the Somerset Herald. OKO. 11. W-TLL, EJitor. . Al i-. .y T . n AU(tt4 2T, 18S4. jrfcDXiSDAT f Vacation days are nearly ended. Fishing Tackle, at C. X. Bovd s. I On the Wlh im. the dog days end. I New fall goods now coming in. f " Mb. A. E. I n I This has been an uafcroraMe season for Rummer resorts. For. good bupsy whip K" to James 15. jlolderbaum. ' rainta. all colors, ready for use. Sold by C. N. Kovd. V Try Alabatiue for Wall and Ceilings. Bold only by C.X. Boyd. i Uata-tine will not rub off like white Try it. Ti.e U-xt flock of Ci?ars ftiul Tobacco iu the wn are to be found at Keller A Banner'. . i i : r.. The dry weather we nave oeea o. .1. ,.i t clinrtpn tin the aoiiie tunc la--i. fc.irn crop. lirook Trout, Salinoii and I-a'.ni'lor ller jri ug, can t be beat, at Keller A Banner's. I KM votin mm who voted on age iast ' . . . 1 -...a..,'l ?1 TflV year t lax this year or they win i. e i.n.i ! Will have an immense stock of Summer li'iiuery this wok in latest styles, ana i lowest prices. M. M. Trcpwki.l. e hoi that every i.cpuu'irau in r-.itiniv will examine ie i -(;"? lists at ,nce and see thut his name is properly en- j The Republican conferees ofthis. the Sey-t-nA Friday, Sept. .Vh, is the Inst day on j euteenth Congressional District, will meet Vhii h this iniinjrtant matter :jau be attend- : in S.jmerset next Tuesday, September 2nd., 1 1( to place in nomination a candidate for Con- i Ca-towa. "VVhen baby was sick, we pave her r Castoria. Svheii she was a child the cried f.rCastoria, i - i JO .iiiip'imc rni asioria. i if - v ,..,. . i.;i.i. she rave them Casta. i Arc you registers - " . I 1 gistry list and ascertain lor yourscu. lany persons who fuink thir names are on the lists will hud ly looking ai u1B lhat they Jiavebewiomi :ted. Look the mat-1 rr up. 4 1 Wasted. An energetic man to fell :verv useful article. A good opportunity is tolTc'red alive man. Address W. M. KELLY, P. V. P.ox 21S, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thon-'h peaches are plentiful, so numcr-1 t.uiare'buvers from the western and nor - 1 iirt are Ithcrn market that the succulent fruit stdl Jiemains at a nigh figure. ? . , . ? AiiL-uM is uie iiinfio I" t...v.,. Ni th- I n.l in b an un the hum generally. J:.... ,..,r;,i!W- ir,rrefies the value of a If-.-,.. flnliness. and not only that, but lit also iucr-ases the owner's self-respect, nd I makes him feel 1 nuJ (,f farm n1 con" itenteil with his surroundings. a The number of postotiires in the Vnited J States on Jane vas ,iO,t'l.,of wlnc.i pi j by haying his small fruit stolen by boys. I were of the first class, with salaries of over j A elaml,i. should be made of some of the : 4"4 of the second class, with, salaries j TOung ncoundrels by pr.isecutitig and pun !.,f Ixtween $2, and 5-J,', and 1,?S of the j jing them, It'aird class, with salaries of ?t.0o0 to $2,. j I making in ail -,"23 presidential offices, or an Harry, a nine-year-old son of Mr. Frank j increiiM? of I-"' during tlie year. The RniTalo Lime Company is now sell ing Good Lime at eight cents, delivered on : he c ars at their w orks. For orders, write to William Mason. Garrett. Pa. i lied ford is to have a new corporation to be I known as the liedford and Baltimore Min- ti,o I .m,tl:llie The coniuanv will oierate "r- - I - - - - on the ores in liie vicinity, which have been tested by analysis and are said to be of a highly superior quality. It is said to be the , .1 fl, PfinitiriA Comna- same ;is mai m.m' . .. --. i - :iv in P.lair county. The engineers asti I mate the iptantity owned by the company to f be at least :t.t'i(,i". tons. 1 will open on Satur.biy a line of Win chester and Remington rifles, breech and muzzle-loading shot guns both double and single barrels also a full line of gun repairs, reloading tools, shells, caps pouder, shot, etc. James E. Hoi pkei ai m. PlIoMliATKS AND LAND ri.AS,T.B XoW have in stock car load llaugh A Son's goods the bc-t on the market, and no fanner should l without them. They have stood the tet fr live years. Hero are the prices, Double Eagle, per ton, NeW pr,.t ' t'l.'Ml No. 1. Fine r-ne, " $t"00 Ijtnd Plaster, " f l.VO.t Cook A Hfkeits. Meat Maikft Main Street. We have just added a large Refrigerator to our Meat Market in which all meats can be kept coo' and clean. Mutton. Reef, Tork, Ac kept constancy on hand. Open daily. Parties buyine meat can have it kept in the Refrig- ; erator until wameu. , ' Wehsve, also, V) new brick for sale, ! . which we wiil M il 1 y the hundred or thou?- and at a low price. " Ross IlAvrs A Co. i Wigg Tr.Hti,.U ?i In-- storm in Sei'tent- her. If be had made it November be would have hit it exactly, for the Iemo ratic par ty will be completely snowed under during the early part of that month. To Fai:mi:is. Xow is the time to hand in your orders for phosphate, prej r.ratiry to fall seeding- Xo enterprising farmer should be without Itatigh A Sons' goods, at prices named in another tolutnn of this paiier. Cook A Reerits. The attention of vote.-;, throughout the county is tailed In the following : Last day for Wine assessed and registered. Thursday, Siptember 4th : last day for paying taxes, Saturday. October -tth : last day for being i.a:ura'.ire.i. Sa:ur.'.ay, Vtober iM : elec tion, Tuesi'ay, Xuvejubor 4th. Lt. Sveiii-n head of s-hcip; tips of b.ith ars cut otT; one b!a. k sheep in the lot : no lambs. Any information leading to the recovi ry of these sheep w iil be liber ally rewarded by the undersigned. E. J. Wkoki-kt, July 11, b4. lvansTille. Ta. ii!.a". iige all competition to go si le by j for a number of years, rolieetnan Cillx'rt side with the Perry jpring-tooth Harrow, made a nnniber of arrests, and did every and pro hu e its e.;;:al, ! thing in his power to maintain order and rid jAits R. HolpebfaCK. ' the principal thoroughfares from the gangs of The renni-n of ti e Pennsylvania Reserve 1 rimnker Iri.-h that were strewn alone them. . ... . . C 4,7 T-l. - As. .eiatioii. which was to have been Jld at Philadelphia un tl e tirst of July last, tas b.-en jotpotited to meet in the same city Thursday, t-epteuiber 11th. Ou that day the equestrian Matue of Gen. John F. Rcy i.oids will be unveiled. Members of the As-s-n iation wisl ing toattend the reunion will be fcruished cert-.fuaUs fiititling them to reduced rs:lroad fare. To Farmers. I w ill put the Champion Grain and Fertilizer Drill side by side with any other in ibe market and let you decide Letiient is worth twenty dollars more or; not, though I will not ask yon twenty doi- j lars more for it, call and see. j Jaki R. Hoi.prsRAl . Stolex. Fnmi work on Shields' contract i ou .ViutU IViiUsylv-aiiia Railroad, a vest, in ' the j-orket if which was an open-faced, k'.