( 1 7 I.EAI YEAR. Ni.-e worn E.iy chair, Old Lain Hitting there. Old bach lie'ins to snore, Cetitle raji At !:p 1 -mr. r.'iter ii':J Hither )!.'.. With a Vvk of Love unii'J ',r,vcte awhile This an-! t!-:it-Che t y him old niai.l sat. goon -he talked Sentimental. He (ii.'.u't tan' OiiUm-uta!. sli.-eut mad. r.i--Md to cry. oil.w lactic TiK.'.ht siit'-i try. ' Years you've oilc'l Kvery night, As if V"H had Perfect richt. ' Why J on ('"" Never erne D:J you pr-i"'M.-. New 'tis I-'-sp Year. Uv Ji.-nv. ii !,' vi . 1 thai till y..u if tuv love. Then there An (': h. lie h:id !'led ThMO;h tl" K A Convention Run ou Ma chmo Tactics-Delegates Instructed for Blaine. AN UNQUALIFIED INDORSE MENT OF THE TARIFF. 0-Wne Nominated Tor ronpressmati-iit-l.ar?e A Ilariiiiiii! iutiierin?. SCENES AMD INCIDENTS. n., ia ,,ril in Th 1 1 n oi. i. ii , - y - Uepul i,...., v.-i.i , in wis fi e, at in:2-j. lllilv Clltll The loll-ciSI showed the ! .t WJi!.:,l in the I'oitrl'M Alhcheiiy District, winch was still j .,. ...nlr.,f ..hi, I. thi- rivi.l l'u'tiiiea l:ad been end-avoricg come to an :'gn emeht Waddell wa . lech i ail i.i it to ex eiintor 1 temporary cluiiiuau. Mr. Waddell. upon tak ing the chair, t! at.knl the conven tion for the uiiidence shown him. He recognized in hi selection a dis position to harmonize and satiety clashing interests, and he li,.j)ed that the idea would he carried out, is ihe news from Washington this morning behooved the He publicans to stand shoulder to shoulder in the eontest for the interests of I'ennsyl- vania. It was the duty of the con venti iii to select delecales to C'liicauo who will voice the sentiment of the State and carry out the undoubted wi-hfd of the people. TheCommitleeoii Contested Seals, with John Stewart as Chairman, also Ceuimittees on Permanent Organi zation and Resolutions, were then appointed; the Com mitt ecjoii Cen test ed Seats, consisting of lion. ,lohn Stewart, David II. Lane, Hon .1. H. Loni;eneeker, Daniel llowers. Dr. J. A. Hubbs, S. A. Losch, Major Ceo. W. Merrick, Hon. J. Howard, lieu. C. C. Judwin. The Cumuiitte-J on Kesolutions ami IVrmanent Organization was aio.uiiited bv c.illiivr tin- rn!l nf the .liri.-t- .hrrii ',;(. ; ., I'aiiem! ne.1t hiy ( At e.-vi'!i. iM hiicli sale in lii avei:. TlieStatefcHiiBfl.; the .erson thev d-ire apnoitite.L "':,ilV Ui, n thrown out of ti.e win H,,,i. (h,. .li ,f ti.. .ti.tri,,!. t'.o.v on iae cot:'., st-. lie waspued a'uiiiif. no vtaia n 4,4 t 1 r-1 1 1 l t 1 1 u circular ot the S'llc I .-in o..ri oee .i.e,a !,., qv,.,.,r,,: Committee was distributed aniomr the ilele"ates KN.HKS.NC,.LA1.NE. i ,V U,e CoMeMa. ts. Mr. lleeder de- S. . Ilarley, ...i L'utler, moved ; f,.njt.,i tiie minority report, cont.-m!-tiut the Committee ou Resolutions j t1:lt ,n,-thod t.f the election be instructed to report a resolution i Cilt, .-taiits did not at all com- i.ivyii.icr James G. Ill imo for riei-pv willl rujlfi tlt. I);irtv u dent and Kobcrt T. Lincoln for Vice) Al'.e-heny count v. He showed" that i'resideiit. Ill support of this Mr. ;vviu.a fraU(j v.asch ir-ed in the cl. c-H.-trley made a abort sj-ech. in j ti.) t.f Mr. FultMi's o;p(!i:ents that which he said that Ulaine and Lin- ,j1(. ,,0ii ert, in charge t.f Mr. Ful- cohi were the choice ol the people. He said he had called vesterdav Upon Hon. Simon Cameron: and i.c said, gentlemen, it is well known that the sentiment of this State is for James G. Ulaine. I think the convention to-morrow should select delegates to Chicago favoring him, and tiie convention should so 111 strucLthem. Mr. Keller, of Centre, moved to amend that the committee report a resolution instructing Un delegates to vote for Ulaine and Linei'ln. The amended resolution passed by i , I-, - "r h-i.l i ni-i'iiri; v o t' c ' ', v e b r-ti-i a m.-i rurf vote, when Mr, Lliiott, of Cr J 'lv. -"l ' , . . -i. - . ' f! e.-at's -ind 'l'i n u aiv Abeg'u-nv, said he was in lavor of j " 'V'u '. '"' l"-"-" Lincoln and not of Dhiine. He was 1 l,elore tliecommtttre on Con- l.i..,l fi.,t !.i-n i .ll f.,r . ' tested seats. Quite a spirited can- hissed, and sat down A eill f.,r division wae- made, when :i del.ite 'ai l he objected to Lincoln's name lor ice 1 resident ; lour vear irom now he would be the man for l'res no ot ; ch.t-rs. a remark that drew forth (hi YOlingonMr. Harlev'e ttiotiou,!)"10luo11 oi Vm as amended bv Mr. Keller, J'Hi dele-' n1." ! as foil gates rose to their feet to vote aye amidst loud cheers, and thirty seven , pJincipitlly from rhiladtlphi.t.i arose and vnted to, the tpectators in the pallery liiasing and greeting them with jeers and derisive laughter, to which Mr. Hawaii derisively replied : ' Where do you look for your Re publican majorities W. Klwood Howan, ol Philadel phia, was named as chairman of the Co'.uu.ittee on Organization, having i- i. . -. mane tne motion lor its at pointntent, Mr. Lavne thought the committees should choose theirown : l'""n 1!1 tueupcra House, i lie chairmen. The Chair said he was ' Contested Seat Committee then rc f,li.)wing the rules heretofore laid ' ported on the reaver contest, sivin down, and there was no choice about ' the teat to the contesting members, it. A delcgaU suggested that Mr. ! ,t'I;'rc the report was voted on, the Snowdeu withdraw Ids mime as ' 'p'i 'neubcr arose and withdrew chairman of the Committee on lleso- -iu 1 tVor ot tlie contestant The re- lutions. A for himself, h wouid .reler to vote in commitUe for chairman. It would Ire a creater s .tisfactiou. , Messrs. Snowden and Howan an - nnunet-J that Uiev liad u,. obicct whatever in offering the relation The chairman of a commiiiee tnerelv the mouth, ,i.., o ..T tl. .,... iuite, and had to report .- instruc: - .ed. Mr. Kauffman, of J vicasitr, thought there was too inucn ntiec- ssary wrangling over v. hut was an ?stab!ished rule, and u at followed by Mr. Keller, who moved to lav the motion relating to the electioii of chairman on the table. This was agreed to almost unanimously, and i tJ to I'articipate iu the caucus that the choice of the chair indorsed. nu"ted Mr. Jones for.delegatc - at - Mr. Uaynegrew very red in the!lare they could not vote lor him. iace as tue vote was announced, he had himself booked tor tne chairmanship of the Committee on Resolutions. ITKMANENT ORGANIZATION. Two Lours passed before the cop veiition re-ase:rihltd. The commit-' toe on l'i mianem urganuauot: k .. ported unanimously in favor ol L.a- j rjsna A. tiro lor I eriuarieui i-u"' . 