The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 06, 1884, Image 3

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    ic Somerset Herald.
f Are yon goin? to the circus 1
r CEO. E. SCULL. Ktlitor. j
Cjl. J. M. Eood, of Connellsville is rusti
cating in Somerset.
1 John H. Jordan Kvj.. of Bedford ?rent
i .Sunday and Monday ill Somerset.
1L I'. tiiiyiier, ciitrr of the KcysUme CWr
irr, ii .seiiding a Tew days in Somerset.
f.ti't cat nur-j-o fruit.
1,o rain was wf.':i millions.
jwmiS Tattle, at C.X. Boyd's,
low for liarrcft-home celebrations,
jr.-nc new neat is li marketed.
l,e potato crop promises to be pood.
Tl.e next legal holiday is Tlianksgivinp.
pie rent rains will assist tl.e corn crop
aints. alitor, ready for use. Sold by
K. Hoyd.
Vnned Sweet Potabics for taleat Keller &
in. jutine for Walls and Ceilings.
Y""l.v ''' N- li"-vJ-
jal.aiine will r.i.t r.ib t.ff like white
Try it. fold hy C.X. Boyd.
V- lws s;.ck of Cigars and Tobacco in tbe
ji are to be found at Keller & Sannrrs.
Tl.e beautiful landscape lau-bs with joy
result of tbe recnit copious showers.
rook Trout, Salmon and Labrador Ifer
jt'. can't be Uat, fit Keller Fanner's,
w- :i l.ivo mi immense, p'.ock of Hummer
Jlm.-ry this week in latest styles,
.t pn
The hay and wheat harvest is abo-it over,
and our farmer friends are prenaring to tack
le the oats.
Mr. John Snyder, of Isyten Ohio, arrived
in Somerset Monday morning, where he
will remain for several weeks
Xow is the time to organize a Blnine and
I,Ofran club. There should be one in
every borough aiid township in the
Epitob IIerald :0n Monday morning j Rirogr or J.C. Wkllm, SiTiBixTEsnrst J during the school year ending June 1. 1S83.
or PrBLio Schools or Somebsw Cocxtt. Fiye professional and three hundred and
In submitting report covering a period of thirty-eight provisional certificates were
last while standing at Henley's corner, an
observer saw three Mali tarts. By request
they placed themselves upon the town
scales, one weighing 300, one 323, and the
other 2,773. They were not picked for a
purpose ; they met aoci den tally. For heavy
weights, can any of our neighboring coun
ties excel ? If mt, come to Somerset, breaths
fnli air, cat and grow fat.
Observe a.
The Stoystown Drum Corps presents quite
a handsome appearance in their tinilornis.
The y know how to blow the tfe and beat
the drum.
Rev. McGrew, who U Chaplain of the 10th
regiment, is in attendance at the encamp
ment of the National Guard at Gettysburg
this week.
M. M. Tkfiuvf.i.i..
jLw the harvest is over the tramp will
Jkohis appearance in the rural districts.
p should dog him off their prem-
)Biiiiders can find knolis, locks, hinges, and
trvtliitiK belonging to builders' hardware,
J -.iints B. Holderbaum's.
j).iring the pa-t week the employes of the
jh.Uria Iron Company, the Gamier Ftcel
rks. nnd tiic Woolen Miils all Johns
tn industries were paid their wages; for
previous month, amountcng to $131,
. blacksmiths can find horse shoes, hors-e
ok- nails, iron, hammers, vices, auyils bel-
Ws ra-ps, C'li-s, etc., at James B. Ilolder-
It is claimed that the rubber rings used in
jrnins the air from fruit cans, which fre
srntly iHi-ome so ::y ard brittle as to ren
k them uwb-ss. can bn restored to their
filial thistieity by allowing them to lie
k half an hour in water in which a little
Binonia has been put. The remedy is ccr
Jrly a simple one : try it.
Jhe I'.uil'alo l.ime Company is now sell
er n,od l.ime at ei :ht cents, di-'ivered on
M cars at tln ir works. For orders, write to
Milium Mason. Garrett, i'a.
l!ieufthe minor trials in railway travel
Jses from cinders in the eye. A simple
ill effective cure may be found in one or
to prai!i of flaxseed, which can be placed
die eye without any pain or injury. As
Ji'V dissolve, a ;:hr.ii;ou substance is fonu
, wiiii-h enveli.pi'S any foreign body that
iy beuiidiT tl.e ii 1, and the whole is easi
jr washed out. A dozen of theie seeds
iji.iild constitute a art of every traveler's
ft lit.
si 'arpi-iiters ran fhtt saw s, planes, Hatchets
Scrs. S'jttari", mitre boxes, adzes, broad
ii. and anythir.g to a set of tools, at James
faheV'aling of weeds lie's not, or should
jOt, end with the cultivating of summer
tpps. The most effective work fortlieir de
fTuetion can oucn be dmie after the otiicr
i-s of the ho and cultivator have ended
jr the season. It is hardly worth while to
k:,t the weeds until harvest, and then al
Kv them to take the farm. From the open
I;: of warm weather until the coming of
h-t iu the full the weed is in the way, and
I it is to be subdued vigilance must not be
in fined to the months of early summer.
lit n baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
V iit'Ti she was a child hhe cried forCistoria,
t"hen she wasa Miss, she citing toCastoria.
Jhen she hud children shepavethem Cait'a.
I A correspondent of the cien!iiic Amer'a im
ivs: " Let tnv one who has an attack of
p- kiaw take a small quantity of tun""1'"6,
jariii it and pour it on the wound, no mat
ir where th' wound is, and relief will fol-Ifr-x
in lfs than a minute. Nothing better
n 1k applied to a severe cut or bruise than
id turpentine; it will give Certain relief
imot instantly. Turpentine is almost a
jro-crritrii remedy for croup. Hatnrate a
jSi-ce of flannel on the throat and chest, and
hi even,- severe case three or lour drops on a
aimp of suzar n:ay be taken" inwardly.
Kvery family should have a boitlc on
w To Fabmeks. Now istboiimeto liand
Jn your orders for phosphate, preparatory
o fall seeding. No enterprising farmer
!iou!d be without Batigh .fc K.ns" jmnls, at
J-rici's named in anotl cr eoinmn of this
ti iner. Cook t Bkekits.
lave in Mock car load Baugb A Sim's goods
the ln-t on the market, and no farmer
tiiou'd in witliout them. Thev have stood
I! e test for five years. Here are the prices.
ouli!e K-ile, r ton, &;0.