-iii-wiadiug watch. gi.Jd mountings, ao 1'iages. Ten dollars regard wiU be for the . if,,-i t'KAs. VnirrckKAl. Soaurset, Pa. I hac jnst reT:vl a fresh lot of new fall pnn-s. 2.,ni!tic fill ilrr g.icls. and Ci.e dress eoods and I ; ; .-IVI. J. I- I. . It is .,if,frf j . vegetal., !at ,hw whow lab!e ,OTr ! ti-ns form n,:(ji r thtrtii, n,-b as caroU, Mato,, p,,.,, heat-pro. j duciric. ah :!f tiling '1,! r.irm a I, ...'ti.1 wb a afjiaragus, letteuee, peas, beans, 'rn, esbi-ee and tomatoes, are cooling. Hence die former should be ke for cold 'either, and the latter freely used during the hot season. A cold waTe struck this section Sunday morning. The Micks seemed to have possession of t!ie town Saturday nijrlit. ' Many tf our Summer boarders arc rvluni ; ins to 'l"-''r c'y homes. ; Mr. T. J. ricking sold his fast lacing i Jjorse at Bedfonl last week. J. J. Miller, Esq., of Pittsburpli, i in town, j lie w ill remain until the first of September. The youth and beauty of this villa-re in dulged in a picnic at P.reaV-neck Jlocks, Monday. rassenper Agent ration Las taken posses sion of his handsome suite of rooms, above ISoyd's drugstore. ar old friend and patron, Mr. Lud ln hart, of Donegal, of Westmoreland county, paid us a friendly vis-it ilonday morning. Mrs. Emery F. Warden and Miss Martha L. Warden, of Johnstown, are visiting at the residence of 1. J. Horner, in Somerset. John Waterman, the tonsoriai artist, has greatly improved the outside appearance of ! his barber shop, by having it neatly painted. S. A. Wiil, Esq., of Pittsburgh, is spend- Psr f n's vacation in Somerset. He is receiving a warm welcome from his many ! friends. lr. Allert 1'. P.rubaker and wilt, who have been spi nding the past wo weeks in Somerset, left for theirhoin"; in Philadelphia Tuesday morning. Or. Oil (espied, of Elizalcth. X. J., preach ed in the Presiivttriuii church Sunday morn- jn anj J)r. Mclean, of Xew Haven, Con- j necUcut, iu the evening. I Mrs. Ir. A. J. Miller, ol South Ueml, In diana, forannmber of years a resident of Somerset, is visiting the family of Capt. ! John H. Miller, on Main street. I g'. ess. . . ! At the brass band tournament helu at Jit. I tu i,. , .u , i.. i : t i Af,r:e ! '.. ,OUK ll" Pr;Ze The Frs-ina this county, of , ms,)v bra)1I ban,is : Jwo busM 1om I:, j;3nS) to fay nothing of the carriages and wzgons of all I descriptions from this place, ware kept I busy hauling the people to and from the camp grounds, Sunday j The proprietor of the Glade House has I purchased a new bus aud a handsome team of .iron grey horses, which he drives to j and from his house to the railroad station, j for the convenience ol his guests. .... I There must be big money in hauling ks ',,e aI"' rom t'"?ca"P gronnd at twenty- : live cents a neaa, eacn way, ttiai several en- ! ,T,,ni,n liverynien could bring their busses clear from Indiana here to run for one dav. There is srcarcely a rroierty owner in or about the town that lias not been annoved : ShaflTer, of Jenner Township, while afterthe cows last Fridav morning, fell over the horse"s he?d and the animal trod on his head, crushing the top of it and causing al tnost instant deutb. A valuable horse belonging to Mr- Jacob J. Fike was run over and kilted by a freight engine on the S. A C. Railroad, at an early hour Sunday morning. The animal had gotten out of the pasture field and strayed on the track, where it met its death. Mr. James Shaffer's chicken coop was rob led of several dozen young chickens one night last week, and several crocks of butter were stolen from his spring-house. The amount of petty thieving and pilfering that has been done hereabouts of late is apailing. Messrs. r0fl'rotli A Rupel had their law office lighted by gas for the first time, Satur day night The light is a very brilliant one and is certainly a great improvement on the coal oil lamp. The Good Templar's Hall is lighted in a like manner, Trith gas manu factured by the same-machine. The Japanese tea party given bv the La- ! ilits' Mite Society of the PisrinhV Church. at the residence of Ed. Scull, Esq., lat Tuesday evening was a very enjoyable afTair and was quite a success, financially. The proceeds were something over one hundred dollars, which is to be applied to liquidating the debt on the parsonage. The Mineral City Band, of Johnstown, sm:ni nvpr n isnn pwi lor sever-i r,r-.iie " their way home from McKeesport, last onrsuay. v nnc nere inoy marcned np m fivmt of thc Hebali f'Wce, whore they play- ed several of their choicest piece? of mnsic. -ri..... .... - ..r . i ' 1 -v... and certainly know how to toot npon the horn. A match patne of base ball was played at the Harvest Home picnic, near Friedens, on Saturday last, between the Moto!!er club and a ''scrub nine" from this plaee. which resulted in an easy victory for our boys. Til e score stood. Somerset Sfl; Mnstoller. C the former playing four inning and the la'terfive. The success of the home nine is due to " Blubber." The crowd of people in attendance at camp-mepting Sunday was quite lap-e. The special trains on the S. A C. R. R. were crowded with people from alons the lire of the road, most of whom got off the cars nt the platform back of the csnin-crounds. thus ayoidii.g a long, dusty walk, or paying f.fty cents bus fare. The attendance was not quite o U-ge as last vear. There was more dninkennt ss and carous ing on the street of Somerset Saturday ! night, than there has been at any one time l" it was too mucu ior ooe man ... .,,r police force of our borough should lie in creased. John Zeipler, a seventeen year old sin of Jacob Zeicler met with a serious accident last Friday, while etigaired in assisting bis father in building tbe stone piers for a new Countv bridge at Meyersdale. One of the roi-e attached to the derrick broke, letting the large beam which it held in place fall to the gronnd. The young man was directly under the beam which struck him on the Fncji jrtc as to fracture his fV;nll. He was brought to his home in Somerset Friday evening. He is very seri- 0,3Sy injnre.1 bnt his physician thinks thaj wnl recover ; j An exchange says; Since strawberry ! shortcake is out of season the housewife ""S t0 the place. Imon shortcake will do this in every resect and if yoi.r family likes a ; strong lemon flavor it will prove a delicious laV, Tat m vtinrf fVlV doflf-h YftrtIr ,., " . , , , y,-, .. ." hke a strawberry shortcake. While that w . . ... . I uaikine piitv iuc evt ui m ii.