The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 11, 1884, Image 4

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I ;
.. t I" IT-ol Pi. t,
For their unflagging !
iiaus mt m
rotion to Blaine. , . . A
Chicago, June 4. It waB some
thing after 11 o'clock when th; con
Tention was called to order this
Prayer was offyred by Rev, Dr.
John H. Barnea, of the First Presby
terian church, in the course of which
he epote of the vast moral and po
litical changes which the "Nation had
undergone, as indicated by the pres
ence of him who now so worthilv
presided over . the convention, and
he asked a lle?eing on the race f nd
the Commonwealth and the cau.e
which that gentleman represented,
ile rraved that when the convention
had dissolved it would have pre
sented to the suffrages of the Nation
lor the hiphest cilice in the people s
rift a candidate who, in personal
character ndio devotion V duty,
in loyalty to American institutions,
, iucourape and experience and wis
dom should worthilv succeed t the
chair of Washington, and thus help
tLe patron to become notvnly More
iirot)erus and just and peaceful,
Ut also to be an inspiration Mid ' j
bleswng to the struggling people of
, James A- Gary, cf Maryla.d, pre
sented a memorial, and a?ked that
it be read. It was from the Presi
dent nd Secretary of the State j
Temperance Alliance of that State, I
embodving re.-olucions passed by
. that body on May Ctli last, appeal
ing to the wnventian of the Repub
lican and Democratic parties to tm
lody a resolution in their platform
distinctly recognizing Prohibition,
and to nominate candidates in ac
cord therewith, and saying that if
neither recognized this principal the
memorialists would vote for neither,
and that if one of them did so then
the ballots of the Alliance would be
cast for their candidate.
Mr. Massay, of Delaware, offered
a resolution referring to the com
mittee on resolutions a proposition
to enlarge the time of the Presiden
tial oHiceto six years, and to render
an incumbent f the office ineligible
to return. Referred.
A resolution that all delegates
should hind themselves to support
the nominee, whoever he may be,
created warm discussion.
Mr. Plumb, of Kansas, offered a
resolution against the ownership of
lands in this country by foreigaers
ns a system opposed to the doctrine
of the fathers. Referred.
Mr. Hawkins, of Tennessee, offer-t-d
a resolution pledging all delegates
to support the nominee of the con
vention, whoever he may be.
Mr. Pierce, of Massachusetts, op
ined the resolution, hoping that
the Convention would not bind its
conscience in the manner proposed.
Mr. Winkler, of Wisconsin, also
pposed the resolution. It was a
declaration on the part of every del
egate that be would support the
nominee of the Convention, and he
thought that no such declaration
was necessary.
Mr. Hawkins, of Tennessee, said
he had offered the resolution in good
faith, and be trusted that no man
would be found voting against it.
If any delegate was not willing to
support the nominee of the conven
tion, he should not participate in its
deliberations. Cheers. No harm
could come of its adoption, and he
thought its adoption advisable, in
view of certain whispers in the
Mr. Knight, of California advoca
ted the resolution, and also alluded
to certain whispers in the air, and
particularly to the editorial declara
tion of one of the great metropoli
tan journals, as a reason why the
resolution should be adopted.
Mr. Curtis, of New York, warmly
opposed the resolution, and referred
in the course of his remarks to the
position of the Convention whick
nominated Mr. Lincoln twenty-four
years ago, when a similar resolution
was introduced and voted down.
He also reminded the Convention
. W hat was said and done for years
V. when Mr. Campbell, of West
irginia, declared that he was a Re
kblican who carried his sovereignty
ider his own hat, and when, under
fe lead of Garfield, the gentleman
lo presented a similar resolution
Is induced to withdraw it. Cheers
t therefore asked this Convention
assume that every delegate was
Hionest and honorable man. He
tractemed the resolution as one
!ch was unworthy to be ratified
i body of freemen Loud cheers.
Jhe Chair decided that, as lar as
Hble, the rules of the House of
fresentatives slioulu be followed,
jwmg alternate speeches for and
Inst. This ruling was made in
jonseto appeals for recognition
L A 1 I J 1 I'll -
iwoaeiegaiesaionce,inetnair;can Peace I nion, which I ask to
aing in uvor oi tne man wiio
iedto speak for the resolution.
fnator Dolph, of Oregon, moved
iv the resolution n the table.J
jr. Hawkins said that as his res
Jon had developed so much op
tion he would withdraw it..
,r. Ewing, of Pennsylvania, made
partial report from the Committee
on Credentials, to the effect that he
hoped to be able to complete the
labors of that Committee this after
neon. Mr. Ewing offered the following:
n'ok1, That hereafter, in the
selection by district conventions. the Mr. Matthews-I ask the unani
hasis of representation of the several i raous consent of the convention to
counties, part of counties, or wards, j alopt and pass that resolution. It
be the same as that which at that mar be observed that there are sol
tinie prevails in each district respect-1 diefs here who have come from over
ively, for the nomination of Repub-j one hundred miles to witness the
lican candidates for members of Con-1 nroceedintrs of this convention, and,
gress, ana wherever a majority of to enable them to do so. this resolu-
ujc vouaues or suo-aivisions con-
uui iuau uue-nan tue
population oi the district shall reg
ularly unite in the call and conduct
nfti,. : ,i . "C "-
Sill U n
Gen. Geo. K. Willies, of Indiana,
chairman of the committee on Ter-
Dianent Orpaniiat
the committee on Permanent Orcan -
imion, had selected Gen. J. K Hen-
JeKon of u;, : r ... .
chairman, and would reauet thl1
. , ., .. : ...
-vit-try u reaa tn list or ice
I'refidents nd Secretaries.
Mr. Charles V CIiiw m;i.
E wm selected as principal ,cr -
tary. 1
rerjort wan atrr tn
. r . - ....
to the platform.
Georire Hend
wit-U cheers, and epoke aa follows
enuemenofthe Contention:
behave assembled to
survey the
2 til. Possible, the wants of the
3nt, ar witbpatrioUc firmness,
ilie chair r,r;..i r- i t. nave oeeu issuea ior everv seat in
Grow S rSK. r11111 Is ih Louse "ready for
H.fMSteiT the question? All in favor of the
B. WilliJS;SgE loptu of the rolntion will say
to conduct the nerra.n.n.1 a'e ' contrary, no. The noes seem
to th riPermanent chairma I U have it. The noes have it and thfe
Rf - f .l I. -
abolished, and its;
fJX ,r eqoaI and honorable !
m . : . :it
A "P. this convention : the ;
j - - - j' , i i ,
nnhlic k tS maintained, unbounded
stands c"
credit at home and abroad, a cor-,J K SSti
rency convertible into .com and Uhe t?cet &por at Sixth
pulses of industry throbbing with ' , , t iWa ummom
renewed health and vigor in every rtULnd that the
section of a prosperous and I peaceful ing I J from pQ.
country. These are the fruiU of.tri- An emeHc was administered
umphs over adverse policies gamed Xrevived her. She was then
in the military nud civil conflicts of f ,Ci inlrnn;a Ho-wi-
the last twenty-four years. Out j j
I I I H-f. fnillilLLS lit 3 LUlUt ev.w v-.
heroes and statesmen, challenging
confidence and love at home, and
respect and admiration abroad.
And now, wnen we come to teiec-i
, . i- .i . i.
mant is not in the want, but in the.
abundance of Presidential material.,
New York has her true and tried1
(statesman, on whose administration'
the lierce and even unmenuiy. ugni
of the public 'i-crutmj has been
turned, and the universal verdict is,
Well done, thou gkd and faithful
servant." Vermont lias her great
staU-sman, wLose. mind is as clear
as the crystal springs of his native
State, and Whose virtue is as firm as
its granite hills. Ohio can corae
with a name whe.e history is the
history of the Republican party iU
chief. Illinois can corae with one
who never failed in the discharge of
public duty, whether in the council
chamber er on' the field of battle.