New I'px evss. " $.'KS.fiO
No. 1. Fine IJone, " J-40.00
U:id Fluster, " b".0d
Cook Betbits.
Met Mask kt. Main Street. We have ad-V.1 a large 1'cfrigerator to our Meat
?!arkit in w h all meats can he kept coo'
knd dean. Mutton, Beef, Fork, Ac, kept
JT' !tai!tiv on hand. Oin daiiv. Parties
it can have it kept in the Refrig-
il u'ar.fAt
I We have, ai-o, I'tO.fNm new brick for sale,
w liii h we wiii sell by ihe litindred or Uious-
Tii at a low - rice.
, Boss Bavis ii Co.
Cimp M;:itino. Somerset Fvangelioal
l amp Meeting wol coniu:cm on Thursday
iirus 21, lsi, and continue over fhe two
linwing Sundays. A number of the min-
'ier of the d'strirt will lie present during
l:.e uicetiiig. i:, v. B. A. Bohiand, of the
jl'ii'ton 9.rvi Kvanwlical Ciiunh, in Pitts
1'iirgh, will be prcsvnt over tiiciiit Sunday.
B'ihoti Th.mias Bowman, of Allentown.
PmIi lie prtenl over t tie sei-ond Sunday,
L",;iist ism.
There will be a first-class boarding tent
within the enclosure, to furnish boarding
hind horse feed at reasonable rates.
The grounds having been enclosed at a
tisi.'.crahle expense, an admission fee of
n cents will lie charged for each admis-
r;'U. S-ason tickets rjin rw liad for 5ifnts
AH children bedrr 12 vi ars old admitted
A lonliil invitatii n is extended to tbe
public to meet witii us in the leafy Grove. .
. K. Lavas, V, E. l'rosident,
W . A.Insui; i;m, Stt ' y.
Glut. Ncii.MAL.-The Glade Normal
s hool mill on n July 2:h, and close Sep
teiuUr2;, IsM. Instnittors. PriLcipaL J.
B. Tcilmw ; Assistant, J). ". W.niph. For
circclars containing full information, ad
'iress the Tri nci;al, oladc, Fa.
AJrri . An nierg.'tic nian to fell a
I'-ery useful article. A cwid cpncrtttnitv is
h ib-re.1 a live man. Adilrma W. M K F.I.I.V
B. 0. BuX 2is, I'U-.sbursli, Ta.
BKU'i rr tiL the lioss.-Warranted for
!:ve vcars. f,-!i jtnf cf pai,, always on
hand for Bradley Reapers, Mowers and
Bakes, rhampion Grain Bril's. Acme Har-
"ow, etcs.
Ir. Sadler never fails to cure "running
ears" when patients follow his orders close
ly. Consult him at Glade House August
The Misses Mary and Ijllie Urengle. two
charming young ladies from Cumberland
are spending their vacation in Somerset
with their friend Miss Lillie Waller.
Fight thousand of the PennsvlvaniaStute
Farmers, I have the agency for the new
Monarch Grain Drill, and any person wish
ing ty buy tie best Force-feed Drill in the
market, can Lave one ordered through me,
at a very low price. I wiii order a complete
drill, with movable seat, fertilizer attach
ment, for I7G.0J, and freight froru Pittsburg,
Ba. If you w i.di to bur. this is tbe way to
get a drill at a very low price. Please send
fur circular.
C. It. ScuntJcKtR, Somerset, Pa.
The Lambertaville Snnday Scbpol will
hold their annual harvest home and basket
picnic on Saturday, August ICth. Two drum
corps and a brass band, together with their
own (the Lanibertsvilie) will furnish the
music AU are cordially invited. Bring
your baskets and enjoy the day.
F M. Lambekt,
L. C. Lam best,
Albeet Lambert,
Arrangements haye been made to run a
special train to camp meeting at Hyndman
on Sunday next, August 10th. Train will
leave Somerset at S o'clock a. m., arriving
at Hyndman at 9:5oa. in. Returning, leave
Hyndman at 6 o'clock p. m., arriving in
Malitia are camping on the battle field of j Somerset at 8:15 p. m. Fare for the round
Gettysburg this week. Genera! Sheridan
and Secretary of War Lincoln are cxpectel
there Thursday.
A most enjoyable dance was given by Brof.
Daisy at the Somerset House last Wednesday
evening. Most of tbe Professor's scholars as
well as a large number of other iarti"ipa
ted in the dance, and enjoyed the evening
All persons having cataracts, crooked eyes,
tumors, ears, or nose, should con
sult Dr. Sadler at the Glade House, as early
as possible during hie short stay, (August
I'j'.h to2 !d,)so they can have the
of all the treatment possible.
Mr. William 11. ReiU, one of the proprie
tors of the Somerset Steam Grist Mill met
with a very serious accident Saturday fore
noon. He was engaged in working about
the machinery when be slipped nnd fell a
distance of some twenty feet, injuring him
self, it is feared, internally.
trin $1.89. For further information call
upon E. E. Pattos,
Passenger Agent, Somerset, Fa.
Somerset Towxsnrr CRors.
Mr. John C. Barron two days of last week
cut and put on shock 740 dozen sheaves of
wheat, the product of 20 acres.
The wheat crop of Henry Coleman is very
la.-e and his corn can not be beat in the
Air over the township Oats, Corn and
potatoes promise an abundant yield.
The hay crop will not be up to the average.
Mrs: A. W. Snyder, of Galusburg Illinois,
is visiting the family of Mr. J. B. Snyder in
this place. Mrs. Snyder is a daughter of
Daniel Adams of Somerset Township, and
has ruauv warm friends in this section who
are glad to meet and greet her. She experts
to siend some time in the east.
On Monday the Odd Fellows Endowment
Association of this place paid to the widow
of a member of the order who recently died
1,'22. The gentleman had been a
member of this Association almost from its
inception. Some live years ago, and had
paid in assessments in that time about 0,
Membership in the Association is limitixl to
fellowships in the iodge, but this i certainly
a Strang argument for the I. O. O. F., to
patronizj tlip Association.
Over eighty people from this place par
ticipated in the Masonic picnic at Ohio Fyle
Falls last Friday. The excursionists left
here at t o'clock in the morning, and re
turned at 0 in the evening. There were
from four to five hundred people at the
Fails, and all seemed to enjoy the day im
mensely. In the afternoon Rev. W. H.
Dill delivered an address on Masonry, A
hand of good musicians furnished choice
music for those who delight in dancing.
The only draw-back to the day's pleasure
w as the dinner served at the Fern Ciiif Ho
tel. It wasn't good.