-ii..ii sun eijwnrc-1 a -:.f: r..., . L-l . ! then take half a cup of sugar and half a cup I of mo,ass, a t.aeWul of water, a ,;ttiej lump of butter and a tablcsjK.mtuI of flour. Let this boil until it is just about as thick as boiied enstard. When tbe shortcake is baked cut it in two parts and pour the mixt ure over the lower one ; then lay the upper part on this, bottom side up, and cover that also with the custard. A goodly number of persons hays reaped the advantage of Dr. Sadler's visit to Somer- j set the past week. A son of Mr. Win. Mau- rer, of Stoyestown, who had his eye severe ly burned by lime four months ago, causing the lid to grow fast to the ball and cover two-thirds of the sight with a thick skuin, had an operation performed by which the lid was f reed from the ball and the thick skiu covering it, cut away. Mrs. Elizabeth King, of Xew Islington, who has been near-sighted all her life, and her eyes pain ful under use, was fitted with glasses that made her see easier and plainer than ever before in her life. Mr. Lou A. Smith, the well-known editor of the Meyersdale Com mercial, was found to have compound mixed near-sight, each eye different. The. LHjctor succeeded in adjusting glasses so that his sight was more perfect than at any time in his life. Mr. Jonas Tedrow, of Glade, had a tear-duct opened, and an artificial eye, that his friends took to be the natural one, inserted. Half a dozen different cases of more difficult operations expect to go to the Doctor's infirmary in Pittsburgh in the early fall.. Advertised Letters. The following let ters remaining in the postoffice at Somerset, Pa., will be sent to the Dead Letter Office if not called tor before September 10, IS81 : Arthur, D. L. ; Boyd, Mrs. Mary; Barrie, Xick, (2) ; Eckely, Charley ; Evans, Allen ; Gregenda, Mark ; Grines, Wm. ; Gravesi Xat-: Hoereler, Mrs. Joseph ; Hill, Kem per; Hughey, James F. ; Luther, James; Readier, Wm. F. ; Sowney, Maurice; Jachs, Joseph ; Smith, John Wm. ; Tryanne, Miss Eva; Walker. Miss AnnicR. ; Ejorlin, M. Camble, Micbele: Cionicurro, Signore An gelantorio ; Cotugno Vito; Guzmicki, An dra ; Cnirala, Demmo . Pucri, Jonas; Kari at, Jokub ; Xeutuan, L. ; Pelrotnono, Fran cesco ; Taseilo, Giovanni ; Padeiano, Jimi Ouzia ; Penoh, Sohn K. ; Foeiiwalski, Jo seph ; Rocco, Michel ; Rapuano, Arconge lo ;, Luchi ; Shuluk, Thomas ; Star, Jonas ; Sandou, Gamy ; Tellephone, Zouie ; Zumpauo, Francesco. Foieigu Pos tals Buone, Giuseppe; Cirucei. Francesco; Collia, Juigi ; Fragio, Rocco Antonio ; Fil ipe, Xicola ; Gross, Antonio ; Gallorizzo, Pasquale ; Gyura, Torek, KorilL Sakole : Kuyeo, Serafino ; Lafrieri, Antonio ; Luigt, Ancci ; Mannella, Carmine ; Manide, Al!e I)iretta ; Mai fa, Leyerio ; Maffia, Antonio ; Meica, Xotta G. ; Mosei, Joser ; ManSedi, Giuseppe ; Pollutre, Francesco ; Rusenko, FInyer, Rojo, Giovanni; Romano, Vcncen zo ; Staliano, Spadafore Ynseppe ; Scozza tova, Domcnico ; Sarak, Stephan ; Tocako, Josef; Yitate, Alangelo, Warga, Mjhaly ; Waleuty, Pan Franowney ; Zezoko, Wicola. A. C. Davis. V. M. To Get There. What is to be kose asd THK WAY CXMIIEBLAND AND ALL HER INTER ESTS ARE ESTHL'SED OVER KEXT WEEK'S KO- isgs. The good work at Cumberland, Md., goes merrily on and the reunion of those who in times which tried men's souls stood shoulder to shoulder will beyond question be the largest and most enjoyable known since the organization of the Society of the Army of West Virginia. It is an old and time-worn saying that nothing is being left undo ieand that sort of thing, but in this ii, stance it is the positive fact, and every man, woman and child - in the place .nAa a,.t al ir ilaurA Vfld tint OT10 tllini Itl , , . . .i t .u tv tZ., . life and that the success of the affair from beginning to end. In this respect the B. A O. is not a whit behind and its extensive ar-x 4 ! ILlill II la 11 1 1 taiJ.Tjrw .aaj3 Atiivwg e.' and froi:i Cumberland and also for the series of grand excursions to follow the reunion a re based 'upon a plan of liberality which cannot be too highly praised. Xo railway line in tbe country can compare with the Baltimore and Ohio in historic and pictnr- ee-jue interest, and to an old soldier its Valley Division is simply beyond com pare. From Harper's Ferry up the Shenan doah on either hand for mile after mile it is all historic ground, the battle fields of the past. To them will he run secial excur sion trains at very low rates of fare, and combined with ail will be the visit to tbe wonderful caverns of Luray, than which Nature vouchsafed mortal man no more amazing eccentricities of development! To Luray alone the cost of the whole trip would be much more than repaid ; but when adding the visit to the battle fields and the almost countless atractions of tbe two day's trip, the five dollars expense for railroad fire becomes comparatively insignificant. The reunion opens September 51 and con tinues three days. The B. A O. throws open its entire syteni, main line, division and branches, to the exceptionally low rate of one-half fare, or one fare for the round trip. These tickets go on sale the 30th of this mouth, and will be sold good for the trip to Cumberland np to and including the 4th of September. For return passage they will be grod up to and including September 8th. That is to say, one can purchase these low rate tickets and have ten slays limit upon them for the return. Blaine axb Iah;as Cu'b. Pursuant to adjournment the Club met at the Court H iuse on Saturday evening August l'l, 134, and was called to order by Chairman J. M. Cook. The report of the Committee on Per manent Organization was presented and ap proved, and Committee discharged. The following are the officers elected : President, Col. John R. Edi; Vice Presi dent, Washington Stonebniker; Secretary, A. C. Davis; Treasurer, Parker Trent ; Ex ecutive Cammittce, Elias Cunningham, W. 15. Frease. John H. Weimer, D. J. Horner, A. C Davis. On motion, F. J. Kooser and George Sny der were appointed a committeee to enroll a marching club from tbe members of the Blaine and Loxan Club, to report on enroll ment, together with an opinion on a uuiform dress, and the style and price thereof. On motion of Messrs. Hlbert and Koontz, the Executive Committee proceeded at once to solicit subscriptions, when Mr. Frease re ported a handsome snm subscribed. On motion, Messrs. Scott, Holbertand Harrison were appointed a committee to draft a set of rules for the government of the Club. Club adjourned to meet on Saturday evening, tbe 2'id. Club met in the Club Room on Satur day evening, August 2Td, 18?4. Report of