Maine has her honored favorite,
whose splendid abilities and ptrson
al qualities have endeared hiui to
the hearts of his lriend-, and the
brilliascy of whose genius challeng
es the admiration of all. Connecti
cut and Indiana may come with
names scarcely less illustrious than
And now, in conclusion, if, be
cause of personal disagreements or
the tmergencies of Hie occasion,
another name is sought, then; ytti
remains that grand old hero of Ken
nesaw Mountain and Atlanta. When
patriotism calls, he cannot, if he
would, be silent, but, grasping that
banner to him so dear, which he
has already borne in triumph, ie
will march to a civic victory no less
memorial than tho?e of war.
I thank you, gentlemen, for this
distinguished mark of your confi
dence. The allusions to Arthur, Shermin.
Edmunds and Logan were heartily
applauded, but when Blaine was al
luded to as a man whose splendid
abilities and personal qualities had
endeared him to the hearts of his
friends, and whose brilliancy of ge
nius challenged the admiration of
mankind, a storm of applause broke
out, and on the stage, tbe floor, and
the galleries men stood up and, wav
ing their hats and handkerchiefs,
chef-red again and ugain. The wo
men also took p;irt in the demon
stration, and waved their fans and
Atterthe first storm of applause
had worn itself out, it was again re
newed, and once again the enthusi
asm was as marked and intense as
that which characterized the conven
tion of 1S30 at the time of Garfield's
nomination. It was fully five min
utes before the chairman was able to
resume and finish his speech.
Mr. Stebbins. of Arizona, present
ed a resolution to the effect that the
appointment of Territory officers by
the President of the United States
should be from actual residents of
such territories. Referred to the
committee on resolutions.
A delegate from California pre
sented a resolution to the effect that
the commissioner of agriculture be
made a cabinet officer. Referred to
the committee on resolutions.
A woman-sulfrri; resolution was
presented and referred to the com
mittee on resolutions.
The committee on credentials re
ported it could not complete its re
port till afternoon or evening.
The convention thereupun ad
journed at 12:20 till 7 o'clock.
Chicago.. I une-1. Chairman Hen
derson called the convention to or
der at 7:'I-" v. m., and made the fol
lowing announcement: Gentle
men, there is a communication in
the hands of the secretitrvTrom the
I - i ... i
VUuiiuiiwc on v i eueiuims ineu
will be read to the convention.
The secretary read the communi
cation, as follows :
To the Chairman of the Repub
lican National Convention :
The Committee on Credentials
have the honor to notify the con
vention that as important business
is occupying the time of the com.
mittee, the committee will not be
able to report to the convention this
Mr. Curtis, of New York T hohl
j jn mv hand a petition of the Amcri-
i .
have referred to the Committee on
; peolutions.
The Chair It will be so refer
red. Mr. Matthews, of Illinois I desire
to introduce a resolution which I ask
be read to the convention.
The secretary read the resolution
as follows :
Resolved, That the Committee on
Distribution of tickets be hereby
instructed to furnish oOO tickets of
this convention, to be given to the
vWans who desire to witnessable
tion is introduced, and I hope this
i convention
will adopt it urianimoup-
w rri . c-, , w
.Mr. i nursion, oi .eorasKa l rise
! t0 ask 3 lusti"n- 1 wish tw in
I " nai ll3a""r auu io wiiai nerson IOri
. , , " , . ,
Iw.l .1 .
1 , "?ove 10 anlen1 "Miug "and
1 at l- le il!'trilut-lJ according
I to re Dresentation unnn l h Il nor nf
thi,i convention te tht 'airmen 0f.
iliiir!inoii. ,)Jot;,.n- I
i A delegate I second that motion.
I The Chair before the vote shall
! be r ireJt?6tate th hwef
nust heen informeil bv a member oti
I.. -
'tJianot;rtnai .ftmm;t,M
1 1 i n ..
; resolution 16
i ulause l
defeated. Slight ap-
i j
Mr. Lone, of Massachusetts T
move the house do now adjourn un-
m or row moramr.
1 accent the'
a standard-nearer ior uie an u
inr? conflict, our chief embarrass-f?HH"rl
menmenito II o
I iueChcir T io
nnrlerl f ir 1 , , . t" l'ra"'u"i ; K Hunt. Vrnld. t nl KIIm,
ouueu maitiuj convention now ad- nnee. Biickinrham V. Dva for fW- rs. ah i.hie wwi" "
" n r . ii " i rr ""'ti uiui-mcg t tiouiKera unites m itsf t au tneef,tf ii1,i.Hi-i-
Joe Black, For You I Die.
PHiLADELrHiA, May SO. About ! Reading nlond iti the family, says
... ' . ' . r -r.KVl 1 " 4. Tr..!- .L- l
o clock iasi even uk u umwn ui
,OLiocl c, ,. . ,j
o clock last evening air oiacer oi
I n a satchel w hich the carried
u8 fi.nnd a natter ou which was
written : '"No. '2Z'J South Fifth street,
-Joe Black for you I die.:'
Joe Black is a young man who keeps
n H.iloon at the address1 given? It
that the young couple have
been keeninsr compauy.and the re
fusal of the girl's mother to permit
Black to her daughter induced
the girl to attempt suicide. Miss
Dean will recover.
An Knl to Hone Scraping.
Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg,
III., savs : "Having received so much
benefit from Electric Bitters, I feel it
mv duty to let suffering humanity
know it" Hare had a running sre
on my lg for eight years ; my doc
tors told me I would have to have
the bone scraped or leg amputated.
I used, instead, three bottles of Elec
tric Bitters and seven boxes Buck
len's Arnica Salve, and my leg is nv
sound and well.''
Electric Bitters -are sold at fifty
ents a bottle, and Buckk-n's Arnica
Salve at
per box by C. N
A lirrlit'l lliisbaiul..
I'juu.irsiuK'i, May 20. Three
years ago Alfred Kinney married
Mis Mary Smith. of Gutheville. Le-hii-h
countv. Pai The girl had just
budded into womanhood. After
living together for some time the
young couple moved to Warren Co.,
N. J., and they wure loliowed hy
the parents of Mrs. Sntith. The
husband not long ago became smit
ten with the charms of Lizzie, a
vounz sister of his wife, and a few
davs ago both suddenly disappeared
J'.elore leaving, SmiUi sold all nis
loose property, even his wife's sett
ing machine. 1 he runaways nave
not been heard iroin since tlu v
left. '
When the Norwegian farmer's
wife begins her dairy in the sum
reer, and the herds have been driv
en to the upland pastures, she take?
special pains in making the first
cheese, for it is for Nipcn, the old
orse wood and water spirit. The
offering is taken in the dusk of even
inn to a hich, bare rock, and h ft
there. .Sometimes a sweet cake, in
the making of which everv maiden
must assist, and a can of ale is add
ed to the feast of Nipen. In tin
morning it. is gone, and the farmer's
wife is sure that her cows will give
down rich milk, that ner lambs will
not perish, iu untimely storms, and
that her good man's boat on the
fiord will brin'g him Eafely home.
Slie has given " hostages" to Xipet:.
Hat kland'D Arnica alvc.
Sake in the world for
es, Sore, Ulcers Salt
Rheum, Eevr Sores, Tetter, Chap
ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, an 1
all Skin Eruptions, ad positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money reland-.a. t rice ' e
per box. .