Elder John P. Coyer, M. D., of F.rot'ners
valley Township dii-d July 21st and was
buried at the Brethren Church near Berlin
Saturday August 2nd. At the time of his
death he had reached the ripe old age of el
years, 4 month an I 5 days. Bishop Cover
wa one of the prominent men in the Breth
ren Church of this county and had a hoit of
warm friends who will regret his death.
We are revested to Teturn the sincere
thanks of the family to the neighbors and
friends for their kiudnesa and assistance
during his sickness and death.
,H ' !iai!IiV
i 'Lying me;
ft 'ator nnti
It is a curious fact that the one dollar
notes arc more popular with the business
and general public than the standard silver
dollars. The "dollar notes are always in de
mand and just now are very scarce ow ing to
the fact that their continued issue was stop
ped f.w want of au appropriation to pay
the expense of printing. The United States
Treasurer gives notice that no more will be
supplied until after the first of August. 1 he
order for their preparation could not be given
until after the appropriation bill was iased,
and the failure ot the supply is due to the
delays of Congress.
A geuuiue prize fight, Mar.piiK of tjueens.
bury rules was fought in tbe open lot imme
diately below the residence of Mr. Charles
C. Shafer, on Turkeyfoot street Saturday
afternoon. The pugilists were natives of the
Emerald Lde, as were the referees, spongers
and admiring onlookers. Several rounds
were fought, and the manner in which the
sluggers hammered one another would have
excited the envy and admiration of Sullivan
or the Prussian. After one of them had
been hammered till he cried "euough" they
shook hands all around and the crowd at
once repaired to the Glade House barroom.
Whilst Mrs. Emma Feight of this place,
was visiting tbe family of her father-in-law
in Raj-"s Cove, one day last week, one of
her children was severely bitten by a large
copperhead snake. The Little girl is about
one year old, and was sitting on the bark
porch, when the reptile crawled up to her
and fastened its fangs into the first two fin
gers of one of the child's hands. Its screams
attracted the attention of the persons in the
house, and the snakp was captured and kill
ed. The -'whisky ai.tidote " was applied
very successfully, and the victim experienc
ed no further trouble than a slight fever
during the succeeding night. The dead
snake was stretched ont in the yard, and in
a short time his companion came out to
look for his mate, when he wasipiickly dis
patched by one of the lueu of the bouse
hol d. Eicrtt rrcu.
Several weeks ago, during the absence of
iir. and Mrs. George F. Auuian, of Somer
set Township, from their home, some per
son or persons, as yet unknown, entered
the house through a window and stole there
from three hundred and fifty-seven dollars.
the monev derived from the sale of his
horses. The loss is a sad one to Mr. Au
man, as he had as fine a team as could be
found anywhere in the county, and as Mr.
Auman has always been a hard work'
ing and industrious young man, we bope
the miscreant will be traced out and pun
isiied to the fullest extent of the law.
- m
Fkom Mr. Moriah.
Mr. 1. D. Rhodes made some much need
ed repairs to his barn last week.
We arc sorry to note the death of Adam
Zimmerman, wno departed this life one
day last week. Mr. Zimmerman was known
and respected as a good citizen by all in this
neighborhood. His age was about SO years,
We areulso loth to chronicle the fact that
Joseph Crist, our popular sewing machine
aent. whom everybody knows, has deter
mined to leave this place, and will locate in
Toronto, Canada, where he will take charge
of an oilice of some kind. We hope Mr. C,
may succeed, as he is a sober, energetic fel
low. It is not known when he will depart.
IV.b.iblT in thirty days, but lie may re
main until after the election, as he is an ar
dent Republican. Stay, Joe.
"Step is the 15ox." The following nam
ed persons have been drawn to serve as
jurors at ihe September term of Court :
H. H. Fuck.
Di STftTkY. Dr. G. J. Beacbr is now at
is Dental Room in the Stone Building on
h emreStreH Meyersdale. Pa. Ho will n-
ITe totaerset Lodge ot the Indciwndciit
Order of Odd Fellows dedicated their hand
some new lodfc-e room on Main erusa street,
Mcaday evening, and celebrattll the occa
sion by a grand banquet at the Somerset
House tie same evening. Visiting delega
tions from all tbe sister lodges in tbe coun
ty, saveoce, were present. The lodge met
in their old room in Baer's Block, where a
procession was formed, and after some
marching through tbe town, headed by the
Stoystown Drum Corj, they repaired to
their new room and proceeded to formally
dedicate it according to the prescribed cere
monies ot the order. The officers of the
Grand I-odtre present were D. 1). G, M., B.
V. Snyder, of I'rsina and D. D. G. M., John
II. Jordan, of Bedford. After the services
Were ended remarks were made by
Messrs Jordan, Colborn, Duncan, Lavan,
PutTetiberger and Snyder, after which those
present adjourned to the Somerset House,
where the banqnat tables were spread,
riutes were laid for one hundred piiesrs.
The rooms were handsomely decorated with
evergreens and flowers, and were brilliantly
lighted. Beautiful boqeets of choice flow
ers were distributed over the tables in the
greatest profusion. We will not attempt a
description of the tables, or what they con
tained. Suffice it to say that tbe Somerset
House caterer beat his best rccard ycry de
cidedly ; we think the ices were bronght in
at a 2.10 gait- To say that tbe Odd Fellows,
their wives, and others who accompanied
theiu did justice to the elegant repast, would
be stating it mildly.
Addison William Watson, Henry Spei-
Allegheny Daniel J. Brant.
Confluence Thomas Kyler.
Conemaugh Levi Weaver, Levi Blougb.
Elk Lick Daniel Otto, Ross Seehler.
Jetlerson Jacob Cromer.
Iirimer Conrad Felker.
Lower Turkeyfoot Arnold Kuhlman.
Meyersdale Borough C. G Masters, F. K
Milford Jacob Walter, Jr., Simon Wei-
Somerset E.ra, Wcighley, Nelson S. Ba
ker, Fred Smith.
Somerset Borough Herman G. Cunning
ham. Shade Jacob A. Miller.
Stony creek C. II. Keefer, William J,
Vpper Turkeyfoot JLohn Poorbaugh.
FrsMia B. F. Snyder.
Allegheny Albert P. Hiliegass.
Rerlin Borough C. C BalL
Rrothersvalley Benjamin G. Rittner,
Confluence Borough Marshall A. Ross.
Elk Lick John Lentz.
JefTrson William P. Hay.
Jenner Eli Gashaw, George A. Pile.
Jennertown Borough John H. Duncan.