tbe Committe on Rules and Regulations read By Mr. Holbert, and adopted. M. Kooser, from the Committee on Uni forms and Enrollment, reported no action. On motion of J. G.Ogle, the Committee -oceeded to enroll a marching club from ths members wvsent, when a large number of members were enrolled, and uniforms subscribed for. On motion of Dennis Mey ers, the Committee were directed to purchase j one hundred ca and capes of the kind rec-1 omiuended by tbe Committee, and 100 torch es, to be selected by them. On motion of A. C. Holbert a meeting of the marching club be held on Wednesday evening, in the Arbitration Room. On motion of Wm. H. Koontz, the names of A. C. Davis and D. J. Horner were added to the Executive Committee. On motion of J. G. Ogle, the President ap pointed Capt. C. J. Harrison a committee to organize a olee Club for next meeting. The President designated J. G. Ogle aud H, ;S. Endiley, Emjs, as speakers for the next meeting, which will be held in the Court Room on Saturday evening, August 30, lfs4. A C. Davis, J, R. Ems, Secretary, President Ebothessvallet Items. Our farmers are as basy as bees preparing the soil (ot next year's wheat crop ; quite a number Laye port of the crop sowed al ready. . This fall there is more so-called Phos phate nsed by tbe farmers in this section than ever before some of our best ciuteas pro test against Uie importation of this so-calied fertilizer. - tuey T it stinks wors than . and liable to generate all k.nds of dise but as soon as the evenings get a lut!e longT "Xow and Then may wnte out a niijici mi mw -, . j . . , their consciences in that direction. Potato stalks ara dyitg cfT fast and great fears are eutertained by some that this crop will be damaged wonderfully by the rot. But then, potato growers take con rape, and remember that its an ill wind that does not blow any good luck. This potato disease is going to wipe out the potato beetle, root and branch. Miss Ella Lichty, daughter of Geo. C. l.khty is al present visiting friends and relatives in this section. Also Mr. Oliver Stoner, wife and family, from Philadelphia are whiling a few of the hot months away in Berlin aud vicinity: Last week one day our esteemed neighbor D. P. Walker received a severe kick from a vicious horse in the stomach ; at first his life was despaired of. but under tbe efficient t rcatment of Dr. Miller, of Berlin, he is con valesing. -t jt A few days ago cir good old staunch Re nublican. T.pvl I!Ir;-W iiml nnnf liift fintrvm run tiirouh between two ool- wheels of separ.uor and completely mashed. Levi I hope its not bad enough to interfere with, your sticking in a big vote for Blaine and Logan. :' " r .f, Last Friday evening a very sad and unu sual accident occurred near Pine Hill. JA boy about f ourteen years of age, a son of PeterGumbert, while auhitching a team was kicked on the head by one of the horses and killed instantly. The family has our heart felt sympathies. Last Thursday Mrs. Benjamin Kinimel, who was living with her son-in-law, V m. A. Rhoads, died after a lingering illness, on hertighty-sixth birth day. They have two literary and debating socie ties organized by the young men of Berlin, meet every Tnesday evening, and none but members are admitted. The otlier is con nected with the school, and meets every Friday evening and every one Is welcome to attend who can conduct himself in a proper manuer. Both are in a flourishing condi tion. The school directors of this township are fiaying Uie following wages to teachers for the coming term. Prof. " certificate, thirty dollars per month, first class, twenty eight and second class, t-enty four. I think oar directors should make more of a difference per month between Trof. -and first class certificates, what we wimt in our schools is teachers with iuaiilicalion, and good com mon sense, and it will pay us wha have children to educate, in the end. Our Blaine and Logan club is increasing very fast in numbers. The club will meet again in Berlin next Saturday evening, when able speakers will te present and the different committees are to report. Turn out, Republicans. The voters oyer this way think Butler's letter is too comprehensire, aud Cleveland's and Hendricks, are not comprehensive enough, and they will vote accordingly on 4th of Xovembei next. , Xow awd Tnex. Dl'RST-SHROYER. Ou "Wednesday, August 2C, at the residence of Mr. Levi Sterner, in Addison township, by Josiah Rinuer, Eso., Mr. William C. Durt to Miss Mollie Shroyer, all of Garrett county, Md. DIED. SHAW. At I'rsina. on Monday, August ! I'M. Kebeeea, daughter of W. J. and Lu ' b i - ' SOSEBSET MAKHKT. Corrected by Cook It BaniTa. euuu m CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED Apples, dried. f tb A;-i.iebutter, ft gal Br.n, 1"0 is liutter, ft t (kcir) (n)ll) Buckwheat bufh - luoal, 1J0 ....... Reetwaxf) B Bacon, shoulders, fc " sides, " country hams, fib....... IJorn, (ear) new fl bushel (belled) old" " meal ft .. t-ttlt (kins, ft t Eicrs, f dot Flour, fl M flaxseed, fl bu. ( !) llama, (sagar-cured) fl ft Ird.f) went her, red sole, fl upper, kip, - Middlings, and chop 100 tl Oats, ft bu Potatoes, fl bu (new)... Peaches, dried, fl ft Rye. fl bn Ka,fl ft Salt, So. 1, ft bbl, extra " Oroand Alum, per sack...... " Albion, per sack.... Suxar, yellow ft ft " white " Tallow, ft ft Wheat, ft bu , Wool, flft &ie 40tjiooe ..(1 00 tol 24 15c 7 2ac 10c u'4 ............loc T6e($s0 ........ sue 3C ec lie ...V tOQT 00 7ie loc 12e12 8omi;;3e Soetl-tiX: 7&fCt00 i i oe 8ieff40c ort,0c Sr10c :mv i ....1 00 -1 JJ41 60 a M 7eOe scte .Stt74 Mttftl 00 Soctt'JC JXECUTOft'S NOTICE. Ksuuof !. S. Walter, late of Meyeredtle Bor- onfh Somerset J., Fa., dee d. Letters testamentary on above estate having been cranted to the OBdenlvned bv tke troiieran- tboviiy, notice is hereby riven te ail peraonila- eemea to uia nun to nce iinmeoiate pay ment, and Ibnee bavlait elaime salnrt It to pro lent then duly autheBtiea4 lor settlement oa Friday. Scptembw 1J, ls. at tbe late residence ol me aeceaiM. in .Meyermaie. CLAKa. 