5... ... I M , man. I lie repon was. anopo -u. i iir.,r.- h'lvit:- t.-.ken t ie cnu.r. re- j viewed the achievements of the He publican party during the past quar ter of a century dorn to the present 'issuf, the t:.r!ff. He characterized j the resolutions passed last week at lAil-.ntown as nitanir.glesB and de I ceivir-ir. He wa for a protective itarifl vhich would secure to the la borer of this country a comfortable ! living for himself and family. Icheannesb of commodities is nut to ! ,e d--ir-d at the.f xpense of the wa Ht- uii-u ..-.. - - i vers. 1 nc oio j.iuc n.ni n.. pes of the laboring man. ref tr;'' j,,, Mauhia It was customary l.e thought was merely a logical , tldf,gf (B t( be llie tlieory ba.ed upon n.istaken iafts. j , to .jat WJS 8ent l0 Ci,ir, TDK AN'TI-I'.l.'.INK VKX S VICTOKY. I was ihtn a U.-v, destined, as be rup- 1 H.m;ki-t;uk-., Ajiri' ('. The t- jed, to 1j a farmer. However, fnirjr fefion was called to order at knee cap was broken once while 7-15,rthe iiwt btifineM the i ol) trip to the north western region, u iectioi.s. Mr. Mcdill"U!i moved aiUi ie 'was laid up in bed for seven that the speeches bp limited to five ll)0nths. In fact be was lame trom t minute-, and no members to sj)tak .i-u injury all hi life. Well, it was I tncre than once on thesatne subject. this accident that mada him a f-cho.-This wn aureed to, but when Mr. !.,v. He Lad read t-varythiiii.' ia the , itavne catiie into the hall and heard Ihou.v while sick, and one day he 'what had been done, ho moved to i j,:id Lis brother's Latin books brought rpcnneidcr this, and was sat down ' n nn. :is lie co'.i'd :.) secure tve:,- i -i . . : . . j a" !i tun. ' tv.t irci- votes !i S! i: 'Oi l oi in-- 'tion. Mr. Wk-ttiii2o(l'-n-d a resolu tion that the State Committee be i mpoweied to till any vacancies n. the ticket this day nominated. ; which was red to. There was a ln". tin some wait at this juncture the Committee on Contested JN-ats not beii.g ready to report. A dele pate miA-ed Ji'at tne ciiairnia:i be coo.peliei! to prcst-nt the nsaj'trity report, imtnitlt:i!'diuj the fu-i ttiut th- in:;j .rit y report was not ready, "'i.i- i.cuasioi.ed a -.Teat deal oi (h -iuie. in wiiicii Mr. Hame made a i;:e; till.: CI,; t is.inv people lireu. ami v.as l!v teiil. d by ihe appearance of irmati Slcait, who presented two Sep irate reoori:-. 1 he nrM. wa in toe All. :ei,y county ens.-. the -srs. and jcomu iliee reporting tuat AH ' llartzell. Irwin. Warmcaslle l'avh r wi re en'.itu d to sects, l nis wi signed by .Vrs'rs, Longenecker, ! Hubbs. Jadwin :.i.d Merrick. Mr. ; ... : ; . ....ii ,--....!. ri I 1 lieeil-t I ire-ci! ii n" . "C '"illie, ll.e ii'iM.'ui- "i," """'"'" ! in whicii the wnole groiitnl t.t the j Young Corwia r-.-olved to catch tint i ll 'henv owntitt wa kone ovtT,i0i,i ff!lu-.v. !!. iavdowii behind the and conclnding nh thi recommen- , . , 11',! I . (hit.oii that iitr. rur.on. moo-1 man, Kee l an. 1 l-eMimr h1' . iii--eats, as le-.tl.V chvted. 1 id- r, Loscli :,ere-.,l- was .-igni n ny ,n v-rs. ne .e. I.;,ne and IloWers. DurilU ins of the minority r port Mr. liayne tried to have it :t til) nd l!:e -round that it was :1c d over five minutes. TIIK Ale l mi: ir. Cha'.rmr.n On.-v; decided th: :t it i ni:.-l 1 v,.i- I was no debate, ni.d as a report be read. The announcement received wiih cheers. Mr. (Jtiay r.mved that the minority n port be substituted for the majority l.-jjort. Mr. Stewart in sustaining the :na- jj"rity report thought the live min ute rule ought to be suspended in view of the importance of the case, whervupan Mr. Quay moved to ive Mr. Stewart ten minute?, which was , . ... . 3. .1 ... UTet tl to. .tr. .-iiewari procc.jcu at i th to review the Allegheny case. taking it up sfp by step from the primary tkclion to the difficulty in the convention, and showing that tiie sitting members wer frauslu lently elected. As Stewart showed ul the ali.tir he was rr-aed wun cheers, the convention mvin:j nitn I the ch'sest attention. Hack in the 1 .-t row of pario t seat sat C. L. Magec, jale and worried, unminded bv Lis friends, ;um.Mig tiiem Cieor;:e (iiiver and Chairman Fiinn. Mr. trwart concluded by pleading for h.iri.t ss. saving lhat 1 had been too I . , . 1( - I v:'.'i (lui.-iums inua .0; s.oe?, oi ' " - 1 'P1 I u plain to tin tisfaction HI' the convention that a maioritv ol ! ;f. ...1 .l..!..,,.,!.! .h.e!...4 fi.iv :-IeLrateS Uiu's rt!),H,i,ent. He averted that o .....j ; .,-;, thv .t at no time wa there a majority present at tne convention win-re tLe contestants Were Srl'K-t,-1. MINOhlTY hKl'CitT AD il'TK!). . Mrrick, in a long sp.veh. serted in the nn:in that le ' div . Let- ed d -lerMtef to the Fourth District I up my mind to vote lor you. Cor Conventioii were refused their seats ; i win caught up the humor in tiie old re.' ore them nr.d the eonte- 1 :' s I fellow's holiest snaecll. He bumish- heiv have a le':;l stand Mr. Lane thought the map n contestants l.ey point is t i - tested seat-. Quite a p'.rit"d cou- itroyersy took pi -ice b-'tweeu -Mr Stewart and Mr. i.ei,ier as to tiut-s tions of fact in the contest, which - jan-r led coiisidtrai amusement. i,o was icgarue j The voir was t! as a drawn battle, en taken on the minontv report. nvs : r- ea ii bays. During the ballot Auditor Gcner- i ;A people beard it. It was deliver al Niles was appi;v.;c d for voting jed in the court house at Lebanon, i:e. and Senator Ste.vart rcceiv.