LowerTurkcyfoot Freeman Lichty Noah
Mil ford George F. Kimmell, C. H.Wal
New Centrevule Borough Edward Sn-
raitit Samuel Dull. Milton Hoover, Sam
uel Je:e!, Hiram Geisel.
QuetuaLoniiig Franklin Kimmell.
Shade Charles W. Williamson, Jr., Levi
B. Menses," Henry Kann, Levi Shaffer.
Somerset Borough Franklin Country
man, Albert Holbrook, George Cunning
ham, George M. NetT.
Somerset Simon Sufall, Jonathan J.
Bark ley.
Stonycreek C. C. Stutzman, Chauncey
Lowry, John Cinder.
Summit Cyrus M. Hochstetler, Millard
W. Walker. "
Stoyestown Borough Augustus Heffley.
Sou'.haaiiflon Samuel Shoemaker.
Fpter Turkeyfoot B. F. Clevinger.
Vrsina J. P. Mil'cr.
Addison NonliBirL
Allegheny William Sorber, Isaac Darr,
Eik Lick Mile D. Thomas.
Greenville Franklin F. Biltaer. ,
Jenner Pinion L. Korns.
Meyersdale E. M. Bueculy.
Middiecrek Solomon C. Barclay, Austin
Weimer. . . - r - - - i
Mil ford Jonathan Sijjc, Daniel Dickey,
John Hanna. . . ' : .i
Northampton Gideon Mull, Charles
Broadwater. Dennis Leidig. i
. New Baltimore BoronghH. Rftidt ,
1 Paint A. J. Berkey, Jacob J. Hoffman,
Nttlsou HoDver, D. W. Border. " ' ' - . . -
iuemahoning Harrison Lohr.
Shade Emanuel Berkeybile.
Somerset Borough James Woolley, 8am
uel F. Picking, Oliver Knepper.
Somerset Samuel 8. Miller, Alexander
Hunter, Jr.. Abraham Weller, Simon Ber
key, Simon D. Baker. -
Southampton Calvin L. Baker.
Stoyestown Borough John H. Snyder.
Summit Samuel L. Saylar.
Stonycreek Henry J. Mosgrave, C. L.
Baltzer. . .
rpir Turkeyfoot A. J. Hyatt. E. G.
Henry. j
Wcllersburg Borough Peter Kneaream.
two years of educational work, it might be
supposed that so many would be tbe chang
es, so marked tbe progress and so prominent
tbe improvements during this time, that it
would be an easy task to describe in ele
gaut terms the great advancement. It could
be lossible to draw pen-pictures of gnuid
results, but I faor such pictures would be
pretty creations of tbe imagination, and
might be more beautiful than truthful.
Education is plant of slow growth, and
rapid must be the strides onward for tbe
progress to be very perceptible, even in a
period of two years. To say that there has
been no real, substantial progress during the
past two years would net be giving the facta
in the case, for when we recall the many
elegant school buildings erected, the num
ber of bouses supplied with improved pat
ent furniture, the deep interest and concern
of directors and patrons, tbe earnest efforts
of faithful teachers, and tbe patient toil of
many pupils, we must conclude that there
has been a grand forward movement, unob
served, yet real.
New school bouses have been built in the
following districts : Addison, Concmangh,
two in Elk Lick, Larimer, Meyersdale, Mid
dlecreek. Paint, Stonycreek, three in Som
erset township, Somerset borough, and
Summit. The new brick bui'ding in Som
ersot is a model of beauty and convenience.
It is two stories high, contains four large
rooms, furnished with patent furniture and
is supplied with an abundance of black
board surface. It is heated with the latest
improved heater, which rendersntire sat
isfaction. It is the handsomest school
building in the county, and reflects the wis
dom, enterprise and good taste of the school
board under whose management it was con
structed ; with the grounds planted with
trees, and enclosed with a neat iron fence ;
as is contemplated by the school officers,
Somerset will have school facilities the most
The new brick building at Meyersdale also
contains four rooms (two only in use) ; is
substantially built, and considering its cost,
is among the finest in the county. It is
pleasantly located, and with little expense
the grounds, too, can be made beautiful and
The new school house at Garrett contains
four rooms (three in use). It is a two-story
building, conveniently arranged and well
built, and has been wisely planned so as
to accommodate the future needs of the
growing town.
The neatest, coziest school house in the
county, and the one costing comparatively
least, is the new school building for the
graded school at Petersburg. It is planned
upon scientific principles for health and
comfort, and is well furnished with iinproy
ed furniture. It was planned and construct
ed under the immediate supervision of the
Secretary of the Board, who is ever faithful
in the performance of all his official duties.
Space will not permit a description of each
of the other buildings erected. All are
lurge, well planned, and fully up with the
times, being of the latest models of school
architecture, the buildings in E'klick ex
celling others in that they are nicely painted
in the interior, making them mure beauti
ful and attractive for the pupils. The new
buildings have generally been supplied
with latent furniture. Addison, Milford
and Greenville have added patent furniture
to a number of their old houses, making
them more comfortable and convenient for
the pupils.
The school house at Stoyestown has been
repaired and repainted, adding much to its
appearance. Wellersburg has remodeled
their old building, putting in larger win
dows and plastering the room ; also reseat
ing with patent furniture, making it one
of the prettiest rooms in the county.
Two hundred and -.forty-two teachers
were employed during the past term, and
with few exceptions tried to do their work
well, while many of our teachers are not as
fully prepared for their work as could be
desired. They are generally doing excellent
work. An effort has been made to encour
age teachers to do more reading. Questions
were asked at the examinations about our
best writers and authors, and other persons
prominent in public life. At our last insti
tute "Brooks' Methods of Teaching" was
adopted as the work to be read and studied
by teachers during the year. At the pre
ceding institute "Baldwin's Art of School
Management" was adopted. Many teach
ers have purchased these books, and we
hope much good will result from their care
ful reading and study. During my visita
tions last winter it was already to be notic
ed that there existed a greater uniformity
in the calling and dismissing oi classes and
in the general management of school work.
It could be easily observed who had been
reading the work adopted. The salaries
paid teachers in many districts ft entirely
too low to secure the best talent, yet we are
pleased to note that the average salaries of
male teachers in the county have advanced
from $24.SS in 18S0, to $29.22 in 1883, and of
female teachers from f21.78 in 1S80. to $23.79
in 1R.S1. This shows a gradual increase of
tbe average salaries paid, a fact we are glad
to report and encourage. It is unreasonable
to expect to retain our best teachers to do
school work, when almost every- other oc
cupation offers them better pay and more
permanent employment. About 20 per
cent, of onr teachers quit teaching in the
county yearly, and they are usually our
most experienced. This is a loss of teach
ing force that we cannot well afford to lose.
and while the number who take their places
bring new life and vigor to the work, they
lack that essential element, successful ex
perience, which time, earnest toil and effort
only can give.
granted. Thirty applicants were rejected.
