Glee Club, and during the afternoon the Lona- coning Club laid out the Frostburg nine to the tune of 10 to 13 ut base ball, on ihe Lena Furnace grounds. Thursday, the big day of the reune, was the biggest day Cumberland ever saw. The parade of the military aud civic organiza tions was a pronounced success, and was the crowning out-door feature of the Re union. Among the veterans in line we recogniz ed the familiar faces of Capt. J. II. Kite, Capt, C. J. Harrison, John Mostoller, David W. Will, Joseph Bowers. John Cook, James Spangler, Ed Kyle, John F. Dively, W. H Johnston, Michael Zorn, Sol Hensel, John G. Sanner, Simon Bowman, and George H. Tayman. of Somerset county. Others were there, but I was unable to catch the names in the vast throng. Those who viewed the line from favorable points saw a magnificent secUcle of mov ing masses of men, glittering arms and bright uniforms, and the thousands who saw the parade, were delighted. The closing meeting at the wigwam was followed by an adjournment to Camp Thoburn. where the veterans had a genuine old-fashioned camp fire, and had aright royal time. Here the parting took place. Picket. Salary '3 Expenses PAID reliable and. energetic men to sell Tree. Vlues, Sara. KosMuete.. grown in the Hooker Nurseries. tataMiHied MM. si-wl lor Tonus. II. E. a'.MKKB COM PAX T. seplO Sut. eber, Jl. T. C10UET PROCLAMATION. W.tieas, the Honorable William' J. Bam, P mideut J u'Iicb ol tbe several Omit of Commtra Pleiwof the iwveral counties wiupiu llieltb , 1-1 .iUrt"f &nt Justice Ol the (?iUrtn invnp its share towards ! r A Terminer and General Jil Ifelivery. lor (he trt al of all capital na omer oncuuen iu i ne niu I)itrirt.and W . Coixifs and Sash-elSwvdmi, Kf qutnM. Judeof Ihe Courts of Ooramoo Plea an. 1 JUi'M 3 1 '"p "aim wvjn HHii Acrunucr am 1 iteneral Jan lieuvery ir ui ,.i m cubi tal ami oilier oUender la the eeunty of Somerset, ha re issued tliir precepts and bum directed, for '.nrt of IJouimnn Pleas add General Uu arir Siewloni of the Peaee, and General Jail ttelivery, and Courts of oyer and TermlBtr. at Sol aeniet, on Holiday, ttopt. S3. 1884. N (rrici U hereby given to all the Justices oftbe Pen ce, the Coroner and Constables within the Mid Comity ot Somerset, wai iney d men anu tliei e In their proper persons with their roll, reo ordi InqnUltiona, examinations and otherremem. brai ices, to do those thincs which to their office and In that behalf appertain to ho done: and also they who will prosecute airalnst the prisoners that are . shall be in the jail ol Somerset county, to be then and there to prosecute against them a shall be j ik t. Fob Sale. One portable saw mill, li- horse power, one year in use, costing $1,9"X, will be sold for ?1,00 ; also a portable saw mill, 2o-horse power, two years in nse. hav ing cost ?2,3f0, will be sold for $1,GC0. Ad dress Amos Steck, Greensburg. I'a. Several steam grist mills for sale in Indi ana and Westmoreland counties. Amos Stbck, Greensburg, Pa. At the Xew York City Auction House you can obtain Sloan's six-wheeled hewing machine castors. Wm. B. Suafks, Agent. Auction sale of umbrellas at the Xew York Auction House on Tuesday evening of Court, previous to Republican political meeting. Wm. B. Sua feu, Agent. Stocks of store goods in Irwin, Latrobe. Greensburg, Indiana, Uniontown. aud other good )oiiits. Address Amos Stick, Greensburg, Pa. Amos Steck, Greensbure, Ta,, District I.and Agent Northern Pacific Railroad, will send descriptive pamphlets, circulars and guides to all addressing him, who wish to go to Minnesota, Dakota. Montana, Wash ington or Oregon. At the Xew York Citv Auction House on Main Cross street, opposite Cook fe Beerits's. goods are sold at half price. Wm. B. Shaff.r, Agent land, Butler, Su John & Co., he is induced to say that their letters contain mere noth ingness. Chatting with one of Southamp ton's staunchest Democrats the other day, ! he said : " I am just about on