-d a ai.out tiie time Corwin was so con roui.d when iie voted no. P.oth dunned for his attitude on the Mtx Stewart and Layne raised the point jican war. He had been burned in of order that members occupying 1 1 Uigy all over the country, and he contested scats could not vote. Toe ; came home fore and sad. ( ..airman ruled th t it was a ques-, tan rememoer what a spt-kch he t'on oi taste wi'h them ; tin ir names were on the roll, and they criaM vote if they chose. They voted. At the 'announcement ol the votei,vbole lite. I can remember .me "ut'h cheer went uti as has seldom ' lH,fl was adopted. . 'PI . .1 a I , -onciuioii iuea proceeded to :''cl tlelegate-at-Jarge to the .a- tional tuuveution. Col. A. W ilson ! yj.rr'8, nuilt' James McMai.es, of ' I'l'dadwlphia ; Major Merrick named - . "U115 Luiery, jr.; Ma). Allen nam is vu . '' ' Jjte 01 enaago v.oi. MlOWdell namiii Hamilton ! '"t00- of I'hiladelphia; Col. Dayne 1 named I. F. Jone. of Pittsburgh ; l' C- r'y. of Verw-r, was nam- as Was a,f!0 i,r- Jessup.'of Susquehanna, Joseph X. Shome. of ! J't l ks- anJ James Milliken, ofCV n- tr r-'nii, of Pittsburgh, stated : lrt l!ie invention that as the Pitts- : l,urS11 '"legates hart not been mvi as j Gmtrnxedon Second Paju) TOM CORYfTN'. Dmbin ward Iteooiiee.i.n of -The j Dmb.n ar Wagon Boy of Ohio. lit. ,r.i Tip PTpntpt man I ever , enen.l.risinz u in . .. enthusiasm kindling 4.JJe wag a j.hiloso opher. H!, ana aiuiun u mci. j He was far seeing, wun a scope of ii.tidk-ct. Ah, ray young friend, we have no such great men i ( 'nr in now.'' ' He often told me of his early j strugsle?. He was the on oi oiu Judge O.rwin, a Baptist deacon and well to do firmer, who lived near Lebanon. The old man was quite i.n.iniiieitt. and was once as-iciate iud'e of the id cireuit curt which, : in thoff u;iys, wa composed ot tlm e 'judges, twe oi whom were not ia 1 if; oM ilOL'e inni an v.nt. !and came home educated- iom to h;m. lie commrnceu iu tiuu.i I.uiii bv bimscl If. and commenced bv translating a parasirapa wun me aid if a dictionary ahd fxrammar. He determined that if b could not master this first paragraph ht would abandon it forever, lie succeeded, from that time on became a ) . i A 1 t-tudent, and finally entered a ' I have heard he had strong will and creat ditenuination.': 'Very much, and I laugh as I remember a story he once told of himself, which illustrates his dis position. Win n an urchin of U. nis father put him to work 'ni'.-gpr-ii,"' t':e Inns in a 'di aliening.' Idle thus employe:) young Tom found ,.iit that the' wild turkeys had a rg i:!ar tr-iil through the deadening to a stream of water. They went to drink at a certain time headed by a n ' tjohhk-r who alwtvs went ahead ... S(... that the wav was Ciear. no j this by ncuiiting a log, looking ;ih.,ut, aid' eivi;,' an 4 ill right' go'o- i i . i . .,,1,1 ... ,1 , t i , , !'. h0ir !Uld cm-ht tlie kin-' turkey by 1,, - i - i t. as ne am ( .1 tip to survey t!"' s't'-'itioo. ile was ani.osi ton ,mu;!, (, ,r tlie h.iy ot 1 I, ami tirag- him tl'.rougli the briers and eru-h until le.th were er-hausted. Tinn ;,m and bleeding t!.' bt.y dragged hi jirizeto the liouse. He feared Lis father's wrath on account of his torn civile- but the old man Liu-j id. II- lianilv admired the b u 's , .... i i pi tic;; ; iiad ifiieve.l thai tne oov cAindit tile "obbler. almost as 1 is hi in self. When a. little older Corwiu was quite pugnacious. His lailler kept a still house and sold his whis ky in Cincinnati. Tom was gener ally sent with tne wagon, and many a tin,.- he lengthened the journey by sto, i:: to light with some boy alonr the road or a rival driver. Even when he became governor and senator he referred tu these event 3 of his youth with delight. "There art dozens bf stories about him which I suppose are wrongly credited. He olttn told one that perhaps you have heard. When he first nn fur runure.-s. in 1SI0. he had a big, wild district. He wa young, a Vhig, and was running against a big majority. He canvassed bis district on horseback, and one night stopped with a man be knew was capiat him. Corwin had no nope ot converting nis host, out laikcn pliaantly all the evening. He re tired in the same room with the man and his wife, common enough in those primitive days of log cabins and big fireplaces. Tiie n-.t moriing he was surpris ed when the old man s lid, "Curwin I'm suing to vote for you.' Clad to know it, Corwin also wanted to the cause of the sudd.-n conversion. He found out. The old man re marked, 'Wal. now, I'ii till you. I'm u plain mafi and imy wife is a plain woman. Now when the other candidate was here a week ago the old woman watched him go to bed, and sir, I'll be d if he didn't pull a woman' night gown from Lis ack and put it on. U?, sir, a wo man's nkht L'ovvn Now, 1 uou beiievc in such tixin's for a nnr. and 1 said to my wife that any man who wore a woman's gown was not iit to go to Congress. Now, we watched you last night and saw that you jumped into bed with your j common shirt on, an. i. sir, I've maie -d U the story and told it all over J ; tiie district in bvery speech he made, r I He so ridiculed Ids opponent, de- :scrioi:ig how he go into and , , - .- , V.. i b:s shirts, that, altnough in a , '. ' . j DcttiiKTJitic district. Convi I elected. how he jro into and out ol a siroiig in was "lie was a great orator c-vcii ti.cn. was he not ?'' "He always nas, You know hi Mexican war speech was one f the liiiest efforts ever iieard. And how prophetic il was, too, ,ts we read it by the hiit of later events, but the i ... .u.,t f ;.. . .. - f IIUKUCM S'CUWil lll,t VOl .1111 1'Tl.l ; ii,ade was never liuonshtd, and but i U;i.(ji; to his own neighbors mat day 'party is weii known, as it takes t ;., explanation of Ids course, ltlimsre to run t.t. .fact, the ii.tWi.re j was tne mtet eloquent speech of his ('jj.ure he used. He related the old 1'ersian superstition that a good a c gel sat ever on tho shoulder ofla guaranty that their promises to every mau. That this good angel , their constituency will be fuhilled. recorded the good acts of his charge j We usually reijuire that their first with jay, the evil acts with pain wild ; year's Salary be left with us as a blackness. Hut il the man repented leuaranty oftrood faith only. eru the sun went down, the amiel dropped a tear, which blotted out 1 .... . jorevtr tho ill deeds of the day. "And so Corwin said that he j hoped the recording angel of this j country would drop a tear upon-the outras of the Mexican war and - i hiot ttiem forever. The last words' ; I Ct' this metaphor Corwin did not ut- ; t. r ..t,..