During the school year ending June 1, 1SS4,
sixteen examinations were held. Two hun
dred and ninety certificates were issued, and
twenty -seven applicants were rejected.
"Within the period embraced in this report,
all the schools of the county were visited
twice with the exception of four. The dis
tance to be traveled in reaching the schools
is so great in a county to large as ours, that
the time to be spent in each is necessarily
limited. Much nioie good would result if
each school could be visited monthly. I
have often been accompanied in my visits
by directors and patrons. Everywhere have
1 been welcomed and kindly received, for
which I return my sincere thanks. X.
GepharU, August 2, 1SS4.
The Last or tee Seasos. The popular
excursion of the 31st ultimo, having been
well patronired, the Pennsylvania railroad
announces tbe last one of these favorite ex"
carsions to Cape May and Atlantic City, on
August 21st, by special tram of their fine
Eastlake cars, which ore acknowledged to
be the most comfortable in the country.
This train will leave Pittsburgh on the
above date at 8:35 a. x., eastern standard
time, arriving at Philadelphia at 7:25 p.
remaining over night and proceeding to the
seashore tbe following morning, as follows :
To Atlantic City at 8:50 and Cape May at 9
a. m.. Tickets good to either point will be
sold at the very low rates for the round trip
and good for ten days, as follows : Pitts
burgh, $10 ; Irwin, 10 ; Greensburg 10 ;
Uniontown, 10 ; Connellsville, 10 ; Latrobe,
10 ; Blairsville, 10 ; Indiana, 10 ; Butler,
10; Johnstown, 9.25; Cresson, 8X0; Al
tooua.8.00; Tyrone, 7.C5 ; Bcllefonte, 8.C5 ;
Huntingdon, 7.10 ; Cumberland, 8.50; Bed
ford,. 8.50; Mt. Union, 6.75 ; McYcytown,
(J.60; Lcwistown Junction, COO ; Mifflin,
5 oo ; Newport, 5 00. At this season of the
year the bathing, fishing and sailing is the
finest, and we would advise all to take ad
vantage of this last opportunity to indulge
in this recuperative sport. For further par
ticulars call on Agents of this Company, or
Address Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent,
Western District, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Dr. Saddler, the well known Oculist of
Pittsburgh, and his tamily, will spend their
vacation from the city this year, at the
ti.tors Assurance Dip of tic
Saturdy evening 23i inst) the Doctor can'
be consulted on all affections of the eye, ear, f TTlftPjl StrltW
No Oculist in
the United States Las had JfCHrjM Jg, JTudC. PVCS't.
tne treatment of catarai-t
than Dr. Saddler of Pittsburgh. Dout fail to
consult him at the Glade House August lh
to 23d. Come the first day if possible.
There is no danger in nerating for crook
ed eyes, when done by skillful hands, it
only takes two minutes to do it in. Tbe
pain is not haif as severe as you think. Con
sult Dr. Sadler at Glade House Augnst loth
yalilRea Esia
Cosslcexce Items.
Doctors say, and they know, that it is dis
tressingly healthy.
All agree, that the recent rains were necessary.
AH admit, who know anything, that
Blaine and Logan will be elected.
Democrats here, say that St. John is a de
serving man and should be supported, but
it is apparent that they will not support
Ben Butler is a good man and since he
has become the nurse of a child of the Dem
ocracy (rag baby) Democrats should support
him out of sympathy.
A Democrat who takes no paper, inquired
of another Democrat who takes a paper,
what good thing he could say about Cleve
land. Tell the people that he was Sheriff at
one time and could hang people with great
ease. A Republican standing by, added,
that he thought that there was a baby in the
case but didnt exactly know where it was.
George W. Daniels, Supervisor of the Na
tional pike is making himself an enviable
reputation. Mr. v. is getting things in
good shape and should be continued in office.
Aioi sT 2, 1S81. X.
The anderslinMd Executor of Hartmaa ReiU.
deceased, late ot StoDjcroek towuhlp, Somerset
county, r mil oner lor saie on
on tbe premlics In Stonycreek township, Somer
set county, ran i i o ciuvk r. u., me
known as STOSTCREEK MILLS, situate on I
mountain stream, a branch of tbe Sionycreek
wltliin llirce-tourths of a m We from the villa
of Koxhory, ami tbree-fonrtbs of a mile fmm tne
new railroad, (now baiMinx) containing 44 acre
more or lesa, on wineu are ereeioj
Two Dwelling Houses,
CRIST MILL. Barn. Stable. Suaar-eamp. and
other oathooAes. Tue Mill BolWinif Is:x64 feet,
three stories high, contains ikree ran of stones,
ana an other machinery necessary lor toe maiiu
lacmre of cooil Hour, ami hat a coed eattem.
There Is also an engine in the mill, to it ean be
run euner by steam or water pnwer-
-TLKMS reasonable, and will be made
known on day ot sale.
augS. fexecator.
SITUATE In Paint Township, Somerset County
Pa., two and one-half miles from Scalp Level,
and one mile from Somerset and Cambria Rail
road. Tli ia farm eonuinii about QO AcrS
ol Land, lortv acres of which are cleared anil in a
frood slate of cultivation, and the balance In good
Umber. There Is a good two-story plank
Dwelling House,
Bank Barn, and other necessary oathulMInc on
the premises. Also, a good 'ruit Orchard, Su
gar Camp, and a good coal bank, four-foot vein,
open. ir timber iniormatluneall on
On the Premises, or adddreis at Scalp Level
Cambria County, Pa. Aug Utf.
ASSETS - - $53,030,581
SURPLUS - - 12,109,756
INCOME - - 13,470,571
New Assurance written in
1883. $81,129,756. Taid to
policy holders during the last
24 years, $73,877,699.
Tbe Society bas written, during the past twen
ty jeari, an aggregate amount ef new assurance
larger than has been written by any other com
pany in tbe world.
Tbe surplus fund of the Sooeiety, on a four per
cent, valuation. Is larger than that of onj ether
life insurance company In the world.