For Sale by C. X. 156yd. june20.
In England every flower is asso
ciated with some saint or religious
rite. The snowdrop was understood
tj mark the feast of Candlemas ; the
Canterbury bells not only cured
throat disease hence called throat
wort but kept alive the holy mem
ory o! St. Augustine ; the lily ol the
valley was understood to have first
sprung from the sprinkled blood of
St. Leonard, slain in the wood near
Hastings, where St. Leonard has
since been built. The harebell claims
to be worn by none but those who
are true. The black spots on the
leaves of the common arum, "cuckoo
pint,' or ' wake robin,'' are due to
the same cause that colored the red
heart's crimson chest or twisted the
cropbill's beak, for legends dill'er as
to which of these two birds plucked
out the nails from the cross.
A t-mart youncr Frenchman
thought it would be p'orxiethinsr
wortli boastinrr stbout if he were to
pat one .of the lions on the head as
it lav so serenelv on the hard cae
Uoor. He proceeded to carry out
his scheme, but had not more than
touched' her serene highness "until
helial lus arm drawn in 9 lar -as
his body would permit. While the
munched his hand her mate was
clawinsr the poor fellow's head in
an effort to ;et it through the bar?,
and finally succeeded in iettin his
shoulder in and eru.-hing it as a do;:
would a chicken bone.. When at
length, by dint of vigorous blows,
the brutes itlea'ed thir victim he
had fainted, ami on beit: conveyed
to the hospital, where amputation
of the niangledhmh was wutie Jiate-
lv penorniftl, siiccnubed. a victim
to Ids ijnprudence.
A girl or youth w ho iniu'es in a
perpetual knitting of the brows pro
duces a very ucrly wrinkle between
the eyebrows, but this may be n
tirdy removed by forsaking the trick.
A habit of half dosing the eye, very
common with near-sighted persons
who do not choose to wear gl.isfes,
produces wrinkles at their outer cor
ner?. An ill-tempered drooping of
tae corners ot the
mouth, brine
wrinkles in those nositions. No
j outward application will ever cure,l. .c
ims me eiiuri miiri como irom a
! inS determination and a resolute
avuiuiuicu ui cause uav (Jiuuu-;
ed the ugly effect.
In hi3 Sunday morning prayer, a
Wisconsin minister prayed the
Lord that such of his congregation
as were speculating in wheat might
be brought to a" realizing sense of
their mi iuitv bv lixisin? heavilv.
their iniquity bv loosing heavily.
During the next week wheat drop
ped 9 cents per bushel, and 23 mem-
l t iJlJ nf trial At1(Tfa:iTlf Irttl 11 o ti r-
d that 11 couldn? e and
"Xm -. V c-(Uini 1 ""i-1"0
A Iie wee, auer maiiare was
a meeting of the congregation and
the minister's salary cut down from
Hj'JOto ?S00,
Opposite St. Louis, in the Missis
sipi river, floats an island which has
been drifting down stream for the
hist 20 years. Its area is about lUO
acres, and it metves quietly along at
the rate of eight inches a day, -cso
far it has advanced a mile from the
pesition it occupied 20 years ago. ;
! '
A whisker dve tmist be conven-
i lent to annlv. imnossihle mb nfT
Roading Alo ad at Home.
mwara unav uie, is me uesi
possible way to brtak in.and alv.aya j
proves a persuasion and temptation. "
There is a long; perion when a boy ;
:1 . ..4. nn A !..."
or gin ujfi uui iciu tu vuMijr out
that the progress itself is a burden.
If rou will read to him then he wnl
be very grateful to you, and you
will form an appetite which he will
never be rid of. I knew a mother of
family who" read the Waverlv
novels aloud five times as her chil
dren became , oid enough to hear.
The hour after tea belonged to the
bov or girl who was, say it or 10
years old. The boy or girl had, so
to speak, the right to' hear manima
or somebody else read aloud. Well,
vou can read aloud iiuy Waverlv
novel in a month, If you read an
hour and a little more every even
inji. In the two years when each of
these childred claimed the privilege,
which their 'mother's perseverance
gave them, they would read, each of
them, with her, 20 of the best of
these stories. Tney would talk them
over with her. Probably thev would
not have read them alune. But by
the time those two years were ended,
and another child had the turn, the
habit of reading and the love of
reading were fully formed. .
II is Slippery Glass Kye.
" The. 'Squire," savs the author of
" The Hoosier Schoolmaster," "wore
one glass eye and a wig. The glass
eye was constantly slipping out of
focus, and the wig turning around
sidewise on his head whenever he
addressed the people ef the Flat
Creek District. Sad spectacle.
Parker's Hair Balsam preserves and
promotes the growth of the natural
hair. It also restores the natural
color to hair which has faded, or be
come gray. Clean, elegant, benefi
cial, highly perfumed. C-ll.
On a very stormy night in Decem
ber, lSS.'i, a pilot boat containing
twenty-two peisons struck on a bank
within sight of those on shore.
Among those in the boat were Dr.
Richard Sumner, who died recently
at the age of SO, in Liverpool. Even
the hardy fishermen feared to put
out until Mr. Sumner, who was of
splendid physique, six inches in
height and of great strength, slung
a bottle of rum round his neck
stripped off his clothes, tied a sender
line round his body and plunged
into the seething waves. lie reached
the vessel, poured some nun down
the throat of each half dead man.
and so encouraged them that when
the boat arrived they wvra saved.
He received the Royal Humane So
ciety's gold medal.
I have used Ely's Cream Balm
for Hay Fever, and experienced
great relief. I most cordially recom
mend it as the best of all the many
remedies I have tried. T. !. Jenks.
Lawyer, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Price "0 cents.
One of the wealthiest citizens of
S:ui Francisco effected his ecape
from a hnadof Mexican desperadoes
through a knowledge of telegraphy.
They enrrifd him to an abandoned
h:iciend;i, and with mocking cruelty
set him at their table to feast, before,
as they told him, they killed him. ,
- i i i
Ihe prisoner rt-COgmzed among lm
cajttors an old companion, also an i
operator, who had gone to the bad a
little time biore if:c recognition
was mutual, but neither dared ad
dress the other. The captor's quick
wit improvised a suund out of hi3
knife and fork, and while to the
others he appeared playing with
them, his cry for assistance was
read and understood by his old time
companion. They funned in this
wav a plan cf escape, which was
successfully carried out.
Didn't Xeetl Any Iiawjer.
Old Dan had used his ueighhor's
fence as firewood, and was accord
ingly brought before the csurt to
answer for the game. '"Have you
siny lawyer for defease ?" asked the
JudjZe, as Dan took his place. "No,
por, I hub riot," replied the negro.
"Kae yo" know, jede, "taint de
fence what needs a lawyer, hit aw
dis po' niggah d;it am in for it ; I
spec' you better pint one for him."
A Start litis Discovery.
Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dak.,
writes that his wife had been troub
led with acute Uronchitis fir many
years, and that all remedies tried
gave no permanent relief, until he
iwocun-d a bottle of Dr. King's New
piscovery for Consumption, Coughs,
and Colds, which have a mni't.-il
ell'oct, and produced a permanent
cure. It is guaranteed to cure all
Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or J5ron Tubus.
(all at C. N. Bovii'ij Drug tore
and get a free trial bottle of this cer
tain cure for all Lung Diseases.
Large bottle3 $1.00.