-!! IIU inicn ffr.tf f lint tt'i i h ; t.motion. and lie gu-hed out in a I pcuhar whisper the last words.! j Hi9 hearers needed not to hear ttiem. ! There was not a Jrp eye in the whole1 Ut.-etnbly. Each man wept, con-; quered bv his eloquence and pe.thos. i : vtl; jje "was the greatest orato in i Ohio. 1 know of no such man now- - 1 adavs, i.. , ' ' Zvl thM wonderful of his face seemed tluuht. 1 remember once when he wa a critic at the old Mrchsnics' institute literary exer-j ciiea in Lebanon he made a remark ; that I Lave always thought applied himself. It was : The true ora- tor talks all over, lie even speaks from the back of hi3 neck." A Jersey Atnar.on. The pponle of Tuckahoe, Dennis- vlu,.j aim me uif t tuu ui wa; crand :.,,liintv. . J. have for eorce time nat - 1-t-en startled at the wonderlUi exploits with a rifle of a mysterious Amazon narnea Jennie .ioore, wnu Uvea in an isolated cabin in th pines, on the '-ay sioe, aoui tuur ( niil-? frni Woodbine Station, on the ; -t JereV Railroad. The woman I is about SO' years of age, of splendid . physical develoi-aient. She is mar- j ried to a man named Jackson Moor wle father lives at Vine'and, and j who ekes out a Fcant livehliood by i chopping wood for the Miilville plnsV factories. In November last the couple svttled in their cabin, which is emiinned in the true bor der stvle, half of it bein-r under j ground. The woman says that lur several years she traveled with a show under the stage nam ot Jenny Franklin, giving exhibitions with htr rille. On several occasions the Amazon has astonished the natives of the vicinity with her skill. Some of her feats are remarkable. She can light a parlor match with a rille ball and part an a;ple on the William Tell style resting on her husband's head. A favorite shot is to hit th ai.nle. while in that position. bv a shot with her back turned and i taking aim in a looking glass, fuut hng candles and clipping the ashes from a lighted cigar while being held bet ween the teeth of a man are tri- Citig matters to her. A ft" wees o Mrs. Moarwgave a public exni bition in the Town Hall at Hennis-' ville, which drew ej-.culations ot as- toioshwient and delight from thfi large crowd present. is a com tii.-n thing for lor to take a tramp oi . . . . . . .i .-ii i i . .. miles throug.i tne wunernwss oi mat, country with her rifle slung over her shoulder. The people of Dei. ipsville, with a few of whom she is acquainted, spwak in glowing terms of her ladylike deportment and social accomplishments. Kstates of the Russian Kiiii'eror. One may form some idea of the ext'-nt of tile posessions belonging to the Uuesian Emperor, as prop el ty immediately attached to the crown, when w hear that the Altai eUio-. alone cover an area ot 4', 1KJ,ik) deajatir.s, or over 170,000 rtpiare inile, being about thr-e times theeize of England aud Wales. dry at Sasoum, and the great iron will ks of Cavrilov, in the Salagirov district. The receipts from these enormous estates are iu a lidicu lously pitiful ratio to their extent. In the year they amounted to OoO, iOO roubles, or a liule more than .I'D-j.UOO; while for 18S3 the revenue was estimated at lesi than half this sum, or about 400,000 roubles. The rents, &c, gave a sur plus over expense of administration of about a million and a half of roubles. On the other hand, the working of the mines showed a defi cit of over a million ; hence the re sult just indicated. A partial explanation of this very unsatisfactory state of tilings is to be found in the situation of the- mines which are generally in places, quite destitute of wood, while the smel ling works were naturally located in districts whore wood abounds, some times as much as OH) or 700 kilo meters distant from the mines. The cost of transport of law materials be come considerable in this way. lly degrees all the wood available in the neighborhood of the smelting works became used up, and it was neces sary to fetch wood from distances of even overlOO kilometeres. For merly the mine were really penal H'ltleinents, worked by convicts, who were partly helped by immi grants whose sons were exempted from military service on the condi tiun of working iu the mines. Hut nir.ee the aboliuon of serldom this system has been quite altered, and there is now a great deal of free la bor n the ordinary conditions. As a superb hair dressing and renovator Aytr's Hair Vigur is uni- t vtrsaliy commended. It eradicates j .-curl and dandrutl, cures all erup tions and itching of the scalp, pro motes the renewed growth of the hair, and surely prevents its fading or turning gray. No 51 re Vrcc Pull's. Tlie Ciiarlcston Herald has estab iished the following rates for puffs: To cad a man a '"progressive citi- ;a-!'" when it is kuown that he i is Luicr than a government mule, f 1.7-3. Uell-rring to a deceased citizen as a " man whose u'.ace will long re main unfilled," when you know that he is the best poker plaver in town, S17. Calling a female " a talented and refined ialy, a valuable acquisi tion to society," with variations, S2.72. Calling a man a "liar" during a campaign to advertise him, 2-3 cents, with proportionate reduc tions, if tiie light becomes very warm. Inferring to an old citizen " as a reiic uf antiquity," Co cents. Caliing a newly made lawyer " a legal 1 i tit of which the profession shwuld feel proud," S1.24. Extra rates are charred when tie a long residence is supposed- to exert. Candidates fur office will be charc- ! ed in proportion to their wealth, as H THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. KifVv- and cures 1I1IEU3IATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BIIHtdlE, HEADACHE, TOOTIUCHE. SOBE THROHT. QUINSY. 6WELLINOS. ItrKAINK. Soreneti. Cuts. Bruijet. FHOSTBITES.