the fence be- j tween Su John and Butler.'' TarTH Our fall stock is now ready. Anything in the line of clothing, dry goods, carpets, notions and queensware. we are prepared to offer cheaper than they have ever been sold in Somerset. J. B. SSVBEB t Cb. Lart Saturday morning, frightful aeA, ..IW1 FA M , dent occurred near M iJ s church, five imles j ffom Jhe . tLougbt bad bought a few thousand acres of land out east of town, on Shields & Dorwin's contract on the South Penn Kailroad. In all tbe cats on the work the earth, as well as rock is loovned up by blasting, three holes gen- .rreJ.s too a full line of guu repair?. f iM4Mi,;.hol!. c.lo-i. ntiitor kt,n Mn JrR B. Hou.ERliA! M. mkt N.Tir.-The Becture-room n,.ay-school rooms of ihe new Ile- 1 hur h at IVrlin. Ta., will be dedi- n Nin1ay. Sept,-ii,!r It, JAM. ser- ginning at 10 o'clock, a. m. Bev. F I I'. of Manchester. Md il! twoch -Tutory sermon. Other eminent '-ow a diManoe will W present, and '- m the sen-ices. All persons are mviM to be present on this inter- raion. B. Bp.tDEjiiiAton, Pastor. "il Goods or all kinds now coming prices are lw,r than last year, in 'l he newest style, ofDrws Goods, dJ Domestic, Flannel, Cmon '. Jeans. asinierrs. Table linens. Calicoes, Ginghams, tc Call Mes. a. E. Vhl. . W.th double and ' t,rallT lK'inB ,ln!ieJ fronl four to UTe frt't ahead of the pit. and from six to twelve kegs of giant powder and three dynamite candles put in them. They are then set ofTby elec tricity, aud as near simultaneously as possi ble. The holes had been drilled and then dried by 8uibbing. A Prussian was pour ing powder into a hole from a keg which he held between his lee, when the train was there, and was worth a couple of million by this time." " Vcll, Mikt, the speculation mania seiz ed rue, and the tumble in wheat cleaned me out. 1 Indeed, as yon see, a new suit, and was just on my way to get one from our old friend J. B- I hear he is still selling cloth ing." " You bet, Fisk, and you should see the piles upon ties of new clothing they have I lust received ; and cheap: well, you know we used to blame Snyder for stealing his j Auction sales every night of Court at tbe Kew York City Auction House, opposite Cook & Beerits's. Wm, B. Shafeb, Agfnt. MARRIED. COLE BRAXT, On Sunday, August 24. on the Evangelical Camp-ground, near Somerset, Pa., by Rev. D. K. La van, Mr. Harvey Cole and Miss Emma S. Brant, both of Westmoreland county, Pa. REED MOSTOLLER. On Sunday, Au gust 31, 1SS4, on the Evangelical Camp- ground, near Somerset, by the same, Mr Daniel Reed and Mrs. A. S. Mostoller, both of Stoyestown, Somerset county, Ta. DIED. fired by a smouldering ork. Instantly it clothing, to sell them at the prices they did -reached the keg, which exploded, tearing but at the prices they are selling at now) the flesh rrom the bones of the nnlucky man they mast get the freight for nothing, holding it, from his waist to the ton of his head. The fore part of his skull was left iteraily bare, the nose being torn completely otTaud his eyes blown out. His ears were " w'el, Fisk. I will go along ; my wife and Sarah t ach want a new coat, and you know whatever J. B. Snyder &. Co. keep for gone, and not a hair left on his head. Helale. is chean. Then they are all new. was otherwise nornbly burned and charred, thev never kept ladies' coats before this sea- A rhysician was summoned from town, but could do nothing to relieve the sufferings of the poor, unfortunate man. An Irishman who was stamping the powder down as the Prussian poured it into the hole was badly burned, but will recover. son. t ome along ; it teems natural tor you and m to go to J. B-'s again. ZIMMERMAX. Oo Thursday, September 4, 1Sj4, near Stoyestown, of paralysis and dropy. Mrs. Margaret Zimmerman, aged 79 years, 11 months and 13 days. Mother Zimmerman was a faithful and devoted member of the Reformed Church, and was a lady of noble character, beloved and esteemed by