A young pweiead says she "told her
secret to tlie sweet wild roses." She very imprudent. Whn the
sweet wild roses '"blow" she will
wi.-h she had kept her secret to her
self. Umbrellas are regarded as person
al property in Delaware. A man
has just been sentenced in Wilming
ton to uay the cost of prosecution,
?ii fine, one hour in the pillory.
twenty lashes and three vears in
Ntw Casde Jail, all for stealing an
Terra cotta docs for lawns and
gardens are always in demand. Arj
amusing case is recorded of a man
who pressed a lift-like animal of
this pattern, upon whom he was
regularly taxed every year, tlie as
sessor having no douht of the genu
uinener?3 of tlie dog. Tiie man paid
Xhz ttx without a word, and when
remonstrated with by a friend, said
it was the cheapest dog he eyer po
sessed, us it ate nothing, kept tramps
rtll'hi premises and never got liim
into trouble byi)itiup anj-one.
. i , 4 . r It i r ft
Rheumaljsm, Neuralgia, Sciatica,.
. . Lumkaro BacWche. Headach, Toorhach,'
ftjf'SEwThrE , GREAT, --flY
.v.:. tMiLLER'sfclt.L.)' f ''
I mlwgr kppp on haiiil If 'e Mock of FIJt'K,
all kind of t'lloK -Alfrinll kln.liHiA i,V.
i.i.i. ! '
,',.-f:.. '
Wholesale ami RMair. Vn will Kafemoncvty
bnyin trom me. My stocks alwoy Freeh. ' 1
(F-ast Irom Court Htuif,) .
Somerset, Penn'a.
.Vinufaetnrer or
BveeiBs, - - - . -
J7 R.VC H .lf.O.VS',
Furnished en Short Xutic.
Painting Done on Short Time.
Sty. work 1 macta out of Thoroughly Seatonfd
Yood. am! the I'est Iron and si, el, uhstjin
tlally c:nstni(ti. Neatly Fini-heil, ami
H'arranlfd to 4:re Sdtitfartion.
I Zraploy Cnly First-Class Workmen.
Iirjinlrius of All KinJ-In My Liue IVceon Short
Notice. riCKS REASOSABLt:, and
All Work Warranted.
Call and Examine hi v 5tKk, ami Icam Price.
I do uirun-wurk. anU lumib Seiveslnr Wlnd
ilillp. JU meintitT the place, and fall in.
( East of Coon llmiw.)
8ti.MKHET, PA.
- : -.i'lt::;.-'.-- .
IT 'iu want tl'U-a (,mkI nnl Chp Wue.m
or Ituiriry ol ;uiy i--ritiiin rull on ni'. i ali
kcc ("Htaiit ly' 4u !i:itj'l h Iarsce AfrtiiteiH ol
Flue Jliin-t-ma !e ,
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Bru.-iirf, Iiji-lilankfit?. and everytliint; to
Irtiinn in a nrni-mss M'hiicry.
oil t-ti!iw KiltQK Htrrs always reaily for
bin'. WIilii in uocJ of anyihinj? in niy line. Vive
nit a rail.
KiirJ-6m ' - Somerset, Pa.
obtained. n-I all business la the t'; S. Patent
OtBee, or in the Courts attended to for MODERATE
Wo ate o(tu!te the T'. S. Patent Offlee, en
can obtain jmient lu less lime tuan tlono remote
ln.m WASHINGTON. . .
Wiuui iii-ioJ or urewinn Id ttai we advise as to
pafentltlttty lre m ph?.rire: anl we make NO
e reit-r, uure, io ine fostinaster, me supt. ol
the M"ney (trier llvislon. and to oltlrlalsot the
v. . ratent t imre. t or circular, advice, terms,
and relcrence to actual cllemsla your own bute
" c"-?, adss
- " '
Opposite Pio itent Oflie,
Wasliiattn, I. 13.
Salesmen Wanted !
To si ll Nursery Stoclc for the Hooker Nurseries.
r:ti.Mslied 15. Liliral ft A I. A It Y An
EXPEXKEx'jiaM. Permanent Kinplcvtucut.
Send for terms.. JI. E. HOOkliK III',
mayiS.Wt. HorheMrr, . T.
An F" p Send 6 cents .or post
ft IV I Mmm Em u a;e and receive free a
costly Itox ol oikis, which will help you to more
m iner rh-lit away than any! Unit else in this
world. Ail. ot eitner sex. tucreetl Irom nrst hour.
The broad road to fortune ofieus lielore the worlfr.
ers, absolutely ure. At ouce addrese, i'ltrE it
Co..AuiU!t, Maine. an'23.
liiiate of Joseph Thomas, late of ( oncm:iui!h
Twp., Somerset i., Fa lii-c'd.
letters of admiDistr.ttloa on the bovc estate
having tiecn granted to tlie undersigned ly the
prier authority, notice Is herehy Kiven to all
persons indebted In said estate to make Immedi
ate parmeut. and those harinir claims aicninst the
same will present them duly authenticated for
ett lenient at t he late residence ot said . deceased
on Saturday, the lith duy of June. 14.
- - - U. S. Till OI AS.
mayT, r Administrator.
litatc of William St, I'iair. lute or .Tenner Twp.,
KoiiierseM o.,l'a., ilne'd.
letters of administration on tho altove estate
having lieen errantc-l to the underslincd by the
printer authority, notice Is hereby i;ircn to all
persons Indebted to said eetate to'make Immedi
ate payment, and those having- claims aitainst the
same "will present thcin duly authenticated lor
settlement on' Saturday, the nth day oljnue,
ISM. at the late rohienceof deceased.
ma 7. . . , Aduiinieiraltix.
Large Crops Of
wheat,, b.rrs, ! :. uvckwhkat,
$25.00 Phosphate,
Pnii-This is a real Amriuiniateil
Bone Super-l'hospliate which we
altme produce, hv -means of special
Ai'van'ageii irv Manufjiciuriri". It
is not un Acid l'hospliatea
PRICE $25.00 For 2,00 FcraSsj
in New llag of '21M INn.niU Kach.
Free on ImtiriH ars or Knat in l'liila-U-ljiliia.
HA ZTGJl yt s oxs,
Sole ManiilaiUirers if the fhopltute.
. (ADoiie jifiiiy Bttley' Htore.) .
tfh. i; n. -! t t'tttv i)tr t.";! in i
! tin Kt-
i m.1:
i'. K-.f. i
r-u- ' .-' rr ,?j i-M r vl ti-.i l.i;rt?i'
4Url vr,-. ?. . . i :. .i . u . ...... .
iiU.U.r l'wi.wal ,iin,HvMi.n.MlW4W KV: IY
Illii.,?,. In Hohw tui-i i ni' urtf ,.j .r, ;
r rT' Pownros wiu trvi- iTi?ixn..v:
fitfM flirTTrntirra. , ' -, y
'. ' ' " "DAyt-D r.t-OUTS, Propriator.
' - j V' '' ' health. U u ihi-ref'.ire
Wiii-? T rCJTZ !) I initil i)it a pure riili
Xik i W f' 1 :lerl- the only I
V W.NUta A AT it&h liMlthlol.'Krom its
f ft., ffi. t-vr;.f-. I fr, Uashkk" Ha
w -"' : i . . k-'i --;' I its busiii the lit a Lent
V n l; . .
nil luutiuiiumu . auuuui.
liarfsld 7irn, LsvanEvilie, Penn'a.
Cliampion Grain' Drill.
The Cbm,.ion et the World l. 'e f
feed lor Krain, a-ra.s seed, ami fertaler will
2?JSD?U..'iHe Hint or IUj
lime, up to 60 husneispcr acre. ," -..""t
aeviee lor rlartt in" corn plants t"" rowa."
ti?ne, and puu, In all the tertlUr the fnucr may
wish, lh.n t buy I., fore seeing this Irl!l. Jlano
facturcd at ltswei?o. N. Ti . 1 .'