- Rl'RSW. Kt'lLDV And allorter bodily adies aoii puma, FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Snl1 by nil Tma;(ri"tn and Ik-hipt. Ilr.-(iuu4 la 11 lUUKUeagf-V. The Charles A. Voeter Go. ;:!!::;! Si'iiij!f a sji!, aaT- j m.kdigau.iniinigj:;. 1 1.3 iSil in the Altai es- MHS5 e .ml, and fcll- VlTS&Cnftfl .-HFjini il, 1'aulov, Smij- fHyrEVERgl e? lip, tne coppvi louu- j-!,- c&t--sgi 4 T TTTAT TT a tr iJj V 1 lil 1 ,1-17 BERLIN, (MILLER'S MII.U) MANVFACTIHEB OF FLOUR & FEED! I alwsn kcrpon hand a larce stock of FUICB, COKN-MKAU KI CKWHKAT FLOVK. and an Kln.ia l tmOF. Also, all klndtof UKA1N, uica i tell at JiflTTmr PRICES! Wholesale mml Detail. You will sare money by bo - vlc ,r"m w "'- k " y Fre"- ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY, A New Enterprise :o: LIME! LIME! LIME! Mrt hanict and Farmr supplied 1$ "Vm. Lipuold & Co. With the Ikst Muilding and Agricul tural Lime. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WORDhRS 11Y MAIL PROMPTLY A I TESDKl) TO. Address WWt. LlPPOLD & CO.. I. O. ItX Ma.H-'l, Ct-MUKKLANII, Mo. tcl.VT-lTr. "1T"ALUAI5LE FARM AT OATTri rxL V JA. Jl Hi k3Xi.XJJCJ. : ri'he umlerslinitil oflera lor sale the nEI.I. 1 FA KM. one and one-hall miles west o' s.toys town Hi p. ol Oic Hallo and Ohio talin.ail on the It,-.! lord an tircenl.urB iur..plke. cntulninic one hundred and on acres, more or lens aluut 75 acre, eleared. in acres in meadow, and balance in tlinoer. This Is a mo t desirable location lor a bca ulilul homo. Agu.id DWELLING HOUSE, and Log Stable en the premises OoodS'ock and drum larm ; c!oe f School, t'huri'Iies and Mills, and all hui.IIc conveniences Bo-se.sion would be I aiven at onee. Ar.y person uesimu- oi 1 uyinit a tin.- pr .perty, close to town, will lor panuuiars call on WM. H. Mll.LKIt: feb Kxcculor of Jacob .1. Miller, dee'il. - CATARRHCa',s uu Tain or Dread, Gives ! Keller at Uure. i Not a Lhpiid or 'jjnsnutr. Applied with the finger. Thoroiisrh treat meut will Cure Price 40 cents, by HAY-rEVER ini! or at druuitisis. EL.Y liltOTH LUS. Uruynists, Osai-ito, N. Y. mar.U. ISAAC SIMPSON, L- - LIVERY UD Sftlt STABLES, PATRIOT ST., SOMERSET, PA. ALSO DtALKR l!t BU33ISS, WA GONS, CASEIAGES, &t If tou want to buy a O.kxI and Cbrap Wairnn nr iluirtfy of any ctrsrription mil on inc. I alco kocp mnstrinlty nn hanj a Laarire Afrtment of Fine Hunl-matle Harness. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Brashvu. I-'iiHlnnkctn. ni everythinic to be loun i in a atrH-cIa? S.ilillifry. (.ituKl tfiims ami Ki.lini; Horses nlway? reatlr for h!r-. When in noJ ol anything in my line, ive mtt a call. ISAAC SIMPtX, ai)rt-6m Somerset, Pa. I DC. E SALES. The I'ommispioners .r Somerset t'ounty will of fer to let at public outcry, on the preml s, to the iowetund best bidder, on TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1SS1, at 2 o'clock p. v.. the bulldlne of the abutments I'.r an l".n Bri.lir" over Flau.herty t'reek in j Mejcr.ijalc Uorouh, S 'mersct diiiiur. Pa. ALSO Se:ilei l'r"p'.sal9 fr an Iron llrl.liio over Vl.iuher'v I'reek. will be received nt the I oni ini.sloner's ..Mice up to IU o'chK-k a.m. Wednes day. April -J3.I, IH-4, sild Iron llrole tl 60 leet lima, with a roadway is feet wide, and two side walks each 4 leet wide. APAM S. SH AFFKR, .PJStPH HORN Ml, Attest: H. W. KKUBAKF.K, li J. Hokxiir, Clerk. Commissioners. inar-'U. rfa3 55?l kakSIa S Always the Besta Lemon Jelly Cake. .To the volki of six eirirs. well lieaten. add three .miners of a nonnd ol white suaas. mice nf one . . - . . . . the whii-i ol ail rgifi bealeL itiD , bake In jelly eake pans. FOR THE JELLY Take the volksof three eiras l o.ten. and one ball' pound of while sugar )nice of one aul (rraied rind ol two lemons, and whites ofthiceeKgs beaten very still ; put In a vessel and place the vessel in bailing water; boil until It ihlckcnsi wen It is cold spread over each layer of the cake except the top one. FOTJTZ' S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Tir, Ii F'tiit'it I nwilem ar n.-i1 ta tir.-. Fotitz 1''wiUt will 'tirf nnl nr nf ' f Voit7' iv.wilrm 0I prevent iv '! F.OT?' Ps.irit? w ill 1n-rvi- the nuunVir A i tt". aivt rrv.int turut) rwr o-nt ant ma'.v Uio boticr firm and rwect. Koatx's rowlv-m will mr or prevent almost rriciiT Diwap: t whti-h Hun .iinl attic arc viI.mT. FotTZ'S PoWIr.S '1LL GIT iATIIrA.TllO.. Sold everjwttere. DAVID r. FOUTZ, Proprietor. lALTIMOBE.MD Hi 1111 l i n i f . ATirr X'OXIl W VV UNTIL JUNE 1st., I will offer special Bargains in Goods named below. I ex pect to make extensive changes in my storeroom by that date, and have many goods that I prefer to sell at cost, than to run risk of getting damaged w hile repairs are being made. These are all new style goods, nnd not old stock that I offer. Please look at the list, and if what vou want, come at once : VASES. TOILET SETS. CARD CASES, VELVET FRAMES. CUT GLASS BOTTLES, HAND MIKIiOlLS, wurnxti hksks, FANX'Y r.oX PArKU.S, PIIOTOtaiAPII A AUTOGltAl'H ALHfMS w nlcICC TMIVIII. I DIDUtu, FOUKfcT BIUUES. : SI1AVIXO MVOS. Ul'T flLASS INKSTANDS ANI A LOT OF I'.KAUTIFCL BUOKa OF MIBCEU-ANEors Poetry, and Fiction. These -roods will all be sold at y-i . I 1 II.. -1- .." jwreany uhiuchi rnces. aim rn:M ! i 1 1 1 I of them at cost a.,neiow it. cM.,"e i neighbors know wlien j at c.CP, for I am determined to elosei., i n them out. Do not fail to se these Goods. a V BOTP, MAMMOTH BLOCK, SOMERSET PA. GOLD: (ortheworklnicclasi. Send ;oce. ts lor poet ,ae. and we i will s.