all who knew her. She was tbe mother of five sons and three daugh ters, of forty-eight grandchildren and thirty six great grandchildren. Dr. G. J. Beach y is now in Somerset, and can be seen for a abort time at hi Dental Booms at the Glade House. Dr. G. 3. Beachy is now in Somerset, and can be seen for a short time at bis Dental Rooms at the Glade House. JOHX J. SPANGLER, Sk xctrr's Office, Sherifl. EGISTER S NOTICE. CONFIRMATION DAY SEP-I23TH. ? otic ts hereby given to all persons concerned a 1 ecatees, creditors, or otherwlae, that the Kd low lux accounts have passed rejrirter, and that the same will be presented lor confirmation and all iwanee at an Orphans' Court to be held at Som en Jt SeptemocrZi, 1804: , 1 First aud final account of Chas. II. Kautz, Adminiatralor of Alexander Friedlm. dee'd. S. First and Hnal account of David H. Ash and Levan Asli, Administrators of Anthony Ash, dec. S First and linal account of C. J. Potts and Charlotte Mowers, Executors of Jcplha Potts, deceased. , . , 4. First and final account of Lincoln Stern, Ad ministrator of Alexandct Stem, dee'd. d Third account ol William O. Schrock and John S. Meyers, two of the Executors of Jacob J. Movers, dee'd. First and final account of James Lambert, Administrator ot Sumh Horner, dee'd. 7. Find, and tiiml account ol Edmund Horner, Ad'miiiiitmt'ir of Jacob J. Homer, dee'd. h. First and final account ofSamncl Snyder, Ad winiMnitorol MsiehileuA (j-ood. dee'd. V. First and final account of Jacob Tt. Powell, Administrator ol Kuius Petcroiiin, d"Ci. M First and final a-count of J. M. Olinarer and Win. li. Cook, Administrators of Augustus Din, dee'd. 11. Third account of John M. Oliniror. Trustee for the sale of the real estate of Peter Meyers, dee'd. 12. Aoconntofll. O. Bcerlts, Guardian of Min nie E. Hellioy. 18. Account of Henry Kauch, Administrator of Marv Walter, dee'd. . 14." First and final account of Abraham Lenhnrt and Ludwick Leuhart, Administrators ol Jacob Lriihart, dee'd. ... li. First anil final account of Henry II. Stern, Admiiii.nratorot Mary Ann Hctier, doe'd. - it). First and final account of John H TJlil, Trustee tort lie saleofllie real estate ofSohunon Knee, dee'd. J7. First awl final account of L. A. Krctchmad Cornelius Borkbolder and Christian II a re, Ad ministnitors of Noah Burkholder, d-e'd. Kecorder't Olhee, ( A. A STL'TZMAJf. Ante. 27, 184. KesUucr. JgSEUU JTOWS HALE. 1 Y virtue of the last will and testament of Joha Hoycr. late of Stonycreek township, deceased L, the undersigned, will expose lo public sale tbe Rial Eatatc ot aakl deeeaaed, on the premises on SA TUB DAY, SET T. 6, ISSi, at 3 o'clock r. the lo'lowinr Real Estate, vlt: A certain tract of land aituaie in wild Townihip, a.tjolniDit Ur.ds of Henry Mull, William Stull, Jonn Oindlesperxer and George Hover, combin ing one bundred and eighty acres, more or lea. The building are in tolerable repair. This farm lies in a good community, on mile aouthweat of the Allegheny Tunnel. A good Smrarramp of even or eia-ht hundred trees on the tiremisea. A desirable farm. T FILMS made known on day of rale. Possess ion given on the first day ol April, Hut tbe right to cuter on the premises lor fall work. JOHN M. ULESSiNFR, Administrator cum testamento annexo ot John H- Iyer, deceased. aug 13. JT PK1VATE RALE. Valuable Heal Estate IX ncrw" to use BAUGH'S FERTILIZERS I Anv farmer who sends us his name and address will receive, by the next mail, our circulars giving analyses of our ditlerent brands of KAW BOXK MAXUTiKS, and directions How to Use Them. TRADE THE $25.00 Phosphate. ADOrTKD 18-0 Manufactured only by us, has given such universal satisfaction that it now stands as high in the estimation of tanners as articles that cost much more money. In fact, it gets the preference, for the simple reason that it is the cheapest Ammotiiated Raw lione Super Phosphate ever oHer offered. Cheapest because it is one of the best, and only costs $i per ton, in new bags, deliv ered on car or boat at i'Uiiadeipnia. BAVGH & SOXS, Sole Manufacturers of the $ Phosphate, PHILADELPHIA. PEXN'A. Allegheny Township. THE underalgned offers at private tale hit Keal Eta'f, tituate in Allegheny Township, Somerset County, Pa., consulUig ot the lollowiig de-rlled tracts : No. L The homestead farm, eonsutinz of one hundred and seventy acres, well improved, with a bam and bouse, new. The land n in a good ta te of cultivation. i. 2. A tractof seventy-two acrec, adjoining No. I. The immurements consist of a good bouse and barn. No. 3. A tract of one hundred and twenty acres. The Improvements, are a good Log House, and other buildings. The Hedli.nl and Somerset Turnpike runs through the last two named tracts, Noa. 2 and a. They have also suiiicient timber to supply the larrnj. 4. A tract ef one hundred and forty-eight acres, with a small house and .table thereon erected ; fire acres cleared, the balance well tim bered. No. 8. A tract of one hundred acres, known as the - White Hon- Tavern Stand," with all the cleared laud an 1 the improvement, thereunto be longing. Four of the above tracts are lituatcd within one mile of the South Pennsylvania Kailroad, now under construction, and the White Horse" property, within two miles. Potseeslon will I given April 1, 18S5, or sooner, If desired. For iurther particulars, persons desiring to pur cham will call on or address the undersigned at Dividing Kidge, Pa, aul3.am. THE EQUITABLE life Assurance Campany of tie Unltel States. He lit'! B. Uydc, JPrcs't. 120 BROADWAY. N. Y. 81 CHEAPISDE, LONDON. ASSETS - - $53,030,581 SURPLUS - - 12,109,756 INCOME - - 13,470,571 New Assurance written in 1883, 81,1 21),756. Paid to policy holders during the last 24 years, $73,877,699. The Society has written, during the past twen. ty jear4, aa aggregate amount cf new aasuraaea larger than has been written by any other com pany in the world. The surplns fund of the Scoclety, on a four per cent, valuation. Is larger than that of ony ether life Insurance company in the world. Thk Eqcitabui Lira Assckaxci Societt ia tueaa plain and simple contract of assurance, free fron Nirdcnsome and technical conditions, and IND1SP (.TABLE after throe years. All poll cles, aj soon a they become Indisputable, are payable IMMEDIATELY upon satisfactory proofs of death, and a legal release, without the delay usual with other companies. By this FBoarr rAvmciT, the beneficiary of an Equita ble policy is Dot only saved from annoying delays and expenses, but receives pecuniary telief as quickly as If the amount oftbe assurance had been Inverted in a bond of the Government of the United States. W. Frank Gaul, Special Aaent lor Somerset Go. )Ulv3 8 WANTED ! SAMUEL WALK EE JOTICE. KEYSTONE JUNCTION, ) AUUSt IS. ksi I The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Savace Fire Brick Company will be held at their omco at iveystone juuetion, somerset county. Pa., on Tuessday, September lo, ls4, at 10 o ciock a. m., ior tne purpose ol electing a Moara of pirectors to serve during the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before them. JASPEK M. PORTER, auiraMt Secretary. CAMPAIGN GOODS, ASD OUTFITS FOa Marching Clubs. Furnished at Short Notice UV F G. EEINEMAN, 52 and 54 Sixth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. :o: Coster & Ma Manufacturer. -Send for Illustrated Price List augaj. C OJIMI.1S10.rKS' SALE OF Unseated Lands -IN Headquarters FOB CAMPAIGN GOODS ! CAPS, CAPES, LEGGIXS FLAGS, HELMETS, TOF.CHES, TrassMES, 51 " fupp.J t marrhi'gclul i on the soonest notice and at lowest prices- hcnti ior I at logue and Price List. Jt FLEMING & CO.. HATTERS AND FURRIERS, 29 AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. augl3-St-eow. r s t .it t iff M Potato Digging THE KxinCH FiiulG Eu&a t hBvsIl'iooatf yearly, prvi tikis t, rvrrriarjr.tr. iFQjtr CENT C?l 0 Days' CvT"'Writ postal card fFKF.E clptrsnttr