'WALTER, anrx?. - - Kxeentrix, JIS80I.CTIOX orPAEIlERIHlP. The Co-Partnarahlp - bcretoibrs . cxtstina rietween itv. j. ju. ana a. A. lutber, in the Dink Bustnera, wm diieuived by aiataal con seat on Tseedav. Aarnat 10A4. Dr. J. A Luniaer reliriaic. The bminesi will be enndncted at the old stand ty lr. J. at. Leather, to whom an inueDted to tne bid arm will make payment. J. M. IiCI'TlttB, snglT. J. A. LOUTH hK. T 1ST OFt'At'SES fortrial at September Terra U ls4, betflnuiDj; Monday Ti, 1SS4. ftas. Zimmerman vs. The Twp. of Oneroaogh, S. J. IVirer's A'lrnr. vs. Sainnel Mlshler. Thomaa Hepiielwhlle vs. Swede Iron k Coal Co. .Kiaa M. uay a. jonn wiiuami. el al. Sarah iimiricrvs. Jtlatthlas Bowman. Kimua F. Sweiuer va Same, l'earson Lour vs. Somerset St Cambria R. R. Aitwrt E. Fyan v. Catharine Waikeretai. ,M. K. Dunbain . John Aliip. Jacob t. Milk-r vs. Win. H. ZufalL Slliu Jenkins and wife vs. (eo. Flrestne. Raebael Fleet(le vs. baiaael J. Kleeaie. rrottr'd OrBen. S. U. TKKNT. August 57, IsM i Protbonotarf. JEGISTERS NOTICE. CONFIRMATION DAY SEP-2STH. Notice It hereby eiven to nil persons concerned as legatees, creditor, or otherwise, that the fol- iowicc account! Bre paraed res-lner, and that the same will be presented tor oonhrmatiea and allowitnce at aa orpneai court to twheld alSom raet sentemorr 1M: 1. First and final account of Chat. R. Kaaii, Administrator of Alexander Fried line. deed. 2. First and final account of David B. Ark and 'Levan Ash, Administrators of Anthony Aih, dee. 3. Flint and iimu account of C. J. Potts and Charlotte Bowers, Fxctutors of Jeatba Potts, deceased. 4. Kirst and final account of Lincoln Stern, Ad- miniriratoroi Aiean.iet ?.Tcrn.aeed. &. Thlr-I ncctiunt of William tl. Scbmck and John M. Meyen, two of the Lseentoreot Jaooh J Mcvers. dcc"d. il First and fine! account of James Lambert, of Sarah Uorner. dec'L 7. Firt and Coal arecunt of Edmurnl Horner, AuDinmrtviT oi j aeoo j . narner. tec u. . Firft and heal account ofSamnel Snydor, Ad mlnistrat.irof MaKlslena fHod. dee'd. . First and final aitMiont of Ja4 D. PowelL Adwisistratorof Knlus Peterman, dc',1. 1". First and final ueroont of J. M. Olingev and Wm. B. Coik, Administrators of A agastas Dia. dee'd. - . 1L Thin! account of Joha K.Oifnyer. Tnut-e lorttie sate of Uie seal estate- or feter Havers, dec. - -. ( : - . 11 Aocownt of H. O. Besrtss, fiuardlan of Kla- nie E. Hetner. . . . - . - , IS. Amoantaf Henry Baaeh, Admmfstiator of Mary w alter, nee o.. Ii. First and final aeooant of Abraham Lsnhart and Ladwtck Lenhart, Adminii tratuti of Jacob Lenhart, dec o. Ii. Finland final aeeonnt of Henry H. Stem, AdmimstratoToi Mary Ana Hetxer. dee d. ' is. First and final aeeuant of John H TJhl, T roster for tke sale of the real estate ofSolasaaa Knee. dee d. Banorder's Office, I A. A. 8TTJTZMAW. Acg. ST, alee. I . QOURT n:tCLAMATION.;, ; ihntZAS, ths "Hoenrable Wn.Li J. Baca, President Judy of the several Oriarts ef Oosunna Fleas of the sererel ennnties wnpotins; the I Oth Judicial district, and Justice of the Oonrts of Oyer an.i Terminer and Oeneral Jail Delirer. lot tbe trial of all capital and other onenders in u.e eaid District. and " at. Cotxins and Sancat. 8bi-thcb. Esuttires. Judaesof I he Uonrts of Cotaaei Pas ami Justices of i he Uourts of Operand Terminer and Oeneral Jail Delivery for the trial of all capi tal and other odauders in the eoanty of Somerset, have irraed th ir precepts and (e mt directed, for hoid in a Coon of Common Pleas add Oeneral Qnirter Session of the Peace, and General Jail Ielivery, and Crrts of Oyer and Terminer, at fcomerset, oa osMtay, stst. S3, lfUM. !f oTfra is hereby aim to il the Janice of the Pence, the Coroner and Coot tables within ths EaM CoontT ot Some rset. that ther he then aad there In their proper pereons with their roils, ree nrds. iaqalsitioos. examinations and other remem brance, to da tlvo-cihincs which to theirctBees and in that behalf appertain to be done ; aad alas tbev who will prosecute sratast the prisoners that are or stwll to in the tail of Somerset eownty, to be tbea aad there to rrosesaU against taeia as shall be met. JOHS J. SPAKOLEK. Shibivt's Orrrrx, . Sheriff, j An. 20, U64. i CHERIFF'S SALE. UT virtus of eertain wrtU ofFU fa.. Al Pin. Fl Fa.. Post Vend Ex., aoa Ier. F, is- atd oat or tb Oonrt ol Common Pleas ot Somer Mt Ooanty, Pa., and to at direct ed, tbero will be spoMd MpaMls sala at tha CSoort; House, la Somerset, ra., on FBI DAY, SE PTE Mil Ell 19, 1884, t t o'clock r. si., all to right, Utla, interest sad claim ol tba iefendaat, mmor WIUUbj, of. In ad to the Allowing rral stale, vis : A ecrulo kit of groaad sltato la Meysndalo Boroath, HeneMt Uoaoty 'jf known oa th plan ol Meyers Adiiitloa to Mid Burcach as lot pi n. eo, oeiujf v icm wiuv i.j i.w irct amp, ooanu m1 hT allav Iha Nurtb. kit No. U oa tha eul SMeuad arenna tb Soath, and Cborrv ttrsot oa tfee west, with a oo and a half story Frame IMfelllDK lloase, aud other outhoildinKS thereon aroeted, wlta u ippunnmwA Takes la sxeeatloa at the salt ot 3. 0. Heron, administrator ot Peter Meyers, deq'd. ALSO- AU tbe right, title. Interest and claim of the de- ! Frederick Holbrook, of in and to th foL hiwimr real estate, vis : V j. L A certain lot of around situate la Soraer. set Borough, Somerset County, Pa., bounded oa the NurthbT Patriot street, on tbe bv lands y ui ids of of Frederick GUbert. on in south dt lands of tk a. riick aad on the West by laads of r. E. WeU ol r. mer. containiiir two and leveitelghth acres mors or lew, with the appurtenances. No. 3. Four certain lots of around farmlnz; a square, situate as aforesaid, bounded on tbe Worth by Colon Street, on tbs East by an alley, oa the South by Main street, ami on the West by a pub lic road, with a IS story dwelling house, italiie at other oatlHUialngs thereon erected, with the ap purtenances. Taken in execution at the salt of TJrlae Trent and tsunuel Trent, Executors of UanUon Treat, deceased. ALSO All the rltcht, title. Interest and claim of the de. fendant Joaathan l'oorbaugh, of. In and to th foikiwins; real estate, situate in Cpper Turkeytoot Township, Swmeraet County, Pa., oontulning VJ6 aTes mere or less, adjolninv lands of Scott ting, Daniel Dumlnld, Dmao Wetiler and others, with a log bouse and (nuue barn thereon erected, with the appurtenances. Taken in execution at the suit of Xessimore Cremer, use of John S. Cramer, of Adalln Or mer. ' ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim of the de fendant, W. S. Kuhlman, of. in and to the follow ing real estate, viz : One-half interest in a certain tract of land situate in Cpper Turkeytoot Town ship, Somerset county, Pa., adjoining lands of Joliu llroucher on the East and South, Johtj V. kCreiter on the West, ami D. Bhoads on the North containing 64 acres and OS perches s'jict measure, with a one and a ball story fnme dwelling house, leg barn and other outbuilding! thereon erected, with the appurtenances Taken In execution at the suit of A. W. Walter use of Josiah AlcClintock and Lydia M. Harned, Administrators of Wm. Harried, dee d. ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim or tbe de fendant, Lewis Craver, ol in aad to the following real estate, via : A certain lot of ground situate In Jennertown Iiorouich. Somerset County, Pa adjoining lands of Jaoou Friedllne oa tbe East, Oreensbunr and Bedford Pikeoa the South, lands of A. B. Kauts on the West, and lands, of A. Biesecker on th nortn, wiu a two-story iraine uwening non.'e, saddler shop, and stable thereon erected, with the appurtenances. 1 alien in execution at tue suit ot iBaac tscrxey and Da rid Berkey, AasBinistrutors oi josepn Ber key, use a. ALSO All the rlifht. title, interest and claim of the de- fendunts, David Mlshler and Joseph Mishler. of in ami to ine loiiowing real estate, situate in uon- emaugh township, riouieruet County. Pa., H'ljoin- mg monrerees. lanusoi umrm .tiisnier. ueorge Kni. Wm. Kwb. Jacob L llautiman. JoeephT. Toder, Jacob lierkey, John S. Kauffman and Emanuel Kauflman. containing 23 acre and 40 perches, strict measure, with Two Dwelling Hous es, Bank Barn, Blacksmith and Watronmaker Shop and other outbuildings thereon erected, with lae appurtenances. xsk'-n in execution at tne sun oi stepnen Mutv man. ALSO All th right, title. Interest and claim or the ile fWidant, Caroiin Zimmerman, of, in and to the following real estate, vis. . A certain lot oi ground Ittute in minora lownsnip, rwimerset county. Pa., adiolnlna Somerset ami Cambria Railmad. lot now or late of Schell at Wllaon.lujKla of Julia Ann Long and others, containing 4h perciie. strict, with a oue and one-halt story frame Dwelling House and ether outbuildings thereon erected, with the appurtenances. Taken in execution at the suit of Samuel J. Bow ser, Notick. All persons purcbMing at th above sale will pleas lake notice that a part of the purchase money to b mad Known at th time ef sale will be required as soon as th property Is knocked down, otherwise It will be again x- posed to sal at tne risk or th first purchaser. The residue of th purchase money mast be Da id on or betore Thursday of the first week ef September Coart, the time fixed by the Court fur thacknwl- ugraentol deeds, and nsaeedwiii seacsuewiedg d aatu in pnrcnss money is paio in inn. JOHN J. SPAKOLF.R. aug.27 tiheriff. jOXSIftSIOHEReV SALE , . -OF Unseated Lands IX SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. The Commissioners ol Somerset County hereby give notice that they will sell at public sal in th Court House la aomarset twruugn, en WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1884, th following enumerated tracts of Unseated Lands, which hare been purchased from tb Treasurers of Isald County an remained unre deemed for tit e years and upward, agreeably to the Act ol Assembly oi man n is, isid, and me supplemental Act taereio oi Karen, ikm : ADDISON TOWNSHIP. Stmt: Acre Colli Ir Ttxti. Marcus Uhuren. sou as w Thomas Cory Jr. 415S ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. UofTroth k Scheil 140 (0 02 B ROTH ERSy ALLEY TOWNSHIP. John FToung...f 400 43 1" ELK LICK TOWNSHIP. Thomas Corey 4"a J W Handle 1 lot James Caden 1 tot Pairk-k Countryman 1 kit is T t- MS J M 11 SO u OS II SO T2 Ii 72 Ti 20 00 10 00 10 00 S f Little 2 Iota John Kinder 1 lot John b"wiKr... ttlots (talah Wanner. 1 lot FraasOtht. I lot Patrick OiortntT 1 lot Thomas Moore. 4U04 Martin Meyers, in trust Vj M same earn a JENNER TOWNSHIP. John Mlshler... 400 40 74 . LARIMER TOWNSHIP. Bowman A Berkley. Merer A Hrtnham... Barney Ofteal. 18 .... 2UO .... 1 lot 15 84 S3 70 11 20 LOWER TVRKEYFOOT TOWNSHIP. William Bell......;...... 41 SO 2a John I Koddy 74 14 ,'-& Same 140 34 Pi JaoobOPhillibid 1'jo 13 Is Sylvester Herring.. av 11 47 S W l.ucli. r 1 lot 80 Oeorge Oga's heirs. 1 lot 74 MEYERSDALE BOROCCH. Oeorge Brubaker... ....Hot ... Slots ....Slots .... 1 lot I kit 1 lot 8 lots S lots 10 S3 10 U3 a m 14 SO V, 'JO 16 SO 13 ! 1 i Id 01 S U 14 li 10 93 11 S4 l 'i M 17 M 10 01 14 13 IS 14 HI E A Krall William Kerrins John Ortne.. ........ James Hardin...... John Helner Henrs Johnson...... Levi Jurdaa... Oeorge Larman Slots Frederick Senile 8 lots John Kysn 1 lot Joseph Saddler.. 1 lot I barles Tnroui 1 kit Jredk Wiser or Wipa.... 1 lot KO Walker 1 lot John rang .... s lots Wm Boose 1 lot Normaa Miller.. . 1 lot Joseph Fill-ert. 1 lot NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. JohnNeS 25 Acres 14 M 15 64 11 13 Same 20 Hotluiaa W B 1 Lot PAINT TOWNSHIP. Jacob Boo net 43B' Acres ; sa SOMERSET BOROIGU. Charles Botb..V;...'..T- JLot 13 7S sr.w.vjr township. S Fl.iher -....... 1 Lot ILot SLo-s 11 3-.' II OS 13 Hi tern i ranci? WUliamsC W , SALISBl'RY BOROUGH. John Smith....... Jacob JUller... .......... SLftU 1 Lot 14 OS 10 Jt LPPER TVRKE YfOOT TOWNSHIP. Oeorge Dark. 434 Acre 13 13 oarraust AJiuer... ...... iu is t .. .., CRSINA BOROVQIL Smeadlev Jesenh A Son. 1 Lot 64 Oeisier SebasUaa A. 141 1 Lot 13 04 Sale to commence at 2 o'clock r. x.. and toeon- tiaae Irem day to day until ail th lands are dis posed oi. AllAH 8. BMSrrCK, JUSEFH HOKNER. Attest: H. W. BBL'BAKEB. D. J. Hoaasx, Clerk. Oammissioaers . augSuOt. : : Headquarters FOB- CAUFAIGN CAPS, CAPES, LEOOIKS FLAGS, HELMETS, TORCHES, Ac Aa. Sappiy marehl'g eiabs oa the shortest notice aad at lowest prices Send lor fata- latite and Price List. WHL & CO., E1TTEES AID IMIEES. U 511 AYEXUE, FITTSBTJBOn, FA. aagis-staov. mrvm XECU TOR'S SALE. 1 Y virtue of th last will and tegument of Joha X Boycr. late of Stonrcreek township, deceased I, the iiaderslirued, will expos to pubiie sale th &.l Estau ot said deceased, oa the premises on 8 A TURD A F, SEPT. 6, 1S34, at 2 o'clock r. x., the lollowlng Raul Estate, vis : A certain tract of land situate In said Township, adjoining laads of Henry Slut!, William SlulL, Joan Oindlcsperger and Oeorg Buyer, coo twin ing on hundred and elvhtv arres, more or leas. The buildings are in tolerable repair. This farm lies In a good community, on mile southwest of the Allegheny TunneL A good Savar Camp of seven or eight hundred trees on the premises. A desirable larm. TERMS made known oa day of sal. Possess ion given on th first day ol April, 18S6. But th right to rater on th premises tor fall work. JOHN M. OLESSNEB, Administrator enm Ustamenlo annexo of John Buyer, deceased. angia. T MUTATE SALE. Valuable Real Estate IX Allegheny Township. TIE nndrelgnd offers at private sal his Heal Esta'e, sitaat in Allegheny Township, Somerset County, Pa., consisting of the following described tracts : No. 1. The homestead farm, consisting of on hundred and seventy acres, well Improved, with a barn and house, new. Th land is In a good state of cultivation. No. 2. A tract of