-nit tou ire a royal. valuable Imz ol sample good that will put you in lbs war ofraaKlna moremon ey in a lew dars tbaa ftm ever tbouKht possible at any business. Capital not nquired. We will start you. You can wore all ihe lime, or in spare time only. The work Is universally adapted tu both sexes, yoans; and old. You can easily earn Irom 50 cents to 1.00 erery evenlnir. That all who want to work may test the businem. we will make this unparalleled offer : To all lhat re not laoshed we will send Si to pay lor the trouble of writing as. Full particulars, uirecl Inns, etc. sent true. Fortunes will be made by those who (lire their whole lime to the work Oreat success ab solutely sure. IHm'i delay. Sum now. Address Stimox St Co a Portland, Maine. JarC3. PATENTS obtained, and all business In the V. S. Patent Otlice, or in the Courts attended to for MODERATE FEES. We aie opposite the TT. S. Patent Office, en acted in PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY, and run obtain pMtents in less time tbau those remote from WASHINGTON. When model or drawing Is sent we advise as to patentability tree of eharire: mnd we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. ( refer, kere, to ihe 1'oMinaster. the Supt. of tho Money iriler llivislon, and to officials of the 11. S. Patent Office. For circular, adrlce, terms, and reterence to actual client! in your own SUate or county, address C. A. SNOW & CO.. Opposite Ptntent fle, Wa4nin: n, 1). O. JEGAL NOTICE. To Mary Rhoads, (widow) til ward Tihoai'a. Jo scpi Khoads, Isabella. Inltrmarried with Levi H'.ltman, Tillie, intermarried with Joseph Arixhts, Catharine, interuiarrie.1 wl;b 'oseph Hor er, Heliuda. intermarried with John Orlttnh, Lydia. Imeimarricd with James Hunter Llta beth. intermarried with John Swank, Matilda, intermarried with Simon P Maker, Anna, inter married with Hiram Shaults, Wilon (iood.Chas. ti.iod, Allle Good, lrvln U.mx1. of whom Jo- ph Kh,ads is anardian. heirs and te:il representa tives ol Jonathan Khoads, deceased. You are hereby noiined that in pursuance of a Writ of Partition issued out d the Orphans' I 'uiirl of Somerset County. Penn 'a.. I will h .11 a n inquest on the real estate of Jonathan Khoads, deceased, in Somerset Township, at his late resi dence, on Tuesnay. the lath dny of May, lHb, where vou can attend if vu think proper. JOHN J. SPANtrLr K. apr!6r- . Nherifl. touch A judgment no'e dated March 12, 11.1, for oOO, given by Kmanuel Heneer to Ell Shaver with aari.n sbater nn as bail, and paid by Aaron Shaf er. was lost. All (.ervons are hereby notified that this note has been paid. The finder" will pleas re turn it to apr9-:it. A A HON SH AFER, Stoystown, Pa. A DMINISTItATORS NOTICE. Estate of of Jeremiah Woy, late of Somerset Bor ouiro, Somerset County, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on the above estate havina; been granted to the undersianed by the proper autuority notice is hereby Kiren to all persons indebted to raid estate to make immedi ate payment, and those havina; claims aarainsi the same to present them duly auihenticated lor set tlement en Saturday, the 17th day of May, 1-84, at the office of J. H. I'M, Esq., In Someiset Bor ough. JOSIAH BRANT, At S TIN HEN N ISON. ap 'J. Admiuistrators. DMIN1STP.ATOUS NOTICE Estate ol Isaac WVndel, dee'rt, late nf Somerset Township, Somsrset County, Pa. letter of Administration oalheatiove estate havins; been feranie.1 to the unoersisned by the proper authority, notice Is hereby given to all persons tn.lebt.-d to said estate to matte lmme'l ate payment, and those havina; claims aaalnst the lame will present them ouly aa'heulicated lor settlement on Satiayilay, April la:h, 161,4, at the lalo residence otlhe deceased. S. M. W KNDF.L, SAM I'LL BALDWIN, maris. Aiimuu-traiers. OTICE. SftVEisiT It Cambria R R. Cx PiTTsni-ROH, April 15, 1.S4. Notice is hereby (liven that the Annual Jleet InKolthe Stockholders of tho Somerset k. Cam bria Kaili-oad tympany will he held at the office ot tne Ha timore II Ohio RHllroad Company in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ou oonday. May a. lttl. at -2 o'clock m.. lor the imrpuse of i lectin;; a eresi lent and linardof Deectors to serve tor the eusuina; yer, and for the transac tion ol Mich other business ai may be brought be fore the meeting. WELTY MrCULLOGH, apria. S, cretary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Estate of Elba H. Ifley, dee'd. Ivte of Somerset Bor., Sometsei Co., Pa, , uruvi. .ii uiuiutniraiim on me aoove esia.e Letters or administration on the above estate avini.' teeo rranted to the m.dersiirtied. bv the pn!ier MUIhorily. notice Is betehy given tu lh. sj naeRieu 10 u 10 maae immeaiale liaym. nt and those having claims or demands will pieae pre lent them duly authei ttcaied for settlement on Thursday, the 1-tuayor May, 1-S4,at the etltce of John 11. L'hl, In Somerset. ar HKV HEFFLEY. JOHN M HOLOEK B A I'M, maris. Administrators A D.MLMSTRATOKS NOTICE. Estate of Wm. H. Hodman, late of Jenner Twp., bomeret Co., Pa dee'd. Letters or administration on the 'bore estate having been granted to the umlrrslirmd by the l'roier autnority notice is hereby given to all persons intlebt. d to laid estate to maae lmmedi- te payment and those havina claims aa-ainet the same will present them duhr authenticated Utt ettlemeut at t be lue residence ol said Jeceaied on Saturday, tbe 2"th day of April, 184. . ami n.nuitSA.x. ALEXANDER HOFFMAN, roar ID. Administrator. "WF 4 V'l'fTa Canvasarri IB every eoun i 1 Xjl-.y in the State to take or ders for Nursery .-stock. Stead mnd Dtnrabte Employment Exnerienee la the busmei-i not re quired. Nurseries widely and favorably known, i-'or terms addre's The C.-L. VAN OUSEN NURSERY CO. Ceneva N, Y. Van Dnsen Nurseries Lstabluhed 18S9. Alio, Mock at wholesale. aprS. '84. ! I The election of thisjvw year promises 10 uu one of the most excit - inry rtf flio onni nrv OY- ingot tne centun, CA - , til -vaT- Tilf 1'f A1 i lirilllll hOl'n llllXTl rillWUlVl ,1i I at least one good pa- per to furnish him the I news The Somehset Herald -i..! i ..w- 11 earnest Republicans, 11 C i an menus ui piuit-u-tion, all interested in the news of the nation, state or county, Because it is always reliable politically, and savs what it means and means what it savs. Because its Court re ports are always full, fair and trustworthy. Because it is the me dium used by the peo ple of the county when f llftV WIS 1 tO ICt tllCir -7 lllVy till V til AlHil " anvthino: else for sale. Because all legal ad vertising appears in its columns, and people are thus kept posted as to what transpires in the management of the af fairs of the Courts and County. Because it is active, ajruressive, and