iriuftfrnuvl t ntalntie. In PU Brilliant Color i. mat oust us t -io.jto jmblisu. Un-rrk lliniilintimxy Pi, 2t4 State S.. DlUiiaioU Uai!U!Ci.lUlil. bU., CHICACO, ILL. julM M-eow. '-;ZZsZ-sZqj&. . Infants and Children Vhat pires orrr Children rrwT cheets, "VVhAt cures their feYera, makes them sWp; Tii Babio Tvt, and err by turns. Whs cuo3 their coiic, kills thvir wnrron. Cantor! it. What cmicllT cui'i Constipation. Sour blotn&ch, Coldfi, ludiestion : Farowll tbm to Jlm-phim Syrtrps, Castor Oil and Paregoric and Hnliratnrla. wCasieria is so well adapted to Children that I reeommend it as superior to any medi cine lenowa to me." H. A. AccHia, M.Dj. Ul So. Oxford St, Erookiju, S. T. lil Ccrrira CoHPAjry, 1S3 Fulton St, 5. T. frjiniQEClT An Alnolnte) care for Riem watiTTii, Sprains, Tula. In the Bock, Barns, Galls, ftp. Aula Btaotaavaoaa Paia- reliever. S03IEKSET COUNTY, TA. The Commissioners ol Somerset County hereby frive notice that tiiey will sell at public .-ale In the Court Home in somerset ttopiugn, en WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, ISSi, the tollowinir enumerated tracts of Unseated Ijm!. wIiIl-Ii have txren purcliascil from the 1'reariurcrs ol 'said County, ;;indtremained unre deemed lor five years and upward, airreeat.ly to the Art ol Aiixeuildy of March 1.1, lfcli, and the Supplemental A ct thereto ot March, li-A : ADDISOX TOUSSlllP. Santt. Acrtt Cattt Taxt: Marcus Church 00 52 W Thomas Cory Jr. Kl K" 3 ALLKOUESY TOHSSMP. CoUroth Schell 140 60 02 UROTUKRSVALLKY TOWKSlllP. John F Young.... 400 LLKUCK TO U XSlllP. Thomas tTey 475 J W Handle 1 lot James Cden 1 lot Patrick Countrvman 1 lot S F Little 2 lots John Kimrler 1 lot John Swanxer 2 lots Or.lah Waitner. 1 lot Frank Otiit. 1 lot Patrick Courtney 1 lot Thi.mas Moore. 4ou aiartln Meyers, In tru.t ) 04 Same Same l JESSER TOWNSHIP. JohnMli-hler. 400 43 IT 13 7 It 9 l4 S S It 30 M II 30 72 72 T2 20 00 10 00 10 00 40 74 SALESMEN A lew Kood r. lml'O: men l.. Art mu AFT tor the k le of our XEW t'Kl IT AX U Mf t'l A I.T1 1..S t together with a lull line olM K SLKY STtJl'K. Prrriou Experience not i. cilml. to. Lire, Active Men earn irood waxes. For terms addreM. nlvinir lull name, aire, and reference. HOOPES, BROTHER it THOMAS, Westchester Penna. lulo-AU 0 THE PUBLIC Wre are again oirering onrcrlebrated Star Copper Rod, The Only Protection against Lilitning. Those who desire having their BUILDINGS PROTECTED Should call on or address us. We GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, OR NO PAY. EHOADS BROS. Somerset. July 10, l,sl. tf. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY YOUI6 DRY GOOD -AJSTD MILLINEET GOODS GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Their Stock is Larjre, giving you a wide range to select from, and their prices are the Lowest. GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN, 113 and 115 Clinton Street, JOHNSTOWN, PENN' A. Butter iclfs Patterns I I Now Have in Stock a Full Line of Butterick's Cut-Paper Patterns, OF THIS FALL'S STTI.ES, FOR Ladies, Mie and Children Mrs. A - "R. TTTil. auirao-tf. PXECUTORS NOTICE. totate of Jacob Mar. dee'd late of t'pjwr Turkey, toot township, Somerset county. Pa. Letters testamentary on the ahore estate havlDir been granted to the undenilirnel bj tbe proper autburltT. notice Is hereby Ktven to all persfins Indebted to iiaid estate tomakeimmellate payment, and those bavins-elalmsaKainst the same win presentment duly autbectlcated fur settle ment on fratuniay, the win day of September. lOM, afc my uuiie iu a.iuKwoou. Jacob Gerhard, aiiKlS. Executors. LARIMER TOWSSttlP. Bowman k Berkley 18 1 M Meyer It Brlnham 2tu 33 Barney O Neai 1 lot It LOKER TV RKEYFOOT TOWSSH1P. to as U fi s li 33 1 11 4 u M 7 William Bell Vl John l Ruddy "4 Same 14 J:trxt 1 1'hillipfi is Sylvester Herrinit S W BoucIkt. 