seventy-two scree, adjoining No. 1. The improvements consist of a good house and barn. No. 8 A tract of one hundred and twenty acres. Tbe Improvementa ara a good Log Uousa, and other buildings. The Bedford and Somerset Turnnike runs through th last two named tracts, Nos. 3 and X tnej nave aiso sumcieni uuiocr to supply in larmi. No. 4. A tract of on hundred and lbrtv-lght acres, with a small house and stable thereon erected ; fire acres cleared, the balance well tim bered. No. 5. A tract of one hundred acres, known as the - W hite Horse Tavern Stand." with all the clard land an I the improvements thereunto ho- lonviug. r our ol the above tracts are situated within on mile oftbe South Pennsylvania Railroad, now under const ruction, and th "White Hors" property, within two miles. Possession will be given April I, lssi, or sooner, ii aesireu. For further particulars, persons desiring to pur- chase in cau on or auuress toe underdigneu at Dividing Kldge, Fa. ausi&tfra. SAMUEL WALKER THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL at. -av. aas AiB.i.1 iA JS. Xav. Will commence lti Tenth School Year on Momlav. SepU 8, 1X84, with improved faculties in al depart ment. la the Dormitories, three thousand do! lars" worth of new furniture has been added, and an excellent lire escape has been placed In each einncnt s rKm. Tow 1'omm email Rooan hns been remod eled snd the pinn of prociilure In this department so cnangoi as to make it eminently practical. Tke TraiaiBsr Uepnrtme-nt has been nrrnirthenol and the school is in excellent condi tion in all respects, and prenareii fur nrst-class work in all that pertains to a school whose chief Dusinew is tne PROFESSIONAL TBAIMS OF TEACHE2S! The College Preparatory Isrpart snent is Ul eually goiid s1ishi for prcguiring ynun ladles and irenth incn for tho Freithnutn or Sophomore cwss iu College. ('lease send for a eatligue for yourself, and or der one for any Irlend that would tie likely t lie interenicd in tiie Normal Sjhod work. Ta. II. I)1IRLG, lrineipal. augl3-lm. FARM FOR SALE I SITUATE In Paint Township, Somerset County Pa., two ami one-half miles from Scalp Level, and one mile from Somerset and Cambria Bait road. This form contaims about 160 Acres ol Land, forty acres of which are cleared and in a g'lod state of cultivation, and the ta lance in good timber. There is a good two-story plank Dwelling House, Bank Barn, and other necessary outbuilding cn the premises. Also, a goed Fruit Orchard, Su gar Camp, and a good coal bank, four-foot vein, open. 1 vi further information call on SAMUEL J.CUSTER, On the Premises, or adddress al Scalp Level Cambria County, Pa. Aug Stf. EXECUTOR'S 'SALE OF Th undersigned Executor of Hartmaa Reltx, ilereased. lata ol Stonyercek township, Somerset county, fa., will oner lor sale on SA TURD A Y, A UG US T 30, 1884, on the premises in Stonycreek township, Somer set county, raai i o ciucs r. at., in IYIILL PROPERTY, known as STONYCREEK MILLS, situate on a mountain stream, a branch of tbe Stonycreek, within threefourths of a mills from th eillag ot Koxbury, and tbree-fuurths of a mile from the new railroad, (now building) containing 44 acres more or less, on which are erected Two Dwelling Houses, GRf.ST MILL, Barn. Stable. Sna-ar-camp, and other outhouses. The Al ill Building is4im feet, three stories hixh, contains ilire run of stones, snd all ether machinery necessary for tbe manu facture of aood nuur, and has a good custom. There Is also an enaine in the mill, so it can be run either by steam or water power SrTKKMS reasonable, and will be mad known on day of sale. JUStfll Kill, aa 4 Executor. pUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate! I )T virtue of an order of ssle issued oat of the SOrnrmns' Court of Somerset County. Pa to ! he undersiirned Executors of Henry Landl dee'd forth payment of debts directed, there will b exposed to sale by public outcry, on the premises, in tsnxnersraiiey xownaip, on SATURDAY, SEP T. 20, 18X4. at 1 o'clock r. x.. the following described Real Estate : A tract of land situate in said Township of BrothersvalleT, adtoininir lands of Jess A. Landls. John Altlather. Henry Bayinaa and others containing Ou acres more or less, 40 acres of which are cleared, the balance well timbered, on which are erected a Large Distillery, Chopping Mill. Two Dwelling Houses, I snre Stable. Two Siring Houses, with other Outbuildings, fee. TERMS: One-hall In hand on confirmation of sale, bal ance in on year, wit h interest. llA.l ttj. J. euusiats, JESSE LAICD13. aaglX Executors. A QUESTION PROMPTLY ANSWERED. WHY i3 the twenty-five dollar hosphate THE BEST? BECAUSE it costs less than any other standard ammoniated animal isne Super-Phosnhate in the Amer ican market, and acts as well aa the best. THE ... $25.00 Phosphate. ADWTT10 imr9 f For circulars invine analysis and further injpnnation, call on or tfidres? BAJTGH & SONS) Sole Manufacturers p( tii 25 Pbosphat, PA4LADELPHia. rEXSM. JOTICK sievstose rcscnoy. i Annff - Isju I The Annusl Meeting of th Stockholders of lb Savar Fir Brick Company gill b heU at their ..race at Keyoc J uact iu, ajomersn Cawnty, PA, pa Taeiay, weptember 1ft, Irsa, at 14 o clock a. m.. tor th numos of elv-tinsr a Bnrd of W rectors to serve daring th ensuing year, and J im uibw.m vi swea oinr Dwsmcss as soay torn before tbess. JASPEE X. PORTER. augaMt Swowtary. E Valnable Roal Es tag THE EQUITABLE life Assiraice Cipaij of tie United Slates. Henry IS. Hyde, Prcs't. 120 BROADWAY. N. Y. 8! CHEAPISDE. LONDON. ASSETS - - $53,030,581 SURPLUS - - 12,109,756 INC0KE - - 13,470,571 New Assurance written in 1883, $81,129,756. Taid to policy holders during the last 24 years, $73,877,699. Th Society has written, during the past twen ty year, aa aggregate amount cf new asturaao larger than has been written by any other com pany in the world. Tbe surplus fund of the Soociety, cn a toar per cent, valuation, Is larger than that of ony ether life insurance company la the world. Ths Equitabl Lira Assraaso Societt la snesja plain and simple contract or assurance, free from burdensome and technical conditions, and INDISPUTABLE after three years. All poll eles, as soon as they become Indisputable, are payable IMMEDIATELY upon satisfactory proofs of death, and a legal release, without ths delay usual with other companies. By this rsoarr ravsmT, the beneficiary of an Equita ble policy is not only saved from annoying delays snd expenses, but receives pecuniary relief as quickly as if the amount of the assurance had been Invested in a bond of th Oovemment or th Vnited States. W. Frank