alwavs for the cause of its constituents. Because it has the best Washington and Harrisburg correspon dents attainable. Because it alwavs givos all the local news without burdening its columns with unmean ing and uninteresting correspondence. Because its news col umns present all the latest news in an at tractive style. If you have friends who live outside the county, there 'is no more acceptable pres ent you can send the m than a copy of their county paper. If you have a neigh bor who needs a paper recommend the her ald. It vour childrenwant a paper, subscribe for the HERALD. Subscription per year. $2.00 Address Somerset, Penna. a BIooil Purt- li, nor this nie-liirtna all 1. manner of ehru l-,nrriHi,Jvi,r old 8tn D'l ehmnic or old stD'!iiK nmipbiinls, kua-li-.ni of 0i fkin, snch a FiHiii. i. ....... i notion'3 Rathe. Kin r Tetter. sal Kheam skm Hea.1. Skr Inla or Kinit-i -. $&&ViZ. anin fro..- Im- OR ifvj,?y'p rare medicine In LrJM 1 1 J' "M7't' !w - aowUhOBt8a,tt.c -!!.. Sen . -VI ....... M.I M4D ini . . I . Kt i. rw-ttur It -. -eom.ert ' biYh. lost delte.te woman at well ait the rM bum ltrj ... ;kD - w - . ZS lona rictiia to the use ut mercury or idue 1 ms. lonirrictliatothe u ut merrury or e It wtllouea the Doweli in a properand whole-ome "ThTr." IsnotninKlikeFahrnej l Blol rieaj. er i..r th.eure ..j ail '"wHLZ"r'ui I.lver. Howcts, Kidneys and Bladder. lor nrrTi.uo dp-easel. Headache. tvtivene-s. In.iiel-n, KK Anrutor 'ii hs no .":,"r.f".r;., pounl if cure." The Panacea win nw . , a .., luinii hut if tine ;n;;o.roisoVder,.ver i ottered tu the woi IbS ! Fevers, hy keep oHeredtutfce world. You ean arom tr'Ua nrmliu-nt keepinif your ll"d purified. The dilierentdearees 01 all sui-h dlnea-e . ei.en.i i,etherntnihecondi't.n..i the hi.w.1. Mr ''V:;BX " j! E on PASAeKA. as there are sererai o.ner pr arutlons In the market, the names ui somewhat similar. Dr. Geo. G. Shively & Co., SucwMor to Kahrney'J Bros, fc V.o.. MANt'FACTt'KEKS ANI PROFRItTOU Watehrdro, Pa. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No nti:cr complaints are so insidious in tin ir aiuckaslli.tfe.-iireetins the threat :.ml M'-W n.'iie tr.llcl witli by tU.t maj'Tity ef s uH. i ci-i. Tlie onlii.jry cush or cold, r-.-u'.-e i P -.-;.:.;.. front a trill, i g or r,iicci.?.:H.iia e p -u:c. is '.n il l at tl.0 bei;i..i: a; ' f a -it .i :c..e-. Avi u s C:.t:ni:v I'i:i c .i . e--wcl p-.-ovcH iu etV.cacy in a forty tcmV li-ut v..ili ti.r..at and lui.a .lieasc, auJ UvUi. l t...-:i .1. all caics vi'.iioui u-.l-O'- A Terrible Cough t'nreil. I t.,".i a sev-reeol.'. wliiclialT.-ef. l :, 1 bad : terrtl.l-eniigli.ai:l p-i-s- -1 aitr ii.-iht witli'rtit aieep. '1-s.e .i.:.-v is i... 1 tl i.'ii A I K'S ClIt KUV 11"- i' tiii.-ii relieved in v lungs, indue-l iin.l i.ii..n!t-il me tlie reri ije.-e.ii-v r.-.-.T'-rv ! I.'-' tl'ng-.ll. l' l'. ,u i us.- ef the riuoH.a n jaTiiiii i. v ..! I'lle.t'il. lam u , i.e :e..i lie.M ' v, nti'l am ;ilacil ..u . 1 i.i i-'.i: tl. mve.1 m'- lint: u s. K.uiaxuiiiu:. ..iii:.!... t-, .u:y 1"', lv--'. (.rr)tlj. . !lhrr' Trilmte. -. .1 : hi il'C country Inst winter my litlla . ... ,-:.:s,i, !. .on. tak.-o iil will, cri-up; .... I f l.e ivmii.l die from stranyu- , IMC t tl.C felielV SliUeeM.ll tl'' ' - . lll.i-KV I'll Tin: L. a butt!" 'i i u k i,.v..-ivH keft ii" tiie bouse. jiiH ,. ;i.;i:i an I lrt'ou.-nt ilew . JO-d I.I in l. i-s tl-nii bail an b"lir t!:e -Tit was b.-.-atl;u:Be.isi:y. The ..: iU.tt tie- in 1'1'Ti'BAI. Iia.l !, ,i ,rim-'- n!e. I an you su::ir at : .:.' i., e" s.nci rclv murs, .Mi.'S.'l M.MA iiTPST.V." V.'-.'t i::h St., Nik York, May K. I'ti. .-.- I Avrr.'' CitERitv rr.-rnnAf. s.,-' -': t'-r several years, and .!. l:'-i to (" I n- C" Uilee it On' laosi enei-iiu.i s ami cel.! tve have ri.-r A.-I. Cnv.M .'' i.. ... l.": y-i '1. .Minn., M.r.oU 1J, 1M'. ; t ,; -t. i i . r i i-t.t years from Ttroneliit i. . . .-, - , j:.;,i.v i-. liiCiii, s Willi no u-- . - V , ;. ,1 I v lii" ii-,' el A yi.r's hi i: i v I i.. ii i .1.. ' 'l"i I'd Walin. ' !' :.:..: a. Mis-... At r!l l'l. - ; -: , ,i iv r nMidi in .rni." r-f Avt it' !. ;.: , !,,n ii.. l-'Hevi: f as I !o tliat i"i- ,;s n I Should :nn -icce have .lit. 'I ., ', , ' F. ISBAOIKJi." : ::',.'. 'i -xa.-. April Ci, lesi i i" an aifeetinii of tlie throat er .-:-. v.'n:i'ii o.viuol ts; greatly re',:v. d u.e of .writ's Citrnnr I'k h-kai.. 1 i .1 in':-. ;ii I :-. a t ai iv. 1 , vrc when tlie .l,-.':.- :s rs.lv 1 .'Y.-ind it.' entitrcl C'f ii.eilieine. rnn-AhEr. nv Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Wass. Sold by all Druists. o S5 0 B 00 Id U-J OMF.BMKT MARKET. . .'orreetod by Ooo k flaaatTsj. ruirtc is CH0SCE GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED Appies, .tried, ?l ti Applebutter, fl gal Hran. l"i lbs liulter, ft (kee) (n.ll).... Buckwheat) bush..". meal, 1U0 fts Beeswax l t. Bacon, shoul.ters, I I. tides. - " country bams, fl Ok Corn, (ear) new 1 bushel .... (shelled) old - meal 1ft. Call skins, ft t, Eaus, ?id. Flour. f bbl Flaxseed, V '.n. )..... Hws. (sugar-eureu) y lb Lard. 91 E Leather, red Sole, l lb upper, " alp. ' Middlings, and rhcD 100 Is... Oats, 9 bu ." Potatoes, f) bu (new) Peaches, dried, Ss Ik Rye. V bu Ran. W Salt, No. 1. l bbl. extra - liround Alum ir sa. k.. " Ashton per sack Sugar, yellow ft white Tiitlow, 31 Wheat, ft bu Wool. ....5S .400. :k 3i.l'v? 'iM- 1W I'-i' lM , TacM 0 7i'ioc M Sc Me ..5 M.ii' d 7oc i'i - 'i .M'i(iToe Mew tuv . -i oe V4ij in or ft-Woe "'', !"iV.i uo !!?.l..'Hi W' ,'nc .rtVi SfCiiUC MuiaLol C00KST0VES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY ALL PURCHASERS CAj BE SUITED kisrnriTKED t v Isaac A.Steppard $ C.,B-ticore,MfL AMD FOK KAI.K nv L B. Scliell & Co., Ieb20.1yr. SOMFDIiCT e f r r " " A PRIZE. ZZIXZW&I mone'v if 1. ?J'ltb wil,neP y"ton..ire tw. k . . . .'vn in-mnrst honr. .o'urnrrr." Co, Augu.ta, Maine. j," a! rr,itrQ "mia&Qi rop. frfi Q la Cio Ilnncn Tdy. Pri., r. Sill I 'l V A:T Dmri.'t-'. ceiljr?1 r.t IAVER I.YTTON S Rrun;v W here 1 Touelien the itresan,, ;reat CulumnH in Mi(Nireani ' What a beautiful brie -.. I ...... ,.1.1 .1 n. . 