1 lot George OgK's hrirs 1 lot MEYERSDALE BOROVCH. Oeore Brubaker 1 lot E A Brail a lots William Kerrlns l"ta John (irlne 1 lot James Harden 1 lot John Heiner 1 "t Henr Juhnon S tots Levi Jordan lots Oecrtre Lavman i lots Frederick Nanicle 3 lots John Kvan Hot J'iseph Saddler 1 lot Charles Turman 1 lot Fred'k Wiser or Wiia....l lot E C Walker 1 lot John 1 ouuje. 2 lots Wm Boon 1 lot Norman Miller. 1 lot Joseph Filbert. 1 lot SO R Til A MPTOS TO If.V.Sf IP. John NeT Same Hodman WB... 25 Acres 2U 1 Lot PA1XT TOU SSlllP. Jacob Bonnet 43t'i Acres SOMERSET BOROVGU. Charles Roth.. 'Lot SUMMIT TOWSSHIT. SFIJher 1 Lot Fern Francis 1 lo' Williams CW lliu's SAL1SBIRY BOROUGH. John Smith SLots Jacob Keller 1 Lot 10 S3 10 K3 23 M 14 SO l i 20 I j 20 13 1 1 45 16 01 2a 82 14 Ti 10 93 II 34 12 68 17 5S 10 01 18 si l'i 12 14 20 F. 14 22 12 M 11 13 n ta 13 72 11 32 11 04 12 40 14 9S IV 29 UPPER Tt RKEYFOOT T0WSSIIIP. OenrKe Dark. Harrah tt Miller.. . 43' Acres . 20 USS1SA BOROUGH. Smeadley Joseph It Son.. CK'tsler Sebastian na 141 1 Lot 1 Lot 13 13 18 75 1 64 12 M SALcto commence at 2 o'elnck P. m.. and to con tinue irom day to day until all the lands are dis posed of. JWSEPH HMRNEK, Attest: H. W. BRt BAKER, D. J. Hobs eb. Clerk. conimisaiouers auirzas:. WASHINGTON- JEFFERSON COLLEGE, WASHINGTON, PA. r.la-tit y-Third lr h;in arplfmhr 17, IHH4. InMruction iriveii in C'lawical and lerititic Courses. .SfwIfTiit Prepared jir VnUrfje t ias tit a mvnraioru urpanmrni conuucUM OT ue UoliPKe ' acuity, ror uiionnauon. apply to JAXES I. augl3-t. POLLS OLD "THE 25 YEARS RELIABLE." IN USE. S. W. Cmr. Pen Ave. aid Sixth BL, PITTSBURGH, PA., Affords unequaUd facilltlea for the th rasrh, prsc-Jeat e-toeatk of yoanr and ti-ile-aa-ed nen. This Institution keep abreast f the limes ami poasem-t the anqnalioed support of upwanls of !. of iu graduates, who are creditably 11 Irjjc poeitions of honor and trust in alaaost every ity of the Amricaa Union. Individual uutrae thia. Noracatloni. Students esa enter at any Urn. 4WSpwlal department Pr Ladies. For tnrrulars address J, O. SMITH-S SON. 4V"Srarf or the SatutnMl Accountant. Price 3 00. by J. V. SMITH, A. M-. the latest, best, and most comprehensive treatise on the Selene of Book-Keeping published. Specially adapted to the ue of School. Academies. CeUnresand pri vate Learners : also a work of reference for the Counting Koos. aepS. Ihe Greatest Medical Triumph of the Aire. Indorsed all over the World. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite. Nausea, bowels cos tire. Pain in the Head. with a doll sen? satioa in the back part. Pain ondet the shoulderblade, fdllness after eat ing, with a disinclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temp- er, Low spirit s,ixs30t memory ,wita a feeling of having neglected some doty, weariness. Dizziness, Flntter mg ofthe Heart, Dots before the eyes, YeUow"glnn.Headache,Restlessnes3 at night, highly cbloredUrine IF THESE WAXITI5GS ARE TTKHZEDED, BESSm SSZASI3 VSJ. sees n VSU?IS. TUIT8 FILLS are epecialJy adapted to suchi cases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish tbe sufferer. TbeylatereaM ta. Appetite, and Cans tbe body to Take aat a leak,, thus the sys tem ia awarisBed, and by their Teaale Action on the Ile;ctive oVsraaa. Beera) tmir Htnetla wr prrwined. Ptm- H eeat. TU1TS IIAID UYh Guar Flare or WBisKiita rhariRtti to a Glot Kuci by a single application of this DTK. It impart a natural color, acta Instantaneously, bold by irraggista, or srtt by erpress on receipt Of i. . Office, 44 Murray Su, Nw York SHERIFF'S SALE. Bt Tirtue of certain WTtts ofFU Fa , Al. Plu. FL Fa.. Post Ventl Ex., ana Lev. Fa. is- tue out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Sotner. set County, Pa., and to me directed, there will be ezpueed to public sale at the Court House, in Somerset, fa., on , FRIDA Y, SEPTEMBER 19, 1884 atjl o'clock r. a. all the right, title, interest and claim ol tue attendant. Lmmor w Hi turns, of. In and to the tollowlna- real estate. Til : A curtain lot of around siluato