The Equitable Lira AssraaxcB Socirrr Is
tae& plain and simple contract of asrurance, free
from burdensome and technical conditions, and
INDISPUTABLE after three years. AU poll-
cies, as soon as they become Indisputable, are
payable IMMEDIATELY upon satisfactory
proofs of death, and a legal release, without tbe
delay usual with other companies. By this
raokPT ravas.iT, the beneficiary of an Equita
ble policy is m t only saved from annoying delays
and expenses, but receives peeuni&ry lelief
quickly as If the amount of the assurance had
been Invested in a bond of the Uovernment of the
United States. ,
W.Frank Gaul,
Srvjial Agent for Somerset Co
A!l who tare any defects of the eye or
ears will have an opportunity of con
sulting the Trell known Oculist and
Anrist, O. W. Padler, II. D., f Pittsborg,
at the tilaile ITou., from Saturday morning,
Anpwt Itlth., to Saturday night, August
231. It will pay to avail yourselves of this
opportunity, as tbe Doctor will be fully pre
pared to treat any . case, and you will thus
save the expense of a trip to Pittsburgh,
which is often more than the cost of treat-
ment. Don't forget the dates.
The county institute of 1S82 was held at
Somerset during the week commencing De
cember 25th. Two hundred and twelve
teachers were present. AH the sessions of
tbe institute were well attended, the citizens
of Somerset seeming interested, as well as
the teachers present. In addition to the
work done by the teachers of the county,
instruction was given by Prof. E. O. Lyte,
of the Millersville Normal, and Prof. S. It.
Hefges, Principal of the Shippcnsburg Nor
mal School. Miss Louise McClintock. of
Meadville, enlivened each session with a
song. Lvemng lectures were delivered by
Prof. S. R. Ileiges, Col. J. P. Sanford and
Dr. A. A. Willitt.
The iustitute of 1883 was held at the same
place during tbe week commencing Dec.
24th. It was a decided succiss. It was
generally conceded to be the best ever held
in the county. Only sixteen teachers were
absent Dr. X. B. Sclm-fler, Principal of the
Keystone Normal, was principal instructor,
and did noble work. Prof. T. B. Noss, Prin
cipal of tbe California Normal, assisted jiart
of the week. Trof. W. B. Null, of Lancas
ter, bad charge of the music, and made a
grand success of it. Dr. E. E. Higbee, Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, deliver
ed an address at the Director's meeting. It
was well received, and was considered one
of tbe finest efforts of the week. Prof. Geo.
E. Little instructed in drawing, and for sev
eral evenings entertained tbe audience part
of the time with his skillful drawing and
charcoal sketching. Evening lectures were
delivered by Dr. X. C. Scha-ffer, CoL O. W.
Bain, and Dr. J. H. Vincent. Miss Tlelen
Potter occupied an evening in recitations
and impersonations. Tbe Allegheny Quar
tette furnished music one evening. It was
a grand weeks work of instruction and en
tertainment Persons were present frcrn dif
ferent parts of the county, and expressed
themselves as being satisfied for the time
and expense incurred in attendance. The
county institute is doing much to encour
age teachers in their work, and in educating
public sentiment in favor of public schools.
District institutes were conducted success
fully in Elk Lick, Summit Jenner, Jeffer
son, Meyersdale and Milford. Much good
resulted from these frequent consultations
of teachers concerning their work. j
Mb. Editor. The republicans of this vi
cinity met in the school house near town tin
Saturday evening for the purpose of organ
izing a Blaine and Logan club. At the time
appointed the house was filled with enthusi
astic friends of the Plumed Knight. The
meeting was organized by electing A. M.
Sevits, Esq., President, and Prof. J. M. Tier-
key, Secretary, after which Hon. A. J, Col
born, of Somerset, delivered an eloquent ad
dress, presenting the issues involved in th's
campaign in plain and unmistakable terms,
and his audience gave evidence of their ap
proval by frequent cheers. After the ad
dress the enrolling of names began, and
judging by the manner in which every vo
ter came forward and signed the paper, this
will be the largest club in the county. Tbe
full organization of the club will take place
on the evening of the ICth inst., wbea other
good speakers will be. with us. Look out
for good news from Brotbersvalley and Ber
lin in November. Radical.
Bkrlin, Pa., Aug. -4, '84.
Brothersvallev Items.
Last Thursday Dr. John P. Cover died, af
ter a lew days illness. Funeral on Satur
day, which was attended by a large con
course of people. The doctor was nearly 82
years of age. .
A short time since Peter Buechly fell from
a cherry tree, spraining his ankle to such
an extent as will disable him from perform
ing manna! labor for some weeks to come.
Last week one day while Irvin Rayman,
a son of Charles F. Rayman, was shoeing a
horse, the animal threw himself upon him,
breaking one of his ribs and otherwise bad
ly bruising him. Mr. R. won't shoe anoth
er'borse for some time to come, but he says
he'll vote for Blaine and Logan, all tbe
The hum of the separator can be heard
throughout tbe township, separating "the
wheat from tbe chaff," and new wheat is
selling readily at 510 cents.
Last week we had plenty of rain. Hay
ing was stopped entirely for over a week,
in consequence of which a few of our farm
ers are not yet done making hay.
Next Friday, August 8th, Berlin will
have the opportanity for the first time, of
seeing a big railroad show pitch its tent in
their midst.
The Berlin Normal has been duly opened
by Prof. Berkey, with nearly fifty students
in attendance, and still they come.
Tbe Republicans of this section organized
a Blaine and Logun club last Saturday even
ing, with some forty names enrolled. The
list will soon be swelled to two hundred.
Hon. A. J. Colborn was present and made a
stirring speech, which was highly apprecia
ted by the Republicans.
A few weeks ago the New Centreville cor
respondent of tbe Meyersdale Vommetxial,
called Now and Then a " bombastic fool and j
sore-head, for what tbe Berlin corres
pondent to the Herald said in au article
which appeared in the coluius of the Her
ald a short time before the delegate election
in tbe spring. Now, all I ask of said cor
resioiident is that he correct said mistake,
t ttn.l tlivil n. . .l.iailtt ,l,tt Kmhrlwf if fiVtl "
will let you know what kind of a fool he is,
and after this if you find fault with Broth
ersvalk'V Items be sure and quote from said
items, and Now and Then may take the
floor afterwards.
That stable manure Is a first-class fertilizer. It
is also true that Animal Bone Phosphates are
first-class fertilizers: We know that it costs some
farmers as much as $au and fto per acre for stable
manure, while one-half ef the amount invested In
Animal Bone Manures wonld give as good results.
Yet all we ask farmers to use is "M pounds per
acre of any ofEaagh's E&w Bone Manures, and
thereby nnd that they pay a large percentage of
profit upon the investment
500 pounds of the 825 Phosphate, at 823 per
ten In Philadelphia, costs 86.2.1.
Some farmers think 40 pounds pre am
2 bags of the 825 each 200 pounds, will give
you 100 for 8500.