(. ":
The onlv eouiplele pulverizer and levelcr In th
world. All wrouitht iron and stcc . 1 he Iront
ultcrs turn to the left, and rear In therm lit. Hy
Ihts arranacui. nt the whole surface ot the itntund
Is cut ltited and 4urned. The cu1icts work like to
many small, au I do not tear up sod or rul
IjMi Can I adjusted in an Instant. ly means ol
tho lever, to worn Uoep or shallow. Tiio principle
oi tho Ac8 is to cut, lilt and turn pulverlio
clwis and level imcTcn surfaces. It will pay any
tanner to come W miles to fee the Acme and its
work It isthconlv Implement that can do the
work th..r. UKiily Lu" l:a:dor Muirh soil, or newly
plowed .-od.
Has lars(C track wheels, is doublc-iieared and lev
el tread. Horses stand level, and work witheasc.
This power Is always ready, and can lo used for
main imriiosef. liim ns n-imlrrr and steady as
Mti:mi. hv means ot a iroverfhir. or Sliced regulator.
T!lt: I.VliU AM l l.r.Ar.H
Iocs its wi.rk t-flccl nally. Also, Thresher and
Shaker, without leaner. Will thrc.-b all kinds
ol Grain, U W heat and tirass Seed. Call and .'
777 Boyer's Farm Mill
' A - flrlnds all klmlsof (Srain and
- .. '"v crnsliesiind Krinds cirn on too
eil In one operation. (1 rinds
' . " .v and sifts mn.l meal ready
' ' lor use. I also sell the Little
-.- : '' lifanf OTnnnd .'! Crusher.
- ' one horse will crush au l grind
from 5 to s l;uhe!s per hour.
Braflley's AmGricaa Harvester, Nq 4.
Bradley's Little- l!cu)ieris only i'.; h-et wide,
and culsa 6 foo' sivatii. This is without duubt the
li'-'htest ruunlu.; and m,t easily i,p, ran-l ma
chine t:ia,!r. No quivering or scaitcrinz in heavy
vraln. Hinders cirry no rake, c'uts h lic-t. rye,
oats.l cloier. timothy and corn ready
lorshoi Uiiot. Itisa pei let sein. livery owner
ol a I'radley i deliuhtvd, uud Is sboutinir Its
pralres all over the C 'Un'.y.
n 0
UUiu U
Is a liijlit running, p -rfectly lialiic l easi
ly operated machine. Has a floatini? ImrJ and tre
liiendouscuitiii; power: no cloKKlnpt or choking up
no matter hitw the i;ra.-j is.
' Self -Dumping
Has hiih wheels and lonz teeth, curving well
under, and carry the iiav. Any lady or hoy able
to drive, can easily wpcrale it. ' 1 tumps itself, and
turns as readily as iisuil.y. It Is perfection."
ltou't fiiil to come an l sec it.
Bull Manilla.
- ..w- The brrt anl cheap st rr
ittif kiH'w:i, ea-ily put on. nnd lasting Alsupeil
in i'l.Tte il' il;ister, aul tr we;ithrr bourltnt.
The Bradley Road Cart
is the lightest mnr.inir vehicle made. Oectlcmen
buv them lor their road driving. Business moo
use them tor runnlnu about. Ladies and children
enjovthem. in iict, everylwly will have them.
Ten "dillcrcnt "Kles. S.nxl forcircubir.
Powrd't yertiliztm, warranted pureor forfeited.
Powell's Tilt Top IJonelcniluor Powell's dissolved
Kne etc. etc., and Powell's Chemicals for nnikiDH
KcTtillrer at home, cosiini; only '1 per ton.
Aa-Tits wanted in every township. Also, anyoth
er ii:ipleicnis or machines you may need, lean
procure i,,r you at lcs ilian factory prices. Ileinic
a practical farmer, I know what niaclnnci are best
adapted to our us-', au, I have spent much time to
: iret the HKST. My aim hasbeen to (fct machines
that arc well madann.l durable lilit runnina.
i easily otierated, and that do the work well, and I
j think I have succeeded. Air A full line of re
i itdir always on haad. Y uare invile-l tocali and
soebvf'ire purchasinir. These machines are al
i ways on exhibition, and in season at work in my
neids. is i,iinrs always welcome, except undays.
wive machines ior less tnonev than laanu-
n prices, fiirculars bv mail on nppiiua-
n. n. flick.
Mavtield Farm. Iivansville. Pa.
Farm Southwest of P. O. aprtCWui.
.? rKJA'-i'i:rr--c-jytZ -'--si
Always the Best,
"Port mam Tartar tin Arid."
Which Is tlie jirjiluet of ans fruit.
Kcirnr EuLmiis tUlt fruit urij Is cnniliiciTe to
pliarent U tue intelllrent
crenm tartar liakinir ikiw-
tliatranb truly eonsbiered
ricaidnlntr, ovtr mtntetn
kitiK Powder bad hail fur
teat pj per cent, imre crane
cream ti.rtar. ami thouiiamlK nf families who h&v
1 used the "HAKifKit" liraml all these yenraare to.
: day mure fully c..nvin-l that It is '".f lieay tht
j fft," beoause ol Its turfert purity and nealtb
; fulnect. .- , . .
I "rANTED! En. rietlc. reliable men to sell
y 1'KEtS.GKAPK VlflSS,-SrJKi;KS. K(-
Sfcts, kcic Salaries and expeases paid. Ex
perience But essential. WCLAKlik HtKKICK,
Briajhtoe, N., Lniile east of iSocluwier. Mention
m m p p p
v f'-'s " r-g r-i
-J Li -..j If', .X P:
w m n p
i-, i ' mil iuZ Y
uiupgper..' , , jnaya-.
1884. SEASON -1884
. i
' ....1,aa
. i .
Bay Stallion, Imported from Scotlaml. WJ
Fair last fall.
, Teriiitt: S20 Inxiranee.
liay Stallion, weighs l.iao pounds.
Brtwn Stallion, Siiteen lianda, weighs OTCr
Bay Stallion, filtccn hands nigh, weight 1,150.
The ahove horses will stand ut my Stal ks till"
season rnim April 1st to July 1st. Parties wiuhinir
to lireed fnm a dralt stallion cannot go amiss, as
the net from Mntlioarn is .second to none. I wili
shiiw hi net a".aln-t ol any other horse In
the Coiily lor llonc. Size, and Smoothness o!
The Trottlnir Stallions al-ve nnmol ne -d nt
oomment, as their pnaiucu has stamped them as
ancnit the best in the State Some ofthe'eiiet
are trotting low hi the -n's now. tine of Alharo
Iin's dIIts was sold to a party in Portland. .Maine
a lew weeks ano. Insurance for the ahove. 'i.
Parties hnvlnn lost colts hy either of my horses
can iireed back a' halt rates.
1 lw- also on hnud and Mr sale the Celebrated
S. il-olliii Shuttle Karin Waiion.
mtirM. mtiiHElFLLi.
Catarr HCa,lst', no raiu;
or Dread, (Jives !
Relief at Once.
Sot a Liquid or
HlVf EVPS ) y .5"t na' A P P " e u
with the Filler.
Thorough treat
ment will Cure
rice M cents, h
MAY-FVR majorat .lru,W.
tljV l'.KOTHEKS, PrufKi-s. tisweao.
I am now prepared to handle a
Larger Stock of
Drugs and Medicines
Than ever before. 1 have add
ed a Complete Stock of
If you are
to tiso
Goods in this Lino, call
and iret Price?. Trv
Franklin Ready-mixed Paints.