in Tdeyerxlale Borough, Someeset County Pa., known n the plan of Meyers Adililioa to said Borouab as l No. 05, belli 40 leet wide by 13 feet deep, bound ed DT alley on tbe North, lot Ho. B7 on the East. Second avenue on the South, and Cherrr street on the west, with a one and a half story Frame Dwelling House, and other outhaildlnKS thereon erectea, witn tne appurtenances. Taken in execution at tbe fu4t ot J. (. Meyers, aaminiptruior 01 reter -neyers, uec a. -ALSO All the rliiht. title, interest and claim ofthe le fentiant Jonathan Poorlnuirh, of. in and to the following real estate, situate in VppcrTurkeTtoot Township. Somerset County, Pa., cttnUiiiilnir l'JS am-smere or lesa. adiolninir lamis otSrutt King Llaniel Uumbauld, Isaac Metiler and others, with a log house and frame barn thereon erected, with the appurtenam-es. Taken In exerntlon at the suit of Mecslmore Cremer, use of John S. C'remer, use of Adaline uremcr. ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim of tbe de fendant, W. S. Kuhlman. of. in and to the follow ing real estate, vis : Cne-nall Interest In a certain tract of land situate in Upper Tarkeyioot Town ship, Somerset county. Pa., adjoining lands ol John Brourher on the East and South, Johu F. Kreger on tbe Weft, and U. Kltoads on the North containing 5e acres and m perches s:n-t measure. witn a one and a nail story irame nweuing nouw. irir usni swi uawniiuuKo meroim erectea with the aptmrtcnanccs 1 alien in execution at tne suit or A. w. waiter u of Josiab McC'llnUx-K and L.ydia 3L Harncd. d.imini.'tntors 01 v, m. uarneo, uec i. ALSO AU the right, title, interest and claim oftbe de fendant, Lewis Craver, of in and to the following real estate. Tlx : A certain lot of ground situate In Jennertown Borough. Somerset County. Pa., ailioinitig lands of Jai-db Friedllne on the Bast, Oreensi unr and Bedford Pike on the South, lands ot A. B. Rauts en tbe West, and lands of A. Biesecker on the Kiortn, witn a two-story irarae dwelling noure, saddler shop, and stalde 'thereon arecteil. with the appurtenances. taken in execution at tlie suit or Isaac Bcrker and Havid Berkey, AdminUtrators of Joseph Ber key, deed. ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim ofthe de fendants, I a id Mudiler and Joseph Mishter. ef in and to the following real estate, situate ia Coo- emaugb Uwnhip, SttiKTet Cuiity. Pa., al)oin ing Stonycrcek. lands of Iiavid Al filler. Oeurge Km, Wm. Kih. Jacob L K luflman. Joseph X. Yoder, Jacob lierkty. John S. KaulTinan and Emanuel KauHman. containing 283 acres and 46 perches, strict measure, with Two Itwlllng Hous es. Bank Barn, Blacksmith and Waguimak-r Shop and other outbuildings thereon erected, with the appurtenances. Taken in exe-utios at the rait of Stephen Stuts man. ALSO All the right title, interest and claim of the de fendant, Caroline Zimmerman, of. In ami to the pillowing real estate, vix. . A certain lot ol ground situate in Mllford Township, Somerset cutny. Pa.. ad)oining Somerset snl Cambria Rails-.!, kit now or late of Scltell it V IIo. lamis of Julia Ann Long and 'jt hers, containing 4 perches, strict, with a one anil one-halt story frame Dwelling House and other outbuildings thereon erected, with the apparvnsners. Taken in execution at the suit of Samuel J. Bow ser. NoTtca. All persons porch? sing at the ahore sale will please take notice that a part of lb. purchase money to be made Known at the time of sale will be required as toon as the property Is knocked down, otherwise It will be again ex- ?ed to sale at the risk of the am purchaser, be residueof the purchase nvoey must oe paid on or before Thursday of the first week of September Court, tbe time fixed by theO.urt for theacknowl. edgmcr.t of deeds, and do deed will be acknowledg ed until tee purchase mosey is paid In lull. JOHJf J. SPANGLER ng.r; Sheriff. I SaaiMiitrs ail Dealers,! T.R. MARSiIAIX. MAIN OFFICE AND YARD AT JOHNSTOWN, PENN"! Rear 26 Main