Gaul, Spoial Agent for Soxnetrnet Co. )Ul SALESMEN A lew good reliable meu u Art a A4JEXT) for tlie snleorour XEJ t'atl tTn ASI ItPE. riAl.TIEM ! together with a lull line of M K SEKY STtJC'K. Prtviout Experititce no As- icnnai. gv.i.ive, Acllv. Men earn good waires. For term address, glrlnir lull name, sire, and referem-e, UotlPES, BKOTHEK A THOMAS, Westchester Penna. mUiW-dt. jpo THE ''PUBLIC W'e are again offering our crlebmtol Star Copper Rod, Tbe Only Protection against Lightning. Those who desire having their BUILDINGS PROTECTED, Should call on or aildrt-ss as. We GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY. EHOADS BKOS. SOMKBKKT, Jlllv 1'!, tf. JiuttericL-'s Patterns I Now Have in Stock a Full Line of Butterick's Cut-Paper Patterns, OFTHIS FALL'S STFLES, FOB Ladiea, Misses and Children Mrs. A. "E. TTbl augso-tf. T7XECUT0R'S NOTICE. Ii EVtate of Jacob May. dee'd late of l'pier Turkey. loot township, Somerset county. Pa. Letters testamentarr on th ahnn esfata having been granted to th underslirned bs th proper authority, aotlr is hereby aiTen to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those havinaelalmsaKainst the same will presentthem duly authenticated for settle ment on baiuMay, the 2itb day ol September, i we, nt my umn in aunrwoot. Jacob uebh akd. augU. Executors. WASHINGTON JEFFERSON COLLEGE. WASHINGTON, PA. ESarhfyTbird Tear b-ln Hrptemher 17, I1M. Injunction snven in Classical and "itntino Courses. SwlrnU Prrmmi jnr ioi!"K i. lossrs Ttt a trrpnrtseury itrjartmcnt conducted by ue voiieire r acuitv. sor iniormauon. apply u JASES B. aofflT, D.D Prea's. angl3-u. pXECUTOKS' XOTCE. Estate of Jihn P. Cover. 1st of Brothersralley lownship, Somerset County, Fa. Letters testamentary on theabor estate having been granted to the underaivned by the proper authority, notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said es:at to mak lmmediat pay- Dent, ana taos iiaring claims aaainst to iam will present them duly authenticated lor settlement on Monday, September md, at the late residence ol deceased. ISo account accepted unless ouiy presenieu acormng to law. PE1EK J. COVER. JU13. Executor. LIST OFCAUSES Following is the list of Civil causes for trial at May Adjourned Court, commencing on Monday, aeptemoer i. ihi. at 10 o rioca a. ar. : How Machine Co. vs. Flchtaer. Ellis. Sam vs. Sam. Isaiah Rodger vs. Shade Cr'k Lum. Co. Llmtd. John Reinman's widow vs. Susanna Walter et al Woitensberger fc Phlllippi vs. P. A C. R. K. Co. Oeorge Cobaugh vs. J. M. Hlderbaura A Sons. tilwanl Moetoller vs. S. A C. K. K. Co. Same vs. Same. Peter Weimer vs. Lewis Weiahley. Annla J. Lambert vs. Wm. Johnson et al. Thos. J. M'Kaig'sadmr's vs. J. H. Uocklrw. F. W. Dull vs. J. A. Hunter. H. H. Stahl vs. Simon Hauirer. freonre Newlao-I vs. John Genaler. Lydla C saw's right vj. Sous. io. M at. F. Ins Co. jonainan ieydig vs. J. H. ASol t hi. linnul Hocastetler vs. Petes Brick. Joha H. Masters vs. W. W. Coonhcnour. Jonathan Poorbauah vs. Simon Snyder. S. Philson A Co. vs. Charles L. Baitzer. If. H. Kemo vs. William A h'ram-i 7n'!l ProtVjOtflce. S. H .TWV ST Aug. , ISM. ProlnonotuT. Infants and Chiidren TTiat gfvna our ChildreTi tot cheeks, What cures their fevers, nuUe Uiern sleep: TTien Babfen fret, and err hr turn. What cures their coiic, kills their worm. Ctorfsv What (rnlrkhr C'liee CesMrroatfoa, Sour Stomach, Cots, Indeittion : FaiwweK then t Wevyihtne Pympa, Castor OU atfi Paregura:, and Hall rtrrH- Ctsrtaria U so well adapted to Cbadrea that I recommend it as superior to any medi cine known to me." H. A. iicitt, M.Dy IU So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, 5. T. Tax CcrTAca CoarAXT, ISt Fulton St. !T. Y. Aa absoJatd cor for Hkent tiim, Spmlaa, Pais in th Buit,Bnr2,C-allv,. Axtla. sTtaataaeosa Faixt- reliTr-. caupaig:: goods, AXD OCTSITS SOB Marcliing Cluba. FuralsbeJ al feboxt XoUw BY P O. RETNEMAN, 82 and 84 Sixth Street, PITTSBCBGH, PA. : Cat-Send for Illastratad P lie List aagaa. ......... I. . , U. 'IHjJT' """J) I FlM r I k i ! P IT WILL TO IXUY YOUR DRY GOOBk AND MILLIKEKY A.T GEIS, FOSTER & JOHNSTOWN, PA. Their Stock is Large, giving you a wide range to select from, and their prices are the Lowest. GEIS, FOSTER & QUDNTN, 113 and 115 Clinton Street, JOHNSTOWN, PENN'A. T.R. MARSsIAIX. MAIN OFFICE AND YARD AT i&itasaM Dealers,: JOHNSTOrVN. PENN"! Kcar 2c Main MrwtJ Wholesalers and Retailers oi. 4c. . . station Lumber AND IklAISSIALS, Hart aiiiSoflo(fe vak, POPLAR. Slbl.sns. f ! gCT ! . WALMT, ri.COkl.SC. HASH. i !. YELI.ow PINE, SHI.SdLES, hookl, 1'H LSTN L T. WHITE PINK. t.ATH iiim. A General IJn of all gnules of lumber ami Building Material , aaJ R.wflng Slat kept la Slock. Ai-o. can turn is n anything In the line ol our business tunlr with reasonable promuiBess, such as rl nickels, Od.l-tiied work, Ac. ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, Manager, Somerset Branch. Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. B. Station, Somerset, Pa. BOYTS, PORTER & CO Brass anil Iron Founders, 3Iacliii.ists, andManufa rers of Miners' Supplies, WATEK .ST.. OPrO.ilTE B. d 0. DEPOT. COWZLUi YILLE, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF THE YOUCH STEAM PUMP. r '--. ft. For Coal Mines, Furnaces, Turn-Table Dump Cars. Stone Pic LARRIIS, MT CARS, COKE SCP OVEN FKAMKS, R. R. FRO rivns iit r- ' h aA?: ALLEYS, AND Ar nC. repaired at short notice. ?rfTSBURG FmFF if nTiTcr a-s- n DiTTtaricffu wtr -- .iu riiioojnun uunar aiiTnHT nF I.-.i-KH Rhools of Mhel A " " " " UNS Will. li'nvtarWn., f1'. Eloentlow. Vnlnii V. ".. . lift. wn.i l-,r new C.ilAkKa4 to 9A A J 3ETTES1H3 T- S CHEAPER TM EJDOESED EI SCESTI3TSA3 'EACTICALLr STOKE. Over 600- ) i Send for ; dt s i.. . Beautiful DeJTf. Circulars. A V tr ' ( V I I 1 md, f I s? J w f II! 1 White Bronze, or Pure Zinc Monuments, r A . ! m REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PAY i GOODS QUINN'S, L. w weakland Fl ranch flttlo. and Yard AT 8m.rHt, p... MoviDlsr.s, M AIH MtlL.S, Hit ST kits. A . h al posts (Erery Poms WAKBA.N fclly foaj5 an(, Tr- s StOIlA Wort era. jvPEP mm x . vv, BKmrp wii tq c?' COKE IDGK BOLTS. SU'TTrir -au v. t rg ; ifachinerr of all kinds boilt and ay7-lyr. '"ki- IL9UI.L.I.UL ... II KH irn f..n tj... . ... m -W....WW, ruiouurgn, Pa. It Will Fay You To Buy Tour Memorial Work Of F. Staler. ta?t M' ' ajA m wMsB W Manufacturer of and Voaror la Iffil III E5UHI Ul WHITE BRONZE! rtAir low. 1 iasKa aial Auaatlu. u law WILL H. WOOD. THE Jevyeler, Xo. 2. Ilaer Clock,. Somerset, Penn'a. Diazali Witaa, Salll SIw nlPsi Wan ENGRAVING NEATLYDONE. m SHEET MSSIil ctu-