They are the Best in the Mar
ket. Sole Agency for
Used for Walls and Ceilings
I have Greatly Increased my
Stock in
PUECHAS1K5 elsswhe:
Good Goods,
Low Prices!
giirijir Drills Ar?a
Special tp.
fiirUiewofKinaola cs. Sen
it centri i r iiniTnae. and w.
will ai'iiil F"U fief a riiV a
vuln-ible llx ni itainiileiiMtil
that Will liui vtiu lu the war of ti.Ltcinir im,rf inim
ey in a lew days than you evenihuuirlit viwitde
at any bu;'in'.i.. (.'aiiital not rtquired. We will
start you. Yi.u ean work all tie time, or In njiare
timeonly. The work Is univif sally aiia.tu,l to
laitli raxes, yuunir and hM. Y ii eun ealv earn
tmni 50 cents to ..ut) every eyi sirir. That all whu
want to work may tcst'the i isinesa. we will
maUethU uuiaralieled nlfir : f.iall that are nut
smislieil we will send -1 top i h.r the tnul.le of
writing us. r'ull particulars, fn-ettuns. etc. sent
free. Fortunes will be made J'.v those who Kive
their whole tune to the work, 'i treat f uceces ab
solutely sure. Iton't ill-lay. !irtnoir. Ail.lres
Stixhus Co , Fortiacd, Miil.e. jaa.3.
1 . t iiuo
r,i-wm co.
66 Fifth Ave,Pi'Jstcrsh,Pa.
7 . i - - 1 .
, in
Tackk, Cuihryhzo Bails,
day -c;-sj itentmj
Suits, Sha-Dcll
Supplies, foxo bcods, Laivn
Tennis, BxIrAohycs, In
dian Ciuh, iv.r.i)-Ssl!s,
1 ' .
; , ; OF tC.-.y.glrtllTIOW.
!ss Jtanp f;i fjj fags CsUt"
A a Puri- I
i I d
l i. : i
il K"
ic i.l. s. r i i -r
! ' K in ' s l.v.l.
i I Js,'C anl Heal,
and all disci ','
an:rii fr-.o.: ini.
p u r i t v of i -'o
olovl. V. i r !: this
rare to -oi. u-j in
j. v.-ur 1. ' 3 a
I w J- -i '
can oo without c.i. t' r ( 'i'. l'i'r;''." 1
nesU, Senna ':.. :m, ,i!il wa i.'.c wh -ic ..t
ilo iii. and wli.i;. ::..-.i,-r. it 3!.i' ' t :'. Sttn Wi!h
saieiv andcoiu. i v ;i ; i.-i .,.-l..Mto
as well .is t.y the t.-'t 1: !- H-
j to ihe ts;'!e,t!u-r ciiiy adi'.iir.iMere.i
' tltu
1 ,h !li'ti of 'he - tv'il.on: ti kir.i.' u J i
I Ionic vlctiotttn-rt ii nicrcury r I iuc !'
; It willopea 'i h iu s pr.He.-an i ;-
manner. i ,
i Thero 1Bthi lii;c F.ihniey s l.oc!( !'
! er li-r the cure I di: .rd.-rs cl the
, L-vcr. Bowels. K , ? :.n.! r.l-uV.ltr: 1-rt.crv
I diseases. He.oi.. J v.: veiifs. In.,-.--.
I Biltous K-jver. .i.ail d.-racaenn nts ;
I . i! i.-era. A -u iiait r nil. a" r
eiiiil la t:ic vr .r: , ., ,
AIlouio-c oi i ,
p.,un,l ot cure." ( Pa"
o!J!ar.,!itiit and H 1 1'
.1 K
1! n.. i -ii : .
t'l I. !'! i
ol the bet ft'Hi v
oif.Ttd to tl-.o c.v,L.iy ; rl. scere at-
fevers'. IT kc i yoi.r i ' ur'?.''');. l:f
dirlcrcntilc-n- j k I .ii.-.i ! - -
t,.'irethcru;.ent!..i!v:, n,.r I'l , .
UPit(iai'A1ir:o'5 -;rS- -
arations in the ni :, t.ic r-t wf.uh are
So.newLalsicui.wj :
llr fifn. iSldvc-lv& Co., I
n,.l m.I, ...t I',.),.. - l.'.. ..I T ..!.-
.Min-"!:!!., .ir..'-;l-'-.l, .-a,-r ;-t ITiv.l" Ui lilt-
-testm: rt-i md i' i';i.. :i I'-.ii-4 n'.roi - t (
Ki;cwr-.i!ir'; I.----t '- ,;,,,. s a ill. r:t!;i ; l.:lt- fllUlin-J '
iam'fa"TI i Nit I'l.tti'iiiLTi'i.s . many years. . lit-is my btt-U.-jr-il..
war2s ? w:,-.-i-...:....v. ! : -v . :.:.-.l I ti.o ca.- w-:l.i 1.
. ia i:'V j (.-rKciiy iti-i trorii i.ij
I ; Tfid-if , i-i.d 'n"ivs heal Ji u'nj i'-u
SfTD""! ia-er-uii.i-al! t- iAKKI"ii 't -.V J
ai..i.v.if.-ro..i.i...-.-- -,-.: ... .' - , i:iC...s vf the iivv-f, kidney- a- i I
mo.-M, l.irliu: , Si).. I
or Ilic' k r t : . I
; A .r ".a on a wr-'.'-r.'t ni'jrft-ni I
1 T cure t!.-' 8 ' ' It.:.- . . t v,. -. ,;- ;r-t with a tcrri't." 1 .Ti. -
j r.urii'fj. rti.-i : ! iu u 1- I : c ',;.;";;.; J; l(-in p!V - It'll
i tu"1 ""-y; 't'":'''--;:.ri : ti e )...- was.i v,i. .;
f-iroTorin.-tyj-f 1- ' , , , ' i i' .1 -
I Crfu! i-i -.-i i'U 1:1 t. .-: '- - ; i i tii'.- aituatiou. :-.i;d t!:n.b;r.;?. tot!.s J
tu.- i-isit.ii i. : r-.:l ' - ' i ..-i J ul.- it w::s an easy ts!; t ; -
ami mrciiir::."!- ; : ' ' -' ' ' -j:-.., ?AU usil) t!l" tV t-;l ' I
,t ,, caiK.,,. .1 :::.i ,. , , y .. f f ,
f,.j ... -. ., . . ... . rt tive t:u- repiv was a M -j-
A Kviit t I s."-.i.i;.-i.i-- . , , ir .i " 1
..S,.!:. , . . -, i.-iilttlk. Ih.Xi.- ::pUU th pl;.t-l
SIT. fill- IL, ...- 0 -r-' (". , - .. ' !!.'!!'illll yto'.-'i in L'i ii... iv 1
V. Y. liaiinv.iro ,,W I I ,,. . j.
tl.- ni-i'it-i :.r.l .- purrcM i.llil Oil l Hit
;;,"fLfu:;s';r;i1i.v,: t tiK.trartiy
! wili ii i i-ri- ..- 1 1." -i 1 '' ' - VyiT.-.M:!!'.' the .ii:'tant fi rator to
Jim Z'i"Z: j "" -V .'. !V . i - wli.'he pl.c-d liu i :t ends
i (,: i,. .- i ;i : . , - y f . w uii.'.-i Lis totisri. and bv
Illi'illC I-' ii -1 I. , '. i , , I . .,
,.u ,-. : l-; ij-. .'. I:-. -:- i: . . -'-I .;! I't e:ca Sill'lt ti) t'
IlvM;.i;:.Uh..-. i - V V. - . ... r t;;:;,l.i ol th" llt-
:-;A:iF"-,iv-;' ! ; . !;. . -. .- v,. .,ri;pUt.-.