street.; Wholesalers and Retailors ! Hiiimbe AM EUILDINS HATE2IALS, Ilraix h otllve and Yard AT Somerset, Pa., Op. S-4.C. R. B. STATION. Hari an j Sofi f ocfls. OAK, POPLAR. SIVISCS. PHKETS. ". HALStr, nxttkisr,. HASH. CHERRY. YEI.I OW PISE, SlllVLt.S, WOK'S. CHESTSUT. H HU E Pl.y. LATH. Hl.llis A Genera! Line of all irradrs of Lumber and ftniMinv Vittnri:,! and R.ffnir ni,in knt in vtfwb. Also, can lumisn anything in the line cl our bu'ine.'s to onier ith reasonuhl promptaess, inch as Brackets. Odd-sixed work. ao. Moui.rir.s, srAIR RAILS, MALI STERS. :n el fusts elias currisratir, Manager, Somerset Branch. .Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. BOYTS, PORTER & CO., Brass and Iron Founders, 3Iacliinists, and Manufactu rers of Miners' Supplies, watf.k sr., oiTosnn n. . ri. I'EruT, o,xxr.tsriu.F, i t. MANUFACTURERS OF THE YOUCH STEAM PUMP. iZttnVuii , For Coal Mines, Furnaces, Railroads, and Boiler Feeders. Turn-Table Dump Cars. Stone Picks, Hoisting Crabs Stone Wedges, LAI.RirS.riTCAIif?, COKE SCRAPERS, COKE BARROWS, COKE OVEN FRAMES, R. R. FROOS, RRIDCE ROLTS, SWITCH STANDS, MILL GEARING. I't'LLEYS, AND SIIAFTING. Heavr Castinirs anj Forgines :"Shect-Iron Work : repaired at sliort notii-e. Mat-Mnery .f all kinds tuitt and mayT-lyr. 1TTSBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE m PITTSBURGH C3NSERV&T3HYQF M'JSIC 133 full Music Lessons forSfS. Fkruilnn. Slolem 1jwrnitn, Oatral. Hmlthf'il. DR. I. C. PERSHING, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tillnct SrhooN of Itht-nxi Art. Vir .. ii'-rt'.nn! lor new War 1ETIE215B EKTJOBSED BT SCIENTISTS AS P2ACnCALLYfn; AilY It "Vrill lay You To Buy Your Memorial Work Of fa F. Mr, MM, Ma Manufacturer of and Dealer in Over 500 Beautiful Designs. It. SonJ fsr Price Libt & Circular;. v 'if y TT ir MONUMENTAL BR0N!Z" CO 5ANY, MPORTANT NOTICE. T. llfCMm Qf Slate ni County Tae o f Sowurrtrl Cnnly, Pa. .Your attention iscall llotbe Forty-niiith Sctioa ot tb. Art ot As semlilT Am roted lath of Aj.rii. 1-cii, which reads as follow a : "?:ry Collector shall, within throe avnths "afterrwelTitatheeorreeteil duplicate, fnf inte "the haads ol tbe Trea?rr of the pn.per I'oaa "ty or 1 own-hip, as the earn may lie, tite whele amwont of the taxvs chanted an-1 a4estel ia me h eiiplieate. eaerptlsw oeh raa as the Com. "mireioner. or 8nprrir and Urerers. as the ease mar be. In their diseretiM bist esonrnt "him Iroo. oa patrj of twin answerable fr-r aad uchanreH wltli tha whole balaoee so remaining "no paid." From the above Sectioa CclleKurS will aotlce V. ----- - an nmmnl tRVnm I h. - " .... , f - "K f ' "-t --y - J " 1 rik ti loeiaa both exoneratiui and th.lr cemaiia . if on a. We niast have money to swat Uw demaada I of ID. County. SepS. County Tnassrer. WW F.attern Work f urnitktd short Sotirr, in mil ioir. Alto Atrni for tkm WHITE. XHOSZLt FerJion ia n-l of MOM CM EST WORK will fin-1 U to their tnterrirt u elt at my vtvv. wr ft pr.-r nhf.wtr.ie wKl r tciTn tl.em, 4Va' factum 'i'jr)i'f4 m Erff 4 PHM LS 'YtkY Lov. 1 inviu S(-ial AUcoUft to Whm Wilts Bran Or Pars Zik Mjisials! InPKlot by Kl V. W. A. 1RI0. uil ri ll linT-;reji.enila poiat nt MA LUl.il. ASIt COS iTk I C I l. and wtaxh i den'tned h. be the fi p-:Iar M nnvi-Tit for our Chaaseaiile Cli mate, a - HI A C ALL. WM. F. SHAFFER. WILL H. WOOD. THE Jeweler, Xo- 2. Kuer IXIok, Somerset, iPenn'a. D:2CiIi Solid Silur rAMi ENGRAVING NEATLYC0NE. VVJ. JL U SICAL BSTECIOTS iSD SHUT mc; REPAIFJNG PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO jisaoLCTioJi or riTstRHir. The 0-Partnerh!p heretnl'ire s!itlE betwrea Drs. J. M- aad J. A. Leather, la Uw lirnir Baiiness. was i:-i by mutual eoofest oa Taewlav. Aazuat -a, 14. irr. J. A. Luataer mlnoa. The buatness will be eoodocted at the old stand by Dr. J. M. Luother, to whom all Indebted to Uhe old Una will make p ripen t. 1. M. IX t T!i:K, aaaT. J. A. JjuVTiFEM. DEAD SHO I VenaiiugB, A I V3.Z CCXE rJ WORMS