For circulars giving analysis
and further information, call
on or address
11 A UGH & SONS,
Sole Manufacturers of the $25 Phosphate,
We are anin offering our celebrated
Star Copper Rod,
The Only Protection against Lishtninir.
Those who desire having their
Should call on or addn-ss us. We
Somerset, July Ifi, l&U. tf.
Their Stock is Large,
giving- you a wide range
to select from, and their
prices are the Lowest.
113 and 115 Clinton Street,
Vahalls Real Estate!
J) Y vlrtae of an onler of sale Issued cat of the
i Orphans' Court or Somerset County, Pa., to
the nnttersiinieil directed, there will ba expoaeil
to sale by public outcry, on the premises, on
at 1 o'clock p.m., the followina; described Real
Estate, situate in Vpper Turkeyfoot township.
Somerset county, Pa., late the pruierty and home
of John (Jury, deceased, conta!t,inic :4T acres,
about 0 ai-res cleared, of which lo acre's ik in
meadow, and 7iaciv in a irood state of cultiva
tion, the balance beins; well timbered, bavins;
thereon erected a two-siorr
Los; Barn, and other outbuildings. Convenient
to school, mill, and church. Adjoining lands ol
Jacob Henry, William Kins;, Komanus Pile, Mi
chael Ansel, and others.
One-third after the payment of debts and ex
penses ot settling the estate to remain a lien upon
the premises as the widow's tlower, the interest
thereof to be paid annually to tbe widow, and at
her death the principal sum to the heirs of Joan
Gary, deceased, the balance, one-third cash on
eontiimaLion of sale and delivery of dee, one-third
in one year, and one-third in two years from day
of sale, without interest, 10 per cent ol the pur
chase money to be paid as soon as tbe property is
knocked down. Possession riven October 10,
jullft. Trustee.
At an Orphans' Court held at Somerset, Pa., on
the'Ztibday ol May, lss.1, the undersigned Au
ditor was duly sppointed to make a distribution
of the !und in the bands of Frederick Blesecker,
Esq., Administrator of Elizabeth Shearer dec' d,
to and among those leirally entitled thereto,
hereby gites notice that he will attend to the du
ties of tbe above appointment on Thursday, the
Mth day of August, IBM. at hi office in Somerset,
Pa,, wben aLd where all persons can attend If
they think proper.
jul23. Auditor.
Indian Coujih Syrup cures Coughs and
Colds. It Las no equal. Druggists all keep
Most of our readers will receive this week
a complimentary copy of JJr. Saddler's Il
lustrated ramphlet oil diseases of tbe
eye, ear, nose and throat. Those who do
not get one, and wish it, can get one free by
sending name and address to Dr. Saddler,
Pittaburgh, Pa.
It is a somewhat singular fact that not
withstanding the increased depression in
manufactnres and trade, there are fewer
tramps along the railroads and highways
than for a long time past.
FORQUER ErSH. July 31, 18S4, at
the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev.
J. R. Brown, Mr. LeRoy M. Forquer to Miss
Sabina M. Rush, both of Somerset county.
Estate of J scob Weller, late of Somerset Town
ship Somerset Co., Pa., dee'd.
Letters testamentary on a bore estate having
been granted to the undersigned by the proper au
thority, notice is hereby given to all persons in
debted to said estate to make Immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against it to pre
sent them duly authentieaVfi for settlement oa
Saturday. August Id, ls&t, at the office ol H. L.
Bacr, Eu.,ia Somerset Borough.
jullS. Executors.
(East from Court House.)
Somerset, JPenn'n.
.Manufacturer of
Famkhed oa Short Notice.
Painting Dose on Short Time.
My work Is made out of Thoroughly Statonrd
Wood, and the Httt Iron and Steel, substan
tially Constructed, Neatly Finished, and
Warranted to Give Saliiacticn.
I Employ Cnlj First-Class Workmen.
Repairing of AU Kindsln My Line Done on Short
All Work Warranted.
Call and Examine my Stork, and Learn Price.
I do Wagon-work, and furnish Selves for Wind
Mills. Remember the place, and call In.
(East or Court House,)
apr30-lyr. SOMERSET. PA.
I Mciictra ami Bate, I
:Branfhtltiraiiid Yard
Somerset, Pa.,
Op. S .C. B. R. STATION.
To see our Immense Retail Stores, Silks,
Press Goods, llrens Trimmings. Hosiery, KtU,
Silk and Lisle Uleves: Millinery, heathers.
Flowers. Laces. Embroideries, Parasols, Sun Um
brellas. Fans, Hanitkerchiels, Ladles' and Chll
tlrens' Wraps and Suits. Jersey Jackets in blaek
and colors ; white Graduating Dresses, Under
wear for Men, Women and Children ;
Furnishing Goods
For Men and Roys, Lace Curtains. Table Linens,
ToweU. You can get everything you
need under one roof.
JOS. ill & CO.,
Pel Ave. Eetall Stores, Mil
5 Big Stores in One.
Estate of Henry Marts, dee'd, late of Southamp
ton Township, Somerset County, Pa.
Letter of Administration on the above estate
having been granted to tbe undersigned by the
proper authority, notice Is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims against the
same will present them duly authenticated for
ettlement oa Saturday. September a, IsM, at the
late residence of the deceased.
angS. Administratrix.
Estate of J hn W. Gelger. dee'd. lute of Somerset
Townnhlp. Somerset County, Pa.
Letter of administration oa the above estate
having been r ranted to the undersigned by the
proper authority, notice Is hereby given to al
persont indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment and those having claims against the
same to present them duly authenticated lor set
tlement on August 9. 1M, at the otSce of H. L.
Baor, in Soiucuet Borough.
julyS Administrator.
Rear sec Main stwt. j Wholesalers and Retailers :
Hard an J Soft f ccfls.
A General Line of all if ra.le oi I.umlr and Hull.llnir M.lerLil anil Rooflnir Slate kent in Stork.
Alo, ran lurni.n anything in the line oi our business to order wnh reasonable promptness, such a
uracKeis. inm-siied work, lie.
Manager, Somerset Branch.
Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
Brass and Iron Fonntlcrs, Machinists, ami Manufactu
rers of Miners Supplies,
(Krerv Pump fully
p i Vs.. ba
For Coal Mines, Furnaces, Railroads, and Boiler Feeders.
Turn-Tcble Dump Cars.
Stone Picks,
Hoisting Crabs
Stone Wedges,
Heavy Castitifrs ami Forgings ; Sheet-Iron Work ;
repaired at short notice.