fi t:li oil Ml- C !'.-!' t. .'..: .'. . - f I
j:.v. :. r. v. i'.;f :s t . ;.. ' f v; u; man s y-t ot ta-'.i-
i:::-- ' . '-'" ret-.r-f 1 h
Aver", i ir-np. u. n-il i : i -i ' -. . i ij. - rt'" a!l- l' T 0( toll f
ut tli M :-ui. a. iii ''I I
lli:mv ;--r lllii.i Ills 1-ll-iivl--, ' .'-..I'-'. ' 1
I :.o -,J ,:.i:,-.v ' . . . i, !. . , CiIIM t'ailuk-.
r. V.-.!ii.r,..f i ... :. : f
"i?r--j'.:-tiT4i - .:?'-. - ' W.:'.t ..'i't.'T:f:U-:i.-;- I -''.ui.?s f- -r
!-:i :..-i.. 1 1 .. . : ' ' ... t:, !,i:-ir:-.-5 !,l-ir..s of thi-
:l:, V'..;;'. , c n. Hoy.-;, t:, :.
;:,;';:- V' I', j'.';r.:;j. '';.';.',?'.'.,. i;t iiai'le'o (Ha l'-r t;,,t oi'iM'i.-
i-.' -i-i - j ; ii li'. cc in Dr. 11. sanl-. l'uuli anl
r - K '! Imv:-: ivrun. for l.e give awav a
t i . i oi-cu ...... ; ::i In-V t ad wr.-.t s-1: i ; -.-r ; ; ir
, !-. f 5 l'.,' .: :: : .'!: .' fC.l-jrhs, Ocl.!.-?, atlilii'l. C'::-
!'.:" i j . v . r...i'.-. r j S 1 1 11 ' p t !'"' ! , it 1 1 ,ft' '".-.IIS l'i t!.l-
- ...'.r. f.c T'.::ii f- r.;. -...i.-l . ';' - ,- ., , ' '
' : fiieiin -in, i'urul:;i.i. ll!i- :.;i, - , "
" , .kiv--Mii.-' to the it..'.'i ; " l ts
'-' 1 '' I . !" ' '.-j ' '- ' "' ' ' ..!' ',tl'e,.,,.;,,,,.tl: ,. f:,t . I
' . ' ! ' ; . stir i tr (.'oiiiiiii'l'-e i-i ;!;! Tr-is-li
i: ir.v.v-rii-.:. i: : i. : . is-:i ii !i tl'.e avt r.iu- 1 .'.i of
- :.,.! - f'. ,.,.,;:. .; f,-et i.,: !: .-, The
tj.i. .-t r n't: ui-piir.- to : . I'.--Cr
C.A4r&Ca!:Lowe!U-c;. ; I ' i?- J
1- . I It i t .'..,. llifi.c, V-l.lif l'.i' !-.-
- ii.i.i rim ! l'i r.'t:;t r L.'.re t!:;tn 1 1
(.. kesi:t .7L.!iJi;:-.s . 1. i;i,-r,( . Tin- i'a-a-.-or.ians C''.rt..s 1
! : , i'-.ind on the i; t. the Kur-i- W
,rr.:c" t itj tJm.i !- ;,;..!) ract S are, as a l'ltle tn.l'.er '! : U V
: the H-iatif. Ti;e tjerot" ami t!;e H
CMO :: C.OZEr.'.m, riW-l U ri; ' Z:-.Ius are t.'.lif than the Sri!.::.; U
' j otHilations -.I' Africa. 0
liuno J. d:e;') - ,
Kuck at-yiaVi;'.'::::::.'"::.'.'.':::".':::j;v a we com to.ui tey aie n.-
h"f. '"'"-' .-i." -"i " ""!."""!'"".""". I " ij'- j witii !! more than U tL-uirht, it w -
;u':ryi:r.nJ.v"i::::::::::::.:"::::D""'! ' o;-t t-fh-tUh. but
c-m. :r) nt-w V l-u-iii-i :.v-;. ,) ii .suiii-r:ng wttii l'ii3 or r-kui u..--
"i'ji'ri'; .':'.V.V. '..'.".'.'".' V.'.".'.'.'.'.:.'.':'.!':. "' any kind they n.aj;iii;'y a
('ail -t: l. .'..'.'. i.l.ii.ifj hundred fold. ( '. N." iSevil, "tiie
rfm m:::::::::z:.::::::::::::::;P ! i)ru?-ijt, ha- Dr. Uo.uW, v,
H'iuii 'i-'i'-'r.'ru' j v' r ' " :.;;' j llenjedy, wiiicii is a.i a'isaluit; cure
Ijm r? " .- -'-J iu:- anv affection of tiiisj k:u-i and is
k,J;-!;',',..s';::.:::-: .. - i aticei-t?.
u!;1- ':'':.l'.V;:::::.::::::: u;; Ti.t-:-e i- a '.. .h .1 of u;u;,l.'
fw.. !.?i'i!wi -i v :iiro;." cri:; t-Ll-iOS i v ! ttil.2
ftd '..trii-.i, tl. w,
i:Ve tu ;.. .-., ii.wr irro'.v or rti.:;: i. . .. a. a
Kai i, .... ;v.-.:r."or chan-inir its coi-.r. 'lntr ,.: l-.-.r-
rvuu l Aiuui. i-cr :'.i L : 1 S i '-'i i lurS WiiO ,! d O. K.Mii a'.
SiL ' yl-Mow r.t.'.'.'.'!.".'.'.'!'".'"".""'"','4' I 'J-'' l-ricf-c. l'o int It in th-; :
" Vh::o " ' J ' I o'd l.-iHl!.' V-i'.'.Ilil' (i.lVS. A lu iii
Til . W 1. .' Tl , '1 j 11 '1
whi.i'.M i in ! wia long biack I: ur ana v. ti.
" s:- l '" i would r.list, get the i unt .n.d ! j
- i s rt. W'i'hio : dav fir two ::e won:d i
E. I ' itU j1 , ;,! il ' I
I '' ,. .-; ! whiskers a litte short-N- st time j
, -; '; ; the hair muht he yeli-w. a-;d all !'
. ' " ;' ! it 'j-.u.e frotsi his chin. Ar.f so i.::,
. - - : i; !:' v.-.i.s jirovideiit wi;'. h.i.-. n k i-i i
, : - - r .. ... -, , imir, he couM he ;i hai:' doz-u v- ry j
I ; ., . ; ; . : ; tiiiVcrtiit iaea Vfore gi -:itige.o-.v:. t.) i
f t : v ' V " . :i l) j.: face aud ela-ju-.-.-opjii li.t-:-d. I
J j I" tl:c Sliiiil.'.
iiji,.- ' . " " 1 !' H.-.i. II. C. Tayne. Ci-y Aid- ra:..n.
i I '...:.. : (-:. ;..,: i:, i: All -;r ' a-
TViy?':' "" : ' ' ' ' v.-- -.m': -: - I iiav, u .rcat
- jvr :'ro-u ri., an.a-isni i y-ar,. i
ts -s'-i- ,- - ! h.-.T': tried everv kim'.vu re:i(siv. n.-
1.1.. 1' i. , !:;;; .; :,;;va:.;c iiaUfraaod i
, ... ' ! ! ta-. I'i-.ialiv I t; ed $ . -i i-
xx ' I -::ui I -'.-iiively sav it ;mvl-uie ii -t-.o-
II. 13. SclidKtCo., L.,n.,-i;5 rt'iuf. "I: puts all oiht-T
k't-.-i.iyr. OflS?ST, FA. i ,'IS in tiie shade. '
i 1 1
-- -i Tii; nnri.ix r of coln-l Ca. ;-
, I known as the Oidate .i.-ters ot '-!