'v UM.l ie mm tin i.iiiioil i - .. - . . , ' 'eleJUin How intuitively the chiM t.ec,;: wjtj, praverand wor-hiii ivi ,., "' .- . "r ttiter!:-. Lie, and how intuitivelv, on mv.,;, Ii''. the old man turns'b.ck to again Side by Fide With the jrif-.r,. " Mr.Ttge Mory. Yes. hut between its dUfin' .,.,. ,,rill..eof iit-, -u-1- hih and awful ;rrii, thr- X I 1 I ....1.1 1 . which liir aim ""rr Oiish. ai.,l finwr;thanddes.iatio. pr.,,;; I itiiti aiurc uu 1:1,1 ut '' tima rtnrta ttnliil y..,A. . o n..,.t uriiaken beneath, ai.d hutiair art and skill IlHlSt rear 3I.! .-e.il.ii'V ibe structure overhead. G, w, , i. n ... ,( -t e. III nil tied 111 the law Las made for the creatures who:,, U. ii.in in 11 u.-u ( j . i father, l.or tne ...,. mans t.,r,.. rI- HOI lil lilt Illiuv.oi mine ll,:rti;. ities," Will alter this by th- ttei,;. ,,f .. ;,.,.,. oraill. . Science and art hrst then b::h ..mil praver-is the order of ib :iV! , i , 1 nseil. iMViinty neais lurmi;.!, agnits, and thos- agents are t;, discoveries of man : not the vsr a ii 11' ''.ii.t.iiiei 1 1. ti i.'iiiiiii' , r Mvr I., life a burden to you ? Doe- tin..' ,ir..i:, Is VoUT port ef to foj.e life's rehl-in and uutus wei.kn;. ; You are not well. Your blood s slusjgi-h and tuintnl, perhaps; i stne important organ is t r j.i.t , - ! i.vt rwtirked. This tact may t.;. taken the form of dyspepsia, rhcj:i.. . utism, gout, n-i:-.Iaria, pain ii, u,u stomach, chronic headache, or : r;v of a dozen othtr ii'.s. P.i:KK!;'s TONIC' will invigorate you. tr.,.: air invigorates those who haef.,;: shut up iu damp, fetid cells. !: powtrlul, pure, d.tlicious, .-eient ;;,. safe the keystone of the c.-i.tr.i-arch ot the bridge of life. !-;i. HaK hlnj; Out Millions of 1 isli. Frederick Mather, Sui trii.ti i.iir-i.t of the Slate Fish Hatchery of Nvr York, says: We have ju.-t hati!.-, , out some Gt rinan trout. We in , ;v td the eL'gs for tlie first time ; ,.. i vear. About si. years airo w-. r--U eived itnothtr invoice of large r:tr and sm:.ll brook trout egg--England ; ti.ey are ju.-t iiiiicLii.t: There are at the hatchery ."i"m-i! salmon for thelludaon Hi v r. ,'io .1 ..o iand-locked salmon I -r ti.e- A'iir.n. t lacks and Long Island, loiniii vthite tish for I.ong Island n..;irs. : and Su.iJUO rainbow trout and -" ' i.i -1 native brook irout which wii; i.-iiL-tribu'ni ltiuinly throughout l.- ig Island. We have been n.,ik-i jj some experiments with salt r ti-h, and have been sHl.'Ces-h,; v. ;', 1 the lom-c, ;d, which have l.a'eUil ; out in large iiniubtr, and e are j-r , beginning to experiment ith ;;.e (od-tish. Yes, 1 tiiink wr succeed. j; at ji 1:11 nt i.oG. Alter HO Year oil the Wroii Sule l.ifea Vii'j;ii!;ii Turns ihe Tal.li- " ilow long did you say ? ' I "Twenty years, I said. l"p t j the time 1 mentioned I had sr.tlir 1 ; from diseased liver for "J" years." said Mr. S. T. Hancock, u Wvi ' mor.d, Va.. half sadly, as th i i thinking ol that dilapidated sec'.;-1. j of his life. "At times I ablest jwisbed it had pleased Pruvidci.ee to I omit tlie liver from the human ahat iomy." ; " m enough twenty years of itii.it sort of tl.ino;.'' respond, i! a .listener. " What was the iip!. .l'.i lit?" " The upshot was that aou.e tiiui j ago I went down to Scott's dr.:.' i store in tnis city, and bought one i; IllENSONS CAI'CINE I'OUolS I I'LASIERS, applied it, and a as re j lieved in a few hours, and a;n ie.v las sound as though mv liwr ,re made of India-rubber." I'.enson's unlike the old fish: n. ed kind of plasters act promptly. t .. 1. i.OOli whicu tor the word t'AlYlNr.. is cut in the geuuii.e. twenty-live cents. Seal, ury Johnson, Ciieriii-ts. .W.v 4-V. Price and York. Cuitinj; l'oiato Sets j A correspondent of London 0ideiiing Illustrateil write- a I Jlows: O j I fornit rly h:id an idea tint nu ii- I um siz-'d whole potatoes were l'-t i to plant, but recent expenses: j have h:tken my confide:,' i".; pl.o.t jing whole p.ita'toes. I h-lieve ti.at ! large ones, cut into single eves, tvili furnish a better return than pia; t- ing wiiole tubers; moreover, and ! is its:tne importance, the cr-.n Bi'' 1 .. ' i 5, "in nc 111 i dig at least a o k e-i.- ' tir a circumstance for wiiicii ;l reason is not far to seek, in as miiea as one strong tcir. from each set 5 better than a cluster ot vreakl- the former will product: ou the aver auo liiuii four to six good siad tu be rs, wbil-t tiie litter wili vnv.i ' ! i ' : : I j : hint of sinall potatoes, io add perhap- to one .ir two '"'d ii.. ,nl He 1 ones. - ."4 more 1 he cro'.vncyes are prolific tlian those rml on the side cf the tuber : I - Opening the Kountaiiis. ! i 1 1 11 number!..-); buib.s beneath ti.e skin is secreted the lipiii suii-t t, "- whit-!' ivs the hair u. texture, c I- (r aii'l glo-s. i lien tins stcr.ta a 1 stops, th hair begins at once to 1 "' ' " Come drv. bi.treles brittle ai. I ' trrav. Is tliat the condition ofvo '.r jhair?Ifso, appdy Parker's "H dr l.dsani at tince. It will restore ':. ; color, gloss- and life by renewing :i " i action of nature. "The I'als im is n-t jan oil, not a dye, but an elegant ! let article, highly appreciated I-- -j cnu.-e of its clean lintss. 4-'.'. I A writer says tliat miik is bef..r than brandy. We guess it is t"f butter. Jay Gould is on his way from Havana. ; Messrs. Hiscox & Co. cull special j attention to the fact that after April Vi, 1N:J, the name and style of tins i preparation will hereafter Lesimpi.v j l'tirker's Toni, The word "Oing' r ' I is dropped, for the reason that un- principled dealers are constantly .e- ; ceivmg thur patrons oy suiistiiuiii - ' "i"' Preparations under the naine ofC.inger: and a ginger is an u" flavoring ingredient in Tonic, we are sure tnai ou. i iriemls win agree wun u- a.- i" , I roprii ty of the change. There ni ..- ,. ...ii.e i oe no cnange, nowevrr, in i" t - -1 inration itself : and ail bottles n- maiiunry in the nanus oi oia , r .1.... i-rs. ! wrapped under the name of "PakK ... .. . i .. .rn- krsi.inoer Ionic,' contain u.e' luine medicine if the signature o I Hiscox & Co. is at the bottom of t..e outside wrapper.