Machinery of all kinds bnilt ant
FEfI.ESEMIXAKY. Opens Sepie.
neipe-iv- L.ir6ti.l'
rteaee 11 Xj If furon tr
X Mi XJii. V A Ai X-J JL-J methods, manaitemenL Send for tata-
loicues. Liberal course of study. An and mu-ic tliorougniy taovhL Instruction adapted to hvlt
vi.lual minds. rriernus table : home eornftirts : Itealthiut lueahoa : Christian oversight Dsoder
ate terms. REV. J. W. WlUHIXAX, l. I., frim., Nteafc.avlll.. a. jaUo-atj
Pittsburgh Female College
m PITTSBURGH CONSERVATORY OF M0S1G-I03 full Music Ussons far Jll.
PNtirwt School of l.!html Art, Mnlr, Klonitlon, Modern nvu&ffp-si, tn. OotrmL H.tbfni.
riilrry t?acb-r. MKJrJite i-carcs. TMrtith year opens Sept. IvL Hrtttn nissvitinf ugiMrvaU4nU elftt-
"V.'S.'r.r-DR. I. C. PERSHINC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Situate In Mt. Pleasant Township, Weitraora
land County la . one and a half miles from Li if a r 1 . . n a r-..1 Siur This farm Anntnfna on
hundred acres ol land, one hall of which is dear- j
ed and In a pood state or cultivation, and tne
balance in (rood Umber. A good two-story log
And Los; Barn, with Shed and otherOntbuIldliura.
Good truit of all kinds In abundance. Also an
open hank of good coal on the farm. For further
Information call oa or address
junlS. Donegal, Wecmoreiand Co. Fa.
Pennsylvania Female College.
Located In tbe suburbs of Pittsburgh, stray !
from city noite and tmoke t,'n.-urpa4ei tori
Bwsbit and atraltkfalBeaa Excellent fa-j
rlllties for the study ot Natural Sciences, and I
Mathematics la short, every department vrll I
equipped. Session opens September 10. 184.
larly application Is desirable. For eala loif ues j
and further information apply to
Miss Heller E, Pelletreau. Pres t
iuntoeow. Pittsburg, tEastfcnd), Fa. I
lNttM ISVlkx
Mace from Eone.3 Direct frcm the Slaughtering Houses.
If computed on tlu basis of its merit by the NOIL TEST or by ANALYSIS it i
spa xiwssas C3th
Because cf Ita Purity and the Absence of all Worthies Matter, it ia
PII ATE is ijvfx. ami ;s Intruded for SrKaw and Laucib Vielu.
Joshua Horner, Jr. & Co., Eowlfs WM and Wool Street, Baltimore, Ml
i rm i my
Guaranteed i.yuo on
ir i XTf T Canvassers In every eoun
Y A IN 1 lYL'ty ia the State to take or
ders lor Nursery Stock. Stead and Dettrable
Employment Experience In the business not re-
f aired. Nurseries widely and favorably known,
'or terms address
Van ltusen Nurseries Established 1839.
Also, stock at wholesale. junta.
Estate ef PriKilla Whlsler, late of Faint Twp
Somerset Co., Pa dee'd.
Letters of administration oa the above estate
having; been (ranted to the UDderslfraed by the
proper authority, notice is hereby Riven to all
persons Indebted to said estate to make Immedi
ate payment, and those having; claims aiainst the
ame will present them duly authenticated for
settlement on Saturday, tbe 9th day of August,
18M, at the lata resldeneeof deceased.
juljl. Administrator.
notMins: r.nirines ana tnaciiinery a fet- alty.
Second-hand Engines and Boilers on hand. Send
for Stock Liiit. THO.H AS OAKLI.V
ma;l-eow. Allegheny City, Pa.
A lew frood reliable men to Art sue VETI
torthetaleofourXEVs rati ITft ASD PE.
CI ALT I ES ! together with a lull line of MR.
SEKY STUCK. Prevtoiu Etperitne not Et
tentiaL ' Live, Actlie Men earn good wages.
For terms address, giving; full name, lt. and
reference, HUOPE3, BROTHER k THOMAS,
W est Chester Penna. loUo-Kt.
Estate of Jacobs. Miller, dee'd, late of Xilford
Twp., Somerset Co., Pa,
Letters of administration on the above estate
having been granted to the underlined, by the i
proper authority, notice is hereby given to thoas ,
indented u
those bavin
sent them
Friday, the ttd aay of August, lt, at his office
to It to make immediate payment and
claims or demands will pli
r claims or demands will pleax pre I
duly authenticated for settlement oa
in Keckwood.
Eighteen public examinations were belt!
ZIMMERMAN. In Jenner Township,
J on July 30, 1384, Adam Zimmerman, aged
' 73 years, 7 months and 15 days.
Estate of John Boyer, dee'd late of Stoaycreok
Twp., Somerset Co., Fa., dee'd.
Letter of administration on the ibove estate
having been granted to the undersign 1 br the
proper authority, notice la hereby glrea to all
persons Indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, and those having elalme asrainst tbe
same will present them duly authenticated for
ettlement at the late residence of said deceased
now la possession of Peter Boyer, in Stonycreek
i owns tup, on oaturumj. sid, '-.
Admr. Teitamento Aanexo.
AQQisssa Send eenti torpos
" t4 1 Mm Kb ase and receive free a
costly box of souls, which will help jna to more
nosey ritht away than anything else in this
world. AIL, of either sex. succeed from Srst hour.
The bread road lo fortane opens belore the work
ers, absolutely snre. At once address. Tarn A
GoAagu'U, Maine. ran2S.
PESiy s DEAD SHOT Verr.;iiip.
4 3
irVhM Send tor
II Ml! IjPricoLista ,BfiT
i mm
It Will IPay You
To Buy Your
Memorial Work
e F. Met, Eiersei, Ma,
Over 600
Manufacturer of and 0alr in
in wu mi
tatter Work finiiiM e Merf Kotiee, in all
Colora. At Ayentortke
Persons in need of MOM MEST WORK will
Cod it to their Interest u call at say shop, wfeere
a rvper showing will be given them. iei
jactxan euarartted la r-jr Late, and PRICES
tEUY LOW. I lavicn Special Attention to thn
a the Ha
i Bodr. Prise Be. AH DrMgistsv
White Bronze, or Pure Zinc Monuments.
Introduced bv REV. W. A.GIUNO. as a Detkied Improvement la point ef MATERIAL AXm
COSSTHCCTIOS. and which Is destined lo be the Popular Monument for onr Changeable Climate.
main nntil Aupust 15, ISM.