Ti.0 !:-. Mii k'-Tiil.. .a L;,.,rli,i.'1!C! -, Ti'is drgani2at;o:t wa- a
1 trn-!:i:. -ii--'-a--. i.. :i,-r :-t t-riv. t- ;!:o tiie I stituted i-iT U amehora'.: n o: '"'
Ik-r-iLi-rU -! I.ii;. n -t. ,ir. I ' .. r:ii v ir.-rn t''-it j COHUtrv
Stttioti. un the (.'.ir-iuier V;i!'i v llailri-a,!. 0 -m- , ' -lainuiK
' ''al Ml'
200 ACKES!
More ir !i-i T' e l:ii'.r-'-vtnnt- are n 1 "1
MtirsK. KKAHK HANK IIAK.N. 4-i.o,'. I t,
liorn i ri-). tfamia Sin--!, sprn.a iliu:e, au-l j;lt.
e- outl'iiil-'iniiii. i he i.irm .--ni,, In i
An Zlsjant Orchard
r n.u-it llearin..- Fmit Tr-'es. Alx.ii- tlirce
fnurths ni thi farm i eleareil an-l un- a irr.,
5l.tR' ol cuitivati'-r : l-tiiiir-'.-o In tii:it-'f-farm
U well watr:i. an I well a.tuM-' l" st"'!"
ral-liia. P..sfj;i,in uiver. with u::s xuml.ere.1
ti:le..-n April 1, fr iurtli.r '"lorraiita a
apiily to
J. W. KEFKi:K. r.;"n!cr. I'a.,
Or. I. (. KEi'i'ta:, freen,l-iir-!ii!. ia- niaj'.'5-it.
1 he t'oinn'.i?5ii.ner5 ol -ituTsrt (;,,un:v will in
fer t.t let at (.ahliR -.uu'.y-' " ' l-ri'ini . .-, i t:: ;
lowest .'in-i lien M-Mit, "rl
THri',s!j Y. -IVXK l ), is-, .t.
at l-l o"eluelt v t'"5 oui(!in .,i , w,,-:rD 1-ri.tu'"
(witii iiturie at h' 'tierit." i ovi-r Si. i cre'-k. .t r
near M'-t-r-v-.r'--tW I. In Sli.iii-.' 'i"iwii:ili-.
Length oi i;rilc'"- -') lent )iiween alu.nn-:i: ' :
BUMicry 10 laxfi: r-a.lwa, !- I-.- t ia t..e
- - ALSO
On FrWajr. June '.'gi is. l..nthe j.rextse.. at 2
u'cl'Wi i-- y Ti,n .iper. :ru turn i..r a w.t-ii-n
trldKC'-rt r Kikli-lf i-reci,. near Suiau:ii "Mills, in
Suaituit t.innf iilii.. ;ti- a-'Utuii-nn, ti .w nta3.H1.jf,
to ! ral-eJ 9" n:fi. Ien. It ol l.n.lite M li-.-- in
j to ! oe'.f " auuinicnu, wiiu
'.a mi'.t '! ncation? ran t-e ?een at tfti t'om-
IDn-cri i J e.on aii-i ;i rier .iuti9 u:o.
I rtl'IH.MHHf,K,
- : ' .IOSKPH UuK.N K!l,
H. W Btit UAKKli.
x ek, Clerk. . Coinmi..''i.jneT.
ill l.ntf in T.ile to I.tx.V f r Jot
n,.' ! Xfver too Lato t JIenI.
vr. Ci
.ith v;
i;:.C3 " wi!l lfc'j.i II 'he in-
:rh j)i.,;r ("iiii,ir.i I'vn-
c;:-. nil, Wiiu h.ul iiti-:i ir'.istlv ini-rri-oiied
.since hi.-, eur! manhood,
s;iid. ait r his rek-sse : " My life is
j;.ne, ami where is my happiness?
L)h ! give uie my hu jipinessj." Hut
. tsu'.t coul-i le tlone oi.l
in Tart, as
t:,t ;uns oi warKi si
..-hint- r.('ei!-iiri;tl-
, iv -nnl aiTw-;s tin' ':;oom ot ; Vw
i'.i:i;!ai:(l a'.itumn d.-y.
i lu a - '-" t' M-r. llirxoek A
;(', Mr. U 11 Tilu, f iVnniiict.n;,
N. .1., says: -1 hiv -MX.Tv uiit..,j
u.iscry t;-tns criiidoiH !V-m ci.r
(li.-' of the oon 'ls Mf.d "l.rr;,.I.
;-.( . .i:;ii,, ii. ;ea i y pr' ,i ain.
r. Iu t a, tin- hur.ii t ;' i.r,-s
..'TV t(!i( o!, U f.icvr
it r d
r, :i.t dv mth-r , h'
i i:. IWlIKl::
nu': i V I.
;. - t ;x- Colli-1 Hi', I.-' i-Ittitl- ,1 ,
Jit mv haH.y .hyi
frillnV a'..(l ''ratcriliilv uck:,.-,!
, ,,,'., v " ' '"
U.'1 l.iCt.
.Mr. K. ii. Wellf. who :.Cll:, t- , :.,
c,,.,,;cl.on to ti." people it.l-r-v
C i!V, CuUS : -'The t( stililoi . i; 0:Sl
Huw is. rt in: ine ai.d vo;;.,.t:iiv :
nf ones no. r.(
s a lit r: n j: i.:it, emu
i , 4"v '
1 1 . i . 1 -1 .
! . 1 L tl I-:. i
TVfcli as fur tii- ir
tefriT!or.)l w-li. re.
o:x;r..-.i.ity was t.iai:-.trn in i-.
u;,r-- hy ti;-:: 11 v. K.iL'n-r J jh'k;.
hiV-eiau. on t ! 10 "''.ii d iv ot .-a:
j l-2'-, with the consent of A.Th!.-.a
, Wheat'Ield, ol Ihiltiuiore, and -'
: approved hv I'.ipe Gregory -l -'.
! Ine 2.1 of October, 11.
Ilajr l'evr.
Fruai Col. C. II. M.ic!.,-v. -KM : -'i
f::i'.t:.try : " To pwstns ai'ili- ted a i-;
Catarrh, I would state thai I Ir-'
t.Ierivt.d nuire heneiit iro.o K!y s
Cr-.-ant Ihihis t'.ian anythiv1"''1'
have tver tried. I have n f 1 ;l
u.-i;i it ibr three months, u-h' a"
I experiencing no '.trouble froiui
! tarrii whatever, f have beea i
ft-rer for twenty years. C. 11. 1
ey, Mg)i;rney, rub. Ii, ii8'2.
A (las Well in I'i'tsburii-
r;ri"iiLi;r,r M;ly 2! A natural
; W'jli was strucic on the VMti ng
' hi)U.;e pruptrty in the Uth 'ard. a
few days ago, believed to be the !arg
, est in the country, (las was stru:i 3t
a d. pta of UCtiU, and at two f' t i'er
ith'; tlow wnit tiie heaviest ever ea-
coufitered. Thi opens a new ;.':"
nni! Inn-o- irt the ritir 1 1 rn ltd- t - O"
I eliid resulting to industries will be in
iu.u. iy ;,u:-;r, I
... s::i:.r.i.,.!'s an use organs. curi
i'o:ii!iti,j.i . the eolorr'd r